Full Title Abbreviated Title of Arts AssocDegArts Associate Diploma of Arts (Liberal Studies) AssDipArts(LibSt) Associate Diploma in Applied Science AssDipAppSc Associate Degree of Business AssocDegBus Associate Degree of Business (Commerce) AssocDegBus(Com) Associate Diploma in Diagnostic Radiography AssDipDiagRadiog Associate Degree in Healthy Ageing AssocDegHlthAge Associate Degree of Theology AssocDegTh Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Accounting (Advanced Leadership) BAcc(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Accounting BAcc Bachelor of Accounting BAcc Bachelor of Accounting BAcc Bachelor of Accounting BAcc Bachelor of Arts (Education (Middle and Secondary Schooling) Pathway) BA Bachelor of Arts (Education (Primary R-7) Pathway) BA Bachelor of Arts (Education (Secondary) Pathway) BA Bachelor of Accounting and Finance BAccFin Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Advanced Leadership) BAccFin(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems BAppGIS Bachelor of Applied Geospatial and Information Technology BAppGeoInfoTech Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers BA Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Studies) BA(LibSt) Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) BA,MTeach(ECh) Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) BA,MTeach(PrimR-7) Bachelor of Arts (Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) Pathway) BA Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Arts, Master of Teaching (Secondary) BA,MTeach(Sec) Bachelor of Arts (Master of Teaching (Secondary) Pathway) BA Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Arts (Psychological Science Pathway) BA Bachelor of Archaeology BArchaeol Bachelor of Arts and Science BArtsSc Bachelor of Applied Science (Developmental Disabilities) BAppSc(DevDis) Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) BAppSc(DisSt) Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Health) BAppSc(EnvHlth) Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing) BAppSc(Ng) Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) BAppSc(SpPath) Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) BA Bachelor of Business and Economics BBusEc Bachelor of Business Economics BBusEc Bachelor of Business Economics (Advanced Leadership) BBusEc(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Business Economics and Government BBusEcGovt Bachelor of Banking and Finance BBgFin Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Advanced Leadership) BBgFin(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Banking and International Finance BBgIntFin Bachelor of Behavioural Science BBehavSc Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) BBehavSc(Psych) Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) BBiotech(Hons) Bachelor of Biotechnology BBiotech Bachelor of Business BBus Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership) BBus(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Business (Business Economics) BBus(BusEc) Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship) BBus(Entrep) Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) BBus(HRM) Bachelor of Business (International Business) BBus(IntBus) Bachelor of Business (International Business) BBus(IntBus) Bachelor of Business (Innovation and Enterprise) BBus(Innov&Enterp) Bachelor of Business (Management) BBus(Mgmt) Bachelor of Business (Management) BBus(Mgmt) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BBus(Mktg) Bachelor of Business (Marketing) BBus(Mktg) Bachelor of Business BBus Bachelor of Business (Supply Chain Management) BBus(SCMgmt) Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) BBus(SptsMgmt) Bachelor of Business and Technology BBusTech Bachelor of Business BBus Bachelor of Creative Arts BCreatArts Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design) BCreatArts(CostuDsgn) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) BCreatArts(CreatWriting) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) BCreatArts(DigitalMedia) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) BCreatArts(DigitalMedia) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) BCreatArts(Dance) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) BCreatArts(Drama) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Enterprise) BCreatArts(Enterp) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) BCreatArts(Fashion) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) BCA(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) BCreatArts(Screen) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) BCreatArts(VisArts) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) BCreatArts(VEED) Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies) BComBA(AsianSt) Bachelor of Communication and Information Technology BCommInfTech Bachelor of Clinical Sciences BClinSc Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery BClinSc,BMBS Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine BClinSc/MD Bachelor of Community Services BComServ Bachelor of Commerce BCom Bachelor of Commerce BCom Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BCom(Acc) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BCom(Acc) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) BCom(Acc) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) BCom(AccFin) Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) BCom(AccFin) Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership) BCom(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Commerce (Business Economics) BCom(BusEc) Bachelor of Commerce (Finance/Economics) BCom(FinEc) Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) BCom(Fin) Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) BCom(Fin) Bachelor of Commerce (Sustainability) BCom(Sust) Bachelor of Commerce BCom Bachelor of Computing and Information Technology BCompInfTech Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing BCommProfWriting Bachelor of Criminology BCrim Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) BCrim(Hons) Bachelor of Computer Science BCompSc Bachelor of Computer Science BCompSc Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BCompSc(AI) Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours) BCompSc(AI)(Hons) Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) BCompSc(Hons) Bachelor of Computer Science (Simulation and Serious Games) BCompSc(SimSerGames) Bachelor of Computer Science (Simulation and Serious Games) (Honours) BCompSc(SimSerGames)(Hons) Bachelor of Cultural Tourism BCulT Bachelor of Disability and Community Rehabilitation BDisComRehab Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education BDisDevelEd Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education BDisDevelEd Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (Honours) BDisDevelEd(Hons) Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (Health Sciences Pathway) BDisDevelEd Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (Rehabilitation Counselling) BDisDevelEd(RehabCoun) Bachelor of Disability Studies, Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Special Education) BDisSt,MTeach(EchSpEd) Bachelor of Disability Studies, Master of Teaching (Primary R-7 and Special Education) BDisSt,MTeach(PrimSpEd) Bachelor of Disability Studies, Master of Teaching (Secondary and Special Education) BDisSt,MTeach(SecSpEd) Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation BDesTechInnov Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Economics BEc Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) BEc(Acc) Bachelor of Ecotourism BEcot Bachelor of Education BEd Bachelor of Education (Graduate Entry) BEd(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Arts BEd(ECh),BA Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Bachelor of Special Education BEd(ECh),BSpEd Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (Graduate Entry) BEd(ECh)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Special Education), Bachelor of Disability Studies BEd(EChSpEd),BDisSt Bachelor of Education (In-Service) BEd(InService) Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary) BEd(JP) Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary) BEd(JP/P) Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary), Bachelor of Arts BEd(JP/P),BA Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary), Bachelor of Science BEd(JP/P),BSc Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary) (Graduate Entry) BEd(JP/P)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Languages other than English) BEd(LOTE) Bachelor of Education (Middle School), Bachelor of Arts BEd(MS),BA Bachelor of Education (Middle School), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(MS),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Middle School), Bachelor of Science BEd(MS),BSc Bachelor of Education (Middle School) (Graduate Entry) BEd(MS)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary Schooling), Bachelor of Arts BEd(MidSecSch),BA Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary Schooling), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(MidSecSch),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary Schooling), Bachelor of Science BEd(MidSecSch),BSc Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary/Special Education), Bachelor of Disability Studies BEd(MSSpEd),BDisSt Bachelor of Education (Nursing Studies) BEd(NursSt) Bachelor of Education (Primary) BEd(Prim) Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) BEd(PhysEd) Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7), Bachelor of Arts BEd(PrR-7),BA Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7), Bachelor of General Science BEd(PrR-7),BGenSc Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7), Bachelor of Special Education BEd(PrR-7),BSpEd Bachelor of Education (Primary R-7 and Special Education), Bachelor of Disability Studies BEd(PrimSpEd),BDisSt Bachelor of Education (Secondary) BEd(Sec) Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Arts BEd(Sec),BA Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Arts BEd(Sec),BA Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(Sec),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(Sec),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Languages BEd(Sec),BLang Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science BEd(Sec),BSc Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science BEd(Sec),BSc Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Special Education BEd(Sec),BSpecEd Bachelor of Education Studies BEdSt Bachelor of Education (Special Education) BEd(SpecEd) Bachelor of Education (Special Education) BEd(SpecEd) Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Graduate Entry) BEd(Sec)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Secondary Science) BEd(SecSc) Bachelor of Education (Secondary Schooling), Bachelor of Languages BEd(SecSch),BLang Bachelor of Education Studies BEdSt Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Arts BEdSt,BA Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Disability Studies BEdSt,BDisSt Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of General Science BEdSt,BGenSc Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Health Sciences BEdSt,BHlthSc Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Languages BEdSt,BLang Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Science BEdSt,BSc Bachelor of Education Studies (Graduate Entry) BEdSt(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Upper Primary/Lower Secondary) BEd(UP/LS) Bachelor of Education (Upper Primary/Lower Secondary) (Graduate Entry) BEd(UP/LS)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Education (Upper Primary/Lower Secondary) Migrant Category BEd(UP/LS)MigrantCat Bachelor of Environmental Health BEnvHlth Bachelor of Environmental Management BEnvMgmt Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural and Biosystems) (Honours) BEng(AgricBioSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural) (Honours) BEng(Agric)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical and Electronic) BEng(BiomedElec) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) BEng(Biomed)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biome)(Hons),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biomed),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) BEng(CompSys) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) BEng(Computer) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Electronic) BEng(CompElec) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) (Honours) BEng(CompSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) BEng(Civil) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Systems) (Honours) BEng(CompNetwkSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Electronic) BEng(CompElec) Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) BEng(CompSys) Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) BEng(Civil) Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours) BEng(Civil)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) BEng(Electronics) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) BEng(Elec) Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) (Honours) BEng(Electronics)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) BEng(Elec) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours) BEng(Elec)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Systems) BEng(EnvSyst) Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Technologies) BEng(EnvTech) Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry BEng(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) BEng(Mech) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Advanced Manufacturing) BEng(MechAdvManf) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) BEng(Mech) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) BEng(Mech)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Mech)(Hons),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Mech),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Maritime Electronics) BEng(MarElectr) Bachelor of Engineering (Maritime) (Honours) BEng(Maritm)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) BEngNavArch Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) (Honours) BEng(NavArch)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) BEng(Robotics) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) BEng(Robotics)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Electronics) BEng(Robots)(Hons),MEng(Elect) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics), Master of Engineering (Electronics) BEng(Robotics),MEng(Elctronic) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics), Master of Engineering (Smart Instrumentation) BEng(Robotics),MEng(SmartInst) Bachelor of Engineering (Software) BEng(Software) Bachelor of Engineering Science BEngSc Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) BEng(Software) Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours) BEng(Software)(Hons) Bachelor of Engineering Technology BEngTech Bachelor of Environment BEnv Bachelor of Environmental Science BEnvSc Bachelor of Exercise Science BExSc Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology BExSc,MClinExPhysio Bachelor of Exercise Science, Master of Exercise Physiology BExSc,MExPhysio Bachelor of Finance BFin Bachelor of Finance (Advanced Leadership) BFin(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Finance and Business Economics BFinBusEc Bachelor of Finance and Business Economics (Advanced Leadership) BFinBusEc(AdvLeadership) Bachelor of Government and Public Management BGovtPubMgmt Bachelor of General Studies BGenSt Bachelor of General Science, Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) BGenSc,MTeach(PrimR-7) Bachelor of Healthy Ageing BHlthAge Bachelor of Human Nutrition BHumNut Bachelor of Health Sciences BHlthSc Bachelor of Health Sciences (Ambulance Studies) BHlthSc(AmbSt) Bachelor of Health Sciences, in Environmental Health Practice BHlthSc,GradDipEnvHlthPrac Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy BHlthSc,MOccTherapy Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy BHlthSc,MPhysio Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Teaching (Secondary) BHlthSc,MTeach(Sec) Bachelor of Health Sciences (Paramedic) BHlthSc(Paramedic) Bachelor of International Business BIntBus Bachelor of International Business (Wine, Spirits and Tourism) BIntBus(WineSpiritsTour) Bachelor of Innovation and Enterprise (Science and Technology) BIE(S&T) Bachelor of International Relations BIntRel Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science BIntRelPolSc Bachelor of International Studies BIntSt Bachelor of Information Technology BInfTech Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours) BInfTech(DigHlthSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) BInfTech(DigitalMedia) Bachelor of Information Technology (Digital Media) (Honours) BInfTech(DigitalMedia)(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) BInfTech(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) BInfTech(NetwkCybsecSys) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours) BInfTech(NetwkCybsecSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) BInfTech(NetwkCybsecSys) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network Systems) BInfTech(NetworkSys) Bachelor of Information Technology (Network Systems) (Honours) BInfTech(NetworkSys)(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology BInfTech Bachelor of International Tourism BIntTourism Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games) BIT(SimSerGames) Bachelor of Information Technology (Simulation and Serious Games) (Honours) BIT(SimSerGames)(Hons) Bachelor of Justice and Society BJusSoc Bachelor of Justice and Society (Criminology) BJusSoc Bachelor of Justice and Society (Law Pathway) BJusSoc Bachelor of Languages BLang Bachelor of Languages, Master of Teaching (Secondary) BLang,MTeach(Sec) Bachelor of Laws LLB Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) LLB(GradEntry) Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (Honours) LLB(GradEntry)(Hons) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) LLB(Hons) Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice LLB/LP Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) LLB/LP(GradEntry) Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice LLB/LP Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) LLB/LP(GradEntry) Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Graduate Entry) (Honours) LLB/LP(GradEntry)(Hons) Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) LLB/LP(Hons) Bachelor of Laws LLB Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) LLB(GradEntry) Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (Honours) LLB(GradEntry)(Hons) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) LLB(Hons) Bachelor of Letters BLitt Bachelor of Letters (Archaeology) BLitt(Archaeology) Bachelor of Letters (Archaeology) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Archaeology) Bachelor of Letters (Creative Enterprise) BLitt(CreatEnterp) Bachelor of Letters (Creative Enterprise) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(CreatEnterp) Bachelor of Letters (Chinese) BLitt(Chinese) Bachelor of Letters (Chinese) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Chinese) Bachelor of Letters (Criminology) BLitt(Crim) Bachelor of Letters (Criminology) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Crim) Bachelor of Letters (Creative Writing) BLitt(CreatWriting) Bachelor of Letters (Creative Writing) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(CreatWriting)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Letters (English) BLitt(English) Bachelor of Letters (English) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(English)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Letters (French) BLitt(French) Bachelor of Letters (French) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(French) Bachelor of Letters (Graduate Entry) BLitt Bachelor of Letters (Health) BLitt(Health) Bachelor of Letters (Health) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Health) Bachelor of Letters (History) BLitt(History) Bachelor of Letters (History) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(History)(GradEntry) Bachelor of Letters (Innovation and Enterprise) BLitt(Innov&Enterp) Bachelor of Letters (Innovation and Enterprise) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Innov&Enterp) Bachelor of Letters (Indonesian) BLitt(Indonesian) Bachelor of Letters (Indonesian) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Indonesian) Bachelor of Letters (Italian) BLitt(Italian) Bachelor of Letters (Italian) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Italian) Bachelor of Letters (Modern Greek) BLitt(ModernGreek) Bachelor of Letters (Modern Greek) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(ModernGreek) Bachelor of Letters (Mathematics) BLitt(Math) Bachelor of Letters (Mathematics) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Math) Bachelor of Letters (Spanish) BLitt(Spanish) Bachelor of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching) BLitt(SportsPerfCoach) Bachelor of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(SportsPerfCoach) Bachelor of Letters (Spanish) (Graduate Entry) BLitt(Spanish) Bachelor of Letters (Theology) BLitt(Theology) Bachelor of Law and Society BLawSoc Bachelor of Law and Society (Law Pathway) BLawSoc Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery BM, BS Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery BClinSc,BMBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry) BM, BS(GradEntry) Bachelor of Media and Communication BMedia&Comm Bachelor of Media BMedia Bachelor of Media Arts BMediaArts Bachelor of Media (Creative Arts) BMedia (Creative Arts) Bachelor of Media (Public Affairs) BMedia (Public Affairs) Bachelor of Midwifery (Post-Registration) BMid(Postreg) Bachelor of Midwifery (Post-Registration) (Registered Midwife) BMid(Postreg)(RegMidwife) Bachelor of Midwifery (Post-Registration) (Registered Nurse) BMid(Postreg)(RegNurse) Bachelor of Midwifery (Preregistration) BMid(Prereg) Bachelor of Medical Science BMedSc Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences BMathSc Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) BMathSc(Hons) Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science) BMedSc(VisSc) Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science), Master of Optometry BMedSc(VisSc),MOpt Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics BNutDiet Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Graduate Entry) BNutDiet(GradEntry) Bachelor of Nursing (Post Registration) BNg(PostReg) Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion to General Registration) BNg(Conversion) Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry) BNg(GradEntry) Bachelor of Nursing (Hong Kong Students) BNg (HongKong) Bachelor of Nursing (Registered Midwife) BNg(RegMid) Bachelor of Nursing (Overseas Qualified) BNg(Overseas) Bachelor of Nursing (Re-entry) BNg(Re-entry) Bachelor of Nursing BNg Bachelor of Nursing BNg Bachelor of Nursing BNg(NoPrevQual) Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) BNg(PreReg) Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) BNg(PreReg) Bachelor of Nursing Practice BNgPrac Bachelor of Nursing Practice (Overseas Qualification) BNgPrac(Overseas) Bachelor of Nursing Practice (Re-Entry) BNgPrac(Re-Entry) Bachelor of Public Administration BPA Bachelor of Paramedic Science BParamedicSc Bachelor of Psychological Science BPsychSc Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) BPsychSc(Hons) Bachelor of Psychological Studies (Graduate Entry) BPsychSt(GradEntry) Bachelor of Psychological Science BPsychSc Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) BPsych(Hons) Bachelor of Social Administration BSocAdmin Bachelor of Science BSc Bachelor of Science BSc Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) BSc Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) BSc Bachelor of Science (Aquaculture) BSc Bachelor of Science and Business BScBus Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Conservation BScBiodivCon Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation) BSc Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation) BSc Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) BScBEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics BScBioinf Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology BScBioinfMolBiol Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) BSc Bachelor of Science in Computing and Digital Media BScCDM Bachelor of Science in Computational Modelling BScCompMod Bachelor of Science (Coasts and Oceans) BSc Bachelor of Science (Chemical Sciences) BSc Bachelor of Science (Clean Technology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Clean Technology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Energy and Advanced Materials) BSc Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) BSc Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) BSc Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science BScEnvSc Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) BSc Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science) BSc Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science) BSc Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science Pathway) BSc Bachelor of Science (Geography) BSc Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Animal Behaviour) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Aquaculture) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity and Conservation) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biodiversity and Conservation) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biotechnology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences), Master of Engineering (Materials) BSc(Hons)(ChemS),ME(Materials) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Coasts and Oceans) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Clean Technology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Clean Technology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Energy and Advanced Materials) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Science) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Forensic and Analytical Science) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Geography) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Hydrology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Molecular Biosciences) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Palaeontology) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physics) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Specialisation) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Hydrology) BSc Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology BScMarBiol Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry BScMedChem Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biosciences) BSc Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) BSc Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) BSc Bachelor of Science, Master of Teaching (Secondary) BSc,MTeach(Sec) Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) BSc Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours) BScNano(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Palaeontology) BSc Bachelor of Science (Physics) BSc Bachelor of Science (Specialisation) BSc Bachelor of Science (Science Policy and Communication) BSc(SPC) Bachelor of Science (Science Policy and Communication) BSc(SPC) Bachelor of Special Education BSpecEd Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity BSportHlthPhysAct Bachelor of Speech, Language and Hearing Science BSpLangHearSc Bachelor of Social Planning BSocPg Bachelor of Social Planning BSocPg Bachelor of Speech Pathology BSpPath Bachelor of Social Work BSocWk Bachelor of Social Work BSocWk Bachelor of Social Work BSocWk Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Social Planning BSocWk,BSocPg Bachelor of Social Work (Graduate Entry) BSocWk(GradEntry) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) BSocWk(Hons) Bachelor of Social Work and Social Planning BSocWkSocPg Bachelor of Technology (Aquaculture) BTech(Aquaculture) Bachelor of Technology (Ecotourism) BTech(Ecot) Bachelor of Technology (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) BTech(Forensic&AnalyticalChem) Bachelor of Theology BTh Bachelor of Theology BTh Bachelor of Theology BTh Bachelor of Theological Studies BThSt Bachelor of Teaching (Junior Primary/Primary) BTeach(JP/P) Bachelor of Teaching (Junior Primary/Primary) Migrant Category BTeach(P/OTTAP) Bachelor of Technology (Pharmaceutical and Molecular Synthesis) BTech(PharmMolSyn) Bachelor of Tourism and Events BTour&Evnt Bachelor of Tourism Management BTourismMgmt Bachelor of Technology (Water Management) (Honours) BTech(WMgmt)(Hons) Certificate in Disability Studies CertDisSt University Preparation Certificate UniPrepCert Certificate of Graduate Studies in Education CertGradStEd Companion of the University CUniversity Doctor of International Business Administration DIntBusAdmin Diploma of Arts DipArts Diploma of Arts (Liberal Studies) DipArts(LibSt) Diploma in Applied Science DipAppSc Diploma of Applied Science (Community Health Nursing) DipAppSc(ComHlthNg) Diploma of Applied Science (Developmental Disabilities) DipAppSc(DevDis) Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing Management) DipAppSc(NursMgmt) Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) DipAppSc(Nurs) Diploma of Applied Science (Psychiatric Nursing) DipAppSc(PsycNurs) Diploma of Business DipBus Diploma of Biomedical Engineering DipBiomedEng Advanced Diploma in Biomedical Engineering AdvDipEng(Biomed) Diploma in Business and Technology DipBusTech Diploma in Communication and Information Technology DipCommInfTech Diploma of Digital Technologies DipDigTech Diploma in Healthy Ageing DipHlthAge Diploma of Health Sciences DipHlthSc Diploma of Health Sciences (Disability and Community Rehabilitation) DipHlthSc(DisComRehab) Diploma of Information Technology DipInfTech Diploma in Language DipLang Diploma of Letters (Archaeology) DipLitt(Archaeology) Diploma of Letters (Creative Enterprise) DipLitt(CreatEnterp) Diploma of Letters (Criminology) DipLitt(Crim) Diploma of Letters (Creative Writing) DipLitt(CreatWriting) Diploma of Letters (English) DipLitt(English) Diploma of Letters (French) DipLitt(French) Diploma of Letters (History) DipLitt(History) Diploma of Letters (Indonesian) DipLitt(Indonesian) Diploma of Letters (Italian) DipLitt(Italian) Diploma of Letters (Modern Greek) DipLitt(Modern Greek) Diploma of Letters (Spanish) DipLitt(Spanish) Diploma of Letters (Sports Performance Coaching) DipLitt(SportsPerfCoach) Diploma of Letters (Theology) DipLitt(Theology) Diploma of Nursing DipNg Diploma of Nursing (Overseas) DipNg(Overseas) Diploma of Nursing (Re-entry) DipNg(Re-entry) Diploma of Nursing Studies DipNgSt Diploma of Science DipSc Diploma of Teaching DipT Advanced Diploma in Teaching AdvDipT Diploma of Theology DipTh Diploma of Teaching (Junior Primary) DipT(JP) Diploma of Teaching (Nurse Education) DipT(NursEd) Diploma of Teaching (Primary) DipT(Prim) Diploma of Teaching (Primary) Migrant Category DipT(Prim)MigrantCat Diploma of Teaching (Primary) DipT(Prim) University Preparation Diploma UniPrepDip Doctor of Laws LLD DLitt Doctor of Medicine DM Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Policy and Administration DPA Doctor of Public Health DrPH Doctor of Public Health by research DrPH Doctor of Science DSc Doctor of Theology DTh Doctor of the University DUniversity Doctor of Education EdD Doctor of Education EdD Master of Occupational Therapy (Enabling Studies) MOccTherapy(Enab) Master of Physiotherapy (Enabling Studies) MPhysio(Enab) Flinders Foundation Course Foundation Course Flinders Foundation Studies Program FlindersFoundationStPrg Foundation Studies Program (International) FSP in Aged Care Administration GradCertAgedCareAdmin Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing GradCertAcuteCareNg Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Critical Care) GradCertACNg(CritCare) Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Cardiac) GradCertACNg(Cardiac) Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Emergency) GradCertACNg(Emergency) Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (High Dependency) GradCertACNg(HighDepend) Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Mental Health) GradCertACNg(MentalHlth) Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing (Paediatrics) GradCertACNg(Paediatrics) Graduate Certificate in Ageing and Disability GradCertAgeDis Graduate Certificate in Applied Gerontology GradCertAppGeront Graduate Certificate in Asian Governance GradCertAsianGov Graduate Certificate in Applied History and Heritage Studies GradCertAppHistHerSt Graduate Certificate in Applied Population Studies GradCertAppPopSt Graduate Certificate in Archaeology GradCertArchaeol Graduate Certificate in Australian Studies GradCertAustSt Graduate Certificate in Business Administration GradCertBusAdmin Graduate Certificate in Business Administration GradCertBusAdmin Graduate Certificate in Biodiversity GradCertBiod Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology GradCertBiotech Graduate Certificate in Child, Adolescent and Family Health Nursing GradCertCAFHN Graduate Certificate in Creative Arts (Visual Effects) GradCertCreatArts Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy GradCertCogBehavTherapy Graduate Certificate in Chronic Condition Management GradCertChronicCondMgmt Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education GradCertClinEd Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health GradCertChildFamilyHlth Graduate Certificate in Cultural Heritage Management GradCertCultHMgmt Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation GradCertClinRehab Graduate Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitation GradCertClinRehab Graduate Certificate in Counselling Vulnerable Children and Young People GradCertCounsVChildYngPeople Graduate Certificate in Child Well-Being and Protection GradCertChildWellBeing&Prot Graduate Certificate in Development Administration GradCertDevAdmin Graduate Certificate in Disaster Health Care GradCertDisHlthC Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Management and Education GradCertDiabetesMgmtEd Graduate Certificate in Digital Production for Entertainment Design GradCertDigitalProdEntDesign Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies GradCertDisSt Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies GradCertDisSt Graduate Certificate in Education GradCertEd Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Biomedical) GradCertEng(Biomed) Graduate Certificate in Education (Behaviour) GradCertEd(Behv) Graduate Certificate in Environmental Compliance GradCertEnvC Graduate Certificate in Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice) GradCertEd(CogPsyc&EducPrac) Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Electronics) GradCertEng(Electronics) Graduate Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Studies) GradCertEd(EChSt) Graduate Certificate in Education (Gifted Education) GradCertEd(GiftEd) Graduate Certificate in Education (Higher Education) GradCertEd(HighEd) Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health (Risk Assessment) GradCertEnvHlth(RiskAssess) Graduate Certificate in Education (International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program) GradCertEd(IBMYP) Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) GradCertEd(LearnDiff) Graduate Certificate in Education (Languages Education) GradCertEd(LangEd) Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership and Management) GradCertEd(LeadManagement) Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management GradCertEnvMgmt Graduate Certificate in Education (Professional Learning) GradCertEd (ProfLearn) Graduate Certificate in Education (Studies of Asia) GradCertEd(StAsia) Graduate Certificate in Education (Studies of Asia) GradCertEd(StAsia) Graduate Certificate in Education (Special Education) GradCertEd(SpecEd) Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Smart Instrumentation) GradCertEng(SmartInstrument) Graduate Certificate in Education (Social Justice in Education) GradCertEd (SociJustice) Graduate Certificate in Education (Vision Impairment) GradCertEd(VisImpair) Graduate Certificate in Education (Vocational Education and Training in Schools) (VETiS) GradCertEd(VETiS) Graduate Certificate in Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) GradCertEd(WellBeing&MentHlth) Graduate Certificate in Education GradCertEd Graduate Certificate in Gifted Education GradCertGiftEd Graduate Certificate in Science (Groundwater Hydrology) GradCertSc(GwHyd) Graduate Certificate in Global Health Care GradCertGlobHlth Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems GradCertGIS Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Analysis GradCertGMPA Graduate Certificate in Global Point-of-Care Testing GradCertGlobalPOCT Graduate Certificate in Health GradCertHlth Graduate Certificate in Health Administration GradCertHlthAdmin Graduate Certificate in Health Administration GradCertHlthAdmin Graduate Certificate in Health (Aged Care Nursing Studies) GradCertHlth (AgCareNursStud) Graduate Certificate in Health (Critical Care Nursing) GradCertHlth (CritCareNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (Child and Family Health Nursing) GradCertHlth (ChildFamNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (Clinical Nursing) GradCertHlth (ClinNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (Continence Nurse Advisor) GradCertHlth (ConNurseAdvis) Graduate Certificate in Human Communication Science GradCertHumCommSc Graduate Certificate in Health (Diabetes Management & Education) GradCertHlth (DiabManageEd) Graduate Certificate in Health (Emergency Nursing) GradCertHlth (EmergencyNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (General Practice Nursing) GradCertHlth (GPNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (Mental Health Nursing) GradCertHlth (MentalHlthNurse) Graduate Certificate in Health (Mental Health Sciences) GradCertHlth (MentalHlthSci) Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion GradCertHlthProm Graduate Certificate in Hydrology and Water Resources GradCertHydWRes Graduate Certificate in International Business Administration GradCertIntBusAdmin Graduate Certificate in International Development GradCertIntDev Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Enterprise GradCertInnov&Enterp Graduate Certificate in International Relations GradCertIntRel Graduate Certificate in Information Technology GradCertInfoTech Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (Computing) GradCertInfoTech(Comp) Graduate Certificate in Language GradCertLang Graduate Certificate in Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling GradCertLGTC Graduate Certificate in Labour Relations and Law GradCertLabRelLaw Graduate Certificate in Language Teaching GradCertLangTeach Graduate Certificate in Maritime Archaeology GradCertMarArchaeol Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Education GradCertMathEd Graduate Certificate in Midwifery GradCertMid Graduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Medicine GradCertMuscMed Graduate Certificate in Nursing GradCertNg Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Aged Care Nursing Studies) GradCertNg(AgedCareNgStd) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Critical Care Nursing) GradCertNg(CritCareNg) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Child and Family Health Nursing) GradCertNg(ChildFamilyHlthNg) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Clinical Nursing) GradCertNg(ClinicalNg) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Continence Nurse Advisor) GradCertNg(ContNrsAdv) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Emergency Nursing) GradCertNg(EmgcyNg) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (General Practice Nursing) GradCertNg(GPNg) Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Mental Health Nursing) GradCertNg(MentalHlthNg) Graduate Certificate in Neuroscience (Learning) GradCertNeuro(Learn) Graduate Certificate in Nanotechnology GradCertNano Graduate Certificate in Organisational Learning GradCertOrgLearn Graduate Certificate in Public Administration (Housing Management) GradCertPubAdmin(HM) Graduate Certificate in Positive Behaviour Support GradCertPosBehavSup Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care GradCertPallCare Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care in Aged Care GradCertPallCAgedCare Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care GradCertPallCare Graduate Certificate in Public Health GradCertPublicHlth Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care GradCertPHC Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Aged Care Nursing) GradCertPHC(AgedCareNg) Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Child and Family Health Nursing) GradCertPHC(ChildFamilyHlthNg) Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care in Developing Countries GradCertPHCDev Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Diabetes Management and Education) GradCertPHC(DiabetesMgmtEd) Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (General Practice and Community Nursing) GradCertPHC(GP&ComNg) Graduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (Nursing) GradCertPHC(Nursing) Graduate Certificate in Public Health Research and Evaluation GradCertPHResEval Graduate Certificate in Public Policy GradCertPubPol Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Palliative Care GradCertPaedPallC Graduate Certificate in Population Studies GradCertPopSt Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies (Business) GradCertProfStudBus Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management GCertPubSecMgmt Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies GradCertProfStud Graduate Certificate in Research (Business) GradCertRes(Bus) Graduate Certificate in Religion and Ethics GradCertRel&Ethics Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Management GradCertRemoteHlthMgmt Graduate Certificate in Remote Health Practice GradCertRemoteHlthPrac Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GradCertResMeths Graduate Certificate in Science (Aquaculture) GradCertSc(Aqua) Graduate Certificate in Science (Water Resources Management) GradCertSc(WaterResMgmt) Graduate Certificate in Society and the Individual GradCertSoc&Ind Graduate Certificate in Screen and Media Production GradCertScrnMediaProd Graduate Certificate in Social Planning GradCertSocPlan Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering GradCertSoftEng Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education GradCertTertEd Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language GradCertTESOL Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) GradCertTESOL Graduate Certificate in Tourism (Festival and Event Management) GradCertTourism(F&EMgmt) Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies GradCertThSt Graduate Certificate in Tourism GradCertTourism Graduate Certificate in Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management) GradCertTourism (F&EDesMgmt) Graduate Certificate in Tourism GradCertTourism Graduate Certificate in Women's Health GradCertWomHlth Graduate Certificate in Water Resources Management GradCertWaterResMgmt Graduate Diploma in Archaeology GradDipArch Diploma in Accounting DipAcc Diploma in Applied Psychology DipAppPsych Diploma in Applied Statistics DipAppStats Diploma in Community Child Health DipComChildHealth Diploma in Computer Science DipCompSc Diploma of Education DipEd Diploma in Educational Administration DipEdAdmin Graduate Diploma in Education (Professional Development) GradDipEd(HlthEd) Diploma in Education (Primary Education) DipEd(Prim) Graduate Diploma in Education (Professional Development) GradDipEd(ProfDev) Graduate Diploma in Health Education GradDipHlthEd Diploma in Humanities DipHum Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies GradDipLegalStud Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine GradDipMuscMed Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies GradDipMusmStud Diploma in Nutrition & Dietetics DipNut&Diet Graduate Diploma in Archaeology GradDipArch Graduate Diploma in Accounting GradDipAcc Graduate Diploma in Applied Gerontology GradDipAppGeront Graduate Diploma in Asian Governance GradDipAsianGov Graduate Diploma in Applied History and Heritage Studies GradDipAppHistHerSt Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management GradDipArchHMgmt Graduate Diploma in Applied Population Studies GradDipAppPopSt Graduate Diploma in Archaeology GradDipArchaeol Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics GradDipAppStats Graduate Diploma in Business Administration GradDipBusAdmin Graduate Diploma in Business Administration GradDipBusAdmin Graduate Diploma in Biodiversity GradDipBiod Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology GradDipBiotech Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts GradDipCreatArts Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Creative Writing) GradDipCreatArts Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Drama) GradDipCreatArts Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts (Screen Production) GradDipCreatArts Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy GradDipCogBehavTherapy Graduate Diploma in Chronic Condition Management GradDipChronicCondMgmt Graduate Diploma in Clinical Education GradDipClinEd Graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Management GradDipCultHMgmt Graduate Diploma in Community Psychiatric Nursing GDipComPsychNg Graduate Diploma in Clinical Rehabilitation GradDipClinRehab Graduate Diploma in Clinical Rehabilitation GradDipClinRehab Graduate Diploma in Computer Science GradDipCompSc Graduate Diploma in Clean Technology GradDipCleanTech Graduate Diploma in Professional Development GradDipProfDev Graduate Diploma in Disaster Health Care GradDipDisHlthC Graduate Diploma in Digital Production for Entertainment Design GradDipDigitalProdEntDesign Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Biomedical) GradDipEng(Biomed) Graduate Diploma in Education GradDipEd Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration GradDipEdAdmin Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) GradDipEng(Electronics) Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Practice GradDipEnvHlthPrac Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management GradDipEnvMgmt Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science GradDipEngSc Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Smart Instrumentation) GradDipEng(SmartInstrument) Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (DNA Technology) GDipFor'sSc(DNATech) Graduate Diploma in Gender and Development GradDipGenDev Graduate Diploma in Science (Groundwater Hydrology) GradDipSc(GwHyd) Graduate Diploma in Geographical Information Systems GradDipGIS Graduate Diploma in Health Administration GradDipHlthAdmin Graduate Diploma in Health Administration GradDipHlthAdmin Diploma Primary Health Care DipPrimHlthCare Graduate Diploma in Health Law GradDipHlthLaw Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition GradDipHumNut Graduate Diploma in Health Studies GradDipHlthSt Graduate Diploma in Health Service Management GDipHlthServMgmt Graduate Diploma in Humanities GradDipHum Graduate Diploma in Hydrology and Water Resources GradDipHydWRes Graduate Diploma in International Business Administration GradDipIntBusAdmin Graduate Diploma in Intensive Care Paramedic Studies GradDipICParamedicSt Graduate Diploma in International Development GradDipIntDev Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Enterprise GradDipInnov&Enterp Graduate Diploma in International Law and International Relations GradDipIntLawIntRelations Graduate Diploma in International Relations GradDipIntRel Graduate Diploma in Indigenous and Remote Child Health GradDipIndigRemChildHlth Graduate Diploma in Information Technology GradDipInfTech Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (Computing) GradDipInfTech(Comp) Graduate Diploma in Language GradDipLang Graduate Diploma in Laws (International Law and International Relations) GradDipLaw(IntLawIntRelations) Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice GradDipLegPrac Graduate Diploma in Labour Relations and Law GradDipLabRelLaw Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies GradDipLegSt Graduate Diploma in Language Studies GradDipLangSt Graduate Diploma in Language Teaching GradDipLangT Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology GradDipMarArchaeol Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing GradDipMentHlthNg Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences GradDipMentHlthSc Graduate Diploma in Midwifery GradDipMid Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine GradDipMuscMed Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies GradDipMusSt Graduate Diploma in Nursing GradDipNg Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Acute Care) GradDipNg(Acute Care) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Aged Care Nursing Studies) GradDipNg(AgedCareNurseSt) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Aged Care) GradDipNg(AgedCare) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care Nursing) GradDipNg(CritCareNurse) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care) GradDipNg(CritCare) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Cardiac) GradDipNg(Cardiac) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family Health Nursing) GradDipNg(ChildFamNurse) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family Health) GradDipNg(ChildFamHlth) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Clinical Nursing) GradDipNg(ClinNurse) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Continence Nurse Advisor) GradDipNg(ConNurseAdvis) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Coursework) GradDipNg(Cwk) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education) GradDipNg(DiabManageEd) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency Nursing) GradDipNg(EmergencyNurse) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Emergency) GradDipNg(Emergency) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Global Health Care) GradDipNg(GlobHlth) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (General Practice Nursing) GradDipNg(GPNurse) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (General Practice and Community) GradDipNg(GP&Com) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (High Dependency) GradDipNg(HighDepend) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health) GradDipNg(MentalHlth) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Paediatrics) GradDipNg(Paediatrics) Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Primary Health Care) GradDipNg(PHC) Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology GradDipNano Graduate Diploma in Psychology GradDipPsych Graduate Diploma in Public Administration GradDipPubAdmin Graduate Diploma in Public Administration (Housing Management) GradDipPubAdmin(HM) Graduate Diploma in Public Administration GradDipPubAdmin Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care GradDipPallC Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care in Aged Care GradDipPallCAgedCare Graduate Diploma in Public Health GradDipPublicHlth Graduate Diploma in Primary Health Care GradDipPHC Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management GradDipPubPol&Mgmt Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management GradDipPubPolMgmt Graduate Diploma in Population Studies GradDipPopSt Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) GradDipPsychAdv Graduate Diploma in Research (Business) GradDipRes(Bus) Graduate Diploma in Religion and Ethics GradDipRel&Ethics Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Management GradDipRemoteHlthMgmt Graduate Diploma in Remote Health Practice GDipRemoteHlthPrac Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GradDipResMeths Diploma in Population Studies DipPopSt Graduate Diploma in Social Care GradDipSocCare Graduate Diploma in Science (Aquaculture) GradDipSc(Aqua) Graduate Diploma in Science (Water Resources Management) GradDipSc(WaterResMgmt) Graduate Diploma in Screen and Media Production GradDipScrnMediaProd Graduate Diploma in Sociology GradDipSoc Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences GradDipSocSc Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering GradDipSoftEng Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language GradDipTeachEngSecLang Graduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) GradDipTESOL Graduate Diploma in Theological Education GradDipTheolEd Graduate Diploma in Theological Studies GradDipThSt Graduate Diploma in Tourism GradDipTourism Graduate Diploma in Tourism and Events GradDipTour&Evnt Graduate Diploma in Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management) GradDipTourism (F&EDesMgmt) Graduate Diploma in Tourism GradDipTourism Graduate Diploma in Water Resources Management GradDipWaterResMgmt Diploma in Social Administration DipSocAdmin Graduate Diploma in Social Education GradDipSocEd Diploma in Social Sciences DipSocSc Graduate Diploma in Teaching GradDipTeach Graduate Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language GradDipTESL Graduate Diploma in Theological Education GradDipTheolEd Diploma in Urban and Social Planning DipUSP Bachelor of Arts (Honours) BA(Hons) Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems (Honours) BAppGIS(Hons) Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) BArchaeol(Hons) Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) (Honours) BAppSc(DisSt)(Hons) Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) (Honours) BAppSc(SpPath)(Hons) Bachelor of Business and Economics (Honours) BBusEc(Hons) Bachelor of Banking and International Finance (Honours) BBgIntFin(Hons) Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours) BBehavSc(Hons) Bachelor of Business (Honours) BBus(Hons) Bachelor of Business (Advanced Leadership) (Honours) BBus(AdvLeadership)(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Creative Writing) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Digital Media) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Dance) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Drama) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Enterprise) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Fashion) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Screen) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Screen and Media) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Arts) BCreatArts(Hons) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) BCA(Hons) Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) BCom(Hons) Bachelor of Commerce (Advanced Leadership) (Honours) BCom(AdvLeadership)(Hons) Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) BCrim(Hons) Bachelor of Cultural Tourism (Honours) BCulT(Hons) Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation (Honours) BDesTechInnov(Hons) Bachelor of Economics (Honours) BEc(Hons) Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) (Honours) BEcAcc(Hons) Bachelor of Ecotourism (Honours) BEcot(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Honours) BEd(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (Honours), Bachelor of Arts BEd(EC)(Hons),BA Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary) (Honours) BEd(JP/P)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary) (Honours), Bachelor of Arts BEd(JP/P)(Hons),BA Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary) (Honours), Bachelor of Science BEd(JP/P)(Hons),BSc Bachelor of Education (Languages other than English) (Honours) BEd(LOTE)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Middle School) (Honours) BEd(MS)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Middle School) (Honours), Bachelor of Arts BEd(MS)(Hons),BA Bachelor of Education (Middle School) (Honours), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(MS)(Hons),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Middle School) (Honours), Bachelor of Science BEd(MS)(Hons),BSc Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) (Honours) BEd(PhysEd)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Honours) BEd(Sec)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Honours), Bachelor of Arts BEd(Sec)(Hons),BA Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Honours), Bachelor of Health Sciences BEd(Sec)(Hons),BHlthSc Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Honours), Bachelor of Science BEd(Sec)(Hons),BSc Bachelor of Education (Special Education) (Honours) BEd(SpecEd)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Secondary Science) (Honours) BEd(SecSc)(Hons) Bachelor of Education (Upper Primary/Lower Secondary) (Honours) BEd(UP/LS)(Hons) Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) BEnvMgmt(Hons) Bachelor of Exercise Science (Honours) BExSc(Hons) Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) BHlthSc(Hons) Bachelor of International Business (Honours) BIntBus(Hons) Bachelor of International Relations (Honours) BIntRel(Hons) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) BIntSt(Hons) Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) BInfTech(Hons) Bachelor of International Tourism (Honours) BIntTourism(Hons) Bachelor of Justice and Society (Honours) BJusSoc(Hons) Bachelor of Law and Society (Honours) BLawSoc(Hons) Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) BMid(Hons) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) HBMedSc Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) BMedSc(Hons) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) HBMedSc Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) BNutDiet(Hons) Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) BNg(Hons) Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) BNutDiet(Hons) Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) BPsychSc(Hons) Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) BPsychSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Aquaculture) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science and Business (Honours) BScBus(Hons) Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Conservation (Honours) BScBiodivCon(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Biodiversity and Conservation) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Honours) BSc (Hons) Bachelor of Science in Computational Modelling (Honours) BScCompMod(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Clean Technology) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (Honours) BScEnvSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Science) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (Honours) BSc(MarineBiol)(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology and Aquaculture) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) (Honours) BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Activity (Honours) BSportHlthPhysAct(Hons) Bachelor of Social Planning (Honours) BSocPg(Hons) Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) BSpPath(Hons) Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) BSpPath(Hons) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) BSocWk(Hons) Bachelor of Social Work and Planning (Honours) BSocWkPg(Hons) Bachelor of Technology (Aquaculture) (Honours) BTech(Aquacult)(Hons) Bachelor of Technology (Ecotourism) (Honours) BTech(Ecot)(Hons) Bachelor of Theology (Honours) BTh(Hons) Indigenous Pre-Entry Program Indig Pre-Entry Prog Juris Doctor JD Master of Arts by research MA(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(BiolSc)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(EHLT)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(CreatArts) Master of Arts by research MA(Criminology) Master of Arts by research MA(Educ) Master of Arts by research MA(Humanities) Master of Arts by research MA(EHLT)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(EHLT)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(Hums)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(Hums)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(OtherHlthSc)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(IST)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(IST)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(MathSc)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(MathSc)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(Med)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(Med)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(SocSc)(Cwk) Master of Arts by coursework MA(SE)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(SE)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(SE)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Biol)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Biol)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Chem)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Chem)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(EarthSci)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(EarthSci)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(EnvSt)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(BiomedEng)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(BiomedEng)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(ElectEng)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(ElectEng)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(GeogPSt)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Comp)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Comp)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(MathsStats)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(MathsStats)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Phys)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(Phys)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(SocSc)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(SS)(Cwk) Master of Arts by coursework MA(SS)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(Psych)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(SS)(Res) Master of Arts by research MA(SS)(Res) Master of Arts by coursework MA(Ed)(Cwk) Master of Arts by research MA(Ed)(Res) Master of Arts (Asian Economies) MA(AsianEc) Master of Arts (Asian Economies) MA(AsianEc) Master of Arts in Applied Population Studies by research MA(AppPopSt) Master of Arts (Asian Studies) MA(AsianSt) Master of Arts (Applied Social and Market Research) MA(AppSocMktRes) Master of Accounting MAcc Master of Accounting (Advanced) MAcc(Adv) Master of Advanced Clinical Practice MAdvClinPrac Master of Arts (Drama) MA(Drama) Master of Arts (Drama/Screen Studies) MA(Drama/ScreenSt) Master of Accounting and Finance MAccFin Master of Applied Gerontology MAppGeront Master of Applied Gerontology by research (54 units) MAppGeront Master of Asian Governance MAsianGov Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management MArchHMgmt Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management [1.5 years] MArchHMgmt(Adv) Master of Arts (International Development) MA(IntDev) Master of Arts (International Development) by coursework MA(IntDev) Master of Arts (International Development) by coursework MA(IntDev)(Cwk) Master of Arts (International Development) by research MA(IntDev)(Res) Master of Arts (International Development) by research MA(IntDev)(Res) Master of Arts (International Development) [0.5 years] MA(IntDev) Master of Arts (International Development) [1 year] MA(IntDev) Master of Arts (International Economy) MA(IntEc) Master of Arts (International Relations) MA(IntRel) Master of Arts (International Relations) by coursework MA(IntRel) Master of Arts (International Relations) by coursework MA(IntRel) Master of Arts (International Relations) by research MA(IntRel)(Res) Master of Arts (International Relations) by research (36 units) MA(IntRel)(Res) Master of Arts (International Relations in Economy and Trade) by coursework MA(IntRelEcTrade)(Cwk) Master of Arts (International Relations in Economy and Trade) by research MA(IntRelEcTrade)(Res) Master of Arts (International Relations in Economy and Trade) by research (72 units) MA(IntRelEcTrade)(Res) Master of Arts (International Relations in Economy and Trade) by coursework MA(IntRelEcTrade)(Cwk) Master of Arts (International Relations in Economy and Trade) by research (36 units) MA(IntRelEcTrade)(Res) Master of Accounting and Marketing MAccMktg Master of Arts in Population and Human Resources by coursework MAPopHumRes(Cwk) Master of Arts in Population and Human Resources by coursework MAPopHumRes(Cwk) Master of Arts in Population and Human Resources by research MAPopHumRes(Res) Master of Arts in Population and Human Resources by research (54 units) MAPopHumRes(Res) Military Academic Pathway Program MilAcPathProg Master of Applied Population Studies MAppPopSt Master of Archaeology MArchaeol Master of Arts (Religion and Ethics) MA(Rel&Ethics) Master of Arts (Sociology) MA(Sociology) Master of Arts (Social Services) MA(SocServ) Master of Arts (Social Work) by research MA(SocWk)(Res) Master of Arts (Social Work) by research (36 units) MA(SocWk)(Res) Master of Arts (Teaching English as a Second Language) MA(TESOL) Master of Audiology MAud Master of Audiology MAud Master of Arts (Women's Studies) MA(WomSt) Master of Arts (Women's Studies) MA(WomSt) Master of Arts (Women's Studies) [1 year] MA(WomSt) Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration (Advanced) MBA(Adv) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Biotechnology) MBA(Adv)(Biotech) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Education) MBA(Adv)(Ed) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Finance) MBA(Adv)(Finance) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Health) MBA(Adv)(Hlth) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (International Business) MBA(Adv)(IntlBus) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) (Tourism) MBA(Adv)(Tour) Master of Business Administration (Advanced) MBA(Adv) Master of Business Administration (International Business) MBA(IntBus) Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Business Administration (Biotechnology) MBA(Biotech) Master of Business Administration (Education) MBA(Ed) Master of Business Administration (Finance) MBA(Finance) Master of Business Administration (Health) MBA(Hlth) Master of Business Administration (International Business) MBA(IntlBus) Master of Business Administration (Tourism) MBA(Tour) Master of Business Administration MBA Master of Biodiversity MBiod Master of Biotechnology MBiotech Master of Biotechnology MBiotech Master of Biotechnology MBiotech Master of Biotechnology Studies MBiotechSt Master of Business by research MBus(Res) Master of Business (Biotechnology) MBus(Biotech) Master of Business (Education) MBus(Ed) Master of Business (Finance) MBus(Finance) Master of Business (Health) MBus(Hlth) Master of Business (Human Resource Management) MBus(HRM) Master of Business (International Business) MBus(IntBus) Master of Business (Marketing) MBus(Mktg) Master of Business and Technology MBusTech Master of Business (Tourism) MBus(Tour) Master of Business MBus Master of Creative Arts MCreatArts Master of Creative Arts (Creative Writing) MCreatArts Master of Creative Arts (Drama) MCreatArts Master of Creative Arts (Screen Production) MCreatArts Master of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy MCogBehavTherapy Master of Clinical Education MClinEd Master of Clinical Education by coursework MClinEd(Cwk) Master of Clinical Education by research (54 units) MClinEd(Res) Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology MClinExPhysio Master of Cultural Heritage Management MCultHMgmt Master of Clinical Nursing MClinNg Master of Commerce by coursework MCom(Cwk) Master of Commerce by coursework MCom(Cwk) Master of Commerce by research MCom(Res) Master of Commerce by research MCom(Res) Master of Clinical Rehabilitation MClinRehab Master of Clinical Rehabilitation MClinRehab Master of Clinical Rehabilitation by research (54 units) MClinRehab Master of Clinical Rehabilitation MClinRehab Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (Neurological Occupational Therapy) MClinRehabNeuroOccup Master of Clinical Rehabilitation (Neurological Physiotherapy) MClinRehabNeuroPhysio Master of Clinical Rehabilitation MClinRehab Doctor of Medicine MD Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine BClinSc/MD Master of Disaster Health Care (Coursework and Research) MDisHlthC Master of Disaster Health Care (Coursework) MDisHlthC Doctor of Medicine MD Master of Digital Production for Entertainment Design MDigitalProdEntDesign Master of Disability Policy and Practice MDisPolPrac Master of Disability Policy and Practice [1.5 years] MDisPolPrac Master of Disability Studies MDisSt Master of Disability Studies MDisSt Master of Engineering (Biomedical) MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biomed),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Biome)(Hons),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Mech),MEng(Biomed) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Biomedical) BEng(Mech)(Hons),MEng(Biomed) Master of Engineering (Civil) MEng(Civil) Master of Economics by coursework MEc(Cwk) Master of Economics by research MEc(Res) Master of Economics by research MEc(Res) Master of Education MEd Master of Education MEd Master of Education MEd Master of Education by research MEd Master of Educational Administration MEdAdmin Master of Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice) MEd(CogPsycEducPrac) Master of Education (Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice) [1.5 years] MEd(CogPsycEducPrac) Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies) MEd(EChSt) Master of Education (Early Childhood Studies) [1.5 years] MEd(EChSt) Master of Education (Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment) MEd(EducResEvalAssess) Master of Education (Educational Research, Evaluation and Assessment) [1.5 years] MEd(EducResEvalAssess) Master of Education (Gifted Education) MEd(GiftedEd) Master of Education (Gifted Education) [1.5 years] MEd(GiftedEd) Master of Education (Higher Education) MEd(HighEd) Master of Education (Higher Education) [1.5 years] MEd(HighEd) Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) MEd(IntBaccalaureate) Master of Education (International Baccalaureate) [1.5 years] MEd(IntBaccalaureate) Master of Education (Languages Education) MEd(LangEd) Master of Education (Languages Education) [1.5 years] MEd(LangEd) Master of Education (Leadership and Management) MEd(LeaderMgmt) Master of Educational Leadership and Management MEdLeaderMgmt Master of Education (Leadership and Management) [1.5 years] MEd(LeaderMgmt) Master of Education MEd Master of Educational Studies MEdSt Master of Educational Studies MEdSt Master of Educational Studies MEdSt Master of Educational Studies MEdSt Master of Education (Studies of Asia) MEd(StudAsia) Master of Education (Studies of Asia) [1.5 years] MEd(StudAsia) Master of Education (Special Education) MEd(SpecEd) Master of Education (Special Education) MEd(SpecEd) Master of Education (Special Education) [1.5 years] MEd(SpecEd) Master of Education (Social Justice in Education) MEd(SocJus) Master of Education MEd Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) MEd(WellBeing&MentHlth) Master of Education (Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health) [1.5 years] MEd(WellBeing&MentHlth) Master of Education MEd Master of Education [1.5 years] MEd Master of Engineering (Electronics) MEng(Electronics) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics), Master of Engineering (Electronics) BEng(Robotics),MEng(Elctronic) Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) (Honours), Master of Engineering (Electronics) BEng(Robots)(Hons),MEng(Elect) Master of Environmental Health MEnvHlth Master of Educational Management MEdMgmt Master of Educational Management MEdMgmt Master of Engineering (Mechanical) MEng(Mechanical) Master of Environmental Management MEnvMgmt Master of Engineering (Materials) MEng(Materials) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences), Master of Engineering (Materials) BSc(Hons)(ChemS),ME(Materials) Master of Engineering by coursework MEng(Cwk) Master of Engineering by research MEng(Res) Master of Engineering by research MEng(Res) Master of Engineering in Information Technology and Telecommunications MEng(ITT) Master of Engineering Science (Biomedical) MEngSc(Biomed) Master of Engineering Science (Civil) MEngSc(Civil) Master of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic) MEngSc(Elec) Master of Engineering Science (Mechanical) MEngSc(Mech) Master of Engineering Science (Materials) MEngSc(Materials) Master of Engineering Science (Software) MEngSc(Software) Master of Engineering (Smart Instrumentation) MEng(SmartInstrument) Master of Exercise Physiology MExPhysio Master of Gifted Education MGiftEd Master of Gifted Education MGiftEd Master of Geospatial Information Science MGIS Master of Hospital Administration MHA Master of Health Administration MHlthAdmin Master of Health Administration MHlthAdmin Master of Health and International Development MHlth&IntDev Master of Health Law MHlthLaw Master of Human Nutrition MHumNut Master of Health Service Management MHlthServMgmt Master of Health Service Management MHlthServMgmt Master of International Business Administration MIntBusAdmin Master of International Development MIntDev Master of Innovation and Enterprise MInnov&Enterp Master of Innovation and Enterprise [1.5 years] MInnov&Enterp Master of Information Technology MInfTech Master of Information Technology (Computing) MInfTech(Comp) Master of Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) MIT(NetwkCybsecSys) Master of Laws LLM Master of Laws LLM Master of Laws by coursework LLM(Cwk) Master of Laws (International Law and Institutions) LLM(IntLaw&Inst) Master of Laws (International Law and International Relations) LLM(IntLaw&IntRelations) Master of Laws (International Law and International Relations) LLM(IntLaw&IntRelations) Master of Laws (International Law and International Relations) [1.5 years] LLM(IntLaw&IntRelations) Master of Laws (International Law and International Relations) LLM(IntLaw&IntRelations) Master of Labour Relations and Law MLabRelLaw Master of Language Studies MLangSt Master of Maritime Archaeology MMarArchaeol Master of Maritime Archaeology MMarArchaeol Master of Maritime Archaeology [1.5 years] MMarArchaeol Master of Mental Health Nursing MMHNg Master of Mental Health Nursing (Clinical) MMHNg Master of Mental Health Nursing (Coursework) MMHNg Master of Mental Health Nursing (Research) MMHNg Master of Mental Health Sciences MMentHlthSc Master of Mental Health Sciences MMentHlthSc Master of Midwifery by coursework MMid(Cwk) Master of Midwifery by coursework (Coursework and Research) MMid(Cwk&Res) Master of Midwifery by coursework MMid(Cwk) Master of Midwifery by research MMid(Res) Master of Midwifery by research (54 units) MMid(Res) Master of Nutrition and Dietetics MNutDiet Master of Nursing by coursework MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework (Coursework and Clinical) MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework (Clinical) MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework (Coursework and Research) MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework (Clinical and Research) MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing by coursework (Coursework) MNg(Cwk) Master of Nursing (Coursework and Research) MNg(Cwk&Res) Master of Nursing by research MNg(Res) Master of Nursing by research (54 units) MNg(Res) Master of Nursing (Acute Care) MNg(Acute Care) Master of Nursing (Aged Care) MNg(Aged Care) Master of Nursing (Critical Care) MNg(CritCare) Master of Nursing (Cardiac) MNg(Cardiac) Master of Nursing (Child and Family Health) MNg(ChildFamHlth) Master of Nursing (Diabetes Management and Education) MNg(DiabetesMgmtEd) Master of Nursing (Emergency) MNg(Emergency) Master of Nursing (Global Health Care) MNg(GlobHlth) Master of Nursing (General Practice and Community) MNg(GP&Com) Master of Nursing (High Dependency) MNg(HighDepend) Master of Nursing (Mental Health) MNg(MentalHlth) Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) MNg(NPrac) Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) MNg(NPrac) Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) MNg(NPrac) Master of Nursing (Paediatrics) MNg(Paediatrics) Master of Nursing (Primary Health Care) MNg(PHC) Master of Nursing Studies MNgSt(Cwk) Master of Natural History Film-Making MNatHistFilm Master of Nurse Practitioner MNursPrac Master of Nutrition Science MNutSc Master of Nanotechnology MNano Master of Optometry Master of Optometry Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science), Master of Optometry BMedSc(VisSc),MOpt Master of Occupational Therapy MOccTherapy Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Occupational Therapy BHlthSc,MOccTherapy Master of Policy and Administration MPolAdmin Master of Policy and Administration MPolAdmin Master of Policy and Administration MPolAdmin Master of Policy and Administration MPolAdmin Master of Public Administration MPubAdmin Executive Master of Public Administration EMPA Executive Master of Public Administration EMPA Master of Public Administration (Housing Management) MPubAdmin(HM) Master of Public Administration MPubAdmin Master of Paramedic Science MParamedicSc Master of Public Affairs MPubAff Master of Palliative Care MPallC Master of Palliative Care by research (54 units) MPallC Master of Palliative Care in Aged Care MPallCAgedCare Master of Palliative Care in Aged Care by research (54 units) MPallCAgedCare Master of Public Health MPublicHlth Master of Public Health MPublicHlth Master of Public Health MPublicHlth Master of Primary Health Care MPHC Master of Public Health (Chronic Condition Management) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Cancer Prevention) MPublicHlth Master of Health Sciences (Pre-Hospital and Emergency Care) MHlthSc(Pre-HospEmergC) Master of Public Health (Public Health Epidemiology) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Health Services Management) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Primary Health Care) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Public Health) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Public Health Nutrition) MPublicHlth Master of Public Health (Public Health Research) MPublicHlth Master of Population and Human Resources MPopHumRes Master of Population and Human Resources MPopHumRes Master of Public Health Studies MPublicHlthSt Master of Public Management MPubMgmt Master of Public Administration (Management) MPubAdmin(Mgmt) Master of Public Policy MPubPol Master of Public Administration (Policy) MPubAdmin(Pol) Master of Public Policy and Management MPubPol&Mgmt Master of Professional Psychology MProfPsych Master of Psychology MPsych Master of Psychology (Clinical) MPsych(Clin) Master of Psychology (Educational) MPsych(Ed) Master of Physiotherapy MPhysio Bachelor of Health Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy BHlthSc,MPhysio Master of Remote Health Management MRemoteHlthMgmt Master of Remote Health Practice MRemoteHlthPrac Master of Remote Health Practice MRemoteHlthPrac Master of Remote Health Practice: Nurse Practitioner MRemoteHlthPrac Master of Remote and Indigenous Health MRemoteIndigHlth Master of Social Administration MSocAdmin Master of Social Administration MSocAdmin Master of Social Administration MSocAdmin Master of Science by research MSc(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(BiolSc)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(EarthSc)(Cwk) Master of Science by coursework MSc(EHLT)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(EHLT)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(EHLT)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(EarthSc)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(HS)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(Med)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Ng&Midwif)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(OtherHlthSc)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(HS)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(IST)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(IST)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(MathSc)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(MathSc)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(PhysSc)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(PhysSc)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(Med)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(Med)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(SE)(Cwk) Master of Science by research MSc(EnvHlth)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(SE)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(SE)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Biol)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Biol)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Chem)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Chem)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(EarthSci)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(EarthSci)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(EnvHlth)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(BiomedEng)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(BiomedEng)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(ElectEng)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(ElectEng)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Comp)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Comp)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(MathsStats)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(MathsStats)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Physics)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Physics)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(SocSc)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(Psyc)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(SS)(Res) Master of Science by research MSc(SS)(Res) Master of Science by coursework MSc(Ed)(Cwk) Master of Science (Aquaculture) MSc(Aqua) Master of Science (Chemistry) MSc(Chem) Master of Science (Computer Science) MSc(CompSc) Master of Science (Groundwater Hydrology) MSc(GwHyd) Master of Science (Health Administration) MSc(HlthAdmin) Master of Science (Mathematics) MSc(Math) Master of Science (Palliative Care) MSc(PallC) Master of Science (Physics) MSc(Phys) Master of Science (Science Policy and Communication) MSc(SPC) Master of Science (Water Resources Management) MSc(WaterResMgmt) Master of Special Education MSpecEd Master of Special Education MSpecEd Master of Science (Health Service Management) MSc(HlthServMgmt) Master of Science in Hydrology and Water Resources MScHydWRes Master of Screen and Media Production MScrnMediaProd Master of Screen and Media Production [1 year] MScrnMediaProd Master of Screen and Media Production [1.5 years] MScrnMediaProd Master of Science (Primary Health Care) MSc(PHC) Master of Speech Pathology MSpPath Master of Surgery MSurg Master of Surgery (54 units) MSurg Master of Surgery MSurg Master of Social Work MSW Master of Social Work MSW Master of Social Work (Advanced) MSW(Adv) Master of Software Engineering MSoftEng Master of Social Work (Graduate Entry) MSW Master of Social Work (Qualified Social Worker Entry) MSW Master of Social Work (Registered Social Worker Entry) MSW Master of Teaching MTeach Master of Teaching MTeach Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) MTeach(ECh) Master of Teaching English as a Second Language MTESOL Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MTESOL Master of Theology MTh Master of Theology MTh Master of Theological Studies MThSt Master of Theological Studies MThSt Master of Theological Studies [1.5 years] MThSt Master of Teaching (Junior Primary/Primary) MTeach(JP/P) Master of Teaching (Primary R-7) MTeach(PrimR-7) Master of Tourism MTourism Master of Tourism MTourism Master of Tourism and Events MTour&Evnt Master of Tourism (Festival and Event Design and Management) MTourism(F&EDesMgmt) Master of Tourism MTourism Master of Teaching (Secondary) MTeach(Sec) Master of Teaching (Special Education) MTeach(SpecEd) Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Primary R-7) MTeach(SpecEd)(Primary) Master of Teaching (Special Education) (Secondary) MTeach(SpecEd)(Sec) Master of Water Resources Management MWaterResMgmt Non Award Studies NA Doctor of Philosophy PhD Doctor of Philosophy PhD(BiolSc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EarthSc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EHLT) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EHLT) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(CreatArts) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Criminology) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Educ) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Humanities) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Law) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Eng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Hums) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(HS) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Med) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Med) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Ng/Midwif) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Ng/Midwif) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(OtherHlthSc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(IST) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Law) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Math) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Ng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(PhysSc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Med) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(SocSc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(SE) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(SE) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Biol) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Biol) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Chem) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Chem) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EarthSci) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EarthSci) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EnvHlth) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(EnvSt) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(BiomedEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(BiomedEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(CivilEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(ElectEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(ElectEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(MechEng) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(GeogPSt) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Comp) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Comp) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(MathsStats) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(MathsStats) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Physics) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Physics) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(SS) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(SS) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Psyc) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Ed) Doctor of Philosophy PhD(Theol) Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) PhD(ClinPsych) Doctor of Medicine (Qualifying Studies) MD(Qual) Diploma of Primary Health Care (Qualifying Studies) DipPHC(Qual) Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Qualifying Studies) GradDipPsych(Qual) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Biological Sciences) MA(Qual)(BiolSc) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Education, Humanities, Law and Theology) MA(Qual)(EHLT) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Humanities) MA(Qual)(Hums) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Health Sciences) MA(Qual)(HS) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Information Science and Technology) MA(Qual)(IST) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Mathematical Sciences) MA(Qual)(Math) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Medicine) MA(Qual)(Med) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) MA(Qual)(SocSc) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Science and Engineering) MA(Qual)(SE) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) MA(Qual)(SS) Master of Arts (Qualifying Studies) (Education) MA(Qual)(Ed) Master of Arts (Drama) (Qualifying Studies) MA(Drama)(Qual) Master of Arts (Drama/Screen Studies) (Qualifying Studies) MA(Drama/ScSt)(Qual) Master of Arts (International Relations) (Qualifying Studies) MA(IntRel)(Qual) Master of Arts in Population and Human Resources (Qualifying Studies) MAPopHumRes(Qual) Master of Arts (Women's Studies) (Qualifying Studies) MA(WomSt)(Qual) Master of Commerce (Qualifying Studies) MCom(Qual) Master of Disability Studies (Qualifying Studies) MDistSt(Qual) Master of Economics (Qualifying Studies) MEc(Qual) Master of Education (Qualifying Studies) MEd(Qual) Master of Educational Administration (Qualifying Studies) MEdAdmin(Qual) Master of Educational Studies (Qualifying Studies) MEdSt(Qual) Master of Education (Special Education) (Qualifying Studies) MEd(SpecEd)(Qual) Master of Educational Management (Qualifying Studies) MEdMgmt(Qual) Master of Engineering (Qualifying Studies) MEng(Qual) Master of Engineering in Information Technology and Telecommunications (Qualifying Studies) MEng(ITT)(Qual) Master of Gifted Education (Qualifying Studies) MGiftEd(Qual) Master of Health Service Management (Qualifying Studies) MHlthServMgmt(Qual) Master of International Business Administration (Qualifying Studies) MIntBusAdmin(Qual) Master of Laws (Qualifying Studies) LLM(Qual) Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (Qualifying Studies) MNutDiet(Qual) Master of Nursing (Qualifying Studies) MNurs(Qual) Master of Nursing (Qualifying Studies) MNurs(Qual) Master of Nursing Studies (Qualifying Studies) MNursSt(Qual) Master of Policy and Administration (Qualifying Studies) MPolAdmin(Qual) Master of Psychology (Qualifying Studies) MPsych(Qual) Master of Psychology (Clinical) (Qualifying Studies) MPsych(Clin)(Qual) Master of Psychology (Educational) (Qualifying Studies) MPsych(Ed)(Qual) Master of Social Administration (Qualifying Studies) MSocAdmin(Qual) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Biological Sciences) MSc(Qual)(BiolSc) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Earth Sciences) MSc(Qual)(EarthSc) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Education, Humanities, Law and Theology) MSc(Qual)(EHLT) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Health Sciences) MSc(Qual)(HS) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Information Science and Technology) MSc(Qual)(IST) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Mathematical Sciences) MSc(Qual)(MathSc) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Physical Sciences) MSc(Qual)(PhysSc) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Medicine) MSc(Qual)(Med) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) MSc(Qual)(SocSc) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Science and Engineering) MSc(Qual)(SE) Master of Science (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) MSc(Qual)(SS) Master of Special Education (Qualifying Studies) MSpecEd(Qual) Master of Science (Primary Health Care) (Qualifying Studies) MSc(PHC)(Qual) Master of Social Work (Qualifying Studies) MSW(Qual) Master of Teaching (Qualifying Studies) MT(Qual) Master of Theology (Qualifying Studies) MTh(Qual) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Biological Sciences) PhD(Qual)(BiolSc) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Earth Sciences) PhD(Qual)(EarthSc) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Education, Humanities, Law and Theology) PhD(Qual)(EHLT) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Engineering) PhD(Qual)(Eng) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Humanities) PhD(Qual)(Hums) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Health Sciences) PhD(Qual)(HS) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Information Science and Technology) PhD(Qual)(IST) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Mathematical Sciences) PhD(Qual)(MathSc) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Nursing) PhD(Qual)(Nurs) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Physical Sciences) PhD(Qual)(PhysSc) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Medicine) PhD(Qual)(Med) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) PhD(Qual)(SocSc) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Science and Engineering) PhD(Qual)(SE) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Social Sciences) PhD(Qual)(SS) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Education) PhD(Qual)(Ed) Doctor of Philosophy (Qualifying Studies) (Theology) PhD(Qual)(Theol) BEc/BEcAcc/BCom at Sunway College BEc/BEc(Acc)/BCom Sunway Undergraduate Certificate in Aged Care UGCertAged Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Fundamentals UGCertCybSec WN WN ADEL Master of Software Engineering Joint Program Studies ADEL MSoftEng ADEL MEngSc (Hydrology/Water Resources) Joint Program Studies ADEL MEngSc(HWR) ADEL MEng (Info Technology and Telecommunications) Joint Program Studies ADEL MEng(IT&T) ADEL GradDipEng Hydrology/Water Resources Joint Program Studies ADEL GDipHydWatRes ADEL GradCertEng Hydrology/Water Resources Joint Program Studies ADEL GCertEng(HWR) ADEL Grad Dip Community Psych Nursing Joint Program Studies ADEL GDipCPN Cross-Institutional Studies (University of Adelaide) X-InstStudies(Adel) Cross-Institutional Studies (University of Adelaide) (Postgraduate) XADELG Cross-Institutional Studies (University of Adelaide) (Undergraduate) XADELU Bachelor of Engineering (SAIT) - Cross-institutional Studies BEng(SAIT) International Exchange Program [12 months] IntlExchProgram International Exchange Program (Research) Int Exch Prog (Res) International Exchange Program with Intensive English (IELI) Intl Exch(IELI) International Exchange Program [6 months] IntlExchProgram USA Graduate Diploma in Community Mental Health Nursing Joint Program Studies USA GDipCMHN Cross-Institutional Studies Cross-InstStudies USA LBFE Bachelor of Engineering (Comp, Elec, Elec) - Cross-Institutional Studies USA BEng(CElecElec) USA LBFM Bachelor of Engineering (Civ, Mgf, Mech, Met, Min) Cross-Institutional Studies USA BEng(CMMM) USA LBFR Bachelor of Engineering (Resources & Infrastructure) Cross-Institutional Studies USA BEng(Res&Infr) USA LBFT Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology) Cross-Institutional Studies USA BEng(InfoTech) USA Graduate Certificate in Hydrology/Water Resources Joint Program Studies USA GCert(HWR) USA Graduate Diploma in Hydrology/Water Resources Joint Program Studies USA GDip(HWR) USA Master of Engineering (Hydrology/Water Resources) Joint Program Studies USA MEng(HWR) USA Master of Engineering (Info Technology & Telecommunications) Joint Program Studies USA MEng(ITT) USA Master of Software Engineering Joint Program Studies USA MSoftEng Cross-Institutional Studies (non South Australian institution) X-Inst(Other) Cross-Institutional Studies (Other) (Postgraduate) X-Inst(Other)(P/g) Cross-Institutional Studies (Postgraduate) X-Inst(P/g) Cross-Institutional Studies (Other) (Undergraduate) X-Inst(Other)(U/g) Cross-Institutional Studies (Undergraduate) X-Inst(U/g) Study Abroad Program (in Australia) [12 months] StudyAbroad(Aust) Non Award Program with Intensive English (IELI) Non Award (IELI) Study Abroad Program (in Australia) [6 months] StudyAbroad(Aust) Study Path Adelaide StudyPathAdel