Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union Lamka Shaolin Disciples’ Union SPECIALIZED COURSE INFO

Introducing Authentic Specialized Martial Arts Training in India


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union BAGUA ZHANG: [12 Classes a Month] Introduction: Bagua Zhang 八卦掌 Bagua Zhang is a martial art that has existed in various forms for millennia, practiced secretly by Taoist hermits before it emerged from obscurity in the late 19th century C.E. The most famous modern proponent, Dong Hai Chuan, became the bodyguard of the Empress Dowager, and was a teacher well respected by China’s most famous masters. 1. It is characterized by fast circular , agile body movements, and lightning-fast hands. It is one of the famous three (Internal) styles which also include Quan and Xingyi Quan. 2. It teaches the student to “Walk like a dragon, retrieve and spin like an ape, change momentum like an eagle, and be calm and steady like a waiting tiger.” The use of open palms instead of fists, and the use of “negative space” is one of the things that makes Bagua Zhang particularly good for defeating multiple opponents. 3. Bagua Zhang contains powerful strikes. But the emphasis on flow and constant change is what gives this art its versatility. The options to choose between strikes, throws, joint locks, control, and varying degrees of control, make this art useful for self-defense and for law enforcement. 4. Bagua Zhang training is very aerobic, and emphasizes stability and agility. 5. The training is based on an understanding of 8 basic palm shapes and their “energetic qualities”. Students learn the natural methods of changing smoothly from one to another, in a way that follows the flow of nature.

Bagua Zhang is taught in private lessons. It is also taught in group lessons as part of the Neijia (Internal Kung Fu) Curriculum.

LEVEL 1 Bagua Zhang Neigong (aka Gong) Basic Bagua Footwork (Mud Sliding Step) with turning Palms – left and right Bagua Basic Eight Palms: 1. Upward Palm, 2. Downward Palm, 3. Upright Palm, 4. Embracing Palm, 5. Chopping Palm, 6. Scooping Palm, 7. Picking Palm, 8. Drilling Palm

Basic Eight Palms Routine and understanding its applications, 1. Single Palm Change, 2. Double Palm Change, 3. Following Through Palm Change, 4. Reversing Body Palm Change, 5. Turning body Palm Change, 6. Double Embracing Palm Change, 7. Grinding Body Palm Change, 8. Rotating Body Palm Change.

Eight Palms Routine


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

LEVEL 2 Bagua Deer Hook Sword Routine, Bagua Body Conditioning 1. carrying weight, 2. post training, 3. two-person body conditioning training

Basic Bagua Theory: 1. What is Bagua 2. Pre-Heaven arrangement of Bagua 3. The 16 key words of Bagua Zhang

LEVEL 3 1. Swimming Body Bagua Zhang Routine and understanding its applications; Bagua Cane

LEVEL 4 International Bagua Competition Training or other Bagua Zhang Routines, 1. Iron Shirt Qi Gong Training, 2. Bagua Sword, 3. Bagua Broadsword, 4. Bagua Staff Routine.

Bagua Zhang (Special Program) 1. Eight Palm Form (Sections 1-4) (3 months) 2. Eight Palm Form (Sections 5-8) (3 months) 3. Bagua Fighting Set (Section 1-8) (3 months) 4. Bagua Sanshou (Bagua Application) (3 Months) 5. Bagua Sword Form, Sections 1-4 (3 months) 6. Bagua Sword Form, Sections 5-8 (3 months) 7. Bagua Double Deer Knives Form (3 months)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

SANDA TRAINING: [12 Classes a Month] My training class runs alongside with other Training class; but here as a specialized course, it will be dealt with individually.

You will warm up/warm down and stretch with the Kung Fu class, then be split to shadow, and train only Sanda. When sparring, all students will be wearing a min. of 16oz. gloves and a mouth . During each session your trainers will be supervising, correcting technique, supporting and helping you push yourself. This will benefit you in the way that you will always have someone to ask a question too, and someone looking out for you.

Each session consists of the following: 1. A 30-minute warm up/stretching routine 2. 20 minutes of mirrored Oriental shadow 3. 15 minutes of Boxing technique work with a partner 4. 3 x 3min rounds of pad work with a trainer 5. 3 x 3min rounds of working on the heavy bags 6. 3 x 3min rounds of Sparring 7. 3 x1min speed rounds of punches, and hooks 8. 200 sit ups and 200 push-ups (or as many as you can do) 9. Cool down/stretching

BASIC PROGRAM Warm-Up It is very important that all athletes take at least 10 to 15 minutes to thoroughly stretch ALL of the major muscle groups (arms, legs, back, abdomen, etc.) before working out. A flexible muscle is less likely to cramp or pull. Remember that flexibility is just as important as power.

Shadowboxing This is a great way to begin your workout. The idea is to spar against an imaginary opponent. You can work on different styles and opponents. Imagine that you are working against Ali the first round, Frazier the second round and then work on the “In and Out” in the third.

Double End Bag The primary purpose of this bag is to work on your and quick combinations. It can also be used to practice slipping punches. Again, as with the heavy bag, you must pretend that the double end bag can hit back, so don’t forget your defense. Make your work like a well-oiled piston and combinations in bunches of five to seven punches.

Jump Rope A quality speed rope is necessary to condition the legs and develop the cardiovascular endurance. Always jump on a padded surface. Jumping on concrete is too easy and bad for your legs. You should complete three rounds of rope jumping.

Speed Bag This light bag does wonders to improve arm endurance and hand-eye coordination. Don’t just hit the bag. Work it. Learn the double hit movement. Hit it once with each hand. Hit it 25 times with each hand. Alternate these routines, work hard and the speed bag can be a valuable tool. For a variation, remove some air (about 25%) from the bag and hit it. It will force you to harder.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Drill work is a great way to work on specific techniques in a controlled situation. Punch mitts can be used to work on certain combinations, to learn proper footwork and even defense. Start your new boxers with basic left/right combinations. As they improve, add more punches. When they master this, try moving a little. Continue to add punches and movement as they improve. With some of the mitts available (Coach Spar Mitts), you can also help your boxers work on defense. Start by throwing a jab at about half speed at your athlete. He/she should slip the punch or catch the punch and counter with a jab or straight right. As the boxer gets better at this, increase the speed until you are imitating an actual punch.

Punch Mitts There is a large selection of punch mitts available today. Many of the mitts have specific uses, while others do the basic job of providing the boxer with a target. Basically, the punch mitts are an offensive target that the coach or trainer can control to help a boxer work on different offensive skills. Ringside has a complete line of punch mitts to help you come up with the mitt that best fits your program.

Coach Spar Mitts These mitts were designed specifically by Ringside to give the coach the ability to teach both offense and defense at the same time. These mitts are padded so that the coach can “catch” the punches just like regular punch mitts. The aspect that makes these mitts different is that they also give the coach the ability to “tap” the boxer back when he makes a mistake. This much more effectively stimulates a real opponent. This ability to work on defense and offense at the same time makes these mitts a must for every gym.

Super Body Protector The Super Body Protector provides the coach with a whole new training option. Now his athlete can work on body punches during punch mitt drills. The protection provided to the coach by the Super Body Protector means you can work on the forgotten art of body punching without worrying about taking a pounding.

Punch Shield This device is a great way to work on offensive techniques with even the heaviest hitter. It provides a heavily padded target that the coach can move and adjust to fit the specific techniques he is working on. There are many other great training devices available from Ringside that a coach can use to give just the right look to any particular workout.

Sparring When you commence sparring, always try to work on a new punch, a different move or defense technique. Never spar just to be sparring. Learn to love to spar. Boxing can only be learned through boxing. If you’re sparring with someone of lesser ability, you can still work on a variety of techniques such as body attack, defense or even offense by making your punches slightly miss their mark (your sparring partner). By missing punches, you can evaluate if you are exercising proper balance. Missing punches also takes more energy and consequently will aid in your conditioning.

EXERCISES STOMACH Most boxers look like they have strong stomach muscles, but in reality, they are very weak in this area. Below are a few brief abdominal exercises.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


1. Lay on back, knees up, hands behind head, alternate elbows to knees. 2. Lay on back, knees up, put ankle of one foot on opposite , hands behind head, and alternate elbows to knee. Switch ankle and knee positions. 3. Lay flat on back with legs in air at right angle to upper body, alternate elbows to knees. 4. Lay flat on back, bring knees up to chest, legs back to floor. 5. Lay flat on back, elbows behind head, pump legs in bicycle fashion touching to opposite knee.

The medicine ball is a valuable tool in conditioning the stomach. A couple of basic drills follow.

1. Stand back-to-back with a partner. Plant your legs firmly and rapidly hand the medicine ball off to each other in a circular fashion. Focus on rotating and twisting at the waist to gain torque in your punches. 2. Hold the medicine ball against your chest while lying on your back. Bend your legs and lie directly in front of a partner. Sit-up and at the top of the movement throw the medicine ball to your partner. He will mimic your movement and throw it back.

A more complete guide to medicine ball workouts is provided free of charge with any Ringside Medicine Ball purchase. Ringside also offers books and videos that expand on the different workouts you can do with the medicine ball.

This is the most under-worked area on a boxer’s body and must be strengthened to protect a boxer’s head from rotating in a violent nature when hit with a good shot. Exercising the neck is of extreme importance. Do the following exercises religiously.

1. The Wrap around Neck Strengthener is convenient and very effective. This weighted training device is used by lying flat on the floor. Begin on your back and bend your head forward until your touches your chest. Slowly return your head to its starting position. Next, roll over to your side and lift your head to touch your ear. Do this on both sides and then lay face down. Lift your head until it is vertical to the floor, then return it to a horizontal position. Each exercise should be performed in a controlled, deliberate fashion with 15-20 repetitions per side.

2. The Ringside Neck Strengthener incorporates cables to utilize resistance training which has proven to be extremely effective. This unique cable-system can be attached to a door knob, a ring post or any hook. The exercises it employs are the same as the Wrap around Neck Strengthener only they’re done from a standing position.


Footwork: Place your left foot and left shoulder out front. Your feet should be the length of a normal step apart. Your left knee should be bent for balance, and your feet should be pointing toward your opponent. Your feet must also remain apart for purpose of balance. If you move forward, move the left leg first and pick up the distance with the right foot. If you move backward, move the right foot back and then move the left foot after. Moving left or right is accomplished by stepping sideways with the foot of the direction you wish to move. For instance, if you want to move left, move the left foot to the left and then bring over the right foot. Do the opposite to move right. Do not get into the


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union bad habit of bringing your feet together after you throw punches. It is a waste of energy. Plus, whenever your feet are together, you’re susceptible to being either hit or pushed off balance. Also, when you move forward, don’t drag your right foot. Use it. Make it work so that your weight is evenly distributed. It is extremely important that your left shoulder is “out front” or pointing towards your opponent. This will allow for full rotation of the shoulders and hips when throwing the right hand. It also puts you in the proper defensive position to guard against the right hand. Make sure the left shoulder is always higher than the right. If not, you will be susceptible to right hands. A good technique for raising the left shoulder is to bend the right knee. This actually lowers the right shoulder, which should then make the left higher

Elbows in Front of Body: This will protect your body against body punches, but more importantly, it will cause your hands to be positioned in front of your head. This is the ideal defensive position. Also having the elbows in front of the body is the proper position from which to throw punches and also to block uppercuts.

Hands in Front of Head: Your hands should always be held at cheek level to protect the head against your opponent’s blows. The arms from the elbow to the fist must be in a vertical (straight up and down) position at all times.

Throw Punches Straight Out and Bring Straight Back to Head: When punches are thrown, the hands should be returned to their on-guard position as quickly as possible to protect the head.


Left Jab This is the most important punch in boxing. The purpose of the left jab is to keep your opponent on the defense and to accumulate points. If you are keeping a jab in your opponent’s face, he will have to concern himself with defense which will afford him less time to work on his offense (hitting you in the nose). You can use the jab to disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and timing, in addition to using it to control the bout. The left jab is thrown by extending the left hand and arm fully, keeping to left elbow down and turning the forearm so that the knuckles land in a horizontal position. Speed is derived by keeping the elbow down and snapping the arm forward at the elbow joint. Power is possible by slightly pushing the body, particularly your left shoulder, forward with your right foot and leg when the jab is thrown.

The Keys to The Left Jab Are: 1. Throw it from the head. 2. Keep your elbow down. 3. Snap the arm forward at the elbow joint. 4. Push the left shoulder forward by pushing from the floor with the right foot. 5. Return the jab back to the head as quickly as you throw it out. 6. Dot not moves your right elbow when throwing the left.

How to jab is as important as knowing when to jab. Unless you are using the jab for probing purposes, it should not be used unless your opponent is within punching range. Don’t throw it just to be doing something. Doing so will afford your opponent the opportunity to gauge your speed and time your punches. Work on the jab until your left arm almost falls off. Take a whole week in the gym and throw only this punch. If you can develop a solid left jab, you will be a good boxer.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Straight Right For the beginner, this will be your power punch because it is delivered with the weight of the body.

1. The right is normally thrown after the left jab. 2. Throw the right from the face and bring the right elbow up to about shoulder level. 3. The left knee should be bent for balance. 4. Your power will be derived by pushing and pivoting the right foot, whipping your right shoulder forward and pivoting the hips. 5. Return the right immediately to the head.


The Catch: The left jab is caught in the palm of the open right glove (catcher’s mitt). Do not reach out for the jab. Let it come to you. Be sure to keep up resistance in your right hand so you don’t hit yourself

Slipping: This involves avoiding a blow without actually moving the body out of range. The purpose of slipping is to avoid the blow and maintain the position to counter. It calls for exact timing and judgment. To be effective, it must be executed so that the blow is escaped by only the smallest margin. The two basic slips are outside and inside.

Outside Slip: This involves bending at the knees and dropping the upper body forward and to the right, outside of your opponent’s left hand. The outside slip is relatively safe because you are slipping away from the right hand. Always take your catcher’s mitt with you when you slip as a backup system.

Inside Slip: This involves bending at the knees and dropping the upper body forward to the left, inside of the opponent’s left jab. Your head should end up directly over your left knee. This is a somewhat dangerous move because you are moving into your opponent’s right hand.

DEFENSE AGAINST THE STRAIGHT RIGHT 1. Keeping the left hand in proper position in front of the head should block most rights. 2. DUCK OR SLIP: Drop the upper body and head forward and to the left, allowing the right to pass safely by. Be sure to keep your hands in front of your head as a backup system and also that you will not be cautioned for head-butting.


The Left Hook The left hook is the most difficult punch to learn correctly. It should never be used as a lead punch, only when actual openings are present. 1. This is usually thrown from a close position after a left jab or a right hand. 2. Use the left foot and hip to pivot or turn your body while bringing up the elbow to a horizontal position. 3. The forearm should be parallel to the ground when the hook lands.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

4. The hook is most often thrown with: · Palm In: With this hook, the palm of the hand faces your body. This is somewhat difficult to master, but when thrown correctly it can be extremely effective. 5. Keep your left knee bent for balance. 6. Return to the “on guard” position.

DEFENSE TO THE LEFT HOOK 1. Forearm Block: Cover the right side of your head with your right arm and touch your ear with your right glove. 2. Ducking: Bend your upper body forward from the waist and dip both knees allowing your head to drop underneath the hook. While ducking, be sure not to take your eyes off your opponent.

Uppercuts These are usually thrown from the inside with the right after closing the distance with a left jab or hook. Your arm should be in a half-bent position and should not dip below the waistline.

Defense against Uppercuts The most effective defense is merely stepping back out of range. 2. Block with your hands and forearms, kept in front of your head and body


Feinting Feinting is a characteristic of the advanced boxer. It requires using the eyes, hands, body and legs in a single effort to deceive the opponent, to create openings.

Arm Feints This includes simply appearing to punch a specific area with one hand and then doing the opposite.

Body Feints This includes making various movements with the body to check your opponent’s reaction, such as advancing quickly, dropping your knees or pivoting your shoulders.

Drawing Drawing is similar to feinting. In feinting, an opening is created, while in drawing, some part of the body or head is left unprotected in order to entice the opponent into throwing a specific blow, so that a counter attack can be executed.

Shelling Up This simply means to completely cover your head and body so that no vulnerable area is exposed. It is especially effective when moving an opponent to work off his chest and cut off the punching room. Your hands must be kept in front of your head or a foul for butting will be called.

Infighting This is the art of boxing at close range. To obtain the inside position, it is necessary to advance quickly, slip, weave, duck, draw, or feint.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Ring Generalship Ring generalship is a general plan of strategy thought out in advance of the bout which attempts to nullify the opponent’s strength and take advantage of his weakness. It also means having the ability to adapt one’s style to that of the opponent.)

 HOW TO BOX A TALL OPPONENT (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO BOX A RUSHER (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO BOX A JABBER (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO BOX A SLUGGER (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO BOX A SOUTH-PAW (LEFT-HANDED BOXER) (Details can be access while you start your training  DIET (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO WIN AN AMATEUR BOUT (Details can be access while you start your training  PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR AMATEUR BOXING (Details can be access while you start your training  EQUIPMENT (Details can be access while you start your training  HOW TO MOTIVATE YOUR BOXERS (Details can be access while you start your training

COMBINATIONS This is a series of blows delivered in a natural sequence so that an opening may result. As a combination is thrown, the punches should increase in intensity so that the later blows have more power.

Basic Combinations 1. Double or Triple Left Jab to The Chin. 2. Left Jab to The Chin Followed by A Left Jab to The Body. 3. Left Jab to The Body Followed by A Left Jab to The Chin. 4. Left Jab to The Chin, Straight Right to The Chin (The Old One-Two). 5. Left Jab to The Chin and A Straight Right to The Body. 6. Left Jab to The Body and A Straight Right to The Chin. 7. Left Jab to The Chin, Straight Right to The Chin and A Left Hook to The Chin. 8. Left Jab to The Body and A Straight Right to The Body. 9. Hooking Off the Jab—Left Jab to The Chin and A Left Hook to The Chin. 10. Left Jab to The Chin, Straight Right to The Body and A Left Hook to The Chin. 11. Straight Right to The Body and A Left Hook to The Chin. 12. Straight Right to Chin and A Left Hook to The Chin. 13. Straight Right to The Chin and A Left Hook to The Body


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


What is a Cross Training? The term cross fit Training refers to a training routine that involves several different forms of exercise. While it is necessary for an athlete to train specifically for their sport if they want to excel, for most exercisers cross training is a beneficial training method for maintaining a high level of overall fitness. Cross training is the combination of multiple sports, along with cardio, flexibility and strength training, to achieve maximum physical conditioning. Cross training is not a specialized fitness program but a deliberate attempt to optimize physical competence in each of ten recognized fitness domains. They are Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy.

Cross training is a great way to condition different muscle groups, develop a new set of skills, and reduce boredom that creeps in after months of the same exercise routines. Cross training also allows you the ability to vary the stress placed on specific muscles or even your cardiovascular system. After months of the same movements your body becomes extremely efficient performing those movements, and while that is great for competition, it limits the amount of overall fitness you possess and reduces the actual conditioning you get while training; rather than continuing to improve, you simply maintain a certain level of fitness. Cross training is also necessary to reduce the risk of injury from repetitive strain or overuse.

Cross training limits the stress that occurs on a specific muscle group because different activities use muscles in slightly different ways.

Benefits of Training 1. Reduces exercise boredom 2. Allows you to be flexible about you training needs and plans 3. Produces a higher level of all around conditioning 4. Conditions the entire body, not just specific muscle groups 5. Reduces the risk of injury 6. Work some muscles while others rest and recover 7. Can continue to train while injured 8. Improves your skill, agility and balance


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Monday Workout This workout will hit the legs hard and fast so be sure to warm up a little first with some gentle jogging on the spot. The circuit is ten sets of ten exercises, 100 in total. Aim to complete five rounds, so 500 repetitions in total.

Stretch afterwards while cooling down. Stretching should form a part of every workout you do, and like the workout itself, you should always make a conscious effort to stretch a little further each time. Improve flexibility comes with regular practice 1. 10 jumping jacks 2. 10 high knees 3. 10 heel 4. 10 calf raises 5. 10 tuck jumps 6. 10 walking lunges 7. 10 squats 8. 10 push ups 9. 10 leg raises 10. 10 crunches

This workout is designed to keep the body moving and fire up your fat burning metabolism. Rest only when you have to and record your time.

Tuesday Workout It is always good to start the week with a logical plan, so for this reason we shall do the Scientific 7- Minute Workout, but with a twist – we will do it as a circuit.

In the 7-minute workout you perform each of the 12 exercises for 30 seconds with a 5 second rest between each.

Perform the same exercises, but for a set number of reps and then repeat the workout so that the overall workout is closer to 15 minutes. This workout includes several static exercises: the wall sit, which is a squat against the wall; plank and side plank. 1. Jumping Jacks (Total Body): 20 2. Wall sit (Lower Body): 30 seconds 3. Push-up (Upper Body): 10 4. Abdominal crunch (Core): 20 5. Step-up onto chair (Total Body): 10 6. Squat (Lower Body): 10 7. Triceps dip on chair (Upper Body): 10 8. Plank (Core): 30 seconds 9. High knees running in place (Total Body): 20 10. Lunge (Lower Body): 10 11. Push-up and rotation (Upper Body): 10 12. Side plank (Core): 30 seconds

This is 120 exercises plus 1 1/2 minutes in static holds. The only equipment needed is a solid chair. Step carefully onto the chair to ensure it does not move or topple. Stand up straight on the chair before carefully stepping off. Aim to complete at least three circuits and note the time to beat next week.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Wednesday Workout These simple workouts are an excellent way to burn fat and get fit at home. With the exception of the walking lunges, you do not need much space. You can do individual lunges instead if you are short on space. Work through the exercises with minimal rest and finish off with some stretching.

The exercises are balanced so that you start with the larger leg muscles and then move to the upper body and core. A short jog to warm up beforehand is often a good idea. 1. 20 jumping jacks 2. 20 high knees 3. 20 squats 4. 10 push ups 5. 10 leg raises 6. 10 walking lunges 7. 10 crunches

There are 100 exercises in this circuit. Aim to complete at least three circuits. You should be able to complete five circuits in 20 minutes.

Thursday Workout On Wednesday, bodyweight circuit included jumping jacks, lunges, high knees and squats, so today we will give the legs a little rest and work more on the core and upper body. Warm up with a short jog / jogging on the spot for a few minutes to get a warmed up. 1. 20 calf raises 2. 20 push ups 3. 20 back extensions 4. 30 second plank 5. 20 mountain climbers 6. 20 bench / chair triceps dips 7. 20 crunches 8. 120 repetitions in total Repeat at least three times and keep a record of time. Aim to improve time and number of circuits.

For the calf raises simply stand up straight and then lift yourself up on the balls of your feet, hold for a second and lower. Keep the movement slow and steady. Keep your hands on your hips and back straight. If you wish to add extra resistance hold some weights in each hand.

Perform the push-ups with good form. If you cannot complete 20 in one go stop and rest rather than use poor form. If you cannot complete the 20 on your hands/feet, move to your hands/knees. When doing back extensions lie on your stomach keep your hands by your temples and look forwards on the raise. Hold for a second and lower. Repeat.

The plan is one of the best core exercises. Aim to hold solid for 30 seconds. Keep a timer on the floor in front of your so you can check the time.

The mountain climbers are done by starting in the raised push up position and then bring one knee towards your chest. Then start alternating knees, as you bring the rear forward and under the other extends straight behind. Start by performing them at a steady rate and as you get better start increasing speed. Keep your backside stead; then movement should be lateral with the legs and core, not by raising and lowering the backside!

End with standard crunches. Usual rules apply – don’t hold he head, squeeze the abs.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Friday Workout If you have been following the workouts throughout the week your legs will be aching a little by now. But that will not stop us working them more today! As usual start with a warm up jog, either outside or on the spot.

This routine has bicycle crunches, which are considered by some to be the best way to work the abs. They are performed by starting on your back in normal crunch position and then as you lift your shoulders off the floor twist and lead with right elbow which extending the right leg and bringing the left knee to meet the right elbow. Then repeat on the opposite side. Your legs will move in a cycling motion which your upper body twists from side to side. 1. 20 jumping jacks 2. 20 high knees 3. 20 heel kicks 4. 20 squats 5. 10 push ups 6. 10 back extensions 7. 10 leg raises 8. 10 bicycle crunches 9. 120 repetitions per circuit. As usual, aim to do three circuits and make a note of the time.

Saturday Workout It is Saturday. Today’s workout will be simple, just two exercises. But these exercises will be done 200 times. Suicide Jump and crunches! 1. 10 Suicide Jump (with a push up) 2. 10 Crunches

Repeat 10 times and note the time. Aim to beat it next week. If you cannot do 10 sets (I made 6 the first time) just do as many as possible, using the tips below, and aim to beat it next Saturday.

Tip 1: If your legs get tired, step back one foot at a time for the Suicide Jump, then step forward again. Tip 2: If your legs get really tired, walk back with your hands before standing up straight. You can walk out too. Harder on the arms, easier on the legs.

To do a Suicide Jump start standing up straight. Squat down and place your hands on the floor, your legs back into push up position. Do a push up. Hop your feet back in under yourself, explode upwards (or just stand up straight) raising your arms overhead, and repeat.

Crunches are the standard – on back, knees bent, lift upper body off floor, curling / crunching and engaging the abs. Finish off with cardio, such as a run, cycle or stair jogging at home.

Sunday Workout For some it’s a day of rest, but not if you are trying to get fit. As it is Sunday the workout can be done at a more leisurely pace. No circuits either. Perform each set of exercises in succession and then you are finished. 1. 100 High Knees / Running in Place 2. 100 Push-Ups 3. 100 Sit-Ups 4. 100 Squats


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

CLASS FORMATS Basic Training: – a more traditional boot camp-style class. In addition to functional training, HIIT, circuits, and sports agility drills you’ll also do training, heavy bag combos, footwork and defense drills. Each Basic Training class is unique and specifically designed to integrate tough workouts with the support and motivation of a team – expect nothing, be prepared for anything. Instructors will push you within your own fitness level; and trying your best is mandatory!

Bag : burn more calories and tone muscles faster by adding contact, resistance, force, and power to your training. In this 55-minute heavy bag class you will use punches, kicks, knees and elbows from various martial arts such as Kung Fu, Kick Boxing, , JKD, and Boxing. Although real technique will be demonstrated, the focus is always on fitness! It is geared for you to go at your own pace. Whether your goal is to improve your technique, burn calories to the MAX, or just find out what it feels like to beat the tar out of something, Bag Combat is for you!

MAX Strength: total body strength-conditioning workouts to build, shape and maintain lean muscle. This class is primarily non-aerobic using a variety of equipment such as resistance bands, free weights, medicine balls, stability balls and more to improve strength, balance and flexibility. MAX Strength is a great complement to our Bag Combat, Basic Training, and PT Co-Op classes. Suitable for all levels.

Kung Fu Fitness: a complete fitness system for any level based on the structure of a championship bout. NO partners, NO contact, NO experience necessary. A variety of bags will be used for an interesting workout.

Core Force: This will work hips, glutes, abs and back to develop your core force – functional strength, energy, power, and stability. Bring it on! Suitable for all levels.

Fusion: TRX/ boxing hybrid class. TRX suspension training combined with boxing and conditioning intervals. “Born in the Navy SEALs, TRX Suspension Training bodyweight exercise simultaneously develops strength, power, endurance, mobility, durability, balance, flexibility, and core stability. Whether you’re young or old, out of shape or a pro athlete, injured or at the top of your game, TRX Suspension Training meets you where you are and takes you where you want to go. “

We add the elements of basic boxing technique, footwork, and defense with heavy bag drills, focus mitt training and other conditioning exercises to the TRX training for a total body fat burning workout you won’t want to miss!

PT Co-Op: (Partner Training Co-operative): unique fat burning workouts incorporating boxing/Kung Fu combinations on the heavy bags, fun and safe partner-based pad work, circuit-training, and sports agility and plyometric drills.

Hybrid: an intense class combining Kung Fu training with 20-30 min of high-intensity conditioning. Rounds are 3-minute sets of both hitting and pad holding. Participants will work ranges (kicking, kneeing and boxing distances) in short combinations. This is the most challenging workout we offer – get ready to leave it all on the training floor!


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Physical Fitness

1. Agility Training - Drills to improve your martial arts agility (i.e. how to avoid a strike). 2. Balance Training 3. Body Weight Exercises - Body weight exercises are strength & conditioning exercises that only use the weight of your own body. These exercises do not use any gym equipment (i.e. dumbbells). Perfect for home & dojo workouts. 4. Calories & Martial Arts Training - A quick look at the calories burned during martial arts training and related physical activity. 5. Conditioning Drills - These conditioning exercises are used to improve martial arts stamina so fighters can outlast their opponents in the later rounds of a sparring match. 6. Diet 7. Flexibility 8. Foam Roller Exercises - Many athletes use foam roller exercises to reduce muscle tension, loosen muscle "knots" and help range of motion. 9. "Functional" Strength Training - Exercises designed to mimic and enhance natural movements used in sports and martial arts.  Kettlebell Workouts  Medicine Ball Workouts  Sandbag Training 10. Isometric Exercises 11. Kicking Power - Drills & tips to improve your kicking power. 12. Plyometric Training - Plyometric exercises are used to develop explosive power & quicker reactions. 13. Punching Power - Drills & tips to improve your punching power. 14. Reaction Drills - Drills to improve a martial artist's reactive "quickness". 15. Rotational Power - To help improve kicking and punching power. 16. Speed Training 17. Strength Training - This section includes traditional and modern martial arts strength training programs.  Core Exercises - Exercises for abs, oblique’s, etc.  Leg Exercises - Exercises for calves, quads, etc.  Upper Body Exercises - Exercises for chest, biceps, triceps, etc.  Biceps Exercises  Triceps Exercises 18. Stretching - Stretching is used by martial arts to improve flexibility and reduce the potential for some training injuries.  Dynamic Stretches  Partner Assisted Stretching  Static Stretches 19. Warm Up Exercises


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Advanced 7 Day Plan The advanced 7-day plans sets two workouts a day and the second some weight training. Optional for Faster Fat Burning: In addition to the exercises below also do the daily workout – best done after the morning cardio sessions:

Monday 1. Light Cardio: In the morning perform a 30-45-minute light cardio session to raise metabolism. This can be a brisk walk, jogging or a swim for example. 2. Weight training exercises: Squats, Calf Raises, Pushups, Shoulder Press and Dips. 3 sets of 8 exercises for each. Increase the weight if too easy, decrease if you struggle to complete 8 repetitions. 3. Diet: Breakfast should either be oats or whole meal toast and eggs. Lunch is soup (no bread). Dinner a salad with protein (egg, chicken or fish).

Tuesday Interval Training day: 20 minutes intensive interval training. 30 second sprint followed by 90 second recovery. Ten 2-minute intervals with 10 sprints. You can do this with any exercise – running, swimming, elliptical trainer, cycling, skipping etc. Work as hard as possible...

Diet: Same as Monday.

Wednesday 1. Longer Cardio Day: Today you need to do one longer cardio session. This can be jogging, cycling, rowing, brisk walking, elliptical etc. However, you must exercise for 60 minutes today. 2. Diet: Today you need to limit calories as much as possible, but do eat some carbohydrate an hour before exercising and again afterwards. 3. This should be a small snack, such as 1 banana, 1 slice of brown bread or a couple of oranges.

Thursday 1. Cardio Session: A morning cardio session of around 30 minutes. Steady exercise to get the body moving and burning fat. 2. Weight training exercises: Deadlifts, Pull Ups, Curls, and Single Arm Dumbbell Rows. 3 sets of 8 exercises for each. 3. Diet: Lots of proteins to help muscle recovery and less carbohydrates, so eat just eggs for breakfast, then a small salad with plenty of chicken, pork, beef or fish for lunch. All portions should be small.

Friday 1. Cardio: Longer, steady cardio with 2 sprints at the end. So at least 30 minutes of jogging with a 1-minute sprint (long sprint, around 400m), then a recovery of 3-5 minutes, then another sprint before the final recovery jog. In total you should be exercising for around 40-45 minutes. Stretch afterwards. 2. Diet: Similar to Wednesday – fewer calories to aid fat reduction.

Saturday 1. Core Training: Calisthenics, Yoga, Dynamic Stretching, crunches. Perform crunches to failure, aim to do 100. Aim to exercise for at least 45 minutes. 2. Alternate between upper body and lower body exercises. If in doubt jog on the spot until


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

you decide what to do next. This helps to teach you to take control of your fitness sessions. Empower yourself! 3. Diet: As Monday.

Sunday 1. Activity day: Sunday is a good time to get active with friends and family, so a long walk or a trip to the park are good choices. 2. Diet: Keep your meals small and lean, high in protein. If you are having roast dinner you can treat yourself to the beef, broccoli and carrots, but nothing else – and have a small portion!

You obviously do not need to exercise in this exact order or on these days, this is to provide you with a guide. You may want to focus more on weight training, circuit training or yoga for example, so switch some days around.

This is the ideal level of activity and type of weekly exercise routine that you need to do to start getting really fit and losing weight.

It really does help a lot if you can exercise for at least 45 minutes every single day. Ideally some days you should exercise more. Do not let anyone (other than your doctor) tell you that this is too much exercise, it is not. The human body is designed to move, the muscles need to work to be healthy.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Jeet Kune Do: [12 Classes a Month] Terminology 1. Bi Jong - Ready Position 46. Kow Tao - Head butt 2. Biu Jee - Thrusting Fingers 47. Kune (Kun) - Fist 3. Biu Sao - Thrusting Hand 48. Kwoon – School 4. Bong Sao - Deflecting Hand (Raised 49. Lao Sing Choi - Lateral Hammer Fist Elbow) Strike or a Chop with a Closed Fist 5. Chi – Has a Few Definitions such as 50. Lee Jun Fan - 's Chinese Name “Energy,” "Spirit" or "Breath," 51. Lie Sao - palm up pulling deflection using 6. Chi Sao - Energy Hands also called sticky the edge of the thumb/wrist area hands (sometimes confused with Tan Sao, 7. Chop Choi – extended knuckle punch though they do look similar) to redirect 8. Chung Choi - Vertical Fist the force of a linear strike always done 9. Cup Sao - Scooping hand from the outside line. 10. Doan Chi Sao – one hand Energy hands 52. Lin Sil Da - Simultaneously defend and training hit (Lin Sil Die Dar) 11. Da – Hit or strike 53. Lok Sao - Rolling Hands 12. Do – or “Tao” Meaning “Way” 54. Lop Sao - Pulling Hand 13. Dum Tek - Stomp Kick 55. Maun Choi – Jab (lead punch) 14. Fon Sao - Trapping Hands 56. Maun Sao - Front Hand, Inquisitive hand 15. Fook Sao - Horizontal deflecting hand or asking hand 16. Gin Lai - Salute 57. Mook Jong - Wing Chung Dummy 17. Go Da - High Hit 58. Na – Locking or submission 18. Gon Sao - Outer Wrist Block 59. O'ou Choi - Hook Punch 19. Gua Choi - Back Fist 60. O'ou Tek – (sometimes spelled “now 20. Gua Tek - Inverted Hook Kick tek” due to the sound of the word with 21. Gum Sao - Pinning Hand an almost silent “N”) - Hook Kick 22. Ha Da - Low Hit (commonly known as a round house kick 23. Ha Pak - Low Slap in other martial art styles) Bruce Lee 24. Hay - begin referred to the round kicks as Hook kicks 25. Hou Juk Tek - Back Side Kick 61. Pak Sao - Slapping Hand 26. Hou Tek - Back Kick 62. Ping Choi - Horizontal Fist 27. Han Sao - Circling Hand 63. Saat Da – Knee Strike 28. Jang - Elbow 64. Si Bak - Your Instructor's Senior 29. Jao Sao - Running Hand 65. Si Dai - Your Junior 30. Joap Hop - Line Up or Group Together, 66. Si Fu - Teacher or Instructor 31. Jeet - Stop or Intercept 67. Si Gung - Your Instructor's Instructor 32. Jeet Gurk - Shin Block 68. Si Hing - Your Senior 33. - Way Of The Intercepting 69. Si Jo - Founder of The System Fist 70. Siu Nim Tao - First Form 34. Jeet Sao - Intercepting Hand, as used in Called “The Little Idea” the shoulder or bicep stop 71. Si Mo – Wife of Your Instructor or 35. Jeet Tek - Intercepting Kick Female Instructor 36. Jern – vertical Palm strike 72. Si Sook - Your Instructor's Junior 37. Jik Chung Choi - Commonly Known as the 73. So Tek - Heel Kick Meaning Straight Vertical 74. Sut Sao – Slicing hand or commonly Fist. Used For Overwhelming an known as to Chop Opponent With Vertical Fists Down His 75. Tan Sao - Palm Up Deflecting Hand Center to Find the Opening Using 76. Tek - Kick Forward Energy 77. Tok Sao - Lifting arm or lifting hand


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

38. Jik Tek – Straight kick or Front Kick with (lifting under the elbow(s) like you would Toe see in the way the Mook Jong forms end) 39. Jin Choi - 78. Tow Dai - Student 40. Jong Sao - Dummy Hand 79. Tow Suen - Student's Student 41. Juen So Tek - Spinning Heel Kick 80. Wong Pak – Outside Cross Slap 42. Juen Tek - Spin Kick 81. Wu Choi – Cross (as in Jab, cross) 43. Juk Tek - Side Kick 82. Wu Sao - Rear Hand or Protective hand 44. Jung Da - Middle Hit 83. Wu Tek - Rear leg 45. Jut Sao - Jerking Hand 84. Yu Bay - Ready

Jeet Kune Do Curriculum Salutation Kicking Drills: 1. Five corner kicking: alternating kicks between left and right foot. 2. Five corner kicking: from low to high. 3. Clockwork kicking: real-time kicking with the closest weapon. 4. Combination clockwork kicking & hitting: advanced. Key: real-time, no hesitation, closest weapon to closest target.

Stance: Bi Jong 1. Lead : shuffle, front, rear, side. 2. Form is the essence, balanced, smooth, feet stay on the ground, (skating) 3. Strictly lower body movements: each movement is independent. 4. Comfortable and alive, natural bounce, not rigid or stiff with hops or jumps. 5. Shuffle to various strikes and kicks. Key: be alive and comfortable.

Evasive Maneuvers 1. Evade various strikes (some exaggerated to make easier) 2. Evade various kicks. 3. Evade various combinations of strikes and kicks. 4. Minimal movement to make opponent miss. 5. Know what position and distance is safe for you. 6. Individualize and adapt to the size and reach of the opponent. 7. Evade and counter: after learning the above. Keys: Better to miss by an inch then to block by a mile.

 To block is to get hit.  Don't engage the opponent, disengage him. (e.g., don't tangle yourself in and trapping movements)  The whole idea is to intercept his physical and emotional intent to hurt you.

Classical versus the New (modern) 1. Siu Nim Tao (Little Ideal Form): performed the classical way. 2. Regarding trapping: cut the movement in half for realism. 3. Concentrate on speed and economy. Key: economy of motion, efficiency.

 Hook punch: closer to the body then a boxer.  Elbow next to the rib, much tighter and compact.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Key: centerline theory (from the center, not outside or wide).

 Take the skin (or paint) off of your ribs.  Rear heel kick: tighter, more centered. Key: Take the skin (or paint) off the inside of your legs.

Separate punching drills: 1. Centerline punching (rapid): straight-line blast with closing footwork. 2. Separate kicking drills - Two Aspects for improved kicking:

1. Power: Water in the hose analogy for transfer of force through target. 2. Speed: Whip analogy for speed of recovery: (E.g., shoe laces pop, kicking a gnat out of the air)

 Combine, blend power with speed drills, and make adjustments. Keys: Delivery system - instant, fast relaxed.

1. Hand before foot 2. Non-telegraphic (no pre-steps or stutter steps) (for punching: no flinching) 3. Complete emphasis on speed and economy of motion. 4. The less you move the better. 5. Clean and sharp as a two-edged sword, pure Chinese Kung-Fu. 6. Power comes with time, sometimes years; on the spot power. 7. Speed comes with accuracy. 8. Proper form and body alignment with balance. 9. Footwork is supposed to be light and easy, not jumping around stiff, but relaxed and smooth without deliberation, angular and instant.

Basic Trapping. 1. Pak sao 2. Lop sao 3. Gong sao 4. Jut sao 5. Tan sao 6. Bong sao 7. Economy of motion: cut these movements in half. 8. One hand trap 9. Two hand traps Key: Trapping is only a by-product. Hit, hit and more hit: not trap, trap and then hit. While engaging an opponent, if there's emptiness…Hit. Skim and glide with friction but let the Chi flow.

Line drills (Quiet awareness) Sensitivity: Touch vs. Non-Touch.

Distance: Measure your distance 1. Safe 2. No man's land 3. Gates, body positions, and zones


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Key: Put yourself where you're safe and the opponent is not.

Circle to the outside of the strong side, away from rear hand. Immobilize the lead leg or hand, after you hit, not before.

Practice Drills 1. Attack and defense.

Key: Stun him first, before obstruction, to break his rhythm or forward momentum.

Apparatus training 2. Finger jab 3. Straight blast 4. Side kick: shin, knee target 5. Side kick: power through target 6. Strikes to traps 7. Kicks to traps 8. Bridging the gap 9. Basic Wing Chun traps 10. Strike to hand immobilization to 11. Kick to leg immobilization to takedown 12. Back fist (high to low, low to high)

Keys: All trapping concludes in hitting

 Don't punch and kick at an opponent, kick and punch through him  Broken rhythm (Don't be predictable)  Using the stop-kick as a jab as you incorporate it in footwork o (e.g., be loose, fluid, Ali-like)

1. Burning Step: hand to foot impetus. 2. The pendulum: avoidance then following back swiftly and instantaneously. 3. Basic and primary goal: Each student must find his own  Identifying the tools  Using the tools  Sharpening the tools  Dissolving the tools

In adapting to the opponent: The Three Phrases: 1. Ice: solid, unchanging, rigid. 2. Water: liquid, flowing.

Steam: gaseous, focused pressure.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Kick Boxing Specialized Course: [12 Classes a Month] White Belts Yellow Belt 1. Identify 1. Identify 2. 10 press ups 2. 20 press ups 3. Guard Stance - demonstrate Jab/Cross moving 3. Guarding stance – hook punches (no pads or around (Gloves on) partner) 4. Drill 1 – (wearing bag gloves) 4. Slipping punches, one-person jab/crossing the 5. Jab/Cross on pads other slipping, then change over 6. Front snap kick on Shield 5. Drill 2 – (wearing bag gloves) 7. Finish 6. Pad Work – Hooks 7. Pad Work – Turning Kicks 8. Finish Orange Belt Green Belt 1. Identify 1. Identify 2. 20 Press ups 2. 20 Press Ups 3. Uppercuts – working on footwork (moving 3. Guarding stance – Shadow sparring showing around) roundhouse Elbow (footwork/moving around) 4. Riding and slipping punches – partner 4. Gloves on – One person Hooking, the other throwing Jab/Cross showing elbow cover 5. Pad Work – Uppercuts 5. Pad Work – Roundhouse Elbow 6. Pad Work – Push Kick 6. Side Kick (any type) demonstrate side facing 7. Drill 3 (wearing full equipment) stance 8. Sparring – Hands only 7. Drill 4 (wearing full equipment) 9. Finish 8. Sparring – Hands Only 9. Finish Blue Belt 1. Identify 1. Identify 2. 20 Press ups (Wide) 2. 20 Press ups (Wide) 3. Guarding stance – Bob and Weave with a body 3. Footwork – Intermediate; moving around hook punch either side. (Footwork/moving (Shadow Sparring) showing body deflections around)) 4. Freestyle Drill – Pad holder puts up pads for 4. Bob and weave with partner (hook punches) any Punches and Kicks; showing Body deflections with gloves and Bob/Weave 5. Freestyle Drill – Pad holder puts up pads for 5. Pad Work – Axe Kick any punches 6. Pad Work – (Kick Shield) 6. Pad Work – Knee strike bringing the knee to 7. Pad Work – Jumping Front Kick the pad 8. Drill 6 (wearing full equipment) 7. Pad Work – Body Hook punch 9. Sparring 8. Pad Work – Back kick (Kick Shield) 10. Finish 9. Drill 5 (wearing full equipment) 10. Sparring 11. Finish Purple Belt Brown Belt 1. Identify 1. Identify 2. 20 Press ups (Wide) 2. 20 press ups followed by 10 burpees 3. Footwork – both levels demonstrating over 3. Foot work – shadow sparring showing all arm cross (Shadow Sparring) techniques 4. Freestyle Drill – Pad Holder moving around, 4. Freestyle Drill – punching and kicking, showing demonstrate all punches and kicks with Blocks 5. all blocks including Cross arm guard. Pad Work – Hook Kick (any type) use side facing 5. Pad Work – Jumping Side Kick (Kick Shield)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union stance 6. Pad Work – Spinning Outer Crescent Kick 6. Pad Work – Crescent Kick/Downward Kick 7. Pad Work – Spinning Hook Kick (demonstrating strongest crescent Kick) 8. Drill 8 (wearing full equipment) 7. Pad Work – Jumping Turning Kick (Kick Shield) 9. Sparring 8. Drill 7 (wearing full equipment) 10. Finish 9. Sparring – Hands and Feet 10. Finish Black Belt The Grading System in Kickboxing Belts 1. Identify 2. 20 Press ups (wide) Followed by 15 Burpees Traditionally, Kick Boxing schools only rely on the 3. Shadow sparring – showing all techniques ultimate test to determine if a kickboxer is ready (including Spinning Back Fist) to move up in rank. This is done through sparring 4. Freestyle Drill – punching and kicking – matches or in-house tournaments wherein the showing high level techniques as well as blocks top-performing fighters or winners will graduate 5. Pad Work – Jab/Cross/bob and weave/ Hook to the next level. followed by spinning back fist Some schools also create a grading system 6. Pad Work – Jumping side kick/Jumping back wherein instructors provide points to students kick during drills, training sessions and sparring 7. Drill 9 (wearing full equipment) matches until they successfully reach the 8. Sparring minimum point requirement, thereby allowing 9. Finish them to move on to the next level.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Introduction Krav Maga was created by Imrich “Imi” Lichtenfeld to help Jews protect themselves against the Nazis and was later adopted by military and police forces. In 1972, the first civilian course was offered, and the discipline has since become popular with civilians around the world. Effective for both fitness and self-defense, Krav Maga doesn’t require any special gear or tools, and teaches you techniques you can use in almost any threatening situation.

Krav Maga Specialized Curriculum Stances Straight Strikes 1. Passive Neutral Stance 1. Straight Punch - Lead Hand (Jab) 2. Passive Natural Stance 2. Straight Punch - Rear Hand (Cross) 3. Passive Tactical Stance 3. Straight Punch with Advance 4. Fighting Stance 4. Straight Punch with Retreat 5. Moving in Fighting Stance 5. Straight Punch to the Body 6. Palm Heel Striking (2 Variations) 7. Eye Strike Punch Defenses Chop Strikes 1. 360 Degree Defenses (Outside Defenses) 1. Inside Chop Strike 2. Inside Defense against Straight Punch 2. Outside Chop Strike 3. Inside Defense against Straight Punch Low 4. Inside Defense and 360 Degree Defenses against Hammer Fist’s Punches 1. Hammer Fist to the Side 2. Hammer Fist to the Back 3. Forward Hammer Fist 4. Downward Hammer Fist Elbow Strikes Knees and Kicks 1. Horizontal High Elbow Strike (Elbow #1) 1. Front Kick to the Groin 2. Sideways Elbow Strike (Elbow #2) 2. Front Kick with the Ball of the Foot 3. Horizontal Elbow Strike Backward (Elbow #3) 3. Round Kick 4. Vertical Elbow Strike Backward Low (Elbow #4) 4. Knee Strike 5. Vertical Elbow Strike Backward (Elbow #5) 5. Round Knee Strike 6. Vertical Elbow Strike Forward and Upward (Elbow #6) 7. Vertical Elbow Strike Forward and Down (Elbow #7) Kick/Hand Strike Combinations 1. Front Kick/Hammer Fist Combination 2. Front Kick/Straight Punch Combination SELF-DEFENSE Choke Defenses (Plucking Defenses) Headlock Defenses 1. Choke from the Front (Two-Handed Pluck) 1. Headlock from the Side 2. Choke from the Front (One-Handed Pluck) 2. Headlock from Behind (Bar Arm) 3. Choke from Behind 3. Headlock from Behind (Carotid Choke) 4. Choke from the Side 4. Headlock from Behind (Rear Naked Choke) Choke with a Push Defenses (Rotational Defenses) 1. Choke from the Front with a Push Takedown Defenses 2. Choke from Behind with a Push 1. Basic Tackle Defense (Double Neck Tie Clinch) 2. Basic Tackle Defense (Knee Clinch on


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

the Side) Wrist Grab Releases Arm Pull Defenses 1. Wrist Release: Same Side Hand - (Elbow to Elbow) 1. Arm Pull from the Front 2. Wrist Release: Opposite Hand (Hitchhike Out) 2. Arm Pull from the Side 3. Wrist Release: Two Hands Held Down from the Front 3. Arm Pull from Behind (Circle Up) 4. Wrist Release: Two Hands Held High from the Front (Circle Down) 5. Wrist Release: One Wrist Held by Two Hands - Low (2 Variations) 6. Wrist Release: One Wrist Held by Two Hands - High 7. Wrist Release: One Wrist Held from the Side (4 Variations) Positions and Movement Kicks from the Ground 1. Back Position 1. Front Kick from the Ground 2. Back Position: Movement on the Ground 2. Round Kick from the Ground 3. Side Position: Movement on the Ground 3. Side Kick from the Ground

Getting Up 1. Getting Up with Two Hands (For Beginners) 2. Getting Up with One Hand (For More Advanced Students) 3. Getting Up: Transition Kick


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Ground Combat / MMA Specialized Curriculum: [12 Classes a Month] Introduction: The evolution of martial arts has given rise to hybrid styles that seek to combine the best of several arts to give the student knowledge in all ranges of combat. Traditional styles would often concentrate on certain elements of combat: Kung Fu, , , Kick Boxing, Muay Thai would concentrate on standing combat.

Jiu Jitsu, and would concentrate on a closer range of taking down and submission. use elements from a selection of these to enable a skill set to be used in competition that is arguably the most exciting and diverse on the planet today.

Hybrid Ground Combat/ MMA Specialized Training Curriculum White Belt Techniques Orange Belt Techniques - All White belt skills+

Dominant Positions: Dominant Positions: 1. Mount 1. North/ South 2. Side Control (Full) 2. Guard (Spider) 3. Side Control (Cross Face) 3. Guard (Butterfly) 4. Guard (Full) 4. Scarf Hold 5. Guard (1/2) 5. Rear Mount (Sitting)

Falls: Chokes: 1. Back Fall 1. Front Naked 2. Side fall (Right & Left) 2. Paper Cutter 3. Front fall 3. Baseball 4. Arm Triangle Choke: 5. Leg Triangle (from Mount, Side, Scarf, Back) 1. Cross Collar 6. Single Wing 2. Leaning 7. Collar / Body drop 3. Speed 4. Fist Choke Arm Bar Variations: 5. Lapel 1. Key-lock / Americana from Side Control 6. Guillotine 2. Kimura from Side Control, Cross face and 7. Rear Naked Guard 8. Ezekiel 3. Straight Arm Bar from Guard, Rear, Scarf Hold 9. Sleeve 4. Bicep Crush 10. Leg Triangle (From Guard) Sweeps / Transitions & Reversals; Arm Bars: 1. Hip Heist from Guard 1. Key-lock/ Americana from Mount 2. Cell phone 2. Kimura from Mount 3. Opponent Posts Arms 3. Straight Arm Bar from MT/ Side Control 4. Elbow/ Shoulder Roll 5. Head Trap and Lift (From Side Control) Sweeps/ Transitions & Reversals: 6. Rocking Chair/ See-Saw sweep 1. Scissor 2. Elevator Escapes: 3. Arm Trap & Roll 1. Guard Pass to Side Control/ Cross face 4. Arm Push & Roll 2. Rear Naked Choke Escape (Trap Arm/ Side 5. Taking Mount from Side Control (Leg Push/ Flop)


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Leg Pull) 3. Key-lock/ Americana Escape (Push/ Tuck Elbow) 4. Leg Triangle Escape (Knee Push & Turn) Grips: 1. Gable 2. S Grip

Blue Belt Techniques – All White & Orange Belt Purple Belt Techniques – Plus all previous Skills+ material

Basic Guard Passes: 10 Points of Control: 1. Double under 1. Outside Wrist Control 2. Knee Slide/ Baseball Slide 2. Inside Wrist Control 3. Ankle Pin 3. Inside Bicep Control 4. Ankle Push 4. Outside Bicep Control 5. Leg Toss 5. Under hook 6. Over hook/ Whizzer Chokes: 7. Inside Head Control 1. Triangle Arm Choke 8. Outside Head Control 2. Gi Choke (From All Positions) 9. Back Hip Control 3. Go-Go Plata from Guard 10. Front Hip Control 4. Anaconda 5. Darce Additional Dominant Positions: 6. Clock Choke from Turtle 1. Modified Scarf Hold 7. North-South Guillotine 2. Side Control – Near Hip 8. Gator Roll Choke 3. Reverse Scarf Hold 4. Gift Wrap Sweeps / Transitions & Reversals: 5. Knee of Belly 1. Ridge Hand Roll from Side Control 6. Rear Mount (Facing Down) 2. Hip Bump to Back Door Escape 7. Rear Mount (Facing Up) 3. Hip Bump to Gator Roll High 4. Hip Bump to Gator Roll Low Chokes: 5. Log Roll 1. Arm Choke from Guard (Full) 6. Scooping Sweep 2. Standing Modified Guillotine 7. Headlock Roll 3. Rear Naked Choke – Standing

Escapes: 4. Trachea Choke using forearms – Standing or 1. Rear Naked Choke Escape (Praying Hands) Kneeling 2. Rear Mount Escape (Hip Drop & Spin) 5. Collar choke from Side Control 3. Body Lock Escape 6. Lapel Choke from Side Control (Opponent 4. Guard Escape (Bear Walk) grips hands behind your back)

5. Guard Escape (Stack) Arm Bars: Intermediate Techniques: 1. Kimura from Spider Guard 1. Body Lock 2. Omaplata from attempted Leg Triangle 2. Knee on chest crush 3. Straight Arm Bar from attempted Guard 3. Half Guard/ Leg Lockdown Escape 4. Crucifix 4. Kimura – Russian 2 on 1 from Standing 5. Double Arm Bar from the Guard 6. Omaplata Sweeps / Transitions & Reversals: 7. Arm Bar from Stack 1. Opponent attempts single leg to standing 8. Safe (Position where losing will never happen) crucifix


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2. Side Control Key-Lock reversal to modified Key-Lock w/ Leg 3. Attempted Leg Triangle to Omaplata

Guard Passes: 1. 2 on 1 Hand/ Foot Control 2. Boston Crab from Open Guard 3. Knee in Tailbone Guard Escape to SC or SH

Combos: 1. Americana to Arm Triangle from MT 2. Straight Arm bar to Leg Triangle from MT 3. Omaplata from attempted straight Arm Bar from GD Brown Belt Techniques: Plus, all previous material

Principles: a. KIS – Keep It Simple b. SEE – Simple, Efficient, Effective c. 3 second Rule d. Balanced – (Relaxation & Flow) e. Mobility vs Stability f. 10 Principles of Jiu Jitsu

1. Balance 2. Mobility & Stability 3. Avoid Head on Collision 4. Mental resistance & distraction 5. Focus to smallest point possible 6. Energy Transfer 7. Create a base 8. Sticking, control & sensitivity 9. Rotational momentum 10. Transitional Flow a. Pain b. maximum pain w/o dislocation c. mobility during transition g. Distraction h. “Focus to the smallest point” i. Creating a steady Base j. Rotational Momentum k. Transitional Flow l. Small Circle Jiu Jitsu – tightening the circle

Dominant Positions: 1. X Guard 2. Rubber Guard 3. De La Riva


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Combinations: 1. Attempted Key-lock to Straight Arm Bar from MT 2. Attempted Key-lock to Kimura from MT 3. Attempted scissor sweep to Straight Arm Bar from GD 4. Attempted Rear Naked Choke to Straight Arm Bar from Rear MT 5. Attempted Rear Naked Choke to Leg Triangle from Rear MT 6. Attempted Kimura from Side Control to modified Kimura grip 7. While attempting to gain Side Control from opponent’s turtle position you apply Collar – Body Drop 8. Attempted Straight Arm Bar from Guard to Big Leg Sweep (Mount) 9. Attempted Straight Arm Bar from Guard to Omaplata 10. Attempted Scissor Sweep from Guard to Triangle Arm Choke 11. Attempted Rear Leg Triangle to Single Wing Choke 12. Attempted Rear naked Choke to Single Arm R.N.C.

Flowing Techniques: Guard (Full) 1. Attempted Kimura – Opponent blocks by leaning in 2. Attempted Guillotine - Opponent blocks by pulling back 3. Hip Heist – Apply Kimura from Mount 4. Hip Heist – Blocks Kimura by turning wrist up – apply Key lock 5. Attempted Guillotine but leaves arm exposed – Omaplata

Rear Mount 1. Attempt Rear Naked Choke – Opponent Traps 2nd Arm 2. Attempt Single Arm Rear Naked Choke – Opponent Turns Chin 3. Attempt Straight Arm Bar – Opponent Posts Far Arm 4. Attempt Rear Leg Triangle – Opponent Opens Neck 5. Attempt Collar Choke – Opponent Pry’s hand lose 6. Attempt Collar Choke w/ Single Wing Option

Side Control 1. Attempt Key-Lock – Opponent Blocks by pushing/ pulling elbow 2. Attempt Kimura – Opponent Grabs pants Leg 3. Attempt Kimura – Apply alternate Kimura Grip (Shoulder attack) Black Belt Techniques – Plus all previous Material covered

Standing Escapes: 1. Guillotine 2. Side Head Lock 3. Rear Head Lock 4. Front Bear Hug 5. Rear Bear Hug 6. Wrist Grabs

Advanced Sweeps: 1. Windshield Wiper 2. Spider Guard Sweeps 3. Butterfly Guard Sweeps 4. Omaplata Sweep


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5. Standing Hooks Sweep 6. De La Riva Guard Sweep 7. X Guard Sweep 8. Deep Half Guard Sweep

Advanced Passes: 1. Butterfly Pass 2. Scissor Pass 3. Leg Pinch Pass 4. Tornado Pass 5. One Step Pass 6. Spider Guard Pass 7. Nak Pass

Combinations: 1. Taking the back from scissor sweep 2. Arm lock from scissor sweep 3. Butterfly Guard Sweep to triangle choke 4. Sitting guard sweep to Leg lock 5. Open Guards sweep to knee bar

Shoulder Lock: 1. Barata-plata

Arm bars: 2. Crucifix Arm bar 3. Rolling Arm Bar

Leg Attacks: 1. Ankle Lock 2. Knee bar Throws & Takedowns: White Belt Techniques: Orange Belt Techniques: 1. Hip Throw 9. Headlock Throw 2. Shoulder Throw 10. Fireman Drop Throw 3. One Leg Sacrifice Throw 11. Big Leg Throw 4. Superman Throw 12. One Arm Modified Close line - Throw 5. Breaking Base Takedown 13. Single Leg Takedown 6. Front Seatbelt Takedown 14. Double Leg Takedown 7. Modified Seatbelt Takedown 15. Opponent Reaching - Single Arm Takedown 8. Rear Takedown w/Arm Break

Blue Belt Techniques: Purple Belt Techniques: 16. Crossing Sleeve Throw 20. Inside Neck Control – Hip Throw 17. Body Drop & Roll Throw (Sleeve & lapel 21. Outside Neck Control – Shoulder Throw Grips) 22. One Hand Reversal – Takedown 18. Tree Top Throw 23. Belt Drop - Takedown 19. Single Arm Scooping Takedown 24. Lifting Shoulder Throw


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Brown Belt Techniques: Black Belt Techniques: 25. Knee Wheel – Throw 31. Head Turn – Takedown 26. Large Outer Reap – Throw 32. Outside Wrist – Throw 27. Large Hip Throw 33. Inside Wrist – Throw 28. Large Inner Reap – Throw 34. Outside Bicep – Throw 29. Hip Wheel – Throw 35. Inside Bicep – Throw 30. Front Leg Foot Sweep – Takedown 36. Inside Hip – Throw 37. Outside Hip - Throw 38. Flying leg scissor – Takedown 39. Flying Leg Triangle - Takedown 40. Flying Straight Arm Bar - Takedown


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union MUAY THAI SPECIALIZED CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month]

Introduction: Historically the colored belt system came from Japan when Jigaro Kano, the founder of Judo, created a grading syllabus for his students and as a result the coveted Black Belt was created. Other styles and systems followed suit and you can now grade in most martial arts such as; Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Karate, Tang Soo Do and Jiu Jitsu to name but a few. Traditionally there are no official grading systems used by the Thais in Muay Thai. The grades or ranks of Kru (instructor) Arjarn (master) and Bramarjarn (grand-master) are earned through years of dedication and commitment in the art of Muay Thai and the majority of these mentors have fought many professional fights to gain their status. Grading’s in Muay Thai have been introduced to satisfy the requirements and needs of the Westerner for reward and merit.

Muay Thai Specialized Grading Structures 1ST KHAN – WHITE PRAJIT PURITY – The mind is open to learning; the student takes the first steps towards learning balance, guard and stance and develops the basics of the 4 weapons of Muay Thai – kicks, punches, knees and elbows. Discipline and structure are introduced in this phase. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

2nd KHAN – YELLOW PRAJIT SCHOLAR – The student now develops a base knowledge on how to combine the techniques, to add timing and rhythm. Development of clinch work and sparring is also enhanced. This phase introduces the student to Thai history, language & culture. The clinch game starts. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

3rd KHAN – ORANGE PRAJIT COMPETANCE – The student can now competently demonstrate techniques with confidence, showing balance, agility, speed and power. The first stages of the Wai Kru and Ram Muay are introduced in this phase. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

4th KHAN – GREEN PRAJIT TECHNICAL – The student has now developed a technical understanding of Muay Thai and can demonstrate this in sparring. The student can also demonstrate the Wai Kru & Ram Muay of Chao Phraya Muay Thai. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

5th KHAN – BLUE PRAJIT HARMONY – Both technical and academic knowledge can now be demonstrated by the student. The harmonious blending of knowledge and skill is developed in this phase and the student can demonstrate the balance of these attributes. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

6th KHAN – BROWN PRAJIT FLUIDITY – The student can now demonstrate all aspects of Muay Thai showing skill, control, discipline, agility and heart. Fighting. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

7th KHAN – RED/WHITE PRAJIT COMPREHENSION – The student now demonstrates clear understanding of both technical and theoretical knowledge Muay Thai and can teach and pass this knowledge on competently and confidently to a class. This is the first stage towards becoming an instructor. Upon completion of this grade the student receives the status of Assistant instructor. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

8TH KHAN – RED PRAJIT & RED MONGKON ENLIGHTENMENT – The student tests to become an instructor and demonstrates the ability to teach others. Knowledge of fighter training in addition to fighter preparation is required. The student must be able to demonstrate hand-wrapping, massage and corner-man/trainer skills. The ability to teach correct pad holding for both beginners and fighters is essential. At the end of this grade the student receives their instructor status. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

9th KHAN – RED/SILVER PRAJIT & RED/SILVER MONGKON RESPONSIBILITY – The instructor runs their own school demonstrating discipline, knowledge and empathy. Training of fighters and organizing fights for their Nak Muay is also required. At the end of this grade the instructor will be awarded senior instructor status. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)

10th KHAN – RED/BLACK PRAJIT & RED/BLACK MONGKON DEVELOPMENT – This is the grade of the chief instructor and it is their responsibility to promote the continuing development of Muay Thai & Thai culture through their teachings. [Course Details will be provided once you start your trainings.)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

QI GONG SPECIALIZED TRAINING CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month] Qi Gong is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. With roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, Qi Gong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance Qi or "internal energy". Typically, a Qi Gong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement, a calm mindful state, and visualization of guiding Qi through the body. From a Philosophical perspective Qi Gong is believed to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "true nature".

Health benefits of Qi Gong are to enhance health and well-being with many benefits, including improving cardiovascular function, healing specific acute diseases, and increasing longevity. The benefits of Qi Gong practice. The review reported that Qi Gong practice played a positive role in each of following categories: 1. Bone density: prevented bone loss and increased bone mineral density; 2. Cardiopulmonary effects: decreased blood pressure and heart rate, increased heart rate variability, and improved biomarkers; 3. Physical function: improved performance e.g., chair rise, 50-ft walk, gait speed, muscle contraction strength, flexibility; 4. Falls and related risk factors: decreased falls and increased balance; 5. Quality of life: improved perceived physical health, psychological state, social relationships, etc. 6. Self-efficacy: improved confidence and ability to manage health problems, pain, stress, and novel situations; 7. Patient reported outcomes: decreased reporting of pain, improvement of diverse symptoms like discomfort and sleeplessness; 8. Psychological symptoms: decreased anxiety, depression, perceived stress, and fear; improved mood and biomarkers such as stress hormones (e.g., lower cortisol); 9. Immune function and inflammation: improved immune blood markers (e.g., leukocytes, eosinophils, and antibodies) and decrease inflammation markers (e.g., cytokines, C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6) 10. Mental Health: improved mood, decreased stress reaction, and decreased anxiety and depression.

Qi Gong Training These are based on various Qi Gong systems. 1. Fundamental Qi Gong form/Standing Qi Gong (open energy channels) 2. Qi Gong Breathing Systems (to ground, move and balance energy) 3. Walking Qi Gong Forms (to pump energy, move stagnation and strengthen deficiencies) 4. Moving Qi Gong Forms (to advance all of the above) 5. Tai Chi Ball Qi Gong 6. Sitting Meditation Qi Gong 7. Interior Scanning Qi Gong (Outer Layer & Inner Layer) 8. Letting go/Dissolving Qi Gong Healing 9. Celestial Qi Gong Form (introduces spiritual dimension of the human being leading to transformation of the Qi field) 10. Creative Energy Qi Gong (to strengthen creative Qi) 11. Explore the Spiritual, Energetic and Physical Dimensions of Qi Gong Practice


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Main contents of Qi Gong we I teach for this specialized training: 1. Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Duan Jin 八段錦). 2. Six Healing Sounds (Liu Zi Jue 六字訣). 3. Wu Style 8 Methods for Health (Wu Shi Jiashen Ba Fa 吴氏健身八法): very good for hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, gastrointestinal disease and other chronic diseases 4. Muscle-Tendon Change Classic (Yi Jin Jing 易筋经). 5. Five Animals (Wu Qin Xi 五禽戲). 6. Shi Er Duan Jin (十二段锦): seated exercises to strengthen the neck, shoulders, waist, and legs. 7. Daoyin Yang Sheng Gong Shi Er Fa (导引养生功十二法): 12 routines from Daoyin tradition of guiding and pulling Qi.

5 Levels Of Bone Marrow Cleansing - List Of Special Benefits Bone Marrow Cleansing (Xi Sui Jing) is the third Qi Gong treasure taught by the Great Bodhidharma in the Shaolin temple.

Unlike to the 18 Luohan Hands and the 12 exercises of Sinew Metamorphosis there are no pictures and records on how Bone Marrow Cleansing was practiced in the Shaolin temple. In contrast to the two sets of exercises we interpret Bone Marrow Cleansing as a master’s skill without physical outward form.

Qi Gong classics described that chi flows on 5 levels, namely the levels of skin, flesh, meridians, internal organs and bone marrow. Practitioners of genuine Qi Gong would initially feel chi flowing on the skin level and later step by step on the deeper levels, taking years of practice for each step.

By Zhao Hui transmission, his courses are – as usual – a shortcut to acquiring the 5 skills summed up in our version of Bone Marrow Cleansing. So students can experience and practice the art by their very first day of practice. This is ridiculous, but true! Everyone who gets a chance to attend this course should seize it.

Bone Marrow Cleansing reaches the deepest energy levels and is able to cleanse even karmic blockages. Besides it provides deep peace, courage and mental clarity. Hence it supplies monks with all requirements for the path to Enlightenment.

Of course, there are many other benefits for lay people on a more mundane scale.

The 5 levels of Bone Marrow Cleansing: Qi flow on the …

1) Skin Level - protects the skin and the body against external agents and therefore enhances immunity. - cleanses the skin from external agents that are already present. - heals the skin from injury and illness. - increases sensitivity in contact as well without contact and therefore enhances perception and awareness. - gives a radiant appearance with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Besides being healthy the practitioner also looks healthy. - has a warming effect.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

2) Flesh Level - gives stability to the structure of the body and therefore helps preventing injuries. - gives protection to the surrounded internal organs. (Develops Golden Bell) - develops a lot of internal force. - strengthens muscles and motoric functions and improves agility. - enhances intellectual abilities. - gives confidence and courage. - gives a massage to the muscles. - heals muscles, tendons and joints. - clears internal injuries. - spreads warmth in the body.

3) Meridian Level - helps overcoming illness. - Especially increases vitality and longevity. - Especially increases Yin Yang balance. - enhances flowing internal force for martial artists. - spreads energy over the whole body and therefore nourishes physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually. - increases the awareness of blockages in the meridians. - has a cool and refreshing effect.

4) Internal Organ Level - cleanses emotional blockages and psychological traumas. - cleanses the rust and dust in the internal organs, even before it manifests into illness. - cleanses karmic blockages, especially those stored in the organs. - has a cool and refreshing effect. - Increases vitality and internal force as the internal organs gain back their optimal working capacity.

5) Bone Marrow Level - cleanses the nerves and the brain. - enhances the internal communication and is therefore helpful to clear allergies and in improving organ functions. - develops a lot of internal force and enhances vitality. - provides deep peace and mental clarity - cleanses karmic blockages as it goes deep into the (sub-) consciousness. - makes the practitioner physically and morally upright and therefore gives courage and moral integrity. - makes the bones stronger. - makes the practitioner feel warm in winter and fresh in summer.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Qi Gong and Tai Chi Teacher Training Training Module & Hours Curriculum

1. Vitality Enhancement Method (Bu Zheng Qi Gong) The Healer Within Methods - Medical Qi Gong for the Mainstream 2. 5 Movement Methods 3. 5 Breath Methods 4. 15 Self Applied Massage Methods 5. 3 Meditation, Visualization, and Relaxation Methods

6. Ten Phases of Qi Cultivation and Mastery: 7. Essentials of Integral Qi Gong 8. Discover Qi 9. Gather Qi 10. Circulate Qi 11. Purify Qi Integral Qi Gong and Tai Chi Forms 12. Direct Qi 105 Hours 13. Conserve Qi 14. Store Qi 15. Transform Qi 16. Dissolve in Qi 17. Transmit Qi

18. Integral Qi Gong and Tai Chi Forms 19. Tai Chi Qi Gong 20. Tai Chi Easy™ 21. Seven Precious Gestures 22. Tendon Changing 23. Marrow Washing 24. Spontaneous Qi Gong

Simple Qi Gong Healing Methods

1. How to Teach to Beginners 2. Do’s and Don’ts 3. Leading versus Teaching 4. Sequencing for Different Effects 5. Designing 8 Week Courses for Teaching Methodology Beginners/Intermediates 23 Hours 6. Establishing a Community Practice Session 7. Finding your Personal Style in Content and Delivery 8. Assessing Individual Needs and Learning Styles 9. Communications 10. Experiential Language 11. Giving and Receiving Feedback

Anatomy, Physiology and 1. Effects, Benefits, and Contraindications of Qi Gong Kinesiology and Tai Chi Practice 22 Hours 2. Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

3. Physiologic mechanisms triggered by Qi Gong and Tai Chi 4. Physiology of Stress Reflex and Relaxation Response 5. Postural Alignment 6. Muscle Physiology 7. Qi channels, Energy Storage Centers and Comparison of the Yoga Chakras The Qi Gong Master Program: 1. Wudang Qi Gong - 2 weeks. 2. Yi Jin Jing & Xi Sui Jing - 2 weeks. 3. Iron Shirt Qi Gong. Only available to experienced students (at least 3 years regular training). 4. Liu He Ba Fa (Water Style Boxing) - 4 months. 5. Internal Elixir - 3 months. 6. Stretching - 2 weeks. 7. Meditation - 1 month.

Qin Na and Pressure Points Specialized Training Curriculum: [12 Classes a Month]

Qin Na means hold and grip in order to lock the joint. In translation Qin means to catch and Na means to hold and control. It is a fighting (self -defense) technique where you can use a holding and gripping sequence to annihilate the attacker from further attack without producing unnecessary harm.

Types of pressure points taught here for self-defense, there are: 1. points that cause intense pain 2. points that can temporarily cause paralysis (numbness or neuralgia) 3. points that can knock-out people, and there are also 4. Points that are lethal. These lethal points are commonly referred to as Death Points and should not be used because the effect is fatal. On the other hand, there are also 5. Points that can heal the body.

The Police Pressure Point System: This system is made up of the most practical, safest, most effective, and easily accessible nerve motor and pressure points in the human body. It's easy to learn, with techniques that can be successfully applied by both men and women. Their use is easily defended in court because of their low propensity to cause serious injuries.

High Stress Sparring Drills: This sparring system teaches how to handle combat stress, which occurs when people are faced with active aggression. Combat stress occurs as a result of adrenaline. And while adrenaline makes you temporarily stronger and faster, the resulting combat stress causes dexterity and coordination to drop off remarkably, not to mention other sensory experiences, such as tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, and time distortion. High stress sparring drills gives students the opportunity to learn how to deal with the physical and mental effects of stress. Sparring begins with one-on-one scenarios, eventually moving on to handle multiple attackers.

The Simple Hold Escape System: My hold escape system is based on the concept of "commonality of technique." I teach simple defenses that can be used against a variety of attacks from similar positions, rather than teaching a


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union wide variety of techniques that can cause dangerous brain stalls during which a person becomes confused as to which defense to use. My system also relies primarily on gross motor skills making the system easier to learn and apply, while under the effects of combat stress.

Throws & Takedowns: My primary throws and takedowns have been carefully selected for their self-defense value and ease of application in a close body contact situation. I always demonstrate the use of strikes and other defensive techniques that serve to distract an attacker making it easy to take them to the ground.

Come-along & Controlling Techniques: These techniques are practical for use against assailants who offer resistance when being apprehended or arrested. They make use of pain compliance through pressure point applications and joint manipulation.

Defense against Weapons: Police and other law enforcement officers are far more likely to be faced with weapons in their line of work. We have a practical system of defenses against the weapons that are most commonly used on the street. It is based on using distractive measures, evasive maneuvers, and the development of a strong sense of distance and timing.

I teach the famous 72 Shaolin Qin Na techniques. Qin Na techniques are excellent for close in and grappling range and will round out your fighting skills. Since fighting occurs at long, medium, close and grappling range, a fighter needs to be well versed in all these aspects so as to not have any loopholes an opponent can take advantage of. The effective application of Qin Na techniques requires repeated practice with different partners and a thorough knowledge of the human muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. It is this knowledge that allows for the efficient application of techniques without relying on brute force. The effective application of Qin Na techniques causes severe pain, and pain is a great lever for controlling an adversary. Qin Na is considered a high-level martial art since one is able to bring the opponent under control without seriously incapacitating him.

There are 5 categories of techniques specific to the particular jobs such as: 1. Fen Jin (separating the muscle), 2. Cuo Cu (misplace the bones), 3. Bi Qi (stop the breath) and 4. Dian Xue (attack of the vital points). Dian Xue as technique is considered very dangerous when used by an inexperienced or unscrupulous student.

"Rou Dao" or "Rou Shu Dao" (soft techniques) which generally refers to the techniques deemed safe for sparring and/or training purposes.

Dim Mak Pressure Points for Self Defense The following are excellent resources that are available to you even if you don’t train with the Lamka Shaolin Disciple's Union 1. The Dim Mak Manual – Art & Science of Deadly Pressure Point Fighting 2. Top 36 Secret Shaolin Pressure Points 3. The Centerline Theory of Dim Mak – Practical Fighting Strategies for Self Defense 4. The Ultimate Dim Mak Knife Defense 5. The Ghost Hands of Dim Mak


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Pressure points that may be used effectively

Target Point Type Location Application # At base of earlobe behind 1 Mandibular Angle Pressure Surface Pressure mandible Surface or Deep 2 Nose Tip Pressure Where cartilage meets nose bone Pressure Directly above manubrium, in Surface or Deep 3 Jugular Notch Pressure trachea area Pressure Middle side of neck, between the Surface or Deep 4 Brachial Plexus Origin Nerve two groups of the Pressure or Strikes sternocleidomastoid muscles Brachial Plexus (tie- Front of shoulder just inward of 5 Nerve Strikes in) joint Upper middle of abdomen just 6 Solar Plexus Nerve Strikes below sternum Midway between armpit and waist Surface or Deep 7 Lateral Thoracic Pressure on lateral surface of trunk Pressure Two inches below elbow joint on 8 Radial Motor Strikes top of forearm 9 Groin Nerve Groin Strikes Four to six inches above inside of 10 Anterior Femoral Nerve Strikes knee Six to eight inches above outside 11 Lateral Femoral Motor Strikes of knee Two inches below top part of calf 12 Tibial Nerve Strikes muscle

Pressure points that have problems associated with their use

Target Location Problem # Too close to mouth so there is a danger of 13 Infra Orbital Base of nose being bitten 14 Hypoglossal Under jaw line Difficult to locate in stressful conditions Brachial Plexus Only effective when used on smaller 15 On top clavicle in the notch Clavicle Notch people Must be attacked with 3 or 4 strong 16 Brachial Plexus Tie-in Shoulder, just in from joint punches to make it effective Runs around cranial border of 17 Suprascapular Attacks are only effective on 20% of people scapula in scapula notch 18 Media Lower inside arm Difficult to locate in stressful conditions Four to six inches above knee, Though attacks may effective, it is more 19 Common Peroneal towards back of leg effective to attack the Lateral Femoral


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Course Description Introduction to the principles of self-defense, and application of the skills of punching, blocking, striking, kicking, and throwing with a focus on the prevention of assaults, particularly those faced by women. Self-defense means just that - defending oneself in the event of a dangerous scenario. It does not mean fighting - it means using a technique or techniques that will provide an individual the opportunity to escape. Self-defense should not be looked upon as preparation to fight, but as preparation to face an emergency.

Course Objectives 1. To develop alertness in situations that might lead to an attack. 2. To develop confidence in the execution of the self-defense skills of escaping, punching, blocking, striking, kicking, throwing, and various escape movements. 3. To improve functional strength and flexibility in the legs, arms, shoulders, and hands necessary to the successful practice of self-defense skills. 4. To create an awareness of environmental conditions such as: escape routes, obstructions to movement, and improvised weapons. 5. To learn steps for: personal safety, safeguarding self, home, and car. 6. To learn about steps to take following an attack. 7. To learn the principles of physical power and force so that a larger opponent is no longer intimidating.

Training will follow this schedule: Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Basic Stances and Movement Week 3: Basic Attacks and Escapes Week 4: Basic Striking and Target Awareness Week 5: Basic Grappling Week 6: Falling Week 7: Reversals Week 8: Party Tricks Week 9: More Dangerous Standing Assaults Week 10: Verbal and Physical Boundary Setting Week 11: Sexual Assault Awareness Week 12: Ground Fighting Week 13: Sexual Assault Prevention Week 14: Review Week 15: Final Performances

What is Women's Self-Defense? Self-defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist, and survive violent attacks. A good self-defense course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

Practical workshop contents 1. Awareness and posture 2. Psychological defense


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3. Wrist hold escapes 4. Clothing hold escapes 5. Arm hold escapes 6. Choke hold escapes 7. Hair hold escapes 8. Using your voice effectively 9. Finger locks 10. Wrist locks 11. Arm locks 12. Shoulder locks 13. Choke holds 14. Take down methods 15. Body weapons – effective strikes 16. Utilizing weapons to hand

VIP Program: [12 Classes a Month] 1. Basic attacks 2. Counterattacks 3. Attacks with firearm as a blunt object 4. Interchanging between firearms and basic KM techniques 5. Attacks when a third party is involved 6. Defending oneself: 7. Against basic attacks (1) 8. Against dangerous grabs (1) 9. Armed assault (1) 10. Armed threats (1) 11. Moving the VIP (1)

Defending the VIP against: 1. Basic attack or grab (1) 2. Knife attack (1) 3. Knife threat (1) 4. Pistol threat (1)

Dealing with different incidents when VIP is: 1. Near or inside a car 2. In a confined area (room, corridor) 3. Among crowd

 Mental training and preparation - Aggression; Determination  Courage; Overcoming or ignoring danger in-order to defend others.  Firearms (the introductory course include 5 session with firearms)  Dry drill - safety and security in training and in routine, carrying a firearm, general behavior and more A session with the firearm includes a segment of 2 hours dry drill and 2-4 hours live fire. The goal to reach is training with a VIP in a range in static situations

1. Session 1 - Holding the pistol and shooting with one hand 2. Session 2 - Enhancing abilities and the draw and shooting with 2 hands 3. Session 3 - Enhancing abilities and turning 4. Session 4 - Enhancing abilities and working with a VIP 5. Session 5 - Simulations and summarizing drills


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Women Program: [12 Classes a Month] SESSION 1 Introduction, 5 principles of Self Defense, how not to be targeted, how to use your body as a weapon for Self Defense, what are the target areas on an attacker, Basic striking techniques and target striking.

SESSION 2 How to avoid being thrown to the ground, defending yourself from the ground, striking your attacker from the ground, Getting up from the ground, Pressure points and nerve strikes. Defending yourself against assaults from the front, Basic Blocking Methods, Basic defensive attacks to the front

SESSION 3 Defending yourself against assaults from behind including defense against bear hugs, arm, wrist, and shoulder grabs, Headlocks. Defending yourself against attacks from the side, hair pull defense, using common objects as weapons of self-defense.

SESSION 4 Review content of all previous sessions including scenario enactments and practice.

Corporate Self-Defense While we teach prevention strategies as being the first line of defense, we also teach practical physical defenses that use gross motor skills, making them easy to learn and use while under the high stress conditions of an assault.

What Your Staff Will Learn 1. 6 very practical strikes for self-defense, each of which can be learned in under 3 minutes 2. Fundamentals of the "Simple Hold Escape System" 3. Self-defense against attacks from the ground 4. Personal safety and awareness tips in day-to-day situations 5. How to perform verbal de-escalation 6. How to react to an attack 7. How items in your personal surroundings can be used as "weapons of opportunity"

Corporate Wellness Programs: [12 Classes a Month]

The benefits include but not limited to 1. Improved stress and pain management 2. Improved mental alertness/creative/intuitive thoughts 3. Improved energy/mood 4. Improved sleep quality 5. Improved blood pressure 6. Improved bone density 7. Improved properly weight and body tune gently 8. Improved healthy heart 9. Improved your body nature detox system


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union Kids Self Defense Specialized Program: [12 Classes a Month] Your Child Will Learn: 1. How to prevent getting picked on by their peers. 2. How to resist peer pressure & make positive choices. 3. How to defend against bullies. 4. How to handle the stress of being in a self-defense situation. 5. How to defend from the ground or prone positions. 6. Defense against chokes, head locks, take downs, bear hugs, etc. 7. How to defend against larger and multiple attackers. 8. How to defend against adult attackers. 9. How to defend against attackers with weapons.

Class 1: 1. Introductions 2. Legal considerations 3. Background and history 4. Basic principles 5. Basic stances: 6. Preemptive attacks from stances 7. Situational self-defense

Class 2: 1. Basic footwork: Off Line attack, backward line attack, boxers slip, footwork for movement and striking Basic strikes: Hands: Basic chops, swivel punch, open hand palm strike (Ear), chin jabs, shoves, second joint of the knuckle strike to throat, fingertips to eyes Situational self-defense

Class 3: Basic strikes: Feet: Axes foot kick, knee to face, Irish kiss, side kick to knee, foot stomp Basic blocking: Chop, low block, boxers slip Attack patterns: Attack Pattern 1 Attack Pattern 2 Attack Pattern 3 Attack Pattern 4 (Offensive and Defensive Situational self-defense

Class 4: 1. Basic Arm Bar: Straight Arm Bars, Japanese Arm Bars, Bar Hammer Lock, Reverse Arm Lock Individual and arm lock pattern exercise 2. Basic Escort Holds for Law Enforcement and Bouncers: Redirect 1, The High/Low, come along, 3. Arm Snap, Dirty Fighting (Pinches, grabs, muscle strumming) 4. Situational self-defense


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Class 5: 1. Situational Self-Defense: Newspaper articles and real attack situations 2. Basic Self-Defense from a seated position 3. Defense against Straight Punch to Face 4. Defense against Round Punch to Face

Class 6: 1. Defense against Back Hand Strike to Face 2. Defense against Front Kick 3. Dealing with a hold (Full Nelson, Front Guillotine hold, side head lock, single choke or Lapel grab, two handed choke, Rear Choke, Dealing with pushes and shoves) 4. Situational self-defense

Class 7: Weapons Defense: Knife Defense – Dynamic: a. Fencer’s thrust b. Ice Pick c. Disemboweling d. Up slash Situational self-defense

Class 8: Weapons Defense: Knife Defense – Static a. Front Throat 1 through3 b. Side neck c. Behind back Situational self-defense

Class 9: Weapons Defense: Stick Attacks 1 through 4 a. Hand Gun Threats b. Front of head 1 through 4 c. Side of head 1 through 4 d. Gun to rear 1 through 4 Psychology of aggressive behavior Low light training Situational self-defense

Class 10: 1. Basic Level – Aiding a Mugging Victim 2. Basic Women’s Self-Defense 3. Situational self-defense


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union SPECIALIZED TRAINING PROGRAM: [12 Classes a Month]

Level One - Shaolin Basics & Applications: [WHITE] 1. Shaolin Wu Bu Quan (Five Step Boxing) - short routine for reinforcing the five basic fundamental martial arts postures. 2. Shaolin Dan Shi (Single Postures) - straight rows of single posture movements used for learning basic self-defense ideas and applications. 3. Shaolin Jingang Bashi (Diamond Warrior Eight Postures) - more advanced rows of eight different movements. 4. Shaolin Lian Huan Quan (Linked Boxing) - foundational routine that used for learning how to link different movements to form a routine efficiently and effectively. 5. Shaolin Wuxing Lian Huan Quan (Five Elements Linked Boxing) - very rare foundational routine teaching the Shaolin version of the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth).

Level Two - Basics & Applications: [YELLOW] 1. Shuai Jiao (Takedowns) - special set of 10 foundational movements and countless combination movements for immediate takedown of opponents, contains roots movements to all . From Chang

Level Three - Shaolin Rou Quan (Soft Boxing) Basics & Applications: [ORANGE] 1. Chan Yuan Quan ( Circular Boxing) - first special and rare foundational Shaolin soft boxing routine, contains roots movements to all internal martial arts. 2. Luohan Shi San Shi Quan (Arhat 13 Postures Boxing) - second special and rare foundational Shaolin soft boxing routine, contains roots movements to all internal martial arts. 3. Rou Xing Chui (Soft or Supple Shaped Hammer Strikes) - very rare routine of soft and hard movements and strikes.

Level Four - Non-Shaolin Basics & Applications: [GREEN] 1. Shi Lu Tantui (10 Road Spring Kick Boxing) - foundational Chinese Muslim martial arts routine from Shandong Cha Quan system used for building leg strength and strong self-defense skills. 2. Yue Shi Ba Fan Shou - (General Yue Fei's Eight Flashing Hands) - series of 24 rows of special military techniques used for simultaneous self-defense and attacking. 3. Tongbei Quan (Penetrating or Through the Back Boxing) Basics and Qi Xing Hua Pao Chui (Strange Changing Flower Cannon Hammer Strikes) - foundational material from important Tongbei system. Routine is from Five Elements Tongbei Quan and has similar elements to Chen Taiji Quan (but much faster). 4. Luohan Shiba Shou (Arhat 18 Hands) - first routine originally from the Shandong province Wah Quan system, before Shaolin adopted the set into its system. Elements similar to the Five Elements and Twelve Animals of Xingyi Quan system. 5. Babu Lianhuan Quan (Eight Step Linking Boxing) - second routine originally from the Wah Quan system of Shandong province, before Shaolin adopted the set into its system.

Level Five - Shaolin Internal System & Applications: [RED] 1. Shaolin Yuan Hou Quan (Ape-Monkey Boxing) - important set teaching beginning ideas of flexible boxing. 2. Shaolin Rou Quan Yi Lu (Supple or Soft Boxing First Road) - first 36 postures routine that is a root forerunner of Tai Chi Quan.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

3. Shaolin Rou Quan Er Lu (Supple or Soft Boxing Second Road) - second 36 postures routine that is forerunner of Tai Chi Quan. 4. Shaolin Rou Quan (Soft or Supple Boxing) - long 108 posture, 365 movements routine teaching the whole Rou Quan techniques. 5. Shaolin Xing Yi Ba (Heart Mind Holds) - series of special ancient movements from Shaolin internal boxing system.

Level Six - Folk & Shaolin Chang Quan (Long Fist) system & Applications: [BLUE] 1. Da Hong Quan Liu Bu Jia (Big Swan / Vast Fist Six Step Frame) - foundational set for establishing the postures and techniques of Long Fist Boxing. Root of Shaolin Lao Hong Quan system. 2. Shaolin Lao Hong Quan 1-4 (Ancient Flowing Boxing, 4 Routines) - foundational Shaolin set of four routines that merge Shaolin Rou Quan and Hong Quan from General Zhao Kuangyin (later first emperor of Song Dynasty). 3. Shaolin Taizu Chang Quan (Grand Ancestor Long Boxing) - important internal Shaolin routine that supports all Shaolin long fist boxing routines. 4. Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Yi Lu (Small Flowing Boxing First Road) - important and famous Shaolin long fist routine, derived from the previous routines. Two versions taught: standard and Lao Jia (ancient frame). 5. Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan Er Lu (Small Flowing Boxing Second Road) - very rare second road to the previous routine. 6. Shaolin Da Hong Quan (Big Flowing Boxing) - routines consisting of at least three roads of Shaolin Long Fist boxing.

Level Seven - Shaolin Luohan System: [PURPLE] 1. Shaolin Luohan Shi Ba Shou 1-8 Lu (8 Roads of Luohan 18 Hands) - eight special advanced Shaolin routines with elements related to Bagua Zhang. 2. Shaolin Xiao Luohan Quan (Small Luohan Boxing) - short 27 postures routine outlining foundational postures of Luohan Boxing.

3. Shaolin Da Luohan Quan (Big Luohan Boxing) - long routine of 108 postures that contains all the ideas of Luohan Quan. The first 36 postures of the routine are known as the Lao (old) Luohan set (also known as the 3 Section set), as shown in first video; second video shows second half. 4. Shaolin Luohan Quan Yi Lu (First Road of Luohan Boxing) - important first routine from the Shi Degen lineage. Video shows first 60 postures of 83 total. 5. Shaolin Luohan Quan (Second Road of Luohan Boxing) - important second routine from the Shi Degen lineage. 6. Shaolin Luohan Quan San Lu (Third Road of Luohan Boxing) - important third routine from the Shi Degen lineage. Video has different title.

Level Eight - Advanced Training: [BROWN] 1. As per Shifu's Guidance - Fundamentals, routines, and applications from Sun Bin Quan, Cha Quan, Wah Quan, Ba Fa Quan, Chuo Jiao, Tang Lang Quan, Mizong Quan, , and other systems.

Level Nine - Weapons Training: [BLACK] 1. As per Shifu's Guidance - (Staff, Spear, Sword, and Knife fundamentals, routines, and applications.)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Policing Fundamentals Course Introductory police officer courses such as this familiarize students with the role and responsibilities of police officers and how officers operate in the criminal justice system. Legal issues regarding police officer's roles are examined by studying the Constitution, the penal system and civil procedures. Steps for police patrolling and an overview of what they look for when patrolling are discussed. To take this course, students must be hired or sponsored by a police department or law enforcement agency.

Crime Prevention Course In a crime prevention course, future police officers become familiar with how law enforcement and criminal investigation address citizens' needs. Students examine and begin implementing crime prevention theories to see the pros and cons of each. Security structures and response systems that include commercial, retail and government needs are discussed in this class. Students learn about victims' and perpetrators' rights and the professional behavior expected of officers.

Crime Analysis Course Students learn how to determine the type of crimes committed and methods for addressing those crimes at local, state and federal levels of law enforcement. By studying crimes committed, collecting evidence and analyzing data, students learn how to predict and anticipate future criminal events. To become familiar with the crime analysis process and analysis techniques, prospective police officers read case studies, sit through lectures and study old crimes. Updates in technology and tools in police fieldwork are also included.

Counterintelligence Course Intermediate to advanced courses, such as counterintelligence, address ways information is gathered and counter responses are developed. Ways to use these methods for counter-terrorism purposes are discussed in the context of protecting America's interests. Students learn about tactics for gathering information and planning responses. They also gain hands-on experience using technology and tools used in the field. [ Processing Evidence in Criminal Investigations Course In this advanced class, students conduct interviews and interrogations following proper techniques. Students learn techniques for identifying, gathering, processing, collecting and analyzing evidence for criminal investigations. Laws regarding how evidence can and cannot be used in court as well as how criminals must be treated are also discussed in this course. Students discover how evidence is presented in court. Some courses include practical experience, where students study evidence or sit in court proceedings to see and hear how evidence is presented.

Available Training Courses 1. Officer Survival – general or traffic officer 2. Visual Man tracking – Intro, Basic, Advanced, Tactical 3. Use of Force and Action Accountability 4. Tactical Joint Controls & Handcuffing 5. Control Tactics 6. Defensive Tactics 7. Subliminal Tactics 8. Defeating the Ballistic Vest 9. Critical Confrontation Tactics 10. Tactical Baton (friction lock) 11. Edged Weapons for Officer Survival


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12. Shooting Solutions for the Compromised Officer 13. Disturbance / Riot Control 14. Tactical Building Entry and Egress 15. Distraction / Diversionary Devices 16. Less Lethal Munitions – 12 gauge 17. S.W.A.T. Tactics 18. Tactical Hand Signals 19. Rappelling / Rope Rescue 20. Training Officer Development

ATTACKS i. (Unarmed) a. Chin Jab (Practice on pad or sack). b. Edge of hand blow (Practice on pad or sack). c. Knee blow d. The kick (Fork - Stomach - Leg). e. The stamp f. The K.O. Punch (K.O. Punch to Mark and Point). g. Forearm attack on sentry from behind. h. Low Rugby Tackle (man or sack). i. Ankle and Shoulder throw.

ii. (Armed) a. Truncheon or Cosh blow at neck b. Knife, attacking sentry (from front and behind) c. Helmet blow DISARMS AND COUNTER ATTACKS a. Rifle and Bayonet (2 ways). b. Revolver or Tommy gun from front. c. Revolver or Tommy gun from behind. (2 ways). d. Knife or Bayonet. e. Truncheon or Cosh. RELEASES and COUNTER ATTACKS i. From in Front A. Wrist Hold (emphasis against the thumb). b. Strangle hold. c. Held round waits over arms. d. Clothing or equipment hold. ii. From Behind a. Round waist over arms b. Strangle hold with hands or forearm SEARCHING AN OPPONENT A. With a wall available b. In the open MARCHING OFF AN OPPONENT a. Armed with Rifle and Bayonet (use as knife). b. Armed with Revolver. c. Armed with Tommy gun. d. Armed with Truncheon or stick. e. Armed with knife (see Bayonet). f. Unarmed (2 ways)



Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Tai Chi is fast becoming one of the most popular health exercises because of its unique principles and Characteristics. Gentle and graceful movements suitable for people of all ages, all level of physical fitness, whether it's for self-defense, health and fitness, and stress and relaxation management, there is something one can benefit from.

Tai Chi is an internal training method that was created by Zhang San Feng, a legendary Daoist priest. Contrary to the widespread misconception that Tai Chi Quan is simply a callisthenic exercise for the elderly, it is actually a deep internal practice that requires great dedication and a strong determination. In fact, Tai Chi is a complete system composed of three kinds of Gong Fa: Tai Chi Gong Fa, Liang Yi Gong Fa and Wu Ji Gong Fa. Each Gong Fa has derived its own branches with its own training purposes and methods, but they are all integrated and complementary to the others.

Objective: 1. To allow as many people as possible to experience the enjoyment, and the health benefits of Tai Chi.

Chen Family Style Tai Chi Quan: [12 Classes a Month] Taolu 1. Silk Reeling Exercise: Chan Si Gong 2. 19 Step Form: 3. Old Frame First Form: Laojia Yilu Taolu 4. Old Frame Second Form: Laojia Erlu Taolu 5. Old Frame Sword: Laojia Dao Taolu 6. Old Frame Straight Sword: Laojia Jian Taolu

Weapons Taolu 1. Spear Form: Qiang Taolu 2. Big Sword Form: Guan Dao Taolu 3. First New Frame Form Xinjia Yilu Taolu 4. Second New Frame Form: Xinjia Erlu Taolu 5. Broadsword Form: Shi San Dao Taolu

Tuishou 1. Single Handed Tuishou 2. Double Handed Tuishou 3. Double Handed Single Step Tuishou (Da Lu - Big Rollback) 4. Five Step Tuishou 5. Free Push Tuishou

Modern Taolu 1. 24 Yang ('Simplified', 'Beijing', 'New Style') Standardized 2. 40 Yang competition 3. 42 Tai Chi Quan competition forms 4. 42 Tai Chi Jian competition forms 5. 56 Chen competition forms


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union Yang Family Style Tai Chi Quan 1. 85 Yang Standardized 3rd generation 2. Yang Jian Hou 2nd generation form

Weapons Taolu 1. 13 - Yang family Broadsword (Dao) 2. 32 – Yang Combined Sword 3. 55 – Yang Straight Sword

Tuishou 1. Single Handed Tuishou 2. Double Handed Tuishou 3. Double Handed Single Step Tuishou (Da Lu - Big Rollback) 4. Five Step Tuishou 5. Free Push Tuishou

Wu Family Style Tai Chi Quan Taolu 1. 54 Competition Form 2. Wu 108 Form

Weapons Taolu 1. Wu Broadsword 2. Wu Spear

Wu (Hao) Family Style Tai Chi Quan Taolu 1. Wu Hao Competition Form

Sun Family Style Tai Chi Quan Taolu 1. 73 Competition Form

Specialized Wudang Tai Chi Curriculum: [12 Classes a Month]

First Month 1. Tai Chi three-part training method (Wudang basic steps, Daojiao Huogu Qigong, Tai Chi basic postures) 太极三盘功法(武当步法,道教活骨气功,太极基本功); 2. Wudang Sanfeng 13-form Tai Chi (Original Form) 武当三丰太极13式; 3. Tai Chi Zhuang Gong (Stance): Dantian Tiaoxi Juqi Zhuang, Tai Chi Yinjin Zhuang 丹田调息聚 气桩,太极引劲桩;

Second Month 1. Wudang Tai Chi 28 武当太极28式; 2. Fuhu Quan (Tiger form) 伏虎拳;

3. Hunyuan Zhuang 浑圆桩;

Third Month 1. Wudang Taiyi Wuxing Quan 武当太乙五行拳; 2. Daomen Baduan Jin Qigong 道⻔八段锦;


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Fourth Month 1. Wudang Tai Chi Sword 武当太极剑; 2. Wuxing Qi Gong (Five Animals Qi Gong) 五行气功;

Fifth Month 1. Daojiao traditional health-preserving Qigong 道教传统养身气功; 2. Wudang Xuanwu Quan 武当玄武拳; 3. Bagua Zhang (Palm) 八卦掌;

Sixth Month 1. Wudang Tai Chi 108 form 武当太极108式;

The overall effect of this study combines movement with stillness and the internal strength and external work complement each other.

Learning from the lower to the upper, from outside to inside, will help you understand the cultivation of the interior and exterior, and unity of form and spirit. This is the character and essence of Wudang Neijia (internal) Kung Fu.

Five Element based Tai Chi Syllabus: [12 Classes a Month]

Fire Red - (Enrolment Stage) 1. ENROLMENT STAGE: Step One and Club Badge. (Automatic on joining) Element Fire / Color Red

Earth – Yellow (Intermediate Stage) Element Earth / Color Yellow

To achieve this stage, you should have covered the following: 1. Yang Cheng-Fu Tai Chi Long Form 2. 8 Strands of Silk Brocade Qi Gong – Ba Duan Jing 3. 18 Tai Chi Qi Gong set – Shibashi 4. Fragrant Buddha Qi Gong – Level One 5. Zhang Zhuang five Postures – Standing Meditation – Three Circle Qi Gong 6. Understanding the basic principles of Yin & Yang 7. Comprehend the three basic elements covering Tai Chi, Qi Gong & Relaxation

Assistant Instructor Level Element Qi / Color Purple This stage is by appointment only. Once a student has achieved the Intermediate stage and shown club commitment, they are entitled to wear the assistant instructors merit badge after the prescribed trial period.

Wood Green - (Advanced stages 1 and 2) Element Wood / Color Green There are two levels to this step: level 1 and level 2

Level one: To achieve this stage, you should have covered the following: 1. Refinements and Advanced Yang Cheng-Fu Form Movement 2. Appreciate Martial Applications 3. Completed the First 64 set of Dayan Wild Goose Movements


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

4. Appreciate the Dayan Qi Gong Açu-points 5. Understanding and applying Sung’ and ‘Fa-Jing’

Level two: Level two consists of level one plus the following: 1. Completed the Yang Tai Chi Stick Form 2. Completed the Yang Tai Chi Broad Sword Form

Water Blue - (Instructor Stage) Element Water / Color Blue full Instructors Badge once all six modules have been achieved. LSDU senior students may only apply for this stage once they have achieved all six modules and passed the selection process by the Chief Instructors. They must have level 1 and 2 of the third step green badge; in addition, they must have club outstanding attendance and commitment and hold the Merit for Assistant Instructor. Be conversant with and understand the LSDU Terms & Conditions, Aims & Objectives.

Module skills achieved are awarded with a module badge Colored Turquoise. Once all six modules are achieved a full instructor’s certificate is awarded

Modules Required to Achieve LSDU Instructor 1. Module 1. Yang Cheng-Fu Long Form 2. Module 2. General Qi Gong covering:  (2a) Ba Duan Jin Eight Strands of Silk Brocade  (2b) Shi Ba Shi Eighteen Tai Chi Qi Gong 3. (2c) Five Posture Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong Standing Meditation 4. Module 3. Yang Tai Chi Stick Form 5. Module 4. Yang Tai Chi Broad Sword Form 6. Module 5. First 64 of Dayan Wild Goose 7. Module 6. Second 64 of Dayan Wild Goose

Metal White - (Senior Instructor Stage) Element Metal / Color White To achieve this stage candidates should have completed all five of the Instructors blue badge Modules plus six extra modules as follows: 1. Module 6. Second 64 of Dayan Wild Goose 2. Module 7. Yang Walking Stick Form 3. Module 8. Observed social skills 4. Module 9. Yang Lu San Tai Chi Long Form 5. Module 10. Understand and apply Qi Transference Therapy 6. 7. Module 11. Emergency First Aid Acquire a recognized Teacher Qualification.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Syllabus for Selected Students progressing to Tai Chi Instructor Training Students Instructors Beginners Level (Both forms required) To qualify as a LSDU instructor, 1. 8 Step Simplified Hand form the following criteria must be fulfilled and subject 2. 16 Step Simplified Hand Form to the final approval by the chief instructors

Intermediate Level 1 (minimum 2 form Instructor - Level 1 required) Minimum 1 years training. 1. 24 Step Simplified Yang Style Tai Chi 1. Completed and assessed satisfactorily on Hand form 5 Instructor modules formatted in the 2. 38 Step Sun Style Tai Chi Quan Hand level 1 instructor course. Form Instructor - Level 2 3. Basic Sword Techniques (devised by 1. Minimum 2 years training. Faye Yip) 2. Minimum of 6 years teaching experience 4. 32 Step Yang Style Tai Chi Jian (Sword) 3. Qualified as level 1 instructor

Intermediate Level 2 (minimum 2 form 4. Completed and assessed satisfactorily on required) 10 Instructor modules (include 5 from L1), 1. Basic Sword Duo (two persons) in which must include Sun Style 38 Step, Practice 32 Step Tai Chi Sword module & 88 Step 2. Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan Form Yang Style Tai Chi Quan Module. 3. 88 Step Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Instructor - Level 3 Quan hand Form 1. Minimum 3 years training. 4. Basic Push hand Techniques 2. Minimum of 1 years teaching experience

3. Qualified as level 2 instructor Advance Level 1 (minimum 3 forms required) 4. Completed and assessed satisfactorily on 1. Traditional Sun Style Hand Form 15 Instructor modules (include 10 from L1 2. Traditional Sun Style Tai Chi Jian & L2), in which includes Push Hand Drills, (Sword) Sun Style 73 Step, 56 Step Yang Style Tai 3. 48 Step Tai Chi Quan hand Form Chi Sword module & Yang Style Tai Chi 4. 81 Step Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Sabre Module. Quan hand Form

5. Principles of Push hand Techniques Senior Instructor - Advance Level 2 (minimum 3 forms required) 1. Minimum 4 years training. 1. 42 Step Combined Tai Chi Quan Hand 2. Minimum of 18 MONTHS teaching Form experience under the LSDU Banner. 2. 42 Step Combined Tai Chi Jian (Sword) 3. Qualified as level 3 instructor Form 4. Completed and assessed satisfactorily on 3. 56 Step Chen Style Competition Form 15 Instructor modules 4. 73 Step Sun Style Competition Form 5. Appointed by Shifu Zhao Hu. 5. Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Sabre / Dao (Broadsword) 6. Wudang Tai Chi Jian (Sword) Form 7. Xiyang mei Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan Form


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union TAEKWONDO SPECIALIZED TRAINING CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month] Taekwondo is a martial art independently developed over 20 centuries ago in Korea. Over the many years it has become a popular international sport. The main feature of Taekwondo is that it is a free- fighting combat sport using the bare hands and feet to repel the opponent. Taekwondo literally means the way of kicking and punching. It consists of sharp strong angular movements with free- flowing circular movements to produce a balance of beauty and power. With the addition of Taekwondo's trademark kicking techniques, it is a complete system of self-defense and personal improvement. All of its activities are based on the defensive attitude that originally developed for protection against enemy attacks.

Grade Description Level White - Signifies innocence, as that of the beginning student who has no 10th Kup previous knowledge of Taekwondo. 3 months min requirement. 9th Kup White with yellow tag. 3 months min. requirement

Yellow - Signifies the earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the 8th Kup foundation of Taekwondo is being laid. 4 months minimum requirement. 7th Kup Yellow with green tag. 4 months minimum requirement

Green - Signifies the plant's growth as Taekwondo skills begin to develop. 4 6th Kup months minimum requirement. 5th Kup Green with blue tag. 4 months minimum requirement

Blue - Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering 4th Kup tree as training in Taekwondo progresses. 4 months minimum requirement. 3rd Kup Blue with red tag. 5 months minimum requirement

Red - Signifies Danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and 2nd Kup warning the opponent to stay away. 6 months minimum requirement. 1st Kup Red with black tag. 6 months requirement

Black - Opposite of white, therefore signifying maturity and proficiency in 1st dan Taekwondo; also indicates the wearer's imperviousness to darkness and

fear. 2nd dan Assistant Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 2 years)

3rd dan Assistant Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 3 years)

International Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 4 years). At this 4th dan point, a person may become a "SaBum-Nim" 5th dan Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 5 years)

6th dan Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 6 years)

7th dan Master Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 7 years)

8th dan Senior Master Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 8 years)

9th dan Grand Master


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Taekwondo belts, colors, and ranks The range of colored belts can be confusing for someone who is new to the sport. Here are the most common colors and the ranks they correspond to.

White A test is not required for the white belt, but in order to move on to the next rank, one first has to achieve the white belt with yellow stripes. The test requires the individual to carry out a predetermined pattern, as well as go through the three-step and one-step sparring process with another taekwondo practitioner. He also has to be able to defend himself against holds and be able to successfully break free using either kicks or blows. It typically takes around two to three months for an individual to proceed to the white with yellow stripe belt.

Yellow The test for promotion to a yellow belt is similar to the test mentioned above, but with a different pattern, and the breaking of boards with both hands and feet. It takes roughly two to three months of training before one can take the test.

From yellow, you can proceed to the yellow with green stripe belt. While all the promotion tests are largely the same, the test from yellow to yellow with green requires one to go through a different pattern from the previous tests, as well as breaking a two-inch board with the hand and one-inch board with the feet. Additionally, one-step sparring is required.

Green From yellow with green stripes to a solid green belt, the player has to do a test with another pattern, along with a one-step spar and a freestyle spar. In addition, he also has to break through two-inch boards with both his hands and feet, as well as demonstrate an ability to defend himself.

To earn the green with blue stripes belt, you must practice another pattern, and defend yourself against both holds and clubs. In addition, the player has to break a two-inch board with his hands and a one-inch board using a jump kick. As with the other tests, he has to undertake the one-step sparring and free sparring. The move from green to green with stripes requires around four months of training before a test can be taken.

Blue The test to attain the blue belt is similar to that of the green with blue stripes, except for the induction of a different pattern and an addition of two-step sparring. Besides that, one must demonstrate the breaking of a two-inch board with a punch and a one-inch board with a turning kick. All of this typically takes four months to achieve.

To achieve the blue with red stripes belt requires finesse, as the individual needs to defend against holds, clubs and knives as well as multiple unarmed opponents. He also has to break two-inch boards with a punch and a turning kick. It takes five months from the blue belt to achieve this.

Red Along with a different pattern, the test for the red belt replaces the two-step sparring with multiple free sparring. He also has to break a three-inch board with any kick, while other elements of the test remain the same.

From red, there is the red and black stripe belt. The test is identical to the red belt, except with a different pattern and the need to break two three-inch boards. It takes five months to train for this.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Black The highest rank achievable, the black belt test requires a lot of work: one pattern, one- step sparring, two-step sparring, and free sparring and multiple free sparring. You must also be able to defend against holds, clubs, knives and unarmed opponents, as well as break two three-inch boards with any kick or blow. To get to this stage, it requires at least nine months of training after one has completed the red and black stripe belt test.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union


Chinese martial arts contain a vast number of different weapons, some of which are hundreds of years old. The most famous are the '18 Weapons' of Chinese Wushu. They range from short weapons such as the straight sword, sabre and butterfly knives, and long weapons such as the spear and staff. There are also many 'soft' weapons such as the chain whip and rope darts. There are also several double weapons, such as the double swords and double spears.

No other Martial Art system in the world can make claim to incorporate the range of weapons taught in Shaolin Kung Fu. Most styles focus on Empty Hand Sets, yet the Shaolin Arts include an extensive repertoire of Weapon Sets as an equally important component of the curriculum.

Single straight sword - Jian A double-edged straight sword considered one of the four main weapons along with the staff, spear and sabre. A normal Jian has a hilt or guard to protect the fingers, a pommel (sometimes with tassel attached), and different parts of the blade have different martial functions: for example, the tip (Jian feng) is used for stabbing or slashing, and the middle section (zhongren) for cleaving and slicing. The Jian is used in many martial arts including Tai Chi Chuan and modern Wushu.

Broadsword/sabre - Dao A single-edged sword used for slashing and chopping. The construction of the broadsword is similar to the Jian, although the Dao is generally larger. The Dao is used in many martial arts, and some, like Bagua, feature much larger versions than normal. The Dao is also a feature of modern Wushu.

Staff - Gun A long weapon normally made out of wax wood, which is strong yet flexible. The gun is thicker at one end and thinner at the other. Modern guns can be purchased with metal and rubber parts. The gun is one of the four major weapons of Chinese martial arts and is a part of many training syllabi including modern Wushu and Tai Chi. The monks of the Shaolin Temple are closely associated with the gun.

Spear - Qiang A long weapon, typically made from wax wood, with a horse-hair tassel behind a leaf-shaped blade. Battlefield Qiang’s ranged from 7 feet to 13 feet long. In martial arts today the Qiang is normally around 7 foot long. Many martial arts feature spear training as part of their curriculum and some, such as Xing Yi, credit spear work as their foundation.

Kwan Dao A traditional battlefield weapon consisting of a long wooden or metal pole with a heavy blade at one end and a spike at the other. The blade is normally deeply curved and so useful for long-range sweeping cuts and slashes. Many martial arts include the Kwan Dao as part of their curriculum.

Three section staff – Sanjie Gun A flail weapon made of three lengths of wood or metal, usually around the size of the wielder's forearm, connected by metal rings or rope. The Sanjie Gun is normally made of red maple or Chinese white oak, various hardwoods, rattan, bamboo or aluminum. The nature of the staff means it can be used as a long- or short-range weapon, with each section often acting independently to strike, block, choke, stab, sweep or whip.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Rope dart - Sheng Biao A flexible weapon, the rope dart consists of a long rope with a metal dart at the end. The dart can be thrown from a distance and pulled back using the rope. Various techniques are possible including twining, binding, piercing, hitting and choking.

9 Section Chain whip - Jiujie Bian A weapon that consists of several metal rods, joined end to end by rings to form a chain. There is a generally a handle at one end and a metal dart at the other, used for slashing or piercing an opponent. Very similar to the rope dart in its practice methods and execution, the Jiujie Bian can be used for blocking, striking, hooking, tripping, or choking. The chain whip is usually made up of nine links, although it comes in several variations including the Qijie Bian (seven-section whip) and the Samjit Bian (three-section whip).

Monk's Spade - Yueya Chan Sometimes called a Shaolin spade, this distinctive weapon is made up of a long pole with a flat, spade-like weapon on one end and a small crescent blade on the other for counter-balance.

Emei Daggers - Emeici A traditional weapon consisting of metal rods with a spike at the end, and a ring through which a finger can be inserted. They are also a part of modern Wushu, and are used in open palm techniques.

Butterfly Swords - Baat Jaam Do These are short single-edged weapons originally from the South of China and normally used in pairs. The blade of each sword is generally the length of a forearm, and the top half is sharpened for cutting. The lower half is left blunt for blocking. There is also a small cross-guard for protecting the hands. The Butterfly Swords are a major feature of the Wing Chun style, and also appear in the training syllabus of Hung Gar.

Double weapons Using twin weapons at the same time is also a major feature of Chinese martial arts. Found in both traditional arts and modern Wushu, practitioners wield a weapon in each hand, allowing for greatly increased defensive and offensive capabilities. Notable double weapons include the Butterfly Swords, the Hook Swords (Shuang Gou), a large pair of swords with substantial hilt-guards that can be hooked together and used as one, and the Deer Horn knives of Bagua (Lujiao Dao). A Deer Horn knife is made up of two short crescent blades crossing one another. Holding one in each hand a practitioner therefore has four blades with which to attack and defend at the same time. They were traditionally used against longer weapons because of their speed and accessibility in confrontations.

Tai Chi Sword and Fan The softer and gentle forms are displayed with these weapons. The intent and execution of using them should not be taken lightly and are very dangerous and potentially deadly in the hands of a trained practitioner. All elements and energies from other weapons are utilized in these forms and combat scenarios.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Damo Sword (Damo Jian) Damo sword is the essence of Shaolin Kung Fu in , created by Damo founder. Sword like meditation, static in vivid, dynamic and static, seize the moment, meditation mystery. Common action: a thrusting sword dance, sword, sword.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Shaolin Damo sword beyond the speed of thought, in the fighting in bidding and unpredictable. Chop, stab, repeated use of the fast response, attack and defense, changes in the air of mystery that, through the sword, harbor evil and promote good move, the natural mind God, no distractions, all empty, Zen sword style, chivalrous, win but school.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Drunken Sword (Zui Jian) Shaolin drunken sword is a sword of ancient monk to drunken gesture with sword skill and innovation, its characteristics and Drunken Master, drunk stick shape is similar, not drunk, so salty Wuyi, its techniques like another sword. More "drunken sword more profit, the fiercer.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Provision Sword (Gui Ding Jian) Shaolin Provision sword is one of the modern fencing provisions, the technique is based on the original adaptation, the number of swords, standard and completion time are clearly defined, so called "Shaolin stipulate sword” provisions reflect the style characteristics of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Qi Mei Stick (Qi Mei Gun) Qi Mei stick, one of the Shaolin Kung Fu cudgels. Often in the rod made of ash, crude has profit to stick with one eyebrow, a highly homogeneous, so the name. Qi Mei stick is representative of Shaolin weapons, since the thirteen stick to save monk Tang, Shaolin cudgel, gun pick a line, stick to beat a large said, bang sticks upright, rod tip and Mei qi. Dance club, pick, stab, hack, Liao, sweep, alternation, impossible to guard against the enemy, the disorderly stick slam is the enemy to win, beat the enemy character group.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Liu He Stick (Liuhe Gun) Shaolin Stick to practice is also called Shaolin Liu He cudgel one stick, Shaolin Kung Fu. Shaolin Liuhe cudgel is Shaolin stick land stick fighting, a total of six road, Shaolin Temple Liuhe door training devices for routine, is the essence of Shaolin wushu. Because the main stress in three: heart and parataxis, meaning and gas, gas and power together, outer three: hands and feet, elbows and knees, shoulders and hips, internal and external consistency, consistency by Liuhe; six in his unique combination, it is called "Liuhe". This routine is two people in order to combat based attack on. Its characteristics are: really hit combat, fight hand to hand with, stick method was simple, fast, and straight from a winning.

Shaolin Liu He Stick has been Shaolin Temple close not rumored earthquake Temple treasure, after successive martial monks and constantly revised and perfected, it’s his exquisite, has reached the realm of perfection in one's studies.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Monkey Stick (Hou Gun) Monkey stick is one of Shaolin stick, monks imitating the ape action, so called monkey stick. The stick is a Shaolin monk soldiers use most, one of the most conventional weapons. Shaolin monks at the stick, the world knows. So that the words of Shaolin martial arts, will be called Shaolin staff. Shaolin cudgel not only by Shaolin monks as "hundred soldiers Zu", the society also put Shaolin cudgel is called "the art of cases". In the history of the formation and development of Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin staff plays a decisive role in.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Plum Blossom Stick (Meihua Gun) Plum Blossom Stick is one of Shaolin stick. The stick is a Shaolin monk soldiers use most, one of the most conventional weapons. Shaolin monks at the stick, the world knows. So that the words of Shaolin martial arts, will be called Shaolin staff. Shaolin cudgel not only by Shaolin monks as "hundred soldiers Zu", the society also put Shaolin cudgel is called "the art of cases". In the history of the formation and development of Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin staff plays a decisive role in. Stick a large, sweeping away the body to a split.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Stick to practicing the wind whistling, rhythm and vivid, his dense, fast fierce. It not only can improve the health, but also can vanquish the enemy; the enemy in the past dynasties, Shaolin cudgel play an important role.

Shaolin Kung Fu Weapon - Plum Blossom Knife (Mei Hua Dao) Shaolin plum blossom knife is one of the earlier traditional instruments of Shaolin Kung Fu, a total of thirty-two action. Plum blossom knife short, tight structure, the blade is changeable, moves down- to-earth vigorously, simple and easy to practice. Method to split, with twining head, drill up, left to right, up and down, like a plum blossom swirling name.

Knife as the "hundred soldiers’ bravery", is one of the most important instruments in Chinese wushu. Since ancient times, most people who practice martial arts with the knife blade, summed up many routines, formed a lot of blade factions. Such as Shaolin Double Knife, Shaolin Single knife, the Plum Blossom knife, Spring Autumn big knife etc...

Different type of blade has different characteristics, but it also has something in common: a "knife strokes, Shen Meng", compared to a sword, sword wielding, change is less and less power. Two, "single hand, double knife looks away", in the blade in hand and non-step is very important. Knife for "all arts", known as "Jin Dao with such as tiger" said.

Shaolin plum blossom knife is one of the earlier traditional instruments of Shaolin Temple, a total of thirty-two action. Plum blossom knife short, tight structure, the blade is changeable, moves down- to-earth vigorously, simple and easy to practice. Method to split, with twining head, drill up, left to right, up and down, like a plum blossom swirling name.

Shaolin Kung Fu Weapon - Single Knife (Dan Dao) Shaolin Single knife is an important part of Shaolin Kung Fu, a total of 6, each have different names, is composed of the Shaolin boxing Zheng Zongdi twenty-eight generation master, "iron shod seismic sea" called Mr. Yang Xiushan (1885-1949) message. Shaolin way single pole, called "out on potential", is the Shaolin single knife entry blade, the rest of the knife blade evolved. The blade moves fast effective, simple and practical, collapse, cut, cut, pick, sprinkle with fitting method, flexible and changeable, is extended to Shaolin boxing arm, therefore only practice Shaolin (work) to lay a solid foundation to practice boxing, Shaolin broadsword, while Shaolin single knife for the research of ancient Shaolin Boxing, provides real information on rare.

Shaolin Kung Fu Weapon - Double Knife (Shuang Dao) Shaolin double knife, one of the Shaolin Kung Fu knives. The shape and the single pole double knife are basically the same. But only half of the disc cutter, double knife on the side without cutter, such double knife can fold. The other side is half a hand wheel, double knife and, like a knife. The scabbard mouth has a small copper or iron apart, the double knife from the spacer sides into a sheath. Silk double knife should be symmetric. Double sword dance practice, much more difficult than the single pole, single arm expert knowledge, prevention, double knife two ears to prevent. Be skilled, can be handy

Shaolin Kung Fu - Five Tiger Spear (Wuhu Qiang) Five tiger spear, one spear of Shaolin Kung Fu. Five Tiger spear is the Shaolin basic ten sets in one of the long weapons, Elam, take the plunge, dance, flower as main techniques, with avalanche, splitting, Liao, winding, such as marksmanship, combining martial arts lunges, empty step, steal a step, Ding Buhe equilibrium constitutes a set of marksmanship comprehensive, concise structure,


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union dynamic the traditional routines as simple. It fully shows the marksmanship characteristics have a ready pen, Cliffside flower, gun 扎 line, like the dragon.

Shaolin Kung Fu - Shaolin 13 Spears (Shaolin 13 Qiang) Shaolin thirteen Spear is in Shaolin weapons spear. Because there are thirteen kinds of spear in the routine, named for the thirteen Gun. Thrust, pick, split, with repeated use. The thirteen gun is also a warrior in actual combat weapon. Have a history of Yue Fei small spear pick Liangwang heroic deeds. Common action is stopped, Nazha, lance, cloud spear, a spear, and point a spear.

Shaolin thirteen spear is one of the lances, the Shaolin martial arts, its structural integrity, framework is unique, and the spear action has thirteen type, named the thirteen spears. The spear in the martial arts equipment in long weapon, in the ancient weapon known as the "king of a hundred soldiers". The spear is a kind of instrument is difficult to practice the weapon; especially in training into the Wonderland is extremely difficult. Punch cloud "year month knife, stick, a thousand days spear ", illustrates the practice gun difficulty, Shaolin thirteen spear routines are mainly marksmanship stopped, take, tie, splitting collapse, hanging, pick, wear, frame, dance flower.

Spirit Sword Qi Gong - Shen Jian Dao (entry level) Purify your heart and focus your mind by becoming one with nature during the meditation of drawing the sword. The initial practice requires clear, precise actions and strong mental focus to calm the spirit and create a state known as Wu Ho, or Balanced Heart-Fire. Integrate the Four Virtues with your actions and learn to change your fixed mental and emotional patterns. Re-shape your paradigm while practicing Unity through Action. Learn to Draw the Chinese Double-Edged Sword (Jian). This is not a martial/fighting class. Think of it as learning how to live with the choices you’ve made. Arguably far more important than just learning how to fight others, learn how to deal with your inner doubts, fears and negativity in a constructive manner.

Iron Cudgel (Combat Staff) Combat Staff explores elements of traditional Chinese weaponry from the Li family’s Daoqi Quan perspective and ties it closely to the Jiulong Bagua Zhang foundation taught at LSDU.

Nun Chaku Wandering from book to book, the popular myth says that the nunchaku is a former chain for threshing rice, turned by Japanese peasants into a formidable weapon that they fought against the samurai. However, this myth contains at once four gross errors. The Nunchaku are by no means Japanese weapons, they were never a chain, they were not used by the peasants at all - and not at all against the samurai.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Basic techniques of Nun Chaku: [12 Classes a Month] Blocking Rotations 1. Double blocks 1. The Wheel 2. Rising block 2. The “Upper Wheel” 3. The “Grinding Wheel” Controlling moves 4. Catch the “Wheel” 1. “Play the Chain” 5. The “Figure eight movement” 6. The” Figure eight” in reverse Drills 7. Full stop 1. Magic Touch Juggling Flips 1. Throw and Catch 1. One hand flip 2. Two hands flip Strikes 3. Flip behind waist 1. Straight strike 4. Flip around shoulder 2. Shooting 5. Reverse flip around shoulder 3. Stop-feint 6. Flip behind back 7. Flip around neck 8. Flip between legs Strangulations 1. Frontal strangulation 2. Strangulation by chain 3. Strangulation from behind 4. Scissors strangulation

STICK COMBAT: [12 Classes a Month] Stick Combat – Stick Fighting – Impact Weapon Combat. Riot Batons, Expandable Baton, Night Sticks, Axe Handles, Walking Canes, the Martial Stick. Situation-Based. Event-Driven. Combat-Scenario Based. Using only that force necessary to win and survive! Practical. Tactical. Innovative Stick Combative. No Art.

Just Tactics. Striking, Blocking and Grappling with an Impact Weapon. No promises. Just options to experiment with. 1. Stick vs. the Unarmed 2. Stick vs. the Stick 3. Stick vs. the Knife 4. Stick vs. Gun Threats

Force Necessary: Stick! Is a course of options with both a single-handed and double-handed, impact weapon program Impact grips are interchangeable while in combat? SMS covers single-handed grip tactics and strategies. Hock teaches the grips in an integrated format because, as you train, you must be able to transition to both grips instantly as needed to maximize your survival against criminals and the enemy soldier.

This Impact Weapon course is for martial artists, civilians, military and police looking for more than what is in their singular disciplines. Hock has discovered, after 35 years of research, training and experience that each group knows things about impact weaponry that the other groups do not know. Each can improve upon each other's training. Hock has forged this hybrid course, like his other


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union courses, to further this body of knowledge and training. This course stands alone and also represents one-fourth in a series of courses on Hand, Stick, Knife and Gun fighting.

If you want to learn more about the use of impact weapons, this is the course for you. It is developed for the seamless application of all single-handed and double-handed grip, impact weapon tactics in all ranges of standing, kneeling, and ground fighting, close quarter combat.

Force Necessary: Stick! Instructs the entire spectrum of conflict from concealed ambush and visual presence, blocks, attacks, crowd control on through to deadly force as legally needed.

This is a tactical course about YOU stick fighting, striking, blocking, grappling and ground fighting with your impact weapon against someone unarmed or armed with ANY weapon. This is not just about you fighting someone else with sticks as seen so often stick martial arts. It's about you, holding a "stick" and fighting an opponent who is unarmed, or armed with sticks, knives or guns.

Stunning, Disarming, Grappling and Restraining. The primary reason you carry an expandable baton, even a straight stick, and have these tools in your home and car, is to protect yourself from a criminal's hand strikes, kicks, or his charge, or to protect yourself from the incoming knife attack, or blow from a hard, rigid-type weapon such as another club, a chair, a long gun, or any other weapon.

In this Force Necessary: Stick! Course you will learn: – Impact weapon strategies used by military and police to quell crime and conflicts. – Impact weapon tactics and strategies to intimidate and disperse opposing personnel. – Expandable and fixed-straight stick stress quick draws. – Impact weapon tactics to control and contain opponents. – Application to bayonet tactics and strategies versus deadly threats. – Disarming sticks and rifles and their counters! Weapon retention to prevent disarming. – – Filipino, Japanese, Asian, European and African stick vs. stick and stick vs. knife fighting. – Unarmed tactics and strategies vs. SDMS attacks. Fight against stick, knife and gun attacks! – Use of force, legal issues, mental and physical preparation.

The Impact Weapon study includes: 1. -The martial arts stick or cane 2. The enforcement "nightstick" 3. The "side-handle" enforcement "nightstick" 4. The walking and/or hiking cane 5. The tactical flashlight 6. The tactical, customized umbrella 7. The expandable baton 8. The riot baton 9. The rifle and the shotgun 10. The fixed bayonet

Weapons Defense Course - Guns, Baseball bats, Bottles and Clubs This course is limited to 16 people and is for those who are interested in what we do but are unable to train with us consistently due to work or busy family life. This is also ideal for someone who is going travelling and would like to learn some fast and effective ways to deal with aggressive situations. Also great for any Martial Artist to add weapon defenses to their arsenal.

The techniques are designed in a way that they are easy to learn and retain, so with a minimal amount of practice you can keep them fresh in your mind.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

What you can expect to learn Defenses from: 1. Baseball Bat 2. Sticks 3. Knife 4. Sword 5. Dagger 6. Bottle \ Club 7. Handgun

The training will finish with you performing the pressure test. Where you will be attacked by multiple attackers to help make your technique an instinct not a thought pattern. Famous within the Special Forces to help the student learn how to use their techniques under pressure.

The training is designed to be fun but for you to come away feeling way more confident than you did before you started.


White [1 Months] Students learn the basic principles of Wing Chun such as Centerline, Stance, Posture and Guard. They will know the first sequence of the Siu Nim Tao form (the first empty hand form of Wing Chun), all the main postures (Upright Sitting, Attention Pose, Stance and Guard and Bowing), and the most basic techniques and striking.

1. Enter: How to Enter the classroom and Great other students, this is the Bow in and pay respects 2. Stances: These include the student Set Position, Locked up Position. 3. Basic Stances: The Guard Stance and . 4. Hand Movements: The Star Block Set, the Jab and the Cross. 5. Body Movements: The Bob and Weave Combination. 6. Leg Movements: The Front Kick and Round Kick.

Basic Striking 1. Jab, Cross, Hook, Upper Cut and Bob Weave 2. Front Kick 3. Round Kick 4. Side Kick 5. Back Kick 6. Kick Boxing Form

Yellow [2 Months]

Students will know the entire 7minute sequence of the Siu Nim Tao Form and will know the movements by name. They will also have a good understanding in how to use their structure to absorb and deflect incoming force (with one arm). A few more self-defense techniques and tools introduced.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Flight Training 1. Pop Up front Kicks 2. Pop Up round Kicks 3. Pop Up Side Kicks 4. Jumping Front Kicks 5. Jumping Round Kicks 6.

Orange [3 Months] The famous Wing Chun exercise of Chi Sao is introduced in this grade which will begin to develop the student’s force absorption, sensitivity and power. They begin to delve into techniques and exercises which will begin challenge their reflexes, balance and coordination. Partner Training 1. Footwork including Forward Step, Back Step and Side Steps 2. Half Step Forwards and Half Step Backwards 3. Replacement Step forward and backwards 4. The Covers Form which includes Head Covers, Picks, Body Covers and Leg Covers 5. Pad work 6. Pad work Following.

Light Green [3 Months] The level of self-defense, fitness and flexibility will have noticeably improved by this grade! Therefore, the students are now ready to begin realistic sparring in a safe and supportive environment. They will be able to defend themselves against random (not predetermined) punches. Self Defense Training 1. Self Defense Stance 2. Vocal Identification and warnings 3. Palm Strikes 4. Break from Grabs 1 through to 3 5. Break from Grabs 4 through to 6 6. Safety Zone Awareness

Dark Green [3 Months] The last of the Foundation level grade, students will be able to defend themselves against any incoming kick from an opponent of similar age. They can begin to attack and defend within their Chi Sao exercise. The Kung Fu philosophy and life skills as well as their relaxation, focus and body awareness will be at such a level that can be very clearly observed by the parents and the Wing Chun practice will be well and truly influencing the student’s life outside of the Wing Chun Classes. 1. Siu Nim Tao Sentence 1 + 2 2. 3 Elbow and Knee Strikes against a pad 3. Pak Sao with continuous punches/Palm Strikes 4. Dan Chi Movement of Punch to form the Bong Sao 5. Wing Chun Single punch/Palm Strike (Advancing step/Arrow Step) 6. Basic Centre Line Theory Knowledge


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Red [3 Months] Introduction to the sequence of the Chum Kiu Form (the 2nd empty hand form of Wing Chun). This form will greatly improve the student’s power and mobility. Chi Sao and are ready for free-sparring. We believe that this grade is equivalent to 1st Dan Black Belt level of other martial arts. 1. Siu Nim Tao Sentence 3 + 4 2. Lat Sao Forward and Backwards stepping/Pivoting left and right 3. Garn Sao and Punch, Gum Sao and Punch 4. Dan Chi Movement of maintaining an outside Tan Sao 5. Wing Chun Double punch/Double Palm Strike (Advancing step/Arrow Step) 6. Simultaneous attack and defense explanation

Light Blue [3 Months] Have all the necessary tools for a complete self-defense scenario including many tools for avoiding a physical altercation, as well as knowing their exact range and how to automatically respond to all hand-to-hand combat situations. Conversely, they will have a deep level of experiential understanding in relaxation and mindfulness which will lead to a calmer and more peaceful attitude. 1. Siu Nim Tao Sentence 5 + 6 2. Lat Sao Changing Sides 3. Wu Sao Defense with added V step Movements 4. Dan Chi Movement palm strike to create the low sinking elbow (Jum Sao) 5. Wing Chun Triple punch/Triple Palm Strike (Meridian Stance/Flanking Steps) 6. Wedge Theory Explanation

Dark Blue [3 Months] Students are now delving into the internal aspects of the Art! They will be understanding and practicing how to use their ‘centers of mass as the power source behind all their movements which will increase their power by multiple times. This grade, being the last of the Intermediate Level, put emphasis of practice on realistic sparring and self-defense situations. 1. Siu Nim Tao Sentence 7 + 8 2. Lat Sao bong Gerk and Yup Gerk Movements 3. Flanking steps left/right with Fook Sao Cover 4. Dan Chi Movement to complete the Dan Chi Roll Movement 5. Wing Chun Continuous punches/Continuous Palm Strike (Meridian Stance/Flanking Steps) 6. Managing your distance

Purple [3 Months] Introduction to the Biu Jee Form (3rd empty hand form) AND the famous Wooden Dummy Form of Wing Chun. They will also begin to be pressure tested on the stepping and pivoting movements of the Chum Kiu Form. Chi Sao and Wing Chun sparring will be part of every class at this grade! 1. Chum Kiu Form, Opening Elbow turning 2. 3 Elbow and knee strikes to pads 3. Double wrist grabs high with use of Elbows 4. Chi Sao Two arm Roll 5. Punching Drill of 2 high and 2 low punches/Palms 6. The theory of the Four Wing Chun Principles


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Brown [3 Months] The sequence of the second halves of Biu Jee and Wooden Dummy forms will be shown to the students in this grade. Their balance, focus and endurance will also be tested within this grade as they will be able to perform the entire Siu Nim Tao form while standing on one leg (with the knees held above waist height) 1. Chum Kiu Form, Grab and Kick 2. Avoiding waist grabs and head locks 3. Double wrist grab waist uses of Tan Sao and Gum Sao 4. Chi Sao 3 Basic attacks from the Roll 5. Punching Drill of 2 high/1 low and 2 low/1 high punches and palms 6. The Theory of the 4 power principles

Gray [3 Months] Students will know all of the empty hand forms of Wing Chun plus the Wooden Dummy Form. Since they will be nearing the end of the LSDU Wing Chun system, they will now be given body armor (pads) and spar with each other with high intensity. 1. Chum Kiu Form, Turn with Front Kick and step 2. Balance control from a sweep and basing out from a throw 3. Single wrist grab use of Han Sao and Lap Sao 4. Chi Sao entry movements 5. Punching Drill of 1 high/1 low/1 high and 1 high/2 low/1 high punches and palms 6. The Theory of Mirroring your opponent

Black [6 Months] This is the final grade in the LSDU Wing Chun System! Students will work on performing the Biu Jee form with maximum speed! Also, they will be looking at the power generation and application of the Wooden Dummy movements in a self-defense scenario. Finally, as part of the requirement of finishing the system (in their final grading), the student will be required to do a few minutes of high intensity sparring with. 1. Chum Kiu Form, Gum Sao with Punches 2. Landing on floor correctly and getting back up 3. Double Grab arm control 4. Jut Jun Sequence 5. Punching Drill of double vertical and horizontal punches and palms 6. The theory of finding the best and quickest exit


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union WUDANG KUNG FU SPECIALIZED COURSE CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month]

The Wudang Kung Fu offers a program suitable for both personal development within the Martial Arts and future plans of teaching or opening your own Schools. The Wudang Kung Fu program is designed to give you a proper foundation with in the Internal Martial arts of Wudang Shan. The study plan is based on 9 sections, every section is 3 months. The program is under guidance of Chief Instructor Shifu Zhao Hui.

Become a Wudang Disciple If you follow this schedule step by step and train hard you will get a proper foundation and reach a good level of Kung Fu. You start as a beginner but after the full program is over you will be a true disciple of the Wudang Pai. This is the traditional way of the Wudang Neijia teachings from the Taoist Temples of Wudang Shan.

Bai Ri Zhu Ji One Hundred Days to Build the Foundation. It is said that the first 100 days are the most important phase of the training for building up the Qi, body structure and the 6 harmonies. With a good and solid foundation your future training will give good results. The program consists of 9 sections 3 months each to fit the schedule, but of course the sections can be extended for the people who like to come and do a full 100 days.

Section One (Basic Training / Elementary 1) 1) Basic Schedule: Basic Wudang Wushu Training (Ji Ben Gong), Breathing Exercises (Daojia Tuna), Daoyin Exercises, Taoist Sitting Meditation, Wushu Theory. 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang 18 Tai Chi Quan 4) Wudang 36 Tai Chi Quan 5) Basic Wudang Tuishou (one hand pattern and two hand pattern)

Section Two (Elementary 2) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang Five Elements Fist (Wu Xing Quan) 4) Wudang Paochui 5) Wudang Tuishou (moving step) 6) Wudang Sanshou Fighting

After 3 months of training, you will now have further improved your Ji Ben Gong and also a basic understanding of the Xing Yi Quan skills. This training will help you improve your power, stances and foot work. This is essential for further practice with in the Xing Yi Quan system.

Section Three (Elementary 3) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Basic Wudang Swordplay (Shenfa, Bufa, Pinfa) 4) Wudang Swordplay (Tai Chi Lian Huan Jian) 5) Wudang Swordplay (Wudang Dan Jian) 6) Basic Qin Na Techniques


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

After 3 months of training the sword techniques you have now a good understanding of the Wudang Swordplay. You have learned the characteristic body work and the body and sword is starting to work together.

Section Four (Intermediate 1) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Basic Wudang Bagua Turning Palms 4) Wudang Bagua Zhang

After 3 months of training Bagua Zhang you have now a good understanding of the Bagua Zhang Foundations. You have learned the foot work and body work. The Bagua walk should be light, balanced and rooted. The hands, body and feet will work in harmony. This builds up for further practice with in the Bagua Zhang system.

Section Five (Intermediate 2) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang Tai Yi Xiao Yao Zhang 4) Wudang Tai Yi Shen Jian

After 3 months of training your body work has improved. Your basics are now on a higher level. Your movement will be more precise and direct and always balanced, centered and rooted.

Section Six (Intermediate 3) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang Six Harmony Saber (Liu He Dao Fa) 4) 4 Basic Wudang Staff (Xuan Wu Gun Fa)

After 3 months of training, you have now achieved the basics with in saber and staff. You have improved the foot work, body work and learned the essential techniques. You have also improved the Neijia Gong Fu.

Section Seven (Advanced 1) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang Tai Yi Horsetail Whisk (Fu Chen) 4) Wudang 64 Tai Chi Quan

After three months of training your Internal Gong Fu have further improved. All your other skills will have reached a higher level. The characteristics and style of Wudang Neijia Gung Fu will now show in your movements and approach.

Section Eight (Advanced 2) 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang 72 Tai Chi Quan

After three months of training your Tai Chi Quan Gong Fu will have further improved. Your Tai Chi will be fluid, relaxed, natural and centered.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Section Nine (Advanced 3) Wudang Disciple Level 1) Basic Schedule (same as before) 2) Wudang Internal Training (Neijia Gong Fa) 3) Wudang Tai Yi Mian Zhang

You have now finished the Wudang disciple program and have the chance to become a “Wudang Xuan Wu Disciple”


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union MODERN WUSHU SPECIALIZED COURSE CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month] Wushu is a general term meaning 'all Chinese martial arts'. However, 'Wushu' in the modern sense means standardized martial arts practiced by Chinese athletes. Modern Wushu is an exhibition and full- that was created by 1949. It includes form display (empty-hand and weapons) and Sanda, a form of full-contact sparring similar to Bick Boxing.

Modern Wushu is an international sport, with the World Wushu Championships held every two years under the International Wushu Federation.

1. Level 1 (White Belt) Curriculum 第一段 (白帶) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Punches 拳法 Jab – 前手沖拳 Cross – 後手沖拳 Front hook – 前手貫拳 Rear hook – 後手貫拳 Front uppercut - 前手抄拳 Rear uppercut - 後手抄拳 2) Stances 步法 1. Bow stance - 弓步 1. Horse stance - 馬步 2. Drop stance - 仆步 2. Resting stance - 歇步 3. Empty stance - 虛步 3. Crossed legged sitting stance - 坐盤 4. Half horse stance - 半馬步 4. T stance - 丁步 3) Kicks 腿法 1. Front kick – 正踢腿 1. Side kick – 側踢腿 2. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 2. Inside crescent kick – 裡合腿 外擺腿 擺 3. Outside crescent (Lotus) kick – ( 3. Heel kick – 蹬腿 蓮) 4. Side heel kick – 側蹬腿 4. Snap kick – 彈腿 4) Wushu movement’s 武術動作 1. Swing arms – 掄臂 1. Waist turn – 翻腰 2. Drop stance spear palm – 仆步穿掌 2. Bow stance punch – 弓步沖拳 3. Horse stance punch – 馬步沖拳 5) Forms 套路 1. Six Combination Form (Liu He Quan) 六合 3. 拳 2. Five Stances Form (Wu Bu Quan) 五步拳


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union 2. Level 2 (Green Belt - Wood) Curriculum 第二段 (綠帶– 木) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Punches 拳法 1. Hammer fist – 劈拳 1. Vertical strike with heart fist – 蓋拳 2. Planting fist – 栽拳 2. Inserting fist – 插拳 3. Lifting fist – 挑拳 3. Scooping fist – 撩拳 2) Stances 步法 1. Cross behind step – 插步 1. Cross over step – 蓋步 2. Beat step – 擊步 2. Circular walking step – 弧行步 3) Kicks 腿法 1. Front Kick – 正踢腿 1. Side front kick – 側踢腿 2. Outside crescent kick – 外擺腿 (擺蓮) 2. Inside crescent kick – 裡合腿 3. Back arc kick – 後撩腿 3. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 4. Front sweep – 前掃堂腿 4. Back roundhouse kick –後高掃腿 5. Side spring kick – 側彈腿 (鞭腿) 5. Backward floor sweep kick – 後掃堂腿 6. Tornado kick – 簡易旋風腳 6. Jump slap kick – 二起腳– 側蹬腿 4) Wushu movement’s 武術動作 1. Balance with one knee up – 提膝平衡 1. Balance with one leg crossed over – 盤腿 2. Balance with one leg hooked behind – 勾 平 衡 腿平衡 2. 2 Wushu Combos (5 movements) – 任何 3. Hammer Strike into balance with one 兩組 五個動作的武術組合動作 knee up – 掄臂砸拳接提膝平衡亮掌 5) Forms 套路 1. Yan Qing Quan 燕青拳 Sanshou Dao Long 3. Fist 散手道長拳 2. Kun Wu Jian 崑武劍


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union 3. Level 3 (Red Belt - Fire) Curriculum 第三段 (紅帶– 火) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Punches 拳法 1. Spear fist – 耳後穿拳 1. Drill fist – 鑽拳 2. Spinning horizontal back fist – 鞭拳, 轉身 2. Spring horizontal back fist – 彈拳, 崩拳 反背鎚 2) Kicks 腿法 1. Front kick – 正踢腿 1. Side kick – 側踢腿 2. Outside Crescent kick – 外擺腿 (擺蓮) 2. Inside Crescent kick – 裡合腿 3. Low hook kick – 勾踢腿 3. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 4. Spinning – 轉身擺蓮 4. Jump spring kick – 騰空箭彈 騰空蹬腿 5. Jump side kick - 騰空側踹 5. Jump heel kick – 3) Wushu movement’s 武術動作 1. Forward roll – 前滾翻 1. Circling waist – 涮腰 2. Shoulder roll – 搶背 2. Hammer strike and empty stance block 3. Black dragon coil around the pillar – 烏龍 palm – 掄臂砸拳接虛步亮掌 絞柱 3. 2 Wushu Combos (5 movements) – 任何 4. Double waist turn – 雙翻腰 兩組 五個動作的武術組合動作 5. Backward roll – 後滾翻 6. Carp flip/ Kip up – 鯉魚打挺 4) Forms 套路 1. Hong Quan 紅拳 4. 2. Sanshou Application Form (Xiao Yao Quan) 逍遙拳 (散手實用拳) 3. Basic broadsword form 刀術 5) Applications 實用技術 1. 3 take down (Shuai Chiao) techniques 1. 3 個摔倒技術 2. 3 grappling (Qin Na) techniques 2. 3 個擒拿技術 3. 3 fighting combination techniques 3. 3 個散手組合技術 4. 1 ground fighting technique 4. 1 個地面控制技術


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union 4. Level 4 (Yellow Belt - Earth) Curriculum 第四段 (黃帶– 土) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Kicks 腿法 1. Front kick – 正踢腿 1. Side front kick – 側踢腿 2. Outside Crescent kick – 外擺腿 (擺蓮) 2. Inside Crescent kick – 裡合腿 3. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 2) Wushu movement’s 武術動作 2 Wushu Combo (5 movements) – 任何兩組五個動作的武術組合動作 (choose any 10 from the following techniques 完成以下任何 10 個基本動作) 1. Swing arms into drop stance and slap floor – 仆步掄拍 2. Drop stance thread palm – 仆步穿掌 3. Waist turn into crossed leg sitting stance – 翻腰坐盤 4. Balance with one knee up and flash palm – 提膝亮掌平衡 5. Balance with one leg hooked behind – 勾腿平衡 6. Look-at-moon balance (back leg hooked up) – 望月平衡 7. Swallow balance (lean forward and extend one leg) – 燕式平衡 8. Jump slap kick – 騰空飛腿 9. Jump outside crescent kick - 騰空擺蓮 10. Splits – 劈叉 11. Cartwheel (with hands)– 側手翻 3) Forms 套路 1. Cha Quan 查拳 2. Tian Gang Quan 天罡拳 3. Any two weapon forms 任何兩套器械套路 4) Applications 實用技術 1. 5 take down (Shuai Chiao) techniques 1. 5 個摔倒技術 2. 5 grappling (Qin Na) techniques 5 個擒拿技術 3. 5 fighting combination techniques 5 個散手組合技術 4. 2 ground fighting techniques 2 個地面控制技術 5. Basic Sanshou training 初級散手練習


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union 5. Level 5 (Golden Belt - Metal) Curriculum 第五段 (金帶– 金) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Kicks 腿法 1. Front kick – 正踢腿 1. Side front kick – 側踢腿 2. Outside Crescent kick – 外擺腿 (擺蓮) 2. Inside Crescent kick – 裡合腿 3. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 2) Wushu movement’s 武術動作 2 Wushu Combo (5 movements) – 任何兩組五個動作的武術組合動作 (choose any 15 from the following techniques 完成以下任何 15 個動作) 1. Front sweep (full circle) into jump slap kick – 前掃堂腿接二起腳 2. Back sweep (full circle) into bow stance sap palm – 後掃堂腿接弓步挑掌 (推掌) 3. Grinding kick (Mo pan tui) – 磨盤腿 4. Step kick (Cai tui) – 踩腿 5. Low step kick – 下踹腿 6. Horse kick – 厥子腿 7. Low hook kick – 勾踢腿 8. Shoulder roll – 搶背 9. Forward drop – 栽碑 10. Side drop – 側跌 11. Carp flip/ kip-up – 鯉魚打挺 12. Forward head flip with hands – 頭手翻 13. Jump slap kick (with right leg landing) – 騰空飛腳 14. Jump side kick - 騰空側踹腿 15. Tornado kick (with two legs landing at the same time) – 旋風腿 (雙腳同時落地) 16. Jump outside crescent kick (with two legs landing at the same time) -騰空擺蓮 (雙腳 同時落 地) 17. – 旋子 18. Inside crescent drop kick – 盤腿跌 19. Aerial cartwheel – 側空翻 3) Forms 套路 One of the following forms 1. Praying Mantis 螳螂拳 2. Tong Bei Quan (Long arm ape form) 通臂拳 3. Fan Zi Quan 翻子拳 Eagle Claw 鷹爪拳 4. Ba Ji Quan 八極拳 5. Equivalent forms 同等級之套路 1. Any two-person sparring set 任何一套對練


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

4) Applications 實用技術 1. 7 take down (Shuai Chiao) techniques 1. 7 個摔倒技術 2. 7 grappling (Qin Na) techniques 2. 7 個擒拿技術 3. 7 fighting combination techniques 3. 7 個散手組合技術 4. 3 ground fighting techniques 4. 3 個地面控制技術 5. Free style Sanshou (combat) training 5. 自由散手對坑練習


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

6. Level 6 (Golden-Purple Belt – Water) Curriculum 第六段 (紫金帶– 水) 課程 Wushu Basic Techniques 武術基本功 Reference (參考書): Kung Fu Elements 中國武術 1) Kicks 腿法 1. Front kick – 正踢腿 1. Side front kick – 側踢腿 2. Outside Crescent kick – 外擺腿 (擺蓮) 2. Inside Crescent kick – 裡合腿 3. Front slap kick – 正飛腳 2. Wushu movement’s 武術動作 2 Wushu Combo (5 movements) – 任何兩組五個動作的武術組合動作 (choose any 15 from the following techniques 完成以下任何 15 個動作)

1. Balance with one leg extended behind – 臥雲平衡 2. Bending backward balance (and extending one leg) – 仰身平衡 3. Search-Sea Balance (leaning forward and extending one leg) – 探海平衡 4. Balance on the shoulder and arms – 肩倒立 5. Head stand – 三角倒立 6. Reverse arch kick – 倒踢 7. Point kick (dian tui) – 點腿 8. Bend backward heel kick (yang shen deng tui) – 仰身蹬腿 9. Fish jump (yu yue) – 魚躍 10. Forward head flip (tou fan) – 頭翻 11. Back roll over – 挺身向後肩頸翻 12. Black dragon coils around the pillar and stand up – 烏龍絞柱 13. Jump slap kick (kick higher than shoulder and land on right leg) – 騰空飛腳 (右腿必須 踢高 過肩, 右腳起, 右腳落地) 14. Jump front kick with both legs – 騰空雙打 15. Jump side kick with both legs- 騰空雙腳側踹 16. Tornado kick (land on right leg) – 旋風腳 (右腳落地) 17. Tornado kick into splits -旋風腳接劈叉 18. Jump outside Crescent kick into splits - 騰空擺蓮接劈叉 19. Jump front double heel kick - 騰空雙蹬腿 20. Butterfly twist – 旋子轉體 360 ° 3) Forms 套路 One of the following forms 1. International competition Chang Quan 規定長拳 2. International competition Nan Quan 規定南拳 3. Wu Song Hand Cuff Form 脫銬拳 4. Chuo Jiao (kicking) Form 戳腳拳 5. Snake Style 蛇拳 6. Drunken Style 醉拳


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

7. Monkey Style 猴拳, 8. Pigua Quan 劈掛拳 9. Equivalent form 同等級之套路 2. One of the following forms 1. International competition/ Free Style Broadsword or Straight Sword 規定或自選刀術或劍 術 2. Chuan Lin Sword 穿林劍 or equivalent form 同等級之套路 3. One of the following forms 1. International competition/ Free Style Staff or Spear 規定或自選棍術 或槍術 2. Any double weapon, flexible weapon, or long weapon form 任何一套雙器械 或 軟器 或 長 器械 4) Applications 實用技術 1. 9 take down (Shuai Chiao) techniques 1. 9 個摔倒技術 2. 9 grappling (Qin Na) techniques 2. 9 個擒拿技術 3. 9 fighting combination techniques 3. 9 個散手組合技術 4. 4 ground fighting techniques 4. 4 個地面控制技術 5. Free style Sanshou combat training 5. 自由散手對坑練習

XING YI / BAGUA QUAN SPECIALIZED COURSE CURRICULUM: [12 Classes a Month] Xing Yi is an Internal Kung Fu system, meaning it prioritizes the control and use of internal Qi energy. (By comparison, External Kung Fu systems such as Shaolin Kung Fu teach students muscular control first.) Another internal system which is closely related to Xing Yi is Bagua.

Xing Yi Training Curriculum There are many forms in Xing Yi and, due to its basic flexibility, the line between formal and spontaneous can be blurred. But here are some of the name of traditional forms one might encounter in training:

White Sash 1. Basic entry level sash

Yellow Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi 5-element fist: Eagle Capture (mother fist), Splitting, and Drilling fists (no applications) 2. Bagua empty-hand circle walking form (official elementary form) 3. Yin style Bagua lion system sweeping strike attack methods: Forms 1 to 4.

Orange Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi 5-element fist: Smashing, Pounding, Crossing (no applications) 2. Xing Yi spring leg (Tan Tui) form sections 1 to 4 3. Bagua empty-hand form I (official intermediate form) palms 1 and 4 4. Yin style Bagua lion system sweeping strike attack methods: Forms 5 to 7.


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Green Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi 5-element fist linking form 2. Xing Yi five-element fists applications 3. Xing Yi spring leg form sections 5 to 8 4. Bagua empty-hand form I palms 5 to 8 5. Yin style Bagua lion system smashing strike attack methods (7 forms)

Blue Sash Forms 1. Xing Yi 8-character method ("batzu gong") 2. Xing Yi spring leg form sections 9 to 12 3. Xing Yi 12-animal forms 1 to 5 (dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, and alligator) 4. Bagua empty-hand form II 5. Yin style Bagua lion system chopping strike attack methods (7 forms)

Purple Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi 12-animal forms 5 to 12 (rooster, sparrow hawk, swallow, snake, Tai bird, eagle, bear, eagle and bear combined) 2. Xing Yi 8-posture fist form 3. Xing Yi 5-element broad-sword and linking form 4. Bagua empty-hand form III (Jiang Rong Chau form) 5. Yin style Bagua lion system hooking strike attack methods (7 forms)

Red Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi empty-hand form I 2. Xing Yi 5-element straight-sword and linking form 3. Xing Yi 5-element staff and linking form 4. Bagua empty-hand form IV (Gong Bao Tian form) 5. Yin style Bagua lion system shocking strike attack methods (7 forms) 6. Yin style Bagua phoenix system dodging strike attack methods (7 forms)

Brown Sash Forms: 1. Xing Yi empty-hand intermediate competition form 2. Xing Yi Nine -Continent staff form 3. Xing Yi Three-Harmony broad-sword form 4. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua Pre-Heaven Palms form I 5. Yin style Bagua lion system blocking strike attack methods (7 forms) 6. Yin style Bagua phoenix system extending strike attack methods (7 forms)

Black Sash 1st degree Forms: 1. Xing Yi empty-hand advanced competition form 2. Xing Yi staff competition form 3. Xing Yi broad-sword competition form 4. Bagua empty-hand form I 5. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua Post-Heaven palms: Qian 8 and Kan 8 palms 6. Yin style Bagua lion system seizing strike attack methods (7 forms) 7. Yin style Bagua phoenix system chopping strike attack methods (7 forms)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Black Sash 2nd degree Forms: 1. Xing Yi straight-sword competition form 2. Xing Yi 5-element spear and linking form 3. Bagua empty-hand advanced competition form 4. Bagua empty-hand form II 5. Cheng School Gao Style Post-Heaven Palms: Gen 8 and Zhen 8 palms 6. Yin style Bagua lion system grasping strike attack methods (7 forms) 7. Yin style Bagua phoenix system shocking strike attack methods (7 forms)

Black Sash 3rd degree Forms: 1. Xing Yi Six-Harmony straight-sword form 2. Xing Yi cascaded linking spear form I 3. Bagua empty-hand form III ("Kicking Form") 4. Cheng School GAO Style Post-Heaven Palms: Xun 8 and Li 8 palms 5. Cheng School Gao Style deer horn knife form 6. Bagua broad-sword competition form 7. Yin style Bagua phoenix system transforming strike attack methods (7 forms)

Black Sash 4th degree Forms: 1. Xing Yi spear competition form 2. Bagua empty-hand form IV 3. Cheng School Gao Style Post-Heaven Palms: Kun 8 and Dui 8 palms 4. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua straight-sword form 5. Bagua deer horn knife competition form 6. Bagua spear form I (Swimming dragon fighting body form) 7. Yin style Bagua phoenix system removing strike attack methods (7 forms)

Black Sash 5th degree Forms: 1. Xing Yi empty-hand form II 2. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua Pre-Heaven Palms form II 3. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua broad-sword form 4. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua empty hand advanced forms (including 4 animal forms: lion shaking, snake twining, tiger sitting, dragon manifesting) 5. Swimming Dragon Bagua staff form 6. Yin style Bagua phoenix system curling in strike attack methods (7 forms)

Black Sash 6th degree Forms: 1. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua Tai-Chi palm, Yin-Yang palm, Trinity fist, Four quadrant kick, and Seven-star hand 2. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua empty-hand advanced forms (including 4 animals forms: swallow flipping, eagle pecking, bear squatting, monkey imitating) 3. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua double rattan stick form 4. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua cane form 5. Cheng School Gao Style Bagua two-headed spear form 6. Yin style Bagua phoenix system penetrating strike attack methods (7 forms)


Lamka Shaolin Disciple’s Union

Pure Xing Yi Quan Curriculum 1st LEVEL - WHITE 2nd LEVEL - YELLOW 1. Wu Xing for Third Weapon 1. Second Weapon Routine 2. Third Weapon Form 2. Monkey, Bear, Eagle, Dragon Headed Turtle 3. First Four Skill 3rd and 4th Yi Quan 3. Ba Shi Chui 4. 1st and 2nd Yi Quan

3rd LEVEL - ORANGE 4th LEVEL - GREEN 1. Wu Xing for second Weapon 1. First Weapon Form* 2. Four Shape Rooster Bashing 2. Small Frame Wu Xing 3. Snake, Tai Bird, Sparrow Hawk, Swallow 3. Dragon, Tiger, Horse, Rooster Animal Postures 4. Subduing the Tiger Posture

5th LEVEL - RED 6th LEVEL - BLUE 1. Retreating Wu Xing 1. Heng Quan; 3 Variations 2. Wu Xing for First Weapon* 2. Linking Fist 3. Generation Fist 4. Degeneration Fist 7th LEVEL - PURPLE 8th LEVEL - BROWN 1. Beng Quan; 8 Variations 1. Pi Quan; 6 Variations 2. Pao Quan; 3 Variations 2. Zuan Quan; 5 Variations 3. San Shou Pao 3. San Ti Shi 4. Bao Shi

What about the Training Methods and Fees? For Regular or Group Class Training Fee’s Structures:

Fee’s Structure: 1. Admission Fee : 1000 INR 2. Training Fees : 5000 INR (Initial Only) 3. I- : 100 INR 4. Membership : Don’t entertain any affiliations 5. Equipment’s Contribution : 500 INR every 4 Months To be paid at the time of admission : 6000 INR