# 3636 Autumn 2002 $4.95 TheThe EducationEducation RevolutioRevolutio nn The Magazine of Alternative Education www.EducationRevolution.org Table of Contents: News Being There By Jerry Mintz Mail and Communications Edited by Carol Morley Home Education News Public Alternatives Charter Schools Waldorf Montessori International News and Communications Teachers, Jobs and Internships Conferences Aerogramme Book Reviews AERO Books, Videos, Subscription, Ordering Information The Education Revolution The Magazine of the Alternative Education Resource Organization (Formerly AERO-gramme) 417 Roslyn Rd., Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 ISSN # 10679219 phone: 516-621-2195 or 800-769-4171 fax: 516-625-3257 e-mail:
[email protected] Web site: http://www.educationrevolution.org Editor: Jerry Mintz Managing Editor: Albert Lamb Mail and Communications Editor: Carol Morley Director of Information and Communications: Steve Rosenthal Director of Research and Development: Dana Bennis Printer Joel Hymowitz, Sir Speedy Printing, New Hyde Park, NY Webmaster: Peter Christopher ADVISORY BOARD Alexander Adamsky, Mary Addams, Chris Balch, Fred Bay, Patrice Creve, Anne Evans, Patrick Farenga, Phil Gang, John Gatto, Herb Goldstein, Dan Greenberg, Jeffrey Kane, Albert Lamb, Dave Lehman, Mary Leue, Ron Miller, Ann Peery, John Potter, Mary Anne Raywid, John Scott, Tim Seldin, Elina Sheppel, Andy Smallman, Sidney Solomon, Nick Stanton, Corinne Steele, Tom Williams AERO and The Education Revolution Magazine AERO, the Alternative Education Resource Organization, was founded in 1989 as part of the not-for-profit School of Living. The mission of AERO is to build “the critical mass for the education revolution by providing resources which support self- determination in learning and the natural genius in everyone.” AERO provides information, resources and guidance to students, parents, schools and organizations regarding the broad spectrum of educational alternatives: public and independent alternatives, home education, international alternatives, higher education alternatives, and more.