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276 MAN BERKSHIRE. [KELLY'S MALTSTERS continued. Hawthorn Daniel, Winkfield, Windsor • MILLERS. Day Mrs. Catherine & Mrs. Harriet, Herbert George, Cothill, Abingrlon Marked thus 'If thE' Mills are driven by Steam. Harwell, Ste.cnton R.S.O Hobday Harry, Speen, Newbury Markeli thus t the Mills are driven byWater. Dike Wm. Ashbury, Shrivenham R.S.O Howse Robert, Cumnor Marked thus ~ the Mills are driven by Wind. :Field & Sons, Market place, Wallingford; Main George, Cookham S. 0 rAndrews George, Bridge st.Hungerford & at Shillingford (Oxon). See advert ~learing Charles, 15 Argyll st. Reading t Andrews T. E. Dunn mill, Hungerforcl Hewitt Robert & Son, Chain st. Reading Panting Thomas, Coxwell I'd. Faringdon *BoughtonG.E.St.Mary's st.Wallingford Jackson Philip W. Andover I'd. 1'Iewbury Phillips George, Inkpen, Hungerford *tRradfield J.R.Milton, Steventon R.S.Oo Langton Philip Sidney, Market street, Phipps Albert, Blue Bell cottages, *tBradfield Rt. East Hendred, Wantage- Maidenhead Wootton, Abingdon Wradfield Wm. Edward,Drayton R.S.O Leach Henry, B1ewbury, Didcot RS.O Phipps Charles, Blue Bell cottages, lt~Bl'lant Hy. Jas.Shalbourn,Hungerford ::\Iartin George, Tanner street, Wantage Wootton, Abingdon tBunce Robert, Dry Sandford,Abingdon.. Morland & Co. The United breweries, Price Richd. Sutton farm, Cookham S.orBungey George,Dellford mill, Denford,. Ock street, Abingdon Robert David, Great Coxwell,Faringdon Kintbury, Hungerford NicholsOll & Sons, 75 & 77 High street, Robinson Thomas, Holyport,Maidenhead rCheer William, Newcut mill, Sutton. Maidenhead Ross Charles, Welford, Newbury Wick, Abingdon ralmer Ernest E. Donnington,Newbury Sharp Wm. Cookham Dean, Maidenhead *tClark James & Sons, Newbnry street rone Charles, Waltham St. Lawrence, Shorter \YilIiam, Tilehurst, Reading & Mill street, Wantage Twyford R.S.O SmartThomas,GreatCoxwell,Faringdon tChurchAlbert, TLlWU mill & I Bartholo- Skinner Wm. Newbury; &at Greenham Treacher John, Twyford RS.O mew street, Newbury StoneAmbrose,jun. Marcham,Abingdon Wallace Thomas, Holyport, Maidenhead tCooper & Son,Shaw mI.Shaw, Newbury StrangeW.J.&Sons,Aldermaston,Readng WaIters Charles, West fields, Newbury tCooper G. W. Wytham (Oxford) Thomas Wm. & Co. Vineyard, Abingdon Ware Wm. Cookham Dean, Maidenhead tCooper William Edward, Sheepbridge Townsend T. & J. M. Ock st. Abingdon Warman Chas. Gravel walk, Faringdon mill, Swallowfield, Reading Waller Josiah J. Moor ho. Cookham S.O Watkins WaIter,Waltham St. Lawrence, rCorderoy J. Blewbury, Didcot R.S.O Wantage Brewery Co. Limited (William Twyford R.S. 0 I-Course R. Sutton Courtney, AbingdoIl' Edward Bennett, manager), Back Westbrook Wm. Northcourt, Abingdon *tDandridge Edgar & Alfred William,. street, Wantage Woodley Mrs. D. Broad st. Wokingham East Hanney, Wantage Webb Henry, Ock street, Abingdon Woodley George,Station rd.WokinghamrDance William, Weston, Hungerford Westcombe & Son, Bartholomew street, *tDavis Mrs. Lawrence, Twyford R.S.O Newbnry MARQUEE MANUFACTURER. tDewe James, Burghfield mills, Burgh- field, Reading MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE. See Tent & Marquee Manufacturer. *tDixtonRt.Finchampstead,Wokingham Bance John,15 Bartholomew st.NewburytEggleton William, Bray, Maidenhead Rayner Chas. T. 9 Minster ~t. Reading MAT & MATTING MANUFRS. *Eisdell & Soundy, Abbey mills, Abbey MANTLE MAKERS Legg Frederick, Ock street, Abingdon square, Reading . Shepherd Bros.Thames wharf,Abingdon rEllis George, Lower mill, Kingstone, CottereIl Mrs. S. 10 Howard st. Re~ding India Rubber, Gutta Percha &Telegraph Ashbury, Shrivenham RS.O Spurgeon R 56 Broad street, Readmg Works Co. Limited, 100 Cannon street rFidler J. C. Greenham mills, Newbury Sell Wm. C. Bromsgrove pI. Faringdon London E c. See advert ' rFidler John C. Greenham mills, Green- ham, Newbury MANURE MANUFACTURERS. MATTRESS MAKRS.-SPRING. tFrankum Geo. Woolhampton. Reading Strawson & C;>. Ham Bridge mills, BILLINGTON BROTHERs,makers of patent ·rFuller Joseph, Ray mills; stores, Th.atcham, :'\ewbury.. " Liverpool" &woven wire mattresses. Market street, )/faidenhead Wal~Is, ,Son & We~l.s, VIctoria wharf, 11 & 13 Hope street & Arrad street, rGoodall Jacob, Marcham, Abingdon Kmg s road, Reaamg r • Liverpool; London office, II Dyers' Grace Henry Edwd. Abbey sq. Reading Weedon Brothers, Great"" estern RaIl- buildings Holborn E C rHamblin William, Great Shefford,. way station, ""Oallingford; Compton, , Lamborne RS.O Newbury & Upton, Didcot RRO MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. tHedger & Stevens, Grove, Wantage tHill J. Brimpton ml.Brimpton,Reading- MANURE MERCHANT. See Engineers-Mechanical. tHobbs Charles, Streatley mill, Streat- Empson Joseph Bacon (agent), Portway ley, Reading place, Wantage MEDICAL BOTANISTS. rHofland RN.Eddington ml.Hungerford Cox Henry,7UpperCrown street,Reading t H olla~d s Bros.Donningtn. ml~.11\ ewbury· MARBLE MASONS. Dean Geo. Buxton, Tilehurst, Reading tHowkms John Thomas A. Smdlesham Lambert Charles Frederick (wholesale), mill, B~a:wood, Wokingham See Stone & Marble Masons. Sutton Courtney, Abillgdon tHunt Wllham, Botley (O~ford~ . Pitt John Fredk. Lombard st. Abingdon tIIu~ley Rowland. & Son, St. GIles mIll,. MARINE STORE DEALERS. Tull David,54 Friar street, Rell.ding MIll lane, Readmg Allen Joseph, 10 Hatherley I'd. Reading tlremonger M. Padworth mill, Reading- Ayres Eli, St. John's road, Wallingford MEDICAL BOX MAKER. Kersley Anthony Thomas, Aldermaston · water mill, Reading Bolton Richard, 29 Oxford rd. Windsor H Id I 1 d Jordan Thos. Wallingford st. Wantage o way saac, 54 Cast e street,Rea mg tKmgl. I t T .oox[) for d m.1Boxfor d ,Newbury Moss John, Charney Bassett, Wantage MERCHANT. ·rKnight William Thomas, Hyde End Parrott James, Church street, New 'lI' d ",r'Il' B" L mill, Brimpton, Reading HlIar n I ram enJamm, sen. oweI' tI kG""' t '11 W t hfi Id Hinksey (Oxford) wharf, Wallingford; & at Great Wes- ~~ e~ heorg~ S ~ ffil, ace, Smith Henry, 88 King's road & IIS tern Railway station, Moulsford t'I rndenlla.!:lm W· . St f d' th V I London street, Reading "' aun re y. an or -In- e- a eo Thomas William, 46 Oxford rd. Windsor METAL PERFORATORS. tMaundrell William Godwin, Stanford Townsend Mrs. Elizabeth, Stanford-in in-the-Vale, Faringdon Croggon & Co. 200 Upper Thames st. the-Vale, Faringdon t :Nledcalfe William, Sandfordmill,Wood- London E C; & at Liverpool &Glasgow ley, Reading MARKET GARDENERS. MIDWIVES. tMilIard Ed. Cholsey mill, Cholsey S.O rMonk William, Steventon R.S.O BaJman George, 25A, London road, GoIding Mrs. Sarah, 5 Hereford place, Speenhamland, Newbury rNapperF.East Bagbourne,DidcotRS.0 Newtown road, Newbury Burton W. & G. 101 London st. Reading rOwen John Burgess, Kintbury mill, Mills Mrs. Maria, rercy place, Bartholo Caple William, Cumnor, Oxford Kintbury, Hungerford mew street, Newbury Cave Richard, Great Coxwell, Faringdon It ,-Pain John, Frilsham, Newbury Watts Mrs. A. K. 40 King st.Maidenhead Chandler J. 49 Mount Pleasant, Reading *tPayne William Fowler, St. Belen's & Coster John, Cumnor Ock mills, Abingdon Cotmore C.Boors hI. Wootton, Abingdon MILL FURNISHERS. tPalmer William, Stanford end, Swal- Cox Edward, 59 Cheap street, Newbury; Batting & Son; works, Maidenhead & lowfield, Reading & Greenham Marlow rPates H. Mill st. & Ham mill,Wantage Dyer James, Wootton, Abingdon *Phillips Geo. T. Peach st. Wokingham Eveleigh George,Whitelands,Thatcham, MILL BAND MANUFACTRS. rPound Henry, Upper mill, King8tone~ Newbury fndia Rubber, Gutta Percha & Telegraph Ashbury, Shrivenham KS.O Field Miss Elizabeth, Botley (Oxford) Works Co. Limited, 100 Cannon street, tPowell T. Letcombe Basset, Wantage' }<'letcher Jacob, Cox green, Maidenhead London E c. See advertisement ~Prior Frederick, East lisley, Newbury.