FEB 1 9l988 4' ft X A; Volume LXIX, Number 57 ' Shirt W65 Friday, February 19, 1988 Raleigh, North Carolina lditorial 77?-24Ll\.f‘l_\ily;grdtf:iii.i y'ilrhl Valvano institutes minority internship program By Paul Woolverton instituting a Recruuliducate-(iraduate But his department is now hiring black former The fees instead "help support a broad Assistant News Editor Traianire tRECiTHi program because there athletes as interns. After a one year in- based athletics program that has only two are few job entry opportunities for blacks in ternship. these athletes will become full-time revenue sports." he said, "If we d.d not have People at NC. State‘s athletics department athletics administration. employees of the athletics staff the million froin student fees and sold the not only train for the big game on Saturday. “We felt incumbent to provide a program to The interns will join Ray Martin. assistant tickets. we would make much more than but soon they'll also train for careers in train.“ he said. “We aren‘t hiring them just to athletics director. giving NCSU a total of that.“ administration. say. ‘We have a black here.” three black administrators in athletics. He said the student fees allow all students Jim Valvano. athletics director and head He said NCSU is now committed to train Valvano also discussed funding for the to participate in athletics. basketball coach. told student leaders Wed. interns for five years. so when athletics athletics department. He said student fees "We are at a university that provides the nesday evening that the athletics department administration jobs become available. the provide 51 million of the department's $7 opportunity for all students to participate in is installing an internship program. designed to interns will have experience valuable to million budget. The athletics department intramurals and collegiate athletics With no put minorities in administrative athletic prospective employers. receives an additional $2.5 million from funds from the state." positions. Valvano also said he‘s never had one of his miscellaneous donations intended to fund The athletics department is iii the “tenuous At the biweekly Student Body President‘s minority athletes express an interest in athletic scholarships. The student fees do not roundtable meeting. Valvano said he is pursuing a career in athletics administration. grant student ticket privileges. he said, See V Al .V'A NO. page Jim Valvano Occupied: Research center braves new occupants First female engineer flying high at 70 By Hunter George sll’t‘c‘l lo Meti'iltlli tw‘.’ " . Staff Writer two years of work it: win. out two summer \t‘\\lttll\ l ‘i. ' . Katherine Stinson always wanted rt‘llppilt‘tillllilt‘t‘lll’lllt‘t‘itli‘. tin» to do one thing in life she wanted really wasn't rantitznaiyi .yg to fly. And to pursue her interest in cotnc at State (ollcy.~ f in! airplanes. she applied to the School “When I came lyitl illt ~. soil lift of Engineering at what was then real well at Meredith .iiid “it“. tit-iti' called State College. lyiist stay there ’ lint l L'itl it But that was 1937. and there were And Stinson li.isi.‘. ill‘-.tl‘1"‘tlilf.ii no women in the engineering pro anyone gram at the school that would later ln l‘Ml slic bean. \ur i become NC. State. Icgc's first woman li.l .3, “I just walked right iii and up to graduate Shc ltlllllili‘i! 'h s... ' the engineering desk." Stinson told a Wonicti l tieiiiccis .iiit w t» wt crowd of more than 100 at Tuesday thc carlicst mcnilicis or In: night's SUsan B. Anthony dinner. women pilots‘ Ass-matron “The man looked at me and said. by l ai‘hait ‘Little girl. you're at the wrong last ycat. \tiiisoii wt. i .i\erospacc l’ioricci ot in ‘. That man was Wallace Riddick. the Institute of \croiimiiit- .ir organizer and first dean of the Astronautics engineering school. "I‘ve been to tittltli'l .ii rm \\f v Stinson said she wanted to be an House with all the lilr.'\l\ltlli~ ‘tw engineer because that is what lzisenliowei to Nixon ” mitt \ftii Amelia Earhart told her to be. But now 7i) "\nd l flt‘Xt‘t would iii. Riddick told her to go somewhere gottctt to do .ill tliit |«»' else for two years and then to reapply. So Stinson went across the MARC KAWANISHt/STAFF Frustrated Democrat No, they're not interior decorators from Acme Movers. They’re they're moving equipment for NC. State's Precision Research John Pellerin, Carl Falter, Michael Vanhaaren and Dan Luttrall. Center into its new offices at Centennial Campus. must kick Babbitt-habit First tenants move to Centennial Campus have a button stuck on my bookbag that says “Proud to be a Democrat.“ But that isn‘t true By Thomas O'Brien A cold and wet winter delayed work on the three story brick anymore. because my candidate has Staff Writer butlding. said architect Dudley Lacy of O‘Brien/Atkins Associates. but withdrawn from the race Bruce Jeff the parking lots should be paved as soon as the ground dries up. Babbitt called it quits yesterday. Like early American settlers moving west. NC. State began moving The centerwill occupy the first floor and help develop macltincry as I now get to choose America‘s Cherry south this week. NCSU‘s Precision Engineering Research Center left its part ofa $5 million Navy grant. potential next president from a old offices and braved the dirt roads and mud to become the first The space includes four labs that are built upon special slabs isolated group of candidates who remind me occupants ofCentennial Campus. from the rest of the building to reduce vibrations. Lacy also said that of used car salesmen. They talk too Workers are still grading the parking lots 3nd the upper floors have the temperature in these labs can be controlled to within one tenth of much. and they're experts at conyin l'iiion lhcrcloic llt‘ new. it.‘ not been finished. but staff and students of the research center said one degree Fahrenheit. cing people to give them money. an opportunity to i' it they were excited about the move. Cheryl Reynolds. the center's The other floors will be outfitted this year with NCSl,’ researchers Babbitt only got about 5% of the have appealed to yoi i it X administrative assistant. said she felt they should have arrived by occupying the second floor. A Dutch pharmaceutical company. Akzo. vote in Iowa and New Hampshire. ('urtilitta It's likc bcin: ton. f covered wagon to the new campus. will occupy office space on the third floor. Far behind Richard (iephardt. who forfeit tltc baseball rains i tl‘ enticed Iowans with trade programs you didn‘t do well lit I' that would subsidize American practice manufacturing mediocrity. liar Actually. he yyonltlnt it: v .3 behind Mike Dukakis. who went well .iiiyyylicrc. lit-t.n:- lii‘r ' ., after the granola/Volvo types in lacked sonic yit.il pic-inlcrtit‘ .r Money tight for Student Government New Hampshire by reminding them .tt’lt‘t’tsltcs \o \\tlt‘ int my. that he kept that state‘s Seabrook about moral integrity worm. in. By Brooke Cain biweekly meeting. to the red." he said after the sponsored the Agricultural Institute .aclear power plant closed by Hart is still lll iilt' l.li \\ StaffWriter At the last Senate meeting. the meeting. So appropriation of funds Club. said. "There should be a better refusing to approve evacuation plans talking about «:m‘mt finance committee recommended to groups and clubs has been system of finding out the amount of for towns across the state line if) {\lllL'llLdlls lictausi l. .. to. Campus clubs and groups may not $7.764 in proposed bills. but Tyson postponed. money we have available." Massachusetts. fy'lL‘rtt‘il lit \i“ \. get the funding they need from said when the bills went before the Senators were concerned over the Tyson said that the Senate has So because these two candidates "llymictowii .lllil :t Student Government this semester. full Senate. they were amended and mix-up in money. already spent about $35000 at this got early wms based on support but Student Body Treasurer Derek passed at a $12,574 total. Several clubs went through the point. “This is more than was spent front people who are completely What Hald‘tll l.i.i~ w Tyson announced Wednesday that The Senate is allotted a certain finance committee last week and by the previous Senate in an entire different in outlook from me. they ability to look girth: .. I. it, the Student Senate may be amount of money each month. and were led to believe that money was year." he said. get all the attention and all the looked stirl ol tiiiiitilcf .i' ' temporarily out of money. Tyson said he is unsure exactly how available to them. But when repre- The meeting was adjourned early. campaign contributions Meanwhile. bags ittidcr lit» y ll Senate finances are in limbo until much is left to spend. sentatives arrived at the meeting ”We should be about through Babbitt gets no coycrage and no yr'ry yiniil ‘tlli‘dl ~r- ii the-amount of money available is “We have other outstanding ac- Wednesday. they were sent home. because it looks like we‘ve done all money because he did poorly Ill two determined. he said during the counts at other places running close Susan Brooks. a senator who we can." Tyson said. of the most insignificant states Ill thc \r‘r‘l l\f\|\‘i Workshop d ‘als Swim team remembers former teammate I I With hazmg By Don Munk ('odelli said.
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