August 8, 2021 Ordinary Sunday 19
Clergy Rev. Fr. Robert A. Quarato, Pastor Deacon Michael F. Wilson, Associate Rev. Fr. Kareem R. Smith, Parochial Vicar Deacon Walter Lopez, Associate Rev. Fr. Madurawalage Ranjith (Madu), Parochial Vicar Pastoral Staff Mr. James Scolaro, Parish Manager Mr. John Reitter, Parish Trustee Mrs. Donna S. Vallario, Religious Education Coordinator Mrs. Gracy Purekal, Parish Trustee Ms. Jennifer Lavoie, Director of Sacred Music and Organist Mr. James Forbes, Finance Council Chair Mrs. Janet Angelillo, Parish Council Chair Holy Sacrifice of the Mass THE LORD’S DAY DAILY Saturday: 5:30PM, (Contemporary Choir) Monday-Friday, 7:00AM, 9:00AM Sunday: 7:00 (no music), 8:00, 9:30 (Family Mass, Sept-May) Saturday, 9:00AM 11:00AM (Solemn Choir), 12:30PM For Holy Day schedule, consult bulletin Parish Contacts RECTORY OFFICE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SACRED MUSIC OFFICE (914) 528-3547 (914) 528-8553 (914) 528-3547 FAX: (914) 528-4216 FAX: (914) 528-1880 FAX: (914) 528-4216 E-mail E-mail E-mail Handicapped accessible August 8, 2021 Ordinary Sunday 19 PASTORAL STAFF CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS POPULAR DEVOTIONS PARISH MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS 444 - Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Select AUGUST Events 5:30 Marie Martin Sat, Aug 14 Pre-Baptism Class Sun Aug 8 Nineteenth Ordinary Sunday Sun, Aug 15 The Assumption of Mary 7:00 People of Seton Parish 2nd Collections: Emergency Maintenance Fund, Mission Coop- 8:00 Marian Ruggiero erative, Little Sisters of the Poor, Church in Africa, Summer 9:30 Maria Anna Duffy Catch-up 11:00 Nicholas Bellomo 12:30 Michael Yankosky WELCOME TO SETON! Mon Aug 9 Weekday/St.
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