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,pret Completely; Read THE ADS V f ,.•, "Speakmi About CARTERET PRESS FINO rr u vis win. (ARTERFX N .1, FRIDAY. SKITKMHKIt 1, 1939 PRICE THBKK Troth Announced (HAM TO OPEN Borough Hall, Softball Game Plans SHUTELLOS FETED Postmaster Lawlor Presents Plan ACCIDENTS, TO SHAVE AT PARTY MARKING H EXPENSE Main Victims 0[Severe Nor'easter For All You Tardy Correspondents OCCUPY Al Bemulock Almost Gets Washed Oat Of Office And 38TH ANNIVERSARY If You Have Neglected Or Forgotten About Those OF LOCAL hn-nts Placed Into Big Tilt Is Rained Out In Heavy Storm Here af Couple Recipient Of Gifts Unanswered Litters, Here Is Gentle Reminder I Avoid Budget 1 Mb«r OMfi n AIM'KRKT —The northeaster a,m<> reinforcement through man- CARTERET— For all those with a lint of letters they've "'""•h h,l Carteret and all other niter Thomas Donoghue assigning From Friends And Chil- Kxpenditurei gg put off writing, or just forgotten about. 1'ostmn.nt.pr Willinm Lutri Ol ftfetw )vrl ;'"""'"""ll(1' on the Eastern sea. RecordeRd r MichaeMih l ReskRko to play at dren On Saturday F. l*wlor, in company with postmasters throughout tho At Hi REASONS' '""'I did tittle wrlous damage, shortstop. The rt-corHer come* [y0R country, has a plan for rectification to go into operation the •'in rsmrd considerable incon- from the ball-playing family 00 GUESTS PRESENT first week in October. Measures caleu- v•meiire and disappointment. In which has furnished local team* ..,,,oii(ih admlnistra- Hi. latter category came postpone- with some fine playeni, and the CARTERET Mr. and Mrs. Jo- I,Hnt year National Letter-Writing Week was observed for the first time, and because it ,,|,,.ruling coats and '"nit of the baseball game be- police count on this addition to leph Shutello, Sr, of 73 Emervin CARTERRT — Minor , npi-iHtions for the was so successful it Is to be re- nd accidenta filled th» l»een tho Police and fire Depart- make the firemen quake deeper street were feted Saturday night mm Lnd Plmi Reopens ,,! department from menis, for the benefit of the Car- into their rubber boot* t a surprise party which a group peated this year, October 1-7 being •totter this week, Thm u wore taken this teret First Aid Squad. This tilt, The firemen meanwhile main- f their friends gave at Green- set aside for the purpoae. At that And Easts Unemployment •ne theft, report* to tk* fll i! heroine effective srhiduled for last night, will be tain a steady calm amid state- wich Gnrden in Wheeler Avenue. time we are all asked to get out •I American Tnak ttataff^ CARTERET — Slight en- Terminal CorponUoB,.fhfjf :IV About twenty plHyed instead at 6 P. M., Tues- ments they have some fine tricks A delightful supper was served the pen and paper, or even the couragement in the local em- i he department are •lay at the High School Stadium, up their own uleeves. after which there was dancing. typewriter, and gat off that letter itnlen wer» listed fei \'~ ployment situation wan received Tie mppers have meantime gotten f ( nntmutd on Pan* 2) The couple's children gave them a that has long bothered our con- lomellte pump; 100 f«fl this week in the news a number , |oyed on the garb large anniversary caku and a bou- science. Merchant and business nit cable; onn electric n of men had been hired at the 'nil-ks will work four quet of flowers. Women friends of firms will also send out special The articles were stolen Miss Jonn Rujko United State* Metal* Refining waterfront shed sometime ,,,,1 by putting in Mrs. Shutell. presented a large correspondence during the week. Company plant. Representatives we*n last Thursday and ,„ formerly for the Clubwomen To Stage Annual Fall parlor rug. Ovc In furtherance of the observa- persons were at the plant saic! thin did not when their loss was i. iv* will attempt to present. Arrangements were made tion the Post Office Department BUJKOS ANNOUNCE indicate any significant change Police Officer Chariot pn.sent schedule of by a committee of friends with has distributed the "Phantom Let- in conditions but %* due to tho ski arrested Charfe* Lindnttr, ,insc. Men employ- Flower Show Here Next Thursday Mrs. John Dorak as chaiman, as- ter," reprinted below, along with re-opening of the lead plant of 461 St. George's Aventw, ueepers will be em DAUGHTER'S TROTH sisted by Mrs. John Stonicher, a message from David Manley aa which hail been shut down for rile, and Bud Frank, 21, of L i time, each working Many Classifications Are Mrs. Mary Herlnor and Mrs. Su- follows: local Organization Opens reconstruction nomt> months St. George'* Avenue, Wert LM* !'j , week with propor- sanna Maiola, ' "It's so easy to write a letter, Listed For Exhibit In ago. en, for annoying young women ifp Engagement It Told At Others attending were: Mr. and because a letter is just yourself. i .e in pay. Campaign To Elect Madrak they drove about Cirtmt in «fc i Recreation Center Mrs. Michael Reagan. M. and Mrs. Fancy phrases aren't necessary !•.. wus called a temp- Party Sunday; Wed- automobile. They w«n chtiflt i ,1 indicate* nothing CARTKRKT -First steps fo Joseph Churilla, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- The best letter ii th« on* that ('ARTEIlET-NeT Thursday at LOCAL MAN GUILTY with disorderly conduct. iiiporling the candidacy of Am- seph Koval, Mr. and Mrs. John makes the reader say happily, "It ,.; Mittuch stated. ding In January the Recreation Center on Roose- Vincent Verte*. of SIS GofftV brose Mudrak for election to the Krasnak, Mr. and Mm. Michael just sounds like Take i step being taken velt Avenue, the Carteret Wo- win Street, Petth Amboy, tn CARTKRKT Mr. and Mis. Al House of Assembly were taken Mrat, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sank, , the cost of the de- man'* Club will hold iU 13th an- your pen now. Write acroat the OF TIPSY DRIVING ed at the plant of the U, 8, fonne Hujko, of ](>fi l!)th Avenue, this week when members of th Mr .and Mrs .John Stima, Mr. and Mtni the budget llm- nual fall flower sow. In the ah surface of that blank sheet just Refining Company, was taken i Newark, announced this week the General Democratic Organisation Mrs. Michael Chervanek, Mr. and • the taxes down as sencp of Mrs. Maurice Spewak merely what you would aay in Recorder Resko Sets $200 ou«ly ill Saturday. Dr. Ma a engagement (if their daughter, organized a Mudrak for Assembl Mrs. Michael Walko, Mrs. Julia who was to have been chairman, person. The simple words of Lin- Chodosh ordered him sent ta Jean, to Walter HryU-zuk, «un of Club with School Commissionei Prokop, Mrs, Mary l.ukach, Mrs. Emanuel Lefkowita, presi- Mr, coin's letters are great literature Fine, Revokes License First Aid Squad Ambulant* it I Mrs. W. Hrytrzuk, of 418 Wood- John Dzuritla an chairman. Abou and Mrs. John Helley, Mr. and •,tep at this time in- dent, will be in charge. because the words v*ere just his Perth Amtxiy General hoapftftf bridge Avenue, Wimdhridge, for- fifty members have been enroll? Mrs. Joseph Senkler, Mr. and Mrs. For Two Yari ii'critjf In trying to Assisting will be Mrs. Joseph own voice speaking. Write your churje of (ieorge Bensulotk, ft. '"i merly of Carteret. Mr. Rryieiuk and suitable clubrooms are bein Anthony Pluta, Mr. and Mrs. Paul CARTKRET Stanley Koniko ivtr the greatest re- Hlub, Mrs. Row C*vi, Mrs. Harry thoughts just as they come to you Morris Weiner, aged 7 fat isrmeniber of the supervisory staff sought. Chamra, Mr. and Mrs. John CM|>- wlch, of Ml2 Roosevelt Avenu ,llnr," he Mid, "and Yetman, Mra. Sidney Barrett and Then your letter will be a part of grandson of Mr, ancT Mrt. 8. at' ofthe II. S. Metals Kelininic Com- ik, Mrs. Mary Zanat, Mrs. Ann was found guilty of driving a ,.ir courage plainly. Mrs. Thomas Burke. The judges YOU and doubly precious to those Freidman, of Salejn Avenue, pany and department head of tho Riveres, Mr mid Mrs. Michael automobile while intoxicated whe of year when purely will be Mrs. John Anderegg, of you have remembered, Saturday afternoon just as a Tank House. Ati engagement First Aid Squad Donations Miglocz, Miss Anna Hnrirk, Mis* he appeared before Recorde are wont Colonia; and a member of the staff "Hut above all, don't let your driven by W. O. Nelson, of H party will he held at the home of Mary Borick, Miss Anna Stima. Michael Resko Thursday nigh ',,. number of men of Baumann Bros., florists, of letters he phantoms. Bring them Madison Avenue, Perth Am Misa llujko's i Swell Drive Total To f447 Other Guetti Konikowirh was driving an auto the street* rather mitN Sunday night, Railway. to life hy writing them." drove by. Nelson fearing th* The tentative Mr. and Mrs. John Pobrovioh, mobile owned by his -brother whe if them. But we are wedding date has CARTERET—Further dona- had been (truck by the car, tpdfc* Classifications include exhibits (Continual on Page 2) The Phantom Utter I in seeing that the been set for next January. tions to the Carteret First Aid t crashed into an electric pole in him to the office of Dr. for specimen and for artistic ef- I am the letter you MEANT to Bast Rahway at 4:30o'clock the for running this de- Mr. Krytczuk started at the U. Squad were reported this week Messinger, who uid the lad fects.