, FOSDEM 20 Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) Polytechnic University of Catalonia 2nd February 2020 , FOSDEM 20 Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) Polytechnic University of Catalonia 2nd February 2020 The problem I need to draw circuits and diagrams! , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 The problem I need to draw circuits and diagrams! , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 The problem I need to draw circuits and diagrams! , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 The problem I need to draw circuits and diagrams! , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 Why PyCirkuit? Requirements we have ▶ Beautiful (publishing quality) ▶ Large library of predefined 푅 푅 symbols 푏 푐 푖푏 푖1 푖2 ▶ Uniform style (don’t mix libraries) + + 푣 + 훾 − 푣푥 훽푖푏 푉푐푐 − ▶ Parametrizable symbols ▶ Consistent typography: 푅푒 푅푏, 푣훾, 푖2, 훽푖푏 ▶ Free formats, tools and systems , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 Why PyCirkuit? Requirements we have ▶ Beautiful (publishing quality) ▶ Large library of predefined 푅 푅 symbols 푏 푐 푖푏 푖1 푖2 ▶ Uniform style (don’t mix libraries) + + 푣 + 훾 푣푥 훽푖 푉푐푐 − − 푏 ▶ Parametrizable symbols ▶ Consistent typography: 푅푒 푅푏, 푣훾, 푖2, 훽푖푏 ▶ Free formats, tools and systems , FOSDEM 20 Orestes Mas (
[email protected]) - UPC Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit 2nd February 2020 Chosen solution Insert graphic commands into a LATEX document \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[step=0.25,color=blue!20,very thin] LAT X+ TikZ! (-1.8,-1.6) grid (1.8,1.6); E \foreach \ang in {0,30,...,330}{ \draw[color=red] (0,0) to[R, -*] (\ang:1.1); \node at (\ang:1.35) {\tiny$e^{j\ang^\circ}$}; � Perfect text/graphics integration.