The Americus Times-Recorder
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THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Twenty-Fourth Vcar '( AMERICUS, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14. 1903. No. 243 professional cards. No True American is ever satisfied TWO ENGLISH CITIES PRESIDENT N except with the LOUBET TENNESSEE RIVERS THE OLD A ,-V at Lavv RELIABLE T AIt 'lr v ana Counsellor best. The oldest is not always 0 Mylie Building. the t>rnct-.~ best, and is seldom the strongest. IN KEEN COMPETITION RECEIVES OVATION In this case, however, the best is Last ARE ON RIG BOOM M Counselor at Law. Lake, Ala., Dec. Bth, 1902. U’»» inters Bank Building. the oldest and strongest. Let fig- ffl, es o anu ; Liverpool and Manchester 300,000 People Mar- " Packed o • Rainfall Causes '" Mr. A. B. TeiepH° ner ¦ ures speak: Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Heavy Rapid The Asserts of The Mutual Life Insurance After American Cotton. sailles Thoroughfares. Company of New'Y ork (organized 1H43) ex- Dear Mr: 1 his is Rise In Streams. K B ceed those of any other life insurance to certify that on Au= ' yy!' '.'i a* Nose Specialist. com- rivalry is becoming active. J) i pany in existence. They are over GRAND BANQUET AT BOURSE. 1.96 INCHES AT KNOXVILLE, paid tojittingeyeglasses gust Ist f went to spe cial atuMion Verbena, Ala., to hold a Rooms 37 and 39 Planters $382,000,000 Efforts Being Made To Have Cotton Loub/t Mads Several Speeches Mainly and spectacle series ot Predicted that Tennessee River Will meetings. Was at that time, and Shipped by Rail Mills Expressive Bank buildlny Tt has paid Policy-holders over to Manchester of His Sturdy Republic- Reach Height of 18 Feet by Tuesday So as to Save Lad been for six weeks prior, Dock Charges at Liv- anism—Minor Disturbance Between Night—Two Houses Struck by Light- . yy, so feeble I was K G erpool. T) SCRUION. $627,000,000 Socialists and Army Adherents. ning In that City. given of scarcely to preach. tn C attention to diseases wo- able Mr. F. A. Gulledge, e ial »nd to general surgery, which is more than any other life insurance New York, April 13. —Keen competi- Marseilles, April Lou- and children company in 13. —President Knoxville, Tenn., April 13.—An un- I'mntfi' Hank Building, Ameri- the world has disbursed. tion has been going on for some time bet from “offleeiu ot Verbena, with whose family I was stop= arrived today Paris on bis usually high railfall occurred here last between Liveroopl and Manchester way Algeria cus, G a. A policy in The Old Mutual to after receiving con- night and this morning, and is con- with regard to of cot- tinuous gives ping, kindly the importation ovations along the route. The reports n a man or a offered me three 'bottles of tinuing. The weather bureau . woman that sense u u)CK[IART, ton from America, says The Tribune’s presidential party was met the , u , r in PIANOS and ORGANS. of assurance which be by 1.96 inches of rain last night. _ Bring pianos organs a cannot en- correspondent. POWDER fn? aed r--: and Johnson s Chill and Fever Tonic, gratis. It is admitted even civil and military authorities and was The Tennessee river and Ms local u Americas, oa. joyed under private investments. I in Liverpool Absolutely Pure that Manchester is rapid- escorted to the prefecture, where an tributaries are rising and it is predict- to-day ly becoming reception Write for “Where Shall I Insure?” accepted, and began the use of the at a serious rival and that official was held. A crowd ed that by Tuesday night the river IS NO [!ERi Tonic thousands of bales of cotton are now estimated to have THERE SUBSTITUTE ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW. numbered 300,000 will have reached 18 feet here. Last H° The Mutual Life Insurance once. \\ shipped directly persons packed Americus, Ga ithin three weeks I was was much to Manchester instead the thoroughfares, and night two houses were struck by light- Builuing. of Liverpool. This is, of gave the it and 10 Planters Bank Company course, a president an enthusiastic ning and Samuel Oglesby who was Offices of New York, HIS SUM better. In three I serious loss to the ship owners in greeting. A grand banquet at the sleeping in his bed in one of the houses LAST WORKED. weeks had taken the * * DYKES, Richard A. McCurdy, President. the elder port, and they are tempting bourse followed the reception. was stricken to unconsciousness. He JJOOPKK three bottles of 1 Manchester owners to have their During the day M. Loubet made sev- a dangerous but William Vallance, Famous Lightning Attorneys at Law, R. F. Shedden, Manager, Atlanta. onic and was fully well. Is in not necessarily cotton forwarded by rail to the mills eral short speeches, mainly expressive critical condition. Calculator, Is Dead. Planters Bank Building so as to save the dock and of N. J., April 13.— ARTHUR & other medicine then nor since, and Liverpool his sturdy Republicanism. Trenton. William EVERETT, 100 kno town duties and other charges. Man- Only one was Vallance, the famous lightning HAWKINS, minor disturbance re- Condition at New Orleans. calcu- I' a is ported. lator, who any sum jj,, Attorney at Law. Resident Agents, am in better health and heavier than for chester alarmed and the cottojn This was between a group oi New Orleans, April 13.—The river could do in methe- association of that city has drawn Socialist agitators and a number of ad- matical calculation mentally and with- In Wheatley Building. here went back to 19.9 feet today, a Office - . army. out an Americus, Georgia. the past fifteen’years. the attention of the Master Cotton herents of the Blows were ex. fall of one-tenth of a foot. Work on the instant’s hesitation, is dead, Spinners’ to what terms changed and aged 30 years. ago I AMES I AYI.HK. association it the police interfered. Six Hymelia crevasse was resumed today. About a week ,J attorney at Law the he was taken J. M. determined effort on the part of persons were injured, three of them There is promise that the labor will to the state hospital suf. liembert's drug store, Forsyth INCORPORATED 1891. McCORD, sering Office over the people of Liverpool to prevent the rather seriously. This was chieflly due be sufficient to carry on the next at- with a severe mental strain, be- street.' to Pastor Verbena Baptist Church. shipment of American cotton to Man- to the denseness of the crowds and' in- tempt at closing. If present rate lieved be the result of bis work L, O. Council, j, Perry l the CATO, in, u R. chester. A joint meeting of the two terrupted the popular demonstration with figures. Y AN President. ®f decline continues at Holly Brook it RE,, PH SCI ANDSURGEON. Vice-President. to Vallance associations will be held shortly with the president. is expected that within the next ten could duplicate the feata Residence 316 Fslder street Telephone 96 a view to arouse up the of any of the lightning calculators C. M. Council, Cashier. Lancashire days or two weeks, water will practi- Tenders bis professional service to the cotton trade to fight the Liverpool ac- MONTEJO’S FLAGSHIP FLOATED. and then beat them all by stating in- and surrounding cally cease running through the break people of Americus coun- tion and endeavor to spinners to stantly any desired date in history. ties. Special attention given to general get there. In that event planters- will oi women ami He could not how surgery, diseases children. insist on direct shipment. Sunk by Dewey at Manila—Eighty have ample time in which to sow their tell he knew history, Office 05* Jackson street. Calls lett at Dr. The Plan- fers Bank. | but would rattlo off after Kldridge’sstore will receive prompt atten- Skeletons In Hold. crops. fact facl tion POSTMASTER GENERAL RETURNS Manila, April 13. —The warship without ever making a mistake. He could give OF Reina Christina, flagship of Admiral Weather Cold In England. instant answers to W T. Lank. u. l. Maynard AMERICUS, such questions Mr. Payne Back From Cruise In West Montejo, which was sunk by Admiral London, April 13. —Severe weather as multiplying 389,487 by 4,641. in & Dewey in Manila, was floated and today destroyed the Easter bank holi- Feats algebra was bis LANE MAYNARD, Indies. delight. Washington, April 13.—Postmaster beached yesterday. The skeletons ol day. Tt was bitterly cold, 4 degrees about 80 of her crew were in the LAWYERS. General Payne returned to Washington found of frost being registered in many parts hulk. “Get Rich Quick” Concerns Raided. AMERICUS. : GEORGIA. today from his West Indian cruise with of the country early in the morning. One skeleton was ol Chicago, April 13. —Detectives raid- 15 17 CASTORIA Secretary Moody party. evidently that This was followed by heavy snow- Offices Nos. and Planters Bank Build and Mr. log For Infants and Children. an officer, for had a sword ed four alleged “get-rich-quick” con- Payne’s arrival was anticipated wlffi it by its storms throughout the north and the cerns and arrested three on the considerable interest in view of the In- side. midlands, while some snow fell in Lon- men There are 15 shell charge of conducting gambling resorts Dr. S. h. vestigation of affairs of the postoffice holes in the hull don and even so far south as Dover. McKee, of the Reina by The were the Chicago The Kind You Have department, which has been ig. prog- Christina, one made concerns Cres- an 8-inch gun, and the others small.