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-_ _.___~__ _ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—YOL. 30. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH, 11, 1892.

was nounces that it is the intention of Mr. THIS MORNING’S NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. which places the reduction $416,120, , or Casgrain, attorney to at once while in places having 20W upwards, general, ot •« take out warrants for the arrest of Mr. there was an increase lob,843. 'L'he Mercier and all minor boodlers. Page 1. SPECIALTY total debt, less sinking *u, > *n 1880, FRIDAY’S ana was General telegraph news. state, county, municipal school, IN JORDAN’S COOPER SHOP- it was a This morning’s Are. AT $23,235,980. In 1890, $lo,600,777, reduction of $7,635,203; oi, per capita, Uoosier Met in State "Weather Indications. ST. of the Last Their Claims Presented to the Early Morning Fire Calls the Department Republicans 240 3VEIX5DX.B Mr. Reed on the Course to Ot this mu- Page 3. from $33.81 $23.60. debt, ' in IS JO over 2n°° to the Dump, Maine towns. nicipalities having popu- Convention or $53.60 Nation’s Law Makers. Yesterday. How the United States narrowly escaped war Congress. lation had in 1880, $14,13-,-02 % Double fold wool dress goods in Scotch was reduced in to with England. per capita, which 189Q The firemen have paid another visit to and mixtures. or per capita a reduc- plaids, stripes, Very $9,696,502, $32.47 the at fhe foot of Obituary. cent, those less big cooperage building Order desirable for school dresses, tion of 30.39 per having Massachusetts Prudential goes under. reduced the debt Wilmot street. They went down there DELEGATES INSTRUCTED TO TOTE than 2500 population THE COMMISSIONERS’ MEMORIAL Page 3. S9c per yd. THE TARIFF AND THOSE FAMOUS per _ from or $7.91 capita, to one bitter cold night ab'out a monto ago $3,560,064, FOR HARRISON. Interested in art. capita. . RULES DISCUSSED. $1,998,901, or $5.51 per TO CONGRESS. and out a fire which complete- Aerate milk. put pretty 4. the main of the build- Page i. MANSON G. GUARDING THE PORTALS. ly gutted portion LARRABEE, ——————— Editorials. • Shut ing. This morning, Mr. Mel Meserve, Proposed Legislation to Out Undesir- Confusion in the House. 24S Middle St. drives one of the office mail A Member Who Such Instruc- It Is Claimed, the who post Opposed Personal and Peculiar. marlldli, Mr. Hingley Finished His Speech in the able Immigrants. Class of Men to Whom, his saw tions Amid a Storm of Hisses— Would wagons, while putting up team, Spoke Current comment. House and Then Mr. Turner of Georgia Passage of the Menhaden Bill 5. Washington, March 10.—Senator a blaze on the roof of the room He Asked What Harrison Had Done, Page — Value to drying WINTER’S RETURN. Took a Hand—When He Finished Talk- Work Untold Injury Their Music and Drama. introduced a bill to ** Washburn today connected with the cooperage building and the Convention Shouted Every- Deaths and marriages. ing About the Rules of the Fast House the Nation in Time of Trouble—Attor- further immigration and to pre- and sent in an alarm from box ”—The Wanted Har- court Beautiful Spring Hidden by a Blizzard regulate thing Gathering The record. Mr. Reed Told Him Some Wholesome ney General Littlefield To Be Heard. vent the of aliens under con- The room Page 6. Out West. importation 34 at 2.30. drying rison and Didn’t Want Fault Finding. Wit and Wisdom. Truths. The bill tract to perform labor. imposes Washington, March 10.—At the close is a low structure and it contained some Poem: Do you remember? Mendaden Indianapolis, Ind., March 10.—Chair- March snow- March 10.—In the House a license tax upon steamship companies of the hearing on the Lapham a deal of fire and more Story: The Young Skipper. Superior, Wis., 10.—A Washington, lumber, good State of man Goudy called the Republican Facts about winter laden hurricane down from the Mr. concluded his of $1 a head for each passenger brought. bill yesterday, Congressman Milliken, smoke when the arrived. In dairying. swept today Dingley speech department in before not Convention to order today Tomlinson Page 7o West The storm did not in- on the revenue bills. He denied the It requires the steamers sailing, Maine, said that if the committee did smoke to Vesuvius yesterday. fact, enough provide Harrison to the of hall. A picture of President and Commercial. terfere with traffic until about statement of Mr. McMillin that the last to give bond for $50,000 guarantee decide against the constitutionality with a week’s was in the build- Financial materially supply, view return of found brought how- was exposed to and the cheering Marine News. 1 o’clock in the when the a billion and nine any passenger this bill, as he believed they would, Holes were cut in the roof of the afternoon, Congress appropriated over in violation of law, and ing. G. of Page 8. prescribes to listen to was vociferous. \V. Sayer, Wabash, wind and snow came constant and million dollars. the last two fis- ever, he would ask them house and streams turned Brief Jottings. with During certain written declarations regarding dry hydrant chairman. The of merits of the was chosen permanent Personals. reboubled and trains had the cal for that Con- the condition to some evidence on the ques- on. As the firemen could not enter that force, years appropriated by previous immigrants rules of the 51st “as with to shoot. be made before is to tion in rebuttal of Congress, interpreted Charged threatening to force their gress, the of the govern- permission given involved testimony of the they found their greatests difficulty way expenditures for vi- part building, and T. B. Reed” were A suggestion for the new street commissioner.3 land. It also prescribes penalties before them. The committee applied by adopted the blast to where they ment were but $700,000,000. Mr. Ding- already task a long one even if it was not parti- Portland’s schools. against "cutting olations of the law. Thorough medical to govern the convention amid applause. the to bear in mind of all voted to divide the time next Tuesday The Boston were going. Horses attached to vehicles ley urged gentleman is required emigrants by cularly exciting. South cattlemen discharged. inspection Mr. Sayer, upon taking the chair, spoke refused to face tli£ blizzard. The street the fact that this under the nf the Marine Hospital Serviee. equally between Mr. Jackson and Attor- Mr. Granville E. Jordan owns the country, poli- He he believed the car was tied in the of Maine. at some length. said company up early cy of had become the largest ney General Littlefield, When the structure was SPECIAL NOTICES. Trains and protection, building. gutted of the con- day. yard engines practi- Postmaster Small Is There. The Maine Commissioner Sea and prospect Republican party the before 3 agricultural, the largest manufacturing, pf during the winter he lost quite heavily. cally gave up struggle turning in power was mucn Dngnter. the and the most Washington, March Shore Fisheries yesterday presented a The loss this blaze could CAUCUSES. o’clock in the afternoon. Toward night largest mining prosper- 10.—Forty post- by morning’s convention the most the He had a suspicion that this the mercury commenced to fall rapidly. ous country on the face of the earth. Let masters, representing import- memorial to Congress against pas- not be estimated nor could its cause be Pownal. ant offices in the country, assembled at was to the President of the Annie McDowell, employed in a grocery 1,„ 4-,,,.^ 4-«. 4-l.r.4- nnli/itr /vlv of the menhaden bill. The memo- fairly friendly The of are to sage ascertained. Republicans pownal requested a the Postoffice today to dis- on FRI- store, was found in semi-unconscious Department rial a mass of evidence to United Benjamin Harrison. meet at the Town House, in said town, the to a of the presents great States, house. carried nation such height cuss matters service. The on DAY, the 11th day of March, inst., at 2 o’cloclc condition and taken to the nearest affecting show that the use of steamers and purse LISTEN TO JOHN BULL. The report of the committee resolu- candidates for town New in attendance in the afternoon, to select Early action was taken to get school prosperity. [Applause.] England postmasters seines would destroy the food fish on the tions endorses the national platform of officers for the year. Also to choose Messrs. ensuing children and lady teachers home. Mr. Turner of Georgia confessed that are: Hart, Boston; Bennett, coast and work incalcula- 1888 and It favors honest delegates to the state convention to he held at Maine thereby Rampant Oyer in the Tight lit- reciprocity. hacks atfd were when Mr. this bill and Small, Portland; Sperry, New Jingoism and a dollar whether it be Bangor, April 27th, 1892, and also to choose a Sleighs, carriages press- Dingley inveighed Hartford; ble to Maine fishing interests. money that, and Manchester. injury tle Isle. town committee. Per order Town Committee. ed into service. So difficult, however, those to follow, he joined in the denun- Haven, Piper, the of the boat fisher- of gold, silver or paper, shall be of like recommended a Concerning rights Townal, March 3,1892. was it to send teams against the storm ciation. He would have been glad to The conference today value in payment of debts. It endorses North Yarmouth. were a bill which would of $10 to all senders of that many of the children driven to have had pending guarantee regis- “The Commission of Sea and Shore London, March 10.—The news from the acts of the 51st Congress and the The republicans of the town of North Yar- the nearest hotels. It is rumored that the whole horizon and every tered matter and adherence to the pres- sweep give Fsheries feels itself charged with the is the of dis- Administration of Harrison mouth are to meet at their town house ent scale of fees. Resolutions America absorbing topic requested there are many persons missing, and citizen that compensation a fair and just registry of which are those on March 19,1892 at 2.30 p.m. for conservation interests, Saturday there are anxious ones. This is reform of the tariff would every favoring the adoption in large cities of a cussion, so far as foreign affairs are con- under which the has prospered, the purpose of nominating candidates for munic- many give of people so numerous and often of such country in the His of tubes or other me- that ipal officers for the ensuing year. Also to the worst storm in the history of Super- consumer country. judgment system pnenmatie humble circumstances as to preclude cerned, and it is intimated strongly the rights of American citizens abroad choose to attend the State Conven- was overruled those to whose chanical device for the transmission of delegates ior. by opinion their at this distant Capi- should the American government at- been the bonded debt of tion at Bangor, April 27,1892 and to choose a from Maine mails between and post offices and representation maintained, he deferred. The gentleman depots tal of the Nation except by the chosen tow’n committee, stations were Postmaster Gen- tempt retaliation‘against Canada, Eng- the United States extinguished, Per Order of Town Committee. Illinois Knows All About It. had an economic education unsurpassed adopted. officers of their state. It is for these in- rapidly man on the floor. He was a spec- eral Wanamaker today gave a breakfast land will withdraw from arbitration and the revenue collected with diminished 9 last by any terests that the Commission desires to Chicago, March 10.—At o’clock nature. In the school of to the and other ialist by protec- visiting postmasters meet any issue that the United States cost to the and without corrup- night the thermometer registered 12 He had President Harrison was speak. people tion lie'had no peer or superior. guests. among “It would wish to the with tion in branch of the service. above zero in this city. The present cause, may choose to raise in Behring Sea, any public degrees the * those present. thousands of also “President Harri- wind had swept along all day, blowing in the first place, of hardy a plain assertion of the right of English The report says: of Criminal With France. beatmen or fishermen of our coast. Each outside of the son has his duties in a a 50-mile gale, and out in Nebraska and Training Every lawyer Reciprocity subjects to hunt for seals discharged high of these as a has invested a limit of the United States of with a consci Iowa and South Dakota a blizzard was who his client advice to admit noth- March 10.—The Depart- men, rule, recognized ju- spirit lofty patriotism, gave Washington, entious for the of all our prevailing. During the heavy wind ment of State has been informed that very risdiction. This position is urged by regard rights and deny everything. [Laughter], Large Portion of His Little All and is said to re- and we his renomination at storm the three-story frame building at ing Minister Reid has concluded a commer- many of the Tories, be people urge criticized Reed’s as He has lifted the nation North avenue and Meade street, in pro- Mr. Turner Speaker cialreciprocity treaty with France. in a boat, weir or other apparatus, of an garded without disfavor, although yet Minneapolis. without at the of- in power and dignity. cess of construction, was blown down rulings in the last Congress, denying value of between one hundred open approval, foreign higher greatness, average We instruct the this elected and two persons were so badly injured of the ROCKLAND NEWS. fice. delegates day that the recent decision Supreme and five hundred dollars. For these as as that it is thought they will die. Reports The Tories regard the time as favora- to give him earnest support long Court vindicated those rulings. as that to soothe the ir- his name is before the convention.” from the State indi- The County Will Probably Vote for the men, such legislation proposed ble for a demonstration points throughout When Mr. Walker of Massachusetts resolutions were ex- cate the fiercest blizzard of the season the bill would strike ritation that exists among the large num- After the read, rose to defend the Mr. Reed Jail—Opera House Opened. by Lapham took to travel on streets and ex-Speaker, ber of working people who have been Congressman White exceptions prevailing, blocking that he would make the down the strong arm of their state,which Har- railroads. intimated reply deprived of employment on account of the resolution endorsing President at the time. After Mr. Turner is raised, as it were, to defend them had con- proper [Special to the Press.] the McKinley law. This feeling is espe- rison. He said if the President School Children Missing. his Mr. Reed a most merciless and crushing had concluded remarks, Rockland, March 10.—Clerk of Courts against cially strong'in Wales and the manufac- ducted himself as* he should there would the that his action was competition by combined capital, against liova boon no nnnnsitinn at tills timft. At St. Petek, Minn., March 10.—Several expressed opinion has received the follow- turing districts, which are also strongly vindicated the decision of Ralph R. Ulmer whose methods and school children who started for school thoroughly by improved gigantic liberal, and which some supporters of this point, Captain the Court. The question was ing additional returns from the vote on appliances ,the simple energies and rude yesterday morning and two teamsters Supreme the government think might be won over White’s .Voice Was Drowned in Hisses. violated his in 19 devices of the average poor fisherman who drove into the.c.Quntryare. missing, whether he duty counting tiie jail question: A; pleton, *7 yes, to Low! Salisbury by any course that members who were in the cham- leave him helpless and hopeless. Cheadle came to his as- and it is feared that they are victims of present 19 yes; Union, 48 yes, 85 would cause the Americans to suffer Ex-Congressman before the decision of the no; Hurricane, a fleet of 70 steamers, each oper- the blizzard. ber. Never, Against something in retaliation for the suffering sistance and told the convention that had admission been made that no; Warren, 1 yes, 25 no; Vinalhaven, ating two seines, both of the average court, any which men mgn uuun uus uruuguu upon White was a z 42 no. of and Captain Republican who, MHS. NETTIE A. RIVERS. it was a” quorum de- ju» yes, 14 no; vvasmngion, yes, length between 1,500 1,800 feet, For WEATHER. present many thousands in Great Britain. THE manded the constitution. The The total vote thus far is 1,316 yes, and and usually 100 feet deep, operated four four years ago, received 1400 votes more '“With Heart with by these reasons, Lord Salisbury’s attitude quivering 268 no. Camden and are the or five times each day by large crews Mr. White gentleman from Georgia, himself, Rockport is openly supported by the Tories, and it than Harrison. Captain pro- I realized that admitted that this was correct. towns to be heard from. with the aid of steam gear, from vessels / Agony Cold Wave Signal. Up All Along the today important yet is not without sympathy among Liber- ceeded amid the hisses: “What has When the him It is doubtful if the opposition there capable of going in any direction and in must Die.” gentleman quoted against als. President Harrisdn done?” he asked. I Tnajit. a statement he made twelve will offset the vote cast. but small chance is usually years ago already any weather, In naval quarters, while officials are “Everything,” shouted the delegates. it was that statement Farwell House was to- afforded the fisherman, and asked whether Opera opened hardy relying it is stated that the In of the hissing, Captain White KO AVAIL! AvtlinTiilinfCC! A# loof rfflTinTftBa tTiatllQYl Barnard’s Lovers” be- his little boat and small and reticent, unofficially spite / PHYSICIANS OF night, “Cynthia’s upon seine, in the Pacific can be “I have no differ- in British squadron continued: personal Washington, March 9.—[8 p.m.]—The been the Court, the the attraction. There was a very largely controlled in the use of both, • uplield by Supreme ing depended upon to do its duty in the ences with Mr. Harrison, but do not to is the forecast of the weather showed that he did not attendance. The new opera house a dangerous calling, by the stress of Dana’s Save! following gentleman only large event of any encounter with the Ameri- think the Indiana delegates should go to Mighty the decision of the court. is a vast over its predeces- weather. Should it appear that the im- Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 9, ’91. for New Threatening, rain comprehend improvement cans. It is well known that during the Minneapolis with their hands tied.” England: Mr. Turner that the Farwell and is now one of the methods arc needful and useful, Dana Sarsaparilla replied sor, Hall, proved recent revolution in Chili the The resolutions were then adopted, Co., or snow; winds shifting to west, with in- best theatres in this section of sympathies Kind Benefactors:—I feel that I must Gentleman from Maiue equipped of Rear Admiral Charles F. Hotham and and four delegates at large to the nation- much colder the state. tell you how much your SARSAPARIL- creasing force; Friday Injury to the Fish Supply, his fellow officers were al convention elected, after which the had both sides of the of the strongly LA has benefited me. Some over two night. Cold wave signals displayed occupied question Captain Frank Perry, formerly with the revolutionists, and convention adjourned. schooner has three-six- our fishermen might he forced to yield. from Charleston to and had been wrong on both sides. [Dem- Zamora, bought that would like nothing Bangor. of the John P. the care of these they GUARANTEED S” teenths schooner Kelsey, But for men, among the course March 10.—Local forecast for ocratic laughter.] better than a chance to rebuke MAYNARD’S STEAL. began to be troubled with a deathly Boston, which vessel ho will command. state her most valued citizens, our has of the American navy. A few of the faint feeling in my stomach, followed New Mr. Eeed retorted that he had been England: Clearing by Friday shown extreme and the Chilian naval officers had been trained in a harming sensation, then a vi- consistent. THE SHIPYARD CITY. always solicitude, His Fellow lawyers Will the by and much correct and with the British and Investigate olent Sick Headache would set in morning fair; colder; high force of facts which would crush so company officers, he had had the Recent and what I would suffer I can never de- in northern Mr. Turner said always was a strong fellow This Scandal, northwest winds, except receive the^e feeling. for the from a race of men should has not diminished with Chili’s scribe—this continued for some time then rain or snow is highest regard gentleman Miles M. Merry Will Oversee the Building splendid feeling Maine, where probable. had differed from the careful It is sub- my sick Headache would be fol- Maine. He scrutiny. respectfully sux-render to American demands, and, Hew March 10. — President fair cold in all of the Boanoke. has a manifest in- York, lowed which Continued a,nd districts in his administration of the mitted that the nation a who is by fainting spells, gentleman said gentleman yesterday per- H. of the Bar Associ- me the his administra- terest in the welfare of this olass of men. Wheeler Peckham, left just breath of after Friday until Sunday. Fair and chair, but in criticising sona grata at the Admiralty: “The life. I lost flesh E until I had no intention of the to the Press.] It well be whether any a committee to in- weighed warmer tion offending [Special may doubted Americans will make a most serious ation, today appointed but 63 lbs. Could take weak Sunday. number of men are availa- only gentleman. Bath, March 10.—Mr. Miles M. Merry equal equally blunder if they suppose there will be vestigate the charges of unprofessional beef tea, or a little cbicken broth he had no doubt in re- ble in case of need for the merchant or Mr. Eeed said is to have of the building of the any hesitation on the part of the British conduct Isaac into my stomach, and sometimes even Docal Weather Eeport. will between charge naval service of the United States. preferred against Judge gard to the good existing navy in British subjects en- that would distress me. My husband Roanoke when work is which to and defending H. of the court of who Portland, Me, March 10,1892. the and himself. He resumed, Hardy, fearless, inured hardship in an which Great Maynard appeals, used every dollar he could spare in em- gentleman argued gaged occupation a will be about 1st. Mr. is a accustomed to brave the elements at all is accused of stolen while the best Physicians, but to that, under the constitution, present April Merry Britain holds to be lawful.” having deputy ploying was sufficient for the trans- master of seasons, they are an ideal body of men, no avail; they could not help me. Com- 8 a. m. 8 P. M. quorum builder twenty years’ exper- attorney general, the Dutchess county The “fitted their train- pletely discouraged, I looked upon action of business. gentleman all of which time he was particularly by lifelong NAVY DEPARTMENT READY. election returns. Frederick R. Coudert, ience, nearly the service of our husband and little and with from had seen fit to refer ing for navy. They James E. R. John my child, my Barometer.... i. 29.723 29.628 Georgia with William Rogers. He also superin- They Will Seize the Sealers If England C. Carter, Robinson, heart with . rai to the last election. How often in are essentially a class of men quivering g Thermometer.37.0 41.0 tended the building of several vessels for generous B. Parsons, William B. Hornblower, I realized that v U ITSb 29. 32. who do not wish lav/ enacted to dis- Doesn’t Interfere. agony Dew Point. the history of the world, had the Kelley & Spear, at a time when they any John M. Bowers,' Clifford Ham and Al- £ must die. Humidity... 74. 72. to the criminate in their favor, but who desir» committee. SE righteous gone temporarily wall. Mr. Mallett’s Washington, March 10.—Gen. J. W. bert Stickney compose the One day a package of vour Papers was Wind.SW occupied Rogers’s yard. to have-all the citizens of the United 13 Oliver Cromwell had been successor can with to a is assist- left at the house—I read them—a ray of Velocity.9 [Laughter.] point pride large States share with all treated Foster of the State Department W ather.PC I Cloudy the of Great Britain. The number of handsome and vessels them, being hope seemed to appear. I got a bottle. protector speedy and to the same restrictions. President in the Sea fisheries ne- BRIEFLY TOLD. voice of Cromwell had the his alike subject Behring Before it was half gone, S began to Mean daily ther.. .42.0|Max. vel. wind..10 SW stayed per- constructed under supervision. conten- .51.0 “It is among the humorous Ho had a conference — Maximum ther.. Total precip.... T secution of Christians on are the long improve. I continued using the every hand, yet Among those recently built that their gotiations. Minimum ther .. tions of the Guano Association A Guatemala the elec- PILLS with SARSAPARILLA. I 32.0| the of Great with loud barks Matanzas and Kremlin. this afternoon with and despatch says V0U( people Britain, for American seamen. Secretary Tracy acclamations. fleet is a nursery tion of Barrios as President of Guatema- gained so rapidly that I be- P. The young ladies of the Bath high chief of the bu- C.—Partly cloudy. Their fleet, on the contrary, is largely Commodore Ramsay, la is hav- came an object of wonder. I school a to their officially published, Congress Welcomed Backjfche Monarchy gave leap year party manned of all while reau of navigation. It is said the con- decided "in his favor Lainfies- am now taking my ninth bottle, and T. Denotes trace. friends at Columbian House Thurs- by foreigners kinds, ing against Opera men are in 137 lbs., and feel that I have In a few the pilots “and responsible ference related to the course to be pur- ta, whose friends swear vengeance. weigh of Charles II. years afterwards, day night. The Philharmonic Orchestra fully recovered every way. many instance resident in Maine and sued by the navy if Great Britain de- Weather Observations. Charles II. buried in the Abbey where furnished music for dancing. It was a The New York assembly committee on Accept mv heartfelt thanks, lay taken from the ranks of the clines to renew the modus vivendi, in en- must uuua-axuxx. codes has to a MRS. NETTIE A. RIVERS. The following are the observations of England buried her distinguished dead enjoyauitJ the position of this government agreed report favorably Maine Fishermen.” forcing bill the Sana Sarsaparilla Co.. Belfast. Maine. Weather and Oliver Cromwell buried under Bugged that in Behring Sea amending capital punishment the Agricultural Department lay JONES DOESN’T LIKE IT. pelagic sealing act of the state. The bill dees should be the away Bureau for yesterday, March 10, taken at the Tyburn tree. Whose memory should At yesterday’s hearing W. T. wholly suspended pending with the electrical chair and substitutes II. or settlement arbitration of the contro- be more honored, Charles Oliver The to Save Seals Off made an able ar- by The bill is without 8 p. m., 75th meridian time, the ob- Proposal by Cutting; Brown of Philadelphia assoi'ted in some hanging. reported Cromwell, admired by all mankind? It versy. It is servations for each station in Trade. in support of the bill. Mr. that the amendment. being given was not victories in politics or war that gument quarters Navy Department force such a this order: Temperature, direction of finally triumphed but it was the Lord’s Brown called attention to the various will be prepared to policy Mr. Taylor, the government whip, has there is no resistance thereto a bill in the Dominion Parlia- the state of the weather: truth and sound principle and, in the Boston, Mass., March 10.—The sugges- treaties made with Great Britain, which provided introduced wind, on the part of the British ment to the and im- light of that principle, the Republican tion made Senator that the British subjects power to fish in government. prohibit importation New 38° by Morgan give that to re- under contract Boston, 44°, SE, rain; York, would be ultimately victorious. American waters, and asked if the A disposition by government migration of foreigners party United States should retaliate upon interference with merchant ves- labor in Cana- SW, cloudy; Philadelphia, 36°, NW, [Applause.] United States has no control over the sist any or agreement to perform cloud- British interests out the sels its to enter Beh- This is a measure cloudless; Washington, 30°, NW, by shutting fisheries as provided for in the treatries flying flag desiring da. retaliatory against S. NOT A BAD SHOWING. bonded from Canada has a would an different States. less; Albany, 46°, cloudy; Buffalo, goods special how these rights could be granted. If ring Sea, put entirely the United WILL CURE 24° snow; Detroit, 16°, interest for the of New on the '' NW, W, cloud] How Maine Finances are Figured by people England, the State of Massachusetts had the right phase question. and Scorbutic Affections, St. because a of the Scurvy Pim-11 less; Chicago, 18°, NW, cloudless; large proportion freight of excluding’ anyone and everyone from Census Officials. bond from our and Blotches on the Skin, Bad Paul, 14°, NW, cloudless; Duluth, (j hat comes in Northern fish in certain waters which she Spanish Senate Approves the Treaty. «; pies \; St. Hu- to taking missing; Yincent, 10°, S, cloudy; March 10.—The census neighbor is Europe from New as her under \ Ulcers, Wounds, etc. Washington, shipped claimed exclusive property, March 10.—The Senate j Legs, ; | ron, So. Dak., 22°, SE, cloudless; Bis- Madrid, today < bureau has issued a bulletin on the valu- England ports. what power did the United States gov- The cause of all these complaints is float- [ Jones of & the commercial convention be- marck, 30°, S, cloudy; Jacksonville, 66°, President Frank the Boston enter into a solemn with approved |! ing in the blood a long time before they | > ation and taxation of the State of Maine ernment treaty tween and the United States. The 1 of the of Spain break out on the body. < SW, cloudy. Maine spoke great quantities Great which became at once the | and minor civil di- Britain, vote stood 90 in favor of the convention 1J This class of diseases requires that the ; | for 1890 by counties barley and other grain that came from law of the land, and blood be and acted ! supreme give by and 50 powerfully preservingly Mrs. Blaine 111. are made with the the central of Canada and from against. 1 ■ Young visions. parts that the of Great Britain < upon, in order to cleanse it from all the Comparisons treaty subjects j Manitoba to be shipped in Boston or take all kinds of The Troubles of the Unions. ] | morbid humors. It is of no use to heal the ; | New March 10.—At the New figures of 1880 so far as practicable. It the right to fish, except sore York, Portland. Ho said the Boston & Maine (i by outward applications. (> shell fish, in all waters, bays, harbors March 10. — The Durham York Hotel this morning it was reported is shown that within the census period, railroad erected a London, * had just large grain of the United States? that the condition of Mrs. James G. and creeks There miners have decided, by a ratio of ten to ! IBeecha’s Pills will Cure these there has been an increase in the value of elevator for the of the Afflictions.; purpose loading can be but one reply to these of work for two Of all Price 25 cenAs a box. < Blaine, Jr., who was taken seriously ill into questions, one, in favor quitting | J druggists. J real estate of or 34.56 per grain from the cars the vessels, and there is a vested in New York 365 Canal St. 49 was She $60,089,840, that power Congress weeks or longer, beginning Saturday \. Depot, Jj yesterday, slightly improved. increased were to an- cent. Personal has they arranging constructing the constitution to regulate and exer- It was the Durham men is still a very sick woman and no one but property such by next. thought or 21.02 cent. Of the other so as to provide good facili- over the fisheries. At the her is allowed in her room. $13,060,545, per cise control would accept a slight reduction in wages physician m the ties for the grain as would dec21 MW&Fnrmlycdlst.8thor5thp&w9 total increase, $44,200,237 has beeh handling pre- conclusion of Mr. Brown’s argument the rather than lie idle, but the vote taken serve the to Boston. Of cities and towns a population of trade course, committee adjourned until next Wednes- shows them overwhelm- having men in at the meeting A Death-Bed Marriage. or in he said, most of the Congress did 2500 upward, and $29,950,148 places day. ingly against a reduction.. The Scotch the real not care about New _ Cletjeland, Ohio, March 10.—Grace having less than 2500. Of estate, anything England; miners, with the exception of those em- in the former they were accustomed to treat her as a McKenney, an opera singer, and Rev. W. the value has increased Mercier’s Farewell, in the Sterling district, have de- and in in the corner that had ployed R. Stearly were married here last night. class $32,499,879, or 36.63 per cent, place away up cided not to strike and will limit work to While the little claim to consideration, but the March 10.—Mr. Mercier has X The bride was on a sick bed at the time the latter class $27,589,961. Quebec, live days a week. the matter was worth the attention of the his seat in the and of her and her death is momen- valuation has increased during de- resigned legislature, marriage was to his cade, there has been, at the same time, a people here if Congress really going issued a circular friends, in which Mr. Blaine Better. tarily expected. to of “All the I done has POWDER decrease in taxation in the total for all act upon the suggestion Mr. Morgan lie says: good have Washington, March 10.—It is stated Pure. MISS A. L. SAWYER, and local, from been set aside, and ingratitude is my on- Absolutely purposes, state, county Sarah Althea Is at Mr. Blaine’s homo that the Sec- The has written to a local news- in 1880 to in or Crazy reward. The verdict of people is un- today Pope $5,182,135 $4,922,858 1890, ly continues to and that the A cream ot tartar baking powder. Highest of Teacher of Shorthand and of Per March and will be severely blamed his- retary improve Typewriting paper defending Archbishop Ireland, $259,277, about 5 per cent. capita, San Francisco, 10'—Mrs. Sarah just by in Latest United State* I fever has entirely left him. He is still all leavening strength.— BROWN BROCK, 537 CONGRESS ST., St. Paul, Minn., against the attacks made the reduction is from $7.99 to $7.45. This A. Sharon was today tory, but meanwhile must submit and Terry adjudged in bed, however, and will not be able to Government Food lieport. him his enemies in the United reduction was about in insane to the state return to private life.” PORTLAND, MAINE. upon by brought places and committed asy- for several KOYAPBAKlKa rowni'Ji 106 Wall St. N X in The Conservative organ an- leave his house days. Co, Send lor circular, njy29eodtf States. having less than 2500 population, lum, today said Mr. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. DELEGATES FROM PORTLAND- MAINE TOWNS. “Perfectly satisfied,” Weed, A LITTLii HISTORY. “and when the steamer reaches America As a Result of Their Visit This Order Has with have written, my gov- Items of Interest Gathered by Corres the letter I Gone to Pieces. ernment will be satisfied.” pondents of the Press. Then Mr. Weed was informed that the which Lord Russell Yesterday’s Boston Journal says: The Gorham. communication Slow the United States Narrowly was so offensive in Massachusetts Prudential Order has gone had written which On Saturday evening, the popular dra- be sent, but in its the all such endow- tone would never nr waywhich so-called Mimw ma will be in “Strife,” given Grange War With a courteous in ment concerns must or later Escaped England. place letter language, sooner go, is Hall by members of the Grange. This friendly in tone, although firm in its de- and now about 400 gullible individuals the Thousand Dollar the last entertainment in the course. mands, yet indicating to government Thirty Stock, in different of the are left parts country The of the that Great Britain regular Saturday evening meeting Been Handed Down United States to mourn it loss, or rather their own. On A Story That Has of the will be held morn- did not war. Such a letter was Grange Monday Tlmrlow Weed—When America seek afternoon the order filed a peti- from Tuesday ing at 10 o’clock. Dinner will be served sent. tion in the Suffolk county registry of Needed a Friend in Parliament the letter TO GOMMENE MONDAY MAIGH 7. at the hall. The ladies will the “When Lord Russell’s was M03NINS, for a warrant in a occupy probate voluntary pro- Flection of One Was Assured. shown said Mr. Weed’s in means officers’ chairs the session. to the queen,” ceeding, which, plain English, during in that the inevitable has /.Special Correspondence.] “she read it company with simply collapse A number of young ladies from the informant, come. John E. clerk of the March 10.—At a dinner the consort, who was then at the Gregg, guild Normal escorted New Yohk, prince Worth to ba sold in a Faw of the testifies that the School, by Principal to be his last $ !0,000 order, petition party given by one of the mo3t distin- oeginning of what proved Days. was authorized a vote of a Corthell, were present at the polls on at by majority guished merchants of New York city re- illness. They were shocked the feroc- of the directors. They didn’t want to do both for and profit. The Monday last, pleasure tlio conversation over the coffee ity of the used. prince PRICES FOR SEW GOODS. but had to. They were visited cently language AST#i\ISlim\' LOW it, they They were probably seeking knowledge turned the consort advised the queen to withhold on Tuesday morning by three delegates and cigars upon question for future as some of them no doubt her for and from a chapter of the order in Portland, use, whether it was exactly a proper act for approval, and calling' pen near fu- erased the of- Me., who, strangely enough, “had had think their voting time is in the a citizen of the United States to con- paper the prince consort their about substituted suspicions something” ture. Several lady taxpayers of the tribute money to assist a political party fensive language and gentle The Result of Extensive Purchases. aroused. After an and ani- the Very interesting town would also like to be escorted to in Great Britain, as has been done by and courteous sentences for belli- mated discussion between the officials the polls and show the men how they the friends of the Irish cose communication of Lord Russell. of the order and these delegates, the parliamentary would vote on certain questions. in this When he finished it the queen said that latter had their way, and a settlement in of the party country. The following is an abstract it met her entire She the insolvency court was decided upon. One or two of the gentlemen present with approval. Marvellous Sale Of Colored Dress Goods Phenomena! in Biask Goods. VERY IMPORTANT SILK SALE. town report for the year ending Februa- and insisted Bargains were to doubt the propriety of sent for Lord Russell that 22, 1892: disposed Old New We have just purchased from a large silk OBITUARY. ry such entire this letter be substituted for the one action, although expressing pfice Price house an entire lot of 24 inch India Resident valuation, real estate.$835,526 1 -l V,™. At 29 cents Figured ■ ■ — —— per yard. for Ii'ish uau bum*—- "r Best all Woo] Tricots.50 .39 Non-resident valuation real estate— 177,116 sympathy the people. Silks in new and attractive patterns in Gray, Rufus Gibbs. Personal estate. 212,686 “It has been done said one of proval.” 36 inch cheviot.50 .39 and Non-resident estate.-. 4,816 before,” One lot of Wide Wale Diagonal Dress Suit- Black, Brown, Green, Bed, Light Gray Gibbs Mr. once communicated 40 inch all wool flannel.50 .39 Bridgtox, March 16.—Rufus Ratio of SI-64 on $100. the a who is president Weed at ings. Scotch effect. 38 inches different shades of Blue ground, such as are taxation, guests, gentleman Spring Colorings, 40 inch brilliantine.GO .39 died today, aged 9L He was a leading Tax on valuation, $18,848.76. of one of the banks in New York, these facts to Mr. Seward, secretary of wide, the same as advertised as 50c goods. Our solil from 75c. to $1.00 per yard. Our largest for 38 inch .75 .50 usually business con- the water com- price this sale, novelty (new goods).. man, tanner, lumberman, There are 795 Dolls, and “and was done in the time of our state, and this knowledge satisfied Mr. price for this sale will bo 69c. per yard. tractor and woolen manufacturer. lie great 40 inch brilliantine .. .75 .50 [ pany’s tax of $700, making a total taxa- national I think the has Lincoln and his administration that One lot Figured India Silk, just pur- built the first woolen mill in town. He peril. story 29 cents per yard. 46 inch twill.76 .50 tion of $21,088.76. from whatever of the British chased, 18 inches wide, in good colors was of the Com- never been told. I heard it myself the sentiment 38 inch twill, extra fine new president Pondicherry Orders drawn for money voted.$ 1,588.65 and styles, worth at least 50c. per of the Mr. Thurlow Weed, who in his old age be, the queen and one Dress Pattern each .62 ny,and president Bridgton Savings cont’g’nt expenses 60G.16 aristocracy might Only to customer. goods.88 yard, will be sold for. 39c. a and of 1,019.62 the warlike inch new .75 Bank. He was leading Republican support bridges was full of most delightful reminis- prince consort would oppose 38 novelty, goods.. $1.00 20, shades of the best text 1801.. 4-36.40 One lot of Heavy Twilled Homespun $1,00 quality in a member of the Maine House in 1878. books, cences.” This was the last official act Suitings, 38 inch whipcord, new goods 1.00 .76 support of roads 4,552.48 tendency. effect, Spring Styles, 38 inches wide, claimed to Faille Francaise, the price per yard by He was a of the be worth will be sold at 38 inch Henrietta, (22 twill) pillar Congregational schools. 4,778.82 the bank con- the prince consort did. With this in 50c, only tile dress will be. 75o « Being urged, president pattern church and a prominent temperance man. poor... 1,689.97 new 1.00 .75 sented to tell this story, which has in it formation it was easy for Secretary Sew goods.*. $1.00 for any less quantity. He leaves three sons and one daughter. 46 inch Henriettas, (heavy) Tlie total resources of the town are. $22,304,22 the of the narrow ard to the Trent matter in a 30 shades in Changeable Silks, price.... Sl.oo. suggestion escape adjust 29 cents 1.00 .76 R. Clark. is. 17,484.57 per yard. new goods. Edgar The total indebtedness which the United States had from a war manner consistent with the The demand for these beautiful silks is entirely dig- 42 inch new brilliantine, so for dresses, combinations Biddefokd, March 10.—Edgar R. Clark, in favor of the with within a of the time of the United States and thus to one Dress to each customer. great, Leaving a balance England year nity Only Pattern goods. 1.25 .75 a Biddeford shoe merchant and member town of.■■.$ 4,819.65 and fancy waists, that it is difficult to that the war of the rebellion broke out. avert war. 1.25 .90 One Cheeks 38 inch novelty, (new goods) will be of the school board, died He was the above the town has case of and Plaids, very attrac- obtain them, and the price today. In addition to is as follows: In the sum Mr. Weed was so new The story greatly impressed tive. new Spring Styles, 36 inches wide, will be 38 inch fancy weaves, Secure them at born in Limington and formerly taught come into the of real estate advanced to $1.25. possession mer of 18G1 President Lincoln sent by the services the English gentleman included iu this sale at goods 1.25 .90 school in Palmyra, He was once engaged devised to it the late Mrs.’ M. C. Park- once. by that he 48 inch French new in the business in Boston. He Thurlow Weed, Archbishop Hughes and had rendered in this emergency cords, of new Silks. grocery hurst; estimated value $1000. 29 20 shades the Cotele Si.50. a Mcllvane as embassadors cultivated an intimate cents per yard. goods. 1-25 .90 leaves familv. A report is cut rent that a special town Bishop special acquaintance These are the new satin finish Corded that this man had 38 inch satin berber, new Hon. Nathaniel H. Hubbard.' is to be called to reconsider to represent tills government in Great with him. He found Silks, that are so popular for dresses meeting K. H. White & from the 1.25 .90 votes at the last of been re-election to Co., purchased manu- goods. combinations. some of the passed Britain and France. The mission defeated for parlia- facturers the entire stock of and Belfast, March JO.—Hon. Nathaniel Arlington Mohairs, 46 inch super Henrietta, new was if ment on account of his friend- in in the 50c which are re- Polka Changeable Silks, very de- of died meeting. this embassy to prevent, possible, largely colors, quality, they Spot H. Hubbard Winterport yester- with success at 39c. allowed goods. 1-25 $1.00 Windham. the of the Confederate states for the United States. He had tailing great They sirable for dresses, fancy waists and 79. He was the oldest member recognition ship iistn navA t.\vn ntiaAS t/t 9a11 nt. t,h« smnn. nrir>A 46 inch new day, aged super Henrietta, combinations and scarce at.Sl.35. Great Britain and for it was stood with John and the few come in beautiful shades of 1 very of the Waldo Bar and colonel of the 26th SOUTH WINDHAM. by France, Bright They Green, Blue, Brown. Gray. Garnet, Olive, Plum, Changeable Silks with woven figures... S1.50. Maine in the rebellion. known that' both these governments English commoners who expressed Heliotrope, Henrietta Rev. M. B. of will sup- White, Cream, etc,, actual value 60c, our price. 46 inch super (ex- Pratt, Gorham, that Obituary Notes. contemplated such an act. The feeling friendship for this country during tra) new goods..... 1.60 1.25 ply at the Free Baptist church next Sun- 40 choice new styles in Figured India the classes in Great Brit- 38 inch satin berber (extra) Francis Stilphen died at his home in among upper emergency. Silks and Figured Twilled Silks, dura- day. “Is it not for to return to 29 cents per new 1.60 1.10 He was a ain was one of sympathy with the Con- possible you yard. goods. Usual Dresden Saturday morning. the bility guaranteed. price $1.25. The medal contest'under auspices while Louis Na- Weed asked this man 1 piece Ecroyd’s silk warp sheriff before the war, later Uni- federacy, in France parliament?” Mr. Our price will be. Si.00. deputy The Wonderful offered above have 2.00 1.50 marshal and then col- of the Woman’s Christian Tem; e ance then was known to be one Bargains Henrietta. ted States provost poleon, emperor, day. not been at the An call is equalled price. early 2 Dress Patterns of 10 yards each in the $3.00 lector of internal revenue for Lincoln Union, occurred Wednesday evening, desirous of the success of the Confeder- “Alas,” said he, “I am too poor. I solicited as some of the lots will not last more quality of the Arnold, Constable & Co. Silk * In 1866 he his dis- or two. county. represented March 9. The house was appropriately- ate cause. cannot afford to expend the money than^i day warp kenrietta, as it is finer than we intend to trict in the he in stock, we w ill close out these two pat- legislature. Subsequently decorated with and After the arrival of the which would be for my elec- One lot of checked French 50 inches carry as at for flags potted plants embassy they required Cheviots, terns at $2.00 per BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. served postmaster Dresden Mills in nark that have never been only yard. and Linnie found Great Britain the tion,” wide, coloring, We shall also include in this sale several qual- twelve by Margaret W. McLellan inflame^ by sold less than will be offered at years. anywhere $1.25 ities of the Arnold, Constable & Co. Silk warp Prices for This Sale, All Warranted Silks were in of Mason and Slidell, the Con- “But if had this monejq is there Brackett Buxton’s Quartette capture you $1.00. Henrietta, (which are superior to any in the Deputy Sheriff Newell. federate embassadors who were passen- any opportunity for you to make a con- under price. Usual New in their usual and were 50 the choicest we could select in the world) good condition, styles, The above in Black Goods are for Price. Price. [Special to the Press.] gers on the British steamship Trent. The test at present?” Mr. Weed asked. whole market, in mixed bargains with the which so checks, plaids, stripes, this sale only, as we have never made so great 22 inch Black Gros Grain Silk greeted applause they and weaves. Same in and effect as $1.75 $1.19 Richmond, March 10.—Mr. George feeling was most warlike, and it was “Yes, there is a bye election to occur fancy style reduction for the same qualities in any special 20 .88 .(io well merit. The Loyal Legion recited the most popular foreign goods, all to be sold at Newell of Richmond has been appointed shared by the British ministry. Earl in a few weeks, and if I could afford it I sale. 21 ..1.00 .81 very finely an original recitation, which 21 1.25 1.00 a sheriff in in Russell had prepared a note addressed should make the contest.” 50 Cents Per Yard. 22 1.50 1.25 deputy Sagadahoc county one had been composed for them by of the would such a con- 22 1.39 of H. through British minister at Wash- “Why, how much 1.62Va place Charles Hodges, deceased. They are selling more freely and attracting 22. 1.75 1.50 the members of the Union. The young to the state which test cost In the States in COTTON DRESS GOODS. ington department, you? United. more attention than any other line in our house. 20 inch Black Faille Francaise, .88 .75 The Fei'cival Case. 100 Pieces Llama wool ladies who recited for the medal did was in effect nothing less than a decla- many of the congress districts the per- Figured Cloth, 21 1.00 .S4 In addition to the above unparalleled Bar- finish, fast colors, 30 in. wide, in new, 24 1.25 1.00 Auburn, March 10.—Mr. John O. Rice, themselves and the W. C. T. U. great ration of war. Its was so of- sonal cost to a candidate is said ianguage trivial,” gains, we shall offer the following lots at a great choice at only 10c. 24 1.50 1.25 as all recited The medal designs, the Portland expert, who has been at credit, finely. fensive that Secretary Seward would Mr. Weed. reduction as the “Old Price” and the . St., literature and methods of education, and and 2.15 p. marlOdtf Congress ___ at 7.00 a. close at is as fearless a critic as she is an advo- East Decring—Arrive m.; 6.30 p. ra. cate of sound principles and enlightened OFFICE HOUKS. Xj-SlIDIIESJS’ training. She has no sympathy with Cashier’s Office. (Sundays excepted), 7.30 a. 9 a. the efforts to interpret the present by m. to 7.00 p. in.; Money order department, ©TEAM BOIL- m. to 5.00 p. ra. Registry departmont, 9.00 ENGINES, a traditions and methods belonging to a. m. to 6.00 m. ERS, STEAM PIPE, PIPE p. past civilization, nor does she believe in General Delivery. (Sundays excepted) 7.30 9.00 a, m. FITTINGS, VALVES, cut and dried rules. a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sunday to 10,00 HANGERS, Carriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excepted)—In ©SHAFTING, Mrs. Davis is also a strong advocate of the between and LEATHER and business section oi city High PULLEYS, * \Y a purely American school of art, an art India streets, at 7.00 and 9.15 a.m., 12.30,1.30, RUBBER BELTING, LACE which shall American life and and 5.15 p. ra.; in other sections at 8.00 a. in., portray 1.30 and 5.15 p. m. Sunday at Post M3.IE. EE PRINCE. delivery LEATHER, HOSE,&c.,&c. scenery as Americans understand them. Office window. 9.00 to 10.00 a. ra. Collections at 7.00 and 11.00 a. 4.00 an amateur was “Seen by Moonlight” She believes this unattainable “so as from street boxes m., by long 6.00 ra. -AND- star- and 8.00 p. m. Sunday, p. only. GENERAL MACHINE WORK PROMPLY —a black cat, the principal figure, we encourage our artists in the idea that the win- DONE, ORDERS SOLICITED. ing, or rather gazing, through they must study in a foreign land, un- at ANTIDOTE dow, with fur on end and tail erect, der foreign influences.” Prompted by iML WaODBURY’S bask- a lovely cat and her kittens lying such convictions, Mrs. Davis hae aided improves the appetite OXFORDS. SON &CO. on a hearth. Aside from a little new club. Her CHASE& ing in the formation of the and it such as the above, much earn- and diges lion, nonsense, wish is to make it an educational and “Castoria Is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, E7 & 59 KENNEBEC STREET. Portland, Ma Sour Diarrhoea. Eructation, est work is by the meet- her dream is a uaied reme- it as to Stomach, janl9 d6m accomplished patriotic example, and is an uiietj I recommend superior any prescription and di- SPRING STYLES, of views. Worms, gives sleep, promotes ings and interchange Ma- known to me.” H. A. Archkb, M. D., gestion, Tho officers of the New York club are dy for I)ys pepsia, Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. all bright, energetic and talented wo- laria a n d Stomach NEW STYLES. Sunken For several I have recommended The Cheek, men. Mrs. the use of ‘Castoria’ is so universal and years Frankelton, honorary “The and shall continue to ailments. Sold by all Druggists. so well known that it seems a work your Castoria, always thin, or undeveloped parts, filled out by has been authorized tho its merits beneficial Spare, president, by feb5dlycd endorse it. Few are the do so as it has invariably produced Leaueelle Oil Balm, nature’s wonder for of supererogation to See Sltow Window'. means committee of the Co- who do not Castoria results.” and flesh. Prevents tendency ways and Intelligent families keep skin, complexion within reach.” Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., or of the skin, lumbian exposition, with the approval of We do not know easy to Wrinkles, Ageing Withering why CARLOS Harttn. t>. D., 125th Street and 7th Puts new life and *‘Tho Winthrop,” Ave., or drying up of the flesh. the acting director of the art depart- New York City. 50c. Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver New York City. youthful glow into the complexion. ment, to organize ceramic clubs all Bate Pastor Bioomingdale Reformed Church. and ,->1.00 at Druggists. Large size prepaid in those over the for the purpose of get- oil is so useful simple by express on receipt of $1.00. country 77 Murray New Yore. E. S. Wells, Jersey City. ting up a purely American exhibition of but varied conditions wmcn Tub Centaur Company, Street, BRANCH.BROWN, 15c. china and porcelain decorations. Mrs. “ union station, Hough on Toothache. Gives instant relief. know as having a 46I Congress St. Frankelton was bom in Milwaukee, you j GRAY HAIR which is still ber borne, and lier educa- We cannot explain 844 Street.: sign ot gow Boot. Hate Bal- cough.” Congress restored by Wells’ As a child £eb27 eodtf Gradually tion was wholly American. we know the fact sam to color; elegant tonic dressing, it: only original i;he was a fellow student of Carl Mari', S&Thlynrm 50c., $1.00, Druggists, or $1.00 size prepaid by decl2 under H. of who from express for $1.00. E. S. Wells, Jersey City. Vianden, Milwaukee, experience. still takes great pride in the success of It be due to the com- Just Lovely, may It’s his favorite pupil. Later, she studied in dries in bination of tonic effects of delightful, because it instantly: pure, New York under the Harts, Mrs. Beer clean, colorless, does not grease nor sou silks, oil and the fabric. is and Mrs. Gretorex. Since 1874 she has cod-liver hypo- satins, gloves or finest yjuun If hands become to and is Leaueelle Oil Balm. your devoted her time ceramics only, PERRY DAVIS. ; it be household work MRE. IIARRIET phosphites may partly rough, dry or feverish from the only American artist in ceramics who In all epidemic maladies, the individual who maintains a perfect sanitary An orchestra in itself, producing or one of Leaueelle normal school of ceramics—a training due to the There exposure, application a medal. For the glycerine. avoids or if attacked, suffers from one of the the most charming music. Balm and smooth the skin at has received foreign condition usually trouble, Oil will soften school for teachers. For these ends she fills are t) 10 has in the are effects in medical milder forms of the disease ; also blancaud's largely prescribed Can he played hy once. You need not wash it off nor cover last two years she traveled many js willing to labor with others, believ- and with success, as a measure. anybody. hands. Elegant for Chafes, Irritated bkm; west, torching in convents and organiz- causes of which by Physicians, great protective the moral as well as the commer- the of Xledicine of and recommended nice after shaving. 50c. and $1.00, Druggists. clubs. Her latest work was the or- ing practice Approved by Academy Paris, specially by ing cial welfare of the demands how the medical celebrities of the World, for King’s-evil, Constitutional SALE BY of China of Salt country to be plain, but Scrofula, FOR That Cute Little Tin Box ganization the club, appear its course. the opening of opportunities for the Weakness, Poorness of the Blood, and for regulating periodic on and Plasters Lake City, of which she is the presiding those causes those 40 rue Paris.” oi F.jUG'k Corns Salve of in the higher, artistic produce None genuine unless signed“BLANCARD, Bonaparte, 2 or 3 cut for She is the training youth contains Corn Plasters ready officer. honorary president do not know at all. E. EOUUERA iSfc CO., NEW YOIUC. Agents for ttio United States. is an im- walks of industrial art. effects we use; also, in the bottom of each box of the California Ceramic club, and her proved Com Salve. This convenient com- Scott & Bovvnk, Chemists, 132 South 5th Avenue, as of por- New 394 bination, known as Rough on Corns Salve appointment superintendent It is told of Lord Bacon that he en- York. « Congress St., Scott s or that state. Your keeps Emulsion of cod-liver and Plasters, sells for 10c. at Druggists, celains is from and druggist OPPOSITE CITY HALL. joyed but little domestic bliss “loved oil—all every where do. $1. dlawSly apr21eodlyr mailed. Accept no other. Mme. Le or “Our druggists jams Prince, Napoleon,” not to be with his ^ _ E. _ S. Jersey City. partner.” Wells, as her pupils love to call her, is the

m FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. de- AMUSEMENTS._ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. existing inequalities of the present plan majority of a majority in Congress cided to use advantage from of assessing taxes. Almost all the speak- every PORTLAND THEATRE. AND Speaker down and use it for all it was ers to be of G. E. LOTHKOP, Lessee and Manager. MAINE STATE PRESS. appeared profoundly impressed worth. Partly through the influence owners for BONDS. idea that if men with the property the silver the candidate Speaker 4 Subscription Rates. the dis- UNICIPAL BONDS who was counted on to suppress March six could only be sworn they would divulge Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10, Daily (In advance) $6 per year; *3 for was the to tracting silver issue rejected, 11 and 13. Saturday Matinee. cents a month. to the assessor all their possessions months; $1.50 a quarter; 50 candidate who was apparently committed We Offer, Subject to This idea was fired The Daily is delivered every morning by the last farthing. to the policy of giving the House control PRODUCTION OF the limits and at SuSe, A GRAND carrier anywhere within city off and fired oil, in blissful unconscious- of itself was elected and the way made Woodfords without extra charge. for all that has followed. But what Iowa ness of the fact that this swearing sys- easy of Clinton, IEII BURGESS’ in at the is often difficult—what City Daily (Not advance), invariably appears easy of Portland 4’s due 1902-1912. tem had been in vogue in Ohio for a not be so City rate of $7 a year. seems wise on the surface may of Portland O’s due 1907. of a and that the testi- City Maine State Press, (Weekly) published quarter century, when the deeps are sounded. At pres- of Saco 4’s due 1901. 3”iss, New Success, in confusion. City England Comedy every Thursday, $2 per year;$l for six months; mony of disinterested observers of its ent, Democratic affairs are City of Calais 4’s due 1901-1911. 25 cents for trial due 1894. 60 cents a quarter; subscrip- workings had been that it accomplished City of Bangor 6’s WHEN I GO HOME. 4 1-2’s due 1899. Dated Jan’y. 1,1892, lion of six weeks. to debauch City of Toledo, Ohio THE or practically nothing except 4 1-2’s due 1909. Persons wishing to leave town for long City of Toledo) Ohio of their the conscience of the community, and BY EUGENE FIELD. 4 1-2’s due 1919. short periods may have the addresses City of Toledo, Ohio Mort. o’s due Due 1,1912. as desired. set men to excuses for Calais Water Co. First Jan’y papers changed as often inventing lying. COUNTY Advertising Rates. Men of ordinary intelligence ought to be It comes to me often in silence, 1906. When the firelight splutters low— & Water Co. First BY IN Daily Press $1.50 per square, first like this St. Croix E. L. FOR SALE able to see that ,a law which When the black, uncertain shadows week after. Three inser- Mort. 5’s due 1906. week; 76 cents per men for Seem wraiths of the long ago; proposed listing law, rewards of Kansas Kansas. Water Co. First FAIR! tions or less, S1.00 per square. Every other Always with a throb headache, City, and them for That thrills eacli palsive vein, Mort. 6’s due 1894-1907. advertisements, one third less than these lying punishes telling H. i. PAYSON & Presented nnder the direction of C. B. day Comes the old unquiet longing Maine Central R. R. Consol Mort. 7’s CO., the truth will never accomplish any rates. Ifor the peace of home again. due 1912. Jefferson, Klaw and Erlanger. Half square advertisements $1.00 per week, reform in taxation or in anything of the roar of the cities Cleveland City Cable Railway First BANKERS, Without half each succeeding week. I’m sick marll__dtf_ Complete Abridgement. first week; price else. We do not doubt that some And of faces old and strange; Mort o’s due 1909. Notices, on first page, one third ad- warmth of welcome, Special men advocate it be- I know where there's Denver Cable First Mort. honest will fancies City Railway SEE THE GREAT RUNNING HORSE RACE. ditional. And my yearning range, O’s due 1908. cause believe that it will Back to tlie dear old homestead, & CO. Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per they sincerely FAHNESTOCK With an aching sense of pain; Prices for all above attraction*, insertions or less Neither do we doubt square each week. Three accomplish good. But there’ll be joy in the coming, 2 WALL STREET, NEW VORK. that a more When I go home again. 50 and 75o. $1.50 per square. great many demagogues See that MARINER’S COM 25, dtf width of a our Trade Mark—*A mard “A Square” is a space of the that it will selected Investment bonds for cash or will espouse it in the idea ■ When I home There’ music Supply go again! f*ASS, is on each package. for marketable securities. column and one inch long. That never die in exchange euvui oujju u uu uuvj xui w v«. may away, SWAN liuiixp &BARRETT, Execute commission orders for investors at To For Sale and similar ad- And it seems the hand of angels, REMEDIES iVant, Let, SKODA’S the Stock or in the open market. On a at play, Exchange vertisements, 25 cents per week, in advance, coun- mystic harp, CONSIST OP Furnish information bonds, There are very few people in tlais Have touched with a yearning sadness BANKERS, respecting words or no Displayed ad- jant.d3m for 40 less, display. in who want to see the On a beautiful broken strain. SKODA’S DISCOVERY. all ad- try or England vertisements under these headlines, and To which is my fond heart wording— The GREAT GERMAN-AMERICAN between the I home Maine. not in advance, will be charged present amicable relations When go again. REMEDY for HEART, NERVES, KID- 186 Middle Street, Portland, tisements paid decs9 dlt two countries disturbed. The two na- NEYS, LIVER and BLOOD. Price, rBTBROWN&SONSTBankers, at rates. window regular Outside of my darkening 81.00, 6 bottles for 85.50. If bought at square In the world’s crash and din, Middle In Maine State Press—$1.00 per tions are intimately connectetl by blood, great above price we GUARANTEE the « bot- 318 Street, Portland, for And the autumn’s shadows tles to GUARANTEE for first insertion, and 50 cents per square slowly benefit or cure. of available in all of and language and commercial relations. Come drifting, drifting in, bottle. UMAHA&lhttl nASLWttl UU. Issue Letters Credit, parts CONTRACT with each Pay only ti.e world. Pm- aud sell Exchange on principal each subsequent insertion. the wind murmurs Trouble between them would bring great Sobbing, night for the good you receive. Due Address all communications relating to sub- To the splash of the autumn rain; Fire Per Cent Gold Bonds, European Cipes. 4 harm to both. The man who jauntily But 1 dream of the glorious greeting 1914. scriptions and advertisements to Portland SKODA’S PICE CERE May 1, Populars! When I home again. talks about a conflict between tlie two go INVESTMENT-SECURITIES. Publishing Co,, 07 Exchange Street, with the DISCOVERY cares Piles. Price This company owns all the Street Railway $2.00 and $2.50, Course Tickets. properties of the City of Omaha, Nebraska, ol the Cheque Bank, ‘Id,’ Portland, Me. countries is either talking for buncombe 8100. Agents *‘A Parlor Match,” “Primrose AND PECULIAR. comprising about ninety miles of trackage. Including PERSONAL the LOM.OS. dtf & West’s,” “Paul B. PuChiallu,” aud the or has no adequate conception SKODA’S GERMAN SOAP. For the hist decade, Omaha shows largest nov24 percentage of increase of population of any of “Bostonians.” of what such a conflict would mean. The cen- JL JrdL JbU ir'Jtt-lliPP. The annual prize for 1892—$100, with a “Soft as Velvet.” “Pure as Gold.” the first cities in the United States. The United States has indirectly set up That tells the whole story. Tho most high sus of 1890, giving the city 139,526 against Sale ot Tickets at medal—offered the United States ever made. 30.618 in 1880. Great Stockbrisges. gold by ly medicated soap Try just dlw a claim to in Sea— one cake. bath, or The business of the city has Increased in like mar5 FEIDAY, MARCH 11. jurisdiction Behring Naval Institute for the best essay on any For toilet, nursery. m AUSHT Price cts. and the outlook for future growth w bee se Congress though ,25 proportion, say indirectly subject pertaining to the naval profess- is promising. on has The Street Railway Company is earning more AT GILBERT’S.'’ Mr. to Mr. McMillin’s the quest been directly presented has been secured by William Laird SKOOA’S PLEDGETS. more Dingley’s reply ion, than one hundred thousand dollars annually Be m .re beautiful, pleasing, was a to it on several has Clowes of Surbition Hill, Surrey, Eng., The Great and interest on its indebted- more de- assault upon the McKinley tariff occasions, always German-Amerlcan Spe- over all charges luo. appropriate, greatly of avoided itself who submitted an essay on “Torpedo cific for diseases peculiar to the female ness. sired W11E or DAUGHTER than a CLASS FOlfliEGEVNERS conclusive answer to all the charges explicitly committing sex. We for case of the for by Boats; Their Organization and Con- will give 21,000 any We append ihe earnings Company Next MONDAY Evening. He showed that not a squarely. The way in which the claim has we cannot cnre that does not require the past three years. really good the free traders. duct.” One month’s surgical .interference. 1889. 1890. 1891. of disaster been set up is by directing our revenue of "H3 M BBY single one of the predictions Lord Calthrope, whe has had charge treatment, 23.00. Gross Income $420,602 37 $596 471.04 $638,918.51 cutters to seize vessels seals in Evening, this law had been verified, but taking of the fund to be devoted to the erection Operating ex- Thursday following SKODA’S GERMAN OINTMENT. 285.011.59 400.459.77 416,464.74 PIANO? 3d. dll the sea. the validity penses?_ (el>23 SlAliCH on the all had been disproved. England disputes of a memorial to the late Dr. Sir Morell contrary The Great Shin Cnre, also for o r and contends that we have $135,590.78 $196,011.27 $222,453.77 CAM. of claim, has announced that the fund bnrns, etc. A»a MIGHT Mackenzie, wounds, abrasions, Amount re- It has been rumored that the Hon. the vessels of her de- makes the skin like velvet. no right to seize to the erection of a cosmetic, to the will be devoted per- Removes black-heads, pimples, etc. quired THI ANNEX Darius H. Ingraham contemplated for seals. There are to the for direc. meet annual TH CUSTOM’S pendency taking manent addition Hospital as if by magic, if you follow Will present a Comedy in three acts, en- But we int.on bouns$105.000.00 $105,000,000 $105,000.00 abolition of the liquor agency. three of the dispute. Diseases of the Throat, which was found- •ions. Three ounce tubes in elegant titled, “THE < HAPEBON,” only ways settling bartons for 50 ets. that when that ed Dr. Mackenzie in 1866, and with 30,590.78 $91,011.27 $117,453.77 PI A MO HOUSE -INT THE VESTRY OF- are inclined to think gen- One is by the abandonment by one nation by Surplus.$ vast which he was connected until the time Wo have sold these bonds to Sa vings Banks tleman comes to contemplate the its contention. If we SKODA’S EITTEE TABLETS. Congress Square Church, or the other of of his death. and Trust Funds, and can recommend them for Supplies these in perfection. betv.' "'en the number of For and liver Trouble. a conservative investment. MONDAY MARCH 14th. disproportion cease to claim the right to seize British the transla- Headache EVENING, he Count Adolphus Norraik, With the DISCOVERY they cure Rhen Price, 98V2 and accrued interest. Adults, 25 cts.; children, 15 cts. candidates and the number of offices is settled. If sealc the dispute Eng- tor of Tolstoi’s Russian stories, is a hope- mutism. Mild, Safe, Efficient. Farsupe- ALSO ORGANS marll d3t wii. not be rior to Once used you will have will conclude that it possible land 'ses to the of our any pill. deny justice less at the Home for Incurables no other. 50 in a box for 35 cts. the of an paralytic see or send lor Cata- to abolish anything in shape claim to jat the is settled. He was twice exiled WOODBURY MOULTON, Come and right dispute in New York city. SOLD BY AIX DBCGG1STS. a riot. his shattered logue. office without precipitating A second way is by war; that is, by to Siberia, and hardships lO-A-KTSSLiaXlS, his health. DISCOVERY ME, TUNING TO ORDER. one nation the other SKODA CO., BELFAST, Cor. Middle and exchange Sts. of the cau- compelling fni.o a Atf If the account Augusta It is that Cornelius Vander- force to allow its claim. reported cuses the Kennebeo Journal is by given by bilt is to build a new residence in New The third way is by arbitration, that correct the number of Republican votes York to cost at least its $2,000,000. S. has increased with is by each nation presenting THIflSTON, in some of the wards Lord Randolph Churchill’s appearance INCREASE YOUR INCOME. the last two claim and all the arguments in support of MARCH 10th. amazing rapidity during has a very marked change THURSDAY, men ana nudergono S Free St. Block, 12 Free St.,Portland. Democrats vol- it to a board ot impartial agree- years, or the very kindly during the past year, and many of his _ to abide their decision. The unteered to help the Republicans settle ing by old American friends would experience THE MIDDLESEX BAKING COMPANY, Sea dispute must be settled in The following their own affairs. That more votes Behring considerable difficulty in recognizing MIDDLETOWN, CONN. The first one of these three ways. way which ho own tcu should be thrown by Republicans in one mm. ULis uearu, juot Paid up Capital $600,000. after the contro- to has be- PIANOS. would before he went South ward than were thrown in the same be, long Africa, Offers its 6 per cent. Bonds, interest seml- too to the of both come quite long and thick, and is visibly annualiy, in denominations of $100, $200, $250, pi ward two both Republicans versy, galling pride years ago by streaked with gray. & Go. $500, $1,000 and $5,000. nations for either to it. The sec- Evans -AND- Democrats is remark- accept Millet!, Organized in 1876 under Connecticut Banking and certainly very The farewell banquet to Mr. Reid, the Laws. Bank Examiner of Maine. I stilt k Sis Co, ond way involves consequences so tremen- Supervised by able and calls for explanation. United States minister at Paris dously disproportionate to the import- retiring Fur Lined Circulars that Mr. Michael D. Har- has been fixed for March 24. The Ameri- SEVENTEENTH YEAR OF BUSINESS. We observe ance of the question at issue that both will The largest Piano Honse in the World. of the can Mr. Harjes, preside. a in of interest ter, who is the most prominent nations will instinctively shrink from it, banker, ]\T©w an ele- Never day’s delay payment W holesale and retail represen- to close at the following prices-, f open, and matured principal. Tne bonds are a legal anti-silver nas The farewell address, engrossed on parch in the New leaders of the Democrats, The third way is the only one that can divestment for Trust Funds in Connecticut tatives Eng- Old New \ will be read Consul General land States for X 11UO. X 1 U/O. written an open letter to Senator Hill, be resorted to without loss of self respect ment, by line of All W©ol the will be mem* gant EVERETT SMITH, 1 size 32 Plush Cloak, $18.00 $11.00 him to to the King. Among guests 18.00 inviting explain country and without the danger of precipitating of President Carnot’s 1 32 35.00 bers military 98 Exchange St., Portland, ]We. « 15.00 on We Challiesand STEINWAY, 1 32 25.00 his views the silver And for Roche and Figured « question. most calamitous consequences. household; Ministers Ribot, dec29 2wteod3m 1 32 22.00 13.00 and « very much doubt if Mr. Harter gets the this and because the United Rouvier; Deputies Spuller, Meline WEBER, 1 32 30.00 17.00 reason, 38.00 22.00 In Senator Barbev and M. de China Silks, Hew 1 32 information he is after. the first States and are both Sigfried; HARDMAN, 50.00 28.00 England enlightened Blowitz. It is that Mr. Reid’s CABLE 1 34 Hill has no reported R, 1 34 38.00 22.00 place we suspect that very nations, this way will be adopted be Colonel John successor will Hay. Cotton Hew WEBSTER and 4 36 38.00 22.00 views on the Fabrics, definite subject anyway. sooner or later. There may be hitches The New York Herald cable it is 1 34 Plush Reefer. 35.00 20.00 says WESER BROS. 35.00 20.00 In the second he is not in the habit that there FEED E. RICHARDS, President, 1 36 place in the progress toward end, understood that the to 36 25.00 17.00 queen proposes Dress Goods. Vice 1 of himself on mooted ques- there W. W. MASON, President, 1 36 40.00 25.00 expressing may be bluster on each side, may raise Princess May to the dignity of roy- C. G. ALLEN, Cashier. IPX-AJX'OS. 1 36 35.00 20.00 tions in a sphinx like manner, 15.00 except be long and sharp diplomatic disputes alty aud increase her present small allow- 1 36 22.50 the mortal. 1 36 .“ 22.00 13.00 unintelligible to ordinary but in the end this method will be amount. It is ance by a considerable Catalogues mailed free. 1 “ 32 Plush Jacket, 12.00 5.00 been asked for his and Hill has frequently adopted. We do not think there is the privately announced that one of Princess Tuning, Repairing Polisliing 1 34 Fur Lined Circular, 25.00 14.00 in our attended to. 25.00 14.00 views on and all that who holds a captaincy in Deposits promptly 2 36 important questions, slightest danger of war between the two May’s brothers, 38.00 20.00 is soon to the 1 36 Satin has ever been out of him is “I am a the dragoons, marry Lined 50.00 30.00 get countries, or of any permanent disruption whose Porttand Branch 540 1 40 Fur Circular, daughter of a wealthy commoner, Congress Street, 1 42 45.00 28.00 Democrat That is about all doubtless, some tem- Evans & Co. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of amicable relations, though name is not altogether unassociated with Millett, T. O. McGOUliDRIO, 1 44 45,00 28.00 will out of him. that Mr. Harter get porary irritation may result before the breweries. in small or large amounts dec2 Blauager. eodtf question is finally settled. The President is besieged by autograph From the heading of a local item in 517 Street. interest from the first hunters, and at times the desk of the Congress draw Thursday’s Argus it is learned that feb22_ _dtf of each month. Hubbard CURRENT COMMENT. door keeper, Charles Loeffler is piled day Lamson & J. R. “Business is Picking Up” in Portland jly25 dtf IjBBY, high with left there to receive since Mr. Ingraham election; and as Street. Loeffler acts — another York the Presidential signature. -THE Congress earnest, is given, under heading [New Tribune.] mar 9 dtf as a sort of middle-man in this sentimen- _ same the of There was no consolation for the Dem- in the column, organization tal and when the President has a STATEMENT OF ocrats in the made trade, “the Globe Beer Faucet for eloquent speech by few minutes of leisure the stock of al- Company, Reed the other at a ex-Speaker evening bums is deftly and decorously placed be- the purpose of mauufacturing faucets of at in his honor. NOTICE. reception Washington fore him for his attention. MAINE SAVINGS BANK. all kinds.” Thus, as in ancient fashion, He was able to draw a most effective con- of the Portland, Me., March 1,1892. follow the trast between the outlook a Lieutenant Graydon, formerly does the moral closely upon Republican SAMUEL ROLFE; President. and the outlook now United States navy and inventor of the Whether the of the year ago Republican G. Treasurer. fable. organization due to the in- ALPHEUS ROGERS, The change is in large part dynamite gun, has fallen out with the We shall our new goods “Hidden Medicine” and the “Elastic and course of the open -OF- efficient irresponsible and ac- LIABILITIES. Graydon gun syndicate, publicly wear Tip” companies, also recorded in Thurs- big Democratic majority in Congress. for spring and summer Deposits.$5,628,571.50 Then the bill has been vindi- cuses it of fraud and deceit. He says Reserve fund. 285,000.00 day’s issue of the Argus, has anything McKinley SATURDAY MORNING, March Profits. 51,956.43 cated, not only by the election of its au- that the last annual report of the syndi- to do with the recent election may be 3VEXE, thor to the governorship of Ohio, but also cate showed that there were £9 in the 5, and we believe it will he to .$5,965,527.02 it is understood that the the recent decision of the and that a 15 inch has been For and Com- doubted;—for by Supreme treasury, gun the of friends to Durability, Style RESOURCES, see that the for to the advantage ou^ dominant party does not intend to take Court, and the people clearly ready at Birmingham delivery it has no City bonds of Maine.$ 100,000.00 disasters which its for the nine months, and call and make their selec- 1824. fort eqiial and bonds of other its drams from a druggist’s graduate opponents predicted syndicate past early incorporated City County have not come to pass. Mr. Reed had that the builders are suing for £1000 bal- For States. 1,847,000.00 to return to the tions as we a lively sale Sale by Railroad bonds. glass, but purposes plain reason for elation. His is ance due. Lieutenant sues the expect 2,470.453.33 good feeling Graydon Railroad stock. 12,500.00 of the of contract and one tumbler people. shared by the Republicans of the country directors for breach of our choicest patterns, many Leading Dealers. Corporation bonds. 821,400.00 generally. The outlook is bright. There year’s pay, and threatens a series of other feb8 National bank stock. 82,905.00 of which cpnnot be duplicated. __eotlSm* Other bank stock. 1,000,00 That was a curious position which is no cloud upon the horizon. HR ST ©LASS Loans on mortgages of real estate 341,703.00 friends took at the Mrs. French Sheldon has received a Loans on collaterals 201,084.21 Judge Maynard’s Confusion in tlie House. Real estate, bank building. 33,000.00 of the New York Bar Association very invitation from Mrs. Potter meeting [Washington Star.] pressing Accounts of individuals, firms and corpora Other real estate, investment. 12,000.00 called for the purpose of inquiring into Palmer to exhibit her collection of Afri- tions received on favorable terms. Real estate, foreclosure. 9,613.78 It was a field day in the House yester 3E* I -A. 3ST O S Expense account. 2 364.76 his conduct relative to the Dutchess can curiosities at the coming exhibition day, but not a Democratic field day. The Cash on deposit. 16,733.75 returns which he is charged with of women’s work to be held at the Chi- CORNISH BROTHERS Cash on hand. 13,769.19 county silver Democrats won a victory under or, Interest allowed on time abstracted from the office of the in 1893. If Mrs. Sheldon FOR SALE OR RENT; ALSO .$5,965,527.02 having to their opponents, over the cago Exposition 249 Middle Street. according mar4 eodtf deposits. D. Bank Examiner, Secretary of State. The resolution pre- can arrange matters with the board of GEORGE BISBEE, rules. The Republicans looked smiling mar 9 dlw sented in the meeting was one of lady managers at Chicago, her collection inquiry up to the heavens and the heavens smiled did not ‘assume that he was will be one of the most in- It. Marshall R. only. It In the neatest undoubtedly Stephen Small, Coding, Very Taney or Tlain at back assurance. possible in the fair and will at- President. Cashier. of the act or that that act teresting exhibits New York Shoe Repairing Go. s. s. rich & SON, guilty alleged manner the leader of the ex- febl4 dtf minority tract world-wide curiosity. Mrs. Shel- removed from street on account NO. 114 1*2 EXCHANGE ST. constituted a moral or legal offence. It has Exchange situation. It is a threatening don’s researches will eventually throw of the fire and has established itself at No. 406 posed.the — — /-I-AAT/"' T>TTOQ STDOt.™ * TTrtisin Mutual li- AT simply proposed that the facts be in- much on the history of these so- I ladertak ei*s, state of facts, indeed, which seems to light re into. such circumstances called of the objects are quired Under the less savages. Many h WM. M. confront Democrats—nothing made and MARKS, TO- the natural and proper thing for a gentle- beautifully exquisitely carved, -HAVE REMOVED than the loss of the anti-free-coinage and in tbe shape of the pottery and the i W. P. HASTINGS’. man of innocence to do would conscious Democratic states in the Presidential Mrs. Sheldon believes there are „_ te decl7_dtf_ carving while wait have been to welcome the proposed in- distinct traces of and Persian you Card contest following the passage of the silver Egyptic Book, Dr 3EL B. Reed. NO. 86 EXCHANGE STREET, as the best means of the which will go far to establish quiry silencing bill in the House. A Massachusetts characters, -AND- some remote connection in rumors his conduct and bygone ages Masonic reflecting upon member sounded the alarm none too with these nations. BOTANIC AND CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN Opposite Hail, innocence before the \ establishing his all too but he and soon, perhaps late, No 399 1-3 Congress Street, Portland. And will, ••ntive no. stork are ready to Instead of that however as wohld. doing others have pointed to the Democratic The Non Forfeitable and Incontest- JOB answer calls before. For the treatment of all chronic and that he had TIIE OLD RELIABLE FIRM able features of the policies of the PRINTER, compli- his friends though protesting danger all in vain all the session. The cated diseases that tlesli is heir to, all cases UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSUR- PRINTERS’ EXCHANGE, TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. of no offence the reso- on silver has been a since in the given up as incurable, 1 will Lake them to make been guilty fought split certainty -OF- ANCE COMPANY places them marSdtf Grover Cleveland wrote his letter of Iront rank of Insurance Contracts and 07 1-3 Exchange St., Portland. a cure. lution for an tooth and nail. l>r. Keed will not ask in inquiry causes them to be in liber- you any questions virtual retirement, the letter written in unexcelled in to after are one any .way regard your diseases and Only two inferences possible, to free and unlimited ality. lie FRED S. opposition coinage FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. you have a true examination of your case SOULE, that Judge Maynard and his friends are —the second of his important deliver- will tell you if you can be cured. Ur. lieed's (ESTABLISHED 1847.) < mail or at- medicines arc strickly pure and put to suit and the other that he ances epistle on that subject. He All orders by telephone promptly up very stupid people by removed novlleodtf eaen case, he thiuks he can tell the difference MercliantTailcxr was a Have to their elegant warerooms, tended to. must have known that it perilous between a afflicted with a disease or a is not half so sure of the correctness of 400 person WILL HE AT THE thing for a presidential candidate to do Congress St., person becoming an entranced medium. There conduct as he to be. has been a who have lost his professes and he was advised not to do it. If he and offer high grade PIANOS and H. an Insurance and as a great many “ST. JULIAN” Every Tuesday Forenoon As Company people Ex- the OHG-A.KTS at mat dely com- eTmili-s, Institution. the UNION their lives by making the above mistake. •with a full line of Samples of had trifled with issue,the issue never- prices Home office Sun- The convention of tax reformers at petition. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM aminations at my every day including Spring Goods. theless would have arisen. It could not Piano Tuner. 9 a. to 9 m. Examination Piano tuning personally attended to. PANY is deserving of the support of day from m., p. by Waterville seems to have regarded the have been evaded. The interests of two Pianos Second hand instruments Order Slate at Music Store 431 letter stating then- name, place or residence and GrIT/ jQ HIM A CAXili. exchanged. Chandler’s Maine Citizens. ibe27 U4w were in conflict and the for sale. Street. lebSeodtt age and one stamp, $1.00. my22dtf Bating system as the panacea for all the classes of states £ebl3eodiy Congress AUCTION SALES. and less Whole number girls.^.Cof> -.067 examples, while a youngei fa- Average number belonging.4>”i" ;’r Villa follows mous singer, Miss Knox, Average number atteudiug.4;*/,, 43,')‘9 her F. O. BA!LEY & GO., A Repabltcan Slits Conitioii Per cent attendance. their leadership. Reverse assumed Whole number enrolled in nigh her na- Merchants school. 376 390 name and you have Knoxville, Auctioneers and Commission iu number belonging. The Will be held Average “til ;;4;> tive at once reminded. popu- Salesroom 18 Street. number attending. 333 city, Exchange Average of the Casino stud- Per cent of attendance. 97 lar light opera singer F. O BAILEY. C. H'.ALLEN. Annual of the Committee Whole number enrolled in gram- Her Reports ied in Boston. father is a mar 1-1 dtf mar schools.] >930 1,602 opera Average number belonging.1‘ Methodist minister, and decidedly ob- number -- Yesterday. Average attending. ,r. ~ in the Per cent of attendance.;•••■ 94.1 95.0 jected to his daughter appearing nna- Whole number enrolled in pi land of tights and bangles, but after nry scliools.'o’,2J.T i'}2? such is number 171 Miss Ida Mae Bates (for her real steveSsSes Average belonging.o, A. 2.915 At II O'eloeli, II., LORD RECOM- Average number attending.2,920 three months in Bos- SUPERINTENDENT 019o.O name) had studied Per cent of attendance. and for the purpose of selecting two candidates for ton with Mrs. Henschel three years COMPAIMY, MENDS CERTAIN CHANGES. The Committee’s Report. and Vice President of the and electors of President with Charles F. Webber, then had United States and four at and The of the committee was writ- delegates large report abioad, she could -DEALERS IN — four alternates to attend the National Conven- It enjoyed experience ten by Dr. John F. Thompson. says of a held at on not resist the temptation profession- tion to be Minneapolis, Minnesota, that the has been a one, Dr. John F. Thompson in the Report for year satisfactory is now a Tuesday, June 7, 1892, and transacting any al offer. So she semi-prima characterized a conserva- FANCY_GO O TSL S Also Makes by judicious a B O other business that may properly come before the Committee Important so to With pretty face, tism. The teachers have shown their donna, speak. it. Recommendations—What is Done for and a piquant has been a handsome form manner, The basis of represeentation will be as fol- usual zeal and the attendance the City School Children. she well suited the role of the flirting in of every description. lows : Each City, Town and Plantation will be larger than iu the preceding year not- Attractions in “Cavalleria Rusticana.” Every one of the School com- Lola entitled to delegate, and for each seventy- The final meeting withstanding the great amount of sick- five votes cast for the Republican candidate for mittee for the was held Notes. year yesterday. ness during the year. Of the new build- Governor in 1888, an additional delegate, and There were present the Mayor and The Italian Operatic Concert of seven- ing on Green street, the report says: Royal for a fraction of forty votes in excess have arrived from Messrs. Bradley, Webb, McGowan, Mc- it Company just Naples, votes, an additional delegate. “As a school building compares a short Department* ty-five Italy, and will make tour of this Stationery and with the structures erected in Vacancies in the delegation of any City, Donald, Baker, Thompson Superin- favorably under the direction of Stewart resi- recent in this The country Town, or Plantation can only be filled by tendent Lord. years city. heating The following are the artists: IN ALL GRADES. ex- ventilation are in the main satisfac- Lithgow. dents of the County in which the vacancy The business of the was the and Ricci, Henri meeting that the Signors Guglielmo Fabiani, ists. tory. It is believed, however, Hen- and of the annual re- Marino Seghino, Emiglio Grilero, the hearing accepting cellar ventilation be improved by our stock is now well the The State Committee will be in session in might rico Palmeri, Ettore Manani and Signo- We believe that worthy on ports; that for the committee submitted the number and size of the reception room of the Hall at nine o’clock increasing rina Elvira Guerrini. inlets and outlets. The is un- the of the Convention, for the purpose by Dr. Thompson, and Superintendent building “The Parlor Match drew another Goods morning situated with reference to its we Fancy of receiving the credentials of delegates. Dele- Lord’s. fortunately audienc to City Hall last evening. attention of of and and that For two reasons, its loca- large buyers dry fancy goods in order to be eligible to participate in surroundings. In our account we omitted ac- IN GREAT VARIETY. gates, At the conclusion of the business, tion is unfavorable, insufficiency yesterday the Convention, must be elected subsequent to namely, to mention the Levy sisters, room for the cidentally upon motion of Mr. McGowan, a vote of of light and lack of pur- *■ the date of the call for this Convention; and one of the strongest features of the play. are in still further and that one can poses of recreation. The question of justified going saying Yarmouth Me. under tills call should not be elected thanks was passed Mayor True for bis The concert produced at Under Hotel,Portland, delegates is a serious and be more phonograph light one, may of Hall last to the State Convention to be hereafter called able and impartial performance of bis ..^ 4-1,„ Sous Veterans evening by feblS__eodtf the for of a candidate for Comrade George Brown, photograph- afford to make their without first the purpose nominating duties as a presiding officer. “The property on the side of the build- scarcely purchases seeing er, was enjoyed by a goodly number, as Governor. Lord in his said towards street should be Superintendent report ing Congress as the Gribbin Broth- All electors of to well specialties by Maine, without regard past last owned by the city. The private owner-1 that since the publication of the ers, Mr. Toby Lee, Mr. William Bradisli we believe that who political differences, who are in sympathy with ship of this land is a constant menace to our line. In other words firmly you of our best and most ex- and by Miss Cora the sentiments in the call of the Re- report fifteen the value of certain rooms in the build- piano accompaniments expressed Alexander and Miss Gribbin. publican National Committee for the Republi- puiicmicu. hccvuiiuio ndvc pui mtmciiuxjr icu ing. If the city owned the lot this dan- and at the same are will feel much better satisfied at least and can National are invited our Of fifteen six have would be obviated r\*~ Convention, cordially schools. these gone ger IVI U II IGI buying to unite with the Republicans of the State in to teach in places where they can obtain time the children of the Jackson school TOMPSON. electing delegates to this Convention. higher salaries. In addition there have be given a play-ground of sufficient size. BEFORE RECORDER out of school Thursday—Thomas F. Moran. Evading on us. To out of town Per order, Republican State Committee. been others who have been Tile Present High School Building save money Ills fare; fined $5 and costs. possibly by calling JOSEPH H. MANLEY, Chairman. on a more or less extended leave of aud is far behind what the times demand for David P. Mctilinchy Daniel J. Monagle. F. E. SOUTHARD, Secretary. absence. We have had twenty-four Searcli and seizure; discharged. to the These a of that Built at a time Jacob Com- wnn our store acts as a nutrient to Augusta, Me., February 1,1892. vacancies fill during year. school grade. James Cullou and Varstrappan. customers who are not so wen acquamteu vacancies have been tilled by election of when ideas of ventilation and mon nuisance; discharged. heating, --—- of the Practice Bowdoin College. graduates School,by taking convenience were crude and unformulat- the Skin, removing by teachers of experience in other places, Carlyle and the Bride. will that our stock is so in A was held a few since it stands at the time without say large every department medting days and by the election of some who have ed, present We were inside passengers by a mail its beneficial action the students to take some definite ac- or no in other reason for being than that it by had little experience teaching. any coach, and before it started a young tion in x-elation to fonixing a Tennis As- “An idea has attained in the exists. Just what we should have for past,” bride and on their honey- that will he almost sure of what are Freckles and all Discol- sociation in college and a committee was “and 1 am the school is a matter which requires bridegroom you finding jus! you says Superintendent Lord, was to a constitution. careful consideration. It is certain that moon us. The bride charm- appointed draw up sorry to say still retains a strong hold joined A second was held in Lower better and better courteously talked to orations, obviating meeting upon some minds, that anyone who lias a hygienic surroundings ing, aud Carlyle and colored wool dress black Memorial hall Wednesday afternoon and school education is of class-room and laboratory facilities are her about seeing and the for. Black goods, high capable sight pleasures looking Wrinkles and the constitution was adopted and the the lower grades of the primary almost absolutely essential. The ques- of mounting at times to higher Rough- teaching it traveling, officers elected. she can maintain a tion will naturally arise as to whether following school, providing themes, like a man who never had a President—B, C. '03. amount of that here will be and economical to re- silk and wool dross black and colored silks, ness. Payson. certain discipline; practical a mo- goods, printed care. He out of the coach for Vice President—F. W. Pickard. ’Of. is the to untrained and model the present building. got Committee—E. C. F. W. F. place put young, and the Payson, Pickard, teachers to their “It seems that any attempt to so mod- ment at a roadside inn, bride, W. Dana. inexperienced get at Bel- and at the of ify the existing structure as to make it whom I happened to have known and The of an inter-colle- training experience expense silks, black colored velvets, cloaks, sateens, outing question having the mental of the conform with the modern ideas of school from whence she came, imme- For Sale by toui-nament the Maine col- development pupils. fast, giate among I am not alone in construction will involve necessarily the “Who is that twad- was the mat- certainly believing diately exclaimed, this spi-ing discussed, of a sum of Such leges that the first of school life outlay large money. who allows no one cotton ter left to the committee. years dling old Scotchman flannels, domestics, underwear, RINES BROS. being should be under the of the being the case, we earnestly direct the ginghams, prints, A letter from Bates guidance to utter a word but himself?” marSeodtf personal signifies ablest and most skillful teachers.” attention of our citizens towards the to enter such a tour- this illustration of her unwillingness Lord dwells consideration of the advisability of an I was so tickled by either with Bowdoin alone or Superintendent forcibly in unsuit- melt- jnament this that the sala- entirely new building on the site of the the folly of scattering pearls undorflanoels, gouts' furnishing goods, hosiery, gloves, Bowdoin and upon point, declaring xjrjith Colby. ries should be in the lower present structure. able that I burst into a guffaw of I The second in the course of five lec- high enough places grades to induce the “Tlie growth of the western section of laughter, which was not easily extin- ^•Tures given by the college, will be de- the city has been noticeably large and as ings, embroideries, handkerchiefs, laces, corsets, worsteds, on Best Talent to There. In the evening Carlyle asked livered in Memorial Hall Thursday Stay a matter of course there has been an in- guished. the 10th Prof. G. C. me what I had been laughing at so evening by Puring- As to the source from which the noed- crease in the school of this population him tor of the class of 76, now principal of In a short time boisterously. I told him, expecting ribbons and toilet articles. ed supply of teachers is to be drawn, the district. comparatively passementeries, fringes, buttons, a condition of things will confront us at to be as much amused as I was. But that under the pres- ASK FOR superintendent says the West End, for the settlement of which philosophers,.! suppose, don’t like to be Tlie Tali Grass of Yucatan. ent it can be should be made. a assortment from which to regulations depended upon immediate provision laughed at by young brides, for he was In all lines you will find large The sisal grass of Yucatan is one of each not Both in the and for only five teachers year, grammar primary depart- as much disconcerted by the incident as A Bottle of* the most remarkable vegetable products ments at the West End school there will I.U Oil JJI> uumiiuu. JL v JO a beau of four' and tweffty.—C. Gavan in some- soon arise the as known. It grows long blades, a idea to introduce some make selections and just represented, probably good unity in [juicily nicviow. everything times to the length of four or five feet, teachers from other cities; hut there is a Absolute Necessity of New Booms iuE.A_C3rio and when the blade curds from in the that home tal- dry up general feeling city to accommodate tho of that school. to adver- should he The pupils We would call attention the BY' MAIL. side to side, making a cord which is ent preferred. question SAMPLES then is, how to train Ihis home talent. The nearest school is the Vaughan street tisement of Frank B. Clark in another stronger than any cotton string of equal This may be solved in two which is now crowded beyond column. He intends another de- size that ha3 ever been manufactured. problein primary, adding ways. (1) By remodelling the practice florists and its capacity. partment to his store, and offers special It is in great demand among school in accordance with a suggestion of various kinds “The committee urges the erection of this month to reduce stock to CLOTHES CLEANER among manufacturers made Miss Taylor, tlio principal, bargains by a new in tho district west of of but as soon as its valua- 10 instead of 5 shall be building make room for his new grass goods, whereby graduat- Grove and streets. In the event goods. known it will ed the so Vaughan ble properties become yearly. (2) By raising salaries, of the of this will have some in- adoption recommendation, Those of our readers who visit New nice article for uses which are now that good teachers A very removing have a thousand the present on Vaughan street ducement to remain in our schools, and building York should read the advertisement of undreamed of. Ropes, cords, lines of could be used for some other Grease anil Spots from Cloth- if we have occasion to go to other cities purpose.” and size be of exercise the Buckingham Hotel which appears in any description any may for we can the best talent. Systems physical varying Ac., without teachers, get with tlie countries of their loca- ing, Carpets, manufactured of it, and a ship’s cable As to salaries, the superintendent adoption, this morning’s issue. The rates, says have been examined by the committee. injury by following of sisal grass is one of the possibilities that our grammar school teachers re- tion, etc., make it a desirable place to on its belief in the superiority of of the future. It is almost ceive $425 and $450 a year, and our Acting when in the Directions. impervious pri- certain tiie committee has en- stop at the metropolis. school teachers $400 a For systems, to the action of salt water, and is not mary year. the services of Dr. Whittier of these salaries we to ob- gaged or meagre expect Bowdoin for the of in- readily decayed disintegrated by tain the services of educated and skill- College purpose MARRIAGES. moisture and heat, and will in time the teachers in the schools. IS Cts. ful teachers. We complain if our structing u most The Swedish and German have prove one of the valuable produc- schools are not to the standard of systems lu Yarmouth. March 9, by Eev. J. M. W. up been introduced into tlie below and tions of Central America.—St. Louis those where the salaries are fivm $600 to grades Pratt, George W. King Miss Persis F. Fogg, tlie school. both of Yarmouth. Globe-Democrat. $1000 a that our schools High year, forgetting The committee is unffnimous in recom- At Windham Hill, March 9. by Kev. J. If. are annually drained of their best teach- Aikins. Willis B. Chaplin of Naples and Miss Bottle. who are demon- Per that teachers of Standish. Plausible. ers because we do not pay them mending Lnella Batcheldc-r enough, bo Feb. Walter rv> oxm to keep them here. In view of these strating superior capabilities paid In Mechanic Falls, 21, Millett, Major d’Arlandes, like many another salaries commensurate with the work of Oxford anil Miss Sadie Cushman of Canton. FOR SALE IN ALL STORES. facts, I earnestly recommend that the At Lambert’s Lake, March 5 Stephen P. Gul- French soldier, was tired of waiting for are marl eod3m salaries of all those teachers who ave they doing. Hshan and Miss AlmaB. Conley. “PEARL and to dis- promotion opportunities now receiving less than $000 be raised In Kenduskeag, March 5, Wilbur H. Smith of m himself. He seized an MUSIC AND DRAMA. Kenduskeag and Miss Mabel M. Lee of Glen- tinguish oppor- $50 each. burn. m STREET tunity to enjoy a little excitement and The plan for increasing the efficiency In Portsmouth, N. II., March 9, Henry H. The Fair. at the same time to remind Louis XVI of the County Whitney of Idaho and Genevra F. Wildes of TfiMMnfYv,./! T»rtrv1 SIDE” of Ins baffled ambitions. Practice School A packed audience enjoyed the first ■ a balloon which last He made ascension, is to let it have five of the best teachers performance in this city evening at DEATHS. at that time was thought to be h very 1 onrl T’l-iAa+vA u'1'1ia Fail’ to be had, one for each class, with Miss is a picture not affair. The king promptly re- which lias attained such Til this March 10, oldest |||| risky as Admit to the school widespread citv. Lizzie, daughter Our new stock of Taylor principal. of Michael M. and Annie K. 3 Spring him for his rashness. series of Mitchell, aged proved ten teachers who are to serve one fame from its long performances 11 months 4 in black and “Your will I pupil years days. majesty pardon me, at Boston. In as of funeral Mgi without or with when Park Theatre, the play [Notice hereafter.] is to hope,” said the officer, “but the fact is year pay, pay only In tliis citv, March 10, William L. West, aged Paper Hangings ready act as substitutes in other schools. produced at the latter named theatre, 33 vears n months 8 days. white but in Wil- the minister of war has made me so they This would give about ten new teachers Mr. Neil of the [Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock, ||M! m tne air max 1 went Burgess’s personation at his late residence, No. 5 Cove street. exhibit. many promises up a year, probably enough. hearted Aunt with In tills March 10, Amanda A., widow of 1111 low and Rattan. to look for some of them.”—Paris Let- fussy, good Abigail, city, In regard to the late Clias. L>. Starbird, aged 52 and 7 her cheery humor and quaint years ter. Scliool homely, months. _ Houses, It Is the sayings, made the piece a success, assist- [Funeral this Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, at largest Tailless Cats. the superintendent notices in relation to her late residence. No. 97 Congress street. p|| LOSING, SHORT & HARMON. ed by the wonderful horse race, in which Burial at Lychiield Plain on Saturday. eodtf Conditions other than those of mere schools the fact assortment ever mar8 primary that, beginning Cold Molasses wins and lifts the mort- In this city. March lo, Mrs. Martha C. Horne, 81 10 months. ||if breeding seem to have much influence with the street primary and in- aged years Spring gage on the farm. In Jefferson, Klaw & [Notice of funeral hereafter. Boston and Bid- on the development of physical charac Park street. Brackett street and shown in Maine. cluding who the deford papers please copy.] ter in cats. In one authenticated case a MeLellan, there are four school houses Erlanger’s company, produced In Cape Elizabeth, March 10, Mary A. Robin- Sjgjlj which had lost her tail huddled together in close proximity. play last night, Miss Maria Bates as- son. can tabby, by having In East March 4, Sarah A. Tooth- You apprc- There is one more than is needed, the ca- of Aunt Harpswell, that appendage run over, gave birth in sumed the character Abigail aker, aged 42 years. pacity of the houses and the attendance Feb. B. Davis, her nest litter to three stump tailed kit- most successfully, and if her assumption In North Turner, 27, Whiting ciate the value being: formerly of Haekett's Mills, Poland, aged 73 tens out of seven. The Manx cat is not r was not as remarkable as Mr. 3 months. lp| Capacity. Attendance. perhaps years In Feb. 25, William Hall, aged 78 the tailless variety. In the Crimea it was in a Norway, off a selec- only Spring spreet.200 130 Burgess’s effort, owing great years. hirst another kind of cat which has is found Park street.350 210 measure to the fact that in the one case Ill Norway. March 1, Mrs. Lucy Houghton. GREAT MARK DOWN SALE. 250 W. 79 no tail. The domesticated Malay cat Brackett street.300 In Paris, March 3, George Cole, aged MeLellan.400 240 a man played a woman’s character, and can’t one-half years. mli tion, you! has a tail that is only about the In Woolwich, March 5, Joseph Mains, aged One of these, probably that on Spring in the other it was taken by a woman. usual length, and very often it is tied by 71 vears. street, may be abandoned at a saving of Still her met with the warm In March 8, Them Out knot which cannot personation Cambridge, Josephine Greeley, To Close nature in a sort of be which the widow of the late Moses P. Grant. $3000 yearly, superintendent of the audience. All the char- straightened out.—Interview in Wash- recommends. applause of funeral of the late John Smith will take — — Star. The West house will demand at- acters were well taken, including [The and ington school this afternoon at 2 from the place Friday o’clock, tention, it being old and likely soon to be course the hard hearted Solon, way- No. 3 Bond street. overcrowded. Therefore the building of ward but good hearted bright little a new scliool house is demanded. the who rides Cold MAKE BOOM FOR NEW Attention is called to the fact that our Taggs, Tim, waif, GOODS, and Otis Tucker. schools are still sadly deficient in geo- Molasses to victory, was much I Flowers graphical apparatus. The husking scene enjoyed, '£”£3? | Wc will sell regardless of DENNETT the Florist, 570 Street. and ( The Statistics. and the little tot who imitated Aunt Congress cost Ladies’ Gents’ Chil- jf dren’s Winter and Summer There are on the and islands 25 in the dances, with laughing city Abigail Hose and Hamburg Edgings. won the schools, 19 school houses and 162 teach- face and graceful manner, fairly THETRUE GENUINE added a lot of new best that We have The money, ers, 11 male and 134 female. hearts of the audience. The great horse Hamburg Edgings at cost to Sale attractive. 26 ex- The school population is as follows: race was well done. The effect was very make the science and years Sale will 1890. 1891. realistic. The horses urged to their ex- HUNGARIAN BITTER HER begin Thursday, can is IS THE CELEBRATED February lltli. perience produce Number between 4 and 5 treme speed, the flying panorama, all years of age, by school cen- one sus 901 659 lighted by the electric lights, gave Number between 5 and 8 the impression that they were looking years of age. 2,183 2,447 will The UNION MUTUAL LIFE IN- 3 & 8 15 on an The be re- DYER and race. CO. Number between actual play tela i of 4,788 SUItANCE COMPANY is now ill the eoptf_ years age. 4,897 of its Number between 15 and 21 peated tonight and Saturday. forty-third year existence. It more than of 4,158 Bottled to order at the Famous Spring in Bud- lias already paid Twenty- years age. 4,110 Stage Names of Opera Singers. Millions of Dollars to its apest and imported direct the New live policy- Hungary, by holders and their beneiiciaries and Total between 4 and 21 years It would be to see how England Agents, CUTLER BROS. & CO., interesting BOSTON. assets of more Ilian Six A school REWARD OF S25 It does of age, census, 12,030 Jobbing Druggists, possesses Powder. by 12,013 Importing Dollars and a Baking Children between 4 and 5 many opera have taken their To and dealers bottles free. Million large surplus is nereby offered by the Meg-antic Fish and singers physicians sample to are for the wherewith meet maturing liabilities. linmo for information leading to years of age not admitted names the names of Also agents justly celebrated Coiporation the most work and the best stage from places it of Osh or on to the public schools. water. o ietion any party taking game TBETHESDA Mivseree in the close season. where have lived or have made suc- efficacious in troubles of the Kid- :li Mcgantie work. Cake with it The number of in the schools is: they Wonderfully ,J. <). V.'OCDRUFF, President. made pupils and Bladder, as testified our best cesses. Emma Nevada and Mme. Albani neys by A. W. ROBINSON, Clerk. 1891. Physicians and many well-known citizens. See Attest; ___1890. two eodU aug'22 dlawSly moist and fresh. Whole number come at once to mind as prominent Descriptive Pamphlet. feb4eod4m jari24 keeps boys.3,527 3,526 I hands felt sad at the loss of the officer. I MISCEEEAKEOES._ JIISCEllASEOlIS. TO EET. LOST AND FOUND. DO YOU REMEMBER? Facts About Winter couldn’t help telling our skipper how cool Dairying. in EET—Furnished rooms to let at 71 Free truth is mighty and will was the whole Who says that there is not money ■* E. S. East •Do you remember how that night was sweet? Blue Fin through thing, TO St. Inquire between the hours of 9 and IifOUND.—“Thatprevail.” I wrote to Miss Orr. You called it sweet winter Tlie milk station: Maine. The grip left me a hopeless and something more af and when lie shoved the officers ahead dairying? 12._ 10-1 Harpsweil. well. and and helpless rheumatic cripple. Through her his own boat steerer third mate hereabout are now $1.40 ho rated paying mo EET—3 very desirable tenements of C advice I was and cured, Tho fine white moonbeams drifted at our feet quickly permanently hundred for milk de- X rooms each, §12, §10. and §18 A. HALL, Harbor, And nestled in and ordered Blue Fin to take charge of $1.50 per pounds prices per CAPTAIN M. Bootlibay each flower’s trembling bell. also for sale houses in all of the livered once a Tho value of cheap month; parts jje. _d&wll-4 the irons in his craft. day. J. C. WOODMAN IO0V2 Exchange St. The hollowed waves city. came creeping to th€ “I tell the was and efficacious food like silage now as- 8-10t sum of money in a store between beach. you hoy proud enough, streets: the owner can some of the IifOUND—APreble and Casco but he had nerve and of serts itself, although ship- r 180 And broke there with a joyous sound at last. good luck, both EET—On Cushing’s Island a cottage of have the same by calling on J. W. LAGG, stations claim not to milk five rooms lathed and with and paying Do you remember how there was no speech? which are everything to a whaler. This ping accept TO plastered Pearl street, proving property water closet and ot water, will he No need for that. Our heartbeats throbbed an derived from it. Tho cheese factories, good supply was destined to be unfortunate voy- let furnished or unfurnished. S. W. THAX- charges,_-1-1 too fast. now all found after of age for tho After Guards. The whales that havo about stopped opera- TKK. have many years _8-1 and something that A small white tions for the where whole milk ITiOUND—Isearching suffering, falling star shot through the were plenty in the Ochotsk sea, and season, EET—Avery pleasant and desirable lower will interest everybody suffering from dyspep- a divi- and to W. gray. there was hardly a day but what we was received paid their patrons TO rent of eight rooms, lias bathroom, gas sia. Call, or send your name and address You bid me “wish!” before it could depart; for furnace; everything in good order; good stable E. W. M AC B11IDE, No, 137 Cumberland street were in or out blubber. dend of over one dollar per hundred Do you remember how I answered, “Nay?” outing trying on the premises. No. lie WINTERS'!'. 8-2 Portland, milk for the three months. “CONFIDENCE BEGETS LOVE.” Me.__13-4 Because threre was no wish left in hr#',rt. “One afternoon the lowered past V my cap’n EET—A house on corner in the where —Cora cheese factories good pleasant only place city Fabbri. away for a whale. Our boat .was Dairymen jiatronizing and Clark with the sun all can of ‘right’ < Child. “Gran’ma, kiss me TOof Spruce sts., Found—Theyou get every description gold, close but where were allowed to skim at G. FOWLER. 5-1 silver and nickel done; we give special alongside, the skipper sung they MV Sister is but day. _ plating at good-night. asleep, attention to cleaning, repairing and refimshing home and deliver the skimmed milk or second out: we so love to hearyou tell of all TO LOAN—On first old plated ware, Kami plating on carriage to have made as on real estate, commercial ‘Don’t you meddle with him, he’s the factory, claim high the ladies that call you Mother.” MONEYmortgages, work, polishing, buffing, etc.; lowest prices THE YOUNG SKIPPER. paper or any good collateral securities. In- for line work; we guarantee satisfaction. fish.’ So of course we as per hundred, and even more, Mrs. Pinkham. Yes, 5-4 my hung back, $1.50 darling, quire of A. C.'LIBBY. 42V2 Exchange st. STEVENS, WOODMAN .Nil)., cor. Fore and to lend a hand in case out of their milk. when you are older perhaps you Union Sts. janl8tf only standing by modern conven- do as I done.” EET—Furnished rooms, Some months _ may have we were needed. ago dairymen barely got TO iences with sunny exposure at 457 CUM- Child. loves you, gran’ma; I wish would love me.” AGENTS. “Blue Fin a dart. He cents jier hundred out of their “Everybody everybody BERLAND ST.1-4 “Is that the chap we shipped under? made pretty seventy will love are more Mrs. Pinkiiam. Everyone you, my child, if they can he hasn’t a beard hurled his first iron about six feet aft milk, and now they getting mo EET—Two situated unfurn- "Why, grown yeti'” confide in pleasantly wanted for reliable life as much. of you.” __ .IL ished rooms with hot water radiators in “Nevertheless he is the of this the bow hole, and the other he than twice Feed, course, insurance, cheapest known; only 23 sin- skipper planted The tells its own even the little can he used or en suite; good bath WANTED.—Agents was as the cattle on above dialogue story; child, without each, singly assessments total since 1885. Reserve and a smart as in the as the fellow rolled. It was then cheap, grazed room in excellent hoard can Lie iiad near gle craft, right one, too, belly her is so sees in her face a house; no “endow- tho milk in knowing why grandmother universally loved, 31C ST.7-1 fund, responsible management, a death but before the whale be- a thousand hills, and flow by. Inquire at CONGRESS or you’ll find out if you cruise many months blow, light of intellectual sympathy that satisfies her. That sympathy has ex- ments,” “partnership policies,” any specular her.” to blood he his flukes the majority of cases was thrice v.’hat it the for mo BE LET—Tile residence of the live features. Liberal terms to canvassers; aboard of gan spout brought tended itself all-over world, wherever civilized women exist, Mrs. elegant not ic nrwtr JL late N. C. Sawyer, with a and beau- previous experience requisite. Correspon- “That but Pd rather see a around, the boat before the Pin?:li nm ic l-iinYCIl tin 1 reverfinr.nd. I I large AID may be, caught boys tiful lot, hedge, shade trees, etc. Situated at dence invited. PROVIDENT SOCIETY, To those who have not the conven- man on the quarter deck than a boy.” could back out of the way and stove Woodfords, corner of Deenng and Chestnut Portland, Me.jan20-8 y.Mimm streets, to church, stores and “What’s the if the has her to We in and iences for winter butter making here LYDIA E» PINKH AM’S handy schools, difference boy pieces. pulled picked cars. Would lease for a term of milk station offers a val- Is the only Positive Cur© anal Legitimate Remedy COMPOUND years; posses- MALE HELP. a man’s head on his shoulders? It the crew. I the ‘old man’ the shipping sion given ot A. up grabbed for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. immediately. Inquire ;E. uable substitute. To the of this of Female NOYES, at Portland Savings Bank, or S. M. isn’t always those who have lived the just as he was going down, and when I patrons It cures the worst forms Complaints, that, Bearing-down Feeling, Weak agent for Androscoggin of the Womb, Ovarian and all WATSON, at the Public Library.2-tf WTANTED—General in this world hauled him I saw that he was hurt system the housewife is nearly exempt Back, Falling and Displacement Inflammation, Troubles, V t County; position worth §2000 per annum longest that know the up Diseases of the Uterus or Womb, and is invaluable to the of Life. Dis- of Organic Change LET—One or two flats in No. 21 to right mail. Also two local agents at 810 per I and was unconscious* He was from the duties dairy work, and the solves and Tumors from the Uterus at an and checks to building most, as havo found out. Now here badly expels early stage, any tendency Portland rier. WM. SHEA, G week and commission. Call on or after Taes as much as could be obtained Cancerous Subdues Faintness, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, TO Enquire are and we have been smashed in a manner and milk brings Humor. Excitability, Danforth street. oct7-tf day. March 15, at office of MUTUAL you I; following up frightful and and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General In cases strengthens Debility, Indigestion, RESERVE, Room 1,17OV2 Middle street, cor. never recovered. from butter making. many whole For the cure of of either the sea these twenty yekrs, and I’m not etc.-, and invigorates the system. Kidney Complaints sex, Exchange, Portland. 11-tf also where there are butter makers the Ibis* mo rival. b!EbO LET. afraid to say that we could handle a “Next morning at eight bells we poor Compound All sell it as a standard article, or sent by mail, in form of Pills or wanted — Cabinet of the at home the milk nets more than it Druggists vessel in any weather, but if we were launched the dead body captain Lozenges, on receipt of LYDIA E. PINKHAM MED. CO.. LVNN. MASS. I Woodworkersmakers and good carpenters for hard- made Floor with heat ali, second floor. 11-1 of the One man the at this period who has LORING, street, “Well, I’ll tell you, mate, when we world, I suppose. dairyman feb 29 d2w cows in milk and has a of or Bill one of mounts to a position through the death good grade call at your store house get below,” replied Becket, casii for old to food on which to E. WANTED—Toand pay you rags, barrels, the boat steerers of the of another, just as a new ship is built produce it.—George FEMALE HELP. metals of all kinds. If whaling ship Wowoll rtf XTow Vnrlr in Ampripan iron, rubbers, bottles, 'Grampus, which had just left her home take the place of a craft that has found you have any of tiic above please drop me a Address C. B. WISH 58 Hanover a bed on the rocks.’ tivator. experienced lady composi- postal. port for a three years’ cruise in the Par NEW FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC street, WANTED—Antor: work. SMITH & SALE, city.11-ltf a deal of trnth in steady vine. ‘Yes, there’s great 45 Exchange street.9-1 WIT AND WISDOM. milliner who can trim and “It was this Bill that what you say, Bill. But how was it season. Address way,” began girl for general housework at WANTED—Asell: good wages; long or CHENERY & same evening in the “dog watch” when that your cap’n’s loss rated Blue Fin WANTED—A113 Winter street. MRS. STEPHEN E. D. WADE. Dover, Mo., Baseball in Africa. BERRY.9-1 CO., 241 Middle street, City.10-1 he and his companion Tom, who was skipper?’ “ Dress Goods! til ANTED—To buy, in the western or cen- a ‘He wasn’t in sense of wi'iwiwpiy ... for housework at also boat steerer. were skipper every girl general T T tral of citv a house suitable for two leaning idly BLAN- part, the but ’twas this The offi- WANTED—A234 State St,, MRS. HENRY families. HOUSE” Box 078.10-1 over the weather rail,- gazing out on the word, way: CHARD. 8-1 vast expanse of waters over which their cers that were left were the same as you purchase a gentleman’s sec- ond hand invalid chair. Address “T” vessel was before a fair wind. and I—good sailors and good whalers— WANTED—To bounding MISCELLANEOUS. this office._ 10-1 “It’s little over four now since I but they knew nothing of navigation. years from 900 to 1000 Blue of all our was the There has never been a season like this, in onr 20 years exper- the best hens \\TANTED—Horse, weight joined the Race Horse down in one of Fin, company, wanting laying Tr sound and roader and ience. IMPORTERS and JOBBERS have made a great ANYONEaplease call on S. Young at 105 Greet St, lbs.; kind, good I had run one who could handle a driver, safe for to handle; afraid of the Kanaka islands. away only quadrant OF DRESS FABRICS as I nave the black minorcas which lay 91 good anyone SLAUGHTER in PRICES FIRST CLASS nothing; stand anywhere without hitching; or “work a As I the eggs in 100 days; I keep the best other breeds; from another ship and had ‘beach up sight.” said, from the 30 We can can from 0 to 8 old. J. C. 25 Cottom opening prices days ago. safely say, yon I also guarrantee to make hens lay in 9 days. years WARD, combed’ it for whales were plenty, and we didn’t want those We did not make our GREAT (nautical parlance tramp), at least save 1-4 from prices. __10-1 st5-jJ until I a chance in the Race Horse. to leave the grounds till the ice drove us DRESS GOODS purchase until last week, and now we are pre- to know that no one has 5*uu- got famous Blush of Roses posi- for we were so we to show NEW SPRING DRESS of and WANTED—Alltliority to procure stock of kind Ain We were north to cruise in the out, making money, pared you GOODS, foreign cures blackheads any going LADIES—Thetively pimples, freckles, my name fr om this date. Those holding billir* finished oUr and when we reached domestic snake, at less than the manufacturers’ prices for and moth and all skin or re- Ochotsk sea. The skipper was before cruise, prices diseases, money against me will please present, them inside the same, in the season. The cause of the great Auction Sale funded by the proprietor. Miss Flora A. Jones, THOMAS 30 Cotton the mast then; he was a that didn’t Honolulu were full to the hatches with early thirty days. FLAHERTY, chap of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC BLACK DRESS GOODS, was the South Bend, Indiana. Sold by all DRUGGISTS. street. March 4, 1892.5-1 have to see a done more than twice oil and bone. 7-1 thing over production on the market and 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT for before he could do it himself. “There was some talk of shipping persons in want of trunks or cash, governed the large purchases. PICTURES! Those in want of a WANTED—Allbags to call at E. D. REYNOLDS, 550 man the vessel for a amount of “I handled the harpoons in the mate’s another to take home, Our Stock of NEW BLACK DRESS GOODS from this last pur- PICTURES!good picture, small money, and 558 Congress street, corner of Oak; as, we do well to call on us. Pictures but the and the American consul and in assortment of the would framed, manufacture our goods, and can therefore give boat, and little Blue Fin, as we called agent chase, is very large complete popular and skates aud skate Plush goods albums, you bottom prices; trunks repaired; open ‘If that man knew of E. D. our cap’n that is now, pulled the bow said, young enough styles today. straps. REY'NOLDS, Cor. Oak and Con- evenings until 9.iani3.1t gress streets. 2-(i oar in the same craft. One to the craft safely out of the morning, bring to buy from $1000 to $15,- a little after the lookout Ochotsk sea, he knows enough to find 000 worth of cast-off clothing; I nay the just daylight, SI LKS. EDUCATIONAL. NOTICE—Wanted to Bedford.’ highest cash price, tor ladies’ dresses, gents' in the crosstrees raised a school of sperm his way New They just Silks of all kinds, fake their place among the many desirable and children’s clothing, and gents’ winter over- whales. We had a stiff breeze engaged another mate ‘by the run’ who coats call, or address letter or to S. pretty new are ; postal fabrics this season. The spring colorings very attractive 97 Middle the before and the sea was still was a navigator, and gave the boy WESTBROOK SEMINARY LEVI, street.auglOtt night and the are within reach of all bargain seekers. of the prices running high. We lowered away, how- charge ship. and. Female College, WAITED. f ever, our three boats—mate’s, second “We made a quick passage around DEERINO, MAINE. men to solicit orders tor Sections', mate’s and third’s.” the Horn, and the owners were so much The on to my curves. Competent Boa—Say, get for steam boiler s TRIMMINGS. Term March 15th and Plastic Coverings pipes, take with Blue Fin that The Traveler he his re- Spring opens Tuesday, etc. Permanent to ‘I’ll that fellow up to wind’ard,’ pleased they gave (as empties and continues for fourteen weeks. For further Territory given good parties with chance to make an excellent salary. I called our as he to a him command of the Race Horse on the volver)—Good! But how do you like are Jet Silk and Passementeries. in and Th|s officer, pointed big There and Headings Gimps particulars catalogues, address, is an old established bust ess ill tile West bvit > on and Black A. Me. whale that was playing around on the next voyage, and while away that my inshoots?—Life. all colors and Riack. Fcatherinc in colors Black. A. B. ALLEN, M., Deering, new in New England. Address. mar7 dlw of cruise built him this one the Cords and Braids. Extra line line of Buttons, Jet Nail MANVILLE COVERING CO., outside the school, as though he was they here, Fringes, R. I. Every mother should keep Ayer’s Cherry Pec- Heads and Colors. PROVIDENCE, placed there to protect the cows and Grampus, and that’s how the lad be- mar8 toral In ease of croup and sudden colds. No trouble to show goods and samples cheerfully given. _lw calves that were huddled together in the came snipper so young, il goes to prove I a moments middle from any danger. the truth of what said few “I ask for no retention fee,” FOB SALE. Counsellor ‘Look out. Bill.’ savs the mate to me ago, that ‘It’s not always gray hairs Quoth O’Cuirk, ‘•No money, sir, unless it be SALE—Ail the furniture and fixtures cover the wisest head.’ A is as he stood grasping the steering oar. which boy Reward for honest work. jpHWNES FOBin IIAY’S eating saloon for sale cheap if called for at onoe. 188 Federal St. 10-1 ‘Look out, man, and don’t miss him. sometimes more fit to command than a I am not of the kind who grasp There’s a hundred man who has seen twice or thrice his brick and good barrels there.’ A farmer’s hard-earned pence AH. SALE—Four story building HANSON G. on street, known as a ^RABI lot situated there’s Temple ‘Ay, ay, sir,’ said 1. ‘Lay me on number of years.”—Trne Flag. Before given single gasp LARRABEE, FOR Of thought for such expense.” the Merchants Exchange Hotel, now running as close enough and Fll drive both “irons” Cor. Cross Street. such. Contains 40 rooms, all the modern im- to 246 Middle Street, finished in hard into him clear to the beckets.’ Making Lightning Order* He tried the case and won the same, provements, fine large office And when it did befall wood; can be made one of the best paying “There was no bnt Professor Elihu Thomson, the Lynn, danger what he’d A thousand for his client came, pieces of property in Portland; price low; terms claims to have dis- He retained it all. Balsam of A. C. LIBBY, i2Va Exchange do it, for the fellow didn’t know what it Mass., electrician, just One of the Best Medicines Evei easy. Inquire —Boston Courier. street.9-1 was to be afraid of a whale. I wam’t covered the knack of making lightning. Invented for The invention is at of more SALE—The furniture and will of going to take any chances, so I waited present Baby cried, good PERFECT AND MEDIATE BELIEF I.AOKfile trade of the “Blanchard House,” situa- till the boat abnost touched the scientific than practical interest, Me. This big Mother sighed, IN CASES OF PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. ted at No. 20 Free street, Portland, there will be of prac- is a rare opportunity to purchase a well fur- brute, then 1 let fly both harpoons, one although plenty This excellent is the most compound achieving nished house of 25 or more rooms, first class tical uses for it The Doctor Castoria! signal who have occur after another, and ‘Stem all.’ eventually. pro- prescribed: triumphs, astonishing many and located. Persons desirous of snng out, 8ion to use it by the certainty with which it relieves centrally When the were so as to fessor has succeeded by very simple them of their sufferings, both externally and intern* purchasing are invited to call at the house any boys backing where can examine and receive means in Clara (speaking of Spriggs, who is stuck on rlly. It is safe and certain in its action. afternoon, they the whale room to I went aft securing extremely potential full information in to same. MRS. T. give play, For Burns, Enjs: regard In an arc electric the himself)—I’ve some news to tell you, Mattie. Poisoning, 'las, Inflammation SHORT.8-1 to change places with the mate, and he discharges. lamp o/ the Eyes or Bowels, Earache, deafness, Eheumc, of an Spriggs is going to marry! tism. Pains in Side, Back o> Moulders, walked forward to his station in the bow carbons are three-eighths inch Piles, SALE Trous- Mattie—And has he really fallen in love with Sore Throat, Croup or Bronchitx Spring Suits, Overcoats, and in a search a little ers. etc., at reasonable to kill the fish with a lance. apart, light another? the inconstancy of man! I FOR very price. Foreign Oh, Price and at a!, anil Domestics Woolens constantly kept on farther. The flame when are wouldn’t have believed he could himself — 25c. $1 druggists. “Now this whale was one of those they sep- forget hand and made up in the latest styles and the so soon!—Boston Transcript. kind of fellows that takes his medicine arated acts as a conductor. E. MORGAN best of workmanship. FRED W. GKOSSTUCK, In Professor Thomson’s how- aTsONS, Prop’s, Fashionable Tailor, 10 Free street, up one easy at first, bnt fights like fury before machine, “In my case of rheumatism Ath-lo-pho-ros FKQVIDEMUB. K. I. flight, Portland. 5-1 he h’ists his red He didn’t ever, the distance is eight inches, and has worked miracles. I used but one bottle.” flag. ‘sound,’ aplb eod&wly SALIC UK TO LET—A ni’SIC'asS nOUSO no flame can so far. The result is S. Hartwell 76 Belmont (AUK bnt lay and wallowed for a minute or leap --(Rev.) Pratt, Ave., JT in brick block on Cumberland street near of are thrown oil Mass. contains 10 in first class con- two, then began to swing ’round so as to the torrents sparks Springfield, City Hall; rooms, without and with JAPANESE dition, with all modern improvements; been get sight of ns. interruption reports The New Butler—Av ye plaze, sor, I’ll aave occupied by present tenant 10 years; very the of a or a desirable for or for ‘He’s going to give ns a tussel,’ call- lil^e rattling Gatling gun me month’s wages, accordin’ till the agray- private family boarding house. Addr ess l‘. O. BOX 1435, city. 5-1 ed the mate. case of fire crackers. The strength of ment. “ to that? You haven’t been SALE—A fine toned Hardman he’s a L the discharges appear be limited only Employer—What’s upright ‘Ay, ay, fighter,’ says be sold at a with me 30 FORpiano; but slightly used; will ! I by the space of the machine.—Cor. St. days. more than ONE HUNDRED different STYLES 5-1 “Then caught sight of Blue Fin’s Butler—Oi came on the twintieth of lasht We show today bargain. Address “A. H. B.,” Press Office. Globe-Democrat. PJLE other were Lonis month. face. All the chap3 glancing SALE—Two in first and SHADES in 1 Hoisting Engines; shoulders and to order. loli. J. WILL A over their beginning Butler—An’ isn’t this the timh of IAOKclass Apply 3D, Care of Plants. Febroory? No. 50 Commercial street.0-4 get a little shaky, but he sat on his An’don’t twiuty an’tin make 30?—Pittsburg CURE Care should be exercised at this sea- Bulletin. SALE—The fine residence, No. 41 "thwart with his hand the for Piles of whatever grasping oar, A Guaranteed Cure Thomas street. Modern and first class in son of the year not to overwater your or Internal, Blind or FOR as and unconcerned as if he The most grizzly and faded beard can be col- kind degree—External, its of S. B. KELSEY, just quiet Chronic, Recent or Heredi- appointments. Inquire plants, as vegetation is inclined to be at ored Bleeding, Itching, No. 243 Commercial street.janl2-tf were in a skiff on a mill pond, and not beautifully by Buckingham's Dye. FANCY DRESS AND YIMOU This has positively never been tary. remedy a standstill. It is better to the SILKS, <> boxes for SALE—3 extra finished keep to a fine within half a cable’s length of a mad known fail. $1.00 box, $5.00; express She had been trying for twenty minutes mail on receipt of price. A ? with built for the Ontario roots partially dry while in this resting in all the fabrics. sent by prepaid ITtORwagons tops, bull sperm that threatened to send him to entertain him with the gossip of the neigh- leading written Guarantee positively given to each Express Co. by “The. Abbott. Downing Co.,” of _3 1 •_ "_i.. TV__T__1 1_1_ condition. Sprinkling the foliage of of 6 when at one and now will be rea- IW boxes, purchased Concord, N. old at t-U1U JUJ ouipuuiuvu JWMII J V VUVU AUOiLOl borhood. purchaser H., plants three or four times daily will be Elegant Rich BENGALINE SIEKS, Beautiful CHANGEABLE time, to refund the $5.00 paid if not cured. sonable price; also 2 sets new express har- at any minute. “Aw, Miss Quickstep” he said, “cawn’t we— Guarantee issued by IV. W. WHIPPLE & nesses. seen at A. G. SAWYER’S STABLE, found beneficial.—Daisy. 151 ‘Stand by to jump,’ called the mate. aw—talk aliput something fwesh?” SILKS, MORIE and BROCHE SILKS. CO.. Wholesale and Retail Agents, Mnnu corner Market and Federal Sts. 8-1 "Why, yes. Mr. De Swellnut,” she answered, ment Square, Portland, Me. oct28eodtf ‘He’s for us.’ SALE—A three house coming Not a of Genius. with:an engaging smile. “Tell me all about Real DRESS Rich PRINTED story yielding Sign CHINA SILKS, SILKS, §480 annum for the rental; lot 6700 “Nov/ you know there’s no boat quick yourself. How do you manrge to pass the tune IAOK per By all means let the letter writers these dull days?”—Chicago. Tribune. sq. ft,, with a frontage of about 86 ft.; to out of the way of a whale line TRIMMING SILKS 32 inch an from an investor, has 10 enough get come to Uncle Sam’s assistance im- Magnificent opportunity by rooms. BliNJAMINN SHAW £51 Vis Exchange. when he makes a rush, so the only thing All who desire to avoid imposition and be proving their chirography and relieving SCARF SILKS, __8-1 to do is to leave her. The other men &u.red, should insist on having Pond’s Extract, the dead letter office of superscriptions AFTER EATING. ~1 A OR SALE—A treatment for Nervous de- sprang to their feet, but the boy still sat put up only in bottles, with our landscape trade- that can’t be deciphered. The notion ---- I bility or Bright’s Disease, without stomach there and I to think he was para- mark, on surrounding buff paper. I A HEARTY safe and sure. I. Port- began is a of medicine; FRIEND, that illegible penmanship sign DINNERj Me. lyzed with fright. you have that feeling of distress, or perhaps i land, _7-1 to are a sufferer from ♦ “ genius deserves be dissipated.—Bos- :: you Heartburn, Acidity, ‘Stand to Blue 1 George—Say, John! You’ve been married or kindred Stom- t SALE—One new 3 up jump, Fin,’ ton Herald. Gastric Pressure, Indigestion express wagon, several years. How much does it cost a couple ■ acli Troubles; if so, t IAOKsprings; one second hand, 3 springs; 2 called. ‘And when you go leap straight 2Concord to live? beacli wagons, side springs; wagons; for the beggar, and not from him.’ Glass to Hold Vinegar. TRY DR. BRONSON’S 1 box wagon, side springs, built by Zenas John—Hard to strike an average, George. and Martin Pennell; one “The lad smiled and nodded his head, berer keep vinegar or yeast in stone Thompson extension Sometimes it costs all I can rake and scrape PEPSIN TROCHES! top carryall; also several family horses and and his oar from crocks or their acids attack the and and sometimes it costs some nice at 697 FER- standing up, unshipped jars; borrow, hardly any- 25 cents pairs Congress street, and faced thing. Thev will cure you. per box, 5 boxes t NALD & SAWYER.7-2 the thole pin, held it ready glazing, which is said to be poisonous. ; for $1.00. Of druggists or by mail. f “That's queer. How docs that happen?” about. Glass for either is BRONSON CHEMICAL CO., Providence, R. I. Passenger and Freight Steamboats for better.—Exchange. “Sometimes we’ve got a girl and sometimes * “Then the whale started. we have n’t.”—New fork Weekly. J Sale. L. 90 tons net; M. E. the mate. Expansion of Zinc. Wagner, Dickerman, ‘Jump!’ yelled 127 tons net. For description and price apply to “Tho nest instant we were all floun- Zinc expands up to the melting point. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will remove that tired, M. K. KING, General Manager. dec 16 ood2wtc dering around in the water, while the A bar of hammered zinc six inches long feeling, and give new life and energy. febl9eod2m.Norfolk, Va. CREAM tl.e Kasai hull the boat in his mouth, will expand 1-100 of an inch in raising HH|l i-ELY'S l 13*‘ns caught Tramping Jake—It's getting to be too hard Passages, Aiiays ain and Inliammation, ni'V^ 1 IIAYES TOOL COMPANY FOR SA.LE 2 crushed it to and sounded. the 100 F.—New York pieces temperature degs. work to pick up a livin' in this country. Ef it MANUFACTURERS OF- -THE- “The third who killed Journal. mate, liajl just wasn’t so fur away, I’d go to Central Ameriky. Hayes Patent Tube Expanders, Pipe Hies, so he V Tube Sheet one small chap, was not far away, There A man don't hev to do nothin’ there. Whole Centers. Cutters, ^Vcadian Hotel, aro people who never give away Parallel Depth came and ns but the covered with bananas. Nothin’ Wedges, CASX1NE, ME. picked up—all milk until skim and country’s to do Gauges, &c. any after they it, but under a tree all an’ Nearly new, and well furnished mate; we never saw him afterward. He lay day eat bananas. through- then they want credit for cream. Busty Eufe—Got to pick ’em oil’ll the trees, FINE TOOL WORK A SPECIALTY. out ; lias 53 guest rooms ; is finely located, must have been fouled in the lines and hain’t ye? and specially adapted t» Summer Guests. It is too had to half of a short life “Course.” or ms.il. 58 General Machine Work Attended To. Owing to decease of a owner it will gone down. spend dis- fey SLY BKOS., Wwicu 3U, Promptly large be tressed with neuralgia, when a 23 cent hottle of “1 knowed ther’ was some drawback.”—Chi- & sold cheap. Address ef. E. MOORE, all 41 43 CROSS STREET, PORTLAND, “We got two out of the school, but Salvation Oil will cure it quickly. cago Tribune, mails eocl&wly mars dim jau22FM&Wtf Xhomaston, file. RAILROADS. 1892.—The almanac, march 11. STEAMERS. RAILROADS. Delaware. Lackawana & West. 100 159% SAVANNAH, Mch. 10, Cotton miniature 7-loc. DenverS Rio Graude. 18,,<- 18 market is easy; middling 6 Sun rises .,.6 02 High water Erie. 33% 33' 10.1892.—The Cotton market & BOOTHBAY STEAM- LINE. MOBILE,Mch. « 4 On ROYAL BLUE Boston & SVSaine R. R. Erie preferred.. 76% 76% 0 of 11 Height tide in PORTLANDBOAT CO. Winter Arrangements. is easy; middling 7-16c. Length days. £6 j g World -. 5 8 ft 8 in Nov. Str. will Finest and Safest Trains in the Illinois Central.106% 106% Cotton Moon sets _(. and after Monday, 2, Enterprise 1891. Mch. 10.1892.—The mar- a. In Effect October 4, Ind., Bloom & West. MEMPHIS, leave East Boothbay every Monday at 7.15 ket is quiet; middlings 6V2C. for at So. Bristol and BETWEEN— Lake Erie & West. 26% 20% m., Portland, touching WESTERN DIVISION. Lake Shore.134V8 134% Harbor. Every Wednesday, leave New York, Baltimore and news Boothbay Philadelphia, for of Products in the Louis & Nash. 75% 75% Franklin Wharf, Portland, at 8 a. in., for Hound Washington Trains leave Portland (Union Station) Quotations Staple Foreign Markets. 10.15 a. Manhattan Elevated.114 114 Pond, touching at Boothbay Harbor. Every Scarboro Beach, Pine Point, 7.00, Hound Pond at 7 a. m. for -VIA— 3.30, 5.15. 6.15 p. m.; Old Orchard Beach, Michigan Central.112% 113' -. PORT OP PORTLAND. Thursday leave 111., (By Telegraph.) Biddeford. 8 45. 10.15 a. 12.40, Markets. Minn. & St. Louis. 9% 0% Portland, touching at Boothbay Harbor. Every Saco, 7.00, ill., Leading 95 15-lGd 6.15 m.; 7.00, 8.45 Minn. & St. Louis 20 LONDON, Mch. 10,1892—Consols THURSDAY, Friday leave Portland at 8 a. m. tor Boothbay, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW 3.30, 5.15, p. Kennebunk, pfd.!20 March 10. JERSEY, 6.15 Wells Mi uri Pacific. 01% 61 for money and 96d for the account. So. Bristol, East Boothbay and Pemaquid. a. in., 12.40, 3.30, 5.15, p. m.; Arrived. a. 5.15 North New 138% Mch. 10, 1892.—The Cotton 'Weather permitting. No freight received after PHILADELPHIA & READING R. Beach, 7.00, 8.45 m., 3.30, p. m.; .fersey Central.13S% LIVERPOOL, R., Great Falls, Dover, 8.45 a. Northern Pacific common. kVa 23% market is dull: middling 3 sales 8,000 Kremlin, Bray. Boston, to.load for 7.45 a. m., on day of leaving, Berwick, 7.00, H-lfd: Barque 5.15 m Rochester, Farm- Pacific 67% 68 bales: and loOO b ,cs. marldtf ALFRED EACE, Manager. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. m., 12.40, 3.30, p. ; Northern pfd. speculation export 8.45 a. m.. Stocks and Bonds—Money^ Easy Steel ins Noun western.120% 120% ington, Alton Bay, Wolfboro, LIVERPOOL, Mch. 10. 1892.-Quotath,,is— All trains vestibuled from end to end, lighted by Worcester, (via Great v>: ihwestern 144 S®»-B»So^°annah- 12.40, 3.30 p. ill.; Exchange Quiet and Steady Governmeni pfd.144 Winter Wheat 7s 11®7s UVad; Sprmj Wheat car service. 7.00 a. ni.; Manchester New York Central.117 116% PACIFIC MAIL STLIBIIIP C03IPAAY gas. Unequaled dining Falls and Rochester] at Mixed' American Corn 4s 9d. South Newmarket Bonds Dull and Steady—Railroads New Clu & St-Louis. 19% 19 8s®8s y2d; and Concord (via Junction) Quiei York, go — TIME TABLE NOVEMBER 15, 1891. Cheese 67 s. Perth —. LINE FOB a. 3.30 8.45 a. do 77 77 Amboy-coal to 7.00 m., p. m.; (via Lawrence) Firm—Stocks Closed and Firm pfd. ^SohClar* Gregory, Newmarket Exeter, Hav- and Quiet Ohio & Miss. 21% 21 Leave New York from foot of Liberty street, ill.; So. Junction, Lawrence, Boston, t7.00, Out. & Western. 20% 20% Market. NewYork-coalto Central and South North ltiver. erhill, Lowell, At New York, yesterday, money was easy Portland Wholesale SSc6hejm“annL M0&tt?R0m China, 3.30 m. North American. 10Vs 15% California, Japan, For Philadelphia at 4.30, 7.45, 9.00, 10.00, t8.45 a. 111., $12.40, p. from 1 8.30 a. 1.00, ranging @2 per cent.; last loan 2, clos Pacific Mail. 36% 30% PORTLAND. Mch. 10, 1892. ^Soh3 EUza^Levenseller, Kellar, New York— America and Mexico, 11.30 a. m., 1.30, 2.15, 3.30. 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, Boston for Portland, 7.30, m., 2 cent. 188 7.30 m„ 12.15 Sundays 9.00, 4.00 p. m. ing per Prime mercantile paper quotec Pullman Palace.188 The are of p. night. following to-day’s quotations Grain, 1 Trains from Union Station, for Bos- Reading. 4% 64 Boston, to load lor New York. From New pier foot of Canal stre'et, 10.30, 11.30 a. m., 1.30, 3.30, 5.00, 6.00 p. Sunday at 4@5per cent. Sterling Exchange was quiei 0°SehVary?frotm York, 4.15 m. Rock Island. 89Vs 89% Provisions, Produce, etc.: North River, for San Francisco via The Isth- ; m.. 12.15 night. ton and way stations, 12.55. p. and with actual business in bankers steady St. Louis & San Frail. Flour. Groin. Sell crMlitGtihnore!XThoinpson, Camden—lime mus of Panama. For Baltimore and Washington daily at 9.00, EASTERN DIVISION. hills at 4 tor 4 foi do & car lots. with earl a. 1.30, 3.30, din- 85l/h 60-day bills and 87Ya pfd. Superfine Corn, 67@38 For Japan and China, (11.30 dining m.; From Union Station. For Cape Eli^ do 1st. low 00 Corn, Dag lots.. 58@59 cod ing car 5.00 p. m., 12.15 night. a. 6.00 rates at 4 88. Commer- grades.4 75@5 Ich a noon, 9.00 a. m.; Amesbury, 9.00 m., demand; posted 86^4 lots. with NEWPORT sails March 10, cars on trains on St. Paul ./-77% 78Vs X Spring & Meal, bag 56®57 Seh Marathon, shore, 20,000 lbs fish. Thursday, Parlor day Sleepers night Biddeford, Portsmouth, Jfewburypor cial bills were at 4 84% g4 87. Governmeni lots.. Brannon Sts. trains. do pfd.127% 127% XXTpring.5 00@5 25 Oats.car .42®43 Cleared. From San Francisco, 1st and lem, Lynn, Boston, (f2.00 a. ni. daily) t9.. were Railroads were St. Minn. & 113 Oats, lots. Tickets via this line are on sale at principal bonds dull and steady. Paul, Mann.112% PatentSprng bag ,45®47 (Br) CITY OF PEKING sails Saturday, March 12, in., (§1.00 p. m. daily) tG.OO p. m. St. Paul & Omaha. 48 48% Wheat. Cottonseed, Steamship Sarnia, Conch, Liverpool— Railroad offices throughout New York and New a. in quiet and firm. ..$55/s@5% 3 p. m. Boston fcr Portland, 7.30 a. m.. ($9.00 uo 117 Mich, car lots.. 26 50®S27 pfd.116% str’ght St For Freight, Passage, or general information England. daily) 12.30 p. in., (*7.00 p. m. daily.; In the stock market after 12 o’clock trading Texas Pacific, new. 10 10 bag lots.. $28®29 00 D&lirAda G&Shortland. McIntyre. John, NB, Boston office, 211 street. roller._$5Vs@5 & Co. apply to or address the General Eastern Agents. Washington shrank to the smallest proportions in the gen- Union Pacific. 46% 47% clear do.. .4%®5 10 Sacked Br’n to load for New York—Gallagher dec22 dtf E Ludlam, Whelpley, St E. A." ADAMS & CO., STREET STATION. confor- U. S. Express. 48 48 StLouis st’gt car lots.. $21@22 00 Seh Sallie John, NB, FROM COMMERCIAL eral list. Fluctuations were strictly in New York—Gallagher & Co. St. Louis & Pacific .. 12% rooler .... 50 bag lots.. $23®24 00 to load for 115 State Cor. Broad St., Boston. 4.40 Wabash, 13% 6*S>@5 Street, STEAMERS. For Portsmouth ami way stations, p. mity with the business done, and a few special- do 29% clear do... 5 37 00 Seh Helen G King, Britt, Calais, with part dtf ISLAND pfd. 295% 25®5 Middlings.. $22®2 & Co. jelO m. tConnects with Kail Lines for New York, ities filled the breach with the usual animation Western Union. 88 87% Wnt’r wheat hag lots.. $23®20 00 of inward cargo—Gallagher South and West. Trust. 5 50®5 provisions. Sell C M Gilmor, Thompson, Port Clyde—J H for them; decided strength was manifested. Sugar 88% 87% patents... 75 Casco Bay Steamboat Company, ^Connects with Sound Lines for New \orlt. do pfd. Fish. Pork, Bks.15 25®16 00 Blake. Division from North Berwick Sun- rose and to after {Western Tenn. coal rapidly steadily 50, Richmond ■ 15 26 Sell Woolsey, Rogers, Rockland and & West Point. 13V8 13% Cod—Large clear.. 50@15 Charley CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF. days only. selling at 47. do pfd. 66 66 Shore .... 6 75@7 00 short ctslo 25®15 00 New York—master. BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA, Division from Dover. INTER TIME TABLE, commencing Mon- •Western Stock Oregon Nav. 87 87 Small do.. 5 00@5 25 Beef,extra SAILED Schs Catawamteak, Gov J Y Smith, v' tickets to all South and West Transatactions at the Exchange aggre- DIRECT LINE. November 1, 1891: Through points Pollock .... 3 25®4 25 mess... 8 00@ 825 Freeland. STEAMSHIP day, street. 219,600 shares. Mary Leave Portland for Forest Peaks for safe at Union Station, Congress gated *Ex-div. Haddock.. .3 25@3 50 plate. .1000®10 50 City Landing, JOHN W. Island, 5. 6.45, 8.00 a. 6.10 p. m.; SANBORN, Hake.2 00®2 50 ex-plate.10 50® 11 00 FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. 45, in., 2.15, Acting Gen. Man., Boston. Retail Grocers' Sugar Rates. Boston Produce Market From Boston every Wednesday and Saturday. for Little and Great Diamond, Trefetlien’s and Herriiig,box ILard.tubs. GV<® 71,6 HARBOR, March 3—Sid, sells D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. and T. A., Boston ■ BOOTHBAY 8.00 a. Scaled.... 14®18ci tierces... G @ 73/s Long Island, in., 2.15.j>.m. Gen. at Portland. Portland market—cut loaf 5 ’Ac jconfectioners’ Mch. are 1 Massasolt,, Baltimore; King Phillip, do; Maggie From and M. L. WILLIAMS, Agt. BOSTON. 10,1892.-The following Mackerel, bl pails.... 6%®11 Philadelphia every Tuesday Friday. C. IV. T. CODING, dtf to-dav’s ete. Willett, New York for St John. NB; George E General oct3 7c; pulverized, 6e; powdered, 6c; granulated, quotations of Provisions, Produce, Shore ls..$ 24@.$26| pure leaf.loyi®ll From Wharf, Boston, 3 p. m. From oct30dtf Manager._ cuts 00 short cuts at Dale, Calais for New York; Radiant, Boston for Long Cc; coffee 3c. Pork—Long 00@14 50; Shore 2s..S 16®>$18|Hams .. .10‘/i@10% Pine Street at 3 p. m. In- crushed, 3%c; yellow, 00 backs at 16 lean lends Belfast; Nevada, do for do; Julia A Decker, Wharf, Philadelphia, 00@14 75; 00@00 00; Med. 3s...l3 00®814l docovTd.il ®llv-. surance one-half the rate of vessel. 00 Rockland for Saco; Sarah Eaton, St Andrews, sailing at 001115 00; pork tongues 17 00; butt pork 3s.. < Oil. the K. and Railroad Receipts. Large Crescent, for New York. Freights for the West by Penn. It., HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO, Portland & Worcester Line. Produce. I Kerosene, Port- NB; South by connecting hues, forwarded free of PORTLAND, Mch. 10. Hams at 10'/2c; small do lie; pressed hams Cue bush. .2251 land ref. 6% Cran’s, pet... EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. commission. and after Nov. steamer MERRY- Maine Central R. R.—For Port 1114c. Pea Beans.. 2 15 2, 1891, Receipts by 00@2 Ligonia.6% Passage 810.00. Round Trip 818.00. will leave Orr’s Island at 6.40 Lard—Choice 7Vte p ib in tierces and tubs; Medium do. I Centennial.tiVa Ar at Singapore Mcli 5, barque Edwin Reed, ON CONEAG, and, 97 cars miscellaneous for a. for Portland and intermediate merchandise; 10-lb pails in cs 8e. Ger. med.. .1 75@2 101 Pratt’s Astral.. 8Va Fulton, New York. Meals and room included. m., landings. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. roads dressed e to 8th RETURN leaviLl’ortiand Pier for Orr’s Island connecting 97 cars. Hogs—Choice city 6% lb; country Yellow Eyes.l 90@2 25i Devoe’s brilliant 8% Ar at St Thomas prior inst, seh St Croix For or passage to F. P. WING, freight apply and intermediate at 2.20 m. do 5 c. Cal.Pea... .2 65@2 751 Raisins, Heath. Cayenne. Agent, 70 Long Wharf, Boston.. landings p. Butter—Western extra at ISAIAH DANIELS, Foreign Exports. creamery 29@30c; irisn Potat’s 35® 45c i Muscatel... 1 50@2 00 E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General firsts and extra firsts at 22®27c; octldtl General Manger. fancy higher: Sweets ... .2 50@3 001 London lav’r2 00(33 50 Memoranda. 80 State St., Fiske Boston, LIVERPOOL ENG. Steamship Sarnia—25.- extra imitation choice Manager, Building, STATION FOOT OF PREBLE STREET. creamrv 24®—c; factory Onions—N a- lOnnura lay’r.8 @9Va Armstrong, at New York Mass. oct22dtt 064 bush peas 420 do wheat 9161 bbls apples Northern choice Sell Marion Hill, 22®23c; creamery, 2ft®30c; tives.2 75 33 00 Valencia. .. 6Vfe@7 heavy NW and NE 1,114,700 lbs bacon 60,000 do oatmeal 28,020 New York and Vermont good to choice from Macorris, reports gales do cheese 15.200 do meats 52 bedsteads dairy, Geese. 14515c Sugar. on the passage, carried away head stays and pkgs creamery, good to choice at 141 pkgs leather 6192 blocks 750 Hour 24®26c; Easteri/ Chickens... 15® 17 lb Ex-aual’ty fine lost ana split sails. MT. DESERT & MA- bags 26®28c. The above are receivers’ 14c .411-16 PORTLAND, On and after Monday; Oct. 5, 1891, Passen- 12 organs 200 30 emery wheels quotations Fowls. 13@ granulated... Sch Ariadne, Colby, at New York and Carde- bags barley pks prices for strictly wholesale lots. do... 4% trains will Leave Portland: 26 do nails 22 cs sundries 254 bdls shooks 12 Turkeys.... 17® 19c Standard nas, on the passage, and Cheese—Northern clioice full creams and reports heavy gales or Worcester, Clinton, Ayer Junction, bbls Apples. Extr a C. 414 lost and sails. GHEAS STEAMBOAT CO. fer guts. twins 12V4®il3c; fair to at 9@12e; Wes- split Nashua, Windham and Eppilig at 7.30 a. good No 1 Bald- Seed. Froutera, March 9—Sch Ethel F Hawlev, Kel- tern choice at fair to at 10@llV4c; m. and 12.30 m. Grain Quotations. 12c; good wins.1 75S2 00 Red Top... 1 75@1 85 for New York, dragged ashore on the beach p. at v2c. ley, For Manchester, Concord, and points North sage 13®13 a ting.2 25@2 50 Timothy.. .1 65®1 65 and is badly wrecked. She registered NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Eggs— Eastern extras at Western to-day, RESUMPTION OF SERVICE. at 7.80 a. rn. and 12.30 p. m. 14@14y2c: vap lb-. 8@ luc Clover.12 @18 225 was built at Bath in 1879, and hailed QQUiSUMPTION! firsts at 14c. tons, For Rochester, Spvingvale, Alfred, Water- correctedby Pullen, cbocker & co. Lemons. Butter. from New York. insured. Partly Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND will resume boro and Saco River at 7.30 a. 12.30 and Poultry—Northern fresh-killed turkeys,choice ... m., Palermo 4 00@4 50 Creamery.28®30 coast Wednesday’s quotations. fowls fair her trips for points along the of 5,30 m. —e; do chickens at 18®20c; 15@16c; Messina-3 50@4 50 Gilt Edge Domestic Ports. regular p. to at Vr’mt.27@29 Maine on Tuesday, March 8th, and (weather For Gorham at 7.30 and 10.00 a. ra., 12.30, WHEAT. good 12@15; Western dry packed turkeys Oran ges. Choice.20@21 schs Marion Hill. Arm- will leave Portland—State Street 11.15 m. choice at 16® 17e; fowls 13 Vi® 14c; chickens Valencia—4 00 NEW Y'ORK—Ar 9tli, permitting) • Nov. 1891. 3.00. 5.30, 6.20 and p. Jan. July. May. 50@5 Good.19@20 Turks Island: Re- and at 11.15 p. in., Providence, 18, West- 14® 16c. Florida_2 251 stromg, Macorris; Clifford, Wharf—Tuesdays Fridays For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Opening.. 97% 100% 76@3 Store.18@19 O M and or on of train Boston at 7 p. m. Mr. Murdock: at Beans—N Yk hand-sicked 1 95@$2; mar- Cheese. becca M Walls, Matanzas; Marrett, arrival leaving brook Junction and Woodford’s 7.30 Highest. 98 lOOVh pea, Malagergpes6 50@8001 F Sar- row at choice screen 1 I Snow, Rockland; Annie Conlon, Bootbbay: Regular landings: Rockland, Castine, and 10.00 a. m., 12.30, 3.00, 5.30 6.20 and Lowest. 97% lOOVa pea, SI 80®—; pea, 60® Eggs. N. Y. fct’ry. 12V2@13Va Dear Sir—I feel it a duty I owe you to let yon 1 choice John M Rockport; Cayenne, Eastport; (Friday’s trip from Portland only), 11.15 m. 100% 70; hand-pieked med, 180®—; yel- Eastern ext.... Vermont.. 12%@14 Moore, gentville, p. Closing. 97% 16@181 Deer sle. Brooklin trip know how I am along with your Liquid 6.20 m. low' eyes, J 8 @1 90; California pea beans,2 30 Held. @14 Julia A Warr, Fall River. Sedgwick, (Friday’s getting For Forest Avenue (Peering), p. CORN. iSage.14 Cellna, Zaza from Portland Southwest Harbor, Bar I connects @2 40; hand-nicked, 2 50®3 60. Limed. Also ar 9th, barque Montgomery, only), Food. I have taken five G-oz bottles, and The 12.30 p. m. tram from Portland A Fer- with “Hoosac Tunnel Jan. Feb. May. Seed—Timothy, 1 65 ®1 65 ;red top, 1 7S®82; Bread. Leather 19 days; sche Melissa WillSy, Willey, Harbor, Miilbridge, JonesportaudMachiasport, I would have and at Ayer Junction Bruns PAYS ON TUCKER, Gen’l thought my lungs sounded, Opening. 49-' Western Jersey, 2 00®2 26 j.clover, 8®9c ;Hun- Plot New York— nandina; Acidic P McFadden, Wright, Manager. Route” for the West and at Union Station, Sup.7%@8 F Nickerson, Belfast; La- F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. & T. A. the doctor told me my left lung has healed, and for Providence and New York, Highest. 49ya garlan, 90c®81. do sq.5%@6 Light.19®20 wick; Anna Conlon, Worcester, Lowest. vinia do. marl dtf that the is in better condition, and I via “Providence Line,” for Norwich and 49% Hay—Choice,18 00@19 OOjsome fancy higher; Crackers ... .5 Mid Campbell, right lung @6 weight... .21@2’; Clara, Yokohama “Norwich Line” with Poston Closing. 493/s fair to to good $15@$17y2; Eastern fine, $12® Coal. Ar loth, ship Santa Fuller, shall continue with the confident New York, via Heavy.22(323 Navas- Food, feeling and with tne $14; poor to ordinary1 $11@$14. 00 Slaughter.31® 2 andHiogo; barque Albemarle, Forbes, & Albany R. R. for the West, Thursday’s quotations. Cumberland.425@5 Brunswick. JtLZl&ixi. Xjine it will cure me. I find I can get around and via Potatoes—Clioice Inatives and Maine stock at Acadia. Gooad’mg.19@20 sa; sch Lizzie B Willey, Rivers, New York All Rail “Springfield.” WHEAT. 1 Cld Formosa, Shepherd, Monte- walk better and not me out of Trains arrive at Portland from Worcester 37V2@1 60 t* bbl: choice Vt and northern N unesmut.... uu\can.owsiu 9th, barque Royal Mail Steamships. upstairs put video and Buenos at 1.30 from Rochester at 8.30 a. m., Jan. July. Mav. H and ST Y Burbanks and white stars 40@46bu; Franklin.... 7 50 Lumber. Ayres.-. breatli as it did. I truly think I shall come out p. m.; 98 rose Houltou Hebrons Aroostook He- Sid 9th, sells Mary A Hall, Maggie G Hart, 1.30 and 5.50 p. m.; from Gorham at 6.40, Opening.. 100% 46c; 50c; Lehigh. 6 00 S’th pine-$30@$40 so fast. I BETWEEN PORTLAND AND LIVERPOOL. of this lung disease, as I am gaining 8.35 11.30 a. 5.50 and 7.35 Highest. 98 100% brons 43@46c. Coffee. Clear pine— and Augustus Hnnt. and m., 1.30, 4.30, Grace am to for the benefit I have m. Lowest. 97 Vs 99% Apples—No 1 Baldwins, at 1 75@2 25;Greea- roasted.. .18@21 Passed Hell Gate 9tli, barque Daering. From I From From very grateful you p. Rio, Uppers.$65@70 from New York for schs Annie T For Tickets to all West and Closing. 97% 100% ings 1 62VS@1 76; Kings $2@2 50. Java do.29@30 Select.$46@52 Y’alparaiso; Liverpool | Steamships Portland. Halifax. received from your Liquid Food. through points Port Johnson for Portland; Lilli Field, to S. F. CORD WELL, Ticket CORN. Fine common. .$38@45 Bailey. South, apply Cooperage. New York for Boston. 25th Feb. | ‘Mongolian 17tli Mar. 19th Mar I remain respectfully, Me. Cattle Market. hds— _ Agent, Portland, Jan. Feb. Chicago Hhhd shooks & I Spruce.$13®14 Thorndike lOtli Mar. ‘Nunudian, 31st 2nd Apr' Mav. Mol. 2 BOSTON—Ar 9th, sch A Heaton, EJPIA H. DYER, J. W. PETERS. Supt 49% (By Telegraph) city.. 00@2 lO'iHeraloek.$11@12 24th i Parisian. 14th Apr. 16th C. J. Gen’l Ticket Opening. New York. •• 4 Welcome Avenue. WIGGIN, Agent. 4 9 Sus.count’y 90c® Clayboards— Caibarlen. 7th Apr. 1 ‘Mongolian I 28th 30th oct5dtf. Highest. s/8 CHICAGO.Meli. 19,1892,-The Cattle market Coimtrv I X.$32@34 Ar loth, sch Florence, Gould, Lowest. ex- Mol, Spruce, Norfolk; schs This is well known in Providence, and 49ys —Receipts 16,000; shipments 6000; steady; hhd snooks I Clear.$28@32 Cld 9th, barque Kremlin. Bray, *S. S. Numidian and Mongolian will carry cat lady Closing. Wm Mason, from several of her 49% tra steers at 6 25; good to choice 4 404C4 80; hhd 2d clear.$22@24 E S Newman, Coggswell, Norfolk; tie and only cabin passengers. Cabin S40 to we have received letters others at 3 feeders at 3 hdgml Vinalhaven and New Hercld of Grand Trunk of Canada. 7o@425; 00@6 5>>; 32 iu. 24®26 INol.$15@20 Crowell, York; $60, according to steamer and location of state .friends congratulating us for being the means Railway CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Stockers —;Texans —;cows 1 76@2 0. the Morning, Lewis, Parke’s Head and Block second cabin $20. SpruceSSin [email protected] IFine.$25@50 room; $25; steerage of her life. On and After MONDAY. Dec. 7, 1891, Hogs—receipts 27.000; shipments 10,000; Island. of saving Wednesday’s quotati"1- Soft pine35 20@22 Shingles— Kim- 1 Service Line Steam- Trains will run as follows: brisk, and steady to shade higher; rough and X .3 Sid 10th, schs Alfred Keene, and Ella B WHEAT. Haropne3 26@30 cedar... 60,@3 75 STATE LINE common at 4 00®4 70; good mixed at 4 80®) 14 ft. Clear cedar.3 25 ball, for Bath; Herald of the Morning, Mary 307 Wall 1 Hoops 00@3 New York and Glasgow, via street, DEPARTURES. July. Mav. 4 85; prime heavy ana butchers’ weights at 13 ft. X No 1.2 00®2 50 Eliza. Silver Heels, Winslow Morse. Londonderry, Dec. j Hoops & Bur- Cabin $36 and upwards. Re- Janesville, Wis., 9,1891. Opening. 88% 89% 4 87V2®4 95; light —. Hoops 8ft. No 1 cedar..1 25@1 75 PORT GAMBLE—Sid 3d, ship Snow every fortnight. For A uburn and Lewiston, 7.10 and 7.20 a. turn Gents—X have been restored to health by the Gor- Closing... 883/A 89Vi Lambs 4 50®.6 75. 25@1 50 gess. Santa Rosalia. ,, $65,and upwards. m., and 1.10,1.30 and 5.10 p. m. For __ -Cordage. Spruce.1 to Boston direct via and .2 25 PASCAGOULA-Ar 8.6$, sch May McFarland, Glasgow Derry use of your Liquid Food. My trouble was con- ham, 7.10 a. m., 1.30 and 5.10 p. m. For CORN. Domestic Marktes. Amer’n iff lblo%@ll Laths,spce. 20@2 Galwav. intermediate Lime—Cement. Small. Havana. Prepaid steerage $19: and I could Montreal and Chicago, 7.10 a. m. and 1.30 Me. Mav. Manilla.. 12%@14% to II. & A. ALLAN and T. I'. sumption of the stomach and bowels, (By Telegraph.) csk. 1 05 MOBILE—Ar 8th, sch S Spofford, Cienfuegos; $30. Apply p. in. For Quebec, 1.30 p. m. For Buck- Manilla bolt Lima,iff 00(51 no from the medical as Opening...41L4 42% rSrvua 14all rv»nmlV« PhilfiflAlnhin McGowan, Portland, or H. & A. ALLAN, obtain relief profession, held and 7.10 a. m. and 1.30 m. NEW YORK. Mch. 9.1892—The Flour mark- rope. @14 Cement.1 40@1 60 Canton, p. 42% schs Same Boston. worse and Closing..41V8 er-receipts 25,117 pckgs; exports 200 bbls. Russia do. 17@18 Matches. Shi 8tli, brig Shannon, Matanzas; I continued to grow all the time, my Matanzas. dec24 dtf ARRIVALS. Thursday’s quotations. and 7900 sacks; dull ana unchanged; sales 24,- 50 Iron..Cardenas; C.E Woodbury, was reduced to 100 Last Sisal.10V4@11*4 Star,®'gross Levi S weight pounds. August 800 bbls. Drugs and Byes. iDirigo. 39@40 KEY WEST—Ar 3d, barque Andrews, From Lewiston and Auburn, 8.25 a. m., WHEAT. Wiscasset: sch S G n, A I tided your Food, and have used it up to this Flour quotations—low extras at 3 20@3 85; Acid Oxalic.... 12@14 Meatls. Wheeler, Hart, McLean, 12.10, 3.10, 5.40 and 5.50 p. m. From Gor- I have recovered former July. May. city mills extra 4 90@5 15; city mills patents Acid tart.40@42 Copper— Pool’s Landing. date daily. my health, ham, N. H., 8.25 a. m.. 12.10 and 6.50 p. m. sch John Opening. 88% 88 5 16@5 40; winter wheat low grades at 3 20® Ammonia.15@20 14@48 com.... 00@19 FERNAND1NA—Ar 9th, S Deenng, and now weigli 170 pounds. Respectfully, From Chicago and Montreal, 12.10 a. m., I. 88 4 Havana. Closing. 88% 3 85; air to fancy at 3 90@3 86 ;patents at 0 Ashes, pot. ... 6v, @ 8 Polished copper. 19 Arey, w n mm ttwtnt 5.50 p. m. From Quebec, 12.10 p. m. Minnesota clear 4 .6 14x48 35 BRUNSWICK—Cld 8th, seh Roger Moore, for a I COEN, @5 15; 10@4 75; straights Bals copahia.. @70 planished. ■ do at 4 do 4 do rve Bolts. 20 Ponce. TM/KJST UJff'IUJS Mcli 35@4 90; patents 50@5 25; Beeswax.85@40 f May. mixtures 4 10@4 75; superfine at 2 75@3 4B; Bleb 5 Y M sheath.... Ski 8th, sch M K Eawley, for Providence. 1891. 50 and Foot of In- \ 41 42% powders... Andover, Mass., Dec, i, Exchange Street, Depot Opening. fine at 2 40@3 15. Suothern flour is dull and Y M Bolts. 27 CHARLESTON—Cld 9th, brig H B Hussey, dia Street, Closing.40 a4 41% Borax.12@14 WINTER ARRANGEMENT, A. L. Murdock: at 3 80@5 10. flour quiet and Brimstone. .. 5 Hodgdon. Weymouth. —--— unchanged Rye .2%@ Bottoms.26@28 steady at 4 20@4 65. Buckwheat flour dull at Cochineal.40@43 Ingot.13®14 BOGUE INLET, NC—Ar Sth, sch Frank S Dear Sir—I would like to tell you of our ex- Lowest fares from Portland, Yarmouth Junc- Portland Daily Press Stock List. to load for New 1 50. Buckwheat at 66@60. Cornmeal steady Copperas.1%® 2 Hall. Buekmaster, New York, FIRE $1.00. perience with your Liquid Food, for I feel very tion and Danville Junction as follows: To Chi- Corrected by Swan & Barrett, Bankers and and quiet; Yellow Western at 2 75,8310. Cream tartar.... 306351 Tin- Bedford. of God it saved hus- cago §20 and $35.75; Detroit $10.75 and sea M A Ach- sure that in the mercy my Brokers, 186 Middle street. Wheat—receipts 40,500 bush; exports 97,707 Ex logwood. ... 12@16 j Straits.22@24 WILMINGTON,' NC-Ar 9th, THE STAUNCH SEAGOING STEAMERS, $12.50; Kansas City §30 and $25.70; St. Paul life. STOCKS. bush: sales 342,000 bush;unsettled and active; Gumarabic.. .70@1 22!English.23@25 orn, Cushmah, New York. band’s $31.50 and §27.25; St. Louis via Detroit $23.75 RICHMOND—Ar sch Maria fm ■ closed steady; No2 Red at 1 03%@1 04% ill Aloes cape.15@25 Char. X. Co. .7 00@7 50 Sth, Pierson, Two years ago, my husband worn out with ex- and $10.75; St. Louis via Chicago $20 and L/COCUJ»uvin. u*uv< jjjii. Aonou store and elev, 104 @106 afloat; 103%@ Char. I. X. 65 New York. San Francisco, $00 and National Bank.100 126 128 Camphor.60@52 .92'®9 cessive watching and anxiety by reason of a $21.50; California, Canal 106% f o b; No 3 Red at 99@99%c; No 1 My till.52(555 Terne.6 0068 50 NEWPORT NEWS—Ar 8th, sch Jessie Lena, $60.25. These rates are to National Bank.100 115 117 subject change. Casco Northern 1 02>v@l 03% : No 1 hard 1 05%@ Opium.2 00@2 25 Antimony... 16@18 Veazie. New York. leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, severe illness of mine, together with the L. J. 8EAKGEANT, General Manager. National Bank.. 40 42 Alternately Cumberland 40V2 1 5% ; No 2 Northern 98%e. Rye is dull anu Coke.6 00®8 50 BALTIMORE—Ar 8th, sch Minnie Bowen, every excepted, at 7 o’clock; as of a dec8. 100 102 Shellac.35@40 evening, Sundays pressure of his duties principal high First National Bank.100 N o 2 Zinc.7 00 St Horse Island. in season for with earliest _dtf steady; Western at. 90@99e. Barley quiet; Indigo.8 c@$l 60@8 John, arriving connection down nervous ex- National Bank.. 75 115 117 — broke completely, Merchants’ Mil c. Corn—receipts 158,100 bush; exports Iodine.3 75®$ 4 Solder%x% 15% Ar 9th, barque II J Libby, Schaefer, Pisagua; trains for points beyond. school, National Traders' Bank....100 116 118 69,605bush; sales 173.000 bush; steady and 25 Molasses. M L Wood, Port Royal, SC. Through tickets for Providence, Lowell, haustion, severe rhematism, amounting almost Portland & Rnnsford Falls National Bank.... 100 103 105 Ipecac.2o0@2 Spaulding, Railway. Portland moderately active; No 2 at. 49%@49Vac elev, rt... -15" o Porto Rico.30@40 Sid 8th, sch Falmouth, for Paysandu. Worcester, New York, Ac. and Portland Trust Co.100 114 116 Licorice, to rheumatic fever, complete derangement 50' (gSOvac afloat; ungraded Mixed —; No 2 Lac ex.34@40 Barbadoes.32@33 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 9th, sch Major Pick- Returning, leave India V*Tharf, Boston, every In Effect November 1C, 1891. Portland 100 of the digestive system, so that he could not Company.100 White at —c; No3at steamer mixed at 1 20 ... Demerara. at 6 o’clock. 50 80 48y;c; Morphine... 95@2 Cienfuegos .38@40 ands, Lathwaite, evening, Sundays excepted, Portland Gas Company. 85 49m oyBC. Oats—receipts bush ;exports Oil 00 Boiling. Ar Sth, sch Connor, Providence. J. F.LISCOMB, J. B. COYLE, milk on his stomach, or the simplest nour- Leave Portland via G. T. Railway, 7.10 a. m. Railroad 115 120 31,775 bcrgamot3 26@4 Marguerite, keep Portland CompanylOO 3180 bush;sales 71,000 bush; firmer and quiet: Cod liver.. 110@1 35 Ponee... Ar lOth. sch Uranus, Murphy, Cardenas. General Agent. Manager. him down low. and 1.30 p. m. Water Co.100 110 115 Fancy 39@40 ishment, brought very Portland No 3 at 35% c; do White at 38e; No 2 at 36% Lemon.3 60 Nails. Ar at Delaware Breakwater loth, schs Wm H dtf RETURNING—Leave Canton 4.30 and 9.30 a. E E.100 115 120 00@3 sepl6 Our nearly in despair, tried one Maine Central @36%c;Whlte do at 38l'4tw1 nil Mutnivluvu nnlv at. K.Ort at (i at 6 No Paints. NEW BEDFORD—Ar sch John S Bear mverpuoi. oieaiuer. i jruruauu. 11aiuaA. “6S, 1895—1905 D’bl02 103 80@6 35;refined dull; Continent 80® 1.32 8th, benefit received, X am, p. 11). and State Lead- Va. Leeds & F irmington E. E. 6s. 1896.105 106 7 07V2 ; S A 7 70. Butter quiet easy; No 3.28 chain, Genu, Richmond, Jam 7. (SARNIA, Jan. 28. Jan. 30. Youi-s Brunswick, Bath, Gardiner, Hallowell and crm Phila- respectfully, Portland & Ken. R. E. Os, 1895-103 105 dairy 20@26c; Venn at 29@29 ; Westeqi No 10.20 Sid 8th, sch Three Marys, Birdsall, for 21. LABRADOR, Feb. 11. Feb. 13. Augusta, 7.15 a. m., *1.15, 5.00 and $11.30 Western crm dO fac 8 oz.12 Pure 00'S 7 50 * MBS. PEitCIVAL F. MAKSTON, Portland u; Ogd’g g6s, 1900. 1st mtglOS 110 dairy 17@22c; 20@29%; ground.7 delphia. Feb. 4. OREGON, 25. 27. p. in. Portland Water Co’s 6s, 1899.108 110 tory at 17®?2c; Elgin at 30c; rolls at 17@24c. 10 oz.1., Red.7 @714 PLYMOUTH—Sid 9th, sch E G Willard, for 18. SARNIA, Mar. 10. Mar. 12. Andover, Mass. Farmington and Phillips, via Lewiston, 8.30 Cheese ami State at janllM.W&Ftf Portland Water Co’s 4s, 1927. 96 98 quiet firm; 12 '/2c; fancy Gunpowder—Shot. EngVenRed3 *3l/a Rockland. Mar. 3. LABRADOR, 24. 26. a, ill., 1.10 p. m.; via Brunswick, 1.15 p. ui.; 1 *.* >.i:1 9 n Blasting ... 3 i 0*4 00 Am Zinc.... 5 00*7 00 SALEM—Ar 9tli, scbs Nettie Cushing, and 17. OREGON, Apr. 7. Apr. 9. and for Kangeley at 8.30 a. in. to and .4 F » Boston Stock Market. Freights Liverpool quiet firm; good Sporting.. 0*6 60 Rochelle... .2Vs Richard Hill, Port Johnson; Emma Crowell, 31. SARNIA._“ 21. 23. Monmouth, Winthrop Keadileld and Oak* demand; grain steam 4d. Drop shot,25 lbs. .1 42 Rice. Amboy. 1.10 and 5.05 m. were of Cabin, $40 to $60; Return, $80 to $110; Sec- land, p. The following to-day’s quotations Buck, Carolina .... 67 Also ar schs Wm V New York 5.05 CHICAGO, Meh. 10.1892—The Flour market B, BB, 5V2@ 9tli, Hutchings, ond Cabin, $25; Steerage, $20. W'aterville via Lewiston, 1.10. p. m.; via stocks in Boston: ... New Rock- is nominally unchanged. Wheat unsettled,weak T. TT, F.1 76 Rangoon .5V2* for Lubec; Leila Whiter York for Augusta, 7.15 a. in., *1.15, $11.30 p. m. Atchison. Topeka & Stanta Fe E. 3H% Saleratus. Port Port- Avonmoiith Dock Direct. and lower; NTo 2 Spring at 86’.. c;No 2 Red 91. Hay. land; Jordan I, Mott. Johnson for Skowliegan via Lewiston, 1.10 p. ill.; via C. B. & ... for Q.107 Corn is slow and weak; No 2 at 40 'C. Oats Pressep.$12*13 Saleratus .6*51/2 land; E Arcularius, Eiizabethport Belfast; From I I From Augusta, 7.15 a. m., 1.15, $11.30 p. m. Mnvi/iqn Pontrfll 1 Q1A Eben H Hoboken for are quiet and weak; No 2 at 29V2C; No 2 White Loose.$10*13 Spices. King, Pembroke; Nellie, Avenmouth. I Portland. Belfast, 1.15 and 11.30 p. m. Union Pacific... 47% for Eliza Leven- I_Steamship. —. No 2 84c. No 2 at 66c. No 1 Straw.$ pure... Port Johnson Newburyport; Dover and Foxcroft, via Dexter, 1.15, 11.30 Boston & Maine K.167 Rye'at Barley 9*10jCassia, .16*17 January 23. I DOMINION, I February 10. Flaxseed at 99 c. Provisions lower—mess Iron. I Mace.75*80 seller, Ambov for Portsmouth. p. m. do pfd.143 February 4. I TORONTO, 22. at. 10 92. Lard at 6 35®6 Common 2.... @2VslNutmegs.70*73 GLOUCESTER—Ar 9th, schs Fleetwing, fm via Lewiston, 1.10 p. ill.; via Augus- Bell pork 90@10 87Va. 18. 1 TEXAS, | March 7. Bangor Telephone.208 Short rib sides at 5 salt meats— Refined.2 Vs u 2Vi Pepper.18*21 Rockland for Boston; Eugene Borda, New York ta, 7.15 a. *1.15 and $11.30 p. m., anu on New York and New B. 82V2. Dry m., England 48% 6 short clear 6 26. Norway.3V2@4 Cloves.16*20 for Portland; Win Jones, do for Portsmouth; The Bristol steamers do not carrypassengers. at 7.20 a. m. do shoulders 76; sides Sundays only pfd.100 vs wheat. Cast steel.... 8*10 Ginger.13*15 Clara, Amboy for Portland ; Ella Pressey, New DAVID TORRANCE & C0° Bangor & It. K. via Dexter, 1.15 Wisconsin Central.:. 18 Receipts—Flour, 24,000 bbls; 68,000 Piscataquis corn 184,000 bush; German steel.*3 V2 Starch. York for Roc'Uland. nov28dtf Agents. anu 11.30 p. m.; via Oldtown, at 11.30 p. Portland, Saco & Portsmouth B. bush; oats, 90,000 bush; Thos ,J rye, 10,000; barley. 45,000 bush. Shoesteel.*21/2 Laundry.3V4*5 Also ar 9th, barque Stewart. Blake, in. 22.000 bbls ;wheat. 49,000 Sheet Iron— Gloss.6 *7% Trapani, (2d mate Geo Skolfleid was lost over- Ellsworth and Bar Harbor at 1.15 and 11.80 New York Stocks. Shipments—Flour. Tea. * Mining bush; corn, 93,000 bush; oats, 211,000 bush; Common.4 @41/2 board during a gale.) p. m. II. 9th, schs Co. (By Telegraph.) rye, 25.000 bsb; barley, 35.000 bush. C.4V2*6 Souchong.18*50 PORTSMOUTH—Ar Hunter. Eiiza- International Steamship Vanceboro, St. John, Halifax and Provinces Russia... do Boston for Lizzie .13V2*14 choice-35*60 bethport; Odell, Belfast; — — *1.15 and $11.30 m. NEW YOBK. Mch 10. 1892.—The ST. LOUIS. Mch. 10, 1892.—The Flour mar- j Lee, FOB p. following Galv.6 *7 Japan.26*35 Orlaud for Boston; George Gurney, Frankfort H milt on, W oodstock, St. Stephen and North are closing quotations of stocks: et is dull and Wheat Closed about to-day’s mining unchanged. Tobacco. Ooolong.26*35 for New York. Aroostook at 1.15 aud 11.30 p. Ul.; St. An- Col. Coal..37 same as yesterday—No 2 Red Ole. Corn firm at Best brands... Eormoso.35*0 St. N.B., N.S. drews, 11.30 p. 111. Hocking CoaL.16 00 37l/4. Oats are No 2 at 30V2C. is .60*60 Eastport, Calais, John, Halifax, easier; Rye Lead. Foreign Ports. •Runs daily. included. ex- Homestake.13 oo 2 at 88c. Medium.30*40 and all parts of New Brunswick, Nova Sco- Sundays $Night unchanged—No Barley—very slow; Sheet.61/i@7V2 with cars runs Ontario.43 60 Iowa at 6c. Provisions dull and Common.25*30 Sid fm Newcastle, NSW, 1st inst, ship Emily tia, Prince Edwards Island, and Cape Bret- press sleeping attached, every unchanged; Natural leaf_60*70 Pipe.6 *6Va but not to Skowliegan 4 00 pork at 1137 Ms lor new, 9 2 for old. Lard at F Whitney, Dearborn, Aceapuleo. on. The favorite route to Campobello and night, Sundays included, Quicksilver. Mch or to Belfast. Dexter or be- do pfd.20 60 6 20@6 2 Dry salt meats—loose lots of shoul Ar atBanjoewangle 2, ship Vigilant, Bai- St. Andrews, N. B. Monday morning, ands ribs at 4 shorts New Yrork. yond Bangor, on Sunday mornings. Mexican. dersat4 50; long 85; at OCEAN STEAMER MOVEMENTS. ley. ,, Fall and Winter Gould & 6 00; boxed lots 15 more. Bacon—shoulders Sid tin Havre 2d inst, ship St David, Frost, Arrangement. White Mountains and Quebec Line. Curry. until Yellow Jacket. 1 25 5 0; longs and ribs at 5 45@6 50; shorts 665 Philadelphia. On and after Nov. 2. and further no- For Cumberland Mills, Sebago Lake, Bridg- FROM FOR TIME 1st inst, Jos S the steamers of this line leave Railroad Best & Belcher. 2 30 @6 60. Sid fm Barrow ship Spinney, tice, ton, Fryeburg, North Conway, Glen, Bar. Sarnia.New York. .Mch 10 and Portland, and at Hale Si Norcross... 130 Hams 0 00@10 50. .Liverpool. Curling, New York Jan Francisco. Wharf, Monday Thursday tlett, Fabyans, St. Jolmsbury, Newport .Mch 10 John W for and St. ... Receipts—Flour. 5,000 bbls: wheat, 32.000 Dania.New York..Hamburg. Ar at Hull 2d inst, ship Marr, Carter, 5.00 p. m., Eastport John, with and Montreal, 8.45 a, m., 3.30 p. ui.; Jeffer- New York Stock and Money Market. .New York. 10 leave St. John to send bush; corn, 114.000 bush; oats. 16,000 bush; Cienfuegos... .Cienfuegos.Mch San Francisco. above connections; Returning, We should be pleased you circulars, son and Lancaster, 8.45 a. in. York. -Colon.Mch 10 Ar Feb sch and same business. (By Telegraph). rye, 2,000 bush; barley, 6.000 bush. Newport.New at Guantanamo 20, Benj Fabens, Eastport days. and solicit a portion of your j, The 8.45 a. m. connects for all points in North- Amsterdam.. .New York. .Rotterdam.Mch 12 Barliadoes. tickets issued and baggage checked NEW YOBK, Mch. 10,1892. Shipments—Flour 7,000 bbls; wheat, 186,000 Condon, Through COREY, JKILLIKEN & CO., er n New Hampshire, Vermont, Chicago aud I.aBourgogue .New York. .Havre ... .Mch 12 Ar at Falmouth, Ja, Feb 8, brig C Mar- to destination. Ujgr'Freight received up to 4.00 Canadian The are to-day’s closing quotations bush; corn, 321,000 bush; oats, ;5,000 bush; Mary the West; and with the Pacific following Fulda.NewYork. .Genoa ... .Mch 12 m. N. Y. Con. Stock Exchange), of Government securities: rye, 2,000 bush; barley, 2,000 bush. riner, I'rav, l’once. p. (Members Transcontinental train for Vancouver and Pa- Venezula.New York. .Mch 12 Sid fin Feb 21st, sch Kit For Tickets am! Staterooms, at the Un- 45 Boston. Mch. 10. Mch. 9. DETROIT,Mch.10.1892.—Wheat—Nol White .Laguayra. Kingston Carson, apply Kilby St., j cific Coast points. Tile 3.30 p. m. train Seguraniea .. .New York. .Rio Janeiro Mcli 12 United States. ion Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St,., or for other New4’s 116 at 92 No 2 Red 94%. Corn—No 2 at Smith, Send for circular, or, better still, call and connects at Montreal with trains via “Soo” reg.116 c; 42Vac. Yiunuri.New York. .Hav&Mex Mcli 12 Ar at 3d inst, sch Helen G information at Company's Railroad New4’s 117 Oats—No 2 at No 2 White at Matanzas Moseley, Office, see us. Line for Minneapolis and St. Paul. couu.117 38V2C; 34y2c. Rve Alene.New York. .Mch 12 Holt. foot of State street. ; United States 2s 100 .Kingston Mobile. Wharf, reg.100 at86V2C. Circassia.New York. .Glasgow .Mch 12 Sid 4th sch J R J. B. COYLE, Gen'l ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. — fin-Havana tost, John- Central Pacific lsts.106% 106% Receipts—Flour, bbls; wheat. 9500 bush: Teel, Manager. Elbe...... New York. .Bremen .Mcli 12 dtf a. Au- Denver Si B. G. 500 bush. son, Pascagoula. je20 From Waterville and Lewiston, 8.35 m.; 1st.117% 117% corn, bush; oats, TOO Umbria.New York. .Liverpool. .Mch 12 __ decll eocl3m 107% gusta, Bath and from Rockland Mondays only, Erie2ds.107-% La Normandie New York..Havre ... .Mcli 13 Kansas Paciiic Spoken. 8.4u a. m.-; Montreal, Bridgton, etc., 9.30 a. Consois.Ill Vs lllVs Cotton Markets. York. .Bremen .Mcli 15 Nav. Sa^le.New ■Feb W, H S NOTICE ! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR m.; Farmington. Skowliegan and Lewiston, Oregon lsts.111% 111 Teutonic.New York. .Mcli 16 19, lat <> S, lon-33 barque .Tack- Kansas Pacific (By Telegraph.) .Liverpool. son, from'New York tor East Loudon. 12.25 p. m.; St. John, Bangor, Rockland, lsts.108 107% City of Berlin .New York. .Liverpool. -Mch 16 Bacon, NEW YORK. Mch. 10, 1892.—The Cotton March 8, sixty-live miles NNEof Cape Hat- The Premiums the etc., 12.30 p. m.; Waterville, Bath, Augusta Closing quotations of stocks: Finance.New York. .Rio Janeiro Mch 16 upon Policies of Scott’s Cure 5.35 Skow- market is quiet and uuchanged :sales 229 bales; tcraSi barque Arthur C vv ade, Sherman, from the UN ION MUTUAL LIFE and Rockland, p. m.; Farmington, Friesland ... .New York. .Mch 16 IN- Adams Express.145 144 at 4 do Gulf 4 .Antwerp Cardenas for Delaware Breakwater. For Klicumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains or hegan, Waterville and Lewiston, 6.45 p. m.: ordinary uplands 9-16c; 15-16; Geilert.New York. .Mcli 17 SURANCE COM PA N Y vary in accor- American Express.117% 117% stained 4 .Hamburg March C Bruises, Sore Throat, anil Other l.ameuess. Montreal, Lancaster, Fabyans, Bridgton, 8.00 good ordinary l-16cjmiddling uplands .New 19 off Cape Carnaveral, sell Martin dance with the plan of insurance Central Pacific. 31 Werkendam York..Rotterdam.Mcli to no Liniment in tile Pullman *1.40 a. m. 3o% % at 6 15-16C: uo Gulf 7 5-16o;do stained 6V2C. Ebel, Millan, from Trinidad for-. selected and the ago at Second oilier United p. m.; Night Ches. 25 Nevada.New York. Liverpool Mch 22 issue; they all included. &Ohio. 353,4 5^ cover a wide States, well known in Eastern Provinces. •Sundays & NEW ORLEANS, Meh. 10,1892.—The Cotton Philadelphia .New York..Laguayra. .Mcli 23 therefore range and TUCKER. Chicago Alton..143 143 hence suited to all Will be sold by all druggists. David Scott, Sole PAYSON & Alton market is steady ‘-middling 6 7-10c. Santiago.New York.. Hav & Mex Mch 24 are circumstances. Pres, and Chicago preferred... 160 160 Chronic coughers are bores to the community Proprietor in the United States. Trade mark Vice General Manager. fit Mch. Andes.New York. .Jamaica.. .Mch 18 Gen’I. Pass, ami Ticket Chicago, Burlington Quincy.106% 106 % CHARLEST'O*. 10, 1892.-The Cotton and should be forced to use Dr. Bull's on all circulars and bottles. Wholesale by Cook, F. E. BOOTHBY, Agent & Servia.New York. .Liverpool. .Mch 19 Cougii Delaware Hudson Canal Co. .138% 138 market is quiet; middling 6V4c, Syrup, the only infallible remedy. Everett & Pennell, Portland, Me. ieb22dt£ Portland, Nov. 20,1891. uov24dt£ ADVERTISEMENTS. or the schools aban- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW THE PRISONERS DISCHARGED. SCHOOL EXPENSES. other three and one T H E PRESS. doned. The expense of running one in Re- with the teachers’ salaries, There Was So Law Covering the Case An Explanation of Tlieir Growth school, would iEWmlffiBUCRIMIAMHOTEL NEW thus he saved. ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY. Conld Not Be Held. cent Tears. one And They If vour or’any else correspondent other For Permanent and Transient Guests. HE CAN DO ITT FINANCIAL, will suggest to the committee any bo made H. M. & Co. morning the five South Bos- To the Editor of the Press: method in which a saving may Fayson Yesterday force a few a the teaching or FIRST PAGE. ton cattle men, who raised a drunken Kindly permit me space for by reduction of be assured that his Friday’s specialty; M. G. Larrabee. in to the communication in otherwise, he may row on board the steamer Tremont Mon- words reply caretid considera- Q«2 AMUSEMENTS. entitled suggestion will receive night, were before Commissioner your columns this morning, tion. Richard IVebb. BU< COGHAM “Tile Chaperon”; Congress So.uare Church. day “Some naked facts as to our schools.” 1892. FIFTH PAGE. Band, charged with assault with danger- Portland, March 10, on In the Your calls attention to the Kines Bros. ous weapons Captain Craig. correspondent t'or Cleveland’s. )TEI. Co. Another Victory Atkinson House Furnishing absence of District E. fact that the general expenses' of the Attorney Dyer, On contract for supply, EIGHTH PAGE. have increased from in March 4th the Dudley Freeman, Esq., acted for the schools $13,350 York. Dr. C. T. Fisk. the U. S. with baking powder, (European Plan)—Fifth Avenue, New and to in 1890-91. He ing army Frank B. Clark. government. George Libby, Esq., 1865-GG, $21,157.49 the Cleveland Bak- Moore & Co. was again awarded to Owen, Carroll IV. for the expenses for 1890-91 as 631,154, This deservedly popular house situate in the Horses; Bros. Morrill, Esq., appeared gives makes the sixth Murray ing Powder Co. This most lo- Buckingham Hotel, N. Y. the prisoners. but from this sum there should be de- fashionable, convenient and healthy Wanted; M. G. Larrabee. consecutive order for Cleveland’s Baking cality, with dining-rooms, unsur- Mr. the mate ducted $10,000 spent for free text books. magnificent Eastman, Bros. & Bancroft. Capt. Craig, Thompson, and now passed cuisine, public and sit- M. G. Larrabee. made Powder from the government, elegant private Special Sale; and several of the crew told the story of That was an expenditure necessary modern the proposals that baking powder ting-rooms. Every improvement, per- To Eor Sale, Found the row which was in the the recent statute compelling cities specify fect and New Wants. Let, tost. that published by to Cleve- salutation moderate charges. and similar advertisements, will be found under offered must be “in quality equal Pkess. and towns to furnish text books free,and Tariff—single rooms from one to two dollars their appropriate headings on page (3. in land’s.” per day—double bed rooms with bath There was no evidence that any dead' was necessarily much larger that year attached, That is commendation that speaks vol- two to six dollars per day. Magnificent suites, <5£2 was used the hence than it has been in the year just closing, ly weapon by rioters, bed with bath and When was sick, wo gave her Castoria. umes. Parlor, large airy room, Baby or than it will be since ___ Commissioner Rand dismissed the com- again, everything dressing room six and for Castoria. attached, dollars, up- When she was a Child, she cried now. Whatever Woman’s Literary Union. plaint and discharged the men. The had to be purchased ward per day according to size and location. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. merits or demerits of the series of entertain- S United States statutes do not cover a may be' the The last of the WETHEKBEE & EUEI.ER, Proprietors, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria that the school offi- of the Woman’s marll drunken row on the high seas, and this law, it is something ments on the calendar F,M&Wtcohirml3t decll eod&wly cers of this are not take at 25£2 affair was nothing more. The captain of city responsible for, Literary Union will place BosT !5£> Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been a steamer has the to maintain nor can they take to themselves any cred- worth Post hall on Saturday afternoon, right A New Ball Has Commenced <*P used over Years by millions of mothers Fifty order on his but unless drunken it for its enactment. at 3 o’ clock. ‘Concord, Litera with boat, Subject: gg for their children while Teething, perfect the men use there is no For the purpose of comparison, to ry and Historical.” At close of the success. It soothes the child, softens the dangerous weapons sIS show the economical or the exercises tea will be served. to Roll at Gums, allays Pain, cures Wind Colie, regulates law to cover their case. extravagant literary the bowels, and is the best remedy for Diar- Mr. Benjamin Thompson, attorney for management of the schools, it should ob- Members will please bring a spoon. rhoea, whether arising from teething or other the Portland Steam Packet Company, is virmelxr lift For sale in of Tho Color of the Eye. causes. by Druggists every part an increase in ex- T. can cure Piles preparing a bill which will soon be pre- There has been then The head-line above means just what it says—that Dr. C. FISK the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. "Winslow's The color iris is not uniform in FRANK use of the or of the LOWS without the knife ligature. sented to which will cover the penses during the 25 years of $7,807.49. and relieved Soothing Syrup. 25c a bottle. Congress any eye. Some have spots, others For the past eight years the Doctor has visited your city every Saturday the same the number of eyes of scores' of best known and influential citizens, and they in turn have febSMW&F&wly matter. During period, blotches of I the suffering your stripes, still others white, | want to add a new department to given him testimonials without number in which they express their heartfelt gratitude It be iu this in the schools lias increased from and relief received at his hands. may stated, connection, pupils and and the so for the speedy permanent green, blue, yellow black, my store, but before doing I must with the harsh methods of the knife and that to The of Now, do not class Dr. Fisk’s treatment the crews on the Boston boats have 3,384 4,813. average general takes its color from the OR RISK TO LIFE AND all For additional Local ^ews sse oye predomi-j reduce my stock to make room. I shall ligature, for he cures WITHOUT PAIN HEALTH, and in 1865-66 was business while under his treatment. been armed with policeman’s billies, and expense per pupil $3.94; nance of one hue. An eye that is con-; patients can attend to their regular have every day some bargains treats Piles, Fistula, Ulceration and all diseases of the rectum. an increase of 45 special The Doctor successfully hereafter drunken who in 1890-91 it was $4.39, sidered will often be of’ over thirteen in Fifth any patty may gray composed to offer and if are down town don’t He has made a specialty of these diseases for years Maine, and his enres yon or can be found but Page. a sum- cents Now to what is this in- black and An eye that is have been so complete that to-day hardly a town village that con- make similar disturbance will be per pupil. yellow. thought1 his for the health fail to call in and look around. tains some person w ho is ready and willing to sound praise and happi- crease In the first all of the to be brown will be very dark red, with! treatment. BRIEF JOTTINGS. marily dealt with. due?n place, ness brought them by his wonderful and painless Louis Globe-' no nostrum to he must see his patient in every case and treat them school houses then in use, with one ex- spots of yellow or blue.—St. Dr. Fisk has sell, 1 personal! Democrat. I Shall Offer This Week: where he Rev. Matt S. lectures tonight ception (the School street schooiliouse) 8Cie5e wUTbe at the United States Hotel, Portland, every Saturday, (room 18) Hughes from or disease of the can he consulted free of charge. All persons suffering Piles, any are in use and there have been at Peaks Island. today, One Sot to call and see him, or address Hon. Otis Kaler, of Portland, is visits large of Writing Paper rectum, are requested ______their built that five new at his home 344 MAIN The fishermen are refitting ves-, Ills Mrs. F. D. of during period large for 23 cents per pound ; one lot 1)R.C. T. FISK, office, ST., juETHSTON, ME., ing daughter, Pullen, with hundreds of testimonials from prominent people throughout the lor the to wit: The North School, line Cream Writing Paper 28 for pamphlets sels spring fishing. Penobscot buildings, State. marl II? &Stf street, Bangor. cents per The Locomotive will hold the Shailer school, the Butler school, the pound, regular price Engineers Dr. Seth C. Gordon is a candidate for 35 cents; 400 packages Enve- their annual ball at Hall, 26th. MeLellan and the Jackson school. City April election as delegate to the Democratic school, lopes, 3 packages for lO cents; / All the old have received from Yesterday was bright and springlike National Convention from this buildings 500 packages Envelopes, 5 cents district. The weather in the time to time extensive and old a package, 5 packages for 20 today in the morning, cloudy and damp Miss Katherine M. Bicker will repairs, sing cents; 350 packages fine Einen is lilcely to be afternoon. methods of heating and ventilating have next Tuesday evening at the fair to be Envelopes, 8 cents a package, colder. Alliance will been new. This ac- The Unitarian Women’s for the benefit of the Waterville replaced by expense Sarsaparilla 5 packages for 35 cents; 144 Friday, March 11,1802. given count includes and meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock for bus- janitors’ salaries, Class Ink Stands JO cents each; band. there are necessari- Such a success, and is it im- military with more buildings great why a line of New in- iness. large Jewelry much faith Mr. John W. Farwell, of Boston, pro- ly more janitors. For the same reason possible for other Sarsaparillas and cluding 300 Stick Pins at lO Last at 10.30 o’clock there was more for Tak- evening prietor of the Farwell Mills at Lisbon, there is expense heating. blood purifiers to compete with this cents, 3 for 25 cents: a line should not be re- a with thunder and into consideration the increased fa- TOO heavy shower, light- has been to the ing assortment of Coinks, Tooth Me., just appointed which have been added medicine ? cilities during great Because Brushes, Soaps, flair Brushes, in the alma- ning. of treasurer of the Atlantic a and posed position the quarter of century and. at low Parker & are building two yawl Pnrfumery very Nagle Mills. the increased accommodations prices. nac. for fishermen and three row- for the health and comfort No Other boats light The only changes likely to occur in of the it cannot be said that gives as much medicine for the money Please bear in mind that this is no The weather bureau is boats for private parties. this in the of the pupils justly t vicinity appointments the increase of of 45c. as Hood’s The business of the expense per pupil Sarsaparilla. temporary entertainment. I propose regular meeting Methodist Conference this are a is On the the a safer The mid- year, unduly large. contrary, to make it for to call guide. Woman’s Christian Temperance Union that the increase is not is an interesting you successor to Bev. Mr. Frost who will go fact larger No Other dle-March air is to will be held at 514 Exchange street today argument that makes for the economical every time you are down town. likely to Bangor, and successors to Bev. David sonal supervision of the proprietor in all m. manner in which the schools have been Come and look over my studies, they at 2.30 p. Pratt of West end and Bev. John Collins the details of its preparation, as has be of a June like softness; managed. If the school buildings of are or Yesterday there was a jubilee at the beauties, and we sell let them of Peak’s Island. Portland were today in no better condi- Hood’s Sarsaparilla. then the and in the a has as you wish. My Circulating Library clothing begins Salvation Barracks, evening James E. Marfett, Esq., has just been tion than they were twenty-live years ■li ■ Sarsaparilla the devotional if were heated and and is first class, I add new books banquet and service, consul at for the ago, they lighted Sm) Other the merit to se- every to feel unendurably heavy appointed Portland, 11 tn/1 in th A L' n in A innnnni< no ll o XT communi- week. “Three Hours at the Cross.” of South America. cure the confidence of entire Republic Uruguay, were then, could doubtless be cared and there comes an im- Governor Russell and staff of Massa- they ties and hold it year in and year out, as The office was formerly held by Stephen for at no greater expense now than was with members of the Commo- has Hood’s Sarsaparilla. to throw off too chusetts, R. Small, Esq., and years ago by both necessary then. But the suggestion may pulse dore Portland last be made that parents would be ■li iM,. a Sarsaparilla-can Club, passed through Samuel and Andrew Spring. We con- many FRANK B7 much of it. for a found who would be to trust hSO Other from CLARK, on their to Hartland unwilling produce evening way gratulate Mr. Marrett on his appoint- the lives of their children in buildings actual cures such wonderful statements There’s no week's sport. un- 515 Street. objection ment and wish him abundant success in which might be fairly criticised as of relief to human suffering as marll Congress dim have given The Eastern Forge Company his new field of labor. healthful. The people of Portland have Hood’s Sarsaparilla. whatever to a change but to the Vulcan Iron Works of demanded that the changes in school ac- shipped Mr. C. foreman sail- |L 9 a. _ Sarsaparilla pos- Henry Lovell, commodation which hygienic principles ^ „ it should be a West Wilkesbarre, Pa,, three steel shafts sesses the Com- gradual maker of the United States Navy Yard require should be made in this city; their S^O Other and 10 inches Pecul- HORSES!HORSES! 12 feet long, and 14, 124 at Kittery, is the oldest past master and demands have been complied with, in bination, Proportioned Process one. Onfc should not diameter and six handsome at and do not that iar to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which We now have respecti vely, also the oldest in membership of Port- part least, they expect _and out of thick woolen very muchi each 14 feet new, improved and enlarged accommoda- makes Hood’s Sarsaparilla in curative jump snindle shafts long. land Lodge of Masons. Mr. Lovell is tions can be and maintained at effect Peculiar to Itself. the best assortment of/ There will be a rendezvous of supplied underwear into summer special seventy-eight years of age, but is remark- the same annual as the expense antiqua- E&R > Sarsaparilla com- DRESS LININGS we have) Maine Sovereign Consistory at Masonic and ted and discarded ones. ably strong vigorous, and is seldom bines eve- hSO Other economy Balbriggans. Everybody Portland, Friday afternoon and if ever absent from his at Your correspondent further says: all Hall, important duty and as does Hood’s ever shown, embracing when the A. and “Assuming that forty scholars to each strength Sarsapa- should be with ning, April 1st, degrees the navy yard. He has been a Mason It is of provided teacher would be a proper maximum rilla. the only preparation the New and Shades from the 19th Styles A. Scottish rite through forty-seven years. (which we find in 1878) the same ratio which can truly be said, ioo Doses $i. middle-weight undercloth- will be conferred on candidates would us teachers less in 1891 in both and the 32nd Postmaster John C. Small is in Wash- give forty ELI 4?^.. i Sarsaparilla has plain fancy. of the state. than were employed in the latter year. as well as overcloth- from different parts ington attending a convention of posi> .RbO Other effected such re- ing Satin Cab- This would be a pretty substantial sav- Super Surahs, Steamer Sarnia, Captain Couch, of the called to meet at the Post cures as Hood’s and comfort masters, ing.” The implication here is that forty markable Sarsaparilla, ing. Health Dominion sailed for Liverpool yes- Office of Salt Rheum, blood ilenes, Satalines, Best Eng- line, Department. About forty post- teachers more than are necessary aie Scrofula, poison- in this demand. terday afternoon at 1 o’clock. She took the most now employed. It may be admitted that ing and all other blood diseases. agree masters, representing — lish Surah Fast import- _ Qomnorillo Ivra Twills, a valued at the of to a teacher several passengers and cargo ant offices in the country, are present. average forty pupils It is true that there are is not too large so far as the grammar iflGlT Hood’s Black Surahs Fast Black including the following United This conference was held in HwO vwl equalled $146,352, pursuance and primary schools are concerned. In who wear the barrels of 291 in the relief it in the people States cargo: 57S3 apples, of a plan originated by Postmaster- the High school, however, such an aver- Sarsaparilla gives Silesias, Fast Black Cam- of 254 bundles is too to severest cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, same the cattle, 1573 pieces- maple, General Wanamaker two years ago to age high. Twenty twenty-five weight clothing Shades in of bacon pupils in a division is as many as one Sick Headache, Biliousness, Heart- brics, Evening of shooks, 1,045,200 pounds 10,- bring the postmasters together so they teacher can do justice to. Each grammar burn, and other stomach disorders. year round, not 000 of meats. better with Bros. though Cambrics, Elastic Linen pounds might get acquainted depart- and primary school teacher then having Murray ment and also to of a circumstan- TVith to officials, lead to an in- charge room should have under her O$hctrSareapariUa0ver' of required by Linen Col- Charged Threatening Shoot. IPSO wIllGi comes That Tired Received This Morning, the finest stock Padding, Duck, of ideas which would have charge forty pupils. If this is the posi- Horses which they have shown for years, con- was in munici- terchange and ces to do so. Such Charles E. Maxwell the tion of it be as- Feeling, Restores the Appetite, of peo- lar Skirt practical results. your correspondent may sisting Canvas, Ruffling, court yesterday charged with threat- sumed to be well taken. There are em- Makes the Weak Strong,” like pal ple are a mystery to us. “Velvetto” Skirt ening to shoot Charles E. Thomas. Max- ployed today in the primary schools, ex- Binding, The Kush For the Offices, ten teachers at the train- Hood’s 50 Sound Horses, are said on the stand that he worked for cluding pupil Sarsaparilla Young, There animals and well school and the teachers in the schools Saleyeuse in White A caucus of the Democratic ing B. to take Hood’s from 1000 to 1500 suitable Thomas in his Thomas wanted preliminary N. If you decide weighing pounds, stable,that on the islands, eighty teachers. for work, which as insensi- aldermen and councilinen elect was held do not be induced to take any other. drivers, express general delivery, appear Colors, &c., &c. him to vote the Democratic ticket on Mon- The average number of pupils belong- heavy draft,.farm use—in fact, for any use for yesterday afternoon to and matters in the in which a first class horse is needed. Among ble to cold as others to do but he refused. Thomas try get ing primary schools the city care ail of the above in day Thereupon Hood’s Pi Its Biliousness^ them are some very finely matched pairs. Nearly straightened out a little, so that decisive proper, excluding the training school, in the called him abusive names and discharged Havlngjthe best buyers United States and there are cold to the returns for the month in the are at ail heat, shades to match the New action can be taken at the after- according NEW constantly field, they prepared said he never had threatened Saturday ADVERTISEMENTS. the him. He of February is 2,740, making an average times to give tiieir customers best bargains noon caucus. We hear of these candi- a for than be blooded men and women but he had threatened of to a teacher. The witli wider range selection, can Dress Goods. to shoot Thomas, thirty-four pupils offered bv otlier dealers in the state. dates additional for the principal offices: number of teachers in the any to lick him. Maxwell became his own grammar These Horses are to be sold immediately to but for all that, sniffles, who room now on the vuqiii iiuui u wjl Aiuviiuou-x/auiCl Uai schools, excluding those principals make for additional purchases bondsman for $100 to keep the peace and rlr» Tint, liavo flliavffO rvf cr»r>r»iol vnnm c be to lagher and F. D. Rogers. SALE way, and prices will made accomplish and are "Ho Trouble to Show Goods,” SPECIAL this was discharged. President Common Council—J. A. McGowan, is purpose. grip pneumonia TV. H. CfBrioi). themselves, thirty-nine. Don’t forget that these Horses are now on Clerk—Luther B. The average number in thoi Exhibition and bale at our no of A for the New Street Copamis- City Roberts, V. C. Wil3on, belonging I?" Stable, respectors persons. Suggestion James. Connellan. grammar schools during the month o# riday. Burnt)'. Treasurer—W. H. Moulton, A. D. Sweetsir. February was 1,417, an of In this uncertain Auditor—W. H. average thirty- Double-fold Wool Dress Goods spring Sargent. six pupils per teacher. During the To the Editor of the Press: Marshal—D. S. Murphy. in Scotch plaids, stripes and when one is Fire Cliief-A. F. Griffin. month of February there have been weather day desires to mixtures, 11 FRARKUN ST. & As every city government Superintendent Burials—J. H. Tobin. many absences caused by the grippe and marlldlw B. winter and the next sum- [astman||sos, Bancroft a for economy, I venture Assessor (three years)—L. Roberts, A. F. similar so that the inarllcllw gain reputation J. B. J. H. sicknesses, average Farnsworth, Kehoe, Bradley. attendance that month is much 19c yd. ^waktbdT to call the attention of our new street Assistant Assessors—G. O. Gosse, Jeremiah during mer it is needful to make Donahue. smaller than usual. For in commissioner to a measure which would instance, experienced salesman for dress goods Assistant Street Commissioner—Jeremiah October the average at the Monument Must have references. — in the 24® Middle AN department. good to result in a considerable decrease Donahue. street school was In Street, None but experienced salesmen need apply. frequent changes, Street Commissioner—M. C. B. thirty-seven. the McCaun, G. it was expense of his department, namely, McGregor. February thirty-four. At the dress for the day and its regular organization of the volunteer bri- Overseers Poor—H. J. Conley, B. E. Mc- Jackson school it was forty-three in MANSON Donough, T. J. Flaherty. October and in At mm (3. LARRABEE. G.~LARRABEE, Never of ladies who for some time forty-two February. requirements. gade past Messenger—C. F. Plummer, M. C. McCann, D. the Butler school it was in marll It A. D. forty-one marll 2-16 Middle Street. dtf have the* sidewalks Murphy. Sweetsir. October and mind the small bother of gratuitously swept Liquor Agent—James Bradley, Robert A. thirty-seven in February. with their trailing gowns. The thorough- Aliern, Daniel Carr, M. A. Dillingham, J. Henry It will therefore be seen that even in Joseph D. W. Fen- when the so; do it, it will ness which the work is Bradley, McClusky, George February average attendance doing with Already per- ley, John Welch. was lower than usual, the num- formed leaves nothing to be desired in average Sickness and doc- ber of pupils per teacher is pay. Funeral actually that but a little more method of Michael Duddy. much nearer than direction, forty the statements of tor’s bills are worse. in to would regard time, place, Ac., The funeral of the late Michael your correspondent would lead one to greatly increase its efficacy. The gown Duddy, believe. It should also bo remembered for who died on of this took possesses a marked superiority this Tuesday week, that there are likely to he present on any \ paint, purpose over the broom of the ordinary place from St. Dominic’s church yester- one day from one to five more pupils soft material (Boob street sweeper, its enabling day morning at 10 o’clock. The solemn than the average number belonging. Our line of paint, it to catch and hold singularly well the In schools where the is "below medium mass of requiem was celebrated bis average accumulated filth of the street, as any by forty pupils to a teacher the difficulties painters' Supplies, the Rev. John for one may readily convince himself by a nepbcw, Duddy, pastor of in seeking to raise it are practical ones. weight underclothing a dress at work. If a member glance at the Church of the Blessed Trinity, Great Each class in a building may contain less men at 50c. for a Xaroe assortment, of the should assert that she is than and two of them begins brigade Falls, N. H. Mr. Duddy had many forty pupils, any in the habit of holding up her gown, this together contain more than one and as IRlabt. friends and relatives in this city, includ- may forty.' fairly good up prices need not lead to her rejection, for al- A teacher may have but thirty in her of Brand' Edward though a fewr inches at one side are thus ing Mr. Duddy the Grand grade, yet if she take the next or Seal as can higher high quality go. Satisfaction gracefully lifted a foot or two abovo the Trunk railway. lower grade in connection with her own For women the ground, the rest of the dress, being al- she would have sixty in her room. line be- assureb lowed to trail at full length, is amply suf- The in some school Congress Square Annex. seating capacity at and we are ficient to accomplish its purpose. At houses is also limited. If in such a ^ gins 25c. at are A entitled this season, wdien the streets espe- comedy “The Chaperon” school the average per teacher is low it cially dirty, the services of these ladies will be given in the vestry of Congress may be because there is no room for showing many worthy are Coffee. are invaluable, and since they willing more—that seat is square church on March every occupied. “ values. comfort Monday evening, — called Coffee of America.” thus to sacrifice and cleanliness, There is one way in whicli the number Java and Mocha justly The Aristocratic N.H. NAY & SON’S that citizens will not 14th, by the Annex. The play is entire- Df it is to be hoped our teachers may be reduced, and its feas- This is the Coffee served in the Japanese Garden at the Pure Food Exhibition. be deprived of the full benefit of such ly new and modern, and introduces such ibility has been considered by the mem- conduct inaction bers of the whole roasted in 2 lb. air-tight cans. publiQ spirited by any pleasing features as the tennis drill, committee during the past Always packed (unground) Middle Street. on the part of the proper authorities. I (rear. The schools on You can free 24 beautiful of Eastern Life. Address, minuet, 5 o’clock tea, etc. The lines are Spring street, get photographs OWEN, MOORE & CO. would therefore beg leave to recommend Park street, Brackett street and Carroll CHASE & Mass. and and will be SANBORN, Eoston, the subject to the consideration of bright taking, sure to af- street are none of them full. The early pupils We sell only f<* the trade. the Street Department. X. ford an evening of solid pleasure. >f any one may be divided among the mar4 dtJlstorStUp
