Field Nats News No.250 Newsletter of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn Vic 3130 Editor: Joan Broadberry 9846 1218 Telephone 9877 9860 Founding editor: Dr Noel Schleiger P.O. Box 13, Blackburn 3130 Newsletter email:
[email protected] Reg. No. A0033611X Understanding Our Natural World Est. 1880 (Office email:
[email protected]) Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 9.30 am - 4 pm. March 2015 There are two major events coming From the President up which i would like to talk about. The deadline for the April issue of Firstly the FSG "Mammals of Victo- Field Nats News will be 10 am on Hello members. Welcome to the March ria" two day seminar and the fund Tuesday 3rd March FNN will go Field Nats News. Time seems to fly at raising second-hand book sale. to the printers on Tuesday 10th this time of the year, I often get home Second-hand Hand Book Sale with collation on 17th March. from work and think that there is time to The FNCV is again having a second- work in the garden after dinner and hav- hand book sale on March 14th at the ing eaten, look out the window to find Potential New President Sought hall. This has been a very good fund- that it is dark outside. I personally blame Finally as I announced last year this raiser for the Club in the past and we Channel 9 and 10, 7 not so much, for will be my last year as President, so the hope that it will be again.