Facility Master Plan

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Facility Master Plan Basketball Victoria FACILITY MASTER PLAN 2017 BasketballBasketball Victoria acknowledges Victoria acknowledges the Traditional the Traditional Owners of Owners the Country of the throughout Country throughout Victoria and Victoria pays andrespect pays to respect their Elders to their pas Elderst past HUKWYLZLU[>LHYLYLZWLJ[M\SVM[OLVUNVPUNSP]PUNJ\S[\YLZVHUKWYLZLU[>LHYLYLZWLJ[M\SVM[OLVUNVPUNSP]PUNJ\S[\YLZVM(IVYPNPUHS7LVWSLZMYVTHSSVM[OL=PJ[VYPHU(IVYPNPUHS5H[PVM(IVYPNPUHS7LVWSLZMYVTHSSVM[OL=PJ[VYPHU(IVYPNPUHS5H[PVUZ UZ )HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH^V\SKSPRL[VYLJVNUPZL)YPHU4V[[:VS\[PVU)HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH^V\SKSPRL[VYLJVNUPZL)YPHU4V[[:VS\[PVUZ^OVOH]LSLHK[OPZWYVQLJ[HUKJVTWPSLK[OLÄUKPUNZZ^OVOH]LSLHK[OPZWYVQLJ[HUKJVTWPSLK[OLÄUKPUNZ 1 )HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH-HJPSP[`4HZ[LY7SHU CONTENTS Basketball Victoria Facility Master Plan 2 05;96+<*;065...............................................................................................................................8 1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................9 1.2 Methodology...............................................................................................................9 1.3 Market Research and Consultation...............................................................................9 )(:2,;)(33=0*;690(..................................................................................................................11 *<99,5;-(*030;@796=0:065.......................................................................................................13 6XPPDU\RIıQGLQJVIURPWKH%9)DFLOLW\0DVWHU3ODQ &XUUHQW%DVNHWEDOO&RXUW3URYLVLRQ )(:2,;)(337(9;0*07(;065.........................................................................................................17 2YHUYLHZ $%65HVHDUFK %DVNHWEDOO9LFWRULD0HPEHUVKLS 2WKHU3DUWLFLSDWLRQLQ%9DQG$ĴOLDWHG$VVRFLDWLRQ$FWLYLWLHV 4.3.2 Promotional 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Basketball Victoria has now determined it needs to update that master plan and provide guidance for stakeholders and planners on current and future needs on a regional basis. The regional reports include an analysis of each municipality. 7<976:, The purpose of this report is to identify priority locations throughout Victoria for basketball facilities and to provide information that can assist organisations to develop a business case for the build and operations of basketball facilities. :WLJPÄJHSS`[OLW\YWVZLVMJVUK\J[PUN[OPZYLZLHYJOPZ[VHZZPZ[^P[O! ࠮ increasing the numbers of participants in basketball ࠮ enhancing the experience of participants in basketball ࠮ providing facilities that are inclusive and welcoming ࠮ providing an opportunity for all Victorians to participate in basketball ࠮ demonstrating a compelling business case for basketball facilities. This report builds on the work undertaken to develop a Facility Planning Handbook. It includes an update on the BV Facility Master Plan initially prepared in 2011/12. This Basketball Victoria Facility Guide and Strategic Plan will assist with the future planning of basketball facilities and facility funding across the state. 4,;/6+636.@ The work has been commissioned by Basketball Victoria. The State Facilities Master Plan 2017 study is ILPUNJVTWSL[LKPUMV\YPU[LNYH[LKZ[HNLZ! Stage 1: Background and facility review assessment, including review of information and data in the 2012 BV Facility Master Plan Document Stage 2: Data collection and analysis, including updating the BV Facility Inventory Stage 3: Market research and consultation Stage 4: Strategic development directions, including drafting priorities, including priorities for geographical areas requiring future facility development, to help guide more detailed planning and funding decisions in the future 4(92,;9,:,(9*/(5+*65:<3;(;065 Extensive consultation has been undertaken to identify current and future needs, issues and opportunities MVYIHZRL[IHSS;OPZPUJS\KLZ! ࠮ key stakeholder interviews ࠮ ^VYRZOVWZHUKTLL[PUNZ^P[O)=Z[HɈHUK)VHYKTLTILYZPUJS\KPUNTLL[PUNZMVY[OL)=-HJPSP[PLZ Funding Project Group ࠮ meetings, telephone/email interviews with a cross-section of stakeholders ࠮ review of state and national participation trends ࠮ discussion with local government authorities – particularly growth area LGAs ࠮ discussion with relevant state government representatives ࠮ access to growth area planning data and discussions on the policy and decision-making process for determining future infrastructure development. 9 1 – Introduction Basketball Victoria Facility Master Plan 10 2 )HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH-HJPSP[`4HZ[LY7SHU %$6.(7%$//9,&725,$ 11 2 – Basketball Victoria Basketball Victoria in association with its member associations is the body responsible for the governance, management, development and administration of the sport of basketball throughout =PJ[VYPH)HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPHPZVULVM[OLLPNO[TLTILYHɉSPH[LZVM)HZRL[IHSS(\Z[YHSPH[OL recognised national body. )HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPHHUV[MVYWYVÄ[VYNHUPZH[PVUPZ[OLNV]LYUPUNIVK`MVY[OLZWVY[VMIHZRL[IHSSPU =PJ[VYPH0UHKKP[PVU[VZ\WWVY[PUNHɉSPH[LKIHZRL[IHSSHZZVJPH[PVUZ)HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPHJVVYKPUH[LZH number of junior and senior representative leagues, junior high performance programs, participation and WSH`LYKL]LSVWTLU[WYVNYHTZHZ^LSSHZJVHJOHUKVɉJPHSWYVNYHTZ ;OLIYVHKVIQLJ[P]LZVM)HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPHHYL[V! 1. Encourage, promote, manage and control the sport of basketball in the state of Victoria. 2. Represent the interests of basketball and basketballers within the state of Victoria at national level. 3. ,UJV\YHNL[OLKL]LSVWTLU[VMZVJPHSS`KLZPYHISLH[[P[\KLZHUK]HS\LZ[V^HYKZWO`ZPJHSÄ[ULZZHUK skill acquisition through play, training and competition. 4. Provide access for individuals to participate in the sport of basketball in the state of Victoria. 5. Provide individuals with opportunity to maximise their potential by competing in the highest level of basketball possible, given their own ability. Basketball Victoria Facility Master Plan 12 3 )HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH-HJPSP[`4HZ[LY7SHU &855(17)$&,/,7< 3529,6,21 13 3 – Current Facility Provision ;OL)HZRL[IHSS=PJ[VYPH-HJPSP[`4HZ[LY7SHUPKLU[PÄLK[OH[[OLYL^LYLJV\Y[Z\ZLKMVY community basketball across Victoria. The tables below provide a summary of the key data from that plan. ;HISL!=LU\L7YV[LJ[PVU Venues Metro Country Total No.
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    INSERT TITLE HERE STYLE = HEADER REVERSE PLEASE ONLY USE THIS PAGE FOR ELECTRONIC COPIES. USE PRE-PRINTED WINDOW COVERS FOR HARD COPIES. SHEPPARTON SPORTS STADIUM FEASIBILITY STUDY GREATER SHEPPARTON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 2014 FINAL REPORT WARREN GREEN CONSULTING SHEPPARTON SPORTS STADIUM FEASIBILITY STUDY Greater Shepparton City Council June 2014 Warren Green Consulting ABN 972 761 998 65 CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary ........................................................................ 1 2 Introduction ................................................................................... 6 3 Planning Context ............................................................................ 8 3.1 General Reports - City of Greater Shepparton ....................................................................... 8 3.2 Specific Reports - City of Greater Shepparton ..................................................................... 15 3.3 Demographic Overview ........................................................................................................ 17 4 Current Situation .......................................................................... 19 4.1 Shepparton Sports Stadium Overview ................................................................................. 19 4.2 Association and Program Members ..................................................................................... 24 4.3 Shepparton Sports Stadium Benchmarking (CERM) ........................................................... 24 4.4 Shepparton Facility Provision
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