Hartlepool Borough Council Local Transport Plan 3 2011 - 2026 April 2011 Compiled by Highways, Traffic and Transport Division, Hartlepool Borough Council Local Transport Cover landscape_Layout 1 24/05/2011 09:05 Page 2 Contacts and Further information Copies of the Hartlepool Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 can be viewed at main Council buildings, local public libraries and the Hartlepool Community Portal www.hartlepool.gov.uk <http://www.hartlepool.gov.uk/> If you require any further information on the Local Transport Plan, please contact: Mike Blair Highways, Traffic and Transport Manager Department Of Regeneration & Neighbourhoods Hartlepool Borough Council 1 Church Street, HARTLEPOOL TS24 7DS Tel: 01429 523252 Email :
[email protected] Text extracts can be made available in Braille, talking tapes and large print, on request. If you would like information in another language or format, please ask us. (01429) 523598. (01429) 523598. (Arabic) (01429) 523598. (Bengali) (01429) 523598. (Kurdish) (01429) 523598. (Urdu) (01429) 523598. (Hindi) (01429) 523598. (Polish) (01429) 523598. (Cantonese) This document is also available in other languages, large print and audio format upon request Hartlepool Borough Council - Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope of LTP3 ....................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Part One – Local Transport Strategy ..................................................................................................................4