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philippines . .Republic of the DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION Region lll-Central Luzon D-M. Government center, Maimpis, city of san Fernando, pampanga Email: [email protected] Tet: (OfS)4S+tOg X Fax (04S)45I_2312 t';{i Advisory To Schools Division Superintendents (Division Concerned) Angeles city of san Jose Del Monte, Bulacan,Balanga city,Mabalacaf Meycauayan City,Olonga po City,Malolos City, Bulaca n Bala nga City,Bulaca n From : Regional Director Subject: city Roll-out rraining on Htv and sfls Education in schoot setting Date: tune?7,2017 This is to inform all concern that the Department of Health - Regional office lil will conduct a Training of Trainers on HIV and STIs on July-August, 20L7 at Eurotel Hotel, Angeles City'Exact dates to be decided by the Schools Division offices in coordination with the City Health Offices. Attached is the letter of Leonita P. Gorgolon, MD, cEo Vl, Director lV for reference. (r'7 MAICOLM S. GARM& CESO V Director lll Officer-ln-Charge Office of the Regional Director "t, ESSDl/essd8 " ommitment-Driven,PerformaflEe by our eaders, haracter-Based lnstruction for sur Earnsrs,, ullahorating with our eaders, aring for our EarnEr" Republic of the philippines REGIONAI. OFFICE III DEPARTMENT OF HTALTIj City of San Fern*ntl,a, pawpanga www.ro3.doh.gov.ph hl,*, June 9, 201 Z Uirion ,4 fiea{tfu and rtsp ortsi" e e c omm *ni t1 }IR. itt {,)u$raI Lu:t>r_ }IALCOL}I S. GARI{A Director iV fl4:istioir Dcpartment oI Education O*p-ED R.f). lll ,to nt*tre gffediue Regional Otfice 3 fir 49rfic de{iuery of qua{it1 Citl' <if San Fernando, pampanga tfforla 6 JUN 222017 {c, att:esri b [e. , e4uita6{e, ata{ t*staiattLfe lba{tfi struites Dear Director Garma, -t* {u'e{op, orgauiu aedwo{tifize Greetings I stnf- fiofr{ers far li.ix{t!i: ,trf We rvould like to express ortr.gratitude fbr vour kind tacilitation of the invitation for the -to ifosttr concerned cities in the recentlv concluded rc$t6oratio* r.uir',inf of Trainers on Educatr'on on May r{Iv and s.rls portnersfiip artd -i*-.rune r. 20i7 at Euroter F{oter, Angeres c.ity. $*{grgrs.witfi QOt rmd5\$otfortlic ln the said event. the participants realrzed peopfe of (:entru{ the importance of the messaging updates ancl standardized f.uzon especief{7,t$e in handring HIV and STis Eclucairon in the school settrng. They ars* poor iisadvau%ed expressed the urgency of conducting ";J the same ,ufu.iin buikiing activities t!,ma\liru{i:ed colleagues lvithin their ,;J; respective points of authorit).as it is a part c()mpetencies. of the target teachers, Core,lafias: In.tqrity ,I-ge{{u*:t As such' lle are once.again sohciting vour support {through a possitrle the release departrnent memorandum) of a Cotnmibnent for the coiduct of ihe crrl' RoLL-our rRAIrirNG {lompassion Hrv A\rD STIs EDuCATlolt{ or* rProfestiottafisrt lN SCHooL SETTII{c thls .iu}1,'-Augus dates t 2t)17 (exact Stxurdsfrip to be deciderj b1'the schools Divisicn offices in coordinationY,L/rsrr+r'rvr1 rvithllrtrr therrrtr (- ,leam.toord_ OlfiCgS). citv- Health afiifqpinz ccnsidering thern as high prevalence fbr ltes{tfiAgenda Hiv and AIDS, the follorving cities ars our pjlot €oafs r Category A Areas. il ita s dn tPrat I u:tiot t. ,: Angeles Citv Eet.ter.|{ea{tli o Clin, of San "lose del Monte. Bulacan Oa.kontcs r Category B Areas. fu+porxion*ss o Cit"v of San Fernando- pampanga o Mabaiacat Cit,v, parnpariga : Mer,cau-van City, Btilacar:r (.; Oiongapo City r Clategon,C Areas: L. #i,8T:f-r{lAT:if tr .i Malolos Citv. Bulacan ,:.1 ;...rit".,.1: r Other High prevalence City. c Balanga City, Bulacan Tel no' {o45) 85L'3425 to 29 / a6,.37a.- / 455-3297, Emair address: "lSOtayo...Serbisyongdekatidadatsigura6oH;'doh*[email protected] -" Republie of the phitippines REGIONAL OFFICE III DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Citg of San Fernando, parapanga www.ro3.doh.gov.ph '/ist^*** This is a two-day building activity to be facilitated by the trained trainers ,4 liea[th1 and T.paciql (list as per cify. The roll-out shall involve Grade resyonit' e co m.m.unit1 1tr":h99) t naapru reachers and coordinators for Public schools and the MAPEH in (mtra[ Luzan. coordinators of Private Institutions. we also hope to invite the principals and guidance counselors of the publ; schools during the first day so %.issian: as to involve them in the program implementation. -to eruure e;Sectiae deth,ery of quafitj Meals, snacks and training modules shall affordaSb, be shouldered by the Department of Health- access|fe, Regional Office equitaitc, and Itr and other expenses by the sending agency .sastaina6[c fin{tfr scnias For any inquiry and technical assistance, please contact Mr. Joseph Michael D. Manlutac at A%2-19 -to lerte{op, arganize 6-547 S (chd3hivai d@g$ail.com). an[mo6ifize staQgfiofdetsfor we are always grateful of our strong fuattli: ani partnership and collaboration. -to ifoster Thank you and my best regards. co[Ia6oration partnersfrip and tinfuryes uitli QOs an[N?osfol tfie Yery truly yours, peopk of Centraf Luzon especiaffl Llie poor, fisadtantaged €, marginafized, L1 NrTA P. GORGOLON, Mn, Mr{A, MCIIM, CEO VI Di Core'l/attas: Integfitl ,E.1ce[fence (ommitmcnt Com?assion Qro;fessianat*nr Steuardsfrip 'leamworQ. tffiifrppine 9{eattfrAgenda goatr financia[ Qrotection Eetter J{eaftfi Outcomes Rgsponsiveness Tel no' {o45) 861-34zsto29 I B67.37ar / 45s-3297, Emair address: [email protected] " lS O ta,g o:.. S w bi*y ca.gd-?*aj,Ua"d" a* i4 u.ra,D O H,, if 6\ ln l5 lo o Lo I --{ ti lo fi t7 l7 xi IC m 7 m o Im I o IC a?l = lm t* m i= ln !ti lrn --J = 7 --.{ Vr n lr- Z r F iE n n rrt ts t> - lr- l- IF t: E F l< E l"t l> IN lo a O z i& h l> - @ lar r' r) LI =rJ o Z I;D l- o E r lo Iu, F w ls: m r{ o l'o tL ln :E n i> -{ t l:tr { n F. L* Ic E F E : lr11 m m n I F.J r{ z E 7 le P iai t\ i :D t; .* l-< l*.a Ir m P n r rn = tf: - lm rn m lF -6} l= p m o lr"1 IO i i-i n l- m iI1- z ":F Im _t/t iH e l) lCI m Z. z. j= lr ii= l< F r= w I.: il: - E I t,l tr lm i--! = = t: a l= t t< m lo o z c, F I lh r{ m m i= lo 4 = l> d. Z FJ t- 6) J lo5 Ir 6) t- fi o le lz r -{ o lL{ m l= iF? l} l-n m lp = I-- l- lC tTl ln r- I< L E tFe E =* t' E lctr z. ? irt* -{ t- E 'o 7 i= -) a = F p iE = * rft e 31 ? fib z r :rl: jf > tr qft :- JE== JEE g4:E I I ! I ! I I i I i IJ lm a -{ i-{ IZ lz. tjf. 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