Catholic Church in the Us 1475 Washington
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. 1475 WASHINGTON (WDC) Norton Rd., Potomac, 20854. Tel: 301-299-0806; Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, 20903. Tel: 301- [1200]—Society of the Divine Savior (Milwaukee, WI)— Fax: 301-299-0809. 445-7970; Fax: 301-422-5400. S.D.S. ROCKVILLE,MD. Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Saint Luke Institute, Inc., 8901 New Hampshire [0420]—Society of the Divine Word—S.V.D. Women, 520 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, 20852. Tel: Ave., Silver Spring, 20903. Tel: 301-445-7970; Fax: [1290]—Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice—S.S. 301-424-5550; Fax: 301-424-5579. Rev. Msgr. Rob- 301-422-5400; Email:; Web: www. [0640]—Sons of the Holy Family—S.F. ert G. Amey, V.F., Moderator & Spiritual Dir.; Rev. David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy. [0700]—St. Joseph Society of the Sacred Heart—S.S.J. Ellen-Jane Pairo, Pres. D., Pres.; Taryn Millar, Psy.D., COO. The Institute [0560]—Third Order Regular of Saint Francis (Prov. of Avondale Park Apartments, Inc. (1997) c/o Victory provides education and research and is an accred- the Immaculate Conception)—T.O.R. Housing, 11400 Rockville Pike, Ste. 505, Rockville, ited treatment center for clergy and religious. Bed RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES OF WOMEN 20852. Tel: 301-493-6000; Fax: 301-493-9788; Capacity 54; Tot Asst. Annually 547; Total Staff REPRESENTED IN THE ARCHDIOCESE Email:; Web: www. 64. [0100]—Adorers of the Blood of Christ—A.S.C. Lumen Catechetical Consultants, Inc.
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