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COUNCIL - 23.10.19 AT AN EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE BOROUGH COUNCIL held in the Desborough Suite - Town Hall on Wednesday, 23rd October, 2019 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Sayonara Luxton), The Deputy Mayor (Councillor Gary Muir) Councillors John Baldwin, Clive Baskerville, Christine Bateson, Gurpreet Bhangra, Simon Bond, John Bowden, Mandy Brar, Catherine Del Campo, David Cannon, Stuart Carroll, Gerry Clark, David Coppinger, Carole Da Costa, Wisdom Da Costa, Jon Davey, Karen Davies, Phil Haseler, Geoff Hill, David Hilton, Maureen Hunt, Andrew Johnson, Lynne Jones, Neil Knowles, Ewan Larcombe, Ross McWilliams, Samantha Rayner, Joshua Reynolds, Julian Sharpe, Shamsul Shelim, Gurch Singh, Donna Stimson, John Story, Chris Targowski, Helen Taylor, Amy Tisi, Leo Walters and Simon Werner Officers: Duncan Sharkey, Elaine Browne, Louisa Dean, Andy Jeffs, Jenifer Jackson, John Maniscalco, Helen Murch, Ashley Smith, Robert Paddison, Ian Motuel, Pam Midgley, Terry Ann Cramp, Matthew Smith, Tomas Pugh-Cook, James Carpenter, Gordon Oliver, Chris Joyce, Russell O'Keefe and Karen Shepherd 52. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Price. 53. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Rayner declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest on item 7 as her husband was a trustee of a trust that had submitted land in the original call for sites for the Borough Local Plan. She left the room for the duration of the discussion and voting on the item. 54. PUBLIC QUESTIONS a) Tim Veale of Bisham and Cookham ward asked the following question of Councillor Coppinger, Lead Member for Planning and Maidenhead: Why has Lower Mount Farm greenbelt been included in the plan and the farm itself not been considered instead as this is already used for industrial purposes? A written response was provided: The plan has to be based on evidence, this includes requirements to meet the Borough’s need for housing, employment and other uses.
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