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Recent Anth More Authentic Information in oh thd » Then; is ever danger acting of continuance* a In work now in the recent anth more authentic of the moment, and consider hands ot information, ’phrenzy evt^-ry gentleman, this resolu- it it the of the nation* jf tion ot appears that the Senate agreed to the ing judgment ju.dge Chase is condemned, as •we were to receive as indications the at noes being variance with the usual prac- resolution—ayes 11, 10.] violent, but temp orarv tice of public judgment) this state, by a judge who has the result ot case impressions, and followed the same practice. FINANCES OF VIRGINIA. we shy T fleeting circumstances, ald be e- These ordinary fluctuations in public lie revenues ol the Cominonweajtb-. sea. What should we of ver at say of the opinion, I only mention to sh-.w to what Virginia arise from the following at this tim public judgment >c ? That it extremes men are sometimes carried by sources. has most about. 1. A tax on strangely veeredt party spirit, and that there are times lands, slaves, horses, or- In the federal were accu- 1794, jtv.fges when a reasonable man is bound to dis- dinary licences, riding carnages, lo.ts, sed of ar' htrarv construc- trust and houses in introducing his own judgment and forbear to town, and licences to mer- tive treason. Durinr a shameful rebel- hawkers act, unless acting by an immediate duty. chants, and pedlars, which is the officers of had been Such is in the revenue lion, government the present time ; and I hope specified acts passeu at out of the each driven country, their persons this body will resist its untoward ten- session. their officers 2. assaulted, plundered and dencies and cheris .he institutions of From the surplus on tobacco ex- and burnt, their functions suspended. our country. ported, alter deducting the expenccs au» A brigade had assembled in arms, un- thorised by law. der its officers and other leaders ; and 3. from a tax on law i'lr. Sheffy made along and luminous process, ap- the public mail was taken. The judges peals, 8*c. which is accounted for argument against the resolution. After by* decided, that if men conspire to clerks of courts. oppose tin*, close of Mr. Sheffy’s speech, Mr. by force the execution cf a general sta- 4. From fees the of Nelson moved an amendment, which paid by register tute, arul if in pursuance of such the land office. conspi- went to provide, that judges should be assemble in and 5. From the of land war- racy, they force, proceed remove-able on * purchase impeachment and con- to apply that force t o any rants, a of unlawful pur- v let ion of treason, for authorising survey unappro- connected ivith their main any high crime, tana. pose design, or priateu misdemeanor, bribery, or incapacity; this is treason. By the party 6. For the redemption of land forfei- calling and that a majority of the senate should themselves this decision was ted to the Commonwealth lor the non- republican, be sufficient to convict. denounced every where, from payment of taxes. Georgia i his amendment went to defeat the to Maine. It was declared to be con- 7. From fines, forfeitures and amerce- proposed power of removal a vote of structive treason and that war by ; levying both houses. ments, including militia fines. could only exist in meeting and oppos- 8. From the Penitentiary, for rent of ing the regular or militia forces of the Wednesday^ January 20. the jail and diet of prisoners committed., A for government. federal judge has lately Mr. Nelson’s amendment was, at his offenees against the United States, decided, that if in pursuance of a trea- own desire, so amended as to require 9. Front the State’s^ dividend on her sonable conspiracy to overturn the go- the present constitutional majority.— share of the capital stock of the Bank, vernment, men assemble in force, and in Mr. Nelson then supported his proposi- of Virginia. a condition to are trea- tion a act, they guilty of by very able argument. It was 10. From the James River Company, son by levying Tear, without any ap- opposed by Messrs. Daniel, Sheffy, and plication of that force to an unlawful Doddridge ; and rejected, 14 to 5. From the Treasurer’s statement, it W furpose. hat is now the republican i he question recurring on the origi- appears that the balance in the treasury judgment ? Why, that this latter opinion nal resolution, it was rejected, 13 to 6. oil the 30th September, 1806, was tj.iV most limits the so ium shamefully ground, ■The ayes and nocs being called, were : of 8 122,463 62 that traitors may escape. A conspiracy Ayes-Thomas Maclin, Iloulder That the receipts during to commit treason, is treason by levying Hudgins, John Pegram, Robert G. Robb, the year ending the 30th of war, it we rely on temporary impres- V illiam B. Hare, John P. Hunger ford# September, 1807, amount* sions made on the public mind. Have Nays—William Daniel, MiU <* Sel- cd to 341,330 39 we not seen a powerful party contend- den, Daniel Smith, Nicholas Scbreil, ing that the iury, in Callender’s case, Isaac 15. Coles, I.ewis Wolf, Daniel 8463,794 » Tied a right t pronounce the law under Sheffy, J'-hn C. Hunter, Philip Dou- And that the disburse- which he was indicted unconstitutional? dridge, Richard Brooke, John Dabney, ments during the year end- And do \v e not now hear the same party 1 Robert Nelson, and Thomas M. Baily. ing the 30th Sept. 1807, denouncing this power in a judge ; and amounted to 8 326,254 13 are they not labouring to confide it solely [In a former number of the Reposi- to the who a to Balance in the legislature pass law, wc treasury tory stated, upon the authority of o- judge of its constitutionality? It is-not on the 30th Sept. 1807, 8 137,539 88 thcr that the resolution only in the populace we behold these newspapers, for whimsical conceits. Chase was accused su! ji cling senators of the United States Taxes for the present year. and for a On for 8 lOO ac* impeached, awarding capias, to be removed at the pleasure of-their lands every value, on an indictment, returnable in term cording Jo the equalizing Taw, 48 cer ts. respective state wys r< time, and ruling the party to trial for a legislatures, jett- On slaves above 12 years,- xcept misdemeanor unless he could shew cause ed by the Senate cf Virginia* From exempted, by the courts, 44 ccnta. .
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