
eaeh Snvic, Tl.Ial Wa«, ?ß?ß?ß??ß, longing tn clnb. and more partJeularlv with a *<._ Phantom, Madgic, Fleetwing, Palmer, of ascertaining the number of Perwn« «^,G?,.nV?.*J ably he present, hut it is feared that he will not take tho ACROSS THE SEA. Rambler, , , , of tue vacata In order to *«tal4l»aU.ffiiw n^SVl active In the fun ;hat ho en the «inner occasion, THAT Alice, Heur de Li«, ??». Hestles*. Josephine, Calypso, number of offleer» and men which roaM m -ViïA «î? . part dm TaraliuU, Alarm, of war to fcOTfca FROM CALIFOKXIA. for then tie was proving hiuiaelf ? gallant warrior in the WILLjiACE William, H.ileyo.i, Jessie, »jiil the country in time man anZaHlmv1?t*S lattile of tlowe«. He wa.sr-e.iv.il wherever he went a» JLND CORONET WILL LOOK1 ON THEIß GREAT CONTEST FROM Vf ita. Won by Magie. Daiiutless second and Idler desired Information bus been obtained and tri. ,!ufcj«e TOPICS-A a BMRteref mbbm with bb«r«rmm aakttea RMwaaidajig HOW TUE DAUNTLLS* HARBOR, third. lists will aho'v that -68 yachts own^ag twe vava^ fe· ?????? sCAKK-fOI'Rr io ihciu he gaibuiUy hared his bead. Ouc.t when be did bAlxDÏ HOOK TO CORK 1*70.Contest for Newport UM· einbecan furnish an aiudllarj· fore« at near, could KcDtcmbsr 11. j LBMoBkaataS H.OIK POOJav this au uukno.ru woman, who BM standing zen«' Cup over the Hlo.-k Island course. Entries, TfcUC.KtlIlTOIllB I RIIILTSK. 1 not realst Hie temptation to hit In« top-knot, aud a light Palmer. , raaiau TBY wirh flower*. Ml wi'h a »dan ma»" , Calvp*», Tidal Wave. «¿«.The d-eision SÍ At· stick, nrwJaked away Dauntless, , Idler, Halcyon and Raí« Fii.vv'is'n. Feb. upon bis crauinni. The MRXMat*· lady »tipped Magli-, Uaunt- l'lubt. Ornasi Oarlaad tf¡at Cadaesa wsasra bsV into the need aad BreaawOy «as lost n, aYrhl »ml no uv laI|M Won ley Phautora. Palmer NMM, l*îaaTv!latrtIB*A3>HBBÎer«. | lutaey was made to the nature of the orb-nee leen third. of Xew-Tork do n· t ceaet Basisi las tempt agkMVBM was a American, tu, as servaele ob aaaaea by follow In« her. It wa- aal I at Uie timo that »Be In of tho New-York Club on Sep¬ Atlantic, of tlrooklyu... tavw will lead to ? vi-iii.r from il.ulen. The I'riiioe sowie.l duiiily, but lie the regatta Bo-too, «if HosUm. Bsawtateea ad tb«· resartettai afli-r w libili· W tember the Dan it less won a nip pre- *????.·-,??.??<·?· ?« lion;· . ,1,1 liiitliiiK »II I ,,;,..-J ,.» 11.1 shot 1> ¡ML 1870, i.:· .lo. of n October < 1. n-Uiia. of < lereland < Iloti*- nu In a rae«? from Huoy ? hiv-mi, of II···ton. Ivi.11.. The liurlc-t task thfl RStSBl 14, lum ib· beat the Cambria of is lo ?a Ö off ? hu False /look twenty mil«·« to windwurd .ferner cur, /airaay Cttr. tloiitiii-M have I1..1I in san Francises keep ? Lar tunoiit, of ?,.?? aiont, ami rei uni for a cup valued at BO guineas. . . o lui f r immurai i-ur 1- LB ont Chinese women un GLANCE8 at MEN and THINGS the llrooklvn Yaeht < lub Kec.itta of June 27, Ml« lilaen, of Detroit, ??· «i Et them is no proat that she won the schooner prize in compétition Marraaaaaati, of Prrevtd BSBBS, The staaSSd 1871, the time. itence. R. I.< sevta lui» been resetted to to evade ttas PKR.SO.NAL LNVU>L\\TS AND TRAITS CATJOflT with nine of the fatte*! schooners of of New-York ..| every ¡"' On October M, 1871, she sailed from theSandv huwuantiak»,New-York, of New-York .jar. Within tlie poet year Beetee baVri bSBB IP HERR AM) THKKK. miles to windward and wen· d Hook Lightship twenty rnitt«.l on retara rtxttftrstia that punii..·- M. Teller WM in New-York six than the in a a OBSB ·· When Senator Itrnrv retimi minutes qiucker here or in KoWgi Bad as Sec- content lor a ¡50 guinea cup, and three ful then HSBg «»ne of Want rec'iilly the ereum.lance» el hi» apnoiutinoul 11 ni. lit ? ? iu wtaieh later be.it the Dreadnought curred only ft.it to Oi th· lute, ior under Prcald Tit Arthur earn out days lb· sho I to enter « ? n SB-tifi· BtS asBde ntery oret t lie win e course. On August 11, 1874. sysBBSB tri·· gat ¡? seems ilia Mr.Teller had united with " " four iuche» taller thun Ixisclf. ? in conversation. It tailed a si nil» nice with the Foam, Wanderer e woaian t-esUfyiaa thut ttaej t'.ener.it Criint and Don Cameron iu recommending and Alarm fri m Brciiton'e Reef to Vineyard Haven sow them to aatet by Bsststy H. th.,lier tor that B*R*ral Arthur lor a «s s wil bo to ..pen wnl« Joro.ne peallioa. ««it of colors sud won. In a mate race, §1.000 arc servants el persea, foim of h ni expreesed the wish n> apa· ml a Weatewa man ior u ride, with VV. T. Gamer's Mohawk in IS75, from oik this peculmily offensive of the Iulerior, ami the ?.?,.???? taflaeaOM ¡look the «I« Is I «>f tfceaS wi.m-i· SecretaiV Candy Lightship twenty miles to windward Chiasso shivery nnd vio.·. Moa binimi Mr. Ciull· e rein,,I tu indicate thai he would and retarti, the Dauntless won tbrongb M error m um'er contract t«> brothel kee era be Om nicht Mr. relier v. it« invited t> go ¡ndgtneni on the part of the Mohawk's sailing aie imported under a stipo eppuiated. Arthur retire.I with him in thai Unir passive is paid to tin· Wb'te House. I,cuci.d mas er ? not following che sailing direction·, and City. wares of their dsbsueh- to th" nifee and ihoio told him that M had on the sue beat the from the lui 1.ui ttaat they tive the ptivate following .lay fur live or seven veais mode up hi« mimi ne* to appotot Mr. Uhafee teeaaM dub house at Mapleton. S. 1., to and around the «· y to their emi loyera ofhee a law¬ me t 1 be free. Hut he thought tl a uoies.itie.« or the re.|iiired Five Fathom Bank Lightship to the tlie eu«l of that term tiny ib.»l tlie -ort of in IB that he At the poor préparât ions for the coming contest included tures off long befro. t'ue perl d uf «lively of the hin.I tosta, Indian attain- and similar matter«, the Hiiorteningot her lower masts five feet, which t nOBPOi even sllhouch a aim «let» rui iial.on. Sen- has bean for ended. 'Itiey cairn with legal learatog .judicial in oompeneatod bv making her apper Chinese lover may offer to redeein It.eui, uBless ator Falter, who bad all the w,,iio iwn tenta* over stick· Joel as much longer. She has been filled Slmilid ol w.'io it e"iil be thai the Pres¬ wiih new and eight tons of bad been em¡ loyer is wil ing to sell them. hi« mind ihe problem rigging have their limiers will t.iiek ident ha I in vi.-w. va» presently a-t unshod to he ¡old put m her ke I. Her re. ordeil dlmoaoinn· now aie, iitleuipt ill bt, «reel h¡".h decine.! that t.. they and dru»· them buck hatit wa- him»· 1 :. and emphatically nage, 234.04: length over all, 12S.11 feet; thorn down like bloodlmunds timlor no circumstances would ho accept th« place. water line, 110.7 feet: briadth, 25.7 feet; depth, to punishment. He told the President that it whs the cenuitiueilt troni ¡Ulteet; draught, I24feet, been able to retire with as » which no man ever had TIIK DAVlTTUWe*· K.xMOfS SKtPPFR. The two men eftssfSa with bavin «lynnmite he enteren it with, on account oi in their goo, a reputation M s>a!iiuol who will bombs and otlu ·?· »xp'tsro mnteri.il pos the leherwtteaeM ot the warb, the totrtoictoe tf it« Although Captain Samuels, court Ibi is «i-. course of tho ? in ajaasi ? were exannueil in the Balta lumiticut'ons, and the tact that IBR heed Inrgelv abafa the I'an tiesa theexpectod bonds for felony. Tin siihoidnialcs for intoiiiiatieli nnd gabt· Manli has lived fully three scoto and areefc and h«dd in ?,d,??? pendent upon to con gaies, years which the an. st oi .me. Rkl President mend ? asked Mr. Teller evidence of polie activity Dun Cameron wa« bai h en ¦oat ti that time a seafaring man, he ?; has a wleleaoaas eiiecl. .IdM the matter ami call agate. tho tars men Involved ihcntold ot hi» do ire and sent fin Senator ( bailee, «till us active and full of vigor M many of the is doubtful whether other conspirator. the rerwe- end It cai who WM ¡n Herida. The «tarter got iato \oi:n--t<