THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26 MARCH, 1926. 2193 •dividend on any preference capital which may Board of Trade.— 1926. hereafter be issued, to create and issue •debenture stock and preference shares or stock GAS. (redeemable or irredeemable) and other securi- ties and to attach to such shares or stock or (Application for Special Order under Section •any class thereof such dividends, interest, 10 of the Gas Eegulation Act 1920). priorities or rights as may be found desirable is hereby given that the British and to provide as to the issue of shares to Gas Light Company Limited (herein- •employees of the Company under the Com- after called ' ' the Company ' ') whose registered pany's co-partnership scheme. office is at 2, The Abbey Garden, Westminster, To confer further powers on the Company intend to apply to the Board of Trade for a as to the purchase and working up of residual Special Order under Section 10 of the Gas products, to make provision as to charges for Regulation Act 1920 with respect to the special reading of meters, relief from obligation Norwich undertaking of the Company for all to supply in certain cases, the cutting off and or some, of the following purposes (that is to re-connecting supplies and expenses thereof, say) :— the construction and placing of pipes etc., the To extend the limits within which the Com- repair of piping or appliances in a dangerous pany are authorised to supply gas and to condition, the supply of gas to premises where authorise them to supply gas within the follow- the consumer has a separate supply of gas, ing urban district and parishes in the County electricity, steam or other form of energy, of : high pressure air-valves, bulk supplies to and The Urban District of North Walsham. from local authorities, companies or persons beyond the limits of supply of the Company, In the RuraL District of Aylsham — the granting of gratuities, pensions, and super- The parishes of Aylsham, Banningham, annuation allowances, and subscriptions- to Blickling, Brampton, Burgh next hospitals, infirmaries etc.., and funds of Aylsham, Buxton, Cawston, Corpusty, employees of the Company, the authentication Hackford, Hevingham, Heydon, Ingwortn, and service of notices, and as to penalties and Irmingland, Lamas with Little Hautbois, demands and the recovery thereof, and the Marsham, Oulton, Oxnead, Reepham inclusion of several sums of money in one with Kerdiston, Reepham, Sail, Sax- summons. thorpe, Scottow, Skeyton, Stratton Strawless, Swanton-Abbot, Tuttington and To incorporate and apply, with or without Whitwell. modification, any provisions of the Gasworks Clauses Acts, 1847 and 1871, the Gas Regu- In the Rural District of Blofield — lation Act, 1920, and the Herne Bay Gas and The parishes of Acle, Beighton, Bucken- Electricity Acts, 1899 to 1913, and to repeal ham, Burlingham St. Andrew, Burling- or amend any provisions of such last men- ham St. Edmund, Burlingham St. Peter, tioned Acts and of the Herne Bay Gas Cantley, Hassingham, Hemblington, (Charges) Order, 1921, and the Heme Bay Gas Lingwood, Panxworth, Ranworth, South (Capital Issues) Consent, 1922, and any other Walsham, Southwood, Strumpshaw, Act ori Order affecting the Company. Upton and Woodbastwick. Any local or other public authority, com- pany . or person desiring to bring before the In the Rural District of Depwade Board of Trade any objection to the draft Order The parishes of Ashwellthorpe, Forn- may do so by registered letter addressed to cett St Mary, St. Peter, the Director of Gas Administration, Board of Fundenhall, Hapton, and Trade, Great George Street, London, S.W. 1, . and despatched on or before the 27th dav of In the Rural District of Erpingham— April, 1926. The parishes of Gimingham, Knapton, Any such objection must state (a) the Mundesley, Trimingham and Trunch. specific grounds of objection, (b) the omis- sions, additions or modifications asked for. In the Rural District of Forehoe— A copy of the objection must be forwarded The parishes of Barford, Barnham to the applicants for the Order addressed to Broom, , Brandon Parva, Carl- the undersigned Parliamentary Agents at the ton Forehoe, Colton, Coston, Crownthorpe, same time as it is sent to the Board of Trade. , Easton, Hackford, Hingham, Kimberley, Marlingford, Morley St. A copy of the draft Order has been deposited Botolph, Morley St. Peter, , for public inspection with the Clerk of the Welborne, , , Peace for the County of Kent at his office at and . Maidstone and also at the Company's Office, 91-95, High Street, Herne Bay. In the Rural District of Henstead— The parishes of Arminghall, , Printed copies of the draft Order may be Bracon Ash, , Caistor St. purchased at the office of the Company, 91-95, Edmunds, Dunston, , Flor- High Street, Herne Bay aforesaid, and at the don, Framingham. Earl, Framingham office of the undersigned Parliamentary Pigot, , , . Agents at a price of one shilling per copy. , Intwood, Keswick, Kettering- Dated this 24th day of March, 1926. ham, , , Markshall, Mulbarton, , VIZARD OLDHAM CROWDEB, AND CASH, Poringlaaad, Rockland St. Mary, Saxling- 6, Little College Street, Westminster, ham Thorpe and Saxlinghani Nethergate, <193) S.W. 1, Parliamentary Agents. Shotesham All Saints, St.