Bomb update Sports Features More than one suspect has been identified in A visit to Japantown last April's Seventh Street Plaza pipe bomb An in-depth profile of explosion See below The cultural center celebrates its centennial with Spartan volleyball a week- long display of arts and crafts beginning Toxic classroom coach John Corbelli Saturday. Page 6 University personnel will be taught how to With only one year to show his Steel Magnolias properly handle toxic waste, after a 'lengthy stuff, Corbelli has lofty goals this The original play will be process: caused delays according to one season. The interim coach takes performed by SJSU at the SJSU official. Page 5 over for Dick Montgomery. Page 9 students University Theater, starting tonight at 8 p.m. Page 7

Published for the University and Weather: University Community by the Sunny with highs in the mid 70's to department of Journal ism and Mass low 80's Communication si rice 1934. SPARTAN DAILY --National Weather Service VOLUME 95. NUMBER 5 THURSDAY, SEPT. 6, 1990 Toxic New VP hired Sewer stench training stuns students delayed hotly CalaIdo Odor is from gas leak di 11 1 C By Susanna Cesar manhole, which will eliminate the University employees who !tally staff writer smell. work with or around toxic The stench got so bad last The San Jose Public Works materials on campus have not summer that Irene Tupper would Department sent a crew to check been properly trained to handle often close the windows in her out the problem Tuesday, those substances, according to small second floor office in the according to Ray Martinez. crew Steve Sloan. California State Central Classroom Building. even leader. Employees Union local chapter in record-breaking temperatures. But people in the area could president. She would turn on a small fan. still smell the retched odor In a letter sent to in hopes that the smell would go Wednesday morning. Environmental Health and Safety away. The gas contains hydrogen Officers Rick Abeyta and Ted It never did. sulfide. which can be dangerous Tolleran in March. Sloan urged Tupper. the secretary for the at level of three to four parts per that a comprehensive training nutrition and food science million. program be implemented for the department. was one of many that But SJSU is safe. Qayoumi safety of clerical workers. suffered a piercing odor that has said. The detection level here is technicians, instructional support penetrated the Seventh Street only 10 parts per billion. assistants and custodians. area. Nevertheless, the smell is not Included in the definition of -It was very bad all summer." welcome by SJSU students and -toxic materials" are commonly said Tupper. who works in the staff. used cleaning solvents, copier building directly across from the "It is not a pleasant smell." toner and correction fluids, said origin of the stench. Qayoumi said. "No one likes the Sloan. Dan Ocampo Daily stall photographer The smell is actually from smell of hydrogen sulfide." "Many departments, especially sewer gas seeping out of a sewer "We all suffered," said Elveda the smaller departments, lack the Ray Lou has been hired as the new Undergraduate Studies. He hopes to make manhole that was ruptured in July Smith. graduate coordinator for knowledge to assure that proper Associate Academic Vice President for SJSU responsive to its students' needs. while workers were upgrading the the nutrition and food science training is given. Some area. said Mo Qayoumi. Director department. whose office faces departments lack the knowledge of SJSU Facilities. Development the area. that such training is even and Operations. The construction work, which needed," wrote Sloan. Lou works for students "Naturally some sewer gas is almost complete. involved asphalt being replaced with Andy Ramos, Environmental escaped." Qayoumi said. places"." Lou. that he has called concrete. Health and Occupational Safety By Leigh Ann Clifton He also said Man WIWI' experience on who was not on the job Dairy Etched in Lou's memory is his the city to come seal the damaged Director, is a when Sloan's letter was written. As an Asian youth glossing up in a the first day of kindergarten. The memory said that steps have been taken to predominantly black Mississippi neighborhood. traumatic one for him. The local school district start a training program hut the Raymond Lou felt the sting of discrimination. had recently made changes to its segregation award "lengthy process" makes delays Alienated from his peers. Lou worked to fit policy allowing Asian students to attend white Campus inevitable. into a system that offered limited choices, all the schools for the first time. while working to keep alive aspects of his ethnic Arriving at school that morning. Lou was EH.OS is now searching for heritage. surrounded by jeering white faces that were not Key gets qualified hazardous material and As SJSU's new Associate Academic Vice pleased with their new classmate. He spent the Golden occupational health specialists President for Undergraduate Studies. Lou is rest of the day defending himself with his fists. who will provide training determined to keep other students from having to Once home, he told his mother he would never programs "tailored" to the job settle for a university that is neither responsive to return to the school. He did return, but the national honor description of every employee. their educational needs nor prepared to meet the situation didn't improve and after a few days he said Ramos. challenge of educating a multi -ethnic society. quit. By Marcos Azcarate SiSt. 's Lhapter was formed in i)attwall writer 1985 and this is the first time it DonIs/ who returned to "I learned that ill was going to survive. I Besides not having a training Lou replaces Leon has either had to stay in my own world or...fight the For its work with disabled has received the award. staff on hand, the hiring process teaching in the biological sciences department. The "great underrepresentation of Hispanic dominant society." Lou has been fighting ever students. SJSU's Golden Key Only I() schools out of the will put the program on hold even students, will he a major issue challenging Lou." since: fighting to teach students that they have a National Honor Society has been Society's 161 members receive longer. Before landing the job. awarded its parent organization's the award. candidates must meet said Mum/. choice and can make a difference. Thin, wiry and a self-described loner. Lou's He said he especially enjoys working with highest honor. This year. along with SJSU. requirements from personnel, "A variety of activities have California State University at affirmative action waving arms and hands add emphasis to the students 19 to 22 years old. "These students are EHOS and been implemented among Northridge and San Francisco departments. words he speaks. Sending SJSU representatives becoming independent adults." he said. -and are out into the community. high schools and very eager to explore and experiment." disabled students such as State University also receiied the Also, Ramos noted, there community colleges is one method Lou will use He encourages them to take a class that they tutoring. reading. note taking and Key Chapter Award. would he some difficulty finding to reach Hispanics and other minorities. have an interest in. to "take ballroom dancing" if administering tests." said Sue According to Jewel. only the juniors and specialists with "journeymen's Growing up in Mississippi wasn't easy for that's where their interest lies. He said he tries to Jewel. president of the SJSU top 15 percent of all point level of experience" with the Lou. In that segregated environment, he was impress upon them that "never again will they chapter. seniors, with a grade 30 salary competition from the "excluded from white society. I was neither black have this much of a chance. this wonderful "We set up a relationship with average of 3.3 and at least can be private sector. nor white: my status there was very nebulous." opportunity." disabled students. There are units completed at SJSU. university's Ramos has already trained a The blatant racism that attacked Lou left If efforts at tapping into the communities are many disabled students and we members of the handful of employees with the emotional scars. He can remember walking into successful. then Lou will focus on keeping want to give something to our chapter. non- . assistance of Nuclear Science places. only to be told "we don't serve your kind students in school and graduating them. Now community." she said. Golden Key is a national, Randy Yaffe. founded to Director Professor in here." said Lou. "I was deeply hurt and more than e% er students are under increasing Jewel. a senior administration profit organization of justice maior. is proud of the provide recognition to qualified California Occupational Safety angered." pressures. according to Lou --- financial tensions SUL cl:SS. Administration He was not tempted. however, to turn to rage. and family obligations, as well as the pressure to chapter's members. and Health In the last 13 years the non- mandate that any "Rage needs outlets. In that situation, you are conform that threaten to draw them out of the "We haw put a lot of effort. guidelines National Society has who works in the powerless." classroom. The Key Chapter Award means profit employee more than 250.000 vicinity of hazardous material be Instead he learned to cope. According to Arlene Okerlund, academic that we have dedicated." she said. inducted members. as well as informed of the dangers of such "When you're excluded from participating. president. the national search to fill the pomtion According to Jewel, other student 3.000 professionals. substances and that they have after awhile you really don't put yourself in those yielded 80 to 90 applicants from which Lou was activities such as information almost educators and leaders who hold access to material safety data situations where it (discrimination) will occur. finally selected. tables and bake sales reinforced honorary membership. sheets, according to Rick Rice. You don't look 'this way' or go to those See 1.01, page ,1 the achievements of the SJSU Cal -OSHA public information chapter. officer. Case not closed: Agents still investigating fall explosion By 1 %Insley California's shield law prole, is report, Dad. '1$ e hare identified suspects. . . from handing over notes and film. they mil be subpoenaed for their materials. Federal agents have identified but no ane has been convicted suspectsbut have made no arrestsa in After his officer seized the film. SJSU connection with the pipe bomb explosion that of the crime.' Director of Public Safety Ric Aheyta issued a took place five months ago in SJSU's Seventh Jess Guy, statement to the Daily that said he "regrets the Street Plaza. ATF agent incident. Agents of the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco "It is not and never has been the policy of & Firearms have identified "more than one" he ('PD to confiscate film, tape. notes or suspect, according to Jess Guy. the ATVs of the crime." other materials front journalists." the resident agent in charge. Fie declined to The ATF's forensic lab in Walnut Creek statement said. identify the suspects. tested fragments of the exploded bomb, In a separate occurrence April 25. an Although the blast occurred on campus, providing investigators with leads. unidentified man phoned in a threat to the federal agents are handling the case because The morning after the bomb went off, two UPD that a bomb had been placed in the possession of a pipe bomb is a federal Spartan Daily staff members, Kevin Well and engineering department. according to UPD offense. Guy said. No one was injured during Kelley Chinn, arrived on the scene to gather spokesman Richard A. Staley. the April 17 explosion. information and shoot pictures. Normally these threats are taken lightly but "The investigation is still open," Guy said. Both were threatened with arrest and jail by due to the circumstances this one had more Daily file photo UPI) officer Robert Noriega if they didn't "We have identified suspects. conducted weight. Bob Trammel, assistant dean of Investigators inspect bomb fragments after last fall's Earth search warrants and brought witnesses before turn over the film, which included photos of engineering told the Daily lust semester. The Day blast The case is still pending investigation. the grand jury hut nil one has been convicted ATI undercover agents investigating the area. threat ended up !Icing only that.


EDITORIAL Jcxi A IMR GEORAE BOSW. Raise taxes for the CSU Thirty days late, the State Legislature and Gov. And while the Governor and his Deukmejian finally emerged allies have been selling off the state's in late July with the '90-91 budget. future, the Legislature's Democrats It took them 30 days past their have been useless to stop them. deadline to come up with a budget The Democrats have been too busy that made almost no one happy and squabbling over which interests left the already underfunded should be saved. California State University system Despite their long control of the with $71.2 million less than it had last Legislature (Democrats chair both year. Assembly and Senate Education SJSU, whose funding hasn't kept Subcommitees) they have never up with its increasing enrollment established a firm set of priorities for since the early 1980s, is once again the state. forced to delay maintenance work and let important jobs go undone because is long past time for them to set it can't hire the staff to do them or Itthose priorities and education pay for the materials to accomplish should hold a very high place them. among them. California can expect a very bleak future if it cannot produce Deukmejian and the Republicans of quality leaders and professionals. the State Legislature don't seem to It is also long past time for the state understand about the CSU's Republicans to act responsibly as expanding enrollment or about leaders. California's expanding population. Responsible political decision are While the state's growth has not always popular ones. pressed state services, including It is time for the legislature to bite education, against a wall, Deukmejian the bullet and raise taxes. and the California Republicans have The future of education in our state, stubbornly resisted any tax increase both lower and higher, demands it. for any purpose. Haul Dominguez - Sp.O.o Daily

EDITOR'S FORUM CHRISTINE DEGRAW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The test at Student Health 'Defining' Zionism, blame in the It took the woman approximately three agonizing weeks to build up the courage to Since when is it any Middle East and bookstore bags take the test and by the time it was over, of the school's she vowed never to put herself through it Zionism their right to define themselves as a You Democrats just want to blame again. business if a student nation. the Palestinians should accept someone else for your mistake. No. this wasn't anything so easy as Editor. the original, over 100 years old. taking the WST or an exit exam, this was is on the pill or using On the airplane hack from Europe I Jewish definition of the word Brian Sparks the monumentally stressful ordeal of taking sat by a Palestinian coup)/ Aintlistn the dreaded urine HCG. better known as a a condom? way to Study theology at college. Ben Weinberg Undeclared pregnancy test. No exceptions. After half an hour of conversation, in Senior Plastic vs. paper Being a student, "Monica" decided to Since when is it any of the school's which I took an apologetic stand (I Journalism Health Center so she could I use the Student business if a student is on the pill or using a can't help feeling guilt for things Middle East blame Editor. take the test between classes and she was condom? I can see the need if someone have seen while serving my Iwould like to respond to Robert afraid that if she went to her family doctor, isn't using something (which the nurse mandatory 3 yrs. in the Israeli army). Editor. Scobles. who urged the Spartan her mother would eventually realize that asked Monica before the test), then refer Batrus said something about the This is just a little letter to address Bookstore to replace their plastic she was sexually active, something many them to the doctor. But, if someone came Zionist imperialistic plan to get rid of to people like Andrew Finkelma shopping bags with paper bags mothers would rather not know. in because they thought there was a leak in all the Palestinians and expand Israel (Letters to the editor, Aug. 291. (Letters to the Editor. Aug. 31 ). Stricken with a case of the jitters on the their baggie, why put the patient, or the as much as possible. Yes, we are protecting our interests I agree with Scoble that we cannot big day, Monica asked me to go with her. doctor, through the added trouble? Well, a Zionist is somebody who but we are also joining up with the continue adding plastics to local After following the nurse's directions to When her appointment time came, she believes that the Jewish people United Nations saying that the landfills. Yet, at a time when the letter, she was directed to the front desk was relieved to be told that the results were should have a country and that it invasion of Kuwait was intolerable. deforestation is one of our most to make an appointment for the result. negative. She was upset. however, by her should be located on the traditional We also happen to have our citizens pressing environmental concerns. An appointment? doctor's attitude, she was made to feel like biblical land. Zionism does not in Iraq and one has just died. switching to paper products is no I worked as a receptionist for a an idiot who wouldn't know a condom specify the borders of that country, Another fact here is our sanctions solution. Millions of trees are cut prominent medical group for over two from a Glad-bag. the type of government it should that we have imposed on Iraq. By down every year for paper pulp. years and I was able to give out the results Student Health Services needs a good. have, or the attitude it should have doing this we are not just hurting increasing global warming and over the phone to patients. Why would it hard kick in the bootie to get them to towards the local Arab population. Iraq. but we are also hurting other disrupting wildlife. be a problem here, where an appointment remember that they are there to serve us. Since some might argue that I. who countries including us. You see, we The bookstore is making an effort. time is such a precious commodity? the students at SJSU. Nobody should be left Israel. am not a true Zionist. My are willing to make sacrifices for the Posted in the store are signs reading After a tedious discussion with one of made to feel that their fears about health are father, is a wholehearted Zionist who fallen Kuwait. "Request hags only when necessary." the receptionists. who are hired based on a trivial or be put through the wringer in an can feel at home only in Israel. and is We are not alone down there. All Most students carry some sort of speed deficiency test and showing a special attempt to lay these fears to rest. a great believer in Zionism. The same the countries are basically backing us book bag in which ihey could tote aptitude for attitude to be hired, we got past Christine DeGraw is the Entertainment father also believes that the up. their purchases. Often, single the "it's our policy" comment to find out Editor of the Spartan Doily. Palestinian people should have a Yeah, we're doing it all because of purchases can he easily carried out by. that it is to discuss birth control. country, that Israel has no business in oil. Give me a break and learn about hand. At the beginning of a semester. the West Bank and Gaza strip, and as the situation. sturdy bags are a necessity to carry. far as he is concerned peace is worth And about that good or remark new textbooks. But it would he easy giving up East Jerusalem. about Neil Bush (Editorial cartoon. enough to save a few plastic ones ti Corrections and Amplifications What Batrus was talking about are Aug. 29), let me remark in saying reuse each semester. Due to a production error, a Spartan accuracy in reporting, but realizes that fascistic imperialistic tendencies of that he was just a pan of the problem If you really don't need a hag. Daily Article ("Professor dies at 66." Aug. during the daily collection and reporting of Israel's right wingers. What I am in the Colorado S&L. But there were don't take one. You'll be saving trees 31) neglected to mention that a memorial the facts. errors may occur. talking about is different definitions four other S&L's involved that did and reducing wastes at the same time. service for H. Thomas Harvey will be held In the event of an error, please contact to one word that will always be in the much more damage. But the owners Sept. 16 at I p.m. at the San Francisco Bay Adam Steinhauer. Managing way of good communications unless are Democrats and you don't want to Elizabeth Trask National Wildlife Refuge in Newark. Editor/Editorial. or Robert Neill, Executive resolved. condemn them You just want to Senior The Spartan Daily is committed to Editor. at (408) 924-32X0. Just like the Palestinians insist on blame the whole crisis on Neil Bush. French


ROB NEILL, Executive Editor JESSE BALISCA(), Advertising Diretior LAWRENCE J. SALISBURY, Managing Editor/Production STEPHEN Y. BROWN, Retail Advertising Manager ADAM STEINHAUER, Managing Editor/Editorial JULIE HARPER, Downtown Advertising Manager Ht)LLMAN JANE WONG. Special Sections Advertising Manager MICKEY PANAHINIA, National Advertising Manager EDWIN ACEVF:DM Graphics Editor HARRY MOK, City Editor BRAD THOMPSON, Co-op Advertising Manager LAURA CHUN, Photo Editor RANDY ROBERTSON, Sports Editor CHRISTINE De GRAW, Entertainment RICK ROMAGOSA, Chief Photographer ELHAM SHAHM()HAMMADI, Art Director Editor MARK SMITH, Agate Editor BRAD DF:TANN A, Production Manager NICK FISHER, Wire Editor Account Exechtives: Sharon Garcia, Dean Cromwell Leah Hamilton David Hess. John Ordaz Elise Rowe. KEVIN WEIL, Forum Editor Derek Smith John Valinsky An Deportment Sandra Hutchins Mike Iwamuro MIKE MOELLER. Features Editor TAMARA THOMPSON, Copy Chief hutsMN POINISIINNIO al Ow Mt Olitridi. Inialisr of Ms Collsas Ilempiper Illaresno Asssibeen wim, raisegend Prow Raft. fey' , sir jape OM Unmegv,41.41106 Aft, par. The *ism sloweineelii Ow prim ow net reesseadw Ow se us lisporIers: Marcos Azcarale Anthony Catalcto %SIP cesai Leigh Ann Clifton, Laura DiMascio Bryan Gold Amanda Helen Steve 0.10111115 Amino avil Ow Climuillailleili, fie laftwilig sr ow Ant Nam. linev epresseen. taw satialpions Helmer Angus Klein t on Sinsley Shell* Terry Paul Wheaton Boll Williamson 110111111Wir 0 ismoWNeli. Pal audio* yea NA Bodo worailst 510. 011-astripus ON wow 15 cam On 00000000 *MIN tuned at Oa aid per fttialras NM* PIM* Edaadlal (411) NM lad maroons mat 55411170. EsnAside's Postmaster PMase mind all correctIons Nikki Hart Ann NelsOn Dan OCarnpf, Anna Marie Remedios Kevin Squires Rockford Takamatsu W weepogide . adding to Spartan Dans San Jose Slate Univentite One Pbotopreptiers: Sore, Bo iist Ositerrme 951 29


ORIGINAL C SPARTAN DAILY, September 6, 1990, page 3

call 924-6030 CHRISTIAN STUDENTS FELLOWSHIP: SpartaGuide SJSU ART DEPARTMENT: An gallery Bible study fellowship meeting noon-1 30 Lou: Starting new job shows 9 a m -4 p m caM 924-4330 pm SU Pacheco Room call 268-1411 SpartaGuide is a daily calendar AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AEROSPACE PHI CHI THETA (Coed Bushing Frater- / pag, / on -going review ol those which are part of the well as all available to SJSU student, faculty AND AERONAUTICS IAIAAI: First general nity): Welcome meeting for prospective each of the majors offered by the general education curriculum. Once the search to fill and staff organizations at no charge meeting 12 30 p m Engineering Building members 7pm Su Almaden Room the university. The educational Daily position was on. Lou To meet these changes, Lou Forms are available in the Room 276, call (415) 794-1165 was newsroom. Wahlquist Library North approached by equity area of his responsibilities said the university will need to SJSU THEATRE: Steel Magnolias (the GAY. LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL ALLI- several colleagues Room 104. and at the Information who is -the key to the position" for grow physically as well as pm University Theatre Fifth and ANCE: Meeting, 4 30-630 pm SU Alma- asked him to apply. Before Center of the Student Union (Letters Play). 8 him. den Room call 236-2002 that time he hadn't considered it; intellectually. to the editor can also be submitted at San Fernando streets call 924-4551 he was very happy as a professor. Eventually he would like the "There is a large discrepancy the Information Center BETA ALPHA PSI: Orientation meeting. 3 SJSU PRE-LAW ASSOCIATION: First tail His decision to apply was system to improve to a level between the class background of The deadline for entries is 10 a m pm SJ Costanoan Room see Business semester meeting. 530 pm SU Asso- based on a chance meeting in the where the distinction between faculty and staff and our The Daily s staff members will at- Classrooms Room 208 ciated Students chambers call 277-0979 an tempt to enter each item at least two Los Angeles airport. Lou was Educational Equity and constituency. We must become o oor waiting for a friend who had curriculum won't be necessary. better teachers." days before the date of the event in day of the event. Lim- apparently forgotten to pick him Unsure of when this will take addition to the He would like to offer ited space may force reducing the up, when he noticed a man place, Lou continues to work looking at him. workshops and seminars to number of insertions WANT TO LEARN A towards the goal of a functionally items will be ac- After making faculty and staff to improve their No phone-in eye contact pluralistic university. cepted. several times, the man cultural understandings. He FOREIGN LANGUAGE approached him and said "aren't Student feedback is also believes realistically that while TODAY you Raymond Lou?" important to Lou. He would like some would be "totally active" in CAREER PUNNING AND PLACEMENT but can't attend class regularly? students raising," Acknowledging that he was, to solicit response from this "consciousness CENTER: On-campus interview orientation Try our self-paced learning programs in French, the man identified himself as a as to the content, teaching and others would be "totally II am and 3 p in S U Costanoan Room former student of Lou's. lie had benefits of courses, especially oblivious." Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and been in the first class Lou taught kSpanish. No formal classes, Take 1-5 units/semester. as a graduate student at Work in lab or by arangement with instructor in University of California at Irvine. RAISE A It was a class for students who GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT lab/car/home. Text tapes, software and video. were judged deficient in certain THOUSAND learning areas and were BASIC SPANISH considered to have 'marginal' And Help IN A WEEK 4A, 4B, (3 units each) VIDEO-AUDIO begin potential. High School Students Earn Theirs! The fundraiser that's working or review. Practical conversation. No formal The student had gone on to become the statewide coordinator on 1800 college campuses! class. Study in lab/home. for an educational council, a Earn 1-3 units of Your campus group can earn up to Call 924-4602 position that Lou holds in high credit as a tutor* $1000 in lust one week No investment respect. or come to Foreign Languages at See Project Upward Bound needed Be first on your campus A FREE The student praised Lou. gift lust for calling Call New Sweeney Hall #219 telling him how much he the WIC #225 class had meant to him and other 924-2567 / 924-2570 1-800-765-8472 Ext.90 students. He said the class had *Tutor college -bound students been a turning point in his life. "I had tried to impress upon once weekly! On campus! my students their responsibility COMING SOON to society. Having benefited from public education, they should repay that in some way," said Lou. The chance meeting for Lou was very important. Contributing r6 to the betterment of society 0(( through the improvement of the SC 9,9 educational system has always S3Z 52:Pti been a goal for Lou. He realized 9)\’ that if he applied for the new es:Ns position he would have a chance 46s2NN't\riee* to further this goal. OZ120$.

"I seriously doubt that if I c3-53.cO(49 hadn't run in to him. I would ,e.s1 _ nev, S TOWER90 HALL LAWN have applied (for his kko ov position)," he said. SEPTEMBER 10-13 Much of Lou's time will he S arni Stats While-You -Wait 9 AM-4 PM spent evaluating the general education program's content as Student Discount 177-1 You told us keep it simple Attention and make it easy. San Jose State students! We listened.

Looking for a class? If so, West Valley College has openings in: And the result is thr And iIbuy before 1)ecember 31. you to) a mu iv I Accounting Foreign Language uselEM Personal SvFi.:nimfo motive a Certificate entitling With its prekiaded software trip ticket for $14 /S24' Plus a free MN Administration of Justice Geography including Mierweoft wi stow.- 3.O.juuut turn on the Getaway* Student Discount Anthropology History PS/2' and you're ready 0 go. Watch your ideas quickly Card application. You'll also Art Music come to life in paper:, graphics. lab reports and men get a great low price on the spreadsheets. PRODIGY service. Business Nutrition Plus, you can easily work on more than one pro- It was easy making the Computer Science Philosophy ject at a time. Simply dick your mouse to choose from IBM PS/2 easy to use. And our special student price Aim told us how and Economics Political Science a variety of programs. 11641111ftrit7%. tie own.* we listened. Engineering & Many more makes it easier to

Course cost is only $5.00 per unit and many are transferrable to SJSU. Day, afternoon, and evening classes are available See the IBM PS/2 on display at the Spartan Bookstore. just a short drive away. Off-campus classes at many local high of your schools are also open. Or call 408-452-4931 ext. 1102 to schedule a personal demonstration with one Collegiate Representatives. Be sure to ask them how IBM's Loan for I.earning program still have All classes start the week of September 10, so you can help you finance your PS/2 at affordable interest rates. time to register. Call 741-2062 for information, or stop by and schedule. get a class Eligible San Jose State faculty and staff may also qualify for IBM's specially discounted educational prices. tri7 WEST VALLEY COLLEGE 'L=

hen, Sciubors tn/wah pay IcepOng campus rarapooa arar,S. OM 0 MAO* 01-ty 10 W01.100 0~11 Noroa Poll and ...,10.00111101 1nrrn flkr Soloolod 000113.1.ty PnCa .012Zicheng. rd MIA r00, the 0110 00,00 V1100 0.1001. I/0 cOMINInISI US *CO HamSepownbie 11110 Dora.. 19111 Pao bk..% surd trip 'weiral100 ovror I,,,,'Seoprodmod MOO n.oUlr IWO ado lass mounded* OW 11.1,011.t. ledemem te IMMO DOM.. Oral UN 00 round Imp Oar 101.0 i..10 15 IMP foroupll Sephoobor 15 1991 Soots MO 1001.0 oOn "1,0455 lee 11010010 wow., aim ma asap as...imam. NV* cos, Mora so P.m on cortraoSIO APPII.olo w IVO* Cidemom %Awl Ned,' Cdd oun rravrooll 504105 015555" de ow oils-is dad P0,10001 Sodiedu 2 and 0S/2 oro WNW.) trorlomo. ol Inlornalrarra 54_i0.11 Machos Corporal. Onnos ..XtrIlr, radorralra of McKeon raorellon MP .1 waisted son.. morll of 4,5', '5 Aranos Tral.05orara oraraorrall trodoraora Own *oral W * Pad raderallOr or Pooloo Senora Comm. ocoloorsho ol MIA inn San 'Word." al oodranoro ne Wow. Coo,010110, 01r4dowill C IMOm0.

AL DEFECTIVE page 4, SPARTAN DAILY, September 6, 1990 FEATURES Japantown celebrates 100 years of heritage Guided tours, traditional crafts highlight birthday celebration

By Amanda Helen space is filled because of downtown busi- Daily staff writer nessmen coming there for lunch. Walking along Jackson Street. saying 'Japantown is Japantown has always been a "sepe- hello to every passerby, 8I -year-old Tokio still "geographically rate unit by itself," said Ishikawa. When Ishikawa stopped at the bakery, where the he was younger, he would go downtown building he was born used to stand. the same," expanding San Jose for a movie. a milkshake at the "Well, this is supposed to be a cen- creamery or to buy a suit. retired SJSU Health only a few blocks over tennial." said the "Everybody had to have at least one practitioner. "I really don't Center general for funerals." Ishikawa said. know how they picked the number. I think the years' suit, it's because it's a nice round number, 90." Tokio Ishikawa, Japantown is still "geographically "If we wait another 10 years, say it Japantown historian the same," expanding not more than a few was 1900, then people like me would be blocks over the years, said Ishikawa. Sev- all dead and won't have anyone to get the eral of the original buildings are still stand- history from," Ishikawa said of the Japan- ing member Toni Yagami. has toured Bos- ing, he said, including the Issei Memorial town Centennial, which begins Saturday. ton, Dallas, Cinncinati, St. Louis and in Building. which used to he the old Japa- Ishikawa will be leading historical 1987 went to Japan. nese hospital. and a former office of Ishi- walking tours Saturday and Sunday around Claiming to he the "oldest living per- kawa's. Japantown. which surrounds Jackson son born and raised in Japantown who still Visiting the celebration this week. Street from Third to Sixth streets. Japan- lives in San Jose," Ishikawa remembers Ishikawa said one can find good service. town, he said, actually arose adjacent to several boarding houses, restaurants, dry food and products. the now-extinct San Jose Chinatown. The good stores and a bike shop along Jackson city's Corporation Yard now stands in its Street. place, he said. Ishikawa said that Japanese immi- The week-long centennial celebration grants found it easier to settle near the includes activities such as ice carving, a "bustling" Chinatown, where gambling yakisoba cookoff (pan fried noodles with houses lit up the streets. There was even a vegetables), karate and kendo demonstra- baseball team that played against other city tions, bonsai displays and an origami dem- teams from 1919 "until about the time of onstration. the war.' ' said Ishikawa. Throughout the week, there are workshops in kitemaking and demonstra- "In those days there were a lot of pre- tions of temari, a good luck charm. djudices against Orientals owning or rent- Wendy Ng. an associate professor in ing homes in the neighborhoods." Ishi- the SJSU social science department, will kawa said. During the Tong wars in 1923, take part in a panel discussion Monday similar to modern gang wars. Ishikawa re- which will attempt to answer the dilemma. members two machine guns propped on Is It Possible to Sustain a Japanese top of a building aimed at the intersection American Community for the Next 100 of Sixth and Jackson streets. lie recalled Years?" waking up one morning to find the front Also taking part in the celebration window of his parent's dry goods store isthe Sun Jose Taiko Group, which will shattered from bullet holes. perform at the Center for Performing Arts Japantown today is much quieter and Ann Nelson Daily staff photographer Sunday and hold a workshop at its studio the restaurants. especially Gombers. Ishi- on Wednesday. Taiko. described as kawas favorite, are doing "booming husi- I apantown will soon erupt with activities during the centennial. -,irtinimitw ;Ind M. isl:nient hs perfolm Ilt,, 11i1011. 111: p.t!I Ii

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10am-7pm 10am-6pm NOON-5pm 286-2076 KEYS MADE AND LOCKS CHANGED At the keyman 38 E Santa Clara Between 1&2 998-3442 FEATURES SPAR1AN DAILY, September 6. 1990. page 5 SJSU music grad Students campaign returns to campus for the environment By Antlibiq Cataldo an onslaught of obscenities. Deter- Daily staff writer mined to keep the demonstrations in 'Steel Magnolias' Solidarity facilitates strength. peaceful, one of the environmen- That, said John Press, a 26-year- talists remained calm and finally old psychology graduate Student, managed to verbally placate them is what Redwood Summer is all without anyone getting hurt, she By Shellie Terry about. said. 'Slut \ 1.1;111.14v.: Daily man writer "I think a lot of people have the -1'`, I Montenero, who is credited by It has been 25 years since Kathy II( In% 4..1 inclination (to become environ- his peers for founding Students Af- Davis was performing on stage as I lit Alt I mentally active) they just need a \ filiated for Environmental Respect an SJSU student. Tonight, Davis Ntpl way of empowerment," said Press will return to stage with about those who are intolerant of (S.A.F.E.R.), explained how na- the SJSU ture works Stage environmental mismanagement. in a "cyclical manner" the opening of the Western and how of "Steel In its fifth annual season of dem- logging firms must be Company's production wary of loving and won't let the diabetes onstrations, Redwood Summer is a this and try to exist har- Magnolias." moniously with get in her way. growing movement to preserve the the ecosystem. "I haven't been around the cam- Davis believes her character, Pacific Northwest's old growth "If you see the amount of pus, and I'm curious to see how it MLynn, is a very strong woman forests. This year the cause was what's left, you almost cry." said has changed." Davis said. who needs to be in control, but brought to the national forefront by a somber Montenero. Davis, a 1966 music graduate, finds it hard to control her very in- the inflammatory debate over Montenero blames the last 40 plays M'Lynn Eatenton. one of the dependent daughter. clearcuning and the decimation of yeai a of over-aggressive timber the spotted owl. harvests for the critical condition main characters in the story by Because Davis is a mother her- And some members of SJSUAs of the 2,000-year-old forest. The Robert Hurling. self, she said that she understands Students Affiliated for Environ- destruction, he contends, MLynn’s desire to see actual The play takes place in a beauty her child mental Respect group were there than the lost trees. grow and make appropriate runs deeper salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana. deci- shaking some pillars. soil erosion it sions about her body. After the resulting The cast of six women meet on "It's about people getting in- may take 10.000 years for the top- Saturday mornings to get their hair "The character is very believ- Publicity volved in shaping their own des- soil to reach the fertility to regener- able," photo and nails done while dealing with Davis said. "She's not your Louise Carter and Kris Burcham will take the tiny ahd taking back control of the ate a forest, he said. typical stage tonight as, life's problems. Louisiana woman." part of planet," said Pres. Western Stage's production of 'Steel Nlagnolias. Stilbert was most "Harling wanted to show the With the media attention this impressed by According to John Light, the the strength of the southern woman," event 'has received, many might communal, cooperative atti- publicist for Western Stage, the The play has gotten mixed re- Light. tude that pervaded the demonstra- play gives the audience the chance said Light. "He was very im- views. Barbara Rose Shuler of The see it as a standoff between Idggers The University Studio hosted tors campsite. to see women in their own environ- pressed with that. Men are not Californian praised the play, call- and environmentalists. That is only another outside production com- ment. The fact that the play takes privy to how women act toward ing it "warmly human". But partially true, said recent SJSU "It was a very inclusive, warm pany, Comedia Del Arte Players, place on only one set, the beauty one another." Chuck Thurman of The Coast graduate Ernesto Montenero. feeling," said Stilbert. Every deci- in 1988. The real problem, he said, is not parlor, tends to make the play "Now men get to see Weekly in Carmel seemed to think sion the demonstrators made were women in the loggers but that "the system is stronger and is very appropriate, their own environment," the play was written "solely to jerk Steel Magnolias opens Thursday reached by consensus, she said. Light more interested in a few very pow- according to Light. said. "Strength and courage, tears" and had some flaws. night at 8 p.m., and will also play Drugs and alcohol were strictly Friday and erful people making a lot of which are usually words used to Western Stage Company Saturday nights. Tick- forbidden. Stilbert added. "I did Steel Magnolias is Harling's The ets are money." describe men, now are credited to comes to SJSU from Hartnell Col- available at the University not see one joint. I did not see one first play and is based primarily on Theater Box Tensions, however, were still women." lege (which acts as a production Office, Monday beer," she said. his sister and mother. MLynn’s through Friday, noon to 5 p.m., felt between protesters and the log- Burcham said the studio during the summer when daughter. Shelby Eatenton-Latche- characters are and up to 8 p.m. on show nights. ging community. Before her seven-day protesting real and colorful people. classes are not held) in Salinas. He. is played by Kris Burcham. Tickets are also available at the Carolyn Stilbert, a religious stint, Stilbert never considered her- Shelby is a diabetic, according "They are real people, but they Hartnell College and SJSU have SJSU Events Center from 10 a.m. studies graduate student, recalled self an activist of any sort. She was to Burcham, and her character is arc pushed to the extreme," Bur- talked about creating a "corridor" to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, one incident where three young so moved by her experience, how- centered around being ill. Bur- cham said "Or else they wouldn't between Salinas and San Jose and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday men "vibrating with anger" con- ever, she admits "It's really hard Ado, said Shelby is head strong. be dramatically interesting." through theater, according to and Sunday. fronted some demonstrators with for me not to talk about it." rly // STUDENTS ON A TIGHT BUDGET? COMPARE OUR PRICES



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page 8, SPARTAN DAILY, September 6, 1990 SPORTS AP Top 25 Now is the right time for football to face Huskies Ily Randy The top twenty five teams in the Robertson than 60,0(X) people. SJSU will SJSU ground attack. Moon in 1975. Daily Associated Press 1990 college start writer have to avoid being intimidated by "If Canley were running the ball "He's done all right in prac- football poll. Below are the Timing is a key element in the traditional Pac-10 power. against us two years ago, he would tice," James said. "He will get a teams, records through Sept. 1, sports. Two years ago, the Spartans lost have had 200 yards also," Wash- test this week against a blitzing. total points based on 25 points for Sometimes passes are thrown a a close game at Washington. After ington coach Don James said. aggressive defense." a first place vote through one split-second too late and get inter- falling behind 28-0 in the first half. "We feel he can play in our During his stint as Cal's offen- point for a 25th place vote, and cepted. or a batter swings a little SJSU rallied and took a 31-28 league." sive coordinator, Shea got to know preseason ranking. late and strikes out. This week the lead. The Huskies then scored a The Spartan defense, which held Washington well. He said that SJSU football team has timing last-minute Washington is SJSU's 1. Miami, Fla. 0-0-0 1,444 (1) touchdown to avoid the Louisville to just 206 yards of total even though working in its favor. upset. offense, will come right at the toughest opponent "on paper," he 2. Notre Dame 0-0-0 1,421 (2) The Spartans play Saturday 3. Auburn 0-0-0 1.304(3) af- Spearheading the Spartan Huskies young quarterback. Line- feels more comfortable than he did ternoon 3. (tie) Florida State 1,304 (4) in Seattle against the comeback was running back backer Everett Lampkins, who was last week. 5. Michigan 0-0-0 1,176 (6) Washington Huskies, who are Johnny Johnson. Besides scoring named Big West defensive player "Having coached against them. 6. Colorado 0-0-1 1,100 (5) without starting linebacker James on a 64-yard touchdown run. John- of the week, had 16 tackles last I feel a heck of a lot better against 7. USC 1-0-0 1,091 (9) Clifford. Washington is also start- son rushed for 217 yards on 24 car- week. them than against Louisville. 8. Tennessee 1-0-0 1,073 (8) ing a new quarterback, sophomore ries. This year, Sheldon Canley Brunel' is the first sophomore to whom I hadn't wen.- Shea said. ..Everett Lampkins 9. Clemson 1-0-0 998(10) Mark Brunell. will be called upon to lead the stall at quarterback since Warren 10. Nebraska 1-0-0...... 992 (7) A third factor working in the 11. Illinios 0-0-0 896(11) Spartans' favor is that Washington 12. Texas A&M 1-0-0 806(13) will be playing its first game, 13. Alabama 0-0-0 704(12) while SJSU already has one game 14. Virginia 1-0-0 668(15) belt. under its 15. Arkansas 0-0-0 612(14) "We have 16. BYU 1-0-0 536 (16) come off the Louis- 17. Pittsburg 1-0-0 505(18) ville game with a lot of positive es- ABTARZOICAMNEORPXTY.X 18. Ohio State 0-0-0 489(17) teem as a football team," Spartan 19. UCLA 0-0-0 420(19) coach Terry Shea said. "Our play- 20. Washington 0-0-0 358 (20) ers feel good about the fact that we gitimu 21. Penn State 0-0-0 309 (21) played well." 22. Michigan St. 0-0-0 291 (23) In tying Louisville, the Spartans 23. Oklahoma 0-0-0 266 (22) showed that they are capable of FRATERNITY 24. Houston 0-0-0 184(24) playing good Division 1 football. 25. West Virginia 1-0-0.146(25) This week should be a tougher test, Others receiving at least 10 votes RUSH COLLEGE - Arizona 83. Fresno Si. 53. Georgia 50, though. Arizona St 49, Florida 29, Oregon 21, Washington is currently ranked Georgia Tech 19, Texas 19. South Carolina 20th in the Associated Press poll, IS, N Carolina St. 12, Mississippi 10. while Louisville was never in its top-25. The Huskies are playing at home, in a stadium that seats more House tours Saturday BY TV COMPUTER SCIENCE & September 8, 9AM-5PM. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (Meet at the Student Union Amphltheaterl STUDENTS WANTED Attend classes at EVC just by watching TV in your Full and Part Time Positions Available Now - flexible hours own home at times convenient for you, Catch EVC L:/13rizes will be given away, on Channels 9, 54, 60, and Heritage Cable a new TV & VCR THE PLACE THE JOB to include Channel 20B for only $5 a unit. Saturday, Sept. 8, morning orientation beginning at 9 am Stop by the rush table(s) in front COMPUTER LITERACY INFORMATION SPECIALIST, of the student union all this week Broadcasts begin Sept. 10, 1990. BOOKSHOPS help customers find the books to *All fall telecourses are transferable to SJSU - the world's largest computer fit their needs, on all computer bookstore- internationally related topics. Gain experience More Info? 924 5900 famous. 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Hiring now for new Cupertino store, opening in early September. [Ails t-t r t.r. . 1:41PAC.'w.ASID 4111111RX 9CieNTIFIC EXPENDEBILE IvaMIIIWUIITT Memory course helps PACKARD 132211A 1 at m HP SOLVE Eawars canopy students boost grades ie. 13221 _. n T G.P.A.1 who wish to cut their study time V.,no 1 Advertisement in half while maintaining high grades," P= Jackson said. By Anothoy Rao "85% of ow education is manor- ization, the rest is application end logic. I Former University of Houston football will show you how to read your textbooks, coach Jack Pardee said it best: "This course Kt; LE: 02 LLLIG history, anatomy, economics, phsmucy, was so helpful to several of my players, I witamilNr and business ONCE, and know it so well Wileamm made the whole foothill two take the law you will be able too recall it by page number or tuition is free...Jackson added. Pardee read about a memory seminar held "I know 321 memory techniques and by noted memory expert arid teacher Alvin teach my students the one that flu them The new Ill' 48SX and Jackson aid sent those players who needed best. Right now studenu use the "Rote" a free 'library card' can to pass some important tests in order to memory technique. Under "Rote" students Ell I. 1.1 id. En A get you there. stay in school. Uncertain duo anyone can be are told to go over and over what they taught photo graphic memory, Pardee MI 2100 I wish to learn. As far as I am concerned PRINT do WOES MEMORY I tORARY PRIV With oyes built in functions, or athletic departmait academic advisor Ilr. "Rote" is technique number 312.1 have new HI' 48SX *lentil's- Expandable calculator takes a Jim Berlow as an observer. 320 better techniques. What studios has MTH PRG CST VAR A 'NXT quantum liap into the 21st century. Buy an HP 48SX In one three hour session Mr. Jackson that much time to repeat information took three college freshmen, whose grades between August 16 and oetober 15, enough times to maintain top grades. A UP HOME DEE RCL *NUM C.RAPII REVIEW SWAP 1990, and HP will send you a free were so poor they were not allowed to student has nothing to lose by taking my STO EVAL 0 lIPSolvi' Equation Library canl (a practice football, and transformed them into course. I will teach them techniques to V 0 399.95 retail value). students who can perform studying and read it once and know it by paragraph and hater than the bnghtest students Asa ii Ac0c Arms E 101 LOG e The plug-in applieatii ill card alone recall tasks page number, Of the class is free, xt JrrY on campus. (4 'it tains nu m. than :100 science and absolutely," says Jackson confidently. yr engineering equat ins, as well as Since Dr. Bestow took part in the class, SIN COS 'TAN 14w' Jackson will he at the Student Union, the perk she table, a constants' library, he admits his recall and memory increased Custanoan room, Monday, September and a multi -equation solver. It's like EQUATION IMAMS Err VINT 20 30 PAGE DROP CAA sixfold. Ile wishes Jackson's course was 10th ONLY for two sessions. Section I having a stack of reference hisiks right available what he studied for his doctorate. begins at 1000an. ENTER rEEX (DEL f at your fingertips. To test the athletes' increased memory Section 2 begins at 200pm. The HI'48SX calculator is so skills, Jackson asked the trio to memorize advanced, The tuition for the 31/2 hour session is uSti ENTRY SOLVE PU3T ALGEBRA ( * it will change the way you solve prob- this number, 91852719521639092112, well 555.00, all materials including workbook (9 r lems fiirever. It integrates graphics enough to recall it in 13 weeks. It took them is-. 7 8 with ildcultis, lets pill enter equations an average of 2 minutes. This reporter Jackson's class comes with s strong the way r NI write them and does attended the same seminar and witnessed "resulu or else" guarantee. If be cannot UNITS 11 _ automatic unit management. Pharmacy. Anatomy, than master Getman, double your memory capacity, Ind teach Cheek your campus Is iiiksl,irs' or III' names and faces, and Microbiological charts you by the end of class to recall your 15 16 x retailer for IIP's range of calculattrrs after looking at it once. textbooks by page number after one Liar and special back to school offers. s,ii N What impressed this writer the moot is reading, the tuition is refunded MAO MAN SUCK AnG CIO IOU Then check (nit the calculatirrs that how Jackson's memory techniques am used immediately. Leaming memory are years ahead of 1111.11-1111.48. in reading and listening. Jackson used an techniques is like hike' a bicycle, once 2 3 - economics text hook and I watched as the you know them they will last you the rest There is a better way. COW Off = r an n freshmen read and recalled a whole chapter of your life. on "Macroeconomic Effects on. Fully Because of the personal attention ON r SPC Employed Economy," after reading it once! required to teach his techniques, he can HEWLETT "Contrary to belief no one is horn with only accept 30 persons in each section on Arai (4,3 PACKARD photographic memory, hot it can he taught ii a first come first served basis. I have taught datum& in the last 12 years. Registration is easy, leave your maw I have taught it to those waiting to use it to and time you would like to attend at increase their G.P A to thole with perfect 1 (800) 462-11207. xitimixamisior

SPORTS SPARTAN DAILY, September 6, 1990, page 9 Assistant coach takes charge of team Spit flies, tempers flare Corbelli fills head coaching vacancy and commotion reigns By SheIlle Terry one-to-one basis with the players Daily staff writer as he was as an assistant coach. at upset-prone Open John Corbelli, this is your life. "We have Well, sort of. until Dick Mont- a fairly casual open NEW YORK (AP) - As if any door policy," 'try telling that to Andres gomery gets hack. he said. "But explanation really seems nec- some things Gomez: wearing his favorite shirt Corbelli, who has acted as as- are easier coming essary, here is the latest reason from an assistant coach." here cost him $2,000. sistant coach for SJSU's worn- why New York has been called match. the 6- "The fact that he was the buf- In a first-round en's volleyball team, now gets Eastern Europe with traffic: a tennis shirt fer between us and Montgomery foot-4 Gomez wore his shot as head coach. Regular An outbreak of anti-social be- electronics last year makes it more advanta- with the name of an coach Montgomery is taking the havior by men wielding rackets. manufacturer on same-sized, 1990 season off to develop geous for everyone," said middle Men spitting, swearing, abusing blocker Heather McPherson. same-colored patches on either SJSU's masters program for balls, rackets, equipment and fans. The one on the right McPherson also believes Cor- sleeve. sports management. Even wearing patches larger than 2 sleeve, appearing against a white Corbelli has also served as as- belli stresses fundamentals more square inches. than Montgomery. background, was judged in com- sistant coach for the United States "You can have the problem pliance with the 2-square-inch rule National Women's Volleyball "(Corbelli) goes back to tech- with your temper anywhere," said because only the red lettering was Team. nicalities and is big on fundamen- the Nastase. a native of Romania measured. This year Corbelli feels that his tals and ball control," she said. and tennis' original bad boy. "But The patch on the left sleeve, shot at head coach is a great op- "whereas Dick did more combi- something about New York - the however, was set off against a red portunity. But, he is still working nation team drills." rhythm, the crowds, the craziness background and when measured in on the transition. "I go technical for a while, -brings it out of you more here." its entirety, was determined to be "There are a lot of little things then let them try to work things Sure, the players behave badly big enough to merit a $1,000 fine. you don't think about, a lot of ad- out themselves," Corbelli said. everywhere. But nowhere as often. By refusing to take it off. Gomez ministrative things," he said. "It's not the same for everybody, as open or as wildly entertaining as earned an unsportsmanlike conduct "There's a joke among coaches you have to make your own adap- they do it here. That is another rea- penalty and another $1,000 fine. that the assistant coach does all tations. I try to give them free- son why the city - New York, Andre Agassi is a walking bill- the coaching, and the head coach dom to adapt their own skills and New York - needs two names. board for a shoe manufacturer, but does all the paper work." give them a lot of room for cre- In three previous Grand Slam he didn't get zapped for that. And But he's not laughing now. ativity." events this year - the Australian at least he got some bang for his Overall, Corbelli said that the Corbelli believes that in order Open in Melbourne, the French bucks. transition from assitant to head to win this year the team needs to Open in Paris and Wimbledon, just Near the end of the second set in coach was fairly comfortable. have good technical work as well outside London - there were 31 his second-round match. Agassi Working . with a team that he as basics in the gym. violations punishable by fines to- didn't like a line call and so di- knows and having good assistant "They have to get prepared to taling $19,350. Of that amount, rected a four-letter word at chair coaches, Lindy Vivas and Rosie face tough teams and take some $6,500 was paid by John McEnroe umpire Wayne McKewen. In case Grohs. made the transition chances." said Corbelli. "We of (where else?) New York. the umpire missed that. Agassi smoother, he said. may not be as talented physically Through Tuesday, after just then spit at McKewen and for good "He's a really good coach," than other teams. but I don't be- eight days of the U.S. Open, there measure, called him a "lying said Dawnis Wilson, a junior out- lieve that anyone is unbeatable." were 30 such violations and fines SOB." side hitter. "The transition Corbelli said that outside of Kevin Squires -Daily staff photographer totaling $16.300. The price for that little fit of wasn't that hard." volleyball, his team is strong in But is New York really at fault? pique? How about $3,000? Corbelli said the masters pro- academics and they are a "good Volleyball coach John Corbelli hopes his players achieves "Who knows?" repeated Ken "I spit," Agassi said in his own gram which Montgomery is people group." success on the court and in the classroom. Farrar. chief of supervisors for the defense. "and obviously some of it Grand Slam tournaments. hit him." working with could be a good "I try to tell them to be as good young volleyball players to look system. It Santa Barbara and was named "We speculate about that all the needs to grow and ex- as you can be on the court and be at the game from a different per- OK. so the guy is not a meteor- and to UCSB's athlete of the year in time, but the best we've come up pand. incorporate more as good as you can be in the spective, he said. logist. But he still holds the record public relations, business and classroom." Corbelli said. with is a lot of maybes. Maybe it in fines for the week. And at least Corbelli. 34, began his career 79. He graduated with a degree marketing aspects, Corbelli said. seems so wild here because it's so he is still in the tournament The team has five players with in volleyball his sophomore year in economics. quiet everywhere else. Maybe be- (though Farrar admitted sheepishly Although Montgomery is still 3.0 GPA's, and Corbelli hopes to in high school. ner- po- cause it's the last major of the sea- that had he seen the videotape be- on campus. Corbelli isn't get the whole team to a 3.0 aver- "I liked basketball and track, "I started out in a banking I got really son and the players are tired and fore, instead of after, ruling on the vous. age. hut wasn't as good at those," he sition. but bored with it," Corbelli said. cranky. And maybe because New incident. Agassi would need a "I get no pressure from Mont- Corbelli also encourages play- said. York." he added, "is a tough ticket to get back onto the grounds gomery," said Corbelli. "We get future. Corbelli said, ers to take part in other activities. Corbelli graduated from UC As for his place to play." the next day I. along well. The team is involved with the Santa Barbara in 1979 where he 'I've got to get through this sea- Corbelli said that as head March of Dimes, social work, played on the men's volleyball son, and then see what my op- coach, he isn't on as much of a and some players are coaching team. He was the team captain at tions are. ' ' Spartan earns football honors

Current Sig West Standing SJSU linebacker Everett Lamp- Bakersfield Junior College. Team. conlerencer overall kins earned Big West defensive "He had a slow camp because Latest line for AP Top 10 1 Fre,,no St 0-0-0, 1-0-0 player of the week honors for his of injuries, but he came out and the 2 San Jose St 0-0-0, 0-0 1 performance against Louisville on coach turned him loose." SJSU Saturday 7. Southern Cal is idle. Saturday. Colar said. 'He RENO. Nev. (Al'( - Here are 3 UNLV 0-0-0, 0-1-0 safety Hesh I. Miami 131/2 over No. 16 BY U K. Tennessee 12 over Missis - 0-1-0 Lampkins. a returning first-team this week's odds on upcoming col- 4 Long Beach St 0-0-0, played an outstanding game." 2. Notre Dame is idle sippi State West selection from last lege games involving teams in the 5 Pacific 0-0-0, 0-1-0 All-Big 3. (tie) Auburn vs Cal State Ful- 9. Clemson 21/2 over No. 15 Vir- had 16 tackles and recov- Last year the Spartans had two Associated Press' Top 10. 6 New Mexico St 0-0-0, 0-1-0 season. lerton. no odds. ginia the 1(1-1() game. defensive players of the week in College 7 Fullerton St 0-0-0, 0-1.0 ered a fumble in (tie) Florida State 28 over East 10. Nebraska vs Northern Illi- Lampkins joined the Spartans last Lyneil Mayo and George Mu- Thursday 8 Utah St 0-0-0, 0-1-0 Carolina nois. no odds season after playing two years at raok a . 6 Colorado 201/2 over Stanford 5. Michigan is idle. Classified

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Contact CAMPAIGN CALIFORNIA at sale eewure high tech S1 *ghoul credit check V. m- . COMO& csusskision I at 268.61 t 3 ems corn/dues oan Also taw delinquent foreclo- Announcements Greek ServrCeS REST BENEFITS AVAIL AM F III ,r kirl CHECK sures Call 01031612 7555 e,l H JOSS AVAIL ABLE Sales ongl MONEY ORDER WIN 102 I Sharp boa,., uniform vacation Ciasuford Desk lacaled Inv& 1513 for repo 051 nearing arcomilnig and Montle Automotive ilelp Wanted Stereo pay fn. dent Ins end .. ASH TO 'teflon 1111Inguarle Jam I REDOING DRESS TIARA head Computers Housing Travel I creel. on SPARTAN sin nee Engin., No fee CON DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline T wo day% proof to publication piece Never worn' White Apply el 1712 Scott Bt. root Sale lost 8 f mind Insfno PERSONA el 4634505 I 12 14 paid $1 000 salting 531300 Unto Clefs (Between Otto. San Jose State University Consecutivese publsc Mean dales only CelhIVNul 246 6110 or Seim fles Personal best offer LEATHER FOOTWEAR II San Torn.. 727 nun I San Jose California 95197-0149 i (4151364 0116 hre greet rommleitione, Esc rep No refunds on cancelled Mit SPORTS DESK ATTENDANT wanted (moon ADSM76 0545 i 26 IE DRAFTING MACHINES 14 for downtown ethelefic club laud 41111 En I= lEn En ME En En IIEE InEIMI =MIMI.. MI ME En EIEIEEIMEIiiin EEO 30 vs nwentfying glass 1 $725 M-A1111 F DISC JOCKE VS wanted be fies.b.. .04 01,190010 page 10, SPARTAN DAILY, September 6, 1990 Shuttle crew will chat on radio Stabbing death part of initiation robbed people mother in the mouth. PASADENA, Calif. (AP) orld and to speak with two Cos- Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "for the hell of it'' NEW YORK AP) -- Light and to get money to go dancing, The gang took credit cards and Southern California schoolchil- monauts aboard the Soviet Each student will get to ask young men arrested in the stabbing 52(X) in cash to gi) dren and Soviet cosmonauts may Union's Mir space station. one question of Parise, a payload The New York Times reported. about dancing, death of a tourist from Utah in a police said. After the stabbing, hold ham radio chats with the The Cerritos students are Dil- specialist on Columbia's seven- Brian Watkins, 22, was slain the subway station belonged to a gang to a nearby crew of the latest space shuttle a seventh grader at member crew. late Sunday as his family waited to gang headed dance lon Matthew, that required would-be members to where five of the mission. Elementary School; Also participating will be the catch a subway train. Police said club, suspects Stowers mug someone as an initiation rite. were arrested, police said. Three students from Cerritos, Chimene Mata, a sixth grader at students' teachers. They are Watkins had come to his family's Three it was reported Wednesday. defense when the gang sliced open others were arrested later. Calif., were chosen to interview Cerritos Elementary School; and Owen Robbins of Stowers El- Former members said the gang astronaut Ron Parise, NASA said Lisa Gonzales. a fifth grader at ementary; his wife Judith. a tea- his father's pants and punched his Tuesday. Carver Elementary School. cher at Cerritos; and Larry The shuttle Columbia was according to the space agency's Mazur, an instructor at Carver. scheduled to be launched at 10:20 p.m. PDT Wednesday on a nine-or 10-day mission. The as- Come Join The Movies tronauts will use the $150 million 1. Now Hiring For Port Time Positions: Astro observatory in the cargo bay to study stars, a comet and . Days and Luenings other objects. . Free Movies O The students will speak with Flemible Shifts Parise about 3 p.m. PDT on the r. seventh day of the flight, accord- Frequent Wage Reviews 25% OFF ing to officials at the Jet Propul- . Will Train sion Laboratory here. Parise, a licensed ham radio Century 22 Century 21 operator, also plans to contact 984-7539 243-6410 ALL amateur radio stations around the Suspect charged $ 1.09m9FAF LIQUITEK for campus THE 1990 PRODUCTS Ski, Sport & Travel Show COUPON slayings Sept. 8th & 9th NOW HIRING 15% OFF Sales People Picture Regularly Priced CiA1NESVILLE, Fla. (AP) A FUN FOR ALL, COME SEE, COMPARE! leading suspect in the stabbing Framers Sales Supervisors BACK TO SCHOOL deaths of five college students is PRE -SEASON SKI BLOWOUT SALE ' GOLF BOATS ' RESORTS We offer flexible hours & wanted on charges he followed a UJENA S EXOTIC SWIMWEAR FASHION SHOWS excellent employee discounts SUPPLIES woman, put a knife to her throat 'TRAVEL IDEAS 'HEALTH & FITNESS 'SKI & TRAVEL FILMS Apply in person at the store (excluding Liguitex3) and tore her blouse two years ago. ' DEMONSTRATIONS 'PLAN YOUR NEXT VACATION ' SPAS Present This Coupon to Cashier authorities said. SPORTS ACCESSORIES 'HANG GLIDER SIMULATOR nearest you Not Valid With Any Other Offer Investigators on Tuesday also 'COORS LEGENUpRY HIGH FLYING ACROBATIC SHOW Aaron Brothers Art Marts® ' (SATURDAY MORNING) revisited the off-campus sites of ' SNOW! YES SNOW IN SEPTEMBER EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Expires Tues Sept 18, 1990 last month's killings with a laser 'LIVE KOME RADIO BROADCASTS ' GIVE-AWAYS ' PLUS MORE ' device to search for evidence. CENTER As most students returned from SANTA CLARA CONVENTION 111 the Labor Day weekend, police 5001 Cinal Anverk Perlmsy,Santa again warned that the killer may Sat. Sept. 8th 10 am - 9 pm / Sun. Sept. 9th 10 am -6 pm HE still he in their midst. ADMISSION 14.00 15.00 WITH THIS COUPON Aaron Brothers Art Marts® A memorial service for the slain CHILDREN AGES 6 11 $2.90 CHILDREN UNDER 6 ADMITTED FRE F Look for us In the white pages students four from the Univer- LIMIT ONE COUPON PER ADMISSION sity of Florida and a fifth from PRESENTED BY PARAGON SNOWS A EVE N TS,INC (1100)177-47S4 Expires Tues Sept 18, 1990 Santa Fe Community College CO- SPONSORS: COORS / CITY SPORT MAGAZINE was scheduled for Wednesday at I. the university. Scholarships in their memories were to be an- nounced. The Indian River County Sher- Now business majors can easily handle iff's Office filed armed burglary and attempted sexual battery charges Tuesday against Edward today's tough business problems. Lewis Humphrey after a 27-year- old woman identified him from his newspaper picture as the man who Texas Instruments financial calcula- right functi,,lis and featurcs to speed attacked her. Humphrey is in jail on $1 mil- tors are designed to match today's you through assignments and exams. lion on charges of heating up his business needs. Whether you're tak- Get a BA-35. It's TI's most afford- grandmother. Police said he lived ing beginning accounting or advanced able tool for time-value-of-money briefly this summer at an apart- ment complex and a dormitory economics, you can count on calculations. You can solve a wide where three of the slaying victims a TI calculator to variety of finance, accounting, and lived and is one of eight suspects. have the one-variable statistics problems According to the police report because it's preprogrammed with on the 1988 incident in Indian County. the woman said a man fol- powerful functions. And that lowed her into her home near Vero makes it very easy to use. Beach, tore her blouse and held a But, if your plans include pur- hunting knife to her throat. She said she got away and called po- suing the most advanced lice. business courses, then the "Similarities from the 1988 in- TI Financial Investment cident. compiled with the knowl- Analyst- is your best choice. edge that Humphrey was being It's a business major's looked at by the task force in Gai- nesville, prompted the sheriffs of- dream machine: the first and fice to notify authorities in Gaines- only calculator with a multi- ville." the sheriff's office said. line display that lets you see all Sheriff's spokeswoman Theresa Woodson did not specify the simi- the problem-solving variables at larities. once. You can check your work, Police in Gainesville said the se- make corrections or compare "what- rial killer stalks trim brunettes. ifs" without reentering the entire prob- slipping inrn their off-campus lem. And, apartments through windows or what's more, the FIA doors. He killed four women and a easily handles time-value-of-money, man in three attacks, mutilating cash flows, IRR, and NPV. three of the victims. Why not make it your business Prosecutors said would fight an effort to lower Humphrey's hail. to try one today at your nearest TI calculator dealer. TEXAS AP "I'ni not saying he's the killer. hut the fact is that some things INSTRUMENTS have surfaced in that investigation that convince us he is a senon danger to the community," saki Michael Hunt. assistant state attor- ney. Do You Want STUDENT SERVICES,BOX 224026,HOLLYWOOD,FL 3302 Investigators have taken Hum- VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? phrey's fingerprints and rnotprints. Now you can have two of the most recognized and I want VISA0/MASTERCARD0 Credit samples of his blood and his psy- accepted credit cards In the world...Visa. and MasterCard. yEs! chiatric records. credit cards..."In your name EVEN IF YOU ARE NEW IN Cards. Enclosed find 815 which Is 100% refundable If not His Gainesville apartment re- CREDIT or HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN BEFORE! approved immediately. mained sealed as a search contin- VISA. and MasterCard. the credit cards you ued on the grounds around it. Po- desm-ve and need for IDBOOKSDEPARTMENT NAME lice have not sought a a search triTith STORESTUITIONENTERTAINMENT warrant for the apartment. ,. I EMERGENCY CASHTICKETSRESTAURANTS ADDRESS HOTELSMOTELSGASCAR RENTALS Police confirmed that Stephen REPAIRSAND TO BUILD l'OtiR CREDIT RATING! CITY STATE ____ ZIP _ Michael Bates. a I.akelantl short- order cook. st as another suspect. PHONE No turn He has been held on $100.500 hail ki c downs! 0.0 - c No credit checks! SIGNATURE since his Aug. 29 arrest in an unre- / ,at 01iS't MI" No security WITT MosterCard is regIstreed Inolemsrlu al hisplerairellntrmaiinral tr. lated assault case. Polk County au- wig deposit! 4101 1 Vile In rrypeterrd bstlernerla ri VISA 113A. in, And VISA I'll, I 'NM, py,il thorities said they doubt Bates, 30. 0.411 " Approval absolotrk griaratireed Srtvirro. Pownriallnn is the killer. hut his fingerprints 0* I 100% GUARANTEED! have been sent to the task force, MAIL THIS NO RISK COUPON TODAY I HIGH DEFINITION SYSTEMS INC 3325 KIFER RD. SANTA CLARA. CA 95054 HD 386 20MHz SYSTEM F:7, I-. (408)72 0 040 3 LANDMARK - 25 SI - 23 V.A7IC . (408)720-1967 1MB RAM, EXPANDABLE 8MB ON-BOA PP * 12 OR 144MB FLOPPY DRIVE 40mB IDE HARD DISK 1.1 INTERLEAVE 2FL/2H0 CONTROLLER * 2 SERIAL, 1 PARALLEL, 1 GAME PORT a REAL TIME CLOCK/CMOS MEMORY WITH BATTERY BACK-UP a 101 KEY ENHANCED KEYBOARD * 230W POWER SUPPLY a HIGH QUALITY AT CASE 2530SACRAMENTO WATT AVE. BRANCH: SACRAMENTO, CA 95821 (9161 483 - .161 483 - 482E HD 386 33MHz SYSTEM 64K CACHE] ALL SYSTEMS SUPPORT DOS, OS/2, LANDMARK - 55 . 9 SI - 45.9 * 1MB RAM EXPANDABLE TO 8MB ON-BOARD UNIX, XENIX, NOVELL, CONCURRENT * (IP I 1.14.ff? nPPY DRIVE HARD DESK 100MB IDE ,'3M5 0 12' AMBER MONITOR & MGP CARD. $99 * .IL/2ND LuNIliG,LLER tr 2 SERIAI, 7 PAR41/ r, , 1Aff. PORT O 16 BIT VGA CARD $99 O 14' COLOR VGA MONITOR (1024x7669 0 350MB SCSI 16MS HARD DISK $1,395 c .41T, O 16-BIT VGA CARD ,1014168) * REAL rimt (., mEmoRy 0 14' VGA MONITOR $299 WITH BATTERY BACK-UP 0 2400BAUD INTERNAL MODEM $79 * 101 KEY ENHANCED KEYBOARD PRODESIGNER II - $299 'coW POWER SUPPLY O ORCHID'S 7-OMER CASE O CALL IN FOR OTHER ITEMS






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