
,.KNOWING ThC IS NOI ENOUGH'' INIERUIEW IHfS MONIH: IED W0NGI l' ' ta IIottg ltttthuhl.t..\pcttt tnot.(,tinrt, l.ith Bt.ttt.a Lca tlttt.ittg ,f,,} tletelt4tnrc.trt./ tltt, '|- - --l lti.s ut.t.1 ./t,at Ktrrtt,[), thutt,,rr',,,t,",.itttliritlttul t ' 1tt'a.scttl/.t. lirittg. ,I.[ot.a ittt1trt1.1111111.r.. ,l:., tlt., ttrt, ntt)t ltL,t,ttrrta gr.ettt {L tttttl ,t,t'a tfiatt lt.it,rtd.t t/ttttt ttor *rt(t1 riltrt'.s1ttt,t'rirttt'rrtt'.t ,r(t ,,t.\'ltattr t.l autlt t./ltar''t (otrr)ur.t. irt Tttr ,ctaivt'd tt't.rifituri.tr itt Jact Ktttta D. tlircttl.t'/)ttrrt Ilt.trt,t,Lt,a ltittr.tal/ utttl rrr,.r'j 8,.,,r." L.c:e,.s ltr.tt tlcrtt. lrt lrxtking ltt.it,uta.tttr_ ut Brtrt.a Lat,,.t.tltlt.tirttt,,liut..v.1i,r: tltr,.raut. l9(;1..rrc rt 'taa'tltdr Tul II'ongwu.s irrvirt,r fit'.tr L u,,,rr,.r'r,,,,j,,".tt .r1tt.ir )0tlt./ t,h:tt r,.aot: Tlri,t,..trltl l\,, 1,ttt.t, .t, itt t/ra tr.t.tl.;,lt ,,,,,,,t,,ti,"r1'i,,o,',,,,,,, "tht' hegitrttittg ./ u haurrtilirr .i,.rr,rt.rri1t.,, ,t,r,, ,r,i,,,rrr etrtrtrre Bruta ttlt rrtttir a Lca ltu.s.sarl ur'tr.t. ort ,Jttl.t. 10. tg7-1.

I fitr'-.t"aut t Tad Ir.rt{! rrtr.r rutrg/tr lt,irurt'r.t., rt.\r(t/r.t. r. .ttrt. u /tuttr- litl ol 111,11,.,11r't/ irr,liriL/rr,, p,,, trtrntt't.a.t c:,,tiili'i,,,;;'i,' ,'i,",';1,,',',,"i,'i'1"',,:;::ir,',':i,'r:,,::,',";l:':r':' I t i:,i ,':; ..{/ fr* rtttrrt' tr tladiLuratr , rnurt. uttt/ u ,rutt fit'r'tL'r.t. rtrt trr r. E,ttt.t, Lat,, J irt rar.ttt.s * ,l futt/t tlta ut.t lra tttttghl uttd tltt,,,i,,r,.r.r.gr, (-trlwell l,r) ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,r,1ad. Litttlu Lac r.ctttllat,t.s tltut Tql,.s ta(t(ltirg i.r: 1r",t,r,p, i),," 1)rtre.\r .\tt.Lrtt of hcr lula htt.sbuntl'.s ttt.l tttttl i.r qttit.li ro,tacl; Tt,tl',.s r.rr,r,,,.r", ott nt(rllat..\ pat'tuirtittg to tlta tL,(.ltni(,ul tt.t1tt,t.l.t of ,/trtt F-utt,/at,t Ktrrta Do.

Tetl II?tttg i.s ul.s.. u.s tar.e ttll Br.trct,,.t .f clrx.t,.sr./t.iarttl,t, r,a rtt..sl lcceyrr tf htrtrrttn hcittgt' t) Tirtte trrrr uguiu rtt'rtus littxgrtta 1t..r'tttettr,r setttirtttt.s, ttttrl atan !otta irtlo I hi.s rnttt 1to<.kt,l itt rt,t r:71r,t.r lo ltallt 'spt'aud t/rL'/t'utltittgs./ rri:.:i/ir. Brtrca LcL'. rrt t/ti.t t'itt.t.uutr ttst,,.ttrt.rr }\ ultrtri.sttr i.t t.rt.sitlat.ttl .sltotl;i.ug. Il.ltart Tt,tl tt.ttg.1ta,rlir, ,a.s:1teul;.t crosc ri-iends: Brucc Lee titlt tltc ui,.f rtrtitupautrtuhrL,uttrrt.t.it.t.,,,,,rr tr"r?l'"ffio w"il,r,ffi.#:fi:i ,r"'-r,,'i)K,,t^rittg Ls ttv.l l)'icnds shortlv alter their lirst Etyt.tt!r " ur.a rat..t.plau.satl meecting i,, f lOi.lt",.. thc1, take t. ht,uble 1:11 ,,,.r,.rr,,,, thi.s irr_tlalttlt ilrtat.ric\t. "live" liom a backvard w.orkout tritlt Tal,Ilrny at Brrice,s housJ long enough to ytrrt'rautrats urtd rttt'ttrht't'.s.f Jtrrt Futt Jaar Kt,rt,D.. pose lbr. a quick snap shot. -- Joiln Ltlllt'

For the bcnc.fit o/'vnta ol our ntenrhcrs ll'hut wus rbing x,ho nuy not knou,, hox, during thut Chinaton n school did J,ou./irst nteet "optning opcltccl',o1Ticially,, as the_ Brut'e ilu.t.,, tt/'thc Chinuftntn st.ltool? Lee? ".lun Fan Guns Fu Institutc,' on Thrirsclay. : Hc r.vas TED WONG: sivins a lecurc Fcbrualy c), 1967 I flrsr rnr-t hinr thc clay lncl tall

KNOWTNG ts NoT ENOUGH Q ralt, rooz pcrfbnrcd thrcc clays a wccl( with my bocly ovcr thc clistancc I u,as nrnning r,r,ith thc u'cights. ancl thcn I did t*'o clays this aclclitional \\'ci,sht. Icvcn sparrccl rvearing a t,cck rvith rnartial art. that. I clidn't lcally l

It's interesting tlttrt there wus a diffbr-

ence itr what lte taugltt 1,o11 pvivutel! -- uot .iust /rom the scltool's curriculum, but ulso.fron the Chinatowu scltool, hoth of pref'erred Bruce Lee's choice of in which enplrttsircel trapping, Chi-Suo, und tlte evolved from the traditional Bai- classical tecltniques oJ' Mng Cltutr, Vl/herets jong or position" Wing "Ready of Chun by 1969 lre was gettitrg away/rou thttt. (above) to the more mobile and elusive On- TED WONG: Yeah, in his private teach- position Kune Do (left). of Jeet irrg there was still a little bit of Wing Chun ther-e br.rt it was no longer the center of his art. I think once he started to move away from it was when he really stafted to excel; that was how he progressed so quickly on his own. I think that he believed that the Wing Chun techr-riques no longer fit into the direction he was progressing in at that time; that is, into the stnlcture of JKD anymore. Howevel, Wing Chun reurains an impoltant part of the cally history ofJun Fan Jeet Kune Do. I should also emphasize that this is only rry personal opin- ion of how he f-elt.

All right, let me rck you a direct ques- tiort: Hottr woulel you define Jeet Kune Do? TED WONG: To me Jeet Kr.rne Do is Bluce Lee's own personal way of how to con- duct himself in combat. Jeet Kunc Do is based upon ceftain principles and a philosophy. and how to apply them both through physical rrovement or rnotion. I also believe that if you f;-.'.,LX}- '-J lr€dn*1?rlE.t& are going to Llse the term "Jeet Kune Do" yon and mobilitv were tlvo of the most important innovations in Bruce's creation of should be referring to what Bruce Lee taught - Jeet Kune Do. According to Bruce Lee: "Good fbotwork can beat any attack." KNOWTNG tS NOT ENOUGH Q rRU, rSSZ c\'ol\'clllcIltc\cfsi|lcchcbcganIl1il|tialaft.I,,WhatTcclWongtcachcs ca|lIl0tsaythat.IcctKttncDor.cal|1,bcgarlorlI.Ing|aclthcyilIcsa1,ingthat.(.hristnlasarlclNcrr.\'cat.ol. thc day that hc first carnc ul) \\ith thc tc|rn -- antl his lilnrilv. At that timc. hc saicl. "Boy. Ihat \\'as.just thc clal' thlt hc dccidcd to givc yotl gtlys got thc ltroccss of his ci olr cntcnt a nanrc. .lcct .L hr'r'r' rt -itrst thc [**$.il.;'i..i*lffi!* 1ff think that vor-r can pin clori n .lcct Kunc Do as | '-A-ruAf.* F ' I'r'c' hacl sincc I bcingrr'hathctatrglrtliorrr.Itrlv]9(l7arldfgothcrc[irr 'J orrr'arcl. ancl that anl,thing hc iruglrt l.ctbrc Hon-u Kong] rrru!! \\ir\ !!'l l tt!!!\.r((t Ntr!\'u(r \\r'Lr!r r rl r,!rn!!ri - 'l

(toiltq. tcircnlt)g lilt(t \\ol-tiill! {)il Lllillil:..t nt: . ll llir\u ir t-,lr ul lllll)(f':trt r)l'l(r:()rrf llelll r)lltcrr)ir\. sr'r)rLr-\. t lulrl.\ rrrlr rrrN. - - stancl a lot of .tcct Kunc Do. "t attcnd thc prc- - i4f.\ :bf-. J rttict'c of Thc Bruce Lcc (lctt) and'l'ed Wong (center) sharecl manl'grcat finrcs togcthcr, tltut thcre ara wry of thc, Ytu ulv.fbel somc./itnda- -inclutling this christnrns during 1967. Also present nas Ted's closc?riend. . Thai. ,tretrtul techniques thut./itrm the sL'icttccltJ ---.Ral.nrond Huang (right). thc (rt of Jeet Kunc Do, as opposad to the ilrt was vcry exctt- itscIf,n'hichisorientedntorctolt'urtIthepcr- sonuIexperienceo/'theindivitluul.CunyluBntcaLeex,hcnhc-'- shure with us sonre o.f whut 1.ou holtl to bc 1'ou ulso fi'etrt to visit him in Hong Kortl1 the./indunentultcchniqucstltutunderIu1,u./icrhehudshothisst'encs.|ilrTheGumeof' tlrc scienc'c o.f'Jeet Kune Do? Dauth, und heJbre hc bcgutr.filming Entcr regurd to the Hon;4 Kong.fhns' rcuctiott to TED WONG: Wcll. Blucc Lcc alrvays the Draiytn. And thcn )'ou salt' him uguin his.filn ut the timc? rrrcrrtiorrccl that thc tixrtu'orlt ancl stancc arc x,lten he returned to Los Angeles.fbr the lust TED WONG: Oli hc rvas vcly cxcitcd. \cl.V.\'cfyinlptlt.tant.Yotthar'ctolcartrtlrcsc. cs1-lccia|lyatthcbcginnirlg.bc1bl.cyotlcalltliatI.Didheshureii|ne|! progrcss on to anything clsc. Bmcc Lcc the art o.f Jeet Kunc Do x,ith during those ancl hc l'as thc staf of it. It was his baby. I afn'ays cnrlrhasizccl that thc On-Guarcl position lust getlogethers? think that rlovie liacl nrorc JKD in it than any and tbotr.r,olk arc really thc tirnclanrcntal l

ro'g s. rr'.rr y,rr ,,r,..,,.ry r,,,i,,'',,,1., ,;:;,,, honre' :illiiJ'J'i:",: llll]il'lil i.I,ll]i:.,lllill'l';i]:' 4 'crrrirr!, KNOWTNG tS NOT ENOUGH Q rRU' 1SSZ nrovic. ancl Bmcc Lcc catle back ttl Califbrnia ancl stoppecl by nry housc. I gave him n ridc ovcl to Helb .lackson's housc ancl as we wcl'c driving along the f'l'ceway. and he saicl. "You know u'hat. Ted'l I f-ccl that I anr very. very tbrtunatc and lucky to havc Linda fbr my li,il'c. All of those ycars wl.tcn wc rvet'e down financially and I u,as dowu ct.uotionally. she ncvcl once complaincd. Shc even hacl to -{o to f*r.. ' &... i;ffffi-'rL'* lvork r.r'hcn I hurt my back and coulcln't su1-r- ct.r-:-. - -\. port my firmily. I was so dcpressecl at that Thc art ofJeet Kunc Do underuent somc point. and yct thcrc shc was -- not courplain- signil'icant changes from thc Chinatorvn ing. but rcady to sullport mc. I f'ccl that I curriculum after Brucc bcgan to teach pri- "vill makc it nol'. I'r'e finally gottcrr to rvhere I vurtelv his backvard. in want to bc. and it's solely bccause of Linda's lovc aucl sullport. I'nr a vcry lucky tuan."

In u reluted vein, Bruce Ltc's iluui4htar. Sltunnott, is notl stutlying Jeet Kune Do under your instruction. And in speuking with Lindu, she lbels thut is.just greut. Hotl is nou studving Jeet Kune Do rlo 1,ou like teuching Shttrtrtort? under her sifu Ted Wong's rvatchful e1'e. TED WONG: Shannon lurc to a stolc and tolcl urc vn'hat shirts ancl has lcally inherite-d son-rc pants to buy. ancl cvcn took mc oLlt to get llly gcrrcs tlom her tathcr. Shc's hair stylcd. A conrplcte r.nakcovcr! (lau-qhs) got great fblnr and shc picks Hc gave me contidcr.rcc. What he helped me up things so cluickly. You with fal cxceeds what hc tau-r1ht me in ntartial know. one person I lcally art. Hc was a grcat ;lcrson and hc gave tle wantccl to tcach was Blandon. A devotcd liiend: Ted still nrakcs the trip to Scattlc as ollen confldcncc. as he can to pal'his respccts to his silu and liicnd, Bruce Lee. I wishccl I coulcl havc taught him all that I Finnlly, Ted, us 1'ou h,ere otte of'the peo- lealned fl'om his ple most instrunental in getting the Jun Fun thther, but I ncvcr Jeet Kune Do Nucleus sturted, I n,nnted to had thc opportu- get ),our thoughts thout the Nucleus, und nity cxccpt a i-erv wltttt J'our thoughts ure.fbr the./itture of Jun times whcn hc Fun Jeet Kune Do. was rcally, rcally TED WONG: I think thc tirturc is leally. littlc. But now I rcrlly blight. Fo| llrc lllst tirnc in twcr]ty- f-eel so lbrtLrnatc somc ycars. I f'ccl that the people rvho should 'q that I have bccn a be gctting togcthcr have gotten together to t*- given the o1-rpor'- * pl'escrvc Bnrcc Lce's art. I've bc-en hulting; ,$ tunity to teach honc'stly. I'r'c bccr.r hulting fbr matiy ycars. .i: };. Shannon the art Thcrc r'r,crc many peoplc out therc who had Bruce Lee's lovc lbr his u il'e, Linda, u'as prolbund and hcart-l'elt. He once of .lcet Kir'c Do. bccn mislcplcscnting Bluce Lec's art to thc told Ted Wong that hc \ras "\'er), r'erl lbrtunnte and luckl'to have Linda ancl I could''t ask point whcrc. fbl ycals. it really hurt mc. It's lbr mv rrif'e." Hcrc thc [,ees smile lbr thc camcra at Ted Wong's rvedding. fbr.anything bct- really tbrtunatc that peoplc likc you and Linda tcr. I ftel so horr- Lec ancl othcr first gcnclation students of mortcv \\'its sinrply a by-procitrct of'bcing il orcd and shc's a lcally, r'cally good stuclelt. Bnrcc Lce-. and mcmbcls of the second gener- vcty clcclicatccl martial artist. Hot hc tbuncl ation of Brucc Lcc's students have cot.t-tc thc tinrc to do all thc things hc clicl. I'r'c On u personul note, ofien tolcl ne 1'otr've together and poolcd thcil resor-rlces and alrvays bccn anrazctl by. thut Bruce Lee not onll' helped us u tilur- 1'ou l