J sawA ~uadrzgleNotes ; . 1978 Law School Fund Eighteenth Annual ~epGt Alumni News Note Feature KT?.- The University of Michigan Law School QuadrangleLaw Notes

Vol. 23, No. 4 Summer 1979 contents

Reading Beheen the Sheets b~ Roj F. Proffitt

Letter of Transmittal 3

Letter oi Acceptance 3

Regional Summaries 4

1977- 1978 Comparisons 9 by Regions

Tops in Percentage of Participation

Thousand Dollar Cities 11

Law School Fund Contributors Law Quadrangle Notes (USPS 893- Annual Growth Chart 20 460), issued quarterly by the Univer- sity of Michigan Law School. Second C'lass Summary of Gifts 27 class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office of publication, 409 Special Donor Groups 30 E. Jefferson, Ann Arbor, Michigan About the Cover 48 109. POSTMASTER: SEND Things are changing. The cover FORM 3579 to Law Quadrangle photograph shows the new addition to the Corporate Matching Notes, Law School, The University of Gift Program Law School library as it looked in early Michigan 48109. May, 1979. The excavation is 55 feet deep, and this hole will eventually be filled with an In Memoriam 35 This issue of Law Quadrangle Notes is entirely underground three-story building. the eighteenth report of the Law The addition will add 77,500 square feet of Alumni News Notes School Fund. The Fund is under the floor space, and will be ready for occupancy direction of Professor Roy F. Prof- in 198 1. It is being constructed with funds Deceased fitt; Mrs. Lois A. Richards is super- raised in the School's first Capital Cam- visor of the Fund and is responsible for paign. gathering the names and data used in If you have not been back to quaint little Llichigan Special Donor 4 1 this report. Editorial and design "old Ann Arbor town" in recent years, and Groups responsibilities were handled by the the tall addition to the skyline seems out of University of Michigan Publications place, it is the Tower Plaza Apartment Office. building on the corner of Maynard and East William where Red's Right Spot eatery and Cover: Bob Kalrnbach, the Gold Bond Cleaners used to be the prin- U-M Information Services cipal attractions. Reading.. these special groups. A name will norm all!^ remarkable gain in both the number of . be found only in the one /is[ with [he gifts (+ 16.9%) and dollars (+5l%). Between the Sheets highest requiremenls for which the person (2) We cannot pass without noting that qualifies. For example, even though the REGION X (Wayne and Oakland Coun- person's gift for 1978 was at least $500, the ties, Michigan), which in 1977 accounted lower limit for The Universily Deans Club. for 19.6% of the national Lotal dollars, in- if that person is already a Benefaclor or a creased its proportion in 1978 to 19.8% of member of the Presidenrs Club his or her the national total, and that translates into name would not be included in the Deans $10,034 additional dollars. WOW! SIX Club list. (Is that all clear?) other regions (I, V, VII, XI, XIV, XV) in- The information we have shown may creased their contributions better than still leave you "short" with respect to some 20%. of the questions you would like to ask (3) Among the CLASSES, 1968 certain- about deferred gifts, trusts, insurance, uni- ly came into its own (Allen D. Field 1s the trusts, pooled income funds, bequests, gifts class agent): it finished at the top in three other than cash or negotiable instruments, important categories-most donors, most etc., etc. Please feel free to write or to gifts, and highest percentage of con- telephone the Law School Fund (313- tributors-and third in most dollars. Just 764-0518). Or you may wish to write to the great! Associate Director of Development, (4) STATES are particularly hard to THANK YOU! University of Michigan, 3540A Student compare because of the great disparity in We DID have a fine year in 1978, and Activities Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. population, but there were important gains we thank each one of you who helped to We work easily together, and we shall do in three of the less populated (with Mich- make it so. And our special thanks go to our best to see that you receive the answers igan alumni, at least) states: Alaska had all who helped with the solicitation because that you need. one-third more gifts, and 54% more dol- it is this help that we receive at the grass lars; Rhode Island showed 30% more gifts roots level that makes the Fund go and and 105% (that's right) more dollars and grow. IF YOU'RE LESS Wyoming (our next to smallest Michigan outpost), under first-year chairman David The balance of this report is jilled with THAN SPECIAL? details of the 1978 campaign, but two im- Kennedy, reported 100% more givers than portant figures which underscore the We still love you! We always have, and last year, and did it the hard way-two Fund's continued good health: we always shall, and to us you are a special who had never given before, and one who person regardless of the size of your gift. had lapsed since 1973. Total dollars $573,9 10.61 (up 8.7%) We know very well there are great and im- (5) Last, but not least, in the areas with a Total gifts 5,541 (up 0.9%) portant differences in resources, in de- major number of alumni (e.g. 50 or more) We shall have more to say about these mands upon those resources, and in the Berrien County, Michigan again improved figures and a number of other things in a priorities you have for the dollars you can its already outstanding record and received moment, but first we would like to talk use for charitable purposes. Our ultimate gifts from 89.4% of the alumni (59 out of with you about another subject (or sub- hope is that one day every single one of you 66) in the County to remain NUMBER jects, if you prefer) that previously we have will wish to participate a[ some level in the ONE in that category. not said much about. Law School Fund, but until that day we Other results and leaders in a variety of shall be well satisfied if each year the num- categories are listed throughout the report. bers who do participate move up. Our congratulations and thanks to SPECIAL DONOR GROUPS We are convinced that strong alumni everyone. participation in the activities of the Law Through a number of special groups the School is an important ingredient in keep- University honors its alumni and friends ing Michigan as one of the world's great COMMEMORATIVE GIFTS who give it significant financial support. schools. One very positive way you can Since all gifts to the Law School (certainly join in is through the Law School Fund. Each of us has at one time or another including the Law School Fund) can and Your gift when added to other gifts soon received the sad news of the death of a do qualify the donor for recognition in becomes a very meaningful sum of money. person who has meant a great deal to us. these groups, a substantial number of you During each of the last several years We must determine the most appropriate are already included within one or possibly more than 40% of our alumni have par- way to show our respect. A letter is often two of them. But we believe, on the basis of ticipated in the Fund, and in annual giving difficult to phrase. inquiries that we have received, that others fund circles that is a good figure, but a few You may feel that graduation of a friend of you have an interest in knowing more of our peer schools (Harvard, Yale, Stan- or relative, or a birthday, or perhaps retire- specific requirements for the several ford, Columbia) have at least 50% ment of a friend or colleague, etc. should groups so that your gifts can be tailored to participation each year. Is there any be marked by a commemorative gift, but fit within a group of your choice. reason Michigan alumni should do less? how, and where? On the inside of the back cover we What you do will be a part of the answer. On these occasions a gift to the Univer- have tried to anticipate and answer some sity of Michigan Law School will allow the of your questions. For a quick comparison donor to honor the individual in a way that the various classifications are indicated will bring lasting benefits to others. The graphically and in a shorthand way. But CONGRATULATIONS! person honored or the next of kin, as these descriptions slide over some of the Each year we point out that it is risky appropriate, will be told of the donor's details so we have included some of "the business to single out specific areas or thoughtfulness by the Law School. fine print" elsewhere on the page. classes for comment because of the very We welcome inquiries. Later on in this report you will find wide differences in size numbers and several lists containing the names of Law previous levels of participation, but each School alumni, friends of the Law School, year there are some things that simply BEQUESTS TO THE and members of the "Law School Family" must be said. This year they include: (usually spouses of alumni) whose gifts or (1) In a heavily populated, high density LAW SCHOOL commitments to the University now area, as mid-town Manhattan surely is, E. During 1978 the Law School was the qualify them for inclusion within one of Roger Frisch and his team showed a direct rec~pientor money as beneficiary in the \rills ol' the folln\\,ing deceased alumni foundations rtnd trusts where our alumni or in the \!.ills (if their \r.ido\rs or other have a role in advising the directors or rnenihers of their fr~niilies: trustees. rind from time to time \re receive C-lifton G. D!er, 'I? a gift from an alumnus' individual client Ralph E. Horner. '09 \$ ho \r iches to make a chiiritt~blecontribu- Hcnriettri E. Rosenthal. '1 8 tion. and on the r~dviceof the alumnus. llrtrinn Lehr Simpson, na considers the Lritr School Fund a worthy Kocina 21. \\'oll;;on, na recipient. Perhaps you. too, represent a foundation. a trust. or other client that Sumc ol' these bequests provided new \t,ould appreciate kno\ving more about the student scholarship or student loan I'unds. l-;t\v School Fund. the others permitted the mane!, to be used irithin the discretion of the dean. These fiftc are not reported \i.ith any other lirures and statistics in the report because MICHIGAN INCOME the! \+,erenot the result of a donative in- TAX CREDIT ten1 in 1978. and because \ve thought the \Ye remind those of you whose income is addition of the amount of the proceeds to subject to the Michigan Income Tax that the annual gi\*ingcampaign would distort !.our gifts to the LAW SCHOOL or LAW the direct results of that campaign. SCHOOL FUND DO QUALIFY FOR These bequests serve as reminders of the THE CREDIT PROVISION IN SEC- truth rtnd applicribilit!. cif a statement TION 260 OF THE MICHIGAN IN- puhlished h! one of our sister law schools COME TAX STATUTE. to shnn the reliltionship of its annual giv- Thus, without trying to get too technical ing program and bequests to the school: here (obviously you will want to look at the ".T\nnurtl gi\.ing to the Fund has impro\ved statute). 119irhin rlte lirrliratiotls of rhe .4cr steadil!,-hut death terminates annual giv- the taxpayer can receive credit equal to ing. and annual givers must become 50% of his or her charitable contributions tehtators \rho remember the lau, school in to institutions of higher learning located their \rills." within Michigan. Since these charitable gifts also qualify as deductions on your Federal return (in contrast to the Mich- GIFTS-IN-KIND igan credit) it means that many of you can make a substantial gift to the Fund. up to \!'e frequently recei\:e gifts of securities 5200, or up to $400 if you file a joint in lieu 01' cash. and they are certainly return. without a very large increase in \$elcome. These gifts are usually sold your cash outlay. promptl! rrnd the proceeds are reflected in the cash figures that we report. From time- to-time tve receive gifts of real value, but a little less marketable than typical securities, that are not included elsewhere in the report. These gifts. too, are u.elcome. This past year was no exception. Several alumni either purchased a new policy or transferred ownership of an ex- isting life insurance policy to the Uni- versib for the benefit of the Law1 School. and these i~lumnitrill continue payment of the annual premium on the policies. These gifts permit the rilumnus to assure a sub- stantial gift to the Law School with a modest cash outlay now. Still another un- common gift during 1978 was a one-quar- ter undi\.ided interest in some real property in Rrirr! County. Michigan. .

MATCHING AND OTHER NON-ALUMNI GIFTS :lc an encouragement to charitable giv- ing many companies and some law firms niirkc matching giftc to the Law School Fund (as kvell as to other donees). If you \r,ork for a company or perhaps sit on the hoard of directors you should check on its policy. In 1978 we received 178 gifts total- ling 923,152 from 127 companies and firms. hlan! other gifts from non-alumni are sent as memorial gifts (see more in other p~lrtsof this report). :I few other ver!. sub- From left. Bob Vaughn, Alan Knauf, Bill Marcoux, Michael Quinley, Judd Johnson stantial giftc come through charitable April 23, 1979 May 7, 1979 Dean Terrance Sandalow David R. Macdonald, Esq. University of Michigan Law School Baker & McKenzie Hutchins Hall Prudential Plaza Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Chicago, Illinois 6060 1 Dear Terry: Dear Dave: We are happy to welcome you during the first year of your Congratulations on another record-breaking year. I am tenure as Dean of the Law School with the news that 1978 was pleased to have an opportunity to express publicly my gratitude again a SUCC~SS~U~year for the Michigan Law School Fund. The to you and to the many other alumni whose efforts contributed results, compared with last year are as follows: to so successful a year. The support given to the Law School by the Fund under your 1977 1978 leadership would have been impressive under any circum- Total Amount Contributed $527,999.06 $573.9 10.6 1 stances. It is truly extraordinary when one realizes that the level Total Number of Gifts 5.493 5.54 1 of support has increased by nearly 15% during a two-year period in which our alumni have also contributed to the Capital The principal cause of success, of course, results from the Campaign with exceptional generosity. The willingness of generosity of our alumni. This generosity is greatly enhanced by alumni to support the School so generously is deeply gratifying. the pride that they feel in being associated with the Law It demonstrates that they share my own and the faculty's com- School's continued high quality of legal education. At the same mitment to maintaining the School's tradition of excellence. time we all must recognize and applaud the efforts of the in- div~dualmembers of our dedicated Michigan Law School Fund The importance of the Fund to the maintenance of that tradi- team who are the backbone of the Fund. Without their devo- tion cannot be overstated. Over the years, it has enriched every tion. the results could not have been achieved. Special recogni- part of the School's program. Its importance to the life of the tion must again go to Professor Roy Proffitt and to Lois School is likely to be even greater in the years ahead, as higher Richards and Wenda Richmon of our permanent staff who education moves through a period of increasing budgetary lighten our task substantially. stringency. Tuition and public funds will, of course. continue to provide basic support. but more than ever we are likely to be Last year we reported that our then Vice Chairman Bill dependent upon private support for the margin of excellence. Groening and Roy Proffitt would embark on a program to enable Law School graduates to continue their gifts in Once again, warm thanks for your leadership during the past perpetuity through a bequest to the Law School Fund, the in- two years. We are all indebted to you for your willingness to as- terest on which would be received every year by the Fund. This sume so important a responsibility and for the exceptional ef- program is now under way and will undoubtedly be fectiveness with which you have discharged it. implemented by future officers. Sincerely, It iias been an honor and a privilege for me to have served as Chairman during these last two years. I have no doubt that the Fund is in for unprecedented success as Bill Groening prepares to take the reigns as the Chairman for the 1979 campaign. Sincerely, Terrance Sandalow Dean

David R. Macdonald Regional Summaries

T I. Scott Bass

---- TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL AREA CHAIRPERSON ALUMNI GIFTS DOLLARS NATIONAL CHAIRMAN: David R. Macdonald REGION I-New York I Scott Bass 21' 7 Frances Eve Btlmes Count~es . Albany Cornellus D Murray 11 6 Broome Robert M Eckelberger Jr 7 5 Chalauqua R Bard Schaak 6 1 Chemunq 8 Steuben -- 3 1 Erte - 34 15

Jefferson - 3 1 K~nqs8 Rlchmond Alan Fl~nk 27 10 Robert E Wagenfeld Manhattan Downtown Bruce F Howell 216 96 Mid-Town E Roger Frtsch 272 160 Monroe Jonathan H Trost 54 34 Nassau H Lee Blumberg 26 10 N~agara - 7 2 One~da - 4 2 Ononda~a - 16 11 Ontarlo - 4 2 Oranqe Frances Eve B~lmes 3 2 Oueens Robert A Butler 11 3 Rockland Frances Eve B~lmes 5 2 Schenectady - 2 6 Suffolk Valenttne F Parker 15 2 Warren - 1 1 Wayne Thomas W B~ddle 2 2 Westchester Ira B Rose 34 13 - - Reg~onalTotals 784 394 ------'Does not Include alumn~In I~stedcounttes

---- NATIONAL VICE CHAIRMAN William A. Groening, Jr

REGION II Warren M. Laddon


REGION II Warren M Laddon Jerome B Llbln Delaware W~lltamsonP Donald 26 District of Columbia Terrence Roche Murphy 536 Maryland Steven D Shattuck 70 New Jersey Vlctor E D Klng 156 NATIONAL CLASS VlCE Pennsylvania Rea P Mlller Jr 1 CHAIRMAN Central Harr~sburg Charles E Thomas. Jr 37 Central Clnarfteld R~chardA Bell 15 R~chardH. May North East Area Wllltam C Cassebaum 39 North West Area Dan~elL R Mtller 4 1 South East Area Alan G Choate 115 Soulh West Area Stephen A George 124 Virginia James N Chr~stman 157 West Virginia M~chaelT Chaney 19

Reqtonal Totals 1.335 0. . REGION Ill REGION IV \- Mark J. Levick Jon M. Sebaly


REGION Ill Mark J Levick REGION IV-Ohio Jon M Sebaly Charles E. Robinson Counlles Alabama John H Morrow Allen Hardln VanWert Donald J Wltter Arkansas Marion B Burton Ashland 0 Joseph Murray Florida Charles E. Roblnson Auglalze Mercer Shelby Edward S Noble Southeast Robert H. Miltenberger. II Belmont Mlchael R Thomas Northeast Fred Elefant Butler Warren Robert A Vaughn South Charles J. Averbook Clark Fayette Greene Robert A Vaughn East Central W~lliamE. Doster Champaign Madlson Northwest John Radey Cllnton Brown Clermont Robert A Vaughn Southwest Robert W Beaudry Columblana Carroll J Mlchael Kapp West Central Mlchael F Nuechterleln Coshocton Guernsev Van Blanchard South Central Davld M Schraver Tuscarawas Georgia Steven E. Fox Crawford Morros Rlchland F Loyal Bemtller Kenlucky George E Dudlev Cuyahoga Geauga lrwln J Dlnn Louisiana Jacques L. Wlener Deflance Wood Henry Jon M Sebaly Mississippi Alfred A. Levlngston Wllllams Pauldtng North Carolina Hubert E. Seymour. Jr. Erle Huron Sanduskv Mlchael R Feqen Soulh Carolina J Klrkland Grant Frankltn Falrfleld Tennessee Barry F White Hamtlton Jay A Rosenberg Hancock Putnam Jon M. Sebaly Regional Totals Jefferson Harr~son W~lllamJ Wetnman Lake Ashtabula Davld S. Jacobson Llcklng Perry Knox Thomas E Norpell Musklngum Loratn Danlel A Cook Lucas Fulton Justlce G Johnson. Jr Mahonlng Albert J Ortenno Medlna Summlt Mlaml Darke Robert S Mlller Montgomery Preble Ottawa Douglas 0 Meyer Seneca Wyandot James D Supance Stark John D Jolllffe Trumbull Portage Bernard W Rosenbel Unlon Delaware Logan Marion Joseph B Grlgsby Wayne Holmes John C Johnston

Reglonal Totals

REGION V 'Does not Include alumnl In llsted countles David S. Allen


REGION V- David S. Allen Stephen Goldsmith Cities Bloomlngton East Chlcago Samuel J. Goodman Elkhart Goshen Nappanee Robert A Pfaff Wakarusa Evansv~lleBoonvtlle Jerry P. Baugh Fort Wayne Woodburn Joseph W. Klmmell. II TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Gary Gr~fflthWhltlng Samuel J. Goodman AREA CHAIRPERSON ALUMNI GIFTS DOLLARS Hammond Samuel J. Goodman lndlanapolls Stephen Goldsmith Lafayette LOUISPearlman. Jr. REGION VI-Illinois Cornellus J Sulllvan LaPorte Danlel E Lewls. Jr. Chrlstopher B Cohen Mlch~ganClty Flrst Appellate Dlstrlct Christopher B Cohen Mlshawaka R Wyatt Mick. Jr. Second Appellate Dtstrlct Thomas J Strelt Muncle Anderson Gregory A. Huffman Thlrd Appellate Dlstrlct Wllltam E Arnold Rlchmond Robert G. Burton Peorla Countv Robert C Strodel South Bend Notre Dame Rlchard B Urda. Jr Fourth Appellate Dlstrlct Robert A Stuart Terre Haute Mvrl 0 Wilkinson Fifth Appellate Dlstrlct Ronald W Perlard

Regtonal Totals Reglonal Totals

'Does not Include alumni In listed cltles. 'Does not Include alumnl In llsted county

REGION X Sidney L. Frank


REGION IX-California Rlchard W Odqers REGION X-Michigan Sldney L Frank Mlchael Barber John P Oulnn Charles F Nlemeth Davld L Haron Northern Area Mlchael Barber Wayne County John P Oulnn San Franc~sco-BayArea J Bruce McCubbrey Allen Park Sacramento Roger Gambatese Dearborn San Francisco Peninsula James L Copeland Detrolt Hamtramck Highland Park Vallev Area Paul F Mordy Garden Ctty lnkster Southern Are Charles F Nlemeth Grosse Ile Beverly Hills Steven E Lewls Grosse Polnte Area Long Beach Clark Heggeness Llncoln Park Los Anoeles Wtlllam L Cathey Llvonta Frederick W Lambert Northvllle Orange Counlv Mlchael D Rubln Plymouth Pasadena Davld A Ebershoff Tavlor San Dlego Thomas F Melchlor Trenton Flat Rock Santa Barbara Wendy C Wllner Wayne Westland Wvandotte Reglonal Totals Oakland County Davld L Haron ------Ferndale Hazel Park Oak Park 'Does not Include alumnl In llsted areas Madlson Heights Berklev Birmingham Huntington Woods Pleasant Rldge Royal Oak Bloomf~eldHills Clawson Troy Rochester Farmlnqton Franklln NOVI Southfleld Pontlac Clarkston Waterford West Bloomfleld

Regional Totals ------

REGION XI Edward H. Powers


REGION XI-Michigan Edward H Powers Counl~es Bav Ar~naC Robert D Sarow Genesee Lapeer Robert L Segar Lenore Ferber Huron Sanllac Tuscola Karl E Kraus Lenawee Rlchard C Elcon~n Llvlnqston . - Macomb Norman G Peslar Mldland Rlchard W Barker Monroe Rlchard C Elconln Saalnaw Valorle J Anderson St Cla~r S Kelth Bankson Shlawassee Washtenaw Ann Arbor Robert E Guenzel Ypsllantt Robert E Guenzel

Reqlonal Totals --

From left, Byron Walter, Terry Sandalow, Bill Groening, Roy Proffitt


REGION XII-Michigan John E Dewane REGION XIV Ralph E Mahowald Wllllam E Wlsner Ar~zona Counties Phoenlx Muskeaon Robert 0 Chessman Tucson Kent W Fred H~~nllng New Mexico lnaham Allan Claypool Albuquerque Calhoun Samuel Carpenter Oklahoma Jackson Wllllam J Marcoux Oklahoma Clty Berr4en Crelghton F Klute Tulsa K alamazoo Ronald B Stephens Texas Van Buren Cass Branch Herbert E Ph~lllpson.Jr Dallas St Joseph Htll+dale Houston Ottawa Hannes Meyers. Jr 30 17 1.660 00 San Antonlo Alleaan Lester J Tooman 12 4 10300 loll:+ Cllnlon Barrv Eaton T Mlchael Doyle 32 5 595 00 Reg~analTotals Wason Lake Oceana Newayqo Waltor A Ur~ck 22 9 725 51 ------Mecosta Isabella Gratlot Wllllam R Thompson 44 13 506 00 'Does not Include alumn~In llsted c~tles Montcalm Grand Traverse Manlslee Benzle Leelanau Wexford Clare Gladwtn Mls+aukee James V Rutledge 10 3 225.00 Osceola Roqcommon Antr~mCrawford Kalkaska Ralph Jackson 7 2 50 00 Monlmorencv Otseqo Alpena O~codaAlcona Oqemaw losco Charlevo~xCheboyqan Emmet Mack tnaw Presque Isle Alqer Chippewa Della Luce Dav~dM Savu 56 23 2.005 00 Marquette Menom~nee Schoolcraft Baraqa Dlcklnson Goqeblc Houohton Iron Keweenaw Onlonaaon

Reqlonal Totals 1.407 572 $55.254 59


REGION Xlll REGION XV Wtlllam G DeLana Elliott C M~ller Mervyn S. Gerson Connecticut Mlchael R Lev~n 74' 39 $ 2.900 00 Ronald St. Onge Br~dgeport James E. Rlce 6 3 235.00 Hartford Thomas F Tresselt 48 34 1.930.00 John S Pfarr Jr New Haven R~chardSnyder 15 13 49200 Maine George B Hefferan. Jr 29 12 697 Or) John B Barney Massachusetts Francs E Coll~ns.Jr 43' 23 1.765 00 Boston-Cambr~dge Steven T Hoorl 72 25 1.962.50 . ------Robert M Gaul1 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL New Hampshire Charles DeGrand~re AREA CHAIRPERSON ALUMNI GIFTS DOLLARS Keene ------Manchester Rochester REGION XIII-Hawaii Rhode Island Ernest D Humphreys C111er Vermont Paul B Wolfe HmIr Hnnololu Regtonal Totals Kanenhe - - . ------W.atoahu 'Does no1 Include alumn~In llsted cllles HanalP~ L~Hu~ Wallucu

Reqlonal Totals National Committee, from left: R.l-Michael Quinley, Alan Knauf, William Groening, Roy Proffitt, David Macdonald, Lois Richards, Harry Piper, Philip Wittenberg, Justice Johnson R. 2-William Marcoux, Barbara Kacir, Terrance Sandalow, Richard May, Byron Walter, James White R. 3-Robert Vaughn, Charles Humphrey, Rob Jones, Irwin Dinn, Richard Elconin, Allan Claypool R. 4-Carl vonEnde, David Haron, Sidney Frank, Horace Rodgers, Terrence Linderman, Edgar Bittle


Number of Alumni Number of Gifts Total Dollars Area 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978

Region I Region II Region Ill Region lV Region V Region VI Region V11 Region Vlll Region IX Region X Region XI Region XI1 Region Xlll Region XIV Region XV U.S. Possessions Foreign

'Does not ~ncludefore~gn graduate alurnn~llv~ng abroad tDoes Include forelqn qraduale alurnn~l~vlng TOPS IN PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions of More than 20 Alumni)

Area Participation

Berrien County. Michigan Hartford. Connecticut Montgomery. Preble Counties, Ohio South West Area. Pennsylvania Hamilton County. Ohio Monroe County, New York Stark County. Ohio Tulsa. Oklahoma Cuyahoga. Geauga Counties. Ohio New Hampshire Mid-Town Manhattan. New York Alaska Kansas City. Missouri Los Angeles. Caltforn~a 57.9 Ina and Terry Sandalow Hawat1 57.9 Fort Wayne. Woodburn. Indiana 56.1 -,V~-==-F Ann Arbor. M~chtgan 55.1 Des Motnes. Iowa 55.0 Muskegon County. Michigan 55.0

TOPS IN PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION l"''?h (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions of Less than 20 Alumni) Area Participation I Schenectady County. New York e Rodgers Warren County. New York -iphrey, F?ob Jone Wayne county, New York 100.0 - Ashland County, Ohio 100.0 Columbiana. Carroll Counties, Ohio 100.0 Hancock. Putnam Counties. Ohio 100.0 Jefferson, Harrison Counties, Ohio 100.0 Wayne. Holmes Counties, Ohio 100.0 Terre Haute. Indiana 100.0 Elkhart. Goshen. Nappanee, Wakarusa. lndiana 90.9 New Haven. Connecticut 86.7 Miami. Darke Counties. Ohio 80.0 Trumbull, Portage Counties. Ohio 80.0 Lincoln. Nebraska 78.6 LaPorte, Indiana 75.0

Allan and Cathy Claypool - - -- THOUSAND DOLLAR CITIES

City and State mount City and State Amount City and State Amount

Detroit. Mi -. South Pasadena. Ca Troy. Mi Phoenix, Az Flint, Mi Naples, F1 Chicago, II Grosse Pointe. Mi Boston. Ma New York. N' Muskegon. Mi Miami. FI Washington. ,, Denver. Co Minneapolis. Mn Ann Arbor, Mi Houston, Tx Portland. Or Los Angeles, Ca Cincinnati. Oh Huntington Woods. Mi Cleveland, Oh Milwaukee, Wi Fort Wayne. In Lansing. Mi Dearborn. Mi Saginaw. Mi Southfield, Mi Albuquerque, NM Anchorage. Ak Grand Rapids. Mi Columbus. Oh Erie. Pa Pittsburgh. Pa St. Louis. Mo Louisville. Ky Cedar Rapids, la Kalamazoo. Mi Buffalo. NY San Francisco, Ca St. Joseph. Mi Mount Clemens. Mi Santa Barbara, Ca St. Paul, Mn Battle Creek. Mi Birmingham, Mi Philadelphia. Pa Dayton. Oh Bloomfield Hills, Mi Wichita, Ks Buchanan, Mi Akron, Oh Rochester, NY Monroe. Mi Tucson, Az Midland. Mi Paris. Ky Honolulu, Hi Jackson. Mi Fullerton. Ca Kansas City. Mo Seattle. Wa Benton Harbor. Mi Toledo, Oh Hartford. Ct Norway, Mi , In

Norma and Dick Elcon~n

Allan Claypool School Fund Contributors

ALABAMA ARKANSAS Lompoc Mort011 M. Rosenlrld San Bruno Btrm~ngham Hol Springs IIavici \'.Stanley Alan & Georgina Korhenbel The Gap Foundation \-red :\. Ikluroch :\nius bl Pinkerton Long Beach Alrred 1. Rothman .A:rrnn D. Grossman Juhn Ii. hlurro\v Fayetleville Kuberl t. A~thcn Stuart W. Rudnick San Diego I . \'astlnc Stabler, Jr W'illio~nG. Myers Ed\r:ird T. Bennett Mich;lcl D. Saphier Walter 1-1. Allman Gadsden Little Rock Clark I-leggcness Lillian S. Satt~nger Sinion F. Colen~an Jul~u\S. KuheI M:irion B. Burton Iinr~nanM. Hilt Nancy R. Schauer Maurice S. Culp Mob~le Cliflbrd E. Jachson lion. & Mrs. Frederick A. Ke~kaMicli;~el J. SchiTI' Waldo K. Greiner Theodore L Hall Phlllp t. kaplan Joscph F. h4cLellan Michael K. ~chmier Gary S. Hardke University Mountain Home Los Altos Rob R. Schuyler William C. Hiscock Thomar 1.. June.; Kcnne~hF. Kell) Lsdd! M Gross Securitv PaciLc Charitable Marilyn L. Hufr Pine Blulf Harvey N. Kuhr t'd n. Robert B. Hutchins Ruhert H. Holmcs Los Angeles Kohert M. Simoscn David K. Kroll ALASKA Erwin Adler Richard L. ~oAmers Thomas F. Melchior Anchorage James N. Adler Mr & Mrs. George E. Robert C. Neal Pa~r~chR1 Anderson CALIFORNIA A. V~ctorAntola. Jr. Sperling. Jr. Stephen V. Petix John H. Br;idhur! Aptos Kohert hl. Barton Arthur L. Stasho\ver Norton P. Rider liun:~ld 1-1. Bussc! F. LaMar IZorshee Herbert A. Bcrnhard Louis R. Stein Col. Douglas Sharp V~ctorD. Carlsun Alhambra \Villiam 0. Blrlningham Bruce Stiglitr -."..q;Anev E. Tamburine liuger G.Connor Stephen W. i\ndre\\ William T. Bisser Charles V. Thornlon San ~iancisco Rubert tastaugh Atherton Harry N. Bluln Harld S. Voegelin Rochelle D. Alpert Sheil;i Gall;~gher Joel R. Bergquist William J. Bogaard Robert B. M1essling Paul E. Anderson John G Gissherg Paul McCooter Konald F. Brot Phil~pF. Miestbrook Tommy F. Angell Slcpllen S. Itlart Berkeley Stanley Davis Brown Janies D. White Richard J. Archer 1-1. Ku\xcl tlolland Rolicrt t. Borton Lililliam L. Cathey. Jr. ' Robert J. (White BankAmerica Foundalion Robert I< Hunie Williiini K. Mulr, Jr. Karen Heath Clark David L. Wintroub Robert S. Beach Jo~nc\M. Po\\ell Peter J. Wittkuhns Alan David Croll Kenneth S. H. Wong Bechtel Foundation 1):lvid B. liusk~n Beverly Hills Kayniond L. Curran Madera Hobart M. Burningham, Jr Barr! J Stern Richard S. Bra\verman Lawrence MI. Dan1 Hon. 'Mason A. Bailey Alfred V. Boerner. Jr. Philip W. Boesche (;ordun J. Tan5 Roland E. Glnsburg Dart Industries. Inc. Malibu K~chardI). Thalcr tl:lrvey !\. Howard Delbcrt 0. Dillingham Frank M. Gunter Douglas G. Boven Belhel David C. Johnson Joseph F. DiMento Marina Del Rey Jon L. Brown Chrl\tupher Cooke James C. Locku,ood William C. Dison R~cliardP. ~licolnkk Robert E. Brown Julian Caplan Fairbanks J. David Marks David A. Ebershoff Menlo Park \\alter Sc~udlo Ronald J. Nessini Roberl J Emmons Env~rotechFoundalion John C Cook Juneau William B. Kees Peter L. Epplnga Thomas W. Ford Roger L. Cook Rr-lt R. Dick Jalnes B. Bradle) hla~\rellL. Rubin Alan I. Epstein Joscpli R. Seiger -.>. Charles A. Dunkel Burbank Ralph tl Er~ckson Mill Valley Janies M. French Ronald J. Cay S. Jack Fenigstein Janies M Garlock ARIZONA Frederick P. Furth. Jr. J. Miller L.euv) Allen D. Field Thomas W. Lacchia Carefree F--'h8 L Foundation Carmel William M. Fisclibach Mira Loma ", Kichard klcCorn~ack Rnhert H. Garb Klchard W. Barrctt Donald H. Ford David L.Seps Fountain Hills James L. Gaul1 Willard D. Hoot Harvey K. Friedman Monterey Park Donald F. \Vintcrs Carl R. Gaylord Charles R. Linton Getty Oil Company Arthur Y. Honda L~lchlieldPark Adaniont N. Georgeson, il Compton Edward N. Glad Newport Beach ,\den E. Firestune Roger J. Pryor Albert S. Golbert Thnrnas. ..u A. Geraci liobcrr ,A. Rilchic Pacific Mutual Corona Del Mar Leon L. Gordon Nick E. Yocca LOUIS R Gomberg Phoenix Ricliard E. Gilfilliin Kenneth M'. Graham, Jr. Oakland rg-..end,L" F. Greenwald Ituhert C. Bates Bernadine & I-lenry Ullman Paul R. Grant Williani H. Bachrach Paul R. Haerle 1-eu K. Beus Davis Thomas J. Greene Patrick J. Becherer Walter D. Herrick. Ill liubcrt J. Blankenburg Ct~nrlcsB. Craver U'ill~amGreene Peter A. Bernard Barry D. Hovis tdaard I-i. Doyle Roger L. Gambatese Mr. & Mrs. W~lliamE. Jay S. Hooker Robert D. Huber Carmlchael Properties Downey Gutliner. Jr. Plaza Pacific Equities. Inc. \"/;lliarn G. Hvland Ronald W. Carlr~ichael James L. McCorniick Richard H. Guthrie Bart J. Schenone Denis A. ~acques D

The Quaker Oats Foundation Albert G. Webber, Ill Palatine Fort Wayne Kendallville Richard S. Ratcliff Robert D. Winters Clifford A. Dean James M. Barrett, Jr. Wyman Finley Jack T. Redwine Deerlieid Paris James M. Barrett, Ill Lalayette Frank G. Reeder John P. Bure Robert L. Gibson Orvas E. Beers Stanton Babcock Allan J. Re~ch Hewitt Associates Park Ridge Larry J. Burke Robert W. Bibler R. Ian Reicin J. Ethan Jacobs Alan R. Kidston Barbara A. Burl Louis Pearlman, Jr. Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. Richard F. Kohn Pekin J. Philip Burt George A. Rinker Christine M. Rhode DeKalb John R. Bagley Carl E. Chickedantz LaGrange Robert Rosennian Bruce P. Bickner Virginia J. Ehrlicher William E. Harris Jack P. Dunten Peter Rosenlhal The DeKalb Agricultural Peoria Nathan T. Horton. I1 LaPorte David J. Rosso Research Foundation Joseph F. Bartley, Jr. Jack D. Hunter William A. Elliolt Mr. & Mrs. Jerfrev C. East Moline Robert L. Burlians William G. Keane Daniel E. Lewis, Jr. Rubenstein Marvin ~.~Schra~er Raymond J. Fraser Robert Y. Keegan David D. Osborn Richard C. Ruschman East Peoria Willard B. Gaskins Joseph W. Kimmell, I1 Logansport Paul F. Russell Robert W. Winston Frederick D. Johnson Mentor Kraus Tom F. Hirschauer John P. Ryan, Jr. Elgin Joe B. McDade Lincoln National Corporration Merrillville Andrea Beth Sachs John J. Brittain Robert C. Strodel David A. Lundy Charles E. Daugherly Frank B. Sanders Warren Carbary Walter W. Wingel, 11 , Dalton C. McAlister Michigan City Henry 7'. Sanders LeRoy A. Mote Pelersburg J. Michael O'Hara 0.Jerrold Winski Richard M. Sawdey John S. Page John E. Grosboll Maclyn T. Parker Mishawaka James E. Scanlon Dan B. Withers. Jr. Princeton James V. Schibley Thomas P. Loughlin Robert J. Schwenk Clarence F. Willenstrom Harvey D. Trimble Carl J. Suedhorf, Jr. R. Wvatt Mick. Jr. Seyrarth Shaw Fairweather Evanston Cluincy Frankfort Muncie & Geraldson Roberl E. Ackerberg Theodore G. House Fred W. Campbell Alexander M. Bracken Robert W. Sharp Raymond M. Champion, Jr. William 0. Mavs Henry Y. Morrison Earl G. DeFur David R. Shevitz Mrs. Earle E. Ewins Rockford Franklin Bernard W. Freund Harvey M. Silets John E. Porter John W. Hallock Roberl M. Branigin John R. Marshall Gerald R. Singer Iris E. Sholder Peter C. Kostantacos Brian J. Deppe Munster Roger C. Siske Michael C. Weston John C. McCarthy, Jr. Gary Alex A. Bochnowski Gerald D. Skoning Howard C. Westphal Clifford A. Pedderson Frederick M. Stults, Jr. Nappanee Stephen L. Smay Franklin Park Elmer C. Rudy Goshen Joseph W. Kindig Bruce M. Smith David L. Canmann Ralph S. Zahm J. Earle Roose Plainlield Dustan T. Smith Canmann Family Foundation Rock Island Greencastle Charles W. Campbell Thomas H. Snyder Galena Edward C. Schoede Charles W. Hymer Richmond David M. Soector James J. Nack Franklin S. Wallace Greenfield Willard G. Bowen Charles R. ~~rowl Louis A. Nack Schaumburg John C. Rothhaar Robert G. Burton James A. Sprowl James W. Richardson Vincent J. Rauner Harnrnond Andrew C. Cecere David M. Stahl Galesburg Skokie Morton L. Efron Paul S. Mendenhall James G. Staples William K. Richardson The Brunswick Foundation, Inc George J. Glendening George R. Reller Miriam C. Steinberg Glen Ellyn Lawrence N. Halperin Rudolph Tanasijevich Shelbyville Barbara S. Steiner Walter H. Lindsay, Jr. Spencer E. lrons Highland James N. Matchett Robert D. Stone Glenvlew Donald J. Spero Samuel J. Goodman South Bend Stuart R. Stone Donald W. Carlin Springfield Milton Roth Bruce R. Bancroft R. Lawrence Storms Robert G. Johnson Robert M. Bellatti Palmer C. Singleton, Jr. Louis R. Coffman Eileen L. Strang Stephen P. Kikoler Charles A. Chapin Huntington James F. Holden Stanley S. Stroup Kraft, Incorporated John R. Chapin Theodore L. Bendall, Jr. Brian J. Lake Cornelius J. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John C. Tower Lee W. Ensel William S. Gordon Richard L. Mintz William P. Sutler John T. Vergeer Philip E. Hanna Indianapolis Roland Obenchain, Jr. Thomas E. Swaney Henry Richard C. McLaughlin David S. Allen David B. Weisman Thomas D. Terpstra Robert T. Swengel Kenneth H. Otten Charles C. Ardery, Jr. Terre Haute Bruce H. Thompson Highland Park Robert A. Stuart George H. Baker Benjamin G. Cox John H. Thomson William E. Bronner James M. Winning Richard V. D. Baxter George 0. Nichols James M. Trapp The Elson Foundation Sterling James W. Beatty Robert S. Ratcliffe George B. Trubow S. Edward Marder William E. Arnold Jerry P. Belknap Myrl 0. Wilkinson Stuart C. Unger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Irving Meyerhoff Kennard J. Besse Daniel B. Beresford Winchester United Air Lines Foundation Lawrence E. Rissman Taylorville Michael A. Bergin Peter L. Roesner Ellen Louise Upton Judith Ann Rosenbaum Ronald W. Periard Leonard J. Betley Theodore M. Utchen William L. Soboroff Walnut Jonathan L. Birge Donald E. Vacin Hinsdale Evan A. Gilchrist Michael H. Boldt IOWA Roy M. Vancleave Jon D. Carlson Waukegan Alan W. Boyd Aigona Vedder Price Kaufman & James W. Coultrap Thomas W. Diver F. Emerson Boyd Leo J. Cassel Kammholz Hoflrnan Estates Ned L. Fisher Omar S. Bruner. Jr. Cedar Falls George E. Verhage Richard C. Whittier Michael K. Noonan Dixon B. Dann R. William Merner Larry Victorson Hornewood Glenn K. Seidenfeld Donald D. Davis LeRoy H. Redfern George A. Vinyard Michael A. Tvrrell Wilrnette Murray J. Feiwell Cedar Rapids Richard F. Vitkus Joliet Robert C. Barker Irving L. Fink John R. Carpenter Daniel W. Villum, Jr. The George H. and Minnie E. Thomas W. James John A. Grayson Frank E. Ceynar John C. Walker Jennings Memorial Fund David H. Julian Ralph F. Hall Lynne F. Linn Richard J. Walsh Frank H. Masters. Jr. William H. Klein Edward W. Harris, 111 Beahl T. Perrine James D. Wangelin Kenilworlh Irwin Lapping Douglas J. Hill Chariton William R. Warnock Lawrence W. Schad Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. N isen William R. Hue Jr Albert V. Hass Jack L. Watson LaGrange Park Winnetka Francis M. ~u~iks' Clarinda Rainer R. Weigel Gertrude R. Shearer Mrs. William M. Emery Stephen J. Hyatt Paul W. Jones Eugene A. Weinberg Lake Forest Mrs. Beverly B. Vedder W. Lester Irons Davenport Florence K. Weinberg James B. Henderson Robert H. Jerry, I1 John A. Hellstrom Michael A. Weinbcrg Liberlyville Robert P. Johnstone Des Moines Stanley R. Weinberger Burl F. Nader INDIANA Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr. The Bankers Life LcRoy R. Weis Lincoln Brook Erle A. Kightlinger David W. Belin Steven J. We~ssburg Dick H. Woods, Jr. Donald L. Lawrence John B. King Edgar H. Bittlc Howard A. Welch, Jr. Lincolnwood Columbia City Ross A. Kipka John G. Fletcher Jane S. Whitnian George S. Martin Benton E. Gates. Jr. John T. Kolinski Albert J. Greffenius Robert B. Wilcox Mattoon Benton E. Gates, Sr. Shubrick T. Kothe Kenneth H. Haynie Andrew S. Williams David R. Stewart Decatur Michael R. Maine Theodore M. Hutchison Daivd G. Williams McHenry Harry W. Scott David M. Mattingly James L. Krarnbeck Lloyd E. Williams, Jr. Thomas J. Hilligan Delphi James A. McDermott Stephen W. Roberts James B. Wilson Moline Joseoh T. Ives Daniel W. McGill Roberl L. Sandblom William J. Wise John Deere Foundation Elkhart Robert L. McLaughlin Dubuque Samuel W. Witwer, Jr. James A. Harper First National Bank-Elkharl Norman P. Metzger Robert W. Clewell Jeffrey K. Wohlstadter L. Ronald Modlin George E. Freese Philip A. Nicely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Ernst Donald W. Miller Michacl H. Woolever Monrnoulh Lenell Nussbauni Iowa City Kenneth J. Wysoglad Ralph Butler K. J. Miller Corp. William M. Osborn Willard L. Boyd Samuel Zell Robert A. Pfarf P. Frederick Pfenninger Charles W. Davidson, Jr. Roberl 1. Clendenin & Colona Robert H. Howard Mr. Mrs. Theodore H. Henry J. Price Manchester Paul D. Harrington Robinson James W. Riley, Jr. David C. Tracey G. Durbin Ranney Richard H. Sproull Crystal Lake Northbrook Henry C. Ryder Sioux City William G. Cowlin The Allstate Foundation Richard M. Treckelo Fred E. Schlegcl Jack M. Burkett Richard R. Zukowski Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Thomas E. Warrick William L. Schlosser Stephen L. Schaeffeer Decalur Grabill, Jr. Evansville Sally Cook Sider D. Carlton Shull Thomas V. Fischer John H. Plait, Jr. Lysle I. Abbott Bruce E. Smith Sumner Michael J. Kehart Frederick P. Bamberger Jack R. Snyder Thomas E. Murphy Myron J. Resnick Jerry P. Baugh Donald E. Nordlund Oak Park Thomas G. Stayton West Burlington Robert D. Owen Linda Motz Robert M. Becker William H. Vobach David L. McMurray Roswell C. Prince David G. Strorn Louis W. Ritz Hugh Watson E. Raymond Stanliope Olympia Fields Robert F. Slayman Ben J. Weaver John L. Hopkins John B. Whinrey William F. Welch William P. Wooden KANSAS Culim;tn U. Antlion! Lee .I:~nct Gerske Jeff Weiss Ernporia .lolin B. Barney Nel\oli ,A\-\. Sharl'mon R. F. Gillett Susan S. LVester~iian hl:lrc .I, llurt .I:,mcb 8. Goodhody Lincoln Edi\*;~rdB. (ioldliian Elmer E. While Hutchlnson George B. tlcrrcran. Jr, Beatrice T. Huvcrun Bruce (ioodman James J. White \\'iI11:11ii )'. C'li:~Il'd~it l'etc~- (;. Ricli Scou A. LaLhrop \liliit~norc Gray Christina B. Whitman k. L>c\tcr Gi~ilo\\a!. Jr. Rurnlord Center Lowell Thomas H. Green Peter J. Wiedenbeck \\'illia~ii L. h,litchell C'arltun G. Cliani[,e John E. I.eg@at td\\,ard J. Gude~iian L. Hart Wright Independence South Bristol North Amherst Rohert E. Guenzel Zena D. Zumets ktrLe C. \'ceder Lcon~~rd\\'.S\\ett t-111gIiF. Bell John R. tlatlia\vay Bad Axe Kansas City Northampton Slieila C. Haughc! Nurman B. Sortor D. .' Donald J. Clark Fr31icis1:. Collins. Jr. 'I! ~d I-liller Karl E. Kraus Lawrence MARYLAND Reading Joseph C. Hooper Baltimore Baldwin Tlin~ii:~\\' hlurra! David J. Lfiahr N. Blyther Howard Seth R. Bidwell lll~nvrI'urica Schrucder Mr. B Mr<. Roger k.Garl'ink Springfield Jerold H. Israel l'ctcr 1%. Quilit Battle Creek Leawood Gerald R. Herart!. John H. Jackson J. Max\vell Allen Se\\ril \\ , \\'riglit Ruhcrt 0. Smith Swampscott Bcnja~ninT. Jones Belair Cliris T. Christ Overland Park David I. Sliactman Paul F. Jurgensen Thomas D. Geil Cliarlez t:. Clark. I I I Ch:~rles B. Kecnan. Jr. Taunlon Mary B. Kahn Bethesda Richard T. Greene Xrl ichael E. \4 lhit.;ctt Bcnia~ninD. Lewis Yale Kamisar Thomas G. Herman Nanc! M. Cl:~rl\son Wilbraharn Allyn D. Kantor Jefl'rcy Lchma~i John R. tlolmes Kiclii~rdP Cole Carol J. Karr Robert D. McFcc Giojanna Maria Longo Worcester Frank R. Kennedy trncst Mnyerleld Shelton C. Pcnn Lcbter I-i. ~ohc Frcderic L. Dupre Nancq Keppel~nan Roy A. Plant Topeka Mark R. Sandstrum Juhn E. Hodgson Edward J. Krauland blaurice Sil\~crnian Don Walbridge Uunald Patterson Philip R. Monahan Francis B. Kulp. Jr. Ed\\,ard M. Welch. Jr. I-ion. John t. Rees Gcri~ldM. S~cvens Se!~iiour Weinstein Richard B. Laidlaw Frederick L. White L\'illiam R. Worth Troy John R. Laird Bay City Robert ,-\ Reeder Joseph A. Yilger 1 Mr. & Mrs. Seymour R. La11npert Chevy Chase MICHIGAN James W. Baker Wichita LaRaza Law Students R. Jalnes Harvey Stanle? G. ;\ndeel Burton L. Rainii Ada \Villiam J. Halliday. Jr Liane Lasvrence F. Norman Higgs hlr. 8: Mrs. Lau rence E. CUI Barnett Rosenbcrg Richard 0. Lempert Ralph J lsackson Spencer Dcpcu Robert J. Shcr Adrian Marguerite Munson Lentz Dan Ii. Bruggemi~n David L. King .I. Ph~lipKassehal~ni Sleven Y. Winnick David Lesser Larry E. Kivela Janies \\'. Sargent. Jr. Cockeysville CIyne W. Durst. Jr. Raymond J. LeVan 1;. tlon. John C. Tilnms John C. Learning liiclinrd I. S~eplienson . William D;~usch Dwaine V. Lighthammer Richard C. Learman Kenneth P Ste\r.art Columbia Prosscr M. Wzitts. Jr. Alvin P. Lipnik , Thcodore t.Lapp Paul Znv;~la Patrick D. Neering John I I. \+'iddo\\,son Gerald A. Lipnik " Robert D. Sarow Oli\er .,\. \\'ittcrman Greenbelt Albion Stevc Lockhart Philip C. Bald~vin John X. Theiler Dcnnih D. Clark Ann E. Maclaine Belding Laurel Otis Mi. Mvers John T. MacLean KENTUCKY Rohert C, iuck Alexander T. Collins. 111 Rohert H. Levan Michael P. Malley Bellaire Anchorage Polomac Allegan Micliael G. Marion Xew~n:~nT. Gulhric Dwight M. Cheever James G. Young Gor) N. Sundick Eric L. Marlin Benton Harbor Ashland Thomas \V. Taylor Gregory D. Hale Roger T. Martindale I-luuard \!an;\ntuc.rp. 111 Stephen B. McKown Herbert ti. Anspach Tliumcls G. Washing Cliris McKenney Willard J. Banyon Covington Rockville Lester J. Tooman James L. Meretta CaryI A. \'/cnbaard Alma Donald R. Chapman Arthur I-'. B?rne Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Meyer. Jr. Hon. John T. Hammond \+'ilbcrt L. Zieglcr Elilaheth Kinney Alrred J. Fortino Phillip E. Smith Robert C. Miene Robert P. Small Cynlhiana Jesse E. Lasken Ela~neIvlittlcman Stephen C. Small John R1 Suinl'ord Silver Springs Alrnont Catherine Mudie John E. Hubbard Robert L. Vandenberg Elizabethtown Isadorc A. Hon~g Melvin J. Muskovitz Ann Arbor Wh~rlpoolFoundation Iior:~ceE. Tabb Gar! E. Shorrner Gordon E. Nichols Robert B. M'illeniin Fort Mitchell Sheldon Silverman Hon. William F. Ager, Jr. Iion. Georrre W. Alexander. I11 Marvin L. Niehuss Big Rapids CST hlanuge~iientCompany Walkersville Laurence C. H. Nolan Albin J. Schinderle Charles S. Tappan Juhn R. Laughlin Francis ~.'t\llcn Finn G. Olsen Garv F. Allen Birmingham Franklorl Washington Grove ~ocE.~ ~'~eal Roberl W. Appleford I-.. Galncs Davis. Jr. Ruhert D. Evans ~eb;a Ann Ar~iibruster Michael J. O'Rourke. Jr. Jerfrey J. Baker John A. Artz Henderson Westmoreland Hills George E. Paltiler Avery A. Bartlell \I:;~llacc C. Ehlen Ralph t. Burr Rohert M. Barrie Micl&l B. Peisner Gaylord N. Bcbout. Jr. Mrs. Ari M. Begole Hopkinsville Steven D. Pepe Clarence W. Blenman Bcn B. \\'right Norman H. Beitner MASSACHUSETTS Phi Delta Phi Clarence J. Boldt. Jr. Lexington Brucc H. Benson M'illiam J. Pierce Amherst L. Ray Bishop James A. Boucher \Villiam I<. Bagb! Marcus L. Plant Mr. & Mrs. Roberl L. Boynton F:li/abetIi D. Oberst John \V. Lederle Willii~rnW. Bishop. Jr. Andover Bcvcrlev J. Poolev Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bragaw I'aul Oherst Charles W. Borgsdorf Alan E: Price ' tluu'ard R'I. Frankenberger L. Andrew Brehm Walter C. Brown John kI. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Roy FIProflitt Stanley L. Caplan Louisville Peter 1-1. Lengernann Roberl M. Brimacombe Paul L. Proud. Jr. Edu,:~rd W. Powers Olin L. Browder. Jr. Frederick Colombo George t. Dudlc! Michael J. Quinley Louis J. Colombo. Jr. Marshitll P. Fldred Belmont John W. Butler. Jr. Douglas Reading Gar\ D. Scsscr Eli~abelliA. Campbell John S. Crandell Rohcrt S. Fre? John W. Reed James P. Dickerson Kenneth S. I-landmaker Bosion Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Campbell Jonathan Rivin Will .I. Bangs Hon. Ross W. Campbell. .Jr. IHarry R. Dumonl !\Ifred S. Joseph. Ill Karen M. Rodriguez James L. Elsrnan. Jr. Rohert L. Sloss Cahul Corpurali~~nFoundation. Joscphine B. Cannrll Gerald M. Rosberg Inc. Stephen M. Carptnan Roberl Z. Feldstein Scott T. Smith Theodore J. St. Antoine John T. Frost l:d\\ard B. \\!cinhcrg Tho~ii:~sG. D~gnan,Jr. Paul D. Carringlon \Villia~iiT. Faean Terrance Sandalow West H. Gallogly ILou~iI:. \Vocilery Hal 0. Carroll Robert D. Santos Samuel E. Gawne Owensboro Peter Farrow W. Jcll'rcy Cecil Joseph Sax Rohert M. Gault Le\r,i~G. Christman John W. Gelder WCII~.r. LOW^^ James E. Schacht Mark A. Gordon Parts Charles D. Gerlinger Allred F. Conard LVilliam M. Schlecle Stephen B. Iklrones Willlam J. Conlin I-lerbert Greenstone J;lnle> \\:. H?de Erik H. Serr Joseph L. Hardig lames S. \b'ilson. Jr. Spencer C. I-lunl Thomas A. Connop Stephen P. Lindsay Sonia Shaw Forbes S. Hascall Luke K. Cooperrider Donald E. Shelton I Kempr Hogan William 1;. Machen Mr. & Mrs. David M. Cop1 Mark S. Si~nonian R. Ian Hunter LOUISIANA Samuel M'. W. Mandell Jane F. Costabile Allan F. Smith Covtngton Williilrn 1-1. McCarter. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kahn Clan Crawcord, Jr. Brook McCray Smith Lawrence A. King Ford R'l. C;r:lham Nc\v England p mutual Lifc Robert B. Creel Kevin T. Smith Charles C. Lillie New Orleans lnsurdncc Cl~mpany Peter P. Darrow Iion. Talbot Smith hl. Truman W~iod\r.ard.Jr Joel F. Picrcc Robert T. McBridc Hon. Edward D. Deake Arlhur F. Soulhwick. Jr. Robert M. Meisncr Port Sulphur Hanson S. Reynolds Cliarles H. Dever Robcrl E. Spatt Roberl E. Nichols .Ioseph E. Deflcy, Jr. Clnited Brands 1:oundation Edtnond F. DeVine George C. Stewart .Joscpli t. 1)elley. Sr. Paul D. Wetver William W. Page l'aul R. Dirnond Eric Stein P.E.O. Sisterhood, Cliapter L Shreveporl 1)ouglas ii. L~npale Merlu L. Dinsmore Jerrrep A. Supow~l Jacqurh L. \\!icner Brighton Charles H. Polzin .lohn S. Dobson J. Phillip Surratt Paul D. Sherr !Stc\.cn T. Iioorl Thomas C. Donnclley Hubert Thompson Robert M. Sigler. Jr. Cambridge Eugene V. Douvan MAINE Edward Tiln~nins Stuart Sinai J S\ranhun Theodore W. Swift Hun. Iiohcrt I!. Spier i\ilarion Lclir Si~iipsunIictatc Douglas t. Peck Joel U. & Slielb! M.Tauher Albert J. Thorhurn George C. Srcch Port Huron Sandusky Norlilan 1-4. Tcndlcr .lames A. Ti~nmer Mount Pleasant S. Kcirli Ba~ikbon..Ir. Hun. Gcor~cI+ BcnLo .It~l~nN Tlltr~iiwn I-%gene F. Townscnrl. Jr. .lariics D. Kerr .lane\ T. Cordcn Shelby Aslier N. T~lcliin Janies E. VandeBunte John .I. Lyncli Iiohcrt .I. Itlenderson .la) I:. burro\^\ Michael I).Llmphrc) David VanderHaagen Andrew J. Marks C. I'atrick O'Sullivan Southfield Vuriou\ Ilonors Rohert E. Waldron \Yillialn Ii. Thompson Jcan I:. Sclilce \Villia~n13. /\ckcr C. Rnhcrt \\'artell Thomas C. W;~lsh Muskegon Luyall (; Watson I larold S. Harron I larr.c! L. Wcixherg blarilyn K. Wanger M. L. Bradhury, .Ir. Reed City l Ion W~lli;~rnfi. Beasle) Stcpl~cnM. Wirtcnhcrg .I. Micliac! Warren John M. Briggs. Ill Allen Q. Watk~ns lllc Bcndi~Corporatlon hlurra! Yollc\ M'illiam P. Weiner John Mi. Brock Riverview Ara Bcrhcrian llav~dIt. \'uung Will~a~iiC. Wl~itbeck Darrel G. Rrouan Kenneth J. ILugan Sander Bcrnhtein South Haven Ja~nesA. Whitc Kohert I\. Carr. Jr. Rochester li~cliardt. 13rc11nan.Jr. l):~\,idC. Gricr Thomas E. Woods. Ill liarold W. Charter Itlcrhcrt K, kl~iiquist Stephen A. Bro~iihcrg I larold 1.. Neal Harry J. Zelirl Koherr 0. Chessman Terry S. C;~vcns Thomas W. Brookovrr .I. Glenn Spcrr! Paula M.Zcra Stcphen 1-1. Clink liohcrr bl. Justin \Villinlii M. Urukoll Spring Lake Lapeer Mr. & Mrs. Jared E. Collinge Rogers Cily Alhcrt M Colliian Itredcr~cktl taust Tliomas ti. Butterricld Lric .I. Fauri lion. Charles C Mcnefee Donald M Cutler Standish Michael L.. Carter Vernon D. Korlcr~ng Elmer L. Radka. .lr. 1.aurencv B. Dcitcl~ C.lrl L. Ilorn Gary W. Ho\vell Paul M. Ladas Roscommon Julius Denenhcrg Stanton George D. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Lou L. ILandman James V. Rutledge lrw~n.I Dcutch Bcnjillnin W. Frankl~n Carl M. Riscrnan Robert Lihner Roseville ~VartlnM. Doctoroll C. tlumcr bl~el LaSalle Benjamin Marcus Mark S. Smallwood llhis Cliaritahlc Foundation Cllarlc\ H. h41cl I-larry J. Seitr. Sr. Jolin It. blcKendry, Jr. Royal Oak Iierhert M. Eiges Slertlng Heights Lathrup Village Kobert L. Mixer. D.D.S. Marla B. Ahralia~nsen tr\r,~nB. I:llrnann David W. D15kln Jamcs I. DcGraria Neil G. Mullally .lames 14. Booker Donald li. t

West Branch Andrew W. Haines Richmond Heights NEVADA Navesink \\'illiam P. Jennlngs Jan D. HaI\,erson Edward L. Sprague Las Vegas Geoffrey Davey Westland Sue E. Halvcrson Saint Joseph Eugene F. Dattore Newark John J. Nellis Geoil'rey P. Jarpe David H. Morton James B. Boskey John R. Ryan Reno Lance J. Johnson Saint Louis John McCune \Villiam H. Brooks West Olive P. Kenneth Kohnstarnni Thomas E. Allen Jeffrey J. Greenbaurn Howard W. Fan[ James W. Littlefield John \V. Amberg James R. Lamb White Cloud Minnesota Mining and Charles Babington. Ill NEW HAMPSHIRE Edwin C. Landis, Jr. S. K. Riblet Manuf3c~uringFoundation. Charles B. Blackrnar Concord Susan L. Lesinski Wyandotte lnc. Michael .I. Bobrofi tlon. Dav~dA. Brock Nielsen V. Lewis Mrs. A. Louis Gineras Robert R. Reinhart, Jr. Michael P. Burke John S. Pendleton William B. Lum \ililliani C. \iiilli&s John F. Scott, Jr. Thomas L. Crok Fred L. Potter The Prudential Foundation Wyoming Winona Raymond S. Davis, Jr. John C. Ransnieier John B. Stoddart. Jr. La\\,rence D. Beukcma Harold S. Streater Richard L. Eckhart Joseph S. Ransmeier Paul L. Tractenberg Ypsilanti John N. Ehlers Derry J. Gordon Zaloom Kathleen J. Beck Harold Elbert Edward D. Bureau New Brunswick Michael B. Bixby MISSISSIPPI Eugene J. Gabianelli Hanover Johnsori &Johnson Charles A. Duerr, Jr. Cleveland Steven Goldstein John H. Rockwell Joseph S. Orban. Jr. Joseph D. Lawrence Alrred A. Levingston S. Richard Heymann Keene New Providence , Robert E. Logeman Jackson Marshall D. Hier Ernest L. Bell. I11 Ken Springer Thomas C. Manchester Calvin L. Wells Elihu M. Hyndman Homer S. Bradley. Jr. North Plainfield Hon. Thomas F. Shea Vincent C. lmmel N. Michael Plaut Mahlon H. Ortlnan Laarrence W. Sperling Jean Engstrom Jones Lebanon MISSOURI Ocean City Robert D. Ulrich John F. Kern William A. Baker Clayton John W. Gilbert. Jr. Zeeland William B. Roberts Joseph M. Kortenhof Manchester Paramus Hannes Meyers, Jr. Gerald J. Laba James G. Cook Frank R. Uible, Jr. Richard A. Kurland Donald G. Leavitt Charles A. DeGrandpre Paterson Farmington Eric V. Lemon rMichael P. Hall Robert B. Manley Joseph A. LaCava MINNESOTA Bertram L. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Holl Fort Leonard Wood nlan Plainfield Burnsville Charles A. Lowenhaupt John R. Monson Victor E. D. King, Thomas J. Blackmar Paul We~nberg Gary M. Macek William S. Orcutt George G. Mutnrck Duluth Independence Curtis L. Mann Jeffrey B. Osburn Richard R. Burns Byron A. Stewart. Jr. Princeton Richard S. Marx Michael M. Ransmeier Garrett M. Heher Mr. & Mrs. William M. Burns Jefferson City Matthew McCauley Steven A. Solomon Hon. Henry I. Eager P. G. Nicholas Miller Robert E. Heller Monsanto Fund Robert A. Wells Joplin Stanley C. Smoyer Joseph B. Johnson, Jr. Joseph F. Ruwitch Meredith David E Dwyer Ridgewood Edina Arthur A. Greek. Jr. Edivard P. Dwyer. Jr. Daniel E. Singer Robert Dills Michael F. Kelly Southwestern Bell Teleph one Miltord Henry A. Supplee Fairmont Kansas City Company David Woodbury Leon M.Bailey Rutherford Thomas E. Dougherty Edwin S. Taylor Peterborough The Becton. Diekinson Hibbing Russell W. Baker William J. Travis Kenneth A. Brighton Mr. & Mrs. Richard 0.Ballentine Foundation Robert S. Nickoloff David F. Ulmer Portsmouth William H. Bates Saddle Brook Mankato George C. Willson. Ill Wyman P. Boynton George S. Flint Robert G. Johnson Max H. Bergman Marvin 0. Young David Wolowitz Lawrence M. Berkowitz Short Hills Minneapolie Sedalia Rochester Mr. & Mrs. John E. Klein Norton Armour Edward S. Biggar Henry C. Salveter Fred W. Hall. Jr. Larry J. Bingham Elmer E. Thomas. Jr. Robert E. Battreall Shell Knob Meneiee Black\\,ell Somerset Robert S. Berk\rwtz Gall tl. Haddock Edward H. Walworth. Jr. Gordon B. Conn. Jr. Hon. Keith P. Bondurant NEW JERSEY James R. Borthwick Somerville Terry M. Cosgrove Bedminster Ann Wilkin Trombadore Stephen E. Braurner Dain Kalman Quail Inc. MONTANA Charles H. Kivett Raymond R. Trombadore Foundation Daniel L. Brenner Billings Bound Brook Thomas R. Brous South Orange Thomas M. Dale, Jr. Arthur F. Lamey. Jr. Morris Halpern Bruce P. Miller Jacob Brown Raymond J. Dittrich Michael J. Whalen Bradley Beach South River Robert J. Duckstad Thomas C. Brown Cut Bank Harold K. Shulman Howard C. Ulan Butler Manuracturing Company Brick Town Mary K. Ellingen Gerald S. Frary Summil William D. Flaskamp Foundation Great Falls Bernard A. Kannen William K. Hoffman Robert C. Canfield Camden Wood R. Foster. Jr. William A. Reid Trenton Gene N. Fuller Thomas Circle Havre Steven F. Friedell Jolln R. Heher General Mills Foundation Howard A. Crawford John B. Kuhr Chatham Stephen B. Hunter Paul L. Gingras Edward M. Dolson Bruce E. Swenson Frank W. Hoak Robert G. Rhoads Robert I. Donnellan Chester Barry D. Glazer Helena Upper Montclair David M. Gross Carl E. Enggas GeorgeT. Bennett James Laughlin. Ill Julius B. Poppinga Henry E. Halladay W. Anthony Feiock Missoula Peter A. Pfairenroth Upper Saddle River Sluart R. Hemphill George E. Feldmiller Robert M. Knight East Orange Richard C. Hostetler Robert J. King Jack N. Fingersh Charles W. Foster Washington John M. LeFevre, Jr. Norman E. Fretwell Irwin R. Rein NEBRASKA Verling C. Enteman Ronald M. Michaelson Charles Frisbie Marvin Waxrnan Wayside Mrnneapolis Star 8: Norman E. Gaar Bellevue Elizabeth Joel N. Kreizman Tribune Company George H. Gan were Col. Charles M. Stewart Herbert Drucker Falls City Westlield Thomas G. Morgan Steven H. Goofman Flemington Adam K. Levin Archibald J. Weaver The Nadler Foundation Michael D. Gordon M. Robert Kestenbaum Westwood David J. Pcat Loeb H. Granorf Hebron Glen Rock Eugene H. Gilmartin Hon. Orville L. Coady Albert B. Perlin George R. Haydon, Jr. Dennis W. Toivonen Wiltingboro The Pillsbury Company Stephanie G. Hazelton Kearney Haddonfield Thomas J. Nichols John D. Wolr Foundation Peter M'. Hyde Curtis R. Henderson Woodbridge Wrlliam E. Porter Mildred lyengar Lincoln Haddon Heights Wendell A. Smith The Prudential Foundation Herbert M. Kohn Oscar L. Clarke. Jr. Patricia Kane Williams Kelley V. Rea Hugh B. Kuder, Jr. Theodore J. Fraizer Hammonton Fredric T. Rosenblatt Joseph M. Lapin Robert E. Henderson Samuel A. Curcio NEW MEXICO Everett J. Schroeder Cornelius E. Lombardi, Jr. David A. Ludtke Hohokus Albuquerque Robert P. Schu,inn Ronald E. Manka Kenneth A. Miller Donald C. Droste Allen C Dewey, .lr. Palrick E. Shipstead Robert J. Margolin Charles E. Oldfather Jersey City lrwin S. Moise Dayton E. Sobs J. Gary McEachzn Wallace A. Richardson Frederic W. Altschul Hugh B. Muir Mr. & Mrs. Clifford A. Straka Richard E. McEachen Craig L. Williams Kendall Park Benjamin Osuna & Family Kenneth D. McGregor, Jr. McCook George .I. Mendelson Howard L. Williams, Jr. John tl. Stout \Vhitney F. Miller John F. Hanson Uenilworth Alamogordo Ronald G. Vantine David R. Morris Omaha Robert P. Luciano John E. Howell Rolfe A. Worden Roberl B. Olsen William J. Baird Shering-Plough Foundation Inc. Carlsbad David C. Zalk Charlcs E. Patterson Alfred G. Ellick Lambertville Myer Rosenberg Moorhead Colvin A. Peterson. Jr. John P. Ford Angelo W. Locascio Corralos Kent G. Knutson 1Mr & Mrs. David Q. Reed Virgil J. Haggarl, Jr. Lawrenceville John F. Chancy Princeton Lawrence D. Robinson Donald F. Hass Burton Rodney Gallup Mrchael F. Williams Hubert L. Ro\r81ands John P. Hcil Livingston Walter F. Wolf, Jr. Redwood Falls Joseph E. Stevens. Jr. John R. Holdenried Theodore R. Cohn Hobbs I-Ion. Donald L. Crooks Joel L. Tonkin Edmund D. McEachen Middletown La\rzrencc H. Johnson Saint Cloud Thomas W. VanDyke Edgar M. Morsman. Ill Richard L. Horinian Las Cruces Hon Paul G. Hoffman Stanley P. Weiner Larry A. Mowrer Millburn John C. Bigler Greg A. Nelson Saint Paul Thomas .I. Wheatley. Jr. Livingston Baker Roswell Jamc~W. Brchl Kent E. Whittakcr Northern Natural Gas C Moorestown Paul W. Eaton. Jr. Philip I.. Bruncr .lohn P. Williams David M. Pedersen Joseph S. Georg~ana Stuart D. Shanor Eugene D. Rucklcy James W. Winn Mark T. Starr Susanna M. Osterling Santa Fe Sheridan J. Buckle?. Jr. Li'illiam Iti. Woodson I-lird Stryker, Jr. Wilbur A. Ostcrling Bruce D. Black James E. Dinerstein Olivette Raymond T. Workman Morristown Richard M. Gaalswyk Grace J. I-5hel Scottsblufl Heather M. Mullctt T~borM. Gallo Robrrt M. Harris NEW YORK American Telephone & The International Nickel Lyle B. Stewart William Golub Albany Telegrapll Company Company. Inc. Frank B. Stone Lobell's Delos P. Bassinger Jon Y. Arnason International Paper Conlpany Rollyn L. Storey Mr. & Mrs. Charles Monticolo Douglas S. Dales, Jr. William T. Atkinson Foundation Donald F. Stubhs Ricki Slidpiro & Family James M. Harrison Mary K. Austin Irving One Wall Street Peter W. Sturtz SkaneateieB Cornelius D. Murray John C. Baity Foundalion, lnc. David W. Swanson John H. Hawkins Amilyville Henry D. Baldwin Gerald A. Jibilian Gordon E. Swarlz Slaten Island H. Lee Blumberg Charles E. Barnett Bruce C. Johnson Karen M. Swift Othello D. Thompson Armonk Richard B. Barnett Roger W. Kapp Lawrence D. Swift Syracuse International Business Mlachines Danny P. Barrel1 Herman Kaufman Sally Cohcn Swifl Richard V. K. Bruns Corporation Jerome E. Bartow Richard L. Kay Thomas N. Talley Alan S. Burstein Susan R. Shimer I. Scott Bass Amalya L. Kearse John S. Tennanl David L. Dawson Binghamton Robert D. Becker Lisa Kennedy Michael J. Thomas Michael W. Harris Floyd H. Lawson, Jr. Jerold J. Benavie Marc J. Kennedy A. Thomas Thorson Richard A. Kopek H. Albert Manwaring Eric E. Bergsten Robert J. Kheel Time Inc. Travis H. Lewiii Brooklyn Carl D. Bernstein Franklyn D. Kimball Lawrence C. Tondel George A. Mathewson Helman R. Brook Robert J. Bernstein Karen J. Kirchen Jerome S. Traum David M. Pellow John Coogan George B. Berridge Marc S. Kirschner Nancy Trowbridpe Sigma Chi Fraternity Alan J. Flink Harold E. Berritt John C. Koster Thomas R. Trowbridge, Ill Barbara T. Walzer Edward L. Hall Rinaldo L. Bianchi William Krupman Uniroval Foundation Tarrylown Richard J. Reiman Russell A. Bikoff Robert G. Kuhbach United Slates Trust Company John R. Nolon Barry L. Zaretsky William S. Bonds Stanley Kurz of New York Troy David H. Zoellner Ronald E. Brackett Kenneth J. Laino A. Paul Victor Alvin 0.Sabo Mary M. Zulack Hubert J. Brandt Diane A. Lebedefr Robert M. Vorsanger Utica Brooklyn Heights Edward Bransilver Corynne A pel Lebetkin John M. Walker. Jr. Francisco Penberthy Susan Abrarns Greig William H. Braun, Jr. The ~rnola&Mary Lehman Jerome K. Walsh Warwick Buffalo The Bristol-Myers Fund Foundation. Inc. Walter H. Weiner Richard J. Mandeli William A. Bain, Jr. Steven R. Brock Evelyn J. Lehman Philip L. Weinstein Walerlown James M. Beardsley Phillip C. Broughton Hon. Stanley T. Lesser Stephen A. Weinstein Donald A. WilLse Allen H. Beroza Lawrence I. Brown Michael J. Levin David E. Weisberg White Plains Gary's. Bittner Neal A. Brown James K. Lindsay Robert P. Wessely Marshall L. Goldstein Donald S. Carmichael David J. Buffam Loews Corporation Donald M. Wilkinson. Jr. Daniel R. Johnson James W. Greene Robert A. Butler William R. Luney Peter W. Williamson Richard A. Shapiro Hugh M. Jones Chadbourne Parke Whiteside & Lybrand Foundation Henry S. Wingate Wolff James A. Magee Robert G. Wise Beatrice D. Kennedy NORTH CAROLINA Bernard J. Kennedy Chubb & Son, Inc. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Artliur M.Wisehart Kevin Kennedy The C.I.T. Foundation, Inc. Company Kurt J. Wolff Buies Creek James M. Kieffer Citibank, N.A. Hon. Leah Marks Craig A. Wolson Robert A. Jenkins R. William Larson Michael J. Close Daniel L. Martin Walter & Kathryn D. Wriston Chapel Hill Stephen M. Newman The Continental Group. Inc. Malcolm E. Martin E. Lisk Wyckorr, JT. James E. Austin Louis R. Reif Joel E. Coooer Michael S. Mathews The Arthur Young Foundation Joseph J. Kalo Arthur M. Sherwood Thomas L. creel Joseph F. McDonald Roberl Zegsler John H. Martin Charlotte Corning Peter M. Crevi Richard A. McDonough. I11 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Zenkel Douglas M. Crowley George C. McKinnis James R. Zuckerman Karl Adkins Ransom Pratt Robert J. Bernhardt Eastchester George K. Crozer, IV Michael A. McNerney John F. Zulack Kenneth B. Cutler Mobil Foundation, Inc. Niagara Falls John E. McDonald, Jr Warren L. Swaney Charles B. Park. Ill East Rochester Peter F. DeGaetano Edward T. Moen. 11 Raymond Green Peter H. DeHaas William M. Moldoff Niskayuna Durham Malcolm M. Lawrence Michael B. Brough .Endicott Joseph T. deNicola William S. Moody Bernard Heller Sal A. Fauci Michael C. Devine Charles A. Moran Ossining Greensboro Kenneth S. Leasure Donovan. Leisure, Newton and G. Alfred Mudge Gordon A. McKean Hubert E. Seymour, Jr Hendersonville Fairporl Irvine Foundation, Inc. Charles Myneder Oyster Bay Douglas W. Whitney Arlhur W. Dulemba, Jr. Lt. Col. George M. Nakano Jacob Bernstein Albert E. Petermann, Jr. Hickory Garden City Dun & Bradstreet Companies Gordon L. Nash Palmyra Van Leichliter, Jr. Albert D. Early Gregor N. Neff Hart B. Pierce. Jr. Oma H. Hesler, Jr. Raleigh Gardiner Peter L. Edwards Tirnorhy A. Nelsen Pine Bush Robert E. Moore Gordon L. Elicker Donald A. Nelson Frances E. Bilmes Everette Noland Skyland Glen Cove Robert J. Epstein Eldon Olson Rochester Monroe Fink The Equitable Life Assurance John S. Osborne. Jr. Paul Babitz Lloyd M. Sigman Southern Pines Gloversville Society of the United Stales Gene E. Overbeck Robert L. Boxer Dudley M. Ferguson John W. Erickson Peat Marwick Mitchell John G. Brummer Perry T. Garver Tryon Great Neck Roderick S. Estes Foundation Donald M. Cohn Martin E. Bernstein Michael B. Evanoff William C. Pelster Williani M. Colby Henry Hart Walter L. Dean EXXON Education Foundation John L. Peschel , Anabel C. Frankenstein Winston-Salem Greenwich Christopher Fermanis Keith M. Pinter Philip R. Fileri Hugh W. Divine John R. MacKenzie Martin R. Fine Charles Piatto Gerald B. Fincke Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Gitter Guilderiand Robert B. Fiske. Jr. E. Miles Prentice, 111 Joseph Freedman Samuel G. Wellman Charles R. Gibson Barry I. Fredericks Stuart H. Pringle, Jr. James B. Gray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hastings M[orse, Jr, Alan G. Friedman John C. Provine Douglas I. Hague E. Roger Frisch Charles Hall NORTH DAKOTA Hamilton Thomas F. Quinn, Jr. Ashley John S. Hogg James T. Frost Reader's Digest Foundation Susan L. Hauser Max A. Wishek Hampton Bays John R. Gaffin John S. Redpath Merwyn M. Kroll Peter P. Garam Bismarck Douglas R. Penny Research Institute of James A. Locke Robert 0. Wefaid Hempstead James V. Gargan America, Inc. Dennis J. Lumsden Eliot S. Gerbert Fargo Burton C. Agata James A. Rice Hon. Hyman T. Maas Douglas R. Herman Jackson Heights The Esther Gerber Trust Kurt E. Richter Morton A. Polster Roger A. Goldman Sarah Andrews Herman Wallace M. Germain Donald B. Rosenberg Sidney J. Salzman Duane H. Ilvedson Jamalca Donald S. Goler Mark C. Rosenblunl John P. Scliaefer Jay Gorney John D. Kelly Robert E. Wagenfeld Irwin Roth Richard B. Secrest John G. Nilles Jamestown Jeffrey N. Grabel Carl S. Rowe Paul I. Snyder Grace Foundation, Inc. Minot H. James Abdella David M. Rubin Thomas A. Solberg Herbert L. Meschke Johnsburg J. William Greenbaum Michael J. Ryan Norman M. Spindclman Ira W. Levy Maurice C. Greenbaum Joel Scharfste~n Sybron Corporation Johnson City Samuel N. Greenspoon James H. Schnare, I1 Leonard W. Treasli. Jr. OHIO Robert M. Eckelberger Robert T. Greig Charles G. Schott, Ill Jonathan H. Trost Ada Larchrnont Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Grew Robert P. Schreiner Barry R. Whitnian Daniel S. Guy Ira B. Rose Edward A. Grossmann William J. Schrenk, Jr. [Harry A. Wood Eugene N. Hanson Lewislon Wayne M. Grzecki Calvin P. Scllrotenboer Lloyd A. Wrigllt Akron Richard N. Lein Alfred L. Haffner, Jr. Robcrt G. Schuur William T. Yorks John S. Ballard Mineola Edward A. Hansen Andre A. Schwartz Howard .I. Youngman Hugh M. Colopy Ira J. Lefton Paula Houser Harbison David Schwartz Foundation, Rome Hon. LeRoy J. Contie, Jr. Herbert M. Leiman Robert W. Harnion James M. Schwartz Philip F. Alsup Allan B. Diefenbach Herbert W. Solomon Arnold Henson Murray B. Schwartzberg Hon. Richard D. Simons George A. Dietrich Naples Richard Herrmann SCM Foundation, Inc. Roslyn The Firestone Tire & Emma Rae Mann Jones Richard J. Higgins Edwin D. Scott Glenn L. Dorfman Rubber Company Hugh M. Jones, Jr. Barry Hirsch Arthur A. Segall Saranac Lake Linda B. Kersker Newark Edalin H. Hochberg Ralph Sha iro Irving M. Edelberg Robert K. Lewis, Jr. Thomas W. Biddle Randall D. Holmes AIV~V. roem maker Scarsdale C. Blake McDowell New Cily Edwin A. Howe, Jr. Peter X. Sickinger Robert B. Frilnk C. Blake McDowell, Jr. J. Martin Cornell Bruce F. Howell Milton D. Solo~non Eugene I-I. Lottin Duane Morris Arthur E. Moskoff Robert A. Howes William H. Spitalny Schenectady James Olds. Jr. New York Bernard Hulkorver Squibb Corporation The Estate of 8rian S. James S. Prdler, Jr. Prudence B. Abram Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. H. Erik J. Stapper Donibkowski Hon. Evan J. Rced Sam L. Abram Humphrey Daniel I+. Steidl Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. George T. Roderick Barry A. Adelman William T. Hutton Kenneth D. Stein Dombkowski Justin T. Rogers, Jr Tiriiotli! I:. Scanlon Tho1ii3s E. Baker Janics J. Schiller Fredric L. Sinder Spencerville John \1:. Solomon Lan rence R. Barker Isaac Schulz Howard N. Thiele. Jr. George J. Bowers John L. \I.olfe Lewis T. Barr P;lul F. Sefcovic Delaware Steubenville Archbold James L. Baurnoel Oliver E. Seikel Fred R. Wickham Roberl L. Quinn Harold H. Plassnian Jeffrey A. Belkin James M. Smith East Liverpool William J. Weinrnan Ashland Dean L. Bcrry Richard C. Sneed J. Michael Kapp Struthers 0.Joseph hlurray Kalph hl. Bessc William F. Snyder Jackman S. Vodrey Michael C. Clemente Kenneth J. Nordstrom Stephen D. Bolerjack Craig Spangenberg Eat on Tiflin Mrs. Harold H. Reader. Jr. Robert h4. Brucken Nicholas M. Spoke Julizn E. Clark Paul E. Gillmor Russ Reader Ila W. Butnla The Standard Oil Company Edon Charles D. Hering, Jr. Ashtabula Paul B. Ca~npbell William F. Steiner John C. Toner James D. Supance Lorenzo T. Carlisle. Jr. David L. Carpenter Joseph D. Sullivan Elyria Toledo Bay Village Zolrnan Cavitch Willlam C. Todia Charles M. Hyman Richard S. Baker Iiarr!. E. Pickcring Carl J. Chiiracter William M. Toomajian J. William McCray Vincent L. Barker. Jr. Bellevue Charles H. Cleminshaw F. David Trickey J. C. William Tattersall D. Robert Bastian William F Aigler Lcsler L. Coleman, Ill TRW Foundation Fairborn Howard W. Boggs Bowling Green Richard A. Collier Daniel C. Turoff Karl F. Wettlaufer John H. Boggs Daniel L\' Reddin, 111 Louis A Colombo University of Michigan Findlay Ralph S. Boggs Evelyn Bliss Reddin LVilliam H. Conner Alumni or Cleveland Charles R. Brown Henry J. Bourguignon Bridgeport Ebzn G. Crawrord E. Smith Warder Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Alan C. Boyd Michael R. Thomas G. Warren Daane Robin G. Weaver Richard E. Morgan George S. Bradley Canfield Willlam J. DeLance~ Thomas W. Weeks Fostoria Harland bl. Britz Robert A. klanchester. I1 Jon E. Denney Michael S. Weiner Frank J. Kinn Charles E. Brown Canton Irwin J. Dinn Jack L. White dreenvi~~e Arnold F. Bunge. Jr. Sher\\,ood Ake James N. Doan Joseph D. Whiteman Richard E. Hole John H. Burson Roy M. Batista Richard M. Donaldson Scott A. Wolstein Lancaster John J. Callahan John tl. Brannen Jolin C. Dowd JerTrey G. Wyner Willlam G. Coultrap Joseph A. Cannon John F. Bucliman. Ill Eaton Corporation Cleveland Heights Lebanon Judith H. Christman Hon. David D. Dowd. Jr. S. Stuart Eilers Franklin L. Hartman Jackson C. Hedges Robert G. Clayton John D. Jolliffe Daniel R. Elliott. Jr. Lucille Huslon ' Leipsic J. Neil Crowley, Jr. Samuel Krugliak Fred C. Fatlie Jane M. Waterson Robert B. Weaver Thomas L. Dalryrnple Sanders J. Mcstel Stanley M. Fisher Columbus Lima Dana Corporation Foundation John R. M~lligan.Jr. Albert E. Fowerbaugh Robert E. Albright Hon. .I. Thomas Guernsey Gary R. Diesing Charles A. Morgan, Jr. Sydney S. Friedman Barry M. Block Lee G. VanBlargan Robert B. Dixon F. Stuart Wilkins, Jr. Jerry A. Fullmer Daniel A. Brown James J. Weadock. .lr. Robert W. Dorrell Earlz E. Wise Sydney N. Galvin Herbert R. Brown Donald J. Witter Edwin G. Emerson Celina John Garland Philip A. Brown Lisbon Richard A. Entenmann Willlam bl hleikle Gene B. George Edward J. Cox, Jr. Donald A. Lewis Austin M. Frease Centerville Gerald L. Clherlein Gary Davis Lorain Francis J. Gallagher Archibald W. McMillan Garth E. Griffith Glenn S. Dennis Daniel A. Cook Jack E. Gallon Chagrin Falls James B. Griswold Charles S. DeRousie Madison Paul D. Giha ~ha;les F. Dugan Donald W. Gruettner Charles F. Dugan, 11 David S. Jacobson Jack A. Green Thomas P. Scgerson Michael L. Hardy Ann M. Durea Mansfield Lynn H. Gressley Cincinnati Harris Foundation John C. Elani Robert C. Sidwell Frank D. Guthrie John W. Bales M'illiarn C. Hartman J. Richard Emens, I1 Marion Edward E. Hietl Dennis J. Barron Henry C. Harvey. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Federico John L. Ashworlh Frank D. Jacobs Daniel 0. Berger John D. Heavenrich Robert E. Fultr Marysville Marvin K. Jacobs Robcrl LV. Buechner 1Mr. & (Mrs. Emanuel H. Hecht Dennis D. Grant Joseph B. Grigsby Wilbur C. Jacobs Joseph hq. Cooney Frank C. Henry James K. Hanson Robert 0. Hamilton Jarnille G. Jamra L\'~lliam tl. Cordes Robert J. Hoerner John C. Hartranft Massillon Justice G. Johnson, Jr. Scott B. Crooks Allen C. Holmes Russell Herrold. I11 Richard C. Brunn Jerome F. Ka p Rohert A. Dinling Jolin B. Houck Michael A. Heyne Richard G. McCuskey Robert A. ~ePb Dawd D. Dodge Francis P. Hubach. Jr. Jeffrey W Hurson Meumee Donald J. Keune James W. Dorr Michael M. Hughes Pamela S. Hyde Thomas F. Butler Roger P. Klec Kenneth Faller George M. Humphrey, I1 George Jenk~ns Medina Carl F. LaRue Susan G. Faller James I. Huston Kieliner Johnson. Jr John T. Jeandrevin Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. Levine Federaled Department Barbara Braltin Kacir Jerry D. Jordan Middletown Stanley K. Levison Slores. Inc. George F. Karch. Jr. James P. Kennedy Armco Foundation William E. Longthorne .lohn H'. Fischer. 111 Richard Katcher Bruce T. Kloppnian Edward A. Forshaw Theodore Markwood IHil11:ird J. Fjord Raymond R. Kepner V~ctorS. Krupman Napoleon Michael F. McCarthy Edward M. Frankel Eugene T. Kinder Wrll~amM. Lane James Donovan. 111 Charles A. McKenny, Jr. Neil Ganulin Calvin B. Kirchick Terrence W. Larrimer Newark Mary L. McKenny Thomas J Gardner Harold L. Klarreich William H. Leighner Robert N. Drake The M. L. M. Charitable Le\vis G. Gatch James D. Knotter, Jr. Frank R. Morris. Jr. Thomas E. Norpell Foundation Thomas h.1. Gould Leslie L. Knowllon Thomas E. Palmer James W. Pyle G. Greg M~chael Leonard Green Samuel F. Komilo David C. Patterson Niles John H. Moor Thomas A. Hayes hlr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Koykka Michael J. Renner Howard A. Mills Harry W. Morgan. Sr. Thomas D. Heekin Kenneth A. Krau? Thomas B. Ridgley North Baltimore John H. Morgan Patrick J. Mindert Charles W. Landefeld Gordon P. Shuler James E. Walter James M. Morton Fr~zdaP. Jacobs Richard H. Leukart. I1 George A. Skestos Norwalk Clarence M. Mulholland Robert A. Johnslon Morton Q. Levin Fredric L. Smith Michael R. Fegen The Needmor Found Thomas W. Jones. Jr. Abraham Lieberman Norman T. Smith Oberlin Owens-Illinois Jerome tI. Kcarns Alan G. Lipson Larry H. Snyder Robert N. Fauver Thomas W. Palmer George 4. Leonard David A. Lipton Edgar A. Strause Perrysburg Charles W. Peckinpaugh, Jr. Peter F. Levin George F. Lynch Kim L. Swanson Lyman F. Spilzer Richard H. Peters Donald B. Leais James J. Maisvurm Janies M. Tobin Piqua Norman Richman Michael A. Marrero Howard A. Marken Roderick H. Willcox Frederick D. Freed James J. Robison John E. McDou,ell Wilbur J. Markstrom Coshocton Jack L. Neuenschwander Charles A. Sailstad Joseph E. McMahon Wendell E. Mathews, Jr. Harold E. Hunt Portsmouth James A. Sprunk Edward W. Merkel, Jr. Joseph L. McEntee, Jr. Dayton Calvin C. Johnson Earl H. Staelin Gail F. Miller Arthur G. McKec & Company Richard A. Broock Dale L. Sielafr Duane Stranahan, Jr. Thorle) C. Mills. Jr. Charitable Trust Richard F. Carlile Saint Clairsville John F. Teigland Michael E. Ne~heisel )Mr. & ,Mrs. Cecil R. Mellin Willlam L. Carr Stanley G. Burech Robert N. Torbet Ronal R. Newrbanks John T. Meredith Hon. Lester L. Cecil George W. Cherfy Timothy J. Tornga Jolin G. Parncll, Jr. Robcrt L. Metzger Thomas C. Cecil Saint Marys Theodore R Vogt Peck, ShaTfer & Williams Anthony R. Michel William A. Clark Edward S. Noble Robert L. Weisenburger Hon. Burton Perlman David tl. Miller Robert K. Corwin Kraig E. Noble David G. Wise John B. Pinncy Bert W. Moyar Gregory P. Dunsky Sandusky Frederic E. Wolf Penny Fricdman Rnshkin James P. Murphy Gary L. Greenberg James L. McCrystal Troy Jay A. Rosenberg Jerome D. Ne~fach Thomas G. Kennedy Dennis E. Murray Robert S. Miller Stuari A. Schloss. Jr. R,>herl B. Nelson Jennie Ladd Melvyn J. Stauffer. Jr. University Heights James E. Schwab Jucl I. Newrnan Alfrcd L. McCray William C. Steuk Charles J. Silverman S. Samuel Scoville Warren K Ornslein Samuel A. McCray Shaker Heights Upper Sandusky Mclvin S. Shokten Parkcr-Hannifin Foundalion Meed Corporation Foundation David L. Genger Robert E. Hensel Philip S. Smith I-. Bcaumont Parks Alan F. Meckstrolh Robert S. Ginsberg Urbana Mark A. VandcrLaan Terrcncc Perris James T. Neef Mr. & Mrs. Milton lmmer man Charles B. English Alan R. Vogeler Richard Mi. Pogue John R. Newlin Virginia L. Meyer Utica Gerald V. We~gle.Jr. Gerald b1. Portcr Ben E. Olive Stanley A. Williams I.Russell Suskind Barton D. Whitman James M. Porler Brian K. Porter Shelby Van Wert Donald J. Wuebbling Lee D. Powar Ronald S. Prelekin William R. Morris Charles E. Baldwin Cleveland William ti. Ransom Gerald D. Kapp Springfield Warren John J. Adams Alan M. Rauss Jon M. Sebaly Robert C. Acton David R. Chenoweth William D. Ahoncn Ronald A. Rispo Wendell D. Sellers Howard R. Eckels Donald R. Ford William R. Allhanh Dav~dW. Rowlinson Kennelh 0. Shively Robert A. Vaughn Frederick H. Loomis, Jr James N. Bailey Thomas Schick JcrCrey B. Shulman George M. Winwood. 111 Robert S. McGeough Edward W. Kuhn James J. Kilsdonk William R. Forry John T. Milligan Karl Y. Donecker Barry F. White Mark H. Scoblionko David N. Knipel James M. Potter Bernard W. Rosenberg Geoffrey M. Stoudt Nashville Michael W. Rosenberg George W. Sherr John W. Kormes Warren M. Laddon James W. Stoudt Lawrence E. Levine Wellsville Ambler David L. Rollins Curtis Wright John H. Leddy Sewickley Willram L. Bush John W. Thomas Ronald P. Soltman Wilmington Bangor William H. Lowery William C. Cassebaum Donald F. Parman June E. S. Thomas Frederick J. Buckley Shamokin Wooster Berwyn Howard Petersen TEXAS Andrew S. Price Lt. Col. Guido Casari, Jr. Walter C. Grosjean Franklrn Butler Amarillo John C. Johnston. Jr. Bethlehem Benjamin M. Quigg, Jr. Sharon Frank O'Brien, Jr. Frank R. Barnako Martin C. Recchuite Henry M. Ekker Don L. Reynolds Bernard Goldstone Austin Worthington Bethlehem Steel Corporation James H. Rich, Jr. James MacKinnon Frank S. Dickerson, I1 James J. Rod er5 Smethport Richard K. Elliott Glenn E. Mencer Alan M. Sager Xenia Robert 0. Hancox Gerald J. Rofos' Springfield Beaumont Robert A. Miller Meredith Hemphill. Jr. Glenwood W. Rouse James D. McNicholas Mrs. Glenwood W. Rouse George A. Pagano Youngstown Kenneth L. Houck Carrizo Spring Charles P. Henderson Hugh M. Morrison Edward R. Sandell State College )n H. Denning Mason James B. Catlett Myron J. Nadler Richard L. Musgrave Scott Paper Company Foundatic Dallas James E. Scott Albert J. Ortenzio Philadelphia Bethlehem & New Joseph J. Serritella James L. Burton William E. Pfau, Jr. England Railroad Company Lee H. Snyder Sirafford Aaron D. F. Finkbiner, 111 John K. DeLay. Jr. Lawrence R. Springer Bradford Sun Company Frederick W. Fraley, 111 George B. Woodman Griffith A. Hcrold H. William Taylor Tunkhannock Davis R. Hobbs Frederick L. Hamric Clarion Christopher Walters Michael S. Knuths Jack R. Zerby William Y. Webb Villanova Benjamin ti. Harris Lennart V. Larson OKLAHOMA Clearfield Pittsburgh Edward A. Porter Alcoa Foundation Howard R. Lurie Bartlesville Richard A. Bell Roy R. Ray Lois S. Johnson Conneautville Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Armstrong Wallingford Kenneth A. Ritchie Ritchie Fund Richard Kane John Fuller Bergstrom Foundation Robert F. Ritchie Phillips Petroleum Connellsville Henry A. Bergstrom Wellsboro Edward H. Owlett Harold E. Rudel Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Malcom M.Scott David D. Blurnenstein Walter L. Sutton, Jr. Ben P. Brasley Wilkes-Barre Muskogee Doylestown Frank hl. Wheeler Ronald L. Burkhard Harold Rosenn Helen A. Adair John A. VanLuvanee El Paso Edmund M. Carney Willow Grove Norman Easton John B. Chapman Frederick H. Miller Raymond J. DeRaymond Thomas H. Chamberlin John H. Witherspoon. Jr. Thomas C. Cochran, Jr. Wyncote Houston Elbridge Phelps Edgewood Milton L. Brand Charles C. Cohen Asa D. Kennedy, Jr. Oklahoma City Malcolm M. Farnsworth Hon. John R. Brown Anthony S. DeFrank York Allen D. Evans Erie Barbara W. Butler Lon Foster, 111 John G. Gent Thomas J Donnelly Lewis H. Markowrtz Henry W. Ewall. Ill James E. Crowther James F. Hartmann, Jr. Philip G. Gillespie Robert J. Currie Jerome L. Hemry George E. Ewing Stephen E. Jones RHODE ISLAND JohnD. Camille Douglass Dunn Fred J. McDonald Robert J. Kilgore Robert G. Geeseman J. Larry Nichols Stephen A. George Newport Hon. W~lliamW. Knox A. Duncan Gray. Jr. Richard A. Riggs Alberl E. Gerrnain Helen J. Forsyth Richard A. Levick El Carol V. Greenwood Stillwater Egon M. Gross James D. Forsyth. [I Daniel L. R. Miller William C. Griffith Vance Fried Gulf Oil Foundatlon Providence H. William G. Sesler Patricia M. Hanson Tulsa of Delaware Richard W. Billings Gary J. Shapira John H. Blish William D. Hoops William C. Andsrson John A. Spaeder H. J. Heinz Company John R. Barker Foundation Robert C. Bruns Charles E. Humphrey. Jr. Robert N. Spaeder R. Kenneth Keim B. Hayden Crawford, Jr. Richard E Hotchkin Joseph P. Curran John T. Stroh. Jr. Robert W. Edwards, Jr. Karl E. Kraft George S. Downey James R. Waidley Fred C. Houston, Jr. Charles C. Killin Williani M. Houston Eu ene V. Higgins Sam W. Levy Gettysburg ert lndeglia Ross Miller .lohn J. Livineston John B. Keilh James F. Israel ilk Bob F. M~C& Marten R. Jenkins James P. Kelly Joseph W. Morris Donald M. Swope Charles Nadeau Anthony F. Ringold Paul R. Jenkins John K. McIntyre E. Greensburg Robert W. Shadd Charles Nickson Robert S. Rizley Harold N. Wollam Livingstone M. Johnson R. Kendall Sherr~ll Thornas R. Johnson Edward M. Watson Paul T. Nowak. Jr. Harrisburg Robert F. Ochs Russell H. Smith James L. Kammert Paul E. Clouser Myron M. Sheinfeld Richard H. Wills, Jr. Harvey Freedenberg Charles G. Knox SOUTH CAROLINA John M. Winters, Jr. Koppers Company Foundation Shell Companies Thomas Hooker. Jr. Camden Foundatlon. Inc. Wewoka Carroll Purdy, Jr. R. Arnold Kramer H. W. C. Furman Richard S. Roberts John H. Kunkle. Jr. Roland B. Voight Robert J. Stewart Charleston Edwin N. West Glenn 0. Wallace Charles E. Thomas Richard C. Lam Edward D. Buckley Thomas A. Lazaroff Charles W. Wexler Charles E. Thomas. Jr. Hon. Clarence E. Singletary Lance C. Winchester Hawley Alan Z. Lelkowitz OREGON Columbia Verle C. Witham Randolph T. Borden David A. Lynch Richard E. Day Bend Michael M. Lyons Humble Hershey J. Kirkland Grant Mr. & Mrs. John 0. Hoyt Ronald L. Marceau Burton B. Hendricks John A. Matta Eugene W. Crofi Jennings Lubbock Johnstown W. James McCormick Edward Branchfield Hilton Head Richard W. Hemingway Robert L. Blough M. Bruce McCullough John W. Gorn Rrcliard G. Hildreth Thomas H. Mclntosh Waco Samuel R. Difranccsco William F. Kenney Erwin A. Elias Harvey J. Shulman I. Samuel Kaminsky Rea P. Miller. Jr. Craie A. Smith Myrtle Beach Pamela ivlull J. Phillips Saylor Richard J. Munsch Richard L. Shook Edward P. Thompson. Jr ivlaurice Shadden Charles T. Myers Lake Oswego Saint Matthews Wayne G. Wolfe K. S~dneyNeuman Cyril L. Kendall UTAH Stephen R. Moore Meadville William R. Nuernberg McMinville Sumter Salt Lake City Robert B. Dornhaffer Parker & Co. Philip Wittenberg James S. Armstrong Robert S. Thompson Monessen Nathan K. Parker, Jr. Medford Harold G. Christensen .lames J. Mandcrino Victor A. Peckham Robert R. Finch John E. Ferris Murrysville Kenneth R. Pepperney SOUTH DAKOTA Oregon City John E. Gates Richard H. Nirntz Larry E. Phillips Brookings Sidncy A. Brockley George D. Melling. Jr. New Castle Walter J. Phillips Benjamin H Schaphorst Portland John H. Mitchell W~lliamR. Balph. Jr. PPG Industries Foundation Rapid City Oscar W. hloyle. Jr. Anthony J. Barker Robcrt E. Jamison Lawrence N. Ravick Ronald E. Brodowicz John M. Berman Elliott Pratt Norriatown Eric P. Rcif Curtis D. Ireland Keith T. Borman William Vogel David N. Brook Thomas J. Reinstadtler, Jr. Sioux Falls Hardin A. Whitney, Jr. J. Rion Bodrgeois Anthony J. Scrrica Susan L. Rockman Roy E. Willy David F. Cargo M. Paul Smith Rockwell International Vermillion ~MichaelJ. Gentry Philadelphia Charles G. Schwartz James A. Johnson VERMONT James L. Hiller Donald Berg Dorothy A. Servis Burlington W~lliamH Kinsey Watertown Arnold P. Boris11 Donald E. Seymour Francis C. Burns blarilynn Alexander Robert C. Laskowski Alan G. Choate Donald W. Shaffer Stewart H. McConaughy Jariles S. Leigh Lawrence S. Coburn Jocl B. Strauss Essex Junction Dennis J. Lindsay James A Corrodi William D. Sutton TENNESSEE Alan D. Ovcrton Charles M. Lovetl L. Garrett Dutton. Jr. W. Brucc Thomas Germantown Gregg H. W~lson Richardson W. Nahstoll S. Jonathan Emerson David L. Trezise Franr A. Burnier Hinesburg Thomas R. Nrcolai Carl E. Esscr Joseph VanBuskirk Knoxville Charles R. Ross Robert W. Palmer John M. Gardner John M. Webb Hal F. Burk Montpelier Bruce K. Posey Stcphcn E. Godsall-Myers Westinghouse Educatiorlal Warren W. Kennerly Charles E. Gibson, Jr. Michael V. Reed Jose h I Goldstein Foundation Jackson C. Krarner Newport Forrest W. Simmons ~)udl7ey t~ug~les Richard D. Ziegler John A. Scbert. Jr. Calvin N. Souther Paul B. Wolfe Alan R. Hunt Scott F. Zirnmerman John L. Sobieski. Jr. Putney IU International Radnor Lewlsburg William B. Pr~ce PENNSYLVANIA Johnson & Higgins or Robcrl M. Dubbs Tlleodors P. Duning Saint Albans Memphis Allentown Pennsylvania Reading Robert H. Bro\vn lrvin W. Coleman Jcron~ctiaplan Paul W. Bollman Henry H. Hancock South Burlington Redmond Steven R. Duback Tipton S. Ross Douglas F. Graham Scott I+.Engroff Warren Seattle Stephen M. Fisher Richard .I. King Gary N. Ackerrnan Henry E. Fuldner Waterbury Alan L. Axelrod John W. Galanis John P. Meaker Thopias R. Beierle Benjamin F. Garmer \Villiam C. Blanchard Jose h A Gemignani W. E. Brazda ~udPeyJ.' Godfrey. Jr. VIRGINIA J. Henry Brockhaus Thomas W. Godfrey Alexandria William H. Burkhart Robert H. Gorske Steven R. Brodsky Peter D. Byrnes Michael W. Grebe Benton S. Duffett. Jr. Larry M. Carler Guy F. Guinn Louis G. Ferrand. Jr. Stephen C. Ellis Charles Hansen James G. Fleisch Ronald M. Gould John A. Hazelwood Wolf Haber Lawrence E. Hard Edward J. Heiser. Jr. D~vighlC. Hair Malcolm S. Harris Michael J. Herbert Donald L. Hersh Richard .I. Hilfer Gary A. Hollman James K. Jackson Bruce H. Hurst Thomas W. Hoya Laura 0. h4cCoy Kenyon P. Kellogg. Jr. Edmund C. Kersten Douglas E. McKinle) John F. Kruger Arthur F. Lubke. Jr. Will E. McLeod Kerry C. Lawrence Margaret E. hlalchow Eugene K. Snyder Theodore A. LeGros William J. Manlyh Arlington George M. Mack Thomas J. McGinn Philip Frickey Joseph R. Matsen Earl L. Meixner Herbert A. Goldsmith. Jr. Ronald J. Meltzer Richard H. Norris. 111 Barry S. Landau Steve Paul Moen William L. Randall Aldis Lapins William N. Moloney John M. Reinhart John D. Nies Stevan D. Phillips Barry E. Sammons Dennis h,f. O'Den Michael H. Runyan David Shute Kathleen M. O'Laughlin Seattle-First National Bal~k Gordon H. Smith. Jr. Alexander D. Roth Paul W. Steere Harney B. Stover, Jr. James T. Warns James B. Stoetzer Michael P. Sullivan Lance D. Wood Roger L. Stouder Ronald L. Walter Burke Phillip L. Thom Clay R. Williams Richard Erickson Winship A. Todd, Jr. Joseph J. Ziino Charlottesville William S. Weaver Oshkosh Neill H. Hollenshead John D. Wilson, Jr. John E. Dempsey Joyce E. Plaut Norman L. Winn Harry E. Meyer Lloyd Snook Finley Young Racine Fairfax Jay H. Zulauf Roger L. McManus Gorv Denkinger Spokane Sheboygan Wiliiam K. Laray Harvey W. Clarke Joseph H. Peters Falls Church Charles A. Jens South Milwaukee Amos .I. Coffman Douglas D. Lambarth John B. Baker Douglas N. Jones Irving Paul Bucyrus-Erie Foundation. Inc. Jay L. Witkin Tacoma wausau Gloucester Point Denis B. Binder Byron E. Bronston, Jr. John M. Durbin Robert E. Cooper Arnold J. Kiburz, 111 Great Falls Charles W. Johnson Wauwatosa Robert 0.Tyler John C. Kouklis Bruce N. Petterson Hon. Guy VanderJagt Claude M. Pearson West Allis Leesburg William J. Rainey Allis-Chalmers Foundation. Inc. Robert J. Wilson Stanley P. Wagner. Jr. Lexington Zillah Roy L. Steinheimer. Jr. William C. Fork WYOMING McLean Cheyenne Bruce ivl. Chadwick Hon. Clarence A. Brimmer, Jr. Lawrence J. Fuller WEST VIRGINIA William A. Swainson William D. Jones Charleslon Cody Joseph L. Mayberry, Jr. Clement R. Bassett Charles G. Kepler Garo A. Partoyan James M. Haviland Kemmerer Hans M. Rothenbuhler William H. Scharr Patrick J. Quealy Norfolk Lois B. Scherr Sheridan Charles L. Kaufman Huntinglon Henry A. Burgess Harry Pincus. Jr. Nye King David B. Kennedy Harry L. Shinn, Jr. Wheeling Richmond James F. Companion Lucile Jnmison Anuua J. Donald Ezell FOREIGN & U.S. James N. Christman POSSESSIONS Morton M.Zedd Anonymous Roanoke WISCONSIN Kevin M. Beattie James B. Osborne Applelon Richard C. Bertkau Robert W. Swain, Jr. Daniel F. Coughlin, Jr. Springlield M. Teresa D'Arms Paul A. Mans Chippewa Falls Howard A. Jack David E. Frasch A. Patrick Giles Gerald B. Leedom Janesville Jurgen Gliss James R. Cripe Eugen D. Graue John F. Lymburner Robert S. Griggs Staunton Robert C. Lovejoy Richard \\I. Smilh Kaukauna David B. Harrel HE~~LHelm Vienna Irving G. Curry. I11 Rohert N. Dorosin Madison Robert E. Hollweg Virginia Beach C. Vernon Howard, Jr. Peter J. Hustinx Marco A. Jagmetti John I-I. Distin Richard Z. Kabaker Williamsburg Marilyn A. Madorsky William T. Kilbourne, I1 Donald L. Mayer Wallcr Koenig Thomas H. Jolls. Sr. Hans C. Krue er Thomas B. Marvell Mark E. Smith Philip McCallum Seward R. Stroud Juergen ~rumfand Cilenn R. \4'inters Curtis C. Swanson Christoph H. Leuenberger Mequon Felix Loeffler David M. Goelzer William C. Loud, Jr. WASHINGTON Milwaukee John D. Miller Bellevue William J. Abraham, Jr. Eugene J. Mockler Roy E. Mattern. Jr Benjamin J. Abrohams I-lorst R. Niebler Claire S. Thomas Nelson G. Alston Margaretha H. Offerhaus Bellingham Irving T. Bnbb Toshio Sawada David B. Anderson Frederic G. Baldowsky Kurt G. Siehr Coupevllle Darryl S. Bell Jozef Slootmans Harold E. Baily David A. Benner George A. Spater Greenbank Hugh R. Braun lsao Takahashi Greoree N.Stevens Paul D. Braun Egberto L. Teixeira Longvlew Howard G. Brown Dellev Thienhaus Willard H. Walker Martin R. Browning Thomas C. Tilley Mercer Island John .4.Casey AIfre6 J. Wiederkehr H. Dale Meredith James L. Crane. 111 Alice Ann Winters Olympia Cutler-Hammer Foundati on Michael Wilzel William D. Dexter Slephen C. dcVries Nobuloshi Yamanouchi Class Summary of Gifts

No. of Gifts No. of No. in Average O/O of Class Total Amount Class Class Agent in 1978 Contributors Class Gift Contributing Rec'd in 1978

Richard H. May

Charles L. Goldstein

Richard H. May 5 6 7 11 C. Frederic Stanton 20 Fred R. Allaben 12 Frederick P. Bamberger 2 6 Benjamin J. Safir 23 A. D. Ruegsegger 33 Mentor Kraus 40

Harvey J. Gunderson 39 Lewis D. Wilson 49 Sherwood Ake 53 John D. Luyendyk 30 Cornelius VanValkenburg 40 Oscar W. Baker 46 Robert A. Choate 48 Elijah Poxson 52 Gerald L. Stoetzer 58 Douglas Reading 64

H. James Gram 5 6 William H. Hillier 8 1 Fred E. Sisk 6 2 John F. Sisson 18 Benjamin M. Quigg, Jr. 8 9 Edward S. Noble 28 Robert R. Day 54 Helen Wilson Nies 157 Robert A. Fisher 151 Class Summary of Gifts

No. of Gifts No. of No. in Average O/O of Class Total Amount Class Class Agent in 1978 Contributors Class Gift Contributing Rec'd in 1978

Charles M. Bayer Horace J. Rodgers Burton L. Ansell Clifford A. Dean Leonard Kravets Donald G. Black M. Harry Piper Donald J. DeYoung Jerome F. Prewoznik Edward M. Heppenstall

Kent E. Whittaker William S. Farr, Jr. L. William Schmidt, Jr. John W. Galanis Thomas E. Palmer Terrence L. Croft John C. Cook Christopher B. Cohen Allen D. Field W. Timothy Baetz

Neill H. Hollenshead David E. LeFevre Terrence Perris Frank W. Jackson Thomas F. Koernke Terrence G. Linderman Pamela S. Hyde George A. Vinyard Robert D. Santos

Totals Total Non-Alumni Gifts Non-Alumni Contributions


Highest Highest Percentage Most Donors Most Gifts Most Dollars Average Gift of Contributors 1978 DISTRIBUTION Ot GIP I s

$1,000 and over 500 to 999 200 to 499 100 to 199 50 to 99 25 to 49 11 to 24 10 Less than $1 0 Insurance Gifts-in-Kind

James J. Wh~te

Chuck Humphrey and Clan Crawford


Contributors Gifts Dollars

Memorials 74 84 $ 18,919.92 Matching Companies and Firms 127 178 23,152.00 Terry Linderman Foundations and Trusts 8 8 12,600.0C Other 103 107 18,200.29 Special Donor Groups Benefactors in Memoriam THE PRESIDENTS CLUB Roy E. Brownell The University of Michigan Presidents We invite your attention to our discus- Henry M. Butzel Club is one of the most respected organi- sion of these several groups in Clifton G. Dyer zations of its type in the country. No other "READING . . . BETWEEN THE Henry K. Huber public university, and few, if any, private SHEETS" on page one and the additional Clair B. Hughes universities or colleges have the allegiance descriptions of each group on the inside of George IM. Huniphrey and backing of such a large number of peo- the back cover. Emra H. & Eva Coryeil Ireland ple who support their institution in one of THE JAMES B. ANGELL SOCIETY Elroy 0. Jones the most effective ways-with dollars. Clifton M. & Ethel M. Kolb The Presidents Club has been enthusi- A ver! special group indeed! It honors Thomas G. Long astically supported by many Law School those ibho have given the University $1 Mr. & Mrs. Leger J. Metzger alumni and a list of the Law members fol- million, or have made a commitment of Gilbert H. Montague lows. Law membership increased in 1978 Sl.5 million as a deferred gift. Among Leo T. Norville froni 352 to 385. those so honored are four Law School Jay H. Payne alumni and the sister of one of them who Ray W. & Sarah Smith Kazuhisa Abe have made such gifts to the University. In Arthur E. Spencer, Jr. William B. Acker each case a11 or a major portion of the gift Roy E. Willy Thomas H. Adams, Jr. \!as for the benefit of the Law School. All James N. Adler are no\\/ deceased. Joseph A. Amter Williani W. Cook THE HENRY P. TAPPAN SOCIETY John H. Anderson Clyde A. Dewitt John L. Anderson Frederick L. Leckie Members of the Tappan Society were Paul J. Anderson Julian A. and Rosina first recognized in 1978. Those so honored Victor C. Anderson Marguerite Wolfson have made gifts to the University of Leonides H. Angelos $50,000 in cash or $75,000 in the form of a Robert W. Appleford MICHIGAN BENEFACTORS deferred gift. Several alumni of the Law Richard J. Archer Th~sis a personal recognition awarded School or their spouses are included in this Jack G. Armstrong those individuals, corporations, or founda- group. They, and some friends of the Law Clinton R. Ashford tions who by their major gifts to The Uni- School who have designated their qualify- Alphonse H. Aymond versity of Michigan permit the institution ing gifts for Law School purposes, are Gerald L. Bader, Jr. to implement facilities, programs, and ser- listed here: Willard J. Banyon vices that enable it to maintain leadership Mrs. Harry G. Gault I James M. Barrett, Jr. among the universities of the world. Basic George M. Humphrey, I1 William G. Barris qualifications for such recognition is a gift Mrs. James A. Kennedy Robert H. Bellairs of $100.000 in cash. or $150,000 in the Mrs. Forest E. Mc Kee F. Loyal Bemiller form of a deferred gift. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Zanoff Patrick Berardo Michigan Benefactors were first Daniel B. Beresford designated as such in 1974. Among those Members in Memoriam Max H. Bergman who have been so honored are the follow- Henry A. Bergstrom ing members of the "Law School Family," John W. Cooley Charles W. Bishop who either attended the Law School or Mrs. Robert P. (Elizabeth) Dockeray L. Ray Bishop who are spouses of alumni: Margaret Fisher Harry N. Blum James A. Greene Gertrude Bock Anonymous (2) Carrie K. Schwartz Joel M. Boyden Col. John L. Anderson Stewart Boyer Mr. Willard J. Banyon John D Boyles Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Bergstrom 1 Alexander M. Bracken Mrs. Roy E. Brownell M. L. Bradbury, Jr. Mr. MI. Lawrence Clapp Ben P. Brasley Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm L. Denise Norman I. Brock Mr. C. Richard Ford A. Edward Brown Hon. & Mrs. Ralph M Freeman Eric V. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Giles Stratton S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Honigman Martin R. Browning Hobart D. & Willabelle Harper Hoyt Frederick G. Buesser, Jr. Mrs. George M. Humphrey Lawrence L. Bullen Mr. William A. L. Kaufman Bert Burgoyne Mrs. Isabel H. Nauman Thomas N. Burnham Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nederlander Elden W. Butzbaugh, Jr. Mrs. Leo T. Norville Chester J. Byrns Mr. Joseph H. Parsons John J. Callahan Roy F. & Jean Humphrey Proffitt Roy H. Callahan Margaret A. & John E. Riecker Paul B. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. F. Roland Sargent Robert M. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Souther Stanley L. Caplan Mr. Duane Stranahan, Jr. 1 J. Bland Catlett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Sunderland ' H. Thomas Cavanaugh Hon. & Mrs. G. Mennen M1illiams Lester L. Cecil Roy H. Christiansen W. Lawrence Clapp Stephen H. Clink Edward L. Cobb Avern Cohn E. V. Greenwood Samuel Krugliak Donald M. Cohn Carleton Griffin John R. Laird Irwin I. Cohn William C. Griffith Lou L. Landman Frederick Colombo William A. Groening, Jr. L. Bates Lea Louis J. Colombo Boice Gross Ronald Y. C. Lee Alfred F. Conard Grant J. Gruel, Jr. John E. Leggat William J. Conlin Carson C. Grunewald William G. Lerchen, Jr. David J. Cooper Harvey J. Gunderson Joel A. Levine David M. Copi Rockwell T. Gust Stanley K. Levison Brooks Crabtree William E. Guthner Dean S. Lewis Richard E. Cross Cecil H. Haas Robert Libner William B. Cudlip Erwin H. Haass Lawrence Lindemer R. Malcolm Cumming Williarii J. Halliday, Jr. Charles R. Linton Lawrence E. Curfman Robert D. Handley Rodney C. Linton Gilbert A. Currie Edward A. Hansen John M. Longway C. Shelby Dale David Haron Thomas L. Lott Malcolm L. Denise Arthur J. Hass Jonathan D. Lowe Dominick A, DeVarti James W. Haugh Jerry Luptak Allen C. Dewey, Jr. Robert C. C. Heaney David R. Macdonald William C. Dixon Paul A. Heinen Edward P. Madigan John S. Dobson Boyd A. Henderson Clayton K. Mammel Clifford H. Domke David Heroy William J. Marcoux Thomas J. Donnelly Mrs. George H. Hill Albert D. Matheson Albert F. Donohue William H. Hillier Carney D. Matheson Stuart G. Dow Stuart T. K. Ho Alan A. May George S. Downey R. Stuart Hoffius Carey H. May Raymond H. Dresser, Jr. Henry M. Hogan Richard H. May Daniel H. Dunbar William L. Holloway Robert A. May Louis M. Dyll, [I Allen C. Holmes C. Blake McDowell. Jr. Emmett E. Eagan Jason L. Honigman Mrs. Forest E. McKee William G. Earle Joseph C. Hooper, Sr. Joseph E. McMahon Albert D. Early Milton M. Howard Archie A. Messenger Susan M. Eklund James 1.. Howlett William H. Messinger John Elani Hobart D. Hoyt A. David Mikesell Robert H. Elliott, Jr. Ralph F. Huck Robert H. Miltenberger, I1 Warren G. Elliott Gordon W. Hueschen Jack E. Mitchell James L. Elsman Richard M. Hughey James A. Mitchell Margaret H. Emery Charles E. Humphrey, Jr. Winston C. Moore Fedele Fauri William F. Hunting, Jr. David J. Morgan Donienic Federico Charles J. Hurbis Cyril Moscow Murray J. Feiwell Ralph J. Isackson Thomas Munson John C. Feldkamp Joseph H. Jackier J. Lee Murphy Robert L. Fenton Betty N. Jansen Richardson Nahstoll Philip Fischer William J. Johnson Mrs. Harry M. Naper C. Richard Ford David R. Johnston Robert E. Nederlander Carl S. Forsythe Charles E. Jones Edward J. Neithercut Norman Freehling Robert A. Jones Fred C. Newman Ralph M. Freeman Russell S. Jones Virginia S. Nicklas Walter Freihofer Thomas B. Joseph Marvin Niehuss T. Patrick Freydl Seigel W. Judd Arthur H. Northrup Thomas L. Freytag Barbara Brattin Kacir Bartlett E. Nutter Abba I. Friedman Allyn D. Kantor Jesse R. O'Malley Edward P. Frohlich Richard Katcher Frank J. Ortman John T. Frost William A. L. Kaufmann Gerald W. Padwe John W. Galanis R. Kenneth Keim Robert J. Paley George H. Gangwere Robert Kelb Robert A. Palrner C. William Garratt John W. Kelly L. Beaumont Parks Benton E. Gates, Jr. John B. Kemp Joseph H. Parsons Benton E. Gates, Sr. Cornelia Kennedy Sanford H. Passer Arthur R. Gaudi James P. Kennedy Brian P. Patchen Samuel E. Gawne Robert M. Kerr Clarence K. Patterson John G. Gent Frederick R. Keydel Peler A. Patterson Charles H. Gershenson Roger G. Kidston Walter E. Pear Williar-n B. Giles Charles C. Killin Walker Peddicord Jack Gindi Sanford A. Klein David Pence Edward D. Goldstein Raymond E. Knape John S. Pennell Sanders A. Goodstein Walter 0. Koch Beahl T. Perrine Norman Gottlieb Reino Koivunen Robert V. Peterson Victor L. Graf Joseph F. Kosik John H. Pickering H. James Gram Thomas V. Koykka M. Harry Piper Whitmore Gray Milton A. Kramer James J. Podell John A. Grayson Walter G. Krapohl Richard W. Pogue Thoinas H. Green Robert B. Kru.--ger Ray L. Potter Jerome Prewoznik THE UNIVERSITY DEANS CLUB Alan E. Price John F. Townsend (Herewith the Law Deans Club) Roy F. Proflitt Emmett E. Tracy Benjamin M. Quigg. Jr. Richard M.Treckelo This is a new designation, starting in Elmer Radka, Jr. Paul R. Trigg, Jr. July 1978, to recognize individuals who Joseph S. Ransrneier Mark Turpen make an at~~iita/gift of $500 to the Univer- Dean E. Richardson John T. VartAken sity. John E. Riecker Wayne VanOsdol 111 our /is/,belort,, we have included Law Wallace D. Rile). Philip T. VanZile, I1 School alumni and friends of the School Richard J. Riordan Howard Vielmetti who have made such gifts to the Law Thomas Roach Robert A. Vieweg School (including gifts for the Capital Frank H. Roberts Harold S. Voegelin Campaign as well as for the Law School Richard D. Rohr Theodore R. Vogt Fund). In order to make this list corres- Robert S. Rosenfeld John F. Wagner pond to our fiscal year for the Law School Harold Rosenn Robert E. Walsh Fund and this report, (February I to A. D. Ruegsegger Byron D. Walter January 31) we include here only those Robert G. Russell W. Gerald Warren who qualified through January 31, 1979. Joseph Ruwitch James Waters Later qualifiers will be listed next year. Theodore J. St. Antoine John W. Watling, Jr. One other limitation-if a donor is listed Robert L. Sandblom Mrs. Maurice Weigle in one of the preceding Special Donor Richard C. Sanders Leonard H. Weiner Groups, he or she will not also be listed F. Roland Sargent William P. Weiner here, unless they have joined the above James E. Sauter Howard A. Welch groups since making their qualifying gift. William M. Schlecte Aaron Weston Anonymous Thomas P. Scholler Frank M. Wheeler John C. Baity Benjamin 0. Schwendener. Jr James J. White Oscar W. Baker John L. Schwendener Carroll V. Williams Richard B. Barnett John F. Scott, Jr. G. Mennen Williams Harold S. Barron James K. Seder Bruce 0. Wilson Alexander E. Bennett Floyd A. Sergeant John P. Wilson, Jr. Martin E. Bernstein Erik H. Serr Lewis D. Wilson William 8. Birmingham Harold M. Shapero Myron Winegarden John H. Blish Nelson A. Sharrman Henry S. Wingate Bert Burgoyne Wayne E. Shawaker John M. Winters, Jr. Julian Caplan Jack H. Shuler Francis M. Wistert Milo G. Coerper Forrest W. Simmons Philip Wittenberg William H. Conner George A. Skestos David P. Wood Bruce C. Conybeare George Slykhouse David P. Wood. Jr. William J. Cowlin Allan F. Smith E. Lisk Wyckoff, Jr. Raymond S. Davis, Jr. Bruce M. Smith Murray Y olles John P. Dawson, Jr. Jerome Smith Williams T. Yorks Joseph T. deNicola N. Richard Smith Richard W. Young Thomas A. Dieterich Carl A. Sorling Jack Y. H. Yuen Raymond J. Dittrich, Jr. Herbert Sott Louis Zanoff Terrence A. Elkes Calvin N. Souther Bruce Zenkel Robert H. Elliott, Jr. Craig Spangenberg Norman A. Zilber John W. Fischer, I11 John R. Sparks Frank K. Zinn Morgan L. Fitch, Jr. George A. Spater Frederick W. Ziv Joe C. Foster, Jr. George E. Sperling Richard R. Zukowski Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Seymour J. Frank William H. Spitalny J. Alan Galbraith Charles R. Sprowl Edward D. Goldstein Peter 0. Steiner Kenneth W. Graham, Jr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Whitmore Gray Irving Stenn, Sr. William C. Griffith Robert W. Stocker, 11 William J. Halliday, Jr. James L. Stokes Patrick Hanley Duane Stranahan Walter L. Hansen Edgar A. Strause Eugene L. Hartwig Thomas E. Sunderland Eugene V. Higgins William P. Sutter John B. Nouck Theodore W. Swift Charles E. Humphrey, Jr. Roy E. Takushi Harold E. Hunt Joel D. Tauber Howard H. Hush, Jr. Hobart Taylor F. William Hutchinson Robert L. Taylor Albert E. Jenner, Jr. John S. Tennant Robert A. Johnston B. James Theodororf Donald R. Jolliffe W. Bruce Thomas Hugh M. & Emma Rae Jones Milton M. Thompson Amalya L. Kearse Charles V. Thornton Robert C. Keck John A. Thurber Wayne A. Kirkby Matthew H. Tinkham, Jr. Richard F. Koch John D. Todd Floyd H. Lawson, Jr. Patrick J. Ledwidge Evelyn J. Lehman Stanley T. Lesser James C. Lockwood Robert C. Lovejoy J. David Mackstaller James E. Mandler William H. McCarter, Jr. Jane E. McDermott Neil McKay David L. Miller Donn B. Miller Robert H. Miltenberger, I1 Terrence R. Murphy William R. Nicholas Paul & Elizabeth Durfee Oberst Charles Nickson Merrill E. Olsen Robert D. Owen Douglas E. Peck William J. Pierce George H. Plaut N. Michael Plaut From left, Ed Bittle, Phil Wittenberg, Byron Walter James M. Powell Richard D. Rohr Gilbert Y. Rubenstein Theodore Sachs William J. Schrenk, Jr. Oliver E. Seikel Donald W. Shaffer Robert 0. Shepler Arthur M. Sherwood Paul E. Siegel Richard I. Singer Gerald D. Skoning Wendell A. Smith John A. Spaeder Benjamin C. Stancyzk Eric Stein Roy L. Steinheimer, Jr. John T. Svendsen David W. Swanson Robert T. Swengel A. Thomas Thorson Matthew H. Tinkham, Jr. Roy M. Tolleson, Jr. Joel L. Tonkin Stefan F. Tucker Donald E. Vacin R. Keith VanHoff Joe Sax Tom Koernke Lawrence R. VanTil Robert E. Wagenfeld James R. Waidley John M. Walker, Jr. Johnnie M. Walters Charles A. Wasserman William R. Weber Philip F. Westbrook Jack L. White Alfred J. Wiederkehr Louis E. Woolery L. Hart Wright Kathryn D. Wriston

I Allan Claypool. Dave Haron. Sid Frank

33 Corporate Matching Gift Dun & Bradstreet Companies P.P.G. Industries Foundation Foundation, Inc. Prudential Insurance Company Program Eaton Corporation of America Envirotech Foundation The Quaker Oats Foundation Do you work for a company or law firm The Equitable Life Assurance Reader's Digest Foundation that has a matching gift program? IT you Society The Research Institute of America, Inc. do, your gift to the Law School Fund can Esmark Inc. Foundation Rockwell International Corporation usually be matched dollar-for-dollar by EXXON Education Foundation SCM Foundation, Inc. your company. All you need to do is ob- Federal Mogul Corporation Scott Paper Company Foundation tain 3 matching gift form from your Federated Department Stores Inc. Seattle First National Bank employer, fill it out, and send it to us with Firestone Tire & Rubber Security Pacific Charitable Foundation your donation to the Law School Fund. It Company Shell Oil Companies Foundation, Inc. will be processed here, returned to your First National Bank of Chicago Shering-Plough Foundation, Inc. company, and your gift will become Foundation Southwestern Bell doubly valuable. FMC Foundation Squibb Corporation During the 1978 Law School Fund cam- Ford Motor Company Fund Standard Oil Company (Ohio) paign matching gifts were received from The Gap Foundation Stauffer Chemical Company the following: General Electric Foundation Sun Company, Inc. General Mills Foundation Sybron Corporation Adams, Fox, Marcus, Adelstein & General Reinsurance Corporation Time Inc. Gerding Getty Oil Company Travelers Insurance Company Aetna Lire & Casualty Grace Foundation Inc. TRW, Inc. Alcoa Foundation Gulf Oil Corporation Uniroyal Allied Chemical Corporation Harris Foundation United Airlines Allis Chalniers Foundation, Inc. The Hartford Insurance Group United Brands Foundation Allstate Foundation Foundation, Inc. U.S. Gypsum Company American Motors Corporation H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Trust Company American National Bank & Hercules, Inc. The UpJohn Company Trust Co. Heublein, Inc. Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz American National Service Co. Hewitt Associates Westinghouse Electric Company American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Whirlpool Corporation AMOCO Foundation, Inc. International Business Machines Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering A rnstar Corporation Corporation Xerox Corporation Arthur Anderson & Company International Paper Company Arthur Young Foundation ARMCO Foundation Irving One Wall Street BankAmerica Foundation Foundation, Inc. Bankers Life Company I U International The Bechtel Foundation Johnson & Higgins of Pennsylvania Becton Dickinson Foundation Johnson & Johnson Bendix Corporation Katten, Muchin, Gitles, Zavis, Bethlehem Steel Corporation Pearl & Galler Bristol-Myers Company Kirkland & Ellis Brunswick Corporation Koppers Foundation Bucyrus-Erie Foundation, Inc. Kraft Inc. Butler Manufacturing Company Lincoln National Corporation Foundation Lorillard Corporation Foundation Cabot Foundation, Inc. (LOEWS) Chicago Title & Trust Co. Foundation Lybrand Foundation Chrysler Corporation Fund Manufacturers Hanover Trust The Chubb Corporation Company Foundation The CIT Foundation. Inc. Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Citicorp Arthur G. McKee & Company Clark Equipnient Company The Mead Corporation The Cleveland Trust Company ~MinneapolisStar & Tribune The Coca-Cola Company, USA Division Company Columbia Gas System Service Corp. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Connecticut General Insurance Corp. Company Connecticut Mutual Lire Mobil Foundation, Inc. Continental Bank Foundation Monroe Auto Equipment Company The Continental Group Inc. Monsanto Fund Covington & Burling Moore McCormack Resources Inc. Cutler-Hammer Foundation New England Mutual Life Insurance Dain, Kalman & Quail Foundation Northern Natural Gas Company Dana Corporation Foundation O'Melveny & Myers Dart Industries, Inc. Owens-Illinois Deere & Company Pacific Mutual DeKalb Parker-Hannifin Corporation A. B. Dick Foundation Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company J. C. Penney Co. Donovan, Leisure, Newton & lrvine Philadelphia Bethlehem & New Foundation, Inc. England Railroad Dow Chemical Company The Phillips Petroleum Company Pillsbury Company Foundation IN MEMORIAM

During the 1978 Law School Fund Campaign, gifts were received by the Fund in memory of the following Alumni:

1867 1917 1936 Philip T. VanZile Forest E. McKee Stanley C. Schlee Oscar C. Sattinger 1874 1937 Clarence M. Burton 1922 Kenneth K. Luce Earle E. Ewins 1878 1940 Henry M. Campbell 1924 Charles E. Humphrey, Sr. To all deceased members 1880 1942 Frank Holmes Shaffer 1925 Willis C. Bullard Ari M. BeGole Harry M. Nayer 1896 Leo M. Butzel 1926 1948 Jonas R. Cohler David Loewenberg 1901 Henry Freud Edson R. Sunderland 1949 G. Norman Gilmore A. Louis Gingras 1902 Arthur M. Smith Jerry S. McCroskey Oscar W. Baker, Sr. 1927 To all deceased members 1904 Herbert M. Eiges 1954 Emory J. Hyde J. Don Lawrence William S. Frank Frederick L. Leckie Alfred Newton To all deceased members 1963 1928 Chester Skinner 1908 Benjamin Jaffe Clyde A. DeWitt Ned Mellen 1965 Harold B. Zanoff 1909 1929 Hubert Brennan Paul R. Ebel 1971 Jane L. Mixer ('68-'69) 1912 Austin Fleming Beverly Blair Vedder Anthony Kasiborski 1976 Alan Precup 1913 1931 Frederick Shearer William M. Emery 1977 Max H. Fruhauf Juan Tienda ('74-'76) 1914 Carl Gussin Clair B. Hughes 1979 To all deceased members 1932 Alden J. (Butch) Carpenter ('77) Paul G. Kauper 1916 Leo Norville 1980 John F. Scott Brian Dombkowski ('77-'78) 1934 Frank E. Cooper

From alumni and friends in memory of these non-alumni

Prof. & Mrs. Edgar N. Durfee Dr. Eduardo Phillips' father Louis & Sarah Honigman Alan N. Polasky Elayne Jassey Robert Ruch George H. & Minnie E. Jennings Donald Samuels Arthur Lang Ednah .I. Scott Oscar Lawler Abrarn W. Sempliner Israel Loewenberg Marion Lelir Simpson Robert N. Miller Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland Frank N. Newman Prof. & Mrs. Hessel Yntema Cl~ffordJ. O'Sullivan Alumni News Notes Bushnell, Jr., JD '51, of Detroit and John 742 M'ertdell A. Miles was appointed A. Krsul, Jr.. JD '63 also of Detroit have to the Michigan Higher Education At the annual banquet of the State Bar of been elected to the Board of Directors. Facil~tiesCommission in June 1978. Michigan in September 1978 the following Michigan alumni were honored for 50 C'urtis R. Henderson of Haddonfield, NJ years in the practice of law: announced his retirement from Johnson & 743 Hobart Taylor, Jr. was elected From the Class of 1927: Higgins in November 1978. as a member of the board of direc- tors of Burroughs Corporation. He cur- Lyman B. Avery Henry J. Rlerry, professor emeritus of rently practices with the Washington, D.C. William W. Blume polit~cal sclence at Purdue University is firm of Dawson Riddell Taylor Davis & Ralph W. Goodall the author of Conslit~ctionalFunclion of Holroyd and is also a director of Aetna Presidential-Adnlinistrative Separatiotz Life & Casualty, Eastern Airlines, Great From the Class of 1928: published by the University Press of Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Westinghouse George A. Alderton, 11 America. Electric, and Standard Oil (Ohio). Clarence W. Blenman Claude W. Coates John G. Garlinghouse 736 Hon. G. Mennen Williams received Richard H. Peters is counsel Albert Green the B'nai B'rith International 746to the firm of Watkins Bates Leo W. Hoffman Great American Award in June of 1979. Handwork & Gross, Toledo, Ohio. Hobart D. Hoyt Justice Williams was recognized for his Walter G. Krapohl long record of public service-as governor Carney D. Matheson of Michigan for 12 years, assistant U.S. Robert F. Browning retired John H. Nunneley secretary of state for African Affairs from "* president of the Michigan Road Arthur Raisch 1961-66, ambassador to the Philippines Builders Association has joined the law R. William Rogers from 1968-69 and as justice of the state firm of McLellan Schlaybaugh & A. DeVere Ruegsegger Supreme Court. Whitbeck in Lansing. Stephen D. Winter, Theodore P. Ryan JD '73 has also joined the firm as an as- Frederick W. Seitz Glenn R. Winters of Williamsburg, Va. sociate. Henry H. Sills represented the University of Michigan at Ernest R. Vollwiler the inauguration of William R. Harvey as Prof. Roy F. Proffitt has been appointed a John F. Wagner president of Hampton Institute. member of the board of directors of the Alumni Association of the U of M, for a 3- year term ending in the spring of 1982. 738 Wayne E. Babler was elected 726 Jason L. Honigman of Detroit cha~rmanof the ABA's section on James M. Wienner has joined the law firm was honored by the members of Public Utility Law in August 1978. of Butzel Long Gust Klein & Van Zile in the Judicial Tenure Commission upon his Detroit as a partner, and Edward M. retirement from the commission in early Kronk, JD '71, and Chester Kasiborski, 1979. He was a charter member of the Frederick G. Buesser, Jr., JD '71, became partners. commission and was its chairman from 740was elected to serve his third term 1975. as Michigan's state delegate to the American Bar Association's House of Stratton S. Brown of Miller Delegates. '49 Canfield Paddock Br Stone of 728 Benedict W. Eovaldi of Benton, Detroit has been appointed to the Task 111. and U.S. Judge William G. Ira W. Butterfield was appointed as judge Force on Hospital Capacity for a term ex- Juergens ('28) were honored by the Illinois of the Bay County, Michigan Circuit piring June 30, 1979. Bar Association for 50 years of continuous Court for a term ending January 1, 1981. legal service. They were given the title of Judge Butterfield formerly was the 74th Rear Adm. B. Hayden Crawford, chairman "senior counselor" at the annual meeting District Court Judge. of the National Reserve Policy Board, of the bar in June 1978. retired Sept. I in ceremonies on board the Wayne County Circuit Judge Joseph A. USS Lexington in New Orleans and was Rloynihan, Jr. was elected president of the presented the Legion of Merit. He is cur- 735 Edgar B. Galloway retired from Greater Detroit Round Table of the rently practicing in Tulsa, Okla. his position "of counsel" to the National Conference of Christian and firm of Dickinson Wright McKean Cudlip Jews in April 1979. John C. Emery, Jr. of Grosse Pointe has & Moon in March, 1979. He spent 25 been appointed to the Michigan Appellate years in the trust division of National Public Defender Commission for a term Bank of Detroit prior to joining the firm. 741 Robert A. Stuart is the senior expiring in 1980. partner in the Springfield, Ill. law James F. Preston, dr. was elected chairman firm of Brown Hay & Stephens, now in its Robert A. Fisher was appointed to the of the ABA's Section of Science & 150th year of continuous practice. State Toxic Substance Loan Commission Technology in August 1978. Abraham Lincoln was once a partner in by Michigan's governor in August 1978. the firm which was founded in 1828 by Stuart's great-grandfather. Bernard Goldstone was elected to a two- 736 John S. Clark of Petoskey, year term on the board of governors of the M~ch.has been elected chairman Harold VanDomelen of Hart, Mich. has Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Assn. in of the State Officers Compensation Com- been appointed to the Michigan Appellate August of 1978. mission. Also serving on the Commission Public Commission for a term expiring in is Joseph L. Hardig, Jr., JD '53. 1980. Morris Milmet of Southfield has been reappointed to the Michigan Employment \\'illiam 4. Groening, Jr. of Midland, Relations Commission for a term expiring Mich. has been elected Secretary of the in 1981. Amer~canJudicature Society George E. James T. Corden, was elected Leah R. Marks was named Judge of the Lawrence J. LaBrie is associate division circuit judge of the 3 1st Judicial Family Court of in May counsel of Ashland Petroleum Co., Circuit (St. Clair Co., Mich.) for a 10-year 1978 by Mayor Edward Koch. Ashland, Ky. term beginning Jan. 1. William M. Moldoff (LL.M) of Nassau, N'illiam K. Tell. Jr. is senior vice president Ralph McCartney was recently appointed NY is a member of the reunion committee of Texaco, Inc. judge of the District Court. Prior to his ap- for the Harvard Law Class of 1949. pointment he practiced with the firm of Frye & McCartney in Charles City, la. James G. O'Hara has become a partner in 760 James Pi. Blackburn of East the Washington, D.C. firm of Patton Lans~ngwas named to the State David L. Trezise is now vice-president of Boggs & Blow and Lee M. Goodwin, JD Tenure Commission by Michigan's gover- personnel with Westinghouse Electric '75, has become an associate. nor for a term expiring August 31, 1983. Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pa. I. Samuel Kaminsky of Johnstown, Penn. 756 Daniel S. Guy was named interim was elected to the Pennsylvania Bar As- 751 I'an E. Barris of Detroit has dean at Ohio Northern University sociations House of Delegates for a three- been elected chairman of the Law School in September 1978. year lerm. He is a partner in the firm of Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission. Kaminsky Kelly & Wharton. Frederic L. Wyckoff was promoted to a Hastings Morse is presently assistant at- newly-created position of senior attorney torney general in charge of the real for Michigan Bell Telephone representing 761 Raymond H. Drymalski was property bureau, dept of law for the state the company in litigation, claims, collec- elected to the board of directors of of New York. He and his wife live in tions, and security matters. Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Albany. Barry I. Fredericks has been appointed by Howard E. Owens of Fullerton, Calif. is 757 Carl F. LaRue, former assistant the Governor of New Jersey to the New the assistant secretary and assistant general counsel of Rockwell Inter- York State Law Enforcement Planning general counsel of Fluor Corp and vice national at El Segundo, Calif., has re- Agency Governing Board. president and secretary of the Fluor joined Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. in Toledo, Foundation. O., as vice president, general counsel and William A. Krupman is the co-author of secretary. the second edition of "Winning NLRB 752 Edmund D. McEachen, is Elections," recently published by the Prac- pres~dent elect of the American ticing Law Institute. Hospital Association. He is an attorney in 758 Lewis H. Markowitz was Omaha. Ne. appointed chairman for Central Henry B. Pearsall has been elected Presi- Pennsylvania of the Fund Development dent of Sanford Corp. of Bellwood, 11. He Committee for Pennsylvania Lawyers joined the corporation in 1969. 753 Clifford A. Dean represented Political Action Committee-LAWPAC. the U-M at the inauguration of the His duties in this capacity include coor- James M. (Mack) Trapp of Chicago has president of the University of Chicago on dinating solicitation drives in his region of recently been appointed chairman of the Oct. 6. He is Director of the Alumni the state. board of directors of the Illinois Institute Association's Fifth District. for Continuing Legal Education and Eugene C. Penzien was elected as Circuit elected a fellow of the American College of Joseph L. Hardig, Jr. was appointed by Judge in Bay County (Mich.) and assumed Probate Counsel. He is presently a partner Michigan's governor to the State Officers' his duties on the bench in January 1979. in the firm of McDermott Will & Emery. Compensation Commission in June 1978. Donald L. Reisig of Lansing, Mich. was Bernard Zylstra was the guest lecturer for Joseph M. Kortenhof of St. Louis, Mo. has elected chairperson of the Representative the Staley Distinguished Christian Scholar been elected as a trustee of Lawrence Uni- Assembly for 1979. Lectures at Lenoir-Rhyne College in versity of Appleton, Wisc. Hickory, North Carolina on March I 1-12, Paul H. Townsend, Jr, was elected 1979. Mr. Zylstra is the senior member in chairman of the board of Hutzel Hospital. political theory and the principal of the 754 Robert J. White of Flint has Townsend is a partner in the Detroit firm Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, been elected president of the Big of Dykema Gossett Spencer Goodnow & Canada. Brothers of Greater Flint. Trigg. Stanley R. Zax is now Chairman and Frank M. Wheeler has retired from the President of Zenith National Insurance CPA firm of Arthur Young & Co., and 959 Robert &I. Daniels of Muskegon, Company located in Encino, Calif. now practices law in Dallas, Tex. Mich. was named by the governor as judge of the Muskegon County Circuit Court. Judge Daniels will serve until 962 Joel, M. Boyden, of the Grand 955 Robert E. Baker vice president January 1, 1981. Rap~dslaw firm of Hillman, Bax- for corporate finance and counsel, ter and Hammond, is secretary of the Chrysler Financial Corp., has been elected Da\id 1. Harfeld left private practice in State Bar of Michigan. president of the National Consumer January 1979 to become Administrative Finance Association. Baker and his wife, Law Judge with the Federal Energy Dasid C. Kline was promoted to counsel Anne, live in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Regulatory Commission in Washington, and secretary in the legal division of Con- D.C. necticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Lawrence I. Brown, partner in the law firm April 1979. of Hirsh, Newman, Cohan & Brown, P.C., John W. Kormes is an assistant city New York City, has been elected chair- solicitor doing litigation for the city of The Muskegon, Mich. firm of Landman man of the family law section of the West- Philadelphia. Hathaway Latimer Clink & Robb an- chester Co. Bar Association. nounced on July 1, 1975 that John H. Ilchendr!. Jr. (JD 75) and Jack E. Circuit Judge Rlichael G. Harrison of 769 Charles W. Borgsdorf became a \litchell (JD 621 became partners in the Mason, Mich. \rias elected as clerk of the member of the Ann Arbor (Mich) flrm and Anthon) J. Kolenic, Jr. IJD 77) Representative Assembly for 1979. firm of Hooper Hathaway Fichera & Price became an associate. on January 1, 1979. 767 Ronald R. Gilbert of Detroit 763 Honard E. O'Leary became a John Paul Davis became the new director has become a shareholder in the of legal affairs for the Detroit Medical partner in the Washington, D.C. firm of Charfoos & Charfoos, PC. He is Center Corp. in September 1978. office of D> kema Gossett Spencer Good- also teaching part-time in the Dept. of now & Trigg and is the resident partner for Political Science & History at Madonna Louise Lander has published a book en- the firm. College. titled DEFECTIVE MEDICINE: RISK, ANGER, AND THE MALPRACTICE Professor Harold L. Marquis will serve as George kI. Humphrey, I1 was elected vice CRISIS, published by Farrar, Straus & acting dean of the law school at Emory president, sales of the Hanna Mining Giroux. University effective August 1, 1979. Company in August 1978. He formerly was manager of sales. John \I. Ogden was appointed as general Russell G. Press. Jr. was appointed second counsel and secretary of the Puritan Life vlce president at The Travelers Insurance Sally Katzen of Washington, D.C. was ap- Insurance Company of Providence, R.I. Companies In Hartford. Conn. in May pointed by the President as general counsel on February 5, 1979. 1979. of the US Council on Wage & Price Stabilization. \\ illiam B. Roberts is executive vice- 770 Capt. Richard J. Erickson upon president. administration of Chromalloy James P. Kleinberg was elected as presi- being reassigned as Chief, Inter- Amerlcan Corp., St. Louis. dent of the Barristers Club of San Fran- national Law Division, Headquarters, cisco (the young lawyers division of the bar U.S. Air Forces in Europe to the Inter- Paul L. Tractenberg has become full association of San Francisco). national Law Division in Washington, DC, professor of law at Rutgers University was awarded the Meritorious Service Law School in Newark, NJ. He recently J. Jeffrey Knapp was appointed vice- Medal (first oak leaf). received a Ford Foundation grant to sup- president and trust attorney for the Bank port his writing of a book on the role ofthe of California Trust Division in San Fran- courts in educational reform. cisco, Calif. in August 1978. 771 John L. Barkai, associate professor at Wayne State Uni- Charles A. Moran is a senior vice president versity Law School, has been appointed 764 Rlichael 4. Ditely became in Manufacturers Hanover Trust's Divi- visiting associate professor at the Uni- Director of Albion College Gerald sion in New York City. versity of Hawaii School of Law, 1400 R. Ford Institute of Public Service in Lower Campus Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii August, 1978 and also appointed to the John M. Rintamaki is serving as staffjudge 96822 (808) 948-7966. Michigan Civil Service Commiss~on in advocate at the headquarters of the 300th early 1979. Military Police Command in Livonia, David E. LeFevre became a member of the Mich. He has earned the Meritorious Ser- New York city firm of Reid & Priest on Ben S. Stefanski. II was appointed Direc- vice Medal and Army Commendation January 1, 1979. tor of Administration and General Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster. He is a Development of the Western Reserve member of the Michigan, Pennsylvania Ralph J. Lipford has been named director Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio in and American Bar Associations. of tax planning for the Dana Corporation January 1979. in Toledo, Ohio. He joined the legal staff Robert R. Schoonbeck has been appointed in 1973 and will remain as assistant secre- officer-in-charge of the corporate trust tary of the company. 765 Daniel B. Hess has announced division of Manufacturers National Bank the formation of a new firm under in Detroit. Howard B. Young and Anthony V. Trogan, the name of Hess & Loeks in Grand Jr, became members in the Detroit firm of Rapids, Mich., and was re-elected county Smith Miro Hirsch & Brody and David V. commissioner in November. 1978. M'illiam F. Dausch is now Vice Dupperault, JD '78 became an associate. 768President and General Counsel of \\'illiam R:I. Troutman was named presi- Eastmet Corporation in Cockeysville, Md. dent of the Western Division of Medusa 772 John P. Apol is now associate Aggregates Company Lafayette, indiana. John S. Osborne, Jr. has become a member professor of law at the Detroit Col- He formerly was vice president of finance of the New York City firm of Burlingham lege of Law. and administration of Medusa Corp. in Underwood & Lord. Cleveland. M. David Minnick, Robert Morrison and Robert E. Walkley was one of three at- Lawrence W. Dam all became partners in In October 1978, Mary bl. Waterstone torneys promoted to general attorney with the Los Angeles, Calif. firm of Lillick was promoted to general attorney for Union Pacific Railroad Company of McHose & Charles. Michigan Bell Telephone represeniing the Omaha, Neb. He has been with the com- company in matters pertaining to anti- pany since 1972. trust and marketing. 773 Pamela Gaudreau Shea became a Dick H. Woods, Jr, has been appointed as partner in the firm of Beier, general counsel at the Federal Reserve Howlett, McConnell, Googasian & Mc- 766 Sidne! L. Frank and Michael Bank of Kansas City, Mo. effective March Cann of Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Stefani '69 recently organized a 12. 1979. new firm of Frank & Stefani with orfices Evan Mead Stone is now a partner in located in Troy, Mich. Gaston Hyatt & Stone law firm in Rancho LaCosta, Calif. 974 JoIin R. Barker was named the Calif. He formerly was deputy district at- DECEASED "Outstanding Young Attorney" in torney for Santa Barbara County. the state of Oklahoma recently. He cur- '01 Allan W. Reynolds, d. July 18, 1978. Ilonald P. Ubell of Lansing (Mich) was rently practices with the Tulsa firm of '08 Earl A. Bagby Gable Gotwals Rubin Fox Johnson & elected chairman of the Young Lawyers Baker. Section of the State Bar of Michigan at the '10 John D. Jones, d. Nov. 19, 1978 in annual meeting in September 1978. Albuquerque, NM Robert I,. C'avalieri has been named legal counsel and operations manager of Olym- Zena I). Zumeta has been appointed EX- Carl Marlin Reisch pia Stadium Division, Norris Grain Com- ecutive Director of the Michigan Licensed 'I I Richard Hill, Jr., d. Feb. 1979 in pany and Olympia Stadium Corporation. Practical Nurses Association, 5900 Ex- Chicago, Ill. These corporations currently own and/or ecutive Dr., Lansing 489 10 (5 17) 882-8664. operate three arena facilities, Olympia David Eugene Hunt, d. Mar. 7, 1978 Stadium and Cobo Arena in Detroit, and in Billings, Mont. 776 Diane Allerato-Fowler became the Glen Falls Civic Center Arena in Glen 'I2 morriso on Shafroth, d. Oct. 4, 1978 in Falls, NY. director of the Humane Society of Huron Valley (Ann Arbor area) on May Denver, Colo. Janet E. Findlater of Ann Arbor has been 15, 1978. She formerly was a member of Roy E. Willy, d. in Sioux Falls, SD appointed to the Michigan Appellate the board of directors. Some of her Public Defender Commission for a term energies are being devoted to investiga- '14 Charles W. Johnson, d. Nov. 3, 1978 expiring in 1980. tions into cruelties and protecting the in Tacoma, Wash. rights of animals. Thomas F. Sotham, d. Oct. 26, 1978 Renard J. Kolasa and Kathryn F. Gilson in Kansas City, Mo. (JD '76) are now associated with the Robert A. McOrnber of Bowling Green, Southfield (Mich) firm of Bassey Selesko Ohio won the Detroit marathon race held '15 John G. Cedergren, d. Aug. 29, 1978 Couzens & Murphy. in October of 1978. in Duluth, Minn. L*. Henry L. Morgenstern has gone into John V. Hammersmith, d. Dec. 4, Paul B. McKenney spoke at a recent 1978 in Massillon, Oh. meeting of the Women Lawyers Associa- private practice and presently has offices tion of Wayne County (Mich.) on the tax at 1107 Varela St. in Key West, Fla. William 0. Kronner, d. Oct. 16, 1978 pitfalls of divorce property settlements and in Detroit, Mich. the deduction of attorney fees. Martin E. Newrnan is in private practice in North Berwick, Maine and is teaching Buell McCash, d. July 3, 1978 Business Law at Nasson College in Philip S. Nyborg has become vice presi- '16 Robert E. Richardson, d. Feb. 1978 in Springvale. dent and general counsel for the Com- Belleair, Fla. puter & Communications Industry Assn. located in Washington, DC. Elizabeth L. Snider of Hartford, Conn., is David Medalie Welling, d. July 27, counsel in the law department of Aetna 1976 in Sarasota, Fla. David S. Robinson, Jr. was elected as Life & Casualty. Emerson C. Woolf, d. Mar. 17, 1978 secretary-treasurer of the Young Lawyers section of the State Bar of Michigan at its Howard T. D. Spence has been appointed '17 Ralph F. Gates, d. July 29, 1978 in annual meeting in September 1978. an Assistant Commissioner of Insurance Columbia City, Ind. in the Michigan Insurance Bureau of the Ronald Woods is director of the Afro- Department of Commerce. He will con- '18 James M. Barrett, Jr., d. May 6, 1979 American Studies Program at Eastern tinue to function as an Adjunct Professor in Fort Wayne, Ind. Michigan University, Ypsilanti. of Law at Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing. His new telephone number is '20 Horace S. Haworth, d. Sept. 16, 1978 in High Point, NC (5 17) 374-9724. I. Scott Bass was appointed '21 Jean Paul Thoman, d. in Twin Falls, 975as adjunct professor of law at the Andrew Walkover was named assistant Ida. Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in professor of law at the University of Puget New York beginning with the fall term Sound Law School in Tacoma, Wash. in '22 George F. Aldrich, d. Apt. 6, 1979 in 1978. August of 1978. Battle Creek, Mich. David H. Brake, d. Apr. 24, 1979 in Anne B. Poulin was appointed as Deputy Stanton, Mich. Chief of the Criminal Receiving and Ap- 978 June E. Hatton has joined the pellate Division of the US attorney's office general counsel staff of the Frederick D. Carroll, d. Sept. 13, for the northern district of Illinois in Nationwide Insurance organization, based 1978 in Chicago, Ill. September 1978. in Columbus, 0. Joe A. Morrison, d. Aug. 13, 1978 in Alexander Dunbar Roth is now Director of Hutchinson, Minn. American Federation of Information Jewel E. West, d. Apr. 1 1, 1979 in Processing Societies, Inc. (AFIPS) Sarasota, Fla. Washington office succeeding Philip S. Nyborg, '74. '23 Arthur Neef, d. Aug. 29, 1978 in Grosse Pointe, Mich. Dennis G. Ruppel became a partner in the Justin A. Roberts, d. Dec. 27, 1978 in firm of Johnson Blakely Pope Bokor & Noblesville, Ind. Ruppel in Clearwater, Fla. '24 Ralph D. Dieterle, d. July 26, 1978 in Dabid Y. Stanley has become a contract Bloomfield Hills, Mich. public defender for Del Norte County and is in private practice in Crescent City, Russell F. Meyer, d. Oct. 22, 1975 in St. Louis, Mo. \Valter Scott Rae. d. Oct. 4. 1978 in '31 Max H. Fruhauf, d. July 26, 1978 in Ellis E. Eves, d. Oct. 15, 1978 in Dearborn, Mich. Detroit. Mich. Bloomsburg, Penna. Samuel H. Riggs. d. Dec. 8, 1978 in Stephen Edward Gombar, d Aug. 16, Ralph E. Helper, d. Apr. 2, 1979 in Tulsa. Okla. 1978 in Throop, Penna. Southfield, Mich. '25 George J. Gould, d. Jan. 15, 1979 in John P. Wilson, d. Nov. 19, 1978 in '40 Robert A. Sullivan, d. May 25, 1979 Blue Hill. Maine Phoenix, Ariz. in Novi, Mich. David E. MacEllven. d. July IS. 1978 '33 Gilbert N. Harrison, d. Feb. 1 I, 1978 Robert M. Warren, d. Jan. 2, 1979 in in Burlingame, Calif. in Brownwood, Tex. Detroit, Mich. '26 Edwin Conrad Ide. d. Nov. 21, 1978 '34 David Scott Hoover, d. Oct. 13, 1977 '41 Flint C. Watt, d. Feb. 22, 1979 in in Birmingham, Mich. in Taylorville, Ill. lonia, Mich. Lucian Lane, d. Apr. ll, 1979 in San C. Emerson Price, d. Mar. 14, 1979 in '43 Alice Griep, d. 1974 in Isabella, Mo. Diego, Calif. Lehigh Acres, Fla. '46 William F. Bavinger, Jr., d. June 6, Floyd A. Sergeant, d. Feb. 21, 1979 in Talbot Smith, d. Dec. 21, 1978 in 1979 in Detroit, Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. Chelsea, Mich. '48 Frank H. Boyer, d. Jan. 4, 1979 in Carl A. Weinman, d. Feb. 5, 1979 in William G. Sutter, Sr., d. Dec. 1978 Rochester, Mich. Dayton. Oh. in Pittsburgh. Penna. David Robert Loewenberg, d. Aug. '27 Morris Britz, d. Mar. 27, 1979 in Donald F. Winters, d. Nov. 18, 1978 25, 1978 in Chicago, Ill. Toledo, Oh. in Okemos, Mich. '49 A. Louis Gingras, d. Aug. 25, I978 in Sydney R. Drebin, d. July 1978 in '35 Robert M. Schanbacher, d. June 6, Detroit, Mich. Chicago. Ill. 1973 in Sarasota, Fla. '50 Edward J. Cobb, d. Apr. 28, I979 in Herbert M. Eiges, d. Sept. 29, 1978 '36 Edward M. Rea, d. Aug. 21, 1978 in Jackson, Mich. Bradenton, Fla. Alfred Newton Walter S. Peake, d. Oct. 16, 1979 in '37 Lloyd D. Parr, d. Jan. 22, 1979 in Erie, Penna. Soll Jaina Schnitz, d. Nov. 2 I, 1978 in Lansing, Mich. Arlington Heights, Ill. '55 David 0. Reed, d. Mar. 27, 1978 in David R. Stewart, May 4, 1979 in Warrington, Fla. '28 Edwin S. D. Butterfield, d. Dec. 10, Mattoon, Ill. 1977 in Evanston, Ill. '57 Marvin M. Katz, d. Nov. 2, 1978 in '38 Robert 0.Curran, d. Apr. 13, 1979 in Southfield, Mich. George P. Garver, d. Nov. 24, 1978 in LaJolla, Calif. Chicago, Ill. '67 Martin Gary Chapin, 11, d. Apr. 26, Benjamin H. Dewey, d. Mar. 28, 1978 1979 in Detroit, Mich. Albert Green, d. Jan. 15, 1979 in Oak Park, Mich. '39 Garfield C. Barnett, d. Nov. 1973 Sidney K. Meyer, d. Aug. 16, 1979 in James Edward Black, d. July 31, 1978 Farmington, Mich. in Northbrook, Ill. '29 Austin Fleming, d. Jan. 1, 1979 in Chicago, Ill. Anthony F. Kasiborski, d. Aug. 13, 1978 in Grosse Ile, Mich. David L. Maltz, d. June 10, 1978 in Hollywood, Fla. Harry J. Seitz, d. Feb. 10, 1979 in LaSalle, Mich. PERHAPS the reason your name isn't listed in the ALUMNI NEWS NOTES section is that we Edward F. Traver, d. May 9, 1978. haven't heard from you recently. '30 W. Carl Bauer, d. Jan. 17, 1979 in Why not use this handy news notes blank and tell us a little about how your life has Saginaw, Mich. changed recently? ALUMNI NEWS NOTES is a regular feature of each annual report of the Law School Fund. Your friends do care! Harold W. Charter We shall also share the information as we receive it with the mi chi gar^ Alitnznus, Doris Richings Fenneberg which is published by the Michigan Alumni Association and distributed to its members ien times a year. Harlan L. Hackbert, d. July 28, 1978 in Evanston, Ill. NAME Class Year Milo D. McLintock. d. Oct. 9, 1978 in Waterford, Mich. Richard T. Savage, d. Jan. 2, 1979 in Dear ALUMNI NEWS NOTES: you may be interested to know that Worthinpton, Ohio Harry Alan Wood, d. march 3, 1979 in Rochester, NY George F. Wright. d. Oct. 18, 1978 in Cl~pout and mail to Professor Roy F. Proffitl, Thc University of Michigan Law Elko, Nev. School. Hutchins Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. THANKS! Jlichigan Special Donor Groups*

I'tir..j;l \I~:SB. AY(;F:l,Ia SOC'IETl'. hlembership is open to individuals, corporations, foundations, associations and other groups. A combination of cash gifts and a deferred gift may be used to qualify; the deferred portion must be at least 150CRof the difference hetween the total cash gifts and $1,000,000. For An,qell Societjaon03 all gifts wrer a person's lifetime are considered for qualifying, and all who in the past have made gifts of at least $1,000,000 have been recognized. Each individual member is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club.

11l('tll(;..\U RFUEFAC'TORS Membership is open to individuals. corporations, foundations, associations and other groups. For individuals, a cash gift combined with a matching gift of nor more than $50,000 totaling $100,000, each payable over 10 years may be used to qualify. ,4nd all gifts received by the University from the individual since January 1, 1961 may be credited in qualifying. A combination of cash gifts and a deferred gift may be used; the deferred portion must be at least 150% of the difference between the total cash gifts and $100.000. Each indilidual Benefactor is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club.

THE HF:NRl' P. TAPPAN SOC'IETl' i '. Individuals only. In lieu of the basic cash gift of $50.000 the donor may make a cash gift of $37.500 plus a matching gift of $37,500. each payable James B. Angel1 society. A cash gift of $1 million over a period of I0 years to qualify. All Presidents Club qualifying gifts may payable over the lifetime of the donor, or a deferred also be credited in qualifying for Tappan. A combination of cash gifts and gift of $1.5 million. , deferred gift may be used; the deferred portion must be at least 150% of the difference between the total cash gifts and $50,000. Each member is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club. F---y- 7 THE PRESI1)EUTS C'LCIR Individuals only. In lieu of the basic cash gift of $10,000 the donor may make a cash gift of $7,500 plus a matching g~ftof $7,500, each payable over Michigan Benefactor. A cash gift of $100,000 a period of IO years. Gifts received by the University in the 10rlearsprior to payable over 10 years, or a deferred gift of $150,000. the con~nii!nientto qualif~lmay be credited in qualifying. A combination of cash gifts and a deferred gift may be used; the deferred portion must be at least 150% of the difference between the total qualifying cash gifts and $10.000. If the donor's deferred gift is a lve insurance policj. the face value must be $25,000.

THE II?JI\'ERSITY DEANS CLClR 1 nd~vidualsonly. Recognition is for an annrral gift or gifts. The donor may Henry ~abanJot~eIv- cash dift of $50.000 use a cash gift of at least $250 and a matching gift sufficient to total $500. payable over 1 ft of $75,000. The Llni\.ersitjvv.~year to measure the "annual" gift is July 1 to June 30. The Lalrl School Fund year for making the list of names in this report is February I through January 3 1 each year (our fiscal year for all purposes). i Thus if you made a $500 gift to the Law School in March, 1979, your name /+.. '- - - ,"----.----a\ will not be in this report, but will be listed next year when we report for 1979. \

THE HlINIIRED C'LliR The president 0do payable Individuals only. For an annual gift or gifts. Matching gifts ma?. not be used over years ~,OOO. for this designation. Membership is acknowledged- by- both the University and the ~awSchool. but we do'not carry a separate list of names in this report. More than 2000 alumni and friends qualified for membership in this group with gifts for the Law School (both Law*School Fund and the Capital Campaign) in 1978. P

The bnlversny ~eanst annual c8ash gifl? of at lead $500. or a cash gi 1 with a nnatchin g gift of $250.

;The hunarw Club. An annual cash gii ; $100 and less than $500. *Please see our comments about these groups in "Reading. . . Between i the Sheets" on p. I, and the list of Law members starting on D. 30. Second Class Postage Paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan