Hugh Macdiarmid a Select List of Books by HUGH MACDIARMID
SELECTED ESSAYS OF Hugh MacDiarmid A Select List of Books by HUGH MACDIARMID POETRY Sangschaw, 1925 Penny Wheep, 1926 A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, 1926 To Circumjack Cencrastus, 1930 First Hymn to Lenin and other poems, 1931 Scots Unbound and other poems, 1932 Stony Limits and other poems, 1934 Second Hymn to Lenin and other poems, 1935 A Kist of Whistles, 1947 In Memoriam James Joyce, 1955 Three Hymns to Lenin, 1957 The Battle Continues, 1957 The Kind of Poetry I Want, 1961 Collected Poems, 1962, revised edition, 1967 A Lap of Honour, 1967 PROSE Annals of the Five Senses, 1923 (also verse) Contemporary Scottish Studies, 1926 Albyn: or Scotland and the Future, 1927 At the Sign of the Thistle, 1934 (essays) Scottish Scene, 1934 (with Lewis Grassic Gibbon) Scottish Eccentrics, 1936 The Islands of Scotland, 1939 Lucky Poet, 1943 Cunninghame Graham: A Centenary Study, 1952 Francis George Scott, 1955 Burns Today and Tomorrow, 1959 David Hume: Scotland's Greatest Son, 1961 The Man of (almost) Independent Mind, 1962 The Ugly Birds Without Wings, 1962 The Company I've Kept, 1966 (autobiographical) EDITED Northern Numbers, 1920, 1921, 1922 The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry, 1940, reissued 1946, William Soutar, Collected Poems, 1948 Robert Burns, 1949 Selections from the Poems of William Dunbar, 1952 Robert Burns, Love Poems, 1962 HUGH MACDiARMiD By Rosalie M. J. Loveday SELECTED ESSAYS OF Hugh MacDiarmid Edited with an Introduction by DUNCAN GLEN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley and Los Angeles • 1970 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley and Los Angeles, California Standard Book Number 520-01618-1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : 76-99506 © 1969 by Hugh MacDiarmid Printed in Great Britain FOR MY FRIENDS ALEXANDER SCOTT Senior Lecturer in Scottish Literature at Glasgow University AND HIS WIFE CATHY .
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