Comparative Analysis of Junit and Testng Framework
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Comparative Analysis of JUnit and TestNG framework Manasi Patil1, Mona Deshmukh2 Student, Dept. of MCA, VES Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, India1 Professor, Dept. of MCA, VES Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, India2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - Testing is an important phase in SDLC, Testing It is flexible than Junit and supports parametrization, parallel can be manual or automated. Nowadays Automation testing is execution and data driven testing. widely used to find defects and to ensure the correctness and The Table – 1 compares different functionalities of TestNG completeness of the software. Open source framework can be and JUnit framework. used for automation testing such as Robotframework, Junit, Spock, NUnit, TestNG, Jasmin, Mocha etc. This paper compares Table -1: Functionality TestNG vs JUnit JUnit and TestNG based on their features and functionalities. Key Words: JUnit, TestNG, Automation Framework, Functionality TestNG JUnit Automation Testing, Selenium TestNG, Selenium JUnit Yes 1. INTRODUCTION Support Annotations Yes Yes Support Test Suit Initialization Yes Testing a software manually is tedious work, and takes lot of No time and efforts. Automation saves lot of time and money, Support for Tests groups Yes also it increases the test coverage
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