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Hale & Wednesday Specials Tirjw .IIA L € Phone 4496 DUCE TELLS

Hale & Wednesday Specials Tirjw .IIA L € Phone 4496 DUCE TELLS

HEm^iOtnr Eim tfito Vnvllk TUESDAY, DEC^EMBEB M, 19M AVCBAOB OAILV' Monday night so Tmck Is Hit why not come * up and Join the All those who have not made table SHOP WEDNESDAY FOR THESE SPECIALS! reservations for the New Year's Eve DUCE TELLS HITLER erowds an,d spend a sociable eve­ party at the Country club are asked i X . U . PAD BY NIGHT HRES ON NORTH ning. The time la and the Vets to do so without delay. Arrange- Francis Sumialazkl. 6. son of Mr. Plain or Lace Trim Rayon home Is at Manchester Green. conts may be made by calling, J. M. ^nd Mrs. LoiiIb Bumlslaakl of 12 BASEMENT Miller, 4444, Mrs. .Slieehan, 3912, Kerry atreot, waa taken to the Man- REMNANTS UNDERWEAR IS POSSIBILITY COASTJEAPORT Tickets for the semi-formal dance Earl Bnllalcper, 3762 or 8. O. >ohn- cheater Meruorlal hoaplta' yesterday SPECIALS at the Masonic Temple on January son, 7604. afternoon after he had been shot TO STOP ASSISTING Ve«to - Bloomeni - Panties g sponsored by John Mather (’hnp- in UXfl c'hln by a .22 caliber bullet Metal ter, Order ot be Molay. may be se­ A rehearsal for the Christmas from a riHe in the hands of Robert V4 to 1/2 OFF Spokesman for the Mattson SheUs Meant for Gijon Land cured at Metier’s Smoke Shop or play, "Jaselka,” will hi' hold this Gabby, 14. of Union street from members o< the cliaptor. evening at 6:30 at the Polish Na­ One large table flUed ’with The two boys were on Union c ea. Waste Baskets I tional church on Golway street, and street and the older boy, w’ho also choice remnanta of percale 19 Fancy decorations. Family Predicts Meeting in Hills; Loyalists Claim, FASCISTS IN SPAIN Hcprcsentat.ive-elect Kdward ,T. tomorrow evening at the same hour. owned the gun, told Lteutenaut prints, flannels, pUsse crepes, Murphy was tnit of liis ^omc ye.'?- William Barron, that he was shoot­ etc. of $28,000 Demand; Kins­ Fascists Deny Victories terday tor the first time In nearly Stanley Pnda of Woodbrldge ing at a tin can In the lot to the Take Advantage of Sale Specials In Both .'59c Ladies’ Fabric )c two months, diirinp which time he street, who has been employed by west of Union street. As he was 39< iindenvent nn fthd*imlnnl opcrafl-oi the New Vrirk, New Haven and about to pull the trigger, the officer women Worry Over Boy. In SI. KranclH hospital, HartfnriL The.se Store.s. Double Stamps Given With Another Shipment! Around Madrid. Condition o f Pope Pius ^ Hartford ralIroa/1 was Injured w’hile was told, the Sumlalaakl boy step­ GLOVES 50c working with the section gang yes­ ped In front of the rifle and the bul­ _ • « I ¥ r ^ All of His HighHigh Ranking Ranking The Brotherhood of the ('nnronlln Ca.sh Sales. 18” X 36” Cannon Miracle Sllp-on stylea. Colors: Black, terday. He was driving a spike Into let lodged In hie chin. Tacoma, Wash.. Dec. 30—(API — Madrid. Dec. 30, (A P )—The In­ Lutheran i hurch will m»M't tonight a tie when the •>|>lke hnike and part brown, grey. Relish Dishes Thin morning the bullet was re­ ew fears for the safety of 10-ycar- Considered Very Cjrave Army Officers for CoIlfe^ at 8 o’clock. of It entered the upper part of his In Irory and Brown. surgent cruiser Velasco attarketl moved. X-rnya having been taken DISH TOWELS old Charles Mattson were expressed leg. .soon after the Ix>y was brought to the northern coastal port of GiJon. today even as a family spokesman TTi( Kriendly i luh will ' the hoHpital, On heiiig developed c pr. somllng 14 shells Into the Muscl hllKs Vatclnn CUy, Doc. 30 i A D - r “; fered what was described as ex­ ence On Hearing Starding 47 predicted $28,000 ran.som would be meet with Miss Ain • Wilson. 1**' surroiintllng the harbor, dispatches cruciating pain all thmugh the they Hhowe«l the location of the bill- TheJW.HAL€COUP. paid before nightfall for the boy’s Pope Plufl. rpportod to have apcnl ! aprucf siiy't p'liH' idjjy nt 2 p. m 39. h i whh'h made it easier to operate Q for $ 1 .0 0 to the capital reported today. night anf .Many C'^isos We don’t seem to be able to 7.5c OTcdar quickly in response? to the lx)mbard- clared to havo ’‘improved some­ him by Dr, AmantI Milanl. his chief Brook has returned tj> her hotne ntf | were "definitely under way.” A The Injtjry to the youth now in keep these In stock. Large size, family friend added that Dr. W. W. ment. The Fascist W’arship left the what" today. physician, were said to have eased solim' Said to Wash His er a vi.sit witti h*'i si.Mt.r Mrs Wil I .T-'hn Th«>mns Hildidirand. 80, of Dull Finish Chiffon harl)or after turning machine guns the .suffering In his swollen legs for .'^'pnr.g street, arre.ste.i at hiM home the hospitar wn.H the most serious 18x30", with colored borders In Dusting Mop Mattson, the boy’s father, had the Pain In tli^ 79-year-old Pontiffs liam Ttirkin^; ton of ('rrhard (»f niUTHUTMis inslnnces of lrr»^ponni- CfH0US€^S0N, p onoy ready to pay the man w'ho on the defending ships, the report left leg tlimlni.slu’i) with the dl.snp- a few moments at a time. street. ln’d night l»y Policeman Raymond red. g:old, green, and blue. Does Triangular stvlc. declared. Hands of General Franco. (iriffin on a ch.irge of breach of the hle une of firearms in thickly nelUetl HOSIERY snatched his son from his home Sun­ pearance of a blood riot which had ITie I*ontlff frequently turned his INC. more dishes and drte.s them (The port of Musel, maritime en­ obstructed circulation In the para­ eyes to a crucifix suspended near } care, was given a suspended Jail areas by hoys fr»)m 12 to 16 years day night. In their beautiful Tacoma. Wash., home, overlooking Puget Sound, show-n in this night view. Dr. William .entence of l.‘’> days and placed on old. aj'i'onliMg to the police who faster. Leaves no lint. Woven Wanted shades. .Sires 9 to Four clear paths lay open for the trance to Gijon. w’as the scene Dec lyzed limb, reliable sources said. his bed. those admitted to th© sick­ Ic ■kidnaper to contact the prominent 18 of the shelling of the United \\. Mattson and his wife waited for news of their kidnaped son, Charles. Five telephone.** were installed room said, and prayed, looking at proi)atlnn fc)r six motdh.** by .fudge have been delugeer attempted to contact the family hy tele­ Despite the slight improvement, Berlin, Dec. 30.— (A P )—Virtually Raymond A. .If»tui.sMn in Police during the last few weeks. physician and collect the money. Stales gunboat Erie by the Fascist phone. concern was felt throughout the the figure of Christ in agony. every high-ranking German army But the boy's mother and grand­ cruiser Espana. The American ves­ It was disclosed that the Pope’s C'ourt this morning The arre.st In a campaign to fli.sarm the Vatican where it was feareolico have confis­ T h e COUP. with chrome covers. Surprise Attack the little city like a pall added to teeth for the Holy Father when It porta that Premier Benito Muaaolint - Ballroom Class JW.HALC harrn Keep him warm. He has Just had advtaed Relchafuehrer Adolf Government militiamen, mean­ was feared septic poisoning had mifviserl nn William E. Thiirnith, cated five rifles tn four days and Handkerchiefs had a severe cold." the sadness. mamchester Conn* while w'ere reported in a commu­ RICHBERG URGES CHANGE UNITED STATES His Holiness’ general comlillon set In. Hitler to atop helping Spanlah Faa* Will Rpopon ()n WcHncs- f(»rmefly of 326 Spruce .street, fur eight during the last two weeks. The elderly grandmother, Mrs. nique to have recaptured the village data. dav. .liiniiarv .'th, A t (!'.■ tmn-Hiippfirl of his wife. His case All are .22-cal(l)re gun.s. The five DRUG DEPT. 25c Charles Fletcher, said: "I don’t was said to be very grave. He suf­ The Pope Is 79 ycart old. > t:n*l t)cen ertniimied ftf>m two week.-i .sci7.e’s are think Charles will be able to stand of Villanueva de la Canada In a sur­ With a declalon on Germany** next move In Spain near at b a ^ Hollister Street .ScIkmiI ago 'rhis morning Jialge .lohns«>n all apparently new. ('hrlstina.s pres- W ednesday Specials 4 for 32c Odd Ix>t of being away from hi.s mother rnuch prise attack near Bnincte, 18 miles TO CHANGE ITS IN HIGH COURT RULINGS numeroua membere of the auuy to|(J Thumtlti he had nmde no at­ ent.s. the polics bclu've, fn rh par­ longer. They were verv close." west' of Madrid. . . r r y I'ti'/M v..> M .'(in w w M y SPECIALS tempt tfi co.-iect the sltuati<»n and ents. IN THE Framed F’icture.s Means of Contact (Reports from the Fasiist high command who never have been en* thualoatlc about Germon-ltallan Enrollmrnts for that he hat made nr» effort to help ( hief of Police Sanuiel (»„ Gfirdon .“iSc Ididies’ ."i9c Seamless Hot Contacts offered to the kidnaper command asserted, in direct contra­ NAVAI^OLICIES Ills wile, had n<* rea.sMi for not dn- SELF SERVE AND HEALTH MARKET A AMERICANS BUY LARGEST recognition of General Franclaoo ners Still ())M‘n. lhi.s mfirning sev vf‘ly criticized the were: diction, that Socialist troops were Mig'so and would he shown no len­ Water Bottles . . . C 50c (1) An advertisement in the Seat­ repulsed w'lth heavy losses in nf- Former Head of the NRA MOVE TO PREVENT Franco, the Spanlah Inaurgent Die- parents of the children for -tvlng Double Creen Stamps Civen With Cash Sales. iency. NECKWEAR tle Tinier inviting him to contact tacks both at Brunetc arwl at Villa­ tator-dcalgnate, or about helping rifles to minor.s and for pe'rmitttng 51.00 .Jar ^ the Mattsons. It said: Franco'a armlea with German vol­ them to ii.se the guns within the (timnint4'tf*d Ml PiirpoiM’ Sherbet Glasses nueva de la ('onada 1 Says Its Opinions Should Washington and London OIL RESERVES IN WORLD "Mable: Please give us your ad­ unteer*. reacted to the MubooIIqI town lltTilLs, Collar and Cuff SH. \vhite Cold Cream ...... O V J C with chrome holders. Near Amnjiiez. 2ft miles south oi dress. Ann," Madrid, on the south bank of Lh^ reporta with "I told you ao” bitter- Will (>>ntlniK* t^unpalgn 2 4 i lb. bag only. FLOUR Though members of the Mattson Tagus river, government reports Be Amended Rather Than Treaties End at Midnight neaa. Plnehiirsf v\HI Ho*-* ail day Friday. New dear's day. The t ampaign t as eoiiN l•^1^enf. tween Fascist and Socialist troqps FDR PLEDGES AID which from the atart doubted that used in settled area.*i will fie enntin- sources said unqualifedly the in­ the Constitution. Tomorrow; Two Big De­ 3 9 c ea. Fatcl.sl machine guns and artil­ Leaders to Have Congress II Ducc waa reliable a* an ally wer* ucil. ('hief Goidon .piumi.sed. 51.00 Wampole’s /J 7 vitation was published to establish U e ha\e a siippl\ ot enlr> hlankn f(»r %renoiir> new 5 lb. bag lery battered government po.sition.s doubly doubtful today. A brother of the lad now In the FLOUR Preparation ...... D / C (fiass Relish Dishes contact with Charles’ captor. Just Awarded Concession ' TO LABOR CLASSES Ile<’l|M' ronl«‘sl. Tliree compartments. .south of the town. cisions to Be Made. The commanding generala of ho-.ptlal had prrViou.sly rcpurt«‘d to (2) The boy's grandmother In rhlcRgin, Per 30 'APi Dnnalr] Act Quickly to Keep the 10 Ft. ItoH Sandwich A fierce attack by insurgents fail­ every German army corpa— twelv* the police (hat a bullet hail vvhlzzed .59c Zipper Top statement to newspapermen invited Stinsweet ed to regain lost po.sitions In the H. RichlxTg, lawyer and former nd- in Afghanistan— Is All ---- In all were In Berlin almultaneou*- PINKHUItST MKATS pn.sL his lo ad vshile he w;ls in his the kidnaper to use her as an in­ ...... 45 c 50c t.!sera sector, a war office commu­ minitttrator )f the NRA. told a dla- U. S. Neutral. ly with Der Fuehrer, Marahal Wer- Prune .Juieo hack yard Similar reports to the WAXED PAPER termediary, and offered him all the Wa.shington. Dec. 39.--- (AP) — KIDDIE BAGS property she and her hu.sband nique .«taid, and Socialist milltfamen nor von Blomberg, the defense mte- polb e have been nunierou.s. .‘?.")C Kleenex Q i tlngnlHhod auntlnuenn Derby CLOSE-OUT OF GAMES AND TOYS correct these error* is not to amend New York, high diplomatic circles rrmgressmen plunged anew today Expect Declalon Soon (iroimd Heef . , . lli. Doctor Mattson, his wife. Wllllain,' 35 STATES JOIN The ITo.sldent asked extension of permost for sf lutlon hy thr/admlnls- If was fortunate that nobody was the f'on.stitution but to amend the said today. While there waa no Immediate C'flin or I’ard 16. and ftiiurlel, 14 -was directed to the neutrality Inw giving him dis- Iration: Into a study of measures to en­ sitting he.slee Uie driver. opinions of the Supreme ('ourt.*' Ogden L. Mills, former secretary force minimum wage and hour confirmation of reports of general IJaldwin Special! Th<‘ ,\1 anche.Mtrr division of the CORNED BEEF 2 cans 3 5 ^ $1.00 (Jatne of Easy 1 I^t of Dolls 1 Table of open his oA'n mail without scrutiny rrelionary power to ban .nates of 1. Whether two new hnttle.ships o. the TreiLSury, is one of the fin­ bj office, s. Kichhirg'.s remarks were con­ standards with assuranr© from army-political conferences today Dog F(7od ConiUM li<*ul Power company has re- Choice: SECURin PARADE mimittons in civil conflirt. are to be added to the American anciers backing the Inland com­ Lames and Toys Predicts Ransom Today tained in an address prepared for navy, President Roosevelt that some Fed­ with Der Fuehrer, Informed source* fNijteii frejpiently that street lights. Short Shank, Siigjir CiirtHl, Smoked Money delivery before a joint meeting of He called the proposal of Robert pany. these high sources asserted. Values up to $1.49. A family spokesman, disclosing 2. What the Ignited States In- eral mrtve was in the offing. predicted a definite stand on tb* 3 cans 25c cs[iei;ially tlu>se on Kdg«Tlnn strest, the American I’nilliral Science As- Cu.se of .lersey City. N. J.. to send The ronresston. described ns "pro­ A pples 5 '^^25^ that actual negotiations are finder lentl.s to do about fortification of It.s Tlio PresUlenl’s observation that question of volunteer sailings to * have fieen .shot, out by small-bore .sociation and the American Associ­ S2.777.000 of airplanes and motors bably the greatest nntnpperi oil re- SHOULDERS 50c way with the kidnaper, predicted territories in the Pacific ocean. breakdown of former NRA tabor Spain, now under Franco-Britlsh Ciiciimbprs Titles ation for l.ahot legislation. Me as- to the .Madrid government 'a perfect­ ,S( rve In the world," was said In have Plnehiirvt 75c the ransom would be paid today. Some States Unable to Act Officers expressed general satls- been negotiate,I- with the Afghan standarrls has been Increasing spur­ pressure,, would not Ije long delay­ Toinatoos Hurt Olne>’*s 75c Lack of activity at the home dur­ .‘*rrt<’d the opinion.** ol the Supreme ly legal art hut contrary' to the ed. OraiiRe P«*k*H* < e\len country's interests. fnrtion with the state of the Ameri­ government by Chai’les C. red ronsldoratlnn by administration (AKKOTS ing the night led to the hellef . ne­ Court In the AAA. Guffey Coa) Hill, Sources close to Rome asserted H ( r lc ir 1 Lot of Dolls and (The sState Department had can fleet a.s the year ends, and leaders of several plans already pro­ TKA T om ato Ju%^.e pt. 4 oz. can gotiations might be taking place in Time to Ask for an Munieipnl Rnnkniptcies and Mini­ Duce, always an advocate of quick ( atilillowcr $1.00 Drum Sets 25% Reduction On mum Wage cases were not regarded granted Ciise a licen.se becau.se the hailed progress toward the navy’s (Continued On I’age Two) posed. HOSPITAL NOTES Stuffed Animals somewhere far removed from the objective of a combat flotilla of al­ and decisive actiun, bad decided to 2 bun. 13c as "rorreet or reasonable Interpreta- present neutrality law covers onK’ Although Mr. Roosevelt said at {■2 ih - 2 9 c .Spinach Autos, Velocipedes scene of the abduction. lotted strength by 1942, wash his hands of General Franco 2 cans 19c Although approximately 40 de­ ' Extension. tlon.s" of the Constitution by a large hi press conference yesterday that embargoes on arms shipments in In- Authoritative quarters predicted and had suggested that Der Fuehrer partment of justice agenLs were be­ number of authorities upon ron.sti- ternAtio.4al w’arfare.) Federal action would be precessary, Admit fed yesterday: Francis l(<.Kiiliir I.OHf Unlc'- (pinlllv Milk 50c and Doll Carriages President Roosevelt wdll lose little gracefully follow svilt. $1.00 lieved tc^ be tn the Tacoma area, G tutional law’ * It will take ...jt^jne aimut tw'^i FAIRFIELD GETS he did not sperlfy the form It would .sumi.'liiski of 12 Kerry .street, Ray­ time after the treaties expire In or­ lake. According to this theory Miiseo- mond Pancii.sse of ,')! West Middle C. Spears, commanding the hunt. WT.^hlnnton. Dor 30 --(APi l.regNlaturr l*nvvorle«4H months to prepare the order. Mr Pinehurst G rocery, Inc. dering eonstrnetton of two $ft0.000.- Amontf plans icing studied by llnl, when he Joined Germany tn rec­ Th'rtv-ftvr Ft.alrs have onartrd un­ * To return these opinion.s. he .*aid. Roosevelt .said he believed that if lurnpike. Fred Sartor of 134 .School BREAD 2 loaves 1 3 c 1 Table of 000 men-o-war. ognition of the Fascist "govern-, ; treel, (Continued on Page Fight) employment In.snranro lawa, th<' "it was necrs.shiy for the majority the Ncuttality Act could be amend­ lawyers In the Justice Department, 50c Stuffed Animals 1 Lot Has Authority REPORT ON AUDIT ment" In Spain, waa ready to old 302 Main Strrol Manchester. Conn. Di.si hargi d ye.*4terllay: Mrs. Mary SiiiiKhlne Mnrtlm Games and Toys .‘*orial .security board reportefi todav. of the court to deny to the legisla- ed quickly enough to atop shipment he said. Is the proposal of Senator In Onlors The last ('ongress authorized him O’Mahoney (D.-Wyo.) to require all General Franco within certain lim­ Siuunons of 16 Fast Middle Turn- Large Baby Dolls Values to $100. Your choice: with the po.sailHllty Delaware would Cu.se could not recover damages, to do BO if similai action were taken p.ke. Mrs. BcrUia Hiix of 24 IToc- jntlniied on Page l\vo) Interstate corporations to get Fed­ its—on^lSic aasumptlon Spain would CRACKERS eral charters. l,*abntlnticd On Page I^vo) (-•aklaivl street, David Husband of 25c The Delaware legl.alature wa?* County Board Spent Over might be enforced on companies any Bolshevist "menace" would b* Id Ridge street. Frfwh Green $1,98 50c dcadlockeil over a niea.'ure to com­ chartered by the government. quiukly counteracted. Biilh: A daughter to Mr. and AS HOUSE SPEAKER ply with the Federal Security Art. WOMAN IS HAPPY $40,000 in Excess of O'Mahoney has suggested, too, Now. however, that the Spanish .Mrs. Joseph Maori of ft Orchard BEANS 2 qts. 1 5 c but the hoard planned to atand hy tlml a Federal law might uphold conflict between Fascists and So­ fit reet. until late tomorrow. 11355240 50 Million Dollar Theory slate child labor standards by bar­ cialists has reached the proportioa Admitted today: David and Freah, Large Bnoch A Kentucky law was enacted late Appropriations. ring the sale within the state of of a "Little World War" througb Laura T(X)iiiey of Holton yesterday and rushed here for ap­ foreign enlistments, volunteer or | B-I-N -G -0!! DiarUargcil today: Susanne Robb Salsbury Resident Probably proval. (Continued On Two) otherwise, II Duce was said to view of 21 .Summit street. James Zaccaro BROCCOLI each 1 7 c tir Employers of eight or more per­ Of Elections May be Wrong J W . I I A L € CORK Soviet alliance with the Spiuilsb of 139 Glenwood street. sons In states which lack the Insur­ Bridgeport. Dec. 30 —(AP) — government as a problem Just . * ST. JA.MES’S H.M.L — PARK STREET Juicy Florida 0 Birth: A »Tn to Mr. and Mrs. M an ch ester Co n n - Will Be Selected by State ance tomorrow must pay a Federal But Sorry She Wounded Two Fairfield county commlnsloners embarrassing to England and 8:30 1*. M. Wednesday. December 30th Harry Crane of 77 Center street. tax on one per cent cn their 1936 Atlantic a ty , Dec. 30.— (A P) — a, Mllilken In the experiments in Col- spent a total of $41,604.90 in excess ONE DEAD, 6 HURT France as it was to Italy and Ger­ Census: Forty-eight patients. dor. 1 3 c m 2 (or payrolls before January 31. *rhcre’a a great battle waging In cago. of appropriations In the two fiscal many. ORANGES 2 5 c ‘ Democrats. th aclentlflc world ovei the deci­ Employers In states’ with laws Spectators in Kentucky br. Fletcher changed the liquid years between Oct. 1, 1034. an

▼ill b « received by Mr*. Sturgea, rope wma not tempered wlt& bjr any­ •tltutlon and 9upr*mci Court, Rich- prior to the arrival of the governor, TWO FARMS PURCHASED one.” ' berg summed it up with: LOCAL FOLKS GOING being escorted to ihe fi*ont of the PARH WAITRESStS MURDERER ESCAPES -.4- l t WBa- understood the Inveatlgfa- •'Foniearly 150 yeare tbe dry duit Manchester MAGAZINE COVER Michigan Woman’s Story May Solve Old Riddle UNITED states REBE CRUISER hall by members of the command. tore decided the rope was cut by of legaligm han been aiftiog down N. Y . Stocks The armory will be beautifully deco- FOR FEDERAL PROJECT the Bbor;) cd^e of a steel beam to upon the yellow parchment until Date Book now it has become very difficult for Wins Her Liars’ Crown TO INAUGURALiALL ratefi. with a light blue canopy ahd HERE AT PREMIUM DEATH ON GALLOWS which it was attached. EXCITES IL D U a white, grith gold ruffling on the Of Franklin’s Expedition Police expressed Indignation that TO CHANGE ITS common people to read ita meaning HRES0NN0R1H Adam Exp ...... 15H .Tomorrow out of words burled deep under suc­ walls, and roses and southern First Unit of Resettlement reports of the mishap were cabled A ir PUduc ...... 76 Dec. 31.— New YcAr’a Eve“ dance cessive layers of judicial Interpreta­ Chicago, Dec. SO.— ( A P )— Organ ^ ”But r u bs gol darned, Juat when smilax adorning the girders. New York, Dec. 30.— ( A P )— Long’^. Hudson Bay, in a few boura— by throughout the world and tried to Alaska Jun ...... 1414 at local Country club. Program in Operation in tion. Allegheny ...... 4 ized liars of the w'orld hailed ”^as that mosquito got old Maude half- Several from Town Planning The ball is always a unique social Difficult to Secure Mature a nddlc to science, the mystery of plane. suppress further Information. NAVAj^OUQES eOASTJEAPORl Alao third annual N ew Year’s New York State. Rope Breaks As He Falls "F ven when guidance Is sought A ra Can ...... 118 Dictator Declares Americam their queen today Mcs. Gale Bam- as well as military event, witn tra- They refused to permit Interviews party of KnIghU of Columbus at .way down, If old Maude didn’t *let Sir John F'ranklln’s lIMatcd Arctic "All Fll take will be two whUa (Omltimd from Pafo One) from the oracles of the Inner shrine, Am Horae Prod ...... 4714 house of Fowiervllla, Mich., deem­ ffition playing an Important part, with Atma Singh. ' (Continaed from Page One) Rainbow Inn, Bolton. toose with both her hind legs gnd - to Attend Foot Guard Women to Sefve New expedition of nearly a century ago men, by air. Then when we get to Unverified reports said the In­ there Is a confusion of voices and In Am Rad St S ...... 26^4 ing her to have demonstrated su­ for the military ball has a history New Haven. Dec. 30— 1/ P) —The King Williaro Island, w ell UM Throogh Trap— Recoyers Also sStar of the East, 'R. B. P., Do Not Know the Meaning break that nx>squUo’s back!" may h e ’solved this spring by Jack jured Sikh had regained conscious­ b y any other eJgnatory to the Lon­ a'single Delphic announcement the gent attack to cut communications Am Smelt ...... 941s premacy (for 1936) in a field hither­ extending well back int^i Colonial Resettlement Administration an­ E.sklmoea for the hunt,’* be •aid.’' people arc tola In loud voice that New Year's Eve dance at Orange Mrs. C. B. Forman of Attala. Ala . O'.Irlen. chief surv'eyor of the first ness and appeared to be recovering don limitation pact of 1030, which between Saellces and SeAplagueras, Am Tel and Tel ...... 185 to reserved by tradition to hus­ Party January 6. times. Gowtis and uniforms will nounced today IJie issuance ot Congress has been granted definite hall. Year’s Eve Dinners, Byrd Antarctl(' estpedlUon in 1929. in Hospital provided for a "building holiday*’ In near Tarcena along the Guadalajara Am Tob B ...... 95 of Fascism. bands. one of the finalists In the club's an­ make an effective setting as the c hecks in payment for the first two Also midnight show at State At 3*^ black-Jowled Jack O’Brien capftal ahlpa. authority to provide for the general highway northeast of Madrid. The Am Wat Wks ...... 2f>% Her tale of a monstrous Michigan nual contest, spun a yam about a state's leader is escorted by mili­ farms to be purchased in New York has jLicked about all the thrills of a Great Rrltaln already has an­ welfare, but that the power to enact war ministry asserted seterfU insur­ Anaconda ...... 'HH Theater, featuring "Born to Dance" mosquito so voracious that It dined freakish tornado which "blew the tary. officers and the honorary re- state for occupancy by rural fam­ laws particularly nfeded for this with Fileanor Powell. . .<5everal rr ;rients of Mnnrhe.ster ilies resettled under Us program. .Several of the local' clubs ami so "Rerll.M of I’aiillne" serial into hia SOUTH COVENTRY MOVE TO PREVENT nounced plans for laying the kccl.s gent troopers were killed and about Armour, 111 ...... 714 on the barnhouse Uvoslock won her Knot clear out of George E*odilIew*ot- * eption committee. Members of the Shanghai, Dec. 30.— ( A P )— Atma purpose has been reserved to the Rome, Dec. 30.— f A P ) — Benitc are planning to ’ attend the Inau­ Dorothy M, Berk, regional direc­ cleties planning New Year’s . Fv*' ' life -as World War avtato*. explor­ of two new battleships early In 40 wounded. Atchlifon ...... 72 This Week the Burlington. WLs., Liars’ Club ter’s brand new four In hand lie ” governor's staff, other, military Singh, hulking British Indian and states, or to the people, or, very Mussolini Is annoyed at what he re­ tor of the administration, said that er, erstwhile "sand hov". hig-game 1937. The Madrid defense Junta an­ Auburn ...... 29 Jan. 2-3.— Preaching mission In medal, aw'arded m absentia last "That twister earned George’s tie gural ball for Governot WiRnur L. officers, out of state guests and parties are expi'i ti'iicln^ dilTuullv in I While motoring through the c o n v lc ^ murderer who escaped WAR PLANES SALE The United Rtates ha.s 15 hattle- likely, prohibited by the Constitu­ Aviation Ctorp ...... 7 Manchester. gards as the United States’ failure clear out of loam and while fl>dnR many others will join In the grand with the Iran.sfef of title. Federal .securing waitrcs.ses for the ;*i liedul- hunter and meml>cr of the New tion nounced that Socialist troops kll'ed night with appropriate ceremonies (' toss to l>e tiv.-n bv th»* First (Nim- constnictHn' crtn\’s began remodel­ Shenandoah Valley, J. M. Chamber-, death on a^scaffold. achieved "Im­ shlpA, o f which seven will be o ffi­ Balt and O h io ...... 2114 Next to "appreriate” Fascism, Count Ihnmgh the tir the Ue plcketl up a maiih following the sURo officers. eu partie!*. Th*' ly)'*' ot parties plan­ York A*iv*'ntur*"-' ( ’ lub. "As a result of several recent de­ 5,000 Fascist Infantrymen and drove via radio. panv, iJovernor'i F<' -t Gi ir ', Hart- ing the dwellings and barns. lln and family of South CJoventry mortality” today In a police hospl- cially over-ogc Friday. The last Bend lx ...... 26 Jan. 3.— 24th annual banquet of Christmas tag. The tomatlo carricsl foril, January 6 The will start immediately ned exeUi'h's cnga^«'ment f*f young F-lut h**'s not out for a thrill this (CV>nttDOMl from r » f « One) cisions of a m ajority of the justices back an insurgent column supported Francesco M ano Guardabassl ^MUd The mosquito, the farm wife re­ One of the farms, known as the girls ns waitrensto,; and the supply visited the famous Endless Caverns UI. was c<}mpleted in 1923. a year after Beth Steel ...... 7614 Sub-Alpine club in clubhouse on it over Into the next county and after the reception to the governor time. He's just ciirlous. of the Supreme Court, annulling na­ by four battalions of German sol­ today. lated. "used to cat up our baby M.iny state otTi* lals. in addition Robert H. Swope property, in the near New Market, Virginia. The husky, bearded Atmas Singh, the Washington treaty estahli-shed Beth Steel, pfd ...... -12744 Eldridge street. tied It-around the neck of George s who will stand at the front of the nt mature women for the work has "The case h(i8 always puzzled Chairman I^tlman (D.. Nev.>, of tional and state laws on the basis of diers In a southern offensive yester­ Count Guardabass), who has talk­ chjeks. After that it starte*Ktslatnre. will town of Venice, will be iwed for dimlnljihed as many have been call»*ti a Sikh from British India, was to the "ft-5-3" ship ratio among the Borden ...... ,T.... 26G' Jan. 6.— Glee club con­ second cousin. Elmer, w'hom he had hall during the reception of the me," he said today. the Sanate foreign relationj com- highly debatable interpretations of day. ed with II Duce about R, la the hus­ ing down grown ducks, then turkeys attend the i.'ill The govenioi. who part-time poultry raising. t* qteady work in the pa.st tew United Statoa, Gn*at Britain and Can Pac ...... )4% cert at Center church, auspices colors. "Noho"dv know.s what happened lo have been hanged yesterday but the mltUo Ifl drafting an amendin^nt to Dispatches from Andujar, In Jaen band of the former Ro.sallnd Wood and finally, when it w'os full grown, forgotten to send a present to” V ill on that liay St i t his fourth The other, known n.s the Cath­ month.s. .Tapan. Britain also has 15 capital vague phrases In the Constitution, a Case (J I) ...... 141 Group 2. them. OiN of FTanklln’.s entire par­ rope snapped as he plunged through authorise Prcaldent to prohibit great many people are asking such province, claimed decisive gains for of Prides Corner, Mass., a daughtei it ate three of our calves ffTTfi w o Another finalist was Roman Links tcrin, will (urive at the armory Following the march there will be erine Sullivan property i.s in the towm Manchesti'r will have,.six large ships and .Japan 9. Cerro De Pasco ...... 73 Jan. 8.— DeMolay dance at Ma­ ly of 129 ofTlcers and men. who set the trap. He suffered a brain con­ mnnltlona shipment}! to Hlher. aide I)er4.1nent que.stlon.s as: 'A rc w'c liv­ the Socialists. of the late William H. Wood, found­ of our milk cows. of San Francisco, who put anldr -^'lortlv j< jnnl will he a supper for the entire group. ot Genoa, will be devoted to general parties this year lo he spon.s**re*l t>y Another Pndilem Ches and Ohio ...... 67‘-i sonic. Temple. farm ing and poultry raising. nut in 1815 to find a northwe.st paa- cussion but lived. in a major rlv'U war. ing under a Con.«tjtiiUon or under a er oi the American Woolens Co. "Yes. sir. she wa.*» a moan one -- civic pride to make public the receh'e*! with th*’ tradilional rere- the Knights of ( ’olumlms at Ur*' | The second prohl«-ni for this gfiv- Chrysler ...... 1181V .sagE' a**ni8s the top of Canada, only The several thousand Indian In­ Supremo 'Court ?‘ INST UGKNTS* REPORT Coming Ewnts He recently made a quick visit tc but the mosquito Is dead now* She "facts ’ about one Frisco fog no The lands comprise 75 acres and Ri.lntxrw Inn, the Arm y and .Navv i Not Bf^hlnd Sale emment Is c-realed by the ending of Col Carbon ...... 120 cost the government $3,100. a f*’W_ .Mkeletons were foun*t. habitants of Shanghai regarded At­ ‘There arc many ab’r public With Fascists, Outside Madrid. Jan. 24.— Annual meeting of Rome to confer with Mussolini. Aft- finally decidef town {a itr*’-- in Ro-k .si'iti'tl ttieir two . smni) ships on Sha Kur. hts young wife, was desirable legislation to protect and attack on Villanueva de la Canada, year graduation at school audi­ New Haven — Jiidge r.arroll C. ity Art, which expires May 1. will refrain from erecting new fmtlfica- Com Prod ...... 6B1t, either side by daggers labeled "Faa- being acquired. Paynenl is being ville, whore thr FUks will hoM a big .■\pttl 1848. after they had been weak with Joy but she glowingly ex­ advance the general welfare and to three miles to the north. torium. to be held at the same Mmi* as the Iiincks gave trustees ol the New 2 ’2. be Introduced. Uons or naval bases In cer^ ln of Del Lack and W e s t ...... 17'4 cism" and "Communism." facilltnlod und clearance of title nncl party, and Hartlm-d h<>tcl.H I'h*' e clos*.'*! ment and the aubaequent bill will be corough. Ma.ss . for $42,200. Jun*', 1.817, was to avenge an Insult against her ngieement he rrnew’ed, but this anrl Ea.stnmn Kodak ...... i ...... 172 Feb 1-2.—"Petticoat Fever." 3- iilood in the CniLod States, ’ said the well have Iheir servii-e at noon, Of the familie.s who will occupy all *tay witli no ra n ii i. p,u**-l |**>st the queatlon of whether the Freat- and leaving more than 100 casualties • Hot th*‘V n*'ver f«mn'l Franklins that Atma Singh slew another con­ recent sujyrgnstk.nM in the Tokyo Filer anrl ^fiis ...... 5 act play by the Community Play­ ELECTS OmCERS but as the same pastor smv«*s the New liillain- The lownsp*‘ople. the farms, 70 are iTiung n'settlc'il or rural ser\m «• Stamp. M gi.siry. dent'.a embargo powera should be on the tieM. I'Mint "It i.s ai).‘iiird to place Kas- iincly, nor .li-l tliry ever ai’c«)unt for stable of the ShMghal International press that .fApan wa.^i ^Ripared to F"lc<’ Auto L i t e ...... 39 \ ers at Whiton Memorial auditorium two churrhe.s. su< h in ai rang^rnunl some 35.(MM) strong, turned uul to from poor agricultural lands in the parcel p turned over eventu­ LfO'l.'in Invi'Ht igal ion," O'Brien said. Elver since he was sentenced 1 have ernment plans to aw'alt a further REPORT ON AUDIT Gillrtto ...... 15 L with all others of the area arouml 8 30 « . m. anay. Scenes un- ally to the state ron.s*'i*\ation aIo- •I'll I've g«)t a hunch I can find out firmly believed he would not die. crystalltzatirin of issues Foremost 1 trrkrr FTotl , ...... 13 L Italian Society. WilHniantir. are inviti'd t*» par4ln New i ( j K i n a m a n yeaterday that he bellcveked I5»lar seas, ly to spare the Sikh from the death ll, re." he advlse.s that $50,000 of it right flank o f the in.surgent lines AVIlllam R. .Martin, nunl.s wree more general among Amedeo. pre.*iiilonf; P (.'ordera, vice lend you cash to pay -odd blHs amendment becauB© it mlf2:ht be three airplane carriers, 11 endsers, I.elifph Val H d ...... 19 r **ceivF'*l. merly held the women's world r*'*'- O'Brien I'Xpect.** to "hop" across the sentence but had not announced an he set up As a contingency fund "to south of Madrid which la.sted until Local Representative Americans." president; F. FarrhetM. eorrrepond- sLow, the Rev Marion Gioeger of PARTY FOR PUPILS — or to buy the things you subject to varying interpretation!!. 63 ilestnjyers and Ik submarines, Ligg and .Myor.« B ...... 107', Middletown. an*l Miss Amy W*'l* h- HarUonl Appointment of ord for distance, took off' to*lHy for frozen \\a.st**s fr**m (,’hosterfield, on alternative penalty. Tiliviate the necessity of borrowing early Tuesday Bid A-'^kcd uecrotarv’ i B. Relfiou*. finain lal need ~ and you can repay hi Other appllcatlona had been made aggregating 288,215 tons. L/»t‘W'.Tic G arrily entertained small monthly payments. Come perts found the break In the rope 000 he usetl to maintain a lixed’ 1.000 Socialist casualties in the bat­ Conn. River Hk...... 450 bers of the .’ reaching Mls.-»lon Spanlflh war, he ©aid, but when the MrKrt'sp Tin ...... S6 »i States would help to correct the Gremmo and G. Aibo. tni.^teew; tJ ct'mpensnuon division of the State lantic crossing. her piano pupils Monday afl*'rnoon in and tell us how much you was doe to a cause not foreseen. The checking account balances to eliml- tle w’hlch was direited primarily Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . 77 Team Items on the pn»gram tncliule j State Department pointed out they Mont Ward ...... 56 ■rrM.^apprehen.sions" about Fascism Naretto, G \ Rotta. G Per etto. F h. hor dcfjurtment was announced. Ml.ss Baslle expected to complete with a Christ nuus party in hcr .stu- need, today n.xle bank service charges. against Carabarrhel. just south of Htfd. Nat. Bk. & T r. 30 a Young Pt*«*ple'p Rally and a Men s NOW I K A l tvould violate the aplrtt of the law. RICHBERG URGES CHANGE Nat Bi.sc , ...... and offered his owm services in such Gavello. F. Plano. P, Peiln, L Zep- He will have charge of the clerical the 2,000 mile flight in Ic.as than 12 *lio in the State Theater hulhlinr: I'lir rnip nr InCerea! rliarKeA ^ , No Word of Kxtravjitfunee Madrid. . . 32 ‘4 Phoenix St. UK A Tr 280 ' .Meetlni.. to he hel*l SuiuIh evening, | lhr«f> per rent, per montli, they w’ere withdrawn. Nat Ga.sh Reg ...... 30 >.. an effort. Forty years ago, tiie pa. executive committee; G I’lano staff and \vill handle purchasing. hours. She look off nt 0:23 a. m . Bingo was playe*l anairv ...... 23*4 count began an independent crusade marahal; G. Antonlni, dtwrkeeper. Norwich -- Jo.seph Desjarlais, 45. ^2:23 a. m. e. s. t.t. uer.s w*‘i'e Florence Danc(i.H.se, Peggy ^ Ninety per cent of bualneflfl men. IN HIGH COURT RULINGS the chiim given prominence in the said, "were no more than two Aetna Casualty ...... 103 J08 place .Mon*lay forenwm The t»*ain i MINCE PIE annum on the anpnld nmoanS Personal Notices he said, had gone along with this Nat nigflil...... 281.. among .VnuTKans for a more favor­ painting contractor, fell to his death The record now la hold hy Jean Noonon and Jan«'t Boytl. Mrs. Gar- of the loan. KieMlierg aurllf that the balance on dozen." Aetna F i r e ...... 49 51 will speak at the Wllhmanlic Nor- | I t*«et Sfoninrh I N V Central ...... • • 4 ! able attitude toward Italian immi­ ano Ovlla Bell.sle of Jewett City, his Flatten, New Zealand woman, who rity afterward tr«‘»it(“d the group of view, but he declared Cuse’« action hand, the $l,0u.0O0 insurance fund Insurgent officers said the attack Aetna Life ...... 27'^ 29H* I null scb<«>! at I 30 p. m Mon«lay Mrr* with firtl.an* G. \V. llealiUa (Oontlnoed from Pago One) N Y ,VM and H ...... 5*2 grants. hrother-in-law. Was injured slightly made the crossing In 13 hours and girls and t)*>ys lo a thi'alor pa^t^' at repreaented the other 10 per cent. and redm tlons in the hiulget be in the Rrun^te area apparently was Automobile ...... 31':. 33*2 A wi-man s meeting will he n*'M at Room 3—^Ntntc Theater BMv* .North Am ...... 30'.. During hi.*; audience the count when H staging on which Uiey wen’ 15 minutes. th*' Slate 'rhealcr rns Mnin Street TH. .TtS« CARD OF THANKS Mr. Roosevelt explained he look­ I I n elnn.m fr fh,r iMimuit a de.sj.erate thru.st to prevent in­ Conn. General ...... 31 3.3 I HEBRON 3 ) Ml . the same 1.57bi to I oiumcmuratf' fuundation * • I’flUlg Scientists hav*’ traci'd Malh'y's term vvouM l)*-gm .Mnn'ki',, .lanu.i nelirhborfl for lh<-ir klndnf*B to ii«i erc'ise of a lepj.slntlve power ex- The n fir.rt do<‘S not dl.*-ru.ss Penn ”...... 40 t A iuith'lav p.iitv t'T s» \r'i-\t’.ir V* tcrina. uiDi dn‘*l of a heart attack. PERSONAL embargo power to block any dam­ Mnilriil |ii Kl l-:Hcr.Tial a flii the .‘sfv National Fir<> ...... 61 66 ’ j ')f'Lh** Italian Empire 'I’hc Duce al­ comet back to Uic year Y-IO B C. at the lime of the dcaili <>f U’ I'll. If.« I'cdgC ...... old Betty H'‘Ttnn took plafe S.-iliir The P-- V P A L*'\M.h f..r th* Ml was born in .Middletown and FINANCE COMPANY age action Cufle mlghc bring If hla Phoenix Fire ...... 9o 92 * 1 located ihe money for the construc­ loved wife. daughter end elei-r. tion " He added; and iiirilu iriicy ’ in the hantlling ol clallsl.s' futile attempt to pierce the Phil Prfe ...... ilay afternnon nt the home of h»*^r t.’-.cm*' of his sermon at the i**nigi« came to Meriden 20 years ago. Cdlth Farr Cafro. also, we vrleh to shipment la Btoppcnl . . ,51 \ RossIr Insurance . . . . 10'^ 12'5 1 tion t)t Fascist headquarters build­ "Our entire Hchenie of govern­ county fund.«i rna«fe by Frlediu ig or insurgent right flank south of I’ llfi Scrv ,I ...... parent.s, Kepi'e'*'ntatrve anil .Mr© g. liorial * hutch S itulay, ir-.* express our appreciation for the .Madrid .‘^uniljiy. . 4 8'j Traveler.*! ...... 460 48U ings in Pda. where the,, CQunt owns .Meriilen Two Meriden p(*lice of- beautiful floral tributes. ment depend.s on mnlntnlning In the tieat in drtall of county cxiutuIj- ftadin ...... 11'. Kdrniiml H. Motion Six little ^;iri tho .;;h' • If I . oiilil l,jv. i.'il I fii'ials, l>'*t. Sergeant Francis J. H ig­ Th oT J K-.connl roml is of high Pllbllr 1'tiMty Storks much property. Kdward Cafro, integrity and <-uprernary of the leg- turA*.*^ It dor.s cornpi l.-je. ,in sonu*- F-tt-fiflinp ...... IP-, frienfl.H werr iruMled hrin^uru: th*' Y-ai .M '" ■ gins an»l Lieut, .lames RoFjney, an- Mr. and Mr*. Philip Pnn OROC’FHY STOHF. Rf>BnFI) .strategic importance to the Madrid ( 'onn. LI. and Pow. . . 7u l.slnfive authority exercLsed by the wlujt'' ,‘-iiii,!;ii fi.i'in. '.tTmien.lji- Rem H a n d ...... • 1 numlier <>f th«».*»e presrnt up In n*»uni*Ml the recov**ry of about 1.000 Florence Karr. ibdr-n-r rint only (or- thr movrn.rnt Conn. P o w e r ...... 5.'1 KKIM BLK AN ( \(T I S electei! Hepre.sentatIvoH within the •loIlM IlMd- 111 tlu- iMirilhrfg Irpnrt 15‘V Tot) B ...... 5f) > . i*even. Betty'a oM*'r br'*>ther .lohn } *)unils of pure hickie, worth ab*)ut Mr. and Mrs. Ftllx Farr, HrldgcjHirt. ppir 30 iA l*l - of n-infi.r. rmt-nls. but al.^wi to pir- llUd. Elec. L t...... 67' Mr and .Mrs. J"afph I'-vcrl" fieM of power wlurh ha.s hern | hu' a iiD*:* Up lo-datf aictunling .S(tf»»\vav S to rr**...... $500. The metal was located on the rhilllp C. ('otmll, propriftiir of a vriit cfiinplcte r-nnn lenient of th‘- . . 42«-. Washington. Dec. 30.— (A P ) — helped *-ntertain tlx* children hy Mr. and Mr*. Anth'mv l*♦■yo^lo, g n in t^ to them hy the people In ^ .'^I'henb’V ...... Hartford Ga.s ...... 4 1 4 5 san property where six ton.s of grocery store, reported to the police .*iyHtem. the r.'Atatilirihnu'nt of a enn- ; I'ltV 4.3'a Hnu.se Pvepuijlicans were summoned showinc motion piclm*>s Gam*'?’ TOLLAND Mr. and Mr*. Edward Pagant. Iheir Constitution j .'(•nrs P.*)ehiirk ...... So. New Eng Tel. Co 1.57 161 luf klc wa.s dug up last w**ek that tw'o ^outhful liandlt.s held him tial jiui I ua.sing system, with some j . . 85 today to a eaueu.*; Monday morning. were ami a fine tim*' uni'fv "It Is fa.shlnmilile foilav to er-n- i form of piiMic ludding'^ \s h<-n prai--' 'heU- 1 'n l'm ...... 27-'V* •Maniifjieturlng Stocks ed- A ipp*'r wn.s 5*’iv*‘il, with a Thr» e m»*n are being hol*l in con- I t s up last night and cs(;aped in an au­ Representative Hop<> (R.. Kan.i. H.’Ut •.' I ’•TO. .1 .s t J'i‘ ii t .it phaM/e thr danger oj uncutist it ii-I til able, ami olli.-r book-k<-eping im- .<. .n V \ 'f t f ...... 16'R 1•Veme W i r e ...... 12 i»irthila\ lak** with *^«’V**n ■ anLllr.** lu'ctiim with the d!.s*'ovcry of the tomobile with between $40 and $50 rnueu.s secretary, sent out the call irg* wp l.4)'Avll, . I.-* n tlonnl extensions of legi.sliit i\»■ | [ii <)V»-inr ut s. South Paf . . 'U R Am. Hardw.are . 37 muiin;: Ih** tatde i. U'tal. taken from the rash register. JNE DEAD. 6 HURT Arrow i f and H. com. .59 fi'ir party members to go thr'ovigh power. But the groalest dangrr to | .'Souih Rwv .. • 'J5 ’ , 1 61 Mr{4 Hr*>wn Mumphi»*yp ol V* I' I h*’ h* •l;n naming candidate*: i>ur Institutions of goveniinent whicti Brand.** ...... •■n Li, 'Im'iI dollars damage to the second . 15 for the speakership anil other Hou5h» Harltor” m"ioied out to .•*p«-r:d ^\\n- Quickly checked been usell.\nd friend.^ of Dr AMERICANS BUY LARGEST IN FRENCH RIOTS . 9 of: '<-.s controller! ijy Dr'mociat.s. ilav at h**r Hehron pllu* fli'or *>f a four-story building oc- without "doting." abandoned an hour after the erim**. l.s rising out of uncnnatitutlonal ex .“^t on oal ...... Cfiliins (.'o, .. 12.5 Wright Ii B*;in '.irr** q *. < iipii'il by the Hri.stoi Ccuncll of Boy . 43 Reprc.scnlative Snell, (R. .N, Y ». Mis.s ( ’I«ri.*4»a L. Pt'iulleton u a.*' t o b e T h r i f t y One of the young men had a gun. ten.slons of Judicial power” ' St Oil N J ...... Ci'lf.s Pat. Firearms . .53 i*’.irn of ii..- iKu*'- .it th. S(*)ut.s. The names were first seen 70 .s<>cmod a.s.smed o/ continuing a.s lh«* ‘6 m‘f'h»‘\\ and in ■ .. JuMt A / I C K S Cotmil said, and djpmanded that h»‘ Rev iewa lllntnry (OoiitlrHjfHt from I'ai;*' Diir) It'X O i r p ...... Engle J^r’ k ...... 31 34 h.hrwM'i u -4i.;t,,l y ,n..- t)V an «’ngin**er of a westbound New OIL RESERVES IN WORLD . ,54 minority leader. 111*' Ki'V and -Ml.'* Mi''.Yaid rx/o on V V a p o R u b put up his hands. Reviewing tne history of the Con I imken R«il'er F1*’nr ...... 73 Fatine^earingp ...... 12-5 Havi-n pa.ss* ng**r tram who blew the Tho iiiel.'il t,ra .) utrA'parly tnnigfvi m a rwaining 1 'nr m P a c ...... 125*4 Landers, Frary & Clk 40'i. 42'a .Mr an.l .Mrs John H .Si**-•le Hartford—Dr. Martha Louis Clif- iPikc ■ ■ Champe’a clmn'h Sunilay evening: ■''irt. fT>rmor Arncricsn minister' I 'nit A Irrraft . . . . Mann & Bow Cla.ss A 9 ' 11 'S .M'Vt Iibi WUHan'.s cihu Ii -qi* n fonl s aupointn'cnt as director of ' • An .'inla anil I ’crsia. and Frcd- do., ( ’la.s.*) B . . . 1 ( ’harl«*s Wilson, fornu'ilv of thl.s Piilillc sprripp wovkors rtofl^d a Unit Corn ...... 6 \ th*’ iOiMii'i in lodiind fi I =4 r I't ill *1 Ih*- bureau of child hygiene in the lu k G. (')app. technical export with .New Bnt. Mm., com 36' plat f. di*'d at th*‘ horn** <>f in.*' Stat** «l»'partnu’nt of health was an- frovommem ban on tliajr di-monstra- Knit Gas Inip . . . . 15 38 *'*1 t‘« h*'f ti im*' at \V Ji>. i "Ifices in New York. do., pt'd...... 95 n In front of the .Muhjcipa) bulld- H- S ftiihber ...... 48 U gi.'i (.Vinversatlon.s were held over a inp: la-st nlftht ami at loa.^t .aix po P S Steel ...... 78.% North and ludd ...... 38'_; jm., Mar lbnrou)’ h. Satunliv He would I. Dr. A. Klizabeth Ingraham, who period of montlis in Kabul, tVru va. Perk. Stow A- Wilr(>x 18.; STATE • nav** l»e*-n 96 vt-ar** dii if he lia*t Mr uid .Mr Ki .'in*' .H .M-» :n retiring. Hi '-men were injured in ri'Hlnf and , We-ilern I'mnn . .. 80'.. and Berlin whAua tiu^ agreeiiirnt was -*rk. .V J . I .p.-nt a io-puliij.an ifuard thrown- from ; tt'esi PI and .Mfg . . M 7 ‘ v Russell Mfg. Co...... 33 37 TODAY nd THl K.sDAY Iive*l until npring Mr Wilson wa.- .signed hy Hart, ('hipj> ami Fai'z ■ a.** gu*'.^ts uf .Mr .M* .i u.iri hi.s mount and fataiiy hurt. \Vnril'.,orth ...... 62 Srovill .Mfg Co . . . . 47 4 9 i strii ken with a piraistn sho« k a i r • HAPPY NEW YEAR Mohammof! Khan, Afghan minister' G i; I Htidti,. ■! n*’r. Mr. .'Sjir.in N"ii?- The disorders ended after mtmlcl- F.lec Bond and Phare iCurh) 22L Stanley Works ...... 52’ 2 .54 ', year or two atro. and 'um e Hial lim*' 0. foreign affairs .ind H< \*Tni ollirr in t-' vr; I>ai authorities agreed to receive a Torrington ...... iu> 98 had heon jiiadiiallv failing' H«* Sought Oipltnl I'nion .Mfg Co ...... 13 .M'-* Hamlin \s ^p4 niltnj; h ' deiegatifin of the (ienif'nstratprs. 1.5 leave.s. tHvsid*'.s hi.s da;u.:ht*'r. t\M> I'.UNFI L FEET niploniatfl said that when Mart U S Envelope, com . . SO •la’.-- j».** gih*st of her H*»n h'r.-*1 iri .Many of Ih,'. Je.iHng, cat-railing s(ms. Nfuman and Kmeat of I!*-t>ton K ()('<■ and Back .\chee retireil as mlnl.'iter to Persia In 1933. do., pfd ...... i;;2 familv at .N'or\salk, <’*>nn empinyes were subway employes, FDR PLEDGES AID Funeral .servii'*’H and intermtrjt |,r .Marten Hr i ; ti.iif.iitl trrf ti» normnl. Old firemen, street sweepers and park were h»'ld in Mar Ib«>nnigh .Monday ernm<»nt.H askeil him to find capital Whitlock Coll Pipe .. 9 ] ■ unfsBl" ..b.blti"'” ley was fn-ld m K«Kkvill*' Cu-'aiI ei (Im ik iI tttkf lnl» ronaidrrn- employ.-s 1 Mrs KlizalM’th DoyU* 'f fnion- 11.. 11 fl.fti »•• (440 Fcri arr rsnctly In e\pi"itlng the Afghanl.stan op W l a b o r c la s s e s J. B. W illiams Co. . . . .37 42 H 3,000 -.tomlna’ ..-in a' M'«^ Hi idU v wax the **rn in rull.ind an*! a r*v4i'l*-nl fi- <4iii«Mi4«- ntr44'liliip« r*a**1 con-> the Tnlancl Exploration ^'ornpany. for higher pav lOnn^oed from One) UiUve and Mrs HMinuml H Motion .ill. tt •>( rn*'N fool. No ■uraamnrk. Chapman Valve ...... 36 38 Mi.ss Jane HelrnoM of \5’illimant n until tiijfuij*'s^ ( allfvj him rl.<4*\sh* r- eontro!h-fl b\ the Senboard Oil Oom- Hope., for a "rapid, fair settl.’ - Conn. Invest Mfg. .. SV* v,,rr (...•iti\r rrlirf. \o t'harac for cor-'ds msde. elsewhere which did .*!pent the week en*l as the of A:it>n Pratt. Jr, of VNin-l*- r . n.iiloitlon, pany wiUi (fase, F'omperoy and Onm- ment" were held out for the piibll,' ' Elec Steam Sterilizing 2\ pnny holding large mte^eal.c The not meet itsr requirements. Ml.s.s M*Tle Jon*-'* /'onn VA ?L.M a Sunday gu*'Ti <»i ■service workers after the Munieipal ' Foundation Co...... 9*8 lunil fnenl'*idol»(lBt — and to complete the in the Seatxc'.rd tMl . Oumpany ol LTf.sterl another method to sofne offi­ h*'ld Uu-* rv«'ning at Ih*' t«-d*r lor., .loilared "the Municipal Coun King Setdey (*''orp. . .. 13 15 visitors at th*' horn*' *>f .Mrs Ihir- r»elaware. l-’i-shei hrothiTS ert F. Porter To Inoreuae Rusin«'aa Mr and .Mrs (Tuv«ter Gli.ijgh saflsfart Ion to Uiem most of a Federal payroll New York Bank and Ins. Storks and sons, Gib.s Tlie concession also requires that the conce.sston company must be en­ maze of tracks over which modern legal viewpoint, hy recent decisions trying ...... 14 16 and Mrs. R. K Stack, in Brooklyn, niollH't. Mrs Anna Gratinm. tirely American. A'staff of en­ monsters travel. of the Supreme Court upholding .Monhatfan ...... 30 32 N. Y. Harlfor*!, were week-en.1 gue^tji «*f ‘by Pentland” gineers will be sent U) explore the A 16-by-24-foot slab bearing the similar rlevlces used for other ends. MaiHifact. Trusl . ... 50 ,32 Word has been rectuved of the relatives Odd and plan development work as prehi.Mtoilc Imprints was found by The President said i dm not Natio'pal City Bank . 36 bj 38 i.i death of Timothy Trainor at the Mr an4 Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hiiding In Tolland, aa Tolland was her hoint* chids, gardenias, lily-of-the-valley or roses . . the have reported many natural seep­ mal tracks have been found In rnck.s Baltimore American . '^, Brilliant scales set up by the Invalidated 8 lOM, gave a party Monday afternoon at for many yeare. her father manag ages which prove -the richness of the at other points In the Connecticut Excess ...... ft 7 NRA. their home to observe the luth ing a Itolel here called the Ive-a final note to complete your ensemble for the eve­ fields. valley. Fid. and Deposit . . . . 121 12.3 birthday of their daughter. MIm House The concession would require Great American...... 27 29 New Year's Lola. School friends helped cele­ Mra. May CThapman Holt of Kim k 1,000 miles of pipe Une to carry the Th© nlghthawk migrates the Halifax ...... 20 22'4 ning., brate the occasion. Among those ville was the gueat organJal at a oil across Persia or Baluchistan, de­ greatest distance of all the land Hanover ...... 36 37 WOMAN IS HAPPY present were the Misses Sylvia and public recital given on the new pending on the outcome of negotia- birds— from Yukon to Argentina, Home Ihs...... 3914 4114 Kathleen Martin. Josephine Pum- Hammond electric organ at the Tol­ Uons with these countries. 7000 miles away. Home Fire Security . 6 V4 7 4 MANY” PEOPLE lake tlirift like tlu-v do ca.^tor AT INTEREST— for those other FUTURE luxuries ON THE SAME SHOW prowlcz, Betty Horton and KtheJ land Federated church Sun*Uy aft­ SHE KILLED YOUTH Mass. Bonding ...... 60 62 >4 >oit will want later on! Fickett. A birthday spread was ernoon at 3:30 o’clock. The towne s4-98tosl2-98 oil . . . liecau.se they think it i.s ^"<><1 llx’m. Phone your order early and we’ll deliver in time for National Liberty .... 9^4 11 »TLLI.\.M GARGAN These people think that SAV IN ti means .SCKIMI’- North River ...... 26 28 served and the time passed In play­ (>eopie and many muaic lovers from For that’s what real thrift, modern thrift, 1937 (Oontbraea trom Pace One) In ING — that laying something- aside for Ihe l)v-and- the holiday festivities! Dial Manchester 6247. Prov. Wash...... 38^4 4014 ing games. oul-*»f-town filled the church to en­ Know the thrill of glamourous thrift means — simple, eiisy. regular, PAINLESS Pref. - Accident ...... 20 The Rev. H. R. Keen, rector of 8 t. joy the fine program. ThU was the by means giving up the good things of the here-and- 2214 “Flying Hostess” saving . . . WITHOUT SCRIMPING. Your Presence Is relative. Buck Gabbard, and Mrs. Seaboard Surety . . . . 33 35 Peter’s Episcopal church, preached ftrat of a aeriea of OHUdcala to be ‘j] clothes by wearing them! now. Mattie Downs Haddlx, a nelgfhbor. Security Ins...... 3514 3714 at the 11 a. m. service Sunday from given during the winter months Seats Now On Sale For Gala Thousands of others are practicing this sensible kind r i No Warning Springfield Fire * Ma. 127 130 the text. "By this shall all men Mra. Dorothea Abby Walt# of KakK- Shimmering satins, lames, It isn’t true! Ilelieve it oi- not, it’s FUN (o l>e Requested New Year’s Eve of thrift. You can, too! You can begin now PAIN - The brief but bloody courtroom Sun L i f e ...... 618 635 know that ye are my disciples, if vUle. contralto aokiiat. ablated In thrifty! drama occurred without warning at U. S. F. and G...... 25 Ii 2714 MIDNIGHT SHOW ye have love one to another. ' Miss the recital. rich velvets and crepes make LKS.SLY to build a cash reserve for investments, the outset of the examining trial of Westchester ...... 3314 3514 Marjorie Martin, who was home for Mr. and Mra. Fmery Ckwgb and It ’s fun to buy a new dress or a new car. It’s even your own home, travel, your children’s education — Torhorrow Night FRESENTINO Shepherd and his older brother, the week end, sang an old Christ­ •oos. Warren and LAwreoce, and you a sparkling evening star GREATEK fun to wear that dress, to drive that car for unforeseen emergencies, even — by-starting as A t The Noah, on charges of slaying Harvey mas carol as offertory. A choir of daughter Shirley, were Christmas and realise .that you can do it while you’re puttine these other thousjinds did, by opening a Savings Gabbard, 17, son of Mrs. WlckHne OOU NUGENT TO RETIRE. 16 singers sang. guests of Mra. do u gh ’s parents. for formal frivolities! bi a former marriage. Christmas A daughter was born to Mr. and Mr and Mra^ John Darllpg, at New­ aside twenty-five ceijt.s, fifty cents, a dollar a d;iy— .\ceuunt at this bank. PRINCESS eve. Old Lyme, Dec. 30.— (A P ) — Col. Mrs. Charles C. Sellers at the New ington. Shouting a "vile name at Sbep. George A, Nugent, U. S. A., of Old London Lawrence and Memonai M n. Ellen B. Wust and daughter New Daytime Frocks RESTAURANT herd,” County Attorney Alfred M. Lyme, will retire from the army to- hoopital, Tuesday, Dec mber 29. Hasel, of Hartford, were guests of Get the Habit of Dcpo.siting Regularly Tn Russell said, Mrs. Wlckllne, her moyrow with the ranking title of Loginning with tne new year the Tolland elatlves. Arriving Daily Main and Pearl Streets eyes bulging, sprang to her feet brigadier general. He 1s 64 years tin e for services In the Hebron and The weekly Heading Club was and began shooting before anyone old. Gilead Congregational churches will held Monday afternoon st the home Watch Tomorrow’s could interfere. Col. Nugent was relieved ot Ills a In alternaU. Hebron has been t>f Mra. Mary Mealy The Savings Bank Of Manchester Herald For While persons in the courtroom duties Sept. 1 last as chief of staff. holding Its Sunday service at noon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Hayden scurried to safety. Rice said be Second Corps Area, United States but now changes ta 10:30 a. m., and son Henry, and daughter Emily, FRADIN'S A .Mutual Savings Hank. Special Amiouhcement "tried to grab her, bui couldn't army, in ceremonies at Governor's PLUS . . LOADS OF FUN! Sundays, with-Sunday schtol fol­ were recent guests of Mr and Mra. reach her In time." He added he Island, New .York- lowing at l l ASl itLC Gilead services Warren Hayden at iarUord. gained possession of the weapon He directed the relief work In the ALL SEATS 40c. after the fourth shot. 1806 earthquake in San Francisco. ■ ...... - ..y. .- . ■ .


Solving The Servant Problem Electrically took Sunday for hla aennon wnM, we«k.eod with relative* In Brookltne ing of the Security Act as »oon as HIIIER JUGGLES "OrecUiw the New Year Unafraid.” and Roallndale, Mass. ^ LABOR O R im ZA TIO N S workers find that deductions of one Longest Eclipse of Sun PREACHING MISSION WILUNGTON John Durian gave two cut glmaa Henry Keene of Greenville, R. I., per cent of wages are made, begin­ •Fifteen Start to Climb America Once a Salid ~ vaaea to the church Chrlatmaa, hand and Mr. and Mra. Fred Keene of ning with their first January pay WITH DYNAMITE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Malo had as carved which were made In Caecho- Ablngton were Sunday guests of I)r. TO DISCUSS SECURTTY checks* Coal Field, Says Expert >« Is Due on June 8th ' DATES ASSIGNEDholiday guesta Rev. and Mrs. Wal­ alovakla. One will he used In each and Mrs. Frank B. Ckinverse. Among many public appearance* To Top of Pike’s Peak ter Westerflcld of New Jersey. Mr. church. The local members of the Valley he haa made this mopth la a aerlea and Mrs. Clark Burnham of Willl- , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soukup, ac­ Bridge club attended the meeting at Alfred Merrltl, of West Hart­ of Saturday nlglit talk* from Sta­ tion WDRC. The third addres* of the U m t when coal deposits were Fredarick. Md.. Dee. 30.— (AP>—^wouM ever be. longer than 7 min- mantlc; Mr. and Mrs. John Brett of companied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank the home of Mrs. Amy Pritchard In ford, to Speak Before Them Colorado Springs. Cnlo.. Dec. 80.^ Lawrenc* Cockrell end Ray Pam- OnclDnntl, Dec. ;K< (AT)—The-», Astronomers all over the world utea. . _ Hartford and Miss Sarah Wolsten- Storrs. the aeriea will bo next Saturday at (,AP Fifteen mmmtain climb­ accumulaUng. • * 8 European Statesmen Fear Vlk of Stafford, attended a theater On Next Wednesday NiRhl. ham, all of Colorado Springs. Geological Society of America h ^ rd looked forward today to the longest The 1937 eclipse, Mrs . Lewis con- Ur. E. E. Story, Chairman of holme of South Willlngton. party in Hartford Saturday eve­ Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Converse 7:48 p. m. ers buckled on heavy clgthlng to­ today of atudles which have reveal- | Fellows of the society prepared to Charles Freeman and CHiarlea honor tonight Dr. Arthur {'hllomou eclipse of the sun In 1.200 yeara— tlnued, will be visible in a broaij Mailcarrler Charles Lyon received ning. entertained a family party Christ­ day. laughed at a mountain snow»- Elnlng, bolh Colorado Springs ama- ed unbroken strata <»f cohI over . mas which Included Mr. and Mrs. ColiMiian, 84-ycar-old (^anal Terrace, Rockville, called on Miss Illness. ford Labor Temple at 8 o'clock. mit by 9 p. m. tomorrow. world's blore of geologies I know l a 6 a Rev. Dr. Earl E ^.tory of the Henry Kucca arc In New York for poaslbly to begin with 1937 IJncoln ley, a photographer with graying that numerous F^'nmn of c 'mI IfSR ( uation. with fta threat of a gen- American A.strcnomlcal pjoclcty yei<- small Kslands. Jennie Church. Monday afternoon. Alfred I. Merritt of West Hart­ The J*>iirney is the sixteenth an­ hair. lie and Barr are charter than a foot in iliukncs.- u-iv.- Noon edge, is profe.s.sor ehicrilus of tin ■«-rHl w.ar, 's outlined below by terflny by r.sabcl M. Lcwl.s of the U. “To the a.^tronomlcal observer u f South Methodist church who is Miss Rosa * 0 Hall entertained the holiday season. ford. Held repre.sontativc of the So- Day dinners, to wipe out th<* $90t,- nual one for the club up tlu* m«mn- [ ' " . H SEEK UQl'OR RITJ.VO member* of the club. traced ovf*r of nmrr than .>0, | t/'nivorsity ot Toronto. Itewltt .MHckenxle, Associated .9.- Naval Observatory, eclipses anxious to utilize eve’v chairman of the program commit­ Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Tfromas Keegan and uial Security B*^ard In charge of 000 deficit the party Incurred in the lain which Juts like a giant thumb ,000 square mflrs j Th»’ I’enroso medal Ls award*-.! I I'res.s staff w’rlter w'ho for The eclipse. Mrs. Lewis said In a minute of totality' . Mrs, Lewis salt, tee for the Preaching Mission, Sat­ Paige of .Springfield. Mass.. Mr. and sons Thomas, Jr., and Charleii, Mr. the old age benelits program tn Presidential campaign. fmm the eastern Colora*lo plains. annually in recognition of emlncm Newark, N. J., Dec. 30— (API — *'In one ca^e. ‘ sai'l ' a parting | CT r i T i f CT many years was chief of the paper read betf're the 57th meeting "the eclipse of June 8. 1937, with vrj urday and Sunday. January 2 and Mrs. Robert T- Jones and daughter, and Mrs. Gardiner Hall and son northern Connecticut, will speak to Hamilton came here yesterday to Each New Year'." ev*; chit) memt>ei8 of clay a quarter of an iiic h in thick- j rcSimrrh in pure geology and of out V London bureau ) of the society, ' will surpas.s In dura- record-breaking duration Is a keen 3. in Manchester, conducted by 11 Mi.ss Elizabeth Jone.s of West Hart­ Gregory of Wnilmanllc, Leon O. A new question In liquor control delegates of the Hartford Central meet William S Murray, recently set off fireworks there. ness has been tntred ovr i an ar<-a of | st.andtng original contribution.' tlon-any eclIpM that has occurred dlsappelntment. Here Is a patJi churches in and near the towTi, ha-s ford. Woodworth of Willlnglon Hill and In New Jersey was rat.sed today— Labor Union. A question period elected New York state chairman The climbers .scorne*i nn offer to 1.000 square milcH wittuuit a tirefiK j whi' h rn'uk*‘n ore nn*f ; the science of gi^ology.” K»ich'«fuebfcr Adolf Hitler con- which reached a maximum duration ing nearly 140 miles tn width within to address the different meetings of Wolf of Springfield. Ma.s.**., are visit­ were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. John A. I>onergan of the union Is informally. an*l Hamilton remained iHts on a cog line mllroail "a rendezvous for Communists". flint layers alsn have been fnn_6'A-cil Prof. ^Te.irge 1) lyjuderbark o! imued today tr Juggle w’ilh 'th e - Ih the years 663. 681 and 699. ’ which there arr only a few smaU the mls.slon. ing their aunt Mrs Eleanor Hansen. and Mrs. (Charles Woodworth at Iti charge of arrangements for the to continue conferences for several Club m*'mbers on tlio trip were the University of Oilifornia wili .Spanish situation and European The 1937 echpse. she said, will coral atoll.s and a small strip l5 Rev. Allen E. Claxton will deliv­ Mrs. Annie Brackett was a holi­ South Wlllington. D. Frederick Burnett, state alco­ gathering which is expected to be Fred W. Barr, John W. Garrett, C- Ballroom Class over wide areas” ! holic beverage commissioner, with­ days. Research tend.s to show, said | preaent the medal to Dr Coleman peace, hut the opinion in most cap­ la.st 7 minutes. 4 seconds, and will Peru, where the eclipse will leavi er the sermon at the mass meeting day guest of Mr, and Mrs. Johrt Robert Hackenschmidt and Joseph attended by more iTiO dele­ William Penlaml. ii. L. SUimlley itals. Incbrllng hi.» owm Berllh. was j Brownlee. Soukup. Jr,, were In Hartford held an ariswer until the caae reach­ gates. Will Reopen On Wednes­ WanlcM, that coni basins now sepa i wh" left an expedition Htudying nnt he sur|)asaeri until 2150 In 2150 the earth at punset The maximutji Saturday evening at 7:30 at the FILM STAR nr,rt)KATFP and Julius B Jones, all of Colorado that he wotild not make any move' LouLr Veselv assisted Poslma.ster Christmlfis Day ed him through regular channels Mr. Merritt, located at 650 Main day, January .Ith, At the rated were join'xl once and that gl>n- d action in the high mountain an eclipse of 7 minutes, 14 .seconds j duration (with the sun al Its height South MethodiRt church whtrh open.s Springs. Jones was the one added l.i-.l Jijip, i i k m I fniiri M... ' !■ « «.■ mu h. ■lud, .if • to precipitate war. j will occur nearly reaching the I and sufficichily high In the sky) the mission. He h.m been pastor A rthur^. Caisse of South Willing- Mrs. Katherine Hipsk*/ announced after Jersey City police closed a street, will he glad t«Y address swamps, shallfiw scii.s or dHias oner j r,'K' fL« rif .sou1h*-rn .Mexico to t** The wruii.’iM wh-> '!/• .> .il' 1-• - saloon there yesterday beranse they Stockholm. Dec. 30 lATM — this year. Holli.ster Street School • !l .'Ml I V( ' ' •. .-r -'I '.li Irindv *'onveni( rn e 1 Tn many quarters the feeling w’a^ maxrmum length ot 7 minutes. 30'will occur in the de.solnte wastes of Trinity Union Methodlpt church. ton during the (^hristmas ni.‘»h. the engagement of her daughter. socletle.s and organlzalijins on the prejlallod over vast poilinn/i of th*'! (five rne bighe.‘ I Mr •*,• I l.ii viiM 'd*-( I r 1' iiL'til sw it« h- charged It was harboring Commu­ Greta Garbo, film .star, \^aM nwartl- The “gue.'it helpers” were John D. An cl.ufric water h'','M*-r re?iMlr'‘R , ' ' , . . ^ that the shrewd Nazi chieftain waiT| seconds. No eclipse, she continued. I the Pacific far from land. Bi;ovldenc«‘ for 7 ye.ai’H and past Warren Brand, chemist at the Mi.ss Thelma Hipsky to Alexander program which goes into effect the e*i the "Llttrls et Arttbus'’ decora­ Oialmm, New York city; Walter At 8 I’. M. Nort^h Amcnenn n.ntlncnt durlm.: >tv. ■ fill It w<.Mld b*‘ to hivu' p i: 'i'd • ,* , , nists. first of the year for the benefit of tn the pr(X*pss- of giving hls neigh- ■ r/esldonl M the Rhode Island Mm- Ha'i Thread, mill, spent the holiday Duhansky. December 24th. Both are tion today, by King Gustaf. for llt- Palmer. Puohlo, Colo.: J*»hn Fel­ win- a.•*’, fnr (P*rmany He spent the pa.«»t summer In Eng­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dvorsky of be held al the Town Hall Thursday He expects his office will be de­ d.ini* Mils kt Mh- Svk*-. I...... -0 ' M ■ . alicnHting Knglaml. wlmse frumd- s\ u* k in th»“ mud. R*)l)erl Cha*ll)omne, HnroM Jones, . " " ...... -I Irji l linnlfM,,, But while IhtR belief existed the the Glas.s Factory district have gone evening frohi 8 to 12. There will be luged with questions on the work­ ol(i. gyinnaMiuni, I'h* pr-'H * *■.),** of Mj- Hhip and c(K.perntlon ho t.** .said tn Th**y e.xtrscted him and Identi land. preaching regularly In L*on- Danbury, Dec. .30,—| ,\P (—LcRoy U-- I I'.;; r.-.t ■ r. • u I ’ ' ✓ nrk R'li la* *•.•, fa* t remained that Hitler w'ns (toine don during July and August. to Floride to spend the winter. a program of songs, skit.s and games ROCKVILLE .iii'nr will go I- ih.. \S io'Jliing A - ■ nr I''''.", wash'it)!*' w.al' ruiDli r;i want above -ill things. Should ho !i*‘d him aa a parole violator frow M. Chapman, agricultural agent (if ■ \ rul'd (;-id I ; ,il i ib- . ' . i - • ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Squire are and refreshments will be serx’ed. A f.ir juggling with high explosives, intervene tn the Spanish pituatimi, , the Elmira. N. Y.. reformatory’. Rev. Harold R. Brennan, who is the Fairfield County Farm Bureau, toll trip M i-i- ’A III be fmnl.sn«‘>l .('• •“ .in.) ••;il! !*• ( V ;; ' , , • : hiir-lware h'.'lp to lak*' guesta of his brother. Walter Squire candlelight service will observe the . 1 'I a f-rr It would he too had If he hap­ It would turn Britain against him well known in Manchester, having estimated today that 3S(i county I by Joe Hanini'>n>rs nrclu-slia. r.nr.on a it,.' i*l *•< ! ,’i . . ; • • I .• d! 1-1; r-rv Old Of kltch<*n wor k pened to drop one ■ in Hartford. passing of the Old Year and a w’cl- ilcfinltcly That is one of the main spoken on several occasions to young farmers have received soli conser­ iTlf kctH may b*- .'•-cure*! cithci fr«un *.,(.k H '. ! ■ * . ( • • 1* ’ ' . M a* ' • inpli h in mln- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korncr and come to the New Year. 'ibi- in* mberr. ■ f Hi'' cl.-i.H- rorcc*l ca'ilii'U.-Iv CITY VIEW DANCE HALL He said this amount represents tr As a nialtei *d fad. any big scale at 3:30 at the Center Congregation­ family party over the week-end .States Army, stationed at F"ort I' uurral i oda\ ' - -.1 [M g a th tl ' Il t : r.’lM which Included Mr. and Mrs. Daniel about half of the payments to be Mu'* France Kxclled . i attemfit by (jermany to intervene in al church. He is at present pas­ Ethan Allen. Vt.. spent the holiday M.Ui> i!'piii t in*-nt odicris of lie )i 1 • >t tw (Igiired at Voepel and children of City Island. made for participation In the 1936 SESSION TOMORROW 'I br I IH ' -1 • I ,i * ;■• He already has nnrasy France the revolution is practically off the OFFERS LOW COST PARTY tor of the Washington Park Meth­ with his parents of Eoatford, for­ program. of VcliT.ans an-1 fhcir Aii.m i- ■1 t tnU. SJ Ol* p. t .Pn t*' ( Over wage**, N. Y-. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whit© merly of Wlllington. i mry. togpthri W'lth offlcuils of the 1* In. wl.u ti M.i , , in 1 '-Ib■ keyed up to the point where she Is books because she Is isolated from odist Episcopal church. Bridgeport, I I . • nil ■! . ' \'- * ftl an-!, *• , r ! ar-l * Iher * xp'-r,.-.* •'*'( In he ahi.ut ready to give him and wa.s formerly the popidnr pastor of Plainville. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Otto Hackenschmidt of the U. S. 'Di.'ingc wer#* expected to aticn.l thr* ! ’ t' • ' ; ! I’M •.•'n-'t-.Mifthnn$lO0per Spain, Hitler would have to whip Haigh of Stafford Springs and Judjrc Kenneth Wynne to Pre­ c \ * ■ I a •'* >' ' ' W 11 ■( Il 1 . I (' -• :. t'.ark ttie \frlfan colonies of Ti^igo* ' France before putting Ir'inp** of the North Methodist church, A., also stationed at Fort Ethan ; funeral of MImr .Marlon nra*llc}’, 1_’. >■•••' Ml k ■ i, ’ ’ • !.t f v- 'll s V. Ill ■« >v*-r all • For those who want a good tlmo daughter Alfred Young of Hartford. ' D*'[>art nicnf Hi-'Mt*li>nt of th** Auxil •' * '*!■• •' • 'mun Ralph Pratt were holiday dinner here, sent friend.*: cards with a drums. t.in he prc\cntcd by tHk- Rockville. Dec. 30 - Judge Ken- Rev. Kilward L. NMeld. pastor of the In :- '-.a:- I'.lis ; , former German .‘^outhweat Africa, rebels, and the two countrle.s have are lear-ning the pleasure of danc­ dent of the Travelers Insurance gue.'*ts of Mr. and Mr.«i, Howard blue print of (heir living room ahow’- ing SOliKOMO lu-tore rciiring heth Wynne of New Haven will pi- li'xkvilb- Hapfi.Ht I !.’u II, ofMciatcd, I'» *Mcti kit. ri V- ■ ; r Y , r. ain:''-! «d \v>iar a -*f w tu'Mvt a ' ut'. ■umU t with a with its copper and lead mines. This been working in accord Mussolini, ing on one of (.'onnecticut'n best company, and is cliairnmn of the Pratt. Mi.*s I' under man*lnle to the Union of howe^r, would not rountennnee of- (iam.’e floors and with dancing from Commi.ssion on Finance of the Con­ ' I . w.i'k ;ii,n k'‘ « • 'i • < Ibe wonvin si.ster. Mrs. Bert Ruby and family. book.s and an old Windsor chair. session of the Tollantl (‘ounty S'lf.**- pl'd in Hn-ve Hill ctun'-lcry • A Wnri ;i n I’T -I I.-' !• V. •* . ^outh Africa, and it l.s said there flclal^n’erventioh, if for no other 9 to 2 there will bo plenty of mod­ necticut Council of (?hur( hes. Mr. A a ! ■ < ' •• :n '• v.i .. f. . - - ■ ■ '*' kp' h*-n and an IS no dlspoflit'on on the part of the Randall is a promln*'nt layman in The topic Rev. B Sloat Miss Jessie D Bennett spent the INTOXICATION rior Court whcii will open h e f The members <>t Aldcn Skinn* r i‘(piipni' nt ba-' n-. ; .au’ - • ! - '■ reason han that he is said to be ern as well as square dances for de­ . ',’•’1 [jl'ic Ib'tij' M-.a! -• lit- tmlLn'M *nt tmiid. Union to surrender it Hartford an*l was one of the speak­ tomorrow’. There are fiv*t ('axis Auxiliary of this city of which tlie r**l.itc'l .-It r-ir-'* ’ • i •. about to sign a pact with Britain votees of both t>q>es. can he o>er**)nie .ind complete Hitler ftirther desires the as-! ers of the f'rcaching Mission held listed for trial on the regular calen­ :«1( cease*! wa.s a meniber. met last ma\ tvalk a mile iihj a l.-'f fn pre­ for maintenance of the status quo The admis.sion charge li very sobriety reMi»red within twenty dar session and fen artlonB clalmvd • ’•tanee of western Fiiropr. and es- ' in that city on December 5. evening at the Town hall and pro- paring M ir* '. i ! ' ' ■ of Medlterrar,»*Hn control a matter small, and for those who cannot iniriiites with SOHKOMO. for trial which will be a.i.-^igned at -1 iv. r -n IV. b. adbtion to r-'ial!v Fnulund In hriMr.p -dve Dr. Luther A. \Vi*ig!e. *lcan of the ct-''*I*(i in n body to tlu* Funeral ’ (•!•> 'iK- ! ' I 1 ,n I ,• ■ M of vital Importance tn both nations. nff.ir*! to pMv thp high cover this .session, foui .d thr.sr bring Jury I’omc to pay tlw-ir last rcRpects to I .. . .. P : , . ’ \ V. Ill O*' tl* .sf rait*-n»-(i c'. ui'muo .mtiMitlon in 'h;irg*-.M .Mt most New V**Mr's eve Yale Divinity school, .New Haven, SOHKOMO contains no nar* FREE! m.'-'i T’.wiil - m (. ,1' ' .1 . :OKDiT]ONING FLOOR < V Bessioni'. the Department I’lesidcnl who waa : - ■* -1 ti.u.tu; I u.- I (-■■•ipiT-v F-(>i one thing 1^ ne. d-^ *■-l»‘biMtions the place l(^ dame tha prominent preacher. t'’ i< In-r. lec­ colics or other habit forming r \ r o m imii iw.k LIQUOR DEIT. ONLY! The ^actlonn *J.-^!nird f< r trial to I a form* r re.-»idcnt ol thl'i *aly M l :. . d' Ol ! a will f' ir 'MW ...... t'-r rnsi^^NTnu-^'irlog • ■1*1 v'ltr out and the New Y*‘ar in turer and wiiter. and on** ot the vir< drugs. DRUG STORE be assigned an a> fA (Jc-ld.-dem et al. :: ,:il't' m h.arg*' t*-pi-rl a Oni' danger ilitirr la running. Police said Roger.s became slrand- at a low co.-^t. dall. : gagemenl of their 'laughter, Ha;'* i U ’ ll V ill 1[' ' 11 M- nt Sli-'.pu fur . / Henry' A. WH/ wh A!*-x A 1/nna The VVonu'ii's nu'cting at .St. Ale 2\bsolutely Free! FREE DELIVERY! .Louise, to ('halier' (k Baiknfcn. <>f dilic fll.i^Ut tl m*u .■ r* ‘ - • \ it 1' -na will be a et al; l'7dwar'l lu i ranov. aki v.- K*t V '■ c‘ !’\u i>.incr — : ■ • ID * ; • g tb.- r.-.-,.-*t.'i. MHr>’’s Episcopal church .'''Utulay ARTHUR’S DRUG STORK ' N’eu D»nd-11. ('o;u,. a-'ii -M .Mi aun 1 t il I ■ M - . 845 Main Ht. Ruhinow Bldg. ward Karpuska. .N'orman K. .McI.,ji- I .Mis (leorge H Rackofen, of F.lliug n ,..,r .-’h. r m u i i 'u f l . afternoon at 3;30. to whi* h worn* ri gan vs. Charles H Hrnwu. Soplll^ MUglm .-i' u It of all *lcnominati‘*n.s hi cordialB ' *on It. ! ' Soja VM. Flank Soju ' Xmmiince iteH*-r\ al 1*uih I aken invited, will he a«Jdre.s.sed liy Mi.as To the Jury 'cl.li*- Ibuyl-.s vh nr \ i.i II u \!{MN(i. i Amy Ogden VVcli her. who i.s promi­ Albert \\* flii'lmg *d al <»iL.Jt I' Th‘‘ cnnumtl-* in - h/irgc » m M YEAR END Smith. n'lnuni.'-:! Mil''f * .-b;ir lyO'lge of l-JU.s aii'i- unc --I wn K , r r p ' , ■ 1 '...... id ' It- rep>i »ed ON t The (Jlee club .Stanley IVibos/ regarding the same. On the as Frank ZigaM", .Npp*ll-' a hm- enmi.Mi. u i • i■ ;* • • > , ;! ■ rW til 1 t 1 *■>11 fU to th* ' • ■ t;',u -i- 1 ;'*•! thr larg ' : I’ntt. No, 1-i. American Ivegiop Aux- A same program will be Mr.s. Harol*j Uay Uon.s for; 1 lira in .\batcniml. 2 .lell<-louH I *>• k r ’ a Mf ■■ n-.ni'f-r f"i I'Ue *7 V In several’ J .' t ' diary, were entertained hy Mrs R. Brennan, whom many local p* o- 5\.h Motion to DuHiniRH, Ualton Al*'ri A coinplet'* o\ i; .a : ; I 'I t)>s. EXCURSION LIQUORS ^ Augusta Pitknt at her home on ple will rememher a.s Miss .Mabel LAKESIDE (Ti n ...... q». 88c Skinner vs. Ida VVd.son Skinner. 1 oven and the a i*r;i ’ ■ ■ : *'!i-,r;*nt. I Hr n t'il!’:t*'d tl:e.«* t.. the recent Pollard, former popular pan.'^h Statutory Cl'onlinuanre, 2 Finding . Davis avenue last evening for their rALY'ERT'.S W HISKEY . . .pt. Jl.Ol timer *1oes th*‘ r .-t. i- nin*' nr ' t’-. V . til it n..nr.\ per- worker in the South Methodist O'*' Of Actual X'diii-. 3 T*‘Mmnatmq .H annual CJhrlstmas parly, Mrs. ^IG Dfirothea Abbey Waite, dliectot of attona'on 'v l;- dur- chunh here. Mrs. Bn-nnan's sub­ COLDEN W EDDINO...... qt. ?2.I9 Statutory <'"nt inuar.: '', i Juduf'S* nl at 7 of* DI\'(5rce; Oavid (lav-> V' Tin* the group, was also in attendance. ject will be “How Women Fit in the VO’ OS/ •\ .salail supper was serve*! by Mix. SMOO i.OO Yorkshire Di.‘itjIU-is. im I Judg Kingdom Building Program. ” Per (H.illon On MARTINI COCKTAIL .....'ith $1.19 Pdkiit followeil by games and an ment conhrnur-.g tempoiarv a.s p* r The final se.asion of the mission, a m m ROUND TRIP I GRAVES’ WHISKEY ...... qt. $1.2.'! manent recelvn. 2 l^inutHU«in -f ‘\chnnge of gifts.. mass meeting, will lake place Sun­ ATLANTIC GASOLINE HABTFOnO. FH.. • > 45 A M. I CAI.IKORNIA W IN E S...... qt. 19c time for presentation of ciaim.i. .1. The group is planning to start day evening al 7;3G at the South It’s our family’s whiskey, neig d; neighbor, it’s ytour price! BCHI-m. Fri.. 9 t01 A.M. PRIVATE STOCK RYE-----qt. $1.79 Order of .\oti< e .1 .lu*! l Fiirh * t .'il th'-ir weekly rehcarHals next week. Metho'li.st (.tmreh. Th*- ad>!rcs.s wn! MORI ARTY P>ROTHERS Have Out be deliv*n*d by Rev. F'*‘rrv T. fcdix'p. I’l UK m tA N D V ...... 'j pt. 4lt VH. Annn T .N'avi:- .-t .i> l I>«-!a'i.' .'!01-.‘!1 ."i Center Street .\t Hruad Street No Exesriios Sandoy. Jotivory 3 agnmsl rn-n ai ;.I •! i-nUnnl.** I Mis Kenneth I.ittU- i.d Wd- dean of Christ Cburch C^'lth*■llr;ll. VIRCLMA DARE LIME OR LE.MON I;*t*- W iiker, guv*- out food IhM Springfield, who is a writer of som*.- 2 JudglTKTlI ('U-Mi ill!.}. V.s NflKlibom dropping Open 'ti Huiirsi Enjoj « full ta NtW lORK for moitiijig at liie r*>oms in the Fx note and a jKipuIaf ra*lio .speaker in JUICE...... large liottle 29c Henry K .\b\-i i lUM.t’.n 1 fM.-' by for egg nog • e tln f or b ■tiowl C b lM rtn Kniltrr t P A m M | SEALKA.M’S .'> CROWN. . ..-rth $1.7.') closure of DrfeiiM-. 3 ,hnlgnient. cluingc block. The food was given weekly program.s fmi i V\'HZ linui i- F fM i fi End and«T 13 llklf F^rr T lrkeu > * out today Instead of Friday morning rimt's me mixing thr egg nog arc inod only in 9p«rUl Covh TrtlQ For [ Many E\jM*ct“d \l Tnun Mrvtlng casUng .station. Dr. Ediop is con­ fu rlh « r p h o n e Tlrkrf AfpnC , Ol MERIES’ SCOTCH .....'ith $1.19 AR Is the custom. Those who re- end my brother in Uw Tom fc- d-uilf your IocaI " '5 ,; 0 9 A Inipe att*'ndan«i‘ i i-xp.-i-lctl mI sidered one of the simng prea* hers STRAIGHT WHISKEY...... qt. 88c ('I'ivi the food are aske*1 to note with hii ba* k lacing you. My NEW HAVEN■ the -special i«.M.n' mpi-’ih- rai'-.i }..i of \V e.s I. • rn M a .s.s a c h 11 s e 11 s brotlirr William is sort of half 90 PROOF RYE ...... qt. 98c this evening in lb-- I' l'aud Tow.i tliMi n*> fold will I'e (iDliibiited *in l-'rid.iy lilting on tlie sink. Coming in SANDY McNAB SCOTCH, .'ith $1,9*. hall at k o clock whn. tlu li’ie.srnai I hr door—that'i Larry Burkes. of rescinding the vnto taken at a It's old Nat Weeks with his Special town me«*tmg DfremlH'r 2 hand in his pocket. The TWO RUSSIAN SAVANTS will be nefed upnri an.! if -u< h vn'.e party with thr pipe, folks Is carm*'!. th. s'-'ter.s de­ WALL ST. BRIEFS Ii .around hcrriusjcallCap. ASPIRIN VICKS lOVALTINE cide whirl! I'lau.'r will improved EXPELLED BY ACADEMY, with the .y.i.h.pnu rrm.lining from the i Harry E WUken - ...... I New’ York, Dec 30. —Moat finan­ \ hEALTH DRINK Merrow Rna t-- tb. CMtue id : pricv'l at '*00 and ac'cnicil interest. :****•'4 t i a dealing with higii compression ! Irving P rarnpliill. tlu Siv.'r IIili ; ap d:i.' Dec. If). lOM Themold a ^ road, starting at fu T-'lla'id Tuin manufacturer of brake linings sturlic'' H*' went to th * Uiule*i j y P ^Statc.s in 1927 and obtainc*i work j pike to th* reni i* ricf ril l-'rvU r1i 1'. I .in-f '*lh*T auttimotlve parts, has ^ c r |vith an oil company. | $1.25 $1.35 Johnson, and th*' Kiv.’i ?\Md, R" >:f-ad*iuartiT.' at Trenton. J. FTLI, QUART FULL til a r t NOSE DROI’S, 20c. C&lled, with what ii ' c-v :. left ov r Chichlbahin. an expert on oils, "'’V i after the other tliree rnjuls or*- c.»n'. ! W'uld purc!'.a-*.s .rf platinum mcl- ’’acids and alkaloids, is in i’aris and pleted. j alR, Itu'lUiHrig p;*!! I'lium in 1P36 had demanded guaiantoey of .scien­ We Want To Take This Opportunity Mr. Anthony sf-«(‘.s th;*! hr hn.*^ jpn4'al*ly will .-.-*1 .jfilph ii new rec- tific freedom before returning. Bo objecti'in.s to improvim: Mu- v\ j *u*l in Ific u.«i*' reRenimg’' the resf*!ution adopted IN CO:x)KAIM> UIIASH. V. L. Komoroff, secretary of the Proof Years 01*1 At the I.Vcenitier 2 n.**ling. but Family’s Whiskey makes! academy, was elected the new presi­ typed it at thr reqiu-.st .d*Uurl Hal­ PINT ‘ Dcertrall, Colo., Dec. 30. (API dent. And Wish All Of You A Happy And loed, the Selectman ol Tolland. A lone fiirman cra.-hed to his death I thought mayl>e you'd like to know what u* distiUers think is th© In his afllclc. Mr. Anthony who on a rough l.'Ulte eight miles souih OOnducta a large turkey farm, states of here while altc..ipting to thread wny of mixing a r-.'x that’s g*d a tastiness like nothing else. $1.00 Size ^-be invites all to take a ride along, THIRDIn DUPLICATE Prosperous New Year. ht.s way through a lilimhng niglit It’s mailc ot the exact same whiskey as is use*1 by ns distillers for MARK ROGERS I QLD DRUM ma road and also along the Hailock AGAROL snowstorm which covered Colora­ our egg nogs. Our own Kumily’s W hiskey—made accxjrding to the 7 YEARS OLD I road to decide which one needs Im- do'! eastern plains. irovlng. In regard to condltF>ns f>ersonul Family's Recipe of us WilkenB—our family having been BRIDGE SERIES HELD Bottled In Bond I WHISKEY Just before Christmas, he says; “We James A. Browniow, manager of distilling folks ever since nr. yb*viy can remember. You just aak for The got stuck in the mud on the night the Dcnvei airport and a member ol i the party which foun'i the body lut* | Wilken Family Whiskey. And hero’s the vi,'ay you mix your egg nog. The third sitting In the present of December 12. On the 20ih of • * • duplicate contract bridge series be­ ,'iOc December the inspector from the last night, identified the dra.1 pilot E G G N O G —“1 tablespoon Sugar or Mix in a bow ! or >ihAka in an ing conducted Tue.sday evenings at Creo-Terpin l>epartmcnt of Agriculture got as Charles J. l.jiGuc, Colorado Na- $1.79 1 os. R''..kCand> SVrup. 1 fresh Egg. n o ^ " thaker, and atraitx. Grata a ... .-"--A.. the Masonic Temple was held last stuck on mud no the way to in­ ttonal Guard officer. QUART I Br(w\nlow sanj I..,{U'lue wa.*' a na- Iv. 1 wipo-glyss W ilkin little nutmeg on top and arrve night, Winnera, north and south, FULL QUART spect my dro.'-HCfi turk.'vs It took Family Whiskey. Fill up with milk. mianeliester Di\ision Finest Whiskey Made 34e me twii hour' to get him out. Later ti"e <*f .New Yoik. and cam.* to Col )j- were: E. Cleary and Mrs. Hollway. In the day, several of our cuhlonn-rH rado in U*2i. » Hartford, first: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartford Gas Co. from Rockville, MancheRlri. and A Denver friend huM l^aGm wri.a •\. Knofla, Manchester, second: Tolland, who like to call t'-r the flying a .ship fi.om a Tn»y. O , nmnii- cast and west, William F. and Miss turkeys themselves, could.n(>t get to tactmer to a ru't*uner in An­ Ruth Kirpatrlck, Storrs, first; Mrs. the place. Those who Were” brave geles. Isabel Robinson and Mrs. Mae SDough to negotiate the mud had I’Utei, .Manchester, second. The last •nough to do fur the rest of the dav sitting in the series will be held at

the grand prize for the series will be awarded at that Ume.


Its ths drsary length of them. return of their own eollUon. Tounf It-la h ard to eom m uta during thia must drive about half blind. Brought cold weather. 0ia nc tftBtrr When you heve to match your re- men ulUiMtely come home from QUINTDPLER SrAR far forward and close to the lor^- CLOUDS OVER THE STEEL INDUSTRY MISSING PERSONS ib etr ed v en tu rei. B u t y o u n f en>- WAPPING Addlaon IL Frink of Andover, who moflt ports of his vehicle, he would sittence and jrour enduranee*agsinat bAILY RADIO PROGRAM la ending tha wlntar montki wttb men, their pride hurt by failure to . »*.... hia daughter and family, Mr. and EnrnttiQ Brrald be able to see the road to within a the continual nagging Ikttacks of low -crash" Broadn-my or Hollywood or, Truman C. HlIU motored to Can­ IN STATE'S FEA1 RADIO Mra. Eugena W. PlaMf haa gone to very few feet In front of him and tempeinttircs and wind and atorm WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER.30 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) GENERALLY FOUND bcinfi betrayed by the man of their i>UUl.lHHKU BY THB choice, too ashamed to face their ton Inet Sunduy mornlnK and Mrs. visit hie eon and' family In Maaae- ManfiK«r mon, looking at him coldly. ”Whal 4 i 4^ — 5 :45—Wilderness Road, Serial NBC M usic Guild has a special Tltnir Year’i Ev« Program. 'TH e gaiety of the Chrintmaa par­ OASIC — Easti weef wlw wnac wtlc New York Police Bateau a way out by kulclde. Every May, ■Idee her huaband two aona, and a Foundf’d Ocfobaf I lUil certain control and better driving. any let-up. U takes a lot of vitality arc you going to tell the officen '.'Jar wtag wesh kyw wfbr' wre wgy 5 :00— 6:00 Songs by Ruddy C lark- and a. half broadcast via WEAK- turned with him to their home In ty at **Thunder the de ivoen wcae wtam wwj waal: Midwsst: basic; Jr. Nurse Corps—midwest: when the waters of the Hudson an-J daughter. Raymond Palmer, when Tlien comes, too, the psycholog­ out of yi»u. Hut w ith a break like If they do comtf - which I d oubt?” Ths Ssrsnads st Sunset—west NBC Thursday afternoon, beginning WapplnR, Sunday evening. Puhltthfd t:v«r> Kvfrning Efcapt F orcat hacienda in Now MexK*o, kt>d wnmg who wow ndaf wire weo) .■.la-'t rivers begin to wafro up, the a boy, lived wHB C. J Dewey and at- Sundnyp- nn* En»*red *i th» wc have hod for the last wci k or > "W’hat do you mean by that ?*• wood 5 : 16— 6 : 15— N e w s Y o u th — ba sic ; a* 1;30. - . “ Reports Success in 90 temlett tn?*'W»pptng achoots. Ha la The State theater program toAig ’ ical factor. T*erhnps It would not huN a tragic ending when FEAKIa MIDWEST A. CANADA — wgt wtmj Organ—Dixie; Piano Rsoital— «eat oodles of aWnit (SO persons, mainly Mra. Henrietta Dodd, wlio baa l>o«i OfTici- It M>inche»»«r Conn. •» Fean John aaked. At that time awards for new and well known Sh t . and tomorrow Includta tha lalaat - Second CU»» M atter______work out that w'ay. hut it is our more, to give us a chance to c/itch SAM DE FOREST, oldest of three kk'i'x iMba K.^tp webc wday kxyr cret S:50 ‘ " 6 :3(^Pross*Radio News—east ulrtdes, rise to the surface. been in the MunrheHlei MeniorInl "That nobody has beiuraent tor.” efrf 6 :35— 6 :35—Oforgs Haff's Orchsstra original chamber music works by Abe E. Miller (Viat, Am erican Dlnnne quintupleta picture ‘TU-1 our bn*atlis and take n fresh griji b ro thers, is found dead \%ith 1 knife SOUTH—wrva wptf wwne wave wjex 5 :45— 6 :45—Renfrew of ths Mountsd Per Cent of Cases. hoap'.tal for awhile, aulTerlng with SI Hs*i Kl riH »N r a t e s guess that a driver placed squarely Kumon answ'cred. ”1 don’t think Amencan composers arc to be an* Legion Auxiliary entertained about union - In which the famous Canae-'i |« ov in his thn^at. wlia-watin »'iod warn wnio wsb wapl 6 :0Cb— 7 :00—Postic Mslodiss — east; nounced and the composiUona play- ! F.\ST TUl.MUNO another heart attack, returned lo the One Veal tiv \JaH ...... up in the forei'cak of hl.a car. so to on our courage and our stamina, it Pearl Pierre is anxious for outsiders wjdx u'Bmb kvoo wky n'faa, wbap kpre Hsrbsrt Foots's Enssmbis—west home of her aon. Henrj- Dodd of atxty children and their parenta at dlan quinta are aaen to advaalage. Per n> Mall ...... } fto Each of the de Foreat brothers : ^— TilS—Popsys, Sketch — baslo; ed during the program. helps a lot. to come mixing into his private lif- woal ktba kths waoo wtar wla wese 6 1 Wapping laat Saturday afternoon their third annual Chrlstmaa party A eelect cast of Hollywood favoritaa ' j Single CncT ...... I UI speak, w'ould he much more likely hoA the first name nf *'Pearl.” wfbc Eddie Elkins A Orchsstrs—Dixie This contest originally was on« York. D»'c. 3Q—(APi — i FAlmonton..,, Alta.—Matt Berry, tv IH faiis, it you want to know." MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl krlr krhl Ktar 6 :30 — 7 :30— Qooee C reek P a rso n —>e sst at the Legion Home Commander plays the background to the atory. ijj Delivered one Year ...... to renll?;e the fact and the slgnlfi- Nothing ahr.'H of us npw but FE.VUL tIOllN is the youngeHt, nounced Sept. 3. 193r* and was lios- veteran Arctic flier brought back a Little Sylvia Magnusoh. who has Kor a moment the younger d« PACIFIC—kfl krw komo Khq kpo kgu 6 ;4S — 7 :45—Boake Csrter'e Comment “T hanka.” said Dclc'clivc Willifim been quite ill at her home over the WHlIer Sliatton of the Legion, act­ built around the qulnt-jpleta. The M ^'M rrn ok nn-. Afis* > 0 1 a tk o cence of high .speed than when he tho-^e tw o m onths which ag es ago REAUL riKKIlK next. Others at Cent. East. 7 :00— 6 :00—Amtrioan Cavalcade— toe eO Feb. 29. 1936, during which tim e tale of nariowly averted itarvation ing ii.H SanlH <1aiis. gave all the aiipportlng featu re fo,- the tw o d«ya r i. I ss Kore.st di 1 r.vl answer, then he said, 7 i3 0 — 6 :S0—' and Allen Comedy there wore 1.700 entrants. Because King of the Mlasing r*cr»on8 Bu- Chrtstruns holidays amt unde'r the fstahllsb*-*! th< ir vestr l rigid t»> tot.. the hoUH4' are: T.ANTE .lOSE- -1:3(^ 5i30-~Jsck Armstrong — t>asl6: 8 :00— 9 :00~*Nlno M artini. Songs— to c oxjionenced by two snow-bound la "Flying Hoeteea" starring Wll- ‘ The l i« ••aclua: vel J Is sitting in the middle o' the whi- through set lips. “I only know what Irrns Qlsnn at the Orgsn--west of thoMargo number of romposltlona jitfiu. “t.o the holiday j^plnt which care of Dr G. I- LundberK of Man­ children pie-enti. Choitmas carols i^lllNE, old nnd an Invalid; HE'I- 8 :30— 6 :30—Come on LeOa Sing— io*e * prle.sts at a remote mission. were sung hy the entire group. Mam O argan. anntlftri 'J‘-- "* ret>u hr<*«' U*’’ « le with n reassuring four '»r five fur» hurrifimtv w ith sul'v/ier*'" and my brother said ho had done. I’ro 4:45— 5:45 — Little Orphan Annie— 6 :00— 10:00—Ths Gang Busters—to s submitted-, the judging required c*i'n- causes «o many missing persons to chester. la im proving r.1 all novYN . 1 M -rol'-o »o I’ T^’ WELCH, her voting eompanion; east; Town Tattlers Orchss.—west 9 :30— 10:30—To Be Announced Brown I'ears broke into a store­ The Auxiliary also gST*,- Christ­ A banner Naw Tsar’s Eve ntiei or SIX feet of ear projecting out in l)li/,/.ifd.H n n i .ill : 'Cta «»f w intrv fMDiry if you nuuy. the ty: FHOf'ESSOK SH.WV, arche^i- 10:30— 11:30—Roger Pryor and Grehest. ; I 90 poi c«'nt record of succe.ss in Ihe fathers envlsloneti hungry holidays Is Iriiprovlng. Me has the and featurae Eleanor Powell In at this very' minute. I sent the men 5:35— 6:35—The Castles of Romance 11:0O— 12:00—Vincent Lopes Orchestra /- - apectAi diepn'ohe* herein are alio ra- Inglst; and BOh GUAII.A.M, Urc 8:45— 6:45—Billy A Betty—woaf only: Tuning in Tonight. days ahead. 'I’hen one recalled he rw n persons between IS and 21 hit, g a n g ster m«mth.s. ’Phen nomy. to do It myself."- 11:30— 12:30—Carl Ravall a Orchestra the 30,000 cases it ha.s investigntod chicken pox newest screen vehicle "Ek>rn toj aafved ____ salesman who stopped at the Orphan Annie — midwest repoat; T alk: W E A F-N B C 10.45. Dr, had put up m cache of 14 caribou in g. tn pr^m every day becau.sa “Don’t pay any attention to Ra­ Flying Tims Skit—other stations F ranando D r Lois Rios. S}>amsh Ip 1936: Mr. and Mrs. William .\rmour, of Dance." TTcketa are on tale at tha : .Of course that expanse of front hlustery, bluffing Mariiu copy-cat NBC-WJZ (BLU E) NETWOIMCs. the fall—a mere 2,000 pounds of Tu ll aorvioe cM»-ni of N B A ^er.T.^- hacienda when hts car broke down. mon's tempers, please.’’ broke In •:0O— 7:00 — Amos *n' Andy — east: ^ambassador, on “Spain’s Hunger l During the holiday Bcas'.Mi few Wapping, have recently moved to they are unable to pay lines, ac­ .8Lstc th eater box office for th a lfg fr* end is nctimlly no protefTton at nil. *>f th. gangster** like tiu' Ijitle Iv.ys Fe-arl FMerre, now head of the Hal Totten on Sports—west BASIC. —, East: wjs wbs-wbxa wbal^ fresh meat. cording to estimates. ice -f-jic. Angelique. He'.s likely to be crab­ 6:15— 7:1'8—Uncle Eire Radio Station wham kdlcia w e a r w iy s w lw w r y r w m al L iberiv ” per^jnS leave hom e and m any re* Hartford, for the winter months, as Year's Eve party. . (I If he rra.shi'S he might as well u** wii'> go to the movi«..s aiiil then lun family, has his brother’s body re- 6:30— 7:30—Jerry Cooper, Song—weaf ■wfll waby webr wsal; Midwest: wenr lu n j. he .said. PuM sherv UrreaentaMve The by when he'.s hungry. We w'orked w 'Is k iv k ko U w ren u n it woo(J wool kso \VKAK-.\BC, 1(5 Uncle Ezr«T-S' JuHuP Ma'hlSlnl.s. up an appetite walking on the 6:45— 7:45—Welcome Lewie A Landta MIDWEST a CANADA - wc1 w tm J One M an's I*'amily:’ 9 F ru l .Mk-n, 10 York hi ./r?!' iip'roM find Ihaton tire group iiHsemides therji lor I I'fill'ling tllsappcaraiicc ot them all. have rh.' engine come bai k lnt^> hi.n Ing Rut .M.an h 'I", s n i ti az< inv- mesa." —w*»af. Ruth Lyon, Songs—chain kx.bx »rtba kstp webc wday ktyr crcl Hit Parade: 10 .30 Mcreuith Willson 7:00— 8:00—One Man’e Family—to « cfcf jthat of Supreme Court Justice Jo ■7. WK.MMKi. AU I'llT fOIMU’;a M OK funeral w rv lre s amr~t?T"sho l^ights Out lap ami sinn.-*h him, into pulp, or iM»dy U'*' all kn' W h*' iias sj'ft | find that the Ixtdy haa disappeared. 7:3C^ 8:30—Wayne King's Orchestra SO UTH — urva wptf w.vnc wit wjax W .\B ('-rB S 8 ( ’avail ado •! leph Fore** Crater, who dropped Cl ID'I’l aTI.-N'S than the comtynr*!demai 8:0<^ 9:QP—Fred. Allen a Town Hall wda-wsun wind wsm wrno wsb wapl b.Hve the sleeting p d H a pr *'t • V diort w ir.b r t h 11 | for nobo\'.u n> v- i-i' ■ 1 ' .'!■■ K"r ■■ i.i' ti n 1 i t -i 111 ^ the emi>er** of tlie burned t hnstmuN; • 1 30—12.30—*'Ltght» Out" Melodrama rnrt, -^'30 Fih*'l Barrymdie. 9 W Pr^'FN T FFH ^0 A" ' worry ah^jut that." was 4 :30— 6 :30—Th# S'nging Lady—east; Prof*'-*>-ir>n il iV’r.i'l*’. lO ,M'.>ntreal tne worl«i," King said ’ They don t j erthclcs.s he fniite a bi» "f ' om- In w it '1 •. \ I r 1-; n»- «• :p:-| » • s gr.*eii<». BKOKEN SHIELD, an In-' CBS WABC NETWORK The Dictators' Ensemble— Ranu'u'.s l Mpl>. "Your cur»o(J 4 ;45— 5 :45— S h e lte r 4 Brenner. Pianos ( ”hamh*T nuij I' 10 30 T a ’**s of ^fem to renHze the grief thov dtan M*r\aiit, Is also uatching a.s | nASIC—East; waJ^o wsdc »Oko *rao ilort nut »M;C .. the ) bc'-Hing fh*’ w*-nti:cr I head of the trail a.s usual, and no M'rtweat. (vl.hm n blainf f<* ami and faiac rons*- of -«<-i rity "I "igc *c krlrt ktrh 6 .0,j| pimi t walk disturb koma wdbii wbi nda« wblK 6 : 15— 7 : 15—Jimmy Braddock’s Story tee K'll 'ill 1 hr <’ii''inin),' Pen- b-.'han too. had A ilk*'d slowly Im. k (•i.lhj (wvT ^vtnbp w,>J>< wnibi' walH 6 :30— 7 :30— L u m A Abner . ea«i c'nl>. NRCV 1 30 jr in (iinlU . labli- di'**p iH l egi.stercd in th*' nuin- KITCHEN CONTRAST .Sink them iu:ht up fl'onf tlu'fe kUil kRko wcoa wilno wnuz kwkh know Mario Cozai Program—west awurd.s, 4 h'a.shion sho-.v: 6 '•Science to his post' Then Ih.-y vcntuiod 6 :45— 7 :45—Jamas W ilkinson, Song— I’or who "run away from h/>me.” t,*ral A.-senPiv if II.< lum-Demo- t' i;u I dlsap- wmmm and the F’r*'S'; ' H W’ Hlnkeslei', where Uwy « an tiu- Advice from theii hiding pi'icc. MIDWEST — wmbd w1«n wfbw kfh wJs; Mario Cozxi Con'd—lc< MV "Yo’i'.J betf.-r ait her*'' and w-iT'k u:\bn w*-bt k.^< j o,owo Wllh old folks It is di/Tcrent Tiie thing. tivn evMcnMy changed hi# *t W'x* 7 :30— 8 :30— Ethel Barrymore, Oran*a V\ .\B(”(’BS. 3 Holiday matinci ; records show that the ilepend«*nt, onLs of .’-^linf’Mii,; ft'oti 'li'i'p'ton.s if llu-y enn't dodge tiie re/ili/.a1 1 <l'in tu ii«‘m.'ind IStKKAsl.M, niK from th'*" lionsr wail*' I go sec whal COAST--kbj koin kfr*' k'*'! kfpy kvi if the. car smacks .anmelimiK tiu-ir j himself, saying that he would se« k'bk ki:*^ 9 :3( ^ 10:30— Meredith W illson Orches. In the .■*tre*l in Ixjiidon. Torcmlo, the uncared for choose this season control of all the Assembly commit­ SKIN IJ IMINMION .li-hirbed dc F'orcht .so." Ra.nion 10:0(k—HtOC^News; To Be Announced owm noses are going to tak*- part in j aboi;t hurrying luncheon Cent. East. 10: 1^ —11:15— The Ink Spote Quartet Honolulu. New York. (Chicago and to disappear, probably with the in­ * said, walking toward the aah pile, 4:30— 5:30~>-Jack Msstsrs—«ast only, 10:3( ^ 11:30— Em il Coleman Orchestra Sft'n Francisco; 5 CBS ConccM Hall. K/'- tees, based on lAhnt they effect to the smacking, and it's rmr guess I “How much do you think h# tention of relieving others of their Th* ,‘*k ui ; ' Mie (). t hi- 1.1 ,: ,■ 1. at ■ ■fi.cn he, too. u a w a start, and the Kathryn Crsvan Interviews—west; 11:0( ^ 12:00—Qlen Gray and Orchestra W JZ-NB('. 2 Words and Musu 3:15 4 rej?^ard as a niarnlat»“ implied l)y ihe i knows, R am on? " .\n:relique aske-l, The Littls Brown Book—midwest 11:30— 12:30—Earl Hints A Orchestra tu rd en . tiuit they It g'd a much i lean i n f cx^JaniHlion whicli hur.sl from his Mme. Sokolsky-Frie*!, piano; 5 Cht- *'liniin,it IV tuy.in.'i tup nrid I curion.sly looking after their ho.st The m ost common causes for great majority with \vtii« h they li^uH br*>ught the girl innn.ng rngo a cappejia *hoii r*all7.ntlon of how fast sixty mil* • this «hannei inu.*d bi k*'pt .ntiv.*iy ' "Sometimes 1 think, he's ver^’, ver'v ;uveiiilp disappearances, the file.s caiTied lh»' .slali- Ui Nfivenibcr, and “Whal is iU F^amon ? O h —" Her Some rhursday short waves. an hour l*i V\ hi- h might have a til-: i ’ nice. Then again 6:35—George Hall’.* Orchestra .show, are dislike of school, fefir of "pen if perf*'i t hi'allh is f*. be m - j . voirr- traded o(T in horror TPA3 Pails 3:30 p m End the the tru a n t officer, love^ of adven­ allogcihtT lKn«Tlng the fart that 1 “He’s probably not a had sort 6:45—Flenfrew of the Mounted. With a minimum of struc­ quite wurulcrful ‘'nci t on the dentil l*'>'ed. In tlic mnjordv o. lii'.s** Jiv j Visible anitong the mas.s of twist- venr program. DJD Berlin 5;15 New ture, and spring. Spring is wh'.m the House i.'^ Republican by a hcayy ir.g th** MHual < ivdi/'Nl life when when he’s left to himself. ' he re- 7:00— Poetic Melodics u ith Ja-cb Year program and 6:30 New Year toll. *'il. blacken**d hough.s tiiat ha*l been WTIC Fulton. the lads sit in the sun^ watch ships, , plied, “but I wouMn t put anvThlng proportion, may not lie an indica­ There hnvo hocii rrar-engincl au- ot t);p iunlv siufai*' I.s •ct i the Christm as t.r*'** w.as p( I Hon * . , • .V , rraveler* Kmadejutlng Senio©. addres.e by Dr Gocbbels: GSD GS(' trains, airplanes, and motor cars tural changes the antiquated * , , past anv one of them when thtwr** 7:16—Popeye the Sailor. tion that the party’s vlt t.orv went with cl'.thing aii-l i« tlie efore Mind • ot n human arm - appir* r'Mv IV'irl • * * H artford, ('-onn GSH I^mdon 7:05 f’helsea arl.s ball; speeding into far land.*^ where tnmn»j|b-s in l'’.iir«tpc f*-r ■umie tlm*' together Listen to th'it now. will 7:30- Goose Creek Parson ''‘’V2KL Caraias 7:15 Bro:idway av a*. iK'tri the ii.nl- l ol s-iu Sura's arm. the h.and l.*',:ing mil' h ; oO.om) V\ . 1040 K. C. M ern to them to their heac par­ TUil many, to b* sur> but '< v* ral you "" 7:45—Boake Carter hits r j P ' ‘ ^^’lnmp<•g 9 W’ailz kitchen (at left) can be trans­ li-'M an*l fr* sli ;iir un'lcr-acl.ivity , H. It had when they ln:mdon 9 4u Har­ rnak* rs are proilm ing them In "f til*' .skin i.*- »h* Mil** ralh*T than with the candle drippln.'^ on it, ex- “Elopements” of children from 12 The lotal number of Pemorratic th*' I'xp.ptl.in i direction of Taut*' Jo.‘=:ephi..e’s room S:30—Bums and Allen. monica concert J\’H Tokyo 12 years on up vie with visions of suc­ thtH enuntry tiifn .'u*- many buses • * pt that now the gold ring w/is f'dneaday, IVi'ember 30 9:00—Checterfleld Pr«ienti .N'mo Oversea.# progiiim. formed into the modern Electric momlH'rs m the As>cmbl\ is con- An>' mi'' whi* 'A'lll '•pf*'ii up r.'iir,! Daybook bringing several m'uds running cess In Hollywood and Broadw ay In built on that piim ipU*. and tiirtr ■ gone. Martini and Andre Kostelan*'tz’s I- ' II ! Ill*' 1 Imnnei of Uir IU CF.nKi.l L()S'«s • irnj ''from til.' i.'Ai buil-linu B**tty. to*', bringing, gra,, to the heads of Bu­ sidonitflN' smalhf than th<‘ total the ice. with figure skniim.: Hy P f/ 'ilo r Ctfu: f'r Angelique swayed v-'enkH uml P M. O rchestra. '•riviT.** inn .sco wb*i'* tlu\ ai« u*» > K1 n 1 11 1 1 "' 1 ill' 'i.t- .-if his iIl.H- N*'a ------■ ran in fn.»m tin* p 'lu h with a w ater­ V UKK.\h l (»K IVVSSK.MiKKS? reau nf Missing Persons lnv»*stlga- num ber of Kepuhliian nirinl>ers. 'i •-k ...... - I 'u;d wll!i Pi'.rictlu .:*i :['.* Ramon grasped her, pressmv h**i Kitchen below. ♦ ug ntvl what th* \ -1 1 * -loing rtvi. ing por m her hand. Angellqu rush­ 4:i»M - H arry Bubsc's Orchi'Stra 9:30— ”<3ome On L et's Sm g ” tors. P arenta. one inve.sfigator .said, p i‘*al •- " G ' -I'l'l 1 Hr. tiv.- hrl|. III., ti-.| in *1'.*' inunt.uri. I n 'a-hingiun --L<:>ng before the fare dowTi on his shouKle. Kor tb« I)i-M''<• rat.H to a.s.sunic Uial ed up to her 4'30—Men of the West. 10:00—“Gang Busters.” Phtllip.*^ LoS Angeleei- C rooners b '*’ all seldom realize their children have la even one' custom * ar builder ui lo bcth'l hr.’ilfh In- rr iNim, t h*’ hK in Th* !• I ! II 3p . i-i 1 'n inlci•ui' ii, to look like the Snow m an ' “Quick, let's get out of i’.**r«'. I'e- I'f \ r D(*al took hold, a New Deal of ■■\Vhat s the matter, Betty?” 4:4,') —"D irk T nicy " Lord right \n front of microphone.'^ or in eru^'hes" until they find they have full committee control should be re­ Detroit who has been fTirnIng nut elimination \MlI fie found of honrfi thr li',' •Vff.lf )'■ *’■ M.l'.t *' 1 ■ -.4, il ■c.. ■' .1. . . >i • u;,g ! . I lu* .1* .. : i; fero he comes back '” He h**i her. i*!y ddTerent mod.-l wn.s tn*"i ”1 don’t know. She wa.s taking 5;Ui) Ja ck Onslow’s Baseball 10:30—-To be announc+yl. gondola.# - iiut not in taxicab*, .say^ gone away with boy or girl friends posed In them is, th crefo rr. ju st a whrth* r prart i-. Ol. 11\' t h*' on*' >A*\io I.s 11 oni '1 1-’ . Mu 1 ti,.!’ i. tin' r**:.»-.'.'t U'-in*; to - ' ; -Stumbling. Uirough the snov. renr-enginiMl cars. Uio.igh only a tri|., 1 a nap when I left her." gasped Si ho**l of th*' Air. 10:45—Del Casino, songa. ihc Board of Public I'lllitie*- arui Family Qiuirreis All k or lh«* on* w »,*> w* || | 1 .M -f .' M"; , I /. in til'* .-dru 1* 'W t >f t p,- i',* in South Dakotn Ne'.v I>(*a:er i “N o t‘One word of this .-\ng**-: • litlle out ot lino wtlb Ihf lo>:ic of few humireil i*f them, at Sh.OOii •« B*'Uy. "Here, take this, will y o u ’.'’’ S: IT) - Tom Mix. ll;00 — News Service. rraicspoiiation. The principal cans* of disAppear- iir-.'Uilv 'if ii is t h M [fie .'^kin ii’;i\' , « L . K ; i 111. i: . , • \ V . - ^d■•.•d.d and tie* i'litii Av-- !:n*f w a.'i I’cbu N-ivld Howell's application lor a George L. O'Cpnnor disclosed, is them at that vcfv ‘iniplc me;.- • whi-'h m;i\ iw H<'( k*'i:c;l -f s th d I h*'\ .c lim-l imove; then well have somcttimg “ihe common househobJ variety of woman was .standing In the middle 6 HO- .\uw a 12 00—Ozzle Nelson's Orchestra cah 'lnv#'r’.s {•crmit - iiriying with It •; publicans refuse to consent b» this ii.se'l ;it h fares • \mlquo |)io|)oaal the l^enHlc will pro­ bn^hlng. filcllnn i-ibs giv*-n with .i ■ I ' I'.m- liinl. t n aniding faith in the ellicacy ot | Tlien the body Isn't In a .M*'(iet “Frequently," O’Connor said, “the inteiiOs to di> with his pnt*'nt., tuit '.d •. • Noi-I (■ I ■' verniV.enf to snive the people's i I headed cane on the floor and 6 ';o- W nghtvllle Clarion. A M Board* mend'Oj s .said .‘«v6et not ceed In lnd« {v ndently of c. Y.rse towel, an-l s\.*‘al bath*' Norn* relief in her tone. I I in 6. l.‘> - Jai.klo Cooper: V i c t o d’.fTicultles are over .*dlly hU.le we may be ptetly Hur*- that the (lit*.(I Old l>a\M Ib'l'iru. • ;i •• •rf'^o '.vh«*n Nbirbeck, the succc.ss ' S( I'earning wilflly Flecks of foam 7;00—Kta Alpha Programma—Co! IBi k of musical appre* i.ition of th*'S*' atd.s lr> h* tt*'i h**'d?h ari* aifald of him. Ramon. H*''8 ■..•'■r a 'idung's OrchpHlra. U.ing.s like a man's l*aving his the JTdUse. suiting up and nppm ni- . t . miia , ' i : . r R*..> h.L' • ju. ’ ■ . 1 '.’..'ll drilb'r. h*‘iann* governor. : .showed on h*T .shnv* l*'d lip^, and lln Drlgga, organist. prompted t heir action pointing of it will fart, up h .sUr **\p**n.*«is'.- nil.I 'fi fa.t, ttiev ;m* f. ft like the devil that hii.n!'"l Uh' 7. U0- Anius 'n' Andy. .Mcks in the living moni or a wo­ i Ing a full set of Scnal** «-otmaiUocs .it a tat.ic iid|..uti i.-;. ( oiuil ( . (in If lu'w l*'l.ilbii-h >tu.liM.-> ' n** found a community willing to j her shiut white hair was in *iis- 7;30 -Shoppers SpecJoJ -1st Stn - | in the aiitoniotive worlii -and that ppibnnly tin* t h**;ip<*.Mt he;dth fr*‘at I gcjod Saint—” 7.ir» - Uncle Ezra’s Radio' Station. tion. I man's cluttering up the bathroom na-nts you MUild po-'Sb'iy tnk*v s. I-, **f tin- *'N King Aif.*’ • *'.vr in Ri'iokdai »in«i tln*re wa.-i I :^o '.vith him in governmental ex- 1 order, as though she had nm her E.VGLISn MA.WEi; with cosmetics.” ■ and leaving the House to do the it won’t be long now kJefore the liamon interrupted “Liften now. 7:30 “Koiir Star Hits." T:45---News Service. I If you examine the .skin with a l(.it*'rH ov* r . 1 1 1 c. r of t*'qni!n inor*’ than one vi ttrnn at tin* dedi- ' p.-nment.-. ' fingers Uirough it tn her rage. Most often the truant boy or girl aam c.’ Well, that rni)L,''ht not dc lients time to tie 1 ' ,ne 7:15 -“Count of M onte C rleto” 8:00—Treasure House i New York - Mi.sp Mabel M ather. rear-engined autumohile revolution ragnlfying gInsH you will h*-o in-g** |( .itoiy ex» rcises * who mentally i The .'■tid*. .«tar»cd a roal mine, a I "W’hat is i t ’!*'* aske*l Hetty, eas­ and the quarrelling man -or woman such a bafi l<]oa. Phr joint (.om- The -tL’".! Sf n c vour.c. If with Ik' irl I’u'rre. and voii , ^ . 8:00 One Man’.s Family. b;l'5- Shoppers Special — 2n«1 .Se* • on In earnest. numbers of pore.s or opi*mn;; in I Ii u k* ' 1 tvu k 1-) till .'ll .!;i'•> . ... »u:al crcM 8>.'^t.‘m. 1 1 - h**ld out a glass <-f wine. “Now ac-cusf'd (if turning in a false fire Burns.BlieTers. hcHiitlful iNtr.s. strenmlln*-*! !ik«* a ' ov\' b.i I lo-1 1 *1 . .1 I i( kl> d 1 1 k rcoin b-ck in Ih.* j know hiM typi’. ’ .■.*.k. ini- j "Rut, Ramon. It he’d bum Pcail what’s the matter with you, Tanto ■ In all the re.^t the Senate liaa its f ' •;-* n > >,I *1.*.' ' \ d :;;i iph I r.'l Tid.S A-..S lilr- slU- lU.oO Your H it Canid'* 9;40~News Service i She plead'-d guilty ami m** **ivcd To relieve soreness — Modernize 'car drop. which they secr*'tc hi it I tins scly ji'.pul'ir with progrc.s.sivea Jofej*hine’ Tell u s .’ own commitic(,.s ami so docs Uu' ' • ":so.s Hi,*l ;ui I . • wl.i'ii' ’.v!.< :: p h t* i. v ..tf rap- I j Sam ’s b',torn In t.’on- 1-V. ! . !lv u 11 iv-tu- f»f II,MU' h< :*- .u my room off the me.sa' I won t have to 15—Spanish Ambxssa'lor Senor 10;00—Betty and Bob. j plained i'» tho court she passed laf* tiu’ l**mp«*iat iir*' of the i .Vft*.'!- lh:i:. the deluge Hus ruraf j ".Aii'm lif( :b- i'.‘U.:i'*d iicr f;(* e at once, mild.reliable «‘~ Electrify ' gross. Tu many it sooms to be the ‘■ N E X T ’ D E P R E S S I O N K.r,t'-ricc I '»• : ''•* Alula Situs.Ill tin- lat" It' I hat* .smok**'" sh** erb d tuealh- Mr Don Fernando dr Ivtvi Rio.i. 10:15—Modem Clndcp'ila I n*'Si "1 ! • I life in and S,. i*s*ling th*' skin S'lrta.*' thr**'::-!; ('i.o). I; . . . 1 ' ! ' I • ,.l .-^I' .1 , liridr-l u{i witti a •> H', to his "Tr.us' j ;.<*t . 1 litlli' u 'C. I l ','l ’v\ iiii.iu ila ilia n Walk.'i', lb - b'-.sly p.iinting a skinny finger al News 10:30 Betty Crocker. | tti*-:* sh*' sani llu- n'inil boxe> are logical on>-. (Vitaiiilv. it i.s more We luiv«‘ Nome tum n *conomiUr. ••wiporati.iii .1 ;.! .H*-.-..ii.l. it .iiM ruo.st I ' I' h ■'; I } ■ *' : I'e .\! ' i .N'oimatiiJ, .Nuiiua an ...... •; : T'-n year.- alt.-r' Lii' ' vou ^ It's plum as * an l;c llial 1‘* til i 9 1 op**n window, wlure a thick K ihl;:. j f.st«'r-s' On hf.sU'ft. 10:36 Hymns of nil Churches PI hkcl\ to bru;^ u-i;!;dnln»n ' into lh*‘ I liM r in's \^ a- [ *' * p :. I'i< t ** !• ■I.-’ .:.-.' T.iirim.!;;c. Mani-ir.- ‘ n; ■ ra III u. uiiih'r lak* ri, all im.J , i'u'rie imiideie'i hl.s liiothci .m i your .Simeon K. I.,*dan«l, idg slicl pi'd- ^ .■-(piial of smok* could be seen, ns- l- i ankle M a-lera Orclu'.Hli a 10:48-John K. Watkms — Whu.s Resinol In pi."l'Hing a nit>n' rapi't .‘*kin < old III inbv. ji'll'i 'tfid bi.M daughli'iH. lli'h'nc ar.-i I I *::> i IV.' p; tin-, c.'mcnt p.-inl. I Ibi-n bur'iU'il tin* cvid**nc*' of )u.'< ojH’ii than tb r Joint <-<»mnattce s \’s- .sor of economics at C’ht>ngo umvr’r tn from the edge of the mesa. - W eather Kef)ori. W ho In the News. i - , . ' ti «-linnii.i! h-ri \[ will he h*-l{>ful l*i I'lii.**! to Un l:-' ■ I'.*"!.' All..-' .loyi'c and l-'a.d K-'ll'.' 'b'U!:dill not tipsel I imc, hiil only you and J k:.*.w it. i i. ni. —Shandor. viollturtl • tcni. .sity, advocates retirement of th« Ramon glanced sideways al An- 11 00—Hartford Tubcrculosi.s ajid . KITCHEN tulng alioid a rn*ir** rapid lal*' *>1 vide M inii.'U [ ■ r. v ii'.aJe t'.'ir inRiai fileUcr appeal . j N’m.i. k 11c ’Aius re-*‘lvcLed again! "And perhaps the Indian.' .An-j Bobby Hays Orche«‘lra Public Health Society. On the whole ii m ight do more public debt incuired u 'fighting the p*>f.‘ipiranon either hy ex*ni.-e nr < \inttn. ninl 'a 1 1 : i. I inc»"* ! u *1 .'."iin n.s an indcpend«*nf R**-' ,;elisun* f*^ iu'at The .skm t'limi- sunii'"*r ’ ■ I Nb.>-t of fh'^m are out '»f the liin* • i'll.;-.in. Cfumng through 19J2 with i instead of Pcail Pun** I'hai •SiM'nt. White, pianist j / A f f - ’:*. * nafl*)M may als*> he sp*'**'lcd up hy !>*'mO('m t « .«U'f'pt ' .-iPDike from a fire I Vail I’lerre had f di(’ go stanifx'duig off the rc.‘*«‘rva- I’lazff • I R • j'.'gtit no'A (*r have paased away. An-i 11:30—Big Sister. i BINGO TONIGHT Inrgc.st po.sBiblo amount of Inx-'S vaitnus kin*l.*« »^1 liains. l'« u iivi pi"')Hl)ly stArt**d again oi, l.iA* ash H ProgranY gant nan : !* '\ 1 .'I'i-i’ -tl Hpp*'.itanrc I 'f Mr " '- ‘ I m:*,|..i oiti'*' I don't know wnethcr th*-. In- 11 45— H om em akers Exchange ' tion and set up a b. paialc Senate 'compatible witli recovery Tiiaf >h ly of the skin bs al.so infiiU'nced to :i I'ib* Have sn* ii ari -iniaziiig rfl*" I un A .M. large n-.'l 1 '\t* ■ • ' Vit-K:'-a,'-h -•(•idifis h:*.-* .'d-** van- Noi .!;•! »!'*' fvdiir* of ih,. g'n or m.t ib di In’t g-. to Eleanor Howe. ! 8:30 — St. James’s Hall — Park Street committee orgam/ation. whn h no .^*uit** extcid by .-»u> h (actors as »-x* t he old lady ? 6:30 - Blue Crass Roy good common sense nn*I g"***! e*'>- any oul.t* ■■'>r c. - * ••. •n K ',i' ! i>hi,d. It IS tiie W aruem ' notion rnincnt.Ll vontuic.s within l-is .-YLatcj jook at the ash pile, rem em b er” 12:00 Noon—Ad-Liner p*)sijre to sunlight an.i air .an*i .\ '.i ' t he d *r fhi (To lifi fonllnuod) 7:'‘o .\I*uninp Watch -IVn Haw- l nrlpi' the Auspices of the Holy Name Society doubt they could find ways of doing. nomlCH. But llslen to the leasnri.s Nou th' %* ar«. ipll* ji" ''I’.ii;: H'-Mvu'*""! -'dar.s To I*’!.it Ib ' 1 c lie might h.'ivr known IV M I'lirnat''. Many times the h<'ni'm PlH/a f*' 'll It ; 11 u *•: * I'li .! pp« M1 - IlorM 11' : •.-.V ! , < r p «■' udi idl pr.*^: i am I iiorne. Somehow wc tamy it might make he glvcRf A I I wha Wa.s • Uier t she an- 12:15--RomanCe of Helen Trent of St. •lames'.'^ Church. claimed'' t*. ha\*' i.v h expe* i-'f ' . . 1 ,1 ,,. I I ' 1 . . ;*• ''•dins.: ‘b_». Rrooki-. n m* ‘ ' u! h.'' :'u-'i itil '-'i -iiipporl .in*l Iv- 8:00—News .»w 11« d. ; 12:45—Itlch Man'% Darling 'f o r a b etter situaliou in the ivegin Unleaa the ih’btA arc extlngutahcd by palient.H coming rom * oUl. d.unp iiiiwn I in r I . w ii ii t .t 1 •' I luM Iv H"!l vwood Mike I Kon*jevi'lt prop*.'i.s geri'-'aMy h; 15—Good M oniing Melcwiles "'j’*-.--, \vif T'*'8i 1 f’D-nr is t);*' one | 1:00—Ad-Liner \ aluable Prizes! Cash Door Prize! laturc than the method under which before the next sever- economic climates who rn*>ve to rt cions wim h ; Hi.*( phd'/.^ophy. mu.'h lik*- tiia* ol 8;2‘>—“Skeel Shooting’ wl’.'i really piofits iiy hi.-- brother .•*( OPEN FORUM 1:15—Eton Boys. th a t body has so long ope.ralt.Hl. are hot anrl .Ir>'. ts lUie p rim an l'’ i ’p,- >,<■•.( I '"a!. S( rmed to b* 8;30—C heerio ciislfl, the professor says, th** public d-'itii. Don't forget t d he is the 1;30—Academy of Medicine 15 Games, 25c. 6 Special Games. to the effect upon the .-ikin elm imi* ! p**'.*lRlly on * o*ikt-.l \ t'e**lablef* t,.i k- •pfi -'uneCiiing. -K vfn if its 9:00—IL'idio Baza.ar. Pro- debt will prohahiy accumulate h'-H'f tn*,- 9 ;3 0 -R h y th m F'^arncle. REAR-ENGINKD C.\RS Recreation faniiiV mon**y. for in.stanrc " j Editor Mjinchestor H«'rald' 2:00—Doris Kerr. the credit rating of the tountry ing of warm heavy ckitiung I h. re ■ fatl\ lofMi.s w ■u)i! li.iv*' a lul'tn.it- \V 9;1-5—Adele R ogers S t. Johns. IMany homes have been modernized right through until it W ar On .Y'.f 'Tht-v dll .Me* m t*i t)** .(”h, liiii'l I D**ar .Sir: 2:15—Clyde Barrie. While it Is highly improtiahlc that IS also a tendon, y to n nm in m ling »iT**i t -in>l vvi*iiM he plac*'l in ' S-i.'iti.r iMiflv *il \^^•*•o^dln t.< 10,00 "Mr.s, Wlggs of the Cabbag*' '■■wllh each .nucceeding «lepr**ssh>n. tliey? Though none ol Ud.'iu do any Ih'lioving a.s T .slncciely do that 2:45—Happy Hollow. the pat<‘nt granted to Henry Koid d.M Th*' enrl result ih that the I 111* ;r>n-con.'dipal ing * la.*5 Center Items , not Uirough with his war on work. Then they must have ni*-n*y the K dllorial w riter of the Heral*'! I’nlch." c came to the kitchen — that ha.s been neglected and yet it is the Here, then, we have a pmfesHor 10 15—"John.s OUi**r Wife.’ 3:00—Al Pearce and his vping for a rear-cng’liicd automobile will free cvHjxiratlon tror.i the .*;kin is (W hat Mak»‘M l*(M>ple llapp.v ) j Y.Si’.AI* Tiuil apcbeii out, ni« am- [)’it Hwa_\ .s.iine plac*-. is th at w iiat w'leld.s a i»cn whicFi ■* v*iry of ei onomlcs. presumably *'apanle stupj.ed The p.itirnt moving to a W (‘dncHda.v. 10.30— ”JusL Plain Bill” 3:30—Man In the Street—New give the Dotroil man any monopoly ! Qvnstion l> I' writc.s. Tn y*)ur the .-\ niv: M ;i.’i So* id y of '.’um- you think. Ramon definltt'ly placed our daily in Uic* Year’s Resolutions. - workshop of the home — the nerve center of the entire house­ of reasoning fnun cause to effect, warn) dry <*liniate will often he 10:45— Toiiay .s Children I opinion, wlml a n U.e thing.-* wliuli Th* V. iun**n'.s g.\ni cliris will >t ' [ioser.'=. AUln'irs an*! l*uiui.sh*.'i.*< “1 know If," 'If iinsv red with Cr tpgory with dailie.s .’ in * ((nvi* tion “Pearl John a.s niiu h as ('i Ld's, I imtmally he.silate to “ru.Mh hold from which comes your food and in which dozens of opera­ States, it quii,« well may Iniiicalc climate helps the skin to funenon ’I i’.i m en’.** .Mwiniiimig ('In.s-.e- u:ll ' :iie :n‘M told me llMt in Sim la Ke, when he’d in wdiere angels fear to tread”. 11;15 “Backstage Wife. CONRAN'S are like the natural senson.-H and ( u.s.sing tl'i--. .at !h. dinncrL.h)*' and lietter in* 1 t AS follow.'^ 7 no tr> 7 t.d lui* -V.-^i.bVF’ . s u c c 'u l l y ha.'» foiigiit 11:30- -Jean Filing ton. Ib^iJOt long deferre'l brilvul of that must Infallibly follou ijjxin periods .H-'in*- I't II.*' lh(»ughT fn.il _.**opH- . 'in had n conpl*' of

  • make it m.-re m. Uvc Ml.'IS I2:o0 Noon - ’Wav E>own East." h*-alfiiv "tlu'ts .'lai'l ttuit S'i«’-*'mh I «*nl l.tw 'A'hu'ti inipoM*.s nr-ind.ilory j again *'n w hal th«‘y lia*l seen among nnn-ret'irn and non-payment of the Ui ring the laei ye>r or two there P. M. Wndneeday | J , l i » G R I L L He iciunds Ilk** a \olce from 'ho ;s to take a dai.y swe l hath This lu ingM finpp -nes*. ■ The lU ui-tii'ldw ill pi.'iiUiif l.'a- i''.mi n'i’i m (tair agr.-; 1 • .-lo- i Hie ashes, and .she shivered ami H ospital X -ray .Tall tickets, 1 would ha.s be* n eonshbuahle Interest in d k. to io( k 12:15 Story of Mary Marlin, 4:00—Jolly Crew girlji Chri.'ilma.'i ton.b.s. Or like a .lorim 'vsim, called may I - acenmph.slied by donning a Aii.sv,. I ri)»‘ I hr* ■ ' ''ifl'! V u.- ! li t ;i I m m k d u'. . (t A.ri ' ii ‘ .i-vnght -• .) u Ig j j»?eased cio8»*i, "W hal do /oil .'Ulp- hav*' rc*jrii «'(1 .a.sbt-i'lo.s {>apcr I jiii.i'.'V .sw'eater and then laktnr.vig- Tile ( b.'vr.s will |•l,'(tu♦* ba.sk*'*. (Will III- >1’'. I'nl n*'l ; ' 12.30- —Gene Arnold and the Cadets. p arly. It’s time you put your kitchen on a modern basis full\ and diHcus.'^lon (>( the rcar-*‘ngliu*d to treat a brok«*n li'g, contiiU'l him Wlilch he ti-.: ' -iCi'* i:\ , pn.s** h*going to do now Fiaiij-m ? F'irst. some of thy vciy people ! I til" I • *'XcrclKe * T Un v*.iilklng u i.in b'd! n 'inI :• to iu n'l-i, -i k. 12.15 - Stud*'nt»' Sf'ic'ncc (^lut>s. .->.00—Maochealor Green | New Yearns Celebration Butomnblb*. and n*urh of the opiniim J o . Mu . ; • i,-... ,.| • • . av *'i ig* I ' u : !• • 1 h.- t hr* At <»t I -5J’-d 1 Ixiiif I n;ii I nu'an who wanted the liall* sponsored .suir .wl.’ly to mpa,H,iium th.- pnlirnl j I 'ibli ri'lbjick p .rly w ill !.*• 1 I;‘jo News. Weather and Market g:ymnai!ium period. | pi'CHOn .!’• ' • . 1 It ii. * r *-as‘ III ■* I 'll ' |M-;i'( ;i V - ij.s* d *" r*-jmpt*l even j “H*’ll probably finish uji ins job neither sold tlcket.s nor even ac- equipped with Modern Electrical Appliances that make It an appears to tv favorable. (''om|)o- for a crutch so that he might walk 1 * .* (r«'e jn'Tspi' tfton ov**i the en- ti'M Al llu' VY'.'St .-^id* i-lei **n (’i-dir Pveport. 0:45—Senior "Y" baeketball AmourT ol h;. ‘ • » S, A nd H .SR> 1' f A( - .'•!i(m' slm..' p.irkirs an-i .•'rnail r**8- .-^o no one cl.se will .-itunible on evi- knowdedged tickets, which a t Uieir^ $2<00 Per Person tent me« iiaijlcal engmi-ers have long Ihpltm ’ hody, Avohl ('hilling for l.’» lo I ’l.ty will .Ml ii t A t .S o r|o( K 1;20—High Hatters. leagbje: 6:45, Highland Park vs Tal on one log. tnal*'ari *f .s*'lMr;g (oiy t‘>ve a.1' isi ment } b -w»?\ *•! It liuiAnt-. l" t'jrn 'ivei pari .*t then | d*.*nce liial could b<* u.s»*d ag.iinst requf.si were .sent them. easy and more cheerful place in which to live. held tha,l the sutonvitu)*? vver .«ince "O m inutes aft**r >( u sloj -wealing riiUrHda> 1:30 -Pan Harding’s Wife oottviUc; 7:45. Oxfords vs. Ari‘0\^'.'' broken on**. tv dlfin 'lit to 1 c.i.iz** ha * )u n e .u n - ■ . '"irn.ru'.s |'i--t bi-.-AU.si- llu'V rtAv*- a, ti.m. S«*e‘ -Ahal’d 1 tell yt>u'.'” .Second, hii.Mjncs.s and prufessionj and fini.sh up with a .show**r ot Th. Ti:' voll« V o:i 11 pcrio. k u il i ra.i.'. 'Ati;i A hnn,nt** i 1:15 H appy .lack, s*inga. 8:45. South Methodist vs. Rambler.^ ORCHESTRA its beginnings, h.i. i>*'vn iniilt Depressions unavoidrd'l* and m Ic.S.M olli' .'id*'" ."-i h.-i ‘!i. j }'(.','Ill Pierre, carryin. a huge men who attond**d the Dull have iutI .Hp*»ngc imth and a im.nk rul>-di*wn n*- ti'>in ;> '< 7 o’i'lot k rmu'.u Jo th* ears of Uu*i? pata.n a 2:00—New England Pure Food In- 7:30—Live Y'rs Girls club with wrong-end-to, v.ilh the power plant (1 atari'll and Ktxluci'ig) **an, ••merged from th kitidnii *iuJ to date pahl for their ticket.s. cvltniib'? Non.scnse. Rut w*' Ih a > oarse t« wt-i a sw eat t>aUi ’I'ln* Wi'iiM i S .su ininnng cl.issc.-. H*' would uip( out tin- .S2-*'d rnmi of th*' hous*'. and circl*'*l around T hlid, a few other.H who did sell .'*lltutr. MI.SS T lnger. Irrationally parate ..d itili Would uKi living hy tiie flW(*.il ot tm< lirow. V *‘*‘k i-Thur.s.i iv. W agiM'r Alain Eoe ■■R«'mernber now not a word to w’ork of the commiitee for the .Me- 2:45—Happ> Homemaking w ith class with Mrs. Spencer. at the real, most of which will he to Iliut 4i -ln*t \vh;. n 'aouI* h*Jp me 1 Mons and h*^w Uicy could he R^;^>l(l- The one wiu' [>«'i pii*-H and n.iUic I•'^h(a^. V) -‘ uhob i-^u** 1.M (jU'.te involved anyone, dearest," Ramon warned monal hospital or any olhei ap- Isabelle Beach. 3:45—Beginners dancing; eehooJ beyond th* ken ol the average mo- iiMuce a-’ l al ti,< H.ur.* mu** A^oidj ed If men were honcHt en'iugli and each day is n^cti ( ieanci KtUi m- Th" gi! I ■ :iM *•• n- - s'v;n: mill _ \ iiill u- I.s inLlO'luc**'! 'a.'^t Congre.Y.s- Again a.s they cam** into tlic paiio. pioved instil ullon in .Mam’h e s te i. 3:00- Pepper Young’s Family 4:30—Intermediate dancing Work With Your Electrical Contractor or Dealer I'l re *:ai iirh. il tin • i.s p'.s.Hihie ' j - - u ill ,r.'i 'tonsf w’ho, as a ruU. hus only k tenmllv and * \f*T*'allv than the I t at J':;u losignc'l to eiinuriate the minimum “I pmmisc not to t**l) Ramon, if The last paragrapt of your edi­ 3:15—Ma Perkins. school fair enough to want t avol«l th**in Answi'i' Th*' fmxi.M •.viui'h niq^hl ! 1’hc eketchy lde=i of w hal ifi.*ke.*- his ore who does n*jl perspire Tie' ordi- n'p .su imming period ind g('n"rally revise the cop\ right you think W'O shouldn’t,” she an* torial-. Mr. U’ditoi, wMLh slight 3:30—Vic and Sade. 5:00—Advanced dancing school. dev'ote themselves to urging cush lie said lo i»e V a ta r i ii - ;u (Hiocii’ji ar*'|vvij| 1" tr**fi'. 7 to u o'rUx k na**> person doc-, not aw iat cii'Migii laws. That brought printers, au-. changes certainly Impresses me. 1 3:45—The O’Neills. 6:30—Eagles gymnasium period, mnchlue go, anyhow. I th* JltHrch»*.‘(. Augar-< and fabc I'tie The follow ing team, will u:iy the -awtirtaj. In Laying Out Your Modern Electric Kitchen. Ions to protect our bones from the to keep the skin clcHn juuf lo cn- thor.-^ and motion picture proiu('i*rn Peai'tjohn met them in the hall­ .shall not try to rai.se an> money in with Ronald Daigle, leader. But there is one feature lii con- I saim- foods are Ud »si‘ inc. an* gym f*ir ha.*'m- I moat likely to add weight. Il you Hnll; A to h P. A A. C.; l» t" 10 flection with this nuggested change materia) through tl>e sliln I fhe.e- no place ^ ' kn«>w that I ha/e raised this year naslum period with Nathan GatcheU Depres.slon.*. like wars, arc man wil leAVt Ihesv ftM'd.s out o' \o m ( 'r*'.-*'’t'nt smiles and coquetry, ami as Ramon bn automobile type which may - fore find It a good plan to suggesl rhi.a er Puffy plpns to I'htro- upwards ol $30,000 in the Stale of 8:30—Arrows’ gymnasum period, made-—and their causes are no diet for the neces.sar\ lengUi \\ **mon Int.’re.st! (1 in bowling will watched her talking with their host, the dally sw eat t'alh jwl y*iu should luce both the complex bill a»'(i a iu hau to adinlt .she wa.s a good tkmnectlcut for different projects, with Mike Owlkla, leader. klbly be more important than any mystery. If wv do not put nn end lime. **r will use them in only very meet nt the West Sid*- Ivinlding on WDRC tr>’ to perspire even on cold dayn. brief m*;a.s’ir*' which sim piy elim i­ actress. and 1 had less trouble wdth them 8:00—Married Couples bowling. mechanical advantage. It has to .small amounts, you should obtain (.’•'d.ir strroL at 7 o'clock. t2 5 H artfo rd , Oonii. ISSO to them It is beiaua*' there are so Hiere IS not the slightc.st danger In nates the 6250 m inim um He hope.s “Armost too good,” he told htm- than I have had over a litlle Ball 8:00—Women’s craft class. flo w ith driving effectiveness and Hiitlafnv'tory’ results both In *iver- innny w-ho do not want t*j eliminate doing so. providing you avoid * hill- tor admmu>tration •support to put solf. “ If .she wa.s aguiiisl a fellow for a hu.spital- Eastern Standard Ttme. comlng the catairh on i in reducing IrJvlng psychology. ingj ^leiavard, uid on the tflher ONE TO OO one or'"'Uio o th er through. instead of for him look out! I’ll Very truly yours. their causes. your weight. Uc sure lo use ph*iiiy DOUBLE CHECK Getting rid of the front end pow: harirt. such sweat imlh aic uflrji H im prinrijijil opponent i.s Sena­ \ ager she’ll have Pearl Pierre’s W ILLA RD B. ROGERS. Wednosday, Deoember 80 o' the cooked vegetables and the pro(JUcHve of a great *1 of gCM.d. Sun Fr'iiicUco- Shirley Aloore tor Wagner New York, whigets number before night." D ecem ber 2P. 1936, >r p la n t w'ould, of cours*-, g et rid use uKAii Tallahaasee, Fla.— The Florida The Manchester Electric Division INTERLHDK Try taking a sw’aat hath j ''abid vegetables .^T-year-oM (lo.stal clerk, left part of vei-y' hot under the collar at termc “Where’s Bob?" he asked >. .M. i t the hood and bring the driver m m'Miciation Supreme (Jourt killed a -law” that it with a siU'wer ahd .'tee h*»w' hiH J2.'’>,00o estate lo provide four applied by Duffy to ASCAP. “Down u l the gaiage, l*K)king SAI-Ti: BA SK ET i:00—Curtis Institute at M usic. never was passed. EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES PITTED tlose up to the actual front of the Well, whatever maj' l>e our much cleaner y(Ui teel. both on the pet rats with iiomes. stipulating the THE CONNECTICLT POWKR COMPANT N E X T f'X S E over his car.” Pearl John answered. : l.‘i Gogo DeLya. The Senate and the House of ODachine. In the prevailing type ol Weather fate from thus lime on, we Inaid*- and the out.sid* . cho.Mon can*lakor must have no chil Clanton, Ala.,—Tax Assessor T L SMALL UXEKLY PAYMENTS Oaiesbiug, ill. Jualice Norton R STRIKE Ol'T “It would .sound silly, vvoiildn’l it, :00—Sunbrite Junior Nurse (Jorps Representatives had bill” at the 7T 3 H u b S 4j:«et dren in the hoiisch«>ld. McKee found his w'astehask»»t sat* i tar the driver's vision Is limited to have bad an Interlude of many days Rider shared the fate ot .scuk'.s ut for me to say how awlully soiry I : 1.5—Dorothy (Jordon’s Children's last session Involving registration E.STIONS AM> ANSWEUS than his-cash drawer. sdiat i*e can see beyond and to one that ha.y cut the winter squarely in d**fendaots who have appeared be­ This worried adininlstrators bt- Chii.'ago-- Strike, ^3. am Uiat all this hac. to happen, so flom er. of bills of sale. Neither measure raii-st* the * Idcrly »vidow who cared struck *.uil in Superior Court. yoi have to stay here? But my CoDecUons in cash were heavy, so :30 Blue Plaraes. ..-as approved by both Houaes. RICHARD STONE »lde of almost half the length of his two. Kor this let us be devoutly fore him In T raffic C ourt A police­ OPTICIAN Office and SaleenxMn Cloecd ThurafUj Night At 5 O’Clock and AU Day New Year's Day. man tagged his car foi a parking for the* cnM during Moore’s lllnea'- His wife, Lena. 3'/. wrts—grau'ied brother's sure the men w ■ cumo McKee took $4S0 in bills and hid :15—News Service. Then a case came up brought by Wm. J. Berg«roa, Optometrist »r, thrust out in front ol him and thankful. It isn’t any frightful Question; Hll-ifcth aaks; vlclatlon. Justice Rider lined him­ has two grandchildren in her home a divorce after^she tealified Strlk* today from Santa he. i f **n maybe them In the basket Aflei the of- :00—Mountaineers. James Messer, Tallahassee automo­ lim ost 00 the level of his eyes. severity that makes our Southern "Would butter be pUped In the self 91 However, the caU are solving the struck her. She was awarded cu.s we can get things sttaightened O.'-e closed thirve.H entered and took :15—News of Youth. bile dealer. The court ruled the 739 Main St State Tbeater Bldg. T^L 4720 Under the beat of ccndUlons he K., h.„, „ But It was a bargain because Uviei problem Since .Moore’s death, three tody of four Utile Strikes, the eldest o u t” . $166 from the drawer. :30—News Sendee. "law" was Invalid. I s r v " , gets half the fine aa coats. of them have wandered away. 0 y^rs old. “What things?" demanded Ra- The basket was untouched.

    ~ V . J


    turned to tb ^ homea after apend and in each ease the intruder carried STATE SENATOR DEVUN GOV. CROSS IS HONORED Ing a few daya visiting at the home a pistol. LUTHERANS’ WATCH 4^ 4^ Find Tubercle-Wax Acts ^ym Opens to Reduce of their mother, Mrs. Nellie Lynch KIDNAPRANSOM From the condition of the kidnap Statens Blood Test Law Home Heating Hints BY THE SONS OF U A tY of Prospect street. note Jeft in the Mattson home, of­ JOINS THE BENEDICTS Miss Florence Natuschka, who is ficers: deuced It might originally ov SERVICE TOMORROW by JOHN BARCLAY, Heating Expert Congressional Waistlines employed in East Longmeadow, have been written to he left Tn the As a Lung Blacksmith Mass., has been spending a few days PAID BY NIGHT Franklin residence. No mention of Cuts Greenwich Marriages I cIICAM A U ‘ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. either'family name was made. Demorratic Floor Lender Weds State’s Chief Executive De­ Atlantic Qty, Dec. 30.—^(AP)—A^ Moat of the other 34 extracts W U h lngton, D ec. 30,— (A P )— ■»,.siiggcst a foiiraom e— with a Dcm o- Naitischka of Edgewood street. Shortly after the two Intrusions, Miss Dorothy. J. Miller of clares Remark Made by Greenwich, Dec, 30,—(AP) —^and Bcreen aa Conotance Talmadgo. Deep Bed of Fire ^ from tuberculosis germs have been |>eter Henderson, physical director crat and a Republican a-s partncr.'i." Silvio Casagrandc of the Mystic IS POSSIBILITY George Franklin, Tacoma chain Pastor a n f Wife to Be Morris Cove. hitherto unknown wax, extr^ftjixj Cicero Caused Him to Enter They're singing.1 I the.w- bluesu, • these Dorothy Giah, Conatance Bennett,. with the bottom of the flredo^r. In previously announced to Scientists R ith— fu n ^ for members of the House, put hla ! Designed to meet the athletic Oral school Is Rpondiug the holidays grocer, took hie fam ily south fo r a Burns Less Ftiel Than from luberculoala germs, and acting days In this one-time Gretna Green the Dolly alaters, Georges Mextaxa by Dr. Anderson. bodied, (hoio^ghlyagod. ^ gyamaalum In order today for a needs of men about 40. the pymnns- f’olitic.s. visiting at the^ home pf his parents, (Oonttmied from Psgo One) California vacation, leaving palatial mild weather, of course, you can 01 the east. and “ A1 Shean of Gallagher and Assisted by League in like a "blacksmith ” In the lunga, All are new chemicals, different W ■erious lesslon of Congressional ium’s most popular piece of equip­ Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Casagrandc of Haddaw'ay Hall unoccupied. He **Skimpy** One — leave a little heavier layer of ash New Haven, Dec. 30—/AP) — Furnace avenue. Time was when lovers could con- Shean were marriec in Or^nwretrr” was exhibited today to the Ameri­ from anything previously known 'muscle bending. ment 1a an automatic reducer. was absent from the city during the purchased the residence recently on the grates. This will keep the State Senator Raymond J. Devlin. ONLY AT New Haven. Dec. 3p.— (AP) — A large number of music lovers night, as was Chief William Cole ot from the estate of the late J. P. venientty slip over the New York- "But tnarrlagea here are now a Saves Time and Labor can Association for the Advance­ All of them. Dr. Anderson said to­ T think." he said, "we're going to TTic mechanism that really causes New Year’s Observance. lire burning very slowly, yet keep De.mocratlc floor leader, luid Mias Gov. Wilbur L. Cross had an addi­ attende* ou! executive, the governor said (3c:ero. leader and .soloist directed the can­ Other officers working uap the in m arriages for li)3C, In October, t'a.-'hionfl.ble Greenwich no'v goes to by Rev. and Mrs K. F. KneUvm Hotel Toft for incinbers of the cou­ plex sugars which he has discover* Yale University and the National vort In sweatshirts and short.s: j tata. was taken from his living rtKim wa.s the surest ways to this warning- Af­ Mii.«clo ina.sHHL'f’ "n a mruLli- ^'rent Itornan slate.sman, .serverl s.s Matt.'^on ra.se reported they had de­ f/jr example, only 18 marriage ap­ Harrison and Arrrun.k in VN'est- ple’s immediate families. Later, the ed m the bodies of tuberculosis Tuberculosis Assoclattcm have co­ f No politics In games. found abandoned Monday night m j termined the kidnaper escaped in an with the asMStance of the Luther actually w aste fuel ter putting fresh Three strong sfie/imH nf w;iter om- inspiration that lofj to his own The. new pulmotor which wa.s re­ plications were riled com pared to | Chester county New York’. Senator and his bride Ic^t for a brief germs. operated for ll) years In this work NEW YEAR’S EVE N o boxing that 1 know ol. A coal on the fire, be play fiom hn.ie nnzr.l' S that 'lo o k cently pnrchn.sed fjy the Life Saving King County Tw'o gtinnysacks w'cre * automobile w’hlch he entered tn 124 during the same month In 1,935. ! Leagrue. Members and friends of This "blacksmith’” Is one of the No wrestling. I eiitranee into public afTauH. the church are invited to attend all ■ flliim'" Are bums sure to leave an honeymoon. of extracting the chemicals from biL' enouph to pul out a ;,oin<|-;ti7.e- .soon. er. Dr, Mattson was reported hv a i parents are Mr and Mra Frank D .same day pm\hled the girl is a rcsi- <“ourl invalidation of the Guffey Act show movies of activities at Uie' tiihorculosis and for this reason l.s Ho ha.s nowhere near reached the swuuK and wai.sts reduced m soli­ servefl a remark of ('Icero's that Mrs. Roso (‘Siachurai TIchacek, The Bertocchine auto was examin­ fam ily friend tfi he ready to pay th e' Devlin of New Haven. d-i.t of .some state outside oi New regulating the soft coal industry. church. After the program, refresh' i considered an important ftnet as one tude the te.st of knowledge lle«i m lla 42, wife of Joseph Tichacck of ed carefully by officers seeking fin­ ran.Hom demand in full with nionev j Mis. Devlin is the daughter of end of unknown chemicnl sub­ York," The elder Carter was prominent ments will be served. >t the significant differences apply­ G Hours of Entertainment and Dancing! "A lot of new one.' u«e If ' Men- apfillcalion to public affairs ' Keefe Plriin.^dled late Sunday night gerprints. ' he had obtained "In his own w’ay.” I Mr. and Mrs Richard C. Miller of stances existing In this quarter NEW YEAR Allen termed the new law “tun- as a railroad builder and coal mine A service of praise and prayer ' SHERIFF SEYMOUR’S SON FOREIGN EXCHANGE ing to the human disease. dersi'n said. ” e.*jjv'. t;illy ^'ottuiK o(T The governor iaiDled Italians for M-lhe Kane Pavilion. Bronx. N. Y., In the Seattle ad observers be­ The doctor refused offers of fimin- ] Morris Cove She was attended al fraction of the germ. damcntally a good measure." but will be held at 11 :3n o'clock and it Is | the tirst few poiindr ' their contributions to arts and follnwin^ Ji lingering Illness. She lieved ''Ann ' might have been sub­ rial aid from friends [ operator in Virginia, W est Virginia yesterday’s ceremony hy her .st.sU'r 12 BitT Act.s of Amateur and Professional FKO.M said he would like to .'•ee it become hoped that all menibcr.s will nllrnd | lil'-rafiiie among ottier things dis-I wa-^ bom in Rtickvllle on Sept. 11, stituted for the "T im " now' know'n Fears for the safety of Cluu le.s i and Tcnne.s.see, Miss Evelyn MIDer Judge F-Mward a national Inw'. Dcsjgnetl to prevent j PASSES IN SIMSBURY Vaudeville! f.ti.'se.l \'irgt! and I>ante, dreu a I l^Ot. For 11 yearB she re.sided In to have been mentioned In the ran­ increased last night as freezing ' Hjs .survivors are lus widow, Mrs Ne\«. York, Dec. 30 - (AID For­ L. Keynohhi of East Haven was best the spread of sr.cial di.sca.sr.s, the MERZ TEAM UADlNC )iju 'ilh l h«'l we<‘n ( 'avoi.r, .stalcsma.i .\’ew York r ily and .«ilnce last .Marrh som note left by the lone, masked Weather and .sleet continued. OnIv{ .May Ktta W. Carter, the son. and eign Exchange steady; Great Bri­ man. who organized a ('onstltut)onai ha.s made hei •home In Stafford kidnaper in the home of Dr, W. W. recently recov* red from a bud cofii, ] Act requires couph-s tn schmit t o ' two daughters, Mrs. M W Doggetl Continuous From 8 P. M. To 2 A. M. Chester Seymour Wa« Official tain In dollars, others in cents. KLEIN’S Monarctiy under King Victor .'"Springs H' std<*s her husband she Mattson Sttnday night when he‘es­ the boy might be aerlouslv injured if blood teats befote they can obtain of Kingsport. Te)in , and Mrs, It. O Hollywood Oak Street Package Store Great Britain demand, 4’91: cables, IN BREMEN’S LEAGUE FmaruH’l, and < lecitge Wa.shington. leavr.B, three .Hi.sfrr.n. Mrs Julia Sko- caped through a window, rarr>Mng | exposed, the family .salrf ’ I a marriage license, I Wdkin.son of Hill.sville. \'n. • of Ensign Rickford Co. — YOT’NO ROOSEVEI.T BETTEU Sirs, Matl.son was rcfiorted n*'ar-| 4 91, 00 day bills, 4 90; France de­ FAVORS! NOISE MAKERS! Me rei'iilled that Fnglt,*»h poel.s, vin.'-kl «)f .Nh’w Britain, the .MI.s.sc.b Charle.K in hU arms. I .iustlce of the I'em c W .M ; Hollywood. Dt'c. 30.- - ( A P ) - T o-j Sick ()n!> Short Time. L. Cer\ini, Prop. 21 Oak Stroot I>r. Mattson and others denied the ing a rf>llap.sr, A htjuse vi-^^itor said ' Fiske rc( ailed that in th* yimd ul«l 1 William I'cnn occupied the fust mand. 4 (>7. rat)les. 4 07; Italy de­ Boston, Dec. 30. (AT) - Crowd.q Food Store dr anmt 1st e.ssayisl." and phllo.so- .'\nna and Helen Stnchuni of Hart­ morrow night at the Htiokc- of 12 j note wa.s connected with the ca.so. she wept almost continuously. I mand. ft.20 1-2, rabies. 5.2fl 1-2 of curious, who thronged a local ho­ D .\L . r.fi ^^ilh Rut Two .Motv" Sittinirs phers at the time of the Henaiasnncc ford. also five brothers, Ja( k of Man- days such celebrities of the stage {.nek house In Anu-rica. Mickey Mouse, cartoon ncrecn star, i Lnterlaininjf and Dancinff Orchestra. 1 32 Demands tel lobby to see Mrs. Franklin D. I FREE DELIVERY Due in Schedule Rarher-N ,\re tairu il their inspirations from Italy ch'.Btcr. Thomas. Joseph and John I>nd(1er Exnmlne4l will lose the greatest honor of hie! Simsbury, Dec 30. — lA P )— Ches­ Belgium. 16.86 1-2, Germany Free Roosevelt and Miss Ethel Dupont, Ahead h> 17 Roinis. and p.TDl tribute to Pope Pms XI. of Hartfm u aifd Frank of .Veu Brit­ Department of Juslii'e agents career. -.y^. ter Seymour. 42. vice president and Admission 30c. ain. Funeral servlre.s were held 40.25. Registered 19.00; Travel who are visiting Franklin. Jr.. In a other .spe.akers intiodrce.l by Dr. callcf wnorn lauded centrated on inspection of a ladder blem frem one of the 12 Japanese liam A. Seymour of Hartford h.phi’.st team, Vnlvfiline.s. who woi. etery used in apparent aft-empt.s to kidnap 18.96; CsecholBoVakta, 3.ft0 1-2; dicated they were visiting friends him. calendar signs. county and ^rved in the Engineer­ 3-6 pounds aver- o Q the two eontfsl.K Inst year I^nttuop The condition of Dr W B. Bean .John Franklin, five from Hadilaw’a;; Jugoslavia, 2 34: Austria, 18.73N; on historic and socially exclusive Pictures of Iho mouse have ap­ ing Corps in the World War and age. 111...... «3 C and Y<»un^ scored, U»,') poinfw for of ( 'hurt h strcf'l whA l.s a (latienl At hall, palatial t '-nu’ two tiloek.s from Hungary. 19.80; Rumania, .75; A r­ Beacon Hill. peared on New Year’., caid.s, street until 1919 gentine. 32.75N; Brazil. 8.80 1-4N; hlph fi>r the niLdit nn*l ■fiaverl -rpe tlm .John on .M cniaial ho.spital is the ^Tatt.sou residence. late In No- Popular Market Seymour had been '^ice president Meanwhile, officials at the Phil­ ported to ijo im proving an«i he i-, decorntjons, toys buttons and ev'cn Tokyo. 28 23: Shanghai. 29.85; lead The rurlerneM', Irani tooi< a ve mlier S.3,3 MAIN STREET nf the company since 193ft and a I lips House of the MassachuselUi TURKKVS. STAFFORD SPRINGS reyting eomfortnhly. Dr. Bean was RUHINOW' in H.DING In the newspapers. His good quail- • I Hongkong. 30.70; Mexico CJty, tumble last night ano n where the ehlld was member of Board of Finance of N — Nominal. ing continued improvement. Ho.‘»e No. 1 ...... ■ ’jr, ’ stcfl hv Officer John Yinkulka ol moM.'je will be dep«).«;eil in tiivor of Armour’s Star, ilv. on Pro.*?pei t .t ie d Sunday. i siei ping, Mien fled when the boy's | Simsbury. } fiHo Uompans, Jr...... t:u U)( al talc police luirra-k.s, .Mon- THURSDAY—SPECIALS—THURSDAY thf ox. I Ib...... Miss f\\- I *atu[io of Westerly. K. , i Of tiler w h;m and sciramed. He; He was graduateid from Trinity 25c l\VlKS KI NEKAL !‘'oley's h!xpiess ...... I. .spent the Oiri-'lnia i hob-lav an-1 J college In 191ft and Immediately be­ r h r r k s on the I ii.trge uf violation of 'the putty knife. Admitting he Is a kissleDs bride- | Porterfields ...... 2r»7*j we*-k-end at the home of her j*ar-| came RSfioclaVd with the Ensign I’ utnam. Dec 30 lAP)—A high COLDS SAUERKRAl T. ents. Mr and M r.s. Jainr.s ( ’arn[M> j m j )i .s of tli roid. Sh-- pasted a On the second Intrusion, he wa.« j I ’> groom, Dave Gould, movie cliorus Bickford Company, manufacturers Hilltops ...... 2o.M) Ici.'-ih hon.l of $'20 for tier appearante surpri.‘';ed .n the hallway of the home ' j mass of requiem was celebrated to- e n d Ib...... K. of P...... Mr and .Mr (; 1./OOUU.S \ id RIB PORK ROASTS director, has sued for annulment of i of safety fus‘»s 5c * 1.1 file Fllinglon town eourt later and again fled after firing a single ' I dav in St .Mary s chupch for Wll- Bueklnml ...... iTi Loroy of Aftl<'liT)ro. .Mns.-^ . ha\e his marriage to Kraiu e Paxton, i He leaves bis widow and two chil­ f e v p :r .Ml:-; I>arc with her partner were' on pistol shot at H night watchman. j I harn A ftrady. noted «rfnr who died Hluefleld.<» ...... liruii returned to hGUlie after Ix'iiig dancer. t dren. nr«t dii^ their wa\’ to Fh).ston wher. .she wa.s ' rer.-ntly in Astoria, L. 1. l T H h I e l a HOME RENDER -■ r- tllf’ tecenl g;i< '.t- fof a few .lays al Ma> Ik' Same Man ' I SMOKED SHOULDERS The couple eloped to Yuma. Ahz., [ Funeral services will be held to­ ( ’nnununity Luruh ...... ’.'.Vis 'I’le for i ehea r.sal. A small group of members of his Noaf> Uritpa SO mlniirea - -LIQUOR SPECIALS- ED LARD. Ill...... Kowl's A it: I i f i n m ...... 'Jis!! I he ilotne of M r, and Mrs, Roland Offlrcr.«^ believed the man might'] Dec. 5 and separated nine days morrow 1 O C family and Intimate friends attend­ IHrtrh'.s. Kestnui ant iMhi hnipsoii of Bellros*' :dr. (d.' be lh(' same one wl'io abducted ’ later. "1 was still klssless.'' Goulci j MILSHIRE Fourteen million lon.s of al ai(‘ ed the services in the church and al Try **ntib.My.Tt*m"~U'orld‘« llrnt no.«e-(’omimnv ‘J . , ivtt'h Mr at'rl Ml : FItn ■r D Kin.sm.an hiow n-eyed CTiarle.s Malt.son. De- Boneless POT ROASTS said. I L i n i m e n t m KOLAK rXIDENTIFIED CREMO DEER, I Aircraft of Cl ant avefuie !ia\ e r<‘l':rn .‘(| aft*-i q ju e .) .annitally t.v .supply I he .-criptions of the tu'o tallied closely. ■ Mrs. Gould's attorney. Ben G ' the grave in St Mary’s cemeler>’. ipeiniin^ >1 (, w daVH uii d \e .. w..iksi-ops, hoti'h ■ •ir . nv'tlvofls of entry to the Mattson Cohen, said she probably would ivt Among the mourners were his ca*so ...... $1.80 vi'dling with Rrlf1g(*porl. Dee 30 (AP) Wll. GIN UEF'.s s i ;k k I i .o \\ i :h ^ l’ ■lM'dl ratl’.v.iv.s and k'ranKlin homes were similar. widow, Mrs, EllZHheth C’unningham el,i 11\ < •> in St • t liMi: .M i.‘’S FRESH SHOULDERS contest the action or d'’mand ali­ Lam M. Clougher of Norwalk vs as I Brady, and hla lhrF*e sisters, the Cei.iM HopUii,,. ot Ik-.ton. Ma-->- mony j ?ntirely justified when he .shot ano LORD BACON STRAIGHT RYE lOPEN NEW VEAirS DAY! Klha. N. Y . 1>«M .311 .AIM was the re« (‘lit of his hiothir- Misses Elizabeth. Rachel and Cath­ killed a still unidentified burglar in erine Brady. fora [The warm weathei hii.^ ••van the h<‘»>- m-li\v :in«l -isler, Attoii.ey and Mrs. Arthur Strawn. film scenarist. ; defons** of his home on the night ot , for.led, !'■'« I II lleei}. 'Jnd (tf Ka.st Main plans to spend his honcymix)n m | Doc. 1ft, it was announced today in W HISKEY $1.25 I SAVE iVIONEV— , Frank Bratt. a fainicr. r*'pnrted street GENUINE SPRING LAMB SALE Chicago where his latest play a finding hy Coroner Theodore E lappy today that hc»«« tiim one hivp on 9 l . 5 4 New Year! 1 2 i c Ib. 1 9 c lb. radio songstress. burglar who was "a travelling ar- 2 5 * senal" carrying four pistols. Mrs. Gertrude M, Dennis, attractive ATLANTIC GASOLINE The young chain store manager Brookline widow, on Jan. 7. PAUL JONES . i Store Closed .All Day New Year’s Day. Gloria Swanson may come back i told his story of killing the burglar "Yes. it's true.’’ he said, smiling­ % MORIARTY BROTHERS GENUINE SPRING to the screen In a story now bemi^ ; on the stairs leading to the second ly. when .seen at hl.s Jamaica home, Happy New Year Manchester! prepared by Frances Marlon. She i floor of his home. Just before 10 "that'.s the day I'm going to walk 301-315 Center Street At Hroad Street )7 WHISKEY $2,591 last played in "M bslc in the A ir ,' o ’clock the night of the Iftth. down the aisle." Open 24 Hours Lamb Roulettes produced more than two years ago. CALVERT’S New YeaFs Specials In the story by Miss .Mifrlon, she 1..t. 1.p ff ivw;"—>»ni?I X'''"' " ' '' ' .’•.’TTr’*'''"'"'** ■""( J EVERYBODY SAVES AT would be afforded an opportunity to ' 5w Year — START THE NEW YEAR — sing. I WHISKEY <|)$1.98 Quality Meats At Reasonable Prices Q W ITH A YOUNG. TENDER Both Wunum Brothers am' .M. CL serve M. studios are reported Interested. • GREEN RIVER Everybody's Market I'linu- Kil) R«a-t Flt'of, ,-tandinj; or bonod and rolled if E • yi'ni )\ isli. Special l!9c Ib. James Gleason, comedian, was in ( 3 u S l FREE DELIVERY! DIAL 3721 ! (O.ME IN FOR VOI R CALEN D AR ; ...... Small. Lean, Fi tvsb I’ork Shoulders...... , ,19c Ib. the hospital today—the victim of a WHISKEY s$1.79 hit-and-run motorist. "2 R A C E S SAY HELLO TO 1937! Honeless Chuck Roast for Oven or I’ol Roast , , • Ib. Turkey ZO Gleason suffered a broken nose, At the K. of C. Third Annual OLD LAUREL STRAIGHT The Same Fine Quality - Hut W e Haven’t Many Spi'cial On Our Home Made Sausage Meat, from home several fractured ribs and bruises dres,sed iM)i k and pure spice.s. none b etter...... 19c lb. ( OI NTKV BOLL C’KNTEU CUT when his automobile was struck by USED CAR SALE Fancy Fresh Chickens to Roast, I 'j to lbs. each, 29c Ib. another machine which he said was NEW YEAR’S EVE FROLIC WHISKEY q>$1.39 I' ancy Fresh Fou l, I to I ' 2 pounds e a c h ...... 2.3c Ih. traveling without lights. We imist clear our ffnrnjfe of used cars In order to have room for trade-ins on our new 1937 TOMORROW NIGHT, 9 P. M. TO 3 A. 51. p in t ^ 5 C Fresh W estern I’ork to Roast, Rib H a lf ...... 21c II). B U TTE R -3 5 * Pork Chops lb. * Film Production Notes; T U R K E Y S 2 3 2 5 ModeLs, RAINBOW INN — BOLTON Fancy, Fresh, Little Hen Turkeys , , ...... 29c Ib. Allan Dwan replaces Mai St. EreshI) Cround Hamburg for a nice meat loaf • , , 19c Ih. Clair. Ill with Influenza, as director Joe Hammond and Hla .Aiiatocrats RON RICO PUERTO RICO of "Time Out for Romance." Fine Chuck Heef Lround , , , , , , , , ,29c Ib. Old Fashioned Turkey Dinner Hottom Round Ground, all lean meat , , , ...... ,.‘!,")C Ib. "Wake Up and Live', will start Milk cans B E E F S A L E FRESH FISH TODAY shooting at Twentieth Century-Fox ALL CARS SOLD AT A SACRIFICE 6«rv©d At 10:80 P. M. Hiibserlptlons, (5.00 per couple Extra Fancy Small Legs Spring Lamb — I.amp Chops. RUM iX K,l 1 O i SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE studios next month. The cast In­ I'eal Chops and I'eal Cutlets. cludes Ben Bemie. Patsy Kelly. STRAIGHT 1 S u g a r [bulk] 1 0 Ib: 4 8 c ROUND - CUBE Jack Haley. VV'alter Wlnchell and (2) 19.3C OLDS 8 SEDANS. Very I Q c i b . Rutter, Fairmont Better Butter ...... 2 lbs. 73c Ib. Claire Trevor. low mileage. 1931 HUPP COUPE . . . $175 Butter, l,and 0 ’l,,akes or Iowa State...... 2 ll)s. 79c KRAUT Gloria Stuart, on leave to Uni­ WHISKEY versal, will return, to Twentieth 1936 OLDS 6 COACH. 11,000 miles. ■3 |L ard Eggs, strictly native, fresh ...... med. size. 38c doz. 2 Ib:. 2 9 c Century-Fox for the lead In "Dead 1931 HUDSON SED AN , $225 THE BRIGHTEST SPOT .5 O’CLOCK COCKTAIL Extra Large...... 4.3c doz. STEAKS Y-esterday." 1933 OLDS 8 CONVEKTIHLK ColTee. Our Stores; give it a try; bean or ground, 21c Ib. For Welcoming the Now Year Ooi'un Spru> PORK KIDNEYS COUPE. Low mileage, radio and 1931 HUPP SEDAN . .. 1 Crisco 3 Ib. can Campbell's Tomato Soup . . • ...... ; ...... 3 cans 23c $150 Is Right Here! GIN 3 t h S 8< )C Ib. RORK LIVER 2 lbs. 2 ^ < heater; cloth upholstery. 1931 DODGE Cranberry Sauce! t omatoes, very good grade. No. 2 cans...... 2 for 15c njR B QUOTATIONS Entertainment — Dancing Royal Scarlet Rock lyobster ...... 6-oz. can 30c SALT PORK ROADSTER ...... $125 MT. VERNON BONDED 1 Land O ' Lakes ButtCr ' ib. ^ 9 ^ 2 5 Kippered Snacks, Royal S carlet...... 2 cans 9c 19.3.-) DODGE SEDAN $550 1930 DeSOTO SEDAN, No Cover or Minimum Charge! Shrimps. Royal S c a rle t...... 2 cans 29c B\ ASSOCIATKl) PRESS Very clean ...... $145 WHISKEY p i . m in c e d a m A m G en ...... , . . n s , ; FUN! FAVORS! NOISEMAKERS 'Puna Fish, fancy light m eat...... 2 cans 33c I ^ 1931 FORD SEDAN . $ 1 .9 4 1 Fruit Cocktail Ig. no. I's c^ns Am Clt Pow and Lt B ...... 6 t » $325 2 25^® Tomato Juice, Campbell’s, 14-oz. c a n s ...... 3 cans 23c OLD MR. BOSTON AMERICAN BOLOGNA Ark Nat Gas ...... 7 1930 GRAHAM SEDAN Grapefruit Juice, Royal Scarlet, No. 2 c a n ...... 2 for 19c 2 ^^ 1933 AUBURN SEDAN, (SQQC $125 Turkey Dinner < > » ' i Assd Gas and El A . . . 25 PEANUT BUTTER 2 *^ ...... 3V . . W mileage, rad io ...... $ 0 ^ 0 Dole’s Pineapple Juice, No. 2 c a n s ...... 2 for 21c 2 5 A m S u p P o w ...... 1 0 And All Our Usual Good Things. Mnru.srhino 1 Ap r ic o ts Ig. no. I's can l O c ...... 2'.» 1930 FORD COACH.... Pancake Syrup, l6-oz. bottle, with one package Royal B lu e R id g e ...... 3 1933 I'LYMOUTH ( t O r V C $100 GIN $ 1 .3 9 Can Marroui ...... Scarlet' Pancake Flour ...... both 2.3c ...... \K COACH ...... Tkyncst Beer Wines Liquors CHERRIES! Cent Stales F!lcc ...... J s» ! 1929 WHIPPET COUPE HEUBLEI.N CLUB Prunes, large size, 40-30 to pound, Santa Clara, 2 lbs. 19c C it S e r v ...... $45 ...... 4 ^ 1 Min ce M eat ^ 3 p*h$1.69 Young- American Cheese, 23c lb. Ford Limited ...... 1 1932 CHRYSLER (S O C f/V 30 Oak Street F'ermerly Oak St. Tavern 1 Do le P in e o p p le Ig-cans I Q c Nlag Mud Row ...... I G ’ , ; COUPE ...... NEW'YEAR’S EVE SPECIALS! Spiced H a m ...... 29c lb.iMuenstcr Cheese ...... 21c lb. P e n n R o a d ...... 1929 FORD PICK-UP...... 4^4 1 $100 Segal Lock ...... q. $ 2 . 1 9 Fancy SweeU 11 Fanej- Bleached Fancy, Juicy Ginger Ale, Royal Scarlet, Pale or Golden,.....28-oz. bot­ ...... 2K 1932 GRAHAM ( S O O t ? SEGRAMS Jellied Corned B eef...... 19c lb. Swiss Chee.se...... ,32c lb. U n i t G a s ...... tle (contents) . lOc ...... lO H SEDAN ...... (2) 1929 OLDS SEDANS 5 Crown. TANGERINES! CELERY! ORANGES! Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 8 $100 Ginger Ale, Country Club, Pale Dry, 32-»z. bottle (con­ Luxury L o a f ...... 25c lb.Also A Full Line of Pkff. Cheese UtU Pow and Lt ...... tents) ...... 13c ...... I H 1931 ESSEX COUPE.. 1928 OLDS S E D A N ____ d o z . ^ ^ e Lime Rickey and Club Soda, Royal Scarlet, 28-oz. bottle $95 $50 IN MANCHESTER FTS SEGRAMS p‘ $ 1 .4 0 1 O c doz. MAV ABOLISH PRISON 1 2 1 5 * (contents) ...... 10c 7 Crown Roquefort Cheese, Bulk Danish, 59c Ib. Society B. 79c Ib. 1931 FORD COACH. .. $125 1928 OLDS COUPE...... $50 K n a d a le * 1 Strictly Fresh, JLargo F R U IT — SPECIALS — B A K E R Y Paris, Dec. 80.—(AP)—The g;ov- Large Seedleee Muenster Cheese, fancy, aged to suit your taste. .27c lb. ernment submitted to the Chamber , CONRAN'S PUMPKIN! EGGS! of Deputies today a bill calling (or SEGRAMS Stk $ N GRAPEFRUIT! Swiss Cheese, extra fancy, sliced or p iece...... 49c Ib. 3 .15 Cheese, Land O’Lakes, m ild ...... '... .28c Ib. Florida Oranges GRAPEFRUIT basic changes in the French penal v.o. _____ TANGERINES system as a first step toward aboli­ No Money Down—20 Months To Pay 1 0 c lgst.2jcan| 1 3 9 ^ Martini Butter Crackers ...... 2 pkgs. 23c tion of the Guianan prison colonies For HOOD*S Ice Cream MACNIVEN'S SCOTCH 5 ^ 5 * Ritz C rackers...... "R Fpkg. doz. ^ los c l O c doz. known as "Devils Island." ON ANY CAR UNDER $300. TRADES CONSIDERED. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! Also Full Line of Swedish C!anned Specialties. 2 25 5 25 Ministers explained the project as Intended to permit development Greening or DeUdoos NEW YEAR’S ICE CREAM CAKES WHISKEYIHHISI sth $2.19 GRAPES McIntosh Apples of French Guiana as well as to end OPEN NEW YEAR’S DAY! 6 1 ears Old. - 1 Ra d ish e s fancy 2 l ^ ^ n . 9 e AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT BANANAS criticism of France abroad because 35c - $1.50 - $2.25 APPLES! Home Made Squash, Pumpkin and Mince Pies . . .30c ea. of the prisons on both mainland FLAVORS: 1 9 c c and coastal islands. Home Made RolLs all k in d s...... 13c doz. lbs. lbs. 1 9 c Strawberry Macaroon and Pineapple Sherbet 2 4 25 4 Under the terms of the bill, the 1 L e ttu ce fancy 2 heads And Our Usual Full Line of Home Made Bakery Goods. 3,000 prisoners now at the Guianan Nut Covered Vanilla With Strawberry Fruit Center Fanev Decorated Pure Whipped Cream C lbs. 2 C c Special On Hand Picked Baldwin Apples .... lbs. 19c Fresh Baked Poppyse.ed prison* would not be freed whole­ The following flavors on hand: Almond Brittle - Buttei NEW YEAR CAKES LAYER CAKES DINNER R{)LL.S sale, but the colony would be per­ Manchester Motor Sales, Inc. Crunch - Froxen Pudding • Vanilla with Cliocolale Fudge - i String Beans or Peas 2 8^^- 1 9 ® mitted to "exUngulBb" Itself as the 20 BAST CENTER STREET MANCHESTER Strawberry • Maple Nut - VanlUa and Strawberry Sherbet QUINN’S D IAL 5111 c u p 1 2 i C doz. present prisoners are pardoned, M o PIN T. d i a l S80A 25 234- serve out their terms or die.

    ,) BIANCHESTER EVENING HITRALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« WEDNESDAt, DECEMBER 80,1986 BARNS, STOCK INJURY AT SCHOOL DUCE TELLS fllTLER Eleanor Powell Stints Her Stuff In A im R S CONSTABLE TO STOP ASSISTING Big-Time, Singtime, Siiiingtiine Musical! In b ig b l a z e SPOILS BIRTHDAY IN TAX ARGUMENT . i ;; FASCISTS IN SPAIN West Sides Upset Oak GrilL In Rec League, 26-19 Johi Lent! Place Cb Gardner Stewart Atkinson, Jr., Is (OontfnoM from Page One) Find James Duffy Had Nol Spanish insurgenta and to have aug. Street Suffers Big Loss Laid Up As Result of Bad go.sted that H itler follow suit. / FOUR QF HIGH GAGERS GOULD PICKS TElV BIGGEST SPORT TIGHTEN HOLD ON LEAD; Mussolini’s future policy toward Collected 99 Cents Listed Last Night Fall Into Recess. .‘='pnnish Fascism was expected in informed circles to have great HAVE PU Y E D BRISTOL v/elght in any decision H itler and in Audit Report THRILLS ON 25,(300 MILE FRONT PA’S DOWN EAST SIDES, hi.s Nard nontenants reach on Fran- ■ ^ r ■ A larg-e stock and hay bam. a tool Rtow'nrt Atkinson. .Ir., of H.'i Cen­ co-HrRl.sh demands for a strict non­ and machinery barn, a alio, a bunk ter wlreet. Ifl 1.7 yearx old today, intervention in the Sponi.sh civil Constable James Dtiffy never wtui Cobb, Moorhoose, Horvath | war. By AL.\N GOIXD year's biggest, moat spectacular golf Commisskmer Landis ruled the bril­ ler receiving an impromptu but WELDON’S ARE VICTORS but hix birthday i.sn’t exactly a hap­ bouse, a chicken coop, two bulls, paid the 99-cent tax which wae liM- nrnelheless celebrated "Olympic py one Stnwart i« conflned to hi« How far the Nazis would go to Local Sport tournaments, the Augusta National liant young pitcher. Bob FelloT, ■■ ■■ — 7^ > ( two heifers, a small hay bam, a cd.ln a report made* to the select- New York, Dec. 30— (A P ) — The home wdth a badly Injured left knr^e, force the Spanish Socialist govem- and Ifose of Red and| and the United States amateur at could .stay with Cleveland for a kiss." ' i only definite conclusion we can large ha; stack nml a throe years nient to free n Spanish pawenger men Monday night by Town Audi, Comebacks? The cpmpelUlve an injury he xuficred at the. Har- reach after hop-sklp-and-jumping Garden City, were lashed by such nominal fee. supply of ensilage were lost In a and freight soizod from the froight- tor Hibbard N. Alexander as bav­ \ hlrl was filled with them, with Max 1 BOX SCORE 1 nni'd .srhool ry* tin* .“e/i.sionR rln»<>d Chatter some 25,000 miles around the sport- terrible gales of wind and rain that Super-colossal ? The- Olympics Are on the John rarm south of < r 1‘alo.u Willie it was Interned in White Starting Qnint Were Schmeling a fl.*«tlc hen>, Alice Mar- for the ('hnMtma.-^ vacation on De­ in. been paid to Mr.. Duffy but not iLg premises this year la that 1936 non-combatants scurried for their were nothing else but a combina­ 270 Gardner street last night. The Hilbao harh(.i may be settled at the hl>.* a tennis heroine, and the New r. A. A. r. (27) ■ i cember 22. A fall Into a ba.xement marked paUl In the tax collector'* Kit Klein, world's champion tops ’em all- since the war —for a lives . . . But they were Just tion of pageantry, nationalistic fer­ Heights As Brown, Mc­ fire was discovered at 0:30 and the Cftnference today. York Giants an indomltnhle com­ B F r. recefoi at the north end of the achool cash book or rate hook nor turned feminine speed skater who recently combination of athletic storms and zephyrs compared to the tempestu­ vor. an(i exploits excelling anything hay stack and part of the silo con­ in Action Last Season; bination that climbed from mid-sea. Opalach, If ...... - 0 1-2 1 eau.secl the injury. A foreign office spokesman said over to the towm treasurer, It wa* turned professional^ is appearing ous voyage of our Olympic lads and in athlett.: history and leaving even tents were still burning this noon. earthquakes, headnche.s and ear­ .son depths to National l/i'ague pen- t.avorick, If ...... 2 2-2 6 rcpri.ual.s of .some sort definitely determined today at a conference this week-end at the State theater aches, melodrama and hlgh-falutin lassies, culminating in the cxffulslon the Greeks groping for n word to Adams Star; Amerks Gain At 9:30 last night Mr. Lentl went Dpon leaving xchool young Atkln- pant heights under thp tn.splred Hnrnb\irda. r f ...... 2 0-0 4 ; v.'onld be taken unle.s.s they are re- between Mr. Duffy and Mr. Alexan­ Rivals Are Shy On Vets. in Hartford tn an ice skating act exploits b.TTmr boys and girls. of the comely Eleanor Holm Jarrett dcscrit^e it Nearly 300,000 specta­ Into his large bam to administer .‘*on cluLsed along the building nfler leUMc'd. pitching influence of ( ’arl Hubbell. Ho^vnfltk, rf ...... 2 0-4 •1 der. . . . as a special feature, she A t home or abroad, ll'.s been the for imbibing too much champagne. tors turned out dally to see the .medicine to a sick cow. He (unied Hnme Hchonl Jinpera lhat had hh.wn Thrills and spills” They were “• Mordovskv. c ...... 4 1-2 9 The erulHcr Kolen and a torpedo TTna Merkel, DavH Horsley, Eleanor 'Powell In “Born to Dance”, The person owing the tax Inform- challenges the best speed skaters in year we can recall since Babe Ruth Trem ors? Just a couple, the world’s greatest simon-pure athletes 5th Straight, 27-16; on the electric lights on entering it nf hix tiand. The Iron grating dime a dozen, from the Rose Bowl OlHH”ho\v.*tki. Ig . . . , . ,’.-l 3 bout wrre .Steaming to the Bay of the feature picture In the State's New Year's Eve Show tomorrow Manchester to a contest on the first began hi.s main bombardment, knockout of Joe Louis and the down­ achieve unprecedented heights, with the bam, too rare of the sick cow that protect.s the ground level rec«-Ks night- ed^Mr. Alexande- that he had paid Four of the Manchester High cag- to the Olympic stadium, from y\in- Falkoskl, rg ...... 0 0-2 0 HI.**'ay to e.xerl further pressure !t specially constructed rink at the IjOuIs Firpo knocked Jack Dempsey fall of Minnesota after three un­ America and Germany dividing most the tax to Constable Duffy and ers expected to start against Bristol trec to ChuiThlll Downs , . . Melo- Champs Beat Bhieiields by and then wvilked through the harn had tuM-n broken and a« a rc-nilt the the Hllhao authru-itiea fail lo fi-oe theater Thursday morning and of­ mi • of the ring. Man O’W ar was the beaten seasons, will give you an idea of the medals, laurel wreaths and Dr W illiam W. Mattson, prominent Tacrmia. Wa.sh . physician, h ft that he had a rec>cipt from the con­ drrjima? Wo give you, without fur­ . Totals ...... , .11 .5-13 27 ! to the west end and v.cnt f . Into opening wax not pmt-'ctcd, th«‘ tK>y tile j>a.s.senger and cargo which W'as ”■ I HighHr. (T ia rl's .M.il'.Mn, nghl. u.i.s a neigh­ owner paid Mr. Duffy wa.s for episodes of 1936 tnat packed the B F. P. i 33-26 in Hectic Final. Loon Capon, who w.is ill an-l .v;i so h-ully hurt li-- rw. I. I l [ir I Mi*- f’ulos if.solf was released ye.s- n last season and should be was the "boy wonder" of golf. - . M ajor league baseball’s threat-* diipMrnting Paavo N*urnfl’s quad­ bor of <'>nrgp V\'cy<-rhacu.scr. 0-yi 'i i-old b< y kidliap}H u:t f ”hrl.stmax w.a.** n<»l as I I "inmander ,demanded the steamer the University of Indiana, and now IjfnzowHki, Ig ...... 0 1-2 1 Poll.'ih-.^tnu'rli.. 27 K.i.st !=iUli\s north of the haj-n.'. wh- n the lights to br 111: n*'d Ioo.se. Confusing the tax which he paid Tnterschola.stlc League engage­ nurrv .i.s It nu;.'ht h'ive br^•n fn^ FOR UNPAID TAXES track and field coach at Connecticut Weir. c. . , ...... 1 0-0 2 West .‘Sides r>, Oak C.rlll 19. went out. He thoiirrht it might be to the constable, with the 99-(:cnt ment*. Richard "D ick" Cobb. lo­ 2 ;u t .in-l h .s birllul.iy to-j.av i.‘* Nuv] warsliip.u, Germany warned. State, will be the principal speaker Knneu, t; ...... (1 0-0 0 Woldon’.. 33. Bliicllclds 26 trouble with the switch and .‘^tarteit ni:i\- K'tali'ite liy .searching .Hhip.s oi item whi' h lie was asked by Mr. cal Negro athletic ncc. Is the most UPWARD TRENDS ABOUT TOWN li, ’I".' ;r. h-' h.t-1 h^'p. d fm M th. ,I«hn IKuigherfy at the banquet to be held by the Turet'k, rf- ...... , . 4 1-1 9 - to investigate and a.s he did so he Alexamh'r to verify, the property experienced veteran, having played :u- f ii-'hd.s ami p!i v m.a t o.s any nation de.utined for Fhllvao. The fiintual of Mr.s. (.'atherine Manehe.stcr High cross-country Dowd, I f ...... 0 0-0 I,K.\(il E ST.Wm.NG W’nlked toward.** tlie ea.*^t en knov. and Hriti.sh note of Sunday «iay night. In Windsor, was held at present and form er members of the Totals ...... 5 6-M 16 Oak firm ____ . 3 ,6IX) and seeing Hint aid wa.*« needeil f-.r d.'in.anding a.saiiranees that Hitler cluded It in his* report ol (he .short- Sherwood Moorhouse. Ed Kose •v^Tiir . I. H1II, 11 h j tin: h;.«* lolk** .-M','. the Dillon funeral home, Hartford team is expected to celebrate the Score at halfUmo M-3. P. A F!asl ,‘sstfl.'. . . . . 2 3 .400 called for the Sieith Manelie.ster fir»' i til-’ K. Jr., Announces Auctions A hil ro’ '.fu l i halt volunteer aid to General at 8;70 thi.s morning and at St. agt in former I'ax C(j)leetor George land Captain Jimmy Horvath played n.t^st surcessfu) cT*os.s-crountry sea­ Hhionpid.s . . . 2 3 .400 I- r am o department for hidp. .lame.s's church. Manehe.stcr. at in H. Howe's accounts, along with sev- ,ln the fir.*(l game with Bristol here son in the history of the local Hcleree Bissell Wpldon s 2 3 400 Ak'io fioxrhhly on schedulo for the [last year, while Moorhouse. tior- school . . . Outside of rire Olstriet. Steels and Rails Lead Pro­ A l. io .1 famptiel] f'l o'(.dock. A solemn fameral high of Three Lots March 8. ♦u^nl other Items listed as paid to Time. 15-niInute periods. West Sill.-,. 1 4 .200 nil I tim; Wfi; a rt'portv'd request The jirojKirty ia, oulsuk <>i the Are the .M.. I PREMIER BIUM TO MAKE n a.HS wa.s relebrated by Rev. Wil­ I'on.slahles and not marked paid in ath and Cobb participated in the I -u poration oi .'I'lin G-'n' ial k raneo for additional lecond encounter. Kose oecame district, blit No. 3’s hose and chem' 'ing 'tat ion af liam P. Rcidy with Rev. Joseph the ra.sh hook or rale book nor Bangor pulled a big surprise in the Mest Side (26) Tlio Wp.st Sides ncromplishsd the ■: a.asi ; nj Xa/j troops to he*o beat neligible in the inter\’al between ical and No. 4 chemical hnd ho«»k cession; Bonds Are High­ IH»‘ ri ’ tie t of K.tsl Mel.Hr Gh'ary. a.s.si.qtant pa-lor of St. turne(l ovt'r to the town treasurer. British-Amorican Club’s Dart B F. P. seemingly impo..sibic and suppllod 'l'»\s n .M)i'In.r.s sf ulibor n defLMi.se.s. I/Ots l.')2 and 1.57 in the Ihnehurst he two games while Cobb relumed and ladder respornkd. The build­ t u> ripi a:rl M.i-n Hli' - t for .*e>. RADIO PLEA FOR PEACE .Jrnie.s'.s vhiirch a.s deacon and Rev. 'Phe later tax w'as collected by League by blanking Glenloran. 5-n, 1 ^ Chapntan, It ...... 0 0-0 0 al quarteiH pi I ni a r i!:.'!! on ga.s<‘t sub deacon. bridge street, and a kd on Hilliard e. ColleclOi Howe. In preparing the trimmed Porladown. 4-1. and Lin- McAdams, rf ...... 3 3-5 9 eral important eonferent ea." Scores j f 18-30 and 17-25 and tie<1 rtcld edged Glenavon. 3-2 . . J. . 1 ball rampaign by turning back the It attracted many to the si ene. line ‘.o’d, V M d to l.ay in the oflu •• I’a.'is, Dec 70 i.AI’ i ITcrnler At the ^processional Ira Bronnell. street, near .Main street, will he .sold warrarn Mr. Ftowe did not list the HissclI. c ...... 0-0 2 Har-. ai va»n Non rath wa.s reralled of F’rovidenre. a nephew of the de- >ferldcn fot second place in the fmal Herron had high score for the night lV)wd. Ig ...... There w’aa little ho])« of saving any of the tov. n I ' rlt. - Leon H. im determined todav l-v ad-, at auction for taxes by Tax Col­ earlier delinquent tax of 99 cents. . 0 0-2 0 Onk Grill at the East Side Rec last New York, Dec. 30 — fA P ) - from his W urltem hiirg e.stales to be cen.sed played as a violin soio ••Solt- 'Standing .w t result. of 100 . . . Glentoran still leads In W enuT, Ig ...... o f the contents other than the 99-cent item was the only tax’ . 1 0-0 2 night In a Test and furious struggle, f H '-ent for the policy-determining ly and Tenderly". Organist (Jharles *5^' Bristol has three players who the standing.s with 31 points. Porta- brown, rg ...... and a horse. Tweiilv-one tows were Crn.'^hlng thrriiigh n bair.'ige of x'car. \\V of to Henry l')iirope lor pe.’iee j 1977. at 10'30 a m.. Mr. Nelson an­ owed by the man when the books . 6 1-1 11 26 to 10. In the opening game ot ineeiing.s. I'acknrd firesidcd nt the organ and Competed In lost year’s tilts. Skel- down Is second with 27. Bangor Kerr, rg ...... herded out of the bam, but there rnd '•(ash" fax sriling. ihr .Stork ' t, h : ' 1 a I n and nounced tod.ay'. were in.Hpocted by Alexancior and . 1 0-0 2 the trlpleheader, the Pollsb-Ameri- ifl'i ;i d--. ded to hro idea-d hi.'^ j L '‘t ue the repoit.s of iNTussolim’.s at the ofTertory Mrs Margaret Sul­ ' iky, D’Aprile and Twardy, hut all third with 25. Linficld and Newry was no chariee to .'ave any of the Market todav pu-hed up fniMion.x .n I*, n. li »:-• i 1 The Oxforri street lots are owned eans were herd pressetl to defeat the ■di'A while tin* f'di'inh I'ai I i.i inent ' ■idvH (‘ In pull o»it of Si>ain. Hitler livan .sang "O Je.si Ml ”, As the reec.s- Alexander accepU'd the man's w rit­ ^Ihrec were used mainly us reserves, tied for fourth with 24 each and other contents. Two chicken coo]> 2 nr more point.x, j ei. f..r h. ■? I. . .id f li ? - of 1*^0. by Marie Hiope and li Irene Hippe. Bomb Buster Boat Rocker Gopher Toth-ache Derby Dude Totni.-^ ...... 11 4 ^ 26 East Sides. 27-16, while Weldon’s -e iM Mi.shmg Ihrrnigh a budvet of | I’.a l br.-n lepreserTti'd JUS playing for Hional Mr. Bronnell played "Going ten .statement that the 99 cents had ^i^he fact that Manchester has so Glenavon last with 19 points . . Wires were, tom dowm and Uui Virtunlly all flep.art mont.R tof.k •I thr V M ( • A, ■ a tH • The Hilliard street property is Oak (.nil (ID) outlasted the Bluefields In the night­ L ’ u; .%77 frane-A i $2.2 17 oo.u,. time ff) consult the Italian premier, Home". been pa.d to Duffy without asking ^ ^ a n y veterans should go a long way 1. Max Srhmoling’s Uimckoiit of 2. The ImniHhment of Rimnor 3. Northwestern's 6-0 football 4. Bold Venture's triumph In the chickens oJlow’cd to run free in the part to a greater or lenarr «lcgrec 1 fore De- . nd»er 2*>. owned by the Frank Goetz estate. Joe I/OuIk in the 12th round at F. P. cap, 33-26. 'Hd» per cent of wiiidi was de-' ami lo SCO the outcome of the pres- The burial was In St. oames's lo see the receipt. r!^tow"ard ridding the CiarKemen of Bits of this and that . . . our Holm Jurrett from the .\mer- victory over mighty Mlnnes4»- Uentiirky Derby — l>«k’'.nise It C. Keeney, rg^...... 0 0 0 0 lots. A large number of rabbits In the ino\'e aiul dealing.s were mod * nl Fa.sclst a.ssault on Madrid. In addition tc the town tax which (hr Vankt*e Sladluni, on the- night was gained In a stirring stretch P.\'s Increase Lead v'ot*‘«l to w.nr exr>- n.'Aea. I cemetery, Manehe.stcr. the bearers h.thc stage fright that has afflicted congratulations on the forthcoming loan Hwlrmniiig temn for violation la— Iwcaiise It ended the (lophers’ sSulllvan, rg ...... 1 0-2 2 which were in aiiolhrr Imildlug -it erately active near the fourth hour There wore flev. ml .strokefl of the i has not been paid for several years, of June 19— !»eeauHe it ended the drive with the fu\orlte, Brevity, As a result of last night's games, fb e a'.'ll T'i t Me.in.v'hih*. foreign ofT'en ! being W illiam P (''base, Hugh riaun. Moo many local quintets in the pa.sl n arrlage of Miss ‘Clara Jackmore. Magnuson, Ig ...... 2 0-0 the west end of the big bam were .Sft'c'H anrl r.all.** were well out in ■t' |M *h-‘ So iih Man- I the bill against the propertie.s in- Broun Bomlx'r’s slresik after 27 of training rules— iHH'ntiHC she was stiSMik after 21 consecutive vic­ lM»f'amy and Thorna.s NEW YORK’S SAND HOGS ifarray a decided advantage ever the ino pin-toppler.s, and Arthur Patton. Snow, rf ...... 3 2-2 8 It was not possible to got into the oilR, co|>perH, iitilitle.'*. an-l .*ip('cmi d .O M.d ein -L'd bv ' replie.H f;om Cernmnv and It-ilv to district lax, interest charges and th how coniplelely A rung all the for Lynn Waldorf’s Wildcats, and history of the blue-grass classic. llghtencerts" could he, and pro­ was mdileved through an extraor- In the rodm race from the bar­ . 0 0 with their fifth straight triumph and large barn where the bulls and the Rev. William P. Rcidy conducted : sprinkled with newcomers to the Manchester High high jump lumin­ In athletics, and central flgun' In Cflnt Keeney. If .... Altlunigh there w'n.s little change , V. I'l t‘ b' n;.r mailt' the Sp.im. h civil war. In advertising the properties for jected the vivid comeback of a dinury sequ«*ncc of "hrcjaks." Bat­ rier, (iranville, later crowned the . 0 1-2 1 look as If they’ll be exceedingly d if­ heifers were kept and they burned the committal services m St. A R T KEPT ON THE JOB chalked court. ary . . . the New Britain Holy in the strike aitualion at part'-^i Blum, it was announced, wamld 1 FOR ORANGE HALL P A R H .‘^ale at auction in an attempt to col veteran who was supposed to be the disciplinary storm that roc’kt'd tling In the ruin and mud Inffore year’s S-year-old king, lost his ficult to dislodge from the leader­ to death. James’s cemetery. Cross cagers took a tight hold on Totals ...... 8 19 turnout nf new’ autornohileiJ. the Ri‘v .1I.ili.t ;t I’. wnin.R. who was 1 bro-idea.«t over all gOM-rnnaip i.t l:.)' loot the tax one. Mr. Nel.son Is fol­ Bristol Fsoa Zone. "all WH.shecaten a honuM’omlng crowd, Northwest­ rider, and Brevity was badly 3-7 ship In the flve remaining contests. The wind was from the northeast Bristol, as in the past, will prob­ first place in the state Polish Score ut halftime. 10-8. West motors exhibited a much better f-mc naii-fil ( 1 r in - • n- .ntli a.a t he | >'itjon.s Thursday at 7 .70 p m , ' lowing the precedent established To Remain in .Middletown Cn- s.»ft touch for the dynamic ymin„ at her *|MX'ialty. Imekstroke swim­ ern taiUed its winning touelidown buni|Msl Bold ^ entun* ptild The Oak Grill held iccond place des- and swept the flames away lrc>m the Mrs. Mary F'ilzpatrlek ably use both the zone and man for League the other night by beating Hides. than'in the pn.st .*i» vcial ses.^ion.H. t. 1 • ' ■ I .s ( tiiin li to ' >r2'.70 P _m.. 'e. t i l ine S(‘I(*ction of Kntertain- four months ago by Tax Collector negro . . . With a determination by eapitall/.Ing, In order, a fi'cak $43 for a $2 ticket, longest prlci* In pit, their unexpected setback but house. Klromen had to use water The funeral o\ Mrs .Mary Fftz- tll Court Reaches Its De­ the Meriden SI. Stans. 37-33 .... ming, for seven years and defiant Ro'orec: B l»c ll. Heavy ofTcfinc,.'? of 'di. k: In the .'Oll-F . I '’ L ;• William .) I A -\lo: 'ow reply to the Kr:irr .. • F'lward J. MacKnight. man systems of defense, starting c!mra<*leristlc of his Teutonic rebounding punt, a 20-yard dash IR years, and hung up the third lessened their chances o f overhaul­ brought in barrels from a nearliy nr Ml to 15c OnViod by R. R. pafrii'k, witlow oi James k'itz- cision. the Rockville PAC Girls are leading Time 15-mBute periods. adjii.stiient of a-'ounts to e tatili.sh .Ma-i ■, out with the former and sw'llching background. Scliniellng fiooreon Heap, and two ]>ennltles, fastest Derby time ( ‘2:07 7-r>). but ing the pace-setters. The East Bides, brook to keep th«' luv iKun m .i. h- ' on r.Mtish neutrality demand givir,g| I*. Tomorrow Night. pF trick, was held this' morning at the girls' division with seven profltH or loF.Mex for Income tax r«*- y t'» take ih.uge to the latter if the zone falls to keep Louis in the fourth round with the fondness for champagne eoek- the last of which — for Rd W ld- the winner's jocke>, Ira (Babe) Bhiefleld.s and Weldon's are dead­ Ing the house. The flames ahoi the I laMb'd npf'roval fulled to lelm vrj H;70 at the T, P, Holloran funeral straight victories . . . they’ve won Weldon Drug (33) fuina w T -‘ ab-oiherj wdh « mini pandi. Middletown. Dec. 30— (A P ) — A Manchester froin gaining an early one weapon everybody knew he talls, Mrs. Jarrett provided Inter­ seth’s punching of f>on (ieyer- Hanford was set down for rough- locked in a triple tie. for third place, high Into the air ■ ml building after ; '•S'drni.sm in otTi. lal eire’..-i ov,«t I home, 175 Center street and at St. the title two years a-running and mum of un.scttbun* nt ’•K.-gulni" A fine program oi vaudeville acts three-sided conference of officials advantage. Coach Will Clarke is had— a h‘ thal right hand — and national headlines and muses for brought the hall from Minnesota's riding, along with Ihe Jockeys B. F. p. while the West Sides remain In the building ioon caught lire. A large nro'jpect'A of a i an.'*v er from Lorhn Bridget’s church at 9 o'clock. The CONTRACTS AWARDED meet Manchester at the Windy City in tliia tategor\ end-d r h i.s be.ni anangctl for the rcle- involved in the Middletown bridge drilliitg his charge.s on offen.sive tac- sjsteiim tirafly iKMit tht* negro into argument tiuit haven't subsided IS to the one-yard line from astride thn*<‘ of the first four fin­ Mahoney, if ...... 0 0-0 0 cellar. As matters now stand, It's a hay stack located to tlu- wi-si oi iiu- . Ml.-a of i*..iigh- and Rome. j burial was in St. Bridget’s cemetery. next Sunday . . . Wilbert "Red" 2 day owing to the thr. e .!a\’ deli\a‘ry i :a- u.s at (he Star (;f the F:a.sL. It. pi*ojcct decifl(*fl today to leave a re­ tica against both styles and expects siihjiydlon then'.aftei . , . yet where Steve ToUi scommI. Hadden, rf . . .'T'... . . 1 0-1 nip and tuck race between the five k.- |. ' V. ;:h .'ll Hadden, who did a fine job of man­ ishers buildings* ami a sm;ill hay bai,n i-ulc nl the Stock Kxi hange. 7'he hill..,-Win reply pn'ini.'-i to H I' .\ew Year’s party tomorrow I A solemn funeral mas.s was ce!e- FOR OIL, GASOLINE placement crew of 75 New Yoik to have his team primed lor victory Ford, rf ...... 2 1-2 5 teams the.t trail the PA's.ond any­ •o d M: Allau t r. 1 a-w ey ol Koi^erl aging the Morlarty Brothers' foot­ caught fire from embers and thia Honda pointed higiier, tmt com- Imn vihunlecr.a trttrn ."^p.ain il nlk. : night in Onuige Hall. Billy Brcn- brattal with Rev. August Finance as union men on the compre.Hsod air in Its invasion of the Bell City. Wcll.i, c ...... , . 4 2-4 10 thing Is liable to happen In the sec­ HoaiL ball team this past season, has been was soon beyond control. moditie.a were piixe.f oower.s wt.uld do hkt'wi.ne and Stric' nai of Hartford will be master of celebrant, Rev. Frederick Clark, Jobs. Bristol Is now tied with Middle- Bissell. Ig ...... s. 0 1-1 1 ond half of the battle for first round deacon and fU»V. Charles Barrett, asked to handle the M orlarty P'^lre- Neighbors and oUiei.'> tliMt luuJ I’nmiinenl t.n the uphnn .luring eonl :• -1 v.-e v c-slaVnih-'d. <1111 111.e.s and will aks., contribute Socony Vacuum Co. Is Low The conference attended by rep­ town for second place behind the Metcalf, ig ...... 1 0-0 2 honors. arrived succeeded in ro.nrimg up .sub deacon. resentatives of the slate, contractor stones with Bert McConkey as his , r g ...... 3 1-2 7 n.nst of the se.a.suin w ee L r; .‘^teet If ,i:u “'’lor lLU.''r r\'a.le.** an ;'v e ::il s.-ngs to the evening's en­ Hitlder; Takes Care of All league leading Meriden hoopsters, Brown Leatls Attack the cows and the hoi.^e and getting Music was by a quartet. The and union labor announced It.s con­ assistant . . . East Hartford High Nelsoi^ rg ...... 3 0-0 6 -'tu He I h Idle ni. rrucihle. L-idiom, Su­ wer It \v.v> Bud Ki.ince and Gr.-at tertainment. each with two victories and a single The West Sides, who bod failed to ■ them Into a shed south on l‘ i ru GOVERNMENT TO GET TAX bearers were Jermiah Morlarty. Slate Autos and Trucks for a viction that for the present at least pulle t i"n point licking from Meiiden. Man­ chance of winning against the comedian, Doris Honnequin, fast tery. Hartford, Deo. 30.— ( A P i — Con- labor. the Morlarty quintet for the tow*n . 1 1-1 3 Machine Loss Ilm\y. gom^ T^• W'tr S. ai;; Hod-u-k. (Tx '=- chester Is tied for fourth place with E Raguskus. rg .. powerful Oak Grill team, gave the I ’T ' ‘ re is nothing we could du. ’ tap (lancer. Astrid Skogg, acrobatic tractA* tor motor t)il and ga.soline to Vincent F. Morrealc of New York, title, if and when they cop the Rec . 0 0-1 0 |ler. rj(ni'rnl noiiglas Alr- Th. East Hartford, haying beaten West Hedlund, I g ...... dope bucket the biggest kick It bos The loss on farm and milk m.i» ; an oa.i ird .s,aM hut soe that all (lancer and the Dubaldo BroUiers, be u.tvd by all .state automobilea In attorney for the International Hod Senior League bunting . . . proba­ . 0 0-0 , 0 ' I reft. United Aircrafl. U. S. Indus Hartford and lost to Meriden and .Smith, Ig ...... yet received and emerged on UlS chlnory was heavy. About ewry- I V . ilin ler: s neee.-^.sary v^t-re .st-nt tiv imieicmn.s. 1037 were awardcil today at the Caniors, Building and Common bly the most improved ba.sketball 0 trial Ahoi'.nl. n.rjc. Wc.steiri Union CHANG TO STAND TRIAL MlddlctowTi. The latter U favored Patton, c ...... 0 0-1 long end of the final score. Led by thlng necdcMl in the way of laim i:d the .M.adMil go v in m en t b» Im I- 7he .sliow will start at S o’clock weekly meeting of the State Board Laborers’ Union of America, said he performer in t(^wn this season is AI 0-1 2 ConsoMil.aled PM'-on. Klcctric Howau in its game with the Hull flvo and I.). Muldoon. rf . . . . . 1 "Hot" Brown, who lived up to his machinery wus m the shed but there am tile ( lerman aid, " intended to pre.scnt the skilled labor Obuchowski. rangy blond guard ot 1-4 IJi'.ld. r..n (didated Oil. Mid-Con- and will continue until 2 a. lu. A of I' lnanee imd Control. Wetr, rf ...... 3 7 nickname last night, and the eagls- was only $750 Insurance on ' it. It Wius feare.l (ho German d<‘lay BEFORE MILITARY COURT angle to Superior Court Judge Manchester can gain undifipulcd the P A ’s . . . and his teammate, tlncnt I’l troloum. .Standard Oi) of N I good oi'thc.slra has b«*en engaged to The Socony Vacuum Oil Company A. Raguskiis, if . . . . 7 0-1 14 eyed Steve McAdanw, the West Am ong the machines lost were a in an'.w m iig Hu' n-Ho may be Hie Frne.st A. Inglis, who ha.s reserved possession of third place hy beating the diminutive Stan Opalach. looks .1., Anaconda, Tnapirntlon, Miami, j p’av lor danemg and there will be was the low bidder meeting the Bristol, L fact that should spur the like the leading speed merchant or Sides started off strongly, repulsed tractor, a milk .ntorngr plant an»l re.sult of an etTnrt to i.s.i!;iie }•’. 'ui Nnnklnp, Dec. 30,— (A P I - The decision on an injunction petition. Totals ...... 12 2-9 26 Howe Sound, Am. n an Can. Con­ '»r of in- ^ {ilenty of favors and noise makers. .speclficallons for motor oil. It is es­ Clarkemon to produce their be^t the chalked court . . . Frank the Oak Grill’s futile attempt* to milking irmchinc.s, a milk and < ream tiin.neti ;i .sep ir ate X u-, ‘Mr il" -.m Hi Iehellloij.w ■\'iMing .Miir.sh.'il Chan;; The petition was nied by seventy- Score at halfttrne: 18-10, Weldon tinental Can. Oenernl Kl.'dne, Du­ tern.il lliu fol timated tlie state will require 37,017 efforts In Friday’s important en- Lupien. who played baseball and even up the game and then coasted extractor and Inrpe and small farm I HrUam on G.rman and Hnli.sh in Hsueli-I.iang lia.s lieen nnlen-il tn five Connecticut laboiors who orig­ Drug. pont. (h'Oilyrar, A'anadi'itn .and gjillons in 1937. The price quoted counter- football at Manchester High and to a treasured victory. Walt Snow tools. .Vor t )i A inei i< Mn. ^ s in S;M!n. v. it !i I III '.-r pruii 'MIDSIIir^! \N niFS .stibftfi trial iief.tre the Nanking niiii- inally fllled the compressor air jobs R eferee: RIsscll ver eh.irge I was 30 rent-s a g.-dJon. graduated in 1926 and then went to was the her.t Individual performer . The Insurame wa.'< 'hviih 1 h^- ' -ing t(» ri ’te. t Hrili.'*h riiRit-;. j I KO:\r IIK .M IT A TT.V fTi tjiry (’nmmiH.^^k)n tnnioirow niomi'ng until their replacemenl and dis­ Time: 1.5-mlnutc periods. !l eh'Ug,' The Soeony Vaemim Company Tufts, stopped off in Manchester for the Oak Grill team, badly weak­ tW'Ocn -••fCi-;,'{} duuTcuf ' ni:ip:ini. ;. for.hia mutiny at .Sianfn. authorita­ charge by the contractor at fhe in­ ened due to the failure of "R ed" ''•n ta.' wa.s alar) low bidder for tank wagon sistence of the New York union for yeslerdiiy<)on hla way to New York and totaloj The i 1 j Annapolis, Md . Dee. 30.- - (A P ) — tive quarters tlisclo.sed tr.,l,ay. ' Metric Miler Carlson, their star player, to appear and service station delivery of.gaso­ skilled, union labor on those post.s. '. . . he said that his youngest Meester Manero Motor-Man Meyer Olympic Stroke on live stock will pny for the iWi. i HOSPITAL NOTES " r cent. Tf> T \ K F Ol F STO\A \\^ \V I .Mid.shipinan George Allanson Wat- so. WINDSOR TOPS for the game. Cienorali.s.sinio Chiang Kai-.Shek, line, It is estimated thad l,5-l,^,00l) brother. Ulyssoss. now a sophomore ! 5. Jack I/0\clock’s victory In the 6. Tony Miinero’s finishing spurt 7. Ix>ii Meyer’s third victory in 8. T h e University of WnshlnK- biill.s ami two hi'UciH lost, i)ut tlu- tax of 7 p« •son, 21, of T 'll ahH'A.see. Fla., sopho- Morrealc said that while the com- I’ ,\'s Hurd Pressed who wa.s held caidive by Chang for gallons of giusniine by tanli wagon at Harvard and rated as a potential j biiK'-ribbon rare of the Olym- to win the I’nlted States oj>en (on's 8-oart‘d Olymplr ronquost— CLOWNS CHALK UP Others bciitg i will prevent full d m aiMitm Ht».sl->n. I »e- ‘2‘> AH •o Tt' at the Naval Acndeniy. died pre.sscd work required skilled labor the Indiaiuipolls 500-mlle auto­ In the opening game, the Amerks two weeks and then relea.i.-d in a | and .')2,000 gallons at service .hasehall big leaguer, worked out golf chumplonship at Bnitiisrol— t>er4uise It wo.s arliliwWl under coverage on livci.b.. k beii-.g pmd. A'hv.iUt'.l ve.sli;. R in utld Gu.'irtl he iil-piarter.i here a-iiV'i| I in hi.** room in Ham rofl Hail loilay slk- hut that his client wa.s willing that BERLIN HIGH TEAM ' pics, the 1,.5(M) riMders or "metric mobile race — because he drove expected an easy victory at the ex­ ?.tr- A lj(. ■sudden turning of the tahle.s, will I tiuns will be required by the any Connecticut resident so dcslnng with the Boston Red Sox this past iMH'ause, when counted almost out druniatle clrcunisiiuitMm, Imd row- Tliere will b-' a pi^ rn'nt. it Wri.s es* Rnv'r 1 J(! Ris-ir-l .■ t’’.''eu,st,( .'■ew Yolk divi.-; iir^ today foTTSte i ftwn a heait attack. state mile” — l>ecause the slim New 7a ‘i\- pense of the East Sides but not as j prc.side at the trial. j m 1937. may join the union. season when the team played at of the running and while "Light- the hazardous distance In new rec­ Ini; conditions and with Stroke Don FOURTH CAGE WIN timate«l by aUp,.;}, mjj, ni"nuni:, I h I rgr., \ . .. ■ - ingiv : ’ • vc.ar-old .^kiugtj.'s boy. wlm stowe ' Wiit.son wa.s a member of the home . . . if young Lupien deelfiea easy as the score at the end of the OITieials ileclined to speculate on The tank wagon price of ga.soline Th(' Connecticut laborers onginaJ- Coach Hugh Gfeer's South Wind­ lander achieved the atisohite fN'ak horse H arry” C'oo|)cr appeared ord tln>e, averaging 109,069 miles Hume sufferings from the effects of o f abtHit JG.doo t.. Mi l^. nt: f..r lu.-> \Van*, the dapper lit­ a heavy cold. In a race that found total los.s, 'Hus will b» far lea.', Turnpike, ^!ls i Ham i o boxing squad. the verdict but professed the heliel on December 8, the date tlie price ail hour, to duplicate his triumphs The tTowns chalked up their themselves ahead 14-3. The East ■ .!'■ t l'' t'.c ;■> ju T cent t-I'-arot IT. Beaulieu, off the Vt-.s.st l. I winning column last night by de­ sign with the Red Sox . . . J o e est crop of milers dizzy, and hung tle pro from Oreensboro, N. C., the American collegians riH»re than N tax. "it is no routine matter with the | wa.s quoted, was ,1035 a gallon for ei recently by the Merritt, Chapman of 1928 and 1933 A record fourth straight victory lajbt night Sides however came back fighting than the tost d tvpla< I'lnont. due .Main sti'cet. Mr-.i. A d ejiie Ol. • The eutt'-i (.Myugii was sent nut 'Phe youth wa.s the son of Col. M. McCluskey was in New Orleans tor. up a new world record of 3 min­ shot the last round In 67, a course a match for the greatest crews In 21 Uore.Ht at i eel. outcome already determined. medium compression and .123,5 for and Scott cempany. the contracting feating Berlin High, 26 to 15. the furiously anfl before the bewildered -*$a.the lack t*! uiMiil.cU'nt in.surance K'Vitaurant o\\n r.s mav Inelude la.st night to take Hie isiv oft but it.- ; Ho-:.- Wat.-^on, stale engineer for Christmas to participate in the all- utes 47.8 seconds, one full .M'cond record, to triumph by two strokes crowd of 168,000 saw the Califor­ Rtiro(>e .... The viettiry of the (jy turning back the Lebanon Aces The generali.s.simo who was e.x- liigh C(Tfnpre.s.sion at Wilson's I''oint, firm in charge of the bridge con- fourth victory in five slart.s for the P.A.A.C. recovered their lead had on what was covcrtMl. As there is Di.**ehargeo I lhIu v I>nvid the l.a\ In tile I;.-!! pt ■' The ,,.\'e- wii'eleas nie.s.s.'u^e.s faib'd do reach,' l-'loj I,la. star track meet there . . . it Isn't under Bill Bnnthron's old mark. and hang up a world record of ‘2K2 nian l>ecome the first triple win­ llusklc*! In the final at (triieniiti in the Lebanon grammar school hull, peett'd to go to Fenehua today to .Norwalk. -stnu tion. Greermen. The Soutli Windsor dwindled to a mere fouV points. no co-ln.Hurancc clause that will Laura Toorncy of Hnlton nue hiire.au urpe., ii., I, linu t'v t-r. to Arnd*‘ my officials said the mid- known whether he competed or not The most heavily ballyhooed for title com|>etltlon .... Never climaxed an all-roiiqijering season 31 to 21 The local quintet jumped the Hf'aulieu until thi.s morninc | the funeral of his elder brother de­ It wa.s pointed nut at the confor- quintet took the lead at the start ner In a race in which tlie first T hey put on the pressure again and altcct tile adjustment, only on live Cen.sus: Forty-three patients. I'Ut the entire iiitl "i '^hipman*.« roommate found him «v- The Connecticut Refining Com­ but his name wasn’t listed as a fin­ event of the lk*rlln Games more before a serious contender, Ma­ In which they swept the waters of into the lead at the outset and held one (Jierk wlien It reporlotl it wa.s 00 imle.s ofl layed departure. ence that the contract between the and piled up a 17-0 advantage by five finishers t>eat the former In­ the East Sides obligingly folded up stock. How much money th ing (vn a bed in his room complainr pany was awarded the contract for isher in the two-mile steeplechase in than came up to expe<’tatlons with nero wi|>ed out the 20-year-okl their own Isuke .Seattle and the Hud­ a 16-5 advantage at halftime as the •\*i w Year'.- Nantucket Light. state and the contractor call* for halftime that was never threaten­ and the PA'S ended up by winning Second IJeavv Lons. ing of being ill after breakfast. Chiang again submitted his resig­ tank wagon delivery of gasoline In which he was supposed to be enter­ a race lhat saw the runner-up. tournament scoring ‘record which dianapolis speed mark . . . The son river lM‘fore going ahroad to set Ace.s found great difficulty In break­ eclehr.a^ion,'? fn (\mn • Lent hnv. It wa.s not practical, the Ona.st only unskilled labor. ed. although Berlin put Tip a stiff handily 27-lSt "S n ltz” Mordavsky This IS -the sect>nd heavy lo.s.s that .^r.other mid.«jhipman summoned a nation from the high posts he holds the New Haven area. The company ed . . . AmeHcji's Glenn ('unnigg^ani, Cooper nimself had eclipsed and Indianapolis triumph, by Itself, a new Olympic rfH‘ord of 6:00.8 ft.r ing up the (downs' defense. represented in l-'-'tleia! laxe.s In nth Guartl reporfeO. to have the ( ’.iNniua Besides the contror.toc and the battle all the way. played well for the P.A.A.G* wbll* has been sullercd >y Mr. Ltmu. in er year-.s i.s }tn)bl..fm,i p.r (he\ Navy physician and ho.spital corps- In the government a.s an indication quoted a Hat price of gasoline for muon representatives atttendlng to­ also t>e.it the former world mark, gave one of the grandest shotmak- gave Meyqr runnemp honors In 2,000 meters. In the trials, and then The Aces unleashed a sizzling The Poct’sColumn 'in'i"Sl to that pohtioh, It '.vired Tobin, Peterson and Tracy fea­ The H erald’s second annual sports Ernie Tureck former high school the “ twhster” that went through the man from the di.‘*pen.sary. The phy- of the respnn.slhllity he feels for the year of .1018 fciythe gallon. day's session, representatives of the and the first flve finishers better Ing exhibitions ever seen under the race to namt* the champion conte from behind to l>ieat ILily In A spurt in the third'quarter and w ere are .siibin-'■ ,'e,i m (.he returns foi the .\ew York i!ivi.'*ion to take him tured for South Windsor, while review wdll be published before, the flash was a constant thorn In the southca.st p.'irt ol the tow'n flve .*«ician on arrival pmonounced Wats(>n ('haiig’.s attempt tr> force war on Charles F. ShepariKs'd. of .Middle State Highway rX'purtfirent. the form er Olympic standard pressure . . . hell-drtver of 1986 .... 6-crcw final battle .... within two points of the locals at TO T H E ,\E\\ T E A K the ent p.-uith. •IT. Dombeskl stood out for Berlin. The week \n out .... Walter Harrison is PA'S side. years ago, a, laigc shed w'a.s blown dead of dilatation of the heart. Japan and inclusion of Communists Haddam, maintenance foreman for '1 homas J. Shea, president and John the whistle. 17-19, but Roy Johniion In the government. Greermen will meet Canton High reminded that a Christmas card Nightcap A Slrslcr dowm and one of the barns that was Twelve months ago this old year the state highway department for J Fgan. .secretary of the Connec­ and Johnny W alker p a « d the The Weldon Drug team, returning destroyed last night with machin­ was young The resignation was refused Just ticut Federation of Liibor also were next Wednesday, January 6. In the awaits him at the sports desk . . . . the past 27 years, was r._tlred as of Frank "Cuple" Waddell has been Rytddle-Jumper Sinker-Bailer riow ns tn victory In the final period to the form that made them laat ery, had been built to replace the Knowing nothing of wornv.'R as promptly a.s a previous one. present preliminary, the Windsor seconds Exile Edward Before Camera Firing Squad .January 1, at an annual pension of quietly coaching the Morlarty Girls 9. Reynol(lstown'1^^'^cfory in the 10. Hal Kcliunuicher’s vit'.tory C.'ln.Hc to 200 fans attended the year’s chan»p*. edgeu the Bluefields one. blown down. He carrieti no feat's p A month's leave of absence, how­ won from Berlin by 18-12. * for several weeks and expects to Grand National steeplechase at gaiTV Tonight the Clowns are in one of the- most hectic engage­ wind.storm in.surance at that time. ^ ow a few more .steps on th ever. was granted to the premier to Box score: over the New York Yankees .n path- The Board authorized printing ol pend the team into action right Hl.attMl to oppo.HC the RlalnvHld Ma­ ments of the evening. It was a 1 The house, which was saved, was way of time. allow him tn recuperate. \\ IndAor High '26) .AIntree — because Major Noel the fifth game of the World Se- tsvo hullcLms complied by a Connec­ soon .... thete’s a possibility that roons at the East Side Rec. No ad- rough and tough game with no quar­ built by Mr. Lent] lO years ago And he'll join all the A fter he was freea and Chang CUT DOWN SHIPMENTS B. F T. Furlong's Jumper repeated his tri­ r-' ticut geological and natural histon the famed Middletown Speed Girls rler, 5-4 — because It was a gran . mi.Hsion will be charged. ter given by cither side. Led by the When he purchased the farm, then yeans. voluntarily came to Nanking to Tobin, If ...... 3 3 9 umph of I9S5, thus becoming the veterans Tommy Faulkner and survey. They are; The .* u.phibla, may be brought here to battle the third horse to do so in 98 years, comeback for the rtght-handerl The box .score: known as the Kissinan farm. Zavlska.s, If ...... 1 1 3 "Slop" Wel,e.i, the hard-flghtlng "face the music." tlie generalissimo by Lewis H. Babbitt and the West Rockville PAC Girls at the Armory under highly di'aiiiatic clrcum- sinker-hall star of (In’ Giants. Manchester CJow ns (31) From the top of the world anotlier TO GENERAL MOTORS CO. Peterson, rf ...... 3 1 7 Weldon team Jumped into the lead recommended he be treated lenient­ Wall of the New England Triassic before the current season Is over stances . . . While 2.’V0,OOO specta­ P B K T. looks flown. ^ Berger, c ...... 0 0 0 a«'iilcved after he hud l»een at the beginning of the game and ly sitiee the mar.'^hal had expressed ...the Morlarty Girls bowling tors roared, Itcynoldstown came . 1 2 Who know* he'll hi' king for a yi'ar; I Lowland hy Olrard Wheeler. The ...... 2 0 4 knocked out In his first start and 2 Crockett, rf . . 0-0 managed to keep it throughout regret for his rebellion. Action I ’akcn T5ecausp of b|kcv, c ...... team Is planning to conduct a pin on at the very finish to jmss Davy Said he when I rule (he earth will printing will cost approximately 0 .lohri.Hon, if . . . .4 .3-3 n against the hriii-elng Bluefields. GRANGE PAST MASTERS Before the annruiiua'rnent tlvat. H X ^er. ig ...... 2 4 Jones, 66-to-l shot, which gave Its under melodramatic c I r c ti m - be filled. *18.000. Shortage in Tarts Taused by carnival to ralst funds to finance a 4 Wolfram, c . . 2 . 0-0 4 Threatened time and time again and Chang would have to stand trial, it ^Tughton. Ig ...... 0 0 U Supi>orters heart failure hy run­ ■tanoes . . . W ild but stout-hearted W’ith friendship, and hope, and good Several Strikes. trip to the national tournament at 3 David.son, rg . .2 0-2 4 In constant danger of losing their had been exported he would be exll H. Berger, rg ...... 0 1 1 ning off the course after t>eing lo HEAR LOCAL TALENT cheer. Norfolk. Va...... Arthur Coseo of In the pinches. Issuing six walks 0 Walker, Ig . . . .5 0-1 10 slim margin of superiority, the Wel­ cd tcmporaialy and his rebellious Muzyk'z, rg ...... o 0 U front over the last l>arrlcr .... IS 102 VK.XrtS OLD the north end was badly cut by a but fanning 10 biitMinm. Scnii- don Drug team kept ahead by the Detroit. Dec. 30 (AP) —Gener­ Avenger, the 8-to-l favorite, broke To his ears came the sound command tuiiied ovci' to a represen­ flying puck at a recent hockey mucher surmounted (oukIi breaks 10 14 3-6 31 clever shooting of Tommy Uaulkncr. 01 al Motors Cerporation officials hero 10 6 26 his n' bells. tative of the Nanking govern Norfolk. Va., Doc. 0.— (A P ) — match In Springfield ...... two and dangerous situations created .\ee«i Andy Ragii.skus, who promises to Miss Ann Strickland and .said l(aday "lem p on ^ y orders" have Berlin lliah (15) stroyed: Golden Miller, second l>d>nnon Ci ) ^ n a of whistlc.s that loudly blew; menl. Fflward W. Wilcox, who says he been i.s.*!ucd to h{#n shipments from stitches were taken In his head .... by himself or his riiat^s, s<‘allng a P B F T. be the high scorer of the league, B. F. T. inqidentally. the Indians have one choice, fell n tthe first barrier; and Arthur Pratt Entertain at .said: I can't linger— ' midnight saw the battle of the Merrimac and varl(Tus companies supplying Its peak when he fiuint'd Joe Dl Mag- 0 Kanter, i*t . , . . 1 2-4 4 kept the opposing team In. the Jitter* ' ha« come. mi Carbone, ig ...... 1 1 3 of ihe best teams In the Intema- Fete Bostwick piloted his C-'aatle glo and I..OII OchriK with the bases Wapping La.st .Night. SENATORS MAKE PI lU.IO the Monitor, said today he expected divisions with parts. The action 2 Schweitzer, if .0 0-0 0 with his long pops from the middle Gardner, rg ...... 0 0 0 tlonal-Amertcan League this .season IrweM to seventh place .... full In the third Inning . . . The old year is g*ln g— They would CAMPAKiN CO.VTKiniTIONS to re.ach his 103rd birthflny a year f ame, they said, because of a threat­ 0 .Szajtia. If . . . . .0 0-1 0 of the floor welcome the new. Callahan, Ig ...... 0 0 0 and are drawing a large number of tu, ^ 7 hence "by taking care of myself." ened glass shortage and thrt*ats ot 2 PuHz. rg ...... 1-3 5 Miss Ann*S5Vrickland of Highland WushinKton, Dec. 70 — (A P ) He is Norfolk’s oldest citizen and .strikes In "k ey" General Motors O'Brien, c ...... 0 0 0 local ice fans .... the Merlcjen-Eqst coming team, and seems one of the The year was Jammed with other I Lathrop, rg . . .3 0-1 6 Four years ago Michael Baarak, Park and Arthur Pratt, who Is a *Down to the earth went the youth­ Contributions of S87.675 to organ­ wa.s 102 today. plants. Mayer, rf ...... 1 1 3 Hartford cage clash has been re­ best teams of their age In this sec­ events and episodes clamoring for COURT LEADERS CLASH Last Night's Fights 2 Moxle. Ig ...... 0 2-2 2 Duquesne'a all - Am erica center, BOlQlst- a t the p-ourth Congrega- ful year. izations oppasing Roosevelt in the Asked about (he battle of the The purjxJse. an officlHl of General Dombeskl, If ...... 3 3 9 scheduled for Saturday night at the tion. This game Is scheduled for — — top-ranking recognition . . . .Such 0 Goldstein. Ig . ..1 0-.2 4 was refused a tryout with the Uni­ . ttona) church, Hartford, put on the And was greeted by millions in line; last campaign were reported today ir9nclads- Monitor and Merrimac - Motors said, was to keep incoming Sliver City instead of Friday .... 8:45, the laat of the evening. The to the Senate Investigating commit­ Manchester Trade seeks its fourth at N avy's thrilling victory, with the versity of Chattanooga football program of entertainment last night But he noticed a thread of sadness in the war between the statc.s, he shipments of parts in line with the 5 5 16 ' AT YMCA GYM TONIGHT first game at 0:45 will be between New York A1 Reid, 125 3-4. New that ran, tee by Mrs. Mabel Pew Myrln of win tn five starts this afternoon at 7 8 5-13 21 team because he was too light. , at the Pioneer Past masters associ- wasted no words: demands of General Motors units. ^ Score at half vime, Ellsworth Highland Park and TalcottvlIIe, the aid of the "breaks,” over the Army York, and Pete Bcalzo, 124 3-4, New Bryn Mawr, Pa. the East Side Rec against Windsor Score at half, 16-5. Clowns. Ref- Then he scaled 150; now he's a Vlon meeting of East Central Po- Through the singing of Auld Lang Hundreds of supplying companies High 17, Berlin 6; referee, Hewitt; former being determined to break in football before the year's biggest York, drew |8); Roxy Forglonc. lUu Sync. Previously other members of the "I saw it." High, coached by Johnny Powers, a eree, Frankel. 214-pounder. incma Grange In the Wapplng Com- will be affected, be said, adding time. 8 mln. quarters. their losing streak, and the latter crowd, 105,000, In Philadelphia's 1-2, PlilladcIphlH, stopped Jlrainv Bnmity houat Mr. Pratt sang three Pew family had reported contribu­ .some of them were Instructed to local lad .... Jt|st to be a jump Methodists and Ramblers Meet Walsh, 160, Newark, N. J.. |2|. NEW PEACE TIIEATV team anxious to maintain their tie municipal stadium . . . Argentina's tenor ■oloe, one "The Pilgrim s” by The outgoing year had many warm tions in excess of $300,000 to the suspend shipments pending fu rlh jr ahead of Father Time, we wish our Newark, N. J.— P'rank /.amarls, in Nightcap of Triple Bill in for second place position. The sec­ smashing victory over the American Borte; "Clouds” by Ernest Charles friends. Republican cause. orders, while others were Instructed readers a happy and prosperous new 173, Orange. N. J.. knocked out Bud Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Dec. SO.— Senior League. ond game at 7:46 will be another polo team led by Tommy Hitchcock M d the well known number, "That's Thankful for blessings received; On the Democratic side, form er to curtail shipments. year. Mtgnaiilt, 175, Brockton, .Mass., (API- Official circles disclosed to­ exciting tussle between the A rro w s and supported by Gerald Balding, Bom.” Miss But the new one vas welcomed wdth Senator Hawes of Missouri, report* The official said the orders were MORE (1); Roscoc Manning, 160, Nutley acclaim— day that Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, and Oxfords who are tied for sec­ the Irish Internationalist who had DURING THE HOLIDAYS ENJOY P; Stri^land played his accompanl- ed contributions of $2,500 and Frank necessitated primarily by a dhorl- Tonight’* schedule brings to­ N. J „ stopi>ed Leo (R ed) FInnigan. F or the wondoi-fid things he will P, Walsh of New York, $1,179. the borders of which once bristled PEP POW ER ond place, ana as both teams play a played for England earlier In the teraU and also played for chorus age of glass caused by a strike In gether the two team* tied for first fine brand nf basketball at all times, 172, Utica, N. Y.. i4). Hsging of Christmas carols, do— 'Tls believed. Other Republican contributors in- w'ith barbed w iie and machine gun.s, (he flat glass industry, although year against the U, B. A. . . . Eng­ WRESTLING place In the "Y ” Senior Basketball this game ou.ght to be well worth land's Pam Barton, heroine of the Los Angck>s~Andrc Lenglot, 210. •Cludcd Mrs. May T. Mellon of Pitts­ had negotiated a treaty of friend­ till possibility of Rirthcr strike* in $ ECONOMY local entertainers also pre- s WIUi League, and promises to be an ex­ watching. 5'sklng It all in all. this first "slam" In British and American Paris, France, outixrilntrd Charlie Happy New' Y ear to all! sing the burg, $3,500; Horatio O. Lioyd, ship. General Motors' own plants al**^ **^*^,“ .“*’***“ ^ “l^tch by Miss N ew Haven, Conn.— Glno Q ail- citing, hard fought game, as both evening’s slate will provide the women's golf since pre-war days (Kglcr) Coats, 182, Akron, Ohio CREMO merry bells. Haverford, Pa.. $6,750; Robert C. The agreement recognizes mutual rtol^d enUUed. "Cabbage to was a factor. I baJdl, 218, Italy, defeated Stanley teams arc naturally out to gain the (10). Clouds of depression soon will re­ Stanley, Staten Island, $6,350; H. C. frontiers on the present basis and many "Y ” League fan* with plenty . . Johnny Fischer's dazallng fin­ 5 . • Melodrama with a happy Continuation of the glass sirii Pinto, 212, New Hampshire, two out victory thereby putting themselves Rochester, N. Y -LAVO WE l o s t a n d f o u n d 1 AlJTOWOBlLKS FOR SALE 1 Heads New Show That the turn of the road may side. A C rU A L L V A 'K N T f o r KOPHKR'8 Coke, LINDSTRON PLANS bring Joy to you. l o s t -BLACK' ANi> t«n fox P'OR SA LK —lB2fi CHRYSLRR 7.5 Athletic Bigwigs Deplore Barber—Which side? V iN tW (tash price $18.00 par ton. Coke R. hound. Notify Fred Bog.c, Box 32, sedan, good condition, |1*5. Sam Customer—Just the outside. Raymond, Pfl Birch str.-et. seconci sold for cash only. — T. Wood P o w l i r i f K Paiisenger (in Pullman)—Do aL -L E M Addison, or Ulcplmnc Manches­ Company. 61 BIssell street, i’hofie DIAMOND COMEBACK really need brushing off? floor. The Evils of Grid Sport Even a ptle8 sense the importance of foot­ nothing flat ir. preference to earning C^hevrolet <{>upe, 1P28 Hu»ck roA^J- Never accept a man for your lead­ Victory Hall, Golway street on E ngland lA) Wants to Return to Game He though athletic subsidization and ball.” a com bread living is not a sound Sufidav, De(. 13, kindly have came ster, ftlfto UBod partu anc A. KOR .8ALF, HOllBKHOLD fu rn i­ B Holme# ...... 89 94 9 4 -2 7 7 er who hasn’t been over the road the forward pass Interference rul­ The coaches apparently agreed one. n-alied to Uu-' foilnwtne addres-s, t.. i'tmtaieo, VVeth#*rell nirept, rnono ture Inqidre at 32 Division street, W A ustin ___ n o 108 8 6 -3 0 3 not to request any rules changes, and knows the way. IH*^NtAMHVICt.lWC, 0. D., Victory Hnii, 21 (iofivay 3346. Ojirn 8 to (1 8 to Hiin- at anytime. A. Stevennon .. 86 136 111 332 Quit in Disgust; Broken ing apparently haven't given the but Little explained some coaches Every minute you are angry you ,St., M anchester. Conn. Iteward. dayp. Dum m y ...... 110 116 9 3 —319 collegiate athletic bigwigs much felt officials should go after “more With a charming olr of romance KOR SALK.-CRAWFORD combi­ lose 60 seconds of happiness. The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains Bv Fontaine Fox U.c,KI> CARS AND I’ARTS and all Arm Is Now Okay. trouble at their annual meetings, uniform and consistent Interpreta­ and pleasant sentimentality, the Lo s t - - FitoM c a k . k o d a k nation range, In rood condition. 394 464 383 1231 they have found plenty of chances tion.'' company were discussing how each camera, on O nler street. Sdmiay sizes ii.sed tire.s. We also Imy old 1^ Call 4271 W#le# ( I) The N. C. A. A. adopted a com- married couple among them first afternoon. It St, Uiwrence street. cars for parts Call 7 a. ni. to 10 to "view with alarm” In other F. B aker ...... 87 88 94 - 269 fields.- miUee report which dealt with the m et. OUR BOARDING HOUSE Rew ard. ______, p. m. 208 .dehot,l .street i ’hone FO R .SALF, R E FR IG ER A TO R In Chicago. Dec. 30.—(AP)—Fred­ 7301. T. i ’antalen. ({ood condition, tic.., dresser, and n . T orrance . . . 84 86 ,8 4 - 264 Subsidization, the national col­ intrusion of outside inn .ence and One of Them (to little mam in the F Mcl^ughlln . . 104 100 102—306 die Lindstrom. (jnce tha “boy won- dotations— lrOU,NI'>~ LAI lY’S iiml reiia. Own«, several odd ple( e.s of furniture. d'^r” of baseball, is going back to legiate athletic association has been activ ities in m a tte rs W’hTch a re en ­ corner)—And where did you .first H Brennan . 108 111 118-337 tirely the concern pf the colleges. ’ meet your wife? Q S A V , W HAT VOUR CLOTHES may have sam e hy proving prci[)- Ik.-Ii 1‘P.NTIAC .SKDAN; I»3.'i I'ly- F ed D art, 313 .Main. the game ho quit Itu disgust when told, should be a matter for tn- nioulji conch: lit.'l.o <'hcvrolcl Little Man (solemnly)—Gentle­ We must breed a .'^uffirlcntly vlvit^ IL> T M l* -:,— — HAVE VOLl SOME MLJ-5T B E HAK1<3 - e.'tv and payint f"i thi.i adv. Call he desertc'i the Brooklyn Dodgers dividual colleges; and, on'.'way, the * Under this came the opposition l;o at 112 W alnnl street. (oii|M*; 1J134 I’ontinc Mcilaii; 1933 383 386 398 1166 last May. situation Isn’t nearly a# bad as it ' gambling, drinking, broadcasU men. I did not meet her. She over form of Intelligent social altrtiism TM’ -DEM OF IMOIAM.'X.LOM iS IMcS A R O U M O rn iitln c conih: 1933 (Iral-nni \VE.\RINf; APP.\KEIc by "members of intercoUa took me. voluntarily to forego some of the in- Convalescing from n broken right was back in the gridiron's days of ALI B A B A W IT H V O U K m s o m e w h e b e , sedan; 1932 Chrysler sedan. Cole Ireland (3) dlvlduaJ prerogatives which in FURS .->7 arrtY; Lindstrom decided today to guards back and walrus mous­ sports staffs,” and post-sP PALE-PACEO J Donavon m 2 104—311 FVrhap.s most of us would be bet­ .simpler day wf could properly and A M O MIS> N S C 'M L E S S Tl^*^ Motors. 6463. apply to Kenesaw' Mountain Landis, taches. games. Such games, the N. C. ROYS 1 BI'CKI.E Ball band sre- !>ougan .108 87 * 112 307 ter off if we had the common sense successfully elaim. l-'O P T V B i^ o t h e r ,, g m i e e UMKMAM commissioner of baseball, for rein­ The forward pass interference decided, “serve no sound educa­ 3 .Manchester liis si $2 19 Boy's depenilahle M. T ruem an .. 98 103 110--311 tional ends." we think the other man ought to — Dr. J. R. -Angell. pteBiflent. Yale statement so he can rejoin flie problem, said Ixui Little of Colum­ T H l E V E e . ? eiTTIMO BULL? CALLED HKI K \V .\M i:i)— ’ shoes Hi spr<-lal price, $1 ItH. r, I’oota . 8 0 84 106 269 Jack Oakle. as prealdent of the have. University, calling for contlnua- i-.venin^' Herald Dodgers If Manager Burleigh bia, head of the footbal' coaches WHO RLi'r* K K M A L K ;i» NI'hols' .9|ore, Highland Psrk. mvthlcal Onkte-Doakie College of tfon of liberal policies In govern OR ir EIR.E- A m o t o o k the Air. la atar of a new radio ahow Grimes wants him. Otherwise, he rules committee, isn’t a problem at 391 376 431 1198 all. because there doesn’t seem to Wile (at bath room door)—Din- m ent. TH' SNATCH WATEPZ. THAT T H E M AT CLA.SSIFILD WANTFO ■ (;IUL f‘>r hoiw»rwr, lOT.'S A P.\ KTM ENT.S—FLATS— to-coaat network every Tue.aday league club or become a radio Racing Notes Rights are not taken away from THEIR. ADVEKTISEMKNTS J McMenemy . 8 3 93 91 267 ing the present rule." finish your bath. Main street Apt 1-H TENEMENTS *i 1 evening. brcadcaster In Chicago. ii.s. but we .4rv asked to su rrender A M O PAMTtS PA IM T OM ■PRAV EO Count • rdR «o • Itne P unean ., . . 8l 96 96 ~ 27ii But, as the meetings headed to­ By Asooelated Preo# Hiisbiind (.'oining dear! Ju.st one a t> ort* V let iixi r Mu.slrnl harkgrnun<' for the pro­ His arm. broken last November them more and more by groups intui*li» iiomt,tr» V. ANTF.n finiL fur >;enernl LARC.F, MODF.R.N 12 room flat. M rCullum . . . 1 0 4 120 96 320 ward their windup today, the ses­ Nick Huff, jockey agent, an- more stanza and I'm through. each coum hr otti end rornpnunod- in an automobile acci(’cnt. now Is which tell us that we have not the wotrtR MinlniufD roet i» hoiisewnfk. 'I'^'Iephune 72M» 11 Good location, ftarnifes Impure T .M rf'arthy . 93 100 116 :K»9 sions had uncovered these situa­ nouncem 1 fee m New York City alone—pick ISlYrrtfee Harrlt 11 1»37 lege.* nnd iinlvcrsitlea throughout "I tried It out trap shooting and post-season games, including “bowl Jim Healey has a big stable of unconditional. H KLP WANTKD— MAI.E tenement, sml (fsrsKe P h o n e ; W alen (.3) up approximately $100,000 every 24 Caah crar*« the country. It worked okay." Llnd.stron. said. contests, and those of amateur vs. horses, ownecl by the New York —Justice Arthur Day. Ohio Supreme Q Coneecullv* Uaye i CIS| V CiR 7912 F'. B a k e r ...... 81 93 93 267 professional teams. State Racing Commission, quarter­ hours t cte 11 cie IF' YOU L>FSlItK TO estahlish O akio-I^oakie (College alao brings "It beinlH perfectly and there are C ourt. 3 ContieroMva Un> • M rv.nnelly . 96 99 91 386 you giH St .stars rioted .screen ami (2) —The N. C. A. A. frowned on ed at Hialeah Park. Day ...... II ote II ctR your.sclf jM't niani'iitly In a firofit- TO RE.N'T- ’> ROOM FLA'l ».3U; Hj no muscle aches. It seems to he as 1 H Brennan ____11.6 99 103 317 fiidio comedians acting as visiting ciarhes forecasting resuTts ol games N eighbor—W hen you g.*ow up Few real sclentisl.«j In the world AM jrdere for irre- u u r lORt-rnooR able repeat oriler buslne.sa close to room Sinxls »40. Main street store good n.s ever.” what is your ambition. Tommy? will oe ciiHined *1 ihe one um»- ret* B W ylie ...... 92 97 109 298 jirofcssors nnd lecturers. In which they arx* not personally in­ VV. M. Jeffords' Firethom, one ot today arc conceited enough to feel Su«ci*l «■« T ion»» i*rrD ev^rT liumo, that will pay you a with 3 room llvlnk quarters suit- Lindstrom. at the age of 31. be­ Tommy—I'd like to have people salary ea< h week, hr Is your op­ lieves he .still has at least four years terested. or making football fore-’ the outstanding performers in the that they can explain the existence day ad vert !•! nw uoor.. reqoRai «hle for tailor, barhsr, plumber, 384 388 396 1168 tremble like leaves at Uie mere Ad* jfdRfRd rrr three or aii daya portunity. Many of our men make lion . . . Vo.Ms I.M one of the six ( - major league baseball left. He casts of any kind. handicap division, is enroutc from of the universe without admitting etc., 145 Apply Edward J Holl, * mention of my name. the existence of the deity. and tlopped htfott the third oi tUih weekly. One loraJ malT Henlland (1) American-lxirn players ll.sted in the cpiit the Dodgers berau.se he said he (3) —Gambling, drinking and out­Columbia. S. C.. to California tn duy wMI 0* chiirgen . i»iy foi »h* ac­ Tel, 4642. I — Dr. Arthur E Haas. University of whom you m.iy know was panl .1 M< Memenny 89 89 82 260 < urrent N ational Hockey l./<'ague wa.s no longer able to earn hla side Interests which tend to control keep his engagement in the $100,- tual nmtiher of ima* the o appenr- M ct'ullutn 100 99 90 2K9 rieosfuit Journey * Notre Dame ph3’slcist. ed charging hi ttif rate aarned hut $64,10 last week SelllriK experience FOR REN-r—FIVE ROCIM apsrl- guide . . the others are l^ou salary. Injuries had forced him to t e sport were deplored- 000 Santa Anita handicap, schedul­ F'. .Sherman . . . 96 94 116 304 (4) — Various coacheS. ousted Life is like a Journey taken on a i no jllowanee -i tefund* can h« made is not nercHsary. but we do prefer ment. steam heat. 26 itirch street. Trudei. born In nearby Salem. Alex the bench and he sat there brood­ ed to be run Feb. 22. T he Jeffo rd s’ train. on all time ad* atopped after the T M rO rth y . 103 104 103 3lo l>‘vinsky. who m\w his first flayhght from their jobs, still were looking I believe we should administer the men over 40, Investigate to ap­ Apply ,Supl. Apt. Nn. 4 in' over his misfortune. He finally four-year old finished second to With a different passenger at each nrth day In Syracuse, CtTcll Dillon, reared In fc new appointments. Tuc posts at principle of education In prison work No ‘tlH forblda” : dleplay line* not preciate. at Motel rherldan, Thur#- decided, all of_.a sudden, to quit. He Omaha In the 1935 Preakness and window pane: 387 386 390 1163 Toledo, Koger Jenkins, who claims Syracuise, Texas, North Carolina this year ranked nearer the top in and the Idea ot puni.shment should aoid day. 10 to 10:30 a. m. only. left Brooklyn that night to go into 1 may sit beside you all the Journey The rierald win not he reeponeihi* HOUSES FOR RENT 6'. Appleton. \VLs. as home, and two State and Colby, among others, the handicap division. be reduced to a minimum It is im­ for more than uot Incorrect i.eerUois the Wi.sconsin wciods for a rest to through, Knginml (2) refugees from the Mlnnc.sota wheat- .were open. possible to puni.s'h a m an a fte r .six of :iny a'.veruaem eni ordered for 2 SIN G LE n O t’SF.S 18, and 185 landf. .Mike K anikus. the ('hicago bring himself together. O r I m ay s\t elsewhere, never know­ month.s. for i)v th a t tim e it becom es mere than one tune. .SALESMEN WANTED 36*A room each, B .Mcl>iwrll 88 106 91 284 "If the Brookl>m club can't use (5) —The national student fed­ Four stakes will be run at Keenc- |*h* inativer'tent iii.iBeioii ot iricor- Autumn street. 6 goalie, arul the Bruin.s' Hoy Golds­ ing you: a habit wj.th h:m. B Molmww , 83 89 96- 26V me." Lindstrom said. "I shall give eration saw a necessity for a more land's first spring meeting next reel pnDMcation of ed»*rn*;n|i will be F'XPERIENCED SALESMAN to steam heat. $35 00. Tel. 3275, worthy . . . But 11 faith decrees we shoulr^ sit — •Hans Ftiemur University of Indi­ A. Sterenaon , . 8 3 116 80 278 conRldcrntion to the radio Job of­ open policy in granting aid to year. They are, the $5,000 Blue rei'tlfte only hy ce nceila'ion ol »h* sell establlahed buaincss of com­ by side. ana student who "framed" .self to Oharge made for Mie aervlre render*a Dum m y . . 104 107 94 306 fered me, I think I'd like that,” athletes. Gress stake# for three-year olds; get into pen Ail adver»i*emcDte niue* oonforio plete line of Htatlonery. ledger and L e t’s he plen.-^ant tr n v ( ^ r s — it ’s so President James L. McConaugby $2,600 Lafayette for two-year olds short a ride. «n atyie. cop> atid iyi»"«tH0hy wiiti b(H)kkceping forma, saleHbo— WANT ADS. Kipkt- of Micliigap wits the fthaU dren's names? U5TSH, MASON - ^ - NO, NOr ' ^ MALE OK FEMALE ,17 Workinii for the WPA. Paul, on^'.e one of the worU.'s great­ electee! N. C. A. A. president, ex ­ ------VOO WOOUD HAVE ONLY TO Ada ara aocepteo over tr.e (eiephont foaehr.s loa.st. . .now he .slaniU est middleweights is in Chicago Aunt .\tandy I done name ’em all ARB VOtiTIJviNO At A L L ------C at tha CHAHilb KAlb. given ahov* pressed the opinion there "are few­ ACTTE NAMI-: FORSET YOUR-e m p l o y e r , WANTK.D ■ F.XrKRlKNCKD hrniid- aroutHl explaining to the same seeking a Job as boxing instructor fo' fioA* '.s; hut de youngest one got TO MAKE A DEAL I'M MERELY ^ aa a oonveuien to advem skra nut er boys per thousand today being Pauls V’alley, Okla.- Mr. and 5Irs. dr jc . •: iDst nam e I nam«' her A rti- ' A Thought APPLEG-ATE , AND BECOME th< CASH KA rbfa will n. HCceP'eO it leaf tolmcco Horters, luid mspcc- Mllfoiil. Mar..-. . D< e 30 -lA P ) bunch why he thinks he won t be for the Catholic youth organiza­ lllegiUmatcly subsidized—than was Emsy Jackkon, a negro couple, are WITH ME T - OFFERING-AN PULL ^ATM iiS'i If oaio at the huai- 'rwcnty-throtv-ycar-old Murry Amc- Sport Briefs hrerrd. ney street, Ellington. Telephone fii.i wnntH ' lo gel into buflinrs#” so F'leldlng Yost explode.s the th«‘ory Ol the .535,000 billiard establlsh- nnd He shaM MiAtnin shall / day following the drai inacrtovn ol The ’’Evils.” said President Ralph daughter lK>rn Christmas Day. fHVTpI* have two \dews of i Oicli ao otherwi** the CttAitiil' Rockville 488. • In' la cramming a four year high By B liX Kl.NG that Michigan's football Blump is n.ent which the laic Augic Kicck- C. Hutchinson of Washington and never .suifer the righl^^tia to be school ronrac into one year while he They already have nickname.* lor ret. FhLher It’s not Worth keep- KATBi wUJ be coUeciad No re*|i<.n*i Boston, Dec. 20 - - (API - The line to ineroftsed sehola.stlc nHpilre- hefer ton times three cushion Jefferson.” won’t be corrected a# their two sons - Tonsy and Minnie. move good to keep. ' will ba aaaumrd ano their accuracy long as athletic associations and But they can’t decide on a shorten­ POULTRY ANO SI PPI.IES »:1 Amcflca, abort and atnrky. mar- colleges had a $26,000 fund available tough sl holastleally 15 years ago. ' he died... his partner. Charles \f >*r)ur cup seems bitter. If your cannot be guar.«n'eed fU'ti and tlie fath er oi a 16-tiumtha- directors and coaches arq "left to ed form of their Infant daughter s Min'.ner year j.s about to break. for player subsidies was enough to he says, . .If the horse had to carry Morin, another okl-llme billiard do the Job,” but. "will be cleared up nf me. Her full name is appendicitis. burden serm.s tf‘o he.nvy. be .sure INDKX OK h'lNE.ST N.M’IVF quality roasUiiK f»lortng Job* chiefs'of the cast's great colleges out of a Job. but he's not in mourn­ that you spread good cheer around who car ries ine cr-oas that I.s carry­ Lngasamenta ...... H Poultry Farm. Tel. 4217. ever alnre he landet coaches blazing a red and green Leal ha ...... L> aa flupervlatir of traffic on a W'PA them balked when certain games, Card of T hanka ...... L checkered t'hn.slmas shirt. . ."I U'ould you turn off many Lhlng.s" projeit. Tlie houra were Ideal for v.tal to the success of the league, HOCKEY In klemorlam ...... k wanted to Unik dcllant," beamed T ake them up and- finl.sh them , one VVhale.s have the largest hrain.s L^.ai and Found ...... i Idm to nuillze his ambition iKvbark were even suggested . . . at a tune of all mammal.s Announcemente ...... * to Hchool. #|>e(ialixc in F'ngUah ami i {unk . . . he liici. tiKi. By the .\sHoelated FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia Peraonale ...... ^ atudy commercial aubjecta. N ational I.4^ague. Aatomuhllea Rej)orts from the New York foot­ Boston 3. M ontreal M aroons 0. a SY NCA acsvicf. me. t. u, mo. u. #. e«T. orr.- • IW 1W A. Al *TWant to do #omethlng elac than ball coaches moetlng, while stress­ True story: Gent got up in the Automubllea Cot Seie ...... • EMERGENCY coachiyi meeting and suggested the New York R angers 5, New York Autumohile* foi btcharige ..... 6 work on i WPA Job," he explain#. ing "Duke" l,«ake’s “unmitigated FRE( KLF:S a n d h is FJUENDS By Blosscr Auto AcCeaaoriea—'Hre* ft Upon cnteHng the Mllfonl High hooey” blast st Chet Wynne of Ken­ rules committee make it illegal U> .Amerlcan.s 1 WASHINGTON TUBS By Crane OUT OCR WAY Bv Wmiams A«H0 llepniring— f’HinUng ...... 7 achool laat S eptem ber he waa cref)l* ...... 1-A .\mejie;i,n .VHsoclation. V/*' Ts EE h e r e , j a c k , 1 GOTTA KEEP i Ited with work he had covered In or not he was able to gel his pass s«'riea of downs in the la.st five min­ Po p , I GOT SOMETH IWG- TO a p e : TbU BEIMS A GOOD CrOSH •' I CARev OUT THE ASHES \ AiUuv .Ship uy Truck . . . ^ . 9 CALLS Kt. Pant' 5, M inneapolis 1_. WOW JONES FROM TAKINS OVEIL A Otoe t* or liir • ...... k .‘'Oioinlnry al in Italy and a Interference suggestion on the utes of play. . .then he asked If any­ Kan.sas Citv 1. Wichita 0.’ T E L L ^OU ABOUT F H S C k ... TATTLE-TALE , VW SHOW. SOTTA MAKE TO HELP MAf THEM VOU INSIST OM ' • • 4' ik-e —hervlce—i'ic rnge ...... )u achedule wita arrange- *—Hlcycle* ...... U POLK f: give him the nereaaary point# for and capable sports writer would what would you do when the other TONIGHr’S S( HEIM t F. THAT'GIRL IS, P.ESF>OHSI- TAGALOMG HELPIM' ME, AM' WOW, MA'LL HAVE NVithitO .ky.^a—M'iicrcvn'ea ... 13 Internationa I-American lycagiic. MONEV. ' lJualneaa nnd t'rofraaloBal gerrlrea graduallon. hav# the officials call time and put learn playena ...... 14 terference penalty that might dc OUT TH' ASHES. P'tcria(4»*.NurBe.-u 5 ...... lb hla hooka and tlaahea for achool kansas coach, says they don’t have Pun-drbi Direrioi* ...... 1ft firf: w’here he haa maintained a good clde the game . . . any trouble with pass Interference tieHtlng-» Plumt>l ng — K'>ot1ng . IV South nvetnge. in the southwest conference because Deaths Last Night Inauraoce ...... 1ft Hi:s am bition haa brought much Eddie CoUlna, who once got five Millinery —Dreesmaktng ...... IV they train basketball officials for Moving—Trufk Ui *•-.... to comm'mdatlon and it look# ## If he for flve at Fenway, laughs at the the field Judge Jobs . best fight of Innsbruck, Austria — ArchduchcBs idea that Boston's damp east wind ' t ' . ' 5 ' Public Kaeaenaer S*rvio* ...... f0*A 4321 will renlixe hla dream- "to gel into the roaches meeting; Cliet Wynne, Maria, 35, daughter of Archduke Painiing ^Paperir.b ...... 11 buaineaa.** ruined the Red Box hitters . . Proteaelxnal Servicet ...... It North Kentucky football coach, vs. Austen F’rancls S alvator. he claim# the atmospheric condi­ Lake. eosteni official.. .victor: HepMlring ...... II tions in the ball parks at Chicago. London—Lady Houston, early suf­ Tall>>rlng —i'yetfig HJleanlng . . . 14 K E l'K IE V E <3eveland, Washington and Bt. Louis Lake...W ynne charged football of­ fragist. publicist and philanthropist. T rllat riooda and Set vice ...... lb ficials make up their minds on the She was the widow of Sir Robert W anted —CuiMneee '4» n r e ...... Ift 5432 art much worse . . . Cronin is Hermtne. Pa. "Merry ChriJtma#" Houston, shipping magnate. Kdaoattoaal duL here Jan 12 and much is expect­ outcome of a game before It starts mean# Just that to this weatero . . Lake bounced up and conceded New York—The Rt. Rev. 'William Cuuraea and C A«e»i ...... 1* 1 ennaylvania coal towm the low'll ed to happen then . . . some one is Prieaia Instruction ...... Ift AMKIIIANCE J. F^lynn. 48. director of the M ar­ will have a few more mnnfha of life trying to give Bob (^ulnn an 8 Wynne was a nice guy, but added Dancing ...... tl-A (D o u k h u ) that Che{'s remarks were "unmUl- quette. League for Catholic Indian Musical—Dramatic ...... m li stead of being condemned to ft. 5 In. cowboy w ho claim s to be a Waited—Inatmcrion ...... Ih pitcher . . . In rejecting the offer. gated h‘K>ey.’ missions. abandonment. Chicago—Louis E. Yager, 67, a Flaairclal 5 6 3 0 The Ocean Coal Company rhang- Bob pointed out that baseball ha# THAT'S NINE \ SURE, I SIVE 'EM OLP BROWNIE'', VA PAINT WHEN VA HAND ‘EM TH' BUN, former president of the Chicago Donda—btocka—Murtgagas II ed it# mind about halting operation# enough freak# now . . . the idea of Bob Feller's first 1937 contract ^ TX I HADWY STTVPnED SUCH A ^ U R MOTHEPi IS RIGHT, PEOPLE IN A 1 VER. FINSER. WITH IODINE, SEE-SUP IT INTO S lip t h e f in se r o u t w h y . bustncaa OpDortunitlaa ...... It (Holloran) a catcher lugging out a itep-iadder gives him $2,600 for okaying a Board of Underwriters ROW WHOVE \ A BUN, AND IT LOOKS UK£ A CJEE-UCIOUS TODAY rv E SAVED NINE PUCKS Money to l» a n ...... t l and gave the miner# their Jobs and FUSS ABOUT FRECKLES BEING TAG f 1 DOWT ■WAHT >OU TO homes for. another three montba as everytlme he wanted to talk to the breakfast food...Cy Slapritckn, St. Paul. Minn. — Clarence H. SAID t h a t . WORTH OF WEINERS ANO SOT Help «Dd rltoatlnaa giant wa* too much for the ki'epcr Johnston. 77, architect who designed TOO TOUMG TD HAVE B E A T A L E -B E A R E R ! IR Help W anied-^K i nia le ...... tb 3060 a'CRVlsTmas pre.sent. whose personal touch precipitated MV f in s e r s b it o n l y Llelp W aniea—Malt ...... le of the Bee# . . . the famed F‘'eller ca.v, is now pnr- the Minnesota State prison and QIRLS.TAG 'VMDULDWT TtoU HAVE AKNTHIHG TD Salesmen Wanred ...... Ift-A (()uish) NERVY aunally seeking sigmatures of his other State institutions. ONCE, Help W Hnied~Mak« or Kemala.. 3* Chicago—William H. Schmedtgtn, BE SO IWSPIBErD SAM, K E E P f r e c k l e s ’ J#an Puals gave Jean Debuc ball players In 1937 c o n tr a c ts ... Agen.* Wanted ...... IV-A plent; of headache# even bffore i.r 74, newspaper, a rtist. TO CARBiy GOSSIP AMD MV WAME DOT Sltuaiioba W«n*.ea — kemaie ... 1ft 4 3 4 0 Chicago A Chicago thief with Will Harridge is having a party for Slruatl(in» n anted—M'ei* ...... ID no diacretlon. or of extraordinary took that alleged poke at referee BUI T T D TDU f Coutu . . ■ the wrasUing hockeytat the news writers In Chicago New PUBLIC NUISANCE OF rr/ Linployroent Agericle* ...... 4u daring <»r both- la #t large Live Hiork^l'rla—Poultry—Vehlrlee HOSIMTAL ha# Jumped the Providence Reds, Year's eve... Ford Frick Is holding Cannon Falls, Minn.—In Justice Di'ga— birda— Pera ...... 4 1 He took Detective Andrew Rich­ entraining for Montreal last night, open hou.so fdr the New York George Wilson’s court the motoriat Uve Slock—Vahiciea ...... ftt ard#* service pistol fn^m # locker on and will be set down fur the rest of scribes the ' same afternoon. . .Gil who permits an intoxicated com­ Puultrr and Suppiiot ...... 41 the third floor of the detective the reason . . . ('^ rl Vo##, C helsea's Kuhn. Bonthem California football panion to drive his car draw# the Wantad - Pets —Poultry—8tock 44 5131 bureau. F*i (4al»—Mlarellaneoaa gift to major league hockey, wdll captain. Is courting Frances Lang­ .same penalty a.s the driver. Thomas Artlclca for Sai» ...... 4b At first Richards thought another probably ba of little service to the ford of the films. Tasa waa sentenced to 90 days as a '7^lo, «iri If you won't wear the necktie 1 gave you. you can't have any boats abo Accoaaoiiea ...... 48 w a tf:r d e f t . detective look It by mistake. Later, Montreal Maroons for the remainder "public nuisance" after he permitted of the candy you gave me," building Material* ...... it convinced it had been stolen, Rich­ of the campaign . . . Tommy Gor- Clarence Svien to 4rlve hla ma­ Dlafflooda—Waichea-Klewelry •• 4ft tn the United States, fire destroys chine. Svien drew the same penalty l£lectrlcaJ Appliance#—Itadlo •• 4V ard# reported the theft to police nutn aaiii an influensa attack has Fuai and Feed 4V‘A 3 0 7 7 headquarters. left him in a very weakened condi- five schoolhouse# every day. for reckless driving. _ liarder — Kami—Dairy Procluet# (After 6 P. M.) J. Uouaabold (iouda ...... Ii WMte»VICt.lWC. T.M.IIt0 .U. DieTV LOOK.S C >M‘•» M» »««*'«. i«e. T » me. u i. ,»T. 0,,. ■ Machinery sbd Ixola ftl Musical InatruxDenra ...... ftl 786 8 By THOMPSON AND COLL Office aao Store {Sgoipceee^t hA MYRA NORTH, SPEQAL NURSE Myra Springs A Surprise ALLEY OOP stormy Horizon By HAMLIN Speelaift at the Store...... Cft Wearing Apparel—Kura ...... el S S T ' MYFJA - w h a t NOT S O LjOUD. -3ACK.f I D O W T INSPECTOR EMPTREE ' I \|ji w e l l HAFTA c a b b y HIM BACK Wanted—To Boy ...... |8 MANCHESTER ACK IM new, WHAT HA./E S a g o o d th in g p e r m d u, v s h o w e d ^ UK rAU ^ HUNCH WEIL GOLLY-I GOTTA FIND ABOUT THAT CLUE WAHT TO Aeet>§(E ANVOHE'S BELIEVE 1 CAM TE L L SCO ^ OU TUWK V . ' l D TH- PALACE AN' BBINS 'IM B>ow > Moerd»^ilutet#'«i»He>OF<# HIS OWM TtiUTD SAV SHAVING UP WHEN 10)10 - OR 'We'D ATHOUGHt I ^ ~ - ^ L E A R N p l e n t y , T O O ^ X iM , HMh - TH- GRAND WIZER AN Beetaaraota WATER CO. VOU FOUKID OH TH E SUSPIClOMS... I'UL WEED VOUR OEFIWITELV WHO COMMITTED accidentally \ TD, SO'5 WE CAN PIND VOID IT ON PURPOSE, T WORK o n HIM^ X t h in k s o m e t ^ . ccc Boon.# WItboQt Buard 19 o u A i r v E e s . TIP IM OFF, BACK OF SIP CEDCICS HELP FOR A UTTLE EXPEftl- THE BCLHAL MURDERS.,S j T, f wriH KNOCKED OUT ) OUT WHO IS TH' OTHEft " TKEEP SUMPIN' WHO, ME? [ WE GOT A l o t OP / OP THIS PLOT ' OrtJESS XU. Boarders Wanted ...... $9. a w rm LTHING5 T'LEARN ' ORIGINATED 8E GOlN'.'IGOr Q u ic k .' ^ b Cy , w h a t ' Cooairy Board—iteaortg lu CHAIR- WE'RE O J MEWT BEFORE I MAKE AW V^ f ir s t . 1 W OULD RAZOR BY MY THROWN \ &LN WHO WAS IN -< »■<• AW, PER-.'.' Heatauraota il 5 9 7 4 EVEKY o w e ITHAT ONLY HE IN M O O - LSOME IMPORTANT A spcrr; WHY THE SPOT.MOW/.. ^ACCUSATIOWS- ^ VVORD WITH AXE? HUHf ^ W r T H W U B - WHATt) 1 HAFTA Wantad—Hooina—Board Cl WHO WAS WHATCHA GONNA 1 things t o o - DIO I EVER GTT ' Baai Batata lav lUai GAS CO. PLEMTV.' ALDWE, KEEP HID? MIXED UP IN ALpaitneDta, Flats, TanameDta*. 91 IKl SfR DO WITH 'iMi Boatoaai Loeatiooa for Raot 94 NOW? THIS? Bouaaa for Hem ...... •! CECX2ICS Isburbaa tor Rent ______•• 5 0 7 5 HOUSE A T Bammei Borne# for R ent •»•••«• 91 Wantad to Hcot ...... 99 ELECTRIC CO. THE TIME Maal fSetatt. ifwy gale OF HIS apartment Buiiding tor Sale 99 Bnafnea# Property for Haie •••«• 7u MURDER. l>nas and Land for Sale 1i S 181 IN SP EC TO R te r l a U ...... n E M P T C e e W # k.w n Prop.nT tor S&l. 74 EVENING HERALD lubute ter S.I...... 7» IS AT kMJ Bstat. tor Bxrtixrr. .... 7I HIS WIT'S IFkateO— Rm I B itkU ...... 71 5121 w AMtfaa_L.c,iU Rsllma EHO. Usml NoUm * ...... I f m g)1» kiajLLtiLflttuM .

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