SPORTS OPINION T E c H r o o _-_.__-_____ ' ll'\ll.\'l.\ltlls llll \ll-ilt l\tll PM is ltlt ll\'\ lt M (ll‘\l\‘lt‘l|l \‘s'lllx’\llltrll. 'l l lll{l).\ll{.\ltil ll l.\' \‘s'llll>\l\’lltitjt‘l\lltl‘ss‘tltllle ill \l’tll{l\l‘l \lllx’s t iasstttetls WEDNESDAY tlinital Mats 6 August 2”. W)" llplllltill \lllll'lh 3 lull in, 7 Vol. 78, No.6 TechniciAN \‘int‘ltl News 1-2 Tst‘t'ititts 5 Nnrth (Iarnlina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920

NCSU gets ready to build huge bus transit center

IStudents and faculty alike will probably ’l'rattstl (enter. a hits stattntt that will ac lltllshnrnttgli Street, tlte \\ nliltne pick ll up llt‘t'i“siilt txl llv htttltlmt' tlte renter ennttttndate lnts nl \Mill‘hne huses as well ”What happens ttglit nnta ts tlte student llillshntenglr \tteet. R: t \e s till I‘m rtlit'st the l|.tll it (enter isill he benefit from a planned facility. as huses maintained h_\ ('apttal Area lt'ullsll gets nn at lltllshnrnugh attd tlieti tlte dinet the nsetall design -il the ltattsit t etrtti t ttlllitit lt‘tl is ltlll.‘ l‘lV‘t. l(t‘\'\L‘ ‘sttltl. l’tttt ll' Rt l-st' arid the ‘I‘rtangle ll.lll\ll .t\ltlltttt‘ll}. gets nll the hits tni' tltree nt‘ lnut minutes at ltas tint set heen detettttttted. Rh l’ss said \( st lianspnt‘tattnzi has allneated Nt'l‘.‘v ltlttnt “We want tn ttialse it eas} in su‘iteh tttndes (‘zttes alitl Mtrll'cll.” Reeve sitltl ”Mattie it s .t \ets tight 'sllt‘ t‘t nzasltc it s ssttnttttti in tire transit (‘entet ptnlect. That nt tt‘anspnt‘tattnn." satd (‘athy Reet e. .\t'ter the 'ltanstt (‘enter ts linished. ltiis a \ets linear site \\c inst tlntt‘t lslltl“ tr' ttl‘t‘tltlt llll,‘lil tint he etinugh tn tttttd uny- lt's ati e\[‘ct‘tenct‘ Illst .Ihnttt t.'\et'_\ N.(‘. N(‘.\‘l "s dtreetnt' nt transpnrtatinn. "'l'his la tlrt\ers \stll park at the center In keep nn she saltl “‘s\ e tlnn‘t est'tl lt.t'.t' .t rtesigttt: tfttnw t'tttlt tllatt a "hate hnnes project." State strident has sullered tht'nugh \s‘ail- ctht} is lttst nne nther has \se ean create schedule. allms trig sltidettls tn hnat'd the hits under \t‘llllJ‘ I ll}.'lll :rnu " '(ttrss \arel tttg the ill ten minutes hit a Wnltline hits tn seamless tt'atispnrtatnin.” as the diner takes a hreals lint. aetntdttit' tn l

University Housing

clears lounges, hotel

Ill you are a female, you aren't living in an NC- tnmed nut til the ltrnunestnne llntel nn lltllshnt'nugh Street. 'l'hnse men remaining in Sll residence hall lounge. transtttnnal linustng are Itiing in study l.t l)l|ltlt) lnunges. tttain|_\ nn West arid ('entral campus. at. will ‘iem letter "We're still getting eaticellatinns t‘rnnt stttr dents uhn ate \\ tthdt'ais tug t'rnnt the (it all the students that lntind tttetnselxes tti l'ni\etstl_\ nr at'e tttn\ttig tntn tratet‘ntttes." transtttnnal tintrsmt; at the start nt lltis setttes l‘atwnhagen said. lt‘l. llk‘ litth ts till the nnmett, l’apenhagen teels tltat the tttiitihe'T‘erhtt' stu .~\ll \snttitri rm. heett placed in pertttanettt dents let't tti transittnnal lititisttig is gnnd. residence halls. ultile \tt tttett are still tt\\illl‘ (‘lnse in 270 students were expected in need tng npentngs. atentdme in .llllt l‘apenhagen. transtttnnal hnusing apprnxtmately one week .tsslstatlll drreetnr nt administration at before the nins'e in date. By the Saturday he- l ni\ersits llnttsttte lnt'e elasses hegatt. that tiuttiher \\ as dnu it in “\\ e had ‘sliLTllll\ less men and tttnte \snnien 165. ttint sllt\\\ ltl- tltltttl,‘ the ntn\e tti pertndi tliati l’atx'nhagen estimates tltat the remaining 50 e\pectett.' l'.|ltt‘1lli_i_:‘etls.l‘tl men “I” he placed tll halls iti nn tnnt'e tltan l‘apetihagxew mitt! .tli students ha\e heen ntte tn t\\n \\L't‘l\s.

Biologist helps dying species lAn NCSU biologist the inner l'nt'est “here the snnghtrds. such as hopes to find the reason he- the \Hltltl tltrttsli. ha\ e htstnt‘tealh nested. hind the decrease in populations of local song- ()ne sueh pt'edatnr is the lll’tl\\tl headed enn» birds htrd. \\lllL‘lt lass its eggs iii the nests nt~ tlirtislt \l \ltls \ttt it \\\ es, 'lhe result is that instead nl raising little it ." Emit" thrushes. the C;t\|l_\ dtrped adult lhrushes are lt" listl 'wll- ‘1‘at? l .t til "‘3“ I Kn \. \1‘). At #35. (HUB? raising tnnre enuhtrds. Above. Manuel Bromberg (left) and Ligan Flynn design the l'he l‘lli'ltl ml tltc isnnrt thrush u a tttstal ()tie need tint lnnk tnn hit in see tltal tltts is a mural in 1951. Left. the mural as it appears today. tnntern iii the lt‘ses ei ttinst penple. )et tnr slipper) slnpe tn ttiad\ert-.‘nt hnmtetde nt the man). lite '\\nllltl \i‘i'lll tlltll‘ and untultilhng \tnnd thrush. espeetath it measures aren‘t \\tt|tnut the r tr, nngs nt these ttugratnr} talsen tn ensure that its pristine ltahttat t‘etitatns hathmgets nt , unhletntshed h) the greed nl et\ tlt/attnn. History restored t.v his teasnit. it. w its ,stldltle htnl Sitnnns'l t'indtngs[I hast e re\ea|edl' t l that.\‘t t unlttsel l 't i‘ \( < \late. is tn the ttttdst at an nngn Utier areas iti ie eas‘ erti , in L'( . a es. ttrt A I I t t t f lift , W t... W :th .r... (m we \1 campus icon ts se 0 ge a ace tnttndtttg in .ilatttiittg trend nl pnpulattntt t'e Nattnnal l’at'ls \\ here Sttnnn‘s studies were dtitltntt \\llllt!t the tttigtatnr) snttghtrd cnm enndueted hate aetualh risen. ltltltlll}, "We estimate the parts prndtiees hemeen «itagtatiis representing the sesen "\\'e'te \ttllxt'lllt'il ultett an) species \llt)\\\ itltlh and lt).tltltl surplus \Hltltl thrushes a lstr \ll _l |’\t list is ill\\ tpltnts represetited at N.(‘. dtatnatte pnpulatinn \lt't lttte as .t restilt nl ltti ~\ear. t‘ai heynnd the ttutnher needed tn main .t ,n s‘v’t't' \ldit‘ ttiaii actn us." said .\mtnns "there is an es taitt tts hase pnpulattnn.” said Stittnns. "Many lnt nne timeless piete nl ‘ststtdl time has t hanged this artssnrlt in eepttnnat atnnutit nl interest iti snnghtrds iti nt these htrds prnhahls disperse tn nnnprntect» at! \ttl tatnptts. time has talsen .is suetai nht tnus uass. l‘Irst. nther particular. heeause tires are ninre laiiitltar tn ed areas nutstde the park. helping tn sustain tnll lneated iii the \tttutit innit "artists” hax e tttade their man ad— iiinst penple" lneal pnpulattnns there. as well." tnutt treat It It lllll l ihtats. the .tittnns suite the tnural's entnple ()xet the past lt\e summer's. Sitttnns ltas l-nr this reasnn. Sitttnns stresses the itnpnr lirnttthetg .\lutal has setxed as a unit in snme uass tlits grat‘t'ttt has used a plethnta nt rnnnttnrmg techniques. tartce nl pt‘eser\ tug this piece nl \\ tlderitess as ennsetsattnit piete Int tnnte lltal‘ wpetied a histnt’leal utndrm nit the sttclt as \mnden deen) eggs arid retttnte Cillttr a haten tnr tntgtatnr} lnt‘est sntightt'ds. ‘ltt seats lt\es nl \t'sl students met the eras. tn tlntuinent the tttagtittttde nt snnghird "The issue we‘re really enneet'ned ahntit is the mural is the \\tlll\ nt \lanttel \t‘als det lttie. that we lutnu that these birds are senstttxe tn litnttthetg and lits assistant l ignn interestingly thnttgh. these addt .sttttnrts .ttttthules pnpttlattnn i'edttetinn pri- hahttat change and \se ha\ e in he caretul l-lsnn lhis ltl teet its 1“ teet iintis \\t‘lt‘ tint utttnreseeti. In a let rnatth in human tntetxenttnn \\lllllll tetttper .thnttt ltnu “e harvest and manage these tttttral ts tlte ttist itntls nl its tspc. let in litnttthetg \srilten titan} ate deeitlttnus eenssstetns, .-\tenrding tn tnrests." tinted Sittinns. “We ttttrst do it iii a e‘tttitltisttt;t l‘tll\tlllttlllt'. nt ltlllllt \eat s later lie ttntes. "l'he gtall‘tli Strunns. intests has e heett htnlsen ttttn smaller \sa) that allnsts us in han est the needed re» enlnted. plaster ed in its lil pieces h_\ tnads attd hat\estmg. l'lits tttearts snurces nt’ the t‘nrest and at the same tttne prn ttieate patterns ate s\ttihnls and sa MURAL. met D that predatnt's nt snitghuds unit ha\ e access in teet these species.

Wednesda Memorial service to Nominations sought Lexis/Nexis courses to be held for Clark for Watougd Medal : be offered .. 2"» ’l'here \\ Ill he a tnentnrtal sen tee tnr .lnd) N.(‘. State is seeking ttnttttttattntts lnt‘ the \\ atauga the \(‘Sl lttttattes nltets esis \t'\ts_ an William ('lark at 3.: it) put. Septettther 2 iii the Medal. the lttghest nnnaeadetttie hnnnt .mardul h_\ the nttlme mlnrntattnn tetttetai set\ tee that melndes Rnnnt nt’ the l’ntserstls Student (enter. unnerstts. tlt'\\ s. enrpnt'ate. ltnan. tat tridustt\. mlt tlet tuai Walnut 'Ihe \Vatauga Medal. attthnri/ed h) the N( \t ' llnatd [littlk'tl_\_ regttlatnts. and :inxettttitental tesnutees V ('lark tell in his death trntn the mellth t'lnnt‘ nl nt"l‘nistu‘s in W75. Isa\\.trtlt\liulllllrtll) tnnn ninte N( .St students. tatttlt}. attd stall mas at t'ess a Sullivan llall last Wednesday atternnnn. lle \sas thtut three penple. It is gtsen tit tecngnitinn nt \ .tl lets til lull te\t lestitil't’t‘s lt' \ tiltl[‘l\'lt‘ a former student at N.('. State and was iii the “unusualh distinguished sets ILI‘ in N(nth ( Xu'nltna t lassrnntii assignments liirst Year (‘nllege lle l|\'Ctl at 556 Brent Rnad. State t tnnersit} the l thi'artes‘ Researeh .ttid lntnimattnn (‘larlx‘s rnntntnate espressed snt'rms lnr his (‘rttena tnr the medal .ue htntxll} hased. the maid Nets tees Departtttent ts nltet'tng a set res nt l'rtend's stiteitle attd said that (‘lark “as has trig reengnt/es purple nnt nn the lllll\'t‘l\ll_\ stall whn ha\e intt'mluetnr) L‘\l\ Nests training sesstnns tn the academic difficult}. l-',\en sn. his rnntntnate rendered tintahle .utd stgnil'teani sen tees hit the entire tint\et'stt_\ cnntntuntl), these sesstntis are claims that (’larles suicide may he due tn mans .xlsauicettx'itt nl teaching, rest-.uelt arid estensinn destgtied tnt the hegtnnet. \\ tth an emphasis nn l‘actnrs. l'unettnns nt the unnerstt}. the ntgant/attnn nt the set'\ ice. na\ tgattnn. and “llsers little thing adds up. llre ‘\\'h_\ part ’lhe medal. nt medals. \\ ill he presented at the N(‘ haste scateh cninniands ean never he directh atisnei'ed.“ he said. " there State l’nunders’ Ha} Dinner nn March it. in register tnt a sesstnit. seitd art e itiatl is neser nne reasnn," Nntninattnns h} alumni. lt‘tends .utd supptitters nt llte message in Ieeann httdges mt hatttetu tie su edit (‘lark's rnntntnate said ('lark u as tttnre than unnersit} may he stihntttted tn lnseph Saunders. lttdtt ate the enurse snu \\ isli tn attend attd itist a ttatiie. "lle \sas the incest git} I knew." he chiunttiut «itthe Watzutga Medal ( ‘ntnnitttee. ()tliee nl tnehtde the seeltnn nuitihet listed heltm. \nu \\ Ill said. l’tihlte Allatrs. ( ‘tuttpus Hm 7905. N( '81 ', tecett. e etltlllt'ltlatltltl nt _\nut t'egtsttattnn status Pat. News August 27, 1997 I \t \l «w. "ll‘tt‘lll\r r ll“ll\L‘\l Illrtllg . ranSIt \‘l9‘\“ Loungm (“Humid""' mm 3th it,.‘ri~it I .l t lttllll. \ rum“imlli rI .ll\ \\lll Iw , ll“tllt‘ i‘ili limx In t'l\‘.ll\\ ti \ A! u ~i’ llrlllvl t t‘IItci nitli , it, I U .. . used b} Pllltltt‘ \\\lt‘tii\ I.\t‘ i‘I iii ill I‘ ‘l " ‘l ‘l l'll‘ _.ltIl. R‘U‘ ask for federal lltlll\ll rlill l.Ill\,i.i tion subsitlI/ing." 1‘3: “\M‘ll twi Ilit‘’iliI} l\ ltii‘ ll Ideally. till percent at [lip lll‘liitl‘w' lr' m‘l" lit ellltl itlll ml the lllrllli for ihc‘ transit \_\\l'\'lll \\ ill ‘lll‘t‘ ll mi. 33 Ir I'ii. \lit‘ \ll‘xl "\M‘ “tint from the federal gmt‘i'niu iii LII. :w , I . wt“ lni lllL' l‘tlw'N to lug NCSU and the \Iut‘ w? \I‘llll tun; li‘ltll « \rllt lr'l i‘t‘iltNllltllh tllltl (‘arolina I'k‘NpttllHl‘ll‘ li‘l ll‘i‘t ‘31.:. i3., WWW [Hm ' iiiainiiig lttperccni. RVUM‘ will Rx,“ . Mm“ Hm my [HUN “1 would like in we llll\ lIII'I iltlt‘ lt‘lilt'I \“lll\l I\'\llll lll lll\' litxx HI .I a Contiltunll} proiet‘if Rut mllil llll"t"\l ~I l‘rt‘lttl‘” \imtt‘x .llltl til “The city. the \ltllk‘. llli‘ 'I._-i. ‘I.i'Il\ lg i ‘Iit l‘l". \ \.ll tll‘i‘K‘JlJllCU «It the along llillslmrousli' \‘iim ilm I\ I[1 V“'~i3 I ‘I \ .ItI llI .~\\ ‘\ ‘l. lhO‘Csomething.. that multl l‘~_‘ll<‘ltl .lI mi \IX,‘ .Ii‘il tI.I. \liKl l! llt‘:‘.!l‘ \t‘ .llrllljit‘s‘ “ Currently. it proiet‘t rm It-u it'tllll \'-. Iii‘rl Iit‘ tl‘iIit txl\ iciiit‘t‘ml that will be coiiipmctl at \l'lili_‘7ll\ ‘iI 1'.litt‘\lltl\t‘tllllillllilt‘ltlll NCSU Trillhpt‘lltllli‘ll I‘llit Ills ill'tl ;\IiI-.:::' ‘I.i\g III .itlrlit'xx tlitilr“ GCre‘sClllJlHt‘s llt‘lit i \I 1 l \_ 3w I' min ' ilit- amt! the N.('. l)L‘l\llllllt‘iil mt \. nix 'l it l'\\ll‘lll[\. \tu l‘nl\t‘ in Transportation lottil l‘ll~lllr‘\- {llil piii :: lm i. In III-i ‘t‘ ”l 3: \\.I~ "

i" 'Itl‘t'IL‘ ~ llllllr!l . tllxll «it! Ilixt'iitiiiit'x ura \liritt‘tl”‘l ~‘l l\\'llvlll‘»lll‘.‘ «inAir'I‘lIt'wwill ‘l the \t‘ (,nntinuetltinn:in“_:7 - I \:l \ ”IIIIIIIIIIHI liiitttiiittl, I . \\lli‘.|liI . lll: lorz‘Ik It: ll tiit‘ 'll.lil Mix tlit lt'? w cut-ix!" :2: lli‘lll however was .Iiiii.;Ip.Iiurl Mist It "’u‘ll‘t .Ii -‘ tilt"? \ li‘ t'l ti'lttlllw t‘: was designed. III N“. .l\ mi! III in w 5“ W «NH: I'? 3 ‘ ii-‘IHIII llli'w‘ ongoing happening “ ii: ~‘i'l \ ll: iflll‘t‘l .ixll1\"~t‘\.i”lllll Perhaps lcs’s nitttt‘t'til‘lt' III lt'vl.r\ \ M It tut _Iiil xi tint; \\lll.’ll It‘l‘lk‘ community. the iiiiiixil‘x ulnn ’I Hi" win I ii'til‘x .i ll .lli \ llllt‘llt‘tllltll Changed due to lltL‘ immrw i Iwuc nit I“«‘l\ A coating of \llL‘llm‘ mill-u! Iv the i ”a. 3‘ i; In, v; v “H“ 0““ l“*”‘ 5”“ mural several _\L‘.tl\ .lllt" zit 3m H ,t‘. ,r ,M l‘l'.lull'lill . I'v It‘ilfll‘rt‘llll”l Cletus Simpson, a junior in electrical engineering. is caught napping at the second floor lounge in the University Student Center. plellon hid“ C‘HHC" lll‘ ‘ l", \lv t.‘t"~‘ darken and bet‘oiirc litttlt‘ \t-‘imttgti , ,lli l «\tIt ) .lll\\.. , .il‘\lltltl. Restoration. oi. lllL‘ lllllltll ll .\ l‘t'cit '\k‘t. i Illll‘l.‘tli\ll‘t(. l\lttllll‘t‘i’;‘ long overdue. A lctlmit 1 ll writlt' \Jm from October l0“) littli‘rl lli II the lli»IIiI|\ci_~_‘. II .‘l‘lll\t' til ( L'lll'\'l\ illt‘. mural was In net-ti II but l“\\ . 3”R il \(\l I..‘ I{H I‘i) inV:llt I I r I Brorriherg. hillht‘ll. \\l|lit!‘ tram '_‘-“‘" :‘ llk'll~iili‘I~I-~Ii\|\ \t'iml TBChnlC‘dn IS his home in NC“ \ui‘k \I it; w: lllr‘ HIV n'.ii~ .n ”In it n! of thy \ii\ . Check out the late l980s' noted ill.” .t-it ' "l"\ llx'I‘ it"tw I" 'Y \ I19": Mime 'I' 100 k l n 0 f0 r and colors had tllMll‘l‘t‘l'J ' 'i’i‘lll‘ \\t Ii=~I~r \.'l'\"l‘ ‘ C‘ thcmural. \i ziw unit in ‘l.?I mix Ilt‘ d L O ‘ ' ' GradTeCh web-page But, am: to ,r I i it, WI Stu ents t 'lechmcran \ l H \ iii i.\lill ,,;\1. i. , -1it ..n .. I - Signshflhlguiltltlurlirll\‘lilll‘ ' “'l3 ‘ * I!“"' ’lip? iur' ‘ Iii:’ ‘ \i’ “‘7NI i3 l-‘ilt‘kll'\‘ '3 ' ‘ work In a] l NCWS: Coverage. by accessmg Techniman On-Line at derway. And ti xpct Hi I: i‘wzili it ”H, i .r i .t .- -r , a win pm I mi restoration prnict‘i Him ~ 3 jM ' “-. * ,r departments. Yougflme , . . daughter. 'l‘ina. ll\L‘\ ‘l: Ia ii . 3,1. « .L w y t ~i or t; It For an It h t t p . / \\ \\ \\ 2 it C 5 l1 . L d u / leCpOFlCdl‘l“.ll\C‘» 'i ‘ . , s t . 3 . rcsiorurinncl‘i’oh. 't l a licallOn NCbl /stutl-Ptihs/TechiIILIan' , ' Manuel Broiiilici; _ . l " ‘ H l. "‘ \‘ ll p p 9 have expected the lltlllt '3 le m lt~ ‘ w in w llt- ltllt'f long as ll hib.hlll '\\lll\li- ‘i‘l‘ll ltt‘liavl Tlli. I‘,‘. Lll‘» tl ‘l‘t \_li.I.I‘| at call 5 15-241 1 ’4‘ [CTWS help lllt‘ tlii\\ it; . ‘3 i ll: 3 I All ‘il.l\ lll ~- .i \‘li‘lHtlh‘Hl many more yearx .Ii ltli‘ Al I , .3 l" i 4’ ”WM



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The tradition


I But it you consider their recent loaded with tradition and talent, track record. it is easy to see why. WW“! the NC. State men’s cross country In last year‘s conference ...”. cums K" g team sets out after it’s third straight championship the team scored 30 ACC title. points. beating second place l\,(i\11\1\ finisher Wake l’oresI by ten points Sports Editor and drowning third place UNC Chapel Hill by 52. Don't ask them what it feels like Wake looks to be 's top to be the Atlantic Coast Conference competition for this year's ACC underdog. Cl'OWIT. They don't know. and as far as The Deacons finished lltli at the they are concerned. they never will. NCAA meet last year. five spots The NC. State men's cross higher than State. whose country team attributes its disappointing fiiiisb was excellence to tradition, lair every inexplicable. member. there is one before him "We itist bombed." said Junior who ran a little harder. a little faster Chan Pons. “You always have or a little better. eitttiscs. btit we iust didn't run well And there is one behind him who at all." will look to him for that same “The worst part is that we can't inspiration one day. pinpoint what we did wtong." As the Pack sets off toward commented brother Corby Pons. another ACC championship. the “We were ranked fifth the week focus isn't on 1995 ACC champion before. and every meet we were Patrick Joyce or second and third getting better and better. there was place 1996 finishers (‘han and no excuse Wheii yoti get to that (‘orby Pons. but instead on the level. there are no excuses." team‘s shot at a third straight The Deacons scored 31 1 points at conference title. the meet. while the Pack picked up "Nothing is real different than it 431. has been in the past." said Joyce. Returning to the Wake lineup this "NC. State has a tradition of fall is 1996 .A\(‘(‘ champion Nolan dominating the ACC in distance Swanson. Swanson claimed the running. and it is our job to uphold Deacs first ever men's individual that.“ cross country title with a time of It is that simple to them at 24:11.6 over the 8.000smeter Hill litmus/Sm least. The Infamous Pons brothers set the pace for the lmpendlng 1997 season. \tt TRADITION. l).l‘u( 4

Recipe The ESA: let century arena Well. those at the Centennial to eniov . and give I Part three of a three-part series. Authority hasc done their best to everyone an equal opportunity to do _'I\\ll st i 1<11 ensure that the new liSA, or so. listed at well over 650.000 for Assistant Sports. Editor lintertainment and Sports Arena. square feet of interior space. the will be just that:'l'1ic best. l‘ISA will provide plenty of elbow So. you've finally faced the (iranted, the new liSA won‘t be rooiii and leg room lot those in the ...... ‘t s.... PtEASEUSi music. the biggest arena in the nation when stands. W“i OUTSlDi Someday iii the near future. the completed. With a seating capacity Speaking of seating. the mayor Wolfpack will no longer hold of just over 21,000 for basketball concern raised with building a Success basketball games in Reynolds games. it‘s not even the largest in larger arena is the view from some Coliseum. 1t htinis you otit a bit. but the state. But the designers didn‘t of the iiorc distant seats. Not a you figure this day had to come have an enormous. fullest/e problem. There are no nosebleed eventually. You‘ve accepted. if not superstructure in mind when they seats here ,\c the saying goes, I NC. State's women's cross whole heartedly. the notion of laid out the plans for the new arena. eyery seat to the house is a good building anew arena. Wouldn‘t you What the new liSA will be big on one. country team looks to continue its want it to be one of the best places is making sure that those 21.000 And unlike Reynolds Coliseum. dominance of the Atlantic Coast for Pack basketball'.‘ plus in attendance will have an the 12SA will offer access for the ample amount of room with which disabled to each and every one of Conference. \ (i \1 1 \1 \ 5001i!» Ltlflor Don't mess with a good thing. NC, State's women's cross Jinx is up in the air country team has won 12 Atlantic Coast (‘ontercnce championships in the past 14 years. riot l11~1-\ i: w And the formula for success is the I The big guns of the Woltpack Returning well over a dozen and the "phenom." Chris llinkie. same this year as it has been for the Members of the Wolfpack women‘s cross country team practice players from last season‘s team. the Both the men and the women‘s past 14 years. for the upcomlng Wolfpack lnvltatlonal. Ultimate Frisbee team are aiming high ultimate frisbee squad is considered ultimate squad will be hosting the "We inst do what Coach (ieiger this season. to be a legitimate contender for the lrd annual Record Exchange says." said Pack iunior Meredith year‘s championships. as the Pack runner two years ago in the NCAA national title this year. Challenge on Tuesday. September l-aircloth before a recent practice. took its second straight title. championships. ( 111 itio. t it \y H v\ Leading the experienced group 2nd and Thursday. September 4th. “He has been so successful for so finishing with a score of 38 points. Despite the Pack's dominance 111 Staff Wrrtur will be coocaptain, Roy Attride. The pickup ultimate tournament long that he knows what to do with 11 better than second place UNC the conference ov er the past few Last year. Attride was a candidate will be held from 6 to 8 pm. on the the talent that we've got. and it Just Chapel Hill. years. State may want to take a look N.(.‘. State could be adding for the college ultimate frisbee most upper intramural fields here at works." But yust as State sees one great over its shoulder every once iii a another national title to its valuable player award the NCSl'. 11 certainly does. runner on his or her way out of the w hilc. collection this season. Callahan Award. This highly The tournament is open for all The Pack has had eight individual program. the Pack has another great Maybe. itist maybe. the pack 1 ast year was considered to be a regarded defensive player is also students and registration is free. To conference champions since 1979, runner just starting to shine. might have some competition in the rebuilding season for the Wolfpack the team‘s emotional leader. trying participate. iust bring both a dark and has never finished lower then State's top runner at last year‘s conference. l'ltiniate l‘TlShL‘L‘ team. to keep his teammates' intensity up and white shirt along with a decent tliiid in a conference championship conference meet was then freshman However. the cont'eicnce lost to The team was ranked as high as over the course of the season. pair of tennis shoes. in which they received a team Christy Nichols. Jtist seven seconds graduation six of the top ten runners 5th in the countiy at one point and Other key players returning Music compact discs and gift score. off of the wmning time posted by at the conference meet. managed to reach the regional finals include covcaptain. Brian Snyder. certificates will be given away. While State returns a line up full UNC's Karen (iodlock. Nichols Along with Nichols and Rhoads. of the national tournament. 1t fell to who uses his o'l" frame to slice compliments of the Record of talent. noticeably missing from placed second and went on to earn a l'NC returns junior Sara Mayka. [NC Wilmington in that match 32. through the defense as a receiver. Exchange. The ultimate teams will the roster are Kristen Hall and spot on the AlliAmerican team. w ho took fourth overall last ycai. 18. Kris Brass, known for his footwork. be giving away frisbecs. Heather Hollis. Joining Nichols on the All Clemson sophomore Maikeii Hall ran in the ACC American team was current State Jensen retums to the line up toi the championships fotir straight years senior Laura Rhoads. Clemson Tigers after taking the while at State. claiming the Rhoads finished eighth overall at tenth spot last season. conference title in 1993 as a the ACCs. In last year's conference meet. Wolfpack Notes sophomore, Also returning for the Pack are Carolina. who finished with 4‘1 llollis earned All ACC honors 1997 All Conference runners Jackie points. was State's only real comp twice while Wllh the Pack. (.‘oscia and Meredith l"atrcloth. etition, as third place Virginia the Pack's top gathered 98 points. Dennis lirickson. "liour months while Kenny Pfiillips enters his first Hall placed fifth overall in last Cosica was also I Players and Coaches and from now. he'll be a lot different season as an assistant coach for Corrections — Oh my! than he is now." NC. State. (ioines doesn‘t plan on giving tip Moody. a former quarterback with Sports Sta” Ht'lXIVl on the NH. just yet. the Wolfpack. spent some time WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY ”I'll try' to continue to work out on coaching under the legendary Lou MEN’S & (ioines cut front Seahawks a consistent schedule and hopefully Holt]. during the early ‘70s. He NOVEMBER 1-ormer Wolfpack football great someone will call." (ioines said. rejoins the Pack squad this year as SEPTEMBER and technician columnist liddic (iomes was with the Seahawks for the Wide Receiver Coach, Sat. 2 Wolfpack Invitational (Raleigh) Mon. 3 ACC Championships (ioines was ctit by the Seattle two years. He saw some preseason “1 have never been more excited (Tallahasse, Fla.) Seahaw ks earlier this week. A playing time this season. registering to come to a new school than 1 was receiver with the Pack from 1991 to 14 catches and one touchdown. when I returned to NC. State." ‘f“‘rvmiWhoa-Mun OCTOBER Sat. 15 District Championships 1994. (iomes was drafted by Seattle Moody said. “Reyoining the (Greenville, SC) in the sixth round of the 1995 draft. New faces among coaching ranks Wolfpack family and working with Sat. 4 Disney Classic (Orlando, Fla.) (ioines was iniured during his first The Wolfpack football team has a these players and coaches makes 'Sat. 18 NC. Collegiate Championships Mon. 24 NCAA Championships season with the Seahawks. and has few new coaches assisting coach me feel truly blessed." (Chutoetc) (Greenville, SC) continued to aggravate the injury ()‘Cain as the team enters the 1997 Coaching the linebackers this throughout his career. season. season, Pate starts his second tenure “ To be honest With you. liddie Darrell Moody and Joe Pate return here in Raleigh. He was defensive to change hasn‘t completely recovered front coach for the Pack this year. All schedule: and titan on subject that injury yet." said head coach to \ct NOTES. Page 4 p“. 4 Sports ‘mfl 327;" 3“!

Y“ ”Y you want House Aer? >‘4 _ Tradition We mum Ado! v , g Y Buy 1 Burrito/Taco/Nacho lll‘ Erwin”; ' Get 2nd item of equal or lesser value For Example...... ‘ course. ~,,.' . . l v ‘ 1/2 OFF @ Also returning is allrconference PIESkm Ples‘ Baby' performer Eric Dunn. who finished r V mm at [he Apps last season it's back. and it‘s badder than ever. . 834'3431 7V; . Both Swanson and Dunn enter The Governor- MISSION Valley Shopping Center /fl their senior season. bringing The Senator, Mon.sat 118’?) _ 10pm bflfKW'rd/tW/tf talented leadership to the Wake Debs. / 57 Forest team, but the Deacs lost two Bob —~— All-ACC 1‘3!) ’fr’d ‘t' th‘ ,. . '. t 01/9 0/? past sprint:1mm ( t~ i “d “m H lhey i‘e all back, along With a few new faces. Ben Boyd and Jon Russell, who Look for it in Friday‘s Technician was named as an All-American ‘ wThe Pack on the mhcr hand. wouldTeam"like toSportsthank triedon,toman.Sit downhaveandyoucome up.. counts seventh man James Bache the followmg people: With a house ad. because it is as its only loss from the 1997 one oflife‘s toughest little was in. ' . . “prim start making room for the Herb sendek" The pm. I mean, sure It LOO-Kb ACC Cham ionshi cm, W. p ’ p Troph)' in the ClaSh, CTalg. downeasyattoado‘computer“gm? Youand typeS" .-W‘c hgive tol mike itLpIne miet at a Kflbom (agaln), away and :OOF‘ :jherc’s your time an not 00 at e ran ings." ouse a . said W't’igau. ”WC '11ch to take it Mr- Potato Head, Bu! life IS not quite that one step atatime." ' . ~ , . m “We never say, ‘Well. we have Phllhp Reese, and When it comes down to Ldfiu;narrate-iotytts:l.51;j:vu..-,.e,_ won it four years in a row so we making damn g00d house w1A..“ have to win it this year.” said EverybOdy0 ever‘ ads. life. throws you the ICome to yourtllocanTtEfilAthlete5 Foot today and youl': 5:: , a p Khmer? if”? :1: T2553: 3‘” 51830013th Wlth ultimate “Rive ball. : amous name ran a etic ootwear 4 .' l Ale-”A are" going to win." ' .- 'c WOpraCk CrOSS . . l ‘5‘. ter. ‘ '2 Let onetl olourCe. itlieit FtTI ec.nnicians measure your feet l L!XBOR DAY Country, Gflhgan’ Butonyou get[ymy"mydrift.bplmcr'House I correc ylo ensure that perfect lit , ‘t‘EL. ETHON ’ ads "c extremelytough Get back to school...and back to cool wrlh The Atomic: Foal ‘. Nates Tgellsklpperégge Simply because they are that: y ‘ , 1 lonare 6 House ads. . l iiiirinuctl from Pict- i ‘ Th h' l ' i The Ath'ete’sFOOL . MIG, 31-SEPT. 1 Turner). and 1118. CYrequuements.4V“ 0") W0 curcii Loon mi the Pack W‘fe’ “'6 MOVE ii (,ufl5§3§:2°i”;1“.§y' - I Nobody knm the athlete's toot like The Athlete’s Foot. 5 ”8:"le 3:3, efiling-fill]s i ccTo”;to in.lqglgég .319-e Star, The PTOfCSSOI' then who in God's “3:3: ’ Cameron Village ‘ 828'3487 ‘ Pack finished eighth nationally in and Mary Ann, gonna take the time out of ' mun-m— total defense. fifth in scoring ' ' ‘ defense and sixth in rushing 10h“ Boy and Bluy the” Cdku'us gr Phymu Youi” love woritmy anddefensethird—downState ledconversionthe ACC indefensesacks and [hC'll' blg-ass makeClassatostatement,read I" Itandhasdotoit WHL {Lg YMCA! the following season. shopplng cart well. , . A new face to the Pack this _ ’ #2. Humor. \\(. i‘c llookinEz for \‘tiflllh Season is il’hillifps After coaching1 Bethany NomS for This is perhaps more iiiliiisr’ riis \\'it)i1i'(' [111. C L‘nSHC me ()I' 1W0 years Wit . - . ) (Ilt, . tit, ,lit and ham,,an mmOhio ”WL'nivers‘ity.posmlmPhillipsm. dch‘nmctakes hall Of thlS lek'aSS functionality~ -1mp0~nam«thdnof the house[ht ad. eagle m» ltit' salt-ix: wk,“ L,OMh {or me Pack. ”6 OUSC ad Space, K. primarily because it keeps the l-lt‘\ii»lt' \\t’t‘ls(l.ik liours— played his college ball at ECl'. Gaffney and her reader interested. Hopefully mwmmu‘ MM Mluntitiiis. where he was outside‘linebacker . that s‘ why you re s‘till (MM :3 \li('\ .t\.tlldlilt‘. troni the years of “981-353. Famlly for reading [his plL‘CC ()fcrap. \i.ikr- A (humpnw in a Our deepest Apologies allowing me to So there it is". Zen and the Art (liilrlk 111V \ the \MCA. We at 'l‘echnician Sports need to 0f House Ad Writing. “‘5 ‘ make a correction. in Monday's come to New . fundiUn'dl. “‘5 humorOUs id; 4. ... (my,. an1" issue oi "technician. a we York, and most (maybe). And it's all we ever \ '13,: , .‘j \.\tt\‘rH ME inadyertently reported that (are) do. AE F l 848 9622 ("aEilsway atnd lilizabrethfegry Swere Importantly you, . . ine . \[I meniiers of t c . tatc ,' 1' (My Fem?” 4699622 women's tennis team. They were. the reader, because Pumd' '“ in fact. dropped from the team d ' h 3 h Central 832-9622 before the season began this year amnlt’ t at S W y T() Jenn Y for undisclosed reasons. ()ur we do what we do . “ sincerest apologies go out to Jenny ' 7' I L' S i S a ,0 L \v XWICA (iarnty. head coach for the Garnt}. ()Llr women‘s tennis team and to the I I k t rest of the team itself. We try our We ARE bad- -“{e 1‘ ‘ hardest to report or a. positive ro e mode 1' M: W mm}.the WfactsWas best Techmcran' ' Sports. Dawn, thanks for me every now and then. We hope that further mishaps like this will be houseads, and have a great Miami in the future. And don’t you let on September 3rd. ”Th6 Editors of Technician rim. everforget it. 'B <17 834-BIKE@ “

gm Lowest Prices of the Y'eajli‘ a ' Dad . ‘ 1997 Closeouts- 7 do (441/ . How man, We ‘an you E TREKUSA Closest bike shop to NCSU findonmrspagey i (Q KLEIN Technician needs®help.’ure E 1opycditorsfor the allowing 5 l jdeparrments: ads, news. sports. E i V . 1features. and opinion. i; (Missmn- 2233ValleyAve”ShoppingFew-m“Center) .: Mendel. ' « i woman...impmiimmmau. :~_t r BL“ I:C_\Cle& It “iOUlC i.11:1,”. 1:1: W.‘I'lCl .t ll‘it‘lii. ,, g 1:; 3573 '.t 3V; “L 53“: J: {\fr-ld " ...,'. .’ "‘ Z_ 3;: " T. Ttiit‘i'ldn CheCk out TeChniCian‘S 5 SEE “ ‘ “3‘(‘6 5« h 5181’? 9“ t '3 \rz‘r; ' :2:' «_ :icr’; :. ..mF-‘ ll T h . . E .. -=~.=.~- 57$ CREDITS...... ? _ EoF l On-Line. mmmwmrun? AREYOU CREAIWE’ WANT TO mm FUN moms? WANT TO LEARN TO THINK ON YOUR A STAR!” Wig?“ FEET COMMUNICATE? San Diego Unron-Tribune JOIN OUR STUDENT IMPROV THEATER GROUP “SHO W BIZ N0 - YOU DON‘T HAVE TO BE AN “ACTOR/ACTRESS" OR HAVE EXPERIENCE...WE TRAIN YOU! ICON! ” W. tantrums Educate other: on issues concerning Dating Relationships. Sc: Under the Influence, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and STD’3. Come, Check It Out? Training to Start Soon! M3120 . [A803 DAY OR W "Comic Geniuh . TEETHON Ai'lt‘iim ( /,'\ \lii Joint Program ofThompson 't‘heater and the Center for Health Directions. tuden SCH/06.681101“? Call 515-9355. Ill-I‘llnlnnnnlnnl-llAllA.l.-I...lnnIn.Il-l-.n-nn-‘n-n-n-n-n-n-n-AlI-nlnnlnA-nl-AIA- AUG. 31 -SEPT.1 0 CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS -u-uu-uvu-uuwuuncu-'-u.u-u-u-u-vv-u-u-v-u-u-u-vu-u-uu:-Iv-v S 1 Health ' Ou - wmwxrwxwwwwmmM-zfi-xe Vol. 78 No. 6 Technician Page 5

Mental Hygiene in ([bur/(tr Alla/{girl The Man my .s'miw li uni/(74' Why are you so happy? I Rift" ,SrW 1V» I'm an optimist. The glass is hall full l ‘ You're obviously drunk, and on only hall a \ H glass at that. C $234.3“,ana'u5y,.3w,g~‘ ‘aws’hz-

I.’Absurde In .S‘tel'm If I46130811]~


Sidewalls (2y l/an 2‘3"" ’vj,“‘ MUWAGU W35“ SON OFA M F” AND “RE TP‘E W #W‘. I'm: v.35, . mm. H6 PM“, Wmflgw agenc’Bmmv mews-mgr 5.7“.“ My pm Nwwtw‘m mm 3.102115%:an «1 Mt m. TOOMEDIOCREEma/me TW‘To““3mime5°” W“mast”‘5 m, mm mm Remus-em» Still), lemt'll‘l -< “‘4' L a ‘\ “v ’ ' i‘\\§ _\~ W . \) fifi’ ’yw Ml fillyacy ”Ninth l ”l ‘i BUT iriwoaxm mm was w )1 i‘ mn‘nxsme TO BEC0ME l:-.«illllllllllli ‘,3 ”llllllllllllllllll .3 3*)" \Vfiofi-V ill/Qt ‘ 21”“ illlw/ \\ 1/ 4

MR. lCKLES LAST DAY A varniwmw.‘ ‘3? ON THE 708 w 4“ «it/Wu!my, I E. 'Grim*i amnu ‘V7 . ‘1‘! 5‘... L-\fl'a ‘ .u f4‘fl*4, v" 54,!”33“,!” 1 M.. V we), ,5:-7) .. ‘ i. v. u, may;a". q ,xin, ‘-‘-.:_-" ;:.\6 "é“'7" 2:?“ e31;" Bl . ‘,‘. "'' 7. ‘.we1:. 1‘0. n»... ’ 1. e g - I L. (5:5 mm {151le LBW ‘. i’ u ’ l . ‘ 4*” musr TASS” or £114.“: we“ ( 'W‘Nfi a; I W‘V’ :54; .t l A! i ,. ,4. yu—y #mfiInmwmpm“wWWAmmsm “Ecmmrb “HEM-NE m,mnsw.amwm

mwwmsmmzmswwwasmmmueoawou. fiawro mm mmwmim) NUTEVENmwm msUFE.


WWI, clump nammuvm oQIWPc—M momma mum FROM mm THURS. MAW WIN/WY unmmeévoo CW l awry/om DWM HEDlDNor HAVETDMKOF m. j’éo BMW (Ala/momma HE LEANED1?“ OFsoBrazosMum HE W SMILETOTHE nu; OF mm. (OI-4|65, 4.4V ILLUWBS. Mm [BECAME WW WINTHE UND. 0"” ‘U‘gflgfi? W MZIWOK MT m:“awe” ("W-l“ 56/24” .II "'1c.———-”" \C.DprtxJO@uLl{VT/-‘469d EPU ' _.Wml '3‘.‘ National News August 27, 1997 flit)?» ‘ci “at?‘ NATIONALigJ NEWS NASA loses contact with satellite

I the satellite is one oi two satellites headquarters, .itiirosphcrn drag that it “I” plurrirriet .itlti miles up ilts present altrtrrde is ii llt‘t‘dltsc oi the rotation ilrc to\\.rid 1 anti It that “etc to happen. preliirrrrtars "parking orbit “t lire designed to view objects as small as 16 teet satellites solar ptl\\t'l generators \eitirert said. the V” poitttd lL‘\\ls. instruments are built to sense light Study links alcohol, wide from 300 miles above the earth. .ippaiettrl_\ \H‘u' unable to pro\idc uhrth is about the sr/c oi a soit drink energ} irorri tltc l-Zarth's surtace rrr siiitrcicrit electricit) to keep tiic \cridirre irracliiitc. \\ott|d altrtost RM separate iietiuerrcrcs. or "hands.” CURT Smarts orrboard battcr'tcs chatiled. ttrakiiie cert iiiili burn up in the airtiosphet‘e l~.\rstinga landsrit rristriiincrrts read 'N- i.\, erupt». . st corriiriutrrcatioit riripossrble lour that \ion end a mission “till a se\eit hands at about one tenth the drugs to homicides aticitipts to contact the spacectatt total cost oi Vi million. including resolution. NASA has lost contact \\|lll a 8"” trorri ilrc iirrssrori‘s (‘Irarrtrlly a. the e\pciisc oi ltlllllllit’ orbital l.e\\is is "a orieroi a kriid satellite" I the study shows that non~drinliers face increased risk oi hornrcide even ii million l'artlt obscr‘\.itioit satellite control center \\eie iiiisutiessiul itrrr operations tor the iirst )cai oi the constructed as a “ilreht nearly double the risk of homicide when they the) abstain irorn drinking alcohol launched oitli iortt da\s aeo otitc ials .rt \ \\ \ and lit“ Spar e .\ sait'llttco c\[k‘clt'il lltlt‘s‘ lit li\t' _\t‘;ll’ dcrrtonstratroir" oi 41) state oi thc art live with alcohol drinkers. or taking drugs. the stud} iourtd. .\boirt (i a in Iriesdai. jJiollHil ller trorrits tirottp iii (‘alrlotriia lrlc silait technologies. said Sails Koris. prrbitc Non drinkers. ior example. iace controllers discoicrcd that the l cots \\lll\‘ll l‘liill ilte satellite rctirarricd icnis is one oi .r pair oi satellites relations trtarragacr iot‘ IR“, l‘art oi DON Consoles nearly double the risk oi hornrcide satellite placed ttr orbit .‘tll‘ titrlcs optimistic intended to demonstrate sophisticated N.\S.v\‘s Mission to Planet liarth T’it‘ Writs’ttt‘gtt‘” Post “hen the} l[\L‘ “Illl alcohol users high earls ,\.itirrda_\ morning: lastcrri “\\e haxe approstrrratch thicc sensor technoloe) tor \tlt‘llllllt and program. the satellite \\.is to piotide .\nd those “ho don't use drugs time trnie nas spinning out or roirrioi at siceks to look .it \\ happened \i‘lllillt‘lt tal applications We second data on \egetattori. \\.itei trimerrierti, i tunes the risk oi ltorrrrctde “lien about too rerohitioiis per minute. said \etiriert “litat's plctit\ oi ttiiic satellite iii the part. called (dark. \\ as pollution spread. strriate itirrieral Alcohol and unlan in] drug: use not in in; \\ tilt urilant'ul drug users. .\\\.\ t‘lllt'ldl\ \dlil to It) to get the liilel let it orbiter to built by a driicient toritractor and has distributions. \tlll titraltt‘s arid onl) pttt the users at higher risk oi "Our concept oi the indr\ at So. iai the most like!) tartsc is the respond and to order it to irtc the not set been iarrin lied agricultural potential. arid tiurrietous \iolertt death. but also endanger risk ior \iolent death should be aciidental tiring: oi one oi the appropriate llrrirsters to tortittct the lenis titlllt‘\ [no ”h}perspectral“ tilltt‘i \ar‘iablcs oi interest to others \\ ho liie in the sarrre broadened to include not onl) the satellites iltrusteis "lint that‘s pure split tlll.t_L‘lllL' denies designed to discern enxrrorrrnental \th'lillsl\ arid to household. dt‘t‘tll‘tllllg to a next stud) substance abuser. but also those speculation.” said Samuel l .\itct three necks. the satellite \\t|l obiccts on the ground as small as to industries strilt as iiirritrre arid oi three large riretropolrtatt areas. \\ ho irra} be at risk because oi the \eitnerr. chret technologist at \ \,\\ lt.r\e lost so titttclt \clor il_\ iiorri ieet irorrr its c\eriltral planned orbit ioiestr'). Man) studies hase shonn that presence oi others \\illllli the alcohol and drugs are oiteri direct!) household \\ ho are substance rmolxed in horriicides or suicides abusersf' tlte stud} concluded. at the little oi the incident. the lit‘\\ the strid_\ :s based on 33$ stud). litt\\t‘\s‘t'_ c\.irriincs the role ltoiittc‘lxls‘ arid ~13} sttlt‘ttlt‘ c‘.l\s‘s Antibiotic resistance is a dangerous trend oi chronic rise oi alcohol and other rdcrrritred iroirr count) medical drugs b) irctirrrs oi \ iolerit death esairriner reports in metropolitan I the increased use of antibiotics around prieiririorria and rrieriiirgaitrst are oni} ottcs \\ ho need to reconsider liacli trtrre sotrreorre takes an and members oi their households t'lexeland \lctrrphrs and Seattle. teststartt to penicillin. .trtd sovte .ric the oa) the) rise the riileciiort antibiotic. it increases that person's (‘hrontc drinking or dine .rse or Researchers conducted iollou up the world has resulted in a new breed oi also resistant to a backirp dirty. in lllellillf.‘ dines. iarincrs .trrd .haiices oi betoirrin; rtiiccted \srth both . increases .1 persons . hances :zrteri rests \\1lll \lll\ M iii; reiatocs bacteria with increased resistance to drugs. hospitals, resistant orgairtsiiis carrsc ll\k‘\li\l\ producers also coritrrbtrtc a resistant organrsrti. oi oi oi d) lilg \ tolcrttl}. tesear . hers and irrends oi the icttirts to irrtd oirt SUSAN OKIE longer hospital stais and higher to tin ermsrh oi antibiotic l‘L‘t‘UlllilifJ .i r .rrtier Ihat poses a iound. People \s ho use both .ilcohot aboar alcohol and drug use irt tlte 7% it. i‘<"lt cto" Post rriortaht). resistance (ll about li.7(l() ions or risk both to the illtll\ rdital and to the arid uttlaniril clings saw .is household those cases \\ ere \lr‘ead}. soriic llllt‘s troits rit aiiiibrottr s produced in the l'rrrted l'L‘sl \ll sitcit‘l}. saltl llis‘ (Vl)("s ntarriuana. \‘c'a c.~"ip.ired \\llll irrdrirdttals oi In the \\ar betneerr humans and se\ercl) ill patients dct} ticattiictit States .iiittrrall} iii the earl) I‘lb'tls. lieniarrrrrr Schnartr barbiturates or .i'lll‘llt'i.i"ii'\ s Vane "Zuic'l‘iillg‘ age. se\ and race \\ ho In e germs. nrost oi the rctcni ncns ltas cxeir \\rtlr \.irrt‘iiirt)crri. long: .iti percent neirt into lt\esiock arid “l‘or patients. it's a poneriul 12 times the risk oi pert; nu. ‘r‘ the same neighborhood but did beett bad. .\ll our the \soild. icsertcd as ilrc drug: ol last resort pottltr) iced. Snart/ said. rrrcssage." Sthuart/ said. " lite) and i" times the 'r\'\ s .. use alcohol or unlais ittl drugs. bacteria are responding: to people's tor certain hospital .ittitiired In addition. irtrrt grim ets need to consider the potential risk compared \xith not: . sets ’31-; stud} “as published in last o\erirse oi antibiotics b} e\ol\in;: bat tct ta sorirctrrrics rise these poueriul arid balance that \\illi nlretlier there But people I:\ ”.5 .‘s .seek's .lourrtal oi the .\rnertcart “ass to resist the driigs' cllccts It l .i\l neck, the“ lt‘tlt‘l'ctl (k'lllL‘l‘ litl drtres lhree hundred tlrotisarrd that be ait_\ bertcirt.” alcohol 3'. drags .. s .5» Medical \ssoctatron. that trend continues. sortie oi the Disease ('oittr‘ol and l’ie\entron pounds oi antibiotics \scr'c \[il'.l}t‘tl In tcccttt totiis groups conducted l_'~Hg .., “a a ,__.i ,,a. ,,,,,,W trrost poneritil neapons against reported that lot the lust time a on pears. apples arid other irtirt last It} the (‘l)(‘ \sith Atlanta pedi l tniectiotr trta_\ soon becoirie rrscless l ..\'. patient had becorrte ritiectcd _\cat to pr'e\ent .i blight that causes atrrctans and tarrril} practitioners, l But there are encouraging: signs \\ith .i straitt oi Stapltslococcrts scaling on irttit skin. according to the doctors estimated that betueen umncrcu OPEMTOI ucsiiss ’ that ii doctors and patients change atrrcirs bacteria n rtlt l't‘tltlt‘t‘sl l)cpartrrrcrit oi \gr'rcirltirrc itgttres. 21) percent and *(l percent oi the l Howard G Nichols ‘9 ‘ l their bcha\ror. the) may be .rblc to sensrtt\tt_\ taltltotrglt not coiripictc "\\e are rust cioerirrty the timid antibiotics the} prescribed \sere i 8381 Center Ave ‘ i sltiu the spread oi drug resistant resist nice) to \.ittcorit_\crrt Staph \\|lll this thin l;i_\er oi antibiotics. llllilt‘t't‘ssdl}. lhe} clairricd [llt‘\ Hometown‘, ., .2‘6'0 tl bugs. in l‘inland. riatrorral changes bacteria are a trequerrt c.lll\k‘ oi nhrch rs selecting: out ibactertal) oierused the drugs because patietiis i oururrrso ro lllllE. 11/» KKK/)3 I in antibiotic use re\ersed a rise in rtricction in burns. skirt and sirigrt .il resistattic." \ditl l)a\rd |,. espected ilrerii ANY STATE. USA l antibiotic resistant srr'cp l‘.it'l"ll.l. ln \\oirrrds. l:\per'ts oath that it llc_\trrairti. director oi the World :\ separate (‘|)(' stud) concluded lr Nets York. .i next i) run .lr/ed \.irrtritrr)c'irr resistance dcielops in Health ()r‘garrr/atiori‘s dt\isroit on that more than 50 million oi the Having a ritoiorcyclc operator license is more titan legal. lt's Vital. Statistics i tuberculosis control program has this corrtrrrori I} pe oi bacteria. it it ill crrieierit): diseases. appi'oitirnatel} i5“ rrrillrorr SliOW that unlicensed riders account tor Stile oi the fatalities in Some achre\ ed a dramatic drop in the pose a dangerous rnetlrcal problerii. \lllll‘ltlllc resistance dewlops antibiotic prescriptions \\rrtteri states. 50 get your license lt's llr'tltil that .you can ride. And it may fi I‘ ireqiienc} oi drug: resistant [it “i think it's irriportattt to be .inarc because the drugs change the annirall) ior patients outside oi even keep you irom becoming a statistic uoroncrct: SAFE" FOUNDATION . tl Such beha\ ior changes are oi this beiorc we do reach the end cioirontncirt oi bacteria. killing hospitals \\ereii‘t needed urgeritl} needed c\pct'ls so In the oi the rope.” sdlil \lorton \ sensitiic strains .iitd cottierring a lilrtriiiratttrg: those irtriiccessar) l7nited States. a quarter oi \\\.lll/. a proicssor oi tricdicttie at sirr\ H .il ad\aitta:.!e on gerrris “hose Streptococcus prtcitrnoitiae bacteria llar\ard Medical School. genetic traits allon tlrerrt to :- THE CUTTING EDGE ': ta ireciuent cause oi ear iniections. Doctor's arid patients aren‘t the \\ ithstarid the medicines. \.. DRlXBS. I'irct // Full Service Salon As'eda. Nexxus, 832-4901 or 8324902 W St‘llil‘tlclll. KMS, Matrix Hours 3' latijics. Rusk Mon. Fri. ~ 8am - 9pm W :52 oo oil; haircut Saturday 9am - 5pm ST) W otl' l’errn Appointment or walk-in any $5 tit) ui‘l‘ Seulptured Nails time stay up :_ 2906 Hii’lsborough St. across front Hardee’s

Collegiate Horsemen’s all night Association

lst meeting: Thursday August 28 @7pm 5A Polk Hall ’i‘ u 91 g : Visiting Speakers talk with about Careers with Horses

Refreshments served. Bring friend. Come on out, see what we are about. No Dues, justfun. organic Info: Kristine Lang 859-3532 Mike Yoder 515-7690

chemistry Serving our Country, Serving our Communities


Serving America Twice l-80il-USA-VAVY mm; naryjolwxnrn '#2!J:- t. Tech Too itsfifi’ffmég”'9“‘ \chnesday, August 27, 1997

Vol. 78 NO. 6 Technician Page 7 l Local festival slated for Labor Day ound J"i.» .1’m,u I The Umstead Festival offers students a Advice chance to take a muchsneeded break. I\'Il'i \I xiii.“ 00000— ('hi-ching! ‘iiit . t w Itiiltt' 0000- \II that minus the bag of chips. Ihcrc‘s .iri c\tt.i long weekend coming 000- Ilo-liutti. tip 0 0- Almost better than trails on a blackboard. I‘ni sutc itiosi oI you are thanking (iod 0- Mil“ \ anilli had better from tien. tor ucst \Ioiiday l know that after a lloneyrods-"Honeyrods" 000 neck and a hall oi classes. I atii already I‘rom the counting down lIIt‘ days to eycry break opening nat k of Iictwccn now and ('lttrstntas. I‘m also ”W II('II(‘\I(HI\ \\IIIIII_L‘ to bet iliai a tart nuriiber oI ilte scII IIIch dL‘Ittll «swuw‘st-W‘hfihfi‘rrvr:cva‘tc‘vs'hrs«-. .\' (K State population is plantiirig on ls tHItI. :vw spending tliosc c\tta days elsewhere. t air Iiy t Iosct. Iloiyc\ct'. tor those oI us staying nearby. Iislcilt'tl a local tcstiyal promises some much knowing this II\‘('(I('(I RXR \\ .l\ d ”C“ IIlts Saturday .iiid Sunday. the third tclcast' I\_\ a annual I'nistcad I‘t‘NlHdI will he the new band \\|IIl place to he. Icattrrrng three stages of which I was niusn arid \arrcty acts. as well as trait rititattttltar Yet wares-«wtunv-m:l‘wA.w:- and tood \ciidots. the Icstiyal Is the I touldti't help cultiiriiaiion oI l'nistcad State Park bttl get the \kcck, Ilcld on .I ptl\.llL‘ tarm. adiacent tcelrng I Iiad Pm ' (,w rirt i.» r (limit ores Ramos to the park. the coitimunity eycnt focuses Iteard some of The Honeyrods will open for on em iioruiicntal issues and leatures a this before as Meredith Brooks on her ik run hcaItli walk. as well as proyitlnig the first three current tour. M1s,—v;,.-._svgni‘\«.-.~.. a good tnnc tor all. tracks wormed Ihis ycai's scheduled performers their way out of my speakers. includc .‘yridt'oriictla Straining; (‘outity The lloncyrods‘ sound is sortietlitng like what -M-c.-. ('otiimtssioricts. 'lhc .lumpsiarts; Bette would be recorded if I)rsh\i.illa tiiei the (int l'adgcttc. One Point line; The Blossoms for a little impromptu at a recording studio. .-\iiiaicui's_ liipbone; ()uthotrse Poets; Dog's liyc View also came to lIlllltI. and it was I'idgtty I-cct. I)i\rcland Ja/I Rand; probably the strong resemblance to these bands and Rebekah (‘risp. ()i'cIiid Suns; I’rog legs; tltetr auditory connotations that led tire to heltey e that 'I'Iic llickups. In the ()utworld; I"utile I had heard tnost of this before. .Icstci. I‘Ug‘llttlll. and Days of Rage. 'I‘hc This is a tuned bag. yct it is not a surprise. l5cstiyal‘s licadlrnct‘ will he Mike (‘ross. The opening song. titled "Into You.“ sounds very .i .\ortli ('aiolina legend. good musically. but \ocalrst (iordon llabannis Shows start shortly alter the festival's changes his strigttig style tor the chorus and burlds up opening eat It day and run through its vocal power in such a way that Ica\cs you wondering s‘ItislIl‘.‘ Icstryal Itottrs are from Ill ant. which ”I will Irrid a way” line will be his last. ’It‘acks to s p m. Saturday .iiid frotn It) a.m. to (i two and three are botli dcccrit. but don‘t espcct them pm, Sunday. to go far as singles. which the (Iipricorii label has I‘i'l tIiosc who want to hroa'den their deemed them to be understanding ot nature while grooving l’uoto triimrsv or Surat? Hli Recent-is Our friends at ('aptrtoiri Illllsl not ha\ c listened to some pretty tasty hands. tltcrc will be Mlke Cross wlll be headlining at the annual Umstead Festival this weekend. beyond tlic ttrsl three tracks IIK alliiirii's highlight is a wide yaricty oi criyrronmcntal exhibits tratk four. “Soap Opera " Iliis iiphcai song features a at the testiyal to increase awareness. ()utdoor piano and \Vurlii/ci two tll‘slt‘tllllt‘l\t\ that title“ go I.\liibitors include Birds of Prey by l’rogratti. and (‘apitol 'l'rees. One new feature of this year's bought in advance at the Great under utili/cd iiccdhw= to -l\ and taught my (‘aioliiia Raptor ('entcr. Rivers arid 'I'lie l'msteatl (‘oalition will also l‘mstead festival is its new accessibility. Provision (‘0. for $4 or purchased at the ttllctilloti Ilt‘lll tlic I‘t‘:'llitIlII.' \\Ilt‘n (iitttltin starts Sltcatris by lsplot'ts Museum. N.(‘. sponsor an informative look at the Students will now be able to catch a gate for Si. (‘Iiildren under I2 are """-----—---—------_----___----_------__-_____-______‘----.._-°-" asking "Is it It .III\ Ilial ii.i.l III ilauicss toniurictron ltotariit .iI (iatdcri. I-orest Animals by the tttipact llurritatic ltati had on the park. I‘t‘slH‘dI shuttle at N('Sl"s Student admitted for free arid all proceeds Will be with the ,itiiiosplicic oi ii~iiii.»~i:i the Illllsli *‘lIIs to N (X .\Iuscurii ot Natural Sciences. 'I‘oprcs arid eycnts iticlttdc park my ta. ('enter. 'I'he shuttle will start running at going to the ITmstead ('oalrlton for park mind. I found iiiysclt s it “ill“ Ii"IlI aloha with him, I‘t‘tt'slty Issues by the N('Sl’ School of trail protection. maps and gurded tours It) am. and will leaye for the lestrval on prescri atton arid enhancement I IIlIIIt's;'-1in\\IIIitII'Iii‘i at. iv ‘v.i k tcn l‘his. l‘otcsiry. l I_L'Ill Rtyer l’ollutrott by the of the park. the hour. (‘ontinuous shuttle is also : tllllitrlllitalt‘l\ is .i strait oi .is .4. -\ \. .,\ \ciisc ls’i\ci Iouridatron. Development ()ther ttrti cyerits include a children‘s available from the N.(‘. State Questions about parkrtig or the shuttle : I'Ilt' last I\\i' Ila. k~ I\' is low .iIii \iiit' II.tlItIS.“ Issues by sicrta (‘lith. Stiiog Dog from etitcrtarnriient stage. ('Iyde Jones. a chant fairgrounds parking lot on Youth (‘enter can be directed to the I-‘estiyal Ilotlnte at alniosi ionipIt-tt-i‘y '. .it. ~ “i. Hi." I say almost the \( Itiytsion of Air Quality. saw sculptor. a turted arts and crafts Road. off of lIiIlsborough Street Kit (itto7. I’or tiiore information. yoti Ilt‘t’dtlst' -\\ctltiiikiii;* r {Ari ‘ ‘ wit 's that \Ilt‘llld \tiiiaii. Sampling by Raleigh (‘rty show. and a climbing wall proytdcd by talliacenl to the liarrgrounds). can also check out the I‘t‘SlH al‘s web site Iia\c hccri oiic or Iw- It i...i "a . i . and patience I‘aiks. and the NCSII Water Quality Ycrtical Izdgc. 'I‘rckets to the two~day cycnl cart be at w w w.R'I‘I’ ~Islc‘rrtl rndethtml. til .t grid Ilsi'wmtt i‘I ”it ‘t- I ~'toii:' "Nine 7 I Ilandsf lltt‘ tIi\Ii‘iiii it it i in! o‘i‘ I'\ work I‘t‘llt‘l‘ I This salsa is hot, but it won't give pcrtormance at the North (‘arolma together tliati \in.-i tutti i. . ..' iIII tioidon's (ioy ernor's Inaugural Ball. voicc comply Illl ti:s IIIt itvt . ;.. .: i M .iatitiilly as i tinb’ewatcOmesto you indigestion. Described as a mixture between the alhtitii Iadcs .l\\ i. i \il‘t tiatids want the merengue and the mambo. with you dIItIIIII‘s-‘Itt' \‘i.i?it \l i..p. . Is't i l\ .\I \itks spicy salsas and swinging sambas Features Ftlitor abounding. the tttusic of Instant \mucsia- "Salt of lllt‘ I .it‘th” 0000‘ StateFEST Wednesday N.('. State‘s (‘entet' Stage will (‘arnavaltto 1s sittiply exuberant. \“artcty throughout .t ti‘lill ...i .n hard to come ‘- kick off its I‘N7 ‘Its’ performing The group‘s international flavor by. especially both .i iic w .I'I‘ i ls't Ilt 'slllllz‘I\ \aricly season oti Septctnhet 3 with the comes frorn each of the band is what Iristatit \Illllt"~l.t s to. t It sic it III( I artb explosiy‘ . e |.atin sottndsp . “‘3’. member's~ diverse backgrounds. Itas. The first songs oi IIIt ( li z't.tI\I~t-I my aticntion ( arnavalito. I“ a part ol StateI-Izb I Izach artist of the septet. whether from the iumpy melody or \w iii.i rlic tattliy to “)7. the show will be free to N(‘SIT ’Ilascviit til students and (‘enter Stage he's frorn I’uerto Rico or just one of the rhyming lyrics in subscribers. the local boys. brings his talents Skye “Vk'Sl. IIIL' iliatti lcail \iu .ilisl has .i iniiII Itlitttl ()ne of Raleigh‘s ()\\'ll . and his own personal preferences Melon-like voice wliilc Itiiility Itoltci oii lcad guitar (‘arnayalrto has been making a into the llll.\. The end result is a arid Jeff Rahn on pcitirssioii :‘tyt' IIlt Illll\|t .i (itceii name for itself iii the Latin music traditional Latin jau sound that is Day punch. Songs sui Ii .Is Ill‘s.t||ll\ Iiasc .iii airy. circle since its conception in thi. tempered with American rhythm fun. almost light ptirik I('( I Ii'ronied by Ricardo (irantllo. and blues and the shimmy-inducing Then the (‘1) slows down .i hit hinting at a little originally of lzl Salvador. the group sounds of the cumbia. 70’s liolkrRock stylc. cspct|\ in "I cclrng No began when (iranrllo's weekly I’ast gigs for the group have been Pain.” Bassist (‘Iande Slicttrcld sings “( io t ia/y." his Latin radio show proved to lirtii that billed as concert dances. btit the deeper vocals matching pcttct i|\ \\ tilt the mellow there was a market for such tiiustc music insists that the audience take tune. 'l‘hey speed it up again to do .i little III like in the 'I‘riatigle area. to the floor and chacha. talking in "Fragment." (bills at iually went tip my Since its initial start. the group has spine for the last song “( old lioiit.” .i relayed tune produced art aw ardrw inning (‘arnayalito is set to perfortn at front which I. as they say. got .i good lccling." compact disc. culminated a loyal Stewart 'l'heatre next Wednesday at I see a bright future for Instant \niricsia trottt following of feyerishly dancing X p.m. 'l‘tckets are $12 for the Pensacola, H. Iheti smooth guitar Illls and last fans. and garnered praise from Public. $0.50 for N(‘SII faculty and tempo kept me in tune to the \\Iti\It‘ (I) identify s . ‘ i Latin music maga/rnes all over the staff and So for non~N(‘SU with West's fresh. original |\ri. s troni the "l oyc‘s nation. In the past. the group has students. N(‘SII students can get quicksand has finally suckcd iiic iii.” Iiric iri "I'hc opened for liddie Money and their tickets by showing their II) at Same" to his questions ot Me and sanity in “I aces.” I‘MPHOTO tjiiii. “3V or 2 3 Mi orig».. '1 Santana atnotig others. they 'I‘icket (‘entral before that night. singing ”I‘d like to know how llllltII ttrttlict go I performed for the athletes and Questions about the concert can be ktiow there's a tiiastct plaii The Latin jazz septet, Carnavallto. ls scheduled to play Stewart Theatre next officials at the two Olympics and answered by calling 'l'tcket (‘entral told Irotit ‘ittl .‘i. ‘ Wednesday as part of StateFEST. they started this year off with a at SISAI ltlti. 'l'op 'I‘uties: "(io ('ia/y~ itI‘ii I ,g. __ ”Feeling No l’aitf'tti‘iy‘i. and \cio irtlt \l Rilt‘y Squatweiler- "New \ltitltcrstauiln-r" 0000 W'Itt‘n I found "Ncw Mollicistatnpct iti Ill\ Iayoiiit- Bread company to award big dough in logo contest (I) store I grabbed it atid took ll Ironic il paid tot ll first.) I opened it tip and was sutpiiscd to \(t that All entrants are required to tollow a All entries must be postmarked by vocalist Iladee 'l‘hottipsori bad Icll tlit baud I\.lsstsl I Entenmann's celebrates a hundred few basic guidelines. Logos must be tltc tntdnrglit October 7. I‘I‘I7. arid sent to Stacy Matarrese had slcppcd tip to tlic lltlt and .i llt w years of yeasty goods. original work ol the student and sliotild lzuierimann's ltltttli Birthday logo bassist had been acquired ( tirious to hear \(Il.ll the he created especially for lIlls ('oiitest c o Itlt‘lSIlllltllI'IIIIIdrtI. Inc.. new arrangelticnt sounded like. I poppcd ll into the tiii'v too Start Report competition. Designs that have won I Ht) .‘\\cnue of the Americas. New player. other cotnpetitions or hay e been York. NY. llltll‘). I was pleasantly surprised to say the Icasi llic l‘llt h I:titctimann‘s. an undisputed leader in previously published are ineligible. The Designs will be Judged on originality. of the vocals has been iakcti down a non li born the the baked goods industry. has annouttced logo tnust incorporate the wording. ct‘cattyity. innovatrye thinking and earlier . but heard the same hard Iiitiiiig a Itigo design contest to commemorate “lintenmann‘s: ltttt Years of Sweet appearance. Winners will be notified by tuitrir and sweet harmonics tltat I had mine to expert its Itttttli annryct'sary. Known for its Satisfaction." and triust be limited to Noycmber 7, I097. ”’1’‘rom this Winston Salem qiiattct cookies. doriitis. tittiffrns and cakes. the four colors. lintries must also be created l'hc company offers a bt'iel biography They run the gamut ol sounds on this (I), there are company is now etitreatirig all interested iti one of the following software ot inlorniation that might prove helpful. 0"allads. liat otrl punk rock. and some songs that are college studcrits to enter their designs. programs: Adobe Illustrator. Adobe the company. owned by ('I’(‘ Baking Sooner ENttNMms‘s just goofy. Anyone who‘s a tan ot the hand will l‘lic grand pt‘i/c winner of the contest Photo Shop. I‘reehand. or Quark Xpress. Business t('|’(‘ international). is ktiowtt Above, the original Entenmann's recogni/e the new \(‘l'slttll ol ".-\rt lag" tailed will hc aiinonnccd tn mrdiN'oyernber tot its Iresliness. l-outided in IX‘IX in logo. The company Is looking for a “(‘hupa (‘abron" on this to oid with air ottit ral announcement to IoIIow Iintrtes should be submitted on a lltooklyn. NN . the company is now new logo to commemorate Its All itt all. this is Sqttatwcilct's bcst cllott to date at I ritcniiiann's birthday haslt nest diskette with an it I 2" \ II" hard copy Island. It is proud to Most ol the songs are well dc\cloped. and the (‘l) is spring iti Itay shore. long Islatid. ()ne and the entrant‘s name. complete based out of I orig 100th anniversary. 3"y lttl' the thl Prtitltlt‘t‘tl til lIIt‘ lItt't‘c. I‘atts old and lucky \\Illllt'l \inI receive $I.(I(l() cash. address. phone number. school and a employ oycr ktittti peoplc rti New York ‘ new will enioy this (I). II you're .i fan of honest Hit Ircc ioriipany products for a year and the brief description of what inspired the State and ol its c\tcnsiyc rnyolycnicnt official copy of the rules. send a possibility ot their logo appearing on design. 'lhere is no Ittiiit oti entries. bttt \\ llIl the I'mch \\ ay S.i\.S.Ii. to the satne address as above. promotional packaging nationwide. each design must be entered separately. l‘ot tiiote rntormation or to obtain an so Sounos. I).li{t n b Tech Too August 27, 1997

CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS Founhnn DOWN 11 Has no %b Harris Teeter%l——l 1 CIR-s got (I 39 Kettle 1 Calling ~ alternative Sounds handle on 40 Chinese 2 CIIIFIGSL' 19 Cltlltt‘t‘J’ Your Neighborhood Food Market I!—7lVISA our calendar calendar calendar i . ‘il"ll\\IlI1llllI‘iII'\ highway animal animal animal system 42 Bleachers 3 SiCilian 21 Chinese Spasm 45 Chinese resort calendar 8 Goblet calendar 4 Jamaican animal iiiiiik. then this is IIIC place to go. feature animal musrt‘ 24 Snapshot IItg'ItItgtltls ”(‘UIIIIiHIUH 12 Excellent 49 Chinese style 25 Comma "\ isioii.ii_\" ”I‘l\‘\Il (‘ut |))ii.iiiiilt"' 13 "XlFiles" calendar Male. lion '"IIiiotiii" Is, King vessel animal trequently 26 Small 14 Via, tor Chartres cars shod Chum picture 28 Electric. (Jigs 15 Resounded 52 Roughly deIS itv s path 16 War zone. 53 Starting 1000 29 ConSis- \Liliiul ('in‘k tor short stake words " tently I‘lltI.l\r '\llf.!ltsl .“I Miiiiis l).i) 17 Belligerent 54 Opposed 7 Robin accwate A llit- l‘init' 09in 55 Has a bug Cook book 30 Nosh S.ittiit|.i). .‘\ll;'ll\l It) tll VHIII .ywy 18 Chinese Optimistic 8 Potato 31 Catcher's Dr I .i Soul calendar Frat-party or rice place" animal essential 9 Choke 36 Chinese I'Ilt‘ Iti‘nwr) 20 Skilllul Ballbear- 10 saw calendar \\t‘tliir~sil.i). August 3/ Rr‘tl 22 DownSize ing items Elba" animal 23 Calendar 37 Timetable St.” ltclg'inilc. (Lirilcn tit Sirciis. abbr Solution time: 23 mins. abbr and lint \Miiitlr-i Jim \;1Cll 24 Wear a rut 38 109 was |Iiiiistl.i\. .\llljll\l its All in the rug a tamous \Iig'lils Scimliits. l'nilcilmlt 27 A tunny one I‘IItIrI}. c\tl}'.tlsl I” I- iiiiiit‘l naise7 41 Author \‘u iiiiiiiiiij.‘ \\|III ‘l.\'ll 32 “~ not Milne S.itiiril.i\, ‘\ll_:‘ll\l Ill Hint-rags. choose 42 “Lion King" (ii.issliiipiici III}!II\\.|} to run" Villain 33 Ending tor 43 , avail east or 44 Bag The Mission west 46 Oozv \M-iliicsilnv \ugiisi 37 Right 34 Nonprotes» cheese (In Sionat 47 Capri e g I'liiiistlas, \llt‘tlsl ms l’ipc. 35 Trade 48 Fling Mriiiiis~ I |_\ IilIi'Ik‘s 38 Clarinetist 51 Larry's pal skitiiitlns. .-\u:'_ust ttl (Int- Point IS? 310 ‘11 I t\t‘. SILIH‘IHIL NIUHIII’HIC The Berkeley ('uI't" I-IIIIIMIJ)‘ '\tl).‘ltsl Ls M.i(ir.i\~ (trip I‘IItI.l\. August 3‘) Iitttt‘IK‘ltiIt‘ts S.ittiiil.i}. August ill .IUL' IIL'II .\ tlir' Stinging: III.I(I('\ Easy Qteps ForA (“.it‘s ('rurllc 'I‘Iiiiistlri}. :\ll_‘.?llsI 3X IIJIIII‘lIlItIt‘Is \sitli (‘irin.iiiiiiii .iiiil Miitliiic \tt'ilnt'silns. Scptcinlici i t‘rill t'oiii 'l‘iiui trailiiriny \.iiinus TREE \iiutlit‘rii '\ll|\l\

Thanksgiving Dinner! -~~~r«+ STUMPEny For answers to today s crosswtird can I. Stop at Harris Teeter and pick up a card I 1 900-454 6873'9‘lc‘perniiriult t It“ ti tone rotary pttOllPL. itav tiitly iA Kl’li] Features sewice NV C, Recycle like the one shown at the right. 8-28 ('Rt't’l()t)_l'll’ 2. Shop IO Out at I3 weeks between Technician! August 27 & November 25, I997. I) U I’ ll l' l' \ l‘ |.\ll’ 3. Spend $35 00 or more each week on one iitgotixVxl lttl‘l’X (LYII E. oLJsi ‘15::an_ Q visit, { Excludes alcohol and tobacco.) I: U 'l‘ .8 Z. (l l’ l' (i Q'I.\(.\'I I’UI'I 4. Show your VIC card and have the cashier 'l (i t, .s t t) t l‘ (i I' (I (: validate your Thanksgiving Dinner Card. I()1.Id\"\ (.n'ptoquip tlui: \ equals M 5. When IO out ol l3 blocks are validated, you are eligible to receive a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner “

It’s That Easy! Wrth See Store For VIC )1 s/ u More Details. Ac“ 5‘“[“Ish‘..53:“...“ “.2?“HI tilvsz‘;4'KTJI“Iwif:\- c‘w'-r ,3 ii!'fr‘-;A'Lijl‘I’"'-"law”;.05 Immediate. , .enings RTP ‘.2'm SPIN 'IAI, MRI“! .3's 3. Full time and Part time ' ch’éiéa‘ai 1012 lb. Grade A Frozen 1“ Btiquets Sacarlty Officer! and Receptionist: i7l¥'f',;f‘i;j§.t Butter-ball Turkey HullMINII4 Ian! -li' ~6oaStoveTopChickenorCom wow.. V,.ii'fit.. t, i 97. 75 (No Experience) .i'4' ‘4‘!’:3,'ifI Bread Stuffing ' Two 145 on Can: Del Monte Security Console Operators $8 00 92:1,.1‘35??? Green Bans “it“Medical 8r. Life Insurance ' I ii?" 16 oz. Can Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce ShirlVacations & 401k Program 3 - 13 oz. Package Folger’s Automatic Drip Coffee ItCollege Tuition Reimbursement Prom -18.2502.BettndockerSuper math hfil’mfessxonal/ Corporate Work Environment MoistYelIowCakeMix VIC cs4.0 .:>’:‘/IIvj‘ItIIerit Bonus Program HARRIS TBE’I‘ERCOUPON ‘bComplete Paid ’Itaining 1 d Iii" | Wrth This Coupon a J5 Pl

DRINK‘PEPSI'7 'I W6’ mozDew, 51 tillltilttlttsts'A “thatM I I I I _, i " l I PLU 5110 > I GROC. [couponA, .1— , I Oz_ VALUE I 8=—_ :50A“.- I 822E LimitPurchasvOne CouponOtter GoodPer AdditionalAt Your Local$35 a= Harris Teeter This Coupon May Not Apply in person Monday-Friday. 'I O===...= ABeq Reproduced7 T q OtterpValid 4..— u 2 hrou Ii qC‘pI 1997 8:30m-6:OOpm: Saturday. 9:00m-1:OOpm; at I =3 Harris Teeter ..I «or at: Fork: load. Ludwk Onto: I'l»; Ht. 130. my. NC 87000 Prices Effective Through Sept. 2, 997 mfinflawhe hiceshmMEffxfiermday,W27mmughSepL2,t997hwRalaghAmSmm MUST BE ZIYRS OLD OrflthReeawflwRightToUmRQurfifiecbbdedTbDamMGhdlonaeptFedmlFoodShmpc Wednesday, August 27, 1997

e Vol. 78 NO. 6 Technician =:2:». .21;. Center will end .

passengers’ Herngiuys F6rXHer u.v, headaches

I New allow for easier use of an already bus terminal will bring many busy road. rewards to campus. The bus terminal will also be a Somewhere on Founders Drive. great relief for the 90 percent of paralleling llillsborough Street. passengers who get on the Wolfline near Nelson Hall. NC. State's along Hillsborough Street. Wolfline. along with Capital Area Passengers will no longer have to Transit (CAT) and Triangle Transit wait for five minutes at Carmichael Authority t'l'l‘A). Will be building a Gymnasium while buses get back new lntermodal Transit Center. on schedule and drivers take their This terminal Wlll allow buses to much-needed breaks. ptill off of llillsborough and stop in Building the center directly off of order to stay on schedule. Hillsborough should improve the The center will allow the hordes accuracy of the Wolfline schedule. of students who board the buses on No longer will students be forced to llillsborough Street to do so tnore wait for a bus that is never on time. easily than before. And. building Passengers will be able to better the station on Founders Drive rather plan for when the buses will run than llillsborough will also rather than having to simply sit at eliminate major traffic headaches. the bus stop and wait. hoping to get c---»\-.-w, Anyone traveling on Hillsborough to class or work on time. { Street knows how heavy traffic is. Maybe the best part of the especially during the day and at proposed terminal is that students rush hour. The major thoroughfare will not have to pay for it. tees is littered Wllh tons of automobiles. I \ove ii’ when guys JAS‘ duck 'l'N Crorgs construction. pedestrians of all ages Because of CAT's involvement. skirts 'yrr’to 4km pants. you Simon and the occasional cyclist. When up to 80 percent of the funding for if \lehlneln itself). . . . \Qmmings. of skew one vehicle stops to turn or to park the proyect could come from federal reeds youllll Rdfimoul'h @oo\.Com on the side of the road. everyone is funds. This would eliminate the affected down the road. possibility of another tuition bike The addition of the center on (at least for that reason). ' ' Technician l-‘ounders Drive Will allevrate at Even the potential loss of a few least some of these traffic problems more parking spaces is worth \iijtiil ilrilllll\i iii l {‘1‘ i isit' by rerouting Wolfline traffic. having the buses off of A tale of two regions \i ii. at \.‘i tiijiti \rw. |’i‘ii llillsborough Street is a road used Hillsborough Street and creating . l ftiJ/tr‘f' f/hl/ It (”ti/Hf“. ///r’ l’lIi'q/Ilt.’ H/ by many people. A terminal that easier access for Wolfline f/tr‘ if/Hfr'I/t‘ Mir/t f/ri/I’MJ .li‘ Iii/ii //V/( will passengers. would probably not even notice share in that state. Then there's aft/italMum flirting/i tilt/i /. Mr flirt/4cm. doesn't park buses on the street I Charlotte and Raleigh have it all. i'/'r tan/rt). mm m ha.’ I”: no W: of ”Ir these cities existed. but if you grew Winston-Saletirbased Wachovia. HIM/rm tlH I‘ig/ii'ir'ii.".. nil/rue //h MLiflb; up in the "not-so happenin'" town and yes. they have a nice skyscraper Inf/run} i'i’i tit/1mm}: ..' flu/'14.. Statt Columnist of Salisbury (and there are a lot of as well in Charlotte. When you’re dim vol 1, no. you here on campus) then cashing that check at their branch February 1, Atrium wall Moving from a small town to the relocation to either of these cities is on Hillsboroiigh Street. keep in big city can really open your eyes. a miracle in itself. Unless of course mind that you’re banking with the canon lN carer Not just because of the drastic you really groove with the small- l7th largest batik in the country. Terry H. Bennett shows history increase in size and population. btit town atmosphere. and I can respect and it‘s growrng a lot faster than my also due to the nationally and world that. "(‘iit.i»|iead."'lhey recently bought renowned industries the city The pressing question now is banks iri Virginia and Florida. and MANAGiNG EDtTOR I There’s a message in the Bromberg students“ lives when the mural is possesses. Coming to Raleigh from “Which region has the best of they have a laundry list of more to Nicole Bowman cleaned and restored. These marks Salisbury. NC. in the fall of I995 what?" let's take a quick look at get their hands on. Now. I'm no mural. are perhaps the only tangible was an exodus of anticipation and the Queen City area and the banking guru. Personally. I hate that evidence some of the students had excitement. After being in school Triangle. stuff. It really bores me. unless of GENERAL MANAGER You may or may not have noticed time to leave on our campus. here for two years. i have The banking industry. Take one course I see lots and lots of dollar Dawn Wotaplta the mural in the Atrium. A layer of it is difficult to conceive that four developed a sense of pride for this look at Charlotte‘s majestic skyline. signs. Brit I'm not blind to what's shellac and accumulated dirt has of what tnany see as the most city. Being able to spend over eight and you can see the NationsBank going on. Charlotte. if it isn't News Editor - Phillip Reese left it looking somewhat non— important years in a person‘s months of the year here has Tower. standing tall above all the already. is becoming the banking descript. There are no bright colors growth and development could be convinced me that I don‘t ever want rest. For NatiotisBank to have the center of the New South. Growth. Clrlstlne Oldtan - Opinion Ed‘tor or vivid scenes to catch your eye. spent in a place that will carry no to live in a “Mayberry” again. tallest building is fitting it‘s the growth. growth. It never stops. Features Editor - Kelly Marks All that is really there is texture and fourth largest batik in the country. Klm Gatlney Sports Eatitm impressions. mark of their existence after they Yet this summer. l was fortunate linough of the banking thing. Wire Editor . Brett Hackleman Within the mural are impressions leave. Such is the unique aspect of to live in that other growing with oy er $230 billion in assets. Let’s talk technology. The Triangle that represent the seven disciplines college. it does not matter how far metropolis in the South Piedmont stretching its corporate arm far is overflow ing with it. There‘s the Hide Terada . Photography Editor at NC. State. They aren‘t obvious. you go or how involved you are. region of North Carolina. You across the country. all the way to Research Triangle Park. where it Graphics Editor - Kristy Dudtworth You may have to look closely to you will leave but minute reminders know. the city that has that winning New Mexico. Hearing about seems like all the students here go swam . (Copy Desk Chit“. see some of them. If you take the of your time here. NFL team well. not in the pre NationsBarik gobbling up small to coop or get kecn internships. Design Editor - Farrah Cooley time to look. you will also see College is a training ground for season. but perhaps the regular start-up banks is the norm around livery week one cati read about this Steven Hodges - Sates Manager words the future. It is here that you will season will bring better news. Yes here. but it doesn‘t end with them. company and that. relocating to the Classified Manages - Alexis Badllt additions to the original first try out your skills for later use folks. Charlotte is that other “virus You also have First Union Corp. "TechMecca" that the RTP has and markings placed by the hands that grows as fast as my the country's sixth largest bank mm - Advertising Erector of students in the 44 years since the in the real world. You will create of town" become. Okay. you hate the area GradTech Editor - Kristen Sprulll mural was completed. change. but when you graduate. semi-afro. Being able to experience with over til-10 billion in assets. where the employees will go to The interesting thing is that the someone else will come along and these two cities in one year is They recently bought a bank in work. now where do you snag artwork was designed to accept change your changes. it will be as something I treasure. Somebody Virginia. With that purchase. First Opinions expressed in the commits. cartoons. graffiti. The innocuous tracings say your changes never existed. from New York or Los Angeles Union became the largest market- hcc JUSTIN. l’agc l“ D photo illustrations aria letters that appear on that someone was here and took the This is not a sad thing. however. it TechhiCiah's pages are the yiews if the time to leave their mark in a small is part of maturing. part of life. We indvxtual writers and cartoonists The unsigned will all in sortie way leave those editorials that aoDear on the iett see 0! the way. liach student who did so has Players in it for money editoriat page are the corner at the pacer and become a part of the living history little marks that will remain. We are the resoonsbility or the Editor ir Chet of NCSU. may be the only one who knows Technician tLSPS 455 050 s the tillICIdi Manual Bromberg. a former about them or remembers them. But season of the Carolina Panthers last prompted the Hornets to trade sludentrun newspaper or NC State universay professor. left a space for students they will remain part of the living it is!Staff1, 3V"Coltmnisttil-Asia year can attest to the defense Alonzo Mourning to the Miami and is pmlsheo every Monday Wednesday and in his work. We hope his daughter. history that is NCSU. just as the prowess that Kevin Greene gave Heat two years ago. Mourning was Friday throtigrom the dedf‘mL year trorh Tina. will keep that in mind and not university will remain part of our It's hard to believe that there was them. He was undoubtedly a team a rising star and demanded a salary August through May except during holidays and try to remove these small marks of history throughout the years. a time when professional athletes leader and a fanfavorite. Greene indicative of his talent. The Hornets examination periods Cot‘vrght CC) 1996 by the were paid sub-standard salaries. led the NH. in sacks and finished were pressed for cash and ttiade the Student Meoa Authority Air rghis reserved To However. if you look carefully past second iti defensive player of the best offer they could. one that receive oerhiissior‘ tor reoriiouctioc utease write the likes of Ken Griffey. Jr.. year voting. I’liis. nothing could would have made the Georgetown the in Chief Mailing itlldt‘SS '5 BO! 8608. Rooms nearly at hand Michael Jordan and Barry Sanders. quite compare to his tradition of center an extremely wealthy man. Raiegh. NC 2695 8608 Satisoimio: cost is you'll find an era where athletes shedding his jersey and pads after a When Mourning refused. they $50 per year Printed by Home Hess, Mebatie. received just enough money to get victory at liricsson Stadium and shipped him off for future all-star NC Housing should still be by. ficxmg playfully for his legion of MVP Glenn Rice. It was an POSTMASTER: Sena any access changes to I University Housing has moved in commended for their job thus far. It didn‘t matter if you were a followers. unpleasant situation that left many Technician. Box 8608. Rategh. NC '2 1:95 8608. all but 50 men who remain in study They have moved most of the superstar or the utility man on the This undeniable success led fans bitter. though the team as a temporarily housed students into end of the bench. you played for the Greene to believe he was worth whole benefited from it. lounges. love of the game. a strange concept. more than his SI million contract Those are only two local examples teases to L permanent housing. All students professional ranks. You st The problems traditionally housed in the Brownestone Hotel l know. Never in your wildest and resulted in a pre-season from the Reach Us ‘39.i associated with finding permanent have been moved out of the hotel dreams did you think you could holdout. The Panthers boosted could point otit how UNC~Chape| is' within University and into their own rooms. land a multi-niillion dollar contract Greene‘s contract as much as the Hill dropped Converse for Nike a Internet Servlces: .y‘rt: living space or have a pair of Nike's hearing salary cap permitted. and a fellow couple of years back. ignoring {:- Housing are almost over 4— for this The lost souls of the lounges will for money. ()r the Bulls' 5'. year. most likely be placed in rooms your jersey number mass-produced linebacker even offered to rework tradition TOL: Technician OnLlne .‘i; Of the 270 students who were Within one to two weeks and will for a worldwide following. his contract to bring Greene into never ending quest to keep their http./'/www.sma.ncstate.not/ expected to need transitional get the chance to settle into their I am ashamed to admit that as a training camp. dynasty in place. It has taken me Technictan housing. the number was down to home at NC. State. Despite the fact kid l was ignorant to the business But. Greene wouldn‘t accept the qurte some time to accept that Campus Forum: l65 on the Saturday. August l6. that 50 men remain in temporary side of sports. When l was in Panthers' reasonable efforts to professional sports entities are bust» [email protected] Many of these changes were due to housing. they still have two weeks elementary school I played little renegotiate. Ieav irig the Panthers‘ nesses that have to stay in the black. Press Releases: students who withdrew from the to enjoy the air conditioning before league everything and even bought Bill Poliaii few options. Yesterday. With Ryne Sandberg retiring for [email protected] university or moved into fraternity they begin cursing the heat of a and sold sports cards between he released Greene and signed a the second time. Bo Jackson lntormatlon: houses. residence hall rooms without air basketball games on the playground former pro-bowler. Renaldo concentrating on being a good [email protected] Now it's down to a tnere 50 men conditioning. Unfortunately. they'll - not unlike a shrewd broker in the Turnbill. to replace the outside father and renovating old Harley" since all the women have left for also have to deal with settling in all middle of a Wall Street tragedy. linebacker. Davidsons and Christian Okoye Phone Numbers: their final resting place on campus over again. But those men in I made my room into a shrine for Greene wrll probably find the editing a betting gurde which bears Edltorlal...... 515-2411 at least. a little itiore restful than lounges have one more friend than Ryne Sandberg. Bo Jackson and lucrative contract he wants with his name. I figured it was time for Advortlslng- ...... 515-2029 a lounge. they have otherwise had. and you Christian Okoye (not to mention another team in the next week or me to grow up. Maybe I‘ll make my Fax ...... 51 5,5133 a third roommate Alyssa Milano and the Road two. biit the Panther management. next set of role models people So now the only people waiting to never know when Warriors). But as a 20 year—old known for playing hardball with related to my career. l‘iii sure I can finally unpack the rest of their may come in handy. While most money-hungry players. can stand find some moral attorneys or Address things are men. This shouldn‘t be students think they'll never need a crazed sports fan. I can no longer Sttmnt(latte concidered an odd problem when third roommate. at least these go on believing that money hasn‘t tall and proud. It was crucial that politicians to put up on my wall. 323Mbersvoon you think that there are more men lounge lizards plenty of company as replaced the love of the game for they solve this dispute before the On second thought. maybe l‘ll Box 8608. NCSU Campus on campus. and they naturally need they sweat out their last days in most athletes. season started and Carolina did so. stick With the old ones for a little Raleigh. NC 27695-8608 more housing. their temporary homes. Those who followed the fairy tale This is the type of situation that while longer. Page 10 Opinion August 27, mar

school. we hate so titan} great eating tltat ranks high wrth and Observer that Delta .‘\lrllItCs ts engineering classifications that line In Charlotte. I found the best beefing tip its RDl '- Atlanta sers ice Justin eter>one can be satisfied. .\nd dtittttg on l‘rm idenee Road arid \s tth larger. tnore luxurious planes. l‘t'.“ 'tt‘tt \. ui'r‘r’ 5Ufi6ring. (if,EWti’f‘.vv2.1.. eteryone gets tobs. the companies l2ast lintllCHtl'ti. You \\ ant good Just shovss you hovs much is going if. are _tust drooling troiii all o\ er to ltaltan l‘r) (‘.ist.tldt's. ls seafood on here. Here we go again w ith that t tormented wit it all their it"{1llietli1<'l!I t 'l lLl. grab students here. .i\nd that's on tout niind ’lltete's the Blue "groom“ thing. It's a great thing beeotittng the trade ot tlte I‘t'tangle. Matlin You \\ ant |ust abotit Spot‘ts‘.‘ It depends on what you i; t, it .w :‘H‘ifv‘til‘i ‘ifr‘ {toxin/t.» .tt ~,i‘.i. them" l'r} one ot the three schools the ”technology farm" for the state .iitytlttng’ It} the l’rm tdenee Road want. (‘harlotte ltas the Panthers. tn this area. \thteh are damn good of North (‘arolina is R I'l’ atid tlte (Lite. .\s you can see. 1 [m e eating the Hornets. N.~\S(‘.v\R atid ttitttot "kit 3; we"? we cont» "l itt inst about e\er_\ field. You \\ ant "farmers" are being shipped itt a * star meal. lt‘s e\pcnsi\ e. btit league baseball the l'riangle has t medicine Duke l'nttet‘stt) atid \\.t\ es from Nt‘Sl '. Duke. atid )es. \sotth met) peiiii_\ and ealorie to the best of \shat college football l l'Nt‘rt'hapel llill hate plenty of [knots it hurts its all. l'.\'(‘ .is uell. me Here In Raleigh. I ha\ e found atid basketball hate to otter. I guess (o'mrz'ence 4% that. w ith lt.lll0ll.tll} recognized and technology is tlte l't‘tangle. too places that satist) tii_\ lust for it Just depends on \\ hat sports mood l (go \sorshipped iiiedteal schools. (lka). Banking ts Charlotte. l'tso areas great eating. one is in. l HO“ ue need some corporate that affect its et er_\ second h.i\ e “ l'tso (in) s" on lltllshoi'ough Ladies and gentlemen. ('harlotte l \ ,> 3 attorneys to detettd these rad gigantic hubs here tti North Street atid “ \ngus Barn" near the and the 'l‘riangle boast so mueh that l ML) C teehnoftrnis ius‘t tap tlte uealth Carolina. a state that is qtitekl) airport. l‘hat‘s II. I mean. if other states just \lrl\ e to aehte\ e llt ltI that Duke atid l'.\'(‘ hate to offer. beeoiittng “the model” for the Soutlt an} bod} knots s of other great one eit_\. I know that tobaeeo. hogs. 1):) N0“ the fun begins. let's find the and tlte rest of tlte country. places to dine. eall me. I‘ll be there turkey s. .ind e\ er) other AA folks \\ ho are gonna run these let's take a look .it some other iii a flash. agriculture related thing make this companies tlte real muscle. Our areas ot interest and intrigue lot It )ou “ant to go on that \aeation. state tht‘oe too. liut look at these if ///i slum/lit: i/Hl/ I): /‘i"t!/ beloved school. Nt‘St'. \\ ill these tvso regions, Restaurants. or you need to catch a flight for t\\o regions arid at eterythtng the) certainly step up to the task and Sorr) Raleigh. bttt you ltlsl can't business. )ou \son‘t hate a problem hat e to offer. and I guarantee a conquer the rest of the erotttl. hang \\ tth Charlotte. iii (‘Iiarlotte or the 'l't‘iangle. l'S. sense of prtde \\ ill be aehiet ed. it Engineering 7 something that I'll the best food I eter eottsuttied :\ll\\it_\s ltas a httb trt Charlotte. there‘s a "(‘erttfteate of w two it‘ help you. “grain. or" Ltat" .i we" :‘‘. never get into because I'll ne\ er \s as from this Italian totnt called \lltl\\.l_\ .\trlines has a lttib at RI)!‘ Aehiesement" for progresstse cities >‘ .‘i pt! ‘. {itiut‘ wet in it‘ll. it “Mt“ pt have the gray matter. But o\er "litee" in Manhattan. Nobody has International. and .‘\ltlL‘l‘lt'ttlt and regions tn America. then the 7.000 of you here do. and this is the come close to tltat. But this summer .\lll|lk‘\ has a ltltlllrlltll‘ at Rl)l' as Triangle aitd (‘harlotte better be witty wiae wonder woman mt...“ t i _. "muscle" I'm talking about. At tlits iii Charlotte. 1 e\perteneed a lot ot tsell, l tead recentl) in the Neus written all m er tt. [email protected] [email protected] Reading Technician makes you smart. ,-

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\-. \ GRE classes begin Sept. 4 & 6. only $340 GMAT classes begin Sept. 8 & l3. only $340 plea THEY 30m {amigo a i a // LSAT classes begin Sept. 6 & ll. only $295 MUCH, TO ‘TH:'1 flEL'EFTAAT‘0; US a” «J,. V‘ 7 THEY WEQE JUST ...... llllll SAT classes begin Sept. 2 & 27. only $220 cunt-.111-.. UNukg T“ \ —— Vr‘Camroorlawacas“Q Duke University Continuing MDA EducaHon LABOR DAY {as If?“ matures CALL . TELETHON 684—3379 A A CWNHE more theorist. tflé’tiToTc at am. Abuse , U {7. "17: Flt‘lttu. m I 1: imam MIG. Ash" HI r‘Ji' ‘5” V'u‘S'S. 31-SEPT.1 Rec yClQ“W@hnician (new? CHECK [00M llSTlill'iS «,us fl. ,_ “M I!!!“ 27, 1”? National News Page 11 Scltwartz said. In New York. public-health Drugs officials in lll‘ll faced art outbreak of tuberculosis caused by bacteria Cherokee chief agrees to end tribal infighting (‘imrinueiffrom Page 6 that were resistant to at least sevett prescriptions could have a major antibiotics The outbreak of I The Cherokee Marshal Service iiill return to Interior and Justice Department was dealt a blow when art be reinstated but immediately placed «ifwksrrsi‘F. intpact in reducing resistance to resistant 'I'B occurred largely llnterica‘s second-largest tribe after being officials have been working independent tortiiiiis sroit hired by on aditiinistrative leave pending an drugs. Like hutnan populations. because “there was nothing tit place removed during a financial crisis. intensively in recent days to broker the ('herokee (‘oiiiicil titled that the appeal of his dismissal bacterial populations are constantly to make sure that people (with the an agreement before the tribe‘s iiiipcachiiteitt ol the ('hcrokec The crisis erupted earlier this year {if-J1*» changing. A variety of studies have disease). once identified. finished Lors Ronpuvo national holiday this weekend. The Nation's tribal |llSl|tt‘\ was invalid. when Ragsdale. armed with a court shown that even when antibiotic taking their medication." said Paula The Washngton Post three-day celebration Byrd had promised to order. confiscated documents front resistance in a community has I. I‘ilI~|l\\ilI’il. director of the bureau coiiimentorates the reinstate the grudges Byrd's office relating to the payment reached fairly Itigh levels. changing of tuberculosis control in the city TULSA - After months of vicious reunification of the National should the cotitmissioii of $700000 to Byrd's brotherrin— the way the drugs are used cart health department. tribal infighting. (‘herokee Chief Joe (‘herokee Nation in .. i. rule in their favor. Ilts law 's law firitt. Byrd. who has denied bring it down again. In response. the ltealth department Byrd announced Tuesday that he had I939. after the Trail of i "1VI spokeswoman said arty wrongdoing. fired the marshals Some examples: etttphasized art approach called signed art agreement with the Interior Tears when govemntent Tuesday that the chief within hours. The three-man high , A study in the Aug. I-l issue of directly observed therapy (I)()T) - Department to end the turmoil and to troops forced the — ‘ t. A would keep his word court reinstated them. In May. Byrd‘s yet-ew-ray?3.1-.‘,x.,\t_,_5SPIN".r, the New [England Journal of watching patients take each dose of reinstate the law enforcement relocation of about ' and reopen the eight supporters on the limember Medicine described Itow I-‘innish medicine to make sure they coiit officials lie had dismissed in the 16000 (‘herokees frotrt t our mouse to the Tribal (’ouncil voted to impeach the sis-0:17pa: health officials successfully in- pleted a full course of treatment. middle of art investigation of tribal the south to the territory NEWS [itsllt'cs \\ cdtlestltty, court. Byrd then closed the fluenced doctors‘ prescribing habits The TB control budget increased expenditures. that became Oklahoma. But those who have courthouse. to cope with increasing resistance front about M0 million per year Bryd has been under pressure front When the iitarathon negotiations in been at odds with Byrd for so long Iii its interim report released by group A streptococci (the cause before the epidemic to about $46 state and federal officials to resolve Washington stalled late Friday. are viewing his promises with luesday. the independent commts of “strep throat") to the drug million today. arid the success of the crisis that has all but paralyzed Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and caution "In order for this to work the siort said that the council's action was erythromycin. The proportion of these efforts Itas been dramatic. The the nation‘s second—largest tribe since Sen. Don. Nickles. R-(lkla.. placed chief must do tiioic than honor the invalid because the action was taken resistant strains had increased froitt number of new cases of iiiiiltidriig February. Within the past six months. the blame on Bryd‘s shoulders. language of the aerceiiieiit he Itas to without a [th'llilrtls quorum present 5 percent in 1988 to I} percent by resistant TB Itas decreased frottt Byrd had fired the Cherokee Marshal Nickles. iii a news conference. said hottor the spirit." said ('harles as required under the ('herokee l‘)90. In |‘)‘)l. the government 441 in I902 to HI last year art at) Service and the tribal prosecutor, and the chief was setting himself up as a Shtplcy. ait .ittoiiicv who represents Constitution. Byrd‘s agreeiiieitt with issued guidelines to reduce the use percent drop. engineered the impeachment of the “total dictator.” Byrd agreed to return one ol the iitstices Interior calls for the tribe to accept of erythromy‘cin and related Fujiwara said one message of the tribe‘s highest court which had to the table Monday. and when he Pat Ragsdalc. who was ousted as the coitiiiiission‘s findings on the TB outbreak applies to the broader arrived back here from Washington head of the (’Itciokce Marshal r antibiotics. questioned his authority and ethics. iitipeachment of JUSIIL‘L’S Ralph Keen. ..-..s By the followrng year. the average problem of antibiotic resistance. With more than $80 million in on Tuesday. after signing the Service itt l‘t‘llllldly, alone with his Dwight Birilwell aitd I’hilip V'rles Ir. t‘ay consumption of those drugs per "New drugs don‘t solve the federal funds annually appropriated agreement. he called for peace and l4 deputies. called the agreement arid mandates a suspension of arty . 1.000 people had been cut almost in problem. You have to have a to the tribe. the situation quickly cooperation. ”broad arid very vaguely written." legal action related to the tribal , half. lirythromycin resistance program iii place to monitor. to give caught the attention of Washington. In separate action Tuesday. Byrd According to the pact. Ragsilale is to dispute. among strep bacteria peaked in the drugs correctly. iii order to it I993. at 1‘) percent. atid Itas fallen prevent them being wasted." steadily since - to 8.6 percent by ILS. health officials are beginning it} l996. to develop strategies to address the . In Iceland. researchers becante problem. This fall. the ('I)(' will StateFEST will be presented in a ”FESTival” alarmed by rising penicillin launch intervention programs tit resistance iit Streptococcus pneumr three Itinndgt‘dw‘alt‘ systems . iii atmosphere, i.e., hundreds of ”informational booths” oniae bacteria - from 2 percent in Boston. Seattle arid Wisconsin to the late [980s to about 20 percent try to reduce inappropriate under tents, a plethora of things to see and hear, lots in I‘NZ. according to Schwartz. antibiotic use by doctors. They will They mounted a national campaign. educate physicians arid provide of food and entertainment, a gigantic outside sale by ainted at doctors and the general posters. pamphlets arid v ideos for public. to reduce antibiotic use. patients. Schwartz said. In addition. Although the results have rtot yet several states are starting their own HCSU Bookstore, Prizes, and thousands of students, been published in detail. “they initiatives to cut down on found they did decrease usage and unnecessary antibiotic use. faculty, and staff, interacting with one another. they decreased resistance as well."

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Israeli ‘Prisoner of Canadian telemarketing

Conscrence’ released (so scams targeting Americans I the prisoner was being held for ateoiint. a niosrng aililtess to air suintnei lielore his arrest. He wrote I the United States is a tempting target for eontinental leader in phone t‘rautl. ropes iii one slli p their set tip their lstaeh teseisist tailed lot‘ iettistng to tlatls ()ntario anil ”l‘lllSh ('oltiniliia \sei'e o\\ti phone oaiiks speaking his political thoughts on the guattl politteal prisoners lieltl Salri's \sr‘iting espantletl l‘L’)Ulltl international scams because culprits are llrllll) iii the top It). ~’llt‘ said he hat! _:‘iiiirl ttt‘\\s llc Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement. \iithotit tttal his tlails ilrais entries. .\n Israeli rarely prosecuted. Relying on las sentenetng \\ as so peisuasue aiiil seemed so “eilnestlas night. Sal‘hs plight translator anil pulilishet. l'lana HOWARD Summon praettees tti (‘anatla and the lrieiiills and t seistltirii'. saiil .\ltee Ass LoLoitDo entls llrs taileis hase agieetl to llartinteiinan, lielpeil to get a pieee l'lt‘ Wishu‘gtti" Post proteetioii ol a liortlei that eati ilela) l'ishet. ‘s. \\llr‘ st'til Silkllllll iii .l :ii?‘ release hint so he ean aeeepi air oi Salii's puhlishetl In the litet'at‘s e\trailition to the l'niteil States for lilitll [‘itslll}‘ .t\ a t .tll.ltll.lll ttrstonts .itatleniie telloit ship in the supplement ot the Israeli |'()R()N'l'() llilila llanria tlitln‘t seats. lirautlulent telemarketing agent. pitsiaiialils tor the tases on a Netherlands, nesispaper. lla‘aiet/, Salii renieniher entering a siteepstakes lll grotips ha\e liilkeil l'S. eonsuniet's H 'tiiillii-ir Iortt‘rs pti/e .\l‘tet' ,ll ls‘l \ \l l \l lrriatl Sal‘i sass " l'lie stiles .it‘iisetl at art agreement t‘\t'll.ill§lt'il lL'Hk'[\ \Hlll .i llldlt‘l/ (‘anatla littt she \\.ts stilling to Irttst out ol huntlietls ot niillions ol setiiltng the t rttlreil tiiet‘k. she his rear tr use has that he opposeil that \\ r|| enalile liis ilepartute alitoatl iotitnahsi and others. a eallei‘ lt'oni Quehee \\ho said she ilollai's litt' tiekets iti t‘oretgn lotteries gteis neuritis ,lllil stoppeil its Ilie l'a eslrri'att Israeli peaee ssliieh inelutletl his eoniinitrirent to impression on had enteretl. antl \ion a S‘Mihtlti that ne\ er pa} ott. pit/es that neser ile|i\et\ l or il.t's~ the rnati ealletl agteerrre'r. init spoke out against retrain l'toni aett\ities tltat eoultl His \siitiiig inatle ati iaekpot. l'lie inones “Ullltl lie on its appear. and gent rniestnient het. lllsl «t'llll‘liltllllll' that he was it hai'ni Israeli seeutrty" a .lustiee Pk't‘PlL‘i “as. as llanna reealletl the sehentes in \shreli the prom rentaiiis ”litilll li' l"\t his toh tht‘lt Ilie lsraeli seeutrts lotees ne\er \lrnistr‘s spokesisontaii saiil “.\lans lstaelis has e lieen eonsei'sation. as soon as she sent rust ottt ot' reaeh lltlt'alt‘llllr' lri lake lL'i'Jl .ii'lltiti t'oirnalr’s t‘hargetl \alri ssith a Salii is to board an airplane tot eottipelletl to tonti'otit the taet tltat ‘Sl‘Hltltl to now t‘anatlian taxes l‘he groups in (‘anatla “think the) against her sl‘Cs‘llle etiine or litouglit hiiii to \rustetilain at iaaii. l‘hursilas stilet‘ I)L'\'C|lth'l PH. “’95. \l and eustonis lees, ean operate \\tlll itnpunits." saiil l' S oltri l.l|s t‘slitllalt' teler trial Ihe) arrestetl Ilie 15 seat oltl Human rights aettststs applatiiletl l’alestrnian intellectual has heen llanna. a l'S. eiti/en “ho asked Jonathan Ritseh. a settiot litigator iii Iiiaikerrna tratiil tints tonsuniets Palestinian rriteileetual in lleeetnlier tlie eout't approu‘tl settlettient "l‘he itnpttsonetl \stthout trial.” \srote that her state ol resiilenee not he the train! seetiori ol the l'.S. .litstiee helllltllllt‘lliltil Halli l‘l‘”. .ieeusei lirtrr ot lietng a threat taet that the) haie agreed to let liitn lla aiet/ tottt'nalist (itileon lees iii tdetittl'tetl. satil she seitt Ilie tnone) Department and eo than of a print .\s eiitoitqriii-rir ls» inie sitittet iii to seeuiris _tlltl railetl ltrtri the out. sshen it‘s pulilie optttioti that .I teeerit eolurttn tnueli til it atlsaneeil t'torri eretlrt ssorking group on tross hortler the l'iiiieil sr .ies unli the I HI and reason giseri tor his Iletention ssas has int’lueneeil thetii. inilreates the Salii leatetl that opponents to the eartls ithtne. titauil. "the; look at the l'niteil other aj'tii res lll‘tlllllll_§' large liis [it‘llllsal attiirts isitli the .itliitiais nature ol' ailininrstratne l‘L‘tlit‘ ttt‘t‘i‘lils slgllt‘tl lll ()Sli‘. 'I‘he pit/e ties er at'tiietl. States as a pattietilar'l} Itieratri e uniletttwei rpt-raiir-ns .iirtl iiitilti militant l’opulat l‘lt‘ltl tor the iletention.” sartl .lesstea Moritell. ot \ot‘uas uoultl lie targeted and ”a When she got a tollois irp eall iii market. antl the) eount on the hull iit\eslr illr‘lrs pinset tttors atitl l.ll‘L‘l.llli‘li ot l’alestine. l‘he iletails the lsiaeli human rights group as as e ot .iiltiiinistiatis e arrests" earl) August requesting ati e\tra eustenee ol the border as a liilltit' s.I‘\ st or i‘trsts l‘i'gatt in see he \\ as toltl. \\ ere "elasstt'ietl ” it" l‘seleni, "ll tlte purpose ot earrieil out. Slitltltl to eosei nioie tases and sulistantial ltiittlle that \se ha\ e to (‘illltltla rts .i plat \ lei‘tt‘ lllt'} t'iitllil \s an JilllltltHlltlll‘sL‘ detainee. Iletaining him \\.is to silenee liirii. at His \soi'st teats \\ei’e realt/etl and lees. she saitl she reali/etl that those get ii\t‘l to take an) elleeti\e target the l \ markets and Salit “as a prisoner ol eonsetenee hail Ilie opposite et't'eet ” he \\ as ai’testetl ln an open letter pleasant people on the otliet entl ot aetton." tetlttt e the risk I l‘i‘lll_L' ionsieteil But prison tlitl not silence hint. ls’ini .louileli. Salii's \\llL‘. neser \\ritteit ltoni .\legttltlo Militar) the line here paii ot a liooniing (‘l'tiss'htll‘tlL‘l pioseeuttons are and going to rot \r‘ltrt' operatetl iii lti letters istttten troiir his tail eell. ki’ie\\ he: hushanil to he a \\l'llL'l. \n Detention (enter the tolloising (‘anailian espott tiatle in telephone itiet‘easing. l' S. ollieials in Seattle lhi.‘ I‘llllk'il \ialt’. and their inosetl to Salii eiotruentls set loieelnll} intelleeitial‘ hes. \n and ieatlei’ .lutie. Sahi talketl aliout his entire. l't'atitl, last \seek inilietetl sis lti'itish ('anatla l‘lui :oost appear it» lie ehallengetl the ailnttnistratise \ es littt a \ti'ttet" ".\l} eruiie “as simply lit} ret'usal to 'l‘he) hit llaniia t\\ tee this summer ('oluniliia residents on ll i postal. (aiiailtaii si no operators detention \)\lt'lll anti ealletl tot Ilie ”He stliil lii ttlt'. [his Is the lie ssiept ii} the titles ot ()slo. l Jttst as she “as lieginning to lieltese eustotiis anil oilier alleged iolatioits ('aiiailiati rv'trr r its sat that .ii an). rclt‘tlst‘ \‘l the Vii l‘Ct‘Plk‘ \lClJlllCtl ei‘eatrsits ot prison," “ saitl .lontleh. \\.is arguing in ta\onr ol hoseotting the worst alrout tlie itione) she in eonneetion \sitli a lotter} tieket gi\en tiiiie tlieie lit, no“ tlo/ens ot under its .illllliilll} a planning otl'it'er’ \\llll .‘i l'..\ the eleetions tor the Palestinian “\son” iti .lune. another eallet‘ sehenie that eolleetetl as niueh as lt‘lL‘lllJllst'lll'r',‘ st .iiirs .ll operation ttt llis appeals printeil rti lsi'aelt spoiisor'eil organi/atron. ('ount :l. l'hai. poirttealls. “as not at persuatletl her to sentl ‘S-Hltltl to $70 million .iiiiitialls il't‘lll l'.S. ('anatla that _ll|ll-“l solels target nessspapeis not: hurt supporters. Salii t'ttst liegan \sriting to liis all eotteet and it autoniatteall) eoser' ”duties and tatil'l's" on a tesiilents. I' \ \‘lllSIHlitls ir\i‘ltl||l_L' Ioeal l‘he .\eis \ otk l rnies pul‘lishetl one ilaughtet‘ Deena. \\ ho \\ as horn tlte turneil me into a seeutrts threatf” separate. SI Moot) pri/e. lioth ln air ongoing: l'ennsslsania \ltlllllS to !c««eri risk ot local Hit rilents has e heen referred to in\estigatioii. teileial ot‘lieials haie tiliist‘tltlltiit ('anailian lass entoieenrent tillli‘litlS. tndietetl ts") (‘anathan residents tor a lhe \\tlllsllt‘ 'rrt1p,i’hattt‘il lis "'l'lie) sountleil reall) legitimate." gem seairi tn “lilt'lt irtostls (KS. Riisth .llltl at irrarlian tountetpatt. Palestians bitter over Israeli closure llanna saitl. "l he) kept asking for eonsunieis \sere soltl low grade is stuilsrriv twttes s'lt h as \sliethet nione_\ , . . and Ill} heart sort of saitl. [ends at high priees. then tnthieetl esttailittori trimeitities tan he e-iVflim-W‘IlA.A. I An lsraeli military closure has shut down "siege" ot lietlilelieni in his relasetl the internal elosure 'l)on‘t do it ansniore.‘ . . But to hit) more \\ ith the elaini that the} ateelerateil trail \~.hetliet either the day-to-day operations of Bethlehem. owner eenturs ot pulilie sei‘s tee. lietiteen other l’alesttnian elites trust people. and the} saiil l \ioulil eoulil soon resell at top dollar: eountis nee-,ls l« elianue its eruiiinal “l'hts eits has ne\er seen such a and \ illages. hut keeps a tight seal has e (the pri/e llliiitc)l hel'ore itlie .\liotit itl or those ehargetl agreed to Loss or setitua Hr" :uiileltnes. MARJORIE MILLER hard and tough elosure antl siege p;t_\lllt.‘llil htt lll) ei'etltt ear'tls. l atri come to the l'tittetl States tor trial iri lht‘ l L'ilL'lJl ltarle t oiuniission. res Ariiretes 'iries atountl llethleht'ni. We are on the liethleheni area. alleging too trUstriig. l guess. I am 7| sears return for t‘etlueetl sentenees and are lot esaiiiple :ttt-riils pioliiliiteil eotilpletel) Isiilatetl l‘l'i‘tll the l'L‘sl til that nirlitars eells ot‘ llamas and old. and l shoulil lia\e knossn setting rail ternis ll'iitlt lotit months sortie speeitit lli.tll\\‘llll_‘.! ptattiees lil-‘l‘llllilll \l. \\est Bank On the \\ est Hank." Nasser stiiil t’r'otri other estr'ernist groups are better.” to toe sears. sairl (iortloii /ulitoil. poptilai ,iiriwri: telephone tt'atttl the I‘tli tla_\ oI art lsr'aeli niilitats his ottiees oser‘looktng the Natn its operating tt’eels there, Working from "lioiler rooni" art assisiatit if.» attorney in artists. sut h initiating .itlsanee elostiie. l’alestinian \eriilots sat ('httt'eh " l‘he lst'aelts has e no right "()ui settii'its lotees ha\e phone hanks in Montreal. Toronto l’ennsflsanra. the others are let‘s tot loatis lltal has .illo\\etl Idle and angrs lirestla} in Hie to itiipose tolleetne puntshttient on iritorniarion that llanias anil and \lineouser. or running “rip and lighting estrailition. aritl /ulirotl letletal .iiiil statt pro .et titots to seek shatle oi \langet‘ Square uhile all our people ” lslairirt lthatl units are aettse tn tear” operations that rnos e lioni sttlil his iilitt‘e t'\[‘t‘e'ls the ease still its.' pun iltres against s'oliltets llll'llL‘il asia\ toitt'isi litises l\‘l elsist‘sl ~‘lll lllt‘ \\t‘\l “Jill's liethleheiii \sitliout restraint from hotel to hotel. (‘anatla liasetl searii eottlil drag on lot seare telettiatketirm .riiipariies \\llllillll at eheekpoirtts surrountling this luls ‘in attet t\\o sitit‘iile lioiiilieis the l‘ales tinian .\llllltil‘li} and that artists liaie lieen targeting the :\llli.‘lli'titl authorities In (Him. ll.t\lll_:.’ to nits Ira stirt Iei l‘llltlt'll ot Palestinian rttlei‘. t its liless thetiisehes up in .lerusaletn's tires are planning something." saiil eltlerI} in the l'niteil States \\llll lllinois. Nest \ ork. ('oloratlo. North ptool tetiirirsl rrr trial 'l‘Ctl\hk'l'\ .itiil t‘litlilren. shut into .\laliane \ ehuila niarket. killing l~i inereasrngls elalioiate. aggressiie (‘arolina and Vermont ltase lt'tillCSIS [he outs to»? l‘» i.l ilrle llrlllll ot the their \illages. missed the third day people .\ttet‘ssatil. a leallet liasiil ltarvlllan. a spokesman t'or anil eostl} sehetiies. The) noss pentling in Queliee tor the liottlet tar; tilt at illit r ils s.t\ is a ot‘ school ll\ Beihlehetii. .\ntl elaiiried the lslanite estreniist lsiaeli Prime Minister Benianitn aeeount l'or alioiit one third ot the extradition ot suspeets iti eittiiiiial :raiitl statute lliai Palestinian soiitlis elashetl \sith group llarrias \\.is responsible tor \etan _\.tlltl telemarketing trautl eoriiplaints telemarketing eases pioseittlirts Irrtrsi ippls one phone ls'raeli soliliers llllilL'l a elouil ot the lioiriliirig. althoitgli this has not HL‘ sattl stistit't‘ls tlL‘laIItCtl l1) reeeiietl h). (‘anatlian antl l'.S. So tar. liosseser. that has iioi eall at a time, tear gas at the tits ‘s edge. as lieeii tont‘ri‘rrietl and the liotiiliers l’alesirtiran poliee “ere "not lierng authorities. in the most teeent \lU\\L‘tl the apparent grossth ot' a “It Is \eii espetisiie antl titrie Masot‘ llanna Nasser tailetl against ha\ e not lieen ltlk‘llilllk‘tl. interrogated It is more like statisties eonrprletl h) the l’.S. erinitnal enterprise in siliieli “stiekei t tlll\tlllllll:' assuming sou ean What ltt‘ killlcll the \\t‘t'sl lslttt‘ll l'he gosernnient has gt'atluall} pt‘i‘lt‘s‘lu e L‘ttsltiil} Federal Trade (‘oniniissioiL Quehee lists" are the rnaioi ritsestnient. and get a pr rsqtltl-‘t that “Ill surpassed (‘alil’ornia as the entrepreneurs routinel} learti the proset'iite. \,'lil ()ril tlli‘ l’tosrtietal l’olite lht liarrs l llroit. toirtiliiiatwr mt (anatla's l'honelrasrei- isk loree on lt‘lt‘lliatki‘ittlr' l7 rtrtl ‘\\llt‘ll [‘L‘iiplc see out setiterrt .rrg Ihes are aghast. .\ titatirt teiurr: neuter III the States \\lll get ll"~s‘ l' to seats. \niaiot teleniarkete: in I .iiiaila iiiight not get attsthrn; Can you work Monday from 9 to 12:45 and/or Wednesday 9-17? It so, call Technicianl! It‘s fun and on campus. Call 515- 2029 and get yourself a jobll


@UDUEEQ FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Muscular Dystrophy Association

With the Sprint F()NCARI)‘,“ it )Ll . get the pi )WCI‘ It ) Gt” nights and week'- ends it ii‘ ( inly :i thine. iii: tkl‘lk~i§5‘-.- : area: m; asat the minim Militants or (XI i'fifiixtittmuti The “Mint" Harrier er rrilloge marketing Sprint. is St‘eiktlle) t‘l ririytit entrepreneurial :2: '~ No'~lt|.’ll’l‘ls ilL‘sli it!l. rim}w p ai~ ”t (it (among rep Utlllt‘lllrl a' ti Irv “inruptures:e .irlvertisurgSutih ason rimAirreirt.i l'til-tpi ~. r.‘ ' : your rt\‘,ti ':"collegc ti-rpptiwf r,1-: it1mt .egqal'r r’rratnMedia pp: ‘,',-v .t tit r' i it (ittlli‘ 5UK ‘s-ialtlo ‘i‘i’s'l QM l9 iso IMO) 4871434 Ext. 44“ August 27, 1997 Technician Page 13

Cl E

Technician North Carolina State University’s Newspaper Since 1920

Application for Employment Technician is an equal opportunity employer. We hire without regard to race, religion, age. sex. national origin or handicap.

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Please list any speCial skills you have that you teel are applicable tor the position you are seeking:

[1 Il'chni'ci'an is divided into four editorial departments ~ news. sports. opinion, and X-tra tarts and entertainment) —— plus photography. design, copy editing and Technician On—Line. On the business and advertising side of the paper. staffers work in advertising sales, general business staff. advertising production. classifieds and circulation. Please list the departments you are interested in working for in order of preference:

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r: signature date r l [1 f‘ '

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Wednesday, August 27, 1997

Vol. 78 No. 6 Technician Page 14

PT ltrr small animal lit? Honda Magma i'b‘clr'r‘ 1500 miles 86200 THE Lorax Envrronmental Club will have an FNTHUSIASTIC sales associates. 2O 40 MOBILE DJ‘s wanted PT weekends Must be THANSL‘RIPTIONIST (h) or 777-208llw). organizational meeting on Thursday. August Help Wanted hours week. Mornings. alternoons. evenings. outgoing enthusrastrc and able to speak in veterinary llftlt'llt‘t‘ NTt’till'di history t‘lllly Alan Motts ut‘ 66') 7811 28 in Room 3118 of the student Center weekends or combination, Full-time available lront oi large crowdsLCall >536499 i’lt‘lltlit‘ Ht tlitlilli‘ txtn’frr’lltt‘ K'tll gtlttii Relieshments will be served Come and help 810 per heur part-time shampoorng carpet during school breaks $5 50hr plus NEAR CAMPUS Part tirire help needed Inr typingskrlls preli-rred tall lbs) 8086 Rooiliilizitcs envrronment. Evenings and Sat. No experience 662 7722 incentives. 86 hr after 60 days Apply in loading plants and materials O'TIL9 help. and Vi T Assrstarlt PT (mornings, afternoons. protect the SS/HR!!! TECHNICIAN NEEDS CUSTOMER person at the Globetrotter. North Hills Mall, possiitile sales help (experience hulplull Wed evenings K or weekends) tor small l RDR lRA W L1 5325 room 9 utilities Call WANT to become really involved on campus3 SERVICE REPS” SET YOUR OWN Cary Towne Center or our new store near Weekdays 8. Weekends Apply in person an animal Veterinary piat‘lri‘e Expilrrente krirrlpi'rs @-will 0deth or J.13265001) Then rpm the Student Body Presrdent's SCHEDULE. SURF THE WEB rON SLOW LdITIDUS in Cameron Village Buthanan's Nursery 5108 Western Blvd rt 2‘ preterred Flexible scheduling Call 469-8086 llMALi roomrrlale wanted ASAP' Large 2 committee on Academic Altalrs Please call beltline going towards Caryl RH duplex wrth hardwood floors. W‘D Lots of Jenny Chang at 512-2927 for more TIME), USE OUR SMA EMAIL (IT'S PHAT‘l, EXECUTIVE Park Learning Center is now mile west oi the Want to earn up to $8 hr7’ interested in health storage spztie tall thl @ 8211-1163 lnlormatlon OUR PENTIUMS ROCK (RIGHT hiring teacher assistants tor full or part time NO nights” and nutrition-1 Then General Nutrition Center CHONG’V77?) CALL 515-2029 THERE‘S 40 Call~1694t 14-for more info Technician has the following I\' 1hrl perit‘r‘t part tlnto p0srtron Ior you. ll yi‘ril iFMAL E roommate wanted- young WELCOME party for international students HOURS IN A WEEK AND YOU COULD EXTRA spending money Earn money r56hr) positions open: Personnel haw twrr or more years left In school Apply at rrrt lt‘S'slilndl Ill itnultidli‘ student to Share quret August 27 Unrversrty Student Center Ballroom WORK THEM ALL lF YOU WISHED DUDE and meals Fiexrble hours, uniforms provided directcr (coordinate payroll. LiNt‘ t‘rnssmids Pia/ii Cary tmrwomr t7.iry hilnre Master BDR BA SJSOrmO 1/2 7-11 pm Musrc by DJ Schmoov It is a party THIS ROCKS on campus location. Apply at Fountain Dining design employee functions). Marsharts and tlptorrs titrltlti‘s l‘rl‘l 303 0056 tilled with fun There Will be booths This is ill/HR to startll No weekends. Hall M-F 8am to A pm Ask lor Mary Alexander collections manager sponsored by the International Activrtres no dresscode, no long shitts' or Mary Grit at check stand (generate bills. call overdue Wtl(iHTROOM Instrurtors and t).iskrttr.itl ilMAIl roommate wanted 5267 1/3 Councrl. “We may not change the world, but Sound good”? Well, then call the accounts), customer service ittendants needed part-time Central YMtA utrlrtles Throw limittlmtl townhouse W/D. peol. we may change the way you look at it NC State Phonathon at 515» FREE T-Shirt (hourly pay to work in Lall 83.’ 66019“ 653 tL’lll‘I‘- itliirrs Nr stttilklng No pets Call Ellen 2034 or stop by 20 Enterprise +1000 classifieds department), and YOUTH COUNSELOR make a diiieiericn in (It) 85’ 1 i' Ayirlahle NOW' WELCOME party for international students. St. (across from the Belltowerl. Credit Card fundraisers for traternities. an archivist (archive paper by the life of :t thrld N NE Raleigh locations tiRAITLIAii rr serious student needed to Party filled with food. fun and dance Your Work on Sun. from 6-9 pm and sororities & groups Any campus organization author and subject). These morning and aftersrhool hours available Apply \hr’lll‘ tJLllt‘i home near veterinary college chance to meet people from your country burld your own hours M-Th can raise up to 31000 by earning a whopping )obs are fun and offer free iAF Frillvy YMCA 818 96‘? Sihtlmtr litttltidr“ titillllL‘S No smoking No August 27th. Time 7pm-11pm :it Ballroom, 6:30-980. Great tor State $5VISA application. internal access. access to pots L.lll8;‘811"rl) Universrty Student Center Students! Call 18009320528 X 65. cutting-edge computers and YWCA alterschooi counselors to SLIDr’iVlSr‘ Oualrlred callers receive email. Call Dawn at 515-2029 and play wrth i'hildren grades k 5 Cory M-F. MAIL roommate wanted One year lease Miscellaneous (CIRCLE me now) Enthusrastrr: help needed FREE T-SHIRT 3 6pm Call Sarah Mitchell 828 3205 $3219: month lOr private bd ba Unrversrty CAMPUS Christian Fellowship Thursday night for family operated store Full time mornings, Cornrrtons Lake Park Call 854-7874 or 7-37- thing—TNT Green room of Student Center lull and pan time evenings available Monday FT PT Vet assrstantr kennel worker needed for CilliLiL‘ill‘L‘ ‘Jtlh-l Worship and praise every week at 7 30 pm Saturday, Excellent benefits and pay 833- well eourpped small animal hospital 18 miles WholesalerNORTH Raleighis hiring torClothinglull and NH [W L) MALL roorrlmate PBR/IBA Check our homepage for details 3596. east of Raleigh. Ideal loo lor pre-vet students part time positions 10 min from campus Looking for hill and .ipriltrttrlnt Ilt‘ill NCSU S33()lmo includes rent http://www2ncsu edulncsu/studtunderscore Must be able. to work alternate weekends Call We. We oiler flexible responsrble indivrdual to run errands and play unit“ and power No pets or party animals' here) orgsr‘ccfl AE Finley YMCA .5 looking lor lifeguards and 553-4601 between 18 schedules and regular pay wth my 5 yo glrI and 7 yo boy Parttime. late t.ltl 831 9l58 iirtave a message swim instructors $5.60 to $8 00 hr includes FULL 8 part time tennis club maintenance reviews. Must have dependable afternoons Call JdelP_(it 6/,0145 CAROLINA Gliding Glider rides, instruction. free membership. Call Dean @ 848-9622 posmons available immediately no experience transportation and be able to lift (HILD care.alter school mom of N Raleigh 8 OLIIL 1 non srtiokr i. open minded tor 280R, and rentals. Come ride the wind for a once in a AFTER school care for teenage girl with needed evenings 8 weekend shifts apply 70 lbs Call 1800-849 99-19 and year old girl seeks responsible student to pitk Lil .‘ BA It‘wrthou or on Wollllne WD and lifetime experience' 3100 Call 556-2598 or disabilities. $6.50/hr depending on experience Raleigh Ramoet Club 5516 Falls 01 Neuse Rd leave a phone it where you can up t‘hrld lrom school. take to alter .si hool dishwasher Stir ‘> 1 r 1’2 utilities 832 5528 83341588 781-8961 8760565 Ray orA_ndy be reached and the best time to atttivrtres. assist wrth homework Some RHOMMAH l‘t‘t‘Ot’rT for 380R, 28A COMIC book sale this week only New and old call evenings are required Must drive Non .lthllilTlt'ilI Q1) Gorirr. ii Crossing Must be a on sale. T-shlrts. posters, graphic novels. ALWAYS looking Ior Iun, talented people- GET paid to play' Youth cancelers and bus srtiokii Please call Donna Cohen at 676 95-13 student who nnons ex‘racurrlcular activities of more' Capitol Comics 3027 Hrlisborough St exceptlng applications tor all posrtrcns drivers needed lor early arrivals. am and (w) or f818870 (h) tolli’ttt’ (3811851 83241600. Two blocks west of U1 New comics Offering flexible schedules Oh' Brian's Alter-School. 3-6 pm. programs Must be OPINIONS-'90! OHSOCOme write for 1904 discounted every day up to 15% with Restaurant @ Tower Shopping Center 3601 positive role model Flexible work schedules TechniCran" coo@sma sca ncsu edu KID SITTER for 2 girls Alter school .7 3 HOOMMATL- wanted ASAP on Brent Rd- subscription drscOunts up to 30% Open 7 New Bern Ave 212-1341 Call the Car, Family YMCA. 469-9622. for PIT grillroom help needed at Wildwood Golf daysweek Provide own reliable transportation house 3270 r 1 3 utilities Srrlokors prelerred days a week. Now comics Wednesdays BAY Leai Hospital needs P T help vet application Club Great pay Great hours and golf berrelits and references Call 834 4427(me 83.” (in 8119-9889 Welcome back students' hospitai/ boarding kennel 848-1929 GINGISS Formatwear tuxedo rental/sales CaliJody @ 846-8376 1661tam) seeks self motivated individuals to work wrth COMIC BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 BUILD YOUR RESUME' Energetic our professronar team Flex hrs Denise Pfl' help wanted Man with muscular dystrophy LOOKING for energetic and experienced DAYS A WEEK AT CAPITOL COMICS 3027 dependable students with Marketing interests 783-8911 needs aid/driver companion Sr‘ hour Light tiabysrtter for 1 8 1 year old in N qtlio’ltlh Pay 1 RD 18A apartment wrth WrD avail for rent HILLSBOROUGH ST. (JUST 2 BLOCKS needed to help develop a marketing plan for house cleaning involved Must be able to drive Sérhr Call 8-166186 around Sept 1 rn N Raleigh Great location 15 WEST OF UNIVERSITY TOWERS). 832~ student media Call Jennifer B at 515-2409 lor GOT milk“? Write for Technrcran sports email manual shift car for errands Call Trey Potent MOTHER'S helper needed 7025 hrs wr-r--k rniniitvs tnlrn NCSU Pool and exercrse room 4600 DISCOUNTS ON ALL NEW COMICS details. krm@sma sca ncsu edu at 870-5029 Light housekeeping and looking after .1 sr'm‘l ttvrtri Coll 87079836 EVERY DAY' SERVING NCSU FOR It CABLE Assembly Production P T posrtions GROUNDS keeper odd robs Flex hours 15- P'T prep and deirvery person for cafecaterrng kids Starting mid October Cary Lot‘ltr‘r'tl‘tt‘ YEARS ALSO VISIT CAPITOL COMICS II ON available lor second shrlt Flexible hOurs 20 hrsweek $6 50hr 781-7501 insrde YMCA 7859938 Call 187031? {it USE to campus Brand new 4 BR A BA wld GLENWOOD AVE 1 MILE PAST CRABTREE available 3 Clo-midnight. M-F ideal for E 0r 51300 or Stso p.“tr room 919 967-—2053. 781-9500 E E, or related degree students tieSrrlng GYMNASTIC instructors P T posmons RT yard work thrs week Hexlple hours NANNIES NEEDEDYI titILlSi tirr rm: walk to Llass 4 BR ABA hands on experience assembling electionrr; Raleigh aid (‘ary locations Excellent hourly $ Call 781 4679 Furl 8 Part-time Great pay liex hrs Etlll‘r Prts Oh $1300-nrorlth Call .16?- 1811 or 469- CYCLE LOGIC' We buy and sell used bikes and fiber optics assemblies Call 919 54-3 rate 878-8249 while you learn For more into (all Thin) Nanny moo Free use of our tools' Tune up $20. Lowest 4840 for intormatron PART TIME COURIER OFFICE. PERSON Servlre (il35-: 0161 prices on mountain bikes 83341588. HELP wanted pt Man with MD needs NEEDED needed 5 atternonns or mornings a PART TIME irit'1‘1y hooded til I‘d'r‘ Mr 1er itrrls Nt‘‘wll rill‘d New A ba «1 br patio $1300 a CYCLE Logic: Free Stuff' Helmet, U-Loclr CARY PRESCHOOL NOW HIRING PM Hours aid 3r yer companion 87 hr Light house week lor Downtown Raleigh Ollice Apprrtiar‘rts di]t“r 8 is 1L1 tliilure and altivr si twirl Lliit PS tw‘tl rr 9150 pt" it it") Call me (919) 967~ water bottle, patch kit, tire tools. spare tube. available 26 2 30—5 30 EOE $6 50rhr Cary i'iearlrnq ll1vf‘lveO Must be able to drive must be dependable and have it‘lldi‘it‘ lirt liit’lr) transporting it‘rllrirpn [r1 and from ‘rll-lti “LPT‘WTL; or tutti AH 1408 Prngna free one year of tune ups. lifetime free Preschool manual shirt tnr errands Call Trey Poteat transportation $6 50hr plus mileage Call for sill-rill to alter st hoot .ltllvillt“~ and hintrlrlrt i'lyttttlr adrustments, iree instruction and use of our 8705029 appointment 7553911 wrth hornr‘work Drivers lir err-m amt own CASA Carbone Restaurant now has openings trziiispitrtatiorr H‘QLlllF‘t} Noll sitlnkw Hours ReducedRent For Childcare Furnished toolsl All free with a new bike! Tune Ups in lollowrng posrtons: busseer. wait assistants. lMMEDlATEfirm needs anOpeningenthusrastlcRegionallhdivrduaibrokeragewho is PARTTIME help needed for Cary Warehouse 7 15 8 45 AM (“11.13 30 6 30 PM. Monday :i)[1111 irl W Raleigh home Care lor tst grade regular price only $20. I've done over 30.000 wait stall. Excellent Pay. Apply in person 781 comtortable and confident on the phone for a FIexrble days and hours Call 4698490 Friday (Friday schedule Iluxrt’tlt’l $9illt Nr‘dl qrir Most Fri nights and other weeknights personally. Ed call 833-4588 8750 telemarketlni) position Must speak clear and PART-TIME positions available with NI SU Contact Sus‘rilr tee of .782‘ r'.‘r"\lti."ivl i'rmitihly some weekends Non-smoking SAVE on long distance Be among the lust to CITYSEARCH is looking for a concise English Salary :5 $7 per new. plus Prolessronal Lawn Maintenaiir r) Flexible hrs Si 8?ibSbOtitightl Iprrldlfi Call 873 0809 Needed Sept have the “WOLF" pictured on your own P/T employee (10-25 hrsweekl bonuses lI you are interested In a great Competitive pay T551743 personal phone cord Low per minute rates to work with our Network opportunity to learn about the finance :ndustry. PfSPONSIBLE ‘DOIVHTLAJI to sit Mr M yr .rir} Lost & Found Any phone Dial 1-800-659-9011 Leave administrator for 4 to 6 weeks please call Kt‘lll at 881-1000 PART-time, set own hours. txry litin 161.10 pr' 51 diys week 0.1ll\i '1lye massage in vorce box 0600004 Posrtlon starts immediately. make big profits. sell Internet own transportation Call .183 0.12.1 .l'lytllrrir (IV [LIUND Woman's necklace found outside. students are welcome to apply JANITORIAL-hiring P T supervrsor Working classified ads/homepages on gave a message t7.ilrrlri.l‘.lr>t Gym Call 515-7117 with SPRING Break ‘98 Sell trips. earn cash a. go The ideal candidate should Born-9pm in Raleigh area 88 hr Some the marketplace of the iuture. Ui‘St'llI‘lIOIT to t iaim free Student Travel Services is now hiring know supervrsory experience preferred, 1-800-344- call 859-6047. litSPONSIBLE caring young woman to hc-rp campus reps/group organizers. Lowest rates ’NT 3.51, 4 0 administration 4628. with ihridiare in our horn:- Fl:ilhlr’ tririirs to Jamaica. Mexico 8 Florida Call 1-800-648- 'Knowiedge of Ethernel PARTTIME sales positions» hourly v non-smoker. own transportation Eltt‘ill‘lli Birthdays 4849 networks (including Outlook) Janitorial P’T help in Raleigh area. 6pm—9pm commissmn Must be able to wrrrk ovenrngs references required Call 571 7999 TECHNICIAN classifieds: a tow words can ‘MS Office 97 applications $5 50 per hour No criminal record Call 1800- and weekends Sunglass Market Crabtree Wampum 'Windows 95 344-4628 Valley Mall 782-4832 For $2th m knowledge a plus. but not to ? Fill in The Bethany Norris requrred.'SQL JOE'S place leaturlng Joe‘s Mom's Food PETLAND-Cary We're looking for FT PT BUSINESS calculator HP 1981i for $75; Sharp Please send resume to PtrFt wart stall day and evening p t eve salespeople if you love working wrth animals (’IPCLTOHIC organizer 32KB tor $25 Call 1110 the blank. or at least House-Ad Club is back CrtySearch dishwasher Apply in person only M F 301 and people, come by Shoppes of kildalre l0r 0240 that's what this in session! She doesn’t 300 Aerial Center Pkwy, Suite West Martin St an application 481 661-3 10mins, Iriint category does!) Send 140 KARATE and cheerleading instructors campus‘ FLOOR SIZE stereo speakers $100 tor sit make these ads. .her Morrrsvrlle. NC 27530 recreation co seeks part-time help Must like PHONE SURVEYORS Full time and part time Call 787-8306 Will bring tor;arnpus a friend a birthday club doesil I would like Or email resume to working with children Great 8 All areas 58-15r'hr. Permanent positions. convenient greeting, or do it for to make candles, but [email protected] needed 919-319-1227 location. Commission bonuses Contests. LIKE new diamond back Apex mountain bike yourself! It’s free and a employee discounts management training Shimano Dome tomponents Brahma tar alas I haven't. Big D is COUNTRY Sunshine Children‘s Center is now LIFEGUARDS. swim instructors needed PT. 7877030 1800-775-0771 Averill toe iirps smoke tires Asking\LiL’b lot of fun. Call 515- the coolest. The ultimate hiring teacher assrstants M-F, 3-6 PM Call all shifts available Starting salary $5.70- rwqotrable Call 856 0820 2029 to place your ad. 8592828 for info 6 rpm Apply YWCA, 10:2 Oberlin no 828» PRE-LAW Jr Sr wrth 3r GPA and DltTt’iii‘Tli PACKARD Bell 386 DXl 100mm.(1MB RAM and supreme. Little D 3205 word-processrng skllls wanted part tune by 160 MB HD 31? Dri.r :1 '(lrrvi N1.- Hey, you could even pales in comparison. Courier/Runner Posrtion LUCKY 32 needs GREAT peopleK We are small Downtown law firm Request application rriirrritor keyboard or mouse 5-1511 J‘lr'tr'i mm for a specific Downtown Raleigh law firm seeks a reliable looking lOr Irrendly. detail oriented people to form FAX 832 84-17 or e mail HESS present! (25 words...3 This page is officially the PT courier (flexible schedule available) Duties work for hate most professronal restaurant Rmtlawnc©aol com phone include making deliveries. copying and other company rn our universe Accepting RALEIGH PLAZA HOTEL QUEEN solt sided watprom- 3 y",- (lii “Jeft Page” office work. Applicants must have a car, valid applications for the Iollowrng roles dining has various PT FT lob opportunities available MatreSs unzrps to reveal wato'pirl $1.75 numbers) driver's license and proof of liabrllty insurance server, host/hostess. line cooks. front back for the 3pm 11pm shift in all departments Large micorwavt;5100 Ca5561903— WKNC 881, You mean Raleigh has Applicants should respond immediately Call oi the house leadership stall M-Sat 2-4 Call our Jobllne @ 83-1-9900 x495 or Contatt SOFA in exuellent L‘Ondltloll Beige Call 78‘ other stations??? 8280731 for more info, Katrina Brown in Human Resources Lo? 1334- .1679 Cricr‘ COURTNEY'S at Avent Ferry hiring weekend LUCKY 32 Needs GREAT 9900 x409 EOE help. Waitress. cahsrers. dishwashers 859- people! /‘ utos For Sztlc AL it RNATIVE Medicrne Club is sponsoring a @YMCAO 3850. We are looking Ior lriendly, SHORT order cooks 8. waitstaff weekends lecture tin Homeopathic Medrcrne @ 216 Poe. detail oriented people to work Large earning potential Woody‘s Sports 1990 Plymouth Colt hatchback Good lpm Thursday. Sept 11 Find how you can Impact children‘s lives as a DOMINO'S Pizza Glenwood Village. close for the most professmnal Tavern 8 Grill 8322 Chapel Hill Rd (‘ary NC (ondllron AC cassette Asking 52595 One Improve y‘)_il tile wrth Homeopathy' YMCA counselorwrth after school to campus Wanted Drivers. pizza makers, restaurant Company in our 27513 (919) 380 7737 Apply Within owner Well maintained Call881 9694 FIRST Frrday UTIIUD Activrtes Board presents (3pm-0pm). early arrival (7am- order takers Part/Full time Call 783-8803. ask universe Accepting Application a niitht titled with music. games. food and 8 45am). tutorial (3pm-6pm) for manager for the following Dining Server. TEACHERS Wanted‘ We are now atceptrng t993 Honda Acr0rd LX PM] PL AC Cruise. entertainment at Harris Field on 8/22 Irom preschool Nam-noon) or Host Hostess Lrne Cooks. applications for the Iollowrng positions toddler ‘1 Speed 4 door Alarm with keyless entry 9pm 12am Rain location Universrty Student homeschool (Oath-noon) programs EARN $10 07hr Part-time shampooing carpet Front 8 Back of the house teacher 7 30-4 30 8 9 306 30 2 yr old Excellent condition Asking $4200 8512th Center Evenings and Saturday No experience leadership stall Monday teacher 7 30 A 30. cook r'2 8 .literiroon Work 2. .1 or 5 days per week necessary 662-7722. Saturday between 2-dpm 876- lloater 26 30 Please call Laura 8 Sharon @ 8-1 Pontiac Sunhird, convertible. 5 speed linthusrnstic role models With 9932 832 Spring Forest Rd, 4690866 EOE i‘K miles excellent condition Records ‘ ripps Restauran i strong Christian values needed in (Just off Falls of the Neuse Rd) TELEMARKETERS needed Monday through SIBOO Call 510 O?~16 tin active. creative. and Agromeck: like your high- EOE Drug Free Work Place Thursday 69pm 10 min from campus 56hr encouraging environment + bonus (SQ/hr avg I No physical labor Call 9.1 Mitsubishi Erlipse 59K miles Good MAKE MONEY Education majorspref'cmcd for school yearbook, but it’s Tracy 571 0888 ioirdltrorr‘ Clarion stereo speakers $8100 neg tutorial programs Locations near not. It’s better. Agromeck, 677l990 HAVE FUN campus Salary & Benefits it’s your life. Bethany Norris FLEXIBLE HOURS include free YMCA membership turd valuable leadership training y (all 832-YM('A fora start" NOW HIRING. application and an interview COOKS, SERVERS, QUESTION 8 Answer sessrons at the JOB OPPORTUNITIES Recycle.Technician arrosressr Unrversrty Career Center. Stop by ask APPLY career or got) search Questions 01 your chorce Flexible Schedules IN PERSON‘ Monday August 25 SIS-5:45pm 2100 Pullen. 3518 WADE inrocewoool' Noorientation required for resume registration -Customer Service -Admin/Clerical -Inside Sales -Information Processing m -Computer Operations -Tellers *TOWRRB’—— Part Time Employment with University Towers $7.50-$ll.00 Food Service for“ lunch and dinner cooks. \im fining up to one dollar mcr prc ll page @583007M “ring. I th‘it attitude illld ii rcu-itt pin still) to We offer convenient location (‘liilis in (ill) ”88 Kilhrlrnc I‘all‘lll Rd. meals included Anytime flexible hours, uniforn provided. 460-7075 Pick [lg an ap lication out 9 9th oor of University Towers. f.,» jug"=r ‘ 11 1 Friendly Drive . Raleigh . NC y