ROYAL BOROUGH OF WINDSOR & MAIDENHEAD PLANNING COMMITTEE WINDSOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PANEL 3 February 2016 Item: 1 Application 15/03789/FULL No.: Location: 94 - 94A Dedworth Road Windsor Proposal: Change of use from B1 to D1 including place of Worship Applicant: Mr Mohamed - WMA Agent: Mr Mushtaq Deshmukh - The Architects Co. Parish/Ward: Clewer North Ward If you have a question about this report, please contact: Susan Sharman on 01628 685320 or at
[email protected] 1. SUMMARY 1.1 Local Plan policies support, in principle, the provision of new community facilities such as the proposal. However, in this case, on the information available and because of the sites close proximity to residential properties, the proposal has the potential to harm the amenities of neighbours by reason of the noise and disturbance arising from the comings and goings of people using the facility. These are not matters that could be controlled by planning conditions. 1.2 In addition, there is a significant lack of on-site parking provision and very limited parking within the vicinity of the site, such that the majority of visitors arriving by car are likely to circumnavigate the area in search of parking and likely park on surroundings roads causing congestion that would be detrimental to the safety of other road users and pedestrians. It is recommended the Panel refuses planning permission for the following summarised reasons (the full reasons are identified in Section 10 of this report): 1. Potential noise and disturbance would be harmful to the amenities of the neighbours, contrary to Policy CF3 of Local Plan and a Core Planning Principle of the NPPF.