Books from Pacific Citizen the .Iap.Nem American Commuolty: a Th Re
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•• •• aC1 1C C1 1ZCll National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League December 7, 1984 Newsstand' 25¢ (5Oe Postpaid) 244 S. San Pedro St. , # 506, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3981 (213) 626-6936, 628-3768 ISSN : 0030-8579/ Whole No. 2,318/ Vol. 99 No. 23 ~ ~-~ ." Deportee can return News LO ImmJgration and turalizati n rvi offi ial d ld ov. 28 to allow a pr gnan t iJ ipma to return to in Brief her Ameri an husband two w ks after deporting hr. Eleanor Parn ,5 months pr gnant, U.S. cities endorse redress wa arr ted, k pt in holding U for a w ek and put aboard a pIa 8 hours r IND AP L1 Ind. - Em rging un- a judg lifted a tay bl eking th I from cathed from three committ di u - deporting h r. Her hu band wa not al- sions and consideration on the floor, a lowed to say gO<Xi-by or to gl h r olution calling for monetary compensa suitcas of cloth . tion to former intern es of WW2 wa Parn s had Ii ed in th .. for 12 year passed by the ational League of Citi s but ill gally inee I a ing her hou k p at their annual conference 0 . 28. er ' Job m th Philippm consulat m 1974 The league comprise the mayors, city In 1982 he m t Ri hard arn and m anagers and council members of 15 0 the two marn d m A pnl of thi year. But m unicipalities. Seattle Mayor Chari h r marriag to an Am ncan dId n t pro Royer , who ubmitted the resolution, b tect h r from deportation ord rs. In t, lieves the leagues endors ment wIll the IN questIOned wh th r th marnage greatly help efforts to adopt redr s legis was bona fid , satd Hiram Kwan, th lation at the federal Ie el . coupl attorney. m June the U.S. Conference of Mayor The 1 found Parn WI th th addres CHRISTMAS IN TH E ORI ENT DaVid Leeds Canaga. Virgmla Wmg adopted the same resolution which back on her husband' r qu t for h r p nn - ASlan/ Paaflc actors presenting Amahl and AlVin Ing . (See page 3 for details of the recommendations of the CommlSSion nent re 1: ncy status which. IrO rucally , and the Night Visrtors are (from left ) Los Angeles perform ances on Wartime Relocation and Internment had been appro ed But here, t ,th d of Civilians. portatton ord r 0 rrode the any's permis Ion to stay, and I 0 IClals d Taiwan holds Liu suspects th had n choi e but to nd Parne Libelous folklore of Pearl Harbor lives on DALY CITY Calif.-A man arrested back to th Philippines. The followmg edttonal appeared m the by pn at in terests m their d mand fo r ov. 27 in the slaying of Henry Lm bas After her husband and attorn y tl July 23, 1942, Pactftc CttlZen, whlch was evacuatl n. been released for lack of evidence. and honed again, h w v r Parn s was al then pubhshed at J ACL ahona! Head At th tune the acuatlOnofwestcoast the extradition of two suspects held m lowed to reapply or a green card at the quarters in aU Lake Ctty The removal Japan was ord red, these accusatJ ns Taipei will not be sought until authoritie U.S embassy m Manila. ormally. ad of JAs from the West Coast was still in of disloyalty for th most part. [went 1 can build a stronger case, pres r ports portee must walt 5 year be ore applymg progress and blamtng ikket Jor Pearl undru said. for readmis IOn. Harbor wa.s stt l m Jashton among pohtt Today th ac are in It can be said Liu, 52, was hot to death m his garage Kwan satd that Parn . pregnancy d Clans and the press. Although thtS piece cat gOr! all that th re ~ as absolutely Oct. 15. He was the author of a critl al public ympathy for h r plight wer k y was wntten 42 years ago. one lme m par no instanc of sa tag by r ident Japa- biography of Tarwan PresIdent Chiang factors. Because th success of a legal tlcular tS shU relevant tn ltght oftesttmo n mHawalJ. Ching-kuo. appeal was doubtful, "I told hlID IRlch ny gtven at commlSslon and congre swnal Th fourth interIm report of the con Released from San Mateo County jaIl ard ParnesJ thath had nothmg to 10 by heanngs on redress dunng the past four gr lOnal committe on national defense was David Wu, 28. The other suspects, gomg to the press. '. years "For th.e ltes are shU belng told.' migration (th Tolan committee) publishes Tung Kuei-sen, Wu Tun and Chen Chi-h, Satisfied WIth the outcom , Kwan Th th tatements 0 cretary of War tim- have been identified as members of a TaI concluded, 'It ISn't good to b 'Onental' 11 I that Am ncan- rn Japan e engaged in wholesal abotag m Hawall on. cretary of th avy Knox, Asst. wan street gang that has several tlx>u and sit back. Youha e to speak up " ttorney General Rowand the itIzens' sand members in the U S. Wu and Chen on D c. 7 h been expo d, bIt by bIt, a an out-and-out abn atlon. ouncil of Honolulu that th re was no act are being held by the Taiwan Gamson o botage comnut1ed m Hawaii on Dec. 7. Command. Refugees assaulted o one can estimate at thl hm how mu h Wight tho r current rumors car The t. Attorney en ral's letter to the SACRAME T , CalIf.- Indo hm lID ned In d termining th ge ral policy of Tolan comnuttee includes this paragraph : Funds sought for state agency "Mr. John Edgar Hoover. Director of migrants are becommg target of ra I t acuabon of citiz n and ali n Japan e S EA~ Washington State's Com assaults, human nghts c mmls IOn rs from th entir w t coa tal zon . uffiee the Federal Bureau of In tigation, has mission on Asian American Affairs will told city council members No . 7. The to ay, t allegations of disloyal acts by ad i ed m that there no a botage lose its Seattle office at the end of this hearing was reported by the acramento r ldent Japan m Hawaii wer utilized. ommitted prior to Dec. 7. on D . 7, or year unless interim funds are found, re Bee. Continued on P1Ige 4 ports the International Examiner. Of the Incidents include bemg pat at and 136 000 Asian Americans in the state, beaten with weapons; ictlm rang 84,000 live in the Seattle-Everett area. from a year-old baby to senior CItizens, JACL redress lobbying kicks into high gear Commission Director Lois Hayasaka said Rarrly Shiroi of the Sacramento DE VER-" JACL/ LEC look lik more education and informing key indi idual said that the agency now operates with 1.3 City-County Human Rights/Fair Housing alphab t sou adcting another s t of ini about basic issues of th internment of staff positions for the Seattle and Olym CommlSSion. tials to CRR. N JAR W R, JABA in Japane e Americans during WW2 . "Th pia offices together and 2.5 temporary po To fight the prejudice, the commis Los Angeles, AALDEF in ew York, and JA L/LEC must make people under- sitions for refugee assistance. The com sioners recommended that: others," remarked Minoru Yasui chair tand especially in Congr , that what mission's proposed. budget for 1985-87 • the police department monitor of th JACL Legislati e Education Com happ ned to Japan se Americans during would provide for a staff of about 8. crimes resulting from racism, hire a bi mittee 1942-46 urxlercuts the freedom and rights lingual community service officer, reim " If we were playing Trivial Pur uit, w of everyone unl those wrongs are ;p Hollywood honors Asian actor burse interpreters, and educate officers would offer a free space walk to anyone propriately redressed ' Yasui continued. HOLLYWOOD, Calif.-Philip Ahn, a pio on Asian cultures. who could correctly identify all five--but As d fmed by the Internal Revenue Ser neer for Asians in the movie industry, was • city council members tour apartment we're involved in a very serious matter,' vice, lobbying by the JACL has not, to posthumously awarded a star on the Hol complexes in which Southeast Asian refu he said. ' We are involved in redress, as a date been ' sub tantial.' Now however, lywood Walk of Fame Nov. 14. About400 gees cluster , and fund agencies that pro vindication of our Issei and as a valida with the 99th Congress convening on Jan. entertainers and Korean Americans at vide services. tion of own lives as human beings and as 21 , 1985 major efforts mu t be mounted to tended the ceremony. Ahn, who died in Council members also said that col equal United States citizens." have redress enacted during 1985-86. This 1977 at the age of 72, is believed to have leges should add courses on ethnic studies To date, the lobbying efforts for redres will involve intensive direct lobbying. been the fIrst Korean American born in or human rights to graduation require by the national JACL redress committee According to the ms, the JACL cannot Los Angeles. He acted in 57 movies.