Building the Protestant Church in Shandong, China Norman H
Union is based on the following: 377 of the 691 groups in the 1993 ary Coordinating Council to All Western Missionary Organizations Directory work there, plus 148 (or approximately half of the 296 Interested in Spreading the Gospel in the Former Soviet Union:' groupsidentified since 1993), plus36SouthKorean groups (9church March 23, 1993, RM. and 27 parachurch), 12. Mark Elliott, "The Protestant Missionary Presence in the Former 3. Grigori Komendant, "Certainly: ' East-West Church and Ministry Soviet Union:' Religion, State,and Society 25, no. 4 (forthcoming). Report 4, no . I (Winter 1996): 2. 13. Anatoli Pchelintsev, interview by Anita Deyneka, July 1993, RM. 4. AlexanderSorokin."A RussianPerspectiveon the MissionaryMove 14. PaulSemenchuk, "WesternChristians Working in the CIS:Are They ment," East-West Church and Ministry Report 4, no. 1 (Winter 1996): in Tune with Russian Evangelical Nationals?" (paper prepared for 16. Trans World Radio, November 1994), p. 4. 5. E-mail from Brother Seraphim, December 1, 1996, Russian Minis 15. Grigori Komedant, interview by Peter Deyneka, October 1996, RM. tries files, Wheaton, Illinoi s (hereafter RM). 16. Semenchuk, "Western Christians Working in the CIS:' p. 2. 6. Michael Bourdeaux, ed., The Politics of Religion in Russiaand the New 17. Manfred Kohl, "Filling the Leadership Void in the Post Communist States of Euroasia (London: M. E. Sharpe, 1995), p. 117. Church," Contact 23, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 4-5. 7. Quoted in Miroslav Volf, "Fishing in the Neighbor's Pond: Mission 18. Anita Deyneka, "Freedom for All," Frontier, September-october and Proselytism in Eastern Europe:' International BulletinofMission 1996, p. 11. ary Research 20, no.
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