FREE The Community Magazine for Boroondara, Monash & Whitehorse cities ISSUE 139 Summer 2015–16 The "chook lady" of Camberwell Local Business Directory Plus 14 pages of Community Notices 6000 copies distributed quarterlyDecember 2015 – February 2016 BURWOOD BULLETIN 1 Local knowledge and expert home loan advice. RAMS offers flexible, competitive and innovative solutions to suit a wide range of home loan needs. First home or next home, RAMS can help. 3 Free home loan health check 3 Low deposit options for first home buyers 3 Refinancing and debt consolidation* 3 Specialists in self-employed home loans Talk to Stuart or Allen, your local RAMS home loan experts. Pays to ask those in the know Stuart Dyer & Allen Farrington RAMS Home Loan Centre Inner East 1432 Toorak Road, Camberwell | 9808 4477 Stuart 0403 136 244 | Allen 0413 813 308
[email protected] | More Information: Credit criteria apply. *Consolidating your short term debt into your home loan may extend the loan term of the short term debt and could result in more interest payments over the loan term. You should obtain independent professional advice relevant to your financial circumstances. RAMS Home Loan Centre Inner East is owned and operated by Dyer and Farrington Holdings Pty Ltd ABN 12 169 295 149. Credit Provider & issuer of RAMS Deposit Products: Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. 16047/1015 2 BURWOOD BULLETIN December 2015 – February 2016 From the Editor BULLETIN PEOPLE Season’s Greetings to all our advertisers, readers and volunteers. May 2016 be a safe and happy year for you all.