

509 510

510 511



Edward I —28 Edward I, stat. 3, 1300, Articuli super Chartas, Vol. 1, Statutes at Large, 139 Edward II —15 Edw. II, 1322, Edward II; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revocation of New Ordinances (15 Edw. 2), revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, , 1978; known as the Statute of York, see also Statutes of the Realm, I, 189; and for text see S&Ml, 204-205.

—17 Edw. II, (insert), Prerogativa Regis, Statutes in Force, Official Reused Edition, Prerogativa Regis, Of the King's Prerogative (temp, incert.) Cc. 13,17, revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978. Edward III —15 Edw. Ill, 1341; Vol. 1 Statutes at Large, 233 Richard II —16 Ric. II, c. 5; 1393, Richard II, Second Statute of (Statutes of the Realm, II, 84); (see S&Ml, p. 246) Henry IV —7 Henry IV, c. 2. Richard III —1 Richard III, Titulus Regius 1483,(Roi Pari VI, 238-242) Henry VII —1 Henry VII, Titulus Regis, (Rot. Pari VI, 270), 1485. —1 Henry VIL Y.B., Hil. pi. 5 Henry VIII —24 Hen. VIII, c.12 —25 Henry VIII, c. 21, 1534, Statutes of the Realm, III, 464 —26 Hen. VIII, c. 1 (Act of Supremacy 1547) —27 Hen. VIII, c. 24

511 512 —28 Hen. VIII, c. 10 (Act abolishing the authority of the Bishop of Rome) —28 Hen. VIII, c. 7 2nd Act of Succession —35 Henry VIII, c 1, 1543, Statutes ofthe Realm, 111,955, the Third Act of Succession; An act concerning the establishment of the king's Majesty's succession in the imperial crown of the realm... Charles II —30 Car. II, stat. 2, cap. 1, The Second Test Act, 1678, from Statutes of the Realm, V, 894-896 Anne — 6 Ann., c. 41, Succession to the Crown Act, 1707, (short title given by 1896), formerly known as The Regency Act — 6 Annae, cap. 1, Act of Union, 1707, Statutes of the Realm, VIII, 566-577. William and Mary — 1 Will & Mary c. 6, 1688; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revised to 1st February 1978, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1978 —1 Will. & Mar. Sess. 2, cap. 2, 1689, Bill of — 1 Will. & Mary, c. 1, 1689, Legalisation of the Convention Parliament, (assented to by William and Mary 22 February 1689) — 2 Will. & Mar. c. 1 c. 1, Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689, Rot. Pari., Pt. 1, nu. 1, Statutes in Force, revised to 1 February 1978, HMSO, which gives the citation of this latter Act as the new short title being given by the Statute Law Revision Act 1948, c. 62, Sch. 2. —12 & 13 Will. Ill c. 2, Act of Settlement, 1700 or 1701 [Note that Statues in Force, HMSO, 1978, gives the citation as 'Act of Settlement 1700. c. 2") George III —14 Geo. Ill, c. 83, s. 12 (Quebec) Victoria —30 & 31 Victoria, c. 102, s. 51, §§ 8, 9, Representation of the People Act —63 & 64 Vic, c. 12, 9 July, 1900, section 9. Constitution of Australia George V —10 Edw. VII & 1 Geo. V c. 29, The Accession Declaration Act 1910 , Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, revised to 1st February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978 —22 Geo. V, c. 4, 'An Act to give effect to certain resolutions passed by Imperial Conferences held in the years 1926 and 1930', assented to 11 December 1931. *

A Further Narrative of the Passage of these times in the Common-Wealth of ...An exact relation of the .. .solemn Investiture.. .of His Highness the Lord Protector at Westminster, June 26 1657, printed by M S for Thomas Jenner, at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange.[British Museum press mark: E. 1954] Accession Declaration Act 1910, The , 10 Edw. 7 and 1 Geo. 5 c. 29, Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978 Accession Proclamation by the Accession Council of George VI as king on 12 December 1936; circular cablegram G.13 from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of 11 December, 1936, 5.10 p.m. received Australia 12 December, 1936, marked SECRET, from Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHI', folios 143- 142; Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 102, Canberra, Saturday, 12* December, 1936, Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHI', folio 144. Act Anent Peace and War, 1703, (), c. 5, 16 September 1703 Art for Commissioners of Union, 1604, 1&2 Jac. I, c. 2; Statutes of the Realm, iv, 1018, extracted in Tanner, op. at., at 31-33 Act for the regulating the Privy Council and for taking away the court commonly called the Star Chamber, 16 Car. I, c. 10, 1641 Act for the Security of the Kingdom, 1704, (Act 1704, c. 3, Passed 5 August, 1704) 512 513 Act of Annates, 1532, 23 Henry VIII, c. 20 Act of Appeals, 1533, 24 Hen. VIII, c. 12 ­ all persons appealing to Rome should incur the penalties of praemunire, and asserted that by 'divers sundry old authentic histories and chronicles' it appears that die realm of England is an 'empire'. The term 'empire' had a much different connotation in the early sixteenth century than it has today. The British Empire of the twentieth century means the extensive territories of which the King of England is titular head. But in 1533 'empire' meant simply 'a country of which the sovereign owes no allegiance to any foreign superior', i.e., pope or emperor. See Baumer, p 29 Act of Oblivion, 12 Car. II, c. 11, 1660 Act of Settlement, 1700—as stated in Statues in Force, HMSO, 1978, which gives the citation as 'Act of Settlement 1700. c. 2') , 12 & 13 Will. 3 c. 2 Act of Succession, 1604, 1 Jac. I, c. 1, Statutes of the Realm, iv, 1017; referred to by Sir Francis Bacon as the Act of Recognition, not 'succession'. Act of Supremacy, 1559, 1 Eliz. I, c. 1; Statutes of the Realm, IV, 350353.. This was the first Act of Elizabeth's reign. Act of Union, 1707, Statutes of the Realm, VIII, 566-577, 6 Annae, cap. 1. Acts of the Privy Council (APQ, (ed) Dasent, (A.P.C.), N.S., II, (1547-50), London, 1890, 1873 Adam of Usk, Chronicle of Adam of Usk, translated by E M Thompson, quoted in The Portable Medieval Reader, edited and with an introduction by James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin, The Viking Press, New York, 1949, 22nd printing 1967 Adamnan, Life of Saint Columba, W Reeves, {ed), Edinburgh, 1874 [English]; and Adamnani Vita S. Columba, J T Fowler, {ed), 1894 [Latin] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Annates Acts of 23 Henry VIII, c.20 (1532) Anson, Sir William R, The haw and Custom of the Constitution, in three volumes, Vol. II: The Crown, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 3^ edition, 1908 Aquinas, St Thomas, On Kingship, to the King of Cyprus, De Regno, Ad Regem Cypri, (c. 1260), Gerald B Phelan, {trans.), revised with introduction and notes by I Th. Eschmann, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1949, reprinted 1967, 1978, 1982 Archbishop of York and Sedgwick's Case, The, Trin. 10 Jacobi [1612], Godbolt, 201-202 Aristotle, The Ethics of Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, J A K Thomson, (trans.) Allen & Unwin, 1953, revised by Hugh Tredennick, with Jonathan Barnes (introduction), Penguin Classics, London, 1976 Aristode, The Nicomachean Ethics, David Ross, (trans.) Oxford University Press, 1925, J L Ackrill and J O Urmson, revision, Oxford World Classic Paperback, 1980 Aristode, The Politics, c. 335-323 B.C., T A Sinclair, (trans.), Penguin Books, London, 1962; revised and re-presented by Trevor J Saunders, Penguin Books, London, 1981 Articuli Cleri, 1605, 12 Co. Rep. (1777 edn.), extracted in J R Tanner, Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I, A.D. 1603-1625, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1961, at pp. 177 ff. Articuli super Chartas, 28 Edward I, stat. 3,1300, Statutes at Large, p. 139 Ashby v White, 1702-1704, 2 Lord Raymond, Report of Cases, 4* edn., 1790, 938, 3 Ld. Raym. 320, 14 State Trials, 695 Atkyns, Sir Robert, The Power, Jurisdiction, and Priviledge of Parliament; and the Antiquity of the House of Commons Asserted, London,1689 Attenborough, F L, (ed, trans) The Laws of the Earliest English Kings, 1922; reissued Russell & Russell, New York, 1963 Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, Confessions, 398-8, first printed in English 1620, Pine-Coffin, R S, (trans). Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1961, reprint 1964 Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, De Gvitate Dei, written 413-427, first published 1467, Concerning the Gty of God against the Pagans, A new translation by Henry Bettenson, with an introduction by John O'Meara, Pelican Books, 1972, reprinted with a new introduction by Penguin Books, London, 1984

513 514 Austin, John, Lectures on Jurisprudence, or, The Philosophy of Positive Law, 5th edn., revised and edited by Robert Campbell, 2 Vols.; London, John Murray, 1885; [originally published 1832; Sarah Austin's edition 1863; Robert Campbell's edition, drawing on material supplied by John Stuart Mill, 1885] Australian Archives, Series A462/4, Item 821/1/27, 'Royalty—Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second—Policy'—Background to the Coronation, Earl Marshall's Press Bureau 1953 Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VIII', folios 143-142—Accession Proclamation by the Accession Council of George VI as king on 12 December 1936; circular cablegram G.13 from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of 11 December, 1936, 5.10 p.m. received Australia 12 December, 1936, marked SECRET Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VIII', folio 144, Proclamation, Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 102, Canberra, Saturday, 12th December, 1936, Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VIII', folio 137, Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 101, Canberra, Saturday, 12th December, 1936. Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VIII', folio 141, circular cablegram B.202 from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of 11 December, 1936, 5.16 p.m. received Australia 12 December, 1936, for Prime Minister from Prime Minister, marked SECRET Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHP, folio 141. cablegram dated 11 December 1936, 5.16 p.m., received 12 December, 1936, marked SECRET, from the Prime Minister of to the Prime Minister of Australia Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 5, 'Spares, Abdication of King Edward VHP—Supplement to the London Gazette Extraordinary, HMSO, London, Tuesday, 21 January, 1936, Numb. 34245 Australian Archives, Series CP4/2/1, item 58, 'Coronation Oath'— Memorandum from Secretary, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, Mr. G S Knowles, to The Secretary of the Department of External Affairs, 14 July, 1936 Australian Archives, Series CP4/2/1, item 58, 'Coronation Oath'—Decode of cable from the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs to Prime Minister's Department, Canberra, dated 24 June 1936, received 25 June 1936 Ayling, Stephen; The Fifteen O's and otherprayers: printed by commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also Princess Margaret, mother of our sovereign lord the King, by their most humble subject and servant, William Caxton; (circa MCCCCXC- 1490); London, Griffith and Farran, 1869; reproduced in photo­ lithography by Stephen Ayling. Bacon, Sir Francis, History of the Reign of King Henry VII, written 1621-1622, published 1622, based in turn on a fragment written some time earlier and drawn upon by John Speed in his 1609 History of Great Britain, reprinted with notes by Rev. J Rawson Lumby, as Bacon's History of the Reign of King Henry VII, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1876, reprinted 1880, 1881, 1885, 1888,1889, revised edn. 1892, reprinted 1902 Bacon, Sir Francis, Speech in the Exchequer Chamber as Counsel to Calvin, Calvin's case, reprinted in State Trials, Vol. II, 575-606, at 577-578. Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution, 2nd edn., Henry S King, London, 1872 (reprinted Garland Publishing, New York, 1978) Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution, 1867; 2nd edn. with an introduction by Bagehot in 1872; published with an Introduction by R H S Crossman, Fontana Press, London, 1993; these comments by Bagehot are in his introduction to the second edition, written after the extension of the franchise in 1867. Banting, H M J, (ed), Two Anglo-Saxon Pontificals, Boydell Press for the Henry Bradshaw Society, London, 1989, from MS Lat. 10575 in the Bibliotheque Nationale Barton, John (devisor), The Hollow Crown, An Entertainment by and about the Kings and Queens of England Music Poetry, Speeches, Letters and other writings from the Chronicles, from Plays, and in the Monarchs' own words— also Music concerning them and by them, Samuel French Ltd, New York, and George G Harrap & Co Ltd, London, 1962 Bate's case, 1606; Court of the Exchequer, State Trials, II, 382-94 Bede, A History of the English Church and People, c. 73\; trans. Leo Sherley-Price, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1965 Benedictus Abbas, A.D. 1189, Ricardus dux Normanniae Bentham, Jeremy, A Fragment on Government, J H Burns and H L A Hart, (eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988.

514 515 Bentham, Jeremy, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 'Of the Principle of Utility', in Burtt, Edwin A, {ed), The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill, The Modern Library, Random House, New York, 1939, reprinted 1967, 1994 Bentham, Jeremy, Constitutional Code; for the use of All Nations and All Governments professing Liberal Opinions, printed for the author and published by Robert Heward, 2 Wellington Street, the Strand, 1830, reprinted by Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1983, F Rosen and J H Burns, (eds) Bentham, Jeremy, Preface to the second edition of A Fragment on Government,) H Burns and H L A Hart, {eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988, Appendix A, 117 Berriedale Keith, A, and Dicey, AV, Correspondence, Constitutional Reflections, edited by Ridgway F Shinn and Richard A Cosgrove, University Press of America Inc., Lanham, Ma., 1996 Bigelow, Melville Madison, Placita Anglo-Normanica: Law cases from William I to Richard I, Preserved in Historical records, 1881, Soule & Beigbee(?), Boston; reprinted 1970 by Rothman Reprints, New Jersey, Augusta, M Kelley, New York, New York. Bill of Rights, 1 WU1. & Mar. Sess. 2, cap. 2, 1689 Birch, W de G, (ed),Cartularium Saxonicum, London, 1885-1893 Blackall, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter, The Divine Institution of Magistracy, London, 1709 Blackall, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter, The Subjects Duty, London, 1705 Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 9th edn., The Ninth Edition, with the last corrections of the Author; and continued to the present time, by R I Burn, London, 1783, reprinted by Garland Publishing Inc., New York, 1978. Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries on the Laws of England A Facsimile of the First Edition of 1765-1769, with an introduction by Stanley N Katz, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1979, in 4 Volumes Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries on the Laws of England, with Notes selected from the editions of Archbold, Christian, Coleridge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr and others, Baron Field's analysis, and Additional Notes and a Life of the Author, by George Sharwood, in Two Volumes, J B Lippincott Company, 1889 Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount Bolingbroke, The Idea of a Patriot King : written c. 1738 and circulated privately; first published London, 1749; reprinted in David Mallett's edition of Bolingbroke's Works, 1754 Bolles, Frank {ed), A Collection of Important English Statutes, University Press, Cambridge (Mass), 1885, reprinted 1978 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, THE, and Administration of the sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies according to the use of THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, Random House Australia, Random Century Group, London, 1992, by arrangement with the Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, all rights 'are vested in the Crown in the , and controlled by Royal Letters Patent' Bracton, Henry, Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, George E Woodbine {ed), Yale University Press, 1922, reproduced with translation by Samuel E Thome, Selden Society and Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., 1968, in 4 Volumes; Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England, trans. Samuel E Thorne; Latin text copyright 1922 Yale University Press; translation copyright 1968 Harvard. Brady, R, A True and exact History of the Succession of the Crown of England, 2nd edn., 1684 Browning, Andrew, {ed), English Historical Documents, 1660-1714, Vol. VIII, David D Douglas (gen. ed), Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1966 Bruce, J, (ed), The Secret Correspondence of King James VI of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil, Camden Society Publications, lxxvii (1861) Buchanan, George, Dejurc Regni apud Scotos; a Dialogue concerning the Rights of the Crown in Scotland, translated into English by Robert Macfarlan, dedicated to James VI, 30 January, 1579; in The Presbyterian's Armoury, Vol. Ill, Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1846; reproduced by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Mi., 1976 Buck, Sir George, Master of the Revels, The History of King Richard the Third, 1619, edited and with an introduction and notes by Arthur Noel Kincaid, Alan Sutton Publishing, London, 1982 Burke, E, Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790, republished Dolphin Books, New York, 1961 Burtt, Edwin A, (ed), The English Philosophers from Bacon to Mill, The Modern Library, Random House, New York, 1939, reprinted 1967, 1994

515 516 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series of the Reign of Charles I, Public Record Office, John Bruce (ed.) HMSO 1858, reprinted by Kraus Reprint Ltd, Lichtenstein, 1967 Collin's case, The Postnati, (C.P. 1610) Tnn. 6 Jac. 1, 7 Co. Rep. 1 a; 77 ER (KB) 377; 2 State Trials, 575-669 Campbell, A (ed), Encomium Emmae Reginae, Camden Society, Third Series, lxxii, 1949 Candid and Plomer's case, Pasch. 8 Jacobi [1610], Common Pleas, Godbolt, 163-164 Case ofNon Obstante, 12 Co. Rep., folio 18, at 77 ER (KB) 1300. Case of Proclamations, 1611, 12 Co. Rep. 74 Case of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich 3 Co. Rep. 74v-75, 40&41 Eliz 1590 Case of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1 Plowden, 212; 75 ER 325; [1558-1774] All ER 146-153 Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex, The, (1840) 11 Ad & E 273; 113 ER 419 Cawdrey's case, casus caudreu, 1591, 5 Co. Rep., la, 77 ER (KB), 1 Caxton, William, The Fifteen O's and otherprayerr. printed by commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also Princess Margaret, mother of our sovereign lord the King, by their most humble subject and servant, William Caxton; (circa MCCCCXC- 1490); London, Griffith and Farran, 1869; reproduced in photo­ lithography by Stephen Ayling. Charles I, reply to the Remonstrance of 26 May 1642, and his statement of his oath.- From Edward, Earl of Clarendon in his History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, written between 1641 and 1648, in Book V, paragraphs 292 ff, at Vol. II, (Books V and VI), p. 155 of the 'edition re-edited from a fresh collation of the original MS. in the Bodleian Library', by W Dunn Macray, in six Volumes, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888; reprinted Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1958. Charles I, statement on the scaffold, in Trial of King Charles the First, by J G Muddiman, William Hodge & Company Limited, London, 1928 Charles II, Declaration of , 1660, 4/14 April, 1660, in the twelfth year of his reign (Lords Journals, XI, 7-8) Chronicle of Adam of Usk, translated by E M Thompson, quoted in The Portable Medieval Reader, edited and with an introduction by James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin, The Viking Press, New York, 1949, 22nd printing 1967 Chronicle of Queen jane, The, and of Two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the Rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat, written by a Resident in the Tower of London, edited by John Gough Nichols, printed for the Camden Society, MDCCCL (1850) Camden Society; Harlean MS. 194, a pocket diary, reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1968. Claim of Right Act 1689, [Scotland , 1689 c. 28, 1689 c.13], Statutes in Force, Official Revised Version, revised to 1st February 1978, HMSO, London, 1978, The Declaration of the Estate of the containing the Claim of Right and the offer of the Croune to the King and Queen of England', Short Tide given by Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964 (c. 80), Sch. 2. Clarendon, Edward, Earl of, History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, written between 1641 and 1648, 'edition re- edited from a fresh collation of the original MS. in the Bodleian Library', by W Dunn Macray, in six Volumes, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888; reprinted Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1958. Clermont, Lord, (ed), Fortescue, Sir John, De Titulo Edwardi Marchiae, in Complete Works of Sir John Fortescue, 2 Vols. London, 1869 Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, T C Hansard for Longman et. al, London, 1816 Coke, Sir Edward, Commentary on Littleton, 1628, An Abridgement of the Lord Coke's Commentary on Littleton, Sir Humphrey Davenport, London, 1651, reprinted by Garland Publishing, New York, 1979, a facsimile from copy in the British Library, 519.a.32. Coke, Sir Edward, Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's First institute of the Laws of England, Vols. 1-3, by J H Thomas Esq, Philadelphia, 1836, reprinted William Stein Co, NY', 1986 Coke, Sir Edward, The Epilogue, The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts, Printed at London by M Flesher for W Lee, and D Pakeman, 1644 [MDCXLIV]; Facsimile made from The Fourth Part, (508.g.5[2]), in the British Library, by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York, 1979 Coke, Sir Edward, The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts, MDCXLTV (1644) Printed at London by M Flesher for W Lee and D Pakeman, facsimile copy of this Fourth Part (508.g.5[2]) in the British Library, by Garland Publishing Inc., New York, 1979

516 517 Coke, Sir Edward, The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, printed at London by M Flesher for W Lee and D Pakeman, MDCXLIV (1644), reprinted by Garland Publishing, New York, 1979, from facsimiles in the British Library, 508.f.g[2]. Commissions of Enquiry case, (1608) 12 Co. Rep. 31 Commons' Petition of Grievances, presented to the King, 7 July, 1610, from Peyt, Jus Pariiamentarium, 321-331 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, The, An Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia', 63 & 64 Victoria, c. 12 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 101, Canberra, Saturday, 12* December, 1936; from Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHF, folio 137. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 102, Canberra, Saturday, 12th December, 1936, Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHI', folio 144. Coronation Oath Act, 1567 [Scotland], c.8; See Statutes in Force, Official revised Edition, Coronation Oath Act, 1567 [S], 1567 c.8, revised to 1st February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978, Short Title give by Statute Law Revision (Scodand) Act 1964 (c.80). Sch. 2 Coronation Oath Act, [1689, England] , 1 Will. & Mary c. 6, 1688, Rot. Pari Pt. 5, nu. 3, from Statutes in Force, Official revised edition, Revised to 1" February, 1978, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1978. Coronation of their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, May 12th 1937, The, Official Souvenir Programme, King George's Jubilee Trust, Odhams Press Limited, London, 1937 Cowell, Dr, Interpreter, 1607 Cranmer, Thomas, The Book of Common Prayer, was first authorised for use in the Church of England (1" prayer book) by the first Act oj'Uniformity, 1549 (2 & 3 Edw. VI, c. 1); amended in 1552 (—• protestantism) (2nd prayer book) second Act of Uniformity (5 & 6 Edw., VI, c. 1); abandoned by Mary in 1553 who restored the Latin liturgy as in the last year of Henry VIII's death (1 Mary, stat. 2, c. 2); 2nd prayer book restored by Elizabeth I in 1559 (1 Eliz. I, c. 2); Puritan insistence at amendment(—•protestantism), but James I supports Book of Common Prayer, 1604 (Proclamation enjoining conformity to the service of god established, 16 July 1604; proscribed under the ; small revision in 1662, Book of Common Prayer prescribed in Act of Uniformity, 1662 (14 Car. II, c. 4); amendments (—•Catholicism) rejected by parliament 1928; amendments adopted at end of 1970s. Creighton, Rt. Rev Mandell, Bishop of London, The Age of Elizabeth, 13* edition, Longmans Green and Co., London, 1897 Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689, 2 Will, and Mar. c. 1 c. 1, Rot. Pari., Pt. 1, nu. 1, Statutes in Force, revised to 1 February 1978, HMSO, which gives the citation of this latter Act as the new short title being given by the Statute Law Revision Act 1948, c. 62, Sch. 2. Croyland Chronicle—in Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, I, William Fullman (ed.), 1684 Darnel's case, {The Five Knights Case) 1627, 3 Charles I, 1627, Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, Vol. Ill, 1 Dasent, Acts of the Privy Council, (A.P.C.), N.S., II, (1547-50), London, 1890, 1873 Declaration of Breda, 1660, by Charles II, 4/14 April, 1660, in the twelfth year of his reign {Lords journals, XI, 7-8 Declaration of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, containing the Claim of Right, and the Offer of the Crown of Scotland to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, usually referred to as the Claim of Right, adopted by the Scottish Estates, April 11, 1689 Defoe, Daniel, Legion's Memorial, in Works, W Hazlitt, (ed), 1843, Vol. iii, 4 Defoe, Daniel, The Original Power of the Collective Body of the People oj England, Examined and Asserted, London, 1702 Demise of the Crown Act 1901, 1 Edward VII, c. 7 Dixon v London Small Arms Co., L R 1 App. Cas. 632 Doleman, R, A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crown of Ingland, Divided Into Two Partes. Whereof the First Conteyneth The discourse of a civill Lawyer, how and in what manner propinquity of blood is to be preferred. And the second the speech of a Temporal Lawyer, about the particular titles of all such as do or may pretende within Ingland or without, to the next succession, published posthumously in 1598, written by the Jesuit Robert Parsons c.1593. Dooms of Edgar Dooms of iEthelraed

517 518 Dooms of Alfred Dooms of Cnut Dooms of Cnut—1027, Proem. Dooms of Edmund

Dooms of Ine Douglas, David D, (ed), English Historical Documents, London, Oxford University Press, 1953, 12 Vols. Dr Bonham's Case, sometimes called the College of Physicians case, (1610) Pleadings and argument at 8 Co. Rep., 107 a ff., Mich. 6Jac. 1, 77 ER (KB) 638. Report at 8 Co. Rep. 113b, Hil. 7 Jac. 1, 77 ER (KB) 646. Duchy of Lancaster case, The, 1561, 1 Plowden 212; 75 ER 325; [1558-1774] All ER, 146. Duke of York's Case, The, 1460, Rot., Pari, V, 376-8 Dykes, D Oswald, Source Book of Constitutional History from 1600, Longmans Green and Co, London, 1930 Edward of Windsor, (HRH The Duke of Windsor), The Crown and the People, 1902-1953, Funk and Wagnells, London, 1945 Edward of Windsor, A King's Story:: The Memoirs of HRH The Duke of Windsor, 1951, Cassell and Co Limited, 1951; reprinted by the reprint Society, London, 1953 Edward V, Grants of King Edward the Fifth,) G Nichols, (ed), Camden Society, 1854 Edward VI, The Will of King Edward the Sixth, and his Devise [entirely autograph] for the succession of the Crown, reproduced in the Appendix I to The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of Two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the Rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat, written by a Resident in the Tower of London, edited by John Gough Nichols, printed for the Camden Society, MDCCCL (1850), Camden Society; Harlean MS. 194, a pocket diary; reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1968, 85 ff. Elizabeth II, Dec/oration of Sovereignty, 8 February, 1952, St James's Palace Elizabeth II, Proclamation ofHM The Queen of 28 May 1953, pursuant to section 1 of the Royal Titles Act 1953, 1 and 2 Eliz. 2, c. 9, Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revised to 1st February 1978, HMSO, London, 1978 EUesmere, Lord, L C, Calvin's case, 2 State Trials, 669. Encomium Emmae Reginae, c. 1040-1042, edited for the by Alistair Campbell, Camden Third Series, Volume LXXII, Offices of the Royal historical Society, London, 1949 Evans, Michael, and Jack, E Ian, (eds.), Sources of English Legal and Constitutional H/x/ory, Butterworths, Sydney, 1984. Fabyan, Robert, The New Chronicles of England and France, Henry Ellis (ed), London, 1811 Filmer, Sir Robert, Patriarcha and Other Political Works of Sir Robert Filmer, Peter Laslett, (ed), Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1949 Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony, The Nea/e Boke of Justices of the Peas, 1538, London; Professional Books Limited, Classical English Law Texts, P R Glazebrook, (gen. ed) Five Knights Case, The, (Darnel's case), 3 Charles I, 1627, Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, Vol. Ill, p. 1 Florence of Worcester, The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, Thomas Forester, (trans, and ed), Henry G. Bonn, London, 1854; reprinted from the 1854 edition by AMS Press, New York, 1968 Florence, a monk of Worcester ­ compiler of Florenti Wigorniensis monachi chronicon ex chronids , ed B Thorpe, English Historical Society, London, 1848-1849 George III, Thoughts on the British Constitution, Mount Stuart Bute MSS., reproduced in Peter D G Thomas, "Thoughts on the British Constitution", by George III in 1760', BIHR, Vol. LX, 1987, 361-363 (written at the age of 21, a few months before his accession to the throne; a modem copy, headed 'in the handwriting of George III'. George VI, The Coronation of their Majesties King George VI andQueen Elizabeth, May 12th 1937, Official Souvenir Programme, King George's Jubilee Trust, Odhams Press Limited, London, 1937 Gervase of Canterbury, Gesta Regum, in The Historical Works ofGervase of Canterbury, William Stubbs (ed). Rolls Series, 73, 1879-1880 Gildas, De exddio et conquestu Britanniae, T Mommsen, (ed), Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctorum Antiquissimorum, XIII

518 519 Glanvill, Rannulf, (Tractatus de legibus et consuetudimbus regni Anglic qui Glanulla vacatur, The Treatise on the laws and customs of the realm of England, commonly called Glanvill, written between 1187 and 1189, G D G Hall {ed.). Nelson in association with the Selden Society, London, 1965 Goddenv Hales, King's Bench, 16 June, 1686, State Trials, XI, 1195-1199 Great Chronicle of London, The, A H Thomas and I D Thomley (eds), London, 1938 Grotius, Hugo, De Jure Belli ac Pacts, 1646, 2 Vols., The Law of War and Peace, Francis W Kelsey {trans), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1925, in The Classics of International Law, James Brown Scott {ed). Guest, A G {ed), Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, (First Series), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961; 2nd impression 1968; see Heuston, R F V, 'Sovereignty', at p. 198. ] Hailsham of St Marylebone, Letter to the Editor, The Times, Monday, 17 December, 1979 Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, VIII Hale, Sir Matthew, Reflections by the Learned Chief Justice Hale on Mr Hobbes, His Dialogue of the Lowe, Harlean MS. 711, ff.. 418- 439, reproduced in Appendix III, of Sir William Holdsworth's A History of English Law, Methuen & Co Ltd, Sweet and Maxwell, 1903, reprinted 1966, Vol. 1. Hale, Sir Matthew, The Prerogatives of the King, 1640-1660, DEC Yale {ed), Selden Society, Volume 92, London, 1976 Hall, Edward ,Chronicle in English Historical Documents, 1485-1558, C H Williams, (ed.), Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1967, 141 ff. Hallam, Henry, Constitutional History of England, Vol. II, 1846, J. Murray, London, reprinted by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York, 1978 Hallam, Henry, The Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George U, Alex Murray & Son, London, 1869 Hallam, Henry, View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 Vols., John Murray, London, 1860 Halsbury's Statutes of England and Wales, Fourth edition, 1995 Reissue, Butterworths, London, 1995 Hanham, H J, {ed), The Nineteenth Century Constitution 1815-1914: Documents and Commentary, Cambridge University Press, 1969 Hector, L C, and Harvey, B F {eds). The Westminster Chronicle 1381-1391, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982 Henry I, letter to Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1100, Epp. Anselmi, iii, no. 41; and Migne, Pat. lat, Vol. clix, cols. 75-76; (Stubbs, Select Charters, 102) Henry VIII, Coronation Oath, British Museum Cotton Manuscript Tib. E. V iii. Fo. 89, as quoted in L W Legg, English Coronation Records, p. 240 Henry VIII, The King's Book, or, A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, 1543, Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet, Printers to the Kynges Hyghnes, the XXLX day of Maye the yere of our Lorde MDXLIIL cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum; published for the Church Historical Society, by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1932, with an introduction by T A Lacey Henry VIII, Will of Henry VIE, 1546, Rymer, Foedera, Record Commission ed. London 1816-69, XV, 110-115 Hervey, Lord John, Some Materials towards Memoirs of the Reign of King George II, Romney Sedgwick {ed), in three volumes, Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1931, reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1970. Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and CiviH, [written 1648-1650 in France] printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St Paul's Churchyard, London, 1651, J C A Gaskin, {ed), Oxford University Press (World Classics paperback), London, 1996 Hobbes, Thomas, The Elements of Law Natural and Politic, Part I, Human Nature, Part II, De Corpore Politico, J C A Gaskin, {ed and trans), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994 Holinshed, R, Chronicles of England, Scotland and , London, 1808 Holy Bible, The, Reused Standard Version (translated from the original tongues being the version set forth AD. 1611 revised AD. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised AD. 1952)]. Home, Andrew, —See Mirror of Justices HRH The Duke of Windsor, A King's Story, the Memoirs ofHRH The Duke of Windsor, 1951, Cassell and Co Limited, 1951; reprinted by the reprint Society, London, 1953

519 520

Hughes, P, and Larkin, James F, (eds.), Tudor Royal Proclamations, New Haven, Yale university Press, 3 Vols., 1964-69

Hughes, Paul L, and Larkin, James F, (eds.), Tudor RoyalProclamations, Vol. II, The Later Tudors (1553-1587), Yale University Press, New Haven, 1969

Hume, David, 'Of the Original Contract', in the 1748 third edition of Essays, Moral and Political see David Hume, Selected Essays, Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar (eds), The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, 274- 291, essay XXVI

Hume, David, 'Of the First Principles of Government', in David Hume, Selected Essays, Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar (eds.). The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993

Hume, David, 'Of the Protestant Succession', published in numerous editions and again in the posthumous collection, Essays Moral, Political, and Literary, in 1777

Hume, David, A Treatise of Human Nature, in two Volumes, 1739-1740, A D Lindsay, (ed), Everyman's Library, J M Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1911, reprint, 1964.

Hume, David, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion, J C A Gaskin, (ed.), The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993

Hume, David, Essays Moral and Political, 1741-1742, third edition, 1748; republished with other essays posthumously as Essays Moral, Political, and Literary, in 1777

Hume, David, Essays Moral, Political and Literary, 1777; reprinted as Selected Essays, Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar (eds), The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993

Hume, David, Principle Writings on Religion Including Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion, J C A Gaskin, (ed), The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993

Hume, David, Selected Essays, Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar (eds), The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993

Impeachment of Henry Sachcvercll, 9 Anne, 1710, XV State Trials, 1-522

Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Crqyland with continuations by Peter of Blois and Anonymous writers, Henry T Riley (trans), London, 1854

James I, By the King- A Proclamation concerning the King's Majesties Stile, of King of Great Btritaine, &c, Westminster, 20 October, 1604, reproduced in Stuart Royal Proclamations, Vol. I, Royal Proclamations ofKingjamcs I, 1603-1625, James F Larkin, Paul L Hughes (eds), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973, at pp. 94-96.

James I, Proclamation of Union, 20 October, 1604, Rymer, Foederu, xvi, 603, extracted in Tanner, op. at., 33-35.

James I, speech to Parliament, 19 March, 1604, from James I, Works, (1616 edn.), 485-497, extracted in Tanner, op. at., at 24-30, particularly at 25-27.

James I, Speech to Parliament, 21 March, 1610, Whitehall, James I, Works, (edn. of 1616), 528-531

James I, Speech to Parliament, 31 March 1607, On the Union with Scotland, James I, Works, (1616 edn,), 509-525, extracted in Tanner, op. at, 35-37, at 35-36

James I, The Trew Lav of Free Monarchies, in James I, Works, C H Mclhvain, (ed), Harvard Political Classics, Mass., 1918

James I, Works, (1616 edn.)

James VI of Scotland, The Trew Lav of Free Monarchies, published anonymously in 1598, in James I, Works, (edn. of 1616),

Jean Bodin, Le Six Livres de la Ripublique, Paris, 1576, Julian H Franklin, (ed and trans), Jean Bodin, On Sovereignty, Four Chapters from The Six Books of the Commonwealth, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.

Jenkins, David, Lexterrae- Of the King's Right in dispensing with the PenalLaws, New York, Garland Publishing, 1979

Jerdan, William, Rutland Papers, Original Documents illustrative of the Courts and Times of Henry VH and Henry VTR, selected from the private archives of His Grace the Duke of Rutland, &c. &c. drc., printed for the Camden Society, 1842; reprinted with the permission of the Royal Historical Society by AMS Press, New York, 1968

Justinian; Btrks, Peter, and McLeod, Grant, (trans), Domini Nostri lustiniani Perpetuo Augusti, Institutionum Sive Elementorum, compositorum pet Tribonianum virum exelsum magistrum et ex quaestore sacti palatii mosque docossimum et theophilum virum magnificum iuris peritum et antecessorem hums almae utbis et dorotheum virum magnificum quaesrorium iuris peritum et antecessorem berytensium inclitae avitans. [The Institutes or Elements of Our Lord Justinian, Perpetual Augustus, Composed by Tribonian, Minister and former Chancellor of the Sacred Palace, eminent in rank, unmatched in legal knowledge; and the noble Theophilus, Jurist, and Professor of law in this capital city, and the noble Dorotheus, Minister, jurist, and Professor in the splendid

520 521 city of Beirut], translated with an introduction by Peter Birks and Grant McLeod, with the Latin text of Peter Krueger, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., London, 1987, 2nd impression 1994 Kable v The Director of Public Prosecutions for New South Wales FC 96/027 Commonwealth Constitution, 12 September 1996, (1996) 138 ALR 577 Laud, Archbishop William, The Tryalofthe most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, which began March 12, 1643. Wrote by himself during his imprisonment in the Tower, from State Tryals, London, 1719, Vol. IV, p. 427, extracted in turn in Rev. Joseph H Pemberton, The Coronation Service according to the use of the Church of England with Notes and introduction, with reproductions of the two celebrated pictures in medieval coronation Mss., inserted by special permission, with three pictures, viz- the Coronation of James II, and the vestments used thereat, 2nd edn., Skeffington & Son, Piccadilly, (Publishers to His Majesty the King), London, 1902, 83-84 Legalisation of the Convention Parliament, 1 Will, and Mary, c. 1, 1689 (assented to by William and Mary 22 February 1689) Legg, J Wickham, (ed), The Coronation Order ofKing James I, 'Ordo for the coronation of King James I (1603), London, 1902 Legg, J Wickham, (ed). Three Coronation Orders, for the Henry Bradshaw Society, Vol. XIX, printed for the Society by Harrison and Sons, London, 1900 Legg, Leopold G Wickham, (ed), English Coronation Records, Archibald Constable & Company Limited, Westminster, 1901 Liebermann, F, Die Geset^e der Angelsachsen, Text und Ubersetzung, Unveranderter Neudruck der Ausgabe 1903-1916, [The Laws of the Anglo-Saxons, Text and Translation, unchanged reprint of the edition of 1903-1916]Scientia Aalen, Sindelfingen, Germany, 1960; in 3 Vols. Little Device for the Coronation of Richard III, The, as reproduced in Anne F Sutton and P. W Hammond (eds.) The Coronation of Richard III, the extant Documents, Alan Sutton Publishing Limited, Gloucester, 1983, 213; British Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (written 1671 ff., published 1689) Locke, John, Essay on Toleration, written 1667, published 1876, referred to in Mark Goldie, (ed), John Locke, Two Treatises. Locke, John, Two Tracts on Government, c. 1660; not published until 1967—P Abrams, (ed), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967 Locke, John, Two Treatises of Government, in the Former, The False Principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer and His Followers are Detected and Overthrown, The Latter is an Essay Concerning the True Original, extent and End of Civil-Government, London, written 1679-1683, published 1689, &* edn., Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater- Noster-Row, 1698, Mark Goldie, (ed), Everyman, London, 1993 Mabinogion, The, Jeffrey Gantz (trans) Penguin books, 1976, reprinted 1981, The mabinogi of Branwen Mancini, Dominicus, AdAngelum Catonem: De Occupatione Regni Anglic Per Riccardum Terdum Libellus, 1483, translated by C J A Armstrong, and called by him The Usurpation of Richard the Third, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936; 2nd edn., 1969 Manuscripts of the House of Lords, The, N.S. XI, Addenda 1514-1714, ed Maurice F Bond, London, 1962; CSPD 1641-3 Maynwaring, Roger, Religion and Allegiance, in Two Sermons, preached before the Kings Maiestie, Printed by I H for Richard Badger, London, 1627, reproduced in Classics of English Legal History in the Modem Era, Berkowitz, D S and Thome, S E (eds), Garland Publishing Inc, New York, 1979 Mill, John Stuart, On (1859), Considerations on Representative Government (1861), The Subjection of Women (1869); Three Essays , Oxford University Press, Oxford 1912, reprint 1974, and Utilitarianism, (1861), text of the 1871 edition, as published in John Stuart Mill, On Liberty and OtherEssqys,The World's Classics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991 Mirror of Justices (The), edited for the Selden Society by William Joseph Whittaker, with an introduction by Frederic William Maitland; Publications of the Selden Society, Vol. VII, 1898; reissued, 1978. Mirrour of Justices (The), written originally in the Old French, long before the Conquest, and many things added, by Andrew Home, to which is added The Diversity of Courts and their Jurisdictions, translated into English by W. H. [William Hughes], of Gray's Inn, Esq, 1642, John Byrne & Co, Washington DC, 1903; reprinted from the 1903 edition by Rothman Reprints, Inc, N J; Augustus M Kelley, Publishers, New York NY, 1968.

Montesquieu, CL,^ LEsprit des Las, The Spirit of Laws, Paris, 1748, livre xi, Ch VI, The English Constitution, 1748, Vol. II Sect b No 5 Morton, Cardinal, (Lord Chancellor), Speech to Parliament, 1489, application of natural law in 15* century, Tudor, printed in Pollard, A F, Reign of Henry lUfrom Contemporary Sources, London, 1913, Vol. I

521 522 Nichols, John Gough, esq., editor, The Chronicle of Queen Jane and of too yean of Queen Mary, and especially of the Rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat, written by a resident in the Tower of London, 1553-1554; Camden Society, London, 1850; reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1968, Camden Society; Harlean MS. 194, a pocket diary Opinion of the Judges on the Original Contract, The, 4 James II, 1689-90, Historical Manuscripts Commission, Twelfth report, Appendix part VI, The manuscripts of the House of Lords, 1689-1690, 15-16 Ordinances of ^Lthelstan, c.926-c930, c 14 Ongen, Contra Celsum, H Chadwick, {trans) Contra Celsum, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1953, 2nd edn., 1965 Original Letters Illustrative of English History, including numerous Royal Letters from Monographs in the British Museum, with notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis, Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, 2nd series, in 4 volumes Paine, Thomas, The Rights of Man, (I) published 13 March, 1791, and (II), 1792, in response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, and dedicated to George Washington 1791, Reflections on the Revolution in France and the Rights of Man, Dolphin Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York, 1961, passim. Paris, Matthew, Chronica Majora, c. 1250, Richard Vaughan, (ed and trans.), The Illustrated Chronicles of Matthew Paris, Observations of Thirteenth Century Life, Alan Sutton Publishing and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1993 Parsons, Robert, see R Doleman Pemberton, Rev. Joseph H, The Coronation Service according to the use of the Church of England with Notes and introduction, with reproductions of the two celebrated pictures in medieval coronation Mss., inserted by special permission, with three pictures, vi^. the Coronation of James II, and the vestments used thereat, 2nd edn., Skeffington & Son, Piccadilly, (Publishers to His Majesty the King), London, 1902, taken from a volume of 'Extracts out of MSS. in Bennett College Library,' in the Library of the Church of Ely Penn, William, A Perswasive to Moderation to Church Dissenters, in Prudence and Conscience : Humbly submitted to the King and His Great Council, 1685 Penn, William, The Peace of Europe, the Fruits of Solitude and other writings, Everyman's Library, 1915; Everyman, London, 1993, Edwin B Bonner, (ed.) Pepys, Samuel, Diaries, Coronation Day, 23 April, 1661, in The Concise Pepys, Wordsworth Editions Limited, Ware, 1997 Petrie, Sir Charles, The Letters, Speeches and Proclamations of King Charles I, new edn., reprint, London, Cassell, 1968 Peyt, William, The Antient Right of the House of Commons Asserted or a discourse proving by Records and the best Historians, that the Commons of England were ever an Essential Part ofPariiament, London, 1680 Philpotts, H, (ed.), Letters from His late Majesty to the late Lord Kenyon on the Coronation Oath, etc, (1827) Plato, The Laws, c. 350s-340s B.C., translated and edited by Trevor J Saunders, Penguin Books, London, 1970, reprinted with minor revisions, 1975 Plato, The Republic, 375 BC (approx.), translated with an introduction by Desmond Lee, Penguin Books, 1955, 2nd edn. revised, 1974, reprinted with additional additions 1987 Plato, The Trial and Death of Socrates, and The Apology of Socrates, I, During the Trial, 29; translated with an Introduction by John Warrington, J M Dent & Sons, Everyman's Library, 1963 Plato, Works of Plato, B Jowett, (ed) New York edn., n.d., IV Plummer, Charles, (ed), Sir John Fortescue, The Governance of England, Oxford, 1885 Polyukhovich v The Commonwealth (1991) 172 CLR 501 Pontifical ofEchberht, Archbishop of York, in Two Anglo-Saxon Pontificals, edited by H M J Banting, , Boydell Press for the Henry Bradshaw Society, London, 1989, from MS Lat 10575 in the Bibliotheque Nationale Postnati, The, Calvin's case, (1610) Trin. 6 Jac. 1, 7 Co. Rep. 1 a, 77 ER (KB) 377 Prerogativa Regis, (insert, 17 Edw. II ), Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Prerogativa Regis, Of the King's Prerogative (temp, incert.) Cc. 13,17, revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978. PRO CAB 128, 6.Z51 PRO CAB 130/72 PRO LC 2/13 PRO PREM 13/553

522 523 Proclamation, George V, 13 May 1927, pursuant to Royal Style and Titles Act 1927 (UK) Proclamation, Victoria R I, 17 September, 1900, Frontispiece, John Quick, and Robert Randolph Garran, The Annotated Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1901, reprinted by Legal Books, Sydney, 1976, 1995. Prohibitions del Roy, 12 Co. Rep., 64; Prohibitions, 1607 Prothero, G W, (ed). Select Statutes and Other Constitutional Documents illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894; 3rd edn. 1906, 4th edn. 1913, reprinted 1963 Prynne, William, and Walker, Clement, A Declaration and Protestation of William Prynne and Clement Walker against the present proceedings of the Army, January 19th 1649. Thomason Tracts 669.f. 13(74) Prynne, William, THE SovERAIGNE POWER OF PARLIAMENTS & KINGDOMS or Second Part of the treachery and Disloilty of Papists to their Soveraignes. Wherein the Parliaments and Kingdomes Right and Interest in, and Power over the Militia, Ports, Forts, Navy, Ammunition of the Realme, to dispose of them unto Confiding Officers hands, in the times of danger; Their Right and Interest to nominate and Elect all needful Commanders, to exercise the Militia for the Kingdomes safety and defence : As likewise, to Recommend and make choice of the Lord Chancellor, Keeper, Treasurer, Privy Seale, Privie Counsellors, Iudges and Sheriffes of the Kingdome, when they see just cause; That the King ham no absolute negative voice in passing publicke Bills of Right and Iustice for the safety peace and common benefit of the People, when both Houses deeme them necessary and just : are fully vindicated and confirmed, by pregnant Reasons and variety of Authorities, for the satisfaction of all Malignants, Papists, Royallists, who unjustly Censure the Parliaments proceedings, Claims and Declarations, in these Particulars,; printed by Michael Sparke, Senior, by Order of the Committee of the House of Commons concerning Printing, 28 March 1643. Facsimile copy made from the copy in the British Library (1129.h.6) by Garland Publishing Inc, New York, 1979 Queen vSam Scott, The (1993) 114 ACTR 20; 65 A Cnm R 182 R v Paly et alios, (The case of the Aylesbury men) 1704, Lord Raymond, Report of Cases, 4th edn., 1790, vol. II, 1105; Queen's Bench, 14 State Trials, 854 Ralph of Diceto, Abbreviationes Chronicorum, William Stubbs, (ed), The Historical Works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Rolls Series, 68, 1876 Rawley, Sir Walter, The Prince, or Maxims of State, Sapere & Silere, London, MDCXLII, (1642), reproduced in Classics of English Legal History in the Modern Era, Berkowitz, D S and Thome, S E (eds), Garland Publishing Inc, New York, 1979 Reeves, John, History of the English Law from the Time of the Anglo-Saxons to the end of the reign of Philip and Mary, 4 Vols., E Brooke, London, 1787, reprinted from Dublin edition (Dublin, Luke White, 1787) Augustus M Kelley Publishers, New York, 1969 Regency Aa, 1706,4 & 5 Ann., c. 20 Resident of the Tower of London, The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of Two yean of Queen Maty, and especially of the Rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat, written by a Resident in the Tower of London, edited by John Gough Nichols, printed for the Camden Society, MDCCCL (1850); Camden Society, Harlean MS. 194, a pocket diary; reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1968. Richard II, Deposition of Richard II, Rot Pari III. 416 [Latin], from English Historical Documents, 1327-1485, A R Myers (ed), 1969, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1969, at p. 407 ff.; translated from the original in Rot. Pari III., 416 (Latin) Robertson, C Grant, (ed), Select Statutes Cases and Documents to Illustrate English Constitutional History, 1660-1832, Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1904, 5* edn., enlarged, 1928 Rotuli Parliamentorum, 6 Vols., Strachey.J, (ed), 1767-77 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, The Social Contract, or The Principles of Political Right, 1762, Christopher Betts, (trans), The World Classics, Oxford University Press, 1994. Royal Councillors' Oath of Office, 1307, Edward II Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth) Royal Style and Titles Act, 1953, 1 & 2 Eliz. 2 cap. 9; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Version, Revised to 1st February 1978, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1978 Royal Web Site, The British Monarchy, http://www.royal.gov.uk Ruffhead, Owen, The Statutes at Large, from M<%na Carta to the twenty-fifth year of the reign of George ID., Eyre, Strahan, Woodfall and Strahan, His Majesty's Printers, London 1764; revised edition, Charles Runnington, (ed), 1786, Charles Eyre and Andrew Strahan, His Majesty's Printers, London, 1786 523 524 Russell, Bishop, third draft of sermon to parliament of Richard III, printed in Chrimes, English Constitutional Ideas in the Fifteenth Century, Chap 2, Excursus 6, especially 189-190 Rutherford, Rev. Samuel, Lex, Rex, or, The Law and the Prince, a Dispute for the Just Prerogative of King and People, printed by John Field, 7 October, 1644, in The Presbyterian's Armoury, Vol. Ill, Robert Ogle and Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1846; reproduced by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Mi., 1976 Rutland Papers, Original Documents, William Jerdan, (ed), Printed for the Camden Society, 1842; reprinted with permission of the Royal Historical Society, by AMS Press, New York, 1968 Sandford, Francis, The History of. .James II. In the Savoy, Thomas Newcombe, 1687 Sawyer, P H, Anglo-Saxon Charters: an Annotated List and Bibliography, (Royal Historical Society, Guides and Handbooks, viii, 1968) Sayles, G O, (ed). Select Cases in the Court of Kings Bench under Edward I, (Vol. I), Selden Society, Vol. LV, London, 1936 Scott, Walter, (ed), 'A Speech delivered from the parliament, by the Lord Thomas de Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, and Thomas de Arundell, Bishop of Ely, to King Richard II, in the 11th year of his reign, on his absenting himself from his Parliament', 1363, from Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts ... selected from...libraries, particularly that of the late LordSomers, 2nd edition, Vol. I., London, 1809; reprinted by AMS Press, Inc., New York, 1965 Scott, Walter, (ed), Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts ... selected from... libraries, particularly that of the late Lord Somen, 2nd edition, revised and arranged by Walter Scott, Vol. I., London, 1809; reprinted by AMS Press, Inc., New York, 1965 Second Test Act, 1678, 30 Car. II, stat. 2, cap. 1, from Statutes of the Realm, V, 894-896, reproduced in English Historical Documents, Vol. VIII, (ed) Andrew Browning, David D Douglas (gen., ed), Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1966, at pp. 391-394, p. 392 Sedgwick, Romney, (ed), Some Materials towards Memoirs of the Reign of King George II, by John, Lord Hervey, in three volumes, Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1931, reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1970. Sharwood, George, Sharwood's Blackstone Commentaries, Commentaries on the Laws of England, in Four Books, by Sir William Blackstone, wim Notes selected from the editions of Archbold, Christian, Coleridge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr and others, Baron Field's analysis, and Additional Notes and a Life of the Author, by George Sharwood, in Two Volumes, J B Lippincott Company, 1889 Ship-Money case, 1635; The King against John Hampden, esq., Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, Vol. Ill, 13 Charles I, 1637, 926 Simeon of Durham, c. 1104-1108, Historia Regum ("History of the Kings') Sir Griffin Markhams Trial 2 State Trials, 61-69 Sir Thomas troth's case, 1574, Trin. 15 Eliz. 1; 2 Plowden 252; 75 ER (KB) 678. Socrates, as transcribed by Plato in The Apology of Socrates, I, During the Trial, 29; from Plato, The Trial and Death of Socrates, translated with an Introduction by John Warrington, J M Dent & Sons, Everyman's Library, 1963 Sophocles, Antigone, 442-441 B.C., translated by E F Wading, Penguin Boob, 1947, 1965 reprint St Augustine, De Civitate Dei, written 413-427, first published 1467, Concerning the City of God agmnst the Pagans, A new translation by Henry Bettenson, wim an introduction by John O'Meara, Pelican Books, 1972, reprinted with a new introduction by Penguin Books, London, 1984 St Germain, Christopher, St German's Doctor and Student, TFT Plucknett and J L Barton, (eds), Selden Society, Vol. XCI, Selden Society, London, 1974 St Germain, Christopher, Doctor and Student, published 1523 in Latin; published in English in 1530, reprinted by William Marshall, 1815 Stanford, Sir William, Exposition of the King's Prerogative, 1548 (Stanford was a judge of the common pleas, appointed in 1554—see also Staunford, Sir William; sometimes also called 'Stamford") Statuta WaJlie (on the subjection of Wales),12 Edward 1,1238, Statutes of the Realm, I, 55 [Hale 23] Statute De Finibus Levatis, 27 Edward I, stat. 1,1299, Statutes of the Realm, i, 126 Statute of Provisory of Benefices, (25 Edward III, stat. 6); Anno 25 Edw. III. Stat. 6, and Anno Dom. 1350 at p. 260 of Vol. I of The Statutes at Large, and see Rot Part Vol. II. pp. 232-3; in French. Statute of Westminster, 1931, ['An Act to give effect to certain resolutions passed by Imperial Conferences held in the years 1926 and 1930', 22 Geo. 5, c. 4, assented to 11 December 1931.]

524 525

Statute of York, 15 Edw. 2; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revocation of New Ordinances (15 Edw. 2), revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978; see also Statutes of the Realm, I, 189 Staunford, Sir William, An Exposition of the Kinges Prerogative, 1548, published London, 1567, facsimile copy of C.38e.2[2] in the British Library, by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York, 1979 Stephenson, C, and Marcham, F G, (eds.), Sources of English Constitutional History: VoL II: A Selection of Documents from the Interregnum to the Present, New York, Harper & Row, rev. edn. 1972 Stephenson, C, and Marcham, F G, (eds. and trans), Sources of English Constitutional History: VoL I: A Selection of Documents from AD 600 to the Interregnum, New York, Harper & Row, rev. edn. 1972 Stillington, Bishop, (Lord Chancellor ), speech to Parliament in 1468, RotuH Parliamentorum, V, 622, for application of natural law in 15th century, Tudors, printed in Pollard, A F, Reign of Henry VIIfrom Contemporary Sources, London, 1913, I, Stockdalev Hansard (1839) 9 Adolphus and Ellis 1; 112 ER 1112 Stockdale v Hansard, (1840) 11 Ad & E 253; 113 ER 411 Strachey, J, (ed), Rotuli Parliamentorum, 6 Vols., 1767-77 Strype, John, Annals of the Reformation and establishment of Religion, and other various Occurrences in the Church of England, during the First Twelve Years of Queen Elizabeth's Happy Reign Strype, John, Memorials of the Most Reverend father in God Thomas Cranmer, sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury..., first published 1694, in three books; new edition with additions, in 2 volumes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, MDCCCXL (1840) Succession Act, 1604, 1 Jac. I, c. I; Statues of the Realm, iv, 1017, extracted in J R Tanner, Constitutional Documents of James I, AD 1603-1625, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1930, reprinted 1961, at 10-12. Succession to the Crown Act, 1707, 6 Ann., c. 41, (short title given by Short Titles Act 1896), formerly known as The Regency Act Supplement to the London Gazette Extraordinary, HMSO, London, Tuesday, 21 January, 1936, Numb. 34245, p. 451; taken from Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 5, 'Spares, Abdication of King Edward VUF Supplement to the London Gazette Extraordinary, HMSO, London, Tuesday, 21 January, 1936, Numb. 34245, p. 449; taken from Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 5, 'Spares, Abdication of King Edward VHI'. Sutton, Anne F, and Hammond, P. W, (eds.) The Coronation of Richard HI, the extant Documents, Alan Sutton Publishing Limited, Gloucester, 1983 Sutton's Hospital case, Co. Ut. 2 a, 250 a; 10 Co. Rep. 26 b, 1613; 77 ER 960 Sybthorpe, Robert, Apostolike Obedience, Shewing the Duty of Subjects to pay Tribute and Taxes to their Princes, according to the Word of God, in the Law and the Gospell, and the Rules of Religion, and Cases of Conscience; Determined by the Ancient Fathers, and die best Modern Divines; yea even by those Neotcnckes, who in some other things, put too strict Limits to Regalitie, Printed by Miles Flesher, London, 1627, reproduced in Classics of English Legal History in the Modern Era, Berkowitz, D S and Thome, S E (eds), Garland Publishing Inc, New York, 1979 Tanner, J R, Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I, A.D. 1603-1625, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1" edn. 1930; reprinted 1952, 1960, 1961 Tanner, J R, Tudor Constitutional Documents A.D. 1485-1603, with an historical commentary, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1922; republished by Cedric Olivers Ltd., Bath, 1971. The Times, 14, 17,18, and 20 December 1979 The Times, 24 April 1950, letters re dissolution of Parliament Third Act of Succession, 35 Henry VIII, c 1, 1543, Statutes of the Realm, III, 955, An act concerning the establishment of the king's Majesty's succession in the imperial crown of the realm... Thomas Forester, (trans. ) , The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, Henry G. Bohn, London, 1854, reprinted by AMS Press Inc., New York, 1968 Thomas, A H, and Thomley, I D, (eds), The Great Chronicle of London, 1938, Thomas, A H, Calendar of Pleas and Memoranda Rolls of the City of London, 1323-1364, quoted from Feldman, The King's Peace etc.,' (below, in Secondary Sources)

525 526 Thomas, Peter D G, '"Thoughts on the British Constitution", by George III in 1760', B/HR, Vol. LX, 1987, 361-363 (written at the age of 21, a few months before his accession to the throne; a modern copy, headed 'in the handwriting of George III'. Thomson, J AK, (trans.), Aristotle, The Ethics of Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, Allen & Unwin, 1953, revised by Hugh Tredennick, with Jonathan Barnes (introduction), Penguin Classics, London, 1976. Thome, Samuel E, (trans), Henricus de Brattone, hradon De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, George E Woodbine (ed), Yale University Press, 1922, reproduced with translation by Samuel E Thome, Selden Society and Harvard University press, Cambridge Mass., 1968; Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England, Latin text copyright 1922 Yale University Press; translation copyright 1968 Harvard. Thorpe, B, (ed), Florenti Wigorniensis monachi chronicon ex chronids, English Historical Society, London, 1848-1849 Title of the Duke of York s case, The, 1460, Rot. Pari., V, 376-8 Tredennick, Hugh, with Jonathan Barnes (introduction), revision of Aristode, The Ethics of Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, JAK Thomson, (trans.) Allen & Unwin, 1953, revised by Penguin Classics, London, 1976. Triad 14, Mabinogi II, p. 240. Trial of Charles I, State Trials, Vol. IV, 959 ff. Trial of the Seven Bishops, King's Bench, 29 June 1688, State Trials, XII, 416 Tyndale, W, Obedience of a Christian Man, printed in Doctrinal Treatises by W/ Tyndale, edited by Rev H Walter, Parker Society, Cambridge, 1848, referred to extensively in Baumer, The Early Tudor Theory of Kingship, NY 1966 Ullmann, Walter, (ed), Liber Regie Capelle, Manuscript in the Biblioteca Publico, Evora, Printed for the Henry Bradshaw Society at the University of Cambridge Press, 1961, Henry Bradshaw Society, Vol. XCII Urmson, J O, and Ackrill, J L, revision, of David Ross, (trans), Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, Oxford University Press, 1925, Oxford World Classic Paperback, 1980. Vaughan, Richard, (ed and trans), The Illustrated Chronicles of Matthew Paris, Observations of Thirteenth Century Life, Alan Sutton Publishing and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1993 Vergil, Polydore, The Anglica Historia ofPolydore Vergil, A.D. 1485-1537, Denys Hay, (ed and trans), Camden Society, Vol. LXXIV (74), London, 1950 Warrington, John, (trans), Plato, The Trial and Death of Socrates, and The Apology of Socrates, I, During the Trial, 29; translated with an Introduction by John Warrington, J M Dent & Sons, Everyman's Library, 1963 Wading, E F, (trans), Sophocles, Antigone, 442-441 B.C., Penguin Books, 1947, 1965 reprint Watts, (ed), Matthew Paris , Dux Normanniae Johannes, A. D. 1199 Whitelock, Dorothy, (ed), English Historical Documents c. 500-1042, Vol. I, Eyre Methuen, London, 1955, 2nd edn. 1979 Whittaker, William Joseph, (ed). The Mirror of Justices, edited for the Selden Society by William Joseph Whittaker, with an introduction by Frederic William Maitland; Publications of die Selden Society, Vol. VII, 1898; reissued, 1978. Will of Henry I Til, 1546, Rymer, Foedera, XV, 110-115 Will of King Edward the Sixth, and his Devise [entirely autograph] for the succession of the Crown, reproduced in the Appendix I to The Chronicle of Queen Jane, and of Two years of Queen Mary, written by a Resident in the Tower of London, edited by John Gough Nichols, printed for the Camden Society, MDCCCL (1850); reprinted by AMS Press, New York, 1968. at pp. 85 ff. William I, Laws of William of Orange, His Majesty's gracious letter to the Meeting of the Estates of His Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, 17 May, 1689, taken from a contemporary print, 'by order of me Convention of Estates' Williams, C H, (ed), David C Douglas (gen. ed), English Historical Documents, Vol. V, 1485-1558, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1967 Witlion v Berkley 1 Plowden 223 (facts and argument) 75 ER (KB) 339; 1 Plowden 241, Trin. 4 Elizabeth 1, 75 ER (KB) 368 (case) Woodbine, George E (ed), Henricus de Brattone, BraOon De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, Yale University Press, 1922, reproduced with translation by Samuel E Thome, Selden Society and Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass.,

526 527

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