Professional Development! Professional development is an important part of how the YMCA CCRR supports the child care community and families.

We are connuing to offer professional development online, and you can parcipate in the comfort and safety of your own home. With safety protocols in place we are now offering a small selecon of workshops and networking in the Tri‐Cies office too!

These professional development opportunies will provide you with the knowledge, experience, and skills needed to support the children in your lives. Call us to aend!

Workshop Policies:  Workshops start promptly at the me indicated.  Individuals arriving or logging in late or leaving early will have their cerficates adjusted.

Payment Informaon:  Registraons can be processed by phone at 604‐931‐3400 ext. 0 using American Express, MasterCard or Visa. For your protecon, please do not leave credit card informaon on our voice mail.  Registraons will be confirmed by email. We do not provide reminder phone calls.  Refunds and transfers will only be given to registrants who provide 5 working days noce. All withdrawals and transfers are subject to a $5.00 administraon fee, per workshop, regardless of noficaon given.  Refunds will not be issued due to technical difficules with your equipment.  Workshops may be cancelled due to factors outside of our control. In the case of cancellaon, a full refund will be issued.

Important Informaon: Most of these workshops are online via ZOOM. Parcipants will need internet access, and a device with video, audio, and microphone to parcipate.

For Addional Informaon Contact Us: Tri‐Cies CCRR: [email protected] or 604‐931‐3400 Burnaby/New Westminster CCRR: at [email protected] or 604‐294‐1109

The YMCA Child Care Resource and Referral provides cerficates of parcipaon for a variety of workshops. When claiming a workshop or course for training hours it is the parcipant’s responsibility to check with the ECE Registry or Community Care Licensing.

For more informaon on the ECE Registry please visit: hp://

@YMCACCRR 2020 Training Fall

Funding for the YMCA CCRR is provided by the Province of Brish Columbia. The YMCA CCRR acknowledges the City of Burnaby for its support. Celebrating the Essential Work of Child Care In recognion of the important work that you’ve done during the COVID‐19 pandemic, the CCRR in‐ vites you to a free virtual celebraon! Child care providers in our service area are invited to a morning of virtual fun, networking, professional development and a chance to win “door prizes!” A 2 hour pro‐ fessional training cerficate will be issued.

“What if Today was Their Only Day?” Guest Speaker: Lisa Murphy

When: Saturday, November 28, 2020 9:30 am unl 12:00 pm

Where: Online Via ZOOM Cost: Free!

Please note: This event is for child care providers in the YMCA CCRR service areas of Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Anmore & Belcarra.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. ‐ Henry Ford 2 ECEBC Conference 2020 Keynote Address Webinar: Educang Cizens Through Play Presenter: Tom “Teacher Tom” Hobson Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020 Time: 6:45 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Teacher Tom speaks about how children’s play brings the habits and principles of democracy into ‘early years’ classrooms. He will begin by discussing the purpose of educaon in democrac sociees and how and why we have managed to veer so far from the original intent, which is to educate cizens capable of contribung to the grand experiment of self‐governance. In this full‐throated support for play‐based educaon, he details through his illustrave classroom stories and examples exactly how his curriculum works. Parcipants will learn the benefits of introducing these playful principles to their own students, the hallmarks of what makes a good cizen both in a classroom as well as a democracy, the traits and habits required for self‐governance, and praccal ps on how to implement these ideas in their own classrooms. It is an inspiring, oen touching, oen hilarious, and always eye‐ opening and empowering presentaon.

Tom “Teacher Tom” Hobson is a preschool teacher, writer, speaker, arst and author. He is best known, however, for his namesake blog Teacher Tom’s Blog, hp:// where he has posted daily for nearly a decade, chronicling the life and mes of his lile preschool in the rain‐soaked Pacific Northwest corner of the US. For the past two decades Teacher Tom was the sole employee of the Woodland Park Cooperave School, a parent‐owned and operated school knit together by Teacher Tom’s democrac, progressive play‐based pedagogy. The children come to the school as two‐year‐olds in diapers and leave as “sophiscated” six‐year‐olds ready for the larger world. Teacher Tom came into teaching through the back door, so to speak, having enrolled his own child in a cooperave preschool, where he began working daily in his daughter’s classroom as an assistant teacher under the tutelage of veteran educators, although he’ll be the first to tell you that most of what he learned came from the children themselves. When it was me for his daughter to move on, he “stayed behind,” where he plans to remain for the rest of his life. Dur‐ ing his holidays and long weekends, Tom travels around the world (Greece, Iceland, Australia, China, Vietnam, New Zealand, Cana‐ da, UK, and across the US) sharing his views on early childhood educaon, play, and pedagogy. He recently authored his first book, aptly named Teacher Tom’s First Book: Teaching and Learning from Preschoolers hp://

Burnaby/New Westminster CCRR Office Open House Date: Saturday October 3, 2020 Time: 9:00 am ‐ 2:00 pm (by appointment) Locaon: Burnaby/New Westminster CCRR Office Fee: Free!

Come explore the wide range of resources, supports and services the Burnaby/New Westminster CCRR has to offer beyond work‐ shops, including the Early Learning Resource Library! Sign up for an appointment between 9:00 am ‐ 1:00 pm to get to know your CCRR and meet with our friendly Consultants, all while parcipang in fun, interacve acvies! Registraon is required.

A one‐hour cerficate of professional development will be given for this event.

*Please note that this will be an appointment based open house, and parcipants will need to register and book a 1 hour me slot. We thank you for all your cooperaon and understanding. This event is for child care providers in the YMCA CCRR service area only (Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Anmore & Belcarra).

Emergency Child Care First Aid / CPR Level B Date: Saturday October 3, 2020 Time: 9:00 am ‐ 6:00 pm (with a 30 minute lunch break, and two 15 minute breaks) Fee: $110 Locaon: Tri Cies CCRR Office (TRI) Payment: Online: www.vital‐, by Credit Card: phone 604 644‐4709 This course includes choking skills, breathing emergencies and CPR for babies or mail your cheque or Money Order, and children. The course also covers basic first aid for common injuries such payable to The Vital Link, as bleeding, burns, falls, fractures, poisons and some medical condions. 1823 Harrison Dr., Van., BC V5P 2P4 AED cerficaon is also included.

Please bring your own lunch, wear comfortable clothing and arrive 10 minutes before the course begins.

Karen Clark is the owner and operator of The Vital Link, teaching Red Cross First Aid and CPR courses for over 30 years. She has taught locally, provincially, naonally and internaonally. Karen’s background and cerficaon is in Early Childhood Care and Educaon.

Like us on Facebook at Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR 3 Reviewing Your Policies, Procedures, and Parent Contracts During COVID‐19 Presenter: Vicki Lepper Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

How are your policies and parent/provider contracts working for you? Have you updated your policies, procedures and contracts during COVID‐19 or maybe you need some help? Are you starng a child care, or would you like a lile support? Have you had things come up and maybe you would like to add, change or tweak your policies and parent package? We will be discussing the importance of having this ready when families come to use your child care services. Get ideas on how these business pieces build your relaonships with families and staff and how they support your licensing inspecons.

Vicki Lepper operated a licensed child care in Coquitlam for over 30 years and is a passionate child care advocate. Vicki was a board member for BC Family Child Care Associaon (BCFCCA) from 2011 to 2015. Vicki presents her own workshops, is a “Kids Have Stress Too!” Master Trainer for The Psychology Foundaon of Canada, is a “Good Beginnings: Professional Development for Child Care Providers” Facilitator for BCFCCA, is a member of the Tri‐Cies ECD Commiee, networks with child care providers, and has received many awards and is also acvely involved in her community. Vicki loves connecng and sharing resources with those who have cho‐ sen a career working with children.

To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate Presenter: Sarah McCarthy Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Talking and thinking about holidays in early childhood programs today is a "hot topic." There is an increasing diversity of children, families, and staff who make up our programs. A lot of us have ideas of how to celebrate holidays, or some of us think we should‐ n’t. There are some centres that choose ‘not to celebrate’ and others that try to celebrate all the holidays. As an industry we make the hard decision ‘to celebrate or not to celebrate.’

Objecves:  Geng together and reflecng on your thoughts and feelings about holidays in the curriculum.  How to avoid the tourist approach to celebrang diversity in your program  Discussing appropriate choice for celebrang holidays in your program  Looking at rituals and tradions in your program  To reflect on what works best for us in our programs and classrooms  Connecng with our families. What holidays do your families and children celebrate?  Discover alternave ways to celebrate holidays.

Sarah created ECE Connect in 2015 with the idea of connecng early childhood educators together, and offering workshops that she feels are needed in the field. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Educaon and Training, a diploma in Early Childhood Educaon and Montessori (0‐12 years) and a cerficate for Children with Special Needs. She has worked in play based centres, Reggio inspired centres, Montessori schools, and Forest schools. She’s been in the educaonal field for over 17 years. She is a part‐me Instructor for the Nave Educaon college and Community college. Sarah has recently become a mom ‐ she’s currently on materni‐ ty leave and enjoying every minute of it.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 4 Using Children’s Literature to Inspire Provocaons Presenter: Tara Marrington Date: Wednesday October 14, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Tri‐Cies CCRR Office Fee: $10.00 Members; $15.00 Non‐Members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Come join us as we explore some favourite children’s books and look at the possibilies connected to them in creang provoca‐ ons. We will go beyond using books at circle me and find ways that stories can be used to promote creavity and hands on ex‐ ploraon in curriculum development and project work. We will also talk about how books can be used to enhance and extend chil‐ dren’s interests that have already been observed. Come ready to explore, share and collaborate, and leave inspired with the many possibilies that books hold.

Tara Marrington has been involved in the child care field for over 15 years, where she has worked with both preschool and school aged children and currently is a YMCA CCRR Consultant. While taking her ECE, Tara developed a deep appreciaon for the Early Learning Framework and the concepts of emergent, inquiry based programming. As her career advanced, she developed a passion for inclusive educaon that lead her to pursue an addional diploma in Classroom and Community Support at .

Making Sense of Sensive Kids Presenter: Dr. Deborah MacNamara Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Some children seem to be more intense and sensive in their response to sensory smuli in their surroundings. We can all feel overwhelmed at mes but for some sensive kids it can get very stressful, evoking strong emoons they don’t know how to make sense of. In order to help sensive children live in their world we need to start by making sense of them and appreciang things through their eyes. There is much parents and educators can do to help sensive children find rest so that they can play and grow.

Dr. Deborah MacNamara is the author of the best‐selling book Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (or Anyone who Acts Like One), which has been translated into 7 languages: French, Russian, Italian, German, Spanish, Danish, and Korean. Deborah is on Faculty at the Neufeld Instute, and is the Director of Kid’s Best Bet, a Counselling and Family Resource Center. Deborah is a dy‐ namic teacher and experienced counsellor who makes developmental science come to life in the everyday context of home and classroom. She also provides counselling services to parents and professionals to make sense of learning, behavioural, and develop‐ mental issues in children – from babies to teens. Deborah travels naonally and internaonally, speaking to child and adolescent development issues to groups including the United Naons and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Educaon. With over 60 presentaons a year to groups including parents, educators, child care professionals, social workers, the foster and adopon com‐ munity, and health care professionals, Deborah shares her insight and passion for making sense of children. She is a developmental‐ ist at heart who is connually fascinated by the mysteries and beauty inherent in human maturaon. Tri‐Cies CCRR Office Open House Date: Saturday October 17, 2020 Time: 9:00 am ‐ 2:00 pm (by appointment) Locaon: Tri Cies CCRR Office Fee: Free!

Come explore the wide range of resources, supports and services the Tri‐Cies CCRR has to offer beyond workshops, including the Early Learning Resource Library! Sign up for an appointment between 9:00 am ‐ 1:00 pm to get to know your CCRR and meet with our friendly Consultants, all while parcipang in fun, interacve acvies! Registraon is required.

A one‐hour cerficate of professional development will be given for this event.

*Please note that this will be an appointment based open house, and parcipants will need to register and book a 1 hour me slot. We thank you for all your cooperaon and understanding. This event is for child care providers in the YMCA CCRR service area only (Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Anmore & Belcarra).

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 5 ECEBC Conference 2020 Keynote Address Webinar: Educang Cizens Through Play Presenter: Tom “Teacher Tom” Hobson Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Time: 6:45 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Teacher Tom speaks about how children’s play brings the habits and principles of democracy into ‘early years’ classrooms. He will begin by discussing the purpose of educaon in democrac sociees and how and why we have managed to veer so far from the original intent, which is to educate cizens capable of contribung to the grand experiment of self‐governance. In this full‐throated support for play‐based educaon, he details through his illustrave classroom stories and examples exactly how his curriculum works. Parcipants will learn the benefits of introducing these playful principles to their own students, the hallmarks of what makes a good cizen both in a classroom as well as a democracy, the traits and habits required for self‐governance, and praccal ps on how to implement these ideas in their own classrooms. It is an inspiring, oen touching, oen hilarious, and always eye‐ opening and empowering presentaon.

See Bio on Page 2.

Young Children's Rough and Tumble Play Presenter: Michelle Tannock Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Young children gravitate towards opportunies to engage in varied forms of play. Physical interacons during play, while thorough‐ ly enjoyable, can be complex and difficult for adults to interpret, parcularly when play appears to be aggressive. Although oen misinterpreted as aggression, rough and tumble play affords unique opportunies for the development of physical, social and cog‐ nive competency. This presentaon will illustrate research on rough and tumble play and consider the disnct behavioral expres‐ sions of young children in early childhood sengs. Perspecves of educators and families who appraise, consider, and intervene in guiding the play will be examined as rough and tumble play is considered within a framework of normave child growth and devel‐ opment.

Dr. Michelle Tannock is an early childhood educator and renowned researcher. She is currently Professor of Early Childhood Educa‐ on at Douglas College and an Adjunct Professor at the . She has held posts at Thompson Rivers University and as an Associate Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As a researcher, she coordinated a series of seminal studies exam‐ ining the role of rough and tumble play in early childhood sengs, the results of which have formed the basis for numerous interna‐ onal publicaons and presentaons (keynotes, papers, and workshops).

INFORMATION SESSION: Become a Registered‐License‐Not‐Required Child Care Provider Presenters: CCRR Consultants Tara Marrington and Sandra Ostojic Date: Tuesday October 27th, 2020 Time: 11:00 am ‐ 12:30 pm Locaon: Online via ZOOM Fee: Free!

Do you want to care for children in your home? If so, join CCRR Consultants, Tara and Sandra for an informaon session on how you can become a Registered‐License‐Not‐Required (RLNR) Child Care Provider and care for two children plus your own. Tara and Sandra will discuss all the requirements to become registered, along with the benefits to you and the families you care for. In addi‐ on, Tara and Sandra will discuss the funding supports that we currently have in place to support potenal RLNR providers with start‐up costs. This is a great first step to becoming a Licensed Family Child Care Provider.

If you are unable to aend the scheduled Informaon Session, please contact our office to get more informaon on becoming a Registered‐License‐Not‐Required Child Care Provider.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 6 Empowering Young Children: An‐Bias Tools for Prevenng Bullying in a Diverse World Presenter: Dorothy Fizzell Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Bullying in many environments is becoming increasingly more visible in our society. However, when young children feel good about themselves and feel they belong, when they learn empathy, emoonal literacy and peaceful problem solving in a diverse environ‐ ment, the likelihood that bullying occurs as they get older, is greatly reduced. Come parcipate in a discussion about how an an‐ bias program is related to prevenng bullying as children grow. Learn what the an‐bias goals for children are, and some strategies to encourage an inclusive, safe environment for all the children in your program.

Dorothy has worked as an Early Childhood Educator since 1982, providing leadership and supporng and maintaining professional relaonships with child care providers, families, and community and government agencies. She has coordinated community service programs with mulple responsibilies, and has proven experience working in diverse cultural/social environments. Dorothy is an experienced facilitator and public speaker on a diverse range of early childhood topics. She is an advocate for children, and for the provision of ongoing, relevant training and resources for families and child care providers.

Supporng Inclusion with Supported Child Development Presenters: Lorraine Bascombe and Megan Dunphy Date: Thursday, October 29, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

The Supported Child Development (SCD) Program is a community‐based program, funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. We assist families of children who require addional support to access inclusive child care programs. Working with child cares, preschools, and school age programs, we provide consultaon services and extra staffing assistance to ensure inclusive pracces for children who require addional support. Our program is part of The BC Centre for Ability who provide services that aim to enhance the quality of life for children, youth and adults with developmental delays and disabilies.

This workshop will focus on:  What is SCD? What is our role within your program?  What is the BC Centre for Ability and what services do they offer for families?  What other resources are out there while you might be waing for services? Who can we refer families to?  What is inclusion? How can we make sure each child is fully included in our childcare? *This will include a fun hands‐ on acvity

Lorraine has been an early childhood educator for 38 years and has worked as a Supported Child Development Consultant for almost 14 years. Her passion lays in watching children evolve and grow and supporng this process in her day to day work.

Megan has been in the field since 2013 and has experience working in group daycares, as a support worker, a CCRR Consultant and now as a SCD Consultant for the past 2 years. She believes that play is a child’s most important work and that every child deserves a chance to succeed. She is passionate about quality child care and inclusive spaces for all children and families.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 7 Kids Have Stress Too! Presenters: Tazeen Bharucha and Alexa Villalpando

Date: Saturday October 31, 2020 Time: 9:30 am ‐ 4:15 pm (6 hours of professional development with one 30 minute and one 15 minute break) Locaon: Tri Cies CCRR Office Fee: $60.00 (includes materials) Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Stress among children is esmated to have increased 45% over the past 30 years. Research tells us that stress has a negave im‐ pact on children’s relaonships and ability to learn, and has a profound effect on children's physical, emoonal and mental health. The good news is that building emoonal health and resiliency can help children concentrate, learn, interact more successfully and deal with other stressors they may face in their lives.

Developed by The Psychology Foundaon of Canada, the Kids Have Stress Too! program helps parents, caregivers and educators understand childhood stress and how to provide children with the tools to deal with stress effecvely. The program includes a range of resources designed for parents, those who work with young children in early learning sengs, and for classrooms.

Tazeen is a CCRR Program Supervisor and has been an Early Childhood Educator for over 25 years. Tazeen has worked in various ECE sengs including preschool and as a StrongStart Facilitator in SD 43. Tazeen is passionate about providing quality programs and has received a Tri‐Cies Champion for Children award for her work with children and families in the community.

Alexa is a CCRR Program Supervisor and has worked supporng children and youth with extra support needs in a variety of sengs, including early childhood centres, school age child care, home‐based behaviour intervenon teams, and elementary school class‐ rooms. Alexa's passion lies in supporng the healthy social and emoonal development of children to ensure all children have the tools to grow and develop to their full potenal.

Reflecng on Our Journey and Seng a Path for the Future Presenters: Jennifer Roberts and Eugene Harry Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Together we will develop and implement culturally focused curriculum and resources that draw upon local Indigenous worldviews. Locally developed curriculum relies on input from parents, community members and knowledge keepers, and is accepted and used more meaningfully by Early Childhood professionals. We will discuss how we implement this in our Early Childhood Educaon ctrs.

Jennie Roberts is Ojibway but idenfies as Stó:lō Xwelxwelmexw and resides on Tzeachten First Naon. She has been working with children and families for over 35 years. Jennie’s career started with work placements in high school in Victoria. Jennie has a cerfi‐ cate in Early Childhood Educaon (ECE) through the University of the Fraser Valley in collaboraon with Seabird Island 2004 (Graduated on Dean’s List). In 2005 she received her Special Needs Cerficate to Pracce at the University of the Fraser Valley while working as a Head Start Coordinator at Seabird Island. Through a Seabird College collaboraon with , she was able to complete her Infant Toddler/ Early Childhood Educaon and Care Diploma in 2016, (graduated on Deans List). In 2018, Jennie also completed her Speech and Language Assistant through Seabird College.

Jennie has experience as a parent, foster parent and adopve parent. Raising children with different abilies, Jennie received an Adopve Parent Cerficaon in 2018. Jennie’s philosophy is that children are reminders to us that we only live once, so make sure you take me to see the world through the eyes of the child you are engaging with. Jennie brings a multude of knowledge and wide range of skill sets that makes learning fun and thought provoking.

Eugene Harry (XiQuelem) has been the Cultural Advisor at BC Aboriginal Child Care Society since 2007. He is a member of the Cowi‐ chan Tribes, and a Shaker Church Minister in Squamish First Naon. He also works at Vancouver Nave Health. Eugene provides general spiritual and cultural guidance for agencies, and since April 2009, he has also been the Culture and Language Teacher at Eagle’s Nest Preschool and Singing Frog Preschool.

Eugene is somemes a guest at each preschool, and teaches the preschool children Halkomelem language, songs, stories and pray‐ ers bringing. He brings a joyful presence as a knowledge keeper and is a posive role model to children and adults alike assisng with transions, playing with the children with great love and respect, and valuing children for being children. He oen leads the children in blessings and prayers, regularly sharing tradional songs and stories from his people and entertaining the children while inslling important cultural values.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 8 Resolving Challenging Issues with Families Presenter: Chrisne Hibbert Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Forming good relaonships with families is one of the most important elements in meeng the needs of the child. Despite our best efforts, we sll encounter issues that challenge those relaonships. This workshop aims to look at some of those issues and suggest some general principles that will help guide us toward successful outcomes.

Chrisne Hibbert has a diploma in elementary educaon, an Early Childhood Educaon Cerficate to Pracce and a cerficate in teaching adult learners. Chrisne was the Execuve Director of Jericho Kid’s Club Child Care Society in Vancouver for 19 years. She co‐wrote and facilitates the “Key Elements of School Age Care” training course and was an instructor at Douglas College in the School‐Age Child Care Cerficate Program. She currently teaches secons of the Leadership Administraon and Management for Child Care Programs (LAM) at Vancouver Community College and facilitates a wide variety of workshops for child care providers.

The Six Hearts of ECCE Presenter: Annabella Cant Date: Saturday, November 7, 2020 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Annabella will share many lessons she has learned from children as an educator and from her students as a university professor. She will disclose to the world that our field has six hearts and will describe each of them through a new lens she calls “Unswaddling Pedagogy.” Her dynamic talk will invite everyone to parcipate whole‐bodily and to reflect whole‐heartedly on early childhood educaon. Be ready to be unswaddled!

Dr. Annabella Cant is a professor in Early Childhood Educaon at and sessional instructor of the Master of Edu‐ caon in Imaginave Educaon at . Annabella received the 2019 Teaching Excellence Award from her uni‐ versity. She is also an invited keynote speaker to many ECCE conferences and events. Annabella is member of the Academic Council of the Centre for Imaginaon in Research, Culture, and Educaon. She is also the ini‐ ator and editor‐in‐chief of the online journal: Childhoods and Pedagogies. She has been praccing ECCE since 1994; in 1999 she started opening her own child care centres in Europe (her schools were dedicated to children with very diverse backgrounds and abilies). She collaborated with a number of orphanages and organizaons and welcomed all children. Her newest publicaon, Un‐ swaddling Pedagogy (2017), is a book for educators and parents. Her new pedagogical lens—the unswaddling pedagogy—is in‐ spired and fueled by the stories she has lived. Her passions are her family + puppy, running, and creang an inclusive world.

Our New Normal: Supporng Children During and Aer the Pandemic Presenter: Malgosia Tomanik Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

According to Health Canada, we will not go back to what life was like before January 2020 soon. We need to plan a new normal for our work with children and their families. The new normal depends on several unknowns which cause further stress and anxiety. This workshop will provide informaon on creang a posive environment and handling stress in ways that increase resilience among children, their families, and childcare providers. We will discuss strategies to manage stress in predictable, moderate, and controllable ways.

Malgosia Tomanik, M.Ed., is a Family Consultant who specializes in supporng children preschool to high school age and their “big people” in a variety of environments, including homes, schools, and child care sengs. Malgosia is experienced in addressing con‐ cerns associated with the daily challenges of caring for a child who requires support, including helping to make sense of difficult behaviour and supporng the big people for each child in finding a way through. Malgosia also works as a Key Worker with the Fra‐ ser Valley Child Development Centre. She provides support to caregivers raising children and youth who are living with FASD, from birth to 18 years of age.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 9 Creang Meaningful Experiences for Infants and Toddlers Presenter: Andrea Dawson Date: Saturday, November 14, 2020 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for early learning professionals and parents of children ages 0‐3.

Providing unique, sensory‐based learning experiences for infants enhances their overall development. When exposed to experi‐ ences that engage all their senses, infants develop cognively, creavely, emoonally and socially. In addion, when responsive caregivers interact with infants and scaffold this learning, we strengthen the caregiver‐infant relaonship. This workshop will pro‐ vide insight into infants’ unique sensory learning needs. Caregivers will learn why sensory exploraon is so vital to infant develop‐ ment and they will learn fun, creave ways to provide rich experiences for infants.

Andrea has worked with young children and their families for the past 20 years and has supervised in both non‐profit and inclusive early childhood programs. Most recently, Andrea worked as part of Vancouver Coastal Health’s Early Childhood Mental Health team, focusing on supporng children with emoonal and behavioural challenges and their families. Andrea holds an Early Child‐ hood Educaon diploma as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology. Andrea currently teaches in the department of Early Childhood Educaon at Langara College in both the Diploma program and in the Post‐ Basic Early Childhood Special Educaon program.

NETWORKING: Fall Felt Story Make and Take Date: Wednesday November 18, 2020 Time: 6:30 ‐ 8:00 pm Locaon: Tri‐Cies CCRR Office Fee: $5.00 Suitable for all early learning professionals.

We are thrilled to invite you for a Fall Networking Event! Come join us as we make a Fall felt story together, and engage in discus‐ sion with other child care providers. Materials for the felt story will be provided. We look forward to creang with you all!

A 1 hour cerficate of aendance will be provided to parcipants at the end of the networking session.

Conflict Resoluon and Posive Communicaon Models for School Age Educators Presenter: Tyler Summers Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for early learning professionals of children ages 5‐12.

This 2 hour course will bring several posive communicaon models that when pracced, will result in beer staff buy‐in, program cohesiveness and posive behaviour modelling with children in care. Be prepared to unpack common problemac communicaon situaons and apply new knowledge through group discussions and scenarios. As this is a digital workshop, be sure to secure a space with a good high‐speed internet connecon and lile to no physical distracons. Please be sure to sit in a well‐lit area with your camera on for the duraon of the workshop.

Tyler Summers ECE, SAE, has been working in School Age Care for several decades and is currently the Execuve Director at Jericho Kids Club and a member‐at‐large with The School Age Child Care Associaon of Brish Columbia. Tyler has taught extensively over the past 20 years with a focus on communicaon, care and guidance techniques and theory based best pracce in child care. His greatest joy in life is parenng his three children with his wife, Jusne, and he also enjoys yoga, skateboarding and wring.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 10 Belonging: Providing Welcoming Environments for LGBTQ+ Families Presenter: Chrisne Hibbert Date: Saturday, November 21, 2020 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Welcoming LGBTQ+ people and families is both simple and complicated. If we choose to support ALL children and families what we are really talking about is building a warm environment that recognizes, reflects and includes the enormous diversity that exists among people. We will explore our understanding and awareness of LGBTQ+ families and how we can welcome and fully include them in our programs.

Chrisne Hibbert has a diploma in elementary educaon, an Early Childhood Educaon Cerficate to Pracce and a cerficate in teaching adult learners. Chrisne was the Execuve Director of Jericho Kid’s Club Child Care Society in Vancouver for 19 years. She co‐wrote and facilitates the “Key Elements of School Age Care” training course and was an instructor at Douglas College in the School‐Age Child Care Cerficate Program. She currently teaches secons of the Leadership Administraon and Management for Child Care Programs (LAM) at Vancouver Community College and facilitates a wide variety of workshops for child care providers.

The Magic Behind Self Regulaon for Posive Guidance Presenter: Pooja Kalsi Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

This workshop will explore ways to guide children's behaviour in a posive way. The educators will learn about self‐regulaon, re‐ flecve behaviour and relaonship building. We will also discuss the underlying factors that affect children's emoonal health and cause behavioural issues. We will talk about creang a child‐centred curriculum and environment to manage these issues. We will focus on intrinsic regulaon and coping skills for children and how the educators can help.

Pooja has a Master's degree in Early Childhood Educaon. She has 22 years of experience in the early childhood field as a teacher, facilitator, supervisor, director and instructor. She is very passionate about finding ways to promote children’s creavity and expres‐ sion of discovery. She currently teaches at Langara College in the ECE department.

Mulcultural Storymes Presenter: Cheryl Song Date: Thursday, November 26, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Join us to explore ps and ideas to incorporate diversity into circle me, to reflect the increase diversity in early years programs. Learn new ways to enhance circle me, increase cultural awareness and connect children of diverse backgrounds, using different storybooks, songs and rhymes that celebrate families from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Cheryl Song has 20 years of experience working with children and families as a licensed early childhood educator and family educa‐ tor. Cheryl works with children and families in a variety of early years programs. She has a special interest in mulcultural educa‐ on, specializing in supporng immigrant families. She is also a columnist, blogger and author of a bilingual children's songs and rhymes book.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 11 Celebrang the Essenal Work of Child Care Date: Saturday November 28, 2020 Guest Speaker: Lisa Murphy Note: This event is for child care providers Presentaon: What if Today was their Only Day? in Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Time: 9:30 am ‐ 12:00 pm Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Anmore and Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Belcarra. Fee: Free!

In recognion of the important work you have done during the COVID‐19 pandemic, the CCRR invites you to a free virtual celebra‐ on! Child care providers in our service area are invited to a morning of virtual fun, networking, professional development and a chance to win “door prizes!” A 2 hour professional training cerficate will be issued.

Guest speaker, Lisa Murphy, will join us for a 90 minute presentaon tled “What if Today was their Only Day?” In this movaonal presentaon Lisa shares the powerful story of her first day of school. Through acve and engaging storytelling, Lisa brings you back to her first day, taking you on a grand tour of Miss Mary’s Nursery School. In the style she has become famous for, she shares many observaons, lessons and anecdotes about how early childhood has changed along the way. Lisa will share the sights sounds and smells of the place where, at the young age of three, she decided to become a teacher and idenfies the how, and why, that one day solidified her decision to become an educator. This inspiring presentaon gets parcipants back in touch with their personal how and why. It gets them excited and gets them thinking: If it WAS their only day, what will they remember?

Lisa Murphy has been involved in early childhood educaon for over 30 years. She has worked with children in various environments including Head Start, kindergarten, private preschools, family child care, parks and recreaon centers, group homes and in many child care centers with all age groups. Lisa is the founder and CEO of Ooey Gooey, Inc. where her mission is to assist in the transfor‐ maon of the industry of early childhood educaon by offering 1) the best workshops and trainings; 2) the most up to date materi‐ als and resources; and 3) insighul conversaons and connecons through the power of social media. Lisa presents hundreds of workshops each year to both domesc and internaonal audiences on various topics related to early childhood educaon. Lisa has an M.Ed. in Early Childhood Educaon from Champlain College in Vermont. She co‐hosts the CHILD CARE BAR AND GRILL podcast and is a frequent guest on THAT EARLY CHILDHOOD NERD. Lisa has authored five books, is a curriculum advisor for Leaf Springs School, serves on the board for the USA Branch of the INTERNATIONAL PLAY ASSOCIATION, has produced dozens of teacher training DVD’s and is a popular keynote speaker at educaonal conferences. Lisa’s standing room only seminars have become naonally known for their informaon, humor, inspiraon and energec delivery. Lisa has become known for her ability to link hands‐on acv‐ ies to educaonal standards, her outspoken advocacy, and her commitment to creang child‐centered, play‐based early childhood environments. Her understanding of the importance of play is obvious in her personal and professional life. Lisa is on the road about 200 days each year but when she’s not in an airport you will find her at home in Florida with her boyfriend Pablo and their dog Kane.

NETWORKING: Yoga Self Care and Mindfulness Presenter: Dorothy Fizzell Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 Time: 6:45 ‐ 8:00 pm Locaon: Online via ZOOM Fee: $5.00 Suitable for all early learning professionals.

How can you use yoga and mindfulness to nurture yourself? Yoga can: renew energy in the body, and it can relax the body to pro‐ mote proper rest; it can provide relief from stress related condions; it gives you the opportunity to be with yourself, for yourself. With yoga, you can learn to control your breath and your muscle tension to improve your perspecve about your health and your life. Come to this gentle, relaxing session and take home techniques you can easily use to feel good physically, mentally and spiritu‐ ally. Aer the yoga session we will have some me to share ideas on how else we can take care of ourselves and nurture our own minds and bodies.

A one‐hour professional development cerficate will be given to parcipants at the end of the networking session.

See Bio on Page 7.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 12 Relaonship Maers: Deepening Aachments and Fostering Learning Presenter: Colleen Drobot Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

In this presentaon, professionals and parents will learn why the relaonship with a child is the most important factor in their de‐ velopment, and how adults can deepen their aachments with the children in their care. We will cover why children need to keep so hearts and have their tears, and how we can help them develop resilience and maturity. Colleen will discuss theory and give praccal suggesons of how to nourish relaonships with children to help them thrive.

Colleen Drobot is a registered professional counsellor with a private pracce in North Vancouver. She provides therapy for adults and offers parent consulng using a developmental, aachment‐based approach. She also works with school districts and other professionals to help make sense of children and adolescents. She is an educator with over 20 years of experience working with chil‐ dren in the regular classroom or in special needs sengs. She is an adjunct faculty member of the Neufeld Instute and has worked with Dr. Gordon Neufeld for many years. Colleen is a mother of two and draws from her personal as well as professional experience to support parents and professionals in gaining insight, opening their hearts, and leading by their intuion. Express Yourself: The Arts for Young Children Presenter: Karen Begley Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents of children ages 1‐6.

In this session we will explore principles and strategies for creang enjoyable and enriching opportunies for young children to explore fundamentals of visual art, music, dance, and drama as avenues for creavity, expression, performance, and more. Some porons will be parcipatory, and we will move, create, laugh, and learn in a safe supporve environment. Individual comfort lev‐ els and privacy will be respected. Parcipants will leave the session with detailed plans for a variety of tested acvies for children ages 1‐6 (with extensions for school aged children) and increased confidence to bring more art into their programs. Parcipants are asked to join this workshop from a comfortable private space where you can move around. Parcipants will also need to have a pencil, a few pieces of blank paper, and some sort of coloured drawing tool (a marker, crayon, etc.) on hand during the workshop.

Karen Begley supports and empowers educators to feel fantasc about the work they are already doing by making connecons be‐ tween their underlying values, everyday programming, and pedagogical theory. Her playful style makes for interacve workshops that generate new ideas and increase parcipants’ confidence and competency to bring praccal and enriching experiences to the children in their care. Understanding Children’s Behaviours Presenter: Nikkol Adams Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents of children ages 3‐12.

This presentaon focuses on becoming curious about children’s behaviours. We will discuss the meaning behind a child’s undesira‐ ble behaviours in order to beer understand how to support and redirect their behaviour. Together we will explore brain develop‐ ment, the autonomic nervous system, goals of behaviour, and strategies for supporng and redirecng behaviour which include connecon versus correcon, discipline and boundary seng, and co‐regulaon. This presentaon is designed for individuals work‐ ing with children between the ages of 3 to 12 years old in diverse sengs who are wanng to gain insight and knowledge towards supporng children’s development.

Nikkol is a Registered Clinical Counselor and Cerfied Yoga Instructor. She has a deep passion for the mind and body connecon – helping individuals understand their emoonal and physical experiences using therapy and yoga. Aer graduang from Simon Fra‐ ser University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a minor in Educaon and Human Development, Nikkol pursued her pas‐ sion for mental health by compleng a 2‐year intensive Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology: School and Youth Concentraon through in Vancouver, Brish Columbia. She currently works in private pracce and is employed with the Ministry of Children and Family Development as a mental health clinician for children and youth.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 13 Loving the Outdoors Through Literature Presenter: Tricia Edgar Date: Thursday, December 10, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

You don’t need to wonder “Where the Wild Things Are.” Somemes they’re in your classroom! In this workshop, connect stories about animals, plants and wild places to outdoor acvies. Use storytelling techniques and children's books to bring your group of wild things outdoors to explore! Stories can take us far away from our homes and schools, out into the forests and mud puddles of our imaginaon. Whether you’re new to outdoor learning or a seasoned outdoors person, get ideas for creang connecons be‐ tween stories and outdoor acvies.

Tricia has worked with children in the temperate rainforests of Vancouver for over 25 years. She is the co‐founder and director of Fresh Air Learning, a forest school in Metro Vancouver, and she is also the Educaon Coordinator at the Lynn Canyon Ecology Ctr.

Role of the Pedagogist Presenter: Veronica Pacini‐Ketchabaw Date: Saturday, December 12, 2020 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Following a short presentaon that highlights key learnings from a 10‐year project exploring and incubang radically new ideas, pracces and proposals on ‘quality,’ this workshop will be devoted to a vibrant dialogue that considers re‐imagining early child‐ hood educaon through the role of the pedagogist.

Dr. Veronica Pacini‐Ketchabaw is a Professor of Early Childhood Educaon in the Faculty of Educaon at Western University in On‐ tario. Dr. Pacini‐Ketchabaw's wring and research is informed both by her experiences as an academic in early childhood educaon and as a pedagogista. Her work draws insights from feminist theory, environmental humanies, Indigenous studies, and cultural geography. Currently, Dr. Pacini‐Ketchabaw is co‐founder of the Common Worlds Research Collecve, and focuses on how 21st cen‐ tury children inherit, inhabit and share in a ‘common world’ shaped by legacies of environmental damage, colonial dispossession, global inequality and displacement. She collaborates with educators to develop responsive pedagogies that pay close aenon to place, other species and materials.

Discovering Diversity Presenter: Pat Bates Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

With the subject of diversity being such a forefront topic in the world today, we must recognize the importance and value of help‐ ing each other learn how to understand and respect all people – appreciang and valuing their diversity as opposed to cricizing it. This workshop is designed for teachers and parents who want to help their young child begin this understanding at an early age ‐ the me when impressions of the world and people begin forming and the me when those wonderful seeds of acceptance can be planted. In this workshop we will look at ways to encourage posive diverse views with children using ‘child friendly’ acvies and play to help insll those values in our children. Above all, parcipants will not only leave with a beer understanding of how to encourage diversity appreciaon in children, but also will leave with useful resource materials and ideas to implement with the children they work with.

Pat Bates has been in the E.C.E. field for 34 years. She has worked in both child care and preschool and has owned and operated a successful licensed preschool for 13 years. Pat has been teaching at the college level in E.C.E. programs for the past 24 years and has been dedicated to preparing her students to enter the early childhood field as successful quality educators. Teaching is her pas‐ sion whether with children or adults. She has also taught children’s music classes in several child cares and preschools in the Lower Mainland working with children from toddler to school age. With her business, Creave Resources and Workshops, she connues to facilitate many workshops for educators and parents and provide teaching resources for their ongoing curriculum development. She enjoys connuing to be acvely involved in the E.C.E. community and looks forward to any opportunies to movate and inspire

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 14 Ukulele Fun! Presenter: Corene Brown Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members (includes a Ukulele!) Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Want to add more music to your circle mes but are inmidated by the guitar and are sick of egg shakers? Introducing the versa‐ le, easy‐to‐learn and adorable ukulele! Children will be charmed by this fun instrument ‐ you can't help but smile when you listen to it. In this two hour virtual workshop, you will learn how to strum, basic chords and some fabulous children’s songs. No musical experience required! Cost of this workshop includes a ukulele for parcipants to keep. Parcipants will also receive a booklet of songs and chords to pracce at home.

Corene Maret Brown is the Programs & Youth Services Coordinator at the Port Moody Public Library and is an enthusiasc amateur ukulele player. She plays ukulele at story mes, baby mes, class room visits, and does a mean version of Baby Beluga.

Kids Have Stress Too! Presenters: Tazeen Bharucha and Alexa Villalpando Date: Saturday, January 16, 2021 Time: 9:30 am – 4:15 pm (6 hours of professional development with one 30 minute and one 15 minute break) Locaon: Tri Cies CCRR Office Fee: $60.00 (includes materials) Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Stress among children is esmated to have increased 45% over the past 30 years. Research tells us that stress has a negave im‐ pact on children’s relaonships and ability to learn, and has a profound effect on children's physical, emoonal and mental health. The good news is that building emoonal health and resiliency can help children concentrate, learn, interact more successfully and deal with other stressors they may face in their lives.

Developed by The Psychology Foundaon of Canada, the Kids Have Stress Too! program helps parents, caregivers and educators understand childhood stress and how to provide children with the tools to deal with stress effecvely. The program includes a range of resources designed for parents, those who work with young children in early learning sengs, and for classrooms.

See Bio’s on Page 7.

Early Intervenon for Speech Communicaon: What to Look for and Strategies to Support Presenters: Courtney Kaleta and Michelle Mastrandrea Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

During the evening, we will discuss typical vs. atypical speech and language milestones and pre‐reading literacy. Courtney will also provide ps and strategies on promong strong language in the classroom.

Courtney qualified as a Speech‐Language Pathologist from University College London in 2017. She has worked with early years, preschool and school‐aged children. She is the resident Speech‐Language Pathologist at the New Westminster Children’s Centre.

Michelle has over 10 years of experience working with children and their families. She has completed her undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Educaon (Ryerson University –Toronto), post graduate cerficate in Ausm and Behavioural Science and her mas‐ ter’s degree in Developmental Psychology and Educaon (University of Toronto – Ontario Instute of Studies in Educaon). The ma‐ jority of her experience has been working with children birth to 10 years of age. Michelle has worked previously as an Early Child‐ hood Educator, Behavioural Intervenonist and is currently the Coordinator of the Supported Child Development Program at Kin‐ sight in New Westminster.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 15 Sll Young and Restless: Inspiring Teachers Out of Burnout Presenter: Julia Black Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals

Burnout is a state of physical, emoonal, and mental exhauson caused by involvement in emoonally demanding situaons. Early childhood educators face many stressors, including long hours, physical demands, and unpredictable situaons. In today's go‐go‐ go, work‐as‐much‐as‐you‐can, work‐as‐hard‐as‐you‐can world, we are oen accessible for work 24 hours a day because of technol‐ ogy. In this workshop, parcipants will idenfy the symptoms of teacher burnout, review relaonal pedagogy and why burnout gets in the way of relaonships, and learn how to apply daily self‐care pracces.

Julia Black is a graduate student in the Department of Educaonal Psychology, at Simon Fraser University, Brish Columbia, Cana‐ da, and the coordinator for the ECCE program in the School of Educaon and Childhood Studies at Capilano University. Julia is also a Field Consultant for the HighScope Educaonal Research Foundaon, providing training in the HighScope Curriculum model to edu‐ cators, locally and internaonally. Julia earned a MBA at Athabasca University with a focus on change management among educa‐ tors implemenng new curriculum within early childhood classrooms. Since 1994, Julia has worked as an educator and execuve director in early childhood programs and as an educaonal and early years policy consultant. Currently her graduate research focus‐ es on the relaonship worlds of infants and toddlers with a parcular interest on the influence of cultural values and beliefs on ped‐ agogical pracce.

The Value of Play Presenter: Sim White Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

How do children learn? It’s not just play! Discover and understand the value and importance of play and how it is an essenal strat‐ egy for learning. Play is an important part of the child’s early development which is vital to laying the foundaon for the child’s success in the future.

Sim White has been an Early Childhood Educator for over 30 years. She has worked in a variety of child care sengs in leadership roles and has also taught ECE to adult learners at several colleges for 15 years. She has a Masters degree in ECE and has her Provin‐ cial Instructor’s Diploma. She is passionate about ECE and loves to impart her knowledge to ECE professionals.

How Can We Best Support Anxious Children and Youth? Presenter: Dr. Juliana Negreiros Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Time: 7:00 ‐ 9:00 pm Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

In this workshop, different types of fears and anxiees oen experienced by children and youth will be discussed with an emphasis on teaching parents, educators, and other health professionals hands‐on strategies to help with anxiety management. Aendees will gain knowledge about anxiety in children and youth and the red flags of when it becomes a problem. Key simple intervenons based on cognive behavioural therapy (CBT) will be described and pracced.

Dr. Juliana Negreiros is a Registered Psychologist and researcher with extensive experience working with children and youth with anxiety, OCD, and behavioural difficules. Currently, she runs a private pracce in Port Moody. She obtained her masters and Ph.D. in School Psychology at the University of Brish Columbia and completed a 3‐year postdoctoral fellowship at the BC Children's Hos‐ pital Provincial OCD Program. Dr. Juliana has given nearly 100 naonal and internaonal presentaons and has co‐authored aca‐ demic papers and book chapters. She is also a collaborator, consultant, and contractor for Anxiety Canada, where she creates re‐ sources and provides workshops in the community. In parcular, Dr. Juliana was a leading developer of a collecon of evidence‐ informed anxiety prevenon and resilience‐building resources for use with students in grades K‐7 across BC.

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 16 NETWORKING: Documentaon: Crical Reflecon & Making Learning Visible Presenters: Caren Eigenman and Sue Woodward Date: Thursday, January 28, 2020 Time: 6:45 ‐ 8:00 pm Locaon: Online via ZOOM Fee: $5.00 Suitable for all early learning professionals.

Join CCRR staff and guest speakers Caren Eigenman and Sue Woodward from Childgarden Preschool for a discussion about docu‐ mentaon and making children’s learning visible. This networking event will be a me for sharing ideas and experiences, as well as me to ask quesons and learn from each other. Come prepared to join in the discussion and share new ways to document and make children’s learning visible in your program!

A one‐hour professional development cerficate will be given to parcipants at the end of the networking session.

Caren has had many years of experience working with children of all ages. Over the last 20 years Caren has been an Out of School Care supervisor, Preschool teacher, Support teacher, and has owned and operated her own Mul‐age Family Childcare facility. Caren has pursued several courses at Capilano University where the Reggio approach is strongly incorporated into the Early Child‐ hood Program as well as parcipated in many workshops and professional development classes where her passion and drive for her love of working with children is re‐ignited again and again. In her spare me Caren enjoys playing the flute and the piano. Caren ranks as a black belt in karate and has especially enjoyed teaching children’s classes for many years and has also recently completed cerficaon as a children’s yoga instructor. Caren is a proud mother to her daughter and son.

Sue’s work with children has spanned 30 years and began first with parenng three sons. In 1994 Sue started a mul‐age family child care business which she ran for twelve years. Sue realized that working with young children was a calling which grew through the ECE program at Burnaby Connuing Educaon. Here Sue gained a deeper love, enthusiasm and joy for a field she feels so fortu‐ nate to be immersed in. Sue opened Childgarden Preschool in September 2007. Greatly inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, She strives to operate a preschool of excellence that listens to the children, and movates learning through an inquiry based curricu‐ lum that is relevant to them in an environment that is smulang, safe, warm and fun. Sue feels blessed to work with other teach‐ ers who share her love for children and commitment to this community. Mentoring ECE students through praccums and offering workshops is a great opportunity to share her passion.

Making Music Fun for Infants and Toddlers in the Winter Presenter: Chrisne Roskelley Date: Saturday, January 30, 2021 Time: 9:30 ‐ 11:30 am Locaon: Online Via ZOOM Fee: $10.00 members; $15.00 non‐members Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.

Come join Chrisne for a morning of song, speech and movement. Together we will explore new and renewed music experiences to help shake the winter blues away. Please have on hand something you can drum, a shaker, a bell like sound and wooden scks. (Chop scks work just fine or any wooden dowel). You will receive a USB flash drive containing all the songs covered in the work‐ shop along with a lyric handout. Prepare your space to allow for both sing and moving within view of your computer.

Chrisne is an ECE with over 35 years of experience. She works as a self‐employed music enrichment teacher primarily at UBC Child Care. Chris also teaches the music and movement course at both Burnaby and Delta Connuing Educaon.

You may not recognize success when it happens. It’s not always the thing you expected it to be. Looking back, you will realize that there are successes to be recognized and joy to be seized in every day.

– Elizabeth Keane

Follow us on Twier @YMCACCRR Like us on Facebook at 17 Good Beginnings Online Training for Family Child Care Providers

BC Family Child Care Associaon’s original Introducon to Family Day Care Course has long been recognized and recommended as part of the licensing process. As of November 2007, the licensing process requires child care providers to have at least 20 hours of training related to child care. BCFCCA and licensing officers around the province recognize the value of the newly revised and expanded (2017) “GOOD BEGINNINGS: Professional Development for Child Care Providers” training. This curriculum meets the training requirements to qualify individuals to work in child care sengs for children from birth to 12 years of age, such as:

 Occasional Licensed Child Care  School‐Age Licensed Group Child Care  Family Child Care

Level One (20 hours) Responsible Adult Course

 Introducon to Child Care  Planning for Safety and Emergencies – Part 1  Planning for Safety and Emergencies – Part 2  Promong Good Health and Nutrion  Exploring Children’s Development  Guiding Children’s Behaviour  Planning for Play and Learning  Let’s Play! Inspiring Children’s Experiences and Acvies

Level Two (10 hours) The Business of Family Child Care

 Establishing Posive Relaonships with Families and the Community  Your Family Child Care Business – Part 1  Your Family Child Care Business – Part 2  An Acon Plan for Your Family Child Care

The GOOD BEGINNINGS courses will not only help you explore these areas of child care, but will also guide you to create the policies and procedures necessary to develop your business, introduce you to a network of Family Child Care Providers, and provide you with resources and contacts specific to your family child care business.

Dates: Wednesdays, September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 & November 4, 2020 Cost Includes Manual: Time: 9:30 AM ‐ 2:00 PM You must make an appointment to pick‐up Locaon: Online Via ZOOM at either of our office locaons. Fee: $275

Upon successful compleon of course and assignments, a cerficate will be issued by BCFCCA with the hours aended shown.

Presenter: Vicki Lepper operated a licensed child care in Coquitlam for over 30 years and is a passionate child care advocate. Vicki was a board member for BC Family Child Care Associaon (BCFCCA) from 2011 to 2015. Vicki presents her own workshops, is a “Kids Have Stress Too”‐ Trainer for The Psychology Foundaon of Canada, a “Good Beginnings: Professional Development for Child Care Providers”‐Facilitator for BCFCCA, a member of the Tri‐Cies ECD Commiee, networks with child care providers, received many awards and is also acvely involved in her community. Vicki loves connecng and sharing resources with those who have chosen a career working with children.


Fall 2020 Workshops

Registraon Submission Form (one form per aendee)

Date:______City Locaon:______

Name (please print clearly):______Facility Name:______

Email:______Facility Type:______

Phone #:______CCRR Membership #:______

During COVID‐19 the following payment opons are available:

Credit Card: American Express, MasterCard or Visa. * When paying by credit card please call 604‐931‐3400 extension 0. For your protecon, please do not leave credit card informaon on our voice mail.

The compleon of this form does not guarantee placement in your requested workshop(s). Confirmaon of your registraon will be sent to you via email.

 Refunds and transfers will only be given to registrants who provide 5 working days noce of withdrawal.  All withdrawals and transfers are subject to a $5.00 administraon fee per workshop.  Refunds will not be provided if you experience technical difficules with your equipment.

The YMCA CCRR provides cerficates of parcipaon for a variety of workshops. When claiming a workshop or course for training hours it is the parcipants’ responsibility to check with the ECE Registry or Community Care Licensing that the cerficates will be accepted.

Office use only Method of Payment:

American Express MasterCard Visa Total amount: ______

Completed by CCRR Staff : ______Authorizaon #______Refund Issued: ______

Confirmaon email: ______Registraon Confirmed by: ______Refund Issued: ______

Refund Issued: ______

Topic Date Time  ECEBC Conference 2020 Keynote Address Webinar Thu. Oct 1 6:45 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 Burnaby/New West CCRR Office Open House (Schedule Appointment) Sat. Oct 3 9:00 AM ‐ 2:00 PM FREE  Reviewing Your Policies, Procedures, and Parent Contracts During COVID‐19 Wed. Oct 7 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate Thu. Oct 8 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Using Children’s Literature to Inspire Provocaons (Tri‐Cies CCRR Office) Wed. Oct 14 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Making Sense of Sensive Kids Thu. Oct 15 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Tri‐Cies CCRR Office Open House (Schedule Appointment) Sat. Oct 17 9:00 AM ‐ 2:00 PM FREE  ECEBC Conference 2020 Keynote Address Webinar Wed. Oct 21 6:45 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Young Children’s Rough and Tumble Play Thu. Oct 22 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  INFORMATION SESSION: Become a RLNR Child Care Provider Tue. Oct 27 11:00 AM ‐ 12:30 PM FREE  Empowering Young Children: An‐Bias Tools for Prevenng Bullying Wed. Oct 28 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Supporng Inclusion with Supported Child Development Thu. Oct 29 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Kids Have Stress Too! (Tri‐Cies CCRR Office) Sat. Oct 31 9:30 AM ‐ 4:15 PM $60  Reflecng on Our Journey and Seng a Path for the Future Wed. Nov 4 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Resolving Challenging Issues with Families Thu. Nov 5 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  The Six Hearts of ECCE Sat. Nov 7 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15  Our New Normal: Supporng Children During and Aer the Pandemic Thu. Nov 12 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Creang Meaningful Experiences for Infants and Toddlers Sat. Nov 14 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15  NETWORKING: Fall Felt Story Make and Take (Tri‐Cies CCRR Office) Wed. Nov 18 6:30 ‐ 8:00 PM $5  Conflict Resoluon & Posive Communicaon Models for School Age Educators Thu. Nov 19 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Belonging: Providing Welcoming Environments for LGBTQ+ Families Sat. Nov 21 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15  The Magic Behind Self Regulaon for Posive Guidance Wed. Nov 25 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Mulcultural Storymes Thu. Nov 26 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Celebrang the Essenal Work of Child Care Sat. Nov 28 9:30 AM ‐ 12:00 PM FREE  NETWORKING: Yoga Self Care and Mindfulness Wed. Dec 2 6:45 ‐ 8:00 PM $5  Relaonship Maers: Deepening Aachments and Fostering Learning Thu. Dec 3 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Express Yourself: The Arts for Young Children Sat. Dec 5 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15  Understanding Children’s Behaviours Wed. Dec 9 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Loving the Outdoor Through Literature Thu. Dec 10 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15  Role of the Pedagogist Sat. Dec 12 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15  Discovering Diversity Wed. Dec 16 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 Ukulele Fun! (Schedule a Ukulele pick‐up) Thu. Dec 17 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 Kids Have Stress Too! (Tri‐Cies CCRR Office) Sat. Jan 16 9:30 AM ‐ 4:15 PM $60

 Early Intervenon for Speech Communicaon: What to Look for and Strategies Wed. Jan 20 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 Sll Young and Restless: Inspiring Teachers Out of Burnout Thu. Jan 21 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 The Value of Play Sat. Jan 23 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15

 How Can We Best Support Anxious Children and Youth? Wed. Jan 27 7:00 ‐ 9:00 PM $10 $15

 NETWORKING: Documentaon: Crical Reflecon & Making Learning Visible Thu. Jan 28 6:45 ‐ 8:00 PM $5

 Making Music Fun for Infants and Toddlers in the Winter Sat. Jan 30 9:30 ‐ 11:30 AM $10 $15

Good Beginnings Online Training for Family Child Care Providers Course Level 1 & 2  Wednesdays, September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 and November 4 9:30 AM ‐ 2:00 PM $275 (Cost includes workbook: Arrange for pickup)

Funding for the YMCA CCRR is provided by the Province of Brish Columbia 20