StephenStephen GoldsmithGoldsmith

Director, Innovations in American Government Program, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Govt.

Former Mayor of ; Former District attorney for Marion County,

Author/Co-Author - Governing by Network: The New Shape of the Public Sector - Putting Faith in Neighborhoods: Making Cities Work through Grassroots Citizenship - The Twenty-First Century City: Resurrecting Urban America Stephen Goldsmith is Daniel Paul Professor of Government and Director of the Innovation in American Government Program. He also serves as the Chair of the Corporation for National and Community Service and as a Special Advisor to President Bush on faith-based and not-for-profit initiatives. While serving two terms as mayor of Indianapolis, he earned a national reputation for innovations in government. As mayor of America's 12th largest city, he reduced government spending, cut the city's bureaucracy, held the line on taxes, eliminated counterproductive regulations, and identified more than $400 million in savings. He reinvested the savings by leading a transformation of downtown Indianapolis and its neighborhoods that has been held up as a national model. MichaelMichael A.A. SarastiSarasti

Manager, Strategic Customer Research & Development, Miami-Dade County

Formerly Manager of Field Research, Florida State University’s Communication Research Center

Mike Sarasti is Manager of Strategic Customer Research and Development within Miami- Dade County’s Government Information Center (GIC), which consists of the county’s website, 3-1-1 Answer Center, television station, and marketing division. In this role, Mr. Sarasti directs various strategic research initiatives designed to understand and improve citizens’ experience with government information and services. Prior to working at the GIC, he was manager of field research at Florida State University’s Communication Research Center, designing and implementing survey projects for various government agencies. NeilNeil EvansEvans

Project Director, 311 Toronto

Former Project Manager, Toronto Public Health Contact Centre implementation - SARS - West Nile Virus

Neil Evans has been the Director of Toronto’s 311 project since January 2008, before that he was the 311 Project Manager and an initiator for the 311 project in Toronto. As a 25 year employer within the City of Toronto, Neil has held many positions in various departments including Public Health, Recreation, City Managers and Communications. He has been a project manager for over 20 years, developing projects at the municipal, provincial and NGO level, focusing on customer service for the last 11 years. JosephJoseph R.R. MorrisroeMorrisroe

Executive Director – City of New York NYC 311 &

Former Vice President AT&T Wireless Services

Former Sr. Manager for Circulation Sales and Service with

As Executive Director for ’s two primary customer-facing channels, the 311 customer service center and the City’s website, Joe Morrisroe is responsible for ensuring 8 million residents and thousands of businesses, as well as millions more commuters and visitors have easy and direct access to information, services, and assistance provided by the City. A veteran of the consumer marketing and contact center operations industry, Mr. Morrisroe was previously Vice President at AT&T Wireless Services, managed The New York Times Acquisition and Retention programs, and built Operations Centers in the US and Dominican Republic. GerardGerard J.J. GallantGallant

General Manager, Public Service/311 Motorola, Inc.

Produces market leading PremierOneTM CSR (Customer Service Request ) ― built exclusively for the public sector ― improving citizen response through true location aware technology

Gerard Gallant is the General Manager of Motorola’s Public Sector 311 business. With 20 years of public sector applications experience, Gerard is passionate about improving the citizen experience and the public sector business environment using application technology. Gerard’s experience spans all functions in government across North America. He helps customers drive efficiencies through technology and has served as a senior leader with Oracle Corporation State and Local Government Consulting, as Global Oracle Practice Director, Electronic Data Systems, and as Engagement Manager, KPMG . ZacharyZachary TuminTumin

Executive Director, Leadership for a Networked World Program at

Formerly led Financial Services Technology Consortium

Author of many reports, white papers, and guidance memoranda - wrote case studies for Harvard incl. Connecting Canadians, & Social Security on the Web

Mr. Tumin has served widely in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. He began his service as a policy analyst in Boston’s Office of Management and Budget, then as a private consultant on matters of crime and policing to public chief executives for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the Boston Housing Authority, the Boston Police Department. Mr. Tumin later served as Special Assistant and chief policy analyst to District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman of New York, and continued with her upon her election as Comptroller of the City of New York. Later, Mr. Tumin served as a contractor to Anderson Consulting, and continued as a member of the firm of Princeton Consultants, where he provided leadership on engagements in the financial services sector.