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I'-lsl t All.. U.S., M.l'.. .XlUKIH I.N. Ui'llN l^iKl . I>1 I 1. l"^')). :-^W: ".-/J.vluyTJ.V .'- E, -.'hk^.^.^JK^i.. 3*'. - -y.'':. > -^ /^ -f-S^y: 1 ** -"^f^ ^ i-"V\"V.u, i .iVffi' •','7'F'i'' M-T'T* iFamU^ IRecocb OF THE Name of Dingwall Fordyce, IN ABERDEENSHIRE, INCLUDING RELATIVKS OF BOTH NAMES SEPARATELY. AND CONNECTIONS. Vol. II. ,llbbcn&a to Mnin liecori of ^oi. i. AND Jlppenbix '"• nil.. SAMK CnAKACTKK AS I.V ,.,„.sr VOI.l M, COMPILED BY ALEXANDER DINGWALL FORDY CE. (FERGUS, ONTARIO, CANADA.) 1888. V". '' 'r~» V I TOHONTC) : 1'|<1NT|;I> ItV C. BLACKliTI- KolUNSON, S |()KI)AN STKKtr. ) 111 The Compiler to the Reader. The account of the Dingwall Fordyce Family and Connections having me with a favourable reception, I was soon led to think a Supplement containing "Addenda" to the Main Record, with an Appendix of the same nature as was attached to it might be acceptable. The possible preparation had indeed been hinted at, as several communications which had been expected did not arrive in time for insertion, and came to hand shortly after the Family Record was completed. Opportunity has thus been afforded for including various other notices of events which had occurred bearing on individuals of the family during the last three years. I I regret that notwithstanding special efforts employed in hopes of giving a further account of descendants of Dr. George French, of Aberdeen (I. 514). and of Provost David Steuart, of Edinburgh (I. 836), and his wife Ann Fordyce, I have been unsuccessful. Of the descendants, however, of George Thomson, of Fairley (I. 878), and Agnes Dingwall his wife, full particulars will be found in the present volume, and also of descendants of the daughters of Alexander Dingwall, of Rannieston (I. 170), and Janet Abercrombie his wife. For the sake of any who have not seen the former work, an outline of its general plan adhered to in the " Addenda," or first part of the present one may be desirable. It contained in alphabetical arrangement the names, so far as they had been ascertained, of all descendants of William Dingwall and Barbara Barclay on the one hand, and George Fordyce and Barbara Thomson on the other, the first known ancestors of the family, along with ihe names of such as had married daughters and of those who had been married to sons of either of the families chiefly spoken of, the names of the parents and grand- parents of such connections by marriage being also given where information on the subject had been communicated or could be obtained. With respect to individuals included in the Main Record, and who were in life when it appeared, it may be mentioned that while, so far as known, the dates were given of leading events they were connected with, it was not said when they were born. In the present volume, however, information on the latter point has not been withheld when it had been furnished, as some doubts were enter- tained as to the former plan having been generally approved. Difference of opinion may exist also as to the superiority of the alphabetical arrangement, but regard to uniformity rendered it necessary to make no change in that respect in the Supplement. The Genealogical Tables in the former volume showing at a glance the connection between individuals referred to, gave it an ; : IV. THE COMI'H.KR TO THH KEADEK. advantage in so far over the present. The frequent references, however, it is believed, will, in a considerable measure, compensate for the want, which in the circumstances was unavoidable. T may possibly have indulged rather freely in conjecture on some doubtful points, not, however, so as to permit any one to be misled by it. Special circumstances led to more space being devoted to some notices in the Appendix than to the majority. During the three years which have intervened since the completion of the former volume, several relatives and connections mentioned in its pages have passed away. I may mention the following who, with one exception, were over eighty years of age, while one of the number was in his ninety-first year; of the whole the average age was eighty-two years: — Mr.