DOCUMENT RESUME ED 043 305 HE 001 /76 TTTLr The Trustee; A Key to Progress in the Small College. TNSTITUTION Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges, Vashinaton, D.C. PUP DATE [101 NOTE 164p.: Papers presented at an Institute for trustees and administrators of small colleges, Michigan State nniversity, Fast Lansina, Michigan, August, 196c' EnRs PRICE FDES Price 4F-$0.15 FC-5B.30 OESCRIPTORS *Administrator Role, College Administration, Educational Finance, Governance, *Governing aoards, *Nigher Fducation, Leadership Responsibility, Planning, *Ic.sponsibilltv, *Trustees IOSTRACT The primary pw:pose of the institute was to give members (IC the board of trustees of small colleges a better understanding of their proper roles and functions. The emphasis was on increasing the effectiveness of the trustee, both in his general relationship to the college and in his working and policy-formulating relationship to the president and other top-level cdministralors. This boo}- presents the rapers delivered during the week -long program: "College Trusteeship, 1069," by Myron F. Wicket "Oporational Imperatives for a College Poari of Trustees in the 1910s," by Arthur C. rrantzreb; "A Trustee Examines "is Role," by warren M. "uff; "The College and university Student Today," by Richall F. Gross; "The College Student Today," by Eldon Nonnamaker; "Today's l'aculty Member,'' by Peter °prevail; "The Changing Corricilum: Implications for the Small College," by G. tester Pnderson; "How to get the 'lowly," by Gordon 1. Caswell; "Founflations and the Support of ?nigher rduPation," by Manning M.Pattillo; "The Trustee and Fiscal Develorment," by 0ohn R. Haines; "tong-Range Plannina: An Fs.ential in College Administration," by Chester M.Alter; and "Trustee-Presidential Relationships," by Roger J.
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