FEB 1 9l988 4' ft X A; Volume LXIX, Number 57 ' Shirt W65 Friday, February 19, 1988 Raleigh, North Carolina lditorial 77?-24Ll\.f‘l_\ily;grdtf:iii.i y'ilrhl

Valvano institutes minority internship program By Paul Woolverton instituting a Recruuliducate-(iraduate But his department is now hiring black former The fees instead "help support a broad Assistant News Editor Traianire tRECiTHi program because there athletes as interns. After a one year in- based athletics program that has only two are few job entry opportunities for blacks in ternship. these athletes will become full-time revenue sports." he said, "If we d.d not have People at NC. State‘s athletics department athletics administration. employees of the athletics staff the million froin student fees and sold the not only train for the big game on Saturday. “We felt incumbent to provide a program to The interns will join Ray Martin. assistant tickets. we would make much more than but soon they'll also train for careers in train.“ he said. “We aren‘t hiring them just to athletics director. giving NCSU a total of that.“ administration. say. ‘We have a black here.” three black administrators in athletics. He said the student fees allow all students Jim Valvano. athletics director and head He said NCSU is now committed to train Valvano also discussed funding for the to participate in athletics. basketball coach. told student leaders Wed. interns for five years. so when athletics athletics department. He said student fees "We are at a university that provides the nesday evening that the athletics department administration jobs become available. the provide 51 million of the department's $7 opportunity for all students to participate in is installing an internship program. designed to interns will have experience valuable to million budget. The athletics department intramurals and collegiate athletics With no put minorities in administrative athletic prospective employers. receives an additional $2.5 million from funds from the state." positions. Valvano also said he‘s never had one of his miscellaneous donations intended to fund The athletics department is iii the “tenuous At the biweekly Student Body President‘s minority athletes express an interest in athletic scholarships. The student fees do not roundtable meeting. Valvano said he is pursuing a career in athletics administration. grant student ticket privileges. he said, See V Al .V'A NO. page Jim Valvano

Occupied: Research center braves new occupants First female engineer

flying high at 70 By Hunter George sll’t‘c‘l lo Meti'iltlli tw‘.’ " . Staff Writer two years of work it: win. . . out two summer \t‘\\lttll\ l ‘i. ' . Katherine Stinson always wanted rt‘llppilt‘tillllilt‘t‘lll’lllt‘t‘itli‘. tin» to do one thing in life she wanted really wasn't rantitznaiyi .yg to fly. And to pursue her interest in cotnc at State (ollcy.~ f in! airplanes. she applied to the School “When I came lyitl illt ~. soil lift of Engineering at what was then real well at Meredith .iiid “it“. tit-iti' called State College. lyiist stay there ’ lint l L'itl it But that was 1937. and there were And Stinson li.isi.‘. ill‘-.tl‘1"‘tlilf.ii no women in the engineering pro anyone gram at the school that would later ln l‘Ml slic bean. \ur i become NC. State. Icgc's first woman li.l .3, “I just walked right iii and up to graduate Shc ltlllllili‘i! 'h s... ' the engineering desk." Stinson told a Wonicti l tieiiiccis .iiit w t» wt crowd of more than 100 at Tuesday thc carlicst mcnilicis or In: night's SUsan B. Anthony dinner. women pilots‘ Ass-matron “The man looked at me and said. by l ai‘hait ‘Little girl. you're at the wrong last ycat. \tiiisoii wt. i .i\erospacc l’ioricci ot in ‘. That man was Wallace Riddick. the Institute of \croiimiiit- .ir organizer and first dean of the Astronautics engineering school. "I‘ve been to tittltli'l .ii rm \\f v Stinson said she wanted to be an House with all the lilr.'\l\ltlli~ ‘tw engineer because that is what lzisenliowei to Nixon ” mitt \ftii Amelia Earhart told her to be. But now 7i) "\nd l flt‘Xt‘t would iii. Riddick told her to go somewhere gottctt to do .ill tliit |«»' else for two years and then to reapply. So Stinson went across the

MARC KAWANISHt/STAFF Frustrated Democrat No, they're not interior decorators from Acme Movers. They’re they're moving equipment for NC. State's Precision Research John Pellerin, Carl Falter, Michael Vanhaaren and Dan Luttrall. Center into its new offices at Centennial Campus. must kick Babbitt-habit First tenants move to Centennial Campus have a button stuck on my bookbag that says “Proud to be a Democrat.“ But that isn‘t true By Thomas O'Brien A cold and wet winter delayed work on the three story brick anymore. because my candidate has Staff Writer butlding. said architect Dudley Lacy of O‘Brien/Atkins Associates. but withdrawn from the race Bruce Jeff the parking lots should be paved as soon as the ground dries up. Babbitt called it quits yesterday. Like early American settlers moving west. NC. State began moving The centerwill occupy the first floor and help develop macltincry as I now get to choose America‘s Cherry south this week. NCSU‘s Precision Engineering Research Center left its part ofa $5 million Navy grant. potential next president from a old offices and braved the dirt roads and mud to become the first The space includes four labs that are built upon special slabs isolated group of candidates who remind me occupants ofCentennial Campus. from the rest of the building to reduce vibrations. Lacy also said that of used car salesmen. They talk too Workers are still grading the parking lots 3nd the upper floors have the temperature in these labs can be controlled to within one tenth of much. and they're experts at conyin l'iiion lhcrcloic llt‘ new. it.‘ not been finished. but staff and students of the research center said one degree Fahrenheit. cing people to give them money. an opportunity to i' it they were excited about the move. Cheryl Reynolds. the center's The other floors will be outfitted this year with NCSl,’ researchers Babbitt only got about 5% of the have appealed to yoi i it X administrative assistant. said she felt they should have arrived by occupying the second floor. A Dutch pharmaceutical company. Akzo. vote in Iowa and New Hampshire. ('urtilitta It's likc bcin: ton. f covered wagon to the new campus. will occupy office space on the third floor. Far behind Richard (iephardt. who forfeit tltc baseball rains i tl‘ enticed Iowans with trade programs you didn‘t do well lit I' that would subsidize American practice manufacturing mediocrity. liar Actually. he yyonltlnt it: v .3 behind Mike Dukakis. who went well .iiiyyylicrc. lit-t.n:- lii‘r ' ., after the granola/Volvo types in lacked sonic yit.il pic-inlcrtit‘ .r Money tight for Student Government New Hampshire by reminding them .tt’lt‘t’tsltcs \o \\tlt‘ int my. that he kept that state‘s Seabrook about moral integrity worm. in. By Brooke Cain biweekly meeting. to the red." he said after the sponsored the Agricultural Institute .aclear power plant closed by Hart is still lll iilt' l.li \\ StaffWriter At the last Senate meeting. the meeting. So appropriation of funds Club. said. "There should be a better refusing to approve evacuation plans talking about «:m‘mt finance committee recommended to groups and clubs has been system of finding out the amount of for towns across the state line if) {\lllL'llLdlls lictausi l. .. to. Campus clubs and groups may not $7.764 in proposed bills. but Tyson postponed. money we have available." Massachusetts. fy'lL‘rtt‘il lit \i“ \. get the funding they need from said when the bills went before the Senators were concerned over the Tyson said that the Senate has So because these two candidates "llymictowii .lllil :t Student Government this semester. full Senate. they were amended and mix-up in money. already spent about $35000 at this got early wms based on support but Student Body Treasurer Derek passed at a $12,574 total. Several clubs went through the point. “This is more than was spent front people who are completely What Hald‘tll l.i.i~ w Tyson announced Wednesday that The Senate is allotted a certain finance committee last week and by the previous Senate in an entire different in outlook from me. they ability to look girth: .. I. it, the Student Senate may be amount of money each month. and were led to believe that money was year." he said. get all the attention and all the looked stirl ol tiiiiitilcf .i' ' temporarily out of money. Tyson said he is unsure exactly how available to them. But when repre- The meeting was adjourned early. campaign contributions Meanwhile. bags ittidcr lit» y ll Senate finances are in limbo until much is left to spend. sentatives arrived at the meeting ”We should be about through Babbitt gets no coycrage and no yr'ry yiniil ‘tlli‘dl ~r- ii the-amount of money available is “We have other outstanding ac- Wednesday. they were sent home. because it looks like we‘ve done all money because he did poorly Ill two determined. he said during the counts at other places running close Susan Brooks. a senator who we can." Tyson said. of the most insignificant states Ill thc \r‘r‘l l\f\|\‘i

Workshop d ‘als Swim team remembers former teammate I I With hazmg By Don Munk ('odelli said. “This ACC tcliampionshipi will be meet expressed unity. and the women emerged -\ ll.llt‘lllll‘. l'lt"-liiyll .« Senior Staff Writer more emotional than physical." yvithachecr. on Sitiitl.i\ toi .t 'iii “I thought it was a very unexplainable death During ttic meet Kloos. a senior tri captain. Editorial cartoonist De- iiiyolyiiig .i llt‘\\ warm it. For a few days preceding the ACC women’s and I didn‘t think it was fair." said teammate said that she "relaxes and mentally swims nnis Draughon has just lii.tl" is .i want. swimming and diving championships. the Wolf» Holly Kloos. “I guess I had a lot of bitterness. through each race. doing good starts and turns. l published his first book liitlsllttltll‘.‘ titty tl't. pack women encouraged each other with a towards death. towards my faith. but as time goes have to belicye in myself. that I can improve my —a collection of his pioblcizts «it lut/l' y .- ' .i- " i‘ “secret psycher“ system. on. I came to understand it more through talking time.“ best cartoons. Find out llC\ \tlillg' .t\ t‘ltist‘tti' “You pick names. Each person has someone on to people . . . . He was a good friend. for two Mct/ added. “'lherc‘s always stress when why Draughon is the is David “cstol Jim "1\ lw it is." said years he was here . . . . I‘ll always miss him " you‘re competing against other people. but it the team. but you don‘t know who should be good. It shows how much you want to controversial cartoonist \[X‘ilht‘l .ll lilt‘ (ilt"i- i Gail Metz. a sophomore sprinter. (‘odelli said that Schild‘s death brought the heis. \Viirkslttip “You give them something. positive things. team together. win . . . Competition bringsout the best." Rt.'[‘lL‘\Clll.lll\C\ “Hill to them The teammates value that closeness. “( ompctitioii makes you swim better." ( odelh SIDETRACKS/PACE 4 iiiiiycisitics will .listi 1. it You give them candy. and try to psyche “When you have a good meet or do something said, “When there's a race. you tend to swim rush programs \.ili..u. up." added Maya (‘odellL a senior tricapiain. that you‘re proud of. it‘s something special when faster. If it‘s a close race. it‘s what you have in Are you tired of yuor (iicck itlt‘dlll/dlllttls .i'ul Monday was “‘I Believe Day." said head people are around you and part til it." .‘ych/ said your heart and your head. who wants it more dorm room? Are you \IK’llell yyitliiii ti.it.ttr;‘ l. swimming coach Don Easterling. and the women “ll" someone has a had meet. ttcam memberst "It‘s great to “ill. but if you lose a race and tired of cockroaches. Liliic'h .llt‘ .‘ilitiittai't‘il 'it ”Hi .I swimmers deliberately prepared their minds for feel that too. They feel bad for you." (odclh you‘re going against the top girl in the nation. workshop lll.tltli\ i!‘ ‘ ti' the weekend meet. added. “Being part of a team is like bcmg part of then you're not going to be depressed about it loud stereos and disre- (ill.'.l|ll.’.lilt|ll\ But despite the hectic preparation. the team a family. We call it the Wolfpack family ” When you lose a close race. that's when it hurts " spectful suitemates. lltt'w Snail: . members and coaches have not forgotten a lhc .i\(( meet is tlic pinnacle of tlic year‘s ( odi-lli often leads [cam cheers during meets Have you decided to ytttll'iilildlttl, s.ii.l it member of the men‘s team who died lll September competition ittf days. tlic swimmers hayc been "\M spell out words positiyc words. and move out of your room opportunity for \Itli‘," of heat stroke ()nno Schild. reducing their swimming mileage and getting sometimes it means nothing I \.l\ 'l.i boom and look for an apart- i" l'liil\ltl‘rl.li ;\\"»iiii .; lhe men‘s and women‘s teams arc‘dcdicatiiig plenty ol rest tliicka booiii'.” she said “It‘s rust .'i ycll trying to ment but don't know t.ltii iXHlulVJ'i' 'i%.t’ their [X‘rl'ormancc iii thc championship nicer to ()n Monday. i(t\lL‘iilll_L' had already planned pct oursclycs pumped It‘s .i way of getting what to look for? Inside \\ili\lt'cil,i‘\l1” hurt llic mcii. wlto compctc ncyt lliitrstlay will his pep talk “l ycryoiic is excited. but it‘s mtill tip emotionally ready to win " today’s TCCi‘lJltidfi is the i“ll!1‘.' print a black “0" lot ()lllltt. on litt‘ll chests llic to thc individual thit the gun gocs oll. you‘re lliis may lic the List iiii'ct for some scitioi annual Apartment find. \t \‘.' syyiiniitcrs will also wear slnits with .in '( l“ on out llictc by yoiiisi‘ll \oii liaic to iii.ikc it -y\\tllllttt'l‘- i"lll iiiiliyiilii.i|~ may participate iii the tlic mck toslioyy lic is still .1 out ol the tc tlll IMl‘lK’lh \l \\ i.ll.tttt[‘-liillwillit\ or .llllllilt’l ll.llltill£li L‘l'. . 1,, . yr y. ”\liisl [\‘iitih‘ ih‘illcdlctl lllctt schtsiitv to itittt T \\ollp.ii.k litiddlc .it the lici'iiiiiiiig ol the Lil.l|lll‘ttttl\ill|‘.lllt'l tlic \tt fiiialsaicoyr-i lly ltittn it. it.- Amelia Earhart inspiration for

NCSU’S first woman engineer

(IIIIl/Illlt’t/ from page / to mind or: at all." she said "Iiut the Stinson worked in the regulation professors let me know that I wasn‘t and safety department for the (MI without State( ollege \CI \ appreciated " Aeronautics Administration. now “And I think I‘ve shown that Stiiison said that alter she had called the Federal AViation Ad- State (ollege graduates can hold been at the school for a couple of ministration. their own with the rest of them." she \cats. they reali/ed she was going to said with a grin do it "Dr, Ritldick was the first "Wbcn I started. the biggest plane Stiltson. originally Irorii Wake person to shake my hand the night I we had in the ('AA was the D03." ('ounty. became interested in engi got my diploma." she said. she said, "We didn't have super neering after she met Itarliart. ”til Stinson was often told early in charged engines and pressurized “I worked at the airport when I her four years here that she would cabins." met her." she said. “I told her I neyer be able to get a jt)h as an “When I left. we had the 747 and wanted to he an airplane pilot. and engineer the British were developing the she said I should consider being an “In I‘HI. all the boys had to go to Supersonic (‘oncorde Well. now aeronautical engineer Well. I didn‘t the war because of the R()'I‘('." she we‘ve skipped supersonic transport even know what llldi was. but I said "So was the only engineer and developed the space shuttle. But MARK lNMAN/STAFF knew that was what I had todo." that could take a job.“ I don‘t think any of us will ever ride Head Basketball Coach and Athletics Director Jim Valvano, Charmette Brown and Lisa There were about 3.000 students Although she could have gone to on that. Roundtable. enrolled in State ('ollege just prior to any company in the country. Stinson Stinson added: “I‘m very proud Beeman discuss his internship program at the Student Body President's World War II. btit there was only a said. “I decided to take one with the that I came to North ('arolina State, Iiandful of female students goternment for a little while. I left and that I was able to open up the internship program “You know. the boys didn‘t seem 1? years later." tltitirs of opportunity for women.“ Valvano favors minority Continuedfrom page 1 opposed this because cutting scholarships would limit the opportunities for women and minorities. position“ of being self'sufficient and in the “You can cut costs without cutting opportunity." “unfortunate position" of supporting many sports. he said. Radio Reading helps the blind he said. People say it‘s too commercial. but “Money is always a constant reminder of what “where would we be without the television you can and can‘t do." he said. “Almost all of the By Stephen Briggs able to receive the transmitted In DH. Hill. the service operates dollars?“ he added. money basketball makes goes to support the other Stall Writer information. Izight senior citizens' for two hours a day. between 9:30 sports. centers and Rex Hospital carry the and Il130 am. and presents the Because athletics is self-sufficient. the depart- “We‘re doing the best we can to maintain the Iintil a Inc in early December service. (able televrson broadcasts NeWs and Observer during that ment has to be run “as a business is run.“ he said. sports we have. We‘re trying to maximize money took it off the air. Radio Reading the serviceon channel I I as well. time. Although men‘s basketball and football gener- to support all ofoui' sports." Service was a booming success. Now lletiry said the national service is Henry hopes to “move to a new ate a tremendous amount of revenue. he said Valvano noted NCSU ranks second in the ACC it is in the process of relocating while received from New York in satel location and be back in full individual players should not receive more than in total number of inter-collegiate sports. with 25, having a temporary home in DH. lite. Volunteers in New York read operation by mid-spring." their scholarships as compensation. “The day that but is only fifth in spending. Hill library. material “from Redbook to Playboy" She also said that in the spring. happens is the day I leave this asylum.“ he said. help The Radio Reading Service “is a twenty four hours a day. says The NCAA does not allow players on He said concerts at Reynolds Coliseum service provided for the blind and Henry. the service will need volunteers to and that NCSU might hold concerts at in help run the studio. scholarships to work. Because of this. Valvano Carter~Finley stadium to supplement the athletics elderly who can not see to read Until the fire. the service was In the future. she expects the said that there should be a program to provide department budget. ‘ periodicals." said Annette Henry. operation twenty-four hours a day. spending money for athletes whose families question money director of the Radio Reading broadcasting national news and service to expand the local show to cannot provide financial support. Valvano said that when people Service. information. eight hours a day and broadcast and athletics. they have to decide what role sports Housed on the ninth floor of the from 0 am. until I pm. local information about the whole Trian- Valvano said NCSU is one of 40 institutions should play in schools. library. the studio transmits “up news. editorials. and syndicated gle area. with “bigtime” inter—collegiate athletics being “Athletics has a unique role in all universities to date neWs and information live. columns were read over the air. She also would like to combine studied by a presidential commission. He said that around the country." he said. “We are a part of over the air." she said. since they Were not included in the with the other reading services in at a recent commission meeting cutting scholar- the university. We have a certain unique role in Only special receivers. proVIded national broadcasts. Also. from 7 to liayetteville. Charlotte and Asheville ships to save money was suggested. He said he university life.“ and loaned out by the service. are 9 p.m,.thc Raleigh Times was read. to form a statewide radio service. Open your eyes and see rust how many 5iitiiccts are covered in the new(.‘(llll<)ll of the Consumer Information Linking Catalog. it's free gust for the asking and soare nearly GET OUT half of the200 federal Dilllllt’. :lllins described inside. Booklets on subjects like liiiancial and career planning; OF THE eating tight, exercisniri. and staying healthy, liousmg Babbitt with and child care. federal liericlit programs. Just about DARK. everything you would need to know. Write today honest Abe Consumer Information Center Continuedfrom page I o 0 Department ID, Pueblo, Colorado 8l009 appealing to the emotion of the moment. Babbitt talked a lot about U S GeneralServicesAdministration the politics of truth and rambled on about programs and issues. He was the only Democrat who dared to call for a needs test for Understanding Social Security. In other words. he Er gave up about 60 million senior- Nonjudgmnml citizen votes because he thinks you shouldn‘t get government money unless you really need it. Health Care NICARAGUA He said the only way to cut the deficit was to trim entitlement Including Abortion, programs like Social Security and Birth Control, and raise the taxes that pay for them. an exciting Dukakis. on the other hand. won‘t Gynecology Spend touch Social Security. but he does summer: join the 6- think we can reduce the deficit by Special Rates for weeks Work-Study In- catching all the people who cheat on ternship in Nicaragua, their income taxes. It sounds absurd. Students, but he is leading the race, so' June 18-July30, 1988. ' PHIL TTAYtOR/SAFF everyone must be buying it. For further details, con- l know of another presidential Call 781-5550 tact Gail Phares or Rev. Taking it easy candidate who looked funny. didn‘t dress very well. and was well known gmey’ PreSbytenan Sabine Emig and Rob Lynam relax in the Student Center Plaza Thursday. Spring-like weather will for h|§ honeSIY- “6 prObably THE eaCGmaklng Center, wouldnt have a chance at getting FLEM'NG Box 5635. Ralelgh, NC turn to rainthis weekend. elected preSident today. either. His CENIER 27650, (919)834-5184, name was Abraham Lincoln. (919)848-3936.

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I l‘lll only I,tI‘lil’i Sports r 1 -——-r— Iiw

fiiward leads Pack to victOry in Tigers’ Den my i’l :tiina Waugh Howard scored a career-high 36 day and did not play in last nights points for the \\«: including defense around him and lllli cd I III; /onc scented most effecltyc." -~" i:;‘:l“r points -— including a perfect three of contest. I\\(itll7lIIfCt‘lI:‘.'_ :: people outside when the hall w _-:i the win rttiscs Slate's record to three from three-point range ~— and “I'm yery proud of our kids. State's o' gourd out'iherc.“ ’\5 oyerall and (i ‘i in the Atlantic r I111. st N.('. State pulled down a career-high nine especially with Shack (tilt of tltc ( ltris (orclii. ti .i.ilitic‘tl out ltis Jerry Pryor was the lip ls ( oasi ( oiil'erencc ( lcmson‘s record .‘ i littin Howard led the rebounds for Wolfpack. game." Valtanosaid. season high I? .Isslsl‘s while turning lcttding scorer with IS. followed by fails to II II and l 8 in the league. itpil to an 3863 witt over Howard and junior forward the balloyci one (ampbells l3 and Ill each ft -m 'Ihc Itgcrs hate now lost \l‘t .i‘tti‘ilc‘c Tl\;lI( lemson last night. “Our game plan in the first half (‘hucky' Brown took up the slack. State’s defense held ligcr cciitcr coiisceutise games. "-1 l'a‘l' Iht :ttiittc opened up. I hit was to shoot the three-point shot Brown scored 25 points and grabbed l:lden ('ampbcll :o onlt i points ,. guard Tint Kincaid and I'orw.nd :1 .,'tl:l‘lt‘ and the confidence started because I didn’t think we could six rebounds. The Wolfpack. with only two in II": second period .2 Dale Davis. It was the packed in mite that r l‘izllil 7lltllktllliSLllkl. battle them inside." Valvano said. out A('(' leading reboundcr w hilc Howard and Brow it racked up "We just did things tititil tzey held (ainpbcll to two points iii the "li‘o...n Howard is getting better State was playing without starting Shackleford. out rebounded ('lemson poinison the other side didn't work anymore." \‘alsano said second period Welter ‘ \loltpack coach Jim center Charles Shackleford. 352‘. "We knew that ('titnt‘l‘cll was the "We played man to man until we ‘Ihc “olfpt'tck will return to '~ 4.:tno '~ lltl. “He had a terrific Shackleford injured his ankle in the Freshman guard Rodney Monroe only one wlto could really litirt its." couldn't anymore. We played box Raleigh to host (ieorgia Tech 'i.‘l\_'. Wolfpack's win over UMBC‘ Mon- came off the bench to score I 4 Howard said "\\c packed our and one until we couldn't anymore Saturday at ‘l p In.

" .trimmers Last-second shot

do fourth lifts Pack over Wake ~By Scott Deuet Holly Klaosd iiicrstiit.antl(‘odelli. meet Senior Stall Writer I N‘( placed first iii the 3le yard medley relay with it time of l 44 57. The NC. State w'onteits s\‘.lfl. ( Icmsott this second at INN). and (3,: tut-Eire. Leek team _js in fourth place aver \nginiii was third in l.-l(i‘)2 sec Sit-11‘ \“i/riler completing sis events at the I‘M oitds mil. '1 Mary lindsay jumper A(‘(‘ Swimming Championships. Iii tltc women‘s Slltlyard frcc i” ~:::_‘(tlltls left to lift the ('oach Don lgasierling's “(Hillts t‘liaiitpionship round. Slate‘s (Ilris "Hi .‘i anthems ‘: asketball team to a swim team is currently iii fourth \Itictntlltiit was second with ’d ‘ I I.i: rcwe win over ZOth place with IZS points. ( lcnison is Ill 4 <1) liti pace and Julie l’attanon Iinkd \1ake loicst State improves first place with 258 porno with Iiittshcd third with .i 503, Its’ mark i» ‘l i1 t tall and31) in the ACC. UN(' second and Virginia third with (lemson's I’ttin Htiyolen finished ‘y’l. ilkt,‘ drops to I9-5 and 8—4. 20‘) points. Maryland is iii fifth place Itist iii the illllyard free with a the Demon Deacons came to with He points. w inning time of 4.47.6} Reynolds ('oliseum boasting the best “I'm not as pleased as I'd like to Iii ilte ls’tlll yard frecsty lc TL'IJ}. the .‘l'tlfll tn ".1: school‘s history. and be." fiastcrling said. "We had no real \k'olfpack’s time of 7 .W 3‘) was good “-l' illpucl. coach Kay Yow was more bad swims. just average ones." he tor fourth place Virginia captured 111.121 r .l'st'll with the victory. said. first with .1 time of 72338. l‘NC ”it wan :t :IIGII win." Yow said. In the Wontens 50-yard lreesttle. arid (Iciusoii Iinislied second and Signs. \‘.llI|,‘li had lost three con- junior Melinda Mottin finished scy third. l'L‘NIX'L'IIH‘h st'citiiyt‘ parties before playing the enth in the championship round Sophomore I ittdy l’luiniiier had it ‘7ii"‘it't‘lls. took a 5 point lead with with a time of 224.04 set-owls sensational score of Jl l.(i5 points iii I to II. it in the first half and UN("s Kim Beanie took first wirn a the drying conipetion l’liiinincr zit-t: no:.1 HI} top until the final two time of :33.44 .sccoan plated loui'th out of II diyers It'lli‘lli" oi the game. The Wolfpack Senior Maya ('odelli captured She was followed by State‘s Jinn 4 ’ own-cut from field goal range fourth place in the consolation with Dianne l’rossu who finished Ilth’. and. .ook .t commanding 15 point a time of 24.49. Freshman Kathy junior Natalie ()‘Mtira who fititsltcd .ifii? its biggest of the game —— littig and sophomore Joanne ch. freshman Wendy Mc(‘louglty III? ten: minutes left in the opening Emerson finished at a time of34 it) llitli: and junior luci Algranti who 1'1 l and 24.58 pace. placed I‘lth ( Icinson sopliotttorc It ‘.‘-':'s also a hard fought game," “Melinda. Kathy. and Joanne .1” \mandtt \‘lcek took first with 1:1! «m “I thought it was one of had career bests in the 50." faster. 453 Til points I Int: halves. although we've ingsaid. “I don't really hate much to say." :i ‘tl other "ood Iirst halves. We Kl './IN\/ IN Ill :4); /\("1AF‘ In the 200 yard medley Ik'ltl_\ Itisierling said "Injuries haycit‘l . us that :ltcy would make a run in championships. State flllislit'tl helped otir kids iit arty was lllt' with! half and that we would NCSU’s Diane Prosser tries to achieve a perfect score in the ACC Women's Swmiming and Diving fourth. having ti time of IIH Ii. llopefulh tomorrow will be it better Ito: 2o S‘.LII'\‘!\’C to pull it out." Championships 1-meter diving competition. Swimming for the Pack were Moon. day ltc sdltI 2... thief-1»: :tll't‘liglll on the boards the team collected 4| rebounds hilt] 't‘v‘ake i‘orcst grabbed only 28 tit-med fli: number of field goal Pack enters new season with new coach, new faces tl‘t’*E[tl‘~ II‘ Wake throughout the In preparation for the game idt‘t'. that in order to win. By Katrina Waugh At the other corner of the infield. WESTERN CAROLINA (2) 1:00 pm Tanner slides l ‘Iilt I.’ lilt‘st‘ to prevent Wake's Sports Editor Bryn Kosco is returning to his F 20 Sat. I ”by.I. iilt :mnt scoring inside. while starting spot. The third baseman hit 21 Su". WESTERN CAROLINA (2) 1:00 p m. thi; Deacons them for .3l4 and I? home runs last year 27 8' .CRCE WASHINGTON I) 1:00 pm . into new position The NC. State baseball team will after transfering to N('SU from 28 3,. ' Cc ZSIaI Carolina 2:00 DJTT ‘7. t;..~w- vomine in that Wake open its I988 season Saturday with Oklahoma State. 29 L‘s ‘ TFCVIDENCE 3:00 p m By Katrina Waugh i oi t;bounding team" said a‘ double-header against Western Gary Shingledccker will start at M 1 ' :;‘ 'LDENCE 3.00 p m Sports Editor N Iit.i‘i ye had played before Carolina at Doak Field. The same second base. after splitting time 2 We“ a .‘C-CHARLOTTE 1:00 p m in i:!' the things they did was get a teams will meet in another double— between second and designated 3 Thurr i AVIDSON (2) 1:00 pm \,( Si.tlt has a new head tit ilr-c-r oi sttond and third shots header Sunday. Action is scheduled hitter last season. Shingledcckcr hit 6 S“ "’~."t"1rop 2:00 pm. bastball tottth. but he's not new to ‘21: L'WJ- IIIII‘ we needed to do a to begin both days at l pm. .3 l5 for the Wolfpack last year. 7 Mon Baphst 2:00 pm. “olipack Iii‘lcbttll Ray farmer w I it. it: the boards and on their The Wolfpack not only faces a Wolfpack soccer player Patil 8 T 3‘. b..pt:st 2:00 pm. who took out the head Citdtliiitj: ”I ~I't people. The last time we new season. but does so under a new Spalt. who transferred to NCSU this 9 Vill‘ Dr.‘:CE 2.00 pm. position .ilitr toatlt Sam Iijisito ..pi l. them. they got a lot of easy head coach and with a record 60 year from the Community (‘ollegc 10 T?“ ": ."dson 2:00 pm. tc'ttrtd to take tin tisststanl .itlilelits .‘tl‘iv‘tts (to the iiisitlc. This time We gameson the schedule. of Baltimore. will likely start at 11 i . ‘ Tif'J'A COMMONWEALTH 2:00 pm dirttior s position. has been ti part ol I‘m wi-fl‘ It: make them work a little Longtime assistant Ray Tanner shortstop for the Wolfpack. Spalt the \k'olfptick baseball program lot .iioiit‘_‘:I . ll‘r their baskets." has taken over the head coaching was the St. Louis ('ardinals‘ ltltlt 12 SJ" .‘iZSTERN MICHIGAN (2) 2:00 pm. l \L‘drs With 1156 left in the game. the duties after coach Sam Esposito round draft pick last June. 13 Sc f.~\‘Tl—lROP 1:00 pm. It’llllit‘l slttilt‘tl tit tlurd base under I‘Jt A Ind ii 41). btit Wolfpack retired last summer to take an Scott Snead. who was given a 15 Tue RHODE lSLAND(2) 3:00 pm. l-sposito Irotn I‘l77 through ‘XI. and 'IIIi‘u‘yt‘is t_'ll2.iI)IL‘tI W'ttke IO chisel administrative job within the NCSU medical hardship arid another year 16 Wee RHODE ISLAND 1:00 pm. scryctl ds tin tissisttiiii io Izspostto "11: It All to one. (ill-59. with 22I8 athletics department. of eligibility after breaking his 17 True» iSCONSlN 3:00 pm. IIIlIlI Ills retirement last summer r:tof' lhezt. Wake Forest‘s “This will be the same type of thumb last year. and Hagcrstown 18 Fri. WHFCONSIN (2) 3.00 pm. l'sptistlt) joined the itiltlctits dc '~ 1. i-:=i,Il made a lay-up to give team as with Coach Esposito." .ltiiiior (‘ollegc tranfer [)ell Ahali 19 S. . “ ’j‘l‘IRIN 1:00 pm. p.iiirncrii stall its an assistant .ill l)t‘.lttlil‘ Ll (ilroll advantage. On Tanner said. “I‘ll be using the things will also battle for playing tintc at 20 S. :‘.11..»llU 2:00 pm. .itltlciits diicctoi iii chttrgc ol .~I~.:'c‘~ lt:‘\.l t‘tosscssiott. the Pack was I learned from Espo and I‘ll hope to shortstop this year. 22 Tues LIN-CWILMINGTON 3:00 pm. compliance with N( AA regulations. 'Ll'tl with a hackcourt violation. be as successful as he has been." Snead will also get a chance at ”:19 " ‘ tit ‘s hopes for :1 win became Tanner has scheduled the second base. while Ahalt may see 23 Wed at UNC-Charlotte 3:00 pm. lanner ttlso scrted its .iti assistant llzt Ileacons had the ball and NCAA‘s maximum of 60 games on time at third base for the Wolfpack. 24 To :. r" we Forest 6:00 pm ”lots iIIlL‘tdtlf but he tum up his three field goal attempts. the I988 docket. more than the ()U'l‘l’lfllJ) '7 I'_IILA 27"? - ..11 ~ John when he took ' aou ‘ach one and getting the Wolfpack has ever played before. Mark Withers will again start in 2/ c) l. 2.00 pm on IIIL litid matlttitgjoh :u'llt‘lijiti‘s. Wake missed once more. With only five players missing right field tor the Wolfpttck. Withers 2" ‘ST 3.03 p I71 I\ csttiid to hi Loathing i‘iiii "hare “tabbed the rebound and from last year‘s 39-l6 squad. the batted .361) Itist year and hit [I 3‘3 ‘- 2 Tech 3:00 o '1: l‘" I llll.tl s.ritl Its tilt oppotlii Iiflti .t l‘Ii.IlIl.i.' to take the lead. At Wolfpack hopes to return to the home rtins with (il RBIs. A 9;. a Tech 7200 p.111 7 :1. Itl -.t.ty .it the urtocrsiiy where I triV. it not, .'\lary Lindsay penetrated NCAA Regional tournament in Brian Bark returns iii left field 2 Sn. “ C emson 2:00 pm. played as .i dreaincontc irtrc 7‘ tliitdtzh tltt‘ left side and took a I988 for the third consecutive year. after hitting .35l with l l home runs 3 e _ their Carolina 2:00 pm I.uuicr says that ltrs coaching itiliili‘l inup shot along the baseline State also hopes to contend for the and 49 RBIs last year. while splitting 5 Tues Time 3.00 p m style will he stitiiltir to I sposiio‘s iiII lid t hack of the rim and fell Atlantic Coast (‘onference champi- time between the outfield aitd 6 i'.‘.:.. s". itcnmond 3:00 pm .I\IL' through. onship this year after notching up a pitching. Bark was a secondteam ‘l was \L'H Itickt to work under I28 league record a year ago and a freshman allAmcrica by Baseball 7 Thurs MARYLAND (2) 3:00 pm. his tIlfL‘(.'llHll.77 Itiiincr said. "He has secondplace finish in each of the America. 9 Sat VIRGINIA 1:00 pm earned outstanding ‘espect ll'd ”3'...” a! last two conference tournaments. Chris \Votidfin. tItC Wolfpack's 10 cr COASTAL CAROLINA 200 pm tiottwidc '7 Bar’. ia Tech “We got a lot of experience starting center fielder. also splits 11 Mon 3' Wake Forest 3:00 p m Iaitncr also hopes to build on the returning" Tanner said. “If we cart time between the field and the 12 T .e: "..RTll CAROLINA 3:00 pm. tradition of cstcllent'e that lsposito UAIE: it)“: (‘0 avoid injuries I tltink we have a mound. Woodfin batted .204 iii 13 ‘.‘.v r 'lti'yland 3:00 p m \lctt'lotk' I '-—--”A”:r-a,. time: <‘ i»: good chance to go to the tN(AAI limited action last year. and ti back 1 F9 :9v'gr-a 300pm "lltii :rml is to get into the ? resort); ‘1: bill) AM, WNCT 108 rcgionals for the third time in a injury held him to just 2i innings on 1 S .' ‘.’ r3rita 200 p m it‘f..'tiiii.tls CH‘H \t'.” and to men row. Tannersaid. the mound. 17 3..' ', t'KE 2.00 pm Iti.llI\ git into the L‘tillt‘gc world sL'.t.i';‘.IlSll)N: ACC Network “Our goal is to win the A('(' With Bark and Woodfm each otit 19 T..-:r ' EiERTY 3:00 p m tries .' taiiiSTlON: ho was the Bobby championship and go to the re- of the lineup and pitching ey cry fifth 3 00 pm : z: : «itiC‘: Rookie of the gional." day. both Shingledcckcr and 20 .‘o {Eli’Cli‘i’zlmtngton \\c will be recruiting to that l see tune iii lcli 1 T' .r: . '3 no Commonwealth 7:00 pm lctci and the new stadium will help 831 It u.r.:i';t3orr 12500 chnoshek could M 3 f w " C.0239 Mason (Pl 600 p re lllll 77 ‘ ‘iV‘t'f. 1:2: 'w7:912“::i:ii'1fti'irriutol INHHJ) field. A T. 'r’.ISON 1.00 p m lhc \\ollp.itk will be using the r" PM ‘u it the Year Kcturning as the Wolfpttcks UESHiNA l H) HI'I'TFR 6 Fr 'EHSON 200 pm new baseball stadium that the city of I : ; ‘ ‘ .‘ Kick on its lztth starting catcher is junior Bill Shepard ltit .333 with 31) Ironic 7 Sat. ’39HGIA TECH 200 p m Raleigh is building on tllllH‘l’slI)‘ ' l» ' ': . Scott ll Tech chnoshck. chnoshck started 47 runs for lotiisburg last year and will ptopcrit near (arici I'inley ' . ' i“ "Jilhnr talent. games and hit .303 despite playing serve as the lefihanded designated 8 S‘io ACC Tournament 2.00 p m Stadium Ihc new facility is scltcd fir/tIi‘zrtt'> State with two broken fingers last season. hitter and will also I)H against illiisl 11-15Wed ~S ." at "Ereenwlle, S C .iltd for tortipletion as early its nest i ' < ‘ : t’vd,’ .voll The Ilc hit lll home runs and had 3” lclthitndctl pitchers When Shepard I coitiais v-i rune. is :it the Rllls for the I‘)X7 Wolfptick. sits against ccrttiin lefties. etihci IIiILI :l ft Il rL't‘UltI ltist '\‘.'.il all ., .i' Harri): (,IQQ'. Sophomore Bobby Russell. last :\httlt or" Boy etic could fill tit Iidlk \\ l’rcsion I’I'Ic‘c It will ilcl'iiititcly propel its to the : ,. I 'r."l I')rrt year's top reserve. aitd freshman \kooils .tl' \\III torn recorded II\C saves. top of the CUIIICI’t‘IlL‘L‘ as far as 'i.r it orirv Holland will back up the I’I'I7('HI\(i itiiiior lii.i.i I“. ll. i'sock to Senior \l.irk \\\.1«ILII : ilin i.lt‘lI|IlL‘s are concerned." Tanner : nor-r; {irjiril Jimmy .liiiiior .Icll Iltirtsock. who \\.Is ioniplcte the II: Iiild short and middle rcliei lot the and ‘Ii would be at great boost for Iltiili'n'; flfl cziicliitigspot Ill 4 Idst ‘L‘JSIIII \\lIIl it ‘ Mi cartictl iion \\ollptttk Shepard lloyt-rtc .11.! our tiriiz'idiit '7 t 1 1 my: tpi' flj' Ittrllc /titiii. the Mt ‘s home run lltll .i\t.'i.igc. will lead the “rillpack's liesltiiicit I)on (I.l\\«.!tl‘. .l’lil I .tip I' will .II‘t‘ .tllttu \K SI‘ I” ITItI in lctiilci ltisi ‘st‘dstlll i'cItii'tis tit first pittliitig rotation .ty'aiti this sL‘dstiII \\1N|\I\ 1'.” Smith wi'l join l’iiti; .oi..l \\.~i-. w, : vli. \H tournament. the 1' tart: base /..rtiii liii III.” with .“ home ll.iilsrttl lids lk‘c‘ti .I llisl lc‘.itti wliilt Ito. loc the I‘llII|\'II I!l tuninitla' \' st \\ -- errand itinn.intciit and to williCI‘lON: runs and (to Rllls. \\IIIIL' marking up \kllts {Jill \\ ‘ lllk‘l II'gtt'. i». 7‘ )l sterliiii- lI‘lll Iicltliitg pcictritziec .til \(I sclctiioii each ol the lttst 't;.it\tw.i: . Ulllltl I‘\.‘ .l htfk I“‘.:‘.I'.I-\ll.iI toitiiidniertts tic List auiton to earn Ill'\II1‘.llll till I‘\ti\t‘.ll~. It'IIIldIItIt‘i tII liit‘ hull}... _ H I tii'li" ititilt'iciitt IIilllHrs lot Iltt ~~ct.oiitt 'II.iinck is tltt.‘ .itt‘ til the sl.tll \u ‘ir \IIri (ltit jtti lotit' std“: l~ : t"\ I.iiiit.‘l “I” hate to straight year Lottie! said '\\c hope we will hr..- ‘ l ' ‘\‘- *“‘i .t l‘llI Illc‘. Ii‘ng li.t.! ".I‘e'l.‘ ot~ ;'.|IIlv‘ .is hard /:tt.ii will is IMItIi‘lI iiti Ii‘i .i [Iiit Ilill‘ll, “3'1 l:ill‘..‘ llll‘llfl'l'-l'il tin; mi.) : -Il i.i:iiiii .o:‘ I' tilt‘i \.l|tllil.l\ .tl I II Iiitiil‘ii"‘- Illllil" (Hp-o.- ll H! ilil‘l .. t. I II l‘t‘ltlitl‘ \‘t i .1: it't liiiit ran it‘l)! tittt \ "i. was


NEWS iTEM: BIRD EXCREMENT BO‘I'HERS STUDENTS WITH CARS Dennis Draughon often takes aim at on-campus targets, but his criticrsm on national issues has also won praise. He received second place in the 1984 Collegiate EditorialCartoonist Exhibitionfor his abortion cartoon.

The Line is

Cartoonist takes his pen in hand and publishes new book

By J. Ward Best And after several delays and the addition ofa Draughon now describes himself as “an Senior Staff Writer section on the lran-Contra affair. the book is out. anarchist E: C‘ :1 The release and book-signing party. complete with The cliaracteri/ation seems unlikely from the ennis Draughon‘s appearance belies his music by the Black Girls. will be held tonight at the president of his high school's National Honor character — and his art. Paper Plant in downtown Raleigh. Society. He was also a nationally rcCognized member What want to do is piss you The neatly trimmed beard and short The book‘s five different sections cover most of of the debate team a respectable young man. hair suggest a mild character. The usual Draughon‘s recurring themes: religion. Reagan. "I was either going to become a Nazi or a off enough to make you coat and tie he wears might even foreign policy and. of course. NC. State. (‘ommunardf‘ he says of the time. think about it. suggest a conservative. Draughon. a senior majoring in history at NCSU. Senators .lesse Helms and Robert Morgan The political cartoons he draws for Technician, has served as political cartoonist and graphics editor arranged for him to attend West Point after high however. are anything but mild orconservative. for Technician since l98 1. He says Chancellor Bruce school. but he never went. “i couldn‘t doenough Editorial cartoonist The true nature of Draughon‘s political mind will Poulton‘s “bunglings” and athletics department pullrups." Draughon says. be revealed when the 26-year-old cartoonist and “waste“ have provided him with seven years‘ worth About that time. he also took an interest in Dennis Draughon Barefoot Press of Raleigh release his new book, “The of ideas for hisTechnician cartoons. communal living and has since become a “welcome Line is Draughon.” . . . “Any issue where it comes to student fees or visitor“ at Twin Oaks. a commune in southern today at 5pm. -' privileges is pretty ripe for comment,“ Draughon Virginia. A yearlong pert name for Technician. :2”: Richard Kilby. says. ldaho. is actually his community name. owner of Barefoot National and campus issues domi- Draughon is also politically active on campus. Readers need not know of Draughon‘s political or Press. asked to nate the cartoons Draughon creates for the student running for student body president last spring. He social theories to understand his cartoons. though. publish Draughon‘s newspaper, but his new book also includes work says he plans to rtm again this year. “Cartoons are more for denegration than for first book over a concerningstate and local issues. like his cartoons. Dru ughon‘s campaign angered a espousing broad issues." he says. year ago. After Draughon says he is able to enter scathing few people. Draughon says he received death threats and. sorting through two material in the student newspaper because it is “one After fighting to be considered on the ballot — he more frequently. abusive phone calls when his stacks of cartoons of the last bastions of the free press — certainly is not a fullrtime student — Draughon's questioning number was in the book. “I've had a lot of invective with News and more free than a kept press.“ of candidate Billy Maddalon on sexual issues made hurled at me with no point.” Already this semester, Observer political He continues to uphold his powerful convictions headlines in Technician. Draughon received one call about a cartoon in cartoonist [)wane despite attacks from various audiences. reflecting a “People can expect my campaign to be just as Technician's January l3 issue — one denouncing P o w e I — determined attitude toward his cartooning which controversial this year as last year.“ Draughon says. the violence in the West Bank. Draughon raises his stems from his private life and beliefs. “I've been "I’ll be saying sex and masturbation again.“ “1 don’t mind getting abuse. I just wish the abuse I hand about a foot through a lot of strange twists." Draughon says. Draughon says it "could have been a potentially was getting was from intelligent people." above the table to Draughon registered to vote as an independent, boring campaign il‘Joc ((oreyland I hadn‘t gotten But Draughon‘s brash cartooning nearly invites indicate the amount but he says he chose not to cast his ballot for anyone into it." He also says his candidacy will be “an abuse. of sorting — the in his first year as an eligible voter. He switched to attempt to shock some of tthe students‘l puritanical “What I want to do.“ he says. “is piss you off printing began. Donal: Draughon libertarianism until he “got to meet some of them.“ ethics.“ enough to make you think about it.“

Silos to halt Brewery ‘Silence’ with their own brand of rock Noteworthy live music returns to The :: -2: .: = , -- from the band‘s sound on \lll_\ I. “It‘s a lot Brewery tonight after almost two weeks wilder live." he says. “We play louder and of near silence. harder." The Silos play the club tonight as part The Silos have undergone more line up of their first fullscale United States tour. J. Ward changes than just the \lt)illlt\l since The band‘s latest album. “(‘uba." put recording “Cuba." which Salasllumara them at the top of many critical reviews sees as beneficial. Bassist John Ross was and With a major push from the band‘s Best added to the group to compliment .lolin label. The Silos are destined to become a Galway‘s drumming. Bob Rupe unore familiar name with the general public. vocals and the "lead" guitail also The Silos' greatest acclaim to date remained with the band tltl‘titigh re came last month as People magazine well. Again. with a simple and cordng and the start of this tour ranked “(‘uba“ among the ten best straightforward style. the bass and drums “The band we have around now is the albums of I987. An announcement of complete a truly memorable sound. one we‘ll have for years." Salas Huniara even greater importance is expected from the Silos‘ . Record ('otlect. says. Rolling Stone next week. plans a big push on the album with this As well as playing louder and hauler. the four member group earned praise tour and continued praise for the band Salas-Huntara also says the lt\c shows for a unique sound that belongs to this wherever they play. The label plans to include material from “(.iiba" and the band alone but reflects many others. heavily market “Tennessee Fire." a track first album. “About Her Steps.” tls well as ( mics and revtcwcrs compare The Silos from “Cuba.“ some ten new songs. the Silos plan to to cscryottc from Neil Young to Joni record the new music for the new! album Mitchell l-or a band from New York. the No push is needed for this tune, sometime this summer. If a niaioi label range of comparisons near the country “Tennessee Fire" is stylish enough to get signs the hand during this tour. the album .lllti folk end of the rock spectrum seem airplay and contains enough of a hard could bedelaycd. look for it Ill the tall lirctt‘. Htlti edge to attract immediate attention from The live shows also offer Silos material 'l he Silos take a minimalist approach to strictly rock ‘n' roll fans. that may never make ll on a ictoitl their music Play it loud. according to Salas Humara Ross \lllll .is luo pttllttfs limit the sound. with one frontman on the mike L'tHllels ltlttstl\ of my near folksy and the other grinding The violinist providing the car splitting "all the x rated stuff for the L'lltiilt's ‘ out old style tills comparable to wail of strings on the song has left the This is UHDI’L‘lL‘tlllttlls new iotk n roll the Silos (from left) Bob Rope, John Ross, John Galway and Walter ( ti't'tlciitc ( learuatcr Retrial and Neil group A only tonight's live show will no copy artists. pop rockets oi lllt‘l.ti Salas Humara The band's recent album. ”Cuba," was ranked by People \HlttlL" backup hand (ta/i, Horst: prove if it will hurt the band‘s sound. heads if the h\c shout iiiattli or better magazine as one of the ten best albums of 1987 The group wrll perform tonight \ui t/lllt‘i\ t‘not'glt ttt'ttltct takes lull lead singer. and guitarist the album. tonight's lltt‘tttit ~ill'\‘. .it the Brewery in Raleigh Uttllit‘i til the meta” llgitrtt ithe folksy onel. Walter SalasHumara. should prote memorable lll .ui .l'. .i um’ul iilt’ lilHlilll \Ctlltil‘i iii'rloiiiis equally \.t\\ the live shows are much dillerent loi its music lt~liriiary W, 1088 lt‘llllllt .iit \rrietratks 5 ;

Individual solos show many hours of hard work By Calvin Hall performance was indicative of the performances was \\lOpIIUnC player tllstiiliiitv. it trillitlll\\ltlt. soiii Hire i. I’d : ' l{~ it.LI\ t.ld\\lC. Slaughter ASSistant Features Editor hard work and intensive hours of Jennifer Holland Holland was the spring \sidc front the innit- (l. liii \ttnut Votcvenafew the practice the band puts into its tours featured on an entertaining at finc IK‘IlllilIltlllL't.‘ ot the .l R lili‘llézlil‘ oi .listortl between the N.(‘. State Symphonic Band Calvin each year. rangement of Dmitri Kabaleisky‘s “instill sctitL‘. "Die “itclilt‘uidtlu i» limit.- and writers could diminish the ended their l988 concert tour with a An Erik Leidzen transcription of "(ialop" from "The ('omedians” .1 ttpiral (lCTIiMII 'onitiph 1 .iii ;-.ili' cttt'tlviii performance by Mrs. performance on Stewart Theater Dvorak's finale from “The New Holland performed the solo witliotit iii.ircli IZJt‘tllé \Icllcll on the piano. Tuesday night. The concert Hall World Symphony“ provided the music and. aside from minor dis \cxt. the hand pcilorriici; sci. \lt'ncli .i itiriiict inusic student at showcased the band‘s fine ensemble evening‘s “serious" work. A strong agreements in tempo between she tioiis front tietshuiiis ’l’oiti Illil I \l (irctiisboro. wasliutstanding. playing and several individual tal showing by the low brass section and the rest of the band. did an Hess ” \iiiiiucd Iit coiitctt inoiii' l“ Ihc Stinplionic Band ended its cuts. REVIEW helped to overshadow weaknesses in outstandingjob. l’aul \otlcr the song ILII lI.'l tlit .oit.:it in tipping their collective The program began with the lessly. If the group was fatigued the clarinet section —- an extremely "Die Wachtparade" lParade ()f tunes "Summertime ” ”l‘te (It‘l li.il- Hi .i toplantlesqiie direction Walter Beeler arrangement of from its tour. there were no signs of difficult number for all involved. The Watch). by (ierman march king l’lclits ‘(l \iiiiiii‘" "\liawliciiim' will: IH‘L'IIII “llun .ICIIlklI’IS' "Ame- Leonard Bernstein‘s overture to it here. Hammond's steady direction HL. Blankenburg. provided an and "It -\iii‘f \L'LL'\\tlll\ \ii' .is ‘-\’\'l |\.ill (I\c'lltlIL' for Band." This "Candide.“ The band. under the "Interlude.“ a clarinet solo with brought the piece to an impressively interesting diversion from the rest of .is some fine solo piasiiit- in Rd‘v l.".i‘;rl:,\s|‘»'.' [‘IL'LL' leaiureil rip roaring direction of Dr. Frank Hammond. band accr mpaniment. was the forceful and dramatic conclusion. the concert‘s offerings. The hand VL‘L‘I till lllc‘ L‘tiritct I'tflltll horns and lllfl) syncopated performed the piece well. negotiating band‘s next selection. Soloist Lisa The next soloist, on what turned plans to record the number for a Ilie highlight of the wetting was .‘rziiliiiis ii \‘\d\ .i fitting way to end the numerous tempo changes flaw Nation put forth a fine effort. Her out to be a night of individual promotional record and hopes to the I’hilllp Ling arrangement of .1 .1 title propiuiti

Lemminging, a new Olympic sport, needs only skijump and pool (ALGARY ~ Im up in the venues. I met someone who saw the Great White North representing my show anJ said that both groups were country in what will soon be “the good and at the end of the show, the greatest sport known to mankind.“ two groups sort of combined and did Lemminging is the only Alpine Joe a bunch of Joy Division covers. aquatic event at the Winter Olynt For those of you who don‘t know. pics. although purists will point out New Order was Joy Division until that the sport‘s origins come from Corey lead singer Ian Curtis committed the Fiords. suicide. By the way. Echo was the For those of you who haven't drum machine, but they don‘t use it seen the sport on ABC‘s alleged anymore, so I‘ll call the group the coverage of the Olympics. it‘s The biggest sponsor of the Lem- Bunnymen. because this mighty network sup rninging team is McDonalds. who The Bunnymen have been around posedly ran out of cameras. I will donates $100 to the team every time since 1978. and their early records attempt todescribe this sport. we eat at Burger King and do over “Crocodile." “Porcupine“ and The course used in Lemminging $500 worth ofdamage to the club. ““ are now considered combines a l30-meter ski jump and The Russians have a tough team. “oldies." a l00-meter swimming pool. but it doesn‘t bother us. They don’t During the summer. the group The Lemming. as those who have any tie-dyed T-shirts. and that's released their own little dance club compete in this sport are called. also given bonus points. hit with “Lips Like Sugar“ off “Echo wears a pair of skis. gym shorts and So write the Olympics and de- and the Bunnymen.“ a T-shirt with their country‘s colors mand coverage on Lemminging in What really shocked me was their or their favorite beer brand. You 1992. We can‘t let this sport lose contribution to the soundtrack of start at the top of the jump. hurl support. the teen-vampire film “The Lost yourself into the air where you are I‘ve got to go drag the pool for Boys.“ A great cover of the Door‘s expected to do crazy acrobatic yesterday‘s winner. See you later . . . “.“ stunts. and finally plunge into the Concerts One night I accidently was pool. The water in the pool is kept When I was growing up in Cary. listening to WRDU when they constantly at a fraction of a degree Echo and the Bunnymen was one of playedit. above freezing. the first punk groups played on “Don‘t they sound just like the This all makes one great sport. WQ[)R with “Killing Moon.“ Doors?" the squeaky. snibbling disc Scoring is kind of difficult to But every time they played the jockey said. figure up. You are given points on song. the disc jockey would say. Some things don't change in this the stunts completed in air. distance “Hey. doesn‘t the lead singer sound town. l“! '(‘K I OXISTAFF covered. form of entry. bonus points like of ?" for time spent in the water and Every damn time. One of the weirdest Englishmen “How many members of REM. I'll just grab one .iinl s.“ what I ll: tls \lt Iltiriitiig” and originality. They constantly said it. since Syd Barret lead Pink Floyd is does it take to change a lighthulb'.’" tliinkiihoiii ll \\ ii.iktiiii.i” ilL'tIl with the ptlllC)’ of Of course. all this can be thrown But l didn’t care because it was coming to Raleigh. “Two. One to change the bulb and Midnight Oil‘s “llicscl .llltl |)iist i.il.iii_i.r Lind from the aborigines out if the lemming drowns while in something besides some moldy Bruce Robyn Hitchcock has been slated one to flip the Robyn Hitchcock Iliis is one of those ictorils \Hll I or“‘tl th.[I stupid Ice House song the pool. Springsteen song. to be at the Rialto Theater on recordover." can dance lo and lccl L'lllll\ .ii this \I I \ Lu ._lllL' \liilnight Oil is the I love this sport. After a delay of nearly four years. March 27. Ha. ha. ha. Anyway. REM. same time ltl llllllt out of Australia since It‘s even better than when they Echo and the Bunnymen are back This guy was called a “00d" by guitarist Peter Buck shows upon the to it‘l l‘t'L‘I and the \inerica'ship. combined lacrosse and roller derby. with a new record. and the group Creem magazine. record. Midnight Oil is \Il\ll.lll.t\ most Of course. I have to admit that will be playing Duke‘s Cameron His latest record, “A (“05: 0f Ticketsshouidbeoutsoon. political hillltl \Icinhci l’clci (lilllt'l Itaiii singici (nlflt‘ll sounds like I‘m not a medal contender in this Indoor Stadium Saturday night. Frogs.‘ is great and should on Records actually ran lot the \iisti.ili:u liillllll\ Rotten with a range. He sport. That belongs to Erik Estrada Last summer. Echo and the sale for $5.99 somewhere. Pick it up. l’uiliaiiictit .iiitl iicaih \Htll .i still mitosis. his |\.t\\l(tll for the subject who is constantly comparing the Bunnymen toured with dance floor R.E.M. worships Robyn Hit Next week I‘m going to review my llici llI'L‘IlLII tlic l\rics with their \\lllllllll t'\l‘ltsltl_L' his vocal limita- sport to his career. wonders New Order at large outdoor chcock. An old joke used to go entire record collection. bill for now. lllL‘.i\ Iltill’ 'Illli iklfl { llISSllle 4) /‘ Ilbe). ,— Lj‘llr l ll ”Hire/is / llse lee:hriiCiriri (lossrfreds / Use; ,(Jrluw (jr . j. V‘l lillCOil Casslil€‘_ls/ ilse em' iir i. iti. fleets /',lse ieCiirimCiri Clossriieds/ Use er.riiCiii 'i. 'w: -. —OC -w—w --.---..-q VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR atr» . GET YOUR SHADES M-Thur10-9 0 Best New Friasmio 10 0 Release Hack All-You-Can-Eat 3“ FOR SPRING BREAK! mVIDEORAMI:0 In Town' Includes pizza. spaghetti, lasagna. soup, Max"0LOHB salad bargarlic bread, and one cone of ice cream. L-0118 L-0119 Stonehenge Market Kroger Plaza Avent Ferry S/C G $33.95 Raleigh Cary Raleigh $3 .69 Good with this ad 847-6444 851-3310 GOOD FOR 1-4 PEOPLE ANYDAY! CAROLINA SUNGLASSES 3933 Western Blvd. 851 - 6994 SOUTH HILLS OUTLET MALL 467 - 6117 r------1 ——— --.-.----.--- Di-‘v lE------‘ '.I We invite you to join the HEALTH HOT NEW RELEASES RALEIGH WOMEN’S "Platoon" is hm.“ NCSU Student Community'; General Anesthesia Gyn Clinic 'MEMBERSHIP! "Dirty Dani, GILL available. For more intorma- ' Baiiib.i' tion call 832-0535 (Toll-iree Pregnancy TeStmg with couponlSQQS valuei "La Parkwood Village in state 1-800-532-5384. Out Abortions from ~ “Dragnet ' Apartments of state 1-800-532-5383) [23- 7-18 weeks of Security deposrt and “Robert-tip (A Fun Place to Live) tween 9am-5pm weekdays. Pregnancy driver's license requrred NO Way On . 1 bdrm was $340now $299 - Friendly neighbors i'rtiiliis. .'_;’(~l 88 if'..-.---.------....—..--.U. The BIG Easy - bdrm was 5395now $355 - Volleyball and Basketball ------.--- - 3bdrm$440 - Swimming Pool 81 Grant Park: 917 W. Morgan Street 832-0535 - Access toWoltlino - Wed. NightSuppers 2729-A Conifer Dr. Raleigh.NC 27606 832-761 1

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earn Somali/yin, inion 54i,{T' 0:23:229.“’frl.’.4:- I :7 We'll P Ichruary l‘), l‘)88 clié ya l t. wt t . o’l’it: li //,'.' ,mui/Irr/ .n' III. \lIti/i'I/I Inn/t I'vt‘irtmr'y irl uln.’ ///.' til/II no or ' . 'mw 'lt . :I/ (‘r '(iuirlrs I/i. lit/i tl .,//./ Ill (,1. .' //l.‘ "(’I\ it]. l'/ //I«' ttItII/Ilh .//.' truisltvi't/ II x (I. lit“ Irrlxtr. .. slum/l [It tilt it (to VIII‘II'II1I\y'/[l‘,)l\l‘ilil‘Illl‘ I’ll-"'c ii/i' 'IHIHH/ ,t. lumim’n “It" A I..ilri.,- ..i‘.l' ."l .‘l'li lost-pit (.alarnt-ao ltIlllIl nit Ilitl Suzanne Pt'rt'l It‘.llll|l"s l (him “It Incl Hughes \l.iii.it:itit; l lIlII w \t 0” Rivenlmrk Iyt't IIIHI' l'Ittili- I tItlt-t Unit-ll) Ittnt' \ssistdtil \‘.l|l.|:.;l|l’4 l tliti It Ih-nnis Draughon (il.l[ll|lt s ltlittii \t olt .irpt-nlt-r ltliltiii.il I’ll-Lin I fill!” Bill Hanslt-y \\‘slt‘l|l\ I tlittii Madelyn Rtrs't-nlwrg I \t't tlll\t' \i'\\s I fill!” lib Seigh (mm-ml Al.iit.i~4t't lyalrina Waugh. N'Hrllx I tItltll |ohn Austin '\tl l'tntltit lltm Motto-4r- ..itswt,‘ .'° ' Editorials V

Political forum set;

three to participate We announced several weeks ago that NC. State's Student Government Was sponsoring a forum for those North Carolina politicians running for the offices of governor. lieutenant governor and fourth district representative. We asked students to send in questions they wanted aired. And we assumed that those candidates running would actually be interested in coming. Apparently. we WL‘I'C Wl'f)flg. At the moment. only three candidates have accepted the invitations. US. Rep, David Price. running for re-election to Congress. and state Legislators Harold Hardison and Park Helms. both running for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant gt vernor. are the brave gentlemen. Evidently, student government‘s offer of a chance to air their political platforms to NCSU A failure to adequately support club foothai. students was not good enough for the others. Does anyone care if one more club sport is The players care. One student‘s parents came So the solution to the problem is to age; Both Republican and Democratic candidates were solicited. So claiming disowned by the university? Or which one it is? all the way from Pennsylvania twice to watch enough money for the team to have liability partisan politics as an excuse for not coming is futile. The format was not Or how long it’s been around? Does it matter “’m play. The parents care. The gentleman insurance. Should the players have to split tlic designed to pit the candidates against themselves in ideological debates. that this team. which is no longer allowed to who is in charge of the team has helped out cost? Isn’t $60 enough for them to pay? That‘s Democratic leaders were to have spoken on Monday. February 22 and carry the name NCSU next year. has just won without a salary for ten years. He cares. Why a lot of money to a student. If you care l‘l.‘l\ is: February 23. So avoiding two championships in the past two years. doesn‘t the university care? We need the you have suggestion. Republicans were to be heard on Tuesday. beating out Carolina. Appalachian State. Duke university‘s support financially. confrontations over differing ideals is not an excuse either. and others‘.’ I care. A lot of people worked very hard to make We definitely need as many winning, ls‘illil\ In fact. the individual candidates were not even asked to debate each other. the university and students proud of this team. as we can get. It looks good for the iiititt-i'siiy The sport is Club Football and I want our Even though it has been around since l97l. and the students. Some of the other (.Iltll liach official was going to be allowed to make a short presentation. and then school to be proud of the guys who dedicated before there was such thing as a Club Sports Football teams have a paid stall and (oil campus leaders and local media personalities were going to ask questions. themselves to winning. These guys not only Council (which is currently run by John university support. Shouldn‘t otn (cant haw Finally. after this phase the general audience would have been allowed to pose had to pay $60 to play (because they weren‘t Bonnerl. there seems to be no use for it the same. because we obviously work ittsl ; questions to them. Certainly this does not look like too much of a grilling allotted enough money to get the proper anymore. The school lawyers think that hard as they do? atmosphere. equipmentl. but they also had to come back someone might get seriously hurt andfsue the and play their championship game in February school. Although this is a valid concern. no ( harla IIiU'l‘. Now. though. there are only three leaders apparently brave enough to tackle because the referees didi ‘t show up for the one has ever filed a claim since the team Senior. lkycthiw such a politically dangerous agenda. Price. Hardison and Helms should be game in December. started. _ commended for at least being willing to participate in the affair. They seem interested enough in student opinion at NCSU to come on campus and try to forth as successful citizens. have done so by programs. As one of the representatives of ti»- persuade voters to support them. Racism needs a cure, addressing the issues of their particular Computer Theme program. I think I can clc: . professions. not the issuesofracism. up some of the questions raised by the edit Obviously. political interest in NCSU is low. The candidates evidently feel a cure found within Jesse Jackson has flourished in the polls Both the Computer Theme and the (‘re do it there is little value to reaching out directly to the students here. There will still Dwuan June’s column. “Blacks not consid- lately because he has started addressing the Arts and Living program will open for the l‘i'sf be a forum for Price. Hardison and Helms on Monday. The program will begin ered in society was published in the school presidency instead of dwelling on his minority time' in the Fall of ‘88. Residence l.il«.- mi: at l pm. in the North Gallery of the Student Center. We encourage anyone paper. June. as he does three times a week. status. ‘ consider other theme housing ideas in tin: contributes partial and inaccurate information And for June. my advice is to do the same. future-but only these two will‘stare-ttwmr‘t interested in hearing what these three politicians have to say to attend. We‘ll to his story. Friday's column. however. Of course. you are welcome to continue along year. Technician staff will bt glad to him :I' 4.. be there. inspired me to make my own contribution to these lines of accusations. but once you beyond the cost of living in the [llllllitlliti' the paper. graduate. the average person is not going to residence hall. students will pay no ll'ltllliv :s lnferiority is a terrible disease. It is degrading read this type ofwritingand appreciate it. charges in either program. (By the «to and embarrassing. Sadly enough. this disease is Your column is entitled. "Like It Is." but I'm student representatives suggested South Hall as Salary chart a start; spreading faster than AIDS and has been since not sure whether it should be called. “The Way a location for the program for [mount on. creation. Dwuan Likes to See It." As a journalist. you security and equipment reliability.l But like AIDS. inferiority needs a cure. might want to consider these things. Just a Eventually AIDS victims may find a cure. but little something tothink about. If you‘re interested in either of IIIL'\l you i i their survival will not cotne about from sitting (or if you have a proposal for anotht-ti. ‘1‘ open for more ideas around feelingsorry for themselves. It will be a Tyson Smith and talk with Audrey Jones at I"I()tl‘.!llt_ mt result of determination. hard work. and most Freshman. Business Administration Residence Life. To be a success. theme lttl'itw‘iry important. a will to live. thrive and survive. needs the support of students. Maybe will» t:::. Since printing a list of salaries for 52 NC. State administrators in Admittedly. blacks are a minority in this support we can be something the CtlI'llttrts will Wednesday‘s edition. many people — students. faculty and administrators — country today. But considering how the black Theme housing needs be proud of. have questions about the list or commented on the story. Because of this. we man was first brought to this country. I think will explain today the hows and whys ofthat chart. their accomplishments of late are impressive. if NCSU student support (ii'cgot‘y llctd not astonishing. Junior. Electrical Idlfllthfll First. the administrators and faculty members on the chart are not This is not to say that this race has not In a Technician editorial about theme rank-ordered against all university employees (that is. the 20th person on the suffered greatly and unfairly. It is to say. housing. the writer made a number of Editor‘s Note: This letter was signed In no list may not necessarily be the 20th highest paid NCSU employee). The thick however. that the blacks who have shown observations ~ about ReSIdence Life‘s new otherNCSUstudents. bmk of computer printouts that contained this information did not organize salaries from highest to lowest. What we did was look up data for the top NCSU administrators (the chancellor. vice Chancellors and deans) and various Stuffing Cultural Center results in violence selected academic and administrative department heads with whom students top 50 or In I984. in order to fulfill the needs of the blacks. you will consistently get ll‘e .‘sitill‘. would be familiar. We would have liked to publish a comprehensive then 678 Afro-American students. North results. top ltlt) list. btit sorting that much data proved unfeasible. Carolina State University allowed the In a meeting on February ill. to > Now that you know how we did it. you may ask why. Because NCSU is a . existing Cultural Center to be used for social American students met with Stitllt‘ oi funded by state money. most information regarding its events. As an AfroAmerican student. I Kim members of the university‘s (ltlll‘illlt‘leClh‘tl state university applaud the University‘s efforts in dealing and we were told that studies Would Ili'i\t' ll: financial status. including salaries. is available to the public. Our reporters with this problem. be done. policies would have to Cl'litltflt‘ and exercised this right because we thought students would be interested in'the Once again. however. Afro-American Rowland possibly extra money would have in information. We were correct. judging from the popularity of Wednesday's students are requesting the administration's spent. My question to the administration is. issue. Not everything that runs in a newspaper has to be pegged to current assistance. Due to overcrowding. the first “Is not the chance of preventing a stttili'ltt events: part of our function is also to serve as the public record on this campus. three weeks of activities at the Cultural from being seriously injured or pn‘sllli‘. Many local newspapers publish lists of contributors to political campaigns or Center have been marred with outbreaks students enrolled in this university. The killed worth the extra effort?" I sino'n‘h was no different. including near riots. shouting matches original capacity of the Cultural Center was hope so. We cannot wait for studies to it salaries and benefits of state and city employees. What we did between Public Safety and students. fights set at ISO. In an effort to accommodate the done or for sub-committees to be loom-d, ()ur reporters are currently working on other projects that utilize the public both inside and outside of the building and. increasing numbers of Afro-American stu- This issue needs to be addressed now? It yon documents statutes. but we would like to know what the students want to find regretfully. one knife-pulling incident. I dents. Public Safety has raised this limit to are asking us to be patient. I believe tltttt we particular facet of university life that personally would like to see the events 400. It is important to realize that the size of will work with you. But as for how Itnttt to; otit about their university. So if there is a moved to a larger facility. I believe this the building was not increased. just the will wait. HOW LONG. NOT l.t)’\l( i. people are curious about. please let us know. Getting up-tovdate information on would alleviate the problems that have capacity. Anytime you push 300 to 400 forthcoming issues and topics can only raise the level of consciousness on this occurred dtte to the close quarters that we people in a facility meant for ISO. there will campus. are asked to utilize. be confrontations. It does not matter if you Kim Rowland is a senior rlztljt i/‘loy ii: This year. there are 2202 Afro-American are dealing with whites. Indians. Jews or industrialengineering.

From elevators to negativism to stupidity, June always has an opinion Doesn‘t ll make you mad when someone they then tell you how they would have O O 0 sister about society? It‘s amazing. lt‘s Ilis’.‘ 'I‘." who seems perfectly normal hops on the done it. So what‘s constructive about Do squirrels hibernate anymore? Winter professors. poets and authors all were lainit . elevator in the basement. only to get off on someone telling you how they would do has almost reached it’s halfway point and and they discussed how they would hi to (.' the first floor It's like they couldn‘t walk tip what you did? Think about it. While you‘re the squirrels on this campus m. son running editorial criticizing the King of l'nclaittl Ill .i one flight of stairs in the amount of time Dwuan thinking. think about this also. It is always around gathering nuts as if they were nursery rhyme. that it takes the elevator to come down from easier tocriticize than to praise. preparing for the cold. Who knows? Maybe How do they know that thc anih ii the third floor. ( ice/. talk about being lazy. O O 0 being in the Research Triangle Park has poet wasn't just trying to write his sisiw i-\ I O 0 June Who determines what is weird and what is given the squirrels some new technology tell her how much he loved her or it h: -. liver notice how everything that sells has proper? Society does and that's wrong. If a that enables them to stay awake all winter writing for plain entertainment'.’ It’s not id \(llllC kind of negative connotation LIKE IT IS ‘ person wants to wear one side of his/her long. If that‘s the case. let‘s hope grizzly they know him. I wish I could Ilia'l‘l 'I‘i‘ .t; .tsstx'illtt'tl with it. look in the newspapers head shaved and the other side spiked. bears don't come to the Triangle because these great poets so I could ask Ililll II it. .tnd tend the headlines. Watch your will always be someone who isn’t totally what‘s weird about that? They are being they are a lot harder to kick when one runs really trying to say what my I iiyv .. television set. listen to your peers talking pleased with something. There will always themselves a.id when has that been across your toes. professor said he was trying to .lu .niioni' themselves. l vcrytliing that occurs is be someone who doesn‘t like how considered weird'.’ If someone wants to wear O O 0 Speaking of classes. have you mm lit-gt fit negative Rarely do you hear someone praise newspaper covered a certain story. There a button-down Oxford shirt with a matching How are stupidity and funniness related? one where you felt you were a glllllll‘d pa . . .iiiollicr Rarely do you see anything (in will always be someone who thinks you tic. sweat pants and penny loafers. what‘s You can do something stupid like walking a teacher‘s experiment? lt'lt‘.l\ltlll that has a positive aspect should dress differently. weird about i"? Society has dictated to us into a brick wall that‘s dead in front of you. 0 O C .issotititt'il with ll Rarely do you see a movie No one WIII ever be completely satisfied what the norms are and evidently the norm That‘s being stupid and funny. But wait a Believe‘it or not_ some pk'tll‘lt' Em l . ‘ligit has .i happy ending anymore Now. the in life. You could praise a person. but he still is not being yourself. minute. If you score a 24 on an exam and me for back copies of “l ikc It I it . . . linitl i li.ii.itii.'iu tllt.‘ slow. painful dcalhs that would not be satisfied. liltings jttst have to There is no such thing as being weird as you know the material. you call that stupid. and some would like to knots ‘i‘ It: . . '.|ll't then Itcsl friends to enter suicidal lx‘llcgllllvs‘ inordcr forstx‘ietytoaccCht it. long as you believe in yourself and what Bill the real question lies beyond that -~ is it haye written about. Well Voila .t.ii.~ l’w itiyi- ttiitootdtioiis :iic tan" and it‘s 0 0 0 you're doing. Most normal people who call also funny'.’ 0 O O and take your pick it» ill ‘~i"l: ltll out 4“. icii Is there really suth a thing as constructive others weird really don‘t understand why (llll o. It i\ l‘s .i llt‘l'.l!t\t‘ Illlt' .llltI the sail tiilitisiii"l \t'll whcn such so called advice is they dress like they do. so they automatically I yer wonder how English professors seem Dill/{Ill .Illllt' series as .'I\\l\i.li.‘! low .iiwii it I\ tho (I iiill .lI\\.l\\ ht our t'lyt‘ll. the bottom line is that someone call them weird There should he no such to know exactly what deep meaning a poet cit/(oral li't‘litilcitln and is i . I iiti‘ l ("l to llttlll lily as it l\ IIll‘lt doesn't like the way something was said and thingas being weird just being yourself. or author is trying to say in a letter to his in I llg/lsli at .N’( 18‘! f I(‘( linir ion February 1‘), l‘l88 Classifiedsi

HOW TO PLACE A TECHNICIAN CLASSIFIED AI) tiOVERSEASArtie! AustraliaJOBS AsiaSummerAll 119105yr 5900round2000Europemo LIKE IT IS Technrcran now offers DISCOUNTS tor EXTRA WORDS and Sightseeing Free into wine MC PO Box 52 NC5 EXTRA RUN DAYS. Corona DeiMOI CA 92625 COLUMN TOPICS The minimum is 6 10 words for $2 50 Alter 10 words RATES GO DUWH mm» help needed flexible hours live words so the longer your ad is the CHEAPER it is Atari the lONGE 13 .11 i' Partmustiimeworkwarehousemost Saturdays Apply personally (111 runs the LESS EXPENSIVF it gets to reach more people ~)oiiitiern States 301 W Caharrlis Street, or 4011 ChIlSIIC'r iemole student I'Df‘l'er) to cau- rm Atlantic Avenue visually impaired Siudertl tree room poarr} and Rate Table Pontime intormatron»$trolier Rental Booth Arlen transportation Call 362 4297 Racism at NCSU 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days per day Friday evening Saturday day and evening Cool roommate needed 1 mile liom NCSU (twp shirtsaanl available Apply in person Cary Village Mall room $1551ma 4 aeposrt Cali kent 859 2802 ‘ zone I (to 10words) 2 50 a 8.1 5 60 8 48 to 212 I1 ‘1 . 0‘ l Ottice MT 105 M/F EOE FEMALE ROOMMATE NFEOEOI $1916/mtiudes tool .zonethO-tSwords) 300 576 765 972 ii‘.‘ ii, 1'. in», van time Easter Bunnies needed-Suit pravrded Day and utilities Private health I". LI 013'!“ apt Cali Stereotypes ‘ZOHC3IIS-20W0'd3) 3 76 720 960 1316 1440 1h i.’ 1’1- available Easter Bunny Parker or SiSSy 851 5874 zone4 (20-25 words) 4 40 8 40 ll 28 14 20 in 75 iii an timehelpersandalsoeveningneededshiftsJob runs trorn March 18 April Female roommate reedi-d immedioieiyl zone 5(25-30words) 4 9? 9 :16 12 60 is 84 iii so .0 tin . *ui Village Mall Ottice M-F Nonsmoker 1 block trot“ campus 5100 mo plus ‘ zone6(over30 words) i 751 l 70) (651 l 60) l 5‘» . no) i in. 21075ApplyMP EOEin person Cary deposrt Call 755 0328 Feminism Partvtime help needed, Nights and weekends Furnished rooms UIIIZIIGS included Holt block Ironi Words like is and a count the same as iinlurnished and unriirnpli. died with» 111.1' Apply in person 2-5 pm Sportmans Cove library Single or stored rooms Col! 16? 1506 or can be abbrevrated wrthoui spaces such as wash 1 dry / AC count as one W'i'lI I’liiiiii- CiabireeVolleyMail or Cory Villge Malt 362 0866 NCSU/N80 numbers street addresses and prices countasoneword See Ram IflIiIt‘:Ibrtvt‘ Shopping Center is now Furnished etticiency apartment ri basement ARTHRITIS . ‘ DeadlineIor dd 15 12 p m the prevrous publication day All ads must he prepi (1 Bi un ill '1 Pizza inn at Lake Boonetor partvtirne wort statt includes utilities HBO wash dry heat Oberlin Technician Classifieds. Suite 3125. NCSU Student ('cnicr. acceptingpersonapplicationsM»F between 2 pro-4 pm Sat 10 preler graduate student yard wo'k $745 month 11 urn-5Applypmin No phone calls please 781-6859 W 848 8500 Celebrating King DOESN'T “ Spring Break is coming! Need extra cash tor HOUSES. APARTMENIS ROOMS 1 black tram College students are now being robsintervrewedas YMCAtor Thot vacation in Florida’i1 Pedect oart~timo lob tor campus, including parking Call 834 5180 95 afternoonCounselorsand eveningand swimmingport-time instructors Only students $6/hr CollB33-8150atterlpm Monday-Friday or leave message on our answering Vagrants WAIT FOR thoseYouthwith high Christian morals and values and o S9 25/hr to start Retail Marketing posrtion , need machine . ABC WORD PROCESSING, Resumes, Research destre to nurture the lives at young people Will be car. lead to lull-lime summer, 8517422 Call 10-2 Room tar Rent 1 block lrom NCSU library Papers, Theses, Correspondence. Protessionol Applications should have their senior Private entrance Furnished retrigerator Graduate YOU TO work, reasonable rates, 846-0489. lltesavingconsideredor W51. 11 interested, please call Skip ”W[”“99,9999 9Q§Yl9189_._.. or serious male student only 5100 me utilities NFL Strike BETTER SERVICE and quality for your typing and 832-6607 Ior appointment Summer ' C l - included CaliBiii 01832 1308 OLD. word processing needs. Short woik irom campus. employmentLong, applicationsarealso available For .7010 Two roommates wanted 118 75 a month plus I 4 GET Accurate and reasonably priced resumes, letters. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING M/F. Summer career Blown your speakers; I'vegVotiso-me 75 W Mlssmn utll Walking distance to campus Beginning term papers, theses, etc. Candace Morse by opportunities (will train) Excellent pay plus world excellent condition College rethgerator Sum.'88 Cal1834~0450 Social Alcoholics 1 You dont have to t»: , :to get appointment,828-1638. travel. Hawaii, Bahamas, Caribbean, etc CALL toolSpeakers,859-2865.“ i arthritzs it can react". '1: urimhe it any PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Quick - While you wait. NOW: 2067360775, Ext. 587H you buy leaps, cars, 4x45 in drug raids tor L ‘r’ .r l 2 age 2' i. u 7...: no.1“ tr» . li 3"!" Reasonable rates. Word processor with spectal ATA PROCESSING TECHNICIAN-$15,784-22.303 underCan $1002 Call ior locts today 602-837-3401. '. Mitt 1.’.’;’I’;.'“, ‘ Ti: .r‘. ,l._..' 3,, 1 characters. Barbara 872-6414. Periortns all functions at the systems operator tor Ext 2048 personals should not contain exotic" or Poulton/Faculty all ','C If ‘14.,11 A'YIP'S r' ’3 " k' RESUMES/COVER LETTERS. Laser printing/Free an iBM System/36 and related lBM-compatable Pertume Galore, students, Giorgio, Obsessmn, Technrctanlanguage lull names phone numbers or '» 212.113} ',"-11." ' 'l litetime disk storage. Five years at service to micro computers Requirements Same knowledge Opium, White Linen, Parson, Liz Claiborne, Chanel, vulgarstreet addresses All replies should be direited to l chatter Eur‘, ' NCSU/close to campus. Visa/MC welcome. Rogers at the operation princrples at minicomputers A Lauren, Anais Anais, Oscar. Sold under my labels. boxes Replies to IeCIITTLCICIn should be Dallas Cowboys l ran min» a nth-r9710: Assoc. 508St. Mary'sSt, Raleigh. 834-0000. thorough knowledge at MS-DOS High aptitude tor non loncy bottle 1/4 tioz. Great Price No Sunday addressedpost ottrce Box TechniCion PO BOX 8608 l THE EXPERT TYPER--THE REASONABLE PRICER. program desrgn and logic. An ability to etteciivley salesor calls, 191994778142, Ray-Durho. NCSU, Raleigh NC 2769578608 l Swelling in one or moreiornts Resumes, papers, research reports, theses, dis- communicate with instruction endorusersthreeAssocrateyears Round Trip Airline ticket to Deny—er (Mar. 5-Mar chance tor Spring Break '88' Limited 1 Early morning stiffness sertations. Wlll pick up on Tuesday and Thursday degree In computer science microcomputers. 12) $228 (cheapl) or best otter Coll Jon, 782-8864 Last remains at South Padre. North White Superiority on campus. Word processing by Hannah Hamilton. Provenintensiveabilityexperienceto maintainwithgoodmini-workingor relations or 847-81027 . -___c.,.,._..,, _ ._..-.. spacePadre, Daytona Beach. Fort Walton Weight loss. fever or weakness com 783-845810r more intormation, LiFEGUARDS-Successtui applicants Used couch and matching chair Good condition Beach and Steamboat, Colorado ior blned wrthioint pain Typing let us do your typing at a reosonfifraie SEASONAL to work trom Memorial Day until $100 negotiable 8251913.-- skiing, Hurry. call Sunchase tours toll tree iBM Selectric Ii, Call Ginny,848-8791. .__c_ shouldLabor Daybe ableand meet the tollawrng minimum 1800-1121-5911 lor reservations and in Doug Williams Recurring pain or tenderness in TYPING, IBM-PC, Edit, Proot, 24-hour turnaround. I standards: current Red Cross advanced litesavmg tormation TODAV Credit cards ac aloint 552-3091, leave message. _ certificate; valid cardiopulmonary resuscitation Autos for Sole copied. Inability to move aioint normally Letters, resumes. certificate,- oxcollont health and vision,- and valid TWINS/WORD PROCESSING:papers, etc. Pick-up and delivery N.C. drivers license. Must also pass lltness test 1981 Honda Civic Wagon, Convenient tor taking LIFE‘S A BEACH lauderaaie Beach Hotel Violent Cartoons 1 Redness and/ormrmth In aiolnt available.reports, graduatePlease CallKathyat481-1156, combining running andswimming, college stutt home! 859-2865 please leave home Beachtront hotel on tamous strip with 2 PROCESSING. Fast, accurate. interested persons should contact Clarke Martin 8 number, restaurants, 3 bars, large pool bike shop and ‘1 Symptoms persisting more than TYPING,guaranteed.WORDWill also format and print your disk. MlS/Persannel Manager, at the Town ot Nags Can you buy Jeeps—cars, 4x4‘s seized in drug beachwore Only $149/person (4. rm) let 8 days Changing Seasons two weeks Selma.467-8239. Head, PO. Box 99. Nags Head, N C, 27959. Phone raids tor under $100.00? Call tor tocts today 7 nights at Florida tun sun and suit Donl miss TYPING-FAST-ACCURATE-PERSONABLE. Coil M15, 919-441-5508. The ann at Nags Head is on equal 602-837—3401, Ext. 2048. call Coll New 1 SOO'ENJOV US flat the ‘Iirt‘. :f‘iilit 4"”.111‘ Tucker,828-6512. opportunity employer Accepting application Spring Break Sailing Bahamas~45 11 cup Boy/Girl Relationships Canton your «rim; ‘izrfar "1154! {It ‘1 PROCESSING'Term papers, theses, through March4,1988. tamed yachts lor groups at 8 7 days partying in (hate or wrtte Arthritis Fol/.1211. TYPING/WOROcover letters. IBM equrpmenl, laser Full-time sales positions. Men‘sand ladiesfoutdoor 171153<’;€3.lor 1801i?) the Bahamas, 5435 PP all incluswe Springoreok Department A, PO Em. 191.11.!“ ‘r,’ i' m. resumesprinter. Openand Saturdays, close to campus. equipment and clothes, 833-1741 Hotline 180099977245 4 pm 11 pm Rambling Georgia 3032?. VISA/MC accepted. Rogers & Assoc, 508 St. Government Jobs 516,040-559,230/yr.'—Now AeoniioTi‘E in RTekéi'BEii/Tdi‘é and'c'ofiiiiéniiéi Mary‘sStreet. 834-0000. hiring, Your Area. 805-687-6000, Ext R 4488 tor GYN facility wrth Saturday and weekday ap- WANTED Talented people who are experienced W S TIME NF TOOK ARTHRIT‘S “if iii/J11“ r Come to The currentfederal list. porntments. Free Pregnancy Test. Pain medication rollerskaters Good personality and liexioio hours a Abortion/Death Penalty TYPING/WORD PROCESSING/EDITING.BUSINESS CENTER tar expert immediate openings at Raleigh Papogayo Experi- QJVE'J_.°_“099'W'.'. £290 4334939.- ____.. must Short term opportunity lot with i'lCnITIF‘. for typing,OFFICEeditingSOLUTIONSof reports, dissertations, theses, etc. enced line cooks and dishwashers needed! Top LEASED PARKING ; BLOCK TO YOUR BUILDING OR iniormatian on auditions (1011 361 5877 Tape transcription, phone-in dictation. One—day pay tor this Iield Please contact Laura YOUR DORM. Call 834-5180. 95, Monday-Friday or resume service. 8 am~6 pm, Mon-Fri. Wardlow (Mon.~Thurs. am) or Chris (Mon-Thurs pm) at leave message on our answering machine MagiczNBA‘s Best Bldg. 2008 Hillsborough (across from Bell Tower) 847—3103, NEVER cev RAPE, Mace $14.95, Tear cusses—5“. A 834-7152. Com—Ra’sEiEiE‘cB'riipd’ny' ééeiingJock-Bi all Stun Guns. Raleigh Manial Arts, 7797717 iAVIHI-TIIISA' . ‘. trades. Need mornings tree Good pay Good luture availablel Cotflafig €2.00 D's Opinion Typing-$1.50/page-737-1307 __ reierence. Need wheels 8786603 Research papers,11322 Idaho,15,278'206XT, Los Angeles, Cat Keys lost Fri, 2/12 between Brooks Ave Bastian Mechanical Engineering Jr/Sr to do liVAC 90025Research,Toll Free 18003510222, ext 33 Visa/MC Tompkins Halls Please cal.8319908 l|| identity Help Wanted take-alts, up to 20 hrs a week, $6.00/hr Coll or 000 Student JackSulilvanat781-5211._A_ w‘ 1081 Sony Walkman 210 88 115returnpm was HIRING. tlight attendants, travel MONEY FOR COLLEGE- Private scholarships avail- Spanish ciuB ineéiiiig’ figuring his firm center 1V Lounge PliASl agents,AIRLINESmechanics,NOW customer service, Listings, able. Federally approved system Satisiaction Foreign language FOCulty Lounge, 1911 Bldg gilt REWARD 8341750 Salaries to $50 K Entry level position. Call guaranteed, Scholarship Consultants, inc 876* Retreshmentsserved IHablemos esponoi' DIPPING IS FOR DIPS. 805-687-6000, Ext. A4488. 7891 liOtIl USE Sriliif 01(13le1th tux-x4 U)

Don't lose face



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