Society of Hntiquaries of Scotland

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Society of Hntiquaries of Scotland PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotland SESSION MCMXXXVIII.-MCMXXXIX. VOL. LXXIII. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. I. NATIONAL MUSEU ANTIQUITIEF MO SCOTLANDF O S , QUEEN STREET,. EDINBURGH. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY, LTD. MCMXXXIX. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1938, ............ 1 A Stone-Age Settlement at the Braes of Binyo, Bousay, Orkney. (First Beport.) By Professor V. G. CHILDE, F.S.A.Scot., and WALTER G. GRANT, F.S.A.Scot., ... 6 Fyvi e. DOUGLA CastleW y B .S SIHPSON2 3 , M.A. , D.Litt. ,. F.S.A.Scot. , A Barbed Poin Deer-Antlef to r from Shewalton . ,LACAILLE AyrshireD . A y B ,. F.S.A.Scot.8 4 , Two Hoard Silvef so r Coins foun t Bridgda Donf eo , Aberdeen t Dunblanea d an , , Perthshire. By BOBERT KERB, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., Curator of Coins, ...... 51 An Iron Age Site at Aignish, near Storuoway. By E. CECIL CURWEN, M.A., M.B., B.Ch., F.S.A., ............... 55 e CastlTh f Clounio e e Crichton, Kincardineshire . J FENTO y B . N WYNESS, A.B.I.B.A., A.B.I.A.S., A.I.L.A., F.S.A.Scot., .......... 58 Beport on Excavation at Monzie. By ALISON YOUNG, F.S.A.Scot., and MARGAKET CRICHTON MITCHELL, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A.Scot., ........2 6 . A Viking Settlemen t Freswicka t , Caithness. Bepor Excavationn o t s carrie 193n i d t 7an dou CURLE. O . A ,1938 y C.V.O.B . , LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ....1 7 . The Agricolan For . BICHMONDt Fendocha tA . I y B . , M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., and JAMES MclNTYRE, F.S.A. With Contribution STANFIELD. A . J y sb , ERIC BIRLEY, M.A., F.S.A., and A. BAISTRICK, Ph.D., M.Sc., .......... 110 Excavations on behal f H.Mo f . Offic f Worko e t Taiversa s o Tuick, Trumland, Bousayy B . WALTER G. GRANT, F.S.A.Scot., .......... 155 Excavations of Iron Age Dwellings on the Calf of Eday in Orkney. By CHARLES S. T. CALDER, A.B.I.A.S., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 167 The Gallerie t Kildonaa n dDu n Bay, Kintyre Hy .B FAIHHUHST. , M.A.5 18 , F.S.A.Scot. , Bronzo Tw Burialse eAg y BOBERB . KTB . STEVENSON, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., Keepere th f o Museum, .............. 229 Miscellanea Romano-Caledonica. r GEOKGSi y B E . MACDONALDII , K.C.B., F.B.A., H.B.S.A., President, .............1 24 . An Earth-hous t Grippsea , Frotoft, Bousay, Orkney WALTEy B . GRANTRG , F.S.A.Scot.3 27 . , Two Scottish Thirteenth-Century Songs, wit e Originahth l Melodies, recently discovered in Sweden. By the Rev. JOHN BEVERIDGE, M.B.E., F.S.A.Scot., Knight of St Olaf (Norway), .............. 276 Cultivation Terraces in South-Bastern Scotland. By A. GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., . 289 iv TABL F CONTENTSO E . PAGE Notes:— 1. Bock Scribings at Hawthornden, Midlothian. By Professor CHILDE, P.S.A.Scot., and JOHN TAYLOR, F.S.A.Scot., . - . 316 2. A Beaker Burial from Innerwick, East Lothian. By Professor CHILDE, P.S.A.Scot., . 318 Beport Skeletae onth l Bemains Professoy B . 9 r ALEX31 . Low. , . M.D., Indeterminatn A . 3 e Structur Hearta d ean h found outsid e Bomaeth u For t Mumrillsa t . By SAMUEL SMITH, Corresponding Member, ....... 319 4. Oak Panels presented to the Museum by the National Art Collections Fund. By JAMES S. BICHARDSON, P.S.A.Scot., .........4 32 . 5. Jet Necklace from a Cist in Strathnaver. By B. B. K. STEVENSON, F.S.A.Scot., Keeper Museum,e oth f ...........5 32 . MassivA . 6 e Double-linked . EDWARDSSilveH . J r. ChainA ,y F.S.A.Scot.B . , Director of the Museum, ............ 326 7. Three Peuannula rFinger-ringo . ArmletEDWARDSH Tw . d J . an s f SilverA o s ,y B . F.S.A.Scot., Director of the Museum, ......... 327 Donation Purchased Museume an th o r st sfo , ........8 32 . Donation Purchased Librarye an th o r st sfo , ........5 33 . Index, ................ 345 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (The asterisk denotes tha bloce beetth s kha n lent.) The Environs of Rinyo, .... Einyo: Slabs and wall on virgin soil below Einyo: Plans (folders). Pis. I-III, Floo f Chambe ro XVIIIL P . 2 ,D r facing page 10 ——— Rims of A ware Vases. PL XIX, 1 ——— Pla d Sectionnan d Ovenf Hdso an , 15 and 2. ——— Chambe . lookinrA g south-east through ——— A ware Sherds. PL XX. main doorway. PI. IV, 1, . facing page 16 ——— Sherd warB f so e Vase XXIL P . ——— ——— looking north. 2 , PIIV . ——— C and B wares. PL XXII. ——— ——— with drain exposed, looking north- ——— Stone Balls, Stone Mortar and Stone west. 1 PI, V . Implements XXIIIL P . —— Communication door, "carved" slab ——— Section f typicaso t Eimspo l , 23 and drain in Chamber A. PI. V, 2. ——— Large Vessel from Chamber D. Splay- ——— Oven-base under floo f Chambeo r . A r footed Vase from Chambe. A r 24 . 1 , PLVI ——— Pottery object, .... 26 ——— Doo d outean r r wal f Chambeo l , A r ——— Fragments of Beaker, 26 looking east. PI. VI, 2. ——— Type f Flinso t Implements, 28 ——— Chamber B, looking north-west into Sketch Map of Fyvie, .... 36 Chambe . PIrA . VII. 1 , Fyvie Castle: Plans, ... 389 3 ,, ——— Drain under Chambe , lookinrB g north. ——— Sketch pla shono t w probable evolution PI. VII, 2. of front, ...... 43 ——— Chambe lookin, rC g north VIIIL P . ,1 Neidenburg Castle: ground-floor plad an n ——— Hearth in Chamber C. PI. VIII, 2. view, ....... 44 ——— Ove d heartnan n Chambehi L P . C r — Alexander Seton, first Ear Dunfermlinef lo , IX, 1. Chancellor of Scotland. PL XXIV, ——— View across north wal f Chambeo l , C r facing page 46 looking into north recess of D. PL IX, 2. Fyvie Castle: View of south front. PL XXV. ——— Chamber D: Beds, drain lintels and ——— View from south-west. PL XXVI. hearth. PI. X, 1. ——— The ancient entrance. PL XXVII. ——— Westernmost pier in Chamber D, after — ——— View from south-west XXVIIIL P . remova. 2 , pavingf o lX L P . — ——— The great stair. PI. XXIX. —— Chambe , lookinD r g east, showing late ——— View in charter room. PL XXX. paving. PL XI, 1. — —— —d ol Ceilindining-room n i g L P . ——— Concave face of outer wall and bed in XXXI. Chamber D. PI. XI, 2. — ——— Ground plan, ante 1777 XXXIIL P . ——— Chamber D: original pavement at east ——— First floor plan, ante 1777L P . end. PL XII, 1. XXXIII. ——— ——— latest pavement in north recess. PI. XII, 2. Scottish barbed points of red-deer antler: ——— Uncovered drain, hearth d recessean , s 1, Shewalton; 2 and 3, Oban (after Ander- in Chamber D. PL XIII, 1. son); , Kirkcudbright4 . PI. XXXIV, ——— Chambe , lookinD r g west: Drai- nun facing page 48 covered. PL XIII, 2. Fragmen bonf o t e comb, Aignish, 55 ——— Slab g fully exposed. PL XIV, 1. Pottery shards from hearth at Aignish, 56 ——— Eight-han f Chambeo d be d witA r h Clounie Crichton Castle: Plans,. 59 slabs efg beyond. PL XIV, 2. —— Views fro e south-westmth , south-east ——— Eight-hand bed of Chamber A, looking north-westd an . Entrance door with coat- south. PL XV, 1. of-arms reces d carvean s d stone panel ——— Slab-pile between ChamberD d an A s above. Detail of gun-hole. Carved stone founs a d (lookin. 2 , g XV west) L P . panel with inscription. PL XXXV, ——— Outer walls round Chamber D and facing page 60 right-hand door-jamb of Chamber A. Ring-marked boulder at Monzie; (2) Stone PL XVI, 1. 1; (3) Stones forming cist. PL XXXVI, f easNorto td walhen f Chambeo l . B r facing page 62 PI. XVI, 2. Stone Circl t a Monziee ) showin(1 : g —— Hearth of Chamber B under Passage cist; (2) Sand level showing two stones AP. PL XVII, 1. from loam level. PL XXXVII. —— Heart d eashan t wal f Chambeo l . B r ——— Plan at loam level, .... 63 PL XVII, 2. ——— Pla t blacna k level, .... 65 —— North corner of Chamber A, showing ——— Plan at sand level and Section, . 67 wall of E below Floor. PL XVIII, 1. ——— Rim sherds from circle, VI LIS F ILLUSTRATIONSO T . PAGE Viking Settlemen t a Freswickt , Caith- The Agricolan For t Fendoch—a t continued:— ness:— North Gate,...... 116 General.Plan showing remain Buildingf so s Conjectural restoratio e Nortth f o hn discovered, ..... 74 Gate, ....... 119 Plan of Buildings in Group A, . 75 General view showing site and the Sma' West end of I, showing Bath Chamber. Glen in background. PL LII, 1, Drain, and Vent, with sections, also facing page 120 Wal earlief o l r Buildin6 7 g beyond . , Sectio f ramparo n t showing turfwork. Pla f Buildingno n Groui s (VIB pd an ) PI. LII, 2. C (VII), .....8 8 . North gate. West post-hole f weso s t Interior of I, showing Flagstones on Moor. tower, with water-conduit. PL LIII, 1. PI. XXXVIII . .facing , 1 , 6 page9 —— —— East post-holes of west tower, Interior of Bath Chamber in I, showing with impress of post excavated in fore- Positio f Fireplacno e leff Entranceo t . most post-hole LIIIL P . .2 , PI. XXXVIII, 2 Eas——— —t— post-hole f easo s t tower, View into Closet to north of Bath Cham- with hol r staircasfo e n foregroundi e . r showinbe g displaced Flagstones. PL LIV, 1. PI. XXXIX, 1. South gate. Bed for water-conduit (ex- Remain f Smitho s y with Worksho- be p cavated) and east post-holes of gateway.
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    ) in Queen's Restaurant, ,„ high street (TEMPEUANCE. (Closc to iiunicipal Builduigs). Choice Menu. Moderate Chargres. MONTROSE YEAR=BOOK . AND . DIRECTORY . FOB . I907. CONTAINS Local Almanac and Obituary Notices of Public Men, Reg-isters of Municipal and Parliamentary Voters, Datefj of Noteworthy Local Events, Directory of Trades and Professions, Salaries of Public Officials, General Directory, &e. .\l >J .-; 'r R o E : PRINTED AND ITBr.r.SHJSl. ir, ALI5X. OC'NN & CO., LTD., AT " KBVIEW " OmCE, 97 HIGH STREKT. QUEEN'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL Marriage and Social Parties catered for. Iiunoheon and Dinner Baskets Supplied to Picnic Parties. Reasonable Tettaa. \\)llllam n^oir 6i Sons, SEEDSJVIEN, 7 and 9 HIGH STREET, MONTROSE. Telephone No. ii. Telegrams—Moir, Montrose. BUSINESS HOURS, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. SATURDAYS, 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. WEDNESDAYS, 2 pm. Price Lists on Application. (. /yv\-e<iA. 2_V cm Chemists, «^ Prescriptions. THIS MOST, IMPORTANT IT. 272 ^H ^ 'Jt Sight Testing Rooms. XHOS. BURRKIvIv, F.S.M.C. LONDON, March, 1899. Holder of the Diploma granted by the Worshipful Guild of Spectacle Makers for Proficiency in Sight Testing (1904). ADVERTISEMENTS. U. i). G.RA55, Fainter and Decorator, U and 24 NEW WYND (Opposite Star Hotel), MONTROSE. » w»wi ncat i All Departments of House and Hall Decoration carefully executed, at Moderate Charges. WILLIAM GIBSON, Junr., BUTCHKR, , U3 MURRAY STREET, M ONTROSE. ROUNDS, HAMS, AND TONG.UES. SAUSAGES AND MINCE. A. B. IVIORTOlSr. HAIRDRESSER, 105 Murray Street, Montrose. ALL REQUISITES FOR THE TOILET IN STOCK. ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1848- Telephone 5x5. Telegrams— Duthie," Coachbuilrlcrs, ^^4B^m, Montrose.
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