Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 8, 2013 Second Sunday in Advent Volume 1, Issue 14 Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel I Am The Immaculate Conception The Second Sunday in Advent this year happens to fall on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, when Our Lady was prepared for the coming of the Son of God in her womb. God prepared her by giving her the unique privi- lege of being born without Original Sin. Of all the Sons and Daughters of Adam, she alone has been given that eminent privilege. She alone was found worthy to bear the Son of God. As the rod grew from the Root of Jesse, it found its Our Lady of the Rosary 15 Pepper Street Monroe CT 06468 (203) 261-8290 Emergencies: (203) 268-9200 Fr. Adan Rodriguez (Pastor)
[email protected] HOLY MASS Sundays: 7:00 & 10:00 am Weekdays: 7:00 & 8:00 am CONFESSIONS Sundays 6:40—6:55 am 9:15—9:55 am Weekdays 6:40—6:55am And by appointment HOLY ROSARY Sundays: 9:40 am First Saturdays: 8:45 am CALENDAR DATE FEAST TIME INTENTION Sun Dec 8 Immaculate Conception of BVM 7:00 am Ellen Hall Second Sunday in Advent 10:00 am Missa pro Populo W Mon Dec 9 Within the Octave of BVM 8:00 am Special intentions of Vincent Ferro W Tue Dec 10 Within the Octave of BVM 7:00 am Harriet Rand St. Melchiades, M 8:00 am Maria Antonieta Suracci, RIP W Wed Dec 11 St.