Golfer's Guide for the United Kingdom
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Gold Medals Awarded at International Exhibitions. AS USED BY HUNDREDS THE OF CHAMPION UNSOLICITED PLAYERS. TESTIMONIALS. Every Ball Guaranteed in Properly Matured Condition. Price Ms. per dozen. The Farthest Driving- and Surest Putting- Ball in the Market. THORNTON GOLF CLUBS. All Clubs made from Best Materials, Highly Finished. CLUB COVERS AND CASES. Specialities in aboue possessing distinct improuements in utility and durability. Every Article used in Golf in Perfection of Quality and Moderation in Price. PKICE LIST ON APPLICATION. THORNTON & CO., Golf Appliance Manufacturers, 78 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. BRANCHES—, LEEDS, BRADFORD, aqd BELFAST. ' SPECI A L.1TIE S. WEDDING PRESEF ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE JAMES GRAY & SON'S NEW STOCK of SILVER-PLATED TEA and COFFEE SETS, AFTER- NOON TEA SETS, CASES "I FRUIT and FISH KNIVES and FORKS, in Pearl or Ivory Handles, FINE CASES OF MEAT AND FISH CARVERS, TEA and FELLY SPOONS In CASES. CASES of SALTS, CREAM, and SUGAR STANDS. ENTREE DISHES, TABLE CUTLERY, and many very Attractive and Useful Novelties, suitable for Marriage and other Present*. NEW OIL LAMPS. JAMES GRAY & SON Special De*lgn« made for their Exclusive Sale, In FINEST HUNGARIAN CHINA, ARTISTIC TABLE and FLOOR EXTENSION [.AMI'S In Brass, Copper,and Wrougnt-Iroti, Also a very Large Selection of LAMP SHADES, NBWMT DJUUQWB, vary moderate In price. The Largest and most Clioieo Solootion in Scotland, and unequallod in value. TnspecHon Invited. TAb&ral Heady Money Dlgcount. KITCHEN RANGES. JAMES GRAY & SON Would draw attention to their IMPROVED CONVERTIBLE CLOSE or OPEN FIRE RANGE, which is a Speciality, constructed on Liu :best principles FOR HEATINQ AND ECONOMY IN FUEL. Thorough Action being guaranteed In every case. in Stock or to Order lor every class of Residence. TntpecUon Tnvitad, DRAWINGS AND ESTIMATES FREE ON APPLICATION. GRATES AND TILES. JAMES GRAY & SON Invite Inspection of tlt<ono.. Extensive Stoch of Specialities In REGISTER and K1NNA1KI) GRATES, TILES, nnd FENDERS, also the " MARLBOROUOH " SLOW COMBUSTION and other PATENT ORATES, Very moderate In Price. DRAWINGS AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. Wrlto for Now Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. JAMES GRAY & SON, jfututebing Jtonmongeca, fjitcben IRanoe, Stove, and GJiatc /iftamifactuvcio to tf.ic eiuccn, 85 QEORQE STREET, EDINBURGH. MARINE HOTEL, ELIE, FIFE. HIS l''ii\st-(.,'lns.s Hotel is beautifully situated, having a 1 southerly exposure overlooking th» aaa, tmmediately adjoining are the Links, Tennis Courts, Ladles'Golf Course, and I!;uhing Ground. BOARDING TERMS FOR Till; WHI3K. Special Terms during Spring and Winter Months. The Hotel 'Bus meets tlio principal Trains and Steamers. Post iiiul Tflcstnil'li Office mlJolninK the Hotel. JV»r iHirtinilitr.* apply tn Ilir .11 I N uii:n. The Elie Links, which have within the last few years Iwen considerably extended, are reputed the most picturesque in Scotland, whilst the Sands and Bathing Ground are second to none on the East ("oast. ftlie, the prettiest of Fife's Watering Races, is, with its southern exposure, eminently suited for a Winter and Spring Resort. ROSE'S Lime Juice CORDIAL Delicious, Wholesome, AND Refreshing-. ANDIE DINMONT OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. Or. STEVENSON MACADAM flays-—"A genuine first-clnna vpirlt Wall matured. *•>«• from Fuanl Oil. Of pure and axc All en t quality." A.ALEXANDER Sc 0? ti/m REVOLUTION '"™ MANUFACTURE GOLF CLUBS V the introdaction and ingenious adaptation .it Special Machinery, THE SCOTTISH GOLF CLUB MANUFACTURING CO, (Limited), an now pro- ducing Clubs nl the very finest description, made from theI H-SI and most carefully i led Models, and finished in the highi Bl possible style, it.m ispe cially selected. Materials, thoroughly oned «m their own pre- . in Albert Street The Principal Workmen (in in > h Profe ssional Particulars and Mot Uati on Application, UNEQUALLED IN VALUE. WORKMAN- SHIl', AND KINISa e Can he hail tnun Jill R tail Dealers. (J lu>h •-irlr OtUy I r» III SGOlllsn GOlI CIUD (LIMIT K D), 19 ALBERT STREET, Edinburgh. COLFER'S GUIDE FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM EDITED BYW. DALRYMPLE : PUBLISHKI> ANNUALLY BY W. H. WHITE & CO., EDINBURGH LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KUNT & CO., LTD. 1895 ESTABLISHED 1815. WILS0N & Co., Scotch VhisKy ]Ylerchants, LEITH STREET, HPINBURGll. "THE FALL OF FOYERS" OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. ll fit fit £ SE S ;j;:::R Carrion paid to any Railway Statom, lllll yknown i<> i«.. bjtet. H SCOTCH •WHISKY. lv' IMIIIIII. n Fine I'luin Mcllnw, Tbfto t Foui ymi i ol - 14/- nml 15/- Finest Highland nr OmiplrtUtiwn, Five yi'ius ulili ... ill1 17/- Finest Islay or Glonllvot, Six yean old. 1 GlenUvst, Sevan you . old. 4.1, ... as/- nilily in Hutlk, also in Jars ,/toSiJcallw,77, r and hit ait* tf Pto and'i,i Ttn f'H CattouGallttu •mi/ »;,/ upwards, , ,\; .MU v r"r» iilw.iv- hold .1 I" ln Bond »nd 1 WILSON & co. 1)uh: ,.,,„, , ,.,,;„,,. ,,M v, ,h,, oroductof the mo«l Cel ebreted 1 > lUleriei in SeotliintL Thew, having ESnitntaSS «lwt«d «>d Ihorottghly HIHI 1 ^teed 10 be petfoctly pure rind of lht*TE lurJR" M" 'I"'!'S 1*CASH. sl' PJtICaS QUOTED 7V CLVB3, INTRO DUCT I ON. }T is not proposed to weary the reader will) an InlrocUiction of any length ; but a brief note upon hist season anil its doings may not be out of place. The result has been that two very fine English golfers have com* to the fronl and succeeded in currying both Opou and Amateur Championships south of Tweed. We reproduce likenesses of both Mr. Ball, junior, and Taylor, the Open Champion of tlic tMKM, and have devoted some space to a brief record of their piny. (While still at press we are pleased to be able to take the opportunity of giving a brief note upon the Amateur Championship, played al St. Andrews in early May of the present year, along with a likeness of the winner, Mr. Leslie Balfour-Melville, perhaps the most famous Scot of our time in all-round sport—golf, cricket, racquets, tennis, billiards, and so forth—in fact, wherever hand and eye work al their best together.) But of even greater interest, it seems to ns, are the two niiiin discoveries that have been made with regard to the story of the game. The lirsl is, of course, the now famous Bruges Missal of 1500, to which we tsfci FTL length on p. 82 ; and the second, of scarcely less weight, Hie Kxlruct from the Minutes of the old Manchester Club. The hitter bear.-. : "During the reign of Henry the Eighth golf was generally played in the vicinity of the metropolis, and an interesting extract from :i letter of Queen Katherine to Cardinal Wolsey, 13th August 1513, when Henry was invading France, is recorded :' Master Almoner, from hence I have nothing to write you but that you be not so busy in this war as we he here encumbered with it, I mean that touching my own concerns, for going further, when I shall not so' often bear from the king. And all his subjects be very glad, j thank God, to be busy with the Golf, for they take it for pastime, my heart is very good to it, and I am horribly busy making standards, banners, and bagels ! '" It may be urged that the sport here mentioned is not our modern game at all, but some form of bandy-ball, hockey, shinty, (tow-bail call, it what you will. Against this, pray, note, two fuels (First) the x Preface. gracious Queen's courtly sneer at her foolish people for daring to look upon golf as a mere pastime. Pastime I Did old Gourlay—I ask any golfer—did old Gourlay so regard il ? Do you yourself! {Scond} Think of the sweet womanly words -"my heart is very good to it." Why, this very feeling finds an echo on a hundred Indies' links or our own'day, for it is the game of games for beautiful women, Was it not dear old Philp himself who, Shortly before liis passing, solemnly expressed his life-long gratitude for the fact that he had never seen a plain woman on the Links? No golfir hat. Surely all this points to the fact that the Queen's reference wns to no other than our own game. I would also draw attention lo Rembrandt's delineation of golf upon p. 82. In our note we venture an opinion that this is not our golf at all, but really another1 old Edinburgh game called "spoon." Personally, I do not remember to have ever seen this game, hut I have corn.hum- tion from some who do remember it. Another note unearthed in the course of the year may Interest some. A Montrose hotel bill of the early parl of last century liears some deliciously suggestive items: "To caddies," "to drums," "to. broken " Hush ! The extraordinary spread of the game all over the world is still noticeable ; and the enthusiasm seems to lie nowhere greater than in the United States. While we ant at preu the yarn Comes that they have even opened a green in Malabrlelaiiil. No delay lo speak of here I In fact, the doubt occurs whether fellows of this kind would even allow'an ordinary chap lime to putt out, Another development of (he game South of Tweed will strike many golfers, ami this is, that it is gradually shaping Itself ON county lines. It does not seem likely that this will ever obtain in Scotland. In sport, at all events, the county spirit in Scotland seenu by no means strong. Not one in a hundred would trouble lo walk a hundred yards lo see a match at cricket, say, between Kast and Weal Lothian, or Gallo- way and Mull.