Betydelsen Av Förtroende Och Engagemang I Sponsorrelationer En Fallstudie Om Sponsorrelationer Mellan Företag Och Ishockeyklubbar I Den Svenska Hockeyligan
Betydelsen av förtroende och engagemang i sponsorrelationer En fallstudie om sponsorrelationer mellan företag och ishockeyklubbar i den Svenska hockeyligan Författare: Ludvig Bergqvist (950414), Leon Olofsson (960830) och Fredrik Tjernberg (981116) Termin 5, HT-20 Uppsats, Kandidatnivå, 15 hp Ämne: Företagsekonomi Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet Handledare: Wilhelm Skoglund Examinator: Claes Hultman Abstract Sponsor relationship as a phenomenon has grown in recent years and gone from an action of charity to longer relationships full of interactions. Sponsors is one of the biggest revenue streams for sports organisations. Companies use sports organisations as a part of their marketing communication and sponsor relationships between these actors is now seen as a business relationship. The aim of this study is to extend the comprehension of sponsor relationships between sport organisations and sponsoring companies. To achieve the purpose of the study, the paper uses the theory of trust and commitment to give an answer on how trust and commitment is shown in these relationships. The study consists of a case study and the data is collected through semi-structured interviews with representatives from ice-hockey organisations and sponsoring companies, to gain broader insight to the sponsorship phenomenon. The empirical results express trust and commitment in various forms and in different situations, where it is derived from and what it is affected by. The results show that trust and commitment is frequently shown in these relationships and when it is extra crucial. The result also indicates how trust and commitment affects the length and success of the sponsor relationship. Nyckelord Förtroende, Engagemang, Sponsorrelationer och Sponsring. Innehållsförteckning 1.
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