509 jam BIBLIOGRAPHY 509 510 510 511 BIBLIOGRAPHY PRIMARY SOURCES Edward I —28 Edward I, stat. 3, 1300, Articuli super Chartas, Vol. 1, Statutes at Large, 139 Edward II —15 Edw. II, 1322, Edward II; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revocation of New Ordinances (15 Edw. 2), revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978; known as the Statute of York, see also Statutes of the Realm, I, 189; and for text see S&Ml, 204-205. —17 Edw. II, (insert), Prerogativa Regis, Statutes in Force, Official Reused Edition, Prerogativa Regis, Of the King's Prerogative (temp, incert.) Cc. 13,17, revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978. Edward III —15 Edw. Ill, 1341; Vol. 1 Statutes at Large, 233 Richard II —16 Ric. II, c. 5; 1393, Richard II, Second Statute of Praemunire (Statutes of the Realm, II, 84); (see S&Ml, p. 246) Henry IV —7 Henry IV, c. 2. Richard III —1 Richard III, Titulus Regius 1483,(Roi Pari VI, 238-242) Henry VII —1 Henry VII, Titulus Regis, (Rot. Pari VI, 270), 1485. —1 Henry VIL Y.B., Hil. pi. 5 Henry VIII —24 Hen. VIII, c.12 —25 Henry VIII, c. 21, 1534, Statutes of the Realm, III, 464 —26 Hen. VIII, c. 1 (Act of Supremacy 1547) —27 Hen. VIII, c. 24 511 512 —28 Hen. VIII, c. 10 (Act abolishing the authority of the Bishop of Rome) —28 Hen. VIII, c. 7 2nd Act of Succession —35 Henry VIII, c 1, 1543, Statutes ofthe Realm, 111,955, the Third Act of Succession; An act concerning the establishment of the king's Majesty's succession in the imperial crown of the realm... Charles II —30 Car. II, stat. 2, cap. 1, The Second Test Act, 1678, from Statutes of the Realm, V, 894-896 Anne — 6 Ann., c. 41, Succession to the Crown Act, 1707, (short title given by Short Titles Act 1896), formerly known as The Regency Act — 6 Annae, cap. 1, Act of Union, 1707, Statutes of the Realm, VIII, 566-577. William and Mary — 1 Will & Mary c. 6, 1688; Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, Revised to 1st February 1978, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1978 —1 Will. & Mar. Sess. 2, cap. 2, 1689, Bill of Rights — 1 Will. & Mary, c. 1, 1689, Legalisation of the Convention Parliament, (assented to by William and Mary 22 February 1689) — 2 Will. & Mar. c. 1 c. 1, Crown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689, Rot. Pari., Pt. 1, nu. 1, Statutes in Force, revised to 1 February 1978, HMSO, which gives the citation of this latter Act as the new short title being given by the Statute Law Revision Act 1948, c. 62, Sch. 2. —12 & 13 Will. Ill c. 2, Act of Settlement, 1700 or 1701 [Note that Statues in Force, HMSO, 1978, gives the citation as 'Act of Settlement 1700. c. 2") George III —14 Geo. Ill, c. 83, s. 12 (Quebec) Victoria —30 & 31 Victoria, c. 102, s. 51, §§ 8, 9, Representation of the People Act —63 & 64 Vic, c. 12, 9 July, 1900, section 9. Constitution of Australia George V —10 Edw. VII & 1 Geo. V c. 29, The Accession Declaration Act 1910 , Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, revised to 1st February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978 —22 Geo. V, c. 4, 'An Act to give effect to certain resolutions passed by Imperial Conferences held in the years 1926 and 1930', assented to 11 December 1931. * A Further Narrative of the Passage of these times in the Common-Wealth of England...An exact relation of the .. .solemn Investiture.. .of His Highness the Lord Protector at Westminster, June 26 1657, printed by M S for Thomas Jenner, at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange.[British Museum press mark: E. 1954] Accession Declaration Act 1910, The , 10 Edw. 7 and 1 Geo. 5 c. 29, Statutes in Force, Official Revised Edition, revised to 1" February 1978; HMSO, London, 1978 Accession Proclamation by the Accession Council of George VI as king on 12 December 1936; circular cablegram G.13 from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of 11 December, 1936, 5.10 p.m. received Australia 12 December, 1936, marked SECRET, from Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHI', folios 143- 142; Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Extraordinary, No. 102, Canberra, Saturday, 12* December, 1936, Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VHI', folio 144. Act Anent Peace and War, 1703, (Scotland), c. 5, 16 September 1703 Art for Commissioners of Union, 1604, 1&2 Jac. I, c. 2; Statutes of the Realm, iv, 1018, extracted in Tanner, op. at., at 31-33 Act for the regulating the Privy Council and for taking away the court commonly called the Star Chamber, 16 Car. I, c. 10, 1641 Act for the Security of the Kingdom, 1704, (Act 1704, c. 3, Passed 5 August, 1704) 512 513 Act of Annates, 1532, 23 Henry VIII, c. 20 Act of Appeals, 1533, 24 Hen. VIII, c. 12 ­ all persons appealing to Rome should incur the penalties of praemunire, and asserted that by 'divers sundry old authentic histories and chronicles' it appears that die realm of England is an 'empire'. The term 'empire' had a much different connotation in the early sixteenth century than it has today. The British Empire of the twentieth century means the extensive territories of which the King of England is titular head. But in 1533 'empire' meant simply 'a country of which the sovereign owes no allegiance to any foreign superior', i.e., pope or emperor. See Baumer, p 29 Act of Oblivion, 12 Car. II, c. 11, 1660 Act of Settlement, 1700—as stated in Statues in Force, HMSO, 1978, which gives the citation as 'Act of Settlement 1700. c. 2') , 12 & 13 Will. 3 c. 2 Act of Succession, 1604, 1 Jac. I, c. 1, Statutes of the Realm, iv, 1017; referred to by Sir Francis Bacon as the Act of Recognition, not 'succession'. Act of Supremacy, 1559, 1 Eliz. I, c. 1; Statutes of the Realm, IV, 350353.. This was the first Act of Elizabeth's reign. Act of Union, 1707, Statutes of the Realm, VIII, 566-577, 6 Annae, cap. 1. Acts of the Privy Council (APQ, (ed) Dasent, (A.P.C.), N.S., II, (1547-50), London, 1890, 1873 Adam of Usk, Chronicle of Adam of Usk, translated by E M Thompson, quoted in The Portable Medieval Reader, edited and with an introduction by James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin, The Viking Press, New York, 1949, 22nd printing 1967 Adamnan, Life of Saint Columba, W Reeves, {ed), Edinburgh, 1874 [English]; and Adamnani Vita S. Columba, J T Fowler, {ed), 1894 [Latin] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Annates Acts of 23 Henry VIII, c.20 (1532) Anson, Sir William R, The haw and Custom of the Constitution, in three volumes, Vol. II: The Crown, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 3^ edition, 1908 Aquinas, St Thomas, On Kingship, to the King of Cyprus, De Regno, Ad Regem Cypri, (c. 1260), Gerald B Phelan, {trans.), revised with introduction and notes by I Th. Eschmann, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1949, reprinted 1967, 1978, 1982 Archbishop of York and Sedgwick's Case, The, Trin. 10 Jacobi [1612], Godbolt, 201-202 Aristotle, The Ethics of Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, J A K Thomson, (trans.) Allen & Unwin, 1953, revised by Hugh Tredennick, with Jonathan Barnes (introduction), Penguin Classics, London, 1976 Aristode, The Nicomachean Ethics, David Ross, (trans.) Oxford University Press, 1925, J L Ackrill and J O Urmson, revision, Oxford World Classic Paperback, 1980 Aristode, The Politics, c. 335-323 B.C., T A Sinclair, (trans.), Penguin Books, London, 1962; revised and re-presented by Trevor J Saunders, Penguin Books, London, 1981 Articuli Cleri, 1605, 12 Co. Rep. (1777 edn.), extracted in J R Tanner, Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I, A.D. 1603-1625, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1961, at pp. 177 ff. Articuli super Chartas, 28 Edward I, stat. 3,1300, Statutes at Large, p. 139 Ashby v White, 1702-1704, 2 Lord Raymond, Report of Cases, 4* edn., 1790, 938, 3 Ld. Raym. 320, 14 State Trials, 695 Atkyns, Sir Robert, The Power, Jurisdiction, and Priviledge of Parliament; and the Antiquity of the House of Commons Asserted, London,1689 Attenborough, F L, (ed, trans) The Laws of the Earliest English Kings, 1922; reissued Russell & Russell, New York, 1963 Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, Confessions, 398-8, first printed in English 1620, Pine-Coffin, R S, (trans). Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1961, reprint 1964 Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, De Gvitate Dei, written 413-427, first published 1467, Concerning the Gty of God against the Pagans, A new translation by Henry Bettenson, with an introduction by John O'Meara, Pelican Books, 1972, reprinted with a new introduction by Penguin Books, London, 1984 513 514 Austin, John, Lectures on Jurisprudence, or, The Philosophy of Positive Law, 5th edn., revised and edited by Robert Campbell, 2 Vols.; London, John Murray, 1885; [originally published 1832; Sarah Austin's edition 1863; Robert Campbell's edition, drawing on material supplied by John Stuart Mill, 1885] Australian Archives, Series A462/4, Item 821/1/27, 'Royalty—Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second—Policy'—Background to the Coronation, Earl Marshall's Press Bureau 1953 Australian Archives, Series CP4/10/1, Item 3, 'Abdication of King Edward VIII', folios 143-142—Accession Proclamation by the Accession Council of George VI as king on 12 December 1936; circular cablegram G.13 from Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of 11 December, 1936, 5.10 p.m.
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