St Andrew

APCM 2018

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Sunday 29th April

After the 10.30 Eucharist

At this meeting the Churchwardens and PCC members are elected, and from them are nominated all the officers; these are the Hon Secretary, Treasurer, Electoral Roll Officer, and representatives for the Deanery Synod

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 1 of 31 Agenda

Vestry Meeting

1. Opening Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of 2017 Meeting 4. Matters Arising 5. Nomination of Churchwardens

APCM 6. Reports 7. Accounts 8. Nomination of PCC Members 9. Nomination of Deanery Synod Representatives 11. Any Other Business 12. Incumbent's Report

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 2 of 31 Minutes of the 2017 APCM – 23rd April 2017

The meeting was attended by 39 people.

Vestry meeting 1. The meeting was opened with a prayer. 2. Apologies – Apologies were received from Heather and John Allbless, Vikki Bulbeck, Pam Hockedy, Jayne Hosmer 3. Minutes of 2016 meeting. The minutes from the meeting on 24 April 2016 were agreed and signed by Revd Rosie. 4. Matters arising - Sharon Robinson was a co-opted member of the PCC as secretary. 5. Nomination of Churchwardens – Heather Allbless and Rob Taylor were voted in as Churchwardens. Sharon Robinson was nominated as secretary for the meeting. Revd Rosie then gave her incumbent’s report which was item 12 on the agenda in the sermon slot of the service 12. Incumbent’s report - Many things have gone well. St Agnes came back into the parish, Revd Rosie became our Rector in March 2016, good relationships have been built with local schools and care homes. Not so good have been the leaks, the roof, the heating, the removal of the organ. We need a mission action plan and mission statement.

APCM 6. Reports – Revd Rosie asked for any comments on the reports. Churchwardens report – Stuart Cockman explained that the discrepancy in the figures are due to the change in the period covered by the APCM. It used to be done from April to March but it now being done correctly from January to December. Deanery report - Martin Chandler added that the Bishop will be visiting Windsor. Buildings and churchyard – a question was asked about the valley gutters. The matter has taken a long time to resolve. It was explained that stainless steel replacements had been approved. When the roofers went to do the job it was discovered that stainless steel could not be used. There is now a faculty for another solution which English Heritage will have to approve. A temporary repair has been made until the permanent solution has been agreed which will be this year. Bob Lester added that the quinquennial was done in December 2016. The spire does not need to be re-clad immediately. The car park at St Agnes is being considered.

7. Accounts – The books have been verified and signed off. Bob Lester thanked Andrew Webb for keeping excellent accounts. Revd Rosie asked Andrew if he would stand again as treasurer which he agreed. Revd Rosie also thanked Bob and the Buildings Team for all their hard work.

8. Nomination of PCC Members – Dennis Evans was nominated by Bob Lester and seconded by Heather Allbless Stuart Cockman was nominated by Heather Allbless and seconded by Sharon Robinson Bob Lester was nominated by Mulle Price and seconded by Heather Allbless All nominees were voted in unanimously.

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 3 of 31 There are currently four vacancies on the PCC.

9. Nomination of Deanery Synod Representatives – Martin Chandler was nominated by Bob Lester and seconded by Jane Cockman Mulle Price was nominated by Daphne Moseley and seconded by Pat Coker Both nominees were voted in unanimously.

10. Any Other Business – Revd Rosie thanked everyone for their support but especially to Stuart Cockman for his 12 years as churchwarden. She is grateful that he is continuing as a member of the PCC and she presented him with a gift. Stuart thanked the PCC and those who stepped into the breach in what was a very difficult year for him naming Jane, Heather Allbless and Rob Taylor and Revd Rosie for her untiring work as Rector. Special thanks was also given to organist Heather, the flower ladies, brass cleaners and all that help with St Andrews.

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 4 of 31 Reports for 2017 (01 Jan – 31 Dec)


Deanery Synod


PCC Secretary

Buildings & Churchyard Subcommittee

Ministry Subcommittee

Pastoral Subcommittee

Social Fundraising Team

Electoral Roll


Car Parking


Independent Examiner



Appendices Christian Aid Windsor Homeless Project

Incumbent (verbally)

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 5 of 31 The Parochial Church Council for the Ecclesiastical Parish of Clewer Saint Andrew and St Agnes

Trustees Annual Report for the period ended 31 December 2017

Administration details Parochial Church Council of the ecclesiastical Parish of Charity name Clewer- Church of St Andrew the Apostle and St Agnes

Other names charity is known by PCC Clewer, St Andrews and St Agnes

Registered charity number (if any)

Charity's principal address St Andrews Church

Mill Lane Windsor,


Names of the charity trustees who manage the charity Name of person (or body) Dates acted if not Trustee name Office (if any) entitled to appoint trustee (if for whole year any) Revd Rosemary Rector

Webb Mr Stuart Cockman Churchwarden Jan-Apr

PCC Member May-Dec Mrs Heather Churchwarden

Allbless Mr Robert Taylor Deputy Churchwarden Jan-Apr

Churchwarden May-Dec Mr Martin Chandler PCC Member Mr Robert Lester PCC Member Mr Dennis Evans PCC Member Mrs Victoria PCC Member

Bullbeck Mrs Anne-Marie PCC Member

Price Ms Lesley Cross PCC Member Mrs Sharon PCC Secretary (co-

Robinson opted) Mr Andrew Webb Hon. Treasurer (co-


Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 6 of 31 Structure, Governance and Management

Description of the charity’s trusts Act of Parliament or measure (St Andrews) Type of governing document Trust (St Agnes)

How the charity is constituted Church of /Act of Parliament (St Andrews) Trust drawn up by Cannon T T Carter (St Agnes) appointing Rectors of St Andrews as sole Trustee

Appointed and/or elected by members of electoral roll. Trustee selection methods

Additional governance issues

The PCC has a number of policies in place to safeguard members including – Safeguarding (vulnerable adult, child protection), DRB checks, Cash Handling, Risk Management (financial), Investment, Reserves and Health & Safety.

Objects and Activities

The church of St Andrew the Apostle offers regular worship services which are open for all members of the public to attend. Alongside these services we also offer services for Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals. The Rector, and supporting members, regularly visit nursing and care homes in the Parish. The Rector also regularly visits the local schools and is on the Board of Governors of Clewer Green First School.

The Charity’s trustees have been advised of the Charity Commissions Guidance on public benefit and its importance in deciding the activities undertaken by the charity. The Trustees have paid due regard to this requirement.

St Agnes supplements the parish providing venues available for hire by the local and wider community.

For other activities conducted during the year please see the attached papers from the respective groups

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 7 of 31 and Windsor Deanery


The Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery comprises 14 parishes and benefices in a geographical area more or less corresponding to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. There are 23 churches serving a population of 110,400 (2011 Census), mainly in the two urban areas of Maidenhead and Windsor respectively, but with a strong presence in the more rural areas and villages surrounding the towns. Two parishes, All Saints Boyne Hill and St Luke’s Maidenhead, are designated as P&E (Presence and Engagement), having a significant proportion of non-Christian population. The combined Electoral Roll of the Deanery in 2017 was 2279 (2016:2333).

The Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery Synod comprises all the clergy in the deanery and Lay Representatives elected by their respective parishes in the deanery for a period of three years. Elections were held in 2017. There are 27 Clergy Members, 45 Lay Members and 9 lay vacancies. The Deanery Synod elects a Standing Committee to oversee and steer the activities of the Deanery. This consists of five clergy members and six lay members. The Synod also appoints a Lay Co-chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Area Dean and Assistant Area Dean are appointed by the Bishop. The Deanery Synod also elects representatives (who need not necessarily be members of the Deanery Synod itself) to Diocesan Synod. There are three Clergy Representatives and four Lay Representatives. The next election will be in 2018.

The Deanery Synod members also elect representatives to the General Synod.

The Area Dean and Lay Chair are members of the Archdeacon’s Standing and Pastoral Committee, which also includes the Bishop of Reading.

The Deanery has a Mission Action Plan which outlines its objectives and activities approved by the Archdeacon’s Pastoral Committee in June 2015. It is used by the Deanery Standing Committee as an operational framework for the Deanery. It is reviewed, developed and updated at each Standing Committee meeting.

Under the plan, the Standing Committee is, amongst other things, responsible for organizing and facilitating synod meetings. A pattern to Synod Meetings has emerged that puts a mission topic at the head of the agenda, for which there is a presentation either from within the deanery or by an external speaker. The formal “business” is then dealt with after the main topic.

The Deanery Synod met three times in 2017. The main topics at the meetings were as follows: -

Wednesday 22 March at St Stephen and St Agnes, Windsor – Presentation by Julie Dzeigel, General Synod member, on the work of the General Synod and the Renewal and Reform programme. – Presentation and approval of the 2016 accounts Wednesday 24th May at St Peter’s, Furze Platt, Maidenhead – First meeting of the newly elected Synod. Deanery officers and Standing Committee elected. – There was a presentation on the Deanery Plan and its progress to date. Members held a number of discussions on what they would like to see at synod meetings over the next 3 years.

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 8 of 31 Thursday 17th October at St Mary’s, Maidenhead – Presentation by Shula Tajima, coordinator of Windsor and Maidenhead Youth and Children’s Counselling Service, on mental health issue for young people. Simon Eves, Youth Worker at St Mary’s also spoke of his experiences in this area. – There was an update from General Synod and on the Church Commissioner’s rejection of the scheme for St Mary’s and the Walthams. Bishop Steven’s Visit – 6th June Bishop Steven visited the deanery as part of his tour of the diocese. He met the Chapter for a eucharist followed by a working lunch at Dean, then visited St Luke CE School in Maidenhead. In Windsor he met some of the people involved in the mission to the homeless. He then had a discussion over supper with invited representatives from each parish, following which he outlined his thinking on his emerging vision for the diocese at an open meeting at St Stephen and St Agnes, Windsor.

Payment of Share The Deanery continued its approach to paying its allocation of share from the diocese by a collaborative and collective arrangement, which has resulted in the share for 2017 being paid in full and on time yet again. Parish share for 2018 is due to increase by 1.75% for the diocese as a whole, against a background of 2% increase in clergy stipends and staff salaries. However, individual deanery shares are reduced by the fees collected by the Deanery in the last complete year (in 2016 for the 2018 share). As our Deanery collects a relatively high fee amount, we are vulnerable to fluctuations of fee levels, and 2016 fee income was significantly lower than 2015. Therefore, our Deanery has ended up with an overall 3.65% increase in share for 2018 to £ 976,036. We expect a more favourable settlement in 2019. However, due to healthy reserves, the Deanery Standing Committee approved the suggestion that a 2.5% increase be requested from parishes in 2018, with the remainder carrying over into the 2019 calculation. Our thanks go to the PCCs and the congregations of the deanery in meeting the challenges associated with the payment of our share.

Pastoral Developments In 2017, the Deanery considered and participated in: - – The proposed amalgamation of St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead with St Mary’s, , and the proposed separation of from White Waltham and its amalgamation with . The Deanery, along with others, gave evidence to the Church Commissioners on the scheme, but the Commissioners rejected it, and an alternative has had to be formulated. – The interregnum at St Michael’s, Bray. – Supporting parishes where there is little or no clergy resource over and above a single stipendiary post. Parish Inspections 2 Parish Inspections were due to be carried out on behalf of the Archdeacon in the year in order to maintain its 3-yearly cycle of inspections. These have been deferred until 2018.

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Deanery Officers and Standing Committee Members (with their respective parishes) Area Dean Rev’d Margaret Bird (New Windsor Team Ministry) – until December 2017 Associate Area Dean Rev’d Richard Cowles (Bray) - until June 2017 Lay Chair John Sykes () Secretary Thomas Walton (St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead) Treasurer Jim Tucker (Bray) Members Rev’d Ainsley Swift (New Windsor Team Ministry) Rev’d Sally Lynch (St Luke’s Maidenhead) Rev’d Sam Allberry (St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead) Tony Boyd (Waltham St Lawrence) – until June 2017 Jane Burr (Clewer St Stephen and St Agnes) Martin Chandler (Clewer) Note that from 1 January 2018, Rev’d Ainsley Swift (New Windsor Team Ministry) has been appointed Area Dean, and Rev’d Sally Lynch (St Luke’s Maidenhead) has been appointed Associate Area Dean. The Deanery wishes to express its thanks to Rev’d Margaret Bird and Rev’d Richard Cowles for their unstinting service in the respective roles and wishes them each a long and happy retirement. Diocesan Synod Members Rev’d Ainsley Swift (New Windsor Team Ministry) Rev’d Sally Lynch (St Luke’s Maidenhead) Rev’d Nick Plant (The ) Rev’d Sam Allberry (St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead) John Sykes (Cookham Dean) Martin Chandler (Clewer) Jim Tucker (Bray) Ralph Hinchcliffe (St Luke’s Maidenhead) General Synod Member Rev’d Sam Allberry (St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead)

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 10 of 31 Churchwardens

Fabric, Goods and Ornaments

As Churchwardens, we report to you, the congregation on an annual basis as to the state of the fabric, goods and ornaments. To a great extent, the state of the fabric of the church is reported in the Buildings Committee Report.

During the past year, we have received permission from the diocese to undertake a number of repair works to the church, including the works to repair the tower, repair of the valley gutter and improvements to the soakaways. We are working on installation of a hedge along the North churchyard wall.

The churchyard itself has been closed for many years and is under the care and maintenance of the Royal Borough. We have assisted by getting permission for them to repair the chest tomb closest to the door.

Goods and ornaments are recorded in the Terrier, which we would like to transfer to an electronic format, however this will be a complex project involving identifying and locating individual items to record them

Attendance in 2017

Our average attendance in 2017 is slightly down on 2016 (49 from 52), however attendance at Christmas and Easter was up. Christmas service attendance was up due to Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday.

The number of baptisms and weddings was up and the number of funerals was down.

Rob Taylor

PCC Secretary

The PCC met four times in 2017. The Standing Committee also met four times.

The total numbers on the PCC was 12 including two co-opted members. There were three vacancies.

Sharon Robinson

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 11 of 31 Buildings and Churchyard Sub Committee

The Sub Committee met five times during the year. The members are :- Bob Lester (Chairman), Tom Plater (Secretary), Reverend Rosie Webb, Rob Taylor (Churchwarden), Heather Allbless (Churchwarden), Vikki Bulbeck, Stuart Cockman and Lesley Cross (PCC Members).

St Andrews Church and Lodge Maintenance

1) Organ Removal The Walker organ was removed and the area will serve as temporary storage until plans to install toilets and a kitchen are finalised. 2) Hedge Planting Following faculty approval, new bushes were planted along the northern perimeter wall to provide visual protection. 3) Faculties Faculty approval has been received to repair the valley gutters in EPDM rubber, to repair the tower guttering and flintwork plus replace damaged /missing shingles on the spire and to repair the tomb grave near the entrance porch. This work is scheduled for completion in early 2018. 4) Anti Social Behaviour There have a number of instances of anti social behaviour in the churchyard. Improved lighting and clearance of some trees to improve visibility are among the solutions being pursued. 5) Heating A pressurised system was installed to improve heating efficiency. 6) Bell Tower Access A new ladder access system to the bell tower was fitted. 7) Electrical Circuit Check The mandatory five year electrical fixed circuit check was performed in December. Follow up action is planned. 8) Churchyard Maintenance Several ‘Churchyard Tidy’ mornings were held where parishioners performed a variety of tasks to supplement the routine maintenance carried out by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. (RBWM). 9) Tarmac Paths RBWM resurfaced the tarmac path from the Lychgate to the church porch.

St Agnes Maintenance

1) Asbestos survey An asbestos survey found no issues requiring immediate action. 2) Water Leak Following a water leak in the hall complex, the kitchen, toilet and corridor area were refurbished including a new disabled toilet. Most of the cost was paid for by our insurers.

3) Risk Assessment A fire and general risk assessment was carried out by Vital Property Solutions. Appropriate follow up action has been taken. 4) PAT Testing The mandatory PAT test was performed without issues.

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 12 of 31 5) Car Parking Plans are being developed to increase the number of car park spaces as this is vital to increase lettings.


1) Health and Safety Policy The Sub Committee updated the Health and Safety Policy which was approved by the PCC. 2) Buildings Management System The Vital Property Solutions buildings management system is being used free of charge to log buildings related activity. The system also triggers alerts when action is due e.g. regulatory safety checks.

Bob Lester

Ministry Team

In 2017 the pattern of worship remained fairly static. The 10.30 service is now a Eucharist on every Sunday, with the first Sunday in the month being an All-Age Eucharist. The 5pm service on the first Sunday of the month is another Eucharist whilst the second to the fourth Sundays are Evening Prayer or Evensong. There is no service on the fifth Sunday.

Unfortunately, due to poor attendance, the 8am Eucharist on the first Sunday of the month was cancelled towards the end of the year.

Advent saw changes to evening services with carol services most weekends.

Regular seasonal services included the Palm Sunday procession to ‘Praise in the Park’ with All Saints , the Easter Sunday dawn service, Advent Carol Service and a number of other Christmas carol services. Our patronal festival service was led by Rev. Louise.

Two bible study courses were run during the year - a ‘Pilgrim’ course during Lent and the Diocesan course on the Beatitudes during Advent. Attendance at these courses was not particularly good, but it was felt that people did like the peripatetic nature of the Lent course. At times when these courses were not run, the Bible Challenge continued on Wednesday evenings.

We would like to improve the prayer and study life of the church, so would like to hear from people as to how they think we can work on these areas.

Rob Taylor

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 13 of 31 Pastoral Team

We met formally three times during the year but on an ad hoc basis also, as specific needs have arisen.The team comprises Rev. Rosie, Jane Cockman, Dennis Evans and Mulle Price.

Data protection prevents our reporting on the particular people we have supported but there are various more general things to say. We ensure people that they are prayed for regularly, publicly or privately. We have been able to offer lifts to church or shopping/meetings etc and there is a definite spirit of mutual support among the congregation as well as a friendly welcome to newcomers.

We are getting nearer to offering training to those who would like to get involved in home visits, with or without featuring communion. In the meantime we are all visiting people we have got to know as our particular contacts. We have also visited the care homes in the parish with Rev. Rosie for special occasions like Christmas and should continue to widen and deepen that type of involvement. Heather Henry is a particular help here as music is a great help with those who live communally.

Emma Plater and Hilary Nobes have continued to send cards at anniversaries to those recently bereaved or baptised and the Christmas service of Carols for Loved Ones is always a friendly and helpful occasion. We also continue our outreach via the periodic delivery of Lent and Christmas information and the Lent lunches were again well supported, in St. Andrew’s church this last year.

During the year we got involved with the Food Bank, distributing the food left at St. Andrew’s Church to the HQ at Dedworth Green Baptist Church. We also started offering used school uniform there and also outside All Saints Dedworth. Another pastoral initiative was ensuring the first aid boxes were adequate and that we checked who was first aid trained. We now know we have Dennis Evans, Emma and Tom Plater as qualified and we hope to offer further training to others soon.

It would be good to welcome more people to join the team, it is in no way difficult, you do what you feel you can and are not pressurised so give it a go?

M. Price

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 14 of 31 Social Fund Raising

The small band of members continue with the efforts to raise money for the Church

Late spring saw ‘A Night at the Movies’ with some of the local Military Wives’ choir and the Broom Farm Brass. So successful were they that there is a return performance lined up for the end of this April.

The quiz nights have been a great success, but more money is raised by catering ourselves and not having outside caterers e.g. fish & chips.

The Parish BBQ in the summer was a first in more ways than one! The heavens opened and we all got extremely wet but a number of brave souls stuck it out. We will organize another one this coming year and hope for better weather.

September saw our first foray into The Biggest Coffee Morning – although this obviously wasn’t for church funds.

Mid-November was the Festive and Fair – part Fair Trade and part independent Christmas orientated stalls. This was a very successful event and will be tried out again this coming year.

We would appreciate a few more members to our small band of helpers to spread the load. Although we may not raise fantastic amounts of money, our events are good for Christian fellowship.

Heather Allbless

Electoral Roll Secretary

I have to report that as at 31 December 2017 the Electoral Roll for St Andrews Clewer stood at 77 persons. This compares with the figure of 69 persons for the year ending 2016.

The figure comprises 17 persons whose names were deleted from the Roll and 25 persons added to the Roll.

Inclusion on the Electoral Roll signifies the desire of the person concerned to become more committed to the life of St. Andrews, with the right to vote on important issues. All those not currently on the Roll and who are regular attenders and would like inclusion on the Roll should approach either the Rector or myself.

Dennis Evans

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 15 of 31 Cleaners

The regular church cleaning team continues to include Jane Cockman, Pat Coker, Hilary Nobes, Joan Woods and myself. We meet at the church at 2pm each Friday and leave by 3pm at the latest.

Naturally the full team is not always available every Friday afternoon, and as the holiday season approaches we should welcome more helpers. Could you look in at St Andrews one Friday afternoon to see what goes on, and consider joining us regularly – either weekly or fortnightly? We should also be glad to answer any queries any other time. Sarah Roddy

Car Parking

The parking manager is always informed about the times of the services, funerals and weddings etc., and it is important that I am informed about anything unusual that happens, like people coming in to do jobs who may have a vehicle. If I haven’t informed the parking manager ahead and they get a ticket it is unlikely that I can do anything about it. I am glad to say there have been very few parking tickets. If anyone does get a ticket please hand it over ASAP, so that I can deal with it. Trying to sort it out yourself does not usually work.

Maureen Hossack


St Andrew’s Church is committed to complying with national safeguarding guidelines, and as such it follows the Diocesan lead on such matters.

We aim to ensure that all who have dealings with children &/or vulnerable adults are screened, and should any incidents arise, appropriate action is taken.

No incidents have been reported in this year.

Heather Allbless

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Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 29 of 31 Appendix 1: Christian Aid

I think most people will have an idea of what is done by the local CA group. We tend to do the same fundraisers every year which give people different opportunities to connect:

1. Collections outside Tesco (not every year) and in Peascod Street.

2. Christian Aid Week activities - house to house collections/sponsored knits/walk/runs (one person raising £665/720/960 in the last 3 years.) - Big Brekkies at All Saints Dedworth and Windsor Baptist Church - Coffee and Plant sale at St. Andrew’s.

3. Quiz evenings.

4. The Hope Service, now 2 years old and raising more money and enthusiasm.

5. Carols on the Hill, not every year but when it is our turn again.

6. We also raise extra contributions for emergencies like those for Haiti and S. Sudan last year.

Our financial year runs from September to September -

2017 2016

£ 14,922-29 £9341.23

- the difference being the emergency collections mentioned, various activities with the Reading CA group, increased funds generated by the Hope service, etc.

Several people have probably earned a rest but they continue until someone else comes to the fore …………you?

M. Price Appendix 2: Windsor Homeless Project

The project received a lot of publicity in the early months of 2018, which is good if for the wrong reasons, but this report deals only with 2017.

Providing Long Term Support

Most importantly, when individuals are assisted into housing, appropriate accommodation is located (totally bare) and then furnished by project members from items they are happy to donate and cadge from friends. Each guest is settled with ongoing needs addressed and WHP works to sustain the tenancy and prevent eviction. Our aim is to develop a sense of purpose and self worth, and empower people to live a settled, self-supporting and fulfilling life. There are inevitably some people who are not ready to move into housing and continue to sleep out, but we are making good progress in settling people now.

Clewer St Andrew Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2018 Page 30 of 31 We have 4 dedicated members of staff supported by a team of volunteers and businesses. We have 2 drop in centres, Windsor Baptist Church and St. Stephen’s Church running 4 times a week. We provide a meal and can offer showers, laundry facilities and clothes, toiletries etc. We also provide unconditional companionship and the project is somewhere people can feel accepted and belong.

We have 10 trustees, 5 clergy and several church members. Local businesses and organisations that support the Project include Pret, Jung, Viceroy Restaurant, Lodges Funeral Services, Weightwatchers, Shanly Foundation , Prince Phillip Trust as well as many local churches.

The Homeless Project is part of Windsor Christian Action, a registered charity which also encompasses Windsor Street Angels and the Windsor Food Bank. St. Andrew’s supports the latter by collecting food (in the purple dustbin by the church door) and taking it to the Food Bank at Dedworth Green Baptist Church, which is open on Thursday afternoon. There is also a box in the local Tesco where contribution for the food bank can be left.

I have been involved with the Project for about 6 years and am delighted that Tom Plater also joined recently. If you are interested just ask us for details. And have a look at the website for more information.

M. Price

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