n̓səl̓xcin 3

An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish

by Sʕamtíc̓aʔ (Sarah Peterson)

and Christopher Parkin n̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Authors’ Notes

This first draft of n̓səl̓xcin 3 was developed over the course of several years, from April 2007 to April of 2015 with support from Salish School of Spokane, The Center for Interior Salish, The Paul Creek Language Association, the Lower Similkameen Indian Band, and the First People’s Heritage, Language, and Culture Council of British Columbia. This book is the fifth in a series of six books that comprise the N̓səl̓xcin Curriculum Project that is being developed by Salish School of Spokane and The Paul Creek Language Association and our partners. This work is meant to offer advanced students an opportunity to hear and read n̓səl̓xcin language texts about animals, plants, and cultural topics that are at the heart of culture. The narratives are accompanied by vocabulary lists, comprehension questions, verbal paradigms, example sentences and grammatical notes. Before studying this book, students are expected to have mastered the material in the first four books, N̓səl̓xcin ,1 Captíkʷł ,1 N̓səl̓xcin ,2 and Captíkʷł ,2 that precede this work in the overall N̓səl̓xcin Curriculum Project series. Sʕamtíc̓aʔ (Sarah Peterson) provided all of the n̓səl̓xcin language texts in this work, translating from English originals researched and composed by Christopher Parkin. The overall organization of this work, including selection of texts, choice of themes, scope, and sequence are the work of Christopher Parkin. The authors express their sincere gratitude to all those who have supported the creation of this work, and we apologize for any inaccuracies. way, lim̓lm̓t.

Sʕamtíc̓aʔ (Sarah Peterson) ʕAn̓n (Christopher Parkin)

Text and curriculum concept © 2003–15 Christopher Parkin, and used herein with permission.

USA © 2015 Salish School of Spokane Canada © 2015 The Paul Creek Language Association

This is a copyrighted work. Interested persons may duplicate these materials for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes so long as credit is given to the authors.

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 2

smy̓máy 3: sk̓aʔáym

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 3 smy̓máy 3: sk̓aʔáym

1. k̓aʔáym 2. iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx 3. sq̓əq̓axʷ 4. snínaʔ 5. stxt̓il̓tm- q̓il̓tʔ i ‿ʔuʔx̌ʷtílaʔt 6. qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp 7. sxʷínaʔ 8. stəktəkcxʷiłp 9. stxt̓il̓tm- iʔ‿l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast 10. st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ 11. słəłx̌ʷum̓x uł iʔ‿sk̓ʷul̓l̓s 12. cłəłx̌ʷúm̓xaʔx uł aʔ‿cw̓n̓cut 13. sƛ̓xʷsqáx̌aʔm tə‿skəkʕákaʔ 14. kəkn̓iʔ 15. skʷəkʷʔiłp 16. sƛ̓aʔcínm 17. sxʷikʷm 18. sqʷlip

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01. k̓aʔáym sʔum̓s x̌aʕ̓áp get cool t̓ət̓q̓tw̓ilx become short k̓łmul̓laʔxʷ mist k̓ʷílaʔxʷ frost smy̓may x̌aʕ̓áp iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. t̓ət̓q̓tw̓ilx iʔ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. ła‿claʔkín get cool; become l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast əck̓łmul̓laʔxʷ uł cp̓uƛ̓n̓tm. ła‿claʔkín ck̓ʷílaʔxʷ. short; mist; frost iʔ‿packł sʕasʕát tl̓‿sc̓l̓c̓al. k̓aʔáym uł kʷu‿pix̌m. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. c̓kin iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔx l̓‿k̓aʔáym ? 2. stim iʔ‿t̓ət̓q̓tw̓ilx ła‿ck̓aʔáym ? 3. c̓kin iʔ‿łkʷəkʷʕast ła‿claʔkín ? 4. xkinm iʔ‿packł ła‿ck̓aʔáym ? 5. stim aʔ‿c̓kistm ła‿ck̓aʔáym ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Point of View Excercise aksck̓ʷúl: change the phrase for each new subject, maintaining the same tense. Follow the model. Translate the new phrase to English. x̌aʕ̓áp iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ.

EX: Marí: Marí x̌aʕ̓áp.

1. in̓cá: nuyápixcn:

2. anwí: nuyápixcn:

3. anwí naʔł in̓cá: nuyápixcn:

4. Sulí naʔł stm̓k̓ʔil̓ts: nuyápixcn:

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ck̓ʷul̓m̓stmʔ i ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. x̌aʕ̓áp- get cool example sentences: 1. x̌aʕ̓áp iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (The land cools off.) 2. n̓inwíʔs klʕaʔn̓tín iʔ‿x̌ʕamín mi p‿x̌ʕax̌ʕáp. (I'll turn the fan on so you will cool off.) 3. ha kʷ‿x̌ʕap. (Are you getting cooled off?)

2. t̓ət̓q̓tw̓ilx- become short example sentences: 1. t̓ət̓q̓tw̓ilx iʔ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. (The days get shorter.) 2. taʔlí t̓ət̓q̓twil̓x iʔ‿sp̓ic̓n. (The rope is getting very short.) 3. miyáł t̓ət̓áq̓aʔt. (It's too short.)

3. k̓łmul̓laʔxʷ- mist example sentences: 1. ła‿claʔkín l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast əck̓łmul̓laʔxʷ uł cp̓uƛ̓n̓tm. (Sometimes the mornings are misty or foggy.) 2. ła‿ckłmúl̓laʔxʷ taʔlí cłʕat̓ I̓‿sqʷʕayálaʔxʷ. (When it's misty the grass is wet.) 3. lut aksxʷíclaʔxʷm ła‿ckłmúlaʔxʷ. (Don't cut grass when the grass is dewy.)

4. k̓ʷílaʔxʷ- frost on the ground example sentences: 1. laʔ claʔkín ck̓ʷílaʔxʷ. (Sometimes the ground is frosty.) 2. way sc̓aʔłmíx kiʔ k̓ʷílaʔxʷ. (It's getting cold so it's frosty out.) 3. k̓ʷílaʔxʷ uł sl̓sul̓t iʔ‿sk̓ʷan̓łq. (When the frost comes, the plants freeze.)

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02. iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx sʔum̓s sn̓spilx Nespelem people káy̓ta place on Columbia n̓wic̓mn digging area staʔín prong horn kyw̓yʕaw̓ín̓k double-curved bow n̓pəkʷpkʷn̓tim / n̓pəkʷpkʷam pour solids kłt̓xmin sweetener stm̓us fish trap n̓tγpitkʷ flow into water lɣam to spear yiʕ̓áʔ gather to celebrate cpútaʔst / pútaʔm respect n̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn hut kłc̓il̓stn shade shelter cl̓kstasq̓t five days x̌w̓il̓tnm dry fish/berries kłyipw̓s Republic, WA c̓áp̓aʔx̌ cedar roots sʕahʕáptnx Sahaptin people cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓st / n̓k̓ʷłcwixmn̓t live with someone / be housemates k̓ʷam even smy̓may iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx kʷliw̓t l̓‿yʕacín̓s Nespelem people iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ, tl̓‿tkʷəkʷar̓kʷr̓xnm itlíʔ uł kixʷútm̓s káy̓ta. place on Columbia x̌w̓x̌w̓úlaʔxʷ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx kiʔ tl̓‿sn̓ʕay̓ckstx km iʔ‿sx̌ʷy̓ʔiłpx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷsəl̓x, nax̌m̓ł xʷʔit iʔ‿c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔs uł xʷʔit iʔ‿sp̓iƛ̓m̓s.ʔ i ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ sʔaw̓tím̓tkm̓sʔ i ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ, ilíʔ kaʔ cpix̌m ʔi ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx uł ilíʔ n̓wic̓mn̓s nixʷ. ʕapnáʔ digging area yʕat swit ik̓líʔ cwc̓wic̓m tə‿c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ naʔł sp̓iƛ̓m. q̓sápiʔ xʷʔit iʔ‿staʔín, l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. iʔ‿sqilxʷ prong horn ixíʔ cpix̌stsəl̓x. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm naʔł iʔ‿staʔín ixíʔ iʔ‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt tmixʷ

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 7 aʔ‿cpix̌sts ʔi ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx. k̓l̓‿spix̌m iʔ‿kyw̓yʕaw̓ín̓k double-curved naʔł c̓q̓il̓nʔ a ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts.ʔ i ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx bow ckłqaqxʷl̓xm l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ uł nixʷ l̓‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿saʔsaʔtítkʷ. c̓x̌ił iʔ‿tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿syilx, iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx niʕ̓áy̓p ctəxʷcn̓cut, qipcm, caʔáqʷm, k̓aʔáym, ixíʔ kʷum̓cn k̓l̓‿sʔistkm. qipcm uł wc̓wic̓mə t ‿sp̓iƛ̓m ʔna ł c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. t̓iʔ ilíʔ way ʔiłsəl̓x iʔ‿swic̓s uł ʔi ‿kʷiƛ̓t x̌w̓ntisəl̓x kʷum̓cn k̓l̓‿sʔistkm. ła‿claʔkín łʕacsəl̓x iʔ‿c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ ixíʔ x̌w̓ntisəl̓x. p̓uƛ̓mʔ i ‿sqipc ʔúluʔsm tə‿miktúʔtn. q̓ʷln̓tisəl̓x iʔ‿sc̓ʕal̓qn, n̓pəkʷpəkʷn̓tis l̓‿ƛ̓aqnaʔ uł pour solids nutn̓tís iʔ‿cix̌cəx̌t ət ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut sic p̓l̓k̓m̓stis ilíʔ uł p̓y̓p̓y̓aq. iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx ctixʷsts xʷʔit iʔ‿síyaʔ uł cx̌w̓stis. cmár̓wiʔstsəl̓x ʔi ‿síyaʔ l̓‿xʷʔit iʔ‿sʔiłn, l̓‿sp̓iƛ̓m, l̓‿sx̌ʷusm. ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x kłt̓xmin̓s. sweetener iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx l̓‿ksíyaʔtn kaʔ ckłqaqxʷl̓xm. ixíʔ kłqaqxʷl̓xm uł k̓aʔáym. k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓səl̓x iʔ‿kstm̓usts sp̓ƛ̓m̓qin̓s fish trap iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ k̓l̓‿saʔtítkʷ ixíʔ cn̓tγpitkʷ k̓l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ. nixʷ flow into water clɣaməl̓x tə‿n̓ty̓tyix l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ laʔkín kiʔ cn̓t̓ít̓apt iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ. to spear iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx ckʷn̓nustsʔ i ‿n̓ty̓tyix ʔna ł kisúʔ. nixʷ iʔ‿xʷmínaʔ ckʷn̓nusts nax̌m̓ł lut taʔlí ʔi ‿tʕán̓ya t̓a‿cn̓ʔaw̓cín̓sts iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ. ła‿claʔkín ckʷn̓nusts iʔ‿kʷutwn, qixʷl̓x naʔł c̓m̓tus. c̓x̌ił tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿syilx, iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilxcyi ʕ̓áʔ gather to cpútaʔsts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix ła‿cyʕap. c̓x̌ilstsəl̓x itíʔ tl̓‿sq̓sápiʔs. celebrate; respect iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix y̓lmixʷm naʔł iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ k̓ʷul̓məl̓x tə‿stm̓us l̓‿saʔtítkʷ. ilíʔ k̓ʕaʔs uł k̓ʷul̓m̓sʔ i ‿sumíxs mi cxʷuy iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix k̓l̓‿stm̓us.ʔ i ‿smam̓ʔím tixʷməl̓x ət ‿smúkʷaʔxn iʔ‿packłs, k̓ʷul̓məl̓x ət ‿n̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn kłc̓il̓stn̓səl̓x. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t, mus km hut; shade shelter cl̓kstasq̓t iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix y̓lmixʷm km̓n̓tis iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix uł kłqmis five days l̓‿smúkʷaʔxn packł. ixíʔ cún̓maʔs iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmix xkists mi nək̓nik̓s iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix uł p̓y̓qn̓tisʔ a ‿cxʔit iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix. cl̓kstasq̓t ʔiłsəl̓x kmax iʔ‿sək̓ʷsək̓ʷtíłc̓aʔs iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix, lut ʔiłsəl̓x ʔi ‿ʔik̓ʷn km iʔ‿c̓asyqn̓s km iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿stim̓s. put n̓lʕaʔpús iʔ‿cl̓kstasq̓t mi sic k̓ʷul̓m̓səl̓x ʔi ‿ʔik̓ʷn naʔł c̓asyqn. ksx̌an iʔ‿scl̓kstasq̓t, n̓pusəsəl̓x ʔi ‿ʔik̓ʷn naʔł iʔ‿c̓sc̓asy̓qn k̓ʷul̓m tə‿st̓xitkʷ, már̓wiʔsəl̓x tə‿sp̓iƛ̓m ʔna ł cx̌aw̓ tə‿síyaʔ. íxiʔ mi sic yaʔt iʔ‿sqilxʷ ʔałʔíłn tl̓‿st̓xitkʷ, ixíʔ pútaʔsəl̓x əł ‿scyʕaps

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 8 iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix. ixíʔ mi sic kłqaqxʷl̓xm, ʔi ‿smam̓ʔím ʔa ‿cn̓an̓ík̓sts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix, cp̓y̓qstísəl̓x, əcx̌w̓il̓tnm. cx̌ił tə‿cúnmaʔn̓tm tə‿snk̓lip dry fish/berries łə‿ckicxsts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix k̓l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł k̓l̓‿sn̓spilx. lut taʔlí qʷay ʔi ‿mxiłp ła‿cplal l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ, ixíʔ uł lut taʔlí t̓a‿ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓m tə‿yám̓x̌ʷaʔ. cn̓ʔay̓xʷíw̓sm k̓l̓‿sw̓knaʔqínx uł tl̓‿sx̌ʷy̓ʔiłpx. sxʷuy̓y̓əl̓x k̓l̓‿kłyipw̓s k̓aw̓sƛ̓aʔám tə‿c̓áp̓aʔx̌. kłyipw̓s n̓ʔiƛ̓l̓tkm̓s Republic, WA; iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. cedar roots iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx x̌astə t ‿sqilxʷ. cl̓ax̌tm̓sts yʕat iʔ‿sqilxʷ. lut t̓a‿kłxmin. sl̓xʷaʔspuʔús, nax̌m̓ł lut x̌minks ksəctiáqʷtsəl̓x. nax̌m̓ł naqs ilíʔ kicn̓tm tə‿sʕahʕáptnx ixíʔ kicn̓tm Sahaptin people uł ƛ̓xʷn̓tim, xʷʔit iʔ‿ƛ̓axʷt. ixíʔ uł kn̓xitm tə‿slx̌lax̌ts iʔ‿sw̓knaʔqínx naʔł iʔ‿sx̌ʷy̓ʔiłp, ƛ̓xʷupsəl̓x ʔi ‿sʕahʕáptnx. c̓x̌ił iʔ‿tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿syilx, iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx ct̓qʷal̓qsm tə‿kłləslasmísts, tə‿kłłəłaxʷs, nax̌m̓ł iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ iʔ‿tl̓‿snk̓lip iʔ‿síp̓iʔs kaʔ kłtm̓tmutn. ʔasíl síp̓iʔ aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x, naqs snk̓lip síp̓iʔ l̓‿n̓xaʔcínm̓s uł naqs k̓l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s. sƛ̓aʔcínm síp̓iʔ iʔ‿sək̓ʷsək̓ʷtiw̓sts. t̓iʔ ilíʔ‿ckʕ̓ac iʔ‿snk̓lip ʔi ‿syupsts l̓‿síp̓iʔ ixíʔ k̓l̓‿sʔiw̓t. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx pútiʔ ilíʔ kʷliw̓t l̓‿n̓pʕawílx saʔtítkʷ. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sn̓spilx cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓sts xiʔmíx sqilxʷ uł k̓ʷam iʔ‿sʕahʕáptnx naʔł n̓xaʔm̓xcínx. live with; even sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kiʔ kʷliw̓t iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx ? 2. c̓kin tixʷəxʷlm iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷs iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx kiʔ tl̓‿sn̓ʕay̓ckstx ? 3. k̓aʔkín iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx iʔ‿n̓wic̓mn̓səl̓x ? 4. stim iʔ‿wic̓m̓stm l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx ʔi ‿n̓wic̓mn̓səl̓x ? 5. stim iʔ‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt tmixʷ aʔ‿cpix̌sts ʔi ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 6. stim aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts k̓l̓‿spix̌m iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 7. k̓aʔkín kaʔ ckłqaqxʷl̓xm iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 8. səxkinx uł niʕ̓áy̓p ctəxʷcn̓cut iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 9. pn̓kin kaʔ cwc̓wic̓m tə‿spiƛ̓m naʔł c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 10. pn̓kin kaʔ cʔúluʔsm tə‿miktúʔtn iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 11. əxkistm iʔ‿miktúʔtn ła‿cq̓ʷln̓tim ? 12. əxkistm iʔ‿síyaʔ aʔ‿ctixʷstm tə‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 13. stim iʔ‿kłt̓xmin̓s iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 14. pn̓kin kaʔ ckłqaqxʷl̓xm iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 15. k̓aʔkín kiʔ k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓səl̓x iʔ‿kstm̓usts ʔi ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ?

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16. k̓aʔkín kaʔ clɣaməl̓x ət ‿n̓tytyix iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 17. stim iʔ‿qaqxʷl̓x kaʔ ckʷn̓nusts iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 18. ła‿cpútaʔstm iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix tə‿sn̓pʕawílxəx, stim iʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓mstsəl̓x iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix y̓lmixʷm naʔł sql̓ql̓tmixʷ ? 19. swit iʔ‿tixʷm tə‿smúkʷaʔxn ? x̌l̓‿stim uł tixʷm tə‿smúkʷaʔxn ? 20. k̓aʔkín kłqmis iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix y̓lmixʷm ? 21. stim aʔ‿c̓iłstsəl̓x tl̓‿aʔ‿cxʔit iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix ? 22. ksx̌an iʔ‿scl̓kstasq̓t, stim iʔ‿k̓ʷul̓m̓səl̓x ? c̓kin ? 23. łə‿wiʔspútaʔsəl̓x iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix, swit aʔ‿cn̓an̓ík̓sts, cp̓y̓qstís iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix ? 24. swit iʔ‿ckicxsts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix k̓l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł k̓l̓‿sn̓spilx ? 25. səxkinx uł lut taʔlí t̓a‿ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓m tə‿yám̓x̌ʷaʔ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 26. tl̓‿k̓aʔkín kaʔ ctaʔxʷłyám̓x̌ʷaʔ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx ? 27. k̓aʔkín kiʔ sxʷuy̓y̓əl̓x iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓pilx k̓aw̓sƛ̓aʔám tə‿c̓áp̓aʔx̌ ? 28. swit iʔ‿kicn̓tm uł ƛ̓xʷn̓tim iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx ? 29. swit iʔ‿kn̓xits iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx mi ƛ̓xʷupsəl̓x ʔi ‿sʕahʕáptnx ? 30. stim aʔ‿clʕaw̓stis iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx sql̓ql̓tmixʷ ? 31. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿sn̓k̓lip iʔ‿sípiʔs ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x mi k̓ʷul̓m tə‿sn̓k̓lip tm̓tmutn ? 32. ʕapnáʔ, swit aʔ‿cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓sts iʔ‿sn̓pilx ?

skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. lɣam / lɣan̓t- to spear / pierce in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿lɣam tə‿n̓ty̓tyix ? (kiw)

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2. ha kn‿səclɣmix tə‿qaqxʷl̓x ? (kiw)

3. swit kslɣmíxaʔx tə‿spqʷlic ? (xəxiw̓xw̓tm)

4. swit aʔ‿clɣstis iʔ‿kísuʔ ? (incá)

5. ha akslɣám ʔi ‿n̓q̓ʷy̓q̓ʷiyʕác̓aʔ ? (lut)

6. ha lɣn̓tip iʔ‿tʕan̓yaʔ ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms lɣan̓t- make for someone in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx lɣn̓tinəl̓x anwí xxx xxx kʷu‿lɣn̓tixʷ cniłc lɣn̓tsis mnimłtət xxx lɣn̓tim xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx kʷu‿lɣn̓tip xxx cniłcəlx lɣłulm̓səl̓x mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. stim iʔ‿lɣn̓tip ? (miml̓t)

2. stim iʔ‿lɣn̓tin ? (xʷmínaʔ)

3. stim iʔ‿lɣn̓tixʷ ? (qixʷl̓x)

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4. ha kʷu‿lɣn̓tis iʔ‿təptəpqin ? (kiw)

5. ha lɣn̓tsis iʔ‿sqʷʔuł ? (kiw)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stmʔ i ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. sn̓spilx- Nespelem people example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx kʷliw̓t l̓‿yʕacín̓s iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ, tl̓‿tkʷəkʷar̓kʷr̓xnm itlíʔ uł kixʷútm̓s káy̓ta. (The San Poil and Nespelem lived along the from Rodgers Bar to a place on the Columbia River below Goose Lake.) 2. n̓x̌sx̌sil̓s iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx uł nk̓sk̓síls iʔ‿sn̓spilx. (the san poil are kind and the nespilems are mean) 3. iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx xʷʔit ła‿cq̓ʷliw̓m tə‿st̓xałq uł iʔ‿sn̓spilx ctixʷsts iʔ‿c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. (The San Poil pick a lot of hucklberries and the Nesplems gather camas.)

2. káy̓ta- place on Columbia River below Goose Lake example sentences: iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx kʷliw̓t l̓‿yʕacín̓s iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ, tl̓‿tkʷəkʷar̓kʷr̓xnm itlíʔ uł kixʷútm̓s káy̓ta. (The San Poil and Nespelem lived along the Columbia River from Rodgers Bar to a place on the Columbia River below Goose Lake.) 2. txʷaʔxʷʔíl̓t iʔ‿k̓l̓‿káy̓ta. (The people from Kay̓ta have a lot of kids.)

3. n̓wic̓mn- root digging place reduplication: n̓wc̓wic̓mn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ sʔawtímtkms iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ, ilíʔ kaʔ cpix̌m ʔi ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx uł ilíʔ n̓wic̓mn̓s nixʷ. (The lands to the south of the Columbia were the hunting and digging grounds for the San Poils and Nespelems.) 2. ʔamʔím̓xəl̓x k̓l̓‿n̓wc̓wíc̓mn̓səl̓x. (They moved to their digging spots.) 3. k̓l̓‿in̓wíc̓mn k̓łx̌ʷil iʔ‿sp̓iƛ̓m. (There's a lot of bitterroot at my digging spot.)

4. staʔín- pronghorn antelope example sentences: 1. q̓sápiʔ xʷʔit iʔ‿t̓ətáq̓aʔtłq̓ʷmqín, iʔ‿staʔín, l̓‿sn̓pʕawílxəx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (A long time ago there were a lot of short horns, antelope, in the San Poil country.) 2. c̓x̌ił tə‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿staʔín. (The pronghorn antelope are like deer.) 3. x̌sx̌ast iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓qin̓s iʔ‿staʔín. (Antelope have nice horns.)

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5. kyw̓yʕaw̓ín̓k- double-curved bow example sentences: 1. k̓l̓‿spix̌mʔ i ‿kyw̓yʕaw̓ín̓k naʔł c̓q̓il̓n aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts. (For hunting, they used a double curved bow and arrows.)

6. n̓pkʷn̓tim / n̓pkʷan̓t- pour solids reduplication: n̓pəkʷpəkʷn̓tim example sentences: 1. q̓ʷln̓tisəl̓x ʔi ‿sc̓ʕal̓qn, n̓pəkʷpəkʷn̓tis l̓‿ƛ̓aqnaʔ uł nutn̓tís iʔ‿cix̌cəx̌t ət ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut sic p̓l̓k̓m̓stis ilíʔ uł p̓y̓p̓y̓aq. (They roasted the seeds by putting them in a bag with hot rocks and then turning them over and over until the seeds were toasted.) 2. laʔkín mi n̓pkʷn̓tim iʔ‿sc̓ʕal̓qn ? (What container shall we pour these seeds into?) 3. n̓pəkʷpəkʷan̓t iʔ‿patáq l̓‿ƛ̓əqƛ̓áqnaʔ. (Pour the potatoes in the sacks.)

7. kłt̓xmin- sweetener example sentences: 1. l̓‿sp̓iƛ̓m, l̓‿sx̌ʷusm ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x kłt̓xmin̓s. (There were used with bitterroot and foam berries to make them sweeter.) 2. in̓x̌ast iʔ‿málx̌aʔs t̓xmin. (I like the fake sugar.) 3. cx̌sʔiłn iʔ‿n̓t̓xt̓xúlaʔxʷła‿ cmárwiʔ tə‿t̓xmin. (The cakes taste good when sweetner is used.)

8. stm̓us- fish trap example sentences: 1. k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓səl̓x iʔ‿kstm̓usts sp̓ƛ̓m̓qin̓s iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ k̓l̓‿saʔtítkʷ ixíʔ cn̓tγpitkʷ k̓l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ. (They built fish traps at the mouths of all of the creeks and rivers that flowed into the Columbia.) 2. iʔ‿sqilxʷ ck̓ʷul̓məl̓x tə‿kstm̓usts ła‿ctixʷməl̓x tə‿kəkn̓iʔ. (The people would build a fish trap when they want to collect kokanee.) 3. ck̓ʷul̓mn t‿ikstm̓ús iʔ‿tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ n̓c̓l̓usn uł iʔ‿tə‿skəkʕákaʔ ululím tr̓n̓tin ilíʔ ck̓łyʕayʕaʔáp iʔ‿qaqxʷl̓x. (They use sticks to make a fence then they use chicken wire to fence it and there the fish get stuck and can't get through.)

9. n̓tγpitkʷ- flow into water reduplication: n̓tɣtɣpitkʷ example sentences: k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓səl̓x iʔ‿kstm̓usts sp̓ƛ̓m̓qin̓s iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ k̓l̓‿saʔtítkʷ ixíʔ cn̓tγpitkʷ k̓l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ. (They built fish traps at the mouths of all of the creeks and rivers that flowed into the Columbia.) 2. yʕat iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ cn̓tɣtɣpitkʷ k̓l̓‿saʔtítkʷ ixíʔ uł xʷaʔtkʷítkʷ. (All the creeks run into the rivers then it gets bigger.) 3. kʷ‿n̓písuʔsm tɣtɣn̓tixʷ iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ. (When you irrigate by ditch you flow the water in the ditches.)

10. lγam- to spear reduplication: lɣlɣam example sentences:

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1. nixʷ clγaməl̓x tə‿n̓ty̓tyix l̓‿sn̓x̌ʷn̓tkʷitkʷ laʔkín kiʔ cn̓t̓ít̓apt iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ. (They also speared salmon in the Columbia River where the water was shallow.) 2. lɣlɣan̓t iʔ‿qaqxʷl̓x. (Spear the fish.) 3. txt̓mistx cm lɣn̓tsis iʔ‿sqʷʔuł. (Be careful or the bee might sting you.)

11. yiʕ̓áʔ- gather together to celebrate example sentences: 1. c̓x̌iłə t ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿syilx sqilxʷ, iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx cyiʕ̓áʔ cpútaʔsts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix ła‿cyʕap. (Like other Syilx, the San Poils and Nespelems always celebrated the arrival of the salmon.) 2. kn‿ksn̓xíʔaʔx k̓aʔ‿cyiʕ̓áʔ. (I'm going to join the people at the gathering.) 3. ha p‿syʕaʔmíxaʔx ? (Are you folks going to the gathering?)

12. cpútaʔst / pútaʔnt- to respect something example sentences: 1. 1. c̓x̌ił tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿syilx sqilxʷ, iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx naʔł sn̓spilx cyiʕ̓áʔ cpútaʔsts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix ła‿cyʕap. (Like other Syilx, the San Poils and Nespelems always celebrated the arrival of the salmon.) 2. cpútaʔstm iʔ‿sʔiłn kiʔ kʷu‿kp̓úmcnm. (We honor and respect our foods is why we have rootfeasts.) 3. yʕat iʔ‿t̓m̓xʷúlaʔxʷ cpútaʔstm. (We respect the whole world.)

13. n̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn- hut example sentences: 1. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím tixʷməlx tə‿smúkʷaʔxn iʔ‿packłs, k̓ʷul̓məlx tə‿n̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn kłc̓il̓stn̓səl̓x. (Women would gather lots of sun flower leaves and they would build a little lodge to make a shady place.) 2. iʔ‿cətcitxʷsəl̓x cn̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn. (Their houses were made of leaves and sticks.) 3. cxʷuy̓x k̓l̓‿isx̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn ilíʔ mi kʷ‿pul̓x. (Come to my hogan and camp there.)

14. kłc̓il̓stn- shade shelter example sentences: 1. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím tixʷməlx tə‿smúkʷaʔxn iʔ‿packłs, k̓ʷul̓məlx tə‿n̓x̌ʷəx̌ʷáyaʔqn kł kłc̓il̓stn̓səl̓x. (Women would gather lots of sun flower leaves and they would build a little lodge to make a shady place.) 2. n̓c̓l̓c̓l̓úlaʔxʷsəl̓x iʔ‿sc̓l̓c̓al kłc̓íl̓stn̓səl̓x. (They plant trrees for shade.) 3. iʔ‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ k̓łt̓wíst l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al cc̓il̓stəl̓x. (The horses stand under the trees to be in the shade.)

15. cl̓kstasq̓t- five days example sentences: 1. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t, mus km cl̓kstasq̓t iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix yilmíxʷm km̓n̓tis iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix uł kłqmis l̓‿smúkʷaʔxn packł. (For four or five days the Salmon Chief would take the salmon from the trap and lay them on the sunflower leaves.) 2. l̓‿cl̓kstasq̓t mi łwikn̓stn. (I'll see you in five days.) 3. cəlkstásq̓t akskʷíl̓stnm. (You sweat bathe for five days.)

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16. cx̌w̓il̓tnm- to dry example sentences: 1. ixíʔ mi sic kłqaqxʷl̓xm, iʔ‿smam̓ʔím aʔ‿cn̓an̓ík̓sts iʔ‿n̓ty̓tyix, cp̓iʔqstísəl̓x, cx̌w̓il̓tnm. (After that all the people began catching salmon, and women did the cutting, cooking and drying of the salmon.) 2. kn‿cx̌w̓il̓tnm. kn‿ckʷumcnm uł yʕat stim cx̌w̓stin. (I dry food. I put all kinds of food away and I dry everything) 3. ha kʷ‿cx̌w̓iltnm ? (Do you dry food?)

17. kłyipw̓s- Republic, area example sentences: 1. sxʷúy̓iʔəlx k̓l̓‿kłyipw̓s k̓aw̓sƛ̓aʔám tə‿c̓áp̓aʔx̌. (They also traveled north to Republic to dig cedar roots.) 2. kn‿ksxʷúyaʔx k̓l̓‿kłyípw̓s. ( Im going to Republic) 3. ik̓líʔ kn‿ksnəqsilxʷ k̓l̓‿kłyipw̓s. ( I have relatives at Republic.)

18. c̓áp̓aʔx̌- cedar roots example sentences: 1. sxʷúy̓iʔəlx k̓l̓‿kłyipw̓s k̓aw̓sƛ̓aʔám tə‿c̓áp̓aʔx̌. (They also traveled north to Republic to dig cedar roots.) 2. iʔ‿c̓ápaʔx̌ x̌ast k̓l̓‿yám̓x̌ʷaʔ. (The cedar roots is good for makíng baskets.) 3. ck̓ʷul̓m̓stəlx iʔ‿c̓ápaʔx̌ ła‿ck̓ʷul̓m tə‿p̓ínaʔ. (They use cedar roots when they make birch baskets.)

19. sʕahʕáptnx- Sahaptin people (, Palouse, Yakama) example sentences: 1. nax̌m̓ł naqs ilíʔ kicn̓tm tə‿sʕahʕáptnx ixíʔ kicn̓tm uł ƛ̓əxʷntim, xʷʔit iʔ‿ƛ̓axʷt. (However, one time a bunch of Sahaptin came and attacked the San Poil and killed a lot of people.) 2. iʔ‿sʕahʕáptnx cyl̓yal̓t tl̓‿ʔaw̓tím̓tk kiln̓tm tə‿sáltsas. (The soldiers chased the Nez Perce from south.) 3. cn̓t̓ixʷlcn iʔ‿sʕahʕáptnx kiʔ tl̓‿sw̓kʷnaʔqínx. (The Nez Perce speak a different language than the Okanogans.)

20. n̓pʕawílx saʔtítkʷ- San Poil River example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sn̓pʕawílxəx pútiʔ ilíʔ kʷliw̓t l̓‿n̓pʕawílx saʔtítkʷ. (Nowadays the San Poils still live along the San Poil River.) 2. kʷ‿n̓iʔák̓ʷ l̓‿n̓pʕawílx saʔtítkʷ. (You cross the San Poil river.) 3. ła‿ct̓ik̓t iʔ‿n̓pʕawílx saʔtítkʷ taʔlí cƛ̓x̌itkʷ. (When the floods its very swift.)

21. cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓st / n̓k̓ʷłcwixmn̓t- live with example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sn̓spilx cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓sts xiʔmíx sqilxʷ uł k̓ʷam iʔ‿sʕahʕáptnx naʔł n̓xaʔm̓xcínx. (The Nespelems now share their land with a lot of other people, even the Nez Perce and the Columbians.) 2. ła‿cłəx̌mam iʔ‿sql̓mixʷ cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓sts iʔ‿łcicks naʔł sx̌áʔx̌aʔs. (When he moves in to his wife's

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 15 home he lives with his mother-in-law and father-in-law.) 3. lut aksn̓k̓ʷłcwíxmnm iʔ‿kiʔláw̓naʔ. (Don't live close to the grizzly.)

22. k̓ʷam̓- even example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sn̓spilx cn̓k̓ʷłcwixm̓sts xiʔmíx sqilxʷ uł k̓ʷam iʔ‿sʕahʕáptnx naʔł n̓xaʔm̓xcínx. (The Nespelems now share their land with a lot of other people, even the Nez Perce and the Columbians.) 2. k̓ʷam iʔ‿kəkwápaʔ cnixl tə‿n̓qilxʷcn. (Even the dog can understand Native language.) 3. k̓ʷam iʔ‿sámaʔ c̓iłsts iʔ‿sp̓iƛ̓m. (Even the white people eat bitterroot.)

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03. sq̓əq̓axʷ sʔum̓s k̓pmin̓s beak kʷr̓kʷriʔxn yellow feet ʔaslíkst two hands t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ a little n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs yellow eyes n̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn stand up on head kłt̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ have little ears k̓am̓tál̓qʷ perch on a branch k̓pn̓tim / k̓pan̓t pinch tl̓n̓tim / tl̓an̓t tear up əcmal̓k̓ʷ whole q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓t burp up cəcm̓áyaʔst owl pellet mipnwíxʷ get to know each other kłaʔmnwíxʷ be close to each other tkʷlw̓tiw̓s sit together xəpsnwixʷ nibble each other n̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ holes / hollows cłəx̌ʷal̓qʷm hole in tree t̓aq̓m̓kstásq̓t six days kłəq̓l̓xnil̓tm lay on eggs smy̓may iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ pʕapʕá uł iʔ‿k̓pmin̓s pʕa km q̓ʷʕay uł beak kʷr̓kʷriʔxn. ła‿claʔkín akswíkm kʷilʔ i ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ yellow feet sq̓əq̓axʷ mat ʔaslíkst iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs,ʔ i ‿sql̓tmixʷ t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ itlíʔ two hands; a little t̓ət̓q̓álaʔqʷ. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ əcmisnʕást kiʔ tl̓‿sql̓tmixʷ. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ uł əcn̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn c̓x̌ił kłq̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin km yellow eyes; stand kłt̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ʕp a km p̓um, ʔi ‿stəqpiʔstn̓s ckłiʕ̓álxʷ. up on head; ixíʔ uł c̓x̌iłə t ‿k̓iʔlílxʷ iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s. ła‿ck̓in̓t iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ, ƛ̓ílmiʔst little ears t̓iʔ c̓uk̓ʷ, ilíʔ ʔakswíx t̓iʔ tił, papút l̓‿aʔ‿sc̓al. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ c̓iłsts iʔ‿cəcámaʔt skəkʕákaʔ, cəcámaʔt tmixʷ

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 17 uł iʔ‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt ʔakʷʔakʷtílx. l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac kaʔ cpix̌m uł əcmiłəm k̓am̓tál̓qʷ iʔ‿l̓‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn l̓‿aʔ‿cx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. ła‿cpix̌mʔ i ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ, perch on a branch k̓am̓tíw̓s l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓al kłəʔam l̓‿x̌súl̓laʔxʷ km l̓‿łʕát̓laʔxʷ. ilíʔ k̓łʔim̓m, əł ‿kłnixl km wikm tə‿stim, itlíʔ cyəx̌ʷmn̓cut ct̓uxʷt uł kʷn̓nus. lut miyáł ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts, iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ t̓iʔ ilíʔ uł q̓mn̓tis. ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts, iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ k̓pn̓tis uł ʔukʷs pinch in beak k̓aʔ cc̓al uł ilíʔ tl̓n̓tis uł ʔiłs. ła‿ckʷn̓niʔst tə‿k̓ʷík̓ʷxʷnaʔ tear up iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ, əcmal̓k̓ʷ uł q̓mn̓tis, ilíʔ kspum̓t, ksc̓m̓c̓im, ksyups. whole k̓ʷinx l̓‿naqs sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t, ʔasíl km kaʔłís ksq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓ts iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ burp up wit̓k̓xm̓sʔ i ‿cəcm̓áyaʔsts tə‿sc̓m̓c̓im̓, spum̓t, xiʔmíx stim lut owl pellet ʔałəłnús. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ knaqs iʔ‿kslax̌ts uł p̓uƛ̓mʔ i ‿ksxʷl̓xʷal̓ts. ła‿cxʔit ctkcnwixʷ uł ksmipnwíxʷaʔx, ct̓qʷcin uł t̓uxʷtílx get to know each kłaʔmnwíxʷ. tkʷlw̓tiw̓s l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓al uł xəpsnwixʷ. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ other; be close to ck̓ʷul̓mə t ‿ksn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ iʔ‿sc̓l̓c̓al ʔixí each other; sit aʔ‿cpl̓plal l̓‿yʕacín̓s iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ naʔł saʔtítkʷ. cx̌stmists together; nibble iʔ‿kʷl̓kʷlʕaqn km pw̓al̓qn ła‿cłəx̌ʷal̓qʷm l̓‿ml̓mulx. each other; holes; n̓kaʔłlíp km n̓muslíp ła‿cʔaʔúsaʔm. ʔaslʔúpn̓kst uł hole in tree t̓aq̓m̓kstásq̓t kskłəq̓l̓xnil̓ts uł k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l. łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ six days; lay on pəpʕaspəs n̓kʷliw̓t l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn mat l̓‿kaʔłʔúpn̓kst uł cl̓kstasq̓t. eggs iʔ‿tum̓tm sq̓əq̓axʷ kłəq̓lxnil̓t put k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l uł ilíʔ txt̓n̓tis iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs put kst̓uxʷtílxaʔx. iʔ‿tum̓tm sq̓əq̓axʷ niʕ̓áy̓p ctxt̓stis k̓mutm̓sʔ i ‿ʔaʔúsaʔ naʔł pəpʕaspəs. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ əctixʷm tə‿ksʔiłn̓s iʔ‿tum̓tm. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ctxt̓mist tl̓‿snínaʔ uł iʔ‿łəłak̓ʷ, ixíʔ c̓iłsts iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ nixʷ ck̓łqixʷsts iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s tl̓‿spápqłc̓aʔ, mahúyaʔ, snkstíyaʔ, sx̌ʷyups naʔł x̌ʕax̌ʕá. ixíʔ tə‿tmixʷ x̌sʔiłn̓s iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ʔaʔúsaʔ naʔł pəpʕaspəs. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ n̓k̓sils ck̓łqixʷsts iʔ‿sn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s. nixʷ iʔ‿sqilxʷ cqixʷsts ła‿ckłaʔám. drive away sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 2. c̓kin iʔ‿st̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 3. x̌l stim uł ckłiʕ̓álxʷ ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 4. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ła‿ck̓in̓t ?

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5. stim aʔ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 6. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac ? 7. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t ? 8. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ła‿cpix̌m ? 9. ła‿cpix̌m, stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ła‿ckłnixl km ła‿cwikm tə‿stim ? 10. əxkistm tə‿sq̓əq̓axʷ uł lut miyáł ła‿csílxʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts ? 11. əxkistm tə‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ła‿csílxʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts ? 12. səxkinx uł ʔasíl km kaʔłís ksq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tsʔ i ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 13. ha txʷaʔxʷʔít iʔ‿sx̌m̓x̌mn̓káwaʔs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 14. stim aʔ‿c̓kistsəl̓x ʔi ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ sx̌mx̌mn̓káwaʔ ła‿cxʔit ctkcnwixʷ ? 15. k̓aʔkín kaʔ ck̓ʷul̓m tə‿ksn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 16. n̓k̓ʷn̓xip ła‿cʔaʔúsaʔm iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 17. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t ła‿ckłəq̓l̓xnil̓ts iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 18. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t ła‿cn̓kʷliw̓t l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ pəpʕaspəs ? 19. ha iʔ‿tum̓tm km sql̓tmixʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ ctxt̓stis iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs ? 20. swit aʔ‿ctixʷm tə‿ksʔiłn̓s iʔ‿tum̓tm ła‿ctxt̓stis iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs ? 21. stim iʔ‿xmin̓s iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? 22. stim iʔ‿tmixʷ x̌sʔiłn̓s iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ʔaʔúsaʔ naʔł pəpʕaspəs ? 23. xkinm mi n̓k̓sil̓s iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. k̓pam / k̓pan̓t- to pinch in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kn‿k̓pam tə‿q̓y̓min ? (lut)

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2. ha kʷ‿səck̓pmix t‿asláx̌t ? (kiw)

3. swit ksk̓pmíxaʔx tə‿kəkc̓il̓xkn ? (tw̓tw̓it)

4. swit aʔ‿ck̓pstis iʔ‿tk̓aʔk̓aʔk̓íp̓aʔ ? (anwí naʔł N̓tlin)

5. ha iksk̓pám iʔ‿n̓xn̓xaníkn ? (kiw)

6. ha k̓pn̓tip iʔ‿k̓ʷt̓k̓ʷit̓ps ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms k̓pam / k̓pan̓t- to pinch in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. swit iʔ‿k̓płulm̓s ? (Makarít naʔł Misél)

2. swit iʔ‿k̓pn̓tsis ? (iʔ‿səxʷkskm̓qinm)

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3. səxkinx kʷu‿k̓pn̓tixʷ ? (ʕay̓m̓t)

4. ha k̓pn̓tsin ? (kiw)

5. ha k̓pn̓tixʷəl̓x ? (kiw)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stmʔ i ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. k̓pmin- beak example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ pʕapʕá uł iʔ‿k̓pmin̓s pʕa km q̓ʷʕay uł kʷr̓kʷriʔxn. (Screech Owls are usually gray in color with a gray or black beak and yellow toes.) 2. iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ tə‿k̓pmin̓s kaʔ csiw̓st uł c̓iłn. (Chickens eat and drink with their beaks.) 3. iʔ‿likák kʷu‿k̓pntís tə‿k̓pmin̓s. (The rooster pecked me with his beak.)

2. kʷr̓kʷriʔxn- yellow feet / toes example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ pʕapʕá uł iʔ‿k̓pmin̓s pʕa km q̓ʷʕay uł kʷr̓kʷriʔxn. (Screech Owls are usually gray in color with a gray or black beak and yellow toes.) 2. kʷr̓kʷriʔxn iʔ‿x̌ʷʕatx̌ʷt. (Ducks have yellow feet.)

3. ʔaslíkst- two hands reduplication: ʔasʔaslíkst example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ mat ʔaslíkst iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs, iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ itlíʔ t̓ət̓q̓álaʔqʷ. (A female screech owl is about two hands tall, and the male is a little shorter.) 2. tkʷn̓kʷnim, kc̓n̓c̓pʕakst ʔasʔaslíkstm. (He hung on tight with two hands.)

3. n̓km̓am tə‿sʔaslíksts tə‿kantí. (He used two hands to get candy.)

4. t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ- a little example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ sq̓əq̓axʷ mat ʔaslíkst ʔi ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs, iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ itlíʔ t̓ət̓q̓álaʔqʷ. (A female screech owl is about two hands tall, and the male is a little shorter.) 2. ha t̓iʔ kʷ‿x̌ast ? t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ kn‿x̌stw̓il̓x. (Are you feeling better? I'm feeling a little better.) 3. way t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ cxʷy̓xʷaʔst isqʷsqʷsíʔ. (My child is walking a little bit.)

5. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs- yellow eyes example sentences: 1. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ uł əcn̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn c̓x̌ił kłq̓ʷmq̓ʷmqin km kłt̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ. (Screech owls have

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 21 yellow eyes, and little feathers that stick up on their heads that look like little horns or little ears.) 2. iʔ‿sw̓ʕaʔ cn̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs. (some cougars have yellow eyes) 3. iʔ‿sqilxʷ c̓um̓stəlx maori tl̓‿k̓ałʔípm̓s iʔ‿t̓m̓xʷúlaʔxʷ n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs. (The Maori people from the other side of the earth have yellow eyes.)

6. n̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn- stand up on head singular: n̓c̓law̓sqn example sentences: 1. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ uł əcn̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn c̓x̌ił kłq̓ʷmq̓ʷmqin km kłt̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ. (Screech owls have yellow eyes, and little feathers that stick up on their heads that look like little horns or little ears.) 2. iʔ‿n̓c̓əc̓law̓sqn ƛ̓ax̌t ła‿cqicl̓x. (The quail are fast runners.) 3. ła‿cwanx cn̓c̓law̓sqnm. (When they war dance they stick a head dress on their heads.)

7. t̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ- little ears singular: t̓ət̓ínaʔ example sentences: 1. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔs iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ uł əcn̓c̓əc̓l̓aw̓sqn c̓x̌ił kłq̓ʷmq̓ʷmqin kmkłt̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔ. (Screech owls have yellow eyes, and little feathers that stick up on their heads that look like little horns or little ears.) 2. iʔ‿pəpəspus l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ ła‿ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l cəcámaʔt iʔ‿t̓ət̓n̓t̓ínaʔs. (When a kitten is first born it has little ears.) 3. n̓qəqsqsínaʔłts an̓t̓ətn̓t̓ínaʔ asx̌mnkáwaʔ. (Your sweetheart will scratch your little little ears.)

8. k̓am̓tál̓qʷ- sit on a branch / rail reduplication: k̓am̓ʔam̓tál̓qʷ example sentences: 1. l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac kaʔ cpix̌m uł əcmiłəm k̓am̓tál̓qʷ iʔ‿l̓‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn l̓‿aʔ‿cx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. (They hunt at night, and they sit on a tree branch during the day.) 2. iʔ‿sqilxʷ ck̓am̓ʔam̓tál̓qʷ ła‿y̓ay̓ax̌aʔəl̓x k̓l̓‿sn̓panuʔscút. (The audience sit on the fence when they wath a rodeo.) 3. ik̓líʔ k̓am̓tál̓qʷ iʔ‿pus. (The cat is sitting over there on the branch.)

9. k̓pn̓tim / k̓pan̓t- pinch / carry in beak / peck with beak reduplication: k̓pk̓pn̓tim / k̓pk̓pan̓t example sentences: 1. ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts, iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ k̓pn̓tis uł ʔukʷs k̓aʔ cc̓al uł ilíʔ tl̓n̓tis uł ʔiłs. (If it catches a bigger animal, the screech owl carries it in its beak to a tree branch where it tears it up and eats it.) 2. łə‿n̓km̓il̓tm uł k̓pk̓pn̓tim tə‿skəkʕákaʔ. (When he went to collect eggs the hen pecked his hand.) 3. x̌ʷuptw̓íl̓x iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs ułk̓pn̓tim tə‿sk̓ʷíƛ̓tm̓s uł cƛ̓l̓l̓nustm. (When a chick gets weak the rest of them will peck it to death.)

10. tl̓n̓tim / tlan̓t- to tear reduplication: tl̓tlam example sentences: N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 22

1. ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿ksckʷn̓niʔsts, iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ k̓pn̓tis uł ʔukʷs k̓aʔ cc̓al uł ilíʔ tl̓n̓tis uł ʔiłs. (If it catches a bigger animal, the screech owl carries it in its beak to a tree branch where it tears it up and eats it.) 2. ła‿ckacxcín tə‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿pəql̓qin tl̓tlam tl̓‿słiqʷ. (When the eagle finds a dead deer it will tear pieces of the meat to eat.) 3. tlan̓t iʔ‿lkalát. (Tear the bread into pieces.)

11. cmalk̓ʷ- whole reduplication: cml̓malk̓ʷ example sentences: 1. ła‿ckʷn̓niʔst tə‿k̓ʷík̓ʷxʷnaʔ iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ, əcmal̓k̓ʷ uł q̓mntis , ilíʔ kspum̓t, ksc̓m̓c̓im, ksyups. (When a screech owl catches a mouse or other animal, it eats the whole thing: bones, fur and tail.) 2. t̓iʔ ilíʔ cml̓malk̓ʷ mi p̓y̓qn̓tixʷ iʔ‿patáq. (Cook the potatoes whole.) 3. t̓iʔ cmalk̓ʷ iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm lut aksník̓usm. (Leave the deer whole, don't cut it in half.)

12. q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓t- burp up something example sentences: 1. k̓ʷinx l̓‿naqs sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t, ʔasíl km kaʔłís ksq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓ts iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ wit̓k̓xm̓s iʔ‿cəcm̓áyaʔst tə‿sc̓m̓c̓im̓, spum̓t, xiʔmíx stim lutʔ ałəłnús. (Then, two or three times a day, the screech owl throws up a pellet containing the bones, fur and anything else its body could not digest.) 2. lut łə‿q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓t iʔ‿ʔuʔx̌ʷtílaʔt uł ck̓ʷupk̓ʷúpəp. (If the baby doesn't burp it will get cramps.) 3. miyáł xʷus łə‿siw̓sn iʔ‿n̓t̓xitkʷ uł kn‿cq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓t. (If I drink my soda too fast I burp.)

13. cəcm̓áyaʔst- pellet example sentences: 1. k̓ʷinx l̓‿naqs sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t, ʔasíl km kaʔłís ksq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tsʔ i ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ wit̓k̓xm̓s iʔ‿cəcm̓áyaʔst tə‿sc̓m̓c̓im̓, spum̓t, xiʔmíx stim lutʔ ałəłnús. (Then, two or three times a day, the screech owl throws up a pellet containing the bones, fur and anything else its body could not digest.)

14. mipnwíxʷ- learn about each other example sentences: 1. ła‿cxʔit ctkcnwixʷ uł ksmipnwíxʷaʔx, ct̓qʷcin uł t̓uxʷtílx kłaʔmnwíxʷ. (When a they are getting to know each other, they call to each other while flying closer to one another.) 2. iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t csm̓sm̓nwixʷ mi mipnwíxʷ. (Cattle smell each other to learn who she is.) 3. put mipnwíxʷ iʔ‿tk̓asʔasíl mi sic cmriməl̓x. (A couple has to know each other before they get married.)

15. kłaʔmnwíxʷ- get close to one another reduplication: kłaʔłaʔmnwíxʷ example sentences: 1. ła‿cxʔit ctkcnwixʷ uł ksmipnwíxʷaʔx, ct̓qʷcin uł t̓uxʷtílx kłaʔmnwíxʷ. (When a they are getting to know each other, they call to each other while flying closer to one another.) 2. kʷu‿łə‿pul̓x kʷu‿klaʔlaʔmnwíxʷ mi lut kʷu‿ksk̓iʔíts. (When we camped out we slept close together so we wouldn't get cold.)

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3. kłaʔmnwíxʷst mi put iʔ‿tə‿kłmk̓mip. (Put them close together so they can fit thruogh the door.) 4. łə‿tkəcnwixʷəlx, kłaʔmnwíxʷəlx, təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ‿skəw̓ax̌ns uł q̓ʷət̓snwixʷəlx. (When a pair comes close to each other, they bow to each other with the wings hanging down.) 5. tə‿sxʷʔits iʔ‿sqilxʷ kłaʔłaʔmnwíxʷəl̓x. (There were so many people they were close together.) 6. miyáł kłaʔmnwíxʷ ask̓ʷán̓łq. (Your plants are to close together.)

16. xəpsnwixʷ- nibble each other reduplication: xəpxəpsnwixʷ example sentences: 1. tkʷlw̓tiw̓s l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓al uł xəpsnwixʷ. (Then they sit together in a tree and nibble at each other.) 2. łə‿c̓ʔuy uł kʷ‿łə‿xʷuy k̓l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ mi wikn̓txʷ aʔ‿cxəpsnwíxʷ. (When it gets dark and you go to the creek you'll see people eating each others faces.) 3. ła‿cʔicəckn iʔ‿q̓iʔq̓ʔíkcxəpxəpsnwi xʷ. (When colts play they eat at each others face.)

17. n̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ- hole in a tree / in the side of something reduplication: n̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ck̓ʷul̓m tə‿ksn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ iʔ‿sc̓l̓c̓al ʔixí aʔ‿cpl̓plal l̓‿yʕacín̓s iʔ‿cəw̓cəw̓íxaʔ naʔł saʔtítkʷ. (Screech owls make nests in holes in trees along creeks and rivers.) 2. ła‿ck̓ʷul̓m tə‿n̓t̓xt̓xúlaʔxʷ cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłcʷaʔ uł ʔúm̓səl̓x tə‿t̓ánats. (When they make sweet breads they make them with holes in it and they called them doughnuts.) 3. ixíʔ ta‿cc̓al cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ. (That tree has a hollow center.) 4. iʔ‿snínaʔ ck̓ʷul̓łxʷm l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ sc̓l̓c̓al, l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓lq̓ʷus km l̓‿n̓t̓w̓stsqáx̌aʔtn. (Horned owls liketo make their home in a hole in a tree, cliff or even a barn.)

18. cłəx̌ʷal̓qʷm- make a hole in a tree / post reduplication: ckłəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷal̓qʷ example sentences: 1. cx̌stmists ʔi ‿kʷl̓kʷlʕaqn km pw̓al̓qn ła‿cłəx̌ʷal̓qʷm l̓‿ml̓mulx. (They like holes left by redheaded woodpeckers or by flickers in cottonwood trees.) 2. iʔ‿ml̓ml̓tiłp xc̓al̓qʷła‿ cx̌w̓aw̓ cn̓łəx̌ʷal̓qʷ uł kʷ‿sk̓ʷúl̓aʔx tə‿pumín. (The aspen dries hard and has a hole in the center you can make a drum hoop.) 3. iʔ‿ml̓mulx ckłəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷal̓qʷ ilíʔ iʔ‿pw̓alqn kaʔ cpw̓n̓cʕat. (The cotton wood trees have holes in them the woodpecker likes to bang on them)

19. t̓aq̓m̓kstásq̓t- six days example sentences: 1. ʔaslʔúpn̓kst uł t̓aq̓m̓kstásq̓t kskłəq̓l̓xnil̓ts uł k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l. (The eggs hatch after about 26 days.) 2. k̓im t̓aq̓mkstásq̓t mi łckicx tl̓‿ləkʷtúlaʔxʷ. (Only six more days before she gets back from that far away land.) 3. t̓aq̓mkstásq̓t mi wy̓w̓ay aʔ‿cq̓y̓am. (Six more days of school and they'll be done.)

20. kłəq̓l̓xnil̓t- lay on eggs

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 24 reduplication: kłəq̓łəq̓lxqn̓il̓t example sentences: 1. ʔaslʔúpn̓kst uł t̓aq̓m̓kstásq̓t kskłəq̓l̓xnil̓ts uł k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l. (The eggs hatch after about 26 days.) 2. lut k̓im t̓aʔ cʔaʔúsá́̓m iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ yʕat kłəq̓łəq̓lxqn̓il̓tm. (The chickens dont lay eggs anymore they all are laying on hatching eggs.) 3. ła‿ckłəq̓lxqn̓iltm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ taʔlí cnk̓slscút uł ct̓ix̌míʔst. (When a hen is laying on eggs to hatch she gets pretty cranky she walks around all fluffed up.)

21. cqixʷst / qixʷnt- drive; drive away example sentences: 1. nixʷ iʔ‿sqilxʷ cqixʷsts ła‿ckłaʔáʔam. (They will even drive away people if they get too close!)

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04. iʔ‿snínaʔ sʔum̓s x̌ʷaq̓ʷəq̓ʷnún̓t digest t̓qʷcnwixʷ call out to each other təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ hang down q̓ʷt̓snwixʷ nod at each other kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t 30 days ck̓mutm̓st / k̓mutmn̓t sit with cpəpul̓st be killed smy̓may iʔ‿snínaʔ p̓ísƛ̓aʔt tə‿skəkʕákaʔ, mat k̓l̓‿ʔasíl sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs ułʔ i ‿skw̓ax̌n̓s k̓l̓‿t̓aq̓m̓kst sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kswəswisxn̓s tl̓‿n̓k̓m̓k̓am̓qn̓s.ʔ i ‿snínaʔ p̓um uł əcłəp̓łip̓ tə‿pʕa iʔ‿l̓‿stəqpiʔstn̓s uł ʕp a km piq iʔ‿l̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. n̓kʷr̓kʷriʔsəl̓xuł uníxʷ pʕa km q̓ʷʕay iʔ‿k̓pmin̓s. ʔ i ‿snínaʔ cn̓c̓əc̓law̓sqn tə‿stəqpiʔstn̓s c̓x̌ił tə‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin km t̓n̓t̓ínaʔ iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s. t̓iʔ papút iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s ʔi ‿snínaʔ, nax̌m̓ł iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ p̓ísƛ̓aʔt kiʔ tl̓‿sql̓tmixʷ snínaʔ. c̓x̌ił tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ aʔ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿słiqʷ, ck̓r̓paqs uł x̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓t iʔ‿q̓ʷx̌ʷqin̓ksts. p̓ísƛ̓aʔxn iʔ‿snínaʔ uł cwupw̓pxan. iʔ‿snínaʔ l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac kaʔ cpix̌m uł miłc əm l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. tl̓‿səcpix̌m̓s l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac ixíʔ uł lut ksəcktiyáqʷtm̓stsʔ i ‿sʔiłn tl̓‿l̓liklk ʔna ł pəql̓qin. iʔ‿snínaʔ ła‿cpix̌m k̓am̓tíw̓sʔ l̓‿a ‿cc̓al uł k̓łʔim̓m. itlíʔ ct̓uxʷt uł kʷniʔútyaʔsts stim iʔ‿scnixl̓s km iʔ‿scwiks. ła‿claʔkín t̓uxʷt kłaʔmúlaʔxʷ l̓‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ uł c̓ʕac̓sts stim iʔ‿kskʷn̓núiʔs. iʔ‿snínaʔ c̓iłsts ʔi ‿cəcámaʔt tmixʷ, iʔ‿púl̓laʔxʷ, iʔ‿sxƛ̓utłx, spəplínaʔ naʔł skʷuy̓kʷy̓. t̓iʔ kmax iʔ‿snínaʔ niʕ̓áy̓pʔ a ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿snkstíyaʔ. ła‿claʔkín iʔ‿snínaʔ c̓iłsts iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ, x̌ʕax̌ʕá uł iʔ‿c̓ixʷc̓xʷ pəpʕaspəs. mat k̓l̓‿timł sxl̓akək iʔ‿x̌əx̌iyáłnxʷ łə‿swiʔcíns iʔ‿snínaʔ, łwit̓k̓xm̓sə sc cm̓áyaʔtn̓s, ilíʔ cmár̓wiʔ tə‿spum̓t, sc̓m̓c̓im uł xiʔm̓íx stim lut x̌ʷaq̓ʷəq̓ʷnús. iʔ‿snínaʔ ck̓ʷul̓łxʷm digest l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ sc̓l̓c̓al, ʔl̓‿a ‿cn̓lq̓ʷus km l̓‿n̓t̓w̓stsqáx̌aʔtn. ła‿claʔkín ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ iʔ‿sn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 26 aʔ‿cwiʔsk̓ʷúl. l̓‿sq̓ʷsus km syəxʷmus, iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ naʔł iʔ‿smam̓ʔím snínaʔ t̓qʷcnwixʷəl̓x. łə‿tkəcnwixʷəl̓x, kłaʔmnwíxʷəl̓x, call out to each təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ‿skw̓ax̌n̓s uł q̓ʷt̓snwixʷəl̓x. uł nixʷ xəpsnwixʷəl̓x other; catch up to iʔ‿c̓asyqns uł ʔi ‿k̓pmin̓s. each other; hang iʔ‿snínaʔ pəqpiq n̓ʔaslíp ła‿cʔaʔúsaʔm. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ down; nod at kłəq̓lxqnil̓tm mat k̓l̓‿kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t. łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs each other; lay on t̓iʔ pəqpiq ckw̓kw̓píc̓aʔ uł lut ct̓xʷtilx. k̓l̓‿t̓aq̓m̓kst skʕ̓acíw̓s top of egg; 30 sk̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓sʔ i ‿pəpʕaspəs kłxʷist l̓‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn kłəʔam days l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s. əł ‿ʔupn̓kst skʕ̓acíw̓s tl̓‿sk̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓s ułt̓xʷəxʷtiʔst. sit with iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs ck̓mutm̓sts iʔ‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps uł p̓uƛ̓mʔ i ‿scaʔáqʷ, ixíʔ uł tkəłmn̓cut łə‿k̓aʔáym. iʔ‿snínaʔ lut xʷʔit iʔ‿xmin̓s. ła‿claʔkín ctiyáqʷtstsəl̓x iʔ‿łəłak̓ʷ tl̓‿sn̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s. ła‿cpəpul̓st iʔ‿snínaʔ, ixíʔ tə‿sqilxʷ killed kaʔ cpul̓stm, lut tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿tə‿tmixʷ. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. c̓kin iʔ‿st̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 2. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 3. səxkinx iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s iʔ‿snínaʔ c̓x̌iłə kłq̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin ? 4. c̓kin t̓xʷt̓ixʷlm iʔ‿skəłmilxʷ naʔł sql̓tmixʷ snínaʔ ? 5. səxkinx uł ck̓r̓paqs uł x̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓t iʔ‿q̓ʷx̌ʷqin̓ksts iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 6. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿snínaʔ l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac ? l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t ? 7. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿snínaʔ ła‿cpix̌m ? 8. stim aʔ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿snínaʔ ? 9. łə‿wiʔcín iʔ‿snínaʔ, k̓ʷinx sxl̓akək mi łwit̓k̓xm̓s iʔ‿scəcm̓áyaʔtn̓s ? 10. k̓aʔkín kaʔ ck̓ʷul̓łxʷm iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 11. pn̓kin kaʔ cx̌minkm iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 12. stim aʔ‿c̓kistsəl̓x ʔi ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ naʔł smam̓ʔím snínaʔ ła‿cx̌mn̓kwixʷəl̓x ? 13. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿ʔaʔúsaʔs iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 14. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t kaʔ ckłəq̓lxqnil̓tm iʔ‿ʔaʔúsaʔs iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ snínaʔ ? 15. c̓kn̓kin iʔ‿snínaʔ pəpʕaspəs ła‿ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l ? 16. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł kłxʷist l̓‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn kłəʔam l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúsaʔtn̓s iʔ‿snínaʔ pəpʕaspəs ? 17. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł t̓xʷəxʷtiʔst iʔ‿snínaʔ pəpʕaspəs ? 18. put pn̓kin uł tkəłmn̓cut iʔ‿snínaʔ pəpʕaspəs ? 19. səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿xʷʔit iʔ‿xmin̓s iʔ‿snínaʔ ? 20. swit iʔ‿misqʷáy kaʔ cpul̓stm iʔ‿snínaʔ ?

skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 27

pix̌m / pix̌n̓t- to hunt in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha p‿pix̌m tə‿spiʔsc̓íłt ? (lut)

2. ha p‿səcpix̌x t‿sník̓łcaʔ ? (kiw)

3. ha kʷ‿spíx̌aʔx łə‿x̌lap ? (lut)

4. swit aʔ‿cpix̌sts ʔi ‿spqpáqłc̓aʔ ? (incá naʔł Pacís)

5. ha akspíx̌m iʔ‿c̓x̌licn ? (lut)

6. ha pix̌n̓txʷ iʔ‿ʕanʕaník ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms pix̌m / pix̌n̓t- to hunt in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x

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in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. stim iʔ‿pix̌n̓ts ? (sw̓ʕaʔ)

2. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿pix̌s ? (an̓lʔíw)

3. səxkinx uł pix̌łəm̓s Səl̓tis ? (n̓k̓sil̓s)

4. ha pix̌n̓tpəl̓x ? (kiw)

5. ha cmistíxʷ x̌l‿stim uł pix̌n̓tsn ? (lut)

6. ha pix̌n̓tsəl̓x ? (lut)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. x̌ʷaq̓ʷəq̓ʷnúnt- digest / able to grind singular: x̌ʷaq̓ʷnúnt example sentences: 1. mat k̓l̓‿timł sxlakək iʔ‿x̌əx̌iyáłnxʷ łə‿swiʔcíns iʔ‿snínaʔ łwit̓k̓xm̓s scəcm̓áyaʔtns, ilíʔ cmárwiʔ tə‿spum̓t, sc̓m̓c̓im uł xiʔm̓íx stim lut x̌ʷaq̓ʷəq̓ʷnús. (About 8 hours after eating an animal, the horned owl throws up a pellet containing any fur, bones or other parts that it could not digest.) 2. kʷ‿cx̌ʷaq̓ʷ iʔ‿słiqʷ ixíʔ n̓c̓ix̌n̓txʷ uł kʷ‿k̓ʷul̓m ta‿cxʷaq̓ʷłc̓aʔ n̓q̓aʔmíw̓s. (You grind the meat and fry it, and you make a hamburger.)

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3. cx̌ʷaq̓ʷstsəl̓x iʔ‿səsp̓qin uł k̓ʷul̓l tə‿lparín. (They grind grain and it turns into flour.)

2. t̓qʷcnwixʷ- call to each other reduplication: t̓qʷt̓aqʷcín example sentences: 1. l̓‿sq̓ʷsus km syəxʷmus, iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ naʔł iʔ‿smam̓ʔím snínaʔ t̓qʷcnwixʷəlx. (In January or February, males and females begin to hoot at each other.) 2. łə‿txʷilm iʔ‿tqəcl̓xal̓qʷ uł ct̓qʷt̓aqʷcín. (When the train goes by it toots its horn.) 3. t̓qʷcinmn. cun, "cxʷuy̓x kʷu‿ʔałʔíłn." (I called to him, telling him it's time to eat.)

3. təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ- hanging down singular: təx̌ʷtax̌ʷ example sentences: 1. łə‿tkəcnwixʷəlx, kłaʔmnwíxʷəlx, təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ‿skəw̓ax̌ns uł q̓ʷət̓snwixʷəlx. (When a pair comes close to each other, they bow to each other with the wings hanging down.) 2. ła‿cnk̓aʔsíls isnʔímaʔt uł ctəx̌ʷtáx̌ʷkst. (When my grandchild gets upset his arms will hang down.) 3. lut itíʔ aksʔaksəxlwís kʷ‿ctəx̌ʷtáx̌ʷkst. (Don't be standing around with your hands hanging down.)

4. q̓ʷt̓snwixʷ- nod to each other example sentences: 1. łə‿tkəcnwixʷəlx, kłaʔmnwíxʷəlx, təx̌ʷtax̌ʷəx̌ʷ iʔ‿skəw̓ax̌ns uł q̓ʷt̓snwixʷəl̓x. (When a pair comes close to each other, they bow to each other with the wings hanging down.) 2. tkicn̓txʷ asl̓áx̌t uł kʷ‿cq̓ʷt̓sam. (When you meet your friend you nod to her.) 3. siwn̓ts ha cmístíxʷ iʔ‿cunts kʷ‿pukʷqínm km kʷ‿q̓ʷt̓sam. (If he asks if you understand what he said, you can shake your head or nod your head)

5. kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t- thirty days example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ kłəq̓lxqnil̓tm mat k̓l̓‿kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t. (The female sits on top of the eggs for about 30 days.) 2. way kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t k̓łʔimn̓tsn. kʷ‿sk̓aʔkín̓x? (I've waited for you for thirty days. Where have you been?) 3. kaʔłlʔupn̓kstásq̓t l̓‿naqs x̌iyáłnxʷ. (There are thirty days in one month.)

6. ck̓mutmst / k̓mutmn̓t- sit with / by someone example sentences: 1. iʔ‿pəpʕaspəs ck̓mutm̓sts iʔ‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps uł p̓uƛ̓m iʔ‿scaʔáqʷ, ixíʔ uł tkəłmn̓cut łə‿k̓aʔáym. (The chicks usually stay with their parents through the summer, then go off on their own in the fall.) 2. sq̓il̓tx iʔ‿ƛ̓x̌ƛ̓x̌apsəl̓x uł yʕatəl̓x k̓mutm̓səl̓x. (Their parent is ill so all of them are sitting with him.) 3. xʷaʔspin̓tk k̓mutmn. (I've lived with them for many years)

7. cpəpul̓st- be killed example sentences: N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 30

1. ła‿cpəpul̓st iʔ‿snínaʔ, ixíʔ tə‿sqilxʷ kaʔ cpul̓stm, lut tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿tə‿tmixʷ. (If a horned owl is killed, it is usually killed by people, not another animal.) 2. k̓ast iʔ‿sx̌ílwiʔs. niʕ̓áy̓p cpəpul̓st. (Her husband is bad. He always beats her up.) 3. aláʔ ckicx iʔ‿n̓ml̓k̓ʷápaʔst ułcpul̓sts iʔ‿smum̓cxn. (There's a stud that comes here and beats the mare up.)

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05. stxt̓il̓tm- q̓il̓t iʔ‿ʔuʔx̌ʷtílaʔt sʔum̓s ctqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxt call on the phone sxaʔtíl̓t oldest child xʷəxʷ again q̓l̓q̓il̓xn sore legs kʷaʔáx (skʷaʔxmíx) awake/can't sleep (is awake) xʷúmt̓iʔ seem sp̓al̓qʷxt phone someone ʔam̓sm poor thing ʔátətxiʔst able to sleep kłəw̓sax̌n̓tm vaccinate kłt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn put something on head ʔip̓stn towel cutstím / utnám put spəp̓c̓níc̓aʔ cloth k̓aʔás feel aweful csl̓sul tə‿n̓t̓xitkʷ popsicles skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ chicken pox kpəkʷəkʷic̓aʔ spots on the body cp̓ət̓p̓ʕat̓ ooze tk̓səsíc̓aʔ get a rash / have skin problem smy̓may Sx̌mnatkʷ tk̓asʔasíl ʔi ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts uł knaqsi ʔ‿sqʷsiʔs, tkaʔłílməl̓x ksqʷsqʷasíʔa. kcil̓cl̓kst iʔ‿sn̓ʔam̓ʔímaʔts iʔ‿Sx̌mnatkʷ. naqs łkʷəkʷʕast, ctqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxtm tə‿Katalín, ixíʔ sxaʔtíl̓ts. call on the phone; oldest child S- way. K- way tum, ha t̓iʔ kʷ‿x̌ast ? S- way t̓iʔ kn‿x̌ast. lut x̌ast isʔítx t‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac. K- səxkinx ? ha xʷəxʷ kʷ‿sq̓l̓q̓il̓xnx ? again; sore legs S- lut, t̓iʔ kn‿skʷaʔxmíx. ilíʔ kn‿łəq̓ʷut, kn‿ck̓łpaʔx̌ám. uł awake anwí, c̓kin̓ an̓cáw̓t? xʷúmt̓iʔ kʷ‿sʔay̓x̌ʷtx. seems

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K- ki, kn‿ʔay̓x̌ʷt. sc̓x̌ilxksp̓al̓qʷxtmn , sq̓il̓tx Sapát uł cqiłqłt uł call someone x̌lap. S- o, ʔam̓sm. nínwiʔs kn‿cxʷuy mi kʷ‿miłəm. poor thing K- ha uníxʷ ? xʷum̓t̓iʔ lut nixʷ anwí asʔátətxiʔst taʔlí. able to sleep S- t̓iʔ kn‿x̌ast. ik̓líʔ kn‿cxʷuy. háhuy ? K- háhuy. kʷu‿kʷukʷstxʷ, tum. S- nínwiʔs łwikn̓tsn. way. K- way̓.

ʔay̓xáxaʔ l̓‿Katalín iʔ‿citxʷs, ck̓łn̓puwʕápm Sx̌mnatkʷ.

K- cn̓ʔułxʷəxʷ ! S- way kn‿ckicx. K- way kʷ‿ckicx. lim̓lm̓t kʷ‿ckicx, tum̓. S- lut t̓ə‿stim. kʷaʔ səxkinx ? K- kʷaʔ kłəw̓sax̌n̓tm tə‿spiʔsc̓íłt uł kn‿n̓til̓s cmay ixíʔ vaccinate aʔ‿ctk̓aʔsíc̓aʔm̓sts. sc̓əc̓qʷaqʷ uł ksx̌lap, lut taʔlí ʔs itxs mat k̓l̓‿tx̌ʷiw̓s ksx̌an tl̓‿mus siłkʷəkʷʕást kiʔ sic ʔitx. S- ha taʔlí ʔc ix ? K- ki, nax̌m̓ł lut taʔlí. cix̌cəx̌t l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac. kłt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn put on head tə‿łʕat̓ ʔip̓stn. towel S- ha kʷ‿kłmrim̓stn k̓l̓‿scʔixs ? K- ki, uł nixʷ cutstín iʔ‿łʕat̓ spəp̓c̓níc̓aʔ l̓‿n̓k̓mikn̓s uł ixíʔ put; cloth x̌stmis. ʔ ay̓xáxaʔ uł ƛ̓lap, nax̌m̓ł łqiłt mat naqs sxl̓akək. ixíʔ way łk̓aʔás. feel bad again S- xʷuy̓x mi kʷ‿ʔitx l̓‿sʔay̓xáxaʔ, in̓cá txt̓n̓tin. ha way stim sʔiłn̓s ? K- saʔst̓xitkʷm ət ‿skəkʕákaʔ st̓xitkʷ, nax̌m̓ł lut taʔlí t̓a‿cn̓ʔałníl̓s. S- kn‿ckʷnim ta‿csl̓sul ət ‿n̓t̓xitkʷ, cmay itlíʔ k̓ʷin̓s. xʷuy̓x popsicles k̓aw̓sʔitxəx. K- háhuy. kʷu‿kʷukʷstxʷ, tum̓. S- lut kʷu‿aksəccúnm lim̓lm̓t. kn‿lim̓t ckn̓xitmn uł kn‿clim̓t ła‿cxt̓stin isn̓ʔímaʔt. n̓tx̌ʷəx̌ʷqin, Katalín cʔácqaʔ tl̓‿n̓pul̓xtn̓s.

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K- nikxná ! way l̓‿k̓ʷinx? S- way n̓tx̌ʷəx̌ʷqin. ha x̌ast asʔítx ? K- x̌ast isʔítx. nax̌m̓ł tałt q̓sápiʔ isʔítx. S- mat kʷ‿sʔay̓x̌ʷtx. K- ha t̓iʔ x̌ast Sapát? S- səcʔitxəx. nax̌m̓ł, k̓łʔumn̓t səxkinx ? K- stim ? S- kn‿n̓tils staʔxʷskəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ. chicken pox K- stim ? ha kpəkʷəkʷic̓aʔ iʔ‿sqil̓tks? spots on body S- ilíʔ cp̓ət̓p̓ʕat̓ l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s uł l̓‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s. ixíʔ stk̓səsíc̓aʔx, ooze; rash kiʔ siwn uc kscʕál̓xaʔx, ixíʔ kiʔ wikn iʔ‿sksl̓líc̓aʔs. K- tałt ct̓ixʷlm. ixíʔ naqs iʔ‿kłəw̓sax̌n̓tm ixíʔ skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ S- way kn‿n̓til̓s ixíʔ xʷic̓xtsəl̓x ixíʔ skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷíc̓aʔ łə‿kłəw̓sax̌n̓səl̓x. K- ʔam̓sm. S- hahuy. kʷu‿ʔałíłn, kn‿n̓til̓s way kn‿k̓aw̓st̓ət̓k̓ʷn̓cút. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. tk̓ʷin̓k̓ʷnx iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 2. tk̓ʷin̓k̓ʷnx iʔ‿sqʷsiʔs Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 3. tk̓ʷin̓k̓ʷnx iʔ‿sn̓ʔam̓ʔímaʔts Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 4. swit iʔ‿tqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxtm tə‿Katalín ? 5. swit iʔ‿skʷists iʔ‿sxaʔtil̓ts Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 6. c̓kin iʔ‿sʔitxs Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 7. səxkinx uł sʔay̓x̌ʷtx Katalín ? 8. k̓aʔkín ksxʷúyaʔ Sx̌mnatkʷ ? x̌l stim ksxʷúyaʔ ? 9. swit iʔ‿k̓łn̓puwʕápm k̓l̓‿Katalín iʔ‿citxʷs ? 10. səxkinx Sapat ? 11. l̓‿k̓ʷinx kiʔ ʔatətxíʔst Sapát ? 12. ła‿ccʔix Sapát, əxkistm tə‿Katalín ? 13. stim iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s Sapát ? 14. stim iʔ‿sckʷnim̓s Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 15. səxkin uł Sx̌mnatkʷ lut x̌minks kscunm̓s lim̓lm̓t Katalín ? 16. l̓‿k̓ʷinx kaʔ cʔácqaʔ tl̓‿n̓pul̓xtn̓s Katalín ? 17. səxkinx uł q̓sápiʔ iʔ‿sʔitxs Katalín ? 18. stim iʔ‿sq̓il̓ts Sapát ? 19. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cp̓ət̓p̓ʕat Sapát ? 20. k̓aʔkín kiʔ wikn̓tm iʔ‿sksl̓líc̓aʔs Sapat tə‿Sx̌mnatkʷ ? 21. stim iʔ‿naqs iʔ‿kłəw̓sax̌n̓tm Sapát ?

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22. l̓‿scn̓til̓s Sx̌mnatkʷ, tl̓‿k̓aʔkín kiʔ taxʷskəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷíc̓aʔ Sapát ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. kłəw̓sax̌nm / kłəw̓sax̌n̓t- to vaccinate in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kłəw̓sax̌nməl̓x ət ‿sqʷsqʷaʔsíaʔsəl̓x ? (lut)

2. ha kʷu‿səckłəw̓sax̌nx tə‿scəcmálaʔ ? (kiw)

3. ha p‿skłəw̓sáx̌naʔx t‿aʔ‿cq̓al̓ʔíl̓t ? (kiw)

4. swit aʔ‿ckłəw̓sax̌nm̓sts iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ? (anwí naʔł X̌sal̓qs)

5. ha ikskłəw̓sáx̌nm Cay̓lxʷ ? (lut)

6. ha kłəw̓sáx̌n̓tp iʔ‿səxʷƛ̓w̓am ? (kiw)

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C. Past/Present 36 Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

kłəw̓sax̌n̓t- to vaccinate in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kłəw̓sax̌n̓ts iʔ‿səxʷmrim ? (kiw)

2. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿kłəw̓sax̌s ? (asláx̌t)

3. swit iʔ‿kłəw̓sax̌łəm̓s ? (łəłsəsiʔtət)

4. ha kłəw̓sax̌n̓txʷəl̓x ? (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

5. ha cun̓tsn səxkinx uł kłəw̓sax̌n̓tsn ? (kiw)

6. ha kʷu‿kłəw̓sax̌səl̓x ? (lut)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stmʔ i ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. ctqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxt- phone someone example sentences: 1. naqs łkʷəkʷʕast, ctqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxtm tə‿Katalín, ixíʔ sxaʔt̓íl̓ts. (One morning, she got a call from her oldest daughter, Katalín.)

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2. kʷ‿łə‿kicx kʷu‿tqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxt. (When you get there, you phone me.) 3. t̓iʔ xkinm uł kʷu‿tqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxt. (What ever happens, phone me.)

2. sxaʔt̓íl̓t- first child / oldest child example sentences: 1. naqs łkʷəkʷʕast, ctqʷl̓qʷl̓tiw̓sxtm tə‿Katalín, ixíʔ sxaʔt̓íl̓ts. (One morning, she got a call from her oldest daughter, Katalín.) 2. isxaʔtíl̓t kscmərímaʔx. (My eldest is to be married.) 3. taʔlí cknxłtiłn isxaʔtíl̓t. (My oldest child is very helpful.)

3. xʷəxʷ- again example sentences: 1. ha xʷəxʷ kʷ‿sq̓l̓q̓il̓xnx ? (Were your legs aching again?) 2. tə‿sxʷtxʷatət ixíʔ xʷəxʷ maʔíkstm̓s. (He's so ungrateful he goes and bothers him again.) 3. ha xʷəxʷ kl̓klnwixʷ tə‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. (Did he go chasing deer again?)

4. q̓l̓q̓il̓xn- sore legs singular: q̓il̓xn example sentences: 1. ha xʷəxʷ kʷ‿sq̓l̓q̓il̓xnx ? (Were your legs aching again?) 2. lkʷut isn̓kxám uł kn‿q̓l̓q̓il̓xn. (I walked a long ways and my legs are sore.) 3. ha kʷ‿sq̓l̓q̓il̓xnx ? (Are your legs sore?)

5. kʷaʔx- be awake reduplication: kʷaʔkʷaʔáx example sentences: 1. lut, t̓iʔ kn‿skʷaʔxmíx. (No, I just couldn't get to sleep.) 2. t‿sk̓ək̓laxʷ kʷaʔkʷaʔáx iʔ‿scəcm̓álaʔ. (Last night the children were wide awake.) 3. kn‿ʔitx l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t ułʕapnáʔ kn‿kʷaʔx. (I slept during the day now I'm wide awake.)

6. xʷúmt̓iʔ- seem example sentences: 1. xʷúmt̓iʔ kʷ‿sʔay̓x̌ʷtx. (You seem tired.) 2. xʷumt̓iʔ kʷ‿sn̓piyíl̓sx. (You seem to be happy.) 3. t̓iʔ łən̓łin̓s iʔ‿sqilxʷ xʷúmt̓iʔ sn̓yəxʷpil̓sxəl̓x. (They have long faces, they seem to be sad.)

7. ksp̓al̓qʷxtmn̓t- phone someone example sentences: 1. sc̓x̌ilx ksp̓al̓qʷxtmn, sq̓il̓tx Sapát uł cqiłqłt uł x̌lap. (That's why I'm calling. Sapát is sick and she was awake all night.) 2. inca̓ kn‿ksk̓áw̓spəqʷíl̓xaʔx. mipnún miksp̓al̓qʷxtmn. (I'm going to go and visit.

When I find out I'll phone you.) N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 37

3. łə‿wiʔsʔícəckn mi kʷu‿ksp̓al̓qʷxt mi kʷu‿m̓ay̓xít ha ƛ̓xʷup ha km ʕalápəl̓x. (When they get done playing you phone me and let me know if they won or if they lost.)

8. ʔam̓sm- poor thing example sentences: 1. o, ʔam̓sm. (Oh, you poor things.) 2. ʔam̓sm tə‿scəkckiw̓t. (The poor things. They're so skinny.) 3. łə‿n̓ƛ̓laləl̓x, ʔam̓sm q̓il̓t iʔ‿spuʔústsəl̓x uł c̓q̓ʷc̓qʷaqʷəl̓x. (When they had a death in their family they were pitiful and they cried.)

9. ʔátətxiʔst- able to sleep reduplication: example sentences: 1. xʷum̓t̓iʔ lut nixʷ anwí asʔátətxiʔst taʔlí. (It sounds like you didn't get much sleep either.) 2. n̓ƛ̓x̌cin iʔ‿stx̌ʷaq̓ʷn̓kx. ha kʷ‿ʔatətxiʔst ? (The music was so loud. Were you able to sleep?) 3. q̓sápiʔ kiʔ kn‿ʔatətxíʔst uł kn‿kłʔatətxnúm̓t. (It was a long time before I fell asleep and I slept in.)

10. kłəw̓sax̌n̓t- vaccinate someone reduplication: example sentences: 1. kʷaʔ kłəw̓sax̌n̓tm tə‿spiʔsc̓íłt uł kn‿n̓til̓s cmay ixíʔ aʔ‿ctk̓síc̓aʔmsts. (Well, she had her shots the day before yesterday, and I think that is what is bothering her.) 2. q̓sápiʔ kʷu‿ckłəw̓sax̌n̓stm iʔ‿səxʷmrim. (Long ago the doctor used to come and give us shots in the arm.) 3. nixʷ iʔ‿kʷl̓l̓kʷl̓al̓xʷ ckłəw̓sax̌n̓stsəl̓x. (They give calves shots too.)

11. kłt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn- put on the head reduplication: example sentences: 1. cix̌cx̌t l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac. kłt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn tə‿łʕat̓ ʔip̓stn. (She was hot in the night, so I put a wet cloth on her head.) 2. c̓q̓c̓q̓əq̓apqnəl̓x uł k̓łt̓k̓ʷt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn̓tməl̓x tə‿sxʷuyn̓t. (They got hit on the head so they put ice packs on their heads.) 3. k̓łtk̓ʷayaʔqn̓t tə‿sn̓k̓ʔínaʔ. (Place a pillow under her head.)

12. ʔip̓stn- towel / wiping cloth reduplication: example sentences: 1. cix̌cəx̌t l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac. kłt̓k̓ʷáyaʔqn tə‿łʕat̓ ʔip̓stn. (She was hot in the night, so I put a wet cloth on her head.) 2. ckm̓ant iʔ‿ʔap̓ʔíp̓stn iksn̓q̓ʷaʔítkʷm. (Bring the towels, I'm going to wash them.) 3. ha kʷ‿kłʔíp̓stn ? (Do you have a towel?)

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13. cutstim / utańt / utnám- put reduplication: example sentences: 1. ki, uł nixʷ cutstín iʔ‿łʕat̓ spəp̓c̓níc̓aʔ l̓‿n̓k̓mikn̓s ułʔ ixí x̌stmis. (Yes, I also put it the wet cloth on her back, and she liked that.) 2. ilíʔ l̓‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ kaʔcnutstín. (I put them in the barrel.) 3. aláʔ l̓‿in̓yám̓x̌ʷaʔ micnutstíxʷ. (You put them in my basket.)

14. spəp̓c̓níc̓aʔ- a cloth reduplication: sp̓c̓p̓c̓níc̓aʔ example sentences: 1. ki, uł nixʷ cutstín iʔ‿łʕat̓ spəp̓c̓níc̓aʔ l̓‿n̓k̓mikn̓s ułʔ ixí x̌stmis. (Yes, I also put it the wet cloth on her back, and she liked that.) 2. n̓an̓ík̓n iʔ‿sp̓c̓p̓cníc̓aʔ uł kłakm̓íw̓sn. (I cut up the cloth, then I sew them together.) 3. tałt kiʔ x̌silxʷ asp̓əp̓c̓níc̓aʔ. (Your cloth is so nice.)

15. k̓aʔás- feel aweful reduplication: k̓aʔk̓áʔás example sentences: 1. ixíʔ way łk̓aʔás. (She has been fussing since then.) 2. taʔtaʔáp uł k̓aʔk̓áʔásəl̓x. (They got dirty and they felt awful.) 3. ła‿cn̓łʕaʔt̓ʕaps uł ck̓aʔás. (When her diaper gets wet it feels awful.)

16. cslsul tə‿n̓t̓xitkʷ- popsicles reduplication: example sentences: 1. kn‿ckʷnim tə‿cslsul tə‿n̓t̓xitkʷ, cmay itlíʔ k̓ʷin̓s. (Well, I brought some popsicles, so maybe she'll try one of those.) 2. sx̌ʷuʔx̌ʷʔústs iʔ‿scəcm̓aláʔ aʔ‿csul tə‿n̓t̓xitkʷ. (The popsicles are a favorite for the children) 3. ha kʷil, qwin km kʷriʔ ta‿csul n̓t̓xitkʷ an̓x̌mínk ? (What color popsicle do you want? Red, green or yellow?)

17. skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ- chicken pox reduplication: example sentences: 1. kn‿n̓tils staʔxʷskəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ. (I think she has chicken pox.) 2. iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ cʕawáp uł ct̓st̓sʕap c̓x̌ił tə‿spuct. (The chickenpox drips and gets crusted like sores) 3. laʔkín iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t taʔlí ctk̓síc̓aʔm̓sts iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ kpəkʷəkʷic̓aʔ. (Some have a hard time with the chicken pox.)

18. kpəkʷəkʷic̓aʔ- spots on the body reduplication: N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 39 example sentences: 1. stim ? ha kpəkʷəkʷic̓aʔ iʔ‿sqil̓tks? (What? Does she have spots on her?) 2. łə‿n̓xʷstiw̓stn̓txʷ iʔ‿słəkəknw̓ʕałn way kʷ‿skpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔx uł kʷ‿swap. (If you walk in the poison ivy you will get itchy spots.) 3. miyáł ła‿ctxʷʔíc̓aʔ iʔ‿ʔuʔx̌ʷtílaʔt ckpəkʷəkʷíc̓aʔ. (When a baby is dressed to warm it will get a rash.)

19. p̓ət̓p̓aʕt̓- ooze / splatter reduplication: example sentences: 1. ilíʔ cp̓ət̓p̓ʕat̓ l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s uł l̓‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s. ( 2. iʔ‿stmʕal̓t cxʷist uł p̓c̓aʕm, p̓ʕat, p̓ʕat. (When a cow poops it goes, splat, splat. 3. iʔ‿snik̓ək̓s k̓stw̓íl̓x ułcp̓t̓ʕat iʔ‿mc̓ʕał. (His wound got infected and the pus came oozing)

20. tk̓səsíc̓aʔ- get a rash / have an allergic reaction on the skin reduplication: example sentences: 1. ixíʔ stk̓səsíc̓aʔx, kiʔ siwn uc kscʕál̓xaʔx, ixíʔ kiʔ wikn iʔ‿sksl̓líc̓aʔs. (She was fussing around, so I asked her if she wanted to take a bath. That's when I noticed the spots.) 2. ist̓m̓kʔíl̓t tk̓səsíc̓aʔm̓s iʔ‿ʕayúʔ. (My daughter gets a rash from chocolate tip.) 3. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ yʕat stim tk̓síc̓aʔm̓s. (Some are alergic to/get a rash from everything.)

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06. qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp sʔum̓s kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán three feet t̓ak̓ʷʔik̓ʷl̓qʷ height c̓ik rough pʕapʕáʔl̓qʷ gray branches ʔamn̓sqáx̌aʔm feed animals pəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam distributed kməc̓ilxʷ oiled skin / surface ck̓łx̌ʷil̓st / k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓t get rid of something smy̓may iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp l̓‿x̌w̓x̌w̓úlaʔxʷ syilxʷúlaʔxʷ kaʔ cplal. k̓l̓‿kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷsła‿cplal , iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓uʔxán three feet iʔ‿kst̓ak̓ʷʔík̓ʷl̓qʷs. iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłpʔ i ‿tkl̓xmikstn̓s t̓iʔ c̓ik uł height; rough pʕapʕáʔl̓qʷ. iʔ‿packłs pʕa uł qʷin. iʔ‿packłs ckw̓kw̓píc̓aʔ. gray branches iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿packłs lut t̓a‿csʕasʕát. niʕ̓áy̓pə ckłixʷp. k̓aʔáym kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp. kʷr̓kʷriʔ iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp. yʕat taʔkín akswíkmʔ i ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp, ałíʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ cʔamn̓sqáx̌aʔm yʕat taʔkín, ixíʔ uł pəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam yʕat feed animals; taʔkín. distributed iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm, sník̓łc̓aʔ naʔł st̓mʕal̓t lut astsx̌ əl̓x łə‿ksʔiłtsəl̓x iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp. iʔ‿packł c̓x̌ił ckməc̓ilxʷ uł lut ixíʔ x̌ast oiled skin k̓l̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. ixíʔ tə‿tmixʷ c̓iłstsəl̓x iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp kmax taʔlí ła‿cʔal̓ʔílxʷtəl̓x. kmax iʔ‿staʔín niʕ̓áy̓p c̓ałəłnústs iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp. iʔ‿sqilxʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷs k̓l̓‿ksəc̓sic̓m̓s łu qʷəqʷʔípaʔs. x̌ast tə‿mrim̓stn k̓l̓‿sqilxʷ iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp. kʷu‿ck̓ʷul̓m ta‿lti ixíʔ x̌ast k̓l̓‿sʕ̓áhaʔ km sn̓łʕam̓t. ixíʔ nixʷ iʔ‿packłs x̌ast ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm kʷu‿ła‿cpul̓l̓st km get rid of ła‿cpul̓stm iʔ‿citxʷtət. iʔ‿spuʔúl̓s iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ck̓łx̌ʷil̓sts iʔ‿k̓ast uł kʷu‿ck̓ʷəck̓ʷəctwil̓x itlíʔ. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cplal iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ?

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2. c̓kin iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs ła‿cplal iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 3. c̓kin iʔ‿tkl̓xmikstn̓sʔ i ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 4. c̓kin iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 5. pn̓kin kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 6. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 7. səxkinx uł yʕat taʔkín akswíkm iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 8. səxkinx uł lut t̓a‿c̓iłsts iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm, sník̓łc̓aʔ naʔł st̓mʕal̓t ? 9. stim iʔ‿timxʷ aʔ‿c̓iłsts iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ? 10. k̓l̓‿stimʔ i ‿sqilxʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷs ? 11. k̓l̓‿stimʔ i ‿sqilxʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿packłs ? 12. kʷu‿əxkistm iʔ‿spuʔúl̓s iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ?

skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. k̓łx̌ʷil̓m / k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓t- to get rid of in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kn‿k̓łx̌ʷil̓m t‿aʔ‿cmw̓mʕaw̓t ? (kiw)

2. ha kʷ‿səck̓łx̌ʷil̓x t‿an̓tm̓tmaxʷ ? (kiw)

3. ha kʷ‿sk̓łx̌ʷíl̓aʔx t‿astm̓tím ? (lut)

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4. swit aʔ‿ck̓łx̌ʷil̓sts iʔ‿sn̓x̌ʷil̓mn ? (sql̓ql̓tmixʷ)

5. ha Pit ksk̓łx̌ʷil̓s iʔ‿sk̓am̓qstə t ‿sʔiłn̓tət ? (lut / smam̓ʔím)

6. ha k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓tp iʔ‿pax̌mn ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms k̓łx̌ʷil̓m / k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓t- to get rid of in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha asx̌mn̓káwaʔ k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓ts ? (lut)

2. səxkinx uł kʷu‿k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓txʷ ? (sic sx̌mn̓káwaʔ)

3. səxkinx uł k̓łx̌ʷil̓łəmn ? (n̓qʷʕaw̓qn)

4. ha k̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓txʷəl̓x ? (kiw)

5. ha cmistíxʷ x̌l‿stim uł k̓łx̌ʷil̓łəm̓səl̓x ? (lut)

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6. ha kʷu‿ksk̓łx̌ʷil̓n̓tm ? (kiw)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán- three feet example sentences: 1. k̓l̓‿kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs ła‿cplal, iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ak̓ʷʔík̓ʷl̓qʷs. (It usually grows to about three feet tall, but it can grow as tall as ten feet.) 2. kn‿k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓st uł qłnun ł‿iksłət̓mncút tə‿kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán. (I practiced and finally was able to jump three feet.) 3. t̓ət̓q̓álaʔqʷ tə‿sql̓tmixʷ mat k̓l̓‿kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán iʔ‿st̓it̓q̓ʷl̓qʷs. (He was a short man maybe a bitty three feet tall.)

2. t̓ak̓ʷʔik̓ʷlqʷ- heights singular: t̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷ example sentences: 1. k̓l̓‿kaʔłlsc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs ła‿cplal, iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kst̓ak̓ʷʔík̓ʷl̓qʷs. (It usually grows to about three feet tall, but it can grow as tall as ten feet.) 2. iʔ‿stq̓ʷʕayxənx t̓ak̓ʷʔik̓ʷl̓qʷ tə‿sqilxʷ. (The blackfoot people are tall people.) 3. t̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷ asqʷsíʔ. (Your son is tall.)

3. c̓ik- rough reduplication: c̓əkc̓ik example sentences: 1. iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿tkl̓xmikstn̓s t̓iʔ c̓ik uł pʕapʕál̓qʷ. (Sagebrush has rough, gray branches and gray or gray-green leaves.) 2. c̓əkc̓ik I?‿səc̓sic̓m. (The blankets are rough and prickly.) 3. in̓místm iʔ‿sk̓ʷƛ̓usts t̓iʔ c̓ik. (My dads face is prickly.)

4. pʕapʕál̓qʷ- gray branches / gray poles singular: pʕál̓qʷ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp iʔ‿tkl̓xmikstn̓s t̓iʔ c̓ik uł pʕapʕál̓qʷ. (Sagebrush has rough, gray branches and gray or gray-green leaves.) 2. k̓aw̓ʔíwl̓x iʔ‿yl̓yul̓t uł pʕapʕál̓qʷ. (The logs are old they are all gray.) 3. t̓iʔ‿kłpʕapʕaʔəl̓x iʔ‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s. (His legs are grey.)

5. ʔamnsqáx̌aʔm- feed animals reduplication: ʔamʔamn̓sqáxʷaʔm example sentences:

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1. yʕat taʔkín akswíkm iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp, ałíʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ cʔamn̓sqáx̌aʔm yʕat taʔkín, ixíʔ uł pəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam yʕat taʔkín. (Sagebrush is more common nowadays, because people let their cows eat everywhere, so it spread all over.) 2. ha way kʷ‿ʔamn̓sqáxʷaʔm ? (Did you feed the animals?) 3. way ʔamʔamtín yʕat iʔ‿tmixʷ. (Yes I fed all the animals)

6. pəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam- distributed / spread singular: px̌ʷam example sentences: 1. yʕat taʔkín akswíkm iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp, ałíʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ cʔamn̓sqáx̌aʔm yʕat taʔkín, ixíʔ uł pəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam yʕat taʔkín. (Sagebrush is more common nowadays, because people let their cows eat everywhere, so it spread all over.) 2. ʔacəcqáʔ iʔ‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ ułpəx̌ʷəx̌ʷam. (The horses got out and scattered.) 3. k̓ik̓m iʔ‿sqilxʷ mi px̌ʷmn̓cut. (The people are going to scatter pretty soon.)

7. ckməc̓ilxʷ- oily / oily covering example sentences: 1. iʔ‿packł c̓x̌ił ckməc̓ilxʷ uł lut ixíʔ x̌ast k̓l̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. (The leaves have oil in them that is not good for their stomaches.) 2. cməc̓ilxʷs iʔ‿kwaps uł t̓iʔ łix. (He oiled his horse and it was slick.) 3. kmc̓áyaʔqnm tə‿skm̓xist sq̓ʷuct ixíʔ t̓iʔ łixyáqn. (He put bear grease in his hair and it was slick.)

8. ck̓łx̌ʷil̓st / ck̓łx̌ʷiln̓t- get rid of something reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿spuʔúl̓s iʔ‿qʷl̓qʷlm̓niłp ck̓łx̌ʷil̓sts iʔ‿k̓ast uł kʷu‿ck̓ʷəck̓ʷə́ctw̓il̓x itlíʔ. (The smoke from the sagebrush helps keep us strong and pushes away bad things.) 2. iʔ‿səxʷk̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓m ck̓łl̓kʷi̓lxsts iʔ‿sx̌əx̌c̓íʔ tl̓‿n̓x̌liw̓s. (The workers take the debris from under the bridge.)

3. yʕat astətm̓tím ck̓łəkʷil̓xst tl̓‿kłixʷútm̓s asn̓łq̓ʷútn uł kłx̌ʷil̓n̓t. (Take everything out from under your bed.)

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07. sxʷínaʔ sʔum̓s spuct a sore smy̓may iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ yʕat taʔkín kaʔ cplal l̓‿syilx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ kłaʔmúlaʔxʷ ła‿cplal. qʷin iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ uł ckw̓píc̓aʔ tə‿wəswisxn łəw̓ław̓t. iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm l̓‿sqipc. p̓ísƛ̓aʔt iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs uł t̓iʔ kʷr̓kʷriʔ. taʔlí x̌sʕ̓ac̓əc̓. aksʔíłnm iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ t̓iʔ xiʔmíx pn̓kin. c̓iłstmʔ i ‿n̓k̓am̓qn̓s iʔ‿txl̓kmikstn̓s, łə‿wiʔsx̌ʷil̓łt iʔ‿słəw̓ław̓ts. ixíʔ aʔ‿c̓iłstm, mrim̓stn nixʷ ixíʔ. cłʕac uł cmár̓wiʔ tə‿t̓ic̓ tl̓‿saʔátqʷłp. axáʔ x̌ast tə‿mrim̓stn k̓l̓‿spuct. a sore sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cplal iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? 2. c̓kin iʔ‿splals iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? 3. pn̓kin kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? 4. c̓kin iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? 5. xkinm mi kʷ‿c̓iłn iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? 6. c̓kin aksk̓ʷúlmnm iʔ‿mrim̓stn tl̓‿sxʷínaʔ ? 7. k̓l̓‿stim x̌ast tə‿mrim̓stn iʔ‿sxʷínaʔ ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. ktpínaʔm / ktpínaʔn̓t- to cover in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------

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B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷu‿ktpínaʔm tə‿slip̓ ? (kiw)

2. ha səcktpínaʔxəl̓x tə‿q̓ʷc̓iʔsəl̓x ? (kiw)

3. ha kn‿ksktpínaʔaʔx t‿an̓p̓úy̓xn ? (lut)

4. sw̓swit aʔ‿cktpínaʔsts iʔ‿tqalw̓tínaʔtət ? (smám̓ʔím)

5. ha aksktpínaʔm iʔ‿sk̓ʷan̓łq ? (kiw)

6. ha ktpínaʔn̓txʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms ktpínaʔm / ktpínaʔn̓t- to cover in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

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1. swit iʔ‿ktpínaʔn̓ts ? (Pacís)

2. swit iʔ‿ktpínaʔłəm̓s ? (X̌sal̓qs)

3. ha cmistíp səxkinx uł ktpínaʔłəmn ? (x̌słcaw̓t)

4. ha Sw̓ʕatqn ksktpínaʔsəl̓x ? (kiw)

5. ha kʷu‿ktpínaʔn̓txʷ ? (lut)

6. ha swit ksktpínaʔn̓ts ? (lut)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. spuct- a sore reduplication: spəcpuct example sentences: 1. axáʔ x̌ast ət ‿mrim̓stn k̓l̓‿spuct. (This is good medicine for sores.) 2. yʕat taʔkín̓ l̓‿sqil̓tks pəcpuct. (She has sores all over her body.) 3. lut ła‿ck̓łʔistxʷ asqʷsqʷsíʔ iʔ‿n̓yl̓xʷupstn̓s uł cpuct. (If you don't change your kid's diapers it will get a sore butt.)

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08. stəktəkcxʷiłp sʔum̓s yʕacnítkʷ shore tkʷl̓kʷil̓kst red branches ckmuskst four petals stm̓usm trap syiríwaʔxn snowshoes ʕacmín bindings xʷk̓ʷnun̓t (cxʷk̓ʷstum̓s) manage to clean (manage to clean you) smy̓may iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp cplal yʕacnítkʷs iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ uł shore cn̓płpáʔłaʔxʷ uł nixʷ l̓‿hm̓hmúlaʔxʷ. qʷin iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp, uł tkʷl̓kʷil̓kst iʔ‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn̓s. qipcm uł red branches c̓aʔák̓ʷmʔ i ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp, pəqpiq iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs uł ckmuskst four pedals iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs. iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp pəpəqpiq iʔ‿sp̓y̓qałqs, iʔ‿knəqsus uł ʔasíl ʔi ‿kłn̓xƛ̓tisxn̓s. iʔ‿sp̓y̓qałqs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp aksʔíłnm uł nixʷ k̓ʷul̓mn̓txʷ akłmrím̓stn. cx̌w̓stisəl̓x iʔ‿packłs uł cman̓xʷstsəl̓x. taʔlí x̌c̓x̌ac̓t tə‿sk̓ʷan̓łq k̓l̓‿syilxʔ i ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp. ck̓ʷul̓m̓stmʔ i ‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ k̓l̓‿kʷil̓stn. nixʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm k̓l̓‿stm̓usm, k̓l̓‿syiríwaʔxn uł nixʷ trap; snowshoes k̓l̓‿ʕacmín. iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷs x̌ast łʕapn̓txʷ bindings kʷ‿ła‿cʕ̓aháʔ. iʔ‿sqilxʷ csiw̓sts ła‿cn̓ƛ̓lal cxʷk̓ʷn̓cut. x̌ast cn̓t̓qitkʷstxʷ iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp l̓‿an̓cʕál̓xtn cxʷk̓ʷstum̓s. ixíʔ nixʷ manage to clean cn̓pustm iʔ‿sp̓y̓qałq ixíʔ x̌ast mrim̓stn k̓l̓‿spuct. you sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cplal iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 2. c̓kin iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 3. c̓kin iʔ‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn̓sʔ i ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 4. pn̓kin kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 5. c̓kn̓kin iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 6. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿sp̓y̓qałqsʔ i ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 7. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿n̓xƛ̓tisxn̓sʔ i ‿knəqsus tə‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 8. stim aʔ‿c̓kistm iʔ‿sp̓y̓qałqs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 9. stim aʔ‿c̓kistm ʔi ‿packłs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 10. k̓l̓‿stimʔ a ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 49

11. x̌l̓‿stim ʕcł apstm iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 12. xkinm mi cxʷk̓ʷstum̓s iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? 13. x̌l‿stim t̓Iʔ x̌ast aʔ‿cn̓pus tə‿sp̓y̓qalłqsʔ i ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. xʷk̓ʷam / xʷk̓ʷan̓t- to clean in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. swit iʔ‿xʷk̓ʷn̓tis axáʔ ? (smám̓ʔím)

2. ha p‿səcxʷk̓ʷmix tə‿stm̓tim̓p ? (kiw)

3. ha cxʷk̓ʷstip iʔ‿c̓l̓al̓qʷtnm̓p tə‿skʷəkʷiłp ? (kiw)

4. ha kʷ‿xʷk̓ʷam tə‿an̓púy̓xn ? (lut)

5. ha iksxʷk̓ʷám ixíʔ ? (lut)

6. ha kʷu‿ksxʷk̓ʷmíxaʔx t‿n̓x̌l̓x̌lin̓k ? (lut)

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C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

xʷk̓ʷam / xʷk̓ʷan̓t- to clean in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp n̓xʷk̓ʷłulm̓s ? (kiw)

2. swit kʷu‿xʷk̓ʷn̓tis tə‿sumíxs ? (X̌sal̓qs naʔł Xʷstasq̓t)

3. ha cmistíxʷ səxkinx uł n̓xʷk̓ʷn̓tsis ixíʔ ? (kiw / n̓k̓ʷəck̓ʷəctitkʷ)

4. ha cmistíp səxkinx uł xʷk̓ʷxʷk̓ʷłəm̓t ? (kiw)

5. ha kʷu‿xʷk̓ʷn̓tip in̓cá tə‿spʔul ? (kiw)

6. ha Prasát kʷu‿xʷk̓ʷn̓tim ? (kiw)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. yʕacnítkʷ- shore example sentences:

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1. iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp cplal yʕacnítkʷs iʔ‿cəw̓cəw̓íxaʔ uł cnpłpáʔłaʔxʷ uł nixʷ l̓‿hm̓hmúlaʔxʷ. (Red willow grows along the shore of creeks and ponds and in other places where the ground is moist.) 2. ha wikn̓txʷ iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm l̓‿yʕacnítkʷ ? (Did you see the deer on the shore?) 3. st̓ik̓tx iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ kʷu‿kłcw̓caw̓t kiʔ k̓łkicn̓tm iʔ‿yʕacnítkʷ. (The river was flooded and we had a hard time to get to shore)

2. tkʷl̓kʷil̓kst- red branches / red hands reduplication: example sentences: 1. qʷin iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp, uł tkʷl̓kʷil̓kst iʔ‿txəlkmikstns. (The red willow has green leaves and its branches are red.) 2. smiƛ̓m̓s iʔ‿kəkwápaʔs iʔ‿citxʷs tə‿kʷil uł iʔ‿kl̓kil̓xs t̓iʔtkʷl̓kʷil̓kst tl̓‿miƛ̓mn. (He painted his dogs house red and his hands are all red.) 3. x̌ast iʔ‿sq̓ʔilxʷs iʔ‿q̓əq̓ʔik pəpiq ułtkʷl̓kʷil̓kst. (The colts got nice markings, it's white with red legs.)

3. kmuskst- four pedals / four hands reduplication: example sentences: 1. qipcm uł c̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp, pəqpiq iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs uł ckmuskst iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷ. (The red willow flowers in the spring. Its flowers are white and each flower has four pedals.) 2. caʔkʷ x̌ast kn‿łə‿kmusmskst. (It would be good if I had four hands.) 3. ilíʔ p‿tk̓asílm uł p‿kmusmskst. (Between the two of you, you have four hands.)

4. stm̓usm- fish trap reduplication: example sentences: 1. nixʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm k̓l̓‿stm̓usm, k̓l̓‿syiríwaʔxn, uł nixʷ k̓l̓‿ʕacmín. (We also use it tomake fish traps, snow shoes, and to tie things together.)

5. syiríwaʔxn- snowshoes reduplication: example sentences: 1. nixʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm k̓l̓‿stm̓usm, k̓l̓‿syiríwaʔxn, uł nixʷ k̓l̓‿ʕacmín. (We also use it to make fish traps, snow shoes, and to tie things together.) 2. ła‿cn̓qʷast iʔ‿smik̓ʷt kaʔ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿syiríwaʔxn. (When the snow is deep that's when they use the snowshoes.) 3. iʔ‿wapw̓pxn cwupwupxán uł c̓x̌ił tə‿syiríwaʔxn lut cn̓ʕal̓ts l̓‿smik̓ʷt. (The lynx has furry feet and acts like snow shoes and doesn't sink in the snow.)

6. ʕacmín- bindings / tying material reduplication: ʕacʕacmín example sentences:

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1. nixʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm k̓l̓‿stm̓usm, k̓l̓‿syiríwaʔxn, uł nixʷ k̓l̓‿ʕacmín. (We also use it to make fish traps, snow shoes, and to tie things together.) 2. ha kʷ‿ckʷnim tə‿ʕacʕacmín ikskʕ̓acám isq̓ʷíłt. (Did you bring any bindings so I can tie my bundle down.) 3. iʔ‿tl̓‿sp̓ic̓n mi kʷ‿slam ta‿kłʕacmín. (From the hemp you spin yourself a rope for your bindings.)

7. xʷk̓ʷnun̓t / xʷk̓ʷstum̓s- manage to clean / manage to clean you reduplication: example sentences: 1. x̌ast cn̓t̓qitkʷstxʷ iʔ‿stəktəkcxʷiłp l̓‿ancʕál̓xtn cxʷk̓ʷstum̓s. (It is also good to soak willow in your bath water; it purifies you.) 2. iwa cxʷk̓ʷxʷk̓ʷstin. (I try to clean it!) 3. ha xʷk̓ʷək̓ʷnun̓txʷ ? (Did you manage to clean it?)

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9. stxt̓il̓tm- iʔ‿l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast sʔum̓s ʔapnkspín̓tk ten years sn̓q̓y̓min̓tn school kłkʷil̓l sit on something ksal on the table ƛ̓mipn̓t miss something (too late) caʔn̓tím / ʔca ám hit qʷánaʔt little pitiful one tqłtim touch something of someone xʷuscn hurry eating smy̓may Pʕałxʷ tk̓asʔasíl ʔi ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts, Malí naʔł ʕAtál. Malí ʔapnkspín̓tk uł ʕAtál sisp̓l̓k̓spín̓tk. Pʕałxʷ cqiłəłsts, cxʷt̓lilxsts ten years iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast. x̌cm̓stis ksxʷúy̓yaʔx k̓l̓‿sn̓q̓y̓min̓tn, school ixíʔ sic cniłc ck̓aw̓sk̓ʷúl̓m. l̓‿timł, iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm ckłkʷil̓l sit on something l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn l̓‿n̓xaʔcínm̓sʔ i ‿citxʷs.

P- Malí, qiłtx way. n̓lʕapús kʷ‿sxʷt̓íl̓xaʔx. ʕAtál, ha way kʷ‿cqiłqłt ? n̓lʕapús kʷ‿sxʷt̓íl̓xaʔx.


P- Malí ! ʕ Atál ! háhuy. xʷt̓lílxwi uł x̌cmn̓cútwi ! M- way l̓‿k̓ʷinx iʔ‿x̌əx̌iyáłnxʷ ? P- way sisp̓l̓k̓ uł tx̌ʷiw̓s. M- səxkinx lut kʷu‿qiłn̓txʷ t̓iʔ łkʷəkʷʕast ? P- way k̓ʷin̓n, nax̌m̓ł lut asqíłt. k̓ʷul̓n̓t an̓x̌əx̌yáłnxʷ mi anwí kʷ‿cqiłt. xʷustx x̌cmn̓cutx. cksal asʔíłn. on the table A- lut kn‿t̓a‿kłc̓ʕaw̓ t‿ikłn̓sísuʔxn. P- ilíʔ pəqpiq stətm̓tim l̓‿n̓x̌w̓min. kʷ‿ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔám t‿akłn̓sísuʔxn ilíʔ. M- k̓aʔkin̓ istxmín ? lut k̓akícn istxmín ! P- laʔkín kiʔ əck̓ʷul̓m̓stxʷ ƛ̓m ?

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M- ƛ̓m l̓‿n̓cʕal̓xtn, nax̌m̓ł lut ilíʔ ʕapnáʔ. P- ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔán̓t. xʷustx cm ƛ̓mipn̓txʷ iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn. miss A- wʕa··· ! P- səxkinx, ʕAtál ? səxkinx kiʔ kʷ‿cc̓qʷaqʷ ? A- Malí kʷu‿caʔn̓tís ! wʕa··· ! hit P- cxʷuy̓x k̓laʔ kʷ‿isn̓kl̓xʷúsm. o, ʔam̓sm qʷánaʔt. little pitiful one kʷu‿cun̓t xkinm. A- kn‿səctxmix uł Malí kʷu‿kʷiłts istxmín uł kʷu‿səp̓n̓tis tə‿stxmin. P- Malí ! cxʷuy̓x k̓laʔ ! M- kʷu‿naq̓ʷmłts istxmín! ƛ̓m cun lut kʷu‿kstqłtis istxmín ! touch P- Malí, lut x̌ast ła‿ksp̓am ałcəcʔúps. cxʷuy̓x uł txt̓n̓tixʷ.

Malí n̓kl̓xʷusəs iʔ‿łcəcʔupsts uł cus....

M- lut nixʷ kʷ‿iksp̓ám. P- ʕAtál, ha cmistíxʷ lut aksk̓ʷúl̓m̓łtm iʔ‿stim̓s ałkíkxaʔ put siwn̓txʷ mi sic k̓ʷul̓m̓n̓txʷ ? A- way, cmistín. P- lut t̓ə‿x̌ast əł ‿kspul̓stm̓s Malí. nax̌m̓ł lut x̌ast łə‿kskʷiłtm̓s əł ‿ksk̓ʷul̓m̓łtm̓s mastí t̓iʔ tə‿cniłc. háhuy, ʕapnáʔ kʷíl̓lwi mi kʷu‿ʔałʔíłn. xʷúscn̓wi cm ƛ̓mipn̓tp iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn. hurry eating M- way kn‿wiʔcín. way kn‿ksxʷúyaʔx k̓łʔimn iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn. P- n̓c̓w̓c̓iw̓isx mi sic kʷ‿ʔácqaʔ. M- o ki, k̓ik̓m iksn̓łíptmnm. cxʷuy̓x ʕAtál, kʷu‿k̓aw̓sn̓c̓w̓c̓iw̓ism. A- háhuy.


A- way, mistm. łwikn̓tsn łə‿n̓yak̓ʷqín. M- way, mistm, taʔlí kʷ‿in̓x̌mínk. P- nixʷ p‿in̓x̌mínk iʔ‿p‿ist̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓t. x̌ast iʔ‿kłcaw̓tm̓p ʕapnáʔ sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 55

1. tk̓ʷin̓k̓ʷnx iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts Pʕałxʷ ? 2. swit iʔ‿skʷskʷistsəl̓x iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts ʕP ałxʷ ? 3. k̓ʷnxspin̓tk iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓m̓kʔil̓ts Pʕałxʷ ? 4. swit iʔ‿cqiłəłsts uł cxʷt̓lilxsts Malí naʔł ʕAtál ? 5. l̓‿łkʷəkʷʕast, k̓aʔkín ksxʷúy̓yaʔx Malí naʔł ʕAtál ? 6. l̓‿k̓ʷinx ckłkʷil̓l l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn Malí naʔł ʕAtál ? 7. k̓aʔkín kaʔ ckłkʷil̓l l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn Malí naʔł ʕAtál ? 8. l̓‿k̓ʷinx qiłqłt Malí ? 9. səxkin Pʕałxʷ lut qiłs Malí t̓iʔ łkʷəkʷʕast ? 10. mi cniłc cqiłt, ksəxkists Malí ? 11. k̓aʔkin kiʔ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔám tə‿kłn̓sísuʔxn̓s ʕAtál ? 12. stim aʔ‿cƛ̓aʔstís Malí ? 13. səxkinx kaʔ cc̓qʷaqʷ ʕAtál ? 14. swit iʔ‿n̓kl̓xʷusəs ʕAtál ? 15. stim iʔ‿cuntm ʕAtál ət ‿Malí ? 16. swit iʔ‿n̓kl̓xʷusn̓tm tə‿Malí ? 17. səxkinx Pʕałxʷ x̌minks ksxʷuscnəl̓x Malí naʔł ʕAtál ? 18. łə‿wiʔcín Malí, k̓aʔkín ksxʷúyaʔx ? 19. stim iʔ‿ksn̓łiptm̓s Malí ? 20. pn̓kin mi Pʕałxʷ łwiksəl̓x iʔ‿st̓m̓t̓mkʔil̓ts ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. caʔám / caʔán̓t- to hit in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

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1. ha kʷ‿caʔám t‿ałsísn̓caʔ ? (lut)

2. ha kʷu‿səccaʔmíx tə‿xmin̓tət ? (kiw)

3. ha kʷ‿n̓stil̓s in̓cá ccaʔstín ixíʔ ? (kiw)

4. ha caʔn̓tíxʷ iʔ‿sq̓əq̓axʷ ? (lut)

5. uc an̓x̌mínk kʷ‿ikscaʔám ? (lut)

6. ha p‿scaʔmíxaʔx t‿slx̌lax̌tm̓p ? (lut)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms caʔám / caʔán̓t- to hit in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnim̓łəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. swit iʔ‿caʔłúlm̓s ? (Qʷy̓qʷʕay̓l̓qs)

2. sw̓swit kʷu‿caʔn̓tim ? (Xʷstikn naʔł Makarít)

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3. ha cmistíp səxkinx uł caʔłul̓m̓t ? (kiw)

4. ha cmistísəl̓x səxkinx uł caʔn̓tinəl̓x ? (lut)

5. ha kʷu‿caʔn̓tip in̓cá ałíʔ p‿k̓słcaw̓t ? (kiw)

6. ha Q̓ʷəq̓ʷc̓wíyaʔ naʔł n̓capsíw̓sts kʷu‿caʔn̓tim ? (lut)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. ʔapnkspín̓tk- ten years example sentences: 1. Malí ʔapnkspín̓tk uł ʕAtál sisp̓l̓k̓spín̓tk. (Malí is ten years old andʕAtál is seven.) 2. ʔapnkspin̓tk lut t̓a‿c̓iłsts. sq̓il̓tx. (Ten days he didn't eat. He's sick.) 3. way ʔapnkspín̓tk kʷu‿səckʷułnwíxʷəx. (It's been ten years since we started to borrow from each other.)

2. sn̓q̓y̓min̓tn- school example sentences: 1. x̌cm̓stis ksxʷúy̓yaʔx k̓l̓‿sn̓q̓y̓min̓tn, ixíʔ sic cniłc k̓aw̓s k̓ʷul̓m. (He gets them ready for school, then he goes to work.) 2. ʕapnáʔ ksyʕaʔmíxaʔx k̓l̓‿sn̓q̓y̓min̓tn. (They're going to gather at the school today.)

3. kłkʷil̓l- sit on something (more than one) example sentences: 1. l̓‿timł, ʔi ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm ckłkʷil̓l l̓‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn l̓‿n̓xaʔcínm̓s iʔ‿citxʷs. (The girls catch the bus in front of their house at eight.) 2. ha l̓‿tqcl̓xal̓qʷ km l̓‿t̓uxʷt mi p‿kłkʷil̓l. (Will you go by train or by plane?) 3. cxʷuy̓x kʷu‿kłkʷil̓l l̓‿laslí ta‿n̓cəkʷcəkʷmin kaʔ ccəkʷstisəl̓x. (Come let's ride the sleigh drawn by a team of horses.)

4. cksal- on the table reduplication: cksl̓sal example sentences: 1. cksal asʔiłn. (Your food is on the table.) 2. cksl̓sal iʔ‿sn̓kłkłʔíłntn uł lut swit itíʔ. t̓iʔ k̓aw, xʷuk̓ʷ. (The tables are set and nobody is there, it's empty.) 3. kslan̓t iʔ‿sn̓kłʔíłntn, k̓ik̓m mi cyʕap iʔ‿kskicəctət. (Set the table, our geusts will be arriving soon.)

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5. ƛ̓mipnt- miss/be lat for something reduplication: ƛ̓m̓ƛ̓m̓ipn̓t example sentences: 1. xʷustx cm ƛ̓mipn̓txʷ iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn. (Hurry or you'll miss the bus.) 2. itíʔ ła‿cqʷəqʷil̓qʷl̓tm uł ƛ̓m̓ƛ̓m̓ips yʕat swit. (Because he was so slow, he missed everyone.) 3. ha asƛ̓m̓ípm ? (Were you too late?)

6. caʔn̓tím / caʔán̓t- hit someone reduplication: caʔcaʔán̓t / caʔcaʔám example sentences: 1. Malí kʷu‿caʔn̓tís ! (Malí hit me!) 2. ixíʔ tə‿sn̓k̓sil̓sts ułcaʔcaʔán̓tís iʔ‿sk̓ʷiƛ̓tm̓s. (Because he was so mean he hit all of his buddies.) 3. iʔ‿tə‿slax̌ts n̓caʔcʔínaʔn̓tm. (His friend boxed his ears.)

7. qʷanaʔt- little pitiful one reduplication: qʷəqʷn̓qʷánaʔt example sentences: 1. o, ʔam̓sm qʷanaʔt. (Oh, poor thing.) 2. tałt kiʔ qʷəqʷn̓qʷánaʔt. (He's such a poor pitiful little thing.) 3. ixíʔ qʷn̓qʷan̓t tə‿sqilxʷ. (Those people are very poor.)

8. tqłtim- touch something of someone reduplication: təqtqłtim example sentences: 1. ƛ̓m cun lut kʷu‿kstqłtis istxmín ! (I told her not to touch my brush!) 2. iʔ‿tə‿səxʷmrim təqtqłtim iʔ‿sc̓uʔxán̓s, ha mat x̌ʷƛ̓x̌ʷiƛ̓xn. (The doctor feels his legs to see if his legs were broken.) 3. aláʔ mi kʷu‿tqn̓tixʷ. (Touch me here.)

9. xʷuscn- eat fast reduplication: xʷsxʷuscn example sentences: 1. xʷúscnwi cm ƛ̓mipntp iʔ‿n̓ʔaʔúkʷmn. (Eat fast, or you will miss the bus.) 2. iʔ‿kʷukʷús ła‿c̓iłn cxʷsxʷuscnəl̓x. (When pigs eat they gulp their food down.) 3. lut miyáł aksəcxʷuscn cm kʷ‿q̓aʔípsaʔ. (Don't eat too fast or you might choke.)

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10. iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ sʔum̓s p̓əp̓m̓p̓um little brown sísl̓xʷaʔ size sn̓miłəmn resting place ksʕaw̓səs sundown n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn sperm n̓ʔastkíl̓tn maternity roost st̓ʕak̓ám pup kcíqʷc̓aʔ hairless smy̓may iʔ‿misqʷáy̓qʷy̓t tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿syilx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ‿p̓əp̓m̓p̓um tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ. ixíʔ tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ x̌minks xʷʔit little brown aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓alʔ xʷ it iʔ‿saʔátqʷłp uł laʔkín kaʔ kłsiw̓łkʷ. iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ mat naqs kilx iʔ‿ksísl̓xʷaʔs uł p̓m̓p̓um kcəcm̓ínaʔs. size iʔ‿spum̓ts q̓ʷʕay km p̓um. kaʔłís iʔ‿sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ: l̓‿sx̌lx̌aʕlt sn̓ilíʔtn̓s, l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł iʔ‿sn̓ʔistktn̓s sn̓ilíʔtn̓s. ʔi ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts l̓‿sqipc, l̓‿scaʔáqʷ uł l̓‿sk̓aʔáym. l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿sn̓miłəmn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ. itlíʔ nixʷ ła‿cmiłəm uł ła‿cʔitx, resting place iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ q̓sápiʔ ła‿cxʷk̓ʷn̓cut ła‿cx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t. nixʷ iʔ‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts l̓‿sqipc, l̓‿scaʔáqʷ uł l̓‿sk̓aʔáym. łə‿sksʕaw̓səsts iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ łəwis sundown iʔ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł ʔúl̓luʔsəl̓x l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł kspíx̌aʔx. iʔ‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s kaʔ cmiłəm iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿aʔ‿cpix̌m. iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ c̓iłsts ʔi ‿cəcámaʔt ʔakʷʔakʷtílx: iʔ‿slaqs, sqʷayxəlwíc̓a uł x̌əx̌maʕł. ła‿cməq̓in̓k iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ xʷuy k̓l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł pul̓x, ilíʔ uł x̌ʷaqʷs iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s. k̓l̓‿naqs sp̓am ʔi ‿x̌əx̌iyáłnxʷ uł way łʔilxʷt iʔ‿st̓anwáʕya uł itlíʔ łpix̌m. k̓l̓‿cil̓kstʔ i ‿ksk̓aw̓spíx̌m̓s mi x̌lap. ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ əck̓ʷul̓łxʷm l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al, k̓łixʷútm̓s iʔ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut, l̓‿aʔ‿ctx̌ʷayqn ʔi ‿slip̓, l̓‿n̓t̓w̓stsqáx̌aʔtn uł l̓‿sqilxʷ ʔi ‿citxʷs. l̓‿n̓ʔistktn iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ kaʔ cʔitx l̓‿sʔistk. iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ck̓ʷul̓łxʷm tə‿ksn̓ilíʔtn̓s

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 60 l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷin̓k. cx̌mn̓knwixʷ iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ła‿ck̓aʔáym iʔ‿lútiʔ ksʔatxílxs k̓l̓‿ʔistkm. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ckʷum̓sts iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ sperm iʔ‿n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn̓s put qipcm, ixíʔ mi sic k̓ʷul̓m̓s ixíʔ uł n̓ʔastkíl̓t. ilíʔ t̓iʔx̌ílm yʕat aʔ‿cn̓ʔastkíl̓t st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ʔaluʔscút uł ʔúl̓luʔsəl̓x, maternity roost k̓ʷul̓məl̓x ət ‿kłn̓ʔastkíl̓tn. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷst̓an̓w ʕáyaʔ ckl̓kʷil̓xm̓sts iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ła‿c̓x̌ilm. naqs ła‿ck̓ʷl̓l̓ʔil̓t l̓‿scaʔáqʷ. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ pup; hairless łə‿k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám kcíqʷc̓aʔ uł taʔlí x̌ʷupt. iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám cqʔim tl̓‿tum̓tm̓s k̓l̓‿naqs x̌iyáłnxʷ, ixíʔ uł way tə‿cniłc t̓uxʷt uł ckʷn̓nusts iʔ‿ksʔiłn̓s. k̓aʔáym iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔám tə‿ksʔistktn̓s ksn̓ilíʔtn̓s. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷst̓an̓w ʕáyaʔ cn̓t̓at̓úxʷt l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷin̓k hakín iʔ‿x̌ast k̓l̓‿sn̓ʔistktn. ilíʔ sic iʔ‿smam̓ʔím naʔł sqʷəsqʷasíʔas n̓t̓uxʷt l̓‿aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷin̓k. ixíʔ uł st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ n̓kəcxʷus łə‿ksx̌mn̓knwixʷs. k̓aʔáym iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ʔaluʔscút uł ʔatxílx uł kstaʔmínaʔ. cil̓kst km t̓aq̓m̓kst x̌iyáłnxʷ ksʔatxílxsəl̓x. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. stim iʔ‿misqʷáy̓qʷy̓t tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿syilx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ ? 2. c̓kin tə‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ x̌min̓ks iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 3. c̓kin iʔ‿ksísl̓xʷaʔs iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 4. c̓kin iʔ‿spum̓ts iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 5. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 6. pn̓kin ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts iʔ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 7. stim iʔ‿sn̓miłəmn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 8. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s ? 9. pn̓kin ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts iʔ‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 10. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s ? 11. stim aʔ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 12. stim aʔ‿ckists iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ła‿cməq̓in̓k ła‿cpix̌m ? 13. k̓ʷinx sp̓am iʔ‿x̌əx̌iyáłnxʷ uł wiʔsx̌ʷáqʷs iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s ? 14. l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac, k̓ʷinx iʔ‿ksk̓aw̓spíx̌m̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ mi x̌lap ? 15. k̓aʔkín kaʔ ck̓ʷul̓łxʷm tə‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 16. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿n̓ʔistktn ? 17. pn̓kin kaʔ cx̌mn̓knwixʷ iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 18. əxkistm iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ ʔi ‿n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn̓s tə‿tkəłmilxʷ st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 19. put pn̓kin iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ k̓ʷul̓m̓s iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ iʔ‿n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn̓s uł n̓ʔastkíl̓t ? 20. stim iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ck̓ʷul̓məl̓x tə‿kłn̓ʔastkíl̓tn̓s ? 21. pn̓kin kaʔ ck̓ʷl̓l̓ʔil̓t ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 22. k̓ʷn̓xil̓t kaʔ ck̓ʷl̓l̓ʔil̓t ʔi ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ?

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23. c̓kin iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ła‿ck̓ʷul̓l ? 24. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t cqʔim tl̓‿tum̓tm̓s iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 25. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł ckʷn̓nusts iʔ‿ksʔiłn̓s iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 26. pn̓kin kaʔ cƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔám tə‿ksʔistktn̓s ksn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 27. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿sql̓tmixʷ st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ła‿ck̓aʔkícsts cn̓łəx̌ʷin̓k hakín iʔ‿x̌ast k̓l̓‿sn̓ʔistktn ? 28. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cn̓kəcxʷus iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ łə‿ksx̌mn̓knwixʷs ? 29. k̓aʔáym, stim aʔ‿c̓kists iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? 30. l̓‿sʔistk, k̓ʷinx x̌iyáłnxʷ kaʔ cʔatxílxəl̓x iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect.

łəwinm / łəw̓in̓t- to leave behind in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kn‿łəwinm t‿in̓k̓aʔk̓ʔíl̓t ? (lut)

2. ha kʷ‿səcłəwinx t‿asc̓íxt ? (kiw)

3. ha p‿n̓stil̓s mnim̓łtət cłəwistm iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ? (kiw)

4. ha łəwin̓tp iʔ‿statʔiw̓tx ? (kiw)

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5. uc an̓x̌mínk iksłəwínm in̓n̓k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓tn ? (lut)

6. ha kʷ‿słəwínaʔx t‿aspuʔsxʔítx ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

łəwinm / łəw̓in̓t- to leave behind in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿łəwis ? (ask̓ʷúy)

2. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿łəwin̓tm ? (łqaʔqáqcaʔm̓p)

3. swit iʔ‿łəwiłəm̓s ? (łəłsyum̓cntət)

4. swit iʔ‿łəwin̓ts ? (in̓n̓tkʷil̓s)

5. ha łəwinəl̓x ? (kiw)

6. ha łəwiłəmn ? (lut)

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ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. p̓əp̓m̓p̓um̓- little brown singular: p̓əp̓um̓ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿misqʷáy̓qʷy̓t tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ l̓‿syilx tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ iʔ‿p̓əp̓m̓p̓um tə‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ. (The most common bat in the Syilx land is the little brown bat.) 2. iscwík síl̓xʷaʔ p̓um skm̓xíst. ( I seen a big brown bear.) 3. iʔ‿sn̓k̓líp p̓əp̓m̓p̓um iʔ‿st̓ət̓aʕk̓áms. (The coyote pups are little brown pups.)

2. sísl̓xʷaʔs- size reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ mat naqs kilx iʔ‿ksísl̓xʷaʔs uł p̓m̓p̓um kcəcm̓ínaʔs. (A bat is about the size of your hand and has little brown ears.)

3. sn̓miłəmn- resting place example sentences: 1. l̓‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿sn̓miłəmn̓s iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ. (The day roost is the bat's resting place.) 2. laʔkín̓ aʔ‿cq̓ʷuy̓laʔxʷ iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t iʔ‿n̓míłmn̓s. (Where the wind doesn't blow is where the cattle have their resting spot.) 3. ik̓líʔ k̓aw̓sʕác̓łtn iʔ‿sn̓míłmn̓s. (I went to see his rest area.)

4. ksʕaw̓usəs- sundown example sentences: 1. łə‿sksʕaw̓usəsts iʔ‿st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ łəwis iʔ‿sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł ʔúlluʔsəl̓x l̓‿sn̓kʷəkʷʔac sn̓ilíʔtn̓s uł kspíx̌aʔx. (As the sun goes down, bats leave their day roost and gather together at their night roost to get ready to go hunting.) 2. put sksʕaw̓usəsts uł kʷu‿łcyʕap. (It was just sundown when we got back.) 3. q̓sápiʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ k̓ʷul̓m tl̓‿ck̓łk̓ʷƛ̓ap iʔ‿x̌iyáłnxʷ uł pn̓kin łksʕaw̓usəs. (Long ago people went out and started to work from sunup til sundown.)

5. n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn- sperm reduplication: n̓c̓x̌cʕax̌úpstn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ckʷum̓sts iʔ‿sqəl̓tmixʷ iʔ‿n̓c̓ʕax̌úpstn̓s put qipcm, ixíʔ mi sic k̓ʷul̓m̓s ixíʔ uł n̓ʔastkíl̓t. (The females saves the males sperm until spring, when she is ready to get pregnant.) 2. iʔ‿scułm ła‿cxík̓aʔst uł tə‿tan̓mús c̓x̌n̓tʕas iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t. (A bull could miss and go off on the cow for nothing.) 3. in̓kəkwápaʔ k̓iwl̓x uł mat lut k̓im t̓a‿kłn̓c̓x̌cʕax̌úpstn. (My dog is old I don't think he has anything to squirt anymore.)

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6. n̓ʔastkíl̓tn- maternity roost example sentences: 1. ilíʔ t̓iʔx̌ílm yʕat aʔ‿cn̓ʔastkíl̓t st̓an̓wʕáyaʔ ʔaluʔscút uł cʔúlluʔsəl̓x, k̓ʷul̓məlx tə‿n̓ʔastkíl̓tn. (At that time, all of the pregnant female bats gather together to form a maternity roost.) 2. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ aʔ‿cn̓pəkʷil̓tm tə‿xʷʔit ixíʔ aʔ‿kłn̓ʔastkíl̓tn. (The woman that gets pregnant with a bunch of babys they're the ones that need a quite place to rest.) 3. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ t̓iʔ sal̓ál uł ckʷaqsəsəl̓x k̓l̓‿sn̓ʔastkíl̓tn. (A man has to be careful, could be all of a sudden they pull him into the maternity ward.)

7. st̓ʕak̓ám- pup reduplication: st̓ət̓ʕak̓ám example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám kcíqʷc̓aʔ uł taʔlí x̌ʷupt. (When it is born, the pup does not have any hair and it helpless.) 2. kłx̌ʷil iʔ‿st̓ət̓ʕak̓ám̓s. (He has a lot of puppys.) 3. n̓sl̓xʷaʔáqsm iʔ‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿st̓ət̓ʕak̓ám. (Small puppies are expensive.)

8. kcíqʷc̓aʔ- hairless reduplication: kcəqʷcíqʷc̓aʔ example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿st̓ʕak̓ám kcíqʷc̓aʔ uł taʔlí x̌ʷupt. (When it is born, the pup does not have any hair and it helpless.) 2. iʔ‿k̓ʷík̓ʷxʷnaʔ l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔit ła‿ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul t̓iʔ kcəqʷcíqʷc̓aʔ. (When the mice are first born they are naked.) 3. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t lut t̓ə‿stim k̓l̓‿cniłc łə‿kciqʷc̓aʔ. (To some it doesn't bother them to be seen naked.)

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11. słəłx̌ʷum̓x uł iʔ‿sk̓ʷul̓l̓s sʔum̓s ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓ training cłəłx̌ʷúmaʔx puberty ct̓əqʷxit sew for someone skʷuqn̓cút to fast n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn menstual hut utím̓tk downstream p̓ul̓k̓ʷłtm roll qsqinm scratch head qsáyaʔqnm scratch head nəqsal̓qs one set of clothes k̓ʕaʔn̓cút pray k̓ʷəck̓ʷəcspuʔús strong hearted ckʷul̓st were sent txrutm go up hill yəxʷmin̓t drop knəsisxn heavy rock tkəłmlxʷil̓x become a woman nəqspin̓tk one year ctəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsłəłaxʷ simple dress mutstm keep home n̓t̓ixʷəxʷl̓cn different voice n̓yul̓qnwil̓x body becomes thick tqʷaʔqʷaʔlmín̓t talk about something cʕal̓xíʔst able to bathe tx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs pile ctq̓y̓isxnm mark on rocks ql̓tm̓xʷil̓x become a man smy̓may tk̓asílmʔ i ‿tw̓tw̓it naʔł xəxiw̓xw̓tmta ʔlí ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl training ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x. iʔ‿tum̓tm niʕ̓áy̓p ct̓əqʷxits iʔ‿sqʷsqʷsiʔs puberty; sew for tə‿səcsic tə‿kłsəp̓síp̓iʔxn̓s.

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xəxiw̓xw̓tm t̓iʔ ilíʔ skʷuqn̓cút iʔ‿xixw̓tm uł way k̓ʷul̓st. t̓iʔ ilíʔ to fast łəłx̌ʷum̓x iʔ‿xixw̓tm, x̌aʔx̌áʔ uł taʔlí ctxt̓mist, mi lut ksx̌n̓um̓sts iʔ‿snqsilxʷs. ixíʔ uł lut kstk̓itl̓xm̓sts iʔ‿snqsilxʷs uł k̓l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t. iʔ‿xixw̓tm cn̓ʔamút l̓‿n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn̓səl̓x. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ʔi ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s utím̓tk tl̓‿n̓cwixtn. lut menstual hut; t̓a‿cxiʔxiʔstísəl̓x ʔi ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷə ł ‿kstk̓itl̓xs k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn. downstream əcx̌ʷuptw̓íl̓xi ʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ ła‿ckłaʔám iʔ‿k̓l̓‿sx̌aʔx̌áʔs iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓xəl̓x. iʔ‿lútiʔ sn̓ʔułxʷs k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím ʔi ‿n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn, p̓ul̓k̓ʷłtm roll iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s uł ctəx̌ʷtax̌ʷ tl̓‿t̓n̓t̓ínaʔs. x̌aʔn̓tísəl̓x ʔi ‿xixw̓tm lut kstəqn̓tis iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s ła‿ilíʔ. łə‿x̌minks əł ‿ksqsqinm̓s scratch head; iʔ‿tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ mi qsáyaʔqnm. iʔ‿nəqsal̓qs iʔ‿tm̓tm̓utn̓s ła‿ilíʔ scratch head; one l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t. set of clothes yʕat słkʷəkʷʕast, iʔ‿xixw̓tm xʷt̓ilx uł cʕal̓x l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ. ła‿cʔistkm cmʕasts iʔ‿sxʷuyn̓t mi sic n̓t̓kʷəkʷn̓cut l̓‿siw̓łkʷ. ilíʔ pútiʔ łə‿n̓ʔamút l̓‿smam̓ʔím n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn, iʔ‿xixw̓tm ck̓ʷul̓m tə‿yám̓x̌ʷaʔ, tə‿tukʷtán uł itíʔ xiʔmíx ət ‿stim. uł nixʷ ksəcn̓kʷníxaʔx uł nixʷ k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓s iʔ‿sk̓ʕaʔm. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi x̌ast pray ła‿ctk̓ʷil̓tm uł x̌ast cxʷl̓xʷal̓t iʔ‿ksqʷəsqʷasíʔas. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi x̌ast sql̓tmixʷ iʔ‿ksx̌ílwiʔs uł cniłc niʕ̓áy̓p k̓ʷəck̓ʷəcspuʔús. strong hearted iʔ‿xixw̓tm lut t̓a‿csiw̓st tl̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ km tl̓‿ʔacqʔítkʷ ałíʔ cm x̌num̓stsʔ i ‿stim ałíʔ taʔlí x̌aʔx̌áʔ ʕapnáʔ. niʕ̓áy̓p kłn̓mulmn ixíʔ aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts ła‿csiw̓st. lut t̓a‿c̓iłn tə‿xʷʔit ilíʔ l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ckʷul̓stsəl̓x l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac uł cx̌iƛ̓m k̓l̓‿wist. were sent l̓‿wist, wr̓am uł k̓ʕaʔm, k̓łn̓k̓ʷƛ̓ips iʔ‿spuʔústs cmay kicn̓tm tə‿ksumíxs. ʔi ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm cq̓ʷiłtm̓sts iʔ‿nəsnʕast tə‿xƛ̓ut uł txrutm uł x̌iƛ̓m uł yəxʷmis iʔ‿knəsisxn̓ l̓‿n̓q̓aʔmíw̓sm̓s go up hill; drop; iʔ‿k̓aʔk̓aʔqín̓xn̓s. ixíʔ mi k̓ʷəck̓ʷəctwil̓x uł kn̓xitm mi t̓ít̓iym̓t heavy rock łə‿kst̓k̓ʷil̓tm̓s. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ck̓ʷul̓stsʔ a ‿cłəłx̌ʷúmaʔx uł yʕat sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t ckʷil̓stnm. iʔ‿l̓‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t,lut xiʔxiʔstísəl̓x kskʷil̓stnm̓s uł kl̓kʷil̓xm̓s iʔ‿kʷil̓stn. l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t, iʔ‿xixw̓tm łp̓lak̓ k̓l̓‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps. łə‿k̓ʷul̓st k̓ʷul̓sʔ i ‿kʷil̓stn uł ʔaslásq̓t skʷil̓stnm̓s uł k̓łʔisəs iʔ‿tm̓tm̓utn̓s. iʔ‿k̓iwl̓x iʔ‿stətm̓tim̓sk c ʕ̓acíkn ixíʔ cn̓q̓aʔmíw̓sʔ a ‿cc̓al k̓ík̓aʔt

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 67 l̓‿smam̓ʔím n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn̓s. ʕapnáʔ tkəłmlxʷil̓x. become a woman uł nixʷ iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm, nəqspin̓tk ksəck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓stm. one year iʔ‿l̓‿nəqspin̓tk iʔ‿ksk̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓sts, t̓iʔ ctəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsłəłaxʷ uł yʕat simple dress słkʷəkʷʕast kscʕál̓xaʔx uł ckʷil̓stnm naqs iʔ‿l̓‿naqs x̌iyáłnxʷ ła‿cyir̓ncút iʔ‿x̌iyáłnxʷ. iʔ‿słəłx̌ʷúmaʔx taʔlí x̌aʔx̌áʔ ʕapnáʔ l̓‿st̓iʔx̌ílms, ixíʔ uł taʔlí txt̓n̓tis iʔ‿snqsilxʷs iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ uł nixʷ taʔlí chaʔstís ʔi ‿ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔkʷílx. taʔlí ck̓ʷul̓m uł ck̓ək̓níyaʔm̓sts iʔ‿tum̓s, iʔ‿sw̓aw̓ásaʔs, sk̓ʷúk̓iʔs uł tl̓‿stm̓tímaʔs naʔł qáqnaʔs uł ccún̓maʔstm yʕat iʔ‿kscmistís k̓l̓‿nax̌ʷnx̌ʷ ułk̓l̓‿tum̓tm. put cmrim, lut ksknaqsts km itíʔ c̓x̌lwis tə‿knaqs. mutstm. pn̓kin keep home way ckxstim iʔ‿tl̓‿smam̓ʔímsn̓txʷtxʷus ts km tl̓‿x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps ʔixí ctxət̓stim.

tw̓tw̓it iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it my̓may̓t ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x n̓t̓ixʷəxʷl̓cn, n̓yul̓qnwil̓x different voice; uł t̓ixʷəxʷlm iʔ‿sqil̓tks. pn̓kin łə‿ksk̓ʷul̓sts iʔ‿tətw̓it body becomes iʔ‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌apsʔ na ł iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ snqsilxʷs tqʷaʔqʷaʔl̓mísəl̓x ixíʔ thick; talk to uł k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓səl̓x. łə‿n̓lʕapús ʔi ‿ksk̓ʷul̓sts iʔ‿tətw̓it, kʷul̓stsəl̓x x̌iƛ̓m k̓l̓‿wist ksilíʔaʔx ʔapn̓kstásq̓t. ck̓ʕaʔm łkʷəkʷʕast uł n̓kʷəkʷʔac. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi sisyús ət ‿sql̓tmixʷ uł x̌ast ła‿cpix̌m. ck̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi cƛ̓xʷup ła‿cmaʔm̓scút, c̓lal̓qʷm uł nixʷ xʷʔit iʔ‿kłnax̌ʷnx̌ʷs naʔł xʷʔit iʔ‿kłkwaps. ilíʔ txt̓n̓cut l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t uł n̓k̓ʷƛ̓ipsʔ i ‿spuʔústs mi kicn̓tm iʔ‿tə‿ksumíxs. c̓x̌ił tə‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm, t̓iʔ xƛ̓púlaʔxʷ uł way xʷt̓ilx uł k̓aw̓scʕál̓x. əł ‿sʔistk cmʕasts iʔ‿sxʷuyn̓t ixíʔ mi cʕal̓xíʔst. able to bathe iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it ckʷil̓stnm łkʷəkʷʕast uł sk̓laxʷ, ła‿cʔácqaʔ tl̓‿kʷil̓stn uł n̓t̓k̓ʷəkʷn̓cut l̓‿siw̓łkʷ. pútiʔ łə‿k̓l̓‿wist, iʔ‿scún̓n̓maʔs, ksʔúluʔsəs iʔ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut uł tx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs itíʔ. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ cún̓maʔs mi pile ctq̓y̓isxnm ła‿cwiksts iʔ‿ksumíxs ilíʔ ła‿c̓x̌lwis k̓l̓‿wist. ixíʔ nixʷ mark on rocks iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm x̌ilm itíʔ mi kʷn̓nus iʔ‿sumíxs. ła‿cp̓lak̓ iʔ‿tətw̓it k̓l̓‿snqsilxʷs, ʔixí ql̓tm̓xʷil̓x. ixíʔ uł become a man ksəcpíx̌aʔx kscʔam̓stís iʔ‿snqsilxʷs, ksəckxstis iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ ła‿cpix̌m. itíʔ uł kspul̓sts ʔi ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm km skm̓xist. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. sw̓swit aʔ‿ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x ?

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2. swit aʔ‿ct̓əqʷxits iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it naʔł xəxiw̓xwʷtm tə‿səcsic tə‿kłsəp̓síp̓iʔxn̓s ? 3. swit iʔ‿skʷuqn̓cút ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x ? 4. səxkinx uł ctxt̓misti ʔ‿xixw̓tm ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x ? 5. k̓l̓‿k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t aʔ‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x lut t̓a‿ctk̓itl̓xm̓sts iʔ‿stm̓tim̓sʔ i ‿snqsilxʷs ? 6. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cn̓ʔamút aʔ‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x xixw̓tm ? 7. k̓aʔkín iʔ‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 8. əxkistm iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ ła‿ckłaʔám iʔ‿k̓l̓‿sx̌áʔx̌aʔs iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x ? 9. c̓kin k̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s iʔ‿xixw̓tm iʔ‿lútiʔ sn̓ʔułxʷs k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 10. stim iʔ‿x̌aʔn̓tísəl̓x iʔ‿xixw̓tm ? 11. stim iʔ‿xixw̓tm aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓sts mi qsáyaʔqnm k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 12. k̓ʷn̓xal̓qs iʔ‿tm̓tm̓utn̓sʔ i ‿xixw̓tm ła‿ilíʔ k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 13. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿xixw̓tm yʕat słkʷəkʷʕast ? 14. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿xixw̓tm łə‿n̓ʔamút l̓‿smam̓ʔím ʔi ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 15. x̌l̓‿stim k̓ʕaʔn̓cút iʔ‿xixw̓tm ła‿cn̓ʔamút l̓‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn̓s ? 16. səxkinx uł iʔ‿xixw̓tm lut t̓a‿csiw̓st tl̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ km tl̓‿ʔacqʔítkʷ ? 17. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ła‿ckʷul̓stsəl̓x l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac ? 18. stim aʔ‿cq̓ʷiłtm̓stsʔ i ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm ? 19. səxkinx iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm cq̓ʷiłtm̓sts uł cyəxʷmists iʔ‿knəsisxn̓ l̓‿n̓q̓aʔmíw̓sm̓s iʔ‿k̓aʔk̓aʔqínxn̓s ? 20. ha ck̓ʷul̓sts aʔ‿cłəłx̌ʷúmaʔx uł ckʷil̓stnm ? 21. l̓‿k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t łplak̓ k̓l̓‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps iʔ‿xixw̓tm ? 22. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿xixw̓tm ła‿cłpl̓ak̓ k̓l̓‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps ? 23. əxkistm iʔ‿k̓iwl̓x iʔ‿stətm̓tim̓sʔ i ‿xixw̓tm ? 24. ła‿cksəck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓stm iʔ‿l̓‿nəqspin̓tk iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm, stim aʔ‿clʕaw̓stís ? 25. ła‿cksəck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓stm iʔ‿l̓‿nəqspin̓tk iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm, pn̓kin ckʷil̓stnməl̓x ? 26. səxkinx uł taʔlí chaʔstís iʔ‿ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔkʷílx iʔ‿słəx̌ʷúmaʔx ? 27. swit iʔ‿ck̓ək̓níyaʔm̓sts ʔi ‿słəx̌ʷúmaʔx ? 28. stim aʔ‿ccún̓maʔstm iʔ‿słəx̌ʷúmaʔx tə‿snqilxʷs ? 29. put pn̓kin lut ksknaqsts iʔ‿st̓aʔk̓míx ? 30. swit aʔ‿ckxstis iʔ‿st̓aʔk̓míx put cmrim ? 31. c̓kin mi my̓may̓t ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it ? 32. swit aʔ‿ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓stsəl̓x ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it ? 33. k̓l̓‿k̓aʔkín kaʔ ckʷul̓stsəl̓x ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it ? 34. k̓l̓‿stimʕ k̓ aʔn̓cút iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 35. l̓‿k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t ctxt̓n̓cut iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 36. x̌l̓‿stim n̓k̓ʷƛ̓ipsʔ i ‿spuʔusts iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 37. pn̓kin kaʔ cxʷt̓ilx uł ck̓aw̓scʕál̓x iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 38. pn̓kin kaʔ ckʷil̓stnm iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 39. stim aʔ‿ctx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs k̓l̓‿wist iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 40. stim iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ cún̓maʔs iʔ‿tətw̓it ? 41. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿tətw̓it ła‿cql̓tm̓xʷil̓x ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect.

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 69 yəxʷminm / yəxʷmin̓t- to drop something in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿yəxʷminm t‿ascq̓ʷíłt ? (kiw)

2. ha p‿səcyəxʷminx tə‿scq̓ʷiłtm̓p ? (lut)

3. stim aʔ‿cyəxʷmistp ? (xƛ̓xƛ̓ut)

4. ha yəxʷmin̓txʷ iʔ‿sp̓ic̓n ? (kiw)

5. ha kʷ‿n̓paʔpaʔsín̓k ł‿iksyəxʷmínm asʔíłn ? (lut)

6. ha kn‿ksyəxʷmínaʔx tə‿n̓cl̓x̌ʷikn̓tn ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms yəxʷminm / yəxʷmin̓t- to drop something in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 70

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. sw̓swit iʔ‿yəxʷmiłəm̓səl̓x ? (stətm̓áliʔstət)

2. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿yəxʷmin̓tm ? (sn̓łəx̌m̓tanm̓p)

3. ha yəxʷmiłəm̓t ? (kiw)

4. ha yəxʷmin̓ts Swʕatqn ? (lut)

5. ha mnimłtət yəxʷmin̓tməl̓x ? (kiw)

6. səxkinx uł kʷu‿yəxʷmin̓txʷ ? (ʔay̓x̌ʷt)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓- to train example sentences: 1. tk̓asílmʔ i ‿tw̓tw̓it naʔł xəxiw̓xw̓tm taʔlí ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x. (Both boys and girls received much more training when they reached the age of puberty.) 2. x̌i̓ƛ̓m k̓l̓‿wist ła‿ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓st iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it. (Young boys go to the mountains to train.) 3. aʔ‿cq̓ʷəq̓ʷúƛ̓aʔxnm taʔlí ck̓ʷak̓ʷúlsts mi cƛ̓xʷup. (Foot racers train before they have to enter a race to win.)

2. łəłx̌ʷum reduplication:

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 71 example sentences: 1. tk̓asílmʔ i ‿tw̓tw̓it naʔł xəxiw̓xw̓tm taʔlí ck̓ʷak̓ʷúl ła‿cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x. (Both boys and girls received much more training when they reached the age of puberty.) 2. nəqspin̓tk ksck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓st aʔ‿łəłx̌ʷum̓x. (When they reach puberty they train for one year.) 3. yʕat sctiłx iʔ‿x̌iyáłnxʷ kʷil̓stnm áłiʔ cłəłx̌ʷúm̓x. (Every new moon she has a sweat because she's in puberty.)

3. t̓əqʷxit- sew for someone reduplication: t̓əqʷt̓əqʷxit example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tum̓tm niʕ̓áy̓p ct̓əqʷxits iʔ‿sqʷsqʷsiʔs tə‿səcsic tə‿kłsəp̓síp̓iʔxn̓s. (A mother always had new moccasins ready for her son or daughter at this time.) 2. txʷaʔxʷʔít iʔ‿scəcm̓álaʔ yʕat t̓əqʷt̓əqʷxitn tə‿kłsəp̓síp̓iʔxn̓s. (There were a lot of kids and I sewed all of them moccasins.) 3. lut t̓a‿kłlasmíst iʔ‿tətw̓it way t̓iʔ t̓əqʷxitn. (The boy doesn't have a shirt so I better sew one for him.)

4. skʷuqn̓cút- to fast reduplication: example sentences: 1. t̓iʔ ilíʔ skʷuqn̓cút iʔ‿xixw̓tm uł way k̓ʷul̓st. (Girls started to fast as soon as they started menestrating.)

5. n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn- menstrual hut reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím iʔ‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn̓s utím̓tk tl̓‿n̓cwixtn. (The menstrual hut was located downstream from the village.) 2. ilíʔ n̓ʔamu̓t iʔ‿təkłmílxʷ l̓‿n̓wl̓tiłxʷtn put wiʔsml̓ál, xʷk̓ʷn̓cut mi sic łxʷuy k̓l̓‿citxʷs. (The woman sits in the menstral hut until she stops bleeding then she bathes herself before she returns to her home.)

6. p̓ul̓k̓ʷłtm- roll / turn for someone example sentences: 1. iʔ‿lútiʔ sn̓ʔułxʷs k̓l̓‿smam̓ʔím ʔi ‿n̓q̓l̓tiłxʷtn, p̓ul̓k̓ʷłtm iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s uł ctəx̌ʷtax̌ʷ tl̓‿t̓n̓t̓ínaʔs. (Before she went to the hut, the girl's mother would tie her hair up into rolls that hung behind each ear.) 2. in̓x̌mínk ikstkʷúsyáʔqn humaʔ kʷu‿p̓ul̓k̓ʷłt in̓qəpqín̓tn. (I want to curl my hair, please roll up my hair.) 3. kn‿kp̓l̓k̓ʷíc̓aʔm sic n̓wul̓qín x̌ast isłəpkám. (I rolled up a smoke and I lit it and had a good smoke.)

7. qsáyaʔqnm- scratch the head reduplication: qsqsáyaʔqn example sentences:

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 72

1. łə‿x̌minks łə‿ksqsqinm̓s iʔ‿tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ mi qsáyaʔqnm. (If she wanted to scratch her head, she used stick.) 2. yʕat iʔ‿scəcm̓álaʔ kłqʷtətíx̌ʷaʔ uł yʕayʕatəl̓x cqsqsáyaʔqnməl̓x. (All the children at school got lice so they all were scratching their heads.) 3. nixl̓mn kłqʷtətíx̌ʷaʔ ixíʔ isw̓páyaʔqn uł kn‿qsáyaʔqnm. (I hear someone has lice and my head starts to itch and I start to scratch my head.)

8. nəqsal̓qs- one set of clothes reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿nəqsal̓qs iʔ‿tm̓tm̓utn̓s ła‿ilíʔ l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t. (She wore the same simple clothes during these ten days.) 2. tə‿sxʷəsxʷusl̓xs uł t̓iʔ nəqsal̓qs iʔ‿cxʷuy̓sts. (She was in such a hurry she only brought one pair of clothes.) 3. miyáł n̓sl̓xʷʔaqsm iʔ‿scn̓k̓ʷak̓ʷín̓s uł t̓iʔ nəqsál̓qs iʔ‿scn̓ʔists. (She chose an expensive outfit and could only afford one outfit.)

9. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút- to pray (for oneself) reduplication: example sentences: 1. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi x̌ast ła‿ck̓ʷil̓tm uł x̌ast cxʷl̓xʷal̓t iʔ‿ksqʷəsqʷasíʔas. (She prayed that she would give birth easily and have healthy children.) 2. yʕat sx̌əlxʷaʕlt kʷ‿ck̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi kʷ‿cx̌əsəsmílt. (You pray everyday for yourself then things will go good for you.) 3. in̓cá kn‿ck̓ʕaʔn̓cút. (I pray for myself.)

10. k̓ʷəck̓ʷəcspuʔús- strong hearted example sentences: 1. k̓ʕaʔn̓cút mi x̌ast sql̓tmixʷ iʔ‿ksx̌ílwiʔs uł cniłc niʕ̓áy̓p k̓ʷəck̓ʷəcspuʔús. (She prayed that she would have a good husband, and that she would have a strong spirit.) 2. in̓k̓am̓tíw̓stn k̓ʷəck̓ʷəcspuʔús lut t̓a‿ƛ̓lap. (My horse has a big heart he doesn't quit.) 3. ha anwí kʷ‿k̓ʷəck̓ʷcikstspuʔús ? (Do you have a big strong heart?)

11. ckʷul̓st / kʷul̓n̓t- send someone somewhere reduplication: kʷl̓kʷul̓n̓t example sentences: 1. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ckʷul̓stsəl̓x l̓‿n̓kʷəkʷʔac uł cx̌iƛ̓m k̓l̓‿wist. (Some girls were sent up into the mountains at night.) 2. iʔ‿y̓lmixʷm ckʷl̓kʷl̓stiłn mi cway iʔ‿sck̓ʷul̓s. (A boss sends everyone to do something so the work gets done.) 3. kʷu‿skʷul̓stm̓s isƛ̓aʔám ast̓m̓kʔíl̓t. (He sent me to get your daughter.)

12. txrutm- go up hill / climb a hill

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 73 reduplication: txr̓xrutm example sentences: 1. iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm cq̓ʷiłtm̓sts iʔ‿nəsnʕast tə‿xƛ̓ut uł txrutm uł x̌iƛ̓m uł yəxʷmis iʔ‿knəsisxn̓ l̓‿nq̓aʔmíw̓sms iʔ‿k̓aʔk̓aʔqín̓xn̓s. (Girls would carry heavy rocks up hill, and let them drop between their legs as they walked.) 2. itíʔ kiʔ txr̓xrutm iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. (The deer climbed the hilside over there) 3. wikn iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t, txru··tm uł kłql̓tus. (I seen that cow climb the hillside and reached the top.)

13. yəxʷmin̓t- drop something reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm cq̓ʷiłtm̓sts iʔ‿nəsnʕast tə‿xƛ̓ut uł txrutm uł x̌iƛ̓m uł yəxʷmis iʔ‿knəsisxn̓ l̓‿nq̓aʔmíw̓sms iʔ‿k̓aʔk̓aʔqín̓xn̓s. (Girls would carry heavy rocks up hill, and let them drop between their legs as they walked.) 2. lut aksyəxʷmínm. (Don't drop it.) 4. cq̓ʷiłtm̓stn uł sʕasʕamín. (I was carrying them but I dropped them.)

14. knəsisxn̓- heavy rock reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm cq̓ʷiłtm̓sts iʔ‿nəsnʕast tə‿xƛ̓ut uł txrutm uł x̌iƛ̓m uł yəxʷmis iʔ‿knəsisxn̓ l̓‿nq̓aʔmíw̓sms iʔ‿k̓aʔk̓aʔqín̓xn̓s. (Girls would carry heavy rocks up hill, and let them drop between their legs as they walked.)

15. tkəłməlxʷil̓x- become a woman example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ tkəłməlxʷil̓x. (Now the girl was a woman.) 2. k̓ik̓m mi tkəłmlxʷil̓x ast̓m̓kʔíl̓t. (Your daughter is just about to turn into a woman.) 3. t̓iʔ tkəłmlxʷíl̓x ast̓m̓kʔíl̓tuł mutstxʷ. (As soon as your daugher turns into a woman you sit her down.)

16. nəqspin̓tk- one year example sentences: 1. uł nixʷ iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿xəxiw̓xw̓tm, nəqspin̓tk ksəck̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓stm. (Also at this time, some girls would do a whole year of training.) 2. k̓im nəqspin̓tk mi xƛ̓pnun ismam̓áyaʔm. (In just one year I'll be done with school.) 3. nəqspintk uł way ck̓łtl̓stim iʔ‿kʷl̓l̓kʷl̓al̓xʷ. (We wean the calves when they're one year old.)

17. ctəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsłəłaxʷ- simple dress example sentences: 1. iʔ‿l̓‿nəqspin̓tk iʔ‿ksk̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓sts, t̓iʔ ctəx̌ʷtəx̌ʷsłəłaxʷ uł yʕat słkʷəkʷʕast kscʕál̓xaʔx, uł ckʷil̓stnm naqs iʔ‿l̓‿naqs x̌iyáłnxʷ ła‿cyir̓ncút iʔ‿x̌iyáłnxʷ. (During the year of training, the girl had to dress in simple clothes, bathe each morning at dawn, and sweat at each full moon.)

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2. ła‿clʕaw̓stís iʔ‿łəłaxʷ łə‿kskʷil̓stnm̓s, cn̓lʕaʔíłc̓aʔ l̓‿təx̌ʷtəx̌ʷłəłaxʷs. (When she wears a dress to the sweat, she wears it with nothing on under the dress.) 3. t̓ítiym̓t łə‿słəkim̓m iʔ‿təx̌ʷtəx̌ʷłəłaxʷ. (It's easy to sew a simple dress.)

18. mutstm- make someone stay home example sentences: 1. put cmərim, lut ksknaqsts km itíʔ c̓x̌lwis tə‿knaqs. mutstm. (Until she married, the girl was not left alone or allowed to wander around alone.) 2. iʔ‿xixw̓tm t̓iʔ łəłx̌ʷum̓x uł way ksm̓utstm. (As soon as the girl gets her first menses we make her stay home.) 3. mutstm put taʔxʷł sx̌ílwiʔ mi sic xʷuy. (We have her stay home until she gets a husband then she can go.)

19. nt̓ixʷəxʷlcn- different voice singular: n̓t̓ixʷl̓cn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it mimáyt ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x nt̓ixʷəxʷlcn, n̓yul̓qnwil̓x uł t̓ixʷəxʷlm iʔ‿sqil̓tks. (Boys began their puberty training when their voices and bodies began to change.) 2. yʕat iʔ‿spəpl̓al cn̓t̓əxʷt̓ixʷəxʷl̓cn ła‿cłəłx̌um̓x. (All young boys voices change when they reach puberty.) 3. cn̓t̓ixʷl̓cn iʔ‿sixʷápmx ła‿cqʷl̓qʷil̓t. (The Shuswap speak a differnt dialect.)

20. n̓yul̓qnwíl̓x- low voice reduplication: n̓yl̓yul̓qnwíl̓x example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tw̓tw̓it mimáyt ła‿cłəłx̌ʷum̓x nt̓ixʷəxʷlcn, n̓yul̓qnwil̓x uł t̓ixʷəxʷlm iʔ‿sqil̓tks. (Boys began their puberty training when their voices and bodies began to change.) 2. iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ cn̓yl̓yul̓qnwíl̓x łə‿wi̓ʔsłəłx̌ʷúm̓xaʔx. (Men's voices become low after they pass puberty.) 3. iʔ‿scułm n̓yulqn ła‿cqʷl̓qʷil̓t. (The bulls voices are low when they beller.)

21. tqʷaʔqʷaʔlmínt- talk about something example sentences: 1. pn̓kin łə‿ksk̓ʷul̓sts iʔ‿tətw̓it ʔi ‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps naʔł iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ snqsilxʷs tqʷaʔqʷaʔl̓mísəl̓x ixíʔ uł k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓səl̓x. (The time to begin a boy's training was decided by his parents and by his other male relatives.) 2. pn̓kin mi tqʷaʔqʷaʔl̓mísəl̓x ? (When will they talk about it?) 3. ixíʔ iʔ‿kstqʷaʔqʷaʔl̓míntm. (That's what we're going to talk about.)

22. cʕal̓xíʔst- able to bathe reduplication: example sentences: 1. łə‿sʔistk cmʕasts iʔ‿sxʷuyn̓t ixíʔ mi cʕal̓xíʔst. (During the winter he broke the ice in order to be

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 75 able to bathe.) 2. tə‿sxʷʔits iʔ‿sqilxʷ q̓sápiʔ sk̓łʔim̓səl̓x kiʔ sic cʕacʕál. (There was so many people it took a long time before they could bathe.) 3. yʕat sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t cʕal̓xíʔst iʔ‿st̓aʔk̓míx. (Everyday the maiden is able to have a bath.)

23. tx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs- pile singular: tx̌ʷay̓qs example sentences: 1. pútiʔ łə‿k̓l̓‿wist, iʔ‿scúnnmaʔs, ksʔúluʔsəs iʔ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut uł tx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs itíʔ. (While he was in the mountains, the boy was told to carry big rocks and to put them into piles.) 2. n̓k̓sm̓ákaʔ tə‿tkəłmílxʷ, yʕat taʔkín̓ tx̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓qs iʔ‿stim̓s. (She's pretty sloppy with her stuff, she piles her stuff everywhere.) 3. k̓aʔkín̓ axáʔ mitx̌ʷay̓qn̓tm ? (Where shall we pile this stuff?)

24. tq̓y̓isxn̓- mark rocks reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ cún̓maʔs mi ctq̓y̓isxnm ła‿wiksts iʔ‿ksumíxs ilíʔ ła‿c̓x̌lwis k̓l̓‿wist. (Some families would instruct their son to make paintings on rocks if any spirit power came to them while they were in the mountains.) 2. k̓l̓‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ xʷʔit ilíʔ ctq̓y̓qy̓isxn. (Over in many creeks there is a lot of striped rocks.) 3. q̓sápiʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ ct̓qy̓isxnm cm̓ay̓stís iʔ‿caw̓ts. (Long ago people used to write on rocks to tell what they saw or did.)

25. ql̓tm̓xʷil̓x- become a man reduplication: example sentences: 1. ła‿cp̓lak̓ iʔ‿tətw̓it k̓l̓‿snqsilxʷs, ixíʔ ql̓tm̓xʷil̓x. (When a boy returned to his family, he was considered to be a man.) 2. ła‿cql̓tm̓xʷilx iʔ‿spəpl̓al ixíʔ ck̓ʷl̓iʔst t?‿scəcm̓álaʔ. (When boys get to be men their able to produce kids.) 3. ql̓tm̓xʷil̓x uł tałt kiʔ sisyús tə‿sql̓tmixʷ, txʷaʔxʷʔil̓t ! (He's quite a man he has lots of kids!.)

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12. cłəłx̌ʷúm̓xaʔx uł aʔ‿cw̓n̓cut A personal account from A Salishan Autobiography by Hmishməs (Christine Quintasket) sʔum̓s k̓am̓tísxn̓ sit on a rock ckʷín̓plaʔst / kʷín̓plaʔn̓t lead q̓əc̓łtim to braid n̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔn̓t roll around ears tqam touch txəl̓k̓łtim wrap for someone kc̓aw̓íw̓sn̓t wash someone's face mc̓ustn face paint cʕax̌ crimson red q̓ʷin̓p̓n̓t tuck / wrap something lisʕál shawl xʷy̓iʔst able to go k̓łxʷic̓xmn̓t send someone taqn̓t wave hand k̓łn̓xn̓ipn̓t close something k̓łqəmnal̓qsmn̓t put thing in clothes hʕawm̓st loosen something tl̓xʷiʔst have difficulty with something səxʷcún̓maʔm trainer ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm wipe hands ʔip̓sm wipe face p̓ay̓ús get wrinkled face mn̓min rub təqtaqt foolish taʔxʷsumíx get spiritual power smy̓may qipcm kiʔ kn‿łəłx̌ʷúm̓aʔx. kn‿k̓am̓tísxn̓ uł kn‿c̓qʷaqʷ, sit on a rock ałíʔ kn‿n̓x̌ił uł lut in̓x̌mínk ikscúnm in̓túm. kn‿łn̓kxam ckʷín̓plaʔstn in̓kwáp. t̓iʔ kn‿ʔupn̓kst uł ʔasíl spin̓tk. ilíʔ sic lead

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 77 kn‿kicx, in̓túm kʷu‿cus, "xʷuy̓x k̓ʷixʷn̓tkwáp an̓ ʕapnáʔ !" uł kʷu‿cus lut nixʷ ikstk̓ítl̓xmnm put kn‿łx̌stwil̓x. cus aʔ‿cq̓il̓t x̌aʔx̌áʔ tə‿tkəłmilxʷ uł cm x̌n̓um̓t iʔ‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáxaʔ. kʷu‿k̓ʷul̓s in̓túm. kʷu‿təxn̓tis uł kʷu‿q̓əc̓łtis in̓qəpqín̓tn braid uł kʷu‿n̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔs t‿isq̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínaʔ. kn‿txʷarkstm ikstqám roll around ears; in̓qəpqín̓tn, kʷu‿cus, "lut akstqám an̓qəpqín̓tn cm ƛ̓lap ła‿cplal. touch k̓ʷul̓mn̓t iʔ‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ ł‿aksqəsqínm." kʷu‿txəl̓k̓łtis in̓qəpqín̓tn scratch head; tə‿síp̓iʔ ixíʔ mi lut ksk̓ʷixʷəxʷs l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t ʔilí ksəcʕacs. wrap kʷu‿kc̓aw̓íw̓səs uł kʷu‿miƛ̓łts isk̓ʷƛ̓úsə t ‿tul̓mn mc̓ustn. wash face; face kʷu‿xʷic̓xts tə‿síp̓iʔ qʷəqʷʔípaʔ ilíʔ cn̓qmin səp̓síp̓iʔxn, skm̓xist paint sq̓ʷuct, tə‿cʕax̌ tul̓mn uł sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ stəxmin. kʷu‿ʕacłtís tə‿síp̓iʔ crimson red sk̓łyir̓cín uł kʷu‿q̓ʷin̓p̓s iʔ‿tə‿lisʕál. kʷu‿səp̓síp̓iʔxs tə‿səcsic wrap: shawl tə‿səp̓síp̓iʔxn, ixíʔ kn‿way. way kn‿x̌cmn̓cut kn‿knaqs kn‿ksxʷúyaʔx k̓l̓‿wist. k̓ik̓m ksn̓tx̌ʷəx̌ʷqin̓s kiʔ kn‿xʷy̓iʔst, n̓tx̌ʷəx̌ʷqin ckicxł able to go in̓místm. qʷaʔl̓stwíxʷ in̓ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌ap, cut in̓místm way q̓sápiʔ ƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔn̓tín iksúmix uł lut pn̓kin ckakícstn. n̓stil̓s lut x̌ast kʷu‿k̓łxʷic̓xm̓s k̓l̓‿wist. n̓stil̓s ixíʔ tan̓mús, ixíʔ q̓sápiʔ send someone ta‿n̓k̓ʷul̓mn uł caʔkʷ iʔ‿sqilxʷ caʔkʷ misc̓x̌íł tə‿sámaʔ iʔ‿n̓k̓ʷul̓mn̓s. in̓tum lut t̓a‿c̓int. k̓łʔim̓s wiʔsqʷl̓qʷil̓t, sic kʷu‿taqs lkʷil̓xəx. k̓łnxn̓ipn iʔ‿k̓łn̓k̓mip uł kn‿qal̓wítm ta‿ck̓l̓‿wist. wave hand; close kn‿ʔilxʷt, kn‿tixʷm tə‿smúkʷaʔxn, ksərn̓tin uł kn‿kʷukʷscút. łə‿k̓łkicn iʔ‿yixʷútm̓s iʔ‿wist kn‿ckm̓am tə‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut uł k̓łqəmnal̓qsmn. xʷus kn‿x̌ƛ̓mus lut isƛ̓láp put k̓ik̓m kn‿qilt sic kn‿ƛ̓lap. ixíʔ sic hʕawm̓stn in̓yiq̓íp uł yəxʷmin put thing in aʔ‿cxʔit iʔ‿xƛ̓ut. kn‿łə‿taʔxʷsqʷsqʷsiʔ c̓x̌ił itíʔ ła‿cxʷuy. in̓cá clothes; loosten kn‿cqicl̓x. kn‿łə‿qil̓t uł yəxʷmin iʔ‿sʔasíls tə‿xƛ̓ut uł cun, "c̓x̌ił atáʔ łə‿cʔácqaʔ in̓təxʷsíl̓tn. lut pn̓kin ikstl̓xʷíʔst kn‿łə‿tk̓ʷil̓tm." have trouble itlíʔ k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓n iʔ‿kʷu‿ccún̓maʔsts in̓túm uł isəxʷcún̓maʔm. trainer kn‿łə‿kc̓aw̓íw̓smc l̓‿ əcw̓íxaʔ, tə‿qʷil̓cn kn‿ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm, kn‿ʔip̓sm wipe hands; wipe mi lut ikstqám isk̓ʷƛ̓ús. ałíʔ cm kn‿t̓ʔik̓ uł way kn‿p̓ay̓ús. face puxʷn ta‿ck̓l̓‿sk̓ʷƛ̓ptan uł cun, "k̓ʷl̓n̓cutn, húmaʔ t̓iʔ kn‿x̌as uł wrinkled face kn‿xʷaʔspín̓tk." mn̓min in̓kl̓kíl̓x naʔł isc̓uʔc̓uʔxán tə‿qʷil̓cn, puxn rub k̓l̓‿x̌iyáłnxʷ, k̓l̓‿n̓k̓m̓k̓am̓qn̓sʕ isc aw̓ʕaw̓íkst uł iscʕaw̓ʕaw̓xán. kn‿k̓ʕaʔn̓cút niʕ̓áy̓p kn‿k̓ʷəck̓ʷact. lut ctəqstin in̓qəpqín̓tn kmax

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 78 iʔ‿tə‿stəxmin. łkʷəkʷʕast kn‿k̓ʷl̓kstmist, kn‿cʕal̓x l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ. lim̓tmn, k̓ʕaʔxtn iʔ‿x̌iyáłnxʷ ck̓łk̓ʷƛ̓ap, kn‿mut cʕac̓stn, n̓wəswisl̓xstn isk̓m̓k̓m̓áx̌n k̓l̓‿cniłc. pútiʔ kn‿łə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷiml̓t, iʔ‿sqilxʷ n̓stil̓s miyáł təqtaqt foolish łə‿ksk̓łxʷic̓xm̓s iʔ‿sqʷsqʷsiʔs t̓iʔ knaqs. ʔay̓xáxaʔ iʔ‿q̓ʷy̓q̓ʷʕay̓l̓qs naʔł iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sm̓sámaʔ ʔaw̓típn̓tm tə‿sqilxʷ uł lut nixʷ cxʷuy̓sts ʔi ‿nk̓ʷul̓mn̓səl̓x. iʔ‿tl̓‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aptət, lut t̓a‿c̓kin̓m put ʔapn̓kstásq̓t ksk̓ʷul̓sts mi sic way. ła‿ccún̓n̓maʔ. in̓cá kn‿tl̓xʷiʔst, lut istaʔxʷsumíx. get spiritual power sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. səxkinx uł c̓qʷaqʷ Hmishməs ? 2. stim iʔ‿ckʷín̓plaʔsts Hmishməs ? 3. k̓ʷnxspin̓tk Hmishməs ła‿łəłx̌ʷúm̓aʔx ? 4. əc̓in̓stm Hmishməs łə‿kicx k̓l̓‿citxʷ tə‿tum̓s ? 5. səxkinx uł lut nixʷ kstk̓ítl̓xm̓s iʔ‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔs Hmishməs ? 6. swit iʔ‿k̓ʷul̓s Hmishməs ? 7. c̓kin k̓ʷul̓n̓tm Hmishməs iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s tə‿tum̓s ? 8. c̓kin mi qəsqinm Hmishməs ? 9. tə‿stim txəl̓k̓łtimʔ i ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s Hmishməs ? 10. tə‿stim miƛ̓łtm ʔi ‿sk̓ʷƛ̓usts Hmishməs ? 11. stim iʔ‿xʷic̓xtm Hmishməs tə‿tum̓s ? 12. stim ilíʔ l̓‿qʷəqʷʔípaʔ iʔ‿xʷic̓łtm ət ‿tum̓tm̓s ? 13. tə‿stim ʕacłtim Hmishməs tə‿tum̓s ? 14. tə‿stim q̓ʷin̓pn̓tm Hmishməs ? 15. k̓aʔkín ksxʷúyaʔx Hmishməs ? 16. l̓‿k̓ʷinx kiʔ łckicx Hmishməs iʔ‿mistm̓s ? 17. səxkinx uł qʷaʔl̓stwíxʷ Hmishməs iʔ‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓aps ? 18. l̓‿scn̓til̓s Hmishməs iʔ‿mistm̓s, caʔkʷ misc̓x̌íłə t ‿stim iʔ‿n̓k̓ʷul̓mn̓s iʔ‿sqilxʷ ? 19. əc̓in̓stm iʔ‿mistm̓s ət ‿tum̓s ? 20. stim iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s Hmishməs ? 21. stim aʔ‿c̓kists Hmishməs łə‿k̓łkics iʔ‿yixʷútm̓sʔ i ‿wist ? 22. səxkinx uł Hmishməs yəxʷmis iʔ‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut ? 23. łə‿kc̓aw̓íw̓sm, tə‿stim ʔap̓ʔip̓kstm, ʔip̓sm Hmishməs ? 24. tə‿stim mn̓min̓s iʔ‿kl̓kil̓xs naʔł sc̓uʔc̓uʔxáns Hmishməs ? 25. łkʷəkʷʕast, stim aʔ‿c̓kists Hmishməs ? 26. stim iʔ‿lim̓tm̓s, k̓ʕaʔxts Hmishməs ? 27. łə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷiml̓t Hmishməs, stim n̓stil̓s iʔ‿sqilxʷ l̓‿ksk̓łxʷic̓xm̓s iʔ‿sqʷsqʷsiʔs t̓iʔ knaqs ? 28. ʔay̓xáxaʔ, swit iʔ‿ʔaw̓tipn̓tm tə‿sqilxʷ ? 29. iʔ‿tl̓‿ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aps Hmishməs, k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t ksk̓ʷul̓sts aʔ‿cłəłx̌ʷúmaʔx ? 30. ha taʔxʷsumíx Hmishməs ? səxkinx km səxkinx uł lut ?

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 79 skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. kc̓aw̓íw̓s / kc̓aw̓íw̓sn̓t- to wash face in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿səckc̓aw̓i̓wsx ? (lut)

2. ha p‿skc̓aw̓íwsaʔx ? (kiw)

3. ha ƛ̓m kc̓aw̓íw̓səl̓x ? (lútiʔ)

4. ha yʕat sx̌l̓x̌ʕal̓t ckc̓aw̓íw̓stxʷ iʔ‿scəcmálaʔ ? (kiw)

5. səxkinx uł kc̓aw̓íw̓səs iʔ‿kəkwápaʔs ? (taʔpús)

6. uc kʷu‿akskc̓aw̓íw̓sm ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

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kc̓aw̓íw̓sn̓t- to wash someone's face in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿kc̓aw̓íw̓səs ? (asx̌ílwiʔ)

2. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿kc̓aw̓íw̓sn̓tm ? (tum̓tm̓p)

3. ha kc̓aw̓íw̓słəm̓səl̓x ? (kiw)

4. uc x̌minkm̓p kskc̓aw̓íw̓słəm̓t ? (lut)

5. swit iʔ‿kc̓aw̓íw̓sn̓ts ? (in̓kəkwápaʔ)

6. ha kc̓aw̓íw̓słəm̓s iʔ‿pətwínaʔx ? (kiw)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. k̓am̓tísxn̓- sit on a rock example sentences: 1. kn‿k̓am̓tísxn̓ uł kn‿c̓qʷaqʷ, ałíʔ kn‿n̓x̌ił uł lut in̓x̌mínk ikscúnm in̓túm. (I sat down on a boulder and cried, because I was scared to tell my mother about it.) 2. kʷu‿x̌ƛ̓x̌i···ƛ̓m uł kʷu‿ʔay̓ʔay̓x̌ʷt, ilíʔ kʷu‿tkʷlw̓tisxn kʷu‿miłəm. (We climbed the hill and got tired so we sat on the rocks and rested.)

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3. sk̓łʔimx kiʔ ik̓líʔ k̓am̓tísxn. (He's waiting and that's why he's sitting on the rock.)

2. n̓kxam- walk / go along reduplication: n̓kxkxam example sentences: 1. kn‿łn̓kxam ckʷín̓plaʔstn in̓kwáp. (I walked home leading my pony.) 2. kʷu‿n̓kxkxam uł kʷu‿yʕap k̓l̓‿taw̓n. (We walked on the road and got to town.) 3. ha kʷ‿skxmíxaʔx ik̓líʔ ? (Are you going to walk over there?)

3. ckʷín̓plaʔstn / kʷínplaʔnt- lead example sentences: 1. kn‿łn̓kxam ckʷín̓plaʔstn in̓kwáp. (I walked home leading my pony.) 2. ʕacmn̓wíxʷnt an̓kw̓áp mi tkʷn̓kʷín̓plaʔn̓t k̓‿an̓t̓m̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (Tie your horses together and lead them to your country.) 3. cm kn‿łə‿knm̓pqin t̓iʔ kʷu‿ckʷín̓plaʔstsəl̓x. (When I go blind they will be leading me around.)

4. q̓əc̓ltim / q̓əc̓an̓t- to braid reduplication: q̓əc̓q̓c̓łtim example sentences: 1. kʷu‿təxntis uł kʷu‿q̓əc̓ltis in̓qəpqín̓tn uł kʷu‿n̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔs t‿isq̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínaʔ. (She combed my hair and braided it tightly into two knots above my ears.) 2. isw̓aw̓ásaʔ kʷu‿q̓əc̓q̓c̓łtim iʔ‿qəpqín̓tn̓tət. (My auntie would braid our hair.) 3. x̌sʕ̓ác̓əc̓ iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ła‿cq̓əc̓stísəl̓x iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s tə‿samáʔ sq̓ac̓. (When women french braid their hair it looks nice.)

5. n̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔ- rolled over the ears singular: n̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔ example sentences: 1. kʷu‿təxntis uł kʷu‿q̓əc̓ltis in̓qəpqín̓tn uł kʷu‿n̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔs t‿isq̓əc̓q̓əc̓pínaʔ. (She combed my hair and braided it tightly into two knots above my ears.) 2. iʔ‿kʷal̓t ‿t an̓qʷácqn cn̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔ. (That warm hat you got has ear flaps.) 3. in̓kəkwápaʔ cn̓p̓l̓p̓l̓k̓ínaʔ. (My dog has hanging ears.)

6. tqam- to touch reduplication: tqtqam example sentences: 1. kn‿txʷarkstm ikstqám in̓qəpqín̓tn, kʷu‿cus, "lut akstqám an̓qəpqín̓tn cm ƛ̓lap ła‿cplal." (I reached up to touch my hair, but she told me, Don't touch your hair. You will stop it from growing.) 2. ła‿ck̓aʕəm iʔ‿sqilxʷ ctqtqaməl̓x. (When some people pray they make the sign of the cross.) 3. lut yʕat stim aksctqám. (You don't touch everything.)

7. qəsqinm- scratch the head reduplication: qsqsqinm N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 82 example sentences: 1. k̓ʷul̓mnt iʔ‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ ł‿aksqəsqínm." (Use a stick when you want to scratch your head.) 2. kłqʷtətíx̌ʷaʔ uł qsqsqinm. ( they get lousy and they scratch their heads) 3. kn‿papúłaʔqn uł kn‿sw̓páyaʔqn uł kn‿cqəsqinm. (I get dandruff and my head itches so I scratch my head.)

8. txəl̓k̓łtim / txəl̓k̓an̓t / txəl̓k̓am- tie up for someone reduplication: txəl̓xəl̓k̓łtim example sentences: 1. kʷu‿txəl̓k̓łtis in̓qəpqín̓tn tə‿síp̓iʔ ixíʔ mi lut ksk̓ʷixʷəxʷs l̓‿ʔapn̓kstásq̓t ilíʔ ksəcʕacs. (She tied my braids with buckskin strings so they would not come loose during the next ten days.) 2. txəl̓xəl̓k̓łtim l̓‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ iʔ‿skʕ̓acíw̓stsəl̓x. (We tied their flags to a stick.) 3. ctxəl̓xəl̓k̓łtis iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s tə‿sp̓əp̓c̓níc̓aʔ. (They wrap cloth around his braids.)

9. kc̓aw̓íw̓snt- wash someone's face example sentences: 1. kʷu‿kc̓aw̓íw̓səs uł kʷu‿miƛ̓łts isk̓ʷƛ̓ús tə‿tul̓mn mc̓ustn. (She washed my face and painted it with a red earth paint.) 2. kc̓aw̓íw̓snt asqʷsqwsíʔ miyáł łaʕ̓y̓s. ( wash your kids face its to dirty) 3. kc̓aw̓íw̓sm uł mc̓usm mi sic pʕasm. (She washes her face then puts lotion on then she powders her face.)

10. mc̓ustn- face paint reduplication: mc̓mc̓ustn example sentences: 1. kʷu‿kc̓aw̓íw̓səs uł kʷu‿miƛ̓łts isk̓ʷƛ̓ús tə‿tul̓mn mc̓ustn. (She washed my face and painted it with a red earth paint.) 2. xʷʔusm iʔ‿mc̓mc̓ustn̓s. (She has a variety of face creams.) 3. tə‿k̓ʷsixʷ sq̓ʷuct km skm̓xist sq̓ʷuct kaʔ cmc̓usm km mc̓áyaʔqnm iʔ‿sqilxʷ. (People used goose grease or bear grease to put their hair or to put on their faces.)

11. cʕax̌- crimson red example sentences: 1. kʷu‿xʷic̓xts ət ‿síp̓iʔ qʷəqʷʔípaʔ ilíʔ cn̓qmin səp̓síp̓iʔxn, skm̓xist sq̓ʷuct, tə‿cʕax̌ tul̓mn uł sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ stəxmin. (She gave me a little buckskin bag with an extra pair of moccasins, bear grease, some red face paint, and a wooden comb.) 2. iʔ‿túl̓mən t̓iʔ cʕax̌ itíʔ kaʔ cmíƛ̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿sk̓ʷƛ̓ustsəl̓x. (Red ochre is what they used to paint their faces.) 3. aʔ‿cknaqs iʔ‿təkłmilxʷ cmiƛ̓sts tə‿cʕax̌ iʔ‿sn̓k̓łłiw̓sts iʔ‿qəpqin̓tn̓s ixíʔ uł yʕat swit cmistís knaqs. (A sinqle woman paints the part of her hair that shows everyone that she is single.)

12. q̓ʷinp̓n̓t- tuck / wrap

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 83 reduplication: q̓ʷn̓q̓ʷin̓p̓n̓t example sentences: 1. kʷu‿ʕacłtís ət ‿síp̓iʔ sk̓łyir̓cín, uł kʷu‿q̓ʷin̓p̓s iʔ‿tə‿lisʕál. (She tied a buckskin cape around my neck, and she wrapped a shawl around my shoulders.) 2. q̓ʷn̓q̓ʷin̓p̓n̓t asəc̓síc̓m mi lut aksx̌ʕap. (Tuck in your blankets so you don't get any draft.) 3. q̓ʷin̓p̓n̓t asqʷsqʷsíʔ tə‿sic̓m mi lut ksk̓iy̓ts. (Wrap a blanket around your child so she dosen't get cold.)

13. lisʕál- shawl reduplication: lislisʕal example sentences: 1. kʷu‿ʕacłtís ət ‿síp̓iʔ sk̓łyir̓cín, uł kʷu‿q̓ʷin̓p̓s iʔ‿tə‿lisʕál. (She tied a buckskin cape around my neck, and she wrapped a shawl around my shoulders.) 2. xʷʔit iʔ‿lislisʕal ła‿ck̓ʷul̓m ixíʔ cxʷc̓xʷíc̓xm̓sts ła‿cnixʷám. (She makes a lot of shawls she gives them away at the winter dance.) 3. wəswisxn iʔ‿str̓ars iʔ‿lisʕál ixíʔ mi xʷist uł c̓x̌ił w̓aw̓il̓l. (The shawl has long strings hanging so when she walks its like she sways.)

14. xʷy̓iʔst- able to go example sentences: 1. k̓ik̓m ksn̓tx̌ʷəx̌ʷqin̓s kiʔ kn‿xʷy̓iʔst, n̓təx̌ʷqin əłckicx inmístm. (It was almost noon when I was leaving, and my father came home for lunch.) 2. kłcw̓caw̓t kiʔ xʷy̓iʔst kłq̓aʔáʔ iʔ‿n̓qəqy̓xʷúpaʔs. (She had a hard time to get ready to go her little car was loaded to the max.) 3. ha cm kʷ‿xʷy̓iʔst. (Are you going to be able to go?)

15. k̓łxʷic̓xmn̓t- send someone somewhere reduplication: k̓łxʷic̓xʷíc̓xmn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓stil̓s lut x̌ast kʷu‿k̓łxʷic̓xm̓s k̓l̓‿wist. (He thought it was wrong to send me into the mountains.) 2. ha k̓łxʷic̓xʷíc̓xmn̓txʷ iʔ‿scq̓ay̓səl̓x. (Did you send their orders in?) 3. axáʔ iksk̓łxʷíc̓xmnm k̓l̓‿ist̓m̓kʔíl̓t. (I'm going to send this to my daughter.)

16. k̓łn̓xn̓ipn̓t- close something reduplication: k̓łn̓xn̓xn̓ipn̓t example sentences: 1. k̓łnxn̓ipn iʔ‿k̓łn̓k̓mip, uł kn‿qal̓wítm ta‿ck̓l̓‿wist. (I closed the door, and started walking toward the mountains.) 2. itíʔ kʷ‿łə‿ksx̌an k̓łn̓xn̓xn̓ipn̓t iʔ‿kłn̓k̓m̓k̓mip. (As you pass close all the gates.) 3. way k̓łn̓xn̓n̓ip iʔ‿sn̓tw̓mistn. (The store is closed.)

17. k̓łqəmnal̓qsmn̓t- put things inside of clothes

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 84 reduplication: kłqəmqəmnal̓qsmn̓t example sentences: 1. łə‿k̓łkicn iʔ‿yixʷútm̓s iʔ‿wist kn‿ckm̓am tə‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut uł k̓łqəmnal̓qsmn. (When I got to the bottom of the mountain, I picked up two rocks and put them inside my dress above the belt.) 2. kakícn iʔ‿skʷumcn̓s iʔ‿ʔaʔísc̓k̓ uł kłqəmqəmnal̓qsmn iʔ‿q̓íp̓xʷaʔ. (I found a squirrel's cache and I put the nuts under my shirt.) 3. aʔ‿cnaq̓ʷ tl̓‿sn̓tw̓mistn ck̓łqəmnál̓qsmsts iʔ‿scnaq̓ʷs. (When someone steals from the store he puts it under his clothing.)

18. hʕawm̓st- to loosen something reduplication: hʕaw̓hʕáwm̓st example sentences: 1. ixíʔ sic hʕawm̓stn in̓yiq̓íp uł yəxʷmin aʔ‿cxʔit iʔ‿xƛ̓ut, kn‿łə‿taʔxʷł sqʷsqʷsiʔ c̓x̌ił itíʔ łə‿cxʷuy, in̓cá kn‿cqicəlx. (Then, I loosened my belt and let the first rock drop, saying, when I have children, that is the way they will come, with me on the run.) 2. kʷ‿ła‿cq̓ʷiłt hʕaw̓hʕáwm̓st iʔ‿k̓łc̓n̓mʕal̓stn. (When you pack loosen their cinches once in a while.) 3. kn‿ʔiłn uł kn‿mq̓in̓k way ikshʕawm̓stm in̓yiq̓íp. (I ate so much and am so full I have to loosen my belt́)

19. tl̓xʷiʔst- have trouble / able to have difficulties reduplication: tl̓tl̓xʷiʔst example sentences: 1. lut pn̓kin ikstl̓xʷíʔst kn‿łə‿tk̓ʷil̓tm. (I will never have trouble bearing my children.) 2. k̓aw̓spíx̌məl̓x uł tl̓tl̓xʷiʔst lut t̓ʕapáməl̓x. (They went hunting and failed to shoot anything.) 3. til̓xʷn ł‿ikscxʷúystm. (I had trouble getting it here.)

20. səxʷcún̓maʔm- trainer reduplication: example sentences: 1. itlíʔ k̓ʷak̓ʷúl̓n iʔ‿kʷu‿ccún̓maʔsts in̓túm uł isəxʷcún̓maʔm. (I continued to follow the teachings of my mother and my trainer.) 2. yʕayʕát iʔ‿səxʷcún̓maʔm k̓l̓‿spəpl̓al. (Trainers are hard to come by for training youg boys.)

21. ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm- wipe hands reduplication: example sentences: 1. kn‿łə‿kc̓aw̓íw̓sm l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ, tə‿qʷil̓cn kn‿ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm, kn‿ʔip̓sm mi lut ikstqám isk̓ʷƛ̓ús. (When I washed my face in the creek, I used fir boughs to dry off so my hands did not touch my face.) 2. kn‿kc̓aw̓íw̓kstm uł kn‿łət̓łʕat̓kst kn‿ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm uł x̌ʷw̓x̌ʷw̓ikst. (I washed my hands and my hands were wet, I wiped my hands and my hands are dry.) 3. ilíʔ kłʔíp̓stn. (There are towels there.)

22. ʔip̓sm- wipe face

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 85 reduplication: ʔap̓ʔíp̓sm example sentences: 1. kn‿łə‿kc̓aw̓íw̓sm l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ, tə‿qʷil̓cn kn‿ʔap̓ʔíp̓kstm, kn‿ʔip̓sm mi lut ikstqám isk̓ʷƛ̓ús. (When I washed my face in the creek, I used fir boughs to dry off so my hands did not touch my face.) 2. yʕat iʔ‿scəcm̓alaʔ ʔap̓ʔíp̓sm. (All the children wipe their faces.) 3. tałt kiʔ kʷ‿kskʷal̓t. axáʔ ʔip̓stn, ʔip̓sx. (You're really sweating. Here's a towel. Wipe your face.)

23. p̓ay̓ús- wrinkled face reduplication: example sentences: 1. ałíʔ cm kn‿t̓ʔik̓ uł way kn‿p̓ay̓ús. (Otherwise I would get wrinkles on my face at a young age.) 2. k̓ik̓m mi ckicx isp̓ay̓ús sqlaw̓. (My pension will be here soon.) 3. kn‿k̓íwl̓x uł kn‿p̓ay̓ús. (I'm old and wrinkled.)

24. min̓t- rub something reduplication: mn̓min̓n̓t example sentences: 1. mn̓min in̓kl̓kíl̓x naʔł isc̓uʔc̓uʔxán tə‿qʷil̓cn, puxn k̓l̓‿x̌iyáłnxʷ, k̓l̓‿n̓k̓m̓k̓am̓qn̓s iscʕaw̓ʕaw̓íkst uł iscʕaw̓ʕaw̓xán. (I rubbed my hands and feet with green branches, blowing first to the sun and then to my finger tips and toes, praying they would stay strong.) 2. kn‿n̓ckʷcəkʷəkʷiłxn uł mn̓min̓n tə‿ʕ̓ayúʔ isc̓uʔc̓uʔxán. (I got the cramps so I rubbed some chocolate tip on my feet.) 3. húmaʔ kʷ‿ismínłtm asn̓k̓míkn. (Excuse me, let me rub your back.)

25. təqtaqt- foolish reduplication: example sentences: 1. pútiʔ kn‿łə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷiml̓t, iʔ‿sqilxʷ n̓stil̓s miyáł təqtaqt łə‿ksk̓łxʷic̓xm̓s iʔ‿sqʷsqʷsiʔs t̓iʔ knaqs. (During my childhood, people were just beginning to think that it was foolish to send children out alone.) 2. ixíʔ tə‿stəqta̓qts uł kl̓kil̓s iʔ‿sn̓txʷústs. (She was so foolish she chased her cousin around.) 3. iʔ‿n̓ml̓k̓ʷápáʔst uníxʷ təqtaqt cxʷuy uł kl̓kil̓s, k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔn̓tís uł tr̓tr̓qn̓tis iʔ‿sm̓um̓cxn mi sic łnis. (That stud is a really foolish horse. He comes and chases, chews and kicks the mare then he's gone again.)

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13. stxət̓sqáx̌aʔm uł səxʷk̓ʷan̓łqm: sƛ̓əxʷsqáx̌aʔ tə‿skəkʕákaʔ sʔum̓s qʷaʔmín̓t get used to tkʷin̓xnm take by the leg km̓km̓xan̓t grab by feet xlmin ax txʷuymn̓t come up on kʷn̓niʔst able to catch kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓t pluck cn̓taʔkʷítkʷ hot water tlap tear p̓ʕac̓ a squirt sc̓kam second cym̓yum̓l̓xst move something around spum̓t feathers n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t lay in water cn̓c̓axʷ poured kil̓wíc̓aʔ tub / barrel ck̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm make soup kłtk̓ʷan̓t put down on something nk̓ək̓nun̓t manage to cut cyirák̓ʷək̓ʷ curve n̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓t pull out guts k̓łk̓am̓s edge ʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓t tie the throat ckaʕ̓acmnwíxʷ tie together spiw̓pw lungs m̓t̓ʕas kidney n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓t wash inside n̓ʔiłn̓tn gullet n̓p̓rq̓ʷusn̓t turn inside out n̓pl̓kʷus neck broken / head broken off smy̓may

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Pilaʔsís kspl̓sqáx̌aʔx tə‿skəkʕákaʔ uł iʔ‿sn̓txʷusts Wpcin kskn̓xitm. lut pn̓kin t̓a‿cpl̓sqáx̌aʔm uł k̓in̓t.

P- ha kʷ‿k̓in̓t? W- way t̓aw̓nínaʔxʷ, lut pn̓kin kn‿t̓a‿cpl̓sqáx̌aʔm. get used to P- lut t̓əxʷ t̓ə‿k̓ast, ʔay̓xáxaʔ qʷaʔmín̓txʷ. W- kn‿n̓musl̓s ʔt̓i x̌ast ikłcáw̓t. P- way cm t̓iʔ kʷ‿x̌ast. hahúy, kʷu‿k̓aw̓sʕ̓ac̓m iʔ‿sn̓kəkʕákaʔtn. k̓l̓‿sn̓kəkʕákaʔtn... take by the leg P- anwí n̓ʔułxʷəxʷ uł kʷ‿ctkʷin̓xnm tə‿naqs skəkʕákaʔ uł grab by feet kʷu‿cxʷic̓łt. km̓km̓xan̓t łə‿cxʷuy̓stxʷ. nínwiʔs ckʷin ax tl̓‿anwí uł n̓k̓t̓usn iʔ‿tə‿xlmin. lut an̓x̌mínk kʷu‿cy̓aʔy̓áx̌aʔstxʷ, xʷuy̓x łƛ̓aʔmíx ət ‿naqs skəkʕákaʔ. W- hahúy, ha yʕayʕát axáʔ ksƛ̓xʷn̓tim ? P- ki, iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ aʔ‿ct̓pam k̓ałʔíp iʔ‿sn̓ilíʔtn̓s. lut miyáł come up on; able akskl̓kílm ! tl̓‿sʔiw̓ts txʷuymn̓t kʷ‿łə‿kłaʔám kʷniʔútyaʔst ! to catch W- kn‿kʷn̓niʔst tə‿naqs ! axáʔ. P- x̌ast asck̓ʷúl.

ʔay̓xáxaʔ... pluck P- way ixíʔ put. kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm, xʷk̓ʷn̓tim mi sic kʷu‿łƛ̓xʷam. uc way k̓ʷƛ̓pusʔ i ‿siw̓łkʷ W- lúti. hot water; tear P- x̌ast, ałíʔ miyáł ła‿cn̓taʔkʷítkʷ iʔ‿síp̓iʔs tlap a squirt łə‿kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm. nínwiʔs cúnmaʔn̓tsn xkistxʷ. naqs p̓ʕac̓ tl̓‿kc̓aw̓ʔíw̓stn k̓l̓‿siw̓łkʷ ułn̓ʔax̌líkstmn̓t. ʕapnáʔ ckʷnim put in water tl̓‿skəkʕákaʔ ckm̓km̓xan̓t uł n̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓t l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ second; move tə‿siw̓łkʷ. ilíʔ mat k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓kam uł cym̓yum̓l̓xst, feathers n̓ƛ̓aʔqitkʷn̓t, mi łaʕ̓at̓ yʕat iʔ‿spum̓ts. W- ahw ! kn‿c̓w̓kikst ! P- txt̓mistx, cix̌cəx̌t iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ ! háhuy, n̓ckʷitkʷn̓t uł n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t lay in water; l̓‿n̓c̓ałt siw̓łkʷ ʔa ‿cn̓c̓axʷ l̓‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi lut ksp̓y̓aqs iʔ‿síp̓iʔs. poured; tub

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x̌ast asck̓ʷúl̓, ixíʔ mi kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm.


P- háhuy, ʕapnáʔ n̓tlin̓kn̓tm. nax̌m̓ł cxʔit k̓łnək̓nik̓łtm iʔ‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s W- ha stim c̓kistxʷ iʔ‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s. P- lut in̓cá, nax̌m̓ł cxʷic̓łtn ixíʔ islx̌lax̌t iʔ‿span̓yál. x̌minksəl̓x ck̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm tl̓‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán. ha kʷ‿kłnik̓mn ? make soup W- ki, uł taʔlí x̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓t. P- x̌ast. k̓łnək̓nik̓łtn aʔ‿cxʔit iʔ‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s, sic anwí iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t. itlíʔ....

P- háhuy, ʕapnáʔ n̓tlin̓kn̓tm. W- tlaʔkín mi k̓ʷul̓n̓tm ? P- kʷu‿cxʷic̓xt tə‿naqs skəkʕákaʔ uł anwí kʷ‿ckʷnim uł kʷ‿x̌ilm ət ‿in̓cá W- kʷin̓t axáʔ P- háhuy, kłtk̓ʷan̓t aláʔ l̓‿latáp iʔ‿tkmax̌ʷc̓ks tqil̓tk. cxʔit put down on nik̓úʔsn̓tm tl̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks uł k̓l̓‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s. something W- c̓kin̓ iʔ‿ksnixʷúts iksník̓m? P- lut taʔlí ksnixʷúts cm nk̓ək̓nun̓txʷ iʔ‿sqʷəqʷłmusts. ki, way manage to cut x̌ast. ʕapnáʔ, nik̓n̓txʷ ta‿ck̓l̓‿sn̓p̓uʔtn̓s, nax̌m̓ł iʔ‿lútiʔ aksník̓m. W- ʕapnáʔ stim̓? P- ʕapnáʔ kʷ‿n̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm uł n̓tlin̓kn̓t. tqil̓tk an̓kílx, laʔkín cyirák̓ʷək̓ʷ k̓ay̓xʷút, ixíʔ uł n̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓t. curve; pull out W- ha yʕayʕát iksn̓tlín̓km ? guts P- ilíʔ way stx̌ʷiw̓tx tl̓‿k̓łk̓am̓s iʔ‿latáp. pútiʔ əckʕaʔác edge tl̓‿n̓k̓mil̓psts uł k̓l̓‿sn̓p̓uʔtn̓s. W- háhuy. nixʷ stim̓? P- ʕapnáʔ ʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓tm uł n̓k̓t̓usn. ha nik̓n̓txʷ? tie the throat W- ki. P- ʕapnáʔ nik̓n̓t c̓x̌ił t‿in̓cá. səck̓łnik̓łtm iʔ‿syupsts uł iʔ‿n̓p̓uʔtn̓s t̓iʔ ilíʔ ckaʕ̓acmnwíxʷ. łə‿nik̓n̓txʷ, ilíʔ uł n̓yaxʷt tie together

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iʔ‿l̓‿an̓łkáp. W- háhuy, way n̓yaxʷt l̓‿łkap. P- x̌ast asck̓ʷúl. ʕapnáʔ kʷin̓tm iʔ‿spuʔús, spiw̓pw naʔł lungs m̓t̓ʕasts. kʷ‿n̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm uł ckm̓n̓tixʷ. iʔ‿spiw̓pw naʔł m̓t̓ʕas kidneys ckc̓ap̓q̓ l̓‿c̓k̓iłps, nax̌m̓ł aksn̓tlín̓km. ʕapnáʔ n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓t wash inside tə‿siw̓łkʷ. W- ha ixíʔ way, ha wy̓stim axáʔ iʔ‿ʔasíl ? P- lut, ʕapnáʔ x̌ʷil̓łtm iʔ‿n̓ʔiłn̓tn̓s. t̓iʔx̌ílx t‿in̓cá uł nik̓x taʔkín gullet kiʔ kn‿nik̓m. n̓p̓rq̓ʷusn̓t put n̓pl̓kʷus sic n̓nik̓sn̓t laʔkín kiʔ turn inside out; x̌ʷc̓ap. neck broken W- ha way sic kʷu‿wy̓way ? P- ki, ixíʔ sic wy̓stim axáʔ iʔ‿ʔasíl. ha nixʷ kʷ‿łx̌ilm itíʔ ? W- hahuy, way t̓əxʷ. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. tə‿stim kspl̓sqáx̌aʔx Pilaʔsís ? 2. swit iʔ‿kskn̓xits Pilaʔsís ? 3. səxkinx uł k̓in̓t Wpcin ? 4. stim iʔ‿n̓musl̓s wpcin ? 5. stim iʔ‿ksc̓kists Wpcin łə‿n̓ʔułxʷ k̓l̓‿sn̓kəkʕákaʔtn ? 6. ksəxkistm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ tə‿Pilaʔsís ła‿cxʷic̓łtm ? 7. tə‿stim ksn̓k̓t̓usəs iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ Pilaʔsís ? 8. səxkinx uł yʕayʕát ʔi ‿skəkʕákaʔ ksƛ̓xʷn̓tim ? 9. k̓aʔkín iʔ‿sn̓ilíʔtn̓s iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ aʔ‿ct̓pam ? 10. ksəxkinm mi miyáł ła‿cn̓taʔkʷítkʷ uł n̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓txʷ iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 11. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿kc̓aw̓ʔíw̓stn ksp̓c̓n̓tʕám k̓l̓‿siw̓łkʷ ? 12. l̓‿k̓ʷinx ksn̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓tm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ ? 13. səxkinx uł x̌ast aksym̓yum̓l̓xstm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ ? 14. səxkinx uł ksn̓t̓qitkʷn̓tm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ l̓‿n̓c̓ałt siw̓łkʷ ? 15. əxkistm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ła‿cwiʔsn̓t̓qitkʷn̓tm ? 16. iʔ‿lútiʔ n̓tlin̓kn̓tm, ksəxkistm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 17. swit iʔ‿cxʷic̓łtm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s tə‿Pilaʔsís ? 18. əxkistm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán tə‿slx̌lax̌ts Pilaʔsís ? 19. swit iʔ‿ksk̓łnək̓nik̓łts aʔ‿cxʔit iʔ‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán̓s ? swit iʔ‿ksk̓łnək̓nik̓łts iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t ? 20. c̓kin aʔ‿cxʔit ksnik̓úʔsn̓tm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 21. səxkinx uł lut taʔlí ksnixʷúts ksnik̓n̓tm l̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 22. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cn̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓tm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 23. stim iʔ‿n̓yaxʷt l̓‿łkap ? 24. stim iʔ‿ckc̓ap̓q̓ l̓‿c̓k̓iłps iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ? 25. əxkistm iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ła‿cwiʔsn̓tlín̓km, cwiʔsn̓ckʷíłc̓aʔm ? 26. əxkistm mi x̌ʷil̓łtm iʔ‿n̓ʔiłn̓tn̓s iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ?

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skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. qʷaʔmínm / qʷaʔmín̓t- to used to in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿n̓stil̓s kn‿səcqʷaʔmínx ? (kiw)

2. ha p‿n̓stil̓s kʷu‿ksqʷaʔmínaʔx ? (kiw)

3. ha ƛ̓m qʷaʔmín̓txʷ ? (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

4. ha niʕ̓áy̓p cqʷaʔmísts ixíʔ iʔ‿səxʷlk̓am ? (kiw)

5. ha p‿qʷaʔmínm tə‿sʔiłn̓səl̓x ? (lut)

6. ha an̓x̌mínk kʷ‿iksqʷaʔmínm ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

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qʷaʔmínm / qʷaʔmín̓t- to used to in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷu‿qʷaʔmís ? (kiw)

2. ha kʷu‿qʷaʔmín̓tm ? (lut)

3. ha p‿n̓stil̓s qʷaʔmíłəm̓s Piyarís ? (kiw)

4. səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿qʷaʔmíłəm̓t ? (n̓k̓sil̓s)

5. swit iʔ‿qʷaʔmín̓ts ? (scəcmálaʔ)

6. ha cmistixʷ səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿qʷaʔmíłəmn ? (qʷʕaw̓qn)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. qʷaʔmín̓t- get used to something reduplication: qʷaʔqʷaʔmín̓t example sentences: 1. lut t̓əxʷ t̓ə‿k̓ast, ʔay̓xáxaʔ qʷaʔmín̓txʷ. (It isn't so bad. You get used to it after awhile.) 2. ilíʔ uł cqʷaʔqʷaʔam iʔ st̓mʕal̓t. (They get used to it after awhile.)

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3. kn‿ła‿cxʷuy ilíʔ uł kn‿cn̓qʷaʔám. (When I go there I stay a long time.)

2. ctkʷin̓xnm- take by the leg reduplication: tkʷn̓kʷin̓xm example sentences: 1. anwí, n̓ʔułxʷəxʷ uł kʷ‿ctkʷin̓xnm tə‿naqs skəkʕákaʔ uł kʷu‿cxʷic̓xt. (You go in and catch one chicken by the leg and give it to me.) 2. ła‿kskʷnim iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ tkʷn̓kʷin̓xn̓txʷ mi lut ksłx̌ʷaps. (When you're going to catch a chicken you grab both feet so it doesn't get away.) 3. ła‿cp̓ix̌stsəl̓x iʔ‿kʷl̓kʷl̓al̓xʷ ctkʷin̓xsts ła‿ct̓k̓ʷm̓stis. (When they're going to brand a calf they throw it down on the ground and grab it by the leg.)

3. km̓km̓xan̓t- hold by the feet singular: km̓xan̓t example sentences: 1. km̓km̓xan̓t łə‿cxʷuy̓stxʷ. (Hold it by its feet when you bring it to me.) 2. ła‿ksk̓łʔiy̓sm an̓ʔuʔx̌ʷtílaʔt km̓km̓xan̓t uł n̓wisl̓xst uł n̓ʔip̓psn̓t, n̓c̓iw̓psn̓t. (When you're going to change a diaper you hold both of his feet and wipe his butt, wash his butt.) 3. xʷustx km̓km̓xan̓t iʔ‿lipúl. (Hurry hold both the roosters feet.)

4. xlmin- ax reduplication: xl̓xlmin example sentences: 1. nínwiʔs ckʷin tl̓‿anwí uł n̓k̓t̓usn iʔ‿tə‿xlmin. (I'll take it from you and cut its head off with the ax.) 2. ilíʔ ʔasíl in̓xl̓xlmín. (I have two axes there.) 3. iʔ‿naqs in̓xlmín mtakʷ uł iʔ‿naqs x̌ał x̌ʷy̓x̌ʷay̓t. (The one axe I got is dull and the other one is sort of sharp.)

5. txʷuymnt- come up to something example sentences: 1. tl̓‿sʔiw̓ts txʷuymnt kʷ‿łə‿kłaʔám kʷniʔútyaʔst! (Just come up behind one and grab it!) 2. txʷuymn in̓kwáp uł ʕacn̓tín uł n̓k̓am̓tíw̓smn. (I went up to my horse and tied him and got on and rode him.) 3. k̓ək̓aʔlí akstxʷúymnm iʔ‿pl̓pal̓w̓ícyaʔ mi lut kst̓uxʷts. (Go slowly up to the butterfly and it won't fly away.)

6. kʷn̓niʔst- able to catch example sentences: 1. kn‿kʷn̓niʔst tə‿naqs! axáʔ. (I got one! Here it is.) 2. ha kʷ‿kʷn̓niʔst tə‿qaqxʷl̓x. (Were you able to get a fish?) 3. way kn‿ckʷn̓niʔst t̓iʔ ksm̓an̓xʷ. (mI was able to get me a smoke)

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7. kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓t- pluck feathers reduplication: kłəpłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓t example sentences: 1. way ixíʔ put. kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm, xʷk̓ʷn̓tim mi sic kʷu‿łƛ̓xʷam. (Okay, that's enough. We will pluck and clean these before we kill any more.) 2. kłəx̌ʷpíc̓aʔn̓t iʔ‿xʷaʔxʷaʔyúł mi kʷu‿k̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm. (Pluck the grouse so we can make some soup.) 3. ƛ̓xʷsqáx̌aʔs xʷʔit iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ, n̓t̓aqítkʷs iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ put cx̌ʷil̓l iʔ‿spum̓ts mi kłəpłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓t iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ. (He killed a lot of chickens, he dipped the chickens in hot water until the feathers started to come off easily so they could be plucked off.)

8. n̓taʔkʷítkʷ- hot water example sentences: 1. x̌ast, ałíʔ miyáł łaʔ‿cn̓taʔkʷítkʷ iʔ‿síp̓iʔs tlap łə‿kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm. (Good, because if it's too hot their skin will tear when we are plucking them.) 2. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t cx̌stmists n̓taʔkʷítkʷ iʔ‿kłcʕal̓xtn̓s. (Some like their bath water to be hot.) 3. iʔ‿l̓‿sn̓l̓titn kłn̓taʔkʷítkʷ tə‿siw̓łkʷ kʷ‿n̓c̓xʷam mi kʷu‿łəpłʕapm. (There is hot water in the tea pot, pour some and we can sip some tea.)

9. tlap- tear reduplication: tl̓tlap example sentences: 1. x̌ast, ałíʔ miyáł ła‿cn̓taʔkʷítkʷ iʔ‿síp̓iʔs tlap łə‿kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓tm. (Good, because if it's too hot their skin will tear when we are plucking them.) 2. aw aw lut miyáł kʷ‿aksncəkʷcəkʷínaʔm cm k̓łtl̓tlap in̓t̓n̓t̓ínaʔ. (Ow ow don't pull too hard on my ears they might tear off.)

10. p̓ʕac̓- squirt example sentences: 1. naqs p̓ʕac̓ tl̓‿kc̓aw̓ʔíw̓stn k̓l̓‿siw̓łkʷ ułn̓ʔax̌líkstmnt. (Put a squirt of soap in the water and stir it a little.) 2. łə‿kʷn̓nun̓txʷ iʔ‿qʷtíx̌ʷaʔ kłt̓k̓ʷn̓tixʷ iʔ‿qʷtíx̌ʷaʔ l̓‿an̓q̓ʷx̌ʷqín̓kst uł p̓ʕac̓n̓txʷ. (When you manage to get a louse you lay it on your thumb nails and squash it.) 3. asx̌n̓úm̓t n̓c̓xʷaxʷ tə‿mc̓ʕał, caʔkʷ łə‿p̓ic̓n̓txʷ iʔ‿mc̓ʕał cp̓ʕac̓t. (Your wound is filling up with pus, should you pinch it the pus would squirt out.)

11. n̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓t- put into water reduplication: n̓ƛ̓qƛ̓qitkʷn̓t example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ ckʷnim tl̓‿skəkʕákaʔ ckm̓km̓xan̓t uł n̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓t l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ tə‿siw̓łkʷ. (Now, grab one of those chickens by the feet and put it into the hot water.) 2. kʷ‿n̓caʔcaʔxán? n̓ƛ̓qƛ̓qitkʷn̓t asc̓uʔc̓uʔxán mi kʷ‿x̌ʕax̌ʕapxán. (Your feet are hot? Stick your feet in the water and they'll cool off.) 3. kʷ‿lxʷpikst n̓ƛ̓qitkʷn̓t an̓kílx l̓‿n̓taʔkʷítkʷ mi x̌stwil̓x. (You hurt your hand, stick your hand in hot

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 94 water and it will feel better.)

12. sc̓kam- a second example sentences: 1. ilíʔ mat k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓kam uł cym̓yum̓l̓xst (nƛ̓aƛ̓qitkʷnt) mi łaʕ̓at̓ ʕy at iʔ‿spum̓ts. (Keep it in there for about 10 seconds and move it around so all the feathers are really wet.) 2. t̓aq̓mkst ʔupn̓kst sc̓ak uł naqs sxlakək l̓‿x̌əx̌y̓ałnxʷ. (Sixty seconds makes one minute on the clock.)

13. cym̓yum̓l̓xst / ym̓yum̓l̓xnt- move something around example sentences: 1. ilíʔ mat k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓kam uł cym̓yum̓l̓xst (nƛ̓aƛ̓qitkʷnt) mi łaʕ̓at̓ ʕy at iʔ‿spum̓ts. (Keep it in there for about 10 seconds and move it around so all the feathers are really wet.) 2. miyáł t̓iʔ kʷ‿ƛ̓il. ym̓yum̓lxəx. (You're too still. Move around a bit.) 3. ƛ̓lapx kʷ‿iksník̓łtm an̓qəpqín̓tn lut aksym̓yúməl̓x. (Stop, I'm going to cut your hair, don't move.)

14. spum̓t- fur / feathers reduplication: spm̓pum̓t example sentences: 1. ilíʔ mat k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sc̓kam uł cym̓yum̓l̓xst (nƛ̓aƛ̓qitkʷnt) mi łaʕ̓at̓ ʕy at iʔ‿spum̓ts. (Keep it in there for about 10 seconds and move it around so all the feathers are really wet.) 2. tałt kiʔ x̌sx̌silxʷ iʔ‿spm̓pum̓ts. (He has some nice fur hides.) 3. kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn iʔ‿sʕasʕás iʔ‿spum̓ts uł kʷumn k̓l̓‿iksn̓k̓ʔínaʔ. (I plucked the grouses feathers and put it away and I'm going to make a pillow)

15. n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t- lay something in water example sentences: 1. háhuy, n̓ckʷitkʷn̓t uł n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t l̓‿n̓c̓ałt siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓c̓axʷ l̓‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi lut ksp̓y̓aqs iʔ‿síp̓iʔs. (Okay, now pull it out and dunk it in that tub of cold water so the skin won't burn.)

16. cn̓c̓axʷ- poured reduplication: n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷaxʷ example sentences: 1. háhuy, n̓ckʷitkʷn̓t uł n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t l̓‿n̓c̓ałt siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓c̓axʷ l̓‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi lut ksp̓y̓aqs iʔ‿síp̓iʔs. (Okay, now pull it out and dunk it in that tub of cold water so the skin won't burn.) 2. xʷʔis iʔ‿sq̓it uł n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷaxʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłax̌ʷ iʔ‿xwił cn̓płpʕáłlaʔxʷ. (There was a lot of rain and all the holes on the road filled up now there puddles.) 3. n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷan̓t iʔ‿lplaputáy tə‿siw̓łkʷ uł q̓ʷc̓q̓ʷic̓t. (Fill the water bottles with water.)

17. kil̓wíc̓aʔ- tub reduplication: kl̓kil̓wíc̓aʔ example sentences: 1. háhuy, n̓ckʷitkʷn̓t uł n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t l̓‿n̓c̓ałt siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓c̓axʷ l̓‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi lut ksp̓y̓aqs iʔ‿síp̓iʔs. (Okay, N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 95 now pull it out and dunk it in that tub of cold water so the skin won't burn.) 2. l̓‿kl̓kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi hərʕhər̓n̓tíxʷ asíp̓iʔ. (soak your hides in the tubs) 3. ckʷin̓t iʔ‿kil̓wíc̓aʔ mi n̓c̓xʷan̓t tə‿siw̓łkʷ mi kcqúsn̓txʷ mi n̓cʔix. (Bring the tub and pour water in it and put on the stove to warm up.)

18. ck̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm- make soup example sentences: 1. x̌minksəl̓x ck̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm tl̓‿sc̓uʔc̓uʔxán. (They like to make soup with the feet.) 2. n̓k̓t̓usn̓t iʔ‿lipúl, kłəpx̌ʷíc̓aʔn̓t, n̓tlín̓kn̓t uł n̓pusn̓t kʷ‿k̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm. (Cut the roosters head off, pluck it, take the guts out and boil it make soup.) 3. niʕ̓áy̓p kn‿ck̓ʷl̓st̓xitkʷm. (I always make soup.)

19. kłtk̓ʷan̓t- put something on a surface example sentences: 1. háhuy, kłtk̓ʷan̓t aláʔ l̓‿latáp iʔ‿tkmax̌ʷc̓ks tqiltk. (Okay. Put it on the table so its chest is up.) 2. ilíʔ l̓‿latáp mi kłqmín̓txʷ Iʔ‿ʔapl̓s. (Put the apples on the table.) 3. ha kłt̓k̓ʷn̓tixʷ iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. (Did you put the deer on.)

20. nk̓ək̓nun̓t- manage to cut reduplication: example sentences: 1. lut taʔlíi ksnixʷúts cm nk̓ək̓nun̓txʷ iʔ‿sqʷəqʷłmusts. (Not too deep or you will cut the intestines.) 2. tə‿smətmátkʷt in̓ník̓mn kn‿kłcw̓caw̓t kiʔ nk̓ək̓nun iʔ‿słiqʷ. (My knife was so dull I had a hard time cutting the meat.) 3. ha nək̓ək̓nun̓txʷ yʕat iʔ‿słiqʷ? (Did you manage to cut all that meat?)

21. n̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm- reach inside of something example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ kʷ‿n̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm uł n̓tlin̓kn̓t. (Now we are going to reach inside and take out the guts.) 2. siwn, uc caʔkʷ kʷu‿kʷułs tə‿ʔasl̓ʔúpn̓kst. ixíʔ sn̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm̓s. (I asked if he could spot me a twenty and he reached into his pocket.) 3. n̓lʕ̓ay̓kstm uł ckʷis aʔ‿cp̓ul̓k̓ʷ iʔ‿sqlaw tə‿síl̓xʷaʔs caʔkʷ q̓aʔípsaʔ iʔ‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ. (He reached into his pocket and brought out a big roll so big it could choke a horse.)

22. cyirák̓ʷək̓ʷ- curve example sentences: 1. tqiltk ankílx, laʔkín cyirák̓ʷək̓ʷ k̓ay̓xʷút, ixíʔ uł n̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓t. (Keep you hand at the top, and when it starts to curve down, then you can pull out the guts.) 2. n̓k̓saqs iʔ‿xwił cn̓y̓ar̓k̓ʷáqs uł tctʕact. (The road is not very good its crooked and very rough.) 3. cx̌sikstm̓stn iscłəkím uł way t̓iʔ yirák̓ʷək̓ʷ. (I was taking care as I sewed it and it still got crooked.)

23. n̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓t- pull something out of the inside example sentences: N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 96

1. tqiltk ankílx, laʔkín cyirák̓ʷək̓ʷ k̓ay̓xʷút, ixíʔ uł n̓ckʷíłc̓aʔn̓t. (Keep you hand at the top, and when it starts to curve down, then you can pull out the guts.) 2. iʔ‿n̓yxʷyxʷaqs kmax cn̓ckʷíłc̓aʔ uł cn̓ck̓ʷałq̓ʷl̓t iʔ‿sn̓ʔíłn̓tn̓s lut cnək̓nik̓ t̓iʔ ilíʔ cmal̓k̓ʷ. (Pull the turkeys inards out and pull its feed bag out. you don't cut it up, leave it whole.) 3. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm cn̓ckʷíłc̓aʔ uł cn̓q̓ʷmíłc̓aʔ tə‿qʷil̓cn mi lut iʔ‿x̌əx̌m̓ʕał ksmʔíkstm̓s. (The deer's guts are pulled out then the cavity is filled with fir boughs then the flys won't bother it.)

24. k̓łk̓am- edge reduplication: k̓łk̓łk̓am example sentences: 1. ilíʔ way stx̌ʷiw̓tx tl̓‿k̓łk̓am̓s iʔ‿latáp. (Just let them hang off the edge of the table.) 2. iʔ‿lisʕál wəswisxn iʔ‿str̓ar təx̌ʷtx̌ʷiwt tl̓‿k̓łk̓łk̓am̓s. (A shawl has log fringes hanging from its edges.) 3. łix̌ʷn̓t iʔ‿sip̓iʔ l̓‿k̓łk̓am̓s uł xlakək. (Make holes all around the edge of the hide.)

25. ʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓t- tie the throat of something reduplication: ʕacʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓t example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ ʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓tm uł n̓k̓t̓usn. (Now we'll tie off the throat and cut it.) 2. lək̓lək̓n̓tim uł cʕ̓acʕacáłq̓ʷl̓t cʔaw̓tpíw̓s.(The prisoners were tied together by the throat as they followed each other) 3. ʕacáłq̓ʷl̓tn̓t an̓kwáp mi ckʷin̓plaʔn̓txʷ. (Tie a rope around your horses neck and lead him over.)

26. ckaʕ̓acmnwíxʷ- tied to each other reduplication: kaʕ̓acʕacmnwíxʷ example sentences: 1. səck̓łnik̓łtm iʔ‿syupsts uł iʔ‿np̓uʔtns t̓iʔ ilíʔ ckaʕacmnwíxʷ. (We are cutting out the tail and the bung hole all in one piece.) 2. q̓sápiʔła‿ cq̓ʷiłt uł kaʕacʕacmnwíxʷstsəl̓x iʔ‿n̓q̓ʷłq̓ʷłtsqáx̌aʔs. (Long ago they tied their pack horses together.) 3. tałt niʕ̓áy̓p cq̓łiw̓səl̓x xʷúm̓t̓iʔ skʕ̓acmnwíxʷəxʷ. (They're always together its like they're tied together.)

27. spiw̓pw- lungs example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ kʷin̓tm iʔ‿spuʔús, spiw̓pw naʔł m̓t̓ʕasts. (Now we will take out the heart, lungs and kidneys.) 2. sq̓il̓tx isl̓áx̌t c̓xʷan̓ xʷ iʔ‿spiw̓pw̓s tə‿siw̓łkʷ way k̓ik̓m̓ ksƛ̓l̓al̓s. ( my friends sick, theres water in his lungs, and he almost died.) 3. miyáł kʷ‿ła‿cman̓xʷm q̓ʷʕaʔáy aspíw̓pw uł kʷ‿cc̓spískiʔt. (If you smoke too much your lungs get black and its hard to breath.)

28. m̓t̓ʕas- kidney

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 97 example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ kʷin̓tm iʔ‿spuʔús, spiw̓pw naʔł m̓t̓ʕasts. (Now we will take out the heart, lungs and kidneys.) 2. lut txt̓n̓tixʷ man̓ łk̓íyaʔ uł miyáł k̓ʷul̓m an̓m̓t̓ʕas uł cq̓il̓t uł cƛ̓lal an̓m̓t̓ʕás. (If you don't take care of your blood and your kidney works too hard it gets sick and it could die.) 3. iʔ‿m̓t̓ʕastət ha cxʷkʷstis iʔ‿k̓ast tl̓‿an̓młk̓íyaʔ. (It's our kidneys that clean our blood.)

29. n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓t- wash out the inside of something reduplication: n̓c̓w̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔnt conjugations: kn‿nc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, kʷ‿nc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm kn‿səcnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔx, kn‿snc̓íw̓łc̓aʔx, kn‿ksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔaʔx isnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, asnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, snc̓íw̓łc̓aʔms, snc̓íw̓łc̓aʔmtət nc̓íw̓łc̓aʔn, n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓txʷ, nc̓íw̓łc̓aʔs, n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓tm, n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓tp, nc̓íw̓łc̓aʔsəl̓x iksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, aksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, ksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔs, ksn̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓tm, ksn̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓tp, ksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔsəl̓x iksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, aksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, ksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔms, ksnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔmtət iscnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, ascnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔm, scnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔms, scnc̓íw̓łc̓aʔmtət example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ n̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔn̓t tə‿siw̓łkʷ. (Now we'll clean out the inside with water.) 2. yʕayʕátəlx n̓c̓w̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔnt mi n̓xʷk̓ʷxʷk̓ʷpiłc̓aʔ. (Give all of them an enema so their inards will be clean.) 3. n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷan̓t tə‿siw̓łkʷ mi n̓hr̓píłc̓aʔ ixíʔ mi lut miyáł aksn̓qəsqsíłc̓aʔm. t̓ít̓iym̓t ła‿ksn̓c̓íw̓łc̓aʔm. (Fill them with water to soak then you don't have to scratch too much. It'll be easy to wash them out.)

30. n̓ʔiłn̓tn- gullet reduplication: kłn̓ʔałʔíłn̓tn example sentences: 1. lut, ʕapnáʔ x̌ʷil̓łtm iʔ‿n̓ʔiłn̓tn̓s. (No, now we will take out its throat.) 2. yʕat iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ kłn̓ʔałʔíłn̓tn. (All chickens have crops.) 3. laʔkín̓ iʔ‿misx̌ást tə‿sn̓ʔíłn̓tn ? (Where is the best restaurant?)

31. n̓p̓rq̓ʷusn̓t- turn inside out reduplication: n̓p̓r̓p̓r̓q̓ʷusn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓p̓rq̓ʷusn̓t put n̓pl̓kʷus sic n̓nik̓sn̓t laʔkín kiʔ x̌ʷc̓ap. (Bend the neck back until it breaks, then cut it at the break.) 2. kp̓r̓p̓r̓q̓ʷusn̓t asn̓sísuʔxn. (Turn your socks inside out.) 3. ła‿ksxʷk̓ʷam iʔ‿sqʷəqʷłm̓us kp̓rq̓ʷúsn̓t mi c̓iw̓əw̓ iʔ‿nixʷúts iʔ‿sqʷəqʷłm̓us. (When your going to clean guts turn them inside out so the inside part can get washed.)

32. n̓pl̓kʷus- broken neck / head broken off

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 98 reduplication: example sentences: 1. n̓p̓rq̓ʷusn̓t put n̓pl̓kʷus sic n̓nik̓sn̓t laʔkín kiʔ x̌ʷc̓ap. (Bend the neck back until it breaks, then cut it at the break.) 2. iʔ‿qʷisp kl̓kil̓səl̓x uł sʕasʕát tl̓‿aʔ‿n̓lq̓ʷus uł cn̓pl̓pl̓kʷus. ( They chased the buffloes off the cliff and they broke their necks.) 3. n̓pl̓kʷus isc̓aʔák̓ʷ. (My flowers head broke off.)

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14. iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ sʔum̓s n̓mʕal luke warm water xʷaʔsʔíłn a lot of food sk̓ʷut half kwəsxnw̓il̓x become long cʔáx̌ʷiym spawn n̓pl̓pl̓is teeth grow sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt float (more than one) smy̓may iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ c̓x̌iłə t ‿tʕán̓ya, nax̌m̓ł lut t̓a‿cxʷuy̓y k̓l̓‿n̓sl̓xʷʔitkʷ. miscəcámaʔt iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ kiʔ tl̓‿tʕán̓ya. iʔ‿n̓sl̓xʷʔitkʷ síl̓xʷaʔ uł kłxʷaʔsʔíłn. ilíʔ cmisl̓xʷaʔtwíl̓x luke warm water iʔ‿qaqxʷl̓x. l̓‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt k̓a‿ilíʔ iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ. miyáł n̓mʕal a lot of food iʔ‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt uł lut ilíʔ c̓ax̌lwís. lut taʔlí əł ‿sxʷʔits iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ uł əcp̓ísƛ̓aʔt, k̓l̓‿naqsłsk̓ʷút sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿ksəcwəsxnw̓il̓xs. half; become long iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ mat k̓l̓‿naqs km ʔasíl ʔi ‿ksnʕasts. ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ k̓l̓‿cil̓kst km t̓aq̓m̓kstʔ i ‿ksnʕasts. iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ p̓ik̓ ułʕ p a, iʔ‿l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s cksl̓slic̓aʔ tə‿q̓ʷy̓q̓ʷʕay. lut t̓a‿c̓iłsts iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿qaqxʷl̓x iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ. cəcámaʔt iʔ‿stim aʔ‿c̓iłsts l̓‿siw̓łkʷ. cʔáx̌ʷiym iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ iʔ‿l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ km l̓‿yʕacín̓s spawn iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt. k̓aʔáym kaʔ cʔáx̌ʷiym iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ, k̓aʔítət iʔ‿sʔistkm. iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ kaʔłlspín̓tk km mspin̓tk kaʔ cʔáx̌ʷiym. ła‿cʔáx̌ʷiym iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ, kʷaʔkʷaʔáł iʔ‿sqil̓tks uł qʷin ʔi ‿c̓əsc̓ásyaqn̓s. pn̓kin ksʔáx̌ʷiym̓s iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ, iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ n̓pl̓pl̓is uł iʔ‿k̓łk̓mípaʔsts teeth grow sl̓xʷaʔtwíl̓x uł cn̓mq̓ʷəq̓ʷikn. iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ kəkn̓iʔ iʔ‿tə‿syupsts kaʔ cʔax̌ʷsts iʔ‿ksn̓p̓um̓tn̓s. ixíʔ sic ktiyáqʷtm̓s iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ ktiyáqʷtm̓səl̓x iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ək kn̓iʔ put hakín mi ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿ʔik̓ʷn. łə‿wiʔsp̓úmnx iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ uł iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ wiʔskłəq̓l̓xínaʔs iʔ‿ʔik̓ʷn ixíʔ uł k̓asílm ƛ̓axʷt. ła‿cp̓umnx l̓‿sk̓aʔáy, c̓iłstm iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ tə‿skm̓xist naʔł iʔ‿pəql̓qin. t̓aq̓m̓kst ʔska cíw̓s ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ʔik̓ʷn̓s. ixíʔ ʔum̓səl̓x tə‿kcʕacmʕás. iʔ‿kcʕacmʕás iʔ‿ʔik̓ʷn̓s ctax̌ʷ tl̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. itlíʔ

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 100 kaʔ cʔiłn l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l. qipcm ła‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓lʔ i ‿kəkn̓iʔ, t̓ik̓t iʔ‿aʔ‿ctγap ixíʔ uł sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt iʔ‿kcaʕcmʕás k̓l̓‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt. float iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ilíʔ l̓‿t̓ik̓ʷt ʔilí ƛ̓x̌a···p mi sic łp̓lak̓ ksʔáx̌ʷiyma l ʔkín kiʔ k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. c̓kin t̓əxʷəxʷlm iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ kiʔ tl̓‿tʕán̓yaʔ ? 2. k̓aʔkín kiʔ ilíʔ iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 3. səxkinx uł lut ilíʔ l̓‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 4. c̓kin ksəcwəsxnw̓il̓xs iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 5. stim iʔ‿ksnʕasts iʔ‿qʷay̓qʷy̓t kəkn̓iʔ ? uł ła‿csíl̓xʷaʔ ? 6. c̓aknílxʷs iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 7. stim aʔ‿c̓iłsts ʔi ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 8. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cʔáx̌ʷiymʔ i ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 9. pn̓kin kaʔ cʔáx̌ʷiym iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? 10. k̓ʷnxspin̓tk iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ła‿cʔáx̌ʷiym ? 11. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ła‿cʔáx̌ʷiym ? 12. pn̓kin ksʔáx̌ʷiym̓s, c̓kin k̓łʔay̓sn̓cut (change) iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ ? 13. tə‿stim kaʔ cʔax̌ʷsts ʔi ‿ksn̓p̓um̓tn̓s iʔ‿tkəłmilxʷ kəkn̓iʔ ? 14. x̌l̓‿stim cktiyáqʷtm̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ kəkn̓iʔ ? 15. əxkistm iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ łə‿wiʔsp̓úmnx ? 16. tə‿stim c̓iłstm ʔi ‿kəkn̓iʔ ła‿cp̓umnx ? 17. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ʔik̓ʷn̓s ? 18. stim aʔ‿ctax̌ʷ kiʔ‿ tl̓‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ kcʕacmʕas ? 19. stim iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ kcʕacmʕas l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l ? 20. axkistm iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l l̓‿sqipc ? 21. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cƛ̓x̌ap iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. tiyáqʷt / ktiyáqʷtmn̓t- to fight / fight over something in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 101 transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha cmistíxʷ səxkinx kn‿səctiyáqʷtx ? (lut)

2. ha kʷ‿stiyáqʷtaʔx ? (kiw)

3. ha ƛ̓m p‿tiyáqʷt ? (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

4. ha niʕ̓áy̓p cktiyáqʷtm̓stxʷ ? (kiw)

5. səxkinx uł ktiyáqʷtmn̓txʷ ? (x̌mink)

6. uc caʔkʷ an̓x̌mínk iksktiyáqʷtmnm ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms tiyáqʷt / ktiyáqʷtmn̓t- to fight / fight over something in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 102

n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷu‿ktiyáqʷtm̓s ? (kiw)

2. ha kʷu‿ktiyáqʷtmn̓tm ? (lut)

3. səxkinx uł ktiyáqʷtmn̓tsəl̓x ? (x̌mink)

4. səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿ktiyáqʷtłəm̓səl̓x ? (x̌ʷupt)

5. ha in̓cá kʷu‿ktiyáqʷtmn̓tp ? (kiw)

6. ha cmistip səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿ktiyáqʷtłəmn ? (psʕáyaʔ)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. n̓mʕal- luke warm example sentences: 1. miyáł n̓mʕal iʔ‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt uł lut ilíʔ c̓ax̌lwís. (They don't live in small lakes because the water is too warm there.) 2. l̓‿n̓mʕal tə‿siw̓łkʷ mi cn̓t̓qítkʷstxʷ asíp̓iʔ. (In luke warm water you put your hide in.) 3. in̓misx̌ást n̓mʕal ikłn̓cʕal̓xtn. (I prefer warm water to bathe in.)

2. xʷaʔsʔíłn- a lot of food example sentences: 1. iʔ‿n̓sl̓xʷʔitkʷ síl̓xʷaʔ uł kłxʷaʔsʔíłn. (The ocean is large and has lots of food.) 2. lut x̌ast iʔ‿sc̓əspcin misx̌ást iʔ‿sxʷaʔsʔíłn. (It's not good to be short of food its better to have a lot of food.) 3. ła‿ctm̓niʔm yʕat swit cxʷuy̓sts tə‿sʔiłn ixíʔ uł cxʷaʔsʔíłn k̓l̓‿sqilxʷ. (When they have a funeral people bring food so there is a lot of food for the people.)

3. sk̓ʷut- half example sentences: 1. lut taʔlí łə‿sxʷʔits iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ uł əcp̓ísƛ̓aʔt, k̓l̓‿naqs ł sk̓ʷut sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿ksəcwəsxnw̓il̓xs. (Most kokanee do not grow to be very big, they get to be one or one and a half feet long.) 2. sl̓sl̓xan uł k̓im sək̓ʷsək̓ʷutxn. (He lost his shoes so now he has one sided shoes) 3. iʔ‿sámaʔ naʔł sqilxʷ q̓łq̓łiw̓s taʔxʷsqʷsqʷsiʔ uł sək̓ʷtm̓sqilxʷ. (When a white person and an Indian

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 103 get together and they have a child that child is a half-breed.)

4. wəsxnw̓il̓x- become long reduplication: wəswəsxnwil̓x example sentences: 1. lut taʔlí łə‿sxʷʔits iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ uł əcp̓ísƛ̓aʔt, k̓l̓‿naqs ł sk̓ʷut sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿ksəcwəsxnw̓il̓xs. (Most kokanee do not grow to be very big, they get to be one or one and a half feet long.) 2. pl̓pl̓al uł wəswəsxnwil̓x isk̓ʷán̓łq. (The plants in my garden have grown and got long.) 3. lut sq̓əq̓sápiʔs uł way wəsxnwil̓x iʔ x̌ʷsx̌ʷúsaqs. (Before too long the cucumbers are getting longer.)

5. ʔáx̌ʷiym- spawn reduplication: ʔax̌ʷʔáx̌ʷiym example sentences: 1. cʔáx̌ʷiym iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ iʔ‿l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ km l̓‿yʕacín̓s iʔ‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt. (Kokanee spawn in a stream or in a lake near the shore.) 2. k̓aʔáym uł cyʕap iʔ‿tʕan̓ya uł ʔax̌ʷʔáx̌ʷiym. (In the fall the salmon come and they spawn.) 3. iʔ‿tə‿syupsts kaʔ c̓áx̌ʷiym. (With their tails they spawn.)

6. n̓pl̓pl̓is- teeth grow singular: n̓pl̓is example sentences: 1. pn̓kin ksʔáx̌ʷiym̓s iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ, iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ n̓pl̓pl̓is uł iʔ‿k̓łk̓mípaʔsts sl̓xʷaʔtwíl̓x uł cn̓mq̓ʷəq̓ʷikn. (At spawning time, the male's jaw and teeth grow bigger and they get a hump on their back.) 2. iʔ‿lutiʔ snəqspin̓tks uł way n̓pl̓pl̓is. (Their teeth grow before they are one year old.) 3. lut sx̌asts iʔ‿sn̓pl̓ists cyr̓yar̓k̓ʷ. (His teeth didn't come in straight, they came in crooked.)

7. sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt- float (more than one) reduplication: example sentences: 1. qipcm ła‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿kəkn̓iʔ, t̓ik̓tʔ i ‿aʔ‿ctγap ixíʔ uł sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt iʔ‿kcaʕcmʕás k̓l̓‿t̓ək̓ʷt̓ik̓ʷt. (In March and April, the kokanee that were born in a stream are carried down to the lake by the high water of spring.) 2. nw̓lal istáłm uł n̓sʕasʕay̓tkʷ uł sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt iʔ‿stətm̓tim̓s. (His boat tipped over and all his belongings fell and floated in the water.) 3. n̓yayʔák̓ʷ iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t l̓‿saʔtítkʷ uł sak̓ʷʔúk̓ʷt ałíʔ st̓ik̓tx iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ. (The cattle crossed the river and they floated because the water was high.)

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15. iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp sʔum̓s kp̓m̓p̓um̓l̓qʷ brown branches smy̓may iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp yʕat taʔkín cplal l̓‿syilxʷúlaʔxʷ. cil̓kst sc̓uʔxán ʔi ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷsʔ i ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ła‿cplal. qʷn̓qʷin uł cx̌ətx̌itkst iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp, tkʷl̓kʷil̓qʷ km kp̓m̓p̓um̓l̓qʷ. jagged leaves; łəw̓ław̓t iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp iʔ‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn̓s. brown branches qipcm kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm. han iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs uł kcl̓kstikst iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷ. kʷriʔ iʔ‿n̓q̓aʔq̓ʔiw̓sts iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷ. iʔ‿skʷəkʷiw̓s tkʷl̓kʷil̓s ła‿cp̓y̓aq ła‿ck̓aʔáym. iʔ‿skʷəkʷiw̓s x̌ast ət ‿sʔíłn, nax̌m̓ł x̌ʷil̓stxʷ iʔ‿n̓xƛ̓tisxn̓s. lut ʔixí x̌ast ʔs iłn. kʷ‿k̓ʷul̓m ta‿l̓ti tl̓‿skʷəkʷiw̓s, ixíʔ x̌ast k̓l̓‿asqíltk, k̓‿asnixʷtíłc̓aʔ, k̓‿an̓młk̓íyaʔ. taʔlí x̌aʔx̌áʔ tə‿sk̓ʷan̓łqʔ i ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp. iʔ‿syilx cxʷk̓ʷn̓cutm̓sts iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp. kʷu‿ła‿cn̓ƛ̓lal, c̓iw̓n̓tm iʔ‿citxʷtət uł iʔ‿stim̓tət iʔ‿tə‿skʷəkʷʔiłp siw̓łkʷ. nixʷ ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp kʷu‿ła‿kʷil̓stnm. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ aʔ‿cc̓lal̓qʷm cxʷk̓ʷstis iʔ‿c̓lal̓qʷtn̓s iʔ‿tə‿skʷəkʷʔiłp, cc̓iw̓sts tə‿skʷəkʷʔiłp siw̓łkʷ əł ‿ksʔícknaʔx uł ła‿cwiʔsʔíckn. nixʷ cxʷk̓ʷstim iʔ‿n̓tm̓tm̓niʔtn aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ tə‿skʷəkʷʔiłp mi sic n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓tm. əł ‿utn̓tíxʷ kłəxʷpn̓tixʷ iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp l̓‿an̓k̓łn̓k̓míp, ixíʔ uł t̓iʔ kmax x̌ast ʔi ‿kscn̓ʔúłxʷaʔx l̓‿an̓cítxʷ. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cplal iʔ‿skʷəkʷiłp ? 2. k̓ʷinxn iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs iʔ‿skʷəkʷiłp ła‿cplal ? 3. c̓kin iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 4. c̓kin iʔ‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn̓sʔ i ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 5. pn̓kin kaʔ cc̓aʔák̓ʷm iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 6. c̓kin iʔ‿sc̓aʔák̓ʷs iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 7. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿n̓q̓aʔq̓ʔiẃsts iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 8. pn̓kin kaʔ cp̓y̓aq iʔ‿skʷəkʷiw̓s iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ? 9. səxkinx uł cx̌ʷil̓stxʷ iʔ‿n̓xƛ̓tisxn̓s iʔ‿skʷəkʷiw ? 10. k̓l̓‿stim t̓iʔ x̌ast iʔ‿l̓ti tl̓‿skʷəkʷiw ? 11. əxkistm iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp siw̓łkʷ kʷu‿ła‿cn̓ƛ̓lal ? 12. stim aʔ‿ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm kʷu‿ła‿ckʷil̓stnm ?

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13. əxkistm iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp tə‿sqilxʷ aʔ‿cc̓lal̓qʷm ? 14. əxkistm iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp ła‿cn̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷstm iʔ‿tm̓tm̓niʔ ? 15. xkinm uł kłəxʷpn̓tixʷ iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp l̓‿an̓k̓łn̓k̓míp ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷm / n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓t to put (one thing) in the ground in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿sn̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷaʔx tə‿sn̓x̌ʷil̓mn ? (lut)

2. ha p‿n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷm tə‿tm̓tm̓niʔ ? (kiw)

3. ha kn‿səcn̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷəxʷ tə‿tkl̓kl̓xmikstn̓ ? (lut)

4. ha niʕ̓áy̓p cn̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷstxʷ an̓kʷr̓kʷriʔt ? (kiw)

5. səxkinx uł n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓tp ixí ? (lut x̌mink)

6. ha aláʔ ksn̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓tm iʔ‿sk̓am̓qs ? (lut)

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C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms

n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷm / n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓t to put (one thing) in the ground in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx

anwí xxx xxx


mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓txʷəl̓x ? (kiw)

2. səxkinx uł kʷu‿n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷs ? (ƛ̓lal)

3. ha n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷłəm̓səl̓x ? (lut)

4. səxkinx uł lut t̓ə‿n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓tpəl̓x ? (x̌ʷupt)

5. ha kʷu‿n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷn̓tm ? (kiw)

6. ha cmistip səxkinx uł n̓t̓k̓ʷúlaʔxʷłəm̓t ? (ƛ̓axʷt)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. kp̓m̓p̓um̓l̓qʷ- brown branches singular: kpum̓l̓qʷ

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 107 example sentences: 1. qʷn̓qʷin uł cx̌ətx̌itkst iʔ‿packłs iʔ‿skʷəkʷʔiłp, tkʷl̓kʷil̓qʷ km kp̓m̓p̓um̓l̓qʷ. (Rosebushes have green leaves with jagged edges and brown or red branches.) 2. iʔ‿syilx kp̓mp̓um̓l̓qʷ iʔ‿spal̓qs. (Salish have brown penises.) 3. mƛ̓miƛ̓s iʔ‿k̓łʕal̓mín̓s tə‿p̓um uł kp̓m̓p̓um̓l̓qʷ iʔ‿k̓łʕal̓mín̓s. (He painted his fence rails brown, and now his fence is brown.)

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16. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm sʔum̓s t̓wist live / stand ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt early fawn sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t late fawn musxn four feet kγkγxan slender legs xʷl̓xʷalʕápaʔxkn dew claws tkmíc̓aʔ outside n̓q̓iʔqnústn hoof kʷal̓t warm yixʷmús very cold t̓aw̓níxʷ barely ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔstím / k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔán̓t / chew k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔám sk̓małq̓ʷl̓t throat n̓qm̓pil̓s feel calm kəkn̓kan̓t tender st̓uwálx horns in velvet cn̓c̓xʷaxʷ poured into / full knáqsmiʔst able to be alone ctkəłam away from tx̌iqkst rub kłəpx̌ʷam remove xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn spike q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn two-point kaʔłál̓xqn three-point masxn four-point ʕamʕamál̓xqn really big buck ck̓at̓qnm hold head up k̓x̌ilm breed y̓ar̓mn̓wíxʷ push each other c̓əq̓nwixʷ hit each other / bump into each other xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn big antlers

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 109 cwikʷl̓tm hide child kłəłəpsʕam blink ʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm graze ktar̓qxnám kick ƛ̓əx̌twil̓x become fast xʷaʔtwíl̓x become many q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúc get fat txəpxəpikst nibble branches n̓miłtn resting place n̓qʷstwil̓x become deep smy̓may ʔaslúsm ʔi ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿l̓‿syilxʷúlaʔxʷ, iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups uł iʔ‿st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ. q̓sápiʔ misxʷʔít iʔ‿st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ kiʔ tl̓‿t̓k̓ʷtups.ʕ apnáʔ, misxʷʔít iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups, ałíʔ laʔkín kiʔ t̓wist łə‿kłaʔám k̓l̓‿sqilxʷ lut live/stand t̓a‿cmaʔaʔmísts. ʔi ‿sql̓tm̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ sʔum̓m̓s pwal̓xkn. iʔ‿tkəłml̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ sʔum̓m̓s tíw̓łc̓aʔ. iʔ‿sql̓tmixʷ t̓k̓ʷtups ʔum̓səl̓x sx̌ʷlixkn. ʔ i ‿tkəłmilxʷ ʔum̓səl̓x tíw̓łc̓aʔ. iʔ‿st̓ułc̓aʔ misp̓ísƛ̓aʔt kiʔ tl̓‿t̓k̓ʷtups.ʔ i ‿k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ c̓um̓stsəl̓x early fawn tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt km sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t. iʔ‿sic k̓ʷul̓l ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt. ƛ̓ix̌əx̌pt uł late fawn ʔum̓səl̓x tə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t.

t̓k̓ʷtups iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups mat k̓l̓‿kaʔłís kmmusxn iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qʷs four feet l̓‿tk̓m̓sax̌n̓s, nax̌m̓ł iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn əcmisp̓ísƛ̓aʔt. iʔ‿síl̓xʷaʔ sx̌ʷlixkn caʔkʷ k̓l̓‿ʔasl̓x̌əcəcíkst iʔ‿ksnʕasts. iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtupsə w swisxn̓xn uł kγkγxan iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s lut t̓ə‿k̓ʷəck̓ʷact, nax̌m̓ł way k̓ʷəck̓ʷactəl̓x. slender legs iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm mus iʔ‿stm̓tum̓xn̓s, ʔasíl p̓ísƛ̓aʔt uł ʔasíl əc cámaʔt. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ʔi ‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿xʷl̓xʷalʕápaʔxkn̓s cn̓ptətkʷúlaʔxʷ dew claws ła‿cn̓tr̓qpn̓cut taʔlí ət ‿ƛ̓ax̌t. l̓‿tkmíc̓aʔs iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓s t̓st̓ʕast outside; hoof c̓x̌ił tə‿q̓ʷəx̌ʷq̓ʷəx̌ʷqin̓ks. iʔ‿kixʷútm̓s iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓sk əkip uł pʕa ixíʔ uł ckn̓xitm ła‿cxʷist uł nixʷ ła‿cqicl̓x lut ksəctk̓ʷak̓ʷs. łə‿caʔáqʷm, iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ckʷaʔkʷʔáł, ʔistkm płəłtw̓il̓x iʔ‿spum̓ts uł ʕp a. iʔ‿spum̓ts cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ, ixíʔ mi lut ksłʕaʕ̓át̓s iʔ‿spum̓ts ła‿cq̓it km ła‿cmqʷaqʷ. x̌ilm itíʔ uł kʷal̓təl̓x iwá warm łə‿yixʷmús. very cold

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iʔ‿sqilxʷ sx̌uʔx̌ʔústs ʔi ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ət ‿sʔiłn uł nixʷ iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿tmixʷ ixíʔ uł taʔlí ctxt̓mist iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. ła‿ckacxcín iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm xʷuscn,c t̓awníxʷ ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔstís iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s. ilíʔ barely; chew kłn̓kʷumn l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔít ʔi ‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. ʔ i ‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks n̓mus iʔ‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks. ilíʔ łə‿n̓stil̓s lutə t ‿stim kskʷn̓nun̓tm, ixíʔ łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tsts iʔ‿sʔilns uł łk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔn̓tís. əł ‿y̓ay̓áx̌aʔn̓txʷ iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ła‿ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔcínm, cy̓ay̓áx̌aʔskʷ iʔ‿sk̓małq̓ʷl̓ts uł throat wikn̓txʷ ła‿łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tstsʔ i ‿sʔiłn̓s mł łk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔntís. ixíʔ łk̓łnixl ət ‿stim, xʷus łq̓mn̓tis, cmay cm yal̓t tl̓‿stim. pn̓kin feel calm łn̓qm̓pil̓s, ixíʔ taʔx̌ílm uł łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tsts iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s. qipcm, iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn cpl̓plalʔ i ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s cəcámaʔt, kəkəpkip uł kəkn̓kan̓t. st̓uwálx itíʔ tender; horns in iʔ‿młk̓íyaʔ cxʷuy uł ckn̓xits cpl̓plal iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin. iʔ‿l̓‿scaʔáqʷ velvet xʷusxʷst ła‿cplal iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s uł iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn cn̓c̓xʷaxʷ full iʔ‿młk̓íyaʔ l̓‿tk̓mil̓psts ixíʔ cʔam̓stís ksplal̓s iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin. ixíʔ t̓iʔx̌ílm iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn knáqsmiʔst km əckmax cʔúluʔs ctkəłam able to be alone; tl̓‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. k̓aʔáym əł ‿wiʔspl̓plál iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s, x̌ʷw̓aw away from iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn st̓uwálxs.ʔ i ‿sx̌ʷlixkn tx̌iqkstsəl̓x iʔ‿sic rub q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓sʔ l̓‿a ‿cc̓l̓c̓al km l̓‿aʔ‿cłəkłak səckłəpx̌ʷam̓s remove iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s. niʕáy̓p spin̓tk cp̓sƛ̓aʔtwíl̓xʔ i ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn, sic itlíʔ q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn, sic itlíʔ kaʔłál̓xqn, itlíʔ spike; two-point; masxn. ʕamʕamál̓xqn ixíʔ iʔ‿sʔum̓s iʔ‿k̓iwl̓xə t ‿sx̌ʷlixkn. three-point; four- ła‿claʔkín ət ‿snʕasts iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s t̓awníxʷ ck̓at̓qnm. point; really big uníxʷ k̓aʔáym kaʔ cn̓ʔastkíl̓tm. ctiyáqʷtʔ i ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ixíʔ mi buck; hold head sic k̓x̌ilm̓s iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn iʔ‿tə‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s kaʔ up; breed ctyaqʷtəl̓x y̓ar̓mn̓wíxʷ c̓əq̓nwixʷ laʔkín iʔ‿misx̌ʷúpt yal̓t. push each other; iʔ‿ƛ̓xʷup mi ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. iʔ‿mis síl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿mis hit each other k̓ʷəck̓ʷact iʔ‿xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn ixíʔ mi ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. xʷʔit big antlers buck iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn lut pn̓kin kskłəq̓l̓xínaʔs iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ ilíʔ tə‿sk̓aʔáym, k̓łʔim̓m itlíʔ nəqspin̓tk mi łk̓ʷʕaʔk̓ʷʕán̓maʔs uc ƛ̓xʷups ʔi ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. l̓‿spiƛ̓m̓tn km miktúʔtn, ixíʔ uł tkəłmn̓cut iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. ilíʔ k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷl̓il̓tmə t ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt. iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups naqs km n̓ʔasl̓míl̓t l̓‿nəqspin̓tk. iʔ‿sic sk̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓x mat k̓l̓‿t̓aq̓m̓kst kmx̌əx̌n̓ut snʕasts, iʔ‿ksnʕasts c̓x̌ił iʔ‿tə‿ʔuʔxtílaʔt. lut sq̓sápiʔs tl̓‿ksk̓ʷul̓l̓s iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt uł way tiłx. ʔay̓xáxaʔ uł way qʔim, qaʔmíl̓tm

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 111 tə‿sqʔim tl̓‿tum̓tm. cwikʷl̓tm iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ hide child łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷl̓il̓tm. put k̓ʷck̓ʷctw̓il̓x ksʔaw̓típiʔs iʔ‿tum̓tm̓sʔ i ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt, cwikʷ uł kmax cʔitx. cksəlíc̓aʔ iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓, ixíʔ mi lut t̓ít̓iym̓t kswikəks. łə‿kicn̓tm ət ‿stim lut iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt t̓a‿cyal̓t. t̓iʔ ilíʔ łəq̓ʷut, ƛ̓ílmiʔst lut iwákskł əpłəpsʕam̓s. blink ʔasíl ks ʕ̓acíw̓sʔ i ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ʔaw̓típiʔs iʔ‿tum̓tm̓s ła‿cʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ cʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt, tə‿sic graze aʔ‿cpl̓plal, nax̌m̓ł əcmisqʔím ət ‿tum̓tm sqʔim̓s. łə‿sƛ̓əƛ̓x̌aps iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt cmisʔíłn tə‿sqʷʕayálaʔxʷ uł lut taʔlí cqʔim. l̓‿scaʔáqʷ kmax cʔickn iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt, cłat̓pmn̓cút, cktar̓qxnam, kick ckl̓klnwixʷəl̓x. ła‿cʔicəckn iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt itlíʔ uł k̓ʷəck̓ʷəctw̓il̓xəl̓x ƛ̓əx̌twil̓xəl̓x. become fast iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ naʔł ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt cʔúl̓luʔs uł cxʷaʔtwíl̓xəl̓x uł t̓iʔ become many tuʔ. itlíʔ naqs tl̓‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ cy̓lmixʷm tl̓‿yʕat iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt cy̓ay̓áx̌aʔsts iʔ‿tum̓tm naʔł iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm uł ixíʔ n̓cw̓cw̓ikstsəl̓x. k̓aʔáym ixíʔ uł way ƛ̓ix̌əx̌pt uł ʔum̓səl̓x tə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t. ixíʔ uł x̌ast q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúcəl̓x ałíʔ k̓ik̓m miʔ istkm. get fat ła‿cʔistkm xac̓t łə‿kskacxcín̓s iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. ła‿cʔistkm ctxəpxəpikstm kaʔ cxʷl̓xʷal̓t itíʔ cx̌w̓x̌aw̓t tə‿sp̓y̓qałq uł nixʷ nibble branches iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷ itíʔ tə‿k̓ámaʔ tl̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al. uł nixʷ cciqstsʔ i ‿smik̓ʷt uł łʔiq̓ʷ itíʔ iʔ‿stʔiʔ, sp̓y̓qałq km q̓íp̓xʷaʔ. lut miyáł ła‿cxʷʔit iʔ‿smik̓ʷt, cxʷilwís tl̓‿n̓miłtn̓s iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ła‿ctəxʷcn̓cut. ixíʔ uł resting place miyáł n̓qʷstwil̓x iʔ‿smik̓ʷt uł xac̓t łə‿ksxʷilwísts, ilíʔ pútiʔ ksʔiłn become deep kłaʔám l̓‿n̓miłtn̓səl̓x. ałíʔ tl̓‿scəcámaʔts iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t uł lut put iʔ‿sq̓ʷucts, xʷʔit iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t cƛ̓axʷt. iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t nixʷ cƛ̓xʷaxʷ cʔiłstm tə‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿tmixʷ ła‿cʔistkm ałíʔ t̓ít̓iym̓t łə‿kskʷn̓nun̓tm l̓‿smik̓ʷt. ilíʔ uł qipcm, iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓tʔ ta lí cckəw̓tw̓il̓x. ckiw̓t ! iʔ‿nəqspin̓kt c̓iłsts ʕy at iʔ‿sic sk̓ʷan̓łq uł way łəwis iʔ‿tum̓tm̓s. l̓‿ksp̓iƛ̓m̓tn km miktúʔtn iʔ‿tum̓tm łtk̓ʷil̓tm km qmnil̓tm. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓ʷn̓xusm iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿l̓‿syilxʷúlaʔxʷ ? stim iʔ‿sʔum̓səl̓x ? 2. səxkinx uł ʕapnáʔ misxʷʔít ʔi ‿t̓k̓ʷtups kiʔ tl̓‿st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ iʔ‿l̓‿syilxʷúlaʔxʷ ? 3. stim iʔ‿sʔum̓m̓s iʔ‿sql̓tm̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ st̓úl̓łc̓aʔ ? uł iʔ‿tkəłml̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ ? 4. stim iʔ‿sʔum̓m̓s iʔ‿sql̓tm̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ t̓k̓ʷtups ? uł iʔ‿tkəłml̓xʷsqáx̌aʔ ?

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5. stim iʔ‿c̓um̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ sƛ̓aʔcínm ? 6. c̓kin iʔ‿kst̓ik̓ʷl̓qsʔ i ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 7. c̓kin iʔ‿ksnʕasts iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 8. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿stm̓tum̓xn̓sʔ i ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 9. c̓kin iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓s iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 10. səxkinx uł t̓iʔ kəkəpkip iʔ‿kixʷútm̓s iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓s iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 11. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 12. c̓kin kskn̓xits aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ iʔ‿spumts iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 13. səxkinx uł taʔlí ctxt̓mist iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ? 14. k̓aʔkín kskumn̓tm iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s tə‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ła‿cxʔit ła‿ckacxcín ? 15. n̓k̓ʷinx iʔ‿sqʷl̓cnin̓ks iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups ? 16. pn̓kin kiʔ łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tstm iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s tə‿tk̓ʷtups ? 17. pn̓kin kiʔ łq̓mn̓tim iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s tə‿tk̓ʷtups ? 18. pn̓kin kaʔ cpl̓plal iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ? 19. c̓kin iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ aʔ‿cpl̓plal ? 20. stim aʔ‿ckn̓xits cpl̓plal iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ? 21. pn̓kin kiʔ wiʔspl̓plál uł x̌w̓aw iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn st̓uwálxs ? 22. c̓kin səckłəpx̌ʷam̓s iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ? 23. stim iʔ‿skʷskʷists iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ? 24. łə‿k̓aʔáym, x̌l̓‿stim uł ctiyáqʷt iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ? 25. hakín tə‿sx̌ʷlixkn aʔ‿ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ ? 26. səxkinx uł xʷʔit iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn lut t̓a‿ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ ? 27. pn̓kin kaʔ ctkəłmn̓cut uł ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷl̓il̓tm iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ ? 28. k̓ʷn̓xil̓tm iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ t̓k̓ʷtups ? 29. iʔ‿sic sk̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l̓x, k̓ʷinx iʔ‿ksnʕasts iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ? 30. əxkistm iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt tə‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷl̓il̓tm ? 31. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l, səxkinx uł lut t̓ít̓iym̓t kswikəks iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ? 32. stim aʔ‿c̓kists ʔi ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt łə‿kicn̓tm tə‿stim ? 33. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t ʔixí uł ʔaw̓típn̓tim iʔ‿tum̓tm̓s tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ? 34. c̓kin iʔ‿sʔickn̓s iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ? 35. swit iʔ‿n̓cw̓cw̓ikstm tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ? 36. put pn̓kin uł ʔumn̓tm tə‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t iʔ‿k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ sƛ̓aʔcínm ? 37. ła‿cʔistkm, stim iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ? 38. səxkinx uł cciqsts iʔ‿smik̓ʷt iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ? 39. səxkinx uł cxʷilwís tl̓‿n̓miłtn̓s iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ła‿ctəxʷcn̓cut ? 40. səxkinx uł xʷʔit iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t cƛ̓axʷt l̓‿sʔistk ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. k̓ʷaʔám / k̓ʷaʔán̓t to bite in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 113 intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha ck̓ʷaʔstixʷ asx̌mnkáw̓s ? (kiw)

2. uc an̓x̌mínk kʷ‿iksk̓ʷaʔám ? (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

3. swit an̓kəkwápaʔ k̓ʷaʔn̓tis ? (in̓xmin)

4. ha p‿sk̓ʷaʔmíxaʔx tə‿n̓k̓mil̓psts Prasát ? (kiw)

5. ha kʷ‿ck̓ʷaʔám t‿aslx̌láx̌t ? (lut)

6. ha səck̓ʷaʔmíx an̓kəkwáp tə‿scəcmálaʔ ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms k̓ʷaʔám / k̓ʷaʔán̓t to bite in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc

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mnimłtət xxx xxx

mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx



D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. stim iʔ‿k̓ʷaʔn̓tsis ? (st̓n̓t̓an̓wáyaʔ)

2. səxkinx uł k̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷəl̓x ? (ʕay̓mt)

3. ha k̓ʷaʔłul̓mn ? (lut)

4. ha iʔ‿púpaʔs k̓ʷaʔłúlm̓s ? (kiw)

5. stim kʷu‿k̓ʷaʔn̓tim ? (q̓ʷłtmin)

6. səxkinx uł in̓ca kʷu‿k̓ʷaʔn̓tixʷ ? (x̌mínk)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. t̓wist- stand / live reduplication: t̓w̓t̓wist example sentences: 1. ʕapnáʔ, misxʷʔít ʔi ‿t̓k̓ʷtups, ałíʔ laʔkín kiʔ t̓wist łə‿kłaʔám k̓l̓‿sqilxʷ lut t̓a‿cmaʔaʔmísts. (Nowadays, there are a lot more whitetail deer because living by people doesn't bother them.) 2. ha wikn̓txʷ xʷʔit iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm t̓iʔ t̓w̓t̓wist. (Did you see lots of deer there just standing around.) 3. ik̓líʔ k̓l̓‿cəcw̓íxaʔ kiʔ t̓wist. (They're standing by the creek.)

2. ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt- early fawn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ c̓um̓stsəl̓x tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt km sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t. (A little deer is called an early fawn or late fawn.) 2. kn‿wikm tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt tə‿spiʔsc̓íłt. (I saw a fawn yesterday.)

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3. qipcm kaʔ ck̓ʷl̓k̓ʷul̓l iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt. (In the spring is when the fawns are born.)

3. sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t- late fawn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿k̓ʷək̓ʷyúmaʔ c̓um̓stsəl̓x tə‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt km sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t. (A little deer is called an early fawn or late fawn.) 2. pútiʔ cksl̓slíc̓aʔ iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t. (The older fawns still have spots.) 3. mat k̓l̓‿nəqspin̓tk iʔ‿sk̓ʷək̓ʷƛ̓il̓t uł c̓sap iʔ‿skslíc̓aʔs. (At about a year old the fawns lose their spots.)

4. kγxan- slender leg reduplication: kγkγxan example sentences: 1. iʔ‿t̓k̓ʷtups wəswisxn̓xn uł kγkγxan iʔ‿sʕ̓ac̓əc̓s lut t̓ə‿k̓ʷəck̓ʷact, nax̌m̓ł way k̓ʷəck̓ʷactəlx. (Whitetail deer have long, slender legs and they might look like they are not very strong, but they are.) 2. tałt kiʔ kɣkɣxan in̓kəkw̓ápaʔ. (My dog has such skinny legs.) 3. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím x̌minks caʔkʷ kɣkɣxan. (The women want to have skinny legs.)

5. xʷəlxʷaláʕpaʔxkn- dew claws singular: xʷalʕápaʔxkn example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿cəcámaʔt iʔ‿xʷəlxʷaláʕpaʔxkns cn̓ptətkʷúlaʔxʷ ła‿cn̓tr̓qpn̓cut taʔlí tə‿ƛ̓ax̌t. (The deer's small toes usually only touch the ground if the deer is running very, very fast.) 2. iʔ‿sqilxʷ lut t̓a‿kłxʷl̓xʷalʕápaʔxkn. (People don't have those dew claws.) 3. ck̓ʷul̓m̓stsəl̓x iʔ‿xʷlxʷalʕápaʔxkn k̓l̓‿kłcʕaskstn̓s. (They use dew claws to make rattles.)

6. tkmíc̓aʔ- the outside of something example sentences: 1. l̓‿tkəmíc̓aʔs iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓s t̓st̓ʕast c̓x̌iłə t ‿q̓ʷəx̌ʷqin̓kstət. (The outside of a deer's toe is hard like our fingernails.) 2. iʔ‿ʔarsíkʷ iʔ‿tk̓míc̓aʔs yir uł t̓aʕs. (The turtles shell is round and hard) 3. miƛ̓səl̓x iʔ‿tk̓míc̓aʔs iʔ‿sxʷul̓łxʷ tə‿smy̓m̓ay̓. (They paint a story on their teepee.)

7. nq̓iʔqnústn- hoof example sentences: 1. l̓‿tkəmíc̓aʔs iʔ‿n̓q̓iʔqnústn̓s t̓st̓ʕast c̓x̌iłə t ‿q̓ʷəx̌ʷqin̓kstət. (The outside of a deer's toe is hard like our fingernails.)

8. kʷal̓t- warm reduplication: kʷl̓kʷal̓t example sentences: 1. x̌ilm itíʔ uł kʷal̓təlx iwá łə‿yixʷmús. (That is how deer stay warm even when it is very cold out.) 2. iʔ‿sk̓ʷan̓łq misx̌ásts łə‿kʷl̓kʷal̓təl̓x. (Plants like it when they're warm.) N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 116

3. ha put kʷal̓t an̓lkapú ? (Is your coat warm enough?)

9. yixʷmús- very cold example sentences: 1. x̌ilm itíʔ uł kʷal̓təlx iwá łə‿yixʷmús. (That is how deer stay warm even when it is very cold out.) 2. kʷal̓t akłlkapú, yixʷmús iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (Wear a warm coat, the country is very cold.) 3. ʔístkm uł cyixʷmús iʔ‿t̓m̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (Winter time and the country gets cold)

10. t̓awníxʷ- barely / hardly at all example sentences: 1. ła‿ckacxcín iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm cxʷuscn, t̓awníxʷ ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔstís ʔs iłn̓s. (When they find food, deer eat very quickly, and barely chew their food.) 2. wikn in̓ƛ̓əx̌ƛ̓x̌áp t̓awníxʷ cql̓ql̓witm. (I saw my elder, she could barely walk.) 3. iʔ‿təkłmilxʷ t̓awníxʷ ctkʷn̓kʷnim k̓l̓‿sql̓tmixʷs. (The woman is barely hanging on to her husband.)

11. ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔstím / ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔán̓t- chew something example sentences: 1. ła‿ckacxcín iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm cxʷuscn, t̓awníxʷ ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔstís sʔiłn̓s. (When they find food, deer eat very quickly, and barely chew their food.) 2. iʔ‿sw̓ʕaʔ ck̓ʷak̓ʷaʔstís iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. (The cougar has the deer in his mouth) 3. k̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔán̓t asʔíłn tə‿x̌ast mi sic q̓mn̓tixʷ. (Chew your food well before you swallow it.)

12. sk̓małq̓ʷl̓t- throat reduplication: sk̓m̓k̓małq̓ʷl̓t example sentences: 1. łə‿y̓ay̓áx̌aʔn̓txʷ iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ła‿ck̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔcínm, cy̓ay̓áx̌aʔskʷ iʔ‿sk̓małq̓ʷl̓ts uł wikn̓txʷ ła‿łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓tstsʔ i ‿sʔiłn̓s mł łk̓ʷaʔk̓ʷaʔntís. (If you watch a deer while it is chewing, you can watch its neck and see it bring food up for chewing.) 2. k̓łp̓aʔcín̓t l̓‿sk̓m̓k̓małq̓ʷl̓ts. (Choke them by the throat.) 3. q̓aʔípsaʔ iʔ‿sk̓ałq̓ʷl̓ts uł n̓t̓qʷikn̓txʷ. (If he chokes, hit him on the back.)

13. n̓qm̓pil̓s- calm / feel calm example sentences: 1. ixíʔ əłk̓łnixl tə‿stim, xʷus əłq̓mntis, cmay cm yal̓t tl̓‿stim. pn̓kin łn̓qm̓pil̓s, ixíʔ taʔx̌ílm uł łq̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔím̓t iʔ‿sʔiłn̓s. (Then, if the deer hears something, it will swallows the food quickly, in case it needs to run from something.) 2. ha kʷ‿n̓qm̓pil̓s ? (Are you feeling better about it?) 3. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł cn̓qm̓pil̓s iʔ‿kʷl̓kʷl̓al̓xʷ ła‿ck̓łtl̓stisəl̓x. (How many days a calf will worry before it feels better about being weaned from its mom.)

14. kn̓kan̓t- tender reduplication: kəkn̓kan̓t example sentences: N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 117

1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins cəcámaʔt, kəkəpkip uł kəkn̓kan̓t. (At first the antlers are small, soft and tender.) 2. kn‿q̓íluʔs uł t̓iʔ kəkn̓kan̓t isn̓k̓míkn. (My back aches and its very tender.) 3. kn‿st̓k̓ʷək̓ʷmix uł kəkn̓kan̓t in̓k̓aʔk̓aʔqín̓xn. (I fell and my knees are tender.)

15. st̓uwálx- horns in velvet example sentences: 1. st̓uwálx itíʔ iʔ‿młk̓íyaʔ cxʷuy uł ckn̓xits cpl̓plal iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqin. (They are covered with fuzzy skin that brings blood to help the antlers grow.)

16. n̓c̓xʷaxʷ- full reduplication: n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷaxʷ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿l̓‿scaʔáqʷ xʷusxʷst ła‿cplal iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins uł iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn cn̓c̓xʷaxʷ iʔ‿młk̓íyaʔ l̓‿tk̓mil̓psts ixíʔ cʔam̓stís ksplalsʔ i ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqin. (During the summer the antlers grow fast, and the buck's neck will swell with blood that is feeding the antlers.) 2. łə‿q̓it uł n̓c̓xʷc̓xʷaxʷ iʔ‿spəqpəqkán. (When it rains it drips into the pans.) 3. k̓ʷl̓l̓ʔil̓t uł n̓cxʷc̓xʷəxʷsimxʷ. (When she gives birth her breasts fill up.)

17. knáqsmiʔst- able to be alone reduplication: knanáqsmiʔst example sentences: 1. ixíʔ t̓iʔx̌ílm iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn knáqsmiʔst km əckmax cʔúluʔs ctkəłam tl̓‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. (During this time, the male deer live by themselves or in small groups away from the female deer.) 2. xʷuyəl̓x k̓aw̓skłəw̓ʔáx̌nməl̓x, knanáqsmiʔst uł xƛ̓apəl̓x. (They went to get their shots, they went one at a time.) 3. lut t̓a‿cn̓x̌ił, knaqsmiʔst uł x̌iƛ̓m k̓l̓‿wist. (He doesn't get scared, he goes by himself to the mountains)

18. tkəłam- away from example sentences: 1. ixíʔ t̓iʔx̌ílm iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn knáqsmiʔst km əckmax cʔúluʔs ctkəłam tl̓‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. (During this time, the male deer live by themselves or in small groups away from the female deer.) 2. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ła‿cn̓lʕaʔpús ła‿cq̓il̓t ctkəłam iʔ‿tl̓‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t. (Women on their time live separate from the rest.) 3. ʕ̓ác̓ənt tə‿sxʷətxʷáts ilíʔ uł way tkəłmncút. (Look at how digusting he sepaates himself from the rest0

19. tx̌iqkst- rub reduplication: tx̌qx̌iqkst example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn tx̌iqkstsəl̓x iʔ‿sic q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al km l̓‿aʔ‿cłəłak səckłəpx̌ʷam̓s iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins. (The bucks rub their new antlers on trees and bushes to scrape off the dried up

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 118 velvet.) 2. caʔáqʷəm kaʔ ctx̌iqkst iʔ‿pw̓alxqn. (Summer time is when the bucks rub on their antlers.) 3. iʔ‿smam̓ʔím ctx̌qx̌iqkst l̓‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ ła‿cx̌minkm. (Women rub themselves on men when they're in heat.)

20. kłəpx̌ʷam- remove / rub off example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn tx̌iqkstsəl̓x ʔi ‿sic q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins l̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al km l̓‿aʔ‿cłəłak səckłəpx̌ʷam̓s iʔ‿skw̓píc̓aʔs iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins. (The bucks rub their new antlers on trees and bushes to scrape off the dried up velvet.) 2. kłəpłəpx̌ʷam tə‿skəkʕákaʔ. (He plucked chickens.) 3. lut akskłəpx̌ʷám t̓iʔ ksəríc̓aʔn̓t. (Don't pluck them, just skin them.)

21. xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn- spike (antlers) example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn, sic itlíʔ q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn, sic itlíʔ kaʔłál̓xqn, itlíʔ masxn. (First they will be a spike, then a two-point, then a three-point then a four-point.)

22. q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn- two-point (antlers) example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn, sic itlíʔ q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn, sic itlíʔ kaʔłál̓xqn, itlíʔ masxn. (First they will be a spike, then a two-point, then a three-point then a four-point.) 2. q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn iʔ‿skʷists. (Two pointer is what he's called.) 3. x̌ast tə‿sʔiłn iʔ‿q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn. (Two pointer is good eating.)

23. kaʔłál̓xqn- three-point (antlers) example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn, sic itlíʔ q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn, sic itlíʔ kaʔłál̓xqn, itlíʔ masxn. (First they will be a spike, then a two-point, then a three-point then a four-point.) 2. kaʔłl̓spin̓tk iʔ‿kaʔłál̓xqn. (He's three years old when he's called three point.) 3. way taʔlí sil̓xʷaʔtw̓íl̓x łə‿kaʔłlál̓xqn. (He's pretty big by the time he's three point.)

24. masxn- four-point (antlers) example sentences: 1. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ xʷəxʷaxʷíkʷłxn, sic itlíʔ q̓ayuʔsál̓xqn, sic itlíʔ kaʔłál̓xqn, itlíʔ masxn. (First they will be a spike, then a two-point, then a three-point then a four-point.) 2. ła‿claʔkín̓ kmax k̓l̓‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s mi cpulstm iʔ‿masxn t‿aʔ cpix̌m kmax k̓l̓‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin. (Sometimes they get killed for trophy horns by trophy hunters.) 3. lut qʷay akswíkm iʔ‿masx̌n. (It's not too often you will see a four pointer.)

25. ʕamʕamál̓xqn- really old buck example sentences: 1. ʕamʕamál̓xqn ixíʔ iʔ‿sʔum̓s iʔ‿k̓iwl̓x tə‿sx̌ʷlixkn. (ʕamʕamál̓xqn is a word used to describe a buck N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 119 which is really old.) 2. c̓x̌ił tə‿sn̓kłc̓aʔsqáx̌aʔ iʔ‿ksíl̓xʷaʔs iʔ‿ʕamʕamálqn. (An old buck could get as big as a horse.) 3. ha mat x̌sʔiłn iʔ‿ʕamʕamálqn ? (I wonder if an old buck is still good tasting?)

26. k̓at̓qnm- hold head up reduplication: k̓t̓k̓at̓qnm example sentences: 1. ła‿claʔkín tə‿snʕasts iʔ‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins t̓awníxʷ ck̓at̓qnm. (Sometimes a buck has such big antlers that they have a hard time holding their head up.) 2. spul̓xəxəl̓x, kiʔ csəsʕas, yʕat swit k̓t̓k̓at̓qnm. (They're all in bed, then there was a crash, and everyone's heads came up.) 3. t̓iʔ sic sk̓ʷul̓l̓x uł way k̓at̓qnm. (It was just born and it already lifts its head.)

27. k̓x̌ilm- breed reduplication: k̓x̌k̓x̌ilm example sentences: 1. ctiyáqʷt iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn ixíʔ mi sic k̓x̌ilm̓s iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. (Bucks fight with each other so that they can breed with the does.) 2. aláʔ iʔ‿n̓ml̓k̓ʷápaʔst ck̓x̌k̓x̌ilm̓sts yʕat iʔ‿sm̓um̓cxn. (Here the stud breeds all the mares.) 3. way t̓iʔ kʷ‿ctxət̓mist cm k̓x̌ilmn̓ts iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ. (You better be careful those men might do something to you.)

28. y̓ar̓mn̓wíxʷ- push each other reduplication: y̓r̓y̓ar̓mnwíxʷ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn iʔ‿tə‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins kaʔ ctyaqʷtəlx y̓ar̓mn̓wíxʷ c̓əq̓nwixʷ laʔkín iʔ‿misx̌ʷúpt yal̓t. (The bucks knock their antlers together and push back and forth until the weaker buck runs away.) 2. iʔ‿spəpl̓al cy̓r̓y̓ar̓mnwíxʷəl̓x ła‿cwəktwíxʷ. (Boys will push each other when they see each other.) 3. lut xʷuy in̓p̓úy̓xn, húmaʔ kʷu‿yirmín̓t. (My car won't start, please give me a push.)

29. c̓əq̓nwixʷ- hit each other / bump into each other reduplication: c̓əq̓c̓əq̓nwixʷ example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sx̌ʷlixkn iʔ‿tə‿q̓ʷmq̓ʷmqins kaʔ ctyaqʷtəlx y̓ar̓mn̓wíxʷ c̓əq̓nwixʷ laʔkín iʔ‿misx̌ʷúpt yal̓t. (The bucks knock their antlers together and push back and forth until the weaker buck runs away.) 2. iʔ‿pipúyxən c̓əq̓c̓əq̓nwixʷ uł xʷʔit ła‿ctx̌ʷay̓y̓qn. (The cars collide into each other and a whole bunch would pile up.) 3. ctxət̓mistx cm c̓q̓n̓tsis mi kʷ‿x̌n̓um̓t. (Be careful or you'll get hit and you'll get hurt.)

30. xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn- big antlers example sentences: 1. iʔ‿mis síl̓xʷaʔ iʔ‿mis k̓ʷck̓ʷact iʔ‿xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn ixíʔ mi ckłəq̓l̓xínaʔsts iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ. (The strongest and healthiest bucks with big antlers breed most of the does.) N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 120

2. iʔ‿xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓q̓ʷm̓qin̓s tə‿stxʷʔit mat k̓ʷ ʔupn̓kst ksc̓als iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓qin̓s. (The old bucks has a lot of points maybe up to ten points.) 3. iʔ‿q̓ʷm̓qin̓s tə‿słaqʷłəqʷts uł nʕast ła‿cqaqcl̓x iʔ‿xʷaxʷík̓ʷłxn cyəxʷil̓xkn. (The old bucks horns are so huge and heavy when he trots his head is lowered.)

31. wikʷl̓tm- hide children reduplication: wəkʷwikʷl̓tm example sentences: 1. cwikʷl̓tm iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔítiʔ łə‿k̓ʷl̓k̓ʷl̓ʔíl̓tm. (Does hide their fawns during the first month after they are born.) 2. iʔ‿skəkʕákaʔ ła‿ckłəql̓xqnil̓tm cwəkʷwikʷl̓tm. (When chickens brood they hide their eggs.) 3. iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t cwikʷl̓tm, k̓ʷn̓xásq̓t mi sic cxʷuy̓sts k̓l̓‿sn̓ʔamn̓sqáx̌aʔtn. (Cows hide their calves for a few days before they bring them to the feeding grounds.)

32. kłəpsʕam- to blink reduplication: kłəłəpsʕam example sentences: 1. t̓iʔ ilíʔ łəq̓ʷut, ƛ̓ílmiʔst lut iwá kskłəłəpsʕam̓s. (They lie quietly, not moving at all, not even blinking.) 2. ła‿cq̓xʷaxʷ iʔ‿xixw̓tm ckłəpłəpsam uł cn̓c̓ʕap̓sm. (When a girl flirts she blinks her eyes and she winks too.) 3. caʔkʷ lut kʷ‿ła‿ckłəpłəpsam ilíʔ uł kʷ‿kx̌w̓x̌w̓ʔus. (If you didn't blink your eyes would dry up.)

33. ʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm- graze / brouse reduplication: ʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm example sentences: 1. ʔasíl skaʕcíw̓s iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt ʔaw̓típiʔs iʔ‿tum̓tm̓s ła‿cʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm. (After a few weeks, fawns are able to follow their mothers to look for food.) 2. ik̓líʔ n̓pəpilx iʔ‿st̓mʕal̓t k̓l̓‿n̓x̌ʷíc̓laʔxʷtn uł ilíʔ t̓win̓ st cʕaƛ̓ʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm. (The cows went in the hay field and they're standing in there grazing.) 3. wikn iʔ‿yilíkʷl̓xkn cʕaƛ̓úlaʔxʷm. (I saw the bighorn sheep grazing.)

34. ktar̓qxnam- to kick / kick at someone with the leg reduplication: ktr̓tar̓qxnám example sentences: 1. l̓‿scaʔáqʷ kmax cʔicəckn iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt, cłat̓pmn̓cút, cktar̓qxnam, ckl̓klnwixʷəlx. (Fawns play a lot during the summer. They jump and kick up their hind legs and they chase one another.) 2. n̓x̌scin iʔ‿tx̌ʷaq̓ʷn̓ktn ixíʔ sktr̓tar̓qxnám̓s. (The music sounded so good he started to kick his legs around.) 3. caʔkʷ qsím̓kn̓txʷ an̓kəkwápaʔ ixíʔ str̓qxnám̓s. (If you should tickle your dogs belly he would start to kick his foot.)

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35. ƛ̓əx̌twil̓x- become fast example sentences: 1. ła‿cʔicəckn iʔ‿ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt itlíʔ uł k̓ʷck̓ʷctw̓il̓xəlx ƛ̓əx̌twil̓xəlx. (This playing helps the fawns to get strong and learn to move quickly.) 2. kn‿xʷuy k̓l̓‿n̓ʔickntn, xʷʔit iʔ‿kłkʷakʷíl̓l̓tn nikxná kn‿kłmut l̓‿naqs kiʔ xl̓sʕap niʕ̓áy̓p ƛ̓əx̌twil̓x uł kn‿tk̓aʔsíls. (I went to a playground with lots of rides, my goodness I got on one of them and it took off getting faster and faster and I was getting sick.) 3. kʷu‿kłcw̓caw̓t uł kʷu‿qil̓t, kʷu‿łə‿səx̌ʷtilx ilíʔ kiʔ kʷu‿ƛ̓əx̌tw̓il̓x, xʷúm̓t̓iʔ kʷu‿ssʕasʕátx. (We had a hard time going up when we got to the top we started to go down we got faster and faster it was like we were falling.)

36. xʷaʔtwíl̓x- become many reduplication: example sentences: 1. iʔ‿tíw̓łc̓aʔ naʔł ƛ̓əkʷƛ̓akʷt cʔúlluʔs uł cxʷaʔtwíl̓xəlx uł t̓iʔ tuʔ. (During this time, a doe will join other does to make a larger herds of does with fawns.) 2. niʕ̓áy̓p scxʷaʔtwíl̓xəx iʔ‿sqilxʷ. (There is getting more and more people.) 3. iwá kʷu‿cn̓lqiw̓sm uł way t̓iʔ xʷaʔtwíl̓x iʔ‿sn̓plíw̓s. (Even though we pull them, there gets to be more and more weeds.)

37. q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúc- get fat reduplication: example sentences: 1. ixíʔ uł x̌ast q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúcəlx ałíʔ k̓ik̓m mi ʔistkm. (It is an important time when the fawn must build up fat for the coming winter.) 2. k̓ik̓m mi q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúc iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm. (The deer are almost fattened up.) 3. iʔ‿scəcm̓álaʔ kmax c̓ałʔíłn uł cqəmnlwis sc̓x̌ilx q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷʔúcəl̓x. (The kids all they do is eat and lay around that's why they're getting obese.)

38. txəpikstm- chew branches reduplication: txəpxəpikstm example sentences: 1. ła‿cʔistkm ctxəpxəpikstm kaʔ cxʷəlxʷalt itíʔ cx̌ʷw̓x̌aw̓t tə‿sp̓y̓qałq, uł nixʷ iʔ‿k̓iʔlílxʷ itíʔ tə‿k̓ámaʔ tl̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓al. (In the winter they live by eating the tips of branches, dried up berries, and even the bark and needles from trees.) 2. aʔ‿ksn̓c̓lúlaʔxʷ cmaʔaʔmístsəl̓x iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm ałíʔctxəpxpiksts iʔ‿sn̓c̓lúlaʔxʷ. (The orchardists don't like the deer to come in their orchards because they chew on their plantings.) 3. iʔ‿k̓ʷík̓ʷxʷnaʔ ctxəpxəpiksts iʔ‿sk̓ʷan̓łq. (Mice chew on plant leaves.)

39. n̓qʷstwil̓x- become deep reduplication: example sentences: 1. ixíʔ uł miyáł n̓qʷstwil̓x iʔ‿smik̓ʷt uł xac̓t łə‿ksxʷilwísts, ilíʔ pútiʔ ksʔiłn kłaʔám l̓‿nmiłtnsəl̓x. (Then,

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 122 if the snow gets deep and it is hard to travel, there is still food close by their resting place.) 2. ła‿cqipcm uł ʕ̓aʔím iʔ‿smik̓ʷt ixíʔ uł n̓qʷsqʷstkʷil̓x iʔ‿cw̓cw̓íxaʔ. (When its spring time the snow melts and the creeks get deep.) 3. ła‿ctqip iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ ixíʔ uł n̓qʷstkʷwíl̓x uł kt̓ik̓naʔ iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ. (When they dam up the river the water gets deep and it floods the land.)

40. n̓miłtn- resting place reduplication: example sentences: 1. ixíʔ uł miyáł n̓qʷstwil̓x iʔ‿smik̓ʷt uł xac̓t łə‿ksxʷilwísts, ilíʔ pútiʔ ksʔiłn kłaʔám l̓‿nmiłtnsəl̓x. (Then, if the snow gets deep and it is hard to travel, there is still food close by their resting place.) 2. ʕapnáʔ iʔ‿sqilxʷ iʔ‿n̓miłtn̓səl̓x kłtətuqʷ sn̓kłkʷil̓l̓tn uł cmay kłsny̓ay̓áx̌aʔtn. (Nowadays people's resting room will have soft chairs and maybe a TV to watch.) 3. ła‿cxʷilwís iʔ‿sqilxʷ ck̓am̓tíw̓s km kłlwakín uł cq̓sápiʔ mi kaʔkín̓ cyʕap ułkłn̓miłtn ilíʔ kłcəcw̓íxaʔ kłn̓pul̓xtn, kłslip̓ kłn̓wr̓min. (When people traveled they went by hoseback, or wagon and it took a long time to get to where they wanted to go so their resting places had a creek, a camp spot, wood and a fire place.)

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17. iʔ‿sxʷikʷm sʔum̓s n̓t̓ixkʷn̓t take out of water k̓łxʷk̓ʷap cleaned off łix̌ʷn̓t make holes q̓ʷaʔán̓t wring out n̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓t open carn̓t stretch cakʷm̓útyaʔn̓t pull by hand kʕax̌n̓tím /kʕax̌an̓t string up / lace sn̓xʷikʷmn tanning rack ciʔst stop sc̓m̓qin brain n̓x̌ʷaq̓ʷmn grinder/blender n̓tm̓pitkʷ cloudy liquid n̓lγin̓kn̓t poke p̓ʔukʷ get soft t̓sʕ̓ap get hard n̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t fold sp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ finished hide x̌ap̓n̓tim / x̌apán̓t / x̌ap̓ám stitch p̓ul̓k̓ʷn̓t roll / make a cylinder yitákʷ rotten xl̓n̓tim / xlan̓t / xlam chop kłqmnusn̓t put things in fire stʔikʷ coals kpukʷúsm pour in fire n̓cqan̓t put in sn̓pul̓mn smoker puʔúl smoke ktxʷan̓t add yáq̓ʷiʔ rotten wood lkʷil̓xst take away pul̓m to smoke

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smy̓may cxʔit n̓t̓qitkʷn̓t asíp̓iʔ l̓‿siw̓łkʷ, k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t, łə‿qal̓t lut ksxʷaʔásq̓ts, cmʔ aslásq̓t. łə‿x̌ʷw̓x̌ʷaw̓t mispi q̓sá ʔ k̓l̓‿cl̓kstasq̓t km nixʷ. nax̌m̓ł lut ksq̓sápiʔs. łə‿q̓sápiʔ uł nʔaq̓. n̓t̓ixkʷn̓txʷ uł ʔiq̓n̓txʷ iʔ‿nixʷtíłc̓aʔs, yʕat iʔ sq̓ʷuct naʔł słiqʷ. x̌ʷil̓stxʷ. take out of water wy̓stixʷ uł p̓l̓k̓mstixʷ iʔ‿tqil̓tk ʔiq̓n̓txʷ uł yʕat iʔ‿spum̓ts naʔł iʔ‿tk̓míc̓aʔs k̓łxʷk̓ʷap. cleaned off ixíʔ uł łix̌ʷn̓txʷ iʔ‿k̓łk̓am̓s. łix̌ʷn̓t uł xlakək. ixíʔ mi sic make holes c̓iw̓n̓txʷ l̓‿n̓cix tə‿siw̓łkʷ. wiʔsc̓íw̓n̓txʷ uł q̓ʷaʔán̓t. wring out łə‿wiʔsq̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ ixíʔ n̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓t. carn̓txʷ uł put x̌w̓aw. open; stretch cakʷmútyaʔn̓txʷ km kʕax̌n̓tíxʷ l̓‿asn̓xʷíkʷmn. cacar̓n̓t uł put pull by hand; x̌w̓aw mi sicci ʔstxʷ. ixíʔ ʔúm̓səl̓x k̓ʷƛ̓in̓n̓ km. string up; tanning rack; stop sc̓m̓qin iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿sc̓m̓qin̓s aksk̓ʷúl̓mnm. kmʔ i ‿st̓maʔl̓t, brain kʷukʷús ət̓ xʷ xiʔmíx stim tə‿sc̓m̓qin. n̓pusn̓txʷ. lut ksq̓əq̓sápiʔs t̓iʔ put n̓p̓y̓qitkʷ. n̓p̓t̓ʕan̓t l̓‿n̓sísuʔxn uł k̓łq̓ʷaʔán̓t. km k̓ʷul̓mn̓t an̓n̓x̌ʷáq̓ʷmn. x̌ʷaq̓ʷn̓t put n̓tm̓pitkʷ ixíʔ mi ciʔstxʷ. grinder/blender; n̓t̓qitkʷn̓txʷ asíp̓iʔ put hr̓ap. mi łn̓ckʷitkʷn̓txʷ, ixíʔ cloudy liquid q̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ. ə ł wiʔsq̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ uł cacárn̓txʷ. kʕax̌án̓t l̓‿asn̓xʷíkʷmn. k̓ʷul̓mn̓txʷíkʷmn an̓ . n̓lγin̓kn̓txʷ. x̌ast poke iʔ‿kscarərs uł x̌w̓aw̓, cmay p̓ʔukʷ. cmay t̓sʕap. łə‿t̓sʕap itíʔ get soft; get hard łn̓t̓qitkʷn̓txʷ l̓‿sc̓m̓qin. t̓iʔx̌l̓x̌il̓stxʷ put p̓ʔukʷ mi sic ciʔstxʷ.

iʔ‿spul̓m n̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t asp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s mi wisxn. uł x̌ap̓n̓tíxʷ fold; finished hide; tə‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt tl̓‿sc̓uʔxán̓s uł k̓l̓‿n̓k̓mil̓psts. p̓ul̓k̓ʷn̓txʷ uł stitch; roll cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ, x̌ap̓n̓tíxʷ iʔ‿skixʷútm̓s, k̓ʷul̓xt tə‿kłyəxʷtpal̓qsts, caʔkʷ ʔasíl sc̓uʔxán iʔ‿kswisxn̓s. ululímə t ‿łkap, n̓pkʷan̓t iʔ‿c̓ix̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷt uł mus cn̓kłiw̓s iʔ‿ksq̓ʷic̓ts. sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ, mulx, c̓q̓iłp, saʔátqʷłp, qʷəqʷłin, yʕat ixíʔ x̌w̓x̌aw̓t ułyitákʷ. mʕaʔn̓t uł rotten cml̓mal̓k̓ʷ, xl̓n̓tixʷ uł cəcámaʔt cml̓mal̓k̓ʷ, c̓xił t‿an̓kílx. chop; put things in kłqmnusn̓t l̓‿stʔikʷ uł ktəpəpínaʔ iʔ‿stʔikʷ. iʔ‿sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ fire; coals k̓l̓‿t̓aq̓m̓kst k̓l̓‿timłʔ i ‿sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ akskpukʷúsm. pour in fire n̓cqan̓t iʔ‿łkap l̓‿ʔay̓xʷút iʔ‿sn̓pul̓mn, k̓łn̓xn̓ipn̓t put in; smoker

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 125 iʔ‿sn̓pul̓mn. kłəxʷpan̓t iʔ‿síp̓iʔ l̓‿sn̓pul̓mn. iʔ‿yəxʷtpal̓qsts cx̌ił l̓‿tqil̓tksʔ i ‿łkap. ilíʔ puʔúl k̓l̓‿ʔupn̓kst sxl̓akək. ʕ̓ac̓n̓txʷ. smoke; add ktxʷan̓t tə‿yáq̓ʷiʔ iʔ‿c̓ix̌ʷt l̓‿łkap. txt̓n̓tixʷ lut ksw̓xʷaps ! rotten wood ctxt̓stixʷ lut miyáł kscix̌cəx̌ts cm w̓xʷap. lkʷil̓xst tl̓‿n̓pul̓mn. take away ʕ̓ac̓ʕ̓ac̓n̓txʷ ha put iʔ‿spuʔúl̓s. nixʷ an̓x̌mínk uł nixʷ akspúl̓m. to smoke ixíʔ uł kʷ‿p̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t aksn̓t̓qítkʷm łə‿qal̓t asíp̓iʔ ? 2. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t aksn̓t̓qítkʷm łə‿x̌ʷw̓x̌ʷaw̓t asíp̓iʔ ? 3. n̓t̓ixkʷn̓txʷ asíp̓iʔ ixíʔ uł əxkistxʷ ? 4. k̓aʔkin aksłíx̌ʷm asíp̓iʔ ? 5. l̓‿stim aksc̓iw̓m asípiʔ ? 6. əxkistxʷ iʔ‿síp̓iʔ łə‿wiʔsq̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ ? 7. stim aʔ‿c̓kistxʷ mi kʷ‿n̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓km tə‿síp̓iʔ ? 8. stim iʔ‿sc̓m̓qin̓s aksk̓ʷúl̓mnm kʷ‿łə‿xʷikʷm ? 9. x̌ast ʔi ‿kscarərs, x̌w̓aw uł t̓sʕap iʔ‿síp̓iʔ, stim aksc̓kístm ? 10. c̓kin aksn̓pn̓íw̓sm asp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ ł‿akspúl̓m ? 11. c̓kin iʔ‿kswisxn̓s iʔ‿kłyəxʷtpal̓qsts aksk̓ʷúl̓xtm l̓‿skixʷútm̓s iʔ‿síp̓iʔ ? 12. l̓‿stim aksnpkʷám iʔ‿c̓ix̌ʷc̓əx̌ʷt ? 13. tl̓‿stim kʷ‿taʔxʷłyitákʷ ? 14. k̓ʷinx iʔ‿sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ akskpukʷúsm l̓‿łkap əkstʔikʷ ? 15. k̓ʷinx sxl̓akək mi puʔúl iʔ‿síp̓iʔ ixí uł ʕ̓ac̓n̓txʷ ? 16. səxkinx uł akstxt̓ám iʔ‿síp̓iʔ łə‿puʔúl ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. n̓lγin̓km / n̓lγin̓kn̓t- to poke in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------

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B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha kʷ‿n̓lɣin̓km tə‿síp̓iʔ ? (kiw)

2. uc an̓x̌mínk kʷu‿aksn̓lɣín̓km ? (lut)

3. ha Sʕam̓tíc̓aʔ səcn̓lɣin̓kx tə‿snik̓łc̓aʔ síp̓iʔs ? (kiw)

4. ha kn‿ksn̓lɣín̓kaʔx ta‿n̓ʔałnasqílxʷtn ? (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

5. ha ilíʔ əcn̓lɣin̓kstp ? (kíwa)

6. ha n̓lɣin̓kn̓txʷ ? (lut)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms n̓lγin̓km / n̓lγin̓kn̓t- to poke in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

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1. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿n̓lɣin̓ks ? (səxʷc̓ksqlaw̓m)

2. uc kʷ‿ikslɣín̓km ʕapnáʔ ? (kiw)

3. swit iʔ‿n̓lɣin̓kłəm̓s ? (səxʷc̓ksqilxʷm)

4. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿n̓lɣin̓kn̓tm ? (səxʷk̓ʷín̓maʔam)

5. ha n̓lɣin̓kn̓tsn ? (lut)

6. swit iʔ‿n̓lɣin̓kn̓ts ? (səxʷktaqínaʔm)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. n̓t̓ixkʷn̓t- take out of water reduplication: n̓t̓xt̓ixkʷm example sentences: 1. n̓t̓ixkʷn̓txʷ uł ʔiq̓n̓txʷ iʔ‿nixʷtíłc̓aʔs, yʕat iʔ sq̓ʷuct naʔł słiqʷ. (Take it out of the water and scrape off all the fat and meat.) 2. húmaʔ isn̓t̓xt̓ixkʷm iscn̓pús. (Excuse me, I'm going to take my canning out of the water.) 3. way mat hr̓ap asíp̓iʔ n̓t̓ixkʷn̓t. (Your hide must be soaked so take it out of the water.)

2. k̓łxʷk̓ʷap- clean reduplication: k̓łxʷk̓ʷxʷk̓ʷap example sentences: 1. wy̓stixʷ uł p̓l̓k̓mstixʷ iʔ‿tqiltk ʔiq̓n̓txʷ uł yʕat iʔ‿spum̓ts naʔł iʔ‿tk̓míc̓aʔs k̓łxʷk̓ʷap. (Finish one side and then turn it over and scrape the fur and a thin layer of the skin from the top until it's all clean.) 2. ha k̓łxʷk̓ʷxʷk̓ʷpnún̓txʷ iʔ‿n̓x̌lin̓k ? (Did you get the walls clean?) 3. ilíʔ kiʔsic k̓łxʷk̓ʷap iskʷíst. (My name finally has a clean slate.)

3. łix̌ʷn̓t- make hole reduplication: łəx̌ʷłix̌ʷn̓t example sentences: 1. ixíʔ uł łix̌ʷn̓txʷ iʔ‿k̓łk̓am̓s. (Then you make holes around the edge.) 2. łix̌ʷn iʔ‿k̓łk̓am̓s iʔ‿sic̓m. (I made holes around the edge of the blanket.) 3. kł k̓ʷul̓m ta‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ tə‿n̓t̓xt̓xúlaʔxʷ łə‿nək̓ník̓n̓txʷ yiryír uł n̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷíłc̓a̓n̓t. (When you make sweet bread doughnuts when you cut them out make holes in the middle.)

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4. kʷ‿ła‿ksk̓łʕal̓ám kʷ‿n̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷm mi ilíʔ cn̓ɣíplaʔxʷ. (When you're going to build a fence you dig holes for posts.)

4. q̓ʷaʔan̓t- wring something reduplication: q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷaʔán̓t example sentences: 1. wiʔs c̓iw̓n̓txʷ uł q̓ʷaʔán̓t. (You get done washing it and you wring it out.) 2. n̓q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷaʔítkʷłt asx̌ílwiʔ iʔ‿k̓łixʷtáqstxn̓s wiʔsc̓i̓w̓n̓txʷ sic q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ. (When you wash your husbands longjohns when you're done rinsing them then you wring them out.) 3. ła‿ksk̓ʷul̓m tə‿st̓xitkʷs iʔ‿sx̌ʷusm uł ck̓łq̓ʷaʔstíxʷ. (When your going to make soapberry juice place the berries in a bag and wring the juice out.)

5. n̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓t- open something reduplication: n̓k̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓t example sentences: 1. łə‿wiʔsq̓ʷaʔn̓tíxʷ ixíʔ n̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓t. (When you get done wringing it, then you stretch it.) 2. ła‿ksxʷikʷm iʔ‿síp̓iʔcxʔit cn̓k̓ʷƛ̓k̓ʷƛ̓in̓kn̓txʷ mi sic cxʷikʷ. (When you're going to tan hides first you have to open them up before you can tan them.) 3. cacárn̓t iʔ‿sip̓iʔ put x̌w̓aw ixíʔ sk̓ʷƛ̓in̓km. (Stretch the hide until its dry- that's opening a hide.)

6. carn̓t- stretch something reduplication: cacarn̓t example sentences: 1. carn̓txʷ uł put x̌əw̓aw̓. (You pull it until it is dry.) 2. q̓sápiʔakscacar m iʔ‿sip̓íʔ mi sic cp̓uʔúkʷ. (You have to stretch a hide for a long time before your hide gets soft.) 3. lut aksəcárm asplím̓cn. (Don't stretch your lips.)

7. cakʷmútyaʔn̓t- pull by hand reduplication: cəkʷcakʷmútyán̓t example sentences: 1. cakʷmútyaʔn̓txʷ km kʕax̌n̓tíxʷ l̓‿asn̓xʷíkʷmn. (Pull by hand, or string it up on your rack.) 2. ilíʔ cəkʷcakʷmútyán̓t asíp̓iʔ put x̌w̓aw̓ mi sic ciʔstxʷ. (You pull on your hide until its completely dry before you stop.) 3. l̓‿aʔ‿cxʔitiʔ łə‿ʕacn̓tín in̓kəkwápaʔ cəkʷcakʷmútyaʔn kiʔ sic qʷaʔmíplaʔ. (When I first tied my dog I had to drag him along before he got used to the rope.)

8. kʕax̌n̓tím- string something up / lace something reduplication: kʕax̌ʕax̌n̓tím example sentences: 1. cakʷmútyaʔn̓txʷ km kʕax̌n̓tíxʷ l̓‿asn̓xʷíkʷmn. (Pull by hand, or string it up on your rack.) 2. kʷu‿łə‿ksx̌ƛ̓x̌íƛaʔx k̓l̓‿wist kʕax̌ʕax̌n̓tím iʔ‿sq̓ʷiłtət sic kʷu‿cx̌ƛ̓x̌iƛ̓m. (When we take trip up in the mountains we tie our packs on the pack horse before we go up.) N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 129

3. kʕax̌íc̓aʔn̓tm iʔ‿ksck̓łxʷíc̓xtət. (We lace up our bundle before we send it away.)

9. sn̓xʷikʷmn- tanning rack reduplication: sn̓xʷəkʷxʷikʷmn example sentences: 1. cakʷmútyaʔn̓txʷ km kʕax̌n̓tíxʷ l̓‿asn̓xʷíkʷmn. (Pull by hand, or string it up on your rack.) 2. istm̓tímaʔ asilʔ km kaʔłís iʔ‿sn̓xʷəkʷxʷikʷmn̓s. (My gramma has two or thee tannining racks.) 3. isn̓xʷíkʷmn cn̓k̓ʷaƛ̓síw̓s uł xiʔmíx k̓aʔkín iksíx̌l̓xstm. (My tanning rack is portable, it comes apart and I can move it anywhere.)

10. ciʔst- stop something / leave something alone example sentences: 1. cacar̓r̓n̓t uł put x̌w̓aw mi sic ciʔstxʷ. (Pull it around until its dry then you stop.) 2. ciʔskʷ ałcəcʔúps, lut aksmʔíkstmnm. (Leave your little sister alone, don't bother her.) 3. ixiʔ kʷu‿cmʔíkstm̓sts, caʔkʷ misx̌ást kʷu‿ciʔsts. (He keeps bothering me, it would be much better if he'd just leave me alone.)

11. sc̓m̓qin- brain reduplication: sc̓m̓c̓m̓qin example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sƛ̓aʔcínm iʔ‿sc̓m̓qin̓s aksk̓ʷúl̓mnm. (The deer brain is what you use.) 2. caʔkʷ lut asc̓əm̓qín uł lut stim akscminám. ( if it wasnt for your brain you wouldnt know anything) 3. tałt kiʔ kʷ‿cpsʕáyaʔ mat səxkínx asc̓m̓qín. (You are so stupid must be something wrong with your brain.) 4. xʷʔit iscyʕát tə‿sc̓m̓c̓m̓qin. (I have a need for lots of brain.)

12. n̓x̌ʷaq̓ʷmn- blender / grinder reduplication: n̓x̌ʷq̓ʷx̌ʷaq̓ʷmn example sentences: 1. km k̓ʷul̓mnt an̓n̓x̌ʷáq̓ʷmn. (Or you can use your blender.) 2. cxʷʔusm iʔ‿n̓x̌ʷq̓ʷx̌ʷaq̓ʷmn. (There are a lot of different kinds of grinders.) 3. iʔ‿tə‿n̓x̌ʷaq̓ʷmn kaʔ cx̌ʷaq̓ʷstn iʔ‿ʕayúʔ. (I use the blender to grind the chocolate tip root.)

13. n̓tm̓pitkʷ- cloudy water reduplication: n̓tm̓tm̓pitkʷ example sentences: 1. x̌ʷaq̓ʷnt put n̓tm̓pitkʷ ixíʔ mi ciʔstxʷ. (Grind it and when it's all ground up and milky, then you quit.) 2. ła‿ct̓ik̓t iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ kaʔ cn̓tm̓pitkʷ. (When the river floods the water gets cloudy.) 3. yʕat aʔ‿tɣtɣap cn̓tm̓tm̓pitkʷ ła‿ct̓i̓k̓t. (All the running waters get cloudy when it floods.)

14. n̓lγin̓kn̓t- poke something reduplication: n̓lɣlɣin̓k N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 130 example sentences: 1. n̓lγin̓kn̓txʷ. x̌ast ʔi ‿kscarərs uł x̌əw̓aw̓, cmay p̓ʔukʷ. (Poke at it. It will stretch nicely and it dries, maybe softened.) 2. cn̓lɣlɣin̓k iʔ‿səp̓síp̓iʔ ixíʔ x̌ast carər. (Poke the hides to stretch it good.)

15. p̓ʔukʷ- get soft reduplication: example sentences: 1. n̓lγin̓kn̓txʷ. x̌ast iʔ‿kscarərs uł x̌əw̓aw̓, cmay p̓ʔukʷ. (Poke at it. It will stretch nicely and it dries, maybe softened.)

16. t̓sʕap- hard reduplication: example sentences: 1. cmay t̓sʕap. (Maybe it will dry hard.)

17. n̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t- to fold something (down the middle) reduplication: n̓pn̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t asp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s mi wisxn. (Fold your finished hide in half length wise.) 2. n̓pn̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t iʔ‿sxʷəpxʷipl̓p. (Fold up the sheets.) 3. tə‿sq̓iʔlústs uł cn̓pn̓pn̓iw̓s. (His back was hurting so much he was bent over.)

18. sp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ- finished hide reduplication: sp̓aʔp̓aʔkʷíc̓aʔ example sentences: 1. n̓pn̓iw̓sn̓t asp̓aʔk̓ʷíc̓aʔ l̓‿sn̓k̓mikn̓s mi wisxn. (Fold your finished hide in half length wise.) 2. kʷu‿xʷikʷm uł kłx̌ʷil iʔ‿sp̓aʔp̓aʔkʷíc̓aʔtət. (We tanned hides and we got a bunch tanned.) 3. til̓xʷn ł‿iksp̓aʔkʷíc̓aʔ. (I couldn't get this hide softened.)

19. x̌ap̓n̓tim / x̌pan̓t- stitch something reduplication: example sentences: 1. uł x̌ap̓n̓tíxʷ tə‿p̓ísƛ̓aʔt tl̓‿sc̓uʔxán̓s uł k̓l̓‿n̓k̓mil̓psts. (And sew it in big stiches from the leg to the neck.) 2. ixíʔ aʔ‿cłəx̌ʷłix̌ʷ iʔ‿səp̓síp̓iʔ x̌ap̓n̓tín mi lut nixʷ kscar̓r̓s. (The hides that have holes, I stitch them up so the holes don't get bigger.) 3. x̌ap̓n̓tín iʔ‿st̓aqʷíc̓aʔ kiʔ wy̓stin. (I stitched the quilt and I finished it)

20. p̓ul̓k̓ʷn̓t- roll / make a cylinder reduplication: p̓l̓p̓ulk̓ʷn̓t example sentences: 1. p̓ul̓k̓ʷn̓txʷ uł cn̓łəx̌ʷíłc̓aʔ, x̌ap̓n̓tíxʷ iʔ‿skiʔxʷútm̓s, k̓ʷul̓xt tə‿kłyəxʷtpal̓qsts, caʔkʷ ʔasíl sc̓uʔxán N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 131 iʔ‿kswisxn̓s. (Makíng a cylinder, sew a skirt on the bottom about two feet long.) 2. p̓l̓p̓ulk̓ʷn̓t an̓qəpqín̓tn mi kʷusəs. (Roll up your hair so it will curl.) 3. kp̓l̓k̓ʷíc̓aʔx. (Make a rollie / roll a a cigarette.)

21. yitákʷ- rotten reduplication: yityitákʷ example sentences: 1. sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ, mulx, c̓q̓iłp, saʔátqʷłp, qʷəqʷłin, yʕat ixíʔ x̌w̓x̌aw̓t ułyitákʷ. (Use pine cones, cottonwood, fir, pine, birch and everything dry and falling apart from rot.) 2. miyáł xʷʔit tə‿kantí aksʔíłn uł cyityitákʷ an̓ʕatʕáy̓tmn. (If you eat to much candy your teeth will rot.) 3. in̓k̓łʕal̓mín n̓yətyətkʷip uł n̓wul̓wul̓x̌íp. (My fence posts are rotten and they're falling over.)

22. xln̓tim / xlan̓t / xlam- chop something reduplication: xl̓xlan̓t example sentences: 1. maʕ̓n̓t uł cml̓mal̓k̓ʷ, xl̓n̓tixʷ uł cəcámaʔt cml̓mal̓k̓ʷ, c̓xił t‿ankílx. (Break the wood into chunks, chop into small pieces like the size of your hand.) 2. kʷ‿łə‿k̓ʷułxʷm xl̓xlan̓t mi put n̓lʕap. (When your building a log house chop it until the logs fit right in.) 3. xʷuy̓x mi kʷ‿xlam tə‿slip̓. (Go and chop some wood.)

23. kłqmnusn̓t- put things on a fire reduplication: example sentences: 1. kłqmnusn̓t l̓‿stʔikʷ uł ktəpəpínaʔ iʔ‿stʔikʷ. (Place wood on the coals to cover them.) 2. ckʷnix tə‿slip̓ mi tqmnúsn̓txʷ l̓‿aʔ‿cwar. (Bring some wood and put them on the fire.) 3. ła‿ksn̓pul̓qsm cupn̓t iʔ‿yáq̓ʷiʔ sic kłqmnusn̓t l̓‿stʔikʷ. (When you're going to smoke your hide break the rotten wood into chunks and put them on the coals.)

24. stʔikʷ- coals reduplication: example sentences: 1. kłqmnusn̓t l̓‿stʔikʷ uł ktəpəpínaʔ iʔ‿stʔikʷ. (Place wood on the coals to cover them.) 2. wran̓t iʔ‿slip̓, kc̓spus uł k̓im t̓iʔstʔikʷ . (Burn the wood and when it burns down what's left is coals.) 3. cix̌cəx̌t iʔ‿stʔikʷ. (Coals are hot.)

25. kpukʷúsm- pour on a fire reduplication: kpukʷpkʷúsm example sentences: 1. iʔ‿sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ k̓l̓‿t̓aq̓m̓kst k̓l̓‿timł iʔ‿sc̓əc̓ák̓aʔ akskpukʷúsm. (For pinecones, put six to eight cones into the hot coals.) N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 132

2. kpusn̓t iʔ‿xʷƛ̓ikstn. (Pour the wood chips in the fire.) 3. lut akskpukʷpkʷúsm asl̓áx̌t. (Don't pour it in his eyes.)

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18. iʔ‿sqʷlip sʔum̓s cq̓it̓stm snag ccukʷstím / cukʷán̓t / cukʷám pull n̓x̌ʕ̓al get clear n̓γíplaʔxʷn̓t stick in tqəmniw̓sn̓t lay onto n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t pull out of ground n̓c̓w̓c̓w̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t pull from the ground xʷúlmiʔst steam n̓təqtqusn̓t plug holes smy̓may iʔ‿sqʷlip ckłixʷp tl̓‿aʔ‿cc̓l̓c̓alʔ na ł cłaq k̓l̓‿wist. iʔ‿sqʷlip əctəx̌ʷtax̌ʷ c̓x̌iłə t ‿qpqin̓tn, t̓iʔ q̓ʷy̓q̓ʷʕay. cplal l̓‿c̓q̓iłp, sʔatqʷłp uł l̓‿ciqʷl̓x. ilíʔ kaʔ cpl̓plal. ʔi ‿sqʷlip x̌ast tə‿sʔiłn. yʕat pn̓kin kstixʷn̓tm iʔ‿sqʷlip, mis x̌ast l̓‿sk̓aʔáym. tə‿wisxn sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ ctixʷstm iʔ‿sqʷlip. cq̓it̓stm uł ccukʷstím tl̓‿sc̓l̓c̓al.ʔ i ‿ciqʷl̓x snag; pull iʔ‿x̌ast ət ‿stixʷm ałíʔ lut t̓a‿kłt̓ic̓. iʔ‿k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ‿sqilxʷ misx̌ásts tl̓‿c̓q̓iłp skm ʔatqʷłp. łə‿wiʔstíxʷn̓tm iʔ‿sqʷlip, xʷk̓ʷn̓tim uł c̓iw̓n̓tm. łə‿c̓iw̓n̓txʷ, xʷʔit aksk̓łʔíy̓sm iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ put n̓x̌ʕ̓al iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ mi get clear put. n̓pusn̓txʷ iʔ‿sqʷlip uł ilíʔ ʔiłn̓txʷ. mis x̌ast łə‿lkipn̓txʷ pit cook l̓‿n̓lkiptn. łə‿p̓iʔáq̓ʔ i ‿sqʷlip nk̓nik̓n̓txʷ uł ʔiłn̓txʷ. cx̌w̓stim cooking pit iʔ‿aʔ‿cp̓ay̓q iʔ‿sqʷlip. ła‿cx̌aw̓, q̓sápiʔ akskʷúm̓m. łə‿p̓y̓qn̓tixʷ uł már̓wiʔn̓txʷ tə‿t̓axt km tə‿síyaʔ n̓t̓xitkʷs. kʷ‿iscúnmaʔm iʔ‿sl̓kipm tə‿sqʷlip naʔł ʔítx̌ʷaʔ: 1. n̓ciqn̓txʷ c̓x̌ił tə‿naqs sql̓tmixʷs sk̓max̌n uł t̓iʔ put iʔ‿ksłaq̓ts. 2. n̓ʕałn̓tíxʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ tə‿kʷl̓kʷil̓sxn. 3. n̓γíplaʔxʷn̓t tə‿kaʔłís km mus km nixʷ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ l̓‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut. stick in 4. ktpínaʔn̓t iʔ‿xƛ̓ut ət ‿packł naʔł stʔi. 5. mi sic nután̓t tqəmniw̓sn̓t asqʷlíp naʔł ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. lay onto 6. nixʷ txʷípnaʔn̓t tə‿packł km stʔi. 7. itlíʔ ktpínaʔn̓t tə‿tukʷtán. 8. klíq̓naʔn̓t tə‿łúkʷlaʔxʷ.

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9. n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ łə‿q̓ʷic̓tə t ‿łúkʷlaʔxʷ uł pull out of ground n̓c̓w̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t. pull from ground 10. n̓c̓xʷant tə‿siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ xʷúlmiʔst uł steam n̓təqtqusn̓t aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłax̌ʷ. plug 11. łə‿kʷr̓ínaʔn̓t iʔ‿asclkíp matʔ aslásq̓t. 12. l̓‿sʔaslásq̓ts uł way p̓y̓aq. 13. ixíʔ txt̓n̓tíxʷ ƛ̓qn̓tixʷ uł n̓ckʷúlaʔxʷn̓t iʔ‿sʔiłn. sn̓súxʷnaʔ sw̓łtiłn 1. k̓aʔkín kaʔ cplal iʔ‿sqʷlip ? 2. c̓aknílxʷ iʔ‿sqʷlip ? 3. pn̓kin kiʔ misx̌ást kstixʷn̓tm iʔ‿sqʷlip ? 4. tə‿stim ctixʷstm iʔ‿sqʷlip ? 5. səxkinx uł x̌ast tə‿stixʷm iʔ‿sqʷlip tl̓‿ciqʷl̓x ? 6. əxkistm iʔ‿sqʷlip łə‿wiʔstíxʷn̓tm ? 7. ł‿aksc̓íw̓m iʔ‿sqʷlip, xkinm mi cmistíx uł put ascc̓íw̓m ? 8. xkinm mi kʷ‿k̓ʷl̓cn̓cut tə‿sqʷlip ? 9. əxkistm iʔ‿sqʷlip mi q̓sápiʔ akskʷúm̓m ? 10. kʷ‿łə‿lkipm tə‿sqʷlip, c̓kin aksn̓cíqm ? 11. stim aksn̓ʕałám aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ? 12. stim aksn̓ɣíplaʔxʷm l̓‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut ? 13. tə‿stim aksktpínaʔm iʔ‿xƛ̓ut ? 14. stim akstqəmníw̓sm l̓‿packł naʔł stʔi ? 15. tə‿stim aksktpínaʔn̓t iʔ‿sqʷlip naʔł ʔítx̌ʷaʔ ? 16. tə‿stim aksklíq̓naʔm iʔ‿tukʷtán ? 17. x̌l̓‿stim aksn̓c̓xʷám tə‿siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ? 18. k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t akskʷr̓ínaʔm iʔ‿aksclkíp ? 19. put k̓ʷn̓xasq̓t uł p̓y̓aq asclkíp ? 20. əxkistm iʔ‿sqʷlip łə‿p̓y̓aq ? skłʔism tə‿x̌ilm ʔs aʔúm̓s A. Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the verb box with the matching tense/aspect. k̓łʔiy̓sm / k̓łʔiy̓sn̓t- to change in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x intransitive past/present intransitive imperfect intransitive future/inceptive intransitive ------commands transitive N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 135 past/present transitive customary/actual transitive future transitive ------commands

B. Verbal Exchanges aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha p‿k̓łʔiy̓sm tə‿n̓yl̓xʷúpstn̓s ? (kiw)

2. uc an̓x̌mínk kʷ‿iksk̓łʔíy̓sm an̓n̓yl̓xʷúpstn ? (lut)

3. swit səck̓łʔiy̓sx ət ‿siw̓łkʷ ? (X̌scnitkʷ naʔł Swʕatqn)

4. ha k̓łʔiy̓sn̓txʷ isck̓ʷúl ? (kiw)

5. ha Piyarís ck̓łʔiy̓sts ixíʔ ? (lut)

6. ha p‿sk̓łʔíy̓saʔx tə‿qʷil̓cn ? (kiw)

C. Past/Present 36 Verb Box aksck̓ʷúl: Complete the box with correct transitive verb/object forms k̓łʔiy̓sm / k̓łʔiy̓sn̓t- to change in̓cá anwí cniłc mnim̓łtət mnim̓łəm̓p mnim̓łcəl̓x in̓cá xxx xxx anwí xxx xxx cniłc mnimłtət xxx xxx mnimłəm̓p xxx xxx cniłcəlx

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 136 mnim̓łcəl̓x

D. Transitive Verbal Exchanges with Objects aksck̓ʷúl: answer the questions with a complete n̓səl̓xcin sentence. Translate the question and your answer to English.

1. ha k̓łʔiy̓sn̓ts ascmipn̓wíłn ? (kíwa)

2. ha ksk̓łʔiy̓słəm̓s ʔi ‿n̓yl̓xʷupstnm̓p (iʔ‿lútiʔ)

3. swit iʔ‿kʷu‿k̓łt̓mʕasəs uł kʷu‿k̓łʔiy̓səs ? (SaSʕal̓qs)

4. stim iʔ‿kʷu‿k̓łʔiy̓sn̓tm ? (Sulí iʔ‿sumíxs)

5. ha cmistíp səxkinx uł k̓łʔiy̓słəm̓t ? (lut)

6. səxkinx uł mnim̓łtət kʷu‿k̓łʔiy̓sn̓txʷ ? (x̌słcaw̓t)

ck̓ʷul̓m̓stm iʔ‿sʔaʔúm̓s 1. cq̓it̓stm / q̓it̓nt- snag or hook something reduplication: cq̓t̓q̓it̓stm example sentences: 1. cq̓it̓stm uł ccukʷstím tl̓‿sc̓l̓c̓al. (We snag it and pull it from the trees.) 2. wisxn akłq̓ít̓mn mi q̓t̓ət̓nun̓txʷ iʔ‿sqʷl̓ip. (Your hook has to be long to be able to hook the moss.) 3. taʔlí n̓wswist iʔ‿sqʷl̓ip ixíʔ uł ctil̓xʷstn ł‿iksq̓ít̓m. (The moss is very high up so I have a hard time snagging it.)

2. ccukʷstím / cukʷán̓t / cukʷám- pull from reduplication: cukʷcukʷán̓t example sentences: 1. cq̓it̓stm uł ccukʷstím tl̓‿sc̓l̓c̓al. (We snag it and pull it from the trees.) 2. cukʷcukʷn̓tíxʷ tl̓‿sc̓lc̓al uł ʔúluʔsn̓txʷ iʔ‿sqʷl̓ip. (To gather moss you pull it out of the trees.) 3. txt̓mistx cm cukʷn̓tsís iʔ‿sql̓ql̓tmixʷ. (Be careful or the men might rape you.)

3. n̓x̌ʕ̓al- get clear reduplication: n̓x̌l̓x̌ʕ̓al

N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 137 example sentences: 1. łə‿c̓iw̓n̓txʷ, xʷʔit aksk̓łʔíy̓smʔ i ‿siw̓łkʷ put n̓x̌ʕ̓al iʔ‿siw̓łkʷ mi put. (When you wash it, change the water often until the water is clean, then its good.) 2. n̓x̌ʕal̓kʷ iʔ‿siwłkʷ kʷ‿wiʔscʕáwl̓x t̓iʔ n̓tʕam̓kʷ. (The water was clear until you bathed then the water was cloudy.) 3. iʔ‿lutíʔ łə‿t̓ik̓t iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ n̓x̌ʕal̓kʷ iʔ‿siwłkʷ. (Before high water, the water was clear.)

4. n̓γíplaʔxʷn̓t- put in something sticking up reduplication: n̓ɣpɣíplaʔxʷn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓γíplaʔxʷn̓t tə‿kaʔłís km mus km̓nixʷ sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ l̓‿xƛ̓xƛ̓ut. (Put three or four large sticks sticking up among the rocks.) 2. ha way ixíʔ n̓ɣíplaʔxʷn̓txʷ ? (Did you put it in the ground?) 3. ha nixʷ an̓x̌mínk aksn̓ɣíplaʔxʷm ? (Do you want to put it in the ground?)

5. tqəmniw̓sn̓t - lay something onto example sentences: 1. mi sic nután̓t tqəmniw̓sn̓t asqʷlíp naʔł ʔítx̌ʷaʔ. (Then put down your black moss and camas.) 2. ilíʔ mi tqəmniw̓stxʷ. (Put them on there.) 3. łə‿wiʔsxʷk̓ʷn̓tíxʷ ascwíc̓, tqəmniw̓sn̓t l̓‿sl̓xʷʔisxn̓. (When you finish cleaning what you dug, put them on the big rock.)

6. n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t- pull out of the ground reduplication: n̓ƛ̓əqƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ łə‿q̓ʷic̓tə t ‿łúkʷlaʔxʷ uł n̓c̓w̓c̓w̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t. (Pull out the sticks when the hole is full of dirt.) 2. iʔ‿ta‿n̓pícaʔ mi n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t iʔ‿c̓x̌ʷlúsaʔ. (Dig the biscuit root out with your digging stick.) 3. ła‿ksk̓ʷanłqm n̓ƛ̓qúlaxʷn̓t asn̓k̓ʷán̓łqtn. (When you're going to plant a garden, dig up your garden spot.)

7. n̓c̓w̓c̓w̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t- pull from the ground reduplication: n̓c̓əw̓c̓əw̓qʷúlaʔxʷn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓ƛ̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t tə‿sx̌əx̌c̓iʔ łə‿q̓ʷic̓tə t ‿łúkʷlaʔxʷ uł n̓c̓w̓c̓w̓qúlaʔxʷn̓t. (Pull out the sticks when the hole is full of dirt.) 2. n̓c̓əw̓c̓əw̓qʷúlaʔxʷn̓t iʔ‿shayk̓ʷ. (Pull the onions out of the ground.) 3. n̓c̓əw̓qʷúlaʔxʷn̓t iʔ‿sn̓pliw̓s. (Pull the weeds out of the ground.)

8. xʷúlmiʔst- to steam reduplication: xʷl̓xʷúlmiʔst example sentences: 1. n̓c̓xʷant tə‿siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ xʷúlmiʔst uł n̓təqtəqusn̓t aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłax̌ʷ. (Pour water N̓səl̓xcin 3: An Advanced Course in Colville-Okanagan Salish revised 4/9/15 138 in the holes to make steam and then plug up the holes.) 2. kcəqusn̓t an̓lkapítn ʔay̓xáxaʔ ułxʷúlmiʔst. (Put your coffee pot on, in a little while it will be steaming.) 3. ła‿cc̓ałt iʔ‿tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷ cxʷúlmiʔst iʔ‿saʔtítkʷ. (When the country gets cold, the river will steam.)

9. n̓tqusn̓t- plug a hole reduplication: n̓təqtəqusn̓t example sentences: 1. n̓c̓xʷant tə‿siw̓łkʷ aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłəx̌ʷúlaʔxʷ ixíʔ xʷúlmiʔst uł n̓təqtqusn̓t aʔ‿cn̓łəx̌ʷłax̌ʷ. (Pour water in the holes to make steam and then plug up the holes.) 2. sx̌ʷap an̓tkiʔ n̓tqusn̓t ta‿scʕawíkst. (When your pee starts to leak, plug it with your finger.) 3. łix̌ʷəx̌ʷ an̓łəkáp n̓təqtəqtqúsn̓t mi lut ksəx̌ʷsəx̌ʷaps. (If your bucket has holes, plug them up so it doesn't leak.)

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