Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanities, Art Studies (03 H)

Kaunas, 2013 The scientific doctoral dissertation was prepared at Vytautas Magnus University in 2009-2013. The right of the doctoral studies was granted to Vytautas Magnus University jointly with the Architecture and Construction Institute at the Decision No. 926 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on July 15, 2003.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laima Šinknait (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H)

The scientific doctoral dissertation is defended at the Council of Art Studies Scientific Field of Vytautas Magnus University:

Chairman: Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Levandauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H)

Members: Prof. Dr. Rta Janonien (Vilnius Academy of Arts, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H) Dr. Aist Paliušyt (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H) Prof. Dr. Kstutis Žemaitis (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Theology 02 H) Prof. Habil. Dr. Alfonsas Motuzas (Vytautas Magnus University, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H)

Opponents: Prof. Habil. Dr. Aleksandra Aleksandraviit (Vilnius Academy of Arts, Humanities, Art Studies 03 H) Dr. Liudas Jovaiša (Vilnius University, Humanities, History 05 H)

The doctoral dissertation will be defended at the public meeting of the Council of Art Studies Scientific Field at the art gallery 101 of Vytautas Magnus University, address: Laisvs Al. 53 – 101, LT – 44309, Kaunas, Lithuania, on December 10, 2013 at 2 pm.

The summary of the doctoral dissertation was distributed on November, 2013. The dissertation is available for review at the library of Vytautas Magnus University and Martynas Mažvydas National library of Lithuania.




Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra (03 H)

Kaunas, 2013

 Mokslo daktaro disertacija rengta 2009 – 2013 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universitete. Doktorantros teis Vytauto Didžiojo universitetui suteikta kartu su Architektros ir statybos institutu Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybs 2003 m. liepos mn. 15 d. nutarimu Nr. 926.

Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. dr. Laima Šinknait (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H)

Mokslo daktaro disertacija ginama Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Menotyros krypties taryboje:

Pirmininkas Prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Levandauskas (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H)

Nariai: Prof. dr. Rta Janonien (Vilniaus dails akademija, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H) Dr. Aist Paliušyt (Lietuvos kultros tyrim institutas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H) Prof. dr. Kstutis Žemaitis (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija 02 H) Prof. habil. dr. Alfonsas Motuzas (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H)

Oponentai: Prof. habil. dr. Aleksandra Aleksandraviit (Vilniaus dails akademija, humanitariniai mokslai, menotyra 03 H) Dr. Liudas Jovaiša (Vilniaus universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija 05 H)

Daktaro disertacja bus ginama viešame menotyros mokslo krypties tarybos posdyje 2013 m. gruodžio 10 d. 14 val. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Men galerijoje ,,101”, Adresas: Laisvs al. 53 – 101, LT – 44309, Kaunas, Lietuva.

Daktaro disertacijos santrauka išsista 2013 m. lapkriio d. Disertacij galima peržirti Lietuvos nacionalinje Martyno Mažvydo ir Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto bibliotekose.


Novelty of the theme, topic, actuality. The research of fine arts of monkhoods that flourished in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) in the 17th-18th century is important as evaluation of artistic, cultural and spiritual heritage of the past. Even though the monastic tradition is rather short in GDL, the valuable and original heritage encourages to analyse the culture of monasteries as a separate layer of cultural tradition. The solid contribution of one of the largest monkhoods of GDL, the Carmelite Order, to the nurturance of religious art should be evaluated by a wider and deeper aspect of art criticism. Also, religious fraternities, which became the only nurseries for Catholicism after the closure of monasteries, played an important role in continuing the tradition of piety and church art in our country. The chosen Marian aspect of research – Our Lady of the Scapular – reflects one of the main piety cults of the Carmelite monkhood. The purpose of this work is to draw attention to the iconography of images of Our Lady of the Scapular. The place of this iconographic derivative has not yet been defined unambiguously in the system of Marian iconography: iconographic dictionaries grant a different status to portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular. The historically tardy legitimation of the Carmelites’ piety determined a slower spread of devotion to St. Scapular as compared with the cult of St. spread by the Dominicans heartily in the Middle Ages; therefore, today we have a conditionally unequal positioning of two iconographies of analogical origin – Our Lady of the Rosary in particular is mentioned and predominates in the majority of art dictionaries or directories while Our Lady of the Scapular is not referred to. Due to the different perception of the conception of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular or identification of this derivative on the basis of distinct criteria, inaccuracies and mistakes emerge while identifying and evaluating portrayals of the Carmelite Mother of God. Such a situation prevails not only in our country but also in art criticism of the entire Europe, and this causes confusion and complicates iconographic research of Marian portrayals. Images portraying Out Lady of the Scapular are named differently: by confining to the theme of the vision plot, by coupling the title of the image with the title granted by the church, by continuing to use the title of piety of people, by emphasising the prototype of the image or the place of origin. These variants do not correspond with the iconographic typologization of art research rather

 often. Therefore, the type of Our Lady of the Scapular should be defined indicating the essential attributes of representation. In the research the internal composition of objects is analysed structurally, and the multi-layered iconography is revealed in this way. It is of great importance to find the notional dominant in portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular of combined iconography that determines the naming of the theme. The raising of this issue is actual for identification of heritage objects and their systemisation both in Lithuania and other European countries. The identification of objects is also aggravated by the broken iconography of these images altering with time: some images were created for evoking Carmelite spirituality right from the start, other images gained the iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular later while adorning the portrayals with casings, yet others – while repainting images or inducting the devotion to the scapular on the art work in another manner. Although the mobile sacramental of the scapular coming with an image reflects the piety context of the time period, it does not survive on the long run the most often, and iconographic changes may be recorded only according to entries in church inventories. It should be noted that the delivery of the scapular garment as a sacramental is portrayed not only in Carmelite art themes – the analogical plot is repeated in images of the Servite Order. Our Lady of the Scapular is also portrayed with the scapular sacramental of the fraternity form in Marian images of the Mercedarian Order. The aforementioned works of art are frequently attributed to the Carmelite artistic heritage erroneously due to the usual visual similarity. Such evident mistakes prove that art criticism lacks clear criteria on the basis of which the specifics of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular could be named and the legitimate status could be granted to this derivative. The lack of theological knowledge or theological education of specialists that carry out iconographic research could be referred to as a general problem in art criticism today. Usually connoisseurs of religious art gain knowledge about history of the , its structure, institutions, Catholic piety and liturgy from lasting experience, individual studies of secrets of Christian faith and consultations with Church representatives. The aforementioned topic is explored in our art criticism for the first time; therefore, the research is of high value due to its novelty and actuality. This research is

6  unique on the European scale too as there are no works of art criticism that would analyse the iconography of Carmelite Marian images of GDL in such a wide European context. Meanwhile, the funds of Lithuanian old religious art will be enriched with the analysis of newly discovered objects and the classified iconographic material of images of the Mother of God that encompasses three centuries of existence of the Carmelite monkhood in our country. Object of the dissertation. The chosen object of the research, images of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular, coincides with the step highly needed in our art criticism, i.e., with the systematic attitude of iconographic type to religious art works. Portrayals of the Mother of God that belonged to Carmelites of both confessions, monkhoods of Carmelites of Ancient Observance and the Discalced Carmelites, have been included into the research field. The period of existence of monastic orders does not coincide with the historical stages of statehood in our country: GDL lost the status of the state in 1795 but monkhoods continued existing for half a century longer. Despite the political changes, religious life persisted, functioning monasteries remained centres of Catholicism, and after their closure parish churches took over the role of spreading Christianity traditions. Therefore, the chronological borders of the research encompass the period that includes two stages: the first one, the period of existence of the Carmelite monkhood in GDL embraces the years 1506 – 1832, i.e., from the first establishment of the Carmelite monastery in GDL to the general closure of such monasteries, and the second one is from 1832 to the end of the 19th century when Carmelite art traditions were continued passively at the initiative of religious fraternities of the Scapular. As the Carmelite spirituality is named as deriving from the milieu of iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular, Carmelite monasteries of GDL are valued as the main locations of the researched object, and parish churches are also included in the subsequent period of spread. The geographic research field of the object is limited with the borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania established by the Union of Lublin in 1569 until the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772. The state of GDL that flourished in this territory for more than two centuries united ethnical Lithuanian and Belarusian lands. The present borders of the Republics of Lithuania and Belarus coincide with the borders in the 17th-18th century in general; therefore, different titles of the territories (Belarus and Gudija in Lithuanian) used in the work do not contradict each other as they mark the components of the state of GDL.

 7 The object was searched for comprehensively: in Lithuanian and Belarusian Carmelite monasteries and churches that belonged to them, in parish churches, state archives, library and museum funds, auctions and private collections. The data from archival sources is not eloquent when describing the iconography of the object but the fact of mention is important while establishing the field of spread of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular and revealing the iconographic programme of some particular sacred space. More than sixty objects of Our Lady of the Scapular were traced or mentioned in Belarus territory, in Lithuania - more than one hundred seventy. Sufficient contextual material has been collected both from the closest neighbour of GDL Poland (sixty objects), and from various European countries, where Carmelite monks lived - about three hundred objects. Objects of fine and applied arts with iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular have been included into the research field: easel and monumental painting works, graphic plates and prints, illustrations of books, sculptures, liturgical utensils, signs of devotion and religious images. A more extensive view of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular is attained without limiting the performance technique and purpose of objects. Images of altars and small procession altars predominate in the objects’ purpose; sculptures, images on flags and in church interior décor are not so frequent. Thus, all possible objects of the respective period have been included while reconstructing the iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular from various sources. Objectives and tasks. The objectives of this dissertation is to ground the specifics of the iconographic derivative of the Mother of God as Our Lady of the Scapular that formed as a result of the Carmelite monkhood’s piety by presenting the definition of the term and revealing the multi-layered iconography of these Marian portrayals in GDL. The objective of the dissertation is related with the following tasks: 1. To disclose the relation between the piety of the Carmelite monkhood and the history of origin of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular. 2. To define the conception of the iconographic type of the Mother of God – Our Lady of the Scapular by offering terminology that would simplify the identification of works. 3. To discuss prerequisites that influenced the formation of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular.

8  4. To distinguish the dominating tendencies of portraying the plot of iconographic origin of Our Lady of the Scapular in Carmelite art of GDL in the context of art of other Catholic European countries. 5. To evaluate the influence of tradition of following Byzantine prototypes in portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular. 6. To analyse subgroups of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular by revealing the multi-layered iconography, pointing out the general and unique features. 7. To present suppositions of prototypes of the researched objects and attribution.

Research methods. The research of religious art by the iconographic aspect is the most handy: works of art are classified according to commonness of motifs, plot and composition principles, the symbolism of separate elements is studied and their meaning is revealed. Iconography is also priceless for the establishment of dates of creation of art objects, their origin, interaction of types, sometimes their authenticity too. The iconology of E. Panofsky encompasses and researches works of value of different type. It was considered to be a drawback of this method at the end of the 20th century but it may be called an advantage in the field of religious art. The iconographical – iconological method of the German art historian and philosopher Erwin Panofsky is the most suitable for religious art research; it should be used in integration with other methods that enable the expansion of the research in the historical context and that assist in revealing the peculiarity of the Church art heritage better. Iconographic traditions that existed for centuries have theological background because theologians in particular established iconographic, symbolic and typological attitudes. There are no insignificant random details used in the composition for harmony only in religious works of art. Everything has a deep semantic and symbolic meaning related with the Christian tradition; themes and plots illustrate stories of the Holy Scripture and Church dogmas. The Italian art historian Eugenio Marino, who integrated the triad of iconology of Erwin Panofsky with the Christian theology, formed an iconological-theological method that is perfect for the analysis of religious art. According to the author of the method E. Marino, the context of profession is extremely important as a sacred art work discloses to the viewer theologically only when he/she participates in the process of profession. The coherence of the researched work with

 9 historically related documents that testify religious and social tendencies is necessary when applying the iconological-theological method; therefore, according to E. Marino, a rather deep knowledge of the cultural context of an art historian is required. The method of an art work in context of the German art criticism representative Hans Belting repeats the main provision of the iconological-theological method that the function of an art object and the context in which it was born should be researched in order to unite form and content. The contextual functional method enables the disclosure of the fountainhead of portrayal traditions, the purpose of the work, its structure and relation with historical sources. With the help of this methodology we perceive art works in the context of period of their birth and in the face of public functions rather than from the viewpoint of today. The establishment of the iconological method and complex comparativistic methodology is related with the name of the German scientist Aby Warburg. With the help of the comparative – comparativistic method we perceive Lithuanian art works as a part of the European cultural system. We discover common parallels of art development and distinguish peculiarities of our art better when making comparisons. The descriptive analytical method was used for describing the researched objects, and the attributive method was applied for identification in the dissertation. The stylistics of works and compositions are analysed using the stylistic and object’s formal analysis method. The geographic field of spread of objects is identified with the help of reconstructive and historiographical method.

Level of exploration of the theme. Literature and sources. The number of iconographic research increased markedly after the intensive studies of the cultural – artistic heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was started after the restoration of Lithuania’ independence. There are really many works of scientists in which religious art of the 17th-19th century has been researched. Marian objects have received the most of attention of Lithuanian art critics: these are portrayals of the Mother of God renowned for grace, the best known in Lithuania and found in pilgrimage the most often – images of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Trakai, Žemaii Kalvarija, the Gate of Dawn, Šiluva; nonetheless, there are no images of Our Lady of the Scapular among them. The latter appear in the field of research occasionally. The contribution to religious art research of Belarusian art historians is much more modest: there are no

10  works of larger volume, monographs; thematic articles are published in most probably the only magazine issued by Catholics , and single illustrated publications of small size dedicated to the iconography of the Mother of God were published in 2003 and 2007. Iconographic research is limited by the fact that there are very few works of Catholic art of the 17th-18th century that have survived in the land of Belarus. The beginning of purposeful research of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular is the Master thesis of the author Marian Themes – Iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular in Lithuanian Baroque Art (Vytautas Magnus University, 2001). Tojana Rainait describes several most famous portrayals of the Mother of God of the Discalced Carmelites of GDL in one section of her dissertation Architecture and Art of the Discalced Carmelites in Lithuania. In the monography Visions and Images. Heritage of the Discalced Carmelites published later, T. Rainait presents identical material but the theme of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular is not developed. The article of the author of this dissertation Iconographic Review of Image of the Mother of God of Carmel in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth may be found in the collection of scientific articles Virgo Venerabilis: Marijos paveikslas Lietuvos kultroje (Virgo Venerabilis: Image of Mary in Lithuanian Culture, 2011) that encompasses various aspects of research of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A. Rusteikien discusses the reflections of vision of the Scapular, the source of origin of Our Lady of the Scapular, in the artistic heritage of Lithuanian Carmelites in the article The Prototype of St. Simon Stock’s Vision and its Reiteration in the Lithuanian Carmelite Churches’ Iconographic Tradition (LOGOS, 72, 2012). After the review of publications dedicated to the iconography of the Mother of God of Carmel in particular, it may be asserted that a minimal amount of art research works on the theme has been found in Lithuania. The most thorough iconographic research of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular is Maryja ordowniczka wiernych of the Polish art researcher Kristina Moisan – Jablonska published in 1987. The author explores examples of art of Polish Carmelite churches, and this serves as a sufficient contextual material for the comparative analysis. In the research Obraz czyscca w sztuce polskiego baroku of 1995, this author discusses examples of the plot of St. Simon Stock’s vision. The historical review of Italian portrayals of the Mother of God of Carmel may be found in the anthology compiled by Emanuele Boaga Con Maria sulle vie di Dio (2000). In the publication La

 11 Signora del Luogo (2001), chapter Madre dello Scapolare, E. Boaga analyses the Italian examples of the plot of St. Simon Stock’s vision. These illustrated publications serve as a useful material while searching for links of images of GDL with South European countries. Literature that is referred to in this work may be divided into several groups. The first one is iconographic dictionaries and publications similar to them that are dedicated to the iconography of portrayals of the Mother of God, positioning of the type of Our Lady of the Scapular in Marian art and history of cult of the Carmelite Mother of God. The iconography of the Blessed Virgin Mary is presented the most comprehensively in the dictionary Lexicon der christlichen Ikonographie. Other sources: Marienlexikon, Ikonographie der christlichen Kunst, The in Art, Krikšioniškosios ikonografijos žodynas (Dictionary of Christian Iconography) introduce the development of Marian images in a more narrow manner or by some specific aspect. The fundamental works of iconography of N. Kondakov, V. Lazarev encompass the art of Byzantine and Christian Eastern icons. These are valuable sources while analysing the links of images of Our Lady of the Scapular with archaic prototypes of the Mother of God. Information necessary for the research of two first sections of the dissertation was also collected from historical books and articles about the prehistory of the Carmelite Order in Carmel and development of the monkhood in Europe. Theological information was gathered from Catholic encyclopaedias or directories and publications on religious studies, in which the spirituality traditions of the Carmelite monkhood, practices of piety are examined and the theological meaning of the scapular sacramental is explained. Publications that describe the history of Christianity help to form the historical – religious context. The most abundant group of literature includes publications with mentions of the researched objects that are present in Carmelite monasteries and parish churches of GDL. Single mentions about portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular may be found in historical studies of townships, in publications prepared by separate dioceses, which are dedicated to the presentation of the most valuable art works in parish churches of that region, and in various art criticism studies of religious art. There exist several publications about separate Lithuanian Carmelite monasteries: in Linkuva, Kdainiai, Kaunas and Vilnius, at the All Saints Church. The encyclopaedia ii

12  i is useful by the collected facts of history of Carmelite monasteries and the statistics itself, which is needed when forming the map of the spread of Carmelite monasteries in GDL. Vienuolijos Lietuvoje XIII-XX a. (Monkhoods in Lithuania in 13th- 20th Century) presents the statistics of monkhoods of GDL chronologically, according to congregations. Facts of patronage of the monkhood are replenished in Mecenatysts reiškinys XVII a. LDK (Phenomenon of Patronage in GDL of the 17th Century), and information about artists who decorated Carmelite churches is provided in Lietuvos dailinink žodynas XVI-XVIII a. (Dictionary of Lithuanian Artists of the 16th-18th Century). Funds of art research institutions became sources while searching for portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular. There is some information about images of Our Lady of the Scapular in Lithuania, which are or were present in various parish churches, in the catalogue of the archive of the Culture Heritage Centre. Such data was periodically added during special expeditions from the end of the 20th century. Analogical material is accumulated by the Art Research, Ethnography and Folklore Institute of the Belarusian Academy of Science. Still, some of the objects are not listed by these institutions, they have not been registered anywhere, and this forms a condition for extinction of historically valuable works of art. The search of the researched object was also carried out in museums of the country: in the biggest repository of Lithuanian historical cultural heritage – Lithuanian National Museum, in the Belarusian National Museum in Minsk, and National M. K. iurlionis Art Museum. Regional museums have also been included: Church Heritage, Kaunas Archdiocese, Samogitian Alka, Šiauliai Aušra, Kretinga Museums. The library and the graphic art collection of Adel and Paulius Galauns’ Home, the card catalogue of Pranas Gudynas Restoration Centre of the Lithuanian Museum of Art was reviewed and target information for the dissertation was found there too. The biggest part of the research objects was registered by the author of this work while visiting churches within and outside of Lithuania. As the majority of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular in GDL are reiterations, the disclosure of their prototypes forms an important part of the research. The search was carried out in several directions: by following the influence of regional centres and monastic ties of the Carmelite Order (Krakow, Lublin, Lvov, Berdychiv) and by searching for prototypes in the “cradle” of Catholic art, Italy. A number of the most famous Carmelite monasteries and churches in

 13 , Italy, Austria, and Poland has been visited. The European context was supplemented by objects that belonged to various funds, museums, antique shops – auctions. Extremely valuable iconographic information is available in Culturaitalia Fund, Lombardiabeniculturali – Cultural Fund of Lombardia Region, Federiko Zeri Project of Bologna University, in the collections of Metropolitan Art Museum in New York, Silesian religious art heritage project Drogibaroku, which is prepared by the Institute of Art Criticism at Wroclaw University. Manuscript sources have also been used for the research: visitations of Carmelite monasteries and churches, inventories of parish churches. Facts of existence of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular were searched for in the Lithuanian State History Archive Archive of Kaunas Archdiocese Curia Archive of National History of the Republic of Belarus, archive of Krakow na Piasku Carmelite Monastery, Manuscript Departments of Vilnius University Library Heritage e-catalog and Library of the Academy of Science, Departments of Rare Publications of the Lithuanian National M. Mažvydas Library and Kaunas County Public Library. However, the mention of the object usually limits with naming of the title of Our Lady of the Scapular in old documents, there are no wider descriptions of the portrayal that would be useful in the research of iconography. The collected statistical data will be used for the evaluation of the spread of images. The prints of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular found in manuscript sources testify about the possible existence of prototypes of images in particular monasteries or parish churches. Some of the published sources have been issued by the Lithuanian Catholic Academy – these are collections of archival documents: visitation of the Samogitian diocese in the 17th century, books of visitations of deans of Kaunas, Pabaiskas, Breslauja, Ukmerg in the 18th century. Mentions of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular, descriptions of images that would enable identification of the iconographic type were searched for in these documents, like in other written sources. Digitalised facsimiles of church documents from the Church Archive Information System BARIS were also used in the research.

Structure of the work. The dissertation is formed of the introduction, three parts, conclusions, bibliography, list of illustrations, illustrations and annexes. The introduction grounds the researched question, its actuality and novelty, the scientific

14  research object and its selection criteria are discussed, the objective is posed and tasks are formulated, methods are described, the review of the sources, literature and research is presented and the structure of the work itself is introduced.


The first part of the research work is dedicated to the analysis of origin of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular. In the section 1.1 Piety Traditions of Carmelites, the influence of piety traditions of Carmelites on iconography of Marian images is reviewed. The strong tradition of devotion of hermits of Mount Carmel to the prophet Elias and Blessed Virgin Mary intertwines in the spirituality of the Carmelite Order. The formed context of Carmelite piety in the Marian theme incorporates the prophets of the Old Testament St. Elias, St. Elisha with the most prominent Carmelites who were canonised at the beginning of the Order formation: St. Angelo of Sicily, St. Albert of Trapani, also with the former of the first regular, Patriarch of Jerusalem St. Albert Avogadro and other organisers of hermits who stood at the beginning of the Order. In the section 1.2 Story of Vision of the Scapular, the appearance of the Scapular as a sacramental is reconstructed from the story of apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Carmelite St. S. Stock, the road of devotion from the vision of St. S. Stock (1251) to the universal avowal of the Catholic Church is reviewed – the heavenly grace conferred through the Carmelite scapular was recognised universally in Europe and gained the liturgical status of Sabbatinum privilegium only in the 16th century. The complete vacuum of information was confronted while searching for the early documents that would correspond to the period of the vision. Researchers of the Catholic world of the 20th century put much effort to revive the history of spirituality of the Carmelites; still, today scientists do not have sufficient documentary proof to ground the historicity of the vision beyond debate. Absolute rationality is not necessary while reconstructing the history of saints worshipped by this religious community from the art research point of view. It is sufficient to evaluate the origin of vision of the Scapular by the traditional aspect of Carmelite piety and to accept this revelation as the sign of protection of Mary and the obligation to follow Christ.

 15 In the third section 1.3 Concept of Iconographic Type of Our Lady of the Scapular, the concept of Our Lady of the Scapular as a term is specified by offering a new and clear definition of iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular. The type of Our Lady of the Scapular appeared in Marian iconography rather late. The Byzantine archetypes of the Mother of God, which intertwined with images of the Mother of God popular in the Middle Ages, formed a good ground for integration of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary that reflected the Carmelites’ piety. Many inaccuracies were noticed while identifying images of Our Lady of the Scapular: the aforementioned works of art that have a very wide iconographic range are often named erroneously or attributed to another iconographic type. Therefore, it is important to define the term of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular clearly. The clarity of the concept would enable to clearly distinguish groups of these images and would refer to the essential differences with visually close works of art. Marian images that have symbols of iconography of St. Scapular are called by different titles in art criticism of today. In some personal names the special relation with the location of Mount Carmel is highlighted, in others the belonging of the image itself to the Carmelite milieu is emphasised. Only a part of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary are titled in direct relation with the sacramental of the Scapular. The emphasis on the sacramental of the Scapular and its domination in the portrayed theme should be considered as the main difference between the images of the Mother of God of Carmel / Madonna of Carmel and Our Lady of the Scapular. On the basis of the performed research, the conclusion is made that the sacramental of the Brown Scapular is the essential element and the main attribute of identification of the Blessed Virgin Mary in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. The motif of the scapular may be pictured using different forms of expression: as a traditional part of garments of monks and as the small scapulars of fraternities, i.e. the sacramentalia for laity. The scapular should be the accent of the iconographic programme of an art work: its mystical origin, power of empyreal privileges and meaning should be expressed. The moment of awarding the scapular and the portrayal of the sacramental itself in the hands of Mary or Child is the essential distinctive feature in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. The visionary theme of awarding the scapular to St. Simon Stock is the first plot in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular.



In the section 2.1 Impact of Decisions of Council of Trent on Carmelite Monkhood, attempts are made to find out about the impact of the General Church Council in Trent on the structure of the Carmelite Order, iconography of Carmelite art and new piety practices spread by the monkhood. The reorganisation idea of the Carmelite Order coincided with the need for spiritual renewal expressed in the Trent Decree and, as a result, the new Order of Discalced Carmelites Fratres Discalceati Ordinis Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo (OCD) was established at the end of the 16th century. It effloresced in Europe in the 17th-18th century. The Doctrine of Purgatory was confirmed in the last, 25th session of Council of Trent. Language of religious art eased the duty of bishops to spread the faith of soul purification through pain everywhere and all the time; therefore, the theme of Purgatory became very popular in milieu of the Carmelites as well as in all Christian art soon. The revival of Catholicism in GDL that manifested by various piety practices stood out by very active work of religious fraternities: Dominican and Carmelite monks established fraternities of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of the Scapular intensively from the end of the 16th century. The Carmelite Fraternity of the Scapular spread in the land of Lithuania and Belarus so widely that the brown scapular became the sign of devotion of almost every Catholic. Work of fraternities manifested more actively after the Council of Trent: altars or separate chapels of Our Lady of the Scapular were furnished at their initiative in churches, paintings of the same title were ordered. This purposeful activity of fraternities was related with the cult of religious paintings spread actively by the post- Tridentine Church: old images were worshiped as relics since then, their oldness was equated with miraculous features and authenticity. Images of the Mother of God of the Carmelite iconography preserved with the help of fraternities reached the present times; thus, we may consider the Carmelite Tertiaries to be cherishers and successors of the cultural – artistic traditions of the monkhood. In the section 2.2 Dispersion of Carmelite Monasteries in GDL, the prerequisites for the spread of the Carmelite Order in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are discussed, and the history of spread of monasteries is presented chronologically. The road of the Carmelites to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is marked by events important to the Order; therefore, the brief historical

 17 review helps to highlight with what traditions and spirituality fund the community of hermits of the Mount Carmel arrived in Europe and reached our country later. The movement of post-Tridentine reform that encompassed the entire Europe in the 16th century and reached our country slightly later became the most important impulse for the establishment of monkhoods in GDL. Nobility of GDL played the role of the church reformer, and one of the main activity fields of noblemen was establishment of new monkhoods in our lands and their patronage. Life of monkhoods came to flourish in the 17th-18th century thanks to the Catholic assiduity of the famous magnates of GDL, which manifested in foundations of churches and monasteries. Monks took care of spirituality of people, spread the cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary and encouraged various form of piety. Unfortunately, political changes determined the further fate of religious communities after the uprisings of 183l and 1863: almost all monasteries and the majority of churches were closed down at the authorities’ order. The stage of life of the Carmelite monkhood in the lands of Lithuania and Belarus finishes in this period in particular. The chronological review of the establishment of Carmelite monasteries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania helps to reveal the possible road of migration of images of Our Lady of the Scapular, and the local concentration of monasteries will be taken into regard in the deeper iconographic analysis too. In the context of this research, it is not actual to distinguish the development of the Orders of Carmelites of Ancient Observance and Discalced Carmelites as the sacramental of St. Scapular unites both congregations. Facts that could have made an impact on the birth of the studied images, their relocation and fate should be mentioned in the review of Carmelite monasteries and their churches. Mentions of images of Our Lady of the Scapular in archival sources are significant as they help to reconstruct the spread of the researched object (images of altars, small procession altars, images on flags, illustrations of religious books).


The portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular that derives from the spirituality tradition of the Carmelites manifests in the most diverse forms of Marian iconography. When researching the variety and multi-layered features of iconography of Our Lady of

18  the Scapular, objects are grouped according to the origin, plot line, followed local piety tradition and formal criteria. In the analysis of the European context of images of Our Lady of the Scapular, the dominating iconographic schemes and their spread is defined, links of archetypes of European origin with particular objects of Our Lady of the Scapular of GDL are revealed, and the tendencies of repetition, fragmentation or recreation of an image are evaluated. When objects of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular of South and West Europe and those of GDL are compared, the general and unique features typical of our country only become distinct. Works of different artistic level are evaluated according to authenticity and direct purpose of religious images, i.e., by the aspect of religious suggestibility. Objects of the research work – derivatives of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular – encompass the majority of art kinds. The images of the Mother of God of Carmelites that were or are located in church frescos, mosaics, stained-glass works, casings of antependiums, altar images and sculptures, in attributes of liturgical processions and in garments, in décor of sacramentalia, illustrations of religious books and church stationery articles are analysed. Objects of untypical iconography or repeating examples are not studied wider but are included into the catalogue of images. In the section 3.1 Portrayal of Vision of the Carmelite Scapular, the vision of St. S. Stock is distinguished as an independent group of images in order to highlight the unique features of this visionary plot in the European context. First, 3.1.1 Traditional Portrayal of Revelation to St. S. Stock as the source of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular is discussed. When analysing the examples, the most important distinction of traditional iconography of the vision of St. S. Stock of GDL shows – the Mother of God is always portrayed along with the Child Jesus. While there are images of Mary alone granting the scapular to the Carmelite St. S. Stock in other European countries, in all the researched objects in GDL Mary is portrayed as holding the Son on hands. This tendency was most probably determined by the aspect of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God as well as the understanding that the Blessed Virgin Mary performed the role of a conciliator and intercessor as for the sent heavenly privileges, for which her son Jesus Christ had suffered. Images of St. S. Stock of our country do not stand out artistically: most of them are reiterations of famous prototypes that reached GDL in illustrated theological publications. The subsection 3.1.2 Images of Multiple Iconography embraces images of multiple iconography rather than objects of

 19 the archetypical plot of St. S. Stock’s vision. The purpose and privilege of the Carmelite scapular sacramental is the salvation of souls from the purgatory; therefore, the motif of this afterlife place, which corresponds to the Sabbatine privilegium doctrine directly, is integrated in the image of St. S. Stock’s vision frequently. The biggest number of such works may be found in Southern European countries, and only a few examples of this heterogeneous iconography – in our country. After researching the aforementioned objects, it may be stated that the vision of St. S. Stock is the source of origin of the iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular and the first plot of this iconographic derivative. The main and obligatory attribute is the scapular which is the sign symbolising the privilege of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In images of St. S. Stock’s vision of GDL the authenticity of revelation, i.e. the text of the legend, is followed emphatically, canonical portrayal forms are complied with, the form of the brown scapular garment in particular is pictured. The amplified schemes of iconography did not naturalise or did not survive in GDL. Images of St. S. Stock’s vision are not described in greater detail in historical sources, only the title of the image is mentioned; therefore, it is impossible to find out the iconographic details. No mention of St. Simon Stock’s vision was found in inventory descriptions of the 17th century, they appear only in the 18th century. This shows that the piety forms propagated by Christianity spread slower to the lands of GDL and naturalised much later than in countries located close to the centre of Catholicism, Rome. The theme of the Carmelite scapular origin integrated into the wide range of Marian images; therefore, the analysis of images of St. S. Stock’s mystical vision is an important part of research of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. In the section 3.2 Tradition of Following Byzantine Prototypes, the researched objects of GDL are associated with the most famous cult Marian images in Europe of that time. The vital tradition of following Byzantine icons made a marked influence on the Carmelites’ art in GDL – it formed the original subgroup of images of Our Lady of the Scapular, in which icons popular in Europe and cult images of the local region played the role of the archetype. 3.2.1 The Virgin of Tenderness La Bruna of Carmelites and other Eleusa/Glykophilousa Derivatives. La Bruna is the earliest image of the Mother of God venerated by the Carmelite hermits. Reiterations of La Bruna icon of Eleusa iconography form the most numerous group of images of Our Lady of the Scapular in South European Carmelites’ art. In the heritage of Carmelites of

20  GDL we have several images of the Mother of God that derive from this famous prototype. Peculiarities of following La Bruna prototype become vivid in the analysis of works. The image of Upyna Our Lady of the Scapular is one of the most valuable discoveries of the author of this work. According to archaic features of portrayal it is attributed to the 17th century and, in the opinion of the author of the research, it is considered to be one of the earliest images of Our Lady of the Scapular in GDL. This object is discussed in greater detail due to the aforementioned exceptionality. While imitations of La Bruna of Carmelites predominated in South Europe, another type of the Virgin of Tenderness – Maria Hilf spread in the Central Europe. On the basis of the research, it may be stated that images of Our Lady of the Scapular Eleusa of GDL have a clear and crystallised structure of iconographic origin that consists of two prototypes: Byzantine La Bruna and Maria Hilf of L. Cranach. The icon of Umilenie that could have become one more prototype for images of the Mother of God of Carmelites did not naturalize in the surroundings of GDL in the Baroque period but in the 20th century this icon with the scapular replenishing it was spread to all Catholics at the initiative of Carmelites already. 3.2.2 and Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives in Iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. The type of the Holy Virgin Directress, Hodegetria, which has spread in Christian religious art the most, occupies an important position in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular of GDL region. Images of Our Lady of the Scapular Hodegetria should also be grouped by their origin from specific prototypes – miraculous images that were famous in the region of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. One of the mostly common images among Carmelites is the image of Czstochówa Mother of God, less common – Krakow na Piasku Mother of God and the miraculous icon of Belynichy Mother of God. The biggest group of images of Our Lady of the Scapular is the one in which the archetype of Our Lady of the Snows is followed, and the icon of Salus Populi Romani is considered to be its prototype. It is stated after performing the research that the repetition of the iconographic scheme is evident in images of Our Lady of the Scapular of the 17th-18th century with half of figure portrayed, in which the statics of figures, gestures are emphasised and the main attributes are transferred. The tradition of reiterations of Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives is the most pronounced in Marian images of this group: images of Our Lady of the Scapular follow the archetypical iconography of Our Lady of the Snows, and the Carmelite aura is created by coining the symbol of the scapular on the casing that

 21 decorates the image. Different ways of appearance of devotion show that it was aimed to highlight the sacramental of the monkhood that granted heavenly privileges by all possible means in images of the Mother of God of Carmel. The section 3.3 Variants of Derivatives in Iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular encompasses the groups of derivatives of Hodegetria and Mater Amabilis of free interpretation, portrayal of Sacra Conversazione, and iconographic variants of Maesta, Misericordiae, Sanctae Familiae that are less spread in GDL but are very valuable by the art research aspect. The section reveals the prerequisites of prototypes of the research objects and variants of the possible reiterations outside the borders of GDL. 3.3.1 Interpretations of Mater Amabilis and Hodegetria. Differences are observed when comparing examples of this group in South Europe and region of GDL. Images of Our Lady of the Scapular of GDL are minimised in the formal meaning, usually only figures of the Mother of God and Son are pictured, some of the researched objects are fragmentary copies or reiterations of images with multiple figures. The decoration of the scapular sacramental with the symbol of blazon of the Carmelite Order is frequent in Spain and Italy – this detail reflected the importance of the order or local monkhood in some particular region most probably. Monograms of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ are seen on the scapular in images of Our Lady of the Scapular of Lithuania and Belarus. Such portrayal was determined by the dominating cult of the Mother of God in our region. Analogical reasons could have made an impact on the variants of garments of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Mother of God dressed in the garment of the Carmelite Order is pictured in Baroque already in South Europe, while the traditional garment of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the red-coloured dress and blue coat, predominates in images of GDL of the 17th-18th century without any exception. Images of Our Lady of the Scapular Hodegetria of the 19th century are no longer decorated by casings of precious metals the most frequently, like it was usual in the period of GDL. 3.3.2 Granting of the Scapular to Adorers in Iconography of Sacra Conversazione forms a rather big group of images of Our Lady of the Scapular. The biggest amount is images in which we recognise the most famous representatives of two Carmelite Orders: the general St. S. Stock of Carmelites of Ancient Observance (OC) and the founder of the Reformed Carmelites Order (OCD) St. Teresa of Ávila. Works with iconography of the Sacred Conversation of Our Lady of the Scapular, in which religious laity – sovereigns and other noblemen – would be pictured as adorers, did not anchor in the Carmelite art

22  of GDL. In other European countries such Sacra Conversazione compositions with multiple figures were among the most popular. A longer period of existence of the Scapular fraternities was necessary for the spread of the aforementioned portrayals in GDL. A group of images of combined iconography, in which the Mother of God is portrayed in two ways, as Our Lady of the Scapular and as Our Lady of the Rosary, is attributed to the Carmelite Sacra Conversazione images. These works of combined iconography reflect the community of the Carmelite and Dominican monkhoods and the identical purpose of both devotions. The Doctrine of Purgatory spread very actively in the post-Tridentine period inured to the union of legitimation signs of the monastic orders: the ones who practiced the rosary prayer and carried the scapular believed they would earn grace after death easier. When the examples of the Sacred Conversation are generalised, it becomes clear that images of Our Lady of the Scapular of two types predominated in the period of GDL: when two coenobites (monk and nun) are pictured as adorers and combined images of fraternities of St. Rosary – St. Scapular. As the monkhoods that existed in GDL were closed in the 19th century, the subgroup of Sacra Conversazione images nurtured by them did not develop and no objects of the aforementioned iconography were found in later periods. 3.3.3 Rarer Variants of Portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular enrich the iconographic range of Carmelite images of the Mother of God. It was noticed that similar tendencies prevailed in the spread of works of this segment: they were spread respectively less both in our country and the remaining part of Europe. The almost extinct Carmelite iconography of Maesta would be an exception in GDL region; still, it is popular in the sculpture of Carmelite churches of South Europe until now. Even though images of iconographic type of the Mother of God the Merciful are widely known from the 13th century, the portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular integrated into the Mater Misericordiae scheme of the Middle Ages did not gain popularity in Europe, and only single objects are traced. The iconography of the formed relatively late, in the 15th century, and spread as diverse variants of portrayal in Europe. In the 17th century the scheme of Sanctae Familiae with the Blessed Virgin Mary, son Jesus, child St. John the Baptist or St. Joseph set in. We have several images of the Holy Family of this kind that were marked by Carmelites of GDL with the exceptional legitimation sign of the Order – the scapular sacramental. Objects that portray only Mary exceptionally also find a place in the wide range of derivatives of Our Lady of the Scapular.


1. In order to ground the origin of iconographic derivative of Our Lady of the Scapular, the beginning of spirituality of the Carmelite monkhood and the specifics of symbol of the scapular was analysed. The scapular established in the canonical garments of religious communities from the early Middle Ages, it was worn by members of the majority of monastic orders. However, the scapular garment first became the sacramental that conferred grace of the Mother of God only after the year 1251, the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the general of the Carmelite Order St. Simon Stock. Historically it is the earliest turn of the scapular garment into the symbol of devotion; therefore, the brown scapular of the Carmelites, which grants salvation from “the eternal fire” after death, is considered to be the fundamental motif in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. 2. An important moment in history of the Carmelite scapular is the turn of the scapular garment into small scapulars of fraternities. The formal transformation of the sacramental from the monastic scapular garment into the sign of devotion worn by laity in the 16th century created conditions for the appearance of new kinds of the scapular. In the 19th century, the Catholic church confirmed a number of new scapulars of fraternities of analogical form that were meant for some specific piety. Thus, the iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular may be found not only in images of the Mother of God of Carmel but also in other images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in which the scapular sacramentalia of various fraternities are pictured. 3. The grace of the Carmelite scapular that derives from the vision of St. S. Stock is reasonably assimilated with the Sabbatine Privilege piety due to identical visionary beginnings. The rudiment of the Sabbatine Privilege was the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Pope John XXII (1316), when the Mother of God persisted that the Holy Father would accept the exceptional to Carmelites and their Tertiaries immediately. Still, the Sabbatine Privilege did not become a universal theological dogma at once; such situation could have also continued due to the constant competition of dominating orders and their influence on the Holy See. Finally the Sabbatine Privilege was approved of for the Carmelite Order by the Decree of the Pope George XIII in 1577 and it was firmed in the entire Catholic Church. The Decree

24  consolidated the exceptional right of the Carmelite Order to provide help to souls suffering in the purgatory through the brown scapular. 4. The Doctrine of Purgatory approved of during the last session of the Council of Trent in 1563 gave an impulse to the wide dissemination of this theme in church art – images picturing the purgatory with the Blessed Virgin Mary as an intercessor of souls spread on the crossing of the 16th-17th century. The portrayal of the Carmelite scapular sacramental in the purgatory theme may be directly related with the reliance of the image to the Carmelite Order or fraternity of Our Lady of the Scapular. If the Carmelite sacramental is not pictured in the hands of the Mother of God or Son Jesus in the purgatory theme and it is seen only in the background (the scapular is worn by souls in the purgatory), such images should not be attributed to iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular; they should be titled as the Blessed Virgin Mary – Saver of purgatory souls or the Blessed Virgin Mary – Intercessor of souls suffering in the purgatory. The offered titles reflect the theme of the Purgatory the most clearly and remind of the Sabbatine Privilege. 5. The present-day terminology that names Our Lady of the Scapular is rather wide, it is interpreted differently, which aggravates the iconographic attribution of art works. Our Lady of the Scapular is confused with images of the Mother of God the Merciful, Intercessor of purgatory souls, and reiterations of La Bruna the most frequently. In order to unify the concept of the specific iconographic derivative of the Carmelite Mother of God by the art research aspect, the more precise definition of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular is offered: Our Lady of the Scapular – derivative of iconography of the Mother of God born from the piety of the monkhood to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The moment of granting the Carmelite scapular garment in the plot of St. S. Stock’s vision and/or the portrayal of the scapular sacramental as the sign of fraternity in hands of Mary and/or Son Jesus is the fundamental feature of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular. The scapular becomes the attribute of identification of Our Lady of the Scapular only when it is the accent of the iconographic programme of the art work. Possible forms of portrayal of the scapular: 1. as traditional part of monks’ garments; 2. as small scapulars – sacramentalia dedicated to religious fraternities of laity; 3. of liturgical band maniple form. 6. After the concept of Our Lady of the Scapular was defined, the place of this iconographic type in the system of Marian images was specified. Monastic orders and

 25 laity fraternities spread the cult of legitimation sacramentalia the most diligently with the help of Marian images; therefore, the type of Our Lady of the Scapular should appear in the group of Marian devotional images along with Our Lady of the Rosary of the Dominicans, Our Lady of Consolation of the Augustinians (Our Lady with a Sash) in iconographic directories. The aforementioned Marian images are unified according to the criterion that symbolises piety – the sacramental conferred by the Mother of God. 7. The first plot in iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular – the granting of the scapular garment to the Carmelite St. Simon Stock – may be attributed both to the group of visionary images of saint persons and to Marian devotional images; the choice depends on the research aspect. In this work the Vision of St. S. Stock is considered to be the origin of iconographic derivative of Our Lady of the Scapular. The heritage of images of St. S. Stock is small in Carmelite art of GDL – only ten works have survived. An even smaller number of the aforementioned images is recorded in post-Carmelite period due to understandable reasons – six images of St. S. Stock created in the 19th century are discovered. No mention of these images was traced in church inventories of the 17th century, they appear only in the 18th century. In the period of GDL, the authenticity of apparition is followed emphatically in images of Vision of St. S. Stock: the form of the brown scapular garment in particular is pictured, and the portrayal of multiple iconography is not developed. The essential singularity of the Vision of St. S. Stock in GDL is the portrayal of the Mother of God along with the Child Jesus. While there are images of Mary alone granting the scapular to the Carmelite in other European countries, in objects of GDL the Blessed Virgin Mary is portrayed with her Son on hands. The only exception is the image of Žukainys created according to the prototype of a Venetian master. This tendency was predetermined by the dominating cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God and the understanding that spread in post- Tridentine period that the Blessed Virgin Mary performed the role of a conciliator as for the sent heavenly privileges, for which her son Jesus Christ had suffered. 8. The icon La Bruna is considered to be the earliest prototype of Our Lady of the Scapular in Europe. Reiterations of La Bruna of Eleusa iconography form the dominating group of images of Our Lady of the Scapular in Carmelite art of Southern and Central Europe. It was established that, in the environment of Carmelites of GDL, the portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular Eleusa developed from two prototypes gradually: Neapolitan icon La Bruna and painting of L. Cranach Maria Hilf. The

26  portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular Hodegetria formed under the influence of regional pilgrimage: Carmelite images followed the iconography of the miraculous images of the Mother of God of Czstochowa, Krakow na Piasku, Trakai. The most numerous tradition of reiterations of Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives enables to state that it is the dominating iconographic type of Our Lady of the Scapular in Carmelite art of GDL that follows the Byzantine prototypes. 9. The modified variants of derivatives of Our Lady of the Scapular encompass objects of multi-layered iconography with features of free interpretation of iconographies of Hodegetria, Mater Amabilis, Pelagonitissa, Regina Coeli, Immaculata. The images of Our Lady of the Scapular of GDL and post-Carmelite period are minimised in the formal meaning – art works limit with figures of the Mother of God and Son. The biggest part of objects are fragmentary copies of compositions with multiple figures or reiterations of widely known images. Images of Our Lady of the Scapular of combined iconography of Mater Misericordiae and Sanctae Familiae are rarer in Carmelite art of both GDL and other regions. The depth and width of combined iconography reveals the multiple layers of portrayal of Our Lady of the Scapular. The identification of these images in written sources is burdened by the fact that descriptions of images in church inventories limit with the title and records of precious metals present on them. 10. An important part of portrayals of Our Lady of the Scapular is works of Sacra Conversazione iconography – there are nineteen objects of this kind. These legitimation images are among the most popular amid monkhoods, they represent monastic orders and laity religious communities. Two tantamount subgroups may be distinguished in the portrayal of the Sacred Conversation in Carmelite art of GDL: traditional portrayal (monk and nun) and works of combined iconography (). Diffusion of that type influenced announcement of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel like global – in 1726 it was added in the Catholic calendar of holidays and is binding for the whole Catholic Church. Carmelite art of GDL did not have time to establish themselves iconography of Sacred Conversation with lay religious people adorated to Our Lady of Scapular. For spreading of such imagery in GDL, most probably, required a longer Scapulars fraternities life term. 11. The specifics of images of Our Lady of the Scapular was first of all determined by traditions of monkhood art in GDL in the 17th-18th century. Later, as the

 27 influence of Carmelite Tertiaries on pastoral care grew stronger in activity of a parish, the role of fraternities of Our Lady of the Scapular as customers of art works increased too. Their intentions were likely much more ponderable than those of the artist himself. No information was found in the analysed historical sources that one private person would have been a customer of the image of Our Lady of the Scapular. Some particular monkhood or its local patron is named as the donator of an image the most frequently. It may be supposed that images of the Blessed Virgin Mary mentioned in inventories of Carmelite churches of the 17th century and titled according to names of famous places of prototypes (e.g. Mother of God of Czstochowa, Trakai, Žemaii Kalvarija), had the iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular, as the symbol of the scapular as the legitimation sign of the order was mandatory in the milieu of Carmelite spirituality. The portrayal of the Mother of God as Our Lady of the Scapular is mentioned in papers of the 18th century already, and the iconographic type (Hodegetria, Eleusa) is named more frequently. 12. During the research the author succeeded to establish fourteen prototypes of images of Our Lady of the Scapular, weighty presumptions were presented for the identification of another eight prototypes of images. In the group images of vision of St. S. Stock five iconographic prototypes was found, history of iconographic sources from , Lower Silesia, Rome were analysed narrowly and one extremely rare iconographic prototype was found the basis of which was painted vision of St. S. Stock in Vilnius All Saints church. It is offered to specify the origin of the image of Tabarišks small procession altar from the image of the Mother of God of Barnai in the subgroup of images of Our Lady of the Scapular that repeat Byzantine prototypes. The biggest number of prototypes – nine - was found in the group of modified derivatives of Our Lady of the Scapular: images of small procession altars of Daukšiai and Pabirž (Karl Ferdinand Mayer), Kaunas St. Cross (H. Rottenhammer) and Kernav (Rafael) Churches, images of altars of Užventis and ekišk (S. Conca), Kuktišks (S. Ricci), Lida and Lipnišks (S. B. Murillo) Churches. It may be stated on the basis of the collected material that the origin of the aforementioned Carmelite images of Our Lady of the Scapular is related with the Italian art school. Objects that derive from Flanders, Bavaria and Silesia confirm the former relations; however, these tendencies cannot be evaluated objectively due to the lack of amount of research objects.

28  13. Both monasteries of Carmelites of Ancient Observance and Discalced Carmelites are considered to be sources of the first spread of the images Mother of God, and by the later spread – parish church. 45 monasteries mentioned in this research (16 in Lithuania, 29 in Gudija) and 133 parish churches (100 in Lithuania, 33 in Gudija) in the territory of GDL where images of Our Lady of the Scapular existed or are present until now. More than one hundred lost works of art are mentioned in archival sources. These data are included in the map of object location. During the research are collected 130 objects of iconography of Our Lady of the Scapular, the biggest part of them is still present in parish churches today. A bigger concentration of images of Our Lady of the Scapular is noticed in Vilnius voivodeship, in territory around Kudirkos Naumiestis and Kaunas monasteries. The even spread of objects in Samogitia was mostly initiated by active fraternities of St. Scapular of the region, who continued tradition of devotion to Our Lady of the Scapular.


Aurelija RUSTEIKIEN STUDIES: 1986 – 1992 Studies at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts. 1999 – 2001 Master studies at Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Arts. 2009 – 2013 Doctoral studies at Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Arts.

Address: Olimpiei Str. 1 – 24, LT 09200, Vilnius. Contact information: tel. +370 68751020; [email protected]

OTHER ACTIVITIES From 2009 – Initiator, patron and curator of the reconstruction project of Dubingiai Church of St. George the Martyr. 2011 – Initiator of the students scientific activity promotion project of the Faculty of Arts of Vytautas Magnus University by establishing the “Lithuanian Art Research and Creation” stipend.


1. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin Lietuvos XVII-XVIII a. bažnytinje dailje (Our Lady of the Scapular in Church Art of Lithuania of the 17th-18th Century). In: LOGOS, t. 26, 2001, p. 157-174. 2. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Linkuvos Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins bažnyia ir buvs senosios regulos karmelit vienuolynas (Linkuva Church of Our Lady of the Scapular and Former Monastery of Carmelites of Ancient Observance). In: Lietuvos bažnyios, 2009, p. 138-145. 3. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Karmelio Dievo Motinos paveikslo ikonografin sklaida Abiej Taut Respublikoje (Iconographic Spreading of Images of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). In: Virgo venerabilis: Marijos paveikslas Lietuvos kultroje, 2011, p. 103-130. 4. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Iconographic Spreading of the Images of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In: http://www.ocarm.org/citocmagazine/ 5. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Šv. Simono Stoko vizijos ikonografin tradicija Lietuvos karmelit bažnyiose. Pirmavaizdis ir kartot (The Prototype of St. Simon Stock’s Vision and its Reiteration in the Lithuanian Carmelite Churches’ Iconographic Tradition). In: LOGOS, Nr. 72, p. 149 - 160. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 6. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Ms atmintis – bsimj kart atmintis (Our Memory – Memory of Future Generations). In: SOTER, 38 (66), p. 133-136.


Temos naujumas, problematika, aktualumas. XVII-XVIII a. Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštijoje klestjusi vienuolij dails tyrimai yra svarbs kaip praeities meninio, kultrinio ir dvasinio palikimo vertinimas. Nors vienuoliškoji tradicija LDK gana trumpa, taiau vertingas ir savitas paveldas skatina žvelgti vienuolyn kultr kaip atskir kultrins tradicijos klod. Svarus vienos didžiausi LDK vienuolij - Karmelit Ordino indlis sakralins dails puoseljim turt bti vertintas platesniu bei gilesniu menotyriniu aspektu. Ms krašte svarb vaidmen pamaldumo bei bažnytins dails tradicij tsime suvaidino ir religins brolijos, po vienuolyn uždarymo tap bene vieninteliais katalikybs židiniais. Pasirinktas marijinis tyrimo aspektas – Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin - atspindi vien pagrindini karmelit vienuolijos pamaldumo kult. Šiuo darbu norima atkreipti dmes Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd ikonografij. Lig šiol nra vienareikšmiškai apibržta šio ikonografinio vedinio vieta marijins ikonografijos sistemoje: Šv. M. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdams ikonografiniai žodynai suteikia skirting status. Istoriškai vlyvas karmelitiškojo pamaldumo teisinimas lm ltesn pamaldumo šv. Škaplieriui sklaid, nei viduramžiais dominikon uoliai platintas šv. Rožinio kultas, todl šiandien turime slyginai nelygiavert dviej analogiškos prigimties ikonografij pozicionavim – didžiojoje menotyrini žodyn ar žinyn dalyje minima ir dominuoja btent Rožinio Šv. M. Marija, o Šv. M. Marija Škaplierin - neminima. Dl skirtingo Šv. M. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos sampratos suvokimo ar šio vedinio identifikavimo, remiantis skirtingais kriterijais, pasekmi, atsiranda netikslumai ir klaidos atpažstant bei vertinant karmelitiškosios Dievo Motinos atvaizdus. Tokia situacija šiandien yra ne tik ms šalyje, bet ir visos Europos menotyroje, o tai neša painiavos ir apsunkina ikonografinius marijini atvaizd tyrimus. Šv. Mergel Marij Škaplierin vaizduojantys paveikslai vardijami skirtingai: apsiribojant vizijos siužeto tema, dubliuojant atvaizdo pavadinim su bažnyios suteiktu titulu, tsiant liaudies pamaldume prigijus pavadinim, pabržiant paveikslo pirmavaizd ar vietos kilm. Šie variantai gana dažnai neatitinka menotyrins ikonografijos tipologizacijos. Todl btina apibržti Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins tip, nurodant esminius vaizdavimo požymius.

32  Tyrime struktriškai žvelgiama objekt vidin sandar, tokiu bdu atskleidžiant ikonografijos daugiasluoksniškum. Sudtins ikonografijos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizduose itin svarbu atrasti prasmin dominant, kuri ir nulemia temos vardijim. Šios problemos išklimas yra aktualus paveldo objekt identifikavimui ir sisteminimui tiek Lietuvoje, tiek kitose Europos šalyse. Objekt identifikacij taipogi apsunkina laikmeio peripetij takoje kintanti ir nevientisa ši atvaizd ikonografija: vieni paveikslai nuo pat pradžios kurti tam, kad žadint karmelitiškj dvasingum, kiti - Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografij gijo vliau puošiant atvaizdus aptaisais, treti – pertapant paveikslus ar kitaip taisant škaplieriaus devocij ant krinio. Mobili škaplieriaus sakramentalija prie atvaizdo nors ir atspindi laikmeio pamaldumo kontekst, taiau ilgainiui dažniausiai neišlieka, taigi ikonografinius pokyius belieka fiksuoti pagal rašus bažnyi inventoriuose. Svarbu paminti, kad ne vien tik karmelitiškosios dails temose vaizduojamas škaplieriaus drabužio kaip sakramentalijos teikimas - analogiškas siužetas kartojamas ir Servit ordino paveiksluose. Mercedar ordino marijiniuose atvaizduose taip pat vaizduojama Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin su brolijos formos škaplieriaus sakramentalijomis. Remiantis prastiniu vizualiniu panašumu, minti kriniai dažnai klaidingai priskiriami karmelit meniniam palikimui. Tokios akivaizdžios klaidos rodo menotyroje trkstant aiški kriterij, kuriais bt galima vardinti Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo specifik ir suteikti šiam vediniui legitimacin status. Bendrojo pobdžio problema šiandienos menotyroje galima vardinti teologini žini ar teologinio išsilavinimo trkum ikonografinius tyrimus vykdantiems specialistams. Dažniausiai sakralins dails žinovai supratim apie Katalik bažnyios istorij, struktr, institucijas, katalikiškj pamaldum, liturgij gyja per ilgalaik patirt, individualiai gilindamiesi krikšioniškojo tikjimo slpinius ar konsultuojantis su Bažnyios atstovais. Aukšiau išvardinta problematika ms menotyroje sprendžiama pirm kart, todl naujumo ir aktualumo aspektu tyrimas yra itin vertingas. Šis tyrimas unikalus ir europiniu mastu, nes nra menotyrini darb, kuriuose bt analizuota LDK karmelit marijini atvaizd ikonografija tokiame plaiame europiniame kontekste. O Lietuvos senosios sakralins dails fondus praturtins naujai atrast objekt analiz bei sistemin Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd ikonografin medžiaga, apimanti tris karmelit vienuolijos gyvavimo ms krašte šimtmeius.

 33 Darbo objektas. Pasirinktas tyrimo objektas - Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo atvaizdai – sutampa su labai reikalingu ms menotyrai žingsniu, t.y. sakralinio meno krini sisteminimu ikonografinio tipo požiriu. tyrimo lauk traukiami Dievo Motinos atvaizdai, priklaus abiej konfesij karmelitams: tiek senosios regulos karmelit, tiek basj karmelit vienuolijoms. Vienuolini ordin gyvavimo laikotarpis ms krašte nesutampa su istoriniais valstybingumo etapais: 1795 m. LDK neteko valstybs statuso, taiau vienuolijos gyvavo dar apie pus amžiaus. Nežirint politini permain, religinis gyvenimas tssi, katalikybs židiniais liko veikiantys vienuolynai, o juos uždarius, krikšionybs tradicij tsjo vaidmuo teko parapinms bažnyioms. Todl apsibržiant chronologines tyrimo ribas apimamas laikotarpis, susidedantis iš dviej etap: pirmasis - karmelit vienuolijos gyvavimo LDK laikotarpis 1506 m. – 1832 m., t.y. nuo pirmojo karmelit vienuolyno steigimo LDK iki visuotinio j uždarymo, antrasis – 1832 m. – XIX a. pabaiga, kuomet religini šv. Škaplieriaus brolij iniciatyva buvo inertiškai tsiamos karmelit dails tradicijos. Karmelitiškj dvasingum vardinus Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo kilms aplinka, LDK karmelit vienuolynus vertiname kaip pagrindines tiriamojo objekto lokacines vietas, o vlesns sklaidos laikotarpiu - ir parapines bažnyias. Geografinis objekto tyrimo laukas apima Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos ribas, tvirtintas 1569 m. Liublino unijos iki pirmojo Lenkijos ir Lietuvos valstybi padalijimo 1772 m. Daugiau nei du amžius klestjusi LDK valstyb šioje teritorijoje jung etninius Lietuvos ir Gudijos kraštus. Dabartins Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos respublik ribos iš esms atitinka XVII-XVIII a. ribas, todl darbe naudotini skirtingi teritorij pavadinimai (Baltarusija, Gudija) neprieštarauja vieni kitiems, nes žymi sudedamsias LDK valstybs dalis. Objekto paieškos vykdytos visapusiškai: Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos karmelit vienuolynuose ir jiems priklausaniose bažnyiose, parapinse bažnyiose, valstybiniuose archyvuose, bibliotek ir muziej fonduose, aukcionuose bei privaiose kolekcijose. Archyvini šaltini duomenys nra iškalbs apibdinant objekto ikonografij, taiau paminjimo faktas yra svarbus Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd paplitimo lauko nustatymui bei konkreios sakralins erdvs ikonografins programos atskleidimui. Daugiau nei šešiasdešimt Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins objekt ir j paminjim pavyko aptikti Baltarusijos teritorijoje, Lietuvoje – virš 170. Kontekstins medžiagos surinkta pakankamai tiek iš artimiausios LDK kaimyns

34  Lenkijos (60 objekt), tiek iš vairi Europos krašt (arti trij šimt), kur buvo sikr vienuoliai karmelitai. tyrimo lauk traukiami vaizduojamosios ir taikomosios dails objektai, turintys Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografij: molbertins ir monumentaliosios tapybos darbai, grafikos lakštai ir spaudiniai, knyg iliustracijos, skulptra, liturginiai reikmenys, devociniai ženklai ir religiniai paveikslliai. Neapribojant atlikimo technikos ir objekt paskirties gaunamas pilnesnis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos vaizdas. Dominuojani objekt paskirties viet užima altori ir procesij altorli paveikslai, reiau - skulptros ir vliav paveikslai bei bažnyios interjero dekoras. Taigi rekonstruojant Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografij iš vairi šaltini. traukiami visi manomi atitinkamo laikmeio objektai. Tikslai ir uždaviniai. Šios disertacijos tikslai – pagrsti karmelit vienuolijos pamaldumo išdavoje susiformavusio Dievo Motinos kaip Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio vedinio specifik pateikiant termino apibržim bei atskleidžiant ši marijini atvaizd ikonografin daugiasluoksniškum LDK. Tiriamojo darbo tikslas siejamas su tokiais uždaviniais: 1. Atskleisti karmelit vienuolijos dvasingumo ssajas su Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo kilms istorija. 2. Apibržti Dievo Motinos - Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo samprat, silant terminologij, palengvinani krini identifikacij. 3. Aptarti prielaidas, dariusias tak Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd formavimuisi. 4. Išskirti dominuojanias Šv. Škaplieriaus vizijos kaip Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos kilms siužeto vaizdavimo tendencijas LDK karmelit dailje kit katalikiškj Europos šali dails kontekste. 5. vertinti sekimo bizantiškaisiais prototipais tradicijos tak Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdams. 6. Išanalizuoti Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd pogrupius, atskleidžiant ikonografijos daugiasluoksniškum, išryškinant bendruosius ir unikaliuosius požymius. 7. Pateikti tiriamj objekt pirmavaizdži bei atribucijos prielaidas.

Tyrimo metodai. Sakralins dails tyrinjimai ikonografiniu aspektu yra vieni struktriškiausi: kriniai klasifikuojami pagal motyv, siužeto bei komponavimo princip bendrumus, tyrinjama atskir element simbolika, atskleidžiama j prasm.

 35 Ikonografija taip pat nekainojama nustatant meno objekt sukrimo datas, kilm, tip sveik, kartais ir autentiškum. E. Panofskio ikonologija aprpia ir tyrinja vairiausio pobdžio verts krinius. XX a. pab. tai buvo laikoma šio metodo trkumu, taiau bažnytins dails srityje tai galima vardinti kaip privalum. Vokiei meno istoriko ir filosofo Ervino Panofskio ikonografinis - ikonologinis metodas yra parankiausias sakralinio meno tyrimams, jis naudotinas kompleksiškai su kitais metodais, kurie galina plsti tyrim istoriniame kontekste bei padeda geriau atskleisti Bažnyios dails paveldo specifiškum. Šimtmeius gyvuojanios ikonografins tradicijos turi teologines ištakas, nes btent teologai kr ikonografines, simbolines ir tipologines nuostatas. Religiniuose kriniuose nra nereikšming atsitiktini detali, komponuot vien dl harmonijos. Viskas turi gili semantin ir simbolin prasm, susijusi su krikšioniškja tradicija, temos ir siužetai iliustruoja Šv. Rašto pasakojimus ir Bažnyios dogmas. Ital meno istorikas Eugenio Marino, apjungdamas Ervino Panofskio ikonologijos triad su krikšioniškja teologija, suformavo ikonoteologin metod, puikiai tinkant religins dails analizei. Pasak metodo autoriaus E. Marino, itin svarbu yra tikjimo kontekstas, nes sakralinio meno krinys teologiškai atsiskleidžia stebtojui tik šiam dalyvaujant tikjimo procese. Taikant ikonoteologin metod btinos tiriamojo krinio ssajos su istoriškai susijusiais dokumentais, liudijaniais religines, socialines tendencijas, todl, E. Marino teigimu, meno istorikui reikalingas pakankamai gilus kultrinio konteksto išmanymas. Vokiei menotyros atstovo Hanso Beltingo krinio kontekste metodas antrina esminei ikonoteologinio metodo nuostatai - norint apjungti form ir turin, reikia tyrinti meno objekto funkcij ir kontekst, kuriame jis atsirado. Kontekstinis funkcinis metodas leidžia atskleisti vaizdavimo tradicij ištakas, krinio paskirt, struktr, ryš su istoriniais šaltiniais. Šios metodologijos pagalba meno krinius suvokiame ne šiandienos požiriu, bet j atsiradimo laikotarpio kontekste bei visuomenini funkcij akivaizdoje. Su vokiei mokslininko Aby Warburgo vardu siejasi ne tik ikonologinio metodo, bet ir kompleksins komparatyvistins metodologijos sukrimas. Lyginamojo - komparatyvistinio metodo dka lietuviškuosius meno krinius suvokiame kaip europins kultros sistemos dal. Lygindami atrandame bendrsias meno raidos paraleles ir geriau išskiriame ms dails ypatumus.

36  Tiriamiesiems objektams aprašyti darbe naudotas aprašomasis analitinis metodas, o identifikacijai pasitelkiamas atribucinis metodas. Stilistins bei formaliosios objekto analizs metodu nagrinjama krini stilistika, kompozicijos. Rekonstrukcinio ir istoriografinio metod pagalba nustatomas geografinis objekt paplitimo laukas.

Temos ištirtumas. Literatra ir šaltiniai. Po Lietuvos Nepriklausomybs atkrimo pradjus intensyvius Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos kultrinio - meninio palikimo tyrinjimus ženkliai išaugo ikonografini tyrim skaiius. Turime tikrai gaus mokslini darb krait, apimant XVII-XIX a. bažnytins dails tyrimus. Daugiausia Lietuvos menotyrinink dmesio sulauk marijiniai objektai – žinomiausi Lietuvoje, malonmis garsj Dievo Motinos atvaizdai, dažniausiai esantys piligriminse šventovse - Trak, Žemaii Kalvarijos, Aušros Vart, Šiluvos Šv. Mergels Marijos paveikslai, taiau tarp j neturime Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd. Pastarieji fragmentiškai patenka tyrim lauk. Baltarusijos meno istorik indlis katalikiškosios sakralins dails tyrimus gerokai kuklesnis: nra platesns apimties darb, monografij, teminiai straipsniai publikuojami bene vieninteliame katalik leidžiamame žurnale , Dievo Motinos ikonografijai 2003 ir 2007 m. buvo išleista po nedidels apimties iliustruot leidin. Ikonografinius tyrimus riboja tai, kad Gudijos krašte itin mažai išlikusi XVII-XVIII a. katalikiškosios dails krini. Kryptingo Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos tyrimo užuomazga – autors magistro darbas Mariologins temos - Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografija Lietuvos Baroko dailje (VDU 2001) Kelet žinomiausi LDK basj karmelit Dievo Motinos atvaizd Tojana Rainait aprašo viename savo disertacijos Basj karmelit architektra ir dail Lietuvoje poskyryje. Vliau išleistoje monografijoje Vizijos ir atvaizdai. Basj karmelit palikimas T. Rainait pateikia tapai medžiag, taiau Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos tema nepltojama. Mokslo straipsni rinkinyje Virgo Venerabilis: Marijos paveikslas Lietuvos kultroje (2011), apimaniame vairius Šv. M. Marijos atvaizd tyrim aspektus, rasime šios disertacijos autors straipsn Karmelio Dievo Motinos paveikslo ikonografin apžvalga Abiej Taut Respublikoje. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins kilms šaltinio - Šv. Škaplieriaus vizijos - atspindžius Lietuvos karmelit dails palikime A. Rusteikien aptaria straipsnyje Šv. Simono Stoko vizijos ikonografin tradicija Lietuvos karmelit bažnyiose. Pirmavaizdis ir kartot. (LOGOS, 72, 2012) Apžvelgus publikacijas, skirtas btent

 37 Karmelio Dievo Motinos ikonografijai, galime konstatuoti, kad menotyrini darb Lietuvoje šia tema rasta minimaliai. Išsamiausias Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd ikonografinis tyrimas - lenk menotyrininks Kristinos Moisan – Jablonska Maryja ordowniczka wiernych, publikuotas 1987 m. Autor analizuoja Lenkijos karmelit bažnyi dails pavyzdžius, ir tai yra pakankama kontekstin medžiaga lyginamajai analizei. 1995 m. šios autors tyrime Obraz czyscca w sztuce polskiego baroku aptariami šv. S. Stoko vizijos siužeto pavyzdžiai. Italijos Karmelio Dievo Motinos atvaizd istorin apžvalg rasime Emanuele Boaga surinktoje antologijoje Con Maria sulle vie di Dio (2000). E. Boaga leidinyje La Signora del Luogo (2001), Madre dello Scapolare skyriuje analizuoja itališkuosius šv. S. Stoko vizijos siužeto pavyzdžius. Šios iliustruotos publikacijos – naudinga medžiaga, ieškant LDK atvaizd sasaj su piet Europos šalimis. Literatr, kuria remtasi šiame darbe, galima išskirstyti kelias grupes. Pirmoji - ikonografiniai žodynai ir artimi jiems leidiniai, skirti Dievo Motinos atvaizd ikonografijai, Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins tipo pozicionavimui marijinje dailje bei karmelitiškosios Dievo Motinos kulto istorijoje. Išsamiausiai Šv. M. Marijos ikonografija pateikiama Lexicon der christlichen Ikonographie žodyne. Kiti šaltiniai - Marienlexikon, Ikonographie der christlichen Kunst, The Madonna in Art, Krikšioniškosios ikonografijos žodynas – marijini atvaizd raid pateikia siauriau arba specifiniu aspektu. Fundamentals N. Kondakovo, V. Lazarevo ikonografijos veikalai apima Bizantijos ir Krikšioniškj Ryt ikon men. Tai vertingi šaltiniai analizuojant Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd ssajas su archajiniais Dievo Motinos prototipais. Dviej pirmj disertacijos skyri tyrimui reikalinga informacija buvo renkama ir iš istorini knyg bei straipsni apie Karmelit ordino priešistor Karmelyje, vienuolijos raid Europoje. Teologins žinios surinktos iš Katalik enciklopedij ar žinyn bei religijotyrini publikacij, kur gvildenamos karmelit vienuolijos dvasingumo tradicijos, pamaldumo praktikos, aiškinama teologin škaplieriaus sakramentalijos prasm. Istorin – religin kontekst padeda formuoti krikšionybs istorij aprašantys leidiniai. Gausiausia literatros grup apima leidinius, kuriuose minimi tiriamieji objektai, esantys LDK karmelit vienuolynuose ir parapinse bažnyiose. Pavieni Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd paminjim galima rasti istorinse miesteli

38  apybraižose, atskir vyskupij parengtuose leidiniuose, skirtuose pažinti vertingiausius meno krinius to regiono parapinse bažnyiose bei vairiose dailtyrinse sakralinio meno studijose. Turime kelet publikacij apie atskirus Lietuvos karmelit vienuolynus: Linkuvos, Kdaini, Kauno ir Vilniaus prie Vis Šventj bažnyios. Enciklopedija ii i naudinga surinktais karmelit vienuolyn istorijos faktais bei paia statistika, kuri reikalinga sudarant karmelit vienuolyn paplitimo LDK žemlap. Vienuolijos Lietuvoje XIII-XX a. LDK vienuolij statistik pateikia chronologiškai, pagal kongregacijas. Vienuolijos mecenavimo faktus papildo Mecenatysts reiškinys XVII a. LDK, o žini apie karmelit bažnyias dekoravusius menininkus suteikia Lietuvos dailinink žodynas XVI-XVIII a. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd paieškos šaltiniais tapo menotyrini institucij fondai. Kultros paveldo centro archyvo kataloge yra informacijos apie Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins paveikslus Lietuvoje, esamus ar buvusius vairiose parapinse bažnyiose. Nuo XX a. pabaigos tokie duomenys periodiškai pildomi speciali ekspedicij metu. Analogin medžiag kaupia Baltarusijos Moksl akademijos Menotyros, etnografijos ir folkloro institutas. Vis tik dalis objekt nepatenka ši staig srašus, jie niekur neužfiksuoti, o tai sudaro prielaidas istoriškai verting meno krini išnykimui. Tiriamojo objekto paieškos buvo vykdomos ir šalies muziejuose: didžiausioje Lietuvos istorinio kultros paveldo saugykloje - Lietuvos nacionaliniame muziejuje, Baltarusijos Nacionaliniame muziejuje Minske, Nacionaliniame M. K. iurlionio dails muziejuje. traukti ir regioniniai muziejai: Bažnytinio paveldo, Kauno arkivyskupijos, Žemaii Alkos, Šiauli Aušros, Kretingos muziejai. Peržirta Adels ir Pauliaus Galauni nam biblioteka ir grafikos darb kolekcija, Lietuvos Dails muziejaus Prano Gudyno restaturavimo centro kartoteka, kur taip pat pavyko rasti tikslins informacijos šiam darbui. Didžioji dalis tyriamj objekt užfiksuoti šio darbo autors, aplankant bažnyias Lietuvoje ir už jos rib. Kadangi dauguma Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd LDK yra kartots, todl j pirmavaizdži atskleidimas yra svarbi tyrimo dalis. Paieškos buvo vykdomos keliomis kryptimis: sekant karmelit ordino regionini centr taka bei vienuoliniais ryšiais (Krokuva, Liublinas, Lvovas, Berdyiovas) ir ieškant prototip katalikiškojo meno ,,lopšyje” – Italijoje. Aplankyta eil garsiausi karmelit vienuolyn ir bažnyi Ispanijoje, Italijoje, Austrijoje, Lenkijoje. Europin kontekst papild objektai, priklausantys vairiems fondams, muziejams, antikvariatams -

 39 aukcionams. Ypa vertinga ikonografin medžiaga prieinama Culturaitalia fonde, Lombarbiabeniculturali - Lombardijos regiono kultros fonde, Bolonijos universiteto Federiko Zeri projekte, Metropoliteno Meno muziejaus Niujorke rinkiniuose, Silezijos regiono sakralins dails paveldo projekte Drogibaroku, kur rengia menotyros institutas prie Vroclavo universiteto. Tyrimui naudoti rankraštiniai šaltiniai - karmelit vienuolyn ir bažnyi vizitacijos, parapini bažnyi inventoriai. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd buvimo fakt ieškota Lietuvos valstybs istorijos archyve, Kauno Arkivyskupijos kurijos archyve, Baltrusijos Respublikos nacionaliniame istorijos archyve, Krokuvos na Piasku karmelit vienuolyno archyve, Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos e-paveldo kataloge ir Moksl akademijos bibliotekos Rankraši skyriuose, Lietuvos nacionalins M. Mažvydo bibliotekos ir Kauno apskrities viešosios bibliotekos ret spaudini skyriuose. Deja, objekto paminjimas senuosiuose dokumentuose dažniausiai apsiriboja tik Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins titulo vardijimu, trksta platesni atvaizdo aprašym, kurie bt naudingi ikonografijos tyrimui. Surinkti statistiniai duomenys bus panaudoti atvaizd paplitimui vertinti. Rankraštiniuose šaltiniuose rasti Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos atspaudai liudija galimai buvusius paveiksl prototipus konkreiuose vienuolynuose ar parapinse bažnyiose. Dalis publikuot šaltini išleisti Lietuvos Katalik Akademijos, tai - archyvini dokument rinkiniai: XVII a. Žemaii vyskupijos vizitacija, XVIII a. Kauno, Pabaisko, Breslaujos, Ukmergs dekanat vizitacij knygos. Šiuose dokumentuose, kaip ir kituose rašytiniuose šaltiniuose ieškota Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd paminjimo, paveiksl aprašymo, pagal kur galima bt identifikuoti ikonografin tip. Tyrime naudotos ir suskaitmenintos bažnyi dokument faksimils iš Bažnyi archyv informacins sistemos BARIS. Darbo struktra. Disertacij sudaro vadas, trys dalys, išvados, bibliografija, iliustracij srašas, iliustracijos, priedai. vade pagrindžiama tiriamoji problema ir jos aktualumas bei naujumas, aptariamas mokslinio tyrimo objektas ir jo atrankos kriterijai, iškeliamas tikslas, suformuluojami uždaviniai, apibdinami metodai, pateikta šaltini, literatros ir tyrim apžvalga bei pati darbo struktra.


Pirmoji tiriamojo darbo dalis skirta Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo kilms analizei. Poskyryje 1.1 Karmelit pamaldumo tradicijos apžvelgiama karmelit pamaldumo tradicij taka marijini paveiksl ikonografijai. Karmelit ordino dvasingume persipina stpriausios Karmelio kalno atsiskyrli pamaldumo tradicijos šv. Elijui ir Šv. Mergelei Marijai. Susiformavs karmelitiškojo pamaldumo kontekstas marijinje temoje apjungia Senojo Testamento pranašus šv. Elij, šv. Eliziej su iškiliausiais karmelitais, kanonizuotais Ordino krimosi pradžioje: šv. Angelu Sicilieiu, šv. Albertu iš Trapani, taip pat su pirmosios regulos sudarytoju Jeruzals patriarchu šv. Albertu Avogadro bei kitais atsiskyrli subrjais, buvusiais prie Ordino ištak. Poskyryje 1.2 Škaplieriaus vizijos istorija rekonstruojamas Škaplieriaus kaip sakramentalijos atsiradimas iš Šv. M. Marijos apsireiškimo karmelitui šv. S. Stokui istorijos, apžvelgiamas devocijos kelias nuo šv. S. Stoko vizijos (1251 m.) iki visuotinio katalik Bažnyios pripažinimo – tik XVI a. per karmelitiškj škaplieri teikiama dangiškoji malon buvo visuotinai pripažinta Europoje ir gavo liturgin Sabbatinum privilegium status. Ieškant ankstyvj, vizijos laikmet atitinkani dokument susidurta su absoliuiu informacijos vakumu. XX amžiaus katalikiškojo pasaulio tyrintojai deda daug pastang, kad bt atgaivinta karmelit dvasingumo istorija, taiau šiandien mokslininkams vis tik nepakanka dokumentini rodym, kad galt neginijamai pagrsti vizijos istoriškum. Menotyriniu požiriu rekonstruojant šios religins bendruomens garbinam šventj istorij nebtinas absoliutus racionalumas. Škaplieriaus vizijos kilm pakanka vertinti tradiciniu karmelitiškojo pamaldumo aspektu ir š apreiškim priimti kaip Marijos apsaugos ženkl bei sipareigojim sekti Jz Krist. Treiajame poskyryje 1.3 Ikonografinio tipo Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin samprata tikslinama Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins kaip termino samprata silant aišk, nauj Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo apibržim. Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins tipas marijin ikonografij siliejo slyginai vlai. Bizantiškieji Dievo Motinos archetipai, persipyn su viduramžiais klestjusiais Dievo Motinos atvaizdais, buvo tinkama terp karmelitiškj pamaldum atspindini Šv. M. Marijos atvaizd integracijai. Pastebta, kad identifikuojant Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins paveikslus esama daug netikslum: itin plai ikonografin skal turintys minti dails

 41 kriniai dažnai klaidingai vardijami ar priskiriami kitam ikonografiniam tipui. Todl svarbu aiškiai apsibržti ikonografinio tipo Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin termin. Svokos aiškumas leist išgryninti ši atvaizd grupes bei nurodyt esminius skirtumus su vizualiai artimais kriniais. Šiandieninje menotyroje Šv. Škaplieriaus ikonografijos simbolik turinys mariologiniai paveikslai vadinami skirtingais vardais. Vienuose asmenvardžiuose akcentuojamas ypatingas ryšys su Karmelio kalno vietove, kituose pabržiama paties atvaizdo priklausomyb karmelitiškajai aplinkai. Tik dalis Šv. M. Marijos atvaizd tituluojami tiesiogiai siejant su Škaplieriaus sakramentalija. Esminiu skirtumu tarp Karmelio Dievo Motinos/Karmelio Madonos ir Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd laikytinas Škaplieriaus sakramentalijos akcentavimas bei dominavimas vaizduojamojoje temoje. Remiantis atliktu tyrimu teikiama išvada, kad Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijoje rudojo škaplieriaus sakramentalija yra esminis elementas bei pagrindinis Šv. M. Marijos identifikacinis atributas. Škaplieriaus motyvas gali bti vaizduojamas skirtingomis išraiškos formomis: kaip tradicin vienuoli aprangos dalis ir kaip mažieji brolij škaplieriai, t.y. pasaulieiams skirta sakramentalija. Škaplierius turi bti krinio ikonografins programos akcentu: išreikšta jo mistin kilm, nežemiškj privilegij galia ir prasm. Škaplieriaus teikimo momentas ir paios sakramentalijos vaizdavimas Marijos ar Kdikio rankose yra esminis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos skiriamasis bruožas. Vizijin škaplieriaus teikimo šv. Simonui Stokui tema - pirmasis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos siužetas.


2.1 Tridento nutarim taka karmelit vienuolijai dalyje siekiama išsiaiškinti Visuotinio Bažnyios susirinkimo Tridente tak karmelit Ordino struktrai, karmelitiškosios dails ikonografijai bei naujoms vienuolijos skleidžiamoms pamaldumo praktikoms. Karmelit ordino reorganizacijos idja sutapo su Tridento dekrete išreikštu dvasinio atsinaujinimo poreikiu ir to pasekoje XVI a. pabaigoje buvo kurtas naujas Basj karmelit ordinas Fratres Discalceati Ordinis Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo (OCD), suklestjs XVII – XVIII a. Europoje. Paskutinje, 25-oje Tridento susirinkimo sesijoje, buvo patvirtinta Skaistyklos doktrina. Vyskup

42  pareig visur ir visada skleisti siel apsivalymo per kani tikjim lengvino bažnytinio meno kalba, todl Skaistyklos tema greitai tapo ypa populiari tiek karmelit aplinkoje, tiek visame krikšioniškajame mene. Katalikybs atgijimas LDK, pasireišks vairiomis pamaldumo praktikomis, ypa išsiskyr itin aktyvia religini brolij veikla: nuo XVI a. pabaigos Rožinio Šv. M. Marijos ir Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins brolijas intensyviai steig dominikon ir karmelit vienuoliai. Karmelit Škapliernos/Škaplieriaus brolija taip plaiai paplito po Lietuvos ir Gudijos krašt, kad rudasis škaplierius tapo kone kiekvieno kataliko pamaldumo ženklu. Po Tridento susirinkimo aktyviau pasireišk Brolij veikla: j iniciatyva bažnyiose buvo rengiami Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins altoriai ar atskiros koplyios, užsakomi to paties titulo paveikslai. Ši kryptinga brolij veikla siejosi su potridentins Bažnyios aktyviai skleidžiamu religini paveiksl kultu: senieji paveikslai buvo pradti garbinti kaip relikvijos, j senumas prilyginamas stebuklingumui ir autentiškumui. Brolij dka išsaugoti karmelitiškosios ikonografijos Dievo Motinos atvaizdai pasiek ms dienas, todl karmelit tretininkus galime laikyti vienuolijos kultrini - menini tradicij puoseltojais ir tsjais. Poskyryje 2.2 Karmelit vienuolyn pltra LDK aptariamos prielaidos karmelit ordino paplitimui Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštijoje, chronologiškai pateikiama vienuolyn sklaidos istorija. Karmelit kelias iki Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštijos pažymtas svarbiais Ordinui vykiais, taigi glausta istorin apžvalga padeda išryškinti, su kokiomis tradicijomis ir dvasingumo bagažu Karmelio kalno atsiskyrli bendruomen atvyko Europos žemyn. Svarbiausiu postmiu vienuolij krimuisi LDK tapo potridentins reformos judjimas, XVI a. apms vis Europ ir kiek vliau pasieks ms krašt. Bažnyios reformatoriaus vaidmuo atiteko LDK bajorijai, o viena iš pagrindini bajor veiklos srii ir buvo nauj ms žemms vienuolij steigimas bei j globa. Dl žymij LDK magnat katalikiškojo uolumo, pasireiškusio bažnyi bei vienuolyn fundacijomis, XVII - XVIII a. vienuolij gyvenimas suklestjo. Vienuoliai rpinosi liaudies dvasingumu, skleid Šv. M. Marijos kult, skatino vairias pamaldumo formas. Deja, politins permainos po 183l m. ir 1863 m. sukilim nulm tolesn religini bendruomeni likim: valdžios sakymu uždaryti beveik visi vienuolynai ir daugelis bažnyi. Tuo laikotarpiu ir baigiasi karmelit vienuolijos gyvavimo Lietuvos ir Gudijos krašte etapas. Chronologin karmelit vienuolyn sikrimo Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštijoje apžvalga padeda atskleisti galim Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd migracijos keli, o gilesnje ikonografinje analizje bus

 43 atsižvelgiama ir lokali vienuolyn koncentracij. Šio tyrimo kontekste nra aktualu išskirti senosios regulos karmelit ir basj karmelit ordin pltr, nes Šv. Škaplieriaus sakramentalija apjungia abi kongregacijas. Karmelit vienuolyn ir j bažnyi apžvalgoje mintini faktai, galj daryti tak tiriamj atvaizd atsiradimui, perklimui ir likimui. Svarbs yra Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd paminjimai archyviniuose šaltiniuose, nes jie padeda atkurti tiriamojo objekto (altori paveiksl, procesij altorli, vliav paveiksl, religini knyg iliustracij) paplitim.


Iš karmelit dvasingumo tradicijos kilusi Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vaizduosena atsiskleidžia vairiausiomis marijins ikonografijos formomis. Tiriant Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos vairov bei daugiasluoksniškum objektai grupuojami pagal kilm, siužetin linij, sekim lokalia pamaldumo tradicija ir formaliuosius kriterijus. Analizuojant Europos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd kontekst apibržiamos dominuojanios ikonografins schemos bei j sklaida, atskleidžiamos europins kilms archetip ssajos su konkreiais LDK Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins objektais bei vertinamos atvaizdo kartojimo, fragmentavimo ar perkrimo tendencijos. Lyginant piet ir vakar Europos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos objektus su LDK išryškja bendrieji ir unikals, tik ms kraštui bdingi požymiai. Skirtingo meninio lygio kriniai vertinami pagal autentiškum bei tiesiogin sakralini atvaizd paskirt, t.y. religinio taigumo aspektu. Tiriamojo darbo objektai – Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos vediniai – apima daugum dails rši. Analizuojami karmelit Dievo Motinos atvaizdai buv ar esantys bažnyi freskose, mozaikose, vitražuose, antepedium aptaisuose, altoriniuose paveiksluose bei skulptrose, liturgini procesij atributikoje bei drabužiuose, sakramentalij dekore, religini knyg iliustracijose ir bažnytins kanceliarijos reikmenyse. Netipins ikonografijos objektai ar pasikartojantys pavyzdžiai plaiau nenagrinjami, o traukiami atvaizd katalog. Poskyryje 3.1 Karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus vizijos vaizdavimas šv. S. Stoko vizija išskiriama kaip savarankiška atvaizd grup, siekiant labiau išryškinti unikalius šio vizijinio siužeto požymius europiniame kontekste. Pirmiausia aptariama 3.1.1

44  Tradicin Apreiškimo šv. S. Stokui vaizduosena kaip Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos ištakos. Analizuojant pavyzdžius išryškja svarbiausias LDK tradicins šv. S. Stoko vizijos ikonografijos išskirtinumas - Dievo Motina visuomet vaizduojama drauge su Kdikiu Jzumi. Jei kitose Europos šalyse esama atvaizd, kuomet Marija viena teikia karmelitui šv. S. Stokui škaplieri, tai visuose tiriamuosiuose objektuose LDK Marija vaizduojama laikanti Sn ant rank. Toki tendencij greiiausiai lm pamaldumo Šv. M. Marijai kaip Dievo Motinai aspektas bei supratimas, kad Šv. M. Marija atlieka tarpininks ir užtarjos vaidmen siuniamoms dangiškosioms privilegijoms, dl kuri kentjo jos snus Jzus Kristus. Meniniu išskirtinumu ms krašto šv. S. Stoko atvaizdai nepasižymi: didžioji dalis yra žymi prototip, pasiekusi LDK per iliustruotus teologinius leidinius, kartots. Poskyris 3.1.2 Sudtins ikonografijos atvaizdai apima ne archetipinio šv. S. Stoko vizijos siužeto objektus, o sudtins ikonografijos paveikslus. Karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus sakramentalijos paskirtis ir privilegija – siel gelbjimas iš skaistyklos, todl dažname šv. S. Stoko vizijos paveiksle integruojamas šios pomirtins vietos motyvas, tiesiogiai atitinkantis Sabbatine privilegium doktrin. Daugiausia toki krini yra piet Europos šalyse, o ms krašte šios nevienalyts ikonografijos pavyzdži - tik keletas. Atlikus mint objekt tyrim galima tvirtinti, kad šv. S. Stoko vizija yra Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio tipo kilms šaltinis ir pirmasis šio ikonografinio vedinio siužetas. Pagrindinis ir privalomas atributas – škaplierius, kaip Šv. M. Marijos privilegij simbolizuojantis ženklas. Šv. S. Stoko vizijos paveiksluose LDK pabržtinai laikomasi apreiškimo autentiškumo, t.y. legendos teksto, nenutolstama nuo kanonini vaizdavimo princip, vaizduojama btent rudojo škaplieriaus drabužio forma. Išpltotos ikonografijos schemos LDK neprigijo arba neišliko. Istoriniuose šaltiniuose nra detaliau aprašomi šv. S. Stoko vizijos paveikslai, tik paminimas paveikslo pavadinimas, todl nra galimybi išsiaiškinti ikonografines detales. XVII a. inventori aprašuose nerasta šv. Simono Stoko vizijos atvaizd paminjimo, jie atsiranda tik XVIII a. Tai rodo, kad krikšionybs skleidžiamos pamaldumo formos iki LDK krašt plisdavo liau ir prigydavo gerokai vliau nei arti katalikybs centro – Romos - esaniose šalyse. Karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus kilms tema integravosi plai marijini atvaizd skal, todl šv. S. Stoko mistinio regjimo paveiksl analiz yra svarbi Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos tyrimo dalis.

 45 3.2 Sekimo bizantiškaisiais prototipais tradicija poskyryje LDK tiriamieji objektai siejami su to laikmeio žinomiausiais Europoje kultiniais Marijos atvaizdais. Gaji sekimo bizantiškosiomis ikonomis tradicija dar ženkli tak LDK karmelit dailei - formavo savit Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd pogrup, kuriame archetipo vaidmuo teko tiek Europoje pagarsjusioms ikonoms, tiek vietos regiono kultiniams paveikslams. 3.2.1 Karmelit Meilingoji Dievo Motina La Bruna ir kiti Eleusa/Glykophilousa vediniai. La Bruna - ankstyviausias Karmelio atsiskyrli garbintas Dievo Motinos atvaizdas. Eleusa ikonografijos La Bruna ikonos kartots sudaro skaitlingiausi Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd grup piet Europos karmelit dailje. LDK karmelit palikime turime kelet Dievo Motinos paveiksl, kilusi iš šio garsaus pirmavaizdžio. Krini analizje išryškja sekimo La Bruna prototipu ypatumai. Upynos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins paveikslas - vienas vertingiausi šio darbo autors atradim. Pagal vaizduosenos archaiškum jis priskiriamas XVII amžiui ir, tyrimo autors nuomone, laikomas vienu ankstyviausi Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdu LDK. Dl minto išskirtinumo šis objektas aptariamas plaiau. Pietins Europos dalyje dominuojant karmelitiškiesiems La Bruna sekiniams, Vidurio Europoje plito kitas Meilingosios Dievo Motinos tipas - Maria Hilf. Remiantis tyrimu galima teigti, kad LDK Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins Eleusa atvaizdai turi aiški, išsikristalizavusi ikonografins kilms struktr, susidedani iš dviej pirmavaizdži: bizantinio La Bruna bei L. Cranach Maria Hilf prototip. Dar vienu pirmavaizdžiu karmelitiškosios Dievo Motinos atvaizdams galjusi tapti Umilenie ikona, baroko laikotarpiu LDK aplinkoje neprigijo, taiau XX a. ši ikona su j papildaniu škaplieriumi karmelit iniciatyva jau platinama visiems katalikams. 3.2.2 Hodegetria ir Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijoje. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijoje LDK regione svarbi viet užima labiausiai paplits krikšioniškoje religinje dailje Šv. M. Marijos Kelrods - Hodegetria tipas. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins Hodegetria atvaizdai grupuotini ir pagal j kilm iš konkrei prototip - stebuklingj paveiksl, garsjusi Abiej Taut Respublikos regione. Vienas labiausiai paplitusi tarp karmelit yra enstakavos Dievo Motinos paveikslas, kiek mažiau - Krokuvos na Piasku Dievo Motina ir stebuklingoji Bialynii Dievo Motinos ikona. Gausiausia grup Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd seka Šv. M. Marijos Sniegins archetipu, kurio pirmavaizdžiu laikoma Salus Populi Romani ikona. Atlikus tyrim konstatuota, kad XVII - XVIII a. pusfigriuose

46  Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins paveiksluose yra akivaizdus ikonografins schemos kartojimas, pabržiant figr statiškum, gestus, perkeliant pagrindinius atributus. Šios grups marijiniuose atvaizduose ryškiausia yra Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives kartojim tradicija: Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdai seka archetipine Marijos Sniegins ikonografija, o karmelitiškumo aur suteikia škaplieriaus simbolio nukaldinimas paveiksl puošianiuose aptaisuose. Skirtingi devocijos atsiradimo bdai rodo, kad visomis manomomis priemonmis Karmelio Dievo Motinos paveiksluose buvo siekiama išryškinti dangišksias privilegijas teikiani vienuolijos sakramentalij. 3.3 Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos vedini variantai apima laisvos interpretacijos Hodegetria ir Mater Amabilis vedini grupes, Sacra Conversazione vaizduosen, bei mažiau paplitusius LDK, taiau menotyriniu aspektu itin vertingus Maesta, Misericordiae, Sanctae Familiae ikonografij variantus. Šiame poskyryje atskleidžiami tyrimo objekt pirmavaizdžiai bei galim kartoi variantai už LDK rib. 3.3.1 Mater Amabilis ir Hodegetria interpretacijos. Lyginant šios grups pavyzdžius piet Europoje ir LDK krašte matomi skirtumai. LDK Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdai formalija prasme minimalizuoti, dažniausiai apsiribojama Dievo Motinos ir Snaus figromis, dalis tiriamj objekt – fragmentins daugiafigri paveiksl kopijos ar kartots. Škaplieriaus sakramentalijos dekoravimas karmelit ordino herbo simboliu yra prastas Ispanijoje ir Italijoje - ši detal, veikiausiai, atspindjo ordino reikšm ar vietins vienuolijos svarb konkreioje vietovje. Lietuvos ir Gudijos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizduose ant škaplieriaus dažniausiai matomos Šv. M. Marijos ir Jzaus Kristaus monogramos. Tok vaizdavim ms krašte lm Dievo Motinos kulto dominavimas. Analogiškos priežastys galjo daryti tak ir Šv. M. Marijos aprangos variantams: piet Europoje Karmelit ordino drabužiu vilkinti Dievo Motina vaizduojama jau baroke, o LDK XVII-XVIII a. paveiksluose be išimties dominuoja Šv. M. Marijos tradicinis drabužis – raudonos spalvos suknel ir mlynas apsiaustas. XIX a. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins Hodegetria atvaizdai masiškai nebepuošiami brangi metal aptaisais kaip kad buv prasta LDK laikmeiu. 3.3.2 Škaplieriaus teikimas adorantams Sacra Conversazione ikonografijoje sudaro ženkli Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd grup. Daugiausia turime toki paveiksl, kuriuose atpažstame žymiausius dviej karmelit ordin atstovus: senosios regulos karmelit (OC) generol šv. S. Stok ir reformuotj karmelit (OCD) ordino krj šv. Teres Aviliet. LDK karmelit dailje nespjo sitvirtinti Šv. M. Marijos

 47 Škaplierins Šventojo pokalbio ikonografijos kriniai, kuriuose adorantais bt vaizduojami religingieji pasaulieiai - valdovai ir kiti didikai. Kitose Europos šalyse tokios daugiafigrs Sacra Conversazione kompozicijos buvo vienos populiariausi. Mintai vaizduosenai paplisti LDK reikjo ilgesnio Škaplieriaus brolij gyvavimo laikotarpio. Karmelitiškiesiems Sacra Conversazione paveikslams priskiriama grup jungtins ikonografijos atvaizd, kuriuose Dievo Motina vaizduojama dvejopai – kaip Šv. M. Marija Škaplierin ir kaip Rožinio Šv. M. Marija. Šie jungtins ikonografijos kriniai atspindi karmelit ir dominikon vienuolij bendryst bei tapai abiej devocij paskirt. Potridentiniu laikotarpiu itin aktyviai skleidžiama Skaistyklos doktrina pasitarnavo vienuolini ordin legitimacijos ženkl sjungai: praktikuojantieji rožinio mald ir nešiojantys škaplieri tikjo lengviau pelnysiantys pomirtin malon. Apibendrinant karmelitiškuosius Šventojo pokalbio pavyzdžius aiškja, kad LDK gyvavimo laikotarpiu dominavo dviej tip Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdai: kuomet adorantais vaizduojami du vienuoliai (vyras ir moteris) bei jungtiniai šv. Rožinio - šv. Škaplieriaus brolij atvaizdai. XIX a. panaikinus LDK gyvavusias vienuolijas, j puoselt Sacra Conversazione paveiksl pogrupis nesivyst, todl vlesniais laikais mintos ikonografijos objekt nerasta. 3.3.3 Retesni Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vaizdavimo variantai praturtina karmelit Dievo Motinos atvaizd ikonografin skal. Pastebta, kad šio segmento krini sklaidoje vyrauja panašios tendencijos: jie atitinkamai mažiau paplit tiek ms krašte, tiek likusioje Europos dalyje. Išimtimi bt LDK regione praktiškai sunykusi karmelitiškoji Maesta ikonografija, taiau ji iki šiol yra populiari piet Europos karmelit bažnyi skulptroje. Nors Gailestingosios Dievo Motinos ikonografinio tipo atvaizdai plaiai žinomi nuo XIII amžiaus, taiau viduramžiškj Mater Misericordiae schem integruota Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins vaizduosena Europoje netapo populiari, aptinkami tik pavieniai objektai. Šventosios Šeimos ikonografija susiformavo slyginai vlai, nuo XV a. ir paplito Europoje vairiais vaizdavimo variantais. XVII a. sigaljo Sanctae Familiae schema su Šv. M. Marija, snumi Jzumi, vaikeliu šv. Jonu Krikštytoju arba šv. Juozapu. Turime kelet toki Šventosios Šeimos atvaizd, kuriuos LDK karmelitai pažymjo išskirtiniu savo Ordino legitimacijos ženklu - škaplieriaus sakramentalija. Plaiame Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vedini spektre viet atranda ir išskirtinai vien Marij vaizduojantys objektai.


1. Siekiant pagrsti Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio vedinio kilm, gilintasi karmelit vienuolijos dvasingumo ištakas bei škaplieriaus simbolio specifik. Nuo ankstyvj viduramži škaplierius prigijo religini bendruomeni kanoninje aprangoje, j dvjo daugumos vienuolini ordin nariai. Taiau Dievo Motinos malon teikiania sakramentalija škaplieriaus drabužis pirm kart tapo tik po 1251 m. Šv. M. Marijos apsireiškimo karmelit ordino generolui šv. Simonui Stokui. Tai – istoriškai ankstyviausias škaplieriaus drabužio tapsmas devociniu simboliu, todl rudasis karmelit škaplierius, teikiantis pomirtin išsigelbjim nuo ,,amžinosios ugnies”, laikomas pamatiniu Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos motyvu. 2. Reikšmingas momentas karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus istorijoje - škaplieriaus drabužio virsmas mažaisiais brolij škaplieriais. Formalioji sakramentalijos transformacija XVI a. iš vienuoliškojo škaplieriaus drabužio pasauliei dvim devocin ženkl atvr keli nauj škaplieriaus rši atsiradimui. XIX a. Katalik bažnyia patvirtino eil nauj analogiškos formos brolij škaplieri, skirt specifiniam pamaldumui. Taigi Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografij gali turti ne tik Karmelio Dievo Motinos atvaizdai, bet ir kiti Šv. M. Marijos paveikslai, kuriuose vaizduojamos vairi brolij škaplieriaus sakramentalijos. 3. Iš šv. S. Stoko vizijos kilusi karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus malon dl tapai vizijini ištak pagrstai asimiliuojama su Sabbatine Privilege pamaldumu. Šeštadienins privilegijos užuomazga buvo Šv. M. Marijos apsireiškimas popiežiui Jonui XXII (1316 m.), kuomet Dievo Motina primygtinai reikalavusi Šventojo Tvo nedelsiant pripažinti išskirtin indulgencij karmelitams bei j tretininkams. Taiau Sabbatine Privilege iškart netapo visuotine teologine dogma; tokia situacija galjo tstis ir dl nuolatins dominuojani ordin konkurencijos bei takos Šventajam Sostui. Galiausiai 1577 m. popiežiaus Jurgio XIII dekretu Šeštadienin privilegija aprobuojama Karmelit Ordinui ir tvirtinama visoje Katalik Bažnyioje. Šis dekretas užtvirtino išskirtin Karmelit Ordino teis per rudj škaplieri teikti pagalb skaistykloje kenianioms sieloms. 4. Paskutinje Tridento susirinkimo sesijoje 1563 m. patvirtinta Skaistyklos doktrina dav impuls plaiai šios temos sklaidai bažnytinje dailje – XVI-XVII a. sandroje plinta skaistykl vaizduojantys paveikslai su Šv. M. Marija kaip siel

 49 Užtarja. Karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus sakramentalijos vaizdavimas Skaistyklos temoje tiesiogiai sietinas su atvaizdo priklausomybe Karmelit Ordinui ar Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins brolijai. Jei Skaistyklos temoje karmelitiškoji sakramentalija nevaizduojama Dievo Motinos ar Snaus Jzaus rankose, o matoma tik antraplaniame lygmenyje (škaplieri dvi skaistyklos sielos), tokie atvaizdai neturt bti priskiriami Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijai, o vardijami Šv. M. Marija – skaistyklos siel Gelbtoja arba Šv. M. Marija –– skaistykloje keniani siel Užtarja. Silomi pavadinimai aiškiausiai atspindi Skaistyklos tem ir primena Sabbatine Privilege. 5. Šiandienin terminologija, vardijanti Šv. Mergel Marij Škaplierin, yra gantinai plati, skirtingai traktuojama, o tai apsunkina krini ikonografin atribucij. Dažniausiai Šv. M. Marija Škaplierin painiojama su Gailestingosios Dievo Motinos, Skaistyklos siel Užtarjos atvaizdais, La Bruna kartotmis. Siekiant suvienodinti karmelitiškosios Dievo Motinos specifinio ikonografinio vedinio samprat menotyriniu aspektu, silomas tikslesnis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos apibržimas: Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin – Dievo Motinos ikonografijos vedinys, kils iš vienuolijos pamaldumo Šv. Mergelei Marijai. Karmelitiškojo škaplieriaus drabužio teikimo momentas šv. S. Stoko vizijos siužete arba/ir škaplieriaus sakramentalijos kaip brolijos ženklo vaizdavimas Marijos ir/arba Snaus Jzaus rankose yra esminis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos požymis. Tik bdamas krinio ikonografins programos akcentu, škaplierius tampa Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins identifikaciniu atributu. Galimos škaplieriaus vaizdavimo formos: 1. kaip tradicin vienuoli aprangos dalis; 2. kaip mažieji škaplieriai - pasauliei religinms brolijoms skirta sakramentalija; 3. liturgins juostos manipulos formos. 6. Apibržus Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins svok tikslinama šio ikonografinio tipo vieta marijini atvaizd sistemoje. Vienuoliniai ordinai bei pasaulietins brolijos marijini paveiksl pagalba uoliausiai skleid legitimacini sakramentalij kult, todl ikonografiniuose žinynuose Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins tipas turt figruoti marijini devocini atvaizd grupje drauge su dominikon Rožinio Šv. M. Marija, augustin Šv. M. Marija Ramintoja (Dirželio Šv. M. Marija). Minti marijiniai atvaizdai apjungiami pagal pamaldum simbolizuojant kriterij - Dievo Motinos teikiam sakramentalij. 7. Pirmasis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos siužetas - škaplieriaus drabužio teikimas karmelitui šv. Simonui Stokui - gali bti priskirtas tiek šventj

50  asmen vizijini paveiksl gupei, tiek marijiniams devociniams atvaizdams; pasirinkimas priklauso nuo tyrinjimo aspekto. Šiame darbe šv. S. Stoko vizija laikoma Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinio vedinio kilms šaltiniu. Negausus šv. S. Stoko atvaizd palikimas LDK karmelit dailje – išlik dešimt krini. Pokarmelitiniu periodu, dl suprantam priežasi, fiksuojamas dar labiau susiaurjs mint atvaizd ratas, rasti šeši šv. S. Stoko vizijos paveikslai, sukurti XIX amžiuje. XVII a. LDK bažnyi inventori aprašuose neaptikta ši atvaizd paminjimo, jie atsiranda tik XVIII a. LDK periode Šv. S. Stoko vizijos paveiksluose pabržtinai laikomasi apsireiškimo autentiškumo: vaizduojama btent rudojo škaplieriaus drabužio forma, sudtins ikonografijos vaizduosena nepltojama. Esminis šv. Simono Stoko vizijos išskirtinumas LDK – Dievo Motinos vaizdavimas drauge su Kdikiu Jzumi. Jei kitose Europos šalyse esama atvaizd, kuomet Marija viena teikia karmelitui škaplieri, tai LDK objektuose Šv. M. Marija vaizduojama laikanti Sn ant rank. Vienintel išimtis - Žukaini paveikslas, kurtas pagal Venecijos meistro prototip. Toki tendencij lm dominuojantis Šv. M. Marijai kaip Dievo Motinai kultas bei potridentiniu laikotarpiu sigaljs supratimas, kad Šv. M. Marija atlieka tarpininks vaidmen siuniamoms dangiškosioms privilegijoms, už kurias kentjo jos snus Jzus Kristus. 8. Ankstyviausiu Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins prototipu Europoje laikoma La Bruna ikona. Eleusa ikonografijos La Bruna kartots sudaro dominuojani Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd grup piet ir vidurio Europos karmelit dailje. Nustatyta, kad LDK karmelit aplinkoje Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins Eleusa vaizduosena tolygiai vystsi iš dviej prototip: neapolietiškosios La Bruna ikonos ir L. Cranach Maria Hilf paveikslo. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins Hodegetria vaizduosena susiformavo regionins piligrimysts takoje: karmelitiškieji paveikslai sek stebuklingj enstakavos, Krokuvos na Piasku, Trak Dievo Motinos atvaizd ikonografija. Skaitlingiausia Hodegetria S. Maria ad Nives kartojim tradicija leidžia teigti, jog tai - dominuojantis Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografinis tipas LDK karmelit dailje, sekant bizantiškaisiais pirmavaizdžiais. 9. Modifikuoti Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vedini variantai apima daugiasluoksns ikonografijos objektus su laisvos interpretacijos Hodegetria, Mater Amabilis, Pelagonitissa, Regina Coeli, Immaculata ikonografij požymiais. LDK bei pokarmelitinio laikotarpio Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdai formalija prasme minimalizuoti – apsiribojama Dievo Motinos ir Snaus figromis. Didžioji dalis objekt

 51 – fragmentins daugiafigri kompozicij kopijos ar plaiai žinom paveiksl kartots. Jungtins ikonografijos Mater Misericordiae ir Sanctae Familiae Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdai retesni tiek LDK, tiek kit krašt karmelit dailje. Sudtins ikonografijos gylis bei plotis atskleidžia Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins vaizduosenos daugiasluoksniškum. Ši atvaizd identifikavim rašytiniuose šaltiniuose apsunkina tai, kad bažnyi inventoriuose paveiksl aprašai apsiriboja titulu ir ant j esani brangij metal aprašymu. 10. Reikšming Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos dal sudaro Sacra Conversazione kriniai – devyniolika objekt. Šie legitimaciniai atvaizdai tarp vienuolij yra vieni populiariausi, jie reprezentuoja vienuolinius Ordinus ir pasaulietines religines bendruomenes. LDK karmelit dailje Šventojo Pokalbio schemoje išskirtini du lygiaveriai pogrupiai: tradicin vaizduosena, kuomet Šv. M. Marijai su Snumi adoruoja du vienuoliai (vyras ir moteris) bei jungtins ikonografijos kriniai (Šv. M. Marija Škaplierin – Rožinio Šv. M. Marija). Pastarojo tipo sklaid takojo Karmelio Dievo Motinos švents paskelbimas visuotine – 1726 m. ji traukta katalikiškj šveni kalendori ir privaloma visai Katalik Bažnyiai. LDK karmelit dailje nespjo sitvirtinti Šventojo Pokalbio ikonografijos kriniai, kuriuose Šv. M. Marijai Škaplierinei adorantais bt religingieji pasaulieiai. Veikiausiai tokiai vaizduosenai paplisti LDK reikjo ilgesnio Škaplieriaus brolij gyvavimo laikotarpio. 11. Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd specifik LDK XVII–XVIII a. pirmiausia lm vienuolijos dails tradicijos. Vliau, stiprjant karmelit tretinink takai sielovadinje parapijos veikloje, išaugo ir Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins brolij, kaip dails krini užsakov, vaidmuo. J intencijos, tiktina, buvo gerokai svaresns, nei paties dailininko. Ištirtuose istoriniuose šaltiniuose nerasta žini apie tai, kad Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizdo užsakovu bt buvs vienas privatus asmuo. Paveikslo donatoriumi dažniausiai vardijama konkreti vienuolija ar jos vietinis globjas. Galima prielaida, kad XVII a. karmelit bažnyi inventoriuose minimi Šv. M. Marijos paveikslai, vardinti pagarsjusi prototip vietovi pavadinimais (pvz., enstakavos, Trak, Žemaii Kalvarijos Dievo Motina), turjo Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografij, nes škaplieriaus simbolis kaip ordino legitimacijos ženklas buvo privalomas karmelitiškojo dvasingumo aplinkoje. XVIII a. raštuose jau minima Dievo Motinos kaip Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vaizduosena, dažniau vardijamas ir ikonografinis tipas (Hodegetria, Eleusa).

52  12. Tyrimo autorei pavyko nustatyti keturiolikos Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins objekt pirmavaizdži, pateiktos svarios prielaidos dar aštuoni atvaizd prototipams identifikuoti. Šv. S. Stoko vizijos grupje atrasti penki krini pirmavaizdžiai, išsamiai ištirtos ikonografini šaltini iš Venecijos, Žemosios Silezijos, Romos istorijos, bei aptiktas itin retas ikonografinis šaltinis, kuriuo sekant nutapyta šv. S. Stoko vizija Vilniaus Vis Šventj bažnyioje. Bizantiškuosius prototipus kartojaniame Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd pogrupyje siloma patikslinti Tabariški procesij altorlio paveikslo kilm iš Barn Dievo Motinos atvaizdo. Daugiausiai pirmavaizdži - devyni - atrasta modifikuot Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins vedini grupje: Daukši ir Pabiržs (Karl Ferdinand Mayer), Kauno Šv. Kryžiaus (H. Rottenhammer) ir Kernavs (Rafael) bažnyi procesij altorli paveikslai; Užvenio ir ekišks (S. Conca), Kuktiški (S. Ricci), Lydos ir Lipniški (S. B. Murillo) altori paveikslai. Remiantis surinkta medžiaga galima konstatuoti, kad mint karmelitiškj Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd kilm siejama su Italijos meno mokykla. Iš Flandrijos, Bavarijos, Silezijos kildinami objektai patvirtina buvusius ryšius, taiau dl tyrimo objekt apimties stokos negalime objektyviai vertinti ši tendencij. 13. Karmelitiškosios Dievo Motinos atvaizd židiniais laikomi senosios regulos ir basj karmelit vienuolynai, o vlesns sklaidos – parapins bažnyios. Šiame tyrime minimi 45 vienuolynai (16 Lietuvoje ir 29 Gudijoje) bei 133 parapins bažnyios (100 Lietuvoje ir 33 Gudijoje) LDK teritorijoje, kur bta ar lig šiol esama Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins atvaizd. Archyviniuose šaltiniuose rasta daugiau nei šimto neišlikusi krini paminjim. Šie duomenys traukti objekto lokacijos žemlap. Tyrimo metu surinkta 130 Šv. M. Marijos Škaplierins ikonografijos krini, didžioji j dalis tebra parapinse bažnyiose. Tankiausia tiriamojo objekto koncentracija stebima Vilniaus vaivadijoje bei teritorijoje tarp Kauno ir Kudirkos Naumiesio vienuolyn. Tolygi karmelit Dievo Motinos atvaizd sklaid visoje Žemaitijoje veikiausiai palaik tenykšts Šv. Škaplieriaus brolijos, tokiu bdu tsdamos pamaldumo Šv. M. Marij Škaplierin tradicij.



STUDIJOS: 1986 – 1992 m. studijos Valstybinje dails akademijos Taikomosios dails fakultete. 1999 – 2001 m. magistrantros studijos Vytauto Didžiojo universitete Men fakultete. 2009 – 2013 m. – doktorantros studijos Vytauto Didžiojo universitete Men fakultete.

Adresas: Olimpiei g. 1 – 24, LT 09200, Vilnius. Kontaktai: tel. +370 68751020; [email protected]

KITA VEIKLA Nuo 2009 m. Dubingi Šv. Jurgio Kankinio bažnyios atstatymo projekto iniciatorius, mecenatas bei kuratorius. 2011 m. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Men fakulteto student mokslins veiklos skatinimo projekto iniciatorius steigiant „Lietuvos meno tyrim ir krybos“ stipendij.


1. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Šv. Mergel Marija Škaplierin Lietuvos XVII-XVIII a. bažnytinje dailje. In: LOGOS, t. 26, 2001, p. 157-174. 2. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Linkuvos Šv. Mergels Marijos Škaplierins bažnyia ir buvs senosios regulos karmelit vienuolynas. In: Lietuvos bažnyios, 2009, p. 138-145. 3. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Karmelio Dievo Motinos paveikslo ikonografin sklaida Abiej Taut Respublikoje. In: Virgo venerabilis: Marijos paveikslas Lietuvos kultroje, 2011, p. 103-130. 4. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Iconographic spreading of the images of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In: http://www.ocarm.org/citocmagazine/ 5. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Šv. Simono Stoko vizijos ikonogarafin tradicija Lietuvos karmelit bažnyiose. Pirmavaizdis ir kartot. In: LOGOS, Nr. 72, p. 149 - 160. KITOS PUBLIKACIJOS 6. Rusteikien, Aurelija. Ms atmintis – bsimj kart atmintis. In: SOTER, 38 (66), p. 133-136.




Summary of Doctoral Dissertation

Išleido ir spausdino – Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla (S. Daukanto g. 27, LT-44249 Kaunas) Užsakymo Nr. K13-088. Tiražas 40 egz. 2013 11 04. Nemokamai.