The Crime Against Kansas. the Apologies for The
THE CHIME AGAINST KANSAS. THE APOLOGIES FOR THE CRIME, THE TRUE REMEDY. SPEECH OF HON. CHARLES SUMNER, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, 19th and 20th May, 1856. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN P. JEWETT & COMPANY. CLEYELAND, OHIO: . JEWETT, PROCTOR & WORTHINGTON. NEW YOKE: SHELDON, BLAEEMAN & CO. 1856. /? (^ /Lo.^-, - ^'^<^'^^ THE CRIME AGAIKST KANSAS. THE APOLOaiES FOK THE CRIME. THE TRUE REMEDY. SPEECH OF HON. CHARLES SUMNEE, IN T H S SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, 19th and 20th May, 1856. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN P. JEWETT & COMPANY. CLEVELAND, OHIO: JEWETT, PROCTOR, & WORTHINGTON. NEW YORK : SHELDON, BLAKEMAN & CO 1856. In the Senate, 13th March, 1856, Mr, Douglas, from the Committee on Territories, presented and read a very long Report on affairs in Kansas. Mr. CoLLAMER also presented and read a Minority Report. As soon as the reading was completed, Mr. Sumner took the floor, and made the following remarks : ]Mr. Somner. In those two reports, the whole subject is presented character- istically on both sides. In the report of the majority, the true issue is smoth- ered ; in that of the minority, the true issue stands forth as a pillar of fire to guide the country. The first report proceeds from four senators ; but against it I put, fearlessly, the report signed by a single senator [Mr. Collamer], to whom I offer my thanks for this service. Let the two go abroad together. Error is harmless, while reason is left free to combat it. I have no desire to precipitate the debate on this important question, under which the country already shakes from side to side, and which threatens to scatter from its folds civil war.
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