Second Asean Soil Conference

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Second Asean Soil Conference FIELD TRIP GUIDE BOOK SECOND ASEAN SOIL CONFERENCE July 22 - 29, 1972 Sponsored by THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA FIELD TRIP GUIDE BOOK SECOND ASEAN SOIL CONFERENCE July 22-29, 1972 Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use Guidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the materials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the originators. For questions please contact [email protected] indicating the item reference number concerned. Sponsored by THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Preface After the 2nd ASEAN Soil Conference a post-con- ference tour of seven days made to West and Central Java« As the field of interest of the participants co- ver many aspects of soil science« a wide variety of subjects Kere included in the excursion programme«, Many practical problems will be met in the field du- ring the excursion;, It is hoped that the opportunity to exchange views and experiences with colleagues from abroad will help each othar to gain better understanding of their specific problero.3 and to break the isola- tion which stood in the ray of progress for such a long timeo P-i should be realized that sites scenery shown during this trip are typical of Java, although not representative for the whole of Indonesia,, The less densely populated islands of Sumatra^ Kalimantan and West I:óa.n offer a completely different picture, which resembles more the one our ASEAN colleagues know from their home cour:brieso The densely populated island of Java is charac- terized by small average farm sizes and by intensive landusej including multiple cropping even in margin- al areas« Indonesian agriculture is partly of a ü traditional type and the art of terrace construction and soil and water conservation was passed on from father to son for generations. Eighty percent of the population consists of farmers, partly tenants« To increase the low average income of the Indo- nesian farmers, the Government launched an gigantic intensification programme (Bimas) with total area of about 3.8 million Ha of rice field every year, which resulted in significant (improvement) production du- ring the last five years. However, the heavy popul- ation pressure also led to exploitation of the land which will be demonstrated at several places along the route. In places, the situation became even cri- tical as is witnessed by severe erosion, increased flooding and draught which is as yet to be controlled by proper watershed management and soil conservation programme. Due to the steadily increasing population, the pressure becomes stronger every year. The current Five Year Development Plan (PELTTA) therefore aims at increased production of food crops and other agricul- tural products. We still have a tremendous amount of work remain to be done to make a systematic inventory and to ap- praise the potential of our land resources for fur- ther developments i.e. intensification programme es- pecially in Java and opening new land for regional development outside Java. V Page: Map-El Site - 2 : Laboratory t f P.N., AeriäL Survey (PENAS) Lern) ai g .„ 62 Site - 3 t a. Soil and landuae in Margahaju and Tjikole, Lembaiig 6k bo Stabilize bion experiments with bitumen ( mulsions 66 Site - k : The craters "Upas11 and "Ratu" of Tangkuban PE cahu «... „ 67 Site - £ : The Museum cf the Geological Survey Bandung 70 Map-::n Site - 6 : a. European Nitrogen Service Programme (E.N.S.P.) Garut, West Java 71 b. WASPADA EXPERIMENTAL BASIN 76 c. Mediterranean soil and landuse in Karangpawitan 80 Site - 7 : Lava flow and vegetation of the Guntuf volcano 81 Site - 8 : Entertainment : West Javanese dances.. 82 Site - 9 i The country of the ten thousand hillocks of the Galunggung volcaio near TasikmaLaja ,......„« 86 Map-IV Site - 9a: Irrigation development project "Tadjum" in Wangon o 88 Site - 10: The Scenery of Sitieng 89 iü xhe present field guidebook is far from complete* in particular many of the necessary chemical and phy- sical data, because of the insufficient facilities in Indonesia and also due to the limited time available. This book has therefore a limited intention, however, it provides a general information and a brief intro - duction to the phenomena shown during the excursion to stimulate fruitful discussions. Additional infor- mation will be given on the spot by the officials con- cerned and, expectedly, by other participants during the discussions. The Organizing Committee wishes to express its gratitude to all those who contributed to this guide- book. Special acknowledgements are due to the tech- nical staffs, the Agricultural Extension Service, the Directorate of Geology, the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering^ the Forest Research Institute and the PN Aerial Survey. Bogor, July 17 , 1972 The ûrganià ng Committee vi Page : Site - 11: Soils, landuie and geology of Dieng plateau ..„...., 90 a. Qrganosol/Humic Gley Soil 90 bo The Hindu temples 91 c The Mushroom industry 92 Map-V Site - 12 : Protection measures against lahar and sand flow from the volcano Merapi 9k a. "Sand pocket" and leve construc- tion in the Woro river 9k b. Field experiments with bitumen emulsion 9k i Site ~ 13 : MadukLsmo Sugar factory «, 96 Site - 12; : Borobudur ,,.., 97 Site - 1$ : Central Javarese dances 102 Site - 16: Fertilizer Trials at Banguntapan Pijungan (Jogjakarta) „ 101; Site - 17: Soil erosion problems, landuse and geology in thi Baturagung rauge ..... 106 Site " 18: Soil, landuse and geology in Wonosari area 107 ao Rendzina i:. Bundsr area 108 b. Grumusol a: xl landuse in Wonosari Basin a... .......... 1 109 c. Tropical Krrst landscape in Mulo area 110 d. Beach formttion and fresh water well in Baa on 112 Site - 19: Farewell party 113 Vu : Page: Route-Map Site - 20: Rubber Research Centre> Getas Salatiga ...A.......*...* 1 ~ii| Site - 21: Water Requirement Studies at Tanibi, Rentang Irrigation Project (West Java) 116 MISCELLANEOUS i 119 1. List of shops on handicraft, antiques *. * 119 2. Most common words in Indonesian 121 3. Participants of the Post-Conference Tour 130 km List of Officers during the Post-Conference Tour UJ3 REFERENCES Appendix I (3k) Appendix II (73) Appendix III 1'. Ui7 Appendix IV Response curves to N in Garut area viü page: A. List of tables 1 - Average annual rainfall and climatic type in several places along the field trip route 20 2 - Chemical analyses of the mineral water of Tjipanas (I) and Baturaden (II) (Appendix I) 3k 3 - Representation of each major soil group on the respective site number(s) 3ü> U. - Acreage in landuse on Java (x 1000 ha) . h$ j> - Crop intensity on sawah and arable land (1970) h& 6 - Crop intensity on sawah field in the resp. Kabupaten along the route from west to east hi 7 - Morphological, and laboratory features of Latosol in Muara (Bogor) 60 8 - ditto of Andodol in Lembang 6Ua 9 - ditto of Regosol in Tarogong 72a 10 - ditto of Humic Latosol in Waspada .. 79a 11 - ditto of Andosol in Waspada 79c 12 - ditto of Mediterranean in Karang- pawitan 13 - ditto of Regosol in Tasikmalaja .... 87a Hi - ditto of Alluvial soil in Tasik- 87c 15 - ditto of Humic Gley in Dieng plateau 90a 16 - ditto of Organosol in Dieng plateau 90c page: 17 ~ ditto of Regosol in Madukismo area . - 18 - ditto of Regosol in Pijungan - 19 - ditto of Red Latosol in Karangsari (Patuk) 106a 20 - ditto of Rendzina in Bunder 108a 21 - a) ditto of Gruraoeol inWonoeaxi 109a b) ditto of Gruniusol in Wonosari 109c 22 - ditto of Mediterranean in Mulo area 110a 23 - ditto of Grumusol in Tambi (Djati- barang) Uôa 2ij. - The intensity and average yield of annual crops at sawah and dry field in each Kabupaten (Appendix III ) 11+7 B„ List of maps/graphs Fig - 1 : Route map, scale 1 : 2e500o000 " - 2 : City plan Bandung, scale 1 : 35*000 "' - 3 Î City plan Jogjakarta, scale .1 : 1*0« 000 11 -hi Hainfall types in Java, scale 1 : 2„5OO.OOO 11 «. 5 s Geological Map, sheet Bogor, scale 1 : 250,000 u - 6 : Geological Map, sheet Bandung, scale 1 ; 250oOOO H - 7 : Geological Map, sheet Garut, scale 1 : 250,000 n - 8 : Geological Map., sheet Purwokerto, scale 1 : 25OeOOO 11 ' - 9 i Geological Map, sheet Jogjakarta, scale 1 : 250,000 11 - 10 : Soil map + Site location, sheet Bógor, scale 1 : 250-, 000 11 - 11 : Soil map •»- Site location, sheet Bandung, scale 1 î ?50a000 11 - 12 : Soil map + Site location, sheet Garut, scale 1 : ?.5O3OOO 11 - 13 i Soil map + Site location, sheet Purwokerto, scale 1 : 25O„OOO u - Hi : Soil map + Site location, sheet Jogjakarta, scale 1 : 250*000 II -15 Landuse Map, scale 1 : 2.500.000 It. - 16 Tangkubanprahu volcano, scale 1 : 5000 It -17 Sceth Map, Maspada Exp, Basin, scale 1 Î 5000 Fig - 18 Erosion and % nm off " - 19 Erosion and rainfall ! '• • ' - 20 Ï Average monthly rainfall ) Waspada Exp. ) Basih - 21 : Average monthly tempe rature - 22 : Average-jnonthly humidity ) - 23 Ï Response Curve to N application ?.n Ketjamatan Pameungpeuk - 2k- « Response Curve to N application in Ketjamatan Garut - 2% : Response Curve to N application in Ketjamatan ßukawening - 26 : Response Curve to N application in , Ketjamatan Banjuresml - 27 i Response Curve to N application in Ketjamatan Kadungora - 28 : Response Curve to N application in Ketjamatan Karangpattfiban - 29 : Ten Thousand Triiiw of Galunggung volcano, scale 1 : 100.000 - 30 : Dieng complex, scale 1 : POST CONFERENCE TOUR SECOND ASEAN SOIL CONFERENCE ( JULY 22- 29. 1972) is »o Ti Um I SOGOR 3t • BANDUNG Rail road HI : GAHUT Province border JSZ PURWOKERTO- DIENG ^-^ River Volcano ( Gunun^) 3 JOGJAKARTA jjfc.
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