2020 ESU Branch TLab Scholarship Handbook

THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION OF THE 144 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016 212-818-1200 ext. 246 [email protected] www.esuus.org

Table of Contents

Memo to Branches 3

Program Overview 4-7

• TLab Scholarship Committee

• TLab Scholarship Teacher Selection

• Funding and Partnerships

• Partnering Events

• Scholarship Application Process

• 2020 TLab Scholarship Timeline

• Mailings to Teachers

• TLab Scholar Interview Notification

Sample Memo to Teachers 8

Interview Materials

• Guidelines for TLab Scholarship Interviewers 9

• TLab Scholarship Interviewers’ Evaluation 10-11

• TLab Scholarship Interview Requirements Checklist 12

• TLab Interview Report 13

Publicizing TLab Scholarships 14

Dispensing TLab Scholarship Funds 15

Branch TLab Scholarship Checklist 16

Websites for Shakespeare’s Globe, the University of and the University of Oxford 17



To: ESU Branch Presidents, Officers and Coordinators

From: Betty Roth, Senior Manager, School and Teacher Programs

Date: September 2019

Dear ESU Branch Presidents and Officers,

It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the 2020 TLAB Scholarship Program.

As a former public school teacher, I can tell you how vital and necessary this program is to my colleagues around the country. Your generosity is enriching classrooms, extending careers, enlightening children and improving communities in countless ways. Your support of teachers is unique and a true manifestation of Sir Evelyn Wrench’s mandate that we use English as a catalyst for understanding. Every year, the teachers you send to classes at Oxford, Edinburgh and the Globe tell us of the value of this life-changing experience. With your help, the English-Speaking Union will continue to support teachers, change careers and impact thousands of students each and every year.

Attached, you’ll find the TLAB Scholarship Handbook. Inside, you’ll find all the tools you need to promote the program, receive applications and select a candidate.

Here is very brief timeline for the TLab program: • Sign up to provide TLab scholarship(s) by October 15, 2019. • We will begin outreach very soon, but we need to know where to target our efforts. Please let us know as soon as possible if you’ll be joining the rest of the ESU in supporting teachers. Once you sign up, we can make a scholarship application available to teachers in your community. Applications can be customized for your branch. • We strongly recommend that you extend your branch deadlines until February 8, 2020 in order to give as many teachers as possible the chance to apply. Your selection committee may then conduct interviews and choose a recipient in the following week. • Send in the 2020 Branch Scholar Entry form (available on our website under “Branch Resources” in November) by February 21, 2020. • Late February/March: Deadlines for teacher applications (decided by British institutions).

As always, it is our pleasure to serve our branches and assist our coordinators. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. On behalf of all the teachers you have supported in the past, and those whose lives you will change in the future, I thank you most sincerely. Your commitment, generosity and dedication to education in your communities is an example to all.

Best regards,

Betty Roth Senior Manager, School and Teacher Programs 3

TLab Branch Scholarships

First Step: Define your branch scholarship.

• Determine the amount of your scholarship(s); tuition for a three-week summer program in 2019 was approximately $5,000. • Partial scholarships are set amounts that cover a portion of a TLab program fee; this amount should be clear to applicants/scholars. • Full scholarships cover the entire TLab program fee and may also include airfare and/or a stipend, in which case that amount should be clear to applicants/scholars. • Note the 3.5% Branch Participation Fee that branches will pay when they are billed for the scholarship. o If your branch is offering a partial scholarship, please be sure to cover the cost of the 3.5% fee in addition to the scholarship amount; if necessary, check with ESU National to determine the amount. • All payments must be received by the start date of the program or the branch will be subject to a penalty charge of 5% of the total amount.

By October 15, 2019 Complete the 2020 TLab Branch Participation Form to confirm your branch’s scholarship(s) for summer 2020

Next step: Select a TLab Coordinator and assemble a Scholarship Selection Committee.

TLab Scholarship Committee

• Must consist of at least two people, one with professional academic experience, if possible. o TLab alumni and ESU National Shakespeare Competition Committee members and/or judges make excellent committee members. • Must include at least one ESU branch board member. • Any TLab Scholarship Committee member affiliated with a candidate or their friends, family or school should recuse themselves from the final selection process.

TLab Scholarship Teacher Selection

• Select teachers who will have the greatest impact and most benefit from an ESU TLab Scholarship: o Mid-career, full-time teachers with 5 to15 years teaching experience. o Teachers who work in schools with a significant number of underserved students. o Teachers who have not studied overseas or participated in extended professional development. o English Language Arts/Literature teachers (rather than drama teachers) are prioritized for the Globe’s “Teaching Shakespeare Through Performance” program. Applications to the Globe should emphasize classroom teaching experiences and not directorial or acting experience. The Globe prefers classroom teachers over “teaching artists.”

• The TLab Scholarship must be advertised to public secondary schools. It may also be open to independent and parochial school teachers.


Funding and Partnerships

TLab programs are two to three weeks in duration, and fees range from approximately $3,000 to $5,000, each.

The fee includes: • Tuition • Most meals • Dorm (with shared bathroom) o Private, en suite accommodations may be available for an extra cost. o Your ESU Branch should discuss with your scholar(s) if this cost is included in their scholarship. Branches are not obligated to, nor do they typically, cover these extra costs.

Each ESU Branch decides whether to provide a full or partial scholarship and whether or not to contribute toward the teachers’ airfare. Many teachers are delighted to receive partial scholarships and may be able to raise additional funds through professional or personal means. Please recommend the Teacher Fundraising Guide to your scholars who may be seeking additional funds, and/or scholars who are not ultimately awarded your branch’s scholarship.

Your ESU Branch TLab Scholarship is the perfect opportunity to increase visibility of the ESU’s educational mission and partner with other local organizations. Identify and contact organizations or businesses in your community who would be interested in supporting the TLab Scholarship.

Partnering Events

Some branches hold an additional event in conjunction with an ESU TLab Scholarship. You may consider one or more of the following events:

• Scholar presentation at branch meeting • TLab alumni teacher workshop • Wrench Lecture


Scholarship Application Process

Prospective scholars will complete and submit the 2020 TLab Scholarship Application Form (available in October 2019). ESU National will post applications to the website.

TLab Scholarship Committees will review the applications, notify potential scholars of their application status and invite those scholars to interview (January-February 2020).

TLab Scholars must be selected by February 21, 2020. TLab Coordinators will complete the 2020 Branch Scholar Entry Form (available on the website under Branch Resources by November) to notify ESU National of the ESU Branch scholars for Summer 2020.

2020 English-Speaking Union TLab Scholarship Timeline

By October 15, 2019 • Complete the 2020 ESU TLab Branch Participation Form. • ESU Branches must notify ESU National of any branch-specific stipulations for TLab Scholars. October 17, 2019 • 2020 ESU TLab Branch Scholarship Application Forms available on our website. Each branch will have its own application that will be forwarded instantaneously and directly to each branch TLab coordinator. November-December 2019 • Outreach locally and nationally. ESU to provide emails and online resources for branches and teachers. January-February 2020 • Branches conduct interviews for ESU Branch TLab Scholarships. February 21, 2020 • Deadline for branches to complete the 2020 Branch Scholar Entry Form; your branch must select your scholar(s) by this date. This deadline was created based on application deadlines for the British institutions. • Applications to British institutions (University of Oxford, Shakespeare’s Globe and SUISS) are due to ESU National. ESU National will forward these applications to the respective institutions.

Please note: Most TLab Scholars are accepted to their first choice program. However, these programs have limited availability and acceptance is not guaranteed. Final acceptance is determined by the British institution, not the ESU (branch or national). April 2020 • TLab Scholars are notified of the status of their application by the British institutions. National does not notify as schools have the final say. May-June 2020 • Invoices are sent to the ESU Branch Presidents, Treasurers, TLab Chairs and TLab Scholars (if applicable). The 3.5% Branch Participation Fee will be included in the invoice to the branch. • Invoices that are not fulfilled by the program start date will be subject to a 5% penalty (of the total amount). July-August 2020 • ESU TLab Scholars in residence in the UK.


Mailings to Teachers

• Gather contact information for teachers at schools. o Include past TLab Scholars, as well as teachers and administrators involved in other ESU programs (The ESU National Shakespeare Competition and Middle School Debate). • Update the Sample Memo to Teachers (see next page) with your branch-specific information. o Include your TLab Coordinator’s contact information and applicable deadlines. o Note any specific scholarship requirements – such as geographic restrictions within your community, minimum or maximum years of experience, etc. o Provide a link to the 2019 TLab Scholarship Application Form (located on the website’s main TLab page). • Send this email multiple times leading up to your application deadline.

TLab Scholar Interview Notification

• Email your TLab Scholarship finalists upon selection with the date, time, location (full address) and any other necessary details for their interview. o Request a confirmation of attendance.


Sample Memo to Teachers (Please edit the highlighted portions with your branch’s information.)


The Name Branch of the English-Speaking Union of the United States is offering a scholarship of up to (insert amount) to a branch area high school teacher for study in the TLab-UK program during summer 2020.

Since 1957, more than 2,600 American high school teachers have continued their own education through summer study at prestigious centers of learning in the United Kingdom – Shakespeare’s Globe, University of Edinburgh, and the University of Oxford – as ESU Scholars.

Past ESU TLab scholars reflect on their time in the UK:

Professional development has been at the forefront of my time as a teacher, and I have applied to and attended conferences all over the United States, so I feel like I have pretty good background knowledge of what PD should look like. This has been completely transformative, the most comprehensive professional development I’ve ever been a part of. —2017 TLab Scholar, University of Oxford, History, Politics, and Society Summer School

If there's one thing you should be prepared for, it's that this experience will not only change your practices in the classroom, but it could quite likely change your life. It certainly changed mine - so much so that I am in the process of looking for an overseas teaching job (preferably England, of course), and that is a direct result of my time in the UK. —2015 TLab Scholar, Shakespeare’s Globe, Teaching Shakespeare Through Performance

I feel like I’m back to my undergrad days: wide-eyed, sometimes overwhelmed, but always in awe of the abilities of the people around me. I’m remembering my passion for literature. —2017 TLab Scholar, University of Oxford, English Literature Summer School

ESU TLab programs give teachers an opportunity to engage in rewarding, enriching professional development – to return to the classroom reinvigorated and inspired, ready to share their experiences with their students and colleagues. TLab Programs also provide up to 100 professional development contact hours. The ESU Name Branch is excited to offer a scholarship/scholarships to area teachers. Read more about all of the ESU TLab offerings at esu-tlab.org. For information on the ESU Branch scholarship, visit . Apply today!

THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION OF THE UNITED STATES 8 144 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016 212-818-1200 [email protected] www.esuus.org

Guidelines for TLab Scholarship Interviewers

Please use the following guidelines when interviewing ESU TLab Scholarship candidates. These guidelines have been standardized across branches.

A Clearly outstanding candidate. Professionally and academically superior, innovative, open to new ideas, teachers who exhibit leadership qualities in their school and extracurricular activities in many areas or very strong in one significant area. Would be an excellent participant and give back to their students and the ESU.

A- Very strong candidate who would be successful if chosen. Academically curious – understands the personal and professional benefits of life-long learning; significant involvement in school’s mission and extracurricular activities. Minor factors or interviewer's reservations prevent full A.

B+ Perfectly acceptable candidate who would succeed. Some reservations about maturity, academic strengths, flexibility to adapt to new surroundings and pedagogy or extracurriculars.

B A long shot. Might well succeed because of unusual strength in one area despite some reservations about others.

Cumulative Rating: Excellent Average Weak A A- B+ B B-

Examples: Professional/Academic Extracurricular Personal Sarah Kelly B- B A- = B Marisa Dieken A A A = A Joseph Coz B B+ B- = B

Scottish Universities’ International Summer Schools (SUISS) and University of Oxford Programs are intellectually rigorous, graduate level seminars. Teachers agree to complete all preparatory reading, attend all seminars and spend considerable time in the library to complete all reading and research including a final paper of 2,000-3,000 words.

Shakespeare’s Globe “Teaching Shakespeare Through Performance” is rigorous intellectually and physically. English Literature teachers are strongly encouraged to apply and must currently be full-time, classroom teachers who will be teaching Shakespeare in the upcoming year.


TLab Scholarship Interviewers’ Evaluation

Candidate Name: ______School Name: ______

Applying for ESU TLab Scholarship to ______to study ______

Teachers who will have the greatest impact and most benefit from an ESU TLab Scholarship: • Mid-career, full-time teachers with 5 – 15 years teaching experience. • Teachers who work in schools with a significant number of underserved students. • Teachers who have not studied overseas. • Teachers who have not participated in extended professional development. • The ESU and Shakespeare’s Globe strongly recommend the selection of English teachers for the “Teaching Shakespeare Through Performance” program. Applications should reflect teaching experience over acting/directing or other experience.

Please note: University of Edinburgh (Scottish Universities’ International Summer Schools) and University of Oxford programs are academically rigorous and require commitment to serious reading and writing outside of the classroom. The Shakespeare’s Globe program is a physically and mentally rigorous program that requires full participation and energy as teachers work to bring new pedagogical methods back to their classrooms.

Part I: Professional/Academic Information Type of High School: □ Public □ Charter □ Independent □ Parochial

Location of High School: □ Urban □ Suburban □ Rural

Subjects Taught: □ History □ English Literature □ Drama □ Writing □ Other

Number of years taught: □ 1-2 □ 3-5 □ 5-15 □ 15+

Number of students annually: □ under 25 □ 25-50 □ 50-100 □ 100+

Degree: □ Undergraduate □ Graduate

Additional Graduate Work: ______

Professional Development: ______

Overall Rating for Professional/Academic: Excellent Average Weak A A- B+ B B- 10

TLab Scholarship Interviewers’ Evaluation

Part II: Extracurricular/Leadership Involvement

Note specific extracurricular contributions to school, students, leadership, arts, community service, etc.





Overall Rating for Extracurricular/Leadership Excellent Average Weak A A- B+ B B-

Part III: Personal Qualities Ratings based on recommendations, personal essay and interview Excellent Average Weak Commitment A A- B+ B B- Motivation A A- B+ B B- Adaptability A A- B+ B B- Enthusiasm for ESU TLab Program A A- B+ B B- Social ease A A- B+ B B- Maturity A A- B+ B B- Teamwork A A- B+ B B- Sense of humor A A- B+ B B-

Overall Rating for Personal Qualities Excellent Average Weak A A- B+ B B-

Part IV: Cumulative Rating For All Categories Excellent Average Weak (Please also record this rating on the report page) A A- B+ B B-


TLab Scholarship Interview Requirements Checklist

Please read to the candidate during interview and have them check the boxes and sign.

If offered a TLab Scholarship, I will:

 Complete the British institution’s 2020 application form, provide all the required supporting materials including a photo release and send by February 21, 2020 to [email protected].

 Acknowledge that although most TLab Scholarship recipients are accepted to their first choice program, these programs have limited availability. The Globe is extremely competitive. Final acceptance is determined by the British institution, not the ESU (branch or national). Notifications of acceptance are emailed in spring 2020.

 Accept all rules, regulations, and fulfill all academic requirements of the British institution, including completing all preparatory reading, attending all classes or rehearsals and completing papers, exams or performances as required.

 Acknowledge that all the TLab programs are rigorous – academically and physically. I will spend the necessary time in the classroom and library to fully participate and complete all assignments.

 Return to the classroom for at least the next two years, share with students and colleagues the experiences and methods learned as a TLab Scholar, and provide evidence of same to the ESU in the form of lesson plans, presentations and other methods of implementing what I have learned. I agree that these materials will be shared by the ESU on their website with other teachers to maximize the benefits of my experience.

 Respond conscientiously and promptly to quantitative pre-and post-program questionnaires that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

 Engage with ESU education and branch programs in the upcoming year.

 Provide for expenses not covered, including mandatory medical and trip cancelation insurance and provide any requested photo and liability releases.

 Notify the ESU Branch and the ESU Education Department in writing in the event of cancellation. I am personally liable for any TLab fees if I cancel. I agree that I accept the ESU’s and the institution’s cancellation policy.

______Candidate Name (Printed) Candidate Signature


TLab Interview Report

Applicant Name: Cumulative Rating: _____


Length of time at present school:______

Interviewed by: ______


Interviewers’ Comments:

Please write any additional comments about the applicant's personality, understanding of what is expected of participants both during and after their summer study, and in particular, any recommendation as to the suitability of the applicant.


Publicizing TLab Scholarships

Your Branch TLab Scholarship is the perfect opportunity to raise visibility of the ESU’s educational mission and connection to your community. Celebrate and share the achievement of your TLab Scholarship recipients.

Prior to awarding a TLab Scholarship: • Inform ESU National of any specific application information so that it may be posted on your website. • Visit schools and talk about the TLab Scholarship at school/department meetings. • Attend teacher conferences in your local area. Distribute application information. • Identify educator organizations in your area. Encourage them to forward ESU TLab Scholarship application materials to their teacher contacts. • Encourage schools to post ESU TLab Scholarship application information on their website.

Announcing a TLab Scholarship • Suggest schools announce their teachers’ achievement on their website and school/community newsletter. • Contact your local newspaper and/or radio and invite a reporter (usually in the Education or City/Metro divisions) to attend the award ceremony. If you wish to distribute a press release to local media prior to or following the award ceremony, please request these materials from ESU National.

Please note: Every scholarship recipient must sign the 2020 Branch TLab Photo Release (available online). Without this release form, you cannot publish or distribute any photos or videos of the scholars.


Dispensing TLab Scholarship Funds

The ESU remits a single payment to each British institution on behalf of all the ESU TLab Scholars attending their respective programs. Accordingly, once all scholars are accepted at the participating institutions, we are invoiced by the institutions and, in turn, invoice the Branches for the cost in dollars. Invoices will be sent to the ESU Branch Treasurer and TLab Chair. Remission of the funds will be due upon receipt, and definitely prior to departure. In order to make one payment to each educational institution (University of Oxford, Shakespeare’s Globe, SUISS) and to offset other charges like credit card payment service fees and banking service fees for each wire transfer payments, as well as fluctuations in the exchange rate, which often occurs as we wait for all the ESU TLab Scholar payments, a 3.5% application fee is applied.

In the past we have used Western Union to undertake our international transactions. Please note, as stated below, the currency converter on the Western Union site: "The rates displayed by our free currency converter are neither ‘buy’ nor ‘sell’ rates, but interbank rates, the wholesale exchange rates between banks for transaction amounts over $5 million USD equivalent. Interbank rates don’t include the spreads, handling fees, and other charges that may be assessed by foreign exchange providers. Please note that, as such, these rates will vary from the rates available to our private and small business customers, due to transaction sizes and processing costs. These rates are therefore provided for indicative purposes only."

Branches will disperse payments directly to the teachers for transportation funds and stipends (if applicable). ESU TLab Scholarships likely do not meet the IRS’ limited definition of a “scholarship,” as they do not involve candidates receiving payments to pursue a degree. Consequently, they fall under the IRS designation as “prizes or awards,” which are taxable under IRS section 74. This means that branches must provide teachers and the IRS with form 1099 Miscellaneous Income for the amount turned over to the teacher. Given that the awards to teachers involve continuing professional education, it is likely that the grant monies they spend in connection with the scholarship are deductible as “unreimbursed employee expense,” but this is a matter for the individual recipients to consider.

Summary of Payments • University of Oxford, SUISS and Globe fees: payable to The English-Speaking Union. • Airfare: payable directly to the airline or as a check to the teacher to reimburse for international airfare (if applicable). Minimum of 4 weeks prior to departure. • Stipend: payable by check to the teacher (if applicable).

Cancellation and Insurance Policy • NEW IN 2020: In 2019, two of our scholars suffered family emergencies that forced one of them to forego the trip and the other to leave early. For this reason, National is researching the possibility of requiring all scholarship recipients to have trip cancellation insurance. The cost of the insurance could be paid by the branch or the recipient, at the branch’s discretion. This policy would protect the student, and the ESU, but most of all, the generous members of our branches who make these scholarships possible. Branches will be notified if an appropriate policy can be secured. Participation will be optional for all branches.

If an ESU TLab Scholar is unable to attend the program, they must notify the ESU Branch and the Education Department in writing. Fees paid to the institution will be returned according to the individual school’s cancellation policy, as specified in their materials. Recipients will be personally liable for TLab fees disbursed or paid prior to departure in the event of a withdrawal.


Branch TLAB Scholarship Checklist

Fall  Review Program Guidelines for the TLab Scholarship Committee and Teacher Selection.  Choose a TLab Branch Coordinator and TLab Scholarship Committee.  Complete the 2020 Branch Participation Form (with Branch President’s permission).  Confirm a date for your Branch Scholarship Application Deadline and Interviews. o Note: this entire process must be completed by October 15, 2019.  Compile school/teacher contact list for program target area.  Update documents for mailing with your branch information (Sample Memo to Teachers and ESU TLab Scholarship Application) and update your branch website. o Provide specific scholarship guidelines on your branch website. o Utilize the standardized, national application.  Email schools/teachers 2020 ESU TLab Scholarship Application and TLab information (2-3 times).  Additional outreach to teachers and schools (visit new schools, attend teacher conferences, etc.).  Compile email with interview information (for 2nd mailing). o Notify finalists of their interview dates and times.

Winter  Hold interviews. o Scholars must complete the 2020 Branch TLab Photo Release Form.  Notify TLab Scholarship recipient(s) and provide them with the UK application information.  Complete the 2020 Branch TLab Scholar Entry Form to notify ESU National of your scholars.  Award TLab Scholarship at ESU Reception.  Update your branch page with news of your Branch Scholarship Award: photos, videos, stories, etc.

Spring  Request a press release from ESU National to share with local media outlets.  Send out press release to TLab Scholarship recipient’s school, local media outlets and organizations. o Send pictures and/or additional press to ESU National Headquarters.  Send TLab program fee payment to ESU National Headquarters upon receipt of an invoice.  Send additional payments to the teachers for airfare and stipends (if applicable).  Stay in touch with your scholars (send ESU mailings/newsletters, invite to Branch events, etc.).


Websites for Shakespeare’s Globe, University of Edinburgh and the University of Oxford

TLab program dates, details, and program descriptions are available online.

• English Speaking Union TLab Website: http://www.esuus.org/esu/programs/study_abroad_for_teachers/

• Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (University of Edinburgh): http://www.suiss.ed.ac.uk/

• Shakespeare’s Globe, : www.shakespearesglobe.com/tstp

• University of Oxford: www.conted.ox.ac.uk/summerschools

Application Reminders

• It is the TLab Scholar’s responsibility to complete the application(s) for the institutions they wish to attend. o The British institutions have the final decision as to whether or not they wish to admit a scholar, regardless of scholarship receipt status. o All scholars must submit their applications to the ESU by February 21, 2020; ESU National will send these applications to the UK.

• The 2020 program and application details will be updated on the British websites and our website as they become available – usually October/November for Edinburgh/Oxford and December for the Globe. Applications will no longer be hosted on Submittable, instead they can be found on the main TLab page of our website. Coordinators will receive applications directly and instantaneously as they are submitted.

International Travel Requirements

All teachers are required to hold a valid passport for travel to the United Kingdom. It is the responsibility of the teacher to check with their local consulate the requirements for entrance to study in the UK for two to three weeks. At this time, American teachers do not need to obtain a visa for a summer program; they will be entering the UK as a student visitor. A letter confirming their participation in the summer program (acceptance letter) will be supplied by their institution prior to departure and should be presented at immigration upon request.

For more information: www.esu-tlab.org [email protected]

Betty Trevino-Roth, Senior Manager, School and Teacher Programs 212-818-1200 ext. 246

The English-Speaking Union of the United States 144 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016