King Edward IV: King of England at the play’s Richard the Third beginning, Richard’s Performance Study Guide eldest brother. George, Duke of Compiled by Kristin Hall, M.A. Clarence: Brother The Atlanta Shakespeare Company to King Edward and at the New American Shakespeare Tavern Richard. Almost
[email protected] always referred to as ‘Clarence.’ Imprisoned by King Edward after Richard frames him. Murdered. Original Practice and Playing Henry VI: He’s already been murdered by Richard Shakespeare at the play’s beginning, but we see his body taken to burial in Act I and his ghost appears to The Atlanta Shakespeare Company (ASC) at to Richard in Act V. the New American Shakespeare Tavern is Lady Anne: Dead Henry VI’s daughter-in-law. proud to call itself an ‘Original Practice’ Richard and King Edward also killed her company. In a nutshell, ‘Original Practice’ husband. She later becomes Queen after means the active exploration of the Richard seduces her. Presumably murdered. Elizabethan stagecraft and acting techniques Margaret: Henry VI’s widow, and thus the former that Shakespeare’s own audiences would Queen. While Queen she ordered the death of have enjoyed nearly four hundred years ago. Richard’s father and little brother. In return, he So what does this mean for an audience killed her husband and, with help from Edward, member at one of our Shakespeare her son. She resists exile to ‘slyly lurk’ and productions? You will see an exciting give ‘quick curses’ to members of the court. performance featuring period costumes, Queen Elizabeth: Edward’s Queen, whom he sword fights, actor-generated sound effects married despite the fact that she was not of rather than pre-recorded ones, and live suitable noble birth to be a Queen.