Feinberg Graduate School 2012 Graduates Feinberg Graduate School

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The Weizmann Institute of Science

Contents The Feinberg Graduate School

Prizes for Outstanding Students

Competitive Fellowships

PhD Recipients

MSc Recipients

Non-thesis MSc in Science Teaching Recipients

With gratitude to the supporters of the Feinberg Graduate School at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Scholarship Awards PhD Scholarships in Perpetuity

Scholarship Awards MSc Scholarships in Perpetuity

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Weizmann Institute of Science is one of the world’s leading institutes The for basic scientific research in all disciplines of natural and exact sciences: mathematics and computer sciences; physics; chemistry; biochemistry and biology. At any given time, some 1,200 studies are being conducted Weizmann at the Weizmann Institute in fields that are on the cutting edge of science and that serve to enrich human knowledge about the world around us Institute of and our role in the universe. The Institute’s unique character encourages numerous multidisciplinary collaborations in all areas of research. The Science scientific investigations conducted at the Weizmann Institute makes a major contribution to the development of new technologies and to the invention of new materials, medicines, and state-of-the-art medical treatment, and to better understanding the environment and developing alternative sources of energy. The Institute invests considerable efforts and resources in scientific education for school-aged children and the public.

Some 2,700 employees working at the Weizmann Institute of which some 250 are professors and other scientists heading their own research teams. Some 950 are staff scientists, engineers, and technicians; more than 1,100 are graduate students (master’s and doctoral candidates) and some 400 are administrative employees. The Institute’s budget is approximately one billion shekels – a quarter of which is granted by the Israel government with the remainder originating from grants won by the Institute’s scientists as well as from donations and scholarships. Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Feinberg Graduate School is the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. It was founded in 1958 with the support of the United The States Government. The Graduate School is named for Abraham Feinberg LL.B. (U.S.A.) founder and first Chair of its Board of Trustees. The main goal of Feinberg the Feinberg Graduate School is the advanced training of new generations of creative and original researchers in the natural sciences and mathematics, or, Graduate in other words, the education of future scientific leaders. The Graduate School offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of School Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Science Teaching. Interdisciplinary programs are widespread and encouraged.

Since its founding, the Graduate School has been an accredited institution of higher learning in Israel, and received an absolute charter granted by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. The instructors and advisors of the Graduate School are members of the scientific staff of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Currently, there are over 1,100 students, with a student-teacher ratio of 4:1, enabling considerable individual attention. The official language of instruction is English. This enables foreign students to participate fully in all of the Graduate School’s programs. The only criteria for acceptance to the School are academic excellence and scientific integrity. Admission to all programs, privileges, and activities is granted without regard to race, gender, color, nationality, and origin. All students are directly involved in the research conducted at the Institute, and receive scholarships that allow them to devote all their energies to research and study. There are no tuition fees.

The Graduate School consists of five Research Schools: the Solo Dwek and Maurizio Dwek Research School of Chemical Science, the Ekard Research School of Biological Science, the Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, the Moross Research School of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Research School of Physical Science. These schools provide an extra boost to the students’ immersion into scientific research, supporting them in their becoming mature scientists. The Research Schools’ benefits for students include a wide range of opportunities for personal development, such as scientific travel grants to facilitate expanded contacts with the international research community, Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

greater exposure to world leaders in their fields through student-organized lectures, workshops, and conferences, and support for services and information resources.

The Feinberg Graduate School is headed by a Dean, assisted by a steering committee consisting of the Directors of the Research Schools. Each Research School has a Board of Studies that coordinates all activities in the relevant discipline. The Graduate School Office, headed by a Director and Academic Secretary, coordinates general administrative operations of the School.

The Feinberg Graduate School also coordinates the Kupcinet-Getz Summer School Program for undergraduate students from Israel and abroad.

מדרשת פיינברג Feinberg Graduate School Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

Dear Graduates,

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you, the Weizmann Institute’s new graduates, as well your families, your faculty advisors and your mentors, on your tremendous achievement in receiving an advanced degree. I truly hope that the work you have accomplished here has been fulfilling and will propel your careers in the direction in which you choose to take them.

I know how much you have added to the Weizmann Institute of Science community in your time here. Because you are part and parcel of the Prof. Daniel Zajfman research in our laboratories, you have not only been soaking up knowledge President from experienced faculty, but have also contributed to the advancement of Weizmann Institute of Science science. Your injection of fresh and creative ideas into our investigations is part of our recipe for success. It’s a symbiotic relationship in which the best kind of scholarship occurs.

You have received a world-class science education. You now have the chance to play meaningful roles in science. Here in Israel, you can become an actor in this country’s unbelievable narrative of ascendancy in R&D—at the bench or in industry. The Weizmann Institute, of course, is part of this narrative. Overseas, there is a thirst for all the knowledge you have accumulated and, moreover, for the special Israeli brand of entrepreneurship that you have been exposed to among your colleagues in the lab. That is: Take your innovative idea and run with it.

On your behalf, I’d also like to extend thanks to the Feinberg Graduate School’s community of alumni and faithful supporters throughout the world, whose friendship for the School has been so important in its development. Because of our supporters, we were able to establish in recent years five research schools to complement our five faculties. To date, four of the five have been endowed by longtime friends of the Institute: the Solo Dwek and Maurizio Dwek Research School of Chemical Science, the Ekard Research School of Biological Science, the Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, and the Moross Research School of Mathematics and Computer Science.

This year, we welcome the establishment of the new Alumni Organization at the Weizmann Institute of Science. It is our goal that with the creation of this new society of Weizmann Institute graduates in varied professions and in all corners of the world we will foster new ties and ensure the continuous Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

engagement between our former students and the Institute, and between the alumni themselves. As recent graduates, we hope you will take the time to join this elite organization via the website http://www.weizmann.ac.il/alumni/English/ home and benefit from and contribute to the knowledge and experience of its many illustrious alumni.

Indeed, we take pride in all your achievements here. We wish you great success as you embark on your careers, which we expect will be grounded in the ultimate goal of advancing science for the benefit of humanity.

We hope that this place has inspired you and hope you remain connected to the Weizmann family as alumni. We’d love to continue to see you on campus in the years ahead.

With best wishes,

Prof. Daniel Zajfman, President Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

Dear Graduates,

This is the time for our annual graduation ceremony, when we celebrate together your officially joining the crowd of the scientists. I hope that during the years we spent together we provided you with the tools to develop from what is often a nebulous, not yet formed scientific personality into a full blown scientist. These tools are intellectual, knowledge oriented on the one side, and practice oriented on the other. There is, however, also an additional insubstantial learning, which is not less important or real because it is impalpable: This has to do with perceiving the freedom associated with the lack Prof. Lia Addadi of boundaries of the intellectual universe, the exhilaration of jumping a mental Dean boundary, the challenge of understanding, and the rigor of doing it right. Feinberg Graduate School Weizmann Institute of Science The word science comes, in all languages that I know, from the root of knowledge: We seek knowledge about the universe around us, as many have done before us. We are all aware of the groundbreaking scientific contributions made thousands of years ago in Egypt, in Greece, in China, in and in ancient Persia in the areas of astronomy, mathematics, physics and medicine. We all profit from what these ancient fathers contributed to humankind.

Consideration of these examples should encourage us more than anything else to realize that science has no boundaries of geography, language, race or belief.

I invite you to exploit at its best this unique power of science: the freedom of scientific thinking makes us ‘citizens of the world’. Science does not belong to one country or to one people, it is universal and cosmopolitan; as such it must be used to increase our collective knowledge and understanding, building bridges between like minds motivated by the curiosity to understand the universe surrounding us.

We are scientists, and as such we took our vows to scholarship, rigor and total honesty. What should we then do with our science? Curiosity-driven research or applied research? Should we do science for its ‘fruit-bearing’ or science for its ‘light-bearing’ qualities? As bizarre as this may sound when speaking about science, there are no precise answers to these questions, neither is there a precise procedure to be followed in order to seek the answer. Creativity, originality and intuition are important in the research scientist not less than Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

what they are in the humanities. Science is also an art, and each one of you as an artist must find his/her own way of expressing yourself. Only when and if you find your individual answer, and you pursue it without compromises, will you be able to exploit your potential at its maximum. Whichever is the answer you find, I wish you great success in the continuation of your careers.

Thank you for what you have given to us, which is not less quantitatively and qualitatively, and certainly not less important than what we have given to you.

Good luck to you in the rest of your life to come.

Prof. Lia Addadi, Dean Feinberg Graduate School Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

In Support Of Striving For Excellence

Dear Graduates,

The great privilege of congratulating you also holds a great challenge: to choose a meaningful message that you will take away with you from this ceremony. After long deliberations, I have decided to share with you my thoughts on a topic that has been on my mind in the last year and talk to you about the aspiration for excellence. Prof. Eytan Domany Chairman The topic came to my attention in correspondence with official authorities Scientific Council Weizmann Institute of Science and also in internal discussions at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The main external connection was around the appointment of members of the Council of Higher Education (CHE) by the Minister of Education, Mr. Gideon Sa’ar, who serves, ex-officio, as head of the council. The Minister of Education recommends candidates for membership of the CHE to the government and to the President of Israel, who appoints them for three years.

The CHE is the state’s supreme body overseeing all aspects of higher education, granting approval for the founding of institutions, awarding of academic degrees, laying out multi-year higher education plans, and guiding the state’s Planning and Budgeting Committee in allocating resources according to the planned policy. In response to criticism voiced concerning the composition of the CHE, an advisor to the minister explained his policy in a letter: “There is a need to enlarge the number of public representatives… so as to represent various sectors of the population… which have not received appropriate representation. The CHE must give appropriate representation to other types of institutions.” As things seem to me, excellence in education and scientific research, which are the core of the mission of the Weizmann Institute of Science, are not at the center of this policy.

There is no doubt that Israeli society is dealing with challenges of existential importance in various areas, such as elementary and high school education, welfare, and defense. The Weizmann Institute of Science is an integral part of the State of Israel and it must contribute to seeking solutions to all these issues. Yet we must not forget our main goal and mission: educating excellent researchers and sustaining excellent research at the highest level. If we remember that this is our central and main goal, and stand fiercely against Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

pressures and focus on this mission, our success will generate the best possible contribution we could make in all the fields mentioned.

Especially in the current general atmosphere it is our duty to direct our efforts first and foremost towards that minority of minorities, to “the cream of the crop”– that is, to you, the graduates of the Weizmann Institute. You have been trained as curious researchers and true professionals that do not compromise on quality who are not afraid to take risks; these are the key features of your education! And if we are wise enough to invest our time, resources, and energies in you, focusing on excellence in scientific research, we will fulfill the mission of the Weizmann Institute and at the same time attain our optimal contribution to the existential challenges that Israeli society faces.

I hope you continue to aspire toward excellence wherever you may go.

Prof. Eytan Domany Chairman of the Scientific Council Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

Dear Alumni,

On behalf of the Weizmann Institute Alumni Organization, we would like, first and foremost, to congratulate all those who have joined the family of Weizmann Institute of Science graduates this year and to wish you the best of luck for the future.

The goals the Alumni Organization has set for the coming years are keeping in touch with all Weizmann Institute alumni, creating a social and professional alumni network, and strengthening the Weizmann Institute’s ties with Israel’s economic, industrial, and financial sectors.

We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to visit our Alumni Organization website and to register as an alumnus. During the registration process you will be presented with the option of opening your own alumni e-mail address. Once you register, we will be able to keep in touch with you and send you Weizmann Institute updates and news.

Our English website address is www.weizmann.ac.il/alumni/English. We can also be found on Facebook and LinkedIn.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and encourage you to keep in contact with us.

Yael Goren-Wegman Daniella Basch- Segal Executive Director Coordinator Israeli Friends and Alumni Organization Alumni Organization Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The John F. Kennedy Prize Prizes for The research prizes in memory of John F. Kennedy are awarded by the memorial fund for the late U.S. President. The Kennedy Fund awards grants to research students, travel grants, postdoctoral fellowships, and Outstanding grants to senior visiting scientists at the Institute. Mr. Dmitry Batenkov Students Advisor: Prof. Yosef Yomdin, Mathematics Dr. Moti Fridman 2012 Advisors: Prof. Nir Davidson, Physics of Complex Systems Prof. Asher A. Friesem, Physics of Complex Systems Dr. Ori Katz Advisor: Prof. Yaron Silberberg, Physics of Complex Systems Dr. Amit Zeisel Advisor: Prof. Eytan Domany, Physics of Complex Systems The Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize An international prize awarded by Swiss philanthropist Prof. Dr. Dimitris N. Chorafas. Each year, the fund he heads accepts candidates from a small number of selected prestigious universities from around the world, including the Weizmann Institute of Science. Ms. Shiri Chechik Advisor: Prof. David Peleg, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Dr. Efrat Shema-Yaacoby Advisor: Prof. Moshe Oren, Molecular Cell Biology The Elchanan E. Bondi Memorial Prize Dr. Elchanan Bondi died in 1971. Elchanan did his doctoral thesis in the Department of Biophysics while suffering from a serious kidney disease. Ms. Maria Maryanovich Advisor: Prof. Atan Gross, Biological Regulation Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Dov Elad Memorial Prize Prof. Dov Elad died in 1979. Dov was a professor of chemistry and chaired the Board of Studies in Chemical Sciences. He contributed significantly to the Institute and to the Graduate School. Dr. Ori Gidron Advisor: Prof. Michael Bendikov, Organic Chemistry The Shimon Reich Memorial Prize Prof. Shimon Reich died in 2010. Shimon was a professor in the Department of Materials and Interfaces, of the Faculty of Chemistry, at the Weizmann Institute of Science for forty years. Mr. Ilia Kaminker Advisor: Prof. Daniella Goldfarb, Chemical Physics Dr. Leila Motiei Advisor: Prof. Milko Erik Van Der Boom, Organic Chemistry The Gad Resheff Memorial Prize Gad Resheff died in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War while serving as the commander of an outpost at the Suez Canal. He was awarded the Medal of Valor posthumously. Gad was a doctoral student in the Department of Biophysics. Dr. Dror Shafir Advisor: Dr. Dudovitch, Physics of Complex Systems The Giora Yoel Yashinski Memorial Prize Giora Yoel Yashinski died in action in 1971 in an air force plane that crashed on the Sinai coast. Giora completed his studies towards a Master’s Degree in the department of Chemical Physics. Mr. Oram Gedalia Advisor: Dr. Gilad Perez, Particle Physics and Astrophysics Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Daniel Brenner Memorial Prize Prizes for Daniel Brenner fell in 1982 during the Lebanon War in the battle for Sidon. Daniel was a doctoral student in the Department of Chemical Outstanding Physics. Mr. Micah Edelson Students Advisor: Prof. Yadin Dudai, Neurobiology The Lady Anne Chain Memorial Prize 2012 Lady Anne Chain was a noted researcher and friend of the Weizmann Institute of Science for many years. Dr. Anat London-Drori Advisor: Prof. Michal Schwartz, Neurobiology The Esther Hellinger Memorial Prize Dr. Esther Hellinger was born in England. She joined the staff of the Daniel Sieff Research Institute upon its establishment in 1934 and worked with Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Dr. Sharon Haramati Advisor: Dr. Alon Chen, Neurobiology The Haim Holtzman Memorial Prize Haim Holtzman, a pilot in the Israeli Air Force, was killed in 1969. He died while trying to land his burning plane beyond the residential area of northern Rehovot. Dr. Tom Ran Advisor: Prof. Ehud Shapiro, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics The Menashe Milo Memorial Prize Menashe Milo completed his studies in Physics as part of the academic reserves. During the Yom Kippur War, Menashe fought in the Golan Heights as a tank commander. Menashe died suddenly in 1981. Dr. Sagi Levy Advisor: Prof. Naama Barkai, Molecular Genetics Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Dean’s Prize for Ph.D. Students Dr. Ronen Kreizman Advisor: Prof. Reshef Tenne, Materials and Interfaces The Susan Sapir Memorial Prize for M.Sc. Students Susan Sapir worked for many years at the Weizmann Institute of Science in various positions and with great devotion. The most senior of these was the head of the Research Grants and Projects Office. Ms. Aielet Efrati Advisor: Prof. Yosef Nir, Particle Physics and Astrophysics The Dean’s Prize for M.Sc. Students Mr. Yehonatan Douek Advisor: Prof. Ehud Shapiro, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Ms. Anna Frishman Advisors: Prof. Micha Berkooz, Particle Physics and Astrophysics Prof. Ofer Aharony, Particle Physics and Astrophysics Mr. Lior Goldberg Advisors: Prof. Vladimir Berkovich, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Prof. Aviezri Fraenkel, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Mr. Guy Lazovski Advisor: Prof. Igor Lubomirsky, Materials and Interfaces Mr. Yoav Politi Advisor: Dr. Eli Arama, Molecular Genetics Ms. Sivan Refaeli-Abramson Advisor: Prof. Leeor Kronik, Materials and Interfaces Mr. Yuval Ronen Advisor: Prof. Moty Heiblum, Condensed Matter Physics Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Adams Fellowships for Doctoral Students National Established in 2005 by Mr. Marcel Adams, Montreal, Canada Competitive The Azrieli Fellows Program Programs Established in 2008 by the Azrieli Foundation, Tel Aviv, Israel The Clore Scholars Program Established in 1992 by Dame Vivien Duffield, DBE, and the Clore Foundation, , Israel Weizmann Institute Weizmannof Science |Institute Feinberg of Graduate Science | SchoolFeinberg | 2012 Graduate Graduates School | 2012 Graduates

בנין ארתור ורושל בלפר למחקר ביורפואי Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research Dr. Yaarit Adamovich Dr. Avner Fink Ph.D. Dr. Yoseph Addadi Dr. Amit Finkler Dr. Livnat Afriat Jurnou Dr. Marc Florent Recipients Dr. Assaf Alon Dr. Ziv Frankenstein Dr. Leah Armon Dr. Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Dr. Assaf Avidan Dr. Ori Gidron Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg Dr. Fresia Gilda Pareja Zea Dr. Tali Avnit-Sagi Dr. Boaz Gildor Dr. Michal Ayalon Dr. Anat Globerson-Levin Dr. Keren Bahar Halpern Dr. Maya Gordin Dr. Arren Bar-Even Dr. Lilach Goren Dr. Omer Barad Dr. Gilad Gotesman Dr. Tal Ben Moshe Dr. Ben Gradus Dr. Yuval Ben-Ami Dr. Eran Grinvald Dr. Amir Ben-Shmuel Dr. Avraham Guttman Dr. Danny Ben-Zvi Dr. Motti Hakim Dr. Gal Binyamini Dr. Rotem Har-Lavan Dr. Kfir Blum Dr. Sharon Haramati Dr. Nataliya Borodovsky Dr. Daniel Harari Dr. Zvika Brakerski Dr. Nofar Harpaz Dr. Michal Bregman Dr. Roni Ilan Dr. Ori Cohavi Dr. Maya Kahan-Hanum Dr. Cohen Dr. Noam Kaplan Dr. Yifat Cohen Dr. Yosef Kaplan Dor Dr. Yossi Cohen Dr. Dvora Katchevich Dr. Hadas Cohen-Dvashi Dr. Ori Katz Dr. Itzik Cooper Dr. Ki-wook Kim Dr. Neev David Golan Dr. Konstantin Kogan Dr. Racheli Erez Roman Dr. Sharon Kredo-Russo Dr. Ronen Kreizman Dr. Itay Rabinak Dr. Hadas Tamir Dr. Gilad Kunis Dr. Karen Rae Bone Dr. Gabi Tarcic Dr. Yoav Lahini Dr. Tom Ran Dr. Oren Tchaicheeyan Dr. Adam Lampert Dr. Noa Rappaport Dr. Ofer Tevet Dr. Guy Landau Dr. Lior Regev Dr. Miri Trainic Dr. Kfir Lapid Dr. Shifra Reif Dr. Yaron Vinik Dr. Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak Dr. Sharon Reikhav Dr. Vitner Dr. Assaf Lask Dr. Yitzhak Reizel Dr. Malka Yayon Dr. Elad Lavee Laviad Dr. Shira Rubin Dr. Yaara Yeshurun Dr. Uri Lev Dr. Boaz Rubinstein Dr. Tamar Yifhar Dr. Ronen Levy Dr. Yaniv Sa’Ar Dr. Gabriel Zarbiv Dr. Minjun Li Dr. Niv Sarig Dr. Danny Zeevi Dr. Anat London-Drori Dr. Einat Schnur Dr. Amit Zeisel Dr. Aya Ludin Dr. Yehonathan Segev Dr. Einat Zelman-Toister Dr. Noa Madar-Balakirski Dr. Sigal Shachar Dr. Tal Zvi Markus Dr. Sergey Malitsky Dr. Liat Shachnai Dr. Jacques Zylberg Dr. Roy Malka Dr. Dror Shafir Dr. Adam Mani Dr. Yael Shahar-Pomerantz Dr. Mati Mann Dr. Ophir Shalem Dr. Shiri Meshner Dr. Or Shalom Meir Dr. Shira Mintz Dr. Eilon Sharon Dr. Alina Molchadsky Dr. Ravid Shechter Dr. Shiri Moshitzky Dr. Michal Sheffer Dr. Leila Motiei Dr. Reut Shema Dr. Eran Ophir Dr. Efrat Shema-Yaacoby Dr. Idan Oren Dr. Elijah Shirman Dr. Adi Pais Dr. Ofer Shoshani Dr. Yael Phillip Dr. Ilya Soifer Dr. Gur Pines Dr. Ari Tadmor PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר עידן אורן ד"ר מיכל איילון ד"ר רוני אילן Dr. Roni Ilan Dr. Michal Ayalon Dr. Idan Oren

מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: הוראת המדעים מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה בהדרכת פרופ’ עוזי סמילנסקי בהדרכת פרופ’ רוחמה אבן בהדרכת פרופ’ עדי שטרן

Department: Condensed Matter Department: Science Teaching Department: Physics of Complex Physics Advised by Prof. Even Systems Advised by Prof. Ady Stern Advised by Prof. Uzy Smilansky Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Argumentation and school Title of thesis: Suggested probes for properties of mathematics Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of non-abelian fractional quantum hall discrete graphs: From quantum chaos states to random matrix theory

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר אסף אלון ד"ר ליבנת אפריאט ג'ורנו ד"ר רחלי ארז רומן Dr. Racheli Erez Roman Dr. Livnat Afriat Jurnou Dr. Assaf Alon

מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ דבורה פאס בהדרכת פרופ’ דן טופיק בהדרכת פרופ’ טוני פוטרמן

Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Structural Biology Advised by Prof. Tony Futerman Advised by Prof. Dan Tawfik Advised by Prof. Deborah Fass

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Ceramide Synthase 2 role under The divergence of new enzyme On the structure dynamics mechanism patho-physiological conditions and functions via active site loop and inhibition of quiescin-sulfhydryl after toxicological insults remodeling oxidase

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Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר אסף אבידן ד"ר תמר אבין-ויטנברג ד"ר טלי אבנית-שגיא Dr. Tali Avnit-Sagi Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg Dr. Assaf Avidan

מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת ד”ר דן אורון בהדרכת פרופ’ גד גלילי בהדרכת פרופ’ מייקל ווקר

Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Plant Sciences Department: Physics of Complex Advised by Prof. Michael Walker Advised by Prof. Gad Galili Systems Advised by Dr. Dan Oron Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Regulation of the miR-375 gene Assorted molecular and cellular Title of thesis: aspects of stress response in Linear and nonlinear processes in Arabidopsis thaliana doped semiconductor quantum dots

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר יוסף אדדי ד"ר יערית אדמוביץ' ד"ר ערן אופיר Dr. Eran Ophir Dr. Yaarit Adamovich Dr. Yoseph Addadi

מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: אימונולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל נאמן בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף שאול בהדרכת פרופ’ יאיר רייזנר

Department: Immunology Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Biological Regulation Advised by Prof. Yair Reisner Advised by Prof. Yosef Shaul Advised by Prof. Michal Neeman

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Induction of tolerance to BM allografts Metabolic regulation of p73 and PGC- Stroma cell recruitment into ovarian by central memory-like CD8+ T cells 1alfa protein stability & function tumors: Tumor microenvironment cross talk

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Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר דני בן-צבי ד"ר אמיר בן-שמואל ד"ר גל בנימיני Dr. Gal Binyamini Dr. Amir Ben-Shmuel Dr. Danny Ben-Zvi

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא מחלקה: מתמטיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ נעמה ברקאי בהדרכת פרופ’ אברי בן-זאב בהדרכת פרופ’ סרגי יעקובנקו פרופ’ בני שילה Department: Mathematics Department: Molecular Cell Biology Advised by Prof. Sergei Yakovenko Advised by Prof. Avri Ben-Zeev Department: Molecular Genetics Advised by Prof. Naama Barkai Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Prof. Benny Shilo Q-Functions and the infinitesimal A role for the cell adhesion molecule Hilbert sixteenth problem L1 in colorectal cancer invasion and Title of thesis: metastasis Scaling and robustness in embryonic development

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר ארן בר-אבן ד"ר מיכל ברגמן ד"ר עומר ברד Dr. Omer Barad Dr. Michal Bregman Dr. Arren Bar-Even

מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: פיסיקה של חלקיקים מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית בהדרכת ד”ר רון מילוא ואסטרופיסיקה בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ טל אלכסנדר Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Plant Sciences Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein Department: Particle Physics and Advised by Dr. Ron Milo Astrophysics Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Tal Alexander Title of thesis: Genetic circuit design based on Design principles of cellular robustness considerations Title of thesis: metabolism Interactions of stars and gas disks around massive black holes

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Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

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ד"ר קרן בהר הלפרן ד"ר קארן ריי בון ד"ר נטליה בורודובסקי Dr. Nataliya Borodovsky Dr. Karen Rae Bone Dr. Keren Bahar Halpern

מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא בהדרכת פרופ’ מייקל ווקר בהדרכת פרופ’ יורם גרונר בהדרכת ד”ר גיל לבקוביץ

Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Biological Chemistry Advised by Dr. Gil Levkowitz Advised by Prof. Yoram Groner Advised by Prof. Michael Walker

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Regulation of hypothalamic Alternative promoter usage in Runx3 Epigenetic mechanisms controlling development by the biology gene expression in developing and factor Sim1 mature pancreatic beta-cells

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ד"ר כפיר בלום ד"ר טל בן משה ד"ר יובל בן-עמי Dr. Yuval Ben-Ami Dr. Tal Ben Moshe Dr. Kfir Blum

מחלקה: פיסיקה של חלקיקים ואסטרופיסיקה מחלקה: מדעי הסביבה וחקר האנרגיה מחלקה: מדעי הסביבה וחקר האנרגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ אלי וקסמן בהדרכת פרופ’ בריאן ברקוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ אילן קורן פרופ’ יוסף ניר Department: Environmental Sciences Department: Environmental Sciences and Energy Research and Energy Research Department: Particle Physics and Advised by Prof. Ilan Koren Advised by Prof. Brian Berkowitz Astrophysics Advised by Prof. Eli Waxman Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Prof. Yosef Nir Characterization of the seasonal Transport and reactivity of transatlantic mineral dust route to nanoparticles in the soil-water Title of thesis: improve the understanding of the environment Searching for new physics beyond the possible impact on climate standard model in particle physics and astrophysics Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

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ד"ר לילך גורן ד"ר בועז גילדור ד"ר ענת גלוברזון-לוין Dr. Anat Globerson-Levin Dr. Boaz Gildor Dr. Lilach Goren

מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: אימונולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד אלטמן בהדרכת פרופ’ בני שילה בהדרכת פרופ’ זליג אשחר ד”ר איל שכטר Department: Immunology Department: Condensed Matter Advised by Prof. Zelig Eshhar Department: Molecular Genetics Physics Advised by Prof. Benny Shilo Advised by Prof. Ehud Altman Title of thesis: Dr. Eyal Schejter Functional analysis of T-bodies in a Title of thesis: spontaneous tumor model Title of thesis: Superfluid stiffness and Tc From development to execution: enhancement in cuprate Myoblast fusion in Drosophila heterostructures

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ד"ר בן גרדוס ד"ר ערן גרינולד ד"ר עמנואל דלה טורה Dr. Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Dr. Eran Grinvald Dr. Ben Gradus

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ שמעון לויט בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד אלטמן פרופ’ אשר פריזם Department: Condensed Matter Department: Molecular Genetics Physics Department: Condensed Matter Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein Advised by Prof. Ehud Altman Physics Advised by Prof. Shimon Levit Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Prof. Asher A. Friesem MicroRNAs in different stages of Strongly correlated states in ultracold cartilage development atoms Title of thesis: Investigation of the photonic band structure of resonant photonic crystal slabs

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ד"ר צביקה ברקרסקי ד"ר אורי גדרון ד"ר אברהם גוטמן Dr. Avraham Guttman Dr. Ori Gidron Dr. Zvika Brakerski

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מחלקה: כימיה אורגנית מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה שימושית בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל בנדיקוב בהדרכת פרופ’ ישראל בר-יוסף בהדרכת פרופ’ שפרירה גולדווסר Department: Condensed Matter Department: Organic Chemistry Physics Advised by Prof. Michael Bendikov Department: Computer Science & Advised by Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph Applied Mathematics Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Shafrira Goldwasser Title of thesis: Long oligofurans - New family of Electronic measurements of organic electronic materials Title of thesis: nanoparticle dimers Cryptographic methods for the clouds

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ד"ר גלעד גוטסמן ד"ר ניב דוד גולן ד"ר מאיה גורדין Dr. Maya Gordin Dr. Neev David Golan Dr. Gilad Gotesman

מחלקה: פיסיקה כימית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא מחלקה: אימונולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ רון נעמן בהדרכת פרופ’ אליאור פלס בהדרכת פרופ’ עידית שחר

Department: Immunology Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Chemical Physics Advised by Prof. Idit Shachar Advised by Prof. Ron Naaman Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The role of the cell adhesion Title of thesis: Regulation of B cells maintenance by molecules Necl4 and Tmem10 in Charge and energy transfer processes CD74 and its target genes mediating myelination in organic-inorganic hybrid nano- systems

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ד"ר דני זאבי ד"ר ז'ק זילברג ד"ר עינת זלמן-טויסטר Dr. Einat Zelman-Toister Dr. Jacques Zylberg Dr. Danny Zeevi

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מחלקה: פיסיקה כימית מחלקה: אימונולוגיה שימושית בהדרכת פרופ’ איתמר פרוקצ’ה בהדרכת פרופ’ עידית שחר בהדרכת פרופ’ ערן סגל Department: Immunology Department: Chemical Physics Advised by Prof. Idit Shachar Advised by Prof. Itamar Procaccia Department: Computer Science & Applied Mathematics Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Eran Segal CD151 facilitates T cell migration and Statistical concepts in amorphous homing in a CCL2 dependent manner solids Title of thesis: From sequence to expression - Reading the promoters of ribosomal protein genes in yeast

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ד"ר גבריאל זרביב ד"ר מוטי חכים ד"ר עפר טבת Dr. Ofer Tevet Dr. Motti Hakim Dr. Gabriel Zarbiv

מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית מחלקה: חומרים ופני שטח בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל אייזנבך בהדרכת פרופ’ דבורה פאס בהדרכת פרופ’ רשף טנא פרופ’ דניאל וגנר Department: Structural Biology Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Materials & Interfaces Advised by Prof. Deborah Fass Advised by Prof. Michael Eisenbach Advised by Prof. Reshef Tenne Prof. Daniel Wagner Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Viral catalysts of disulfide bond Interactions between energy-linked Title of thesis: formation in the cell cytoplasm enzymes and the flagellar switch- Mechanical and tribological properties motor in E. coli of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles

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ד"ר רותם הר-לבן ד"ר שרון הרמתי ד"ר נופר הרפז Dr. Nofar Harpaz Dr. Sharon Haramati Dr. Rotem Har-Lavan

מחלקה: חומרים ופני שטח מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד כאהן בהדרכת ד”ר אלון חן בהדרכת פרופ’ טלילה וולק

Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Neurobiology Department: Materials & Interfaces Advised by Prof. Talila Volk Advised by Dr. Alon Chen Advised by Prof. David Cahen

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Functional analysis of multiplexin microRNA role in regulating the central Molecular monolayers for hybrid n-Si / the drosophila ortholog of human stress response their contribution to organic inversion layer solar cells collagen XVIII in promoting heart- motor neuron survival and function and specific lumen formation in drosophila the use of optogenetic tools for the study of stress related behavior

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ד"ר דניאל הררי ד"ר עינת ויטנר ד"ר ירון ויניק Dr. Yaron Vinik Dr. Einat Vitner Dr. Daniel Harari

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא שימושית בהדרכת פרופ’ טוני פוטרמן בהדרכת פרופ’ יחיאל זיק בהדרכת פרופ’ שמעון אולמן Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Biological Chemistry Advised by Prof. Yehiel Zick Advised by Prof. Tony Futerman Department: Computer Science & Applied Mathematics Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Shimon Ullman Galectin-8 as a novel factor Mechanisms of neuronal cell death in modulating bone remodeling neuropathic forms of Gaucher disease Title of thesis: Using motion and internal supervision in object recognition

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ד"ר מיה כאהן-חנום ד"ר אייל כהן ד"ר יפעת כהן Dr. Yifat Cohen Dr. Eyal Cohen Dr. Maya Kahan-Hanum

מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד שפירא בהדרכת פרופ’ אילן למפל בהדרכת פרופ’ דב צפורי

Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Neurobiology Department: Biological Chemistry Advised by Prof. Dov Zipori Advised by Prof. Ilan Lampl Advised by Prof. Ehud Shapiro

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Mesenchyme derived truncated TCR- The functional role of subthreshold Towards a biomolecular computer that beta and microRANs: Structure and oscillations displayed by neurons of the can detect disease markers function analysis inferior olive within the olivocerebellar system in health and in a model of essential tremor

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ד"ר יוסי כהן ד"ר הדס כהן-דבשי ד"ר אורי כוכבי Dr. Ori Cohavi Dr. Hadas Cohen-Dvashi Dr. Yossi Cohen

מחלקה: פיסיקה כימית מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ איתמר פרוקצ’ה בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף ירדן בהדרכת פרופ’ גדעון שרייבר

Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Biological Regulation Department: Chemical Physics Advised by Prof. Gideon Schreiber Advised by Prof. Yosef Yarden Advised by Prof. Itamar Procaccia

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Structure-Function studies on The involvement of Neuron Navigator Crack formation and instabilities in protein-protein and protein-surface 3 (NAV3) in EGF-induced cell physical systems under stress interactions migration and in cancer

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ד"ר הדס טמיר ד"ר מירי טריניק ד"ר גבי טרסיק Dr. Gabi Tarcic Dr. Miri Trainic Dr. Hadas Tamir

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: מדעי הסביבה וחקר האנרגיה מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ טלילה וולק בהדרכת פרופ’ ינון רודיך בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף ירדן

Department: Biological Regulation Department: Environmental Sciences Department: Molecular Genetics Advised by Prof. Yosef Yarden and Energy Research Advised by Prof. Talila Volk Advised by Prof. Yinon Rudich Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Modular regulation of signal Title of thesis: The mechanism of nuclei and transduction networks The optical properties of complex mitochondria positioning during organic aerosol muscle development in Drosophila

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ד"ר מלכה יאיון ד"ר תמר יפהר ד"ר יערה ישורון Dr. Yaara Yeshurun Dr. Tamar Yifhar Dr. Malka Yayon

מחלקה: הוראת המדעים מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה בהדרכת ד”ר דוד פורטוס בהדרכת פרופ’ יובל אשד בהדרכת פרופ’ ידין דודאי ד”ר רחל ממלוק-נעמן פרופ’ נעם סובל Department: Plant Sciences Department: Neurobiology Advised by Prof. Yuval Eshed Department: Science Teaching Advised by Prof. Yadin Dudai Advised by Dr. David Fortus Prof. Noam Sobel Title of thesis: Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman The tomato wiry syndrome - Title of thesis: shared and unique ARF-regulatory Title of thesis: Unique aspects of olfactory memory mechanisms Development and validation of a tool reflect unique aspects of olfactory for diagnosing conceptual knowledge perception of chemical bonding

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ד"ר יואב לחיני ד"ר מינג'ון לי ד"ר אדם למפרט Dr. Adam Lampert Dr. Minjun Li Dr. Yoav Lahini

מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות בהדרכת פרופ’ ירון זילברברג בהדרכת פרופ’ הדסה דגני בהדרכת ד”ר צבי טלוסטי פרופ’ יואל זוסמן Department: Physics of Complex Department: Physics of Complex Systems Department: Biological Regulation Systems Advised by Dr. Tsvi Tlusty Advised by Prof. Hadassa Degani Advised by Prof. Yaron Silberberg Prof. Joel L. Sussman Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The and ecological attribute Title of thesis: Nonlinear and quantum optics of of continuous cooperative traits Structure-Function relationships disordered media of estrogen receptor alpha with a selective targeted ligand for molecular imaging Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר גיא לנדאו ד"ר אסף לסק ד"ר כפיר לפיד Dr. Kfir Lapid Dr. Assaf Lask Dr. Guy Landau

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: אימונולוגיה מחלקה: אימונולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ חיים כהנא בהדרכת פרופ’ יאיר רייזנר בהדרכת פרופ’ צבי לפידות

Department: Immunology Department: Immunology Department: Molecular Genetics Advised by Prof. Tsvee Lapidot Advised by Prof. Yair Reisner Advised by Prof. Chaim Kahana

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Steady state egress, rapid mobilization Killing of B cell malignancies by anti Growth regulation by polyamines: and homing of hematopoietic 3rd party CD8+ T cells induced by a Studies at the transcriptional and progenitor cells: The roles of GSK3beta/ novel mechanism of TCR independent translational levels Prune SDF-1/CXCR4 and CD45 MHC class I mediated apoptosis

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ד"ר אורי כץ ד"ר אורי לב ד"ר אלעד לביא לביאד Dr. Elad Lavee Laviad Dr. Uri Lev Dr. Ori Katz

מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: פיסיקה של חלקיקים מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ ירון זילברברג ואסטרופיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ טוני פוטרמן בהדרכת פרופ’ דניאל זייפמן Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Physics of Complex Advised by Prof. Tony Futerman Department: Particle Physics and Systems Astrophysics Advised by Prof. Yaron Silberberg Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Daniel Zajfman Biochemical characterization of the Title of thesis: ceramide synthases Title of thesis: Shaping light in space and time for Photodissociation of small molecules imaging and nonlinear spectroscopy with shaped intense femtosecond laser pulses

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ד"ר איה לודין ד"ר רונן לוי ד"ר ענת לונדון-דרורי Dr. Anat London-Drori Dr. Ronen Levy Dr. Aya Ludin

מחלקה: אימונולוגיה מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ צבי לפידות בהדרכת פרופ’ רוברט פלור בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ פרופ’ מאיר אדלמן Department: Neurobiology Department: Immunology Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz Department: Plant Sciences Advised by Prof. Tsvee Lapidot Advised by Prof. Robert Fluhr Title of thesis: Prof. Meir Edelman Title of thesis: Innate immune cells and molecules A novel alfa SMA+ monocytic regulate CNS processes Title of thesis: population contacts and preserves Prediction of 3D metal binding sites hematopoietic stem cells in the bone from translated gene-sequences and marrow via prostaglandin E2 production association to disease-causing SNPs

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ד"ר שירה מינץ ד"ר סרגי מליצקי ד"ר רועי מלכה Dr. Roy Malka Dr. Sergey Malitsky Dr. Shira Mintz

מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: מדעי הצמח מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ אסף אהרוני בהדרכת פרופ’ אסף אהרוני שימושית ד”ר תומר שלומי, טכניון בהדרכת פרופ’ ורד רום­ -קידר Department: Plant Sciences Department: Computer Science & Advised by Prof. Asaph Aharoni Department: Plant Sciences Applied Mathematics Advised by Prof. Asaph Aharoni Advised by Prof. Vered Rom-Kedar Title of thesis: Dr. Tomer Shlomi, Technion Investigation of the primary-secondary Title of thesis: metabolism interface in plants using Title of thesis: Bacterial infection dynamics in metabolomics technologies Multi-level reconstruction of humans - Mathematical modeling of arabidopsis metabolic network models the innate immune system towards plant metabolic engineering

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ד"ר מתי מן ד"ר אדם מני ד"ר טל צבי מרקוס Dr. Tal Zvi Markus Dr. Adam Mani Dr. Mati Mann

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: פיסיקה כימית בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ יואל סטבנס בהדרכת פרופ’ רון נעמן פרופ’ בנימין גיגר Department: Chemical Physics Department: Physics of Complex Advised by Prof. Ron Naaman Systems Department: Molecular Genetics Advised by Prof. Joel Stavans Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein Title of thesis: Prof. Benjamin Geiger Interaction of electrons with thin films Title of thesis: of biomolecules and energy alignment The lifetime of synaptic intermediates Title of thesis: of inorganic nano-particle monolayers during the search for homology on miRNAs- regulation and function DNA

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ד"ר ליהי לרון בן-יצחק ד"ר אור שלום מאיר ד"ר נועה מדר-בלקירסקי Dr. Noa Madar-Balakirski Dr. Or Shalom Meir Dr. Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak

מחלקה: מדעי הסביבה וחקר האנרגיה מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ עינת אהרונוב, שימושית בהדרכת פרופ’ יורם סלומון האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בהדרכת פרופ’ עודד גולדרייך פרופ’ אביגדור שרץ

Department: Biological Regulation Department: Computer Science & Department: Environmental Sciences Advised by Prof. Yoram Salomon Applied Mathematics and Energy Research Prof. Avigdor Scherz Advised by Prof. Oded Goldreich Advised by Prof. Einat Aharonov, The Hebrew University of Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Jerusalem The role of oxido-nitrosative bursts in Combinatorial constructions of tumor eradication induced by Vascular probabilistic proof systems Title of thesis: Targeted Photodynamic Therapy (VTP) Pressure solution and stylolites in with Bacteriochlorophyll-Derivatives carbonate rocks Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר ליילה מוטיעי ד"ר אלינה מולצ'דסקי ד"ר שירי מושיצקי Dr. Shiri Moshitzky Dr. Alina Molchadsky Dr. Leila Motiei

מחלקה: כימיה אורגנית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ מילקו אריק ואן דר בום בהדרכת פרופ’ ורדה רוטר בהדרכת פרופ’ חיים גרטי

Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Organic Chemistry Advised by Prof. Haim Garty Advised by Prof. Varda Rotter Advised by Prof. Milko Erik Van Der Boom Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Cellular translocation and functions of Characterization of the roles of p53 Title of thesis: FXYD1 (Phospholemman) and FXYD7 in mesenchymal cell differentiation; A Self-Propagating molecular assemblies focus on adipogenesis

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ד"ר גור פינס ד"ר אבנר פינק ד"ר עמית פינקלר Dr. Amit Finkler Dr. Avner Fink Dr. Gur Pines

מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף ירדן בהדרכת פרופ’ יחיאל שי בהדרכת פרופ’ אלי זלדוב

Department: Condensed Matter Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Biological Regulation Physics Advised by Prof. Yechiel Shai Advised by Prof. Yosef Yarden Advised by Prof. Eli Zeldov Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The transmembrane domains of Toll- Deciphering regulatory elements Scanning NanoSQUID microscope Like receptors: Their role in innate within the EGFR signaling pathway for study of vortex matter in type-II immunity and relation to anti-cancer superconductors and host defense peptides

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ד"ר מארק פלורנט ד"ר פרזיה פרג'ה ד"ר זיו פרנקנשטיין Dr. Ziv Frankenstein Dr. Fresia Gilda Pareja Zea Dr. Marc Florent

מחלקה: פיסיקה כימית מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית בהדרכת פרופ’ דניאלה גולדפרב בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף ירדן בהדרכת פרופ’ צפורה שקד ד”ר מרים אייזנשטיין Department: Biological Regulation Department: Chemical Physics Department: Structural Biology Advised by Prof. Yosef Yarden Advised by Prof. Daniella Goldfarb Advised by Prof. Zippora Shaked Dr. Miriam Eisenstein Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Deubiquitination of EGFR by Advanced EPR studies on the self- Title of thesis: Cezanne-1 contributes to cancer assembly of nanostructured materials Structural organization of the progression ribonucleoprotein particles within the whole spliceosome

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Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

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ד"ר שירי משנר ד"ר איליה סופר ד"ר יניב סער Dr. Yaniv Sa’Ar Dr. Ilya Soifer Dr. Shiri Meshner

מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ יואל סטבנס בהדרכת פרופ’ נעמה ברקאי שימושית פרופ’ צבי קם בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד הראל Department: Physics of Complex Department: Computer Science & Department: Molecular Genetics Systems Applied Mathematics Advised by Prof. Naama Barkai Advised by Prof. Joel Stavans Advised by Prof. David Harel Prof. Zvi Kam Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: System level analysis of size control in Dynamical characterization of Algorithmic methods for formal budding yeast iron-stress response in a smallRNA- verification controlled network in E.coli

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר לאה ערמון ד"ר עדי פייס ד"ר יעל פיליפ Dr. Yael Phillip Dr. Adi Pais Dr. Leah Armon

מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל אייזנבך בהדרכת פרופ’ הדסה דגני בהדרכת פרופ’ גדעון שרייבר

Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Biological Regulation Department: Biological Chemistry Advised by Prof. Gideon Schreiber Advised by Prof. Hadassa Degani Advised by Prof. Michael Eisenbach

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Binding of protein complexes in Magnetic resonance imaging of the Molecular and cellular mechanisms of crowded solutions in vitro and in cells estrogen receptor in human breast human sperm chemotaxis cancer cells and tumors

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר נעם קפלן ד"ר יוסף קפלן דור ד"ר דבורה קצביץ Dr. Dvora Katchevich Dr. Yosef Kaplan Dor Dr. Noam Kaplan

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: הוראת המדעים שימושית בהדרכת ד”ר אלי ארמה בהדרכת פרופ’ אבי הופשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ ערן סגל ד”ר רחל ממלוק-נעמן Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Science Teaching Advised by Dr. Eli Arama Department: Computer Science & Advised by Prof. Avi Hofstein Applied Mathematics Dr. Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Eran Segal Regulation of caspase activation Title of thesis: by a Cullin-3-Based ubiquitin Title of thesis: The chemistry laboratory as a ligase complex during spermatid The effect of nucleosome sequence learning environment for constructing differentiation in drosophila preferences on biological processes arguments

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר שרון קרדו-רוסו ד"ר רונן קרייזמן ד"ר איתי רבינק Dr. Itay Rabinak Dr. Ronen Kreizman Dr. Sharon Kredo-Russo

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: חומרים ופני שטח מחלקה: פיסיקה של חלקיקים בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ רשף טנא ואסטרופיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ אלי וקסמן Department: Materials & Interfaces Department: Molecular Genetics Department: Particle Physics and Advised by Prof. Reshef Tenne Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein Astrophysics Advised by Prof. Eli Waxman Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Inorganic nanotubes as templates for microRNA role in differentiation and Title of thesis: hybrid nanostructures function of pancreatic endocrine cells Supernovae and Collisionless shocks

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר אורן צ'יצ'יאן ד"ר עמית צייזל ד"ר קונסטנטין קוגן Dr. Konstantin Kogan Dr. Amit Zeisel Dr. Oren Tchaicheeyan

מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית בהדרכת פרופ’ יעקב אנגליסטר בהדרכת פרופ’ איתן דומאני בהדרכת פרופ’ דבורה פאס

Department: Structural Biology Department: Physics of Complex Department: Structural Biology Advised by Prof. Deborah Fass Systems Advised by Prof. Jacob Anglister Advised by Prof. Eytan Domany Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Dissection and reconstitution of a Title of thesis: NMR study of HIV1-gp120 and CCR5- multi-component assembly involved Development of mathematical ECL2 interaction in localization and regulation of the and statistical methods and their TOR growth-control complex application to the analysis of high throughput biological data

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר גלעד קוניס ד"ר איציק קופר ד"ר קי-ווק קים Dr. Ki-wook Kim Dr. Itzik Cooper Dr. Gilad Kunis

מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: אימונולוגיה בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ בהדרכת פרופ’ ויויאן טייכברג בהדרכת פרופ’ סטפן יונג

Department: Immunology Department: Neurobiology Department: Neurobiology Advised by Prof. Steffen Jung Advised by Prof. Vivian Teichberg Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: In-Vivo structure/function and Transport of small molecules across Understanding the cross-talk between expression analysis of CX3C the blood brain barrier: The prion the brain and adaptive immunity for chemokine, Fractalkine peptide PrP 106-126 and the the benefit of CNS disorders neurotransmitter GABA

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר תום רן ד"ר נועה רפפורט ד"ר יהונתן שגב Dr. Yehonathan Segev Dr. Noa Rappaport Dr. Tom Ran

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה שימושית מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: פיסיקה של חומר מעובה בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד שפירא בהדרכת פרופ’ נעמה ברקאי בהדרכת פרופ’ אלי זלדוב

Department: Condensed Matter Department: Computer Science & Physics Department: Molecular Genetics Applied Mathematics Advised by Prof. Eli Zeldov Advised by Prof. Naama Barkai Advised by Prof. Ehud Shapiro

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Magnetic microscopy of vortex phases Evolution of antifungal drug resistance Bio-Molecular and cellular-organism based in superconductors computing: A biomolecular computing system capable of intelligent deductions and query answering & A synthetic NOR- based programmable genetic device Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר עופר שושני ד"ר סיגל שחר ד"ר יעל שחר-פומרנץ Dr. Yael Shahar-Pomerantz Dr. Sigal Shachar Dr. Ofer Shoshani

מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא מחלקה: כימיה ביולוגית מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ דב צפורי בהדרכת פרופ’ צבי ליבנה בהדרכת פרופ’ נאוה דקל

Department: Biological Regulation Department: Biological Chemistry Department: Molecular Cell Biology Advised by Prof. Nava Dekel Advised by Prof. Zvi Livneh Advised by Prof. Dov Zipori

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Ubiquitin-proteasome regulation Site-specific and genome-wide Cellular plasticity of mesenchymal on CDK1 activity during meiosis in analyses of the mechanisms of stromal cells under stress: mamalian oocytes translesion DNA synthesis Dedifferentiation and polyploidization

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר ליאור רגב ד"ר שירה רובין ד"ר בועז רובינשטיין Dr. Boaz Rubinstein Dr. Shira Rubin Dr. Lior Regev

מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית מחלקה: מדעי הסביבה וחקר האנרגיה מחלקה: פיסיקה של חלקיקים ואסטרופיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ סטיב ויינר בהדרכת פרופ’ בריאן ברקוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ יצחק מרון

Department: Particle Physics and Department: Environmental Sciences Department: Structural Biology Astrophysics and Energy Research Advised by Prof. Steve Weiner Advised by Prof. Yitzhak Maron Advised by Prof. Brian Berkowitz Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Exploiting disorder in calcite crystals Investigation of magnetic field Anomalous non-conservative for direct radiocarbon dating of plaster penetration into a low-resistivity chemical transport in saturated porous and ash and reconstructing aspects of plasma media past human behavior

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר יצחק רייזל ד"ר שפרה רייף ד"ר שרון ריכב Dr. Sharon Reikhav Dr. Shifra Reif Dr. Yitzhak Reizel

מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית מחלקה: מתמטיקה מחלקה: מדעי הצמח בהדרכת פרופ’ נאוה דקל בהדרכת פרופ’ מריה גורליק בהדרכת פרופ’ אברהם לוי פרופ’ נעמה ברקאי Department: Mathematics Department: Biological Regulation Department: Plant Sciences Advised by Prof. Maria Gorelik Advised by Prof. Nava Dekel Advised by Prof. Avraham Levy Prof. Naama Barkai Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Affine Lie superalgebras and their Phylogenetic-based and molecular Title of thesis: representations approaches for the study of mouse Exploring hybrid vigor in a hybrid oocyte development between the budding yeast species S.cerevisiae and S. paradoxus

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר עינת שנור ד"ר דרור שפיר ד"ר מיכל שפר Dr. Michal Sheffer Dr. Dror Shafir Dr. Einat Schnur

מחלקה: ביולוגיה מבנית מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות מחלקה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות בהדרכת פרופ’ יעקב אנגליסטר בהדרכת ד”ר נירית דודוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ איתן דומאני

Department: Physics of Complex Department: Physics of Complex Department: Structural Biology Systems Systems Advised by Prof. Jacob Anglister Advised by Prof. Eytan Domany Advised by Dr. Nirit Dudovitch Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Exploring the interactions of CCR5’s Implications of genomic instability in Probing the spatio-temporal properties extracellular domains with HIV-1 colorectal cancer of atomic and molecular wave- envelope protein and RANTES using functions NMR

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ד"ר אילון שרון ד"ר ניב שריג ד"ר ארי תדמור Dr. Ari Tadmor Dr. Niv Sarig Dr. Eilon Sharon

מחלקה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה שימושית מחלקה: מתמטיקה מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית בהדרכת פרופ’ ערן סגל בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף יומדין בהדרכת פרופ’ נאוה דקל

Department: Biological Regulation Department: Mathematics Department: Computer Science & Advised by Prof. Nava Dekel Advised by Prof. Yosef Yomdin Applied Mathematics Advised by Prof. Eran Segal Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Novel immune components control Algebraic reconstruction of “shift- Title of thesis: ovulation generated” signals from integral Learning the grammar rules by which measurements transcriptional regulation is encoded in the DNA

Phd Phd Phd

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients PhD Recipients

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר איליה שירמן ד"ר רביד שכטר ד"ר ליאת שכנאי Dr. Liat Shachnai Dr. Ravid Shechter Dr. Elijah Shirman

מחלקה: כימיה אורגנית מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: בקרה ביולוגית בהדרכת ד”ר בוריס ריבצ’ינסקי בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ בהדרכת פרופ’ איתן גרוס

Department: Biological Regulation Department: Neurobiology Department: Organic Chemistry Advised by Prof. Atan Gross Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz Advised by Dr. Boris Rybtchinski

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: MTCH2/MIMP: A novel regulator of Innate immune cells and compounds - Hybrid organic arrays for solar energy mitochondrial function novel regulators of CNS plasticity in a conversion changing environment

Phd Phd Phd

ד"ר אופיר שלם ד"ר רעות שמע ד"ר אפרת שמע-יעקבי Dr. Efrat Shema-Yaacoby Dr. Reut Shema Dr. Ophir Shalem

מחלקה: גנטיקה מולקולרית מחלקה: נוירוביולוגיה מחלקה: ביולוגיה מולקולרית של התא בהדרכת פרופ’ יצחק פלפל בהדרכת פרופ’ ידין דודאי בהדרכת פרופ’ משה אורן

Department: Molecular Cell Biology Department: Neurobiology Department: Molecular Genetics Advised by Prof. Moshe Oren Advised by Prof. Yadin Dudai Advised by Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: RNF20 and H2B ubiquitylation; The role of PKMzeta in long term Post transcriptional regulation and its involvement in transcriptional memory storage in the rat cortex interaction with transcription revealed regulation and cancer by genome-wide and synthetic gene approaches

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Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | PhD Recipients Oshri Afanzar Abd Elrazek Haj Yahia M.Sc. Alina Arbitman Yaara Endevelt Yael Assia Or Eshel Recipients Roy Atia Shai Eyal Hagit Avraham-Barda Alon Faktor Ofer Bartal Maytal Flitter Yuval Baum Anna Frishman Orel Bechler Anat Ganor Regev Ben-Zvi Yuval Gilad Inbal Benhar Yehonatan Gilead Yamit Beny Larissa Ginat Liat Bilinsky Lior Goldber Tal Bronshtain Dvir Gur Noa Burshtein Ora Hafets Hila Chana Sheftel Avital Hahamy Anna Chuprin Assaf Hamo Michal Dagan Einav Harel Dana Darchy Roi Harpaz Liron David Roy Harpaz Moran Dgani Lior Haviv-Gelibter Sarit Dolev Adva Hayoun-Barak Yehonatan Douek Reuven Heiblum Shlomi Dvir Yonit Hoffman Aielet Efrati Yonatan Israel Nir Eitan Naama Kadmon Inbal Eizenberg Golan Karvat Raz Eliav Guy Katz Nir Eliyahu Roy Kazaz Rachel Elmoalem Shahar Kidron Ella Kiperwasser Itai Pinkoviezky Omer Sidis Hilary Kiyo Finucane Michael Pitt Yuval Simons Mordehay Klepfish Yoav Politi Nitai Steinberg Michael Klots Guy Polturak Ohad Tarcic Anna Koganitsky Nadav Priel Ayelet Teitelboim Elad Kronstein Avichai Ran Yulia Tsverin Ella Lachman Nitzan Razin Yaniv Tubul Racheli Lazar Sivan Refaeli-Abramson Rita Vesterman Guy Lazovski Aviv Reznik Yoav Voichek Ohad Levinkro Yonatan Ridelman Eitan Waltman Maayan Levy Yuval Ronen Ada Weinstock Assaf Loya Neta Rosenzwei Liran Yarimi Amitai Mandelbau Dor Russ Ido Yofe Yair Manor Omer Sagee Anat Zimmer Nurit Manukovsky Vered Sasson Tamar Zondiner Hassan Massalha Nir Schenkler Einat Zucker Inbal Meir Niv Scott Moran Meir Vered Shacham Ziv Meir Zvi Shapira Eran Mizrahi Adi Sharbi Yunger Alice Mett Dana Sherman Elad Mochly Yoav Shetzer Michael Morozov Uri Sheyn Zhana Moshayev Ruth Shiloh Etai Nativ Tamar Shlapobersky Irad Niv Liraz Shmuel Yossi Ovadya Marina Shnayder Oren Pedatzur Arkadi Shwartz Einav Peri Odelia Sibony MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

רחלי אלמועלם יערה אנדולט יעל אסיא Yael Assia Yaara Endevelt Rachel Elmoalem

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ אביגדור שרץ בהדרכת פרופ’ נעם סובל בהדרכת פרופ’ ורדה רוטר פרופ’ יורם סלומון Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Varda Rotter Advised by Prof. Noam Sobel Advised by Prof. Avigdor Scherz Prof. Yoram Salomon Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: p53 restrains Klf4-induced Investigating cortical inhibition in Defining the therapeutic window with TS- mesenchymal to epithelial transition olfaction VTP on mammary tumors and lymph nodes metastases progression and the potential therapeutic benefit of macrophages impairment by photoactivation of bacteriochlorophyll derivatives M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

אושרי אפנזר איילת אפרתי אלינה ארביטמן Alina Arbitman Aielet Efrati Oshri Afanzar

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל אייזנבך בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף ניר בהדרכת פרופ’ אוריאל פייגה

Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Advised by Prof. Yosef Nir Advised by Prof. Michael Eisenbach Advised by Prof. Uriel Feige Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Asymmetric higgsino dark matter The search for GNATs involved Planted random 3SAT with a small with CheY acetylation and the fraction of 1-clauses identification of Riml as CheY acetylating enzyme in vitro

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

רועי אטיה ענבל איזנברג שי אייל Shai Eyal Inbal Eizenberg Roy Atia

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ בהדרכת ד”ר ניר פרידמן בהדרכת ד”ר אלעזר זלצר

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. Elazar Zelzer Advised by Dr. Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The sesamoids: old bones new Characterizing CD4+ T-cell Circulating T-cells control of perspective differentiation under mixed polarizing monocyte-derived macrophages conditions infiltration into the injured CNS: potential role for M-csf

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ניר איתן רז אליאב ניר אליהו Nir Eliyahu Raz Eliav Nir Eitan

מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד הראל בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף שאול בהדרכת פרופ’ רון נעמן ד”ר אלי ארמה Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Advised by Prof. Ron Naaman Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Advised by Prof. Yosef Shaul Advised by Prof. David Harel Title of thesis: Dr. Eli Arama Charge transfer in M-bis-terpyridine Title of thesis: and the interaction of electrons with Title of thesis: Adaptive behavioral programming thin films of biomolecules Characterization of the novel NADH- 26S proteasome

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ענבל בנהר ימית בני טל ברונשטיין Tal Bronshtain Yamit Beny Inbal Benhar

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ בהדרכת ד”ר טלי קמחי בהדרכת פרופ’ ארנסטו יוסלביץ’

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Ernesto Joselevich Advised by Dr. Tali Kimchi Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Guided growth of nanowires: The effect of negative environmental Monocyte-derived macrophages mechanism and surface perturbation stimuli on pheromone-mediated orchestrate CNS repair effects innate reproductive responses in mouse model

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

עופר ברטל ליאור גולדברג דביר גור Dvir Gur Lior Goldber Ofer Bartal

מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת פרופ’ רונן בצרי בהדרכת פרופ’ ולדימיר ברקוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ ליאה אדדי ד”ר ירון ליפמן פרופ’ אביעזרי פרנקל פרופ’ סטיב ויינר

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Mathematics and Advised by Prof. Lia Addadi Computer Science Computer Science Prof. Steve Weiner Advised by Prof. Vladimir Berkovich Advised by Prof. Ronen Basri Prof. Aviezri Fraenkel Dr. Yaron Lipman Title of thesis: Biogenic guanine crystal formation Title of thesis: Title of thesis: and light manipulation in the Koi fish Extensions of Wythoff’s game g Photometric stereo with unknown scales lighting and specular reflectance

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

אור אשל יובל באום נועה בורשטיין Noa Burshtein Yuval Baum Or Eshel

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת ד”ר אורן שולדינר בהדרכת פרופ’ עדי שטרן בהדרכת פרופ’ ינון רודיך

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Yinon Rudich Advised by Prof. Ady Stern Advised by Dr. Oren Schuldiner

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Biomarkers and patterned capillary Magnetic instability on the surface of The role of axonal trafficking in tube (PCT) as methods for measuring topological insulators Drosophila mushrrom body neuron atmospheric fungal spores morphogenesis

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ליאת בילינסקי אוראל בכלר רגב בן-צבי Regev Ben-Zvi Orel Bechler Liat Bilinsky

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת פרופ’ לאה אייזנבך בהדרכת ד”ר ברק דיין בהדרכת ד”ר אורן טל

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. Oren Tal Advised by Dr. Barak Dayan Advised by Prof. Lea Eisenbach

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Vibration spectroscopy in single Demonstration of caustics in ultra-cold Susceptibility of cancer stem cells to molecule junctions as a tool for atoms interacting with optical dipole immunotherapy conductance and dynamics analysis forces

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מורן דגני יהונתן דואק לירון דוד Liron David Yehonatan Douek Moran Dgani

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת ד”ר יואב סואן בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד שפירא בהדרכת ד”ר אדוארדס נרייביצ’יוס

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. Ed Narevicius Advised by Prof. Ehud Shapiro Advised by Dr. Yoav Soen

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Stopping a paramagnetic supersonic Bio-computers which operate in living A model system for studying the ability beam: the advantage of a co-moving cells for smart diagnosis and treatment of cells to acquire drug resistance by magnetic trap decelerator epigenetic means

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

שרית דולב דנה דרחי יונית הופמן Yonit Hoffman Dana Darchy Sarit Dolev

מגמה: הוראת המדעים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת פרופ’ רוחמה אבן בהדרכת ד”ר דרור נוי בהדרכת פרופ’ יצחק פלפל פרופ’ משה אורן Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Mathematics and Advised by Dr. Dror Noy Advised by Prof. Ruhama Even Computer Science Advised by Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Prof. Moshe Oren Heterologous expression and in vivo Justifications and explanations of assembly of the PsaC iron sulfur mathematical claims in 7th grade Title of thesis: protein subunit of photosystem I textbooks Alu sequences and microRNAs: Global interplay in the genome and in the regulation of the p53 network M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

לריסה גינת יהונתן גלעד יובל גלעד Yuval Gilad Yehonatan Gilead Larissa Ginat

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ אברהם שנצר בהדרכת פרופ’ ירון זילברברג בהדרכת פרופ’ עדי קמחי

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Adi Kimchi Advised by Prof. Yaron Silberberg Advised by Prof. Abraham Shanzer

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Monitoring protein-protein Shaping spatial correlations between From chiral lanthanide clusters to interactions within the programmed path-entangled photons nano spheres cell death network

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ענת גנור שלומי דביר מיכל דגן Michal Dagan Shlomi Dvir Anat Ganor

מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ רן רז בהדרכת פרופ’ ערן סגל בהדרכת ד”ר נירית דודוביץ

Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Advised by Dr. Nirit Dudovitch Advised by Prof. Eran Segal Computer Science Advised by Prof. Ran Raz Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Probing electron dynamics on an Unraveling the effect of 5’UTR Title of thesis: attosecond time scale sequences on protein expression in Efficient communication yeast

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

איתן ולטמן ריטה וסטרמן תמר זונדינר Tamar Zondiner Rita Vesterman Eitan Waltman

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת ד”ר אלי ארמה בהדרכת פרופ’ איתן דומאני בהדרכת ד”ר רוברט קראוטגמר

Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Computer Science Advised by Dr. Eli Arama Advised by Dr. Robert Krauthgamer Advised by Prof. Eytan Domany Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: A mutation in a ribosomal protein Eliminating steiner vertices in graph Two studies using exon arrays for causes male sterility and defective metrics expression analysis: The effect of sperm differentiation in drosophila H2B ubiquitination in stem cell differentiation and regulation of mRNA stability in cancer M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

עבד אלראזק חג' יחיא אדוה חיון-ברק אביטל חכמי Avital Hahamy Adva Hayoun-Barak Abd Elrazek Haj Yahia

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד כאהן בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל בנדיקוב בהדרכת פרופ’ רפאל מלאך פרופ’ מילקו אריק ואן דר בום Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Rafael Malach Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. David Cahen Advised by Prof. Michael Bendikov Title of thesis: Prof. Milko Erik Van Der Boom Title of thesis: Global functional connectivity The effect of binding and head group deficits in schizophrenia depend on Title of thesis: on the electrical properties of metal- behavioral state Oligofurans and oligothiophenes: molecule-semiconductor junctions coordination-based surface-bound oligomers

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ראובן הייבלום עינב הראל רועי הרפז Roi Harpaz Einav Harel Reuven Heiblum

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ אילן קורן בהדרכת פרופ’ ורדה רוטר בהדרכת ד”ר ערן בוכבינדר

Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Dr. Eran Bouchbinder Advised by Prof. Varda Rotter Advised by Prof. Ilan Koren

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Weakly nonlinear elastic theory of The role of mutant p53 in the tumor- Effects of aerosols and coastal shear cracks stroma interaction dynamics on eastern mediterranean precipitation

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

רועי הרפז יואב וויצ'ק עדה וינשטוק Ada Weinstock Yoav Voichek Roy Harpaz

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת ד”ר אלעד שניידמן בהדרכת פרופ’ נעמה ברקאי בהדרכת פרופ’ דב צפורי

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Dov Zipori Computer Science Advised by Dr. Elad Schneidman Advised by Prof. Naama Barkai Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Regulation of mesenchymal stromal Title of thesis: Characterizing collective behavior of cells immunosuppressive function by Expression noise and acetylation groups of zebrafish and the underlying toll-like receptor ligands profiling distinguishes HDACs rules activities

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

לירן ירימי יהונתן ישראל גיא כץ Guy Katz Yonatan Israel Liran Yarimi

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת פרופ’ יאיר רייזנר בהדרכת פרופ’ ירון זילברברג בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד הראל

Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Advised by Prof. Yaron Silberberg Advised by Prof. Yair Reisner Advised by Prof. David Harel Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Multiphoton entangled states Perforin-mediated mechanism of Non-intrusive repair of behavioral tomography and quantum lithography immune tolerance induction by programs immature dendritic cells

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מעין לוי אסף לויה אוהד לוינקרון Ohad Levinkro Assaf Loya Maayan Levy

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין בהדרכת פרופ’ רפאל מלאך בהדרכת פרופ’ שמעון ווגה

Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Shimon Vega Advised by Prof. Rafael Malach Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Solid-Effect dynamic nuclear Characterizing and modifying the The role of miRNA-290~295 cluster in polarization: multi-spin simulation n neural network underlying internally mouse embryonic stem cells driven behavior: an fMRI study

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

אסף חמו אורה חפץ יניב טובול Yaniv Tubul Ora Hafets Assaf Hamo

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת ד”ר שחל אילני בהדרכת פרופ’ ערן סגל בהדרכת פרופ’ אילן קורן

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Prof. Ilan Koren Computer Science Advised by Dr. Shahal Ilani Advised by Prof. Eran Segal Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Where is the least cloudy oceanic Title of thesis: Developing a novel setup for creating region? and why? Promoter activity in S. cerevisiae complex electro-mechanical nanotube maintains proportionality under devices different growth conditions

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

איילת טיטלבוים אוהד טרסיק עידו יפה Ido Yofe Ohad Tarcic Ayelet Teitelboim

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל אלבאום בהדרכת פרופ’ משה אורן בהדרכת ד”ר מאיה שולדינר

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Dr. Maya Schuldiner Advised by Prof. Moshe Oren Advised by Prof. Michael Elbaum

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Uncovering the elements that mediate RNF20 as a possible molecular link Structural study of the T4SS secretion efficient and specific pre-mRNA between inflammation and cancer system in agrobacterium splicing regulation using a synthetic yeast intron library

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מיכאל מורוזוב ז'אנה מושייב אלעד מושלי Elad Mochly Zhana Moshayev Michael Morozov

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ מילקו אריק ואן דר בום בהדרכת ד”ר ולרי קריזנובסקי בהדרכת פרופ’ גדעון שרייבר

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Gideon Schreiber Advised by Dr. Valery Krizhanovsky Advised by Prof. Milko Erik Van Der Boom Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Exploring different aspects of the The mechanisms of NK-mediated Title of thesis: interferon-IFNAR binding event: recognition of senescent cells Self-propagating molecular electrostatics conformational changes assemblies: anion-induced palladium and induced signaling nanoparticle formation during film growth

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ערן מזרחי אליס מט אמיתי מנדלבאום Amitai Mandelbau Alice Mett Eran Mizrahi

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת ד”ר יואב סואן בהדרכת פרופ’ מייק פיינזילבר בהדרכת ד”ר ערן הורנשטיין

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Mike Fainzilber Advised by Dr. Yoav Soen Advised by Dr. Eran Hornstein Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The role of Numb in TrkA-dependent Role of epigenetic modifications in microRNAs role in endocrine pancreas cell death and neuronal differentiation the inheritance of responses to a novel development architecture and function challenge m

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

גיא לזובסקי רחלי לזר אלה לכמן Ella Lachman Racheli Lazar Guy Lazovski

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ איגור לובומירסקי בהדרכת ד”ר גלעד פרז בהדרכת פרופ’ אלי זלדוב פרופ’ אלי וקסמן Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Eli Zeldov Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Prof. Igor Lubomirsky Advised by Dr. Gilad Perez Title of thesis: Prof. Eli Waxman Title of thesis: Study of vortex dynamics in type-II Title of thesis: Real-Time monitoring of space charge superconductors by scanning SQUID The importance of massive interlopers layers in solid state lonic conductors microscopy on weak lensing mass reconstruction of the bullet cluster 1E 0657-588

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

זיו מאיר מורן מאיר ענבל מאיר Inbal Meir Moran Meir Ziv Meir

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת ד”ר רועי עוזרי בהדרכת פרופ’ רונן בצרי בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד אחישר פרופ’ אילן למפל Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Advised by Dr. Roee Ozeri Advised by Prof. Ehud Ahissar Advised by Prof. Ronen Basri Prof. Ilan Lampl Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Ultra-cold binary collisions between Responses of vibrissal primary afferents to 3D multiscale edge detector applied Sr+ ions and Rb atoms in overlapping mechanical whisker stimulation revealed to medical objects: fibers blood traps by intracellular recordings from rat vessels and neurons trigeminal ganglion in-vivo

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

עומר סידיס יובל סיימונס ניב סקוט Niv Scott Yuval Simons Omer Sidis

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ יובל אורג בהדרכת פרופ’ יוסף אמרי בהדרכת ד”ר טלי קמחי פרופ’ יוסף אמרי פרופ’ עדי שטרן Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. Tali Kimchi Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Prof. Yoseph Imry Advised by Prof. Yuval Oreg Title of thesis: Prof. Ady Stern Prof. Yoseph Imry The roll of sexually dimorphic AVPV Title of thesis: neurons in regulation of maternal and The effect of glancing states in the Title of thesis: social responses proximity effect Fermi edge singularity in finite systems

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

יוסי עובדיה אורן פדהצור גיא פולטורק Guy Polturak Oren Pedatzur Yossi Ovadya

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ צבי לפידות בהדרכת ד”ר נירית דודוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ אסף אהרוני

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Asaph Aharoni Advised by Dr. Nirit Dudovitch Advised by Prof. Tsvee Lapidot

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Elucidating the biosynthesis and Controlling high harmonic generation Dynamic cross-talk between EGFR regulation of betalain pigments in processes and attosecond dynamics and CXCR4 regulates the retention plants and mobilization of immature hematopoietic cells

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

נורית מנוקובסקי יאיר מנור חסן מסאלחה Hassan Massalha Yair Manor Nurit Manukovsky

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ דניאלה גולדפרב בהדרכת פרופ’ יצחק פלפל בהדרכת פרופ’ דב צפורי

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Dov Zipori Advised by Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel Advised by Prof. Daniella Goldfarb

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Reversion of the differentiated state Genome-wide coupling of mRNA The application of electron of mesenchymal stromal cells and transcription and degradation and paramagnetic resonance for the study estimation of their tumorigenic promoter-mediated mRNA decay in of model membranes potential two distant yeast species

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

עירד ניב איתי נתיב אודליה סיבוני Odelia Sibony Etai Nativ Irad Niv

מגמה: הוראת המדעים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ רוחמה אבן בהדרכת פרופ’ עילם גרוס בהדרכת פרופ’ אברהם לוי ד”ר אלכסנדר פרידלנדר Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Prof. Avraham Levy Advised by Prof. Eilam Gross Field of Study: Science Teaching Advised by Prof. Ruhama Even Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Dr. Alexander Friedlander In vivo single-strand T-DNA imaging Xenon100 statistics Title of thesis: Cognitive demands of beginning algebra tasks in three text books

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

עינב פרי נדב פריאל אנה פרישמן Anna Frishman Nadav Priel Einav Peri

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת ד”ר אברהם ירון בהדרכת פרופ’ אהוד דוכובני בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכה ברכוז פרופ’ עופר אהרוני Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Prof. Ehud Duchovni Advised by Dr. Avraham Yaron Advised by Prof. Micha Berkooz Prof. Ofer Aharony Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Search for dark matter with The role of LKB1 in sensory neurons Title of thesis: XENON100 experiment and development Quasi normal modes of rapidly XENON1T calibration studies rotating black holes

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

יוליה צברין אנה צ'ופרין עינת צוקר Einat Zucker Anna Chuprin Yulia Tsverin

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ רשף טנא בהדרכת ד”ר ולרי קריזנובסקי בהדרכת ד”ר רותם שורק

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Dr. Rotem Sorek Advised by Dr. Valery Krizhanovsky Advised by Prof. Reshef Tenne

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Towards construction of a gene knock- IIIicit cell fusion is a novel trigger of Synthesis catalytic and photocatalytic down system in bacteria using the cellular senescence properties of WS2 nanotubes coated CRISPR system with metallic nanoparticles

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

יואב פוליתי מיכאל פיט הילרי קייו פינוקן Hilary Kiyo Finucane Michael Pitt Yoav Politi

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת ד”ר אלי ארמה בהדרכת פרופ’ עילם גרוס בהדרכת פרופ’ אירית דינור פרופ’ עמוס ברסקין Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Life Sciences Computer Science Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Dr. Eli Arama Advised by Prof. Irit Dinur Advised by Prof. Eilam Gross Prof. Amos Breskin Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Selective autophagy and the ubiquitin Gap amplification-based constructions Title of thesis: pathway function to eliminate of locally testable codes and low- Experimental research in particle the paternal mitochondria after locality and low-degree cryptography physics: Detector development and fertilization in drosophila data analysis

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

איתי פינקוביצקי מיטל פליטר אלון פקטור Alon Faktor Maytal Flitter Itai Pinkoviezky

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכאל צודיקס בהדרכת פרופ’ ידין דודאי בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל אירני

Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Computer Science Advised by Prof. Yadin Dudai Advised by Prof. Michail Tsodyks Advised by Prof. Michal Irani Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Toward modulation of memory Models for associative retrieval Visual inference by collaborative persistence and retrievability composition using the “wisdom of crowds of images”

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מרדכי קלפפיש גולן קרבט נטע רוזנצויג Neta Rosenzwei Golan Karvat Mordehay Klepfish

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ סטפן יונג בהדרכת ד”ר טלי קמחי בהדרכת פרופ’ מיכל שוורץ

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Michal Schwartz Advised by Dr. Tali Kimchi Advised by Prof. Steffen Jung

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Fractalkine (CX3CL1) mediated Is my mouse autistic? Behavioral The role of microRNAs in the myeloid monocyte recruitment to the injured assays for the underlying symptoms branch of the hematopoietic system spinal cord: trafficking from a distance of autistic spectrum disorders in through the blood-cerebrospinal fluid- laboratory mice barrier g

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

יובל רונן דור רוס ניצן רזין Nitzan Razin Dor Russ Yuval Ronen

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ’ מוטי הייבלום בהדרכת ד”ר ניר פרידמן בהדרכת ד”ר עופר פיינרמן

Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Advised by Dr. Ofer Feinerman Advised by Dr. Nir Friedman Advised by Prof. Moty Heiblum

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Communication by speed : High resolution characterization of High efficiency splitting cooper pairs information flow during recruitment in immune responses dynamics resulting with entangled electrons C. niger ants

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ענת צימר נעמה קדמון אנה קוגניצקי Anna Koganitsky Naama Kadmon Anat Zimmer

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ אורי אלון בהדרכת פרופ’ תמר פלש בהדרכת ד”ר דוד מרגוליס פרופ’ רפאל מלאך Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. David Margulies Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Advised by Prof. Tamar Flash Title of thesis: Prof. Rafael Malach Title of thesis: Introducing selectivity to differential Title of thesis: A novel high-throughput method for protein sensors Invariant features of movement mapping cancer cells responses to a planning: behavioral and brain chemotherapy drug imaging studies

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

רועי קזז שחר קידרון אלה קיפרווסר Ella Kiperwasser Shahar Kidron Roy Kazaz

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי הכימיה בהדרכת ד”ר אורן טל בהדרכת ד”ר רותם שורק בהדרכת ד”ר דוד מרגוליס

Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Mathematics and Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Dr. David Margulies Computer Science Advised by Dr. Oren Tal Advised by Dr. Rotem Sorek Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Toward regulating growth factors Title of thesis: Magnetism of platinum atomic chains activity by artificial enzyme-linked Identification of antimicrobial gene receptors clusters using genome sequencing biases

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ורד שחם ניתאי שטיינברג אורי שיין Uri Sheyn Nitai Steinberg Vered Shacham

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת ד”ר אברהם ירון בהדרכת פרופ’ יצחק פלפל בהדרכת ד”ר אסף ורדי

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Dr. Assaf Vardi Advised by Prof. Yitzhak Pilpel Advised by Dr. Avraham Yaron

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The role of reactive oxygen species as Bet-hedging in the evolutionarily- The role of Plexin-A4 in mediating the a “double edged sword” in regulating conditioned response of Escherichia repulsive response to sema3A susceptibility to viral infection in coli towards sugars emiliania huxleyi

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

רות שילה תמר שלפוברסקי לירז שמואל Liraz Shmuel Tamar Shlapobersky Ruth Shiloh

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ עדי קמחי בהדרכת ד”ר אלון חן בהדרכת פרופ’ יחיאל שי

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Yechiel Shai Advised by Dr. Alon Chen Advised by Prof. Adi Kimchi

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The trans membrane domains of TLR Early-life stress alters social behavior A global view of the DAPk and DRP- 4/6 are essential for their activation in adult male mice 1 molecular networks: attributing and regulation in Alzheimer’s disease different modes of activation to different stress signals

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

אביב רזניק יונתן רידלמן אביחי רן Avichai Ran Yonatan Ridelman Aviv Reznik

מגמה: מתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ עודד גולדרייך בהדרכת ד”ר רפאל קליין בהדרכת פרופ’ חיים כהנא

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Chaim Kahana Advised by Dr. Rafal Klajn Field of Study: Mathematics and Computer Science Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Oded Goldreich Mechanisms of cell growth regulation Metallic nanobowls by galvanic by polyamines focusing on the CDK replacement reaction on Title of thesis: inhibitor p27 heterodimeric nanoparticles Finding k-paths in cycle-free graphs

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

סיון רפאלי-אברמסון עומר שגיא ארקדי שוורץ Arkadi Shwartz Omer Sagee Sivan Refaeli-Abramson

מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי הכימיה מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ ליאור קרוניק בהדרכת פרופ’ בריאן ברקוביץ בהדרכת פרופ’ בני שילה

Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Field of Study: Chemical Sciences Advised by Prof. Benny Shilo Advised by Prof. Brian Berkowitz Advised by Prof. Leeor Kronik

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Sequential activation of Pointed Transport of silver nanoparticles A generalization of the optimally- isoforms during Drosophila eye (AgNPs) in soil tuned range-separated hybrid scheme development amplifies EGFR signaling to the solid-state

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

ורד ששון חגית אברהם-ברדה ליאור חביב-גליבטר Lior Haviv-Gelibter Hagit Avraham-Barda Vered Sasson

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: פיסיקה כימית מגמה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות בהדרכת פרופ’ אורי אלון בהדרכת פרופ׳ יחיעם פריאור בהדרכת פרופ׳ איתן דומאני

Field of Study: Physics of Complex Field of Study: Chemical Physics Field of Study: Life Sciences Systems Advised by Prof. Yehiam Prior Advised by Prof. Uri Alon Advised by Prof. Eytan Domany Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Local and propagating surface Mode of regulation and the insulation Epithelial-mesenchymal transition plasmons interferences above of bacterial gene expression in development and cancer-genetic subwavelength holes characterization and observation of the process time course

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מיכאל קלוץ אלעד קרונשטיין עדי שרבי יונגר Adi Sharbi Yunger Elad Kronstein Michael Klots wמגמה: אימונולוגיה מגמה: מדעי המחשב ומתמטיקה מגמה: פיסיקה של מערכות מורכבות בהדרכת פרופ׳ לאה אייזנבך שימושית בהדרכת פרופ׳ רועי עוזרי בהדרכת פרופ׳ שמעון אולמן Field of Study: Immunology Advised by Prof. Lea Eisenbach Field of Study: Physics of Complex Systems Field of Study: Computer Science and Title of thesis: Advised by Prof. Roee Ozeri Applied Mathematics Identifying proteins interacting with Advised by Prof. Shimon Ullman the 1-8D protein. Production of LacZ Title of thesis: inducible T cell hybridoma specific Characterization of a CO2 dipole trap Title of thesis: for human and mouse gp100 25-33 of 87Rb as part of an ultra-cold atom- Context-free detection and peptides Ion interaction experiment classification of minimal recognizable images and configurations

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients MSc Recipients

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

מרינה שניידר ניר שנקלר Hila Chana Sheftel Nir Schenkler Marina Shnayder הילה חנה שפטל

מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה בהדרכת פרופ' טלילה וולק בהדרכת ד”ר גלעד פרז בהדרכת פרופ’ אורי אלון

Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Uri Alon Advised by Dr. Gilad Perez Advised by Prof. Talila Volk

Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Title of thesis: Geometry of biological compromises Fractal radiation from a hidden sector The role of muscular alpha 2 delta protein in structural organization of t-tubules during muscle development in drosophila

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

צבי שפירא יואב שצר דנה שרמן Dana Sherman Yoav Shetzer Zvi Shapira

מגמה: מדעי הפיסיקה מגמה: מדעי החיים מגמה: מדעי החיים בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד מוכמל בהדרכת פרופ’ ורדה רוטר בהדרכת פרופ’ דוד הראל פרופ’ אהוד אחישר Field of Study: Life Sciences Field of Study: Physical Sciences Field of Study: Life Sciences Advised by Prof. Varda Rotter Advised by Prof. David Mukamel Advised by Prof. David Harel Prof. Ehud Ahissar Title of thesis: Title of thesis: The distinct effects of p53 loss of The effect of a driven line on a two- Title of thesis: heterozygosity in somatic and induced dimensional lsing system Computer Modeling of the vibrissa pluripotent stem cells sensorimotor system in rats

M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc.

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | MSc Recipients The Feinberg Graduate School’s master's degree program (without thesis) Non-thesis in science teaching was launched in 2008, as a joint initiative between the Weizmann Institute and the Rothschild Caesarea Foundation. The mission of MSc in this program is to improve the quality of science and mathematics teaching in Israel, by encouraging excellence among educators and providing them Science with the skills needed for leadership, both in the classroom and beyond. The master's program is intended for outstanding teachers of math and science who already hold at least a first degree in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or Teaching physics.

This is a two-year framework in which participants—with the support and Recipients encouragement of the schools in which they teach—are expected to devote two full days each week to their studies, in parallel with their continued work in the classroom. The curriculum includes the enrichment of participants’ basic scientific knowledge (discipline-specific and interdisciplinary topics) and familiarity with new developments in scientific research, the acquisition of innovative teaching skills and strategies, and participation in hands- on seminars in Weizmann Institute labs. The course curriculum, created specifically for this program, was designed to match the unique needs of science and math educators. Many of the classes are taught by members of the Weizmann Institute faculty. Kamel Abukaff Irina Margolina Tareza Kashkush Abu-Jarad Khaled Masalha Gal Amit Khaled Massalha Rachel Ashkenazi Shimon Mautner Marwan Ashqar Itamar Melet Merav Ben-David Allon Meller Elana Bereznik Keti Mey Tal Gamliel Dror Botzer Mira Mordechai Eliran Chen Ifat Nachshon Ido Cohen Nissim Ochayon Daphne Cohen- Brenner Orit Ohana Sorin Col Ronit Pais David Efrat Dayan Oded Peretz Zvi Elgavish Saleh Qaraqra Chani Elisha Sheren Rabi Salih Faraj Hanin Raed Einat Filler Cloudia Sader Sigalit Gadker Viola Sader Tirza Gidron Daniel Shallom Feya Greenshtein Boulous Shehadeh Yael Guri Lilach Shtein Nariman Hakim Michal Sigron Muaeen Hammud Boaz Silverman Reut Harosh Tal Stern Itai Hartman Odeh-leya Uziel Fadwa Issa Orit Weinstock Moshe Jonatan Shlomit Winter Tezera Adane Lorisso Meital Yishay Yanni Ladkani Nawal Zaaroura Anat Leshets Iris Makias Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

מרב בן-דוד אילנה ברזניק סיגלית גדקר Sigalit Gadker Elana Bereznik Merav Ben-David

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

תרצה גדרון יעל גורי קטי מי טל גמליאל Keti Mey Tal Gamliel Yael Guri Tirza Gidron

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

פיה גרינשטיין אפרת דיין רעות הראש Reut Harosh Efrat Dayan Feya Greenshtein

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

קאמל אבו כף טזרה אדנה לוריסו נסים אוחיון Nissim Ochayon Tezera Adane Lorisso Kamel Abukaff

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

אורית אוחנה צבי אלגביש חני אלישע Chani Elisha Zvi Elgavish Orit Ohana

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

רחל אשכנזי מרואן אשקר דרור בוצר Dror Botzer Marwan Ashqar Rachel Ashkenazi

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

מיטל ישי עידו כהן דפנה כהן-ברנר Daphne Cohen- Brenner Ido Cohen Meital Yishay

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

יני לאדקאני ענת לשץ שמעון מאוטנר Shimon Mautner Anat Leshets Yanni Ladkani

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

איתמר מלט אלון מלר ח'אלד מסאלחה Khaled Masalha Allon Meller Itamar Melet

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

איתי הרטמן שלומית וינטר אורית וינשטוק Orit Weinstock Shlomit Winter Itai Hartman

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

בועז זילברמן נואל זערורה נרימאן חכים Nariman Hakim Nawal Zaaroura Boaz Silverman

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

מועין חמוד אלירן חן משה יונתן Moshe Jonatan Eliran Chen Muaeen Hammud

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

פדוא עיסה גל עמית עינת פילר Einat Filler Gal Amit Fadwa Issa

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

רונית פיס דוד סאלח פראג עודד פרץ Oded Peretz Salih Faraj Ronit Pais David

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

סורין קול סאלח קראקרה טרזה קשקוש אבו -גארד Tareza Kashkush Abu-Jarad Saleh Qaraqra Sorin Col

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

ח'אלד מסאלחה איריס מקיאס אירינה מרגולין Irina Margolina Iris Makias Khaled Massalha

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

מירה מרדכי יפעת נחשון ויולה סאדר Viola Sader Ifat Nachshon Mira Mordechai

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

קלודיה סאדר מיכל סיגרון אודה-ליה עוזיאל Odeh-leya Uziel Michal Sigron Cloudia Sader

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching

שירין ראבי חנין רעד בולוס שחאדה Boulous Shehadeh Hanin Raed Sheren Rabi

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

לילך שטיין טל שטרן דניאל שלום Daniel Shallom Tal Stern Lilach Shtein

תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה תחום: הוראת המדעים ללא תזה Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching Field of Study: Science Teaching without thesis without thesis without thesis

Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | Recipients of Non-thesis MSc Degree in Science Teaching With gratitude to the supporters of the graduate studies program at the Weizmann Institute of Science

The Weizmann Institute of Science and the students and staff of the Feinberg Graduate School are grateful to our many friends throughout the world who have generously funded our graduate Wstudies program. The Weizmann Institute has created five new research schools affiliated with its five Faculties to expand and enhance its graduate education. Four research schools have been endowed: The Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, established in 2007; the Solo Dwek and Maurizio Dwek Research School of Chemical Science, established in 2008; the Moross Research School for Mathematics and Computer Science, established in 2009; and the Ekard School of Biological Sciences, established in 2009.

These strategic investments provide students with greater opportunities for personal development and independent research, expanded contacts with the international research community, and even greater exposure to world leaders in their fields. One more research school remains to be funded: the Research School of Physics Science.

Scholarships are precious gifts—in essence, gifts of knowledge. They enable our students to concentrate on their studies, freeing them to devote their full energies to coursework and laboratory research. This steadfast encouragement has borne fruit in the many research scientists all over the world who began their careers at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Today’s graduates are tomorrow’s scientific leaders. Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Lila and Israel Jacob Alter The Louis Bein Scholarships for Scholarship Scholarship Russian Students Established in 2008 through a bequest Established in 1991 by the Louis Bein Awards of Israel Jacob Alter, Israel Trust, Chicago, Illinois

The Cindy Rose Anderson The Hazel Olzman Bellin Ph.D. Scholarships Scholarship Endowment Fund Memorial Endowed PhD in Perpetuity Established in 2007 by Cindy Rose Scholarship in Cancer Research Anderson, Palm Beach, Florida Established in 2009 through a bequest of Hazel Olzman Bellin, New York The Dr. Lester Aronberg Scholarship in Perpetuity The Ursula Johanna and Fritz

Established in 1981 by the Dr. Lester Werner Blumenthal Scholarship Aronberg Foundation, Chicago, Illinois Established in 2007 through a bequest of Ursula Johanna and Fritz Werner The Jacob and Sonia Hager Blumenthal, Australia Axelrad Endowed Doctoral Scholarship Fund for Cancer The Dr. Walter and Dr. Trude Research Borchardt Fund for Graduate Students and the Feinberg Established in 1999 through a bequest of Sonia Hager Axelrad, New York Graduate School Established in 2001 through a bequest The Hanan Bar-On Memorial of Dr. Trude Borchardt, New York Fund The Jeannette and Max Established in 2004 by the Weizmann Institute of Science, in honor and in Bouckalter Scholarships memory of Hanan Bar-On, former Established in 2009 by Jeannette and Vice-President of the Weizmann Max Bouckalter, Paris, France Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel The Caspe Family Scholarship The Shlomo Beilitz Scholarship Established in 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1979 through a bequest Lewis Caspe and the Caspe Family of Shlomo Beilitz, Ra’anana, Israel Foundation, Des Moines, Iowa Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Professor Arthur Charlesby The Dr. Eugene I. and Charlotte The Yeheshkel and Fruma Fund for Doctoral Student Falstein Graduate Scholarship Freedman Education Fund

Scholarships and Travel Stipends Established in 1997 by Charlotte R. Established in 2001 through a Established in 2001 by Irene Charlesby, Falstein, Chicago, Illinois bequest of Isaac Freedman, Boston, Swindon, United Kingdom, in memory Massachusetts of her husband The Harold Feinstein and Bess Rae C. Feinstein Scholarship The Violet, Samuel, and Anna The Dr. Rebecca Chutick Fund for Students from the Friedman Doctoral Scholarship and Dr. Lillian Chutick Commonwealth of Independent Fund

Doctoral Scholarship Fund for States (CIS) Established in 2009 through a bequest Immigrant Students from the Established in 1990 through a bequest of Violet Friedman, Palm Springs, Commonwealth of Independent of Bess Rae C. Feinstein, Chicago, California States (CIS) Illinois Established in 1994 through a bequest The Regina and Leo Frisch of Dr. Rebecca Chutick, New York The Stephen W. Fleck Scholarships Scholarship Fund Established in 2010 through a bequest The Judith and Norman D. Established in 1995 through a bequest of Rachel Lubell, New York Cohen Doctoral Scholarship of Herta Fleck, New York Established in 2005 by Judith and The Chaya Austern Fuchs Norman Cohen, New York The Adolph Fogel and William Scholarships Fogel Scholarship Fund Established in 2010 through a bequest The Leo A. and Sarah G. Copin Established in 2001 through a bequest of Rachel Lubell, New York Scholarship Fund of William Fogel, New York Established in 1994 through a bequest The Rita Gehl Scholarship in of Sarah G. Copin, Palm Beach, Florida The Joseph F. and Clara Ford Cancer Research Foundation Scholarship in Established in 1999 by Rita Gehl, The Florence Edelman Perpetuity London, United Kingdom Scholarship in Perpetuity Established in 1989 by the Joseph F. Established in 1987 through a bequest and Clara Ford Foundation, Boston, The Yasha Gluzman Scholarship of Florence Edelman, New York Massachusetts Established in 1998 by Ilan Gluzman, Nutley, New Jersey Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Goldberg-Guild Scholarships The Lotte and Ludwig Heusinger Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Established in 1984 by Bernard Goldberg, Hallandale, Florida, and by Established in 1993 through a bequest Awards Irwin C. Guild, Palm Beach, Florida of Dr. Ludwig Heusinger, Kfar Shmaryahu, Israel The Morris and Rose Goldman Ph.D. Scholarships Scholarship Fund The William T. Hogan and in Perpetuity Established in 1996 by Rose Goldman, Winifred T. Hogan Scholarship Chicago, Illinois Established in 1997 by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 714, The Linda, Tal, and Akiva Gross Chicago, Illinois Endowment Fund, in Memory of Heinrich Gross The Abraham and Elena Kahn Scholarship Fund Established in 2007 by Akiva Gross, Glencoe, Illinois Established in 2004 by Abraham and Elena Kahn, Mexico The Leanora, Judith, and Samson Gruber Memorial Scholarships The Morris Kahn Scholarships in Systems Biology Established in 1998 by Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Gruber, New York, and Established in 2011 by the Weizmann named in memory of Mrs. Gruber and Institute of Science in honor of Morris the Gruber’s children Kahn, Israel

The Herbert Leiser Harband The John F. Kennedy Memorial Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Fund

Established in 1976 through bequests Established in 1965 by the John F. of Dorothea and Julius Harband, San Kennedy Memorial Foundation, Francisco, California, in memory of Rehovot, Israel their beloved son The Malcolm Kingsberg The Otto and Mary Hersch Memorial Scholarship Scholarships in Perpetuity Established in 1972 through a bequest Established in 1987 through a bequest of Malcolm Kingsberg, New York of Mary Hersch, New York Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Jeaninne Klueger Scholarship The Sally and Jerome Lipper The Nora Menascé Scholarship

Established in 1991 by Seraphina Scholarship Fund for Young in Cancer Research Klueger, Dusseldorf, Germany, in Immigrants Established in 2002 through a bequest memory of her daughter Established in 1993 by the Kenneth and of Nora Menascé, Milan, Italy Evelyn Lipper Foundation, New York The Alex and Lilly Koron The Paul and Felicia Muskat Scholarship The Bert and Etta Liss Scholarship Fund

Established in 2008 through bequests of Scholarship Established in 1984 through a bequest Alex and Lilly Koron, Chicago, Illinois Established in 2011 through a bequest of Paul Muskat, Toronto, Ontario, of Bert and Etta Liss Canada The Saerree and Louis Fiedler Scholarship for Cancer Research, The Samuel and Eleanor London The Gertrude and Valentin in Memory of Lillian Hellman Scholarship Nathan Scholarship Fund Kugler Established in 1986 through a bequest Established in 1997 through a bequest Established in 1983 through the Saerree of Eleanor J. London, Los Angeles, of Gertrude Nathan, New York K. and Louis P. Fiedler Family Fund, California Deerfield, Illinois The Oskar Oliven (Dr. of The Dr. Saul and Rose Mackoff Engineering) Memorial The Alexander E. Langsam Doctoral Scholarship Scholarship Memorial Doctoral Scholarship Established in 2002 through a bequest Established in 2003 through bequests of Established in 2001 by Florence of Dr. Saul Mackoff, Chicago, Illinois Gerald and Hedy Oliven, Los Angeles, Langsam, Rockville, Maryland California The Rixi Markus Scholarships, in The Liselotte and Richard Laster Memory of Eugenia, Ignacy, and The Dora Ostre Memorial Endowed Doctoral Scholarship Herbert Alfred Heller Scholarships in Brain Research Established in 1995 through a bequest Established in 1987 through a bequest Established in 2001 by Mr. and Mrs. of Rixi Markus, MBE, London, United of Dr. Sprinzl Weizenblatt, Asheville, Richard Laster, Chappaqua, New York Kingdom North Carolina

The Harold J. Lawn, M.D. The Rodolfo May Scholarships The Dr. Bruce A. Pearlman PhD Scholarship in Synthetic Organic Scholarship Fund Established in 1997 through a bequest Chemistry Established in 1985 by Dr. Harold J. of Rodolfo May, Montevideo, Uruguay Lawn, St. Paul, Minnesota Established in 2011 through a bequest of Dr. Bruce A. Pearlman, Michigan Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Rose Lee and Marvin The David Rich Doctoral Scholarship Pomerantz Scholarship Scholarship in Chemistry Established in 1998 by Rose Lee and Established in 1999 by Edra Rich, Awards Marvin Pomerantz and friends, Des Phoenix, Arizona Moines, Iowa The Burton and Sylvia Richards Ph.D. Scholarships The Theodore R. and Edlyn Doctoral Scholarship in Perpetuity Racoosin Scholarship Fund Established in 1999 by Burton Richards, Established in 1993 through bequests Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania of Theodore and Edlyn Racoosin, New York The Albert A. Robin Family Scholarship The Hirsch and Braine Raskin Established in 2009 through a bequest Foundation Scholarships of Albert A. Robin, Chicago, Illinois Established in 1970 by the Hirsch and Braine Raskin Foundation, New York The Gabriella and Paul Rosenbaum Scholarship in The Harry, Lillian, and Sylvan Biology Ray Memorial Scholarship in Established in 1999 by the Gabriella Cancer Research and Paul Rosenbaum Foundation, Established in 1997 by Dr. M. L. Ray, Chicago, Illinois Dallas, Texas Scholarships in Memory of Harry The Reiter Family Scholarship Mlinov Rosenberg and Sarah

Established in 1984 by the Reiter Family Rudman Rosenberg Foundation, Chicago, Illinois Established in 2008 through a bequest of Abraham Rosenberg, Rumson, New The Charles G. and Belle Reskin Jersey Doctoral Graduate Scholarship in Perpetuity

Established in 1997 through a bequest of Charles G. Reskin, Chicago, Illinois Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Joni Perlman Rosenberg The Eugene and Lenore Schupak The Rachel and Arnold Smith Scholarship Fund for the Support Endowed Doctoral Scholarship Endowed Scholarship of Cancer Research in Genetics Established in 1996 by Rachel and Established in 2007 by the Harold L. Established in 1997 by the Schupak Arnold Smith, Phoenix and Paradise Perlman Family Foundation, Chicago, Family Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona Valley, Arizona Illinois The David and Pauline Segal The Paula and Ernest Sommers The Dr. Arnold Rosenblum Scholarship Scholarship Memorial Endowment Fund Established in 1999 by George and Joan Established in 2001 by Ernest Sommers, Established in 1996 by Dorothy Segal, Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Rosenblum, Brooklyn, New York, in memory of her son The Bernard and Bernice The Sylvia and Leonard Sorkin Dorothy Segall Scholarship Fund Scholarship The Rose Frisch Sax Scholarships Established in 2006 through a bequest Established in 1997 through a bequest Established in 2010 through a bequest of Bernice Dorothy Segall, New York of Leonard Sorkin, Chicago, Illinois of Rachel Lubell, New York The Simon and Frieda The Blanche and Max Steig The Leon and Lily Schidlow Senderowicz-Perel Graduate Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Student Research Fund Established in 1993 through a bequest Established in 1999 by Sr. and Sra. Established in 1999 through a of Blanche Steig, New York Leon Schidlow, Bosques de las Lomas, bequest of Lea Senderowicz, Zurich, Mexico Switzerland The Gabriel Armand Stein Scholarship Fund The Alice and Lewis Schimberg The Hon. Sir David Sieff Established in 1991 by Paul Stein, Scholarship Fund Doctoral Scholarship in Brain Jackson Heights, New York, in memory Established in 1993 by Alice Schimberg, Research of his son Chicago, Illinois Established in 2000 by family and friends, Weizmann UK The Jack, Gertrude, and Leesa The Rudolf Schoenheimer Steinberg Doctoral Scholarship Memorial Scholarships The Lily Sieff Doctoral for Neurological Diseases

Established in 1968 by Fritz Scholarship Established in 2009 by Leesa Steinberg, Schoenheimer, New York Established in 1998 by Helen and Hampstead, Quebec, Canada Martin Kimmel, New York Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Sergey and Maria Steuerman The Ruth Ann and Sam Wolfson Scholarship Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Established in 1991 through a bequest Established in 1996 by Ruth Ann and Awards of Maria Steuerman, New Rochelle, Sam Wolfson, Dallas, Texas New York The Ruth Ann and Sam Wolfson Ph.D. Scholarships The Armin and Etel (Angyal) Endowment for the Cure of in Perpetuity Szolovits Doctoral Scholarship Alzheimer’s Disease

Established in 2001 through bequests of Established in 2001 by Sam Wolfson, Armin and Etel Szolovits, Hollywood, Dallas, Texas California The Rubin and Gladys The Samara Jan Turkel Wollowick Scholarship Fund for Scholarship Fund for Autoimmune Disease Research Autoimmune Diseases Established in 1999 by the Rubin and Established in 1996 by Mr. and Mrs. Gladys Wollowick Foundation, Miami, Arthur Bach, New York, in memory of Florida their granddaughter The Dr. Arthur Yarman and The Guido Franklin van D. Gertrude Yarman Scholarship Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in 2000 by an anonymous Established in 2003 through a bequest donor of Gertrude Yarman, Miami, Florida

The Paul and Greta Weinberger The Yitzhak Scholarship Fund Scholarship Established in 1992 through the offices Established in 1995 through a bequest of Martin Paisner, London, United of Paul Weinberger, New York Kingdom

The G. Pauline Whiteman Scholarship Fund

Established in 2005 through a bequest of Pauline Whiteman, San Francisco, California Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

מרכז דוד לופאטי The David Lopatie Centre Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Abraham Berman The Joseph Meyerhoff Scholarship Scholarships Scholarships Established in 1966 through a bequest Established in 1983 through the Joseph Awards of Abraham Berman, South Africa Meyerhoff Fund and the Rebecca Meyerhoff Fund, Baltimore, Maryland The CAMBR Foundation Annual and Semester Doctoral Scholarships The Francis and Marie-France Ph.D. Scholarships Minkoff Scholarship Established in 2006 by Mr. Allen Skolnick, Lynbrook, New York Established in 2011 by Francis and Marie-France Minkoff, Cologny, The Sam Cohen (Windhoek) Switzerland Scholarships

Established in 1981 by the Sam Cohen Trust, Namibia

The Ronald M. Kantor Scholarship in Theoretical Physics

Established in 2011 by Evelyn Kantor, Bronx, New York

The David and Pola Kuppermann Scholarship Fund

Established in 2000 by Pola Kuppermann, Flushing, New York

The Ellen Merlo Scholarship Fund

Established in 2009 by Ellen Merlo, New York Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

טקס הענקת תארים, The degree conferment ceremony, 2012 2012 Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The I. W. Abel Scholarship The Eda and Leo Asseo Scholarship Scholarship Established in 2002 by the United Steelworkers of America, Pittsburgh, Established in 1988 by Eda Asseo, Tel Awards Pennsylvania Aviv, Israel

The Henrietta and Jack Abrams The Israel W. and Fannie Backe M.Sc. Scholarships Scholarship Scholarship Fund in Perpetuity Established in 1988 by Henrietta Established in 1987 through a Abrams, Lauderhill, Florida bequest of Fannie Backe, Worcester, Massachusetts The Harry P. and Henrietta Albert Scholarship The Lillian Baker Scholarship

Established in 1970 by the Alfred T. Established in 1991 through a bequest Stanley Foundation, New York of Lillian Baker, Hallandale, Florida

The Egle Forti Ancona The Florence and Theodore Scholarship in Perpetuity Baumritter Scholarship Fund for (The Dana Fund) Russian Students

Established in 1993 through a bequest Established in 1991 by Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. Egle Forti, Rome, Italy Theodore Baumritter, Boca Raton, Florida The Harvey and Sandy Angell Master’s Scholarship in Research The J. Myron and Zachary for the Benefit of Children Michael Bay Scholarship

Established in 2001 by Harvey and Established in 1979 by Jerry Adler and Sandy Angell, Chicago, Illinois friends, and the Mogen David Wine Corporation, Chicago, Illinois The Arizona Women and Science Scholarship The Mollie Freeman Becker Scholarship Established in 1996 by Arizona Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science Established in 1971 by Mrs. Samuel Becker, Newton, Massachusetts Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Shlomo and Rivka Benador The Benjamin M. Bloch The Irena-Ida Bogdanowicz Bursary in Perpetuity Memorial Scholarship Scholarship

Established in 1984 by Shlomo and Established in 1964 by the Faculty of Established in 1994 through a bequest Rivka Benador, Geneva, Switzerland the Weizmann Institute of Science, of Irena-Ida Bogdanowicz, Tel Aviv, Rehovot, Israel Israel The Bendit Foundation Scholarship The Alex and Yudas (Yetta) The Bonder Family Scholarship Bloom Scholarship Fund Established in 2000 by Dr. and Mrs. Emile Bendit and the Bendit Established in 1971 by Philip Bloom, Established in 1994 through the Leon Foundation, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland New York Bonder Trust, Chicago, Illinois

The Joseph W. and Emily J. The Alan I. Bluestein Scholarship The Dr. Louis D. Boshes and

Bernstein Scholarship Established in 1990 by Milton J. Natalie A. Boshes Endowed Established in 1990 by the Amber Bluestein, Palm Beach, Florida Master’s Scholarship Foundation, Chicago, Illinois Established in 2005 through a bequest The Alejandro y Dinorah of Dr. Louis D. and Natalie A. Boshes, The Carolyn and Marvin Birger Margounato Blum Scholarship Chicago, Illinois

Scholarship Established in 1986 by the Leon and The Harold and Harriet Brady Established in 2000 by Marvin Birger, Elena Blum Foundation, Montevideo, Palm Beach, Florida Uruguay Master’s Scholarship Established through a bequest of Harriet The Dr. Henri H. Birnbaum The Edith C. Blum Scholarship Brady, Chicago, Illinois Scholarship Fund The Joan and William J. Brodsky Established in 1979 through a bequest Established in 2007 by the Edith C. of Dr. Henri H. Birnbaum, New York Blum Foundation, New York Scholarship in Photodynamic Cancer Therapy in Perpetuity

The Abraham H. Blank The Louis C. and Edith B. Established in 1995 by the Chicago Scholarship Blumberg Scholarship Fund Committee for the Weizmann Institute

Established in 1979 by Myron Blank, Established in 1989 by the Louis of Science, Chicago, Illinois Des Moines, Iowa Blumberg Foundation, Southfield, Michigan Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Adele S. and Abraham The Dr. Meyer Chapman Scholarship Browner Scholarship in Memorial Bursary Biomedical Research Established in 1971 through a bequest Awards Established in 1999 through a bequest of Dr. Meyer Chapman, Chicago, of Adele Browner, Chicago, Illinois Illinois

M.Sc. Scholarships The Helen G. and Richard B. The Isidore and Theresa Cohen in Perpetuity Bryant Scholarship Fund in Scholarship

Biomedical Research Established in 1973 by the Isidore, Established in 2002 by Helen G. Theresa, and Ronald Cohen Charitable Bryant, Chicago, Illinois Trust, Cape Town, South Africa

The Roel C. Buck Master’s The Cowen Semester Scholarship Scholarship in Nanotechnology in , in Memory Research of Belle and Leonard Cowen, and Sylvia and Irving Schwartz Established in 2010 by the Roel C. Buck Family Foundation, Canada Established in 1996 by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Cowen, Tenafly, New Jersey, The Melva and Martin in memory of their parents Bucksbaum Scholarship in Biomedical/Cardiovascular Scholarship in Biomedical Research Research in Memory of Richard J. Daley ll Established in 1996 in honor of Melva Bucksbaum and in memory of her Established in 2002 by friends of husband, Martin, by family and friends, William M. Daley, Chicago, Illinois Des Moines, Iowa The Joseph and Sadie Danciger The John and Dana Burgess Scholarship

Scholarship in Biomedical Established in 1987 by the Sadie Research Danciger Trust and the Joseph and Established in 2000 by International Sadie Danciger Fund, Kansas City, Profit Associates, Buffalo Grove, Illinois Missouri Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Helen and Harry Hans Davis The Alan Dixon Scholarship in The Alex Elovic Memorial Memorial Scholarship Cancer Research Scholarship

Established in 2002 through a Established in 1977 by the Hon. Alan J. Established in 1996 through a bequest bequest of Helen J. Davis, Wyncote, Dixon, St. Louis, Missouri of Bernat Elovic, Miami Beach, Florida Pennsylvania The Jack and Simon Djanogly The Louis E. Emerman The Amos and Hortense Deinard Scholarship in Perpetuity Scholarship in Biomedical Memorial Scholarship Established in 1985 by Sir Harry Research Established in 1989 through a bequest Djanogly, London, United Kingdom Established in 1999 by the Saul and of Hortense H. Deinard, Minneapolis, Devorah Sherman Fund, Chicago, Minnesota The Pearl and Morris Dry Illinois Scholarship The Dekker Foundation Master’s The Charles I. and Fanny Established in 1966 by Sidney Dry, Scholarship Chicago, Illinois Engelstein Endowment Fund Established in 2011 by the Dekker Established in 1995 through a bequest Foundation, Weston, Connecticut The Dr. Yehuda and Leah of Fanny Engelstein, New York Dubowski Scholarship The Kitty Waas Dekker, Simon The Bina and Icchak-Meir Erlich Established in 1988 by Leah Dubowski, Waas, and Rosette Dekker Kiryat Ono, Israel Fund Scholarship Established in 1987 through a bequest Established in 1998 through a bequest The Batsheva and Joseph Eden of their daughter Hanna Erlich, Bendzin, of Rosette Dekker, United Kingdom Scholarship Poland

Established in 2007 by Batsheva and The Samuel Denmark Family The Belle and Philip Feinberg Joseph Eden, Great Neck, New York Scholarship Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Samuel The Dr. Joshua and Helene Established in 1983 by Abraham Denmark Family Philanthropic Fund, Ehrlich Memorial Scholarship Feinberg, New York Scottsdale, Arizona Established in 1987 through a bequest The Dr. Judith Schneider and Dr. of Helene Ehrlich, Miami, Florida The Nathan and Leah DeWoskin E. Richard Feinberg Scholarship Memorial Scholarship in The Bella and Hyman Eisenbaum Established in 1981 by Belle S. Meller, Biomedical/Cancer Research Scholarship New York

Established in 2004 by William Established in 1994 through the Bella DeWoskin and Doris D. Roskin, Eisenbaum Trust, Miami Beach, Florida Chicago, Illinois Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Lillian Feinberg Scholarship The Joseph E. and Rose Fisher Scholarship Scholarship Established in 1983 by Abraham Feinberg, New York Established in 1978 by Mr. and Mrs. Awards Joseph E. Fisher, Canton, Ohio The Shirley and Judge Wilfred Feinberg Scholarship The Rita Friedell and Donald M.Sc. Scholarships Fiterman Scholarship in Perpetuity Established in 1983 by Abraham Feinberg, New York Established in 1969 by Mr. and Mrs. Morlan Fiterman, Highland Park, Illinois The Meyer Feldman Memorial Scholarship The Sonia Floomberg Memorial

Established in 1973 through a bequest Scholarship of Meyer Feldman, Tucson, Arizona Established in 1998 through a bequest of Sonia Floomberg, Montreal, Quebec, The Joel Fellner and Gisella Canada Schreiber Fellner and Ernest Ludwig Mannheimer and The Alexander and Lilly Foldes Arabella Weiss Mannheimer Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Fund Established in 1981 through a bequest Established in 1983 by the Leopold and of Lilly Foldes, New York Clara M. Fellner Charitable Foundation, Los Angeles, California The Malcolm Fraser Scholarship in Medical Biology

The Pauline and Maximilian Established in 1981 in honor of Firestone Bursary Malcolm Fraser by the Australian Established in 1978 by Maximilian Association for the Weizmann Institute Firestone, New York of Science

The Aaron and Zlata Fish The Joyce and Joseph J. Freed Memorial Bursary Family Scholarship

Established in 1980 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1995 by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fish, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Joseph Freed, Wheeling, Illinois Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Helen and Charles Friedman The Florence Gambino The Morris and Rose Goldman Scholarship Fund Scholarship Scholarships

Established in 1986 by Helen and Established in 2000 through a bequest Established in 1987 by Rose Goldman, Charles Friedman, Paradise Valley, of Florence Gambino, Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Arizona The Rachel and Herzl Getzler The Richard and Rhoda Goldman The William F. Fuerst Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Fund Established in 2008 by Gad and Talia Established in 1982 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1989 through a bequest Zeevi, Haifa, Israel Richard Goldman, San Francisco, of Madeleine Fuerst, New York California The Bessie and Barnet Ginsburg The Margot and Alfred Furth - Memorial Scholarship The Samuel L. and Rebecca R. Regina Fleischer Scholarship in Goldstein Bursary Established in 1971 by the Bessie and Chemistry Barnet Ginsburg Memorial Foundation, Established in 1977 through a Established in 1992 through a bequest Westhampton Beach, New York bequest of Samuel Goldstein, Lynn, of Regina Fleischer, and by Alfred Furth, Massachusetts New York, in memory of his wife, The Israel, Sara, and L. Chester Margot Glaser Scholarship The Phillip and Beverly Goldstick Scholarship Established in 1975 through a bequest The Naomi and Morris Futorian of L. Chester Glaser, New York Established in 1980 by Phillip C. Scholarship Goldstick, Chicago, Illinois Established in 1994 by Naomi Futorian, The Dr. Anna Goldfeder Northbrook, Illinois Scholarship The John P. Gommes and Fruma Steinmetz Fund Established in 1994 through a bequest The Prof. Eugene Gadol of Dr. Anna Goldfeder, New York Established in 2011 by the Britto Scholarship Foundation, London, United Kingdom Established in 2004 through a bequest The Harry Goldman Memorial of Prof. Eugene Gadol, Vienna, Austria Scholarship The Dorothy and Maurice Gordon Scholarship Established in 1975 through a bequest The Leo and Frances Gallin of Harry Goldman, New York Established in 1968 by Centrose Scholarship Associates, Boston, Massachusetts Established in 1994 by Leo and Frances Gallin, Los Angeles, California Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Ethel and Anne Gordon The Jules R. Green Scholarship in Scholarship Scholarship Perpetuity Established in 1990 through a bequest Established in 1980 by Jules R. Green, Awards of Ethel Y. Gordon, New York Chicago, Illinois, in memory of his wife, Rose, and son, Michael Jay Green The Helena F. and Jacob Y. M.Sc. Scholarships Gordon Scholarship The Scott David Greenberg in Perpetuity Scholarship in Physics Research Established in 1973 by Mrs. Jacob Y. Gordon, Newton, Massachusetts Established in 2001 by Scott D. Greenberg, Buffalo Grove, Illinois The William and Mildred Gosden Scholarship Fund in Honor of the The Nandor F. Gross Scholarship

Gosden Family Established in 1982 through a bequest Established in 2005 by Mildred Gosden, of Kalman Gross, New York Sun City, Arizona The Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky The Salomon and Augusta Family Scholarship Endowment Gottfried Scholarship Fund

Established in 1997 by Kurt and Sorel Established in 1979 by the Isadore and Gottfried, Ithaca, New York, in memory Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation, of Dr. Gottfried’s parents Potomac, Maryland

The Victor Graber Memorial The Haas Family Scholarship in Scholarship Scientific Research

Established in 1999 by David Graber, Established in 2007 by Dr. and Mrs. Alameda, California David Haas, Suffern, New York

The Harold J. and Marion Green The Dr.-Ing. Jerzy Hanowski Scholarship in Perpetuity Scholarship

Established in 1970 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1992 through a bequest Harold J. Green, Chicago, Illinois of Lola Hanowski, Aachen, Germany Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Heinrich and Gisa Blum The Carylon and Julius L. The Fanny E. and Lewis J. Isaacs Harpuder Memorial Scholarship Hemmelstein Scholarship in Scholarship

Established in 1982 through a bequest Perpetuity Established in 1989 through the Fanny of Heinrich Harpuder, Bronx, New York Established in 2001 by the Carylon E. Isaacs Living Trust, Glencoe, Illinois Foundation, Chicago, Illinois The B. J. Harris Scholarship The Thomas and Ruth Isackson

Established in 1970 by B. J. Harris, Palm The Barry Hershman and Memorial Scholarship Award Beach, Florida Barbara Isaacson Scholarship in Established in 1992 through a bequest Biomedical and Cancer Research of Ruth Isackson, Miami Beach, Florida The Gertrude and Benjamin R. Established in 2001 by Barry Harris Scholarship Hershman, Des Plaines, Illinois The Barbara and Jon M. Kaufman

Established in 1989 through bequests Scholarship in Particle Physics of Gertrude and Benjamin R. Harris, The Fay and Harry Hoffman Established in 2008 by Jon M. Kaufman, Chicago, Illinois Scholarship New York Established in 1982 by Harry Hoffman, The Harry Julius Harris family and friends, Chicago, Illinois The Benjamin Kaufman Scholarship Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1997 through a bequest The Benjamin S. Hornstein Established in 1995 by Nathan Jacobs, of Dorothy Harris and by Anne Ingber, Scholarship Fund New York New York Established in 1989 through a bequest of Benjamin S. Hornstein, New York The Udi Khazam Memorial The Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Scholarship Scholarship in Brain Research The Anna Hurwitz Scholarship Established in 1996 by the Khazam Established in 1997 by friends and in Perpetuity Family, London, United Kingdom, and supporters, Chicago Committee for Established in 1983 by Allan Hurwitz, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada the Weizmann Institute of Science, Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Ilinois The Nora Lifschultz Bergman The Evelyn and Harold Igdaloff and Edward Klein Scholarship in The Dr. Esther Hellinger Scholarship Fund Biomedical Research Memorial Scholarship Established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1998 by Edward Klein, Established in 1986 through a bequest Harold Igdaloff, Los Angeles, California Rancho Mirage, California, and S. Nora of Dr. Esther Hellinger, London, United Bergman, Chicago, Illinois Kingdom Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Neil David Konheim The Frank Korrick Scholarship Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Established in 1991 through a bequest Established in 1985 by George of Francis Charles Korrick, Sydney, Awards Konheim, Beverly Hills, California Australia

The Arthur Konviser Memorial The Esther B. and Milton J. M.Sc. Scholarships Scholarship in Cancer Research Krainin Master’s Scholarship in Perpetuity Established in 2007 by Dr. Eudice Established in 2006 by Dr. Milton J. Goldberg and friends, Toronto, Ontario, Krainin, Atlanta, Georgia Canada The Margaret S. Kramer The Dr. David Kopel Scholarship Scholarship

in Perpetuity Established in 1999 by Margaret S. Established in 1997 through a bequest Kramer, Palm Beach, Florida of Dr. David Kopel, Chicago, Illinois The Samuel and Ronnie Kraut The Richard Koret Scholarship Scholarship in the Life Sciences

Established in 1968 by the trustees of Established in 1988 by Ricky Kraut the Richard Koret Foundation, New through bequests of her parents, York Samuel and Ronnie Kraut, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The Joseph Korodi Memorial Scholarship The Anne P. Lederer Master’s Scholarship in Brain Research Established in 1993 by Emmy Singer, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Established in 1998 by the Anne P. Lederer Research Institute, Chicago, The Alex and Lilly Koron Illinois Scholarship The Philmore A. and Judith Established in 2008 through bequests of Leemon Scholarship in Brain Alex and Lilly Koron, Chicago, Illinois Research

Established in 1997 by Philmore A. and Judith Leemon, Las Vegas, Nevada Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Dr. Aaron M. Lefkovits The Morris I. Lewisohn The Bert and Etta Liss Scholarship Fund Bursary Scholarship Scholarship

Established in 1986 by Dr. Aaron Established in 1976 through a bequest Established in 2011 through a bequest Lefkovits, Memphis, Tennessee of Morris I. Lewisohn, Teaneck, New of Bert and Etta Liss Jersey The Dr. Sophie N. Leschin The Meyer Loomstein Scholarship Fund The Leyfell Family Master’s Scholarship Scholarship Established in 1985 through a bequest Established in 1982 by Meyer of Dr. Sophie N. Leschin, Chicago, Established in 2001 by Mr. and Mrs. Loomstein, Hollywood, Florida Illinois Aleksander Leyfell, Cambridge, Massachusetts The Josef and Avraham (Avi) The Eudyce H. Levin Scholarship Isser Luchfeld Memorial Bursary in Cancer Research The Dorothy and Elias Lieberman Established in 1986 by Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Scholarship Established in 1984 by Wallace “Bud” Josef Luchfeld, Montreal, Quebec, Levin, North Miami Beach, Florida Established in 1972 by the Elias Canada Lieberman Memorial Foundation, The Wallace S. Levin Scholarship Jamaica, New York The Lou and Miriam Ludwig Fund Scholarship The Jacob P. and Estelle Established in 1997 by Mark Levin, Established in 1974 through a bequest Lieberman Scholarship Davie, Florida of Louis Ludwig, New York Established in 1990 by the International The Chaim Michel and Chaya Fund for Education and Career The Henry and Louis Malakoff Freyda Levine Scholarship, Development, Tel Aviv, Israel Scholarship Fund, New Rochelle, established by their son, Jules New York The Terri and Barry Lind Lawren Established in 1991 by Rebecca Scholarship for New Scientists Established in 1995 through a bequest Malakoff, Brooklyn, New York Specializing in Cancer Research of Jules Lawren, New York Established in 2004 by Mr. and Mrs. The Judd D. Malkin Scholarship The Irena and Morris Goldstein Barry J. Lind, Chicago, Illinois in General Biomedical Research and Stefan Joram Lewari Established in 2004 by Judd Malkin and The Abe Lisan Educational Grant Memorial Scholarship Barry Malkin, Chicago, Illinois Bursary Established in 1988 through a bequest of Irena Lewari, Cape Town, South Established in 1974 through a bequest Africa of Abe Lisan, Glenside, Pennsylvania Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Sheldon J. Mandell The Joseph and Mable E. Meites Scholarship Scholarship in Cancer Research Scholarship Fund Established in 2002 by Sheldon J. Established in 1983 by Joseph and Awards Mandell, Chicago, Illinois Mable E. Meites, Okemos, Michigan

The Alexander and Mary The Nora Menascé Scholarship M.Sc. Scholarships Margolis and Bernard A. in Cancer Research in Perpetuity Margolis Perpetual Memorial Established in 2002 through a bequest Scholarship Fund of Nora Menascé, Milan, Italy Established in 1993 through a bequest of Bernard A. Margolis, Brooklyn, New The Martin and Dianne Mendoza York Scholarship

Established in 1991 in honor of Martin The Ben and Ruth Marks and Dianne Mendoza by friends and Scholarship admirers, London, United Kingdom Established in 1990 by Ben and Ruth Marks, North Miami Beach, Florida The Leo Meyer Scholarship

Established in 1965 through a bequest The Judge Abraham Lincoln of Leo Meyer, San Francisco, California Marovitz Scholarship for the Study of Aging The Dr. Bert Migicovsky

Established in 1996 by friends of the Scholarship late Hon. Judge Abraham Lincoln Established in 1990 by the Ottawa Marovitz, Chicago, Illinois Jewish Community, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada The Joory Mashal Bursary

Established in 1981 by Joory and The Minzer Family Fund Doreen Mashal, Montreal, Quebec, Scholarship

Canada Established in 1978 by Margaret and Sol Minzer, Dallas, Texas The Samuel Mayer Bursary

Established in 1973 by Elsie Mayer, Santa Monica, California Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Pola and Elias Mirson The Harold Paul Novick The Harry and Evelyn F. Platoff Scholarship Scholarship in Perpetuity Memorial Bursary

Established in 1989 through a bequest Established in 1982 by Mr. and Mrs. Established in 1975 through a bequest of Pola Mirson, Buenos Aires, Argentina Samson Novick, New York of Evelyn F. Platoff, Miami Beach, Florida The Paul and Felicia Muskat The Cemach Oiserman Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund The Edith and Henry Plessner Scholarship Established in 1984 through a bequest Established in 1999 through the offices of Paul Muskat, Toronto, Ontario, of Yehuda Assia, Geneva, Switzerland Established in 1991 through a bequest Canada of Edith Plessner, New York The Walter Pancoe Scholarship The Inez P. and David N. Myers The David and Janet Polak Established in 1992 by Walter Pancoe, Scholarship Chicago, Illinois Scholarship Established in 1981 by the David Established in 1997 by Mr. and Mrs. and Inez Myers Scholarship Fund, The Cecile and Ben Pekin David Polak, Beverly Hills, California Cleveland, Ohio Scholarship The David Pollin Revolving Established in 2002 by Cecile and Ben The Fanny Fletcher Naxon Pekin, Highland Park, Illinois Scholarship Fund and Meyer Naxon Memorial Established in 2000 through a bequest Scholarship in Perpetuity The Gertrude and Ivar Philipson of Dan Pollin, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Established in 1984 through a bequest Bursary The Sidney L. and Betty B. Port of Meyer Naxon, Beverly Hills, Established in 1961 through bequests of California Gertrude and Ivar Philipson, Stockholm, Scholarship in Perpetuity Sweden Established in 2003 by Sidney L. Port, The Clara and Bela B. Nevai Chicago, Illinois Scholarship The Rose and Israel Pincus Established in 1972 by Mr. and Mrs. Bursary in Perpetuity The Alfred Prager Scholarship in

Bela B. Nevai, Dobbs Ferry, New York Established in 1987 by William B. Perpetuity Ingram, Laguna Hills, California Established in 1970 by the American The Dr. Louis B. and Rose M. Committee for the Weizmann Institute Newman Scholarship of Science, and through a bequest of Established in 1971 by Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Auerbach, New York Louis B. Newman, Chicago, Illinois Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Brothers Moses and Meyer The Aida and Jerome Robinson Scholarship Pupko Trust Fund Bursary Scholarship Endowment Fund Established in 1971 through a bequest Established in 2003 by Jerome and Aida Awards of Abraham Pupko, Seattle, Washington Robinson, Fort Lee, New Jersey

The Rona and David Radler/Sun The Lillian L. Rolde Memorial M.Sc. Scholarships Times Scholarship in Biomedical Scholarship in Perpetuity Research Established in 1981 by L. Robert Rolde, Established in 1997 in honor of F. David Boston, Massachusetts Radler by the Chicago Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, The Dorothy and Irving Rom Chicago, Illinois Scholarship

Established in 1990 by the Irving and The Ruth Epstein Recu Dorothy Rom Charitable Trust, Chicago, Scholarship Illinois Established in 1980 by Ruth Recu, Chicago, Illinois The Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation Scholarship The Harry and Mildred Remis Established in 1990 by Ben and Esther Scholarship Rosenbloom, Baltimore, Maryland Established in 1973 by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Remis, Peabody, Massachusetts The Charles J. Rosenbloom Memorial Bursary The Anna and Max Resnick Established in 1973 through a bequest Scholarship of Charles J. Rosenbloom, Pittsburgh, Established in 1996 by Howard Resnick, Pennsylvania Chicago, Illinois The Isidore Rosenkrantz The Prof. David Rittenberg Scholarship

Memorial Bursary Established in 1960 through a bequest Established in 1971 in memory of her of Isidore Rosenkrantz, St. Paul, husband by Mrs. S. Rittenberg and Minnesota friends, New York Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Anna and Leo Rosner The Ann B. Sadowsky The Sylvia and Aaron Scheinfeld Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship

Established in 1986 by the Leo Rosner Established in 1987 through a bequest Established in 1976 by Mrs. Aaron Endowment Fund, Miami Beach, of Ann Sadowsky, Mineola, New York Scheinfeld, Chicago, Illinois Florida The Dr. Alexander Salamon The Harry and Mae Schetzen The Celia and Nelson Rostow Memorial Endowment Fund and Prof. Martin Schetzen Scholarship Established in 2006 by Lilly Salcman, Scholarship Established in 1987 through a bequest Julie Salamon, and Dr. Suzanne Established in 1979 by Mae Schetzen, of Nelson Rostow, New Haven, Salamon, Florida, New York, and New York Connecticut Massachusetts The Dr. Oskar and Sally The Sara Rottenberg Scholarship The Bernard and Edith Samers Schickler Scholarship Fund in Cancer Research Scholarship in Cancer Research Established in 2007 through a bequest Established in 1994 by Sophie Kalina, Established in 1997 in honor and in of Dr. Oskar Schickler, Montreal, New York, in memory of her mother memory of Bernard Samers, former Canada Executive Vice-President, American The Rachelle Rubin (nee Blecher) Committee for the Weizmann Institute The Ida and Abraham Schneider Scholarship of Science, New York Scholarship

Established in 1991 by Rachelle Lea Established in 1968 by Abraham The Marvin Sands Endowed Rubin, Dusseldorf, Germany Schneider, Palm Beach, Florida Master’s Scholarship Fund

The David and Eleanore Rukin Established in 2003 in honor of Marvin The Max Schoenfeld Scholarship Scholarship Sands by South Florida Friends of the Established in 1976 by Walter E. Weizmann Institute of Science Established in 1981 by the David Schoenfeld, Seattle, Washington and Eleanore Rukin Philanthropic The Elsie Olin and Philip D. Sang Foundation, Saddle River, New Jersey The Stuart and Sarah Schulman Scholarship Scholarship Fund The Rymer Family Scholarship Established in 1995 by Elsie Olin Sang, Established in 1991 by Dr. and Mrs. Chicago, Illinois Established in 1986 by the Barry Rymer Stuart Schulman, Boca Raton, Florida Trust, Chicago, Illinois The Jerome D. and Beverly The Joseph Schumer Scholarship Scheer Scholarship Established in 1964 through a bequest Established in 1989 by Jerome D. and of Joseph Schumer, New York Beverly Scheer, Potomac, Maryland Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Rabbi Samuel and Charlotte The Irving I. Singer Foundation Scholarship Schwartz Scholarship Scholarship Established in 1981 by their son James Established in 1974 by the Irving I. Awards L. Schwartz, Highland Park, Illinois Singer Foundation, New York

The Segal Scholarship in The Yvette Slotnick Scholarship M.Sc. Scholarships Biomedical Research Fund in Perpetuity Established in 2000 by Joan and Established in 1998 by Rhea Slotnick, George I. Segal, Chicago, Illinois Margate, Florida

The Henry and Soretta Shapiro The Sabine and Jeremy Smouha Master’s Scholarship Scholarship

Established in 1996 by the Soretta and Established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shapiro Family Foundation, Jeremy Smouha, London, United Chicago, Illinois Kingdom

The Sabina D. and Benjamin The Rabbi and Mrs. Aaron Shapiro Scholarship Fund Solomon Bursary

Established in 1999 through a bequest Established in 1982 by Dr. Jonathan G. of Sabina D. Shapiro, New York Solomon, Hampton, Virginia, in honor of his parents The Ruth and Leonard Simon Scholarship in Leukemia/Cancer The Paula and Ernest Sommers Research Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Ruth Simon, Established in 1998 by Ernest Sommers, Wilmette, Illinois Chicago, Illinois

The Rochelle and Harold The Eliezer and Genia (Chaine) Simpson Scholarship Sotskover Scholarship

Established in 2003 by Harold and Established in 1992 through bequests of Rochelle Simpson, Delray Beach, Eliezer and Genia (Chaine) Sotskover, Florida Ramat Gan, Israel Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Hazel and David Spatz The Swiss Society of Friends The Minnie and Arthur Vare Scholarship of the Weizmann Institute of Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Spatz Family Science Scholarship in Perpetuity Established in 1968 by the Minnie and Foundation, Chicago, Illinois Established in 1985 by the Swiss Society Arthur Vare Foundation, New York of Friends of the Weizmann Institute, The Samuel J. Spector and Zurich, Switzerland The Rose and Ben N. Vollen Augusta Spector Bursary Scholarship The Nachman Syrkin and Mendel Established in 1978 through a bequest Established in 1993 through a bequest of Augusta Spector, New York Osnos Scholarship of Ben N. Vollen, Chicago, Illinois Established in 1999 by Drs. Morton G. The Blanche and Max Steig and Zivia Wurtele, Berkeley, California The Wagner-Braunsberg Family Memorial Scholarship Fund Foundation Scholarship Fund The Armin and Etel (Angyal) Established in 1993 through a bequest Established in 2008 by Mr. and Mrs. of Blanche Steig, New York Szolovits Master’s Scholarship Peter Wagner, and Elizabeth Wagner, Established in 2001 through bequests of Rockville, Maryland The Oscar H. Stern Memorial Armin and Etel Szolovits, Hollywood, Scholarship California The Norma Walk Memorial Scholarship Established in 1976 through a bequest The Isaac H. Taylor Scholarship of Oscar H. Stern, New York Established in 1971 through a bequest Established in 1972 by Isaac H. Taylor, of Norma Walk, New York The Leo and Rachel Sussman Ellicott City, Maryland Scholarship Fund The Raoul Wallenberg The Yael and Rami Ungar Scholarship Established in 2008 through a bequest Master’s Scholarship in of Rachel Sussman, Garden City, New Established in 1980 by the Swedish York Perpetuity Committee and the Canadian Society Established in 2010 by Rami and Yael for the Weizmann Institute of Science The Roy L. Swarzman Ungar, Israel Scholarship in Perpetuity The George Wasserman Family The Werner and Daughter Renee Foundation/Janice Wasserman Established in 1990 by Matthew Bucksbaum, Marvin Pomerantz, and Usansky Memorial Bursary Goldsten Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Isaacson, Des Established in 1982 by Sra. Sara Z. de Established in 1994 by the George Moines, Iowa Usansky, Buenos Aires, Argentina Wasserman Foundation, Inc. and by Janice Wasserman Goldsten, Washington, D.C. Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Dr. Edgar Weil Memorial The Samuel Wendorf Bursary for Scholarship Bursary the Feinberg Graduate School Established in 1975 by an anonymous Established in 2001 through a bequest Awards donor, Los Angeles, California of Samuel Wendorf, Milwaukee, Wisconsin The Charles Weinfeld Memorial M.Sc. Scholarships Scholarship The Sarah Werch Research in Perpetuity Scholarship Fund Established in 1972 by the Charles Weinfeld Trust, Northbrook, Illinois Established in 1994 by the Solomon Carl Werch Trust, Chicago, Illinois The Celeste and Joseph Weingarten Memorial The J. Stanley and Rose Weyman Scholarship Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1987 by Nancy Established in 1997 by Anne Weyman, Weingarten and friends, Boston, London, United Kingdom Massachusetts The Estelle White Memorial The Edythe and Samuel Scholarship Fund

Weinstein Scholarship Established in 2001 through a bequest Established in 2002 by the Samuel of Estelle White, New York Weinstein Family Foundation, Niles, Illinois The William W. Wilkow Scholarship Fund The Joe and Celia Weinstein Established in 1987 by Mrs. William W. Master’s Scholarship in Wilkow, Chicago, Illinois Perpetuity

Established in 1995 by Major Max and The Dr. Albert and Blanche Sylvia Shulman, New York Willner Scholarship for Russian Students The Dr. Lee Franklin Weinstock Established in 1993 by Dr. and Mrs. Leadership Scholarship Albert Willner, Delray Beach, Florida Established in 1994 through a bequest of Dr. Lee Franklin Weinstock, Detroit, Michigan Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Women of Vision The William N. Zinn Endowed Scholarship Fund for Breast and Master’s Scholarship

Ovarian Cancer Research Established in 2003 by Robert Zinn, Established in 1996 by friends and Houston, Texas, and Natalie Zinn Haar, supporters, South Florida Committee Cambridge, Massachusetts for the Weizmann Institute of Science The Samuel Zonne Semester The Milton Young Memorial Scholarship

Bursary Established in 1980 through a bequest Established in 1980 by friends of Milton of Samuel Zonne, Minneapolis, Young, New York Minnesota

The Alice Zacharia Scholarship The Lillian and Samuel L. Zuckerman Bursary Established in 1983 by Madame Alice Zacharia, Paris, France Established in 1959 by the Zuckerman family, New York, in honor of their The Louis and Celia Zeibell parents’ golden wedding anniversary and Ida Zeibell Scholarship in Perpetuity

Established in 1995 by Jack Zeibell, Chicago, Illinois

The Ronald Zemell Memorial Master’s Scholarship in Immunology or Biomedical Research

Established in 2001 by Dr. and Mrs. David S. Papermaster, Bloomfield, Connecticut, in memory of Ronald Zemell Weizmann Institute of Science | Feinberg Graduate School | 2012 Graduates

The Gerda and Joseph Brender The Edward C. and Linda Scholarship Scholarship Dresner Levy Foundation Established in 2011 by Miriam and Master’s Scholarship Awards Merle Hinrichs, Hong Kong, China Established in 2010 by Edward C. Levy and Linda Dresner Levy, Detroit, The Cavendish Charitable Michigan Annual and Semester Foundation Scholarship M.Sc. Scholarships The Charles and Denise Established in 2011 by the Cavendish Charitable Foundation, Switzerland Noparstak Master’s Scholarship Established in 2010 by Charles and The Dana Foundation Denise Noparstak, Northbrook, Illinois Scholarship The Anna and Isidore Roseman Established in 2011 by the Dana Foundation, New York Foundation Semester Bursary Established in 1985 by the Anna and C.A. Delaney Capital Isidore Roseman Foundation, Reading, Management Ltd. Master’s Pennsylvania Scholarship The Lizika and Ami Sagy Established in 2011 by C.A. Delaney Scholarship Capital Management Ltd., Toronto, Canada Established in 2012 by Lizika and Ami Sagy, Ramat Gan, Israel The Judith Kaplan Scholarship Fund The Dr. Otto Schwarz Memorial Graduate Scholarship Fund Established in 2008 by the Judith Anne Kaplan Fund of RSF Social Finance, Established in 1995 through a bequest Sonoma, California of Dr. Otto Schwarz, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Jorge Kassel Scholarship in The Herman de Stern Stiftung the Earth Sciences Scholarship

Established in 1990 by Jorge Kassel, Established in 2007 by the Herman de Naucalpan, Mexico Stern Stiftung, Jerusalem, Israel בנין יעקב זיסקינד Jacob Ziskind Building