
Compilation of , , Reservoirs and Impoundments The Clean Lakes Program

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering DIVISION of CONTROL


By Michael T. Ackerman Sanitary Biologist

Richard A. Batiuk Assistant Sanitary Engineering Aide and Therese M. Beaudoin Assistant Sanitary Engineering Aide


August 1984


Cover designed by Barbara J. Kimball TAJlLE OF CONTENTS


FOREWORD V ACKNOWLEGMENTS vi ABSTRACT vii LIST OF TAJlLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix INTRODUCTIONAND OBJECTIVES l PROCEDURE 3 LISTING OF LAKES, PONDS, RESERVOIRS, AND IMPOUNDMENTS 5 Hudson Drainage System 5 Hoosic Basin 5 Kinderhook and Bashbish River Basins 7 Housatonic Drainage System 10 Basin 10 Drainage System 17 Basin 17 Basin 21 Basin 26 Basin 28 Basin 34 Basin 40 Thames Drainage System 49 Basin 49 French River Basin 53 Narragansett Drainage System 57 Basin 57 Ten Mile River Basin 67 (Shore) Drainage Area 70



Mount Hope Bay Drainage System 72 (Shore) Drainage Area 72 Basin 74 Drainage System P,6 Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 86 Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 90 Basin and Coastal Drainage Area g.g Weymouth and Weir River Basins and Coastal Drainage Area lo:! Merrimack Drainage System l O!i Basin lO!i Basin 114 Basin 12· Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 12:1 Coastal Drainage System 12!1 Parker River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 12n Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 13(1 North Shore Coastal Drainage Area 13:1 South Shore Coastal Drainage Area 14 l Coastal Drainage Area 15(1 Coastal Drainage Area 15S Islands Coastal Drainage Area l 7E REFERENCES l 8~ APPENDIX 1: Numerical Index to Massachusetts 184 Geological Survey Topographic Maps APPENDIX 2: Great Ponds of Massachusetts 187 APPENDIX 3: City and Town Index to River Basins l BE:


The many lakes, ponds, reservoirs and impoundments of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts rep~esent a considerable natural resource. These waterbodies are present in considerable numbers and encompass a wide diversity of fonns in our environment. This wealth of waterbodies provide a myriad of poten­ tial uses to the ,esidents of Massachusetts. These uses can range from industrial through recreational and may include power generation, cooling water, process water, fire protection, effluent assimilation, irrigation supply, wildlife management, , boating, swimming, skating, and aesthetics.

It is one of the primary responsibilities of the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control (MDWPC)to monitor, regulate and report on the quality and condition of these waterbodies within Massachusetts. In carrying out this responsibility, the previous compilation report (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1976) has been revised, expanded and updated. The format of this previous report was changed to make it easier to use and several appendixes have been added to access information in a more efficient manner.

This revised compilation report represents an evolving and integral informa­ tion management tool for MDWPCin executing its responsibility to monitor, regulate and report on the water quality of the waterbodies within Massachusetts.


The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance and support received throughout the preparation of this report from many people.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to both Alan N. Cooperman and Arthur J. Screpetis for their assistance in formulating the scope of the revisions and expansions of this document.

Special recognition is due to each of the colleagues and associates who have pro­ vided a helping hand with the various steps in preparing this report: Aline L. Charest, Theresa A. Vigneault, Anne Pavone, Kimberly A. Temple, Eben W. Chesebrough, Brian F. Friedmann, Barbara J. Kimball, Wendy L, Norton, and Diana 11. Sauer


An alphabetical listing, by drainage system and river basin, of 2,878 named lakes, , reservoirs, and impoundments in Massachusetts was compiled from currently available information and verified from the most recent revision of available United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps (Appendix 1). The hydro­ logical division of the state into nine drainage systems (Figure 1) comprising 32 river basins and coastal drainage areas (Figure 2) uses a system previously developed by Halliwell, Kimball, and Screpetis (1982). Each of the 32 river basin and coastal drainage area listings of waterbodies are accompanied by a watershed map depicting both major water courses and waterbodies. These watershed maps also provide other pertinent information such as adjoining river basin and coastal drainage area divides, municipal and state boundaries, and the location of the watershed within the state. Individual waterbodies are listed alphabetically within each river basin, These individual waterbody listings provide the accepted name, the common name (in parentheses), the date the pond was surveyed by the MDWPC Technical Services Branch, a unique computer code number (PALIS number) for data access, the municipality(ies) where the waterbody can be found, the size of the waterbody, and coded USGS map(s) locations. Recognized Great Ponds (Appendix 2) are noted by an asterisk following the accepted name, Also, an index associating each municipality with the appropriate river basin is provided as Appendix 3.



1 Basin 6 2 Kinderhook River Basin 8 3 Bashbish River Basin 9 4 Housatonic River Basin 11 5 Farmington River Basin 18 6 Westfield River Basin 22 7 Deerfield River Basin 27 8 Connecticut River Basin 29

9 Millers River Basin 35 IO Chicopee River Basin 41 11 Quinebaug River Basin 50 12 French River Basin 54 13 Blackstone River Basin 53 14 Ten Mile River Basin 68 15 Narragansett Bay (Shore) Drainage Area 71 16 Mount Hope Bay (Shore) Drainage Area 73 17 Taunton River Basin 75 18 Mystic River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 87 19 Charles River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 91 20 Neponset River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 99 21 Weymouth and Weir River Basins and Coastal Drainage Area 103 22 Nashua River Basin 106 23 Car.cord River Basin 115 24 Shawsheen River Basin 122 25 Merrimack River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 124 26 Parker River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 129 27 Ipswich River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 131 28 North Shore Coastal Drainage Area 136 29 South Shore Coastal Drainage Area 142 30 Buzzards Bay Coastal Drainage Area 151 31 Cape Cod Coastal Drainage Area 160 32 Islands Coastal Drainage Area 178



1 Drainage Systems X 2 River Basins and Coastal Drainage Areas 2 3 Map Symbols 4 4 Hoosic River Basin 5 5 Kinderhook and Bashbish River Basins 7 6 Housatonic River Basin 10 7 Farmington River Basin 17 8 Westfield River Basin 21 9 Deerfield River Basin 26 10 Connecticut River Basin 2B 11 Millers River Basin 34 12 Chicopee River Basin 40 13 Quinebaug River Basin 49 14 French River Basin 53 15 Blackstone River Basin 57 16 Ten Mile River Basin 67 17 Narragansett Bay (Shore) Drainage Area 70 18 Mount Hope Bay (Shore) Drainage Area 72 19 Taunton River Basin 74 20 Mystic River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 86 21 Charles River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 90 22 Neponset River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 98 23 Weymouth and Weir River Basins and Coastal Drainage Area 102 24 Nashua River Basin l 05 25 Concord River Basin 114 26 Shawsheen River Basin 121 27 Merrimack River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 123 28 Parker River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 128 29 Ipswich River Basin and Coastal Drainage Area 130 30 North Shore Coastal Drainage Area 135 31 South Shore Coastal Drainage Area 141 32 Buzzards Bay Coastal Drainage Area 150 33 Cape Cod Coastal Drainage Area 159 34 Islands Coastal Drainage Area (Martha's Vineyard) 176 35 Islands Coastal Drainage Area () 177 ix I 9 \ VT NH

8 ~ 3

CT RI l< ,l

1 Hudson 4 Thames 7 2 Housatonlc 5 Narragansett Bay 8 Merrimack 3 Connecticut 6 Mount Hope Bay 9 Coastal

I> :~/:\~ ~~~ ~d\ 0 2~ 0 2~ - - -!CILOMETERS ila•c=i-•==--•MILES DEOE·DWPC·Technicol Services Branch I


The Massachusetts Clean Lakes Program is currently undertaking many types of water quality investigations on a large number of waterbodies throughout the Commonwealth, In addition, there is a large body of data already being handled from previously completed water quality investigations, As a concerted effort to both improve and streamline the data access and information management from these investigations this compilation has been revised from a previous compilation report. This current revision of the 1976 compilation report (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1976) should provide an up-to-date desk reference which provides ready access to pertin­ ent preliminary information and data access codes on the various waterbodies of Massachusetts. Future revisions of this document are planned so that both corrections and new data may be incorporated into the report along with additional cross references which will allow even easier access to.information on individual waterbodies.

The main objective of this compilation report revision is to correct and expand upon the information found in the previous compilation report (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1976). In addition, emphasis has been placed upon both incorporating all available new information and making all the information easier to access by potential users. It is further intended that this document be a standard for the names and locations of the many waterbodies in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

1 \ \ VT 84 NH

33 35

34 36


CT RI 62 N

,·,,.i 11 Hooslc 42 French 82 Concord 12 Kinderhook 51 Blackstone 83 Shawsheen 13 Bashblsh 52 Ten Mile 84 Merrimack 21 Housatonlc 53 Narragansett Bay (shore) 91 Parker 31 Farmington 61 Mount Hope Bay lshore) 92 Ipswich 32 Westfield 62 Taunton 93 North Shore 33 Deerfield 71 Mystic 94 South Shore ,:::, 97 34 Connecticut 72 Charles 95 Buzzards Bay -~ 35 MIiiers 73 Neponset 96 Cape Cod "¾~ 36 Chicopee 74 Weymouth & Weir 97 Islands ,. 0 •• 0 41 Qulnebaug 81 Nashua -- - KILOMH[RS MILES DEOE·DWPC· Technical Services Branch


This document is generally used to ascertain several items of preliminary information concerning the waterbodies in Massachusetts. These items can be extracted directly from the individual waterbody listings and include the name of the pond, common names for the pond, the date of survey by MDWPC(if any), the PALIS data access number, the municipality where the waterbody is located, the acreage of the waterbody, the United States Geological Survey 1 s topographic quadrangles (7.5 minute series) code number (see Appendix 1), and whether the waterbody is known as a Great Pond (see Appendix 2). Indirectly, both the drainage system and river basin in which the waterbody is located can also be extracted from the first and second digits of the PALIS data access number (see Figures 1 and 2) which represent respectively the drainage system and river basin code numbers.

Users should note that individual waterbody listings are presented alphabetically in groupings by river basin. If the river basin is not known, a waterbody listing can usually be found by first using Appendix 3 to determine which river basin a particular municipality is within. Turning to the page number given in Appendix 3 should provide the proper river basin listing where a particular waterbody can be found.

Users should also be aware that waterbodies are often known by several names and the common names listed for the waterbodies (in parenthesis) may need to be searched before a particular waterbody listing can be found.

3 Figure 3








4 ---- Basin/Drainage Divide

0 2 l • • Figure 4 0 HOOSIC RIVERBASIN (11)



Berkshire Pond 1981 11001 Lanesborough 22 12 Cheshire Reservoir (Hoosac Reservoir) 11002 Cheshire/Lanesborough 418 12 Choquettes Pond 11003 Clarksburg 2 17 Dean Pond (Pecks Brook) 11004 Adams 2 12 Eph Pond 11005 Williamstown 5 11 Gore Pond (Lost Pond, Cheshire Pond) 11006 Dalton 1 12 Lower Reservoir 11007 North Adams 1 17 Main Road Pond 11008 Hancock 12 6 Mauserts Pond (Clarksburg Reservoir) 11009 Clarksburg 49 17 Mt. Williams Reservoir (Beaman Reservoir) 11010 North Adams 43 11 Notch Reservoir (Notch Brook Reservoir) 11011 North Adams 25 11 Railroad Pond 11012 Williamstown 7 11 Renfrew Pond 11013 Adams 6 17 Upper Reservoir 11014 North Adams 2 17 Williamstown Reservoir (Sherman Springs Reservoir) 11015 Williamstown 2 11 Windsor ( Pond) 11016 North Adams 17 17 Witts Pond 11017 North Adams 11 11/ 17 I I DRAINAGE LOCATION I

,' \ EGREMONT !•• -...... \\ tr ....,. \ ,--_J I ~,., \ I ... ~,_,,.. ,.\ \ I \ d Bk.• 1(21)1 I I I / ,1 I I I j I _,, I _,_.,. I .; #.# MOUNT / SHEFFIEl.0 # WASHINGTON I ;; ( ' ; MA.:____ L.l------' CT BASHBISH BASIN


0 2 3 • , ---===----====---- MILES 9._--=='--'==·--·• KILOMETERS ••••• Basin/ Drainage Divide .. ------•OEOE· OWPC·Technical Services Branch



Beaver Pond 12001 Hancock 7 7 Berry Pond 12002 Hancock 9 6 Twin Pond 12003 Hancock 2 7 Whitman Pond 12004 Hancock 10 6 BASHBISHRIVER BASIN (13)


Guilder Pond, Lake Unpike 13001 Mount Washington 15 4 Hunts Pond 13002 Mount Washington 6 4 Lee Pond 13003 Mount Washington 10 4 West Lee Pond 13004 Mount Washington 9 4 Yagar Pond 13005 Mount Washington 1 4 I I I NEW ASHFORD I I.... -:.I /(12)· ('I~ ( 11) I / /: ,- CHESHIRE /HANCC(K \,: t.§..., r-- ~ I ---, ::: l._ /OALTON BASIN ANO / I DRAINAGE LOCATION I I I

,\.. I ;,c .. I I --: ---1 : PERU / •-:. I ....,. I ,~, I ,, I I ~---J WASHINGTON 1i i I l _j • --- ~ l (32) BECKET f ' ..11.••·· "(31)

TIS ---

--,.:, \:_ SANOISFlELD 1-:. I ,:. ~~ SI

NEW MARLBOROUG~ -· __._v_~~ f, GT 0 iliMM --wl MILES 1111111 Basin/ Drainage Divide 0 ' ► M ewlKILOMETERS

OEOE· OWPC· Tecllnicol Ser,ic~s Bronch




Agawam Lake (Nigger Pond) 21001 Stockbridge 13 8 Anthony Pond (Anthony Brook Reservoir) 21002 Dalton 2 12 Ashley Lake (Ashley Brook Reservoir) 21003 Washington 111 13 21004 Washington 6 13 Ashmere Lake 1976,1983 21005 Hinsdale 217 19 Lake Averic (Echo Lake, Mountain Mirror Lake) 21006 Stockbridge 38 8 Basin Pond (Washington Mountain Brook Reservoir) 21007 Lee 4 14 Becker Pond (Dombrowski Pond) 21008 Mount Washington 3 4 Beinecke Pond 21009 Great Barrington 10 9 Belmont Reservoir (Steam Sawmill Brook) 21010 Hinsdale 13 13 Benedict Pond 21011 Great Barrington/Monterey 35 9 Bourne Pond (Sherrill Pond) 21012 Richmond 4 7 Brookside Pond 21013 Great Barrington 3 9 (Six Mile Pond)* 1976 21014 Monterey/New Marlborough 194 9 Card Pond (Mirror Lake) 21015 West Stockbridge 12 8 Center Pond (Weston Pond)* 1976 21016 Dalton 30 13 Clapp Pond (West Pond, Mud Pond, Sheppard Pond) 21017 Washington 12 14 Clark Pond 21018 Stockbridge 6 8 HOUSATONICRIVER BASIN (21) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S} Cleveland Brook Reservoir (Cleveland Reservoir 21019 Hinsdale 145 19 Cone Brook Pond 21020 Richmond 20 8 Cookson Pond 21021 New Marlborough 17 16 Coombes Dam Pond 21022 Sheffield 10 4 Cranberry Pond 21023 West Stockbridge 20 2 Cranberry Pond 21024 Hancock 1 Crane Lake (Crane Pond) 21025 West Stockbridge 28 2 N - Crystal Lake 21026 Richmond 5 8 Curtin Pond 21027 Otis 4 15 Davis Pond (Lily Pond, Lee Pond, Stoddard Pond) 21028 Sheffield/Egremont 6 3 East Indies Pond (East Pond, McAlpin Pond) 21029 New Marlborough 69 16 East Mountain Reservoir 21030 Great Barrington 2 9 Egypt Reservoir 21031 Dalton 5 13 Fairfield Pond 21032 Richmond 6 8 Farnham Reservoir 21033 Washington 42 13 Fawn Lake 21034 Sheffield 6 4 Felton Lake (Felton Pond) 21035 Washington 12 14 Fernwood Reservoir 21036 Hinsdale 3 13 Finerty Pond (Basin Pond, Round Mountain Pond) 21037 Washington 23 14 HOUSATONICRIVER BASIN (21) (CONTINUED)


Fountain Pond 21038 Great Barrington 4 9 Furnace Road Pond 21039 Richmond 6 8 * 21040 Monterey 262 15 Garret Pond 21041 Mount Washington 10 4 Goodrich Pond (Sylvan Pond)* 21042 Pittsfield 13 13 Goose Pond* 21043 Lee/Tyringham 225 14 Greenwater Pond* 21044 Becket 88 14 21045 Washington 10 14 w'""" Harmon Pond* 21046 New Marlborough 23 16 Harman Marsh Pond 21047 Egremont/Sheffield s 3 Harnett Pont 21048 New Marlborough 32 15 Harts Pond (Sunset Lake) 20149 Great Barrington 7 2 Hathaway Reservoir (Hathaway Brook Reservoir) 21050 Dalton 1 13 Hayes Pond 21051 Otis 53 15 Homes Road Pond 21052 Sheffield 5 9 Hoyt Pond 21053 Sheffield 8 10 Hudson Ore Bed Pond 21054 West Stockbridge 5 2 Juniper Pond 21055 New Marlborough s 9 Konkapot Brook Pond 21056 Great Barrington 6 8 HOUSATONICRIVER BASIN (21) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Laurel Lake (Scotts Pond, Scotch Pond)* 1976 21057 Lee/Lenox 165 8 Leet Ore Bed Pond 21058 West Stockbridge 7 2 Lenox Reservoir (Lower Root Reservoir) 21059 Lenox 11 8 Lily Pond 21060 Stockbridge 14 8 Little Egypt Reservoir 21061 Dalton 2 13 Long Pond 21062 Great Barrington 113 3 Lower Reservoir (Codding Brook Lower Reservoir 21063 Lee 1 14 Lower Sackett Reservoir 21064 Hinsdale 2 13 Mansfield Pond 21065 Great Barrington 25 9 Mill Brook Reservoir 21066 Washington 4 13 Mill Pond 21067 New Marlborough 3 16 Mill Pond (Old Mill Pond, Curtis Pond, Gilligan's Pond) 21068 Sheffield 107 3/9/10 Mill Pond (Smiley Mill Pond, Robinson Pond)-­ 21069 Egremont 20 3 Mohawk Lake (Hogars Pond, Schneyers Pond) 21070 Stockbridge 14 8 Morewood Lake (Melville Pond, Lily Pond) 21071 Pittsfield 20 7 /13 Mud Pond 21072 Otis 5 15 Mud Pond 21073 Pittsfield 5 7 Mud Pond 21074 Washington 11 14 Mud Ponds (Richmond Ore Bed Pond) 21075 West Stockbridge 19 2 Muddy Pond 21076 Washington/Hinsdale 26 19 Muddy Pond 21077 Hinsdale 28 13 HOUSATONICRIVER BASIN (21) (CONTINUED)


Onota Lake* 1976 21078 Pittsfield 617 7 Palmer Pond 21079 Monterey 10 15 Pecks Pond 21080 Pittsfield 13 7 Plantain Pond 21081 Mount Washington 61 4 Plunkett Reservoir 21082 Hinsdale 73 13/19 Pontoosuc Lake* 21083 Lanesborough/Pittsfield 467 6/7 /12/13 Prospect Lake (Winchell Pond)* 21084 Egremont 55 3 Reservoir below Lake Garfield >--' en (Sandisfield Road Pond) 21085 Monterey 11 15 Reservoir No. 1 21086 Dalton 2 13 Reservoir No. 2 (Old Ashley) 21087 Dalton 3 13 Richmond Pond* 1976 21088 Richmond/Pittsfield 218 7 Root Pond 21089 Great Barrington 7 3 Rosenstein Pond 21090 New Marlborough 5 10 (Upper Long Pond) 21091 Great Barrington 6 2/3 Royal Pond 21092 Monterey/Otis 8 15 Sandwash Reservoir 21093 Washington 64 14 Shaker Mill Pond 21094 West Stockbridge 20 2/8 Shaker Pond (Shaker Mill Pond) 21095 Tyringham 6 15 Shaker Reservoir 21096 Hancock 6 7 Silver Lake* 21097 Pittsfield 24 13 Sodem Pond 21098 Tyringham 2 15 HOUSATONICRIVER BASUJ (21) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) South Faun Lake 21099 Sheffield 18 4 Southwest Branch Pond 21100 Pittsfield 5 7 Spurr Pond (Spurr Lake) 21101 Sheffield 10 4 Steadman Pond 21102 Monterey 13 15 Stedman Pond 21103 Monterey 15 15 Stevens Pond (Switzers Pond) 21104 Monterey 30 9 (Lake Mahkeenac)* 1976 21105 Stockbridge 374 8 Thousand Acre Pond 21106 New Marlborough 155 9 Threemile Pond (Brush Hill Pond)* 21107 Sheffield 20 9 ..... "' Tracy Pond 21108 Peru 3 19 Trout Pond Dam 21109 Sheffield 12 4 Upper Goose Pond (Long Pond, Lower Lake May)* 21110 Lee/Tyringham 45 14 Upper Lenox Reservoir (Upper Root Reservoir) 21111 Lenox 16 8 Upper Reservoir (Lahey Reservoir, Codding Brook Upper Reservoir) 21112 Lee 26 14 Upper Sackett Reservoir 21113 Hinsdale 20 13 Wahly Pond 21114 New Marlborough 18 9 Warner Mountain Pond 21115 Great Barrington 20 9 Wilsons Pond 21116 Lenox 9 7 Windsor Reservoir (Cady Brook Reservoir)* 21119 Hinsdale/Windsor 62 19 Woods Pond 1981 21120 Lenox/Lee 122 14 0RAlfr4AG£LOO'TJOH

••••• Basin I Drainage Divide

.. ______OE:QE. OWPC· T11cl!nic1JISen,icn 6,onch




Atwater Pond (Shade Pond) 31002 Sandisfield 28 16 Benton Pond (Parish Pond, Little Benton Pond)* 1979 31003 Otis 63 21 (Big Benton, Lake Winiscutt, Big Lake)* 1979 31004 Otis 331 21 Camp Sequena Pond 31005 Sandisfield 17 21 Church Hill Pond 31006 Otis 20 21 - Colebrook Reservoir 31007 Tolland/Sandisfield/ "' Colebrook 728 22 Cranberry Pond (Wildwood Pond) 1979 31008 Tolland 8 22 Creek Pond () 31009 Otis 49 21 Dimmock Brook Pond 31010 Otis 62 21 Gilder Pond 31011 Sandisfield 6 15 Golden Fawn Lake 31012 Becket 5 20 Goose Pond 31013 Southwick 12 24 Haley Pond (Tucke-Haley Pond) 31014 Otis 17 21 Hall Pond 31015 Tolland 9 28 Hayden Pond (Wells Forge Pond) 31016 Otis 36 21 Horseshoe Pond 31017 Otis 13 21 Larkum Pond 31018 Otis 19 21 Long Bow Lake 31019 Becket 35 20/21 Lower Spectacle Pond 31020 Sandisfield 62 21 FARMINGTONRIVER BASIN (31)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lake Marquerite (Simon Pond) 31021 Sandisfield 40 22 Mirror Lake 31022 Sandisfield 20 22 Morley Pond 31023 Sandisfield 9 15 Mud Pond 31024 Otis 5 15 Mud Pond (Whiting Pond, Mud Hole Pond, Naglee Lawrence Pond) 31025 Otis 5 21 Noyes Pond 1979 31026 Tolland 166 22 (Clarks Pond, East Otis Reservoir 1979 31027 Otis/Tolland/Blanford 1200 21 ,--' "' Parsons Pond 31028 Granville 13 28 Pelton Pond 31029 Sandisfield 20 22 Quarry Pond 31030 Otis 6 15 Rood Hill Road Ponds 31033 Sandisfield 20 16 Royal Pond 31034 Otis 8 15 Sandy Brook Pond 31035 Sandisfield 5 16 Shaw Pond 31036 Becket 100 14/20/21 Sherwood Forest Pond 31037 Becket 70 21 Silver Brook Pond 31038 Sandisfield 6 16 South Sandisfield Road Pond 31039 Sandisfield 5 16 Thomas Pond 31040 Becket 2 21 Trout Pond 1 31041 Tolland 39 22/28 Trout Pond 2 (Demming Pond) 31042 Tolland 2 22 FARMINGTONRIVER BASIN (31) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Twining Pond 31043 Tolland 12 22 Upper Spectacle Pond 31044 Sandisfield/Otis 72 21 Veits Road Pond 31045 Sandisfield 5 22 Victory Lake 31046 Tolland 13 22 Ward Pond (Thomas Pond, Thomas Mill Pond) 31047 Becket 25 20/21 Wards Pond (Conn. Valley Girl Scouts Pond) 31048 Tolland 20 22 West Haley Pond 31049 Otis 15 21 West Lake 31050 Sandisfield 60 15 N 0 White Lily Pond 31051 Otis 27 21 York Lake (York Pond) 31052 New Marlborough 36 16 ( 11) \ .... (33) \ SAVO'f

) / HAWLEY / 8UCKLAND f...... I --- \' WINDSOR•-- .._, ASHFIELD BASIN ANO <21> ,,...... ,,.... l DRAINAGELOCATION

CUliUriWiGTON -, \ __,_ I I I 1--... I GOSHEN -_.._ HINSDALE I ~,(34) O--~~~~--· ••L.ES I I I o , " I -~~,_ KILOMETERS 7 / I --\~ JI --1,,','-t-CHESTERFIELD WAS!-IINGTO'' I ,, _,_'L i - , J I .. , I \ I l NTINGTON 1,.>-.... I ~ "" I WESTliAMPTON • / (31) KNJGHTVILLE RESERV0/11 I __., r;U:A:TON ,___ \ 7 / \ L / I OTIS I ONTGOMERY 'HOLYOKE / I ,_., - .. I I \ \ -'I \WEST I SPRING· FIELD \ ' '


---- Basin/ Drainage Divide ., ______•OEOE · OWPC· Technical Servic11sBranch



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ashley Cutoff (East Ashley Pond) 32001 Holyoke 31 39 Ashley Pond (Wrights Pond, Cedar Reservoir)-- 32002 Holyoke 217 39 Bad Luck Mountain Pond 32003 Granville 5 28 Bearhole Reservoir (Prudys Pond) 32004 West Springfield 14 39 Pond 32005 Blandford 45 27 Benson Pond 32006 Washington 5 19 Big Island Pond 32007 West Springfield 16 46 Black Pond 32008 Granville 15 28 Blair Pond (Pixley Pond) 32009 Blandford 27 N 35 N Borden Brook Pond South 32010 Granville 9 28 Borden Brook Reservoir 32011 Granville/Blandford 203 28 Buck Pond* 1978 32012 Westfield 25 39 Buckley-Dunton Lake 1978 32013 Becket 195 14 Carl Peer Pond 32014 Washington 2 20 Center Pond 1978 32015 Becket 125 20 Chapin Pond 32016 Westfield 11 39 Chimney Corners Pond 32017 Becket 32 20 Cobble Mountain Reservoir 32018 Blandford/Granville/ Russell 1200 27/28 Cochran Pond 32019 Blandford 5 27 Reservoir 32020 Middlefield/Washington 15 20 Congamond Lakes (Middle Pond* 1978 32021 Southwick 267 34 WESTFIELDRIVER BASIN (32) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Congamond Lakes (North Pond)* 1978 32022 Southwick 48 34 Congamond Lakes (South Pond)* 1978 32023 Southwick 135 34 Connor Reservoir 32024 Holyoke 32 39 Conwell Pond 32025 Worthington 1 26 Cooley Lake (Pine Lake) 1979 32026 Granville 91 34 Crane Pond 32027 Westfield 20 34 Crooked Pond 32028 Plainfield 36 24 Damon Pond (Burnell Pond) 1978 32029 Chesterfield/Goshen 88 31

N Dickinson Brook Pond 32030 Granville 5 34 w Doe Pond 32031 Westfield 8 39 Dunlap Pond 32032 Blanford 9 27 East Wright Pond 32033 Holyoke 5 39 Ellis Brook Pond 32034 Granville 42 28 Exposition Grounds Pond 32035 West Springfield 6 46 Ford Pond 32036 Ashfield 10 30 Garnet Lake 32037 Peru 20 19 Granville Reservoir 32038 Granville 67 34 Gun Club Pond (Ashfield Rod & Gun Club Pond) 32039 Plainfield 10 24 Hammond Pond (Dresser Pond, Dadmums Pond) 32040 Goshen 37 31 Hayden Pond 32041 Blandford 4 27 Horn Pond 32042 Becket 30 20 Horse Pond (Horse Shoe Pond)* 1978 32043 Westfield 30 39 WESTFIELDRIVER BASIN (32) (CONTINUED)


Huntington Reservoir (Cold Brook Reservoir) 32044 Blandford 1 27 Little Gallilee Pond 32045 Worthington/Chesterfield 11 26 Littleville Lake (Little Reservoir) 32046 Chester/Huntington 275 26 Long Pond 32047 Westfield 8 39 Long Pond 32048 Chesterfield 3 32 Long Pond (Tucker Healy Pond, Lincoln Pond)* 32049 Blandford 84 21 McLean Reservoir (High Service N Reservoir) 32050 Holyoke 55 39 -" Montgomery Road Pond 32051 Westfield 8 33 Murray Brothers Pond (Center Pond) 32052 Becket 10 20 North Railroad Pond 32053 Holyoke 10 Norwich Pond (Norwich Lake)* 1978 32054 Huntington 122 32 Pequot Pond (Hampton Pond)* 32055 Westfield/Southampton 154 39 Radicur Road Pond 32056 Worthington 43 Robin Hood Lake 32057 Becket 45 20/21 Round Hill Pond 32058 Chester 2 26 Round Pond 32059 Westfield 5 39 Rudd Pond (Lake Rudd) 1978 32060 Becket 80 20 Russell Pond (Hazzard Pond, Woronoake Pond)* 1978 32061 Russell 85 33 Russell Reservoir 32062 Russell 2 27/33 Scout Pond 32063 Chesterfield 40 31 WESTFIELDRIVER BASIN (32) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NA,.'!E SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Shatterack Pond 32064 Montgomery 6 33 Snake Pond 32065 Holyoke 6 39 Tekoa Reservoir 32066 Montgomery 3 33 Virginia Lake (Preston Pond) 32067 Washington 10 20 Virginia Lake (Preston Pond) 32068 Middlefield 8 20 Wauban Pond (Wabbin Farm Pond) 32069 Ashfield 7 30 West Branch Walker Brook Pond 32070 Becket 9 20 West Railroad Pond 32071 Holyoke 17 39 West Wright Pond 32072 Holyoke 5 39 N V, Westfield Mountain Pond 32073 Westfield 9 34 Westfield Reservoir (Montgomery Reservoir, Moose Meadow Brook) 32074 Montgomery 34 33 Winchell Reservoir 32075 Granville 2 34 Windsor Pond 1978 32076 Windsor 44 24 Wright Cutoff (North Wright Pond) 32077 Holyoke 7 39 Wright Pond 32078 Holyoke 25 39 Yokum Pond* 1978 32079 Becket 109 20/14 VT MA I \ \ \ \ \

N "'

a 2 , 4 s MILES 01234,--==--==-- ••-- Basin/ Drainage Divide .._ - WM KILOMETERS .. ______DEOE·OWPC·Technicot Services Branch---•

[.,..__ F_ig_u_re_9_ __.II ..______o_e_eR_F_,e_Lo_R_,v_e_R_e_As_,_N_(3_3_l _____ JJ DEERFIELDRIVER BASIN (33)

USGS PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ashfield Pond (Ashfield Lake, Great Pond) 1983 33001 Ashfield 39 30 Beaver Pond (Hunt Road Pond) 33002 Hawley 7 24 Bog Pond (Anthony Pond) 33003 Savoy 40 17 Browns Pond 33004 Monroe 2 23 Burnett Pond (Tyler Pond) 33005 Savoy 17 18 Fox Brook Upper Reservoir 33006 Colrain 4 35 Goodnow Road Pond 33007 Buckland 11 30 Greenfield Reservoir (Lower) 33008 Leyden 3 41

N Hallockville Pond 33009 Plainfield/Hawley 25 24 '--1 Hallockville Pond • 33010 Hawley 16 24 Maynard Pond 33011 Greenfield 5 42 McLeod Pond (Crouch Pond) 33012 Colrain 40 29/35 Newell Pond 33013 Greenfield 1 41 North Pond* 33014 Florida 18 17 Paddy Hill Pond 33015 Ashfield 25 31 Pelham Lake 33016 Rowe 71 23 Plainfield Pond 33017 Plainfield 57 24 Sherman Reservoir 33018 Rowe/Monroe/Whitingham 162 23 South Pond* 1978 33019 Savoy 24 17 Tannery Pond 33020 Savoy 17 18 Upper Greenfield Reservoir (Gler. Brook Upper Reservoir) 33021 Leyden 5 41 Figure 10 I MA CONNECTICUTRIVER BASIN (34) ~ ...,-:. ·'""'--"'- I -;,,,, 1=oe• ...... I ...... _ < 111111111 Drainage/Basin Divide ')..-> - --"\ ... t \ I GltEEN11ELD IEJtVING \ l ,, - - I '\.,,,r,_s-t ,, ,, I I I ..,. wtNDEU I 1.--)'_ \ r-' ' ') (35) I '---' ...... I ' DEERllll!LO (36) I

CONWAY • (33 ) /

••♦ , ...... (32) ...... - ifT'EsauRY\- ; \ ':;. _-1 -- : \ : \ : \ ,ii \ - 1 PELHAM \ I --" Lf I / I ( -:. \* HUNTING· TON ...... _, BELCHERTOWN



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Alder Pond 34001 Southampton 9 33 Aldrich Lake 1981 34002 Granby 66 44 Ames Hill Pond 34003 Wendell 10 48 Ames Pond 34004 Shutesbury 11 49 Arcadia Lake (Metacomet Middle Pond) 34005 Belchertown 40 so Atkins Reservoir (At kins Pond) 34006 Shutesbury 52 49 Baker Reservoir 34007 Shutesbury 4 49 Bass Pond (Bask Pond) 34008 Springfield 12 46 Bent Pond 34009 Warwick/Winchester, NH 3 47 N Boulder Hill Pond '° 34010 Monson 8 58 Brass Mill Pond 34011 Williamsburg 1 37 Butler Road Pond** 34012 Monson 7 58 Lake Bray (Bray Pond) 34013 Holyoke 12 44 Breckwood Lake (Breckwood Park Pond) 34014 Springfield 7 46 Broad .Brook Pond 34015 Holyoke 5 39 Campus Pond () 34016 Amherst 2 43 Chard Pond 34017 Sunderland 3 43 Cranberry Pond 34018 Sunderland 24 42/43 Danks Pond 34019 Northampton/Easthampton 5 38 Dudleyville Pond 34020 Shutesbury 12 49 Factory Hollow Pond (Puffers Pond, Golden Gates Pond) 34021 Amherst 8 43 Faculty Pond 34022 Wilbraham 7 52 CONNECTICUTRIVER BASIN (34) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Fiske Pond 34023 Wendell 10 48 Forge Pond 1981 34024 Granby 68 50 Fuller Pond 34025 Williamsburg 1 37 Graham Pond 34026 Williamsburg 5 31 Great Pond (Hatfield Oxbow) 34027 Hatfield 60 43 Green Pond 34028 Montague 12 42 Hadley Reservoir (Harts Brook Reservoir) 34029 Hadley 1 44 Harts Pond (Gogulski Pond) 34030 Agawam 3 40 w Hawley Reservoir 34031 Pelham 0 6 49/50 Hill Reservoir (New Amethyst Brook) 34032 Pelham 7 49 Hockanum Meadows (Borrows Pit Pond) 34033 Northampton 15 52 Hockanum Road Pond (Baye Pond) 34034 Northampton 28 44 Lake Holland (Metacomet Upper Pond) 34035 Belchertown 12 50 Hulberts Pond 34036 Northampton 13 45 Ingraham Brook Pond 34037 Granby 5 44 Kennedy Pond 34038 Holyoke 4 44 Langewald Pond 34039 Chicopee 1 45 Leaping Well Reservoir 34040 South Hadley 11 45 Leonard Pond (Risings Pond) 34041 Agawam 5 40 Leverett Pond 34042 Leverett 65 43 Lily Pond (Borrow Pit Pond) 34043 Northfield 3 47 CONNECTICUTRIVER BASIN (34) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lake Lookout 34044 Springfield 7 46 Loon Pond* 34045 Springfield 29 45/ 51 Louisiana Brook Reservoir (Upper Reservoir)-­ 34046 Northfield 7 47 Lower Highland Lake (Lower Goshen Reservoir) 34047 Goshen 88 31 Lower Mill Pond 34048 Easthampton 32 38 Lower Pond 34049 South Hadley 6 44 Mawaga Pond (Mawaga Fish & Game Club Pond) 34050 Agawam 4 40 Metacomet Lake (Metacomet Lower Pond)* 34051 Belchertown 74 50 Mill Pond 34052 Springfield 15 52 Mill Pond (Agawam Mill Pond) 34053 Agawam 5 40 Pond 34054 Hatfield 10 43 Mountain Lake (Roberts Pond) 34055 Chicopee 18 45 Mountain Street Reservoir 34056 Williamsburg/Hatfield/ Whately 66 37 Nashawannuck Pond (Upper Mill Pond) 1981 34057 Easthampton 22 38 Noonan 34058 Springfield 4 46 Northampton Reservoir (New) 34059 Whatley 65 37 Northampton Reservoir (Old) 34060 Whatley 6 37 Reservoir 34061 Erving 360 48 Northfield Reservoir 34062 Northfield 1 47 Old Lyman Road Pond North 34063 South Hadley 8 45 CONNECTICUTRIVER BASIN (34) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Old Lyman Road Pond South 34064 South Hadley 8 45 Otter Pond 34065 Gill 6 41 Oxbow Pond 34066 Northampton/Easthampton 168 38/44 Oxbow Cutoff 34067 Northampton 50 38 Paradise Pond 34068 Northampton 15 38 Pine Island Lake (Westhampton Reservoir) 34069 Westhampton 54 32 Lake Pleasant 34070 Montague 50 42 Plympton Brook Pond 34071 Wendell 15 48 w N Porter Lake West 34072 Springfield 5 46 Porter Lake (Porter Pond, Forest Park Pond) 34073 Springfield 28 46 Red Stone Lake 34074 East Longmeadow 3 46 Reservoir (Louisiana Brook Reservoir, Upper Reservoir) 34075 Northfield 7 47 Roberts Meadow Reservoir (Leeds Reservoir, Middle Reservoir 34076 Northampton 23 38 Russell Cove 34077 Hadley/South Hadley 3 44 Sawyer Ponds (North) 34078 Northfield 7 47 Sawyer Ponds (South) 34079 Northfield 10 47 Scarboro Pond 34080 Belchertown 2 50 Second Pond 34081 Ludlow 3 51 Shadow Lake 34082 Gill 5 47 Shaker Pond 34083 East Longmeadow 7 46 Silver Lake (Porter Lake) 1982 34084 Agawam 10 40 CONNECTICUTRIVER BASIN (34) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) South Hadley Cove 34085 South Hadley 10 45 Spencer Pond 34086 Belchertown 1 50 Streeter Pond 34087 Northfield 3 47 Taylor Pond 34088 Agawam 2 40 Tighe Carmody Reservoir 34089 Southampton 340 33 Turner Park Pond 34090 Longmeadow 5 46 Tyler Pond 34091 Wendell 2 48 Unquomonk Reservoir 34092 Williamsburg 5 37 w w Upper Highland Lake (Connecticut Lake) 34093 Goshen 53 31 Upper Leeds Reservoir (Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir 34094 Northampton 5 38 Upper Pond (Upper Nonotuck) 34095 South Hadley 11 44 Venture Pond 34096 Springfield 7 46 Wanamaker Lake 34097 Northfield 3 47 Lake Warner (North Hadley Pond) 34098 Hadley 68 43 Watershops Pond 34099 Springfield 157 46 White Reservoir 34100 Westhampton/Southampton 132 32 Whiting Street Upper Reservoir 34101 Holyoke 4 42 Whitmore Pond 34102 Sunderland 106 42 (Locks Pond)* 34103 Shutesbury 129 48/49

• \IT NH ----,-----MA~ \ WARWiC~ t T; - \ ! ::- - 1•111~.(84) ~ ,e, :NY I' • NOITT'HfJELO\ \."",, : -, "'"': f ,, . q> ....\. \ ...... ' 'II ,, ... .: I - WINCHENDON t. BASIN ANO - 0-RAl!iAGELOCATION - •-- """"'"" / - J\U"""- : i AS~UliNHA'-1: ( _: l" ,,,.,f' GIU. \ ---. )---_,., 1-''':: - ( ,,...- ERVING- 11.1\ ; v'J _, ,., ,,GA.RONER/ ::- ~ J )'t I - ' ,. ,. 11 >,_ 'f>...:WENtlf'.LL~ f: ': .....,. . . ;;,,,, \ 'o ,.._f. •- .,fl/II r\ " ,, ): \ ':, TEMPlETO ,, "11,. ~~s ':-· / f '•u:: \ •,,,, " ,_il


0 I 2. 3 ◄ 5 MILES 0 1214! 1111111 Basin / Drainage Divide - W - KILOMETERS

DEQE· DWPC· Tecnnicot Services fJrcncli ( Figure 11 II MILLERSRIVER BASIN (35) J

~~~t,.:,1, . ._..-,.,,. .•,~ .. 1,:,<,s-.;.,,.""',"'""'"'' MILLERS RIVER BASIN (35)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Baldwin Hill Pond 35001 Phillipston 9 60 Bassett Pond 35002 New Salem 30 54 Bates Power Reservoir 35003 Phillipston 34 60 Beaman Pond 35004 Winchendon/Templeton 2 65 Beaver Flowage Pond (Beaver Pond) 35005 Royalston 58 59 Bents Pond 35006 Hubbardston 31 66/72 Bents Pond 1979 35007 Gardner 9 72 Bourn-Hadley Pond 35008 Templeton 27 66 w Bowens Pond 35009 Wendell 11 48 Ln Brazell Pond 35010 Templeton 16 66 Cheshire Pond 35011 Ashburnham 10 71 Cook Pond 35012 Templeton 4 66 Cowee Pond (Marm Johns Pond) 35013 Gardner 20 72 Crystal Lake 1979 35014 Gardner 147 72 Davenport Pond 1982 35015 Petersham/Athol 32 60 Day Millpond 35016 Templeton 13 66 Lake Denison 1979 35017 Winchendon 82 65 Depot Pond (Railroad Pond 35018 Templeton 17 66 Drive in Theater Pond 35019 Gardner 5 66 Duck Pond 35020 Athol 3 60 Dunn Pond 1979 35021 Gardner 18 72 MILLERS RIVER BASIN (35) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) East Templeton Pond 35022 Templeton 28 66 Ellis Pond (Lake Ellis) 1979 35023 Athol 67 60 Gales Pond 35024 Warwick 11 53 Greenwood Pond 35025 Westminster 25 72 Greenwood Pond 35026 Templeton 25 66 Hansel Pond 35027 Templeton 2 66 Hastings Pond 35028 Warwick 20 53 Hilchey Pond 35029 Gardner 11 66 Howe Hill Pond 35030 Gardner 5 72 w °' Hubbards Pond 35031 Warwick 5 53 Johnsonian Pond 35032 Orange/Warwick 5 53 Lake Jones 35033 Winchendon 5 65 Kendall Pond (Hines Pond)* 1979 35034 Gardner 23 66 Laurel Lake 1979 35035 Erving/Warwick 51 54/48 Lily Pond 35036 Warwick 5 53 Little Pond (Horseshoe Pond) 35037 Royalston 16 59 Little Watatic Mountain Pond 35038 Ashburnham 6 71 Long Pond 35039 Royalston 46 59 Lord Road Pond 35040 Templeton 10 66 Lower Naukeag Lake 1979 35041 Ashburnham 260 71 Marble Pond 35042 Ashburnham 15 71 MILLERS RIVER BASIN (35) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lake Martin 35043 Winchendon 8 65 Mellen Pond 35044 Winchendon 4 65 Minott Pond South 35045 Westminster 30 72 Minott Pond (Minots Pond) 35046 Westminster 9 72 (Lake Monomonock) 35047 Winchendon/Rindge, NH 592 65/71 Moores Pond (Lake MOore) 1981 35048 Warwick 31 53 Murdock Pond 35049 Gardner 2 72 New Cemetary Pond 35050 Gardner 17 66 Newton Reservoir 35051 Athol 20 60 (;.) -.J North Spectacle Pond (Upper Spectacle Pond)l979 35052 New Salem 30 54 Packard Pond 1979 35053 Orange 34 59 Paige Pond 35054 Athol 9 60 Paige Pond (Doe Valley Pond) 35055 Athol 4 60 Parker Pond 35056 Gardner 26 66 Partridgeville Pond 1979 35057 Templeton 39 66 Perley Brook Pond 35058 Gardner 7 66 Perley Brook Reservoir 35059 Gardner 53 66 Philipston Reservoir 35060 Phillipston/Athol 22 60 Quag Pond 35061 Gardner 1 72 Ramsdall Pond 35062 Gardner 20 72 Reservoir 1 35063 Athol 9 60 Reservoir No. 2 35064 Phillipston/Athol 54 60 MILLERS RIVER BASIN (35) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Riceville Pond 35065 Athol/Petersham 68 60 Richards Mill Pond 35066 Warwick 7 53 Richards Reservoir 35067 Warwick 30 53 Ridgley Pond 35068 Templeton 7 66 Robbins Pond 35069 Winchendon/Rindge,NH 39 65 Lake Rohunta (Eagleville Lake) 1981 35070 Athol/Orange/New Salem 250 54 Royalston Road Pond 35071 Orange 10 59 Ruggles Pond 35072 Wendell 19 48 Lake Sal 35073 Winchendon 1 65 w "' Sheomet Lake (Club Pond, Sheomet Club Pond)-- 35074 Warwick 33 53 Shiner Pond 35075 Gardner 2 72 Silver Lake 35076 Athol 9 60 Snake Pond 35077 Athol/Gardner 6 66 South Athol Pond 1979 35078 Athol 76 54 South Branch Pond 35079 Ashby 5 77 South Mattawa Pond 35080 Orange 6 54 South Spectacle Pond (Lower Spectacle Pond) 1979 35081 New Salem 37 54 Sportsmans Pond 1979 35082 Athol 102 60 Stoddard Pond (Carter Pond) 35083 Winchendon 50 65 Stodge Meadow Pond 35084 Ashburnham llO 71 Stump Pond 35085 Gardner 1 72 MnLER,S RIVER BA.SIN (35) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Sunset Lake 1979 35086 Ashburnham/Winchendon 300 71 The Plains Pond 35087 Orange 13 54 Travers Pond 1979 35088 Gardner 4 72 Tully Pond 1979 35089 Orange 32 59 Upper Naukeag Lake 35090 Ashburnham 316 71 Upper Reservoir 35091 Westminster 57 72 Wallace Pond 35092 Ashburnham 44 71 Ward Pond (Ward Hill Reservoir) 35093 Athol 7 60 w Ward Pond (Billy Ward Pond)* 1979 35094 Ashburnham 51 71 '° Watatic Pond 1979 35095 Ashburnham/Ashby 28 71/77 West Road Pond 35096 Ashby 6 77 Wheelers Pond 1979 35097 Warwick 22 53/54 White Pond 1979 35098 Athol 67 54 Whites Mill Pond 35099 Winchendon 38 65 Whites Pond 35100 Orange 13 53 Whitney Pond (Whitneys Upper Mill Pond) 1979 35101 Winchendon 107 65 Wickett Pond 35102 Wendell 32 48 Williams Pond (Goddard Pond, Connants Pond) 35103 Orange 5 53 Wrights Reservoir (South Gardner Reservoir) 35104 Gardner/Westminster 128 72 (35)

-- - =- \ SHU:t"ES8URY ;._ \r ------~- I o • I l===--- ..,u,;1 1---- 0 5 \ BELCHE Kll ..OMIETER5 ==--- \ TOWM · .-1 1----;J--·o \(34 i

1 --- / CHlCOPEE,,, I ,, I ,, ••'c-'"::J..."~;q!l;!~:<,:;:;;{___~.J, __ _j =I _, ..... ' I :y,. ,,,,, ,,,', 3 4)1 I , ~ i ~A. ,:, W!LBA:AHAM ; ': 8RIMf'!ELO I .,., ~ \ , ;_ I ;I\'' SPRING Fl ELD I \ ,..-- ;;---1 1 -----L--J =WALES/ / r \ I E I I.. I I HAMPDEN \ :: ) ---J \ ~;.".'\ (

'"'"" Basin/Drainage Divide I OEOE, OWPC· Tactmit:fll Senic,s Branch



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Adams Pond 36001 Oakham 22 68 Adams Pond South 36002 Oakham 14 68 Alden Pond 36003 Ludlow 5 51 Allen Pond 36004 Palmer 4 57 Asnacomet Pond (Comet Pond) 36005 Hubbardston 127 73 Babcock Tavern Road Pond 36006 Ware 13 57 Baldwin Pond 36007 Monson 6 57 Barre Falls Reservoir (Wate River Shaft 8) 36008 Barre 6 67 Barre Town Rese.rvoir 36009 Barre 6 67 .p- ..... Beaver Lake 1974 36010 Ware 149 56 Bemis Pond 1979 36011 Chicopee 15 45 Bemis Road Pond 36012 Hubbardston 14 73 Bennett Pond 36013 Hubbardston 2 66/67 Bennett Street Pond (Shaws Pond) 36014 Palmer 6 57 Bickford Pond (Ropers Reservoir) 36015 Hubbardston/Princeton 54 73 Bircham Bend Ponds 36016 Springfield 5 45 Bliss Pond 36017 North Brookfield 2 68 Bliss Pond (Pickerel Pond) 36018 Ludlow 6 51 Boston Road Pond 36019 Warren 8 63 Brigham Pond 1979 36020 Hubbardston 45 67 /73 Brookhaven Lake (Pierce Brook Pond) 36021 West Brookfield 25 62 Brooks Pond 36022 Petersham 109 61/60 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Brooks Pond (Sapphire Pond) 1983 36023 North Brookfield/New Braintree/Spencer/Oakham 190 68 Brown Pond (Wilson Pond) 36024 Petersham 9 61 36025 Oakham/Spencer 106 68/74 Burnshirt Hills Pond 36026 Hubbardston 5 67 Calkins Pond (Stage Coach Pond) 36027 Monson 5 58 Carter Hill Pond 36028 Petersham 7 61 Carter Pond 36029 Petersham 44 61 Charnock Road Pond 36030 Rutland 9 73 -I'- "' Chicopee Brook Pond 36031 Monson 13 58 Chicopee Falls Impoundment 1980 36032 Chicopee 45 Chicopee Reservoir (Cooley Brook Reservoir) 36033 Chicopee 29 45 Cider Millpond 36034 Spencer 2 75 Claypit Pond 36035 East Brookfield 4 69 Cloverdale Street Pond 36036 Rutland 12 73 Comins Pond 36037 Warren 24 63 Conant Brook Reservoir 36038 Monson 115 58 Connor Pond 36039 Petersham 21 61 Cranberry Meadow Pond 36040 Spencer/Charlton 63 69/75 Cranberry Pond 36041 Brookfield 11 69 Crocker Nye Pond 36042 Oakham 6 68 Crystal Lake 36043 Palmer 16 57 Cunningham Pond 36044 Hubbardston 28 73 Gusky Pond 36045 New Braintree 33 68 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBERS(S) Dana Center Pond 36046 Petersham 13 61 Davis Pond 36047 Oakham 2 68 Dead Pond 36048 Hardwick 1 62 Dean Pond 36049 Brimfield/Monson 12 58 Dean Pond (Deanes Reservoir) 36050 Oakham 64 68 Demond Pond 36051 Rutland 119 74 Diamond International Impoundment 1980 36052 Palmer 57 Dimmack Pond 36053 Springfield 10 51 Doane Pond 36054 North Brookfield 31 68 w"' Duck Pond 36055 Monson 5 58 Eames Pond 36056 Paxton 74 74 Earle Pond 36057 Warren 12 63 East Branch Pond 36058 Petersham 15 61 East Hill Road Pond 36059 Monson 20 58 Fisk Pond 36060 Hardwick 5 56 * 36061 Springfield 36 45 Foley Pond 36062 Oakham 6 68 Forest Lake* 36063 Palmer 44 57 Freitag Pond 36064 Monson 6 57 Gaston Pond 36065 Barre 16 61 Hardwick Pond (Muddy Pond)* 36066 Hardwick 68 62 Harris Pond 1979 36067 Ludlow 12 51 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Hastings Road Pond 36068 Spencer 6 74 Haviland Pond (Chapin Pond)* 1979 36069 Ludlow 25 51 Hemingway Pond 36070 Barre 8 67 Hogan Ponds 36071 Springfield 3 45 Horse Pond 36072 North Brookfield 61 68 Howe Pond 36073 Spencer 11 69/75 Island Pond 36074 Springfield 7 46 Kenwood Drive Pond 36075 Rutland 11 74 Kittredge Dam Pond 36076 Spencer 5 68 -0- -0- Knights Pond 36077 Belchertown 31 50 Knox Pond 36078 Palmer 1 57 (Furnace Pond) 36079 North Brookfield/East Brookfield 270 69 Lee Cemetery Pond 36080 Barre 5 61 Lilly Pond 36081 Palmer 5 57 Long Pond* 36082 Rutland 168 74 Long Pond (Indian Orchard Pond, Sullivan Pond)* 36083 Springfield 18 45 Lake Lorraine* 36084 Springfield 27 45 Lovewell Pond 36085 Hubbardston 82 72 Lower Van Horn Park Pond 36086 Springfield 13 45/46 Lyons Pond 36087 Ludlow 2 51 Mango Pond 36088 Palmer 8 57 Marean Pond 36089 Hubbardston 2 67/73 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)


Mare Meadow Reservoir 36090 Westminster/Hubbardston 275 72 Martowski Pond 36091 Ware 8 57 Lake Mattawa 1982 36092 Orange 112 54 Minechoag Pond (Millers Pond)* 1979 36093 Ludlow 21 51 Mona Lake (Griffin Pond, Hughes Pond)* 36094 Springfield 11 45 Monson Reservoir (Conant Reservoir) 36095 Monson 6 58 Moose Brook Pond 36096 Barre 10 61 Moosehorn Pond 36097 Hubbardston 62 73 Moulton Pond (Caulkins Pond) 36098 Rutland 77 73 .,,_ V, Mud Pond 36099 East Brookfield 10 69 Muddy Brook Pond 36100 Hardwick 19 62 Muddy Brook Pond North 36101 Hardwick 10 61 Muddy Pond 36102 Oakham/Rutland 28 68 Murphy Pond (Shaws Pond) 36103 Ludlow 8 51 Nash Hill Reservoir 36104 Ludlow 5 51 Natty Pond 36105 Hubbardston 3 67 Nichewaug Pond 36106 Petersham 6 61 Nine Mile Pond* 36107 Wilbraham 30 51 Norcross Ponds 2 36108 Wales 7 58 Norcross Ponds 3 36109 Wales 8 58 Norcross Ponds 4 36110 Walse 10 58 North Street Pond 36111 Ludlow 15 51 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Noyes Pond 36112 Westminster 36 72 Oakham Road Pond 36113 North Brookfield 5 68 Old Reservoir (Mill Pond) 36114 Barre 38 67 Palmer Reservoir 36115 Palmer 8 57 Paradise Lake 36116 Monson 20 58 Pattaquattic Pond (Round Pond)* 36117 Palmer 18 57 Peg Mill Pond 36118 Oakham 2 68 Penn Central Pond 36119 Spencer 11 69 Penny Brook Pond 36120 Ware 8 57

"'0-, Peppers Mill Pond (Carters Pond, Cooks Pond)-- 36121 Ware 13 56 Perry Hill Pond 36122 Hubbardston 23 73 Perry Pond 36123 North Brookfield/East Brookfield 13 69 Pine Hill Brook Pond 36124 Hardwick 6 62 Pottapaug Pond 36125 Petersham 549 61 36126 Barre 18 67 Pulpit Rock Pond 36127 Monson 24 51 Puxton Pond (Gauthier Pond) 36128 Ludlow 5 51 Quabbin Reservoir 36129 Petersham/New Salem/Ware/ 25,000 49/ 54 / Belchertown/Pelham/ 55/ 56 I Hardwick/Shutesbury 61 (Podunk Pond)* 1980 36130 Brookfield/East Brookfield 531 69 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Quacumquasit Pond (South Pond)* 36131 Brookfield/East Brookfield 218 69 Sturbridge Queen Lake 36132 Phillipston 138 66 Hill Pond 36133 Hardwick 5 61 Railroad Pond 36134 Palmer 10 57 Rice Pond 36135 Brookfield 16 69 Rice Reservoir 36136 Brookfield 48 69 Second Pond 36137 Ludlow 3 51 Shaw Pond 36138 Leicester 74

~ --J Sibley Swamp Pond 36139 Wendell 33 48 Snow Pond 36140 Ware 23 62 South Barre Reservoir 36141 Barre 20 67 Spectacle Pond 36142 Wilbraham 16 51 Spencer Pond 36143 Spencer 6 75 Spring Street fond 36144 Paxton 7 74 Springf:ield Reservoir (Ludlow. Reservoir) 36145 Ludlow 445 51 Squire Pond 36146 Monson 5 58 State Fish Hatchery Ponds 36147 Palmer 11 57 Stone Bridge Pond 36148 Templeton 61 66 Stone Hill Pond 36149 East Brookfield 8 69 1981 36150 Spencer 83 74 Szetela School Pond 36151 Chicopee 5 45 CHICOPEERIVER BASIN (36) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Tannery Pond 36152 Hubbardston 5 67 Taylor Hill Road Pond 36153 Hardwick 7 61 Thompson Lake (Calkins Pond) 36154 Palmer 32 57 Thompsons Pond 36155 Spencer 117 74 Town Barn Beaver Pond 36156 Petersham II 61 Turkey Hill Pond* 36157 Rutland/Paxton 90 74 Upper Van Horn Park Pond 36158 Springfield 8 45 Veterans Park Pond 36159 Ludlow 10 51 Vinica Pond (Norcross Ponds I) 36160 Wales 13 64 -I'- CtJ Waite Pond 36161 Hubbardston 35 72 Ware Impoundment 1980 36162 Ware 62 Electric Impoundment 1980 36163 Ludlow/Wilbraham 51 West Street Pond 36164 Petersham 17 61 Lake Whittemore (Moose Pond) 36165 Spencer 53 74 Wickaboag Pond 36166 West Brookfield 320 62/63 Williamsville Pond 36167 Hubbardston 44 67 Wood Pond 36168 Ludlow 8 51 Woodman Pond 36169 Brimfield 10 64 Zero Mill Pond (Ellis Mill Pond) 36170 Monson 9 58 0 2 s ◄ ' h!ILES OIZJ1.--====----===--•◄ S WEST ~ --===--,cc=--KILOMETERS BROOKFIELD NY /'-..j \ I 5 1 \ I . ' \-,._J ) DOUGLAS / BROOKFIELD I I 1•\ ( 3 6) SPENCEa.f \ ' /1 ; EAST I J. ( '%,...... 1 ♦ 0 • WARRE~ # \_j♦♦ -• / BROOkFIELO \- _., -""c ORAiNACE LOCATION , •- \ ( - I \ (42)1\ t. J ,1 \ 1 .-, _.,.I-•-' t wEBSlER \\ ~ I •••••Basin I Drainage Divide --- ,. I I I ,_ ~ - I MA \t. · / ' '- ,_.,_ I r -' ') .._,. I c;--iT . II ..-.~ it __ L- ,- - J, .,.,..-. I I #' L- - - I I L ~ J .,_, I • I I g~ I •I I ~ I I c,e••' I ♦J .f) •• LI ----r----1 I I I I I / BRIMFIELD I STURBRIDGE * \ ( 4 2) I I . ..,.'-'" I o.."' 11 I I - I c'l'" CHARLTON I \ I \ -<­ I I ', \ .J "' 1 I I \ ( r--1- - 'I , I I t 1 - 1 \__ ,.~ _1..--, 1 \ }: I I ...,,,__ ) \ -- _...- ~~ I I ,) ___.., \ 00 (34) I I I , ( .- ..- \ 1.-----r I I I I I._ I MONSON ~---\ / I I DUDLEY ... \ / I ,, ' I I WALES I I • I I 1_' I I / \ \~ ) I ,' '•;•-2I I: , I \ I, I r-/__ j _I MA _,...,.,, I \ CT - --"--- - _, _ _._....u.-' _ __:_;_ --'--'-- - - ___ _;, - --'~--' --~---..!-II I

DEOE·DWPC· Technico/ Services Branch


------:---'"'·,,..,,, ....~~,;t,....,l',;,:,'<;.,.,..,· ..-.,;.,A'.•.;..i. ,lr. QUINEBAUGRIVER BASIN (41)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Alum Pond (Big Alum Pond)* 1979 41001 Sturbridge 189 63/69 Ashworth Pond 41002 Charlton 1 75 Baker Pond 41003 Brimfield 9 63 Blood Pond 41004 Charlton/Dudley 21 76 Breakneck Pond 41005 Sturbridge/Union,CT 78 70 Breakneck Road Pond 41006 Sturbridge 5 70 Carpenter Pond 41007 Southbridge 2 70 Cedar Pond 41008 Sturbridge 146 69/70 Cemetary Road Pond V, 41009 Southbridge 5 70 0 Clemence Hill Road Pond 41010 Southbridge 7 70 Comins Pond 1983 41011 Warren 63 Cohasse Brook Resei;yoir 41012 Southbridge 40 70 Conant Pond 41013 Dudley 1 76 East Brimfield Reservoir 41014 Brimfield 420 64 Finley Road Pond 41015 Sturbridge 7 70 Lake George (Wales Pond)* 41016 Wales 93 64 Glen Echo Lake (Pratt Reservoir) 41017 Charlton 112 75 Green Pond 41018 Brimfield 5 64 Hamilton Reservoir (Holland Reservoir) 41019 Holland/Union, CT 249 64 Hammond Pond 41020 Charlton 1 75 Hobbs Brook Pond 41021 Sturbridge 5 70 Holland Pond (Lake Siaog) 41022 Holland 65 64 Hultered Pond 41023 Charlton 5 75 QUINEBAUGRIVER BASIN (41) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Kelly Road Pond 41024 Sturbridge 9 70 Lambs Pond 41025 Charlton 14 75 Larner Pond 41026 Dudley 25 76 Leadmine Pond* 41027 Sturbridge 62 64/70 Lebanon Brook Pond 41028 Southbridge 15 70 Little Alum Pond* 1976 41029 Brimfield 73 63 * 41030 Holland/Brimfield 15 64 McIntyre Pond 41031 Charlton 13 76 Mill Road Pond 41032 Brimfield 15 64 V, - Morse Pond 41033 Southbridge 45 70 Muddy Pond 41034 Southbridge 35 70 New Boston Road Pond 41035 Sturbridge 14 69 No. 1 Reservoir (Hatchet Reservoir No. 1) 41036 Southbridge 3 70 No, 2 Reservoir (Hatchet Reservoir No. 2) 41037 Southbridge 5 70 No. 3 Reservoir (Hatchet Reservoir No. 3) 41038 Southbridge 21 70 No. 4 Reservoir (Hatchet Reservoir No. 4) 41039 Southbridge 64 70 No, 5 Reservoir (Hatchet Reservoir No. 5) 41040 Southbridge 26 70 Old Sturbridge Pond 41041 Sturbridge 7 70 Pork Barrel Pond 41042 Brimfield 2 64 Prindle Lake 41043 Charlt:on 71 70/76 Route 15 Pond 41044 Sturbridge 1 70 Shattuck Road Pond 41045 Sturbridge 5 70 QUINEBAUGRIVER BASIN (41) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Sherman Pond (Great Pond)* 41046 Brimfield 86 63 Sibley Pond (North) 41047 Charlton 21 69 Sibley Pond (South) 41048 Charlton 19 69 Sylvestri Pond 41049 Dudley 18 76 Upper Hamant Brook Pond 41050 Sturbridge 17 70 Wabash Pond 41051 Charlton 7 75 * 41052 Sturbridge 94 69 Wells Pond 41053 Southbridge 6 70 West Dudley Pond 41054 Dudley 19 76 Ln Westville Dam 41055 Sturbridge "' 108 70 Wielock Pond 41056 Dudley 5 76 0 • 0 MILES KILOMETERS SPENCER


---- Basin/Drainage Divide



CT Lake Chaubunagungamoug


.., ______DEOE· DWPC· Technical San,1'c9s8ronch ---·

Figure 14 FRENCHRIVER BASIN (42) ...

53 FRENCHRIVER BASIN (42) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ashwith Pond 42001 Leicester 1 75 Borrow Pit Pond 42002 Oxford 8 81 Bouchard Pond 42003 Leicester 4 75 Buffum Pond (Buffumville Pond) 42004 Charlton/Oxford 22 76 (Buffumville Reservoir) 42005 Charlton/Oxford 186 75/76 Bugs Swamp (Bugg Pond) 42006 Oxford 18 81/82 Burncoat Pond 42007 Leicester/Spencer 122 75 Carbuncle Pond 42008 Oxford 11 81 Cedar Meadow Pond 42009 Leicester 146 75 ,,.u, Chamberlain Pond 42010 Douglas 3 82 Chimney Pond 42011 Oxford 8 81 Club Pond (Breeding Pond) 42012 Webster 19 82 Dodge Pond 42013 Charlton 2 75 Dresser Hill Pond 42014 Charlton 8 76 Dutton Pond 1979 42015 Leicester 6 75 Eames Pond 42016 Oxford 5 82 Easterbrook Pond 42017 Dudley 5 76 Gore Pond* 42018 Dudley/Charlton 169 76 Granite Reservoir (South Charlton Reservoir, Lake Leland) 1981 42019 Charlton 198 76 Grassy Pond 42020 Oxford 14 76 Grassy Pond 42021 Douglas 8 82 Greenville Pond West 42022 Leicester 7 75 FRENCHRIVER BASIN (42) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Greenville Pond (Greenville Reservoir) 1973 42023 Leicester 30 75 Hayden Pond (Mud Hole Pond) 42024 Dudley 41 76 Henshaw Pond 42025 Leicester 33 75 Holy Trinity Cemetery Pond 42026 Dudley 8 76 Howarths Lower Pond (Mill Pond, Lower Mill Pond) 42027 Oxford 9 76 Howarths Upper Pond 42028 Oxford 16 76 Hudson Pond 42029 Oxford 17 81 Jones Pond 42030 Charlton/Spencer 25 75 ln Lily Pond 42031 Webster 3 82 ln Little Nugget Lake 42032 Charlton 14 75 Low Pond 42033 Dudley 3 76 Lowes Pond 42034 Oxford 44 82 McKinstry Pond 42035 Oxford 16 81/82 Merino Pond 42036 Dudley 72 76 New Pond 1980 42037 Dudley 30 76 Niger Road Pond 42038 Dudley 9 76 Nipmuck Pond 42039 Webster 20 82 Packard Pond 42040 Dudley 6 76 Perry Pond 42041 Dudley/Thompson, CT 8 76 Peter Pond 42042 Dudley 44 76 Pierpond Meadow Pond (Meadow Pond) 1983 42043 Dudley/Charlton 90 76 Pikes Pond 42044 Charlton 32 75 FRENCHRIVER BASIN (42) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Pout Pond 42045 Webster 4 82 Putnam Pond 42046 Charlton 19 75 Robinson Pond 42047 Oxford 98 82 Rochdale Pond 42048 Leicester 41 75 Sargent Pond (Sargent Lake, Leicester Reservoir) 42049 Leicester 69 74/75 Shaw Pond 42050 Leicester 67 74 Shepherd Pond 42051 Dudley 18 76 Sigourney Pond 42052 Oxford 7 75 '-" Slaters Pond (Sacarappa Pond, Saparap Pond)- 42053 Oxford 107 82 °' Snow Pond 42054 Charlton 2 75 Stiles Reservoir 1983 42055 Spencer/Leicester 346 75 Stumpy Pond 42056 Oxford 8 75 Sunnyside Pond 42057 Dudley 7 76 Texas Pond 42058 Oxford 27 75 Thayers Pond 1983 42059 Oxford 9 75 robins Pond 42060 Dudley 9 76 Tucker Pond 42061 Charlton 2 75 Wallis Pond 42062 Dudley 23 76 Watson Millpond 42063 Spencer 2 75 Webster Lake (Lake Charbunagungamaug) 1979 42064 Webster 1181 82 Wee Laddie Pond 42065 Charlton 6 75 Whittemore Street Pond 42066 Leicester 11 74 !IASIN AND DRAINAG( l.OCAT10N

------Basin/ Drainage Divide

0121., MIII..ES 012345 I ◄ KIL0M£T£AS .______0EOE·0WPC· TachnicolS•nicnllroncll __ _



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NID!BER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NllMBER(S) Aldrich Pond 51001 Uxbridge 2 88 Aldrich Pond 51002 Sutton 2 87 Arcade Pond 1979 51003 Northbridge 18 88 Auburn Pond 51004 Auburn 16 81 Baker Pond 51005 Upton 1 87 Bating Pond 51006 Douglas 3 88 Bating Pond South 51007 Douglas 5 88 Bazeley Pond 51008 Uxbridge 3 88 Bell Pond 1979 51009 Worcester 7 80

V, Brierly Pond 1979 51010 Millbury 18 81 CXl Briggs Pond 51011 Blackstone 2 94 Burncoat Park Pond 51012 Worcester 5 80 Calumet Pond 51013 Uxbridge 2 94 Caprons Pond 51014 Uxbridge 15 88 Carpenter Reservoir (Carpenter Pond) 51015 Northbridge 86 87/88 Cedar Swamp Pond 51016 Uxbridge 5 88 Chase Pond 51017 Douglas 11 88 Chackalog Pond (Chocatog Pond) 51018 Uxbridge 11 88 Cider Millpond 51019 Grafton 4 87 City Farm Pond 51020 Shrewsbury 2 80 City Pond 1977 51021 Leicester 5 75 Clark Reservoir (Clark Pond) 51022 Sutton 32 81/87 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Goes Pond 1979 51023 Worcester 6 80/81 Goes Reservoir 51024 Worcester 90 80 Cogan Pond 51025 Sutton 1 87 Coleman Pond 51026 Uxbridge 3 88/94 Cook Pond 51027 Worcester 20 80 Cranberry Bog Pond 51028 Sharon 8 117 Cranberry Ponds 51029 Attleboro 15 101 Crane Pond 51030 Blackstone 11 94 Crystal Lake (Bad Luck Pond, Laurel Pond) 51031 Douglas 90 82 V, "' Curtis Ponds (North) 51032 Worcester 36 81 Curtis Ponds (South) 51033 Worcester 18 81 Dark Brook Pond 51034 Sutton 21 81 Dark Brook Reservoir (Lower) (Partridge Pond) 1980 51035 Auburn 57 75/81 Dark Brook Reservoir (Upper) 1980 51036 Auburn 256 81 Davidson Pond 51037 Upton 2 93 Dean Pond 51038 Upton 6 93 Dorothy Pond (Darity Pond)* 51039 Millbury 148 81/87 Duck Pond 51040 Blackstone 1 94 Dudley Pond 51041 Douglas 7 88 Dunleavy Pond 51042 Uxbridge l 88 Eddy Pond 51043 Auburn 134 81 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ellis Pond 51044 Northbridge 4 88 Farnumsville Pond 51045 Grafton 10 87 Fish Pond 51046 Blackstone 4 94 Fish Pond (Prentice Pond) 51047 Northbridge 8 88 Fisherville Pond 51048 Grafton 57 87 Fiske Millpond 51049 Upton/Milford 16 93 Flints Pond* 1979 51050 Shrewsbury/Grafton/ Worcester 297 86/87 Forge Pond 51051 Blackstone 15 94 "'0 Gilboa Pond 51052 Douglas 21 88 Girard Pond 51053 Sutton 2 87 Goss Pond 51054 Upton 4 93 Gravel Pits Pond 51055 Shrewsbury 8 80 Green Hill Pond 51056 Worcester 32 80 Hales l'ond 51057 Wrentham 5 100 Harris l'ond 51058 Blackstone 93 94 Hathaway Pond 51059 Millbury/Sutton 10 81 Hayes ):'ond 51060 Grafton 6 87 Hecla Pond 51061 Uxbridge 2 94 Lake Hiawatha (Cranberry l'ond) 51062 Bellingham/Blackstone 63 94/100 Holden Reservoir 1 (Upper Holden Reservoir) 51063 Holden 119 74/80 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Holden Reservoir 2 (Lower Holden Reservoir 51064 Holden 46 80 Hopedale Pond 51065 Hopedale 95 93 Hapeville Pond 51066 Worcester 3 81 Houghton Pond 51067 Uxbridge 2 88 Hovey Pond 51068 Grafton 19 87 Howe Pond 51069 Millbury 6 81 Howe Reservoirs (East Sector) 51070 Millbury 3 81 Howe Reservoirs (West Sector) 51071 Millbury 13 81 Hunt Pond 51072 Douglas 2 88 °' - Indian Lake (North Pond) 51073 Worcester 190 80 Ironstone Reservoir 51074 Uxbridge 26 94 Jenks Reservoir 51075 Bellingham 27 100 Joels Pond 51076 Uxbridge 14 88 Joes Rock Pond 51077 Wrentham 12 100 Jordan Pond 51078 Shrewsbury 20 86 Brook Reservoir No. 1 (Reservoir No. 1) 51079 Leicester 11 74 Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 2 (Reservoir No. 2) 51080 Leicester 29 74 Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 3 (Reservoir No. 3) 51081 Paxton 37 74 Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 4 (Reservoir No. 4) 51082 Paxton 119 74 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lackey Pond 51083 Uxbridge/Sutton 117 88 Lakeview Pond 51084 Bellingham 10 100 Lee Pond 51085 Uxbridge 11 88 Lee Reservoir 51086 Uxbridge 9 88 Leesville Pond (Trobridgeville Pond) 51087 Auburn/Worcester 96 81 Linwood Pond 51088 Northbridge 61 88 Little Pond 51089 Mendon 4 94 Lynde Brook Reservoir 51090 Leicester 132 74/80 Manchaug Pond* 1978 51091 Douglas/Sutton 348 82 Mansfield Pond °'N 51092 Millville 3 94 Marble Pond 51093 Sutton 11 87 Marshall Pond 51094 Worcester 13 80 Martin Street Pond 51095 Douglas 7 88 Mayo Pond (Singletary Pond) 51096 Millbury 8 81 Meadow Brook Pond 51097 Mendon 7 94 Merrill Pond No. 3 (Arnold Pond) 51098 Sutton 15 81 Merrill Pond No. 4 (Adams Pond) 51099 Sutton 19 81 Merrill Pond N0. 6 (Putnam Pond) 51100 Sutton 18 81 Middle River Pond 51101 Worcester 16 81 Milford Street Pond 51102 Hopedale/Milford 17 93 Milford Street Pond (Mill River Pond) 51103 Upton 22 93 Mill Pond 51104 Upton 9 93 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Mill Pond (Buck Pond) 51105 Shrewsbury 16 86 51106 Wrentham/Cumberland, RI 43 100 Morse Pond 51107 Douglas 19 82/88 Mud Pond 51108 Shrewsbury 1 80 Mumford Pond 51109 Douglas 9 88 Newton Pond (Mud Pond) 51110 Shrewsbury/Boylston 48 80/86 Nipmuck Pond* 51111 Mendon 85 94 North Pond (Lake Maspenock)* 51112 Hopkington/Milford 260 93 Northbridge Street Pond 51113 Mendon 6 94 Number 1 Pond 51114 Sutton 10 82 '-'°' Number 2 Pond 51115 Sutton 9 82 Otis Street Pond 51116 Franklin/Wrentham 6 100 Patch Pond 1979 51117 Worcester 3 80 Patch Reservoir 51118 Worcester 31 80 Peabody Pond 51119 Uxbridge 11 88 Pondville Pond 51120 Auburn 41 81 Pout Pond 51121 Uxbridge 9 94 Pout Pond (Halls Pond) 51122 Boylston 13 80 Pratt Pond 51123 Upton 38 93 Pratts Pond 51124 Grafton 6 87 * 1982 51125 Shrewsbury/Worcester 475 80/86/87 Ramshorn Pond* 51126 Sutton/Millbury 117 81 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Reilly Pond 51127 Blackstone 1 94 Reservoir No. 4 51128 Sutton 10 88 Reservoir No. 5 51129 Sutton 23 88 Reservoir No. 6 51130 Sutton 14 88 Rice City Pond 1981 51131 Uxbridge 91 94/98 Riley Pond 51134 Northbridge 8 88 Lake Ripple 51135 Grafton 63 87 Riverdale Pond 51136 Northbridge 18 87 Riverlin Street Pond 51137 Millbury 7 87 cr, Rivulet Pond 51138 Uxbridge 9 88 -"' Robin Hollow Pond 51139 North Attleboro/ Cumberland, RI 31 101 Rockdale Pond (Mill Pond) 51140 Northbridge 45 87 Route 20 Pond 51141 Worcester/Millbury 21 81 Salisbury Pond 1983 51142 Worcester 17 80 Sawmill Pond 51143 Uxbridge 2 88 Schoolhouse Pond (Merrill Pond No. 5) 51144 Sutton 6 81 Scott Pond 51145 Bellingham 3 100 Shiner Hole 51147 Millbury 4 81 Sibley Reservoir (Stumpy Pond, Phelps Pond) 51148 Sutton 37 81

Silver Hill Pond 51149 Milford 8 93 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Silver Lake (Hoag Lake) 51150 Bellingham 70 100 Silver Lake (Kidville Pond, Kittville Pond) 51151 Grafton 23 87 Singletary Pond (Singletary Lake)* 1981 51152 Sutton/Milbury 330 81 Slaughterhouse Pond 51153 Millbury/Sutton 8 81 Smith Pond 51154 Sutton 3 87 Smith Pond 51155 Worcester 3 80 Smiths Pond (Cherry Valley Pond) 51156 Leicester 20 81 Southwick Pond 51157 Leicester/Paxton 36 74 Spindleville Pond 51158 Hopedale 12 94 "'Ln Stevens Pond 51159 Sutton 84 82 Stoneville Pond (Lower Reservoir) 51160 Auburn 43 81 Stoneville Reservoir (Upper Reservoir) 51161 Auburn 61 81 Stump Pond 51162 Oxford 18 82 Sutton Falls 51163 Sutton 9 82 Swans Pond (Burt Pond) 51164 Sutton 31 87/88 Taft Pond 51165 Upton 12 93 Thompson Pond (Merrill Pond No. 1) 51166 Sutton 8 81 Tinker Hill Pond 51167 Auburn 16 Town Farm Pond (Merrill Pond No. 2) 51168 Sutton 7 81 Tuckers Ponds (Upper and Lower) 51169 Sutton 28 82/88 Waite Pond -- 51170 Leicester 54 74/75 BLACKSTONERIVER BASIN (51) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Wallis Pond 51171 Douglas 10 82 51172 Douglas/Burrillville, RI 322 82 Walsh Pond 51173 Blackstone 4 94 Weeks Pond 51174 Douglas 3 88 Wellman Brook Pond 51175 Douglas 6 88 Welsh Pond (Merrill Pond No, 7) 51176 Sutton 8 81 Pond 5ll77 Uxbridge 37 94 Whitin Pond 51178 Uxbridge 23 88 Whit in Reservoir (Wallis Reservoir) 51179 Douglas 309 82 Whitins Pond 51180 Northbridge/Sutton 167 88 °' °' Lake Wildwood 51181 Upton/Grafton 38 87 Williams Millpond 51182 Worcester 4 80 Williams Street Pond 51183 Upton 5 87 Windle Pond 51184 Grafton/Shrewsbury 5 87 Woodbury Pond 51185 Sutton 7 87 Woolshop Pond 51186 Millbury 8 81/87 Zachary :Pond 51187 Upton 2 87 RI II

James V. Turner Res.- ,'i' ,,,/I l •-•••Basin/ Drainage Divide , I 2 , ...... -___ .. ·· ,' o,.._0 __ <====-2 3 ---'===•----·.. 5 MILES I --==--==---KILOMETERS ------■------•OEOE· OWPC·Technical Services Branch __ _.



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Black Pond 52001 North Attleboro 5 108 Briggs Corner Pond 52002 Attleboro 5 108 52003 Attleboro 6 101 Cargill Pond 52004 Plainville 5 107 Cemetery Pond 52005 Swansea 5 119 Central Pond 52006 Seekonk/Pawtucket/ East Providence, RI 139 109 Chestnut Street Pond 52007 Plainville 10 107 North Pond 52008 Swansea 12 120

0-, Cole River South Pond 52009 Swansea 103 120 00 Lake Como 52010 Attleboro/North Attleboro 5 108 Dodgeville Pond 1981 52011 Attleboro 47 108 East 52012 Plainville 5 107 Falls Pond (Coral Lake) 52013 North Attleboro 62 107 Falls Pond (Reservoir Pond) 52014 North Attleboro 60 107 Farmers Pond 1981 52015 Attleboro 9 108 Fuller Pond 52016 Plainville 4 107 Greenwood Lake (Bungay Lake) 52017 Mansfield/North Attleboro 153 107 /108 Gri:st Mill Pond (Old Grist M;l.ll Pond) 52018 Seekonk 5 109 Hebron Pond 52019 Attleboro 6 108 Hebronville Pond (Ten Mile River Pond) 52020 Attleboro 16 108 Hoppin Hill Reservoir 52021 North Attleboro 30 108 TEN MILE RIVER BASIN (52) (CONTINUED) ·usGs DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) James V. Turner Reservoir 52022 Seekonk/E. Providence, RI 124 109 Ledgemont Pond 52023 Seekonk 8 109 Lewin Brook Pond (Lewin Brook Impoundment)-­ 52024 Swansea 11 119/120 Luther Reservoir 52025 Attleboro/North Attleboro 12 108 Manchester Pond Reservoir 52026 Attleboro 218 108 Mechanics Pond 1981 52027 Attleboro 9 108 North Hoppin Hill Pond 52028 North Attleboro 10 108 Orrs Pond (City Pond, Upper Pond, Orrs Reservoir) 52029 Attleboro 48 108 Pawtucket Pond 52030 Seekonk/Pawtucket, RI 30 108 Peck Pond 52031 North Attleboro 4 107 Plain Street Pond 52032 Mansfield 15 107 Plainville Pond 52033 Plainville 4 107 Stage Coach Road Pond 52034 Rehoboth 5 118 Stanley Street Pond 52035 North Attleboro 5 108 Sturdy Pond 52036 North Attleboro 8 108 Swansea Factory Pond 52037 Swansea 10 119 Tenmile River Pond 52038 Seekonk 7 108 Towne Street Pond 52039 North Attleboro 6 108 Warren River Pond 52040 Swansea 41 109 Wetherells Pond 52041 Plainville 13 107/108 Whiting Pond 52042 North Attleboro/Plainville 21 108 Allon,;~



0 2 • • ' "ICES I 0----===----====---J 2 t • ; ---==---===--' KILOMETERS ----• Basin/ Drainage Divide .______OEOE· OWPC· Technical Services Branch __ _. I NARRAGANSETTBAY (shore) Figure 17 DRAINAGE AREA (53) NARRAGANSETTBAY (SHORE) DRAINAGEAREA (53)


Burrs Pond (Running River Pond) 53001 Seekonk 5 109 Old Grist Mill Pond 53002 Seekonk 109 Perryville Pond 53003 Rehoboth 3 109 Sabin Pond 53004 Rehoboth 3 109 Shad Factory Pond (Shad Pond, Shoe Factory Pond) 53005 Rehoboth 23 109 Warren Upper Reservoir 53006 Rehoboth 112 119

'-J >-" 0 3 --===--==-- KIL.OMETERS


\ ' ' \

Figure 18 MOUNT HOPE BAY (shore) DRAINAGE AREA (61)



Cook Pond (Laurel Lake) 1983 61001 Fall River/Tiverton, RI 154 120 Devol Pond (Lake Pegansett) 61002 Westport 108 121/132 Milford Pond 61003 Swansea 32 119 North Watuppa Lake (North Watuppa Reservoir)* 61004 Fall River 1700 131 Sawdy Pond (Sandy Pond) 1983 61005 Westport/Fall River/ Tiverton, RI 363 120/121 South Watuppa Pond 1980 61006 Fall River/Westport 1283 120/131 Warren Reservoir (Swansea Reservoir) 61007 Swansea 73 119

---J w I WHfTIW< l- r .,,..! (94)

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0 Basin/Drainage • ¢1ZJ4, IIIUUI -M - Kll..OMlttRS 111,c::::i,_,;c:;:::i--MILU Divide ()£0£: · OWPC· T11clmico1Sfl1'111CII$ Sronch



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ames Long Pond (Long Pond) 62001 Stoughton/Easton 65 128 Ames Pond 62002 Easton 12 128 62003 Lakeville/Middleborough 2404 142 Assonet Mill Pond 62004 Freetown 9 130 Attleboro Reservoir (East) 62005 Mansfield 3 118 Attleboro Reservoir (West) 62006 Mansfield 3 118 Barrowsville Pond 1983 62007 Norton 38 118 Barstows Pond 62008 Taunton 10 129 Beaumont ..__, Pond 62009 Foxborough 9 117 V, Berkley Street Pond 62010 Taunton 10 129/130 Big Bearhole Pond (Bear Hole, Deans Factory Pond) 1983 62011 Taunton 37 142 Big South Cranberry Pond 62012 Halifax 46 141 Bigney Pond 62013 Brockton/Easton 4 128 Billings Brook Pond 62014 Sharon 13 117 Bishop Street Pond 62015 Attleboro 5 108 Black Pond 62016 Taunton 10 129 Bleachery Pond (East) 62017 Fall River 18 120 Bleachery Pond (West) 62018 Fall River 5 120 Bonney Pond 62019 Plympton 9 153 Borrow Pit Pond 62020 Middleborough 8 141 Briggs Pond 62021 Sharon 17 117 Broad Cove 62022 Dighton/Somerset 79 119 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Brockton Reservoir (Salisbury Brook Reservoir) 1975 62023 Avon 89 128 Brook Street Bend Pond 62024 Plympton 25 153 Brookville Pond 62025 Holbrook 11 127 Burns Lane Pond 62026 Freetown 16 142 Burrage Pond 62027 Hal if ax/Hanson 202 140/152 Burrs Pond 1983 62028 Seekonk 109 Cabot Pond 62029 Mansfield 6 117 Cain Pond 62030 Taunton 4 142

--.J "' 62031 Mansfield 3 117 Carpenter Pond (Lakeview Pond) 62032 Foxborough 28 107 Carver Pond 62033 Bridgewater 35 141 Cedar Pond 62034 Lakeville 6 142 Chaffin Reservoir 62035 Pembroke 16 152 Chandler Millpond 62036 Hanson/Pembroke 6 152 Chartley Brook Reservoir 62037 Attleboro 12 118 Charltey Pond 1980 62038 Norton/Attleboro 38 118 Chase Pond 1983 62039· Fall River 120 62040 Bridgewater 8 141 Clear Pond 62041 Lakeville 18 142 Cleveland Pond 1980 62042 Abington 88 139/ 140 Cocasset Lake 62043 Foxboi;ough 35 107 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Colchester Brook Pond 62044 Halifax 4 153 Cole Mill Pond 62045 Carver 5 153 Cooper Pond* 62046 Carver 23 153 Coopers Pond (East Side Pond) 62047 Attleboro 39 108 Road Pond 62048 Berkley 6 130 Cranberry Bog Pond 62049 Freetown 49 130 Cranberry Pond 62050 Lakeville 17 142 Crocker Pond 62051 Wrentham 16 107 Cross Pond 62052 Brockton 2 128 ---, ---, Cross Street Pond 62053 Bridgewater 26 141 Cross Street Pond 62054 Norton 7 118 Cushing Pond 62055 Hanson 40 140 Cushing Pond 62056 Abington 10 139 Dean Pond 62057 Easton 2 128 Deep Pond 62058 Taunton 5 129 Doten Brook Pond 62059 Carver 7 153 Dry Pond 62060 Sharon 6 117 Dunham Pond 62061 Lakeville 10 142 East Burrow Pit Pond 62062 Middleborough 5 141 East Freetown Pond 62063 Freetown 16 142 East Nippenicket Pond 62064 Bridgewater 5 129 Elders Pond 62065 Lakeville 145 142 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Elm Street Ponds (6) 62066 Halifax/Hanson 58 140 Fall Brook Pond 62067 Middleborough 50 142 Fall Brook Pond 62068 Freetown 40 142/143 Firestone Pond (Firestone Crab Pond) 62069 Fall River 6 120 Flyaway Pond 62070 Easton 63 128 Forge Pond 62071 East Bridgewater 6 140 Forge Pond 62072 Freetown 51 130 Forge Pond 62073 Westport 5 131 French Pond 62074 Easton 5 128

"'00 Fulton Pond 62075 Mansfield 7 117 Furnace Lake 62076 Foxborough 15 107 Gavins Pond 62077 Sharon/Foxuorough 17 117 Glue Factory Pond 62078 Foxborough 6 117 Goose Branch Pond 62079 Norton 9 118 Gravel Pit Pond 62080 Wrentham 11 107 Grays Mill Pond 62081 Westport /Little Compton, RI 4 121 Great Hill Pond (Mosquito Mill Pond) 62082 Bridgewater 7 141 62083 Lakeville/Middleborough/ Rochester 1185 142 Gushee Pond (Gushnee Pond) 62084 Raynham 26 129 Harrigan Pond 62085 Sharon 1 117 Hartwell School Pond 62086 Mansfield 6 117 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Hersey Pond 62087 Foxborough 3 117 Hewitt Pond 62088 Raynham 8 129 High Stceet Pond 62089 Carver 14 153 Hobart Pond 1981 62090 Whitman 15 140 Hodges Pond (Kingman Pond) 62091 Mansfield 8 117 Hunts Pond 62092 Abington/Brockton 6 140 lee Pond 62093 Bridgewater 6 141 Island Grove Pond 1983 62094 Abington 38 140 Jewell Street Pond 62095 Mansfield 6 107 -..J '° Johns Pond 62096 Carver 21 153 Johnson Pond (Factory Pond) 62097 Raynham 13 129 Jones Pond 62098 East Bridgewater 5 140 Jones Pond 62099 Raynham l 129 Joses Meadow Pond 62100 Middleborough 14 141 Kings Pond 62101 Raynham 13 129 Kings Pond (Kings Furnace Pond) 62102 Taunton 28 142 Leach Pond (Wilbur Pond) 62103 Easton/Sharon 102 117 Lee River Pond 62104 Somerset/Swansea 10 120 Little Bearhole Pond 62105 Taunton 5 142 Little Cedar Swamp 62106 Easton 11 128 62107 Lakeville/Rochester 297 142 Long Pond* 62108 Lakeville/Rochester 1721 142 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Longwater Pond (Langwater Pond) 62109 Easton 12 128 Loon Pond* 62110 Lakeville 23 142 Lower Porter Pond 62111 Brockton 6 128 McAvoy Pond (Vandy' s Pond) 62112 Foxborough 11 117 Meadow Brook Pond 62113 Norton 13 118 Memorial Park Pond 1983 62114 Taunton 129 Middle Pond 62115 Taunton 19 142 Mill Pond 62116 West Bridgewater 8 128 Mill Pond 62117 Lakeville 3 142 Lake Mirimichi (Mirimichi "'a Pond, Shepards Pond) 62118 Plainville/Foxborough 170 107 * 1982 62119 Halifax/Hanson 528 152/153 Monte Pond 62120 Easton 7 128 Morse Pond 62121 Easton 10 128 Mount Hope Mill Pond (Mill Pond) 62122 Taunton 46 119 Mountain Street Pond 62123 Sharon 26 117 Muddy Cove Brook Pond 62124 Dighton 23 119 Muddy Pond 62125 Carver 64 153 Muddy Pond 62126 Halifax 15 152 Mullein Hill Chapel Pond 62127 Lakeville 44 142 Nevertouch Pond 62128 Middleborough 6 141 New Boston Road Pond 62129 Fall River 18 131 New Pond 62130 Easton 16 117 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) (The Nip)* 1975 62131 Bridgewater 354 129 North Center Street Pond 62132 Carver 12 153 North Quequechan Pond 62133 Fall River 22 120 62134 Norton/Mansfield 529 118 Nunkets Pond (Nuggerty Pond) 62135 Bridgewater/Raynham 21 129 Oakland Pond 62136 Taunton 40 118 Old Pond (Furnace Village Pond) 62137 Easton 7 117 Otis Pratt Brook Pond 62138 Middleborough 7 141 Pickens Hill Pond 62139 Lakeville 8 142 00 .... Pierce Avenue Pond 62140 Lakeville 6 142 Plymouth Street Pond 62141 Halifax/East Bridgewater 117 140/ 141 Plymouth Street School Pond 62142 Middleborough 5 141 Plympton Bog Pond North 62143 Plympton 10 153 Plympton Bog Pond South 62144 Plympton 20 153 62145 Middleborough/Lakeville 230 142 Poquoy Brook Pond 62146 Lakeville/Middleborough 37 141 Poquoy Pond 62147 Lakeville 12 141 Precinct Street Pond (Furnace Pond) 62148 Taunton 47 130/142 Prospect Hill Pond 62149 Taunton/Raynham 42 129 Prospect Road West Pond 62150 Plympton 11 153 Puds Pond 62151 Sharon/Easton 16 117 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Quequechan Middle Pond 62152 Fall River 19 120 Rabbit Hill Pond (Sportsmans Club) 62153 Plainville/Wrentham 7 107 Radio Tower Pond (Handys Reservoir) 62154 Middleborough 8 141 Raven Brook Ponds 62155 Middleborough 7 153 Raven Street Pond (Urans Reservoir 62156 Middleborough 8 153 Reservoir 62157 Hanson 14 152 Reservoir 62158 Easton 30 117/118/128/129 Richmond Pond 62159 Taunton 6 129 Richmond Pond 62160 Westport 67 132 00 N Ricketts Pond 62161 Carver 11 153 Robbins Pond* 1975 62162 East Bridgewater 124 140 Robinson Pond 62163 Mansfield 6 107 Rock Reservoir 62164 Middleborough 64 154 Route One Pond 62165 Wrentham 9 107 (Seading Pond) 1, 1980 62166 Taunton 237 129 Savery Pond (Waterville Pond) 62167 Middleborough 27 153 Seekell Street Pond 62168 Taunton 12 130. Pond 62169 Taunton 15 118 Segregansett River Pond 62170 Dighton 5 119 Short Street West Pond (Short St,;-eet Reservoir) 62171 Middleborough 19 153 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Shovel shop Pond (Shovel Pond) 1980 62172 Easton 10 128 Shumatucacant River Pond 62173 Abington 5 140 Somerset Reservoir 62174 Somerset 153 119 South Main Street Pond 62175 Berkley 5 130 South Quequechan Pond 62176 Fall River 16 120 Spring Street Pond 62177 Holbrook 19 127 St. Marys Cemetery Pond 62178 Middleborough 5 142 Staples Street Pond 62179 Taunton 6 130 State Hospital Pond 62180 Taunton 5 129 00 w State Police Station Pond 62181 Middleborough 10 141 Stetson Pond 62182 Pembroke 93 152 Stump Pond 62183 Halifax 8 140 Sunset Lake 62184 Foxborough 14 107 Sweets Pond 62185 Mansfield 18 108 Tack Factory Pond 62186 Lakeville 8 141 Terry Brook Pond 1983 62187 Freetown 10 130 Thatchers Pond 62188 Taunton 7 141 The Reservoir 62189 Lakeville 24 142 Thirtyacre Pond 1975 62190 Brockton 30 128 Thompson Pond 62191 Halifax 10 141 Thurston Street Pond 62192 Wrentham 6 107 Tims Pond 62193 Abington 1 139 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Tinkham Hill Pond 62194 Lakeville 15 142 62195 Middleborough 194 154 Pond 62196 West Bridgewater 18 140 Tracy Pond 62197 Raynham 7 129 Turnpike Lake (Shepardsville Reservoir) 1979 62198 Plainville 114 107 Upper Dam Pond 62199 Foxborough 17 107 Upper Porter Pond 62200 Brockton 6 128 Waldo Lake 1975 62201 Avon/Brockton 70 128 Wales Street Pond 62202 Avon 7 127 a, .p- Ward Pond 62203 Easton 9 128 Washington Street Pond 62204 Stoughton 40 128 Watson Pond 62205 Taunton 94 129 Weir Village North Pond 62206 Taunton 14 129 Weir Village South Pond 62207 Taunton 7 129 West Meadow Pond 62208 West Bridgewater 125 128 West Stump Pond 62209 Halifax 10 141 Pond 62210 Plympton 5 153 Whiteville Pond 62211 Mansfield 13 117 Willis Lake 62212 Taunton 6 118 (Winneconnet Pond) 1980 62213 Norton 148 118 Winters Corner Pond 62214 Brockton 5 128 TAUNTONRIVER BASIN (62) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED :t<1JMBER MUNlCIPALI'l'Y ACRES NUMBER(S)_ Witch Pond 62215 M1:msfield/Foxboro 10 107 Wolomolopoag Pond 62216 Sharon 10 117 Woods Pond 62217 Middleborough 52 153



0 2 ' • MILES 0---===---===--- •-•- Basin/ Drainage Divide --===--==--KILOMETERS ------OEOE· OWPC·Technical St1n1ic11sBranch __ _.



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Aberjona Pond North 71001 Winchester 6 114 Aberjona Pond South 71002 Winchester 6 114 Arlington Reservoir (Arlington Heights Reservoir) 71003 Lexington/Arlington 27 114 Bellevue Pond 71004 Medford 3 125 Blacks Nook 1983 71005 Cambridge 114 Boojum Rock Pond 71006 Stoneham 6 125 Broadway Pond 71007 Malden 5 125 Buckman Pond 71008 Stoneham 4 125

00 Burbank Pond 71009 Woburn 13 114/125 --.J Chandler Pond 1983 71010 Boston 115 Clay Pit Pond 71011 Belmont 13 114 Darkhollow Pond 71012 Stoneham 17 125 Doleful Pond 71013 Stoneham 7 125 (Crystal Pond) 1981 71014 Melrose 23 125 Fells Reservoir 71015 Stoneham 14 125 Fellsmere Pond 71016 Malden 5 125 Fresh Pond 71017 Cambridge 157 114 Hills Pond 1983 71018 Arlington 114 Horn Pond 1979/1983 71019 Woburn 104 114 Jerrys Pond 71020 Cambridge 4 114 Judkins Pond 71021 Winchester 6 114 MYSTIC RIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINANGE AREA (71)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lewis Lake 71022 Winthrop 9 137/138 Little Fresh Pond 1983 71023 Cambridge 114 Little Pond (Little ) 71024 Belmont 17 114 Logan International Airport Pond 71025 Winthrop 5 125/126 Long Pond 71026 Winchester 4 114/125 Lower Mystic Lake 1974 71027 Arlington 111 114 Lower Woburn Street Pond 71028 Woburn 6 113 Middle Reservoir (Winchester Waterworks) 71029 Stoneham/Medford 60 125 Mill Brook Pond 71030 Arlington 5 114

00 00 Mill Pond 71031 Winchester 2 114 Mishawum Lake (Richard sons Pond) 71032 Woburn 44 113 North Reservoir 71033 Stoneham/Winchester 57 125 Payson Park Reservoir 71034 Belmont 7 114 Quarter Mile Pond 71035 Medford/Stoneham 7 125 Rindge Avenue Pond 71036 Cambridge 5 114 Riverside Pond 71037 Medford 17 125 South Reservoir (Winchester Waterworks) 71038 Medford 55 125 Spot Pond 71039 Stoneham/Medford 307 125 Spy Pond* 71040 Arlington 103 114 Swains Pond 71041 Melrose 5 125 Towners Pond 71042 Melrose 9 125 Upper Mystic Lake 71043 Winchester/Arlington/ Medford 167 114 MYSTICRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (71) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Upper Woburn Street Pond 71044 Woburn 7 113 Wedge Pond* 71045 Winchester 21 114 Whittemore Pond 71046 Woburn 4 114 Winter Pond 71047 Winchester 17 114 Woburn Reservoir 71048 Woburn l 114 Wrights Pond (Ben Wrights Pond) 71049 Medford 24 125 l.EXINGTON ,.,,- ' I ,#, / ..... I- (71) _1 \ SOMERVILLE IEVERETT UNGTO__:,\' !tofu_, .ATERTOWN

'\ / /--..f > /,rt ~OOKLINE/ Q I BOSTON 'v'


0 2 3 • • MILES 0 t 2 3 "4 S 1111111 Basin/Drainage Divide - - - JtlLOMETERS OEOE• OWPC·Technical Servict1sBranch


USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Abbotts Pond 72001 Wellesley 1 105 Lake Archer (Archers Pond)* 1978 72002 Wrentham 79 107 Back Bay (Fens) 72003 Boston 17 126 Beaver Pond 72004 Bellingham/Milford 114 100 Beaver Pond 72005 Lincoln 13 104 Beaver Pond 72006 Franklin 21 100 Bogastow Pond 72007 Millis 19 106 Box Pond 1981 72008 Bellingham/Mendon 46 100 Bristols Pond 72009 Norfolk 4 107 "'>-" Brookline Reservoir 72010 Brookline 18 ll5 Bulloughs Pond 720ll Newton 6 ll5 Bush Pond (Bush Factory Pond) 72012 Norfolk ll 107 Callahan Pond 72013 Norfolk 7 106 Cambridge Reservoir (Lower Hobbs Brook Reservoir) 72014 Waltham/Lincoln/Lexington 549 104 Cat Rock Pond 72015 Westwood 5 116 Cedar Swamp Pond 72016 Milford 95 93 Chandler Pond 72017 Boston 11 115 Channings Pond 72018 Dover 4 106 Charles River Pond (Mill Pond) 72019 Bellingham 7 100 Charles River Station Pond 72020 Needham 7 105 Charles River Street Pond 72021 Needham 8 105 CHARLESRIVER BASIN ANDCOASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Cherry Pond 72022 Weston 9 104 72023 Boston 101 115 City Mills Pond 72024 Norfolk 9 107 Comeys Pond 72025 Norfolk 3 107 Coolidge Pond 72026 Norfolk 3 106 Cow Island Pond 72027 Dedham/Boston 28 115 Craddock Crewes Pond 72028 Milford/Hopkinton 5 93 Cress Brook Pond 72029 Norfolk 7 107 ,.,, Crystal Lake 1980 72030 Newton 24 115 N Danielson Pond 72031 Medfield 7 106 Doctor Millers Reservoir (Franklin Reservoirs) 72032 Franklin 16 100 Duck Pond 72033 Belmont/Waltham 2 114 (Reservoir Pond)* 72034 Natick 49 105 Echo Lake 1978 72035 Milford/Hopkinton 123 93 Eliot Street Pond 72036 Sherborn 13 105 Factory Pond 72037 Holliston 10 99 Factory Pond 72038 Bellingham/Hopedale 7 94/100 Farm Pond 1974/1983 72039 Sherborn 124 106 (Fisher Reservoir) 72040 Brookline 3 115 Folly Pond 72041 Lincoln 1 104 CHARLESRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Hales Pond 72042 Dover 7 106 Halls Pond 1983 72043 Brookline 2 126 Hammond Pond* 72044 Newton 21 ll5 Hardys Pond* 1979 72045 Waltham 41 ll4 Harlow Pond 72046 Norfolk 6 106 Highland Lake 1978 72047 Norfolk 15 106/107 Hobbs Brook Pond 72048 Waltham/Weston 8 104 Holt Pond 72049 Medfield 3 106 Houghton Pond 1978 72050 Holliston 17 99 "'w Indian Rock Pond 72051 Wrentham 5 107 * 72052 Boston 63 126 Jennings Pond 72053 Natick 10 105 June Pond 72054 Medfield 2 106 Kendrick Street Pond 72055 Needham 49 ll5 Kingsbury Pond 72056 Norfolk 21 100/107 Kingsbury Pond 72057 Medfield 10 106 Lee Pond 72058 Westwood 3 116 Leland Millpond 72059 Sherborn 4 99 Leverett Pond 1978 72060 Brookline/Boston 7 126 Lexington Reservoir 72061 Lexington 6 114 Lincoln Reservoir 72062 Lincoln 1 104 Linden Pond 72063 Holliston l 99 CHARLESRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Little Farm Pond 72064 Sherborn 22 106 Little Wigwam Pond 72065 Dedham 2 116 Longfellow Pond 72066 Wellesley 6 105 Lost Pond 1978 72067 Brookline 2 115 Louisa Lake 72068 Milford 19 93 Lyman Pond 72069 Waltham 11 114 Lymans Pond 72070 Dover 3 106 Mann Pond 72071 Norfolk 8 107 McCarthy Pond 72072 Millis 2 106 "'.p- McCuskers Pond 72073 Waltham 2 104 Milk Pond 72074 Medway 15 99 Mill Pond 72075 Medfield 6 106 Mill Pond 72076 Belmont/Waltham 2 114 Mine Brook Pond 72077 Franklin 72 100 Mirror Lake (Marsh Pond) 1979 72078 Wrentham/Norfolk 55 107 Morses Pond 1980, 1983 72079 Wellesley/Natick 116 105 Motley Pond 72080 Dedham 16 115 Mud Pond 72081 Natick 2 105 Needham Reservoir 72082 Needham 7 115 New Pond 72083 Wellesley /Newton 4 115 Noannet Pond 72084 Westwood/Dover 58 116 Nonesuch Pond* 72085 Natick/Weston 35 105 CHARLESRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Norumbega Reservoir (North) 72086 Weston 14 105 Norumbega Reservoir (South) 72087 Weston 36 105 Notch Pond 72088 Medfield 2 106 Old Wayland Reservoirs 72089 Wayland 10 105 Paint shop Pond 72090 Wellesley 5 105 Park Pond 72091 Medway 5 99 Lake Pearl (Whitings Pond)* 1978,1983 72092 Wrentham 218 107 Phillips Pond 72093 Norfolk 15 106 Pickerel Pond 72094 Natick 8 105 '°u, Pleasant Street Pond (Franklin Reservoirs) 72095 Franklin 45 100 Populatic Pond 1981 72096 Norfolk 40 99 Public Garden Pond 72097 Boston 5 126 Railroad Pond 72098 Wrentham 10 107 Reeds Pond 72099 Wellesley 1 105 Richard sons Pond 72100 Millis 4 106 Rockridge Pond (Niles Pond) 72101 Wellesley 2 105 Rodman Pond 72102 Dedham 4 116 Rosemary Lake 1979 72103 Needham 12 115 Sabrina Lake (Bakers Pond) 72104 Needham/Wellesley 20 105 Sandy Pond 72105 Lincoln 162 104 Sargent Pond 1978 72106 Brookline 2 115 Scarboro Golf Course Pond 72107 Boston 7 126 CHARLESRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDARINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Silver Lake 1978 72108 Newton 1 115 South End Pond* 1983 72109 Millis 30 106 Spring Pond (Green Pond) 72110 Franklin 12 100 Spruce Pond 72111 Franklin 3 100 Stevens Pond 72112 Westwood 6 116 Stony Brook Pond 72113 Norfolk 38 107 Stony Brook Reservoir (Turtle Pond) 72114 Waltham/Weston 67 105 Storrow Pond 72115 Westwood 4 116 Strongs Pond 72116 Newton 1 115 Todd Pond °'"' 72117 Lincoln 5 104 Tottens Pond 72118 Waltham 6 114 Trout Pond 72119 Wrentham 4 107 Turtle Pond 72120 Boston 7 115 Twin Pond 72121 Lincoln 6 104 Uncas Pond* 72122 Franklin 18 100 Valley Pond 72123 Lincoln/Weston 17 104 Vine Lake 72124 Medfield 2 106 Lake Waban* 1978 72125 Wellesley 108 105 Walker Pond 72126 Millis 7 106 Ward Pond 72127 Boston 3 126 Washington Street Pond 72128 Franklin 6 100 Washington Street Pond 72129 Sherborn 5 99 Welch Pond 72130 Boston 6 115 Weld )'ond 72131 Dedham 27 115/116 CHARLESRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (72) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) West Central Street Pond (Rays Pond) 72132 Franklin 8 100 Weston Pond 72133 Holliston 17 99 72134 Weston 60 105 Weston Station Pond 72135 Weston 63 105 Wights Pond 72136 Wellesley 2 105 Wigwam Pond* 72137 Dedham 22 116 Wildcat Pond 72138 Milford 5 93 Wilsondale Street Pond 72139 Dover 5 115 Lake Winthrop* 72140 Holliston 150 99 '° " Worthington Pond (Powisset Pond) 72141 Dover 6 116 0 2 3 4 Dorchester .....Bay 0123'45•--====---===--• WILES ---==--=-•KILOWETERS



. ~1 Figure 22 NEPONSETRIVER BASIN and

COASTAL DRAINAGEAREA (73) --- Basin/ Drainage Divide . - . '


USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MDNlCIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Avery School Pond 73001 Dedham 5 115/116 Bird Pond 73002 Walpole 25 116 Blue Hills Pond 73003 Milton 6 127 Blue Hills Reservoir 73004 Quincy 14 127 Bolivar Pond (Aines Pond) 73005 Canton 22 116 * 73006 Westwood 27 116 Chickering Lake 73007 Medfield 5 106 Clark Pond 73008 Walpole 6 116 Cobbs Pond 73009 Walpole 24 116 "''° Crackrock Pond (Green Pond) 73010 Foxborough 14 107 Cranberry Bog Pond 73011 Foxborough 8 107 Diamond Pond (Sawmill Pond) 73012 Walpole 7 116 Drive-In Theater Pond 73013 Boston 6 126 Duck Pond 73014 Randolph 1 127 East Branch Pond 73015 Canton 7 116 East Dedham Pond 73016 Dedham 5 116 Echo Lake 73017 Medfield 3 106 Ellis Pond 73018 Norwood 19 116 Flynns Pond 73019 Medfield 8 106 Forge Pond 73020 Canton 25 116 Gay Street Pond 73021 Westwood 26 116 Glen Echo Pond (York Pond)* 73022 Canton/Stoughton 16 127 NEPONSETRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (73) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Hammer Shop Pond 73023 Sharon 4 117 Hemenway Pond 73024 Milton 2 127 Hillside Pond 73025 Milton 3 127 Jewells Pond 73026 Medfield 3 106 Mann Pond 73027 Foxborough 2 107 Manns Pond 73028 Sharon 11 117 Massapoag Brook Pond 73029 Sharon 10 116 Massapoag Lake 73030 Sharon 353 117 Pond 73031 Boston/Dedham 7 116

0"" 0 Muddy Pond 73032 Canton 3 127 Muddy Pond 73033 Stoughton 1 117 (The Bogs) 73034 Foxborough 268 107 /117 Neponset River Pond 73035 Quincy 21 126 Pettee Pond 73036 Westwood/Walpole 9 116 Pine Street Pond 73037 Walpole/Sharon/Foxborough 55 117 Pine Pond 73038 Milton 8 127 Pinewood Pond 73039 Stoughton 21 116 Plain Street Pond 73040 Stoughton 5 117 Plimpton Pond 73041 Walpole 7 116 Plimpton Pond South 73042 Walpole 5 116 Ponkapog Pond 73043 Canton 203 127 Popes Pond 73044 Milton 13 126/127 Race Track Pond 73045 Boston/Dedham 5 116 Railroad Pond 73046 Walpole 6 116 NEPONSETRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (73) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Reservoir Pond 73048 Canton 243 116/127 Sawmill Pond 73049 Sharon 5 116 South Trowel Shop Pond 73050 Sharon 8 116 South Walpole Pond 73051 Walpole 5 107 South Walpole Street Pond 73052 Sharon 28 117 Sprague Pond 73053 Boston/Dedham 13 116 Stetson Pond 73054 Walpole 6 106/116 Stoughton Pond 73055 Stoughton 21 128 Town Pond 73056 Stoughton ,... 6 117 0,... Trowel Shop Pond 73057 Sharon 2 116 Turner Pond (Moreys Pond) 73058 Walpole 17 106 Turners Pond 73059 Milton 11 126 Washington Street Pond 73060 Foxborough 5 107 West Stoughton Pond 73061 Stoughton 5 127/128 Willet Pond (New Pond) 73062 Walpole/Westwood/Norwood 200 116 t' i I I

0 • • • • MIL!S O!'--""'.""-=~===---===ao-...,_;j2: :s 4 , --===--==-....ii KILOMET[RS •--- Basin/ Drainage Divide ------0£0£· OWPC·Tecllnlcal Services Branch __ _.


USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ames Pond 74001 Braintree 3 127 Babel Rock Pond 74002 Quincy 5 127 Blacks Creek Pond 74003 Quincy 37 126/138 Bouve Pond 74004 Hingham 7 139 Brewer Pond 74005 Hingham 5 139 Cranberry Pond 74006 Weymouth 4 139 Cranberry Pond 1981 74007 Braintree 5 139 Cushing Pond 74008 Hingham 18 139 Echo Lake 74009 Quincy 4 139 ;--' 0 w Elias Pond 74010 Weymouth 3 139 Foundry Pond 74011 Hingham 8 151 Great Pond (Upper Reservoir) 74012 Randolph/Braintree 329 127 Lake Holbrook 1983 74013 Holbrook 32 127 Hollingsworth Pond 74014 Braintree 3 127 Hoosicwhisick Pond (Houghtons Pond) 74015 Milton 19 127 Norroway Pond 74016 Randolph 7 127 Old Quincy Reservoir (Reservoir Pond) 74017 Braintree 36 127 Smelt Brook Pond 74018 Braintree 19 139 Pond 1979 74019 Hull/Cohasset 91 150 Sunset Lake (Little Pond) 1979 74020 Braintree 57 127 Sylvan Lake 74021 Holbrook 2 127 WEYMOUTHAND WEIR RIVER BASINS AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (74) (CONTINUED

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Triphannner Pond 74022 Hingham 14 151 Weir River Street Pond 74023 Hingham 5 151 Weymouth Great Pond (Great Pond) 74024 Weymouth 277 139 Whitmans Pond* 74025 Weymouth 210 139 Whortleberry Pond (Huckleberry Pond) 74026 Weymouth 6 139 Woodside Cemetery Pond 74027 Hingham 7 151 ----MA-NH


a s

a KILOMETERS --==--=- 1111111 Basin / Drainage Divide

OEOE. OWPC· Technical S,n,ices Sraneh

Figure 24 NASHUA RIVER BASl~.(81) .. 105 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ashby Reservoir 81001 Ashby 86 77 Asnebumskit Pond 81002 Paxton 34 74 Baddacook Pond* 1977 81003 Groton 76 90 Bailey Road Pond 81004 Holden 5 80 Baker Pond 81005 Lunenburg 12 78 Baldwin Hill Pond 81006 Westminster 8 72 Bare Hill Pond* 1983 81007 Harvard 316 91 Bartlett Pond 81008 Lancaster 6 85 Bartlett Pond 81009 Leominster 24 79

~ 0 Bixby Reservoir 81010 Townsend 18 83 "' Black Brook Pond 81011 Dunstable 5 95 Black Pond 81012 Harvard 1 90 Bow Brook Pond 81013 Shirley 6 84 Burnt Meadow Pond (Burnt Swamp Pond) 81014 Groton 4 90 Burnt Millpond 81015 Westminster 20 72 Cady Pond 81016 Groton 1 90 Chaffin Pond 1977 81017 Holden 104 80 Chestnut Street Pond 81018 Leominster 8 78 Coachlace Pond (Big Pond) 81019 Clinton 33 85 Cooks Pond 81020 Lunenburg 1 84 Cournoyer Pond 81021 Holden 2 79 Cow Pond (Whitney Pond) 1979 81022 Groton 38 90 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Cranberry Pond 81023 Lancaster 10 84 Crocker Pond 81024 Westminster 16 78 Crocker Pond 81025 Westminster 96 78 Crow Hill Pond 81026 Princeton/Westminster 11 78 Damon Pond 81027 Ashby 1 77 Dawson Pond 81028 Holden 21 80 Dead Pond 81029 Lunenburg 2 84 Dead Pond 81030 Shirley 5 84 Dickinson Reservoir (Hickory Hills Lake) 81031 Lunenburg 314 84

;--' Distributing Reservoir 81032 Leominster 6 78 0 ---.J Duck Pond* 81033 Groton 19 90 Eagle Lake 1977 81034 Holden 84 74 East Waushacum Pond 1977 81035 Sterling 188 79/85 Echo Lake 81036 Princeton 3 73 Factory Village Pond ( Pond) 81037 Ashburnham 5 71 Fall Brook Reservoir 81038 Leominster 83 79 Falulah Reservoir 81039 Fitchburg 3 78 Fifth Street Pond 81040 Fitchburg 7 78 Fitch Basin 81041 Sterling 9 79 Fitch Pond (Fitch Pond Reservoir) 81042 Sterling 11 85 Fitchburg Reservoir 81043 Ashby 144 77 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Flannagan Pond 1980 81044 Ayer 87 90 ,'lat Pond 81045 Groton 7 83 Fort Pond* 1977 81046 Lancaster 78 84 Four Ponds 81047 Lancaster 3 85 Glutner Pond 81048 Princeton 5 79 Goodfellow Pond 81049 Leominster 4 78 Graves Pond 81050 Townsend 3 83 Greenes Pond 1979 81051 Fitchburg 10 78 Groton School Pond 81052 Groton 8 90 e-" Grove Pond 81053 Ayer 67 90 0 00 Harbor Pond 81054 Townsend 42 83 Haynes Reservoir 81055 Leominster 54 78 Heald Pond 81056 Pepperell 26 83 Heywood Reservoir 81057 Sterling/Leominster 37 79 Hobbys Pond 81058 Gardner 9 72 Horse Meadow Pond 81059 Harvard 5 91 Hy-Crest Pond 81060 Sterling 90 79 Indian Cemetery Pond 81061 Lancaster 5 85 Kendall Reservoir 81062 Holden 164 74 Knops Pond Lost Lake 1981 81063 Groton 204 90 Knops Pond East 81064 Groton 5 90 Lancaster Millpond 81065 Clinton 18 85 - NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE !?ALIS QUADRANT NAME ·suRVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lane Pond 81066 Lunenburg 5 84 Lily Pond (Center) 81067 West Boylston 6 79 Lily Pond (East) 81068 West Boylston 3 79/80 Lily Pond (West) 81069 West Boylston 3 79 Lincoln Pond (Lincoln Mud Pond, Mud Pond) 81070 Ashburnham 33 71 Little Hell Pond (Little Mirror Lake) 81071 Harvard 6 Little Spectacle Pond 81072 Lancaster 11 84 Long Pond 81073 Ayer 44 90 .... Lowell Reservoir 81074 Fitchburg 34 78 0 '"' Lower Massapoag Pond 81075 Dunstable 30 95 Lynde Basins 81076 Sterling 10 79 Maple Spring Pond (Peter Carrs Pond) 81077 Holden 34 73/74 Marshall Reservoir 81078 Fitchburg 1 78 Martins Pond 81079 Groton 20 90 Massapoag Pond 81080 Lunenburg 56 84 Massapoag Pond 81081 Dunstable/Groton/ Tyngsborough 113 89/95 McTaggarts Pond 1979 81082 Fitchburg 9 78 Meetinghouse Pond 81083 Westminster 155 72 Mirror Lake 1979 81084 Fitchburg 7 78 Mirror Lake 81085 Harvard 29 90 Morse Reservoir 81086 Leominster 13 78 Mossy Pond 1977 81087 Clinton 28 85 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUHBER(S) Muddy Pond 81088 Westminster 20 72 Muschopauge Pond 81089 Rutland 64 73 Nashua River Pond 81090 Harvard 6 84 Nie hols Pond 81091 Fitchburg 1 78 Notown Reservoir (Leominster Reservoir) 81092 Leominster 237 78 Oak Hill Pond 81093 Lancaster 5 84 Oak Hill Pond 81094 Fitchburg 5 78 Old Millpond 81095 Harvard 1 90 Overlook Reservoir 81096 Fitchburg 14 78 e--- e--- Paradise Pond 81097 Princeton 63 78/79 0 Partridge Pond (Ellis Pond, Smith Pond) 1979 81098 Westminster 23 72 Perrins Pond 81099 Lunenburg 2 84 Phoenix Pond (Double Pond) 8ll00 Shirley 7 84 Pierce Pond 8ll01 Leominster 25 78 Pine Hill Reservoir 81102 Paxton/Holden/Rutland 345 74 Plow Shop Pond 81103 Ayer 29 90 Pork Barrel Pond 81104 Pepperell 2 89 Poutwater Pond 81105 Holden 5 79 Pratt Junction Pond 81106 Sterling 5 85 Putnam Pond 1979 8ll07 Fitchburg 4 78 Quinapoxet Reservoir* 81108 Holden/Princeton 261 73 Reservoir (South Ashburnham Reservoir) 8ll09 Westminster/Ashburnham 106 72 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Rice Meadow (Pond) 81110 Westminster 5 78 Robbins Pond 8llll Harvard 15 90 Rockwell Pond 1977 81112 Leominster 10 78 8lll3 Leominster 18 78 Round Meadow Pond (Merriams Reservoir) 81114 Westminster 54 72 Saima Pond 8lll5 Fitchburg 1 78 Lake Samoset (Whitneys Pond) 1983 8lll6 Leominster 44 79 Sandy Pond* 1980 81117 Ayer 74 90 Sawmill Pond (Flag Pond) 1981 81118 Fitchburg/Westminster 61 78 - Scott Reservoir 8lll9 Fitchburg 35 78 - Shaker Mill Pond (Mill Pond, Bennetts Brook Pond) 8ll20 Ayer 3 90 Sheldon Pond 81121 Fitchburg 2 78 Lake Shirley (Shirley Pond, Shirley Reservoir) 81122 Lunenburg 376 84 Shirley Road Pond 81123 Lancaster 6 84 Smith Pond 81124 Lemonister 10 78 Smith Reservoir 81125 Westminster 1 72 Snow Pond 81126 Princeton 17 79 Snows Millpond 1981 8ll27 Fitchburg/Westminster 35 78 South Lancaster Pond 81128 Clinton/Lancaster 5 85 1977 81129 Clinton 68 85 Spectacle Pond * 1977 81130 Littleton/Ayer 70 90 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Spectacle Pond North 81131 Ayer 5 90 Spectacle Pond (Big Spectacle Pond)* 81132 Lancaster 58 84 Spring Basins 81133 Sterling 2 79 Springy Pond 81134 Groton 6 90 Pond 81135 Shirley 7 84 Streeter Pond 81136 Paxton 20 74 Stuart Pond (Ross Mill Pond, Stump Pond, Washnigton Pond) 81137 Sterling 45 79 Simonds Pond 81138 Leominster 4 78

>-- The Ox Bow 81139 Groton 30 89 >--" N Townsend Road Pond 81140 Lunenburg 9 78 Turner Pond 81141 Lancaster/Lunenburg 8 84 Tuttle Lake 81142 Sterling 1 79 Unionville Pond 81143 Holden 20 80 Upper Massapoag Pond 81144 Groton/Tyngsborough 19 89/95 Vinton Pond 81145 Townsend 17 77 Wachusett Lake 81146 Westminster/Princeton 124 72 81147 Boylston/West Boylston/ Clinton/Sterling 4135 79/80/85/86 Wachusett Station Pond 81148 Fitchburg 11 78 Wadsworth Brook Pond 81149 Holden 5 74 NASHUARIVER BASIN (81) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Walker Pond 81150 Townsend 2 83 Lake (Nashua Reservoir) 81151 Ashburnham/Gardner 218 71/72 Wattles Pond 1979 81152 Groton 10 89 West Waushacum Pond (Middle Waushacum Pond) 1977, 1983 81153 Sterling 112 79 Lake Whalom'' 1980 81154 Lunenburg 99 84 White Pond* 1979 81155 Lancaster/Leominster 43 84 Whitney Pond 81156 Ashburnham 14 72 Winnekeag Lake (Rices Reservoir) 1980 81157 Ashburnham 118 71 Wolf Brook Pond 81158 Townsend 5 83 >-"' Wright Pond (West) (Lower Wright Pond) 81159 Ashby 21 77 w Wright Pond (Upper Wright Pond) 81160 Ashby 18 77 Wyman Pond (Grassy Pond) 1977 81161 Westminster 200 72/78 I ,, I

,:~Jr::;r'.~- r:.,;;:;~:r-

-----Drainage I Basin Divide



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Airfield Pond 82001 Stow 6 91 Angiers Pond (Spencer Brook Pond) 82002 Concord 8 97 Ashland Reservoir 1981 82003 Ashland 155 99 Reservoir (Flow Augmentation Pond, A-1 site) 1979 82004 Westborough 333 86 Baldwins Pond (Knoll Pond) 82005 Wayland 8 97/104/105 Barkers Pond 82006 Acton 6 97 Bartlett Pond 82007 Northborough 45 92 Batesmans Pond* 82008 Concord 20 104 Blanford Pond 82009 Sudbury 4 98 Bloods Pond 82010 Hopkinton 8 99 Boons Pond (Lake Boone, Boon Pond)* 1979-1980 82011 Stow/Hudson 175 91/97 Bruces Pond (Bruce Pond) 82012 Hudson 17 91 Butt"tick Pond 82013 Carlisle 2 103 Butt"ticks Hill Pond 82014 Concord 4 104 Carding Mill Pond 1979 82015 Sudbury 40 105 Ceda-,, Swamp Pond 82016 Westborough 17 92 Channey Lake 1974 82017 Westborough 177 92 Clamshell Pond* 82018 Clinton 23 85 Cobbs Pond 82019 Littleton 17 96 82020 Natick/Framingham/Wayland 594 98/105 Concord Reservoir 82021 Concord 1 104 Cranberry Bog Pond 82022 Carlisle/Chelmsford 30 96/103 CONCORDRIVER BASIN (82) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Crosby Pond (Mill Brook Pond) 82023 Concord 6 104 Crystal Pond 82024 Southborough 2 92 Davis Hill Pond 82025 Concord 19 104 Dean Park Pond 82026 Shrewsbury 6 86 Delaney Pond (Zanders Pond) 82027 Stow 8 91 Duck Pond 82028 Hopkinton 5 93 Dudley Pond* 1979 82029 Wayland 84 98/105 Eaton Pond 82030 Shrewsbury 1 86 Eastabrook Road Pond 82031 Concord 5 104 ,... ,... Elm Street Pond 82032 Chelmsford 42 96/103 "' 82033 Concord/Lincoln 77 104 Fairyland Pond 82034 Concord 3 104 Farm Pond* 82035 Framingham 149 98 Farrar Pond 82036 Lincoln 126 104 Fiske Street Pond 82037 Carlisle 28 96/ 103 Fisk Pond 82038 Natick 68 98/105 Flag Hill Pond 82039 Boxborough 16 91 Fl etchers Pond 82040 Stow 5 91 Folson Pond 82041 Wayland 1 104 1979 82042 Marlborough/Hudson 284 91/92 Fort Pond* 1979-1980 82043 Littleton 100 96 Framingham Reservoir Ill 82044 Framingham 162 98 CONCORDRIVER BASIN (82) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Framingham Reservoir 112 82045 Framingham/Ashland 125 98 Framingham Reservoir /13 82046 Framingham 237 98 Gates Pond 82047 Berlin 84 91/92 Gleasons Pond 82048 Framingham 12 98 Goose Pond 82049 Concord 9 104 Grassy Pond 82050 Acton 17 96 Great Meadows Pond Ill (Bordman Pond Ill) 82051 Concord 14 104 Great Meadows Pond 112 (Bordman Pond 1/2) 82052 Concord 14 104 Great Meadows Pond 113 82053 Concord 38 104 e-' Greenough Pond 82054 Carlisle 16 103 .___,e-' Grist Mill Pond 1979 82055 Sudbury/Marlborough 16 98 Hager Pond 1979 82056 Marlborough 28 98 Hayward Mill Road Pond (Hayward Pond) 82057 Concord 18 97 Heard Pond (Hurds Pond, Pelham Pond) 82058 Wayland 71 98 Heart Pond (Hart Pond, Baptist Pond)* 1979 82059 Chelmsford 91 96 1974 82060 Westborough 27 86 Hopkinton Reservoir 82061 Hopkinton/Ashland 170 92/93 Howe Pond 82062 Marlborough 2 92 Hubbard Hill Pond (Esterbrook Pond) 82063 Concord 18 104 Hudson Road Pond 82064 Sudbury 7 97 Hutchins Pond 82065 Concord 6 104 Ice House Pond 82066 Acton 12 97 Ice House Pond 82067 Hopkinton 4 93 CONCORDRIVER BASIN (82) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NA.'IE SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Independence Street Pond 82068 Acton 5 97 82069 Framingham 34 98 Little Chauncy Pond 82070 Northborough 45 92 Little Pond* 1979 82071 Bolton 16 91 Long Pond 1979 82072 Littleton 88 96 Lower Warners Pond 82073 Concord 7 97 Lundstrom Road Pond 82074 Harvard 5 91 "laynard Pond 82075 Maynard 19 97 Merriams Pond (Chadwicks Pond) 82076 Acton 10 97

>-" >-" Milham Reservoir 82077 Marlborough 69 92 co 11illham Street Pond 82078 Marlborough 8 92 Mill Pond 82079 Wayland 5 105 Ministers Pond 82080 Stow 8 91/97 Muddy Pond (Cooks Pond) 82081 Marlborough 5 92 Nagog Lake 82082 Littleton/ Acton 284 96 Nashoba Brook Pond 82083 Acton 8 96 North Great Meadows 82084 Concord 101 104 Northborough Reservoir 82085 Shrewsbury 5 86 North Ludstrom Road Pond 82086 Boxborough 5 91 Norton Pond 82087 Framingham 5 98 Nutting Lake* 1979 82088 Billerica 78 103 Peakman Road Pond 82089 Sudbury 12 105 CONCORDRIVER BASIN (82) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Pine Brook Pond 82090 Wayland 6 105 Powder Mill Road Pond 82091 Concord 9 97 Puffers Pond 82092 Maynard/Sudbury 30 97 Reservoir (Annursnack Hill) 82093 Concord 1 97 Reservoir (Sligo Hill) 82094 Marlborough 2 92 Rocky Pond 1979 82095 Boylston 60 86 (Russell Pond) 82096 Chelmsford 20 103 Saxonville Pond 82097 Framingham 59 98 Sherman Bridge Pond 82098 Wayland 7 104 ,.... ,.... Smith Pond (Smith Mill Pond) 82099 Northborough 18 86 '-C Solomon Pond 82100 Northborough 22 86/92 Spencer Brook Pond 82101 Carlisle 7 103 Spoon Hill Pond 82102 Marlborough 8 92 St. Bernards Cemetery Pond 82103 Concord 6 104 Stearns Mill Pond 1979 82104 Sudbury 19 97 Sucker Pond 82105 Framingham 6 98 82106 Southborough/Marlborough 1292 92/93 Tripp Pond 1982 82107 Hudson 6 91 Vose Pond 82108 Maynard 4 97 Halden Pond* 82109 Concord 58 104 Warners Pond 1974 82110 Concord 54 97 CONCORDRIVER BASIN (82) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Wataquadock Pond 82111 Bolton 10 85 Waushakum Pond 82112 Framingham 81 98 Welch Pond 82113 Bolton 2 85 Westborough Reservoir (Sandra Pond) 82114 Westborough 54 93 West Pond* 1979 82115 Bolton 19 91 Wheeler Pond 82116 Stow 19 91 Wheeler Pond (Wheelers Pond) 82117 Berlin 13 86 White Pond* 1979 82118 Concord 43 97 White Pond 82119 Hudson/Stow 62 97 N -0 Whitehall Reservoir 1983 82120 Hopkinton 575 93 Williams Lake 82121 Marlborough 70 92 Willis Lake 82122 Sudbury 68 97 Winning Pond* 1979 82123 Billerica 23 103 Figure 26 ·


() I ·.SHAWSHEEN RIVER BASIN (83) 4 ' --===---==-- KILOMETERS


USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Ames Pond 83001 Tewksbury 82 112 Bakers Meadow Reservoir 83002 Andover 18 112 Butterfield Pond 83003 Burlington 7 114 Fawn Lake (Farm Lake) 83004 Bedford 9 103 Fosters Pond* 83005 Wilmington 109 113 Fosters Pond 83006 Andover 135 113 Gravel Pit Pond 83007 Andover 5 112 Hussey Brook Pond 83008 Andover 5 112 Hussey Pond 1977 83009 Andover 2 112 e-" N Long Pond (Mud Pond)* 83010 Tewksbury 39 103/ 113 N Lowell Junction Pond 83011 Andover 40 113 Mud Pond 83012 Tewksbury 2 113 Pole Hill Pond 83013 Andover 17 113 Pomps Pond* 83014 Andover 14 112 Rabbit Pond 83015 Andover 5 112 Richardson Pond 83016 Billerica 5 103/ 113 River Street Pond 83017 Andover 27 113 Round Pond* 83018 Tewksbury 25 113 Woods Corner Pond 83019 Burlington 6 114 NH MA "!f--a1\\'--. -- -~-- l _; -- - ,\~·.:•:+i.:?t.y?lii~W :"\it~·:i:·r:~n•~ N/({f~f ,,:•=:~:-! ASHBY 1 ' ·.;-p,: .I ' < ',<__ f\\(81) r';'t.,,.-, MA 35 >\ ~:f1.j.·.l,;\":1"·.~";·;";l·I".i'/~=• ., '~ ~ ~!!'1:A~:DLOCATION, ...... { ASHBURNHAM ··,.•. '!, '/,,~ f/', /1:'0 ...... , I ,,,. ' I".,- ~ ,. ,. ' ~ / / GEORGETOWN / / -~-,- '1 / ~ / NH "-:,1,_ '--~ ✓ n-- J \ I /{ \ BOXFORD ..._ , \,....,...__. -L,, 1 , ,, \ f-"' N l_ I DUNSTABLE~ ...... \, HENCE\ "' '1 \ ·e___ ) \ NORTHANDOVER I I ~-!,-/ \ (81)l I ,"':I'..,,, .. .. (83) ...__11.,.,..,.b .._-.,,-,,,,, r: / GROTON I ,.,o / - ,. '- .... ', / "-----· .~DWELL \'; / .• j. ..- > ' ;---- ."t .. ,.,; ( ) '-...._--lEWKSBURY ~Jis--' 8 2 I CHB...l1ISFORD \' I ~ .. ## I --li~-~ ..,,,, .., I A't'ER .# I •--- Basin/Drainage Divide -, WESTFORD \ i ', ) I . >-...-/ / I ' ' I I LITTLETON j HARVARD .. 0 / •--~===---~===~--.;j• • • •MILES /. I ; 'y,- 0 2 • • ' •--===--oc==--•' KILOMETERS ;✓ 1\ ( I -LBoxeoROUGH Figure 27 , I tlJ / ~ ... MERRIMACKRIVER BASIN and COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (84)

-=~i•;..',;:,, _... ..-.;i;-':,;:; '·-•i" MERRIMACKRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (84)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Althea Lake 1979 84001 Tyngsborough 38 95 (Kimballs Pond)* 84002 Amesbury/Merrimac 335 134 Bailey Pond 84003 Amesbury 13 134 Burges Pond(Burgess Pond) 84004 Westford 22 96 Cedar Pond 84005 Dracut 6 102 Chadwicks Pond(Little Pond) 84006 Haverhill/Boxford 161 123 Clarks Pond 84007 Amesbury 6 134 84008 North Andover 555 123 Creek Brook Pond 84009 Haverhill 5 111

~ 84010 111 N Crystal Lake (Creek Pond) Haverhill 165 "' Fish Brook Pond 84011 Andover 6 112 Flint Pond 1977 84012 Tyngsborough 61 95 Flushing Pond 1974 84013 Westford 18 96 Forest Lake (Harris Pond, South Pond)* 1981 84014 Methuen 55 102/ 112 Forge Pond* 1974 84015 Westford/Littleton 198 96 Forge Village Pond 84016 Westford 9 96 Frye Pond 1983 84017 Haverhill 7 122 Lake Gardner 84018 Amesbury 80 134 Gilson Brook Pond 84019 Westford 9 95 Granitev;ille Pond 84020 Westford 9 96 Grass Pond 84021 Westford 8 96 Haggets Pond 84022 Andover 214 112 MERRIMACKRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (84) (CONTINUED

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NA.ll!E SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Hayman Pond 84023 Boxford 5 Hills Pond 84024 Methuen 6 112 Houeys Pond (Mitchell Pond, Johnson Pond) 84025 Boxford 38 123 Johnsons Creek Pond 84026 Groveland 5 123 Johnsons Pond 1983 84027 Groveland/Boxford 180 123 Kenoza Lake 84028 Haverhill 287 122 Keyes Pond* 84029 Westford 40 96 Little River Pond 84030 Haverhill 5 122 Locust Pond 84031 Tyngsborough 13 95 e" Long Pond (Lake Passaconaway)* 1979, 1983 N 84032 Dracut/Tyngsborough 163 95/ 102 u, Long Sought For Pond (Sought for Pond)* 1974 84033 Westford 106 95/96 Lower Artichoke Reservoir 84034 West Newbury 43 134 Lower Reservoir 84035 Lawrence 5 112 Marble Pond 84036 Ashburnham 15 71 Mascopic Lake (Mascuppic Lake, Tyngs Pond)* 1981 84037 Tyngsborough/Dracut 209 95 Mill Pond 1974 84038 Littleton 34 90/96 Mill Pond 1983 84039 West Newbury 17 134 Mill Pond 84040 Methuen 5 112 Millvale Reservoir 84041 Haverhill 43 122 Muddy Pond 84042 Boxborough 7 90 Mystic Pond* 84043 Methuen 10 112 Nabnasset Pond 1977 84044 Westford 115 96 Neal Pond 84045 Merrimac 10 122 MF.RRIMACKRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (84) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Newfield Pond (Crystal Lake)* 84046 Chelmsford 77 95 Oak Hill Pond 84047 Westford 56 95 Osgood Pond 84048 North Andover 5 112 Pattens Pond 84049 Amesbury 5 134 Peat Meadow Pond 84050 Methuen 6 112 Lake Pentucket 84051 Haverhill 44 122 Peppermint Brook Pond 84052 Dracut 5 102 Peters Pond* 1979 84053 Dracut 77 102 Pikes Bridge Road Pond 84054 West Newbury 5 134 c-" 1 123 N Reservoir 84055 Haverhill "' Reservoir (Lower) 84056 North Andover 1 123 Reservoir (Upper) 84057 North Andover 1 123 Rogers Street Pond 84058 West Newbury 18 134 Lake Saltonstall (Plug Pond) 84059 Haverhill 45 122 Sargent Millpond 84060 Merrimac 3 122 Searles Pond 84061 Methuen 8 112 Sisters Pond 84062 Haverhill 1 111 Spickett River Pond 84063 Methuen 7 112 Stevens Pond 84064 North Andover 26 123 Stevens Pond (Arlington Mill Pond) 84065 Lawrence 8 112 Stodge Meadow Pond 84066 Ashburnham 71 Stony Brook (North) 84067 Chelmsford 17 96 !IBRRIMACKRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (84) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Sutton Pond 84068 North Andover 5 112 Swains Pond 84069 Chelmsford 10 95 84070 Amesbury 24 134 Upper Artichoke Reservoir 84071 West Newbury 117 134 Upper Attitash Pond 84072 Amesbury 62 134 Upper Johnsons Pond 84073 Groveland 17 123 Upper Reservoir Pond 84074 Lawrence 5 112 Uptons Pond 1979 84075 Tyngsborough 7 95 Ward Pond 84076 Ashburnham 71 e-" N Washington Street Pond 84077 Groveland 5 123 "' Watatic Pond 84078 Ashburnham/Ashby 71/77 Westford Station Pond 84079 Westford 13 96 Winter Street Pond 84080 North Andover 5 123 .11111II

i,':·,;,, ;>:=:-• rt{i .,...,,, 1;iI!J;:J"·'.'l<.1\1V,'1);JAJl,nNc I I f '"t <84 > NYt/ ...... /\ -: -,,, ,,NEWBURYPORT tH --....;-- - : .... 1 ! ,.,, ,;Jt';:"t"ii·J;"fr",_;,1·i"i;·:'·•,-= I ~ = ,,,,,, / WEST I: ;., r,;;--- _/ / ,,,.,11,,,NEWBUIH - ✓(/t. ....,, USIM AND ~ ,, & .... DIU.INAOELOCATIOt-1 ,,✓i -? ...... fg~ . ,'/ ',, .... ,,1/ ,,~/ 1!" NEWBURY ATLANTIC ~ I l - / I .: I \ GAOvELAND I j .... :: / ex,N ~ --....__./, .: -'-- ~ ...... ~ -- \ ,,,,~\ ,,, ~ . \. ...,,, 1-f' GEORGETOWN ~ :11111,.... 11 . -...... ,• 111111111 h ,.. •' ,,, ,,,11111 ,,-r- / ~,,,, __; """' (84) \ BOXFORD •1111n\\ / 1/ 11 1111111111 1111\~~$WIGH / 11111111 i-...... __ I 0 2 • ~ 9 I 2 ! 4 9 ' MILES ICILOMf! TEAS 11111111 Basin/Drainage Divide DEOE· DWPC· Technical Services Branch


~<-:. . " .·,/ .': ~~-;~'1--~\tf· PARKERRIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (91)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Baldpate Pond (Perleys Pond)* 1981 91001 Boxford 55 123/135 Bull Brook Reservoir 91002 Ipswich 10 135/147 Central Street Pond 91003 Rowley 5 135 Crane Pond (Big Crane Pond) 91004 Groveland 19 134 Dows Brook Reservoir 91005 Ipswich 17 135/147 Georgetown Pond 91006 Georgetown 10 135 Little Crane Pond 91007 West Newbury 5 134 Lower Mill Pond 91008 Rowley 14 135 Parker River Pond 91009 Boxford 6 123 -N Pentucket Pond* 1983 91010 Georgetown 85 123/125 "' Quills Pond 91011 Newbury 4 146 Rock Pond* 1983 91012 Georgetown 42 123/135 Sperrys Pond 91013 Boxford 6 123 State Street Pond 91014 Newburyport 5 146 Upper Mill Pond (Mill Pond, Stewdards Pond) 91015 Rowley 21 135 Warren Street Pond 91016 Georgetown 5 123 Wilson Pond 91017 Rowley 7 135 \ . \ ~ GEORGETOWN / -{;}., ''i .."-~,,,,_.., / .. \ .,,.,. '- -; / ~;.~p-t~\.,2,ri"'-~ ••· - ,,,1\II\ ••• --',,. - --< ROWLEY (9 1 ) - (84) •'$'. ,,, \ ,r·· ,,...... ----,,~>•""•µ, / ,,/ ' ••'t ,.- '• ... ~- . ,,,.., ..•• ,.•'" J / -~- -· ~"'.J ,...... -- ...... /1- ,~~ } \ "' ,,1/ ,s, ..,I USIN AHO \ \ \ DRAINAGELOCATION ~- I?$; <9. \ ) :: 'S_, O,s-t,: \ / =' TOPSFIELD ~ ESSEX = \ '½6'1;>---. ---- : I : \ $ J ~ ANDOvER: \ / - r- -~ \ E ' ( -( -....__6,. ::. { / ----- /' : \ I WENHAM . ------._":, - ' \_ .,.- / :u,\• ::---- - .'--:--"\ ._, - )' V / ' ~'(':: - - - __1.,,.---~\ : It.. _ - - - . ✓,,. , ~.... \ NA"CHESTEA It­ 31f;\1tl1\t\ll {/ A. \ MIDDLETON • ~ • ,m _;._ t 111 '(,, ,,,.,,,, BEVERLY : ' / --., (8 1111 I-' TEWKSBURY ..f'tl \ NOJiTH ,. (93)\' ,, ,- "" I,;.) \~ ~- REAOING \ ,, ,, ,,, 0 -."" DANVERS ' ''"-'" f; ...... ,"'! WILMINGTON ; \ ,, ' :: -o'<-· ;; I ...... ~ I ,s ., lf I.I ----::- ✓ ,:,'O,f:)0 -/ ------BILLERICA ',•• v - I / : ~ a , •••~ ~ , : " "' REAOING I ,,,, ,,,.,,~ w: i ' -\ , .. , .. , \.••' ~ PEABODY: ..1 I .... ' ~ i''"• ,,,, ~ ...... ~ LYNN'IELD ,, : tt I -:.,. ii :: -,, ~ ) " : ,, ' ~ :: --_) . ,:.\ : i .. "' ~ '\ - - t:: _,_ ,,,_ ••••.- (7 1 )\ \ ,,; ~ 9• \ WOBURN \ -u ti"''-. '(\' - :: t 1 ' i•••' I ' ,~ 2 • , 9123 ◄, 11111111 . ,MILES \,-i=::::i,-,c=:i-,i KILOMETERS Basin/Drainage Divide DEQE-OWPC-Technicol Sen-ices Bronch ( Figure 29 I IPSWICHRIVER BASIN and COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (92) ,

:;/,f-:i.k\~:;_,~t'.it;.~/~'/ . t-. ~·~.:•.:~, -~-· IPSWICH RIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (92)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Bear Pond 92001 Andover 3 124 Beaver Pond 92002 Beverly 14 148 Berry Pond 92003 North Andover 3 124 Brackett Pond 92004 Andover 17 124 Bradford Pond 92005 North Reading 17 124 Bunker Meadows 92006 Topsfield 51 135/136 Cedar Pond 92007 Wenham 6 136 Cedar Pond 92008 Boxford 8 123 Clark Pond 92009 Ipswich 25 147 >--" w Collins Pond 92010 Andover 7 125 >--" Creighton Pond 92011 Middleton 22 123/124 Crooked Pond 92012 Boxford 6 123/135 Crystal Pond 92013 Peabody 11 124/136 Cutler Pond 92014 Hamilton 6 148 Devils Dishfull Pond 92015 Peabody 26 124 Eisenhaures Pond 92016 NOrth Reading 10 124 Elginwood Pond 92017 Peabody 11 124 Farnum Street Pond 92018 North Andover 8 123 Field Pond 92019 Andover 59 124 Fish Brook Pond 92020 Boxford 5 135 Forest Street Pond 92021 Middleton 5 124 IPSWICH RIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (92) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Four Mile Pond* 92022 Boxford 25 123 Frye Pond 92023 Andover 6 124 Harold Parker Road Pond 92024 North Andover 7 124 Hood Pond 1979 92025 Ipswich 67 135 Howes Pond 92026 Boxford 7 123 Kimballs Pond (Sawyers Pond, Little Cedar Pond) 92027 Boxford 7 123 Liberty Street Pond 92028 Middleton 9 124 Little Elder Pond 92029 Peabody 4 136 Longham Reservoir 92030 Wenham 41 148 >-" w N Lower Boston Brook Pond 92031 Middleton 15 124 Lower Four Mile Pond 92032 Boxford 21 123 Lower Stearns Pond 92033 North Andover 5 124 Lowe Pond 92034 Boxford 32 135 Lubber Pond East 92035 Wilmington 7 113 Lubber Pond West 92036 Wilmington 9 113 Martins Brook Pond 92037 Wilmington 15 113 Martins Pond* 1981 92038 North Reading 92 113/124 Middleton Pond (Forest Pond, Middleton Reservoir) 92039 Middleton 135 124 Mile Brook Pond 92040 Topsfield 18 135 Mill Pond 92041 Burlington 7 113 Mt. Eleanor Pond 92042 Boxford 5 135 IPSWICH RIVER BASIN AND COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (92) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Muddy Pond 92043 Wenham 5 136 Norwood Pond 92044 Beverly 40 148 Old Right Pond 92045 Ipswich 5 135 Park Street Pond 92046 North Reading 5 124 Peabody Street Pond 92047 Middleton 5 124 Pierces Pond 92048 Peabody 5 136 Pleasant Pond (Idlewood Lake)* 92049 Wenham/Hamilton 43 136 Puritan Lawn Pond 92050 Peabody 5 124 Put Pond 92051 Middleton 3 123 e-" w Putnamville Reservoir w 92052 Danvers 270 136 Quarry Pond 92053 Peabody 5 124 Rantoul Pond (Goodales Pond) 92054 Ipswich 44 147 Reservoir 92055 Middleton 1 124 Rockery Pond 92056 Topsfield 3 135 Salem Pond 92057 North Andover 17 124 Sharpners Pond (Kimballs Pond) 92058 North Andover 5 123 Silver Lake* 92059 Wilmington 28 113 Spofford Pond* 92060 Boxford 27 123 Stearns Pond 92061 North Andover 41 124 Stevens Pond 92062 Boxford 12 135 Stiles Pond 92063 Boxford 60 123 Sudden Pond 92064 North Andover 6 124 Suntaug Lake 92065 Lynnfield/Peabody 153 124/136 IPSWICH RIVER BASIN AND COASTAIDRAINAGE AREA (92) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Swan Pond 92066 North Reading 46 124 : Teal Pond 92069 Topsfield 2 135 Towne Pond 92068 Boxford/North Andover 23 123 Towne Street Pond 92069 North Andover 24 123 Upper Boston Brook Pond 92070 Middleton 7 124 Upper Brackett Pond (Reservoir Pond) 92071 Andover 6 124 Waterfowl Pond 92072 Topsfield 1 135 92073 Beverly 225 136 Woodhill Pond 92074 Boxford 6 123

,--" ""-I'- Ipswich

OIIS45 --- kll.OMl:fE:RS




USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Babson Reservoir 93001 Gloucester 29 159 Bartholomew Pond 1983 93002 Peabody 8 136 Beck Pond* 93003 Hamilton 40 148 Birch Pond (Birch Pond Reservoir) 93004 Saugus/Lynn 80 125/137 Bond Hill Reservoir 93005 Gloucester 1 159 Breeds Reservoir (Breeds Pond) 93006 Lynn 177 137 Brimbal Avenue Pond 93007 Beverly 5 148 Browns Pond (Winona Pond)* 1983 93008 Peabody 26 136/137 Buswell Pond (Stillington Lake) 93009 Gloucester 7 159 e--" w Camborne Pond Rockport 4 168 cr- 93010 Cape Pond 93011 Rockport 41 168 Cedar Pond 93012 Lynn 6 136/137 Cedar Pond 93013 Peabody 11 136 Chebacc:o Lake* 1981 93014 Hamilton/Essex 209 148 Clark Pond 93015 Manchester 7 159 Coy Pond (Middle Pond)* 19e3 93016 Wenham 25 148 Crane River Pond 93017 Danvers 18 136 Crystal Lake 93018 Wakefield/Stoneham 80 125 Dexter Pond 93019 Manchester 4 148/159 Dykes Pond (Dikes Meadow Reservoir,, Dike$ Pond) 93020 Gloucester 55 159 Essex Street Pond 93021 Gloucester 6 159 NORTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (93) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Fernwood Lake 93022 Gloucester 26 159 Flax Pond* 93023 Lynn 71 137 Floating Bridge (Glenmere Pond) 93024 Lynn 8 137 Forest River Pond 93025 Salem 13 137 Foster Pond 93026 Swampscott 8 137 Granet Street Pond 93027 Rockport 5 168 Gravelly Pond (Gravel Pond)* 93028 Hamilton 46 148 Griswold Pond(First Lake) 93029 Saugus 13 125 Hacher Pond 93030 Gloucester 6 159 Haskell Pond (Haskell Brook Reservoir) 93031 Gloucester 48 159 Hawkes Pond 93032 Lynnfield 73 124/125 Henrys Pond 93033 Rockport 3 168 Holyoke Street Pond 93034 Lynn 5 137 Lanesville Pond 93035 Gloucester 5 159 Langsford Pond 93036 Gloucester 4 159 Leg Hill Pond 93037 Salem 9 137 Lily Mere Pond 93038 Lynn 5 137 Lily Pond (Lilly Pond) 93039 Gloucester 31 159 Little Elder Pond 93040 Peabody /Melrose 4 136 Long Pond 93041 Saugus 6 125 Loop Pond 93042 Rockport 3 168 NORTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (93) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lower Crane River Pond 93043 Danvers 6 136 Lower Pond (Lower Wakesaw Pond, Lower Brakheard Pond) 93044 Saugus 19 125 Lower Porters Pond 93045 Danvers 13 136 Lynn Reservoir (Pine Hill Reservoir) 93046 Lynn 5 137 Main Street Pond 93047 Saugus 5 125 Meadow Pond 93048 Peabody 2 136 Mill Pond 93049 Danvers 5 136 Mill Pond 93050 Gloucester 21 159

~ w Nells Pond 93051 Lynnfield l 136 "' Niles Pond(Ocean Pond)* 93052 Gloucester 35 159 North Pool Hill Pond 93053 Rockport 6 168 Peabody Reservoir 93054 Salem 1 136 Pigeon Hill Road Pond 93055 Rockport 6 168 Pillings Pond 1977 93056 Lynnfield 96 124 Pines River Pond 93057 Revere 24 125 Porters Pond 93058 Danvers 20 136 93059 Saugus 16 125 * 93060 Wakefield 254 124 Quarry Reservoir 93061 Rockport 5 168 Radio Tower Pond 93062 Rockport 5 168 Round Pond* 93063 Hamilton 37 148 Rum Rock Lake 93064 Rockport 9 168 NORTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (93) ( CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Schurtleff School Pond 93065 Revere 5 125 Scotts Pond 93066 Saugus 4 125 Seaplane Basin 93067 Revere 53 125 Shoe Pond 93068 Beverly 8 136 Sidneys Pond (Sidney Pond) 93069 Peabody 4 136 Sleepy Hollow Pond 93070 Gloucester 4 159 Sluice Pond (Wyoma Lake) 1981 93071 Lynn 50 137 Spring Pond (Second Pond, Third Pond) 93072 Saugus 9 125 Spring Pond (Spring Lake) 93073 Peabody/Lynn/Salem 59 136/137 >-" w Spring Pond (Upper Tapley Brook Pond) 93074 Peabody 10 136 '° Stevens Pond 93075 Saugus 9 125 Strangman Pond 93076 Gloucester 3 159 Swains Pond 93077 Melrose 5 125 Thacher Pond 93078 Gloucester 6 168 Towners Pond 93079 Melrose 9 125 Upper Banjo Pond 93080 Gloucester 11 159 Upper Griswold Pond 93081 Saugus 5 125 Upper Hawkes Pond 93082 Saugus 6 124 Upper Pond (Upper Breakheart Pond, Silver Lake) 93083 Saugus 13 125 (Glen Lewis Pond) 93084 Lynn/Saugus/Lynnfield 231 124/125/137 Wallace Pond (Wallace Brook Reservoir, Wallace Reservoir) 93085 Gloucester 23 159 Walnut Street Pond 93086 Lynnfield 5 124 NORTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (93) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Washington Street Pond 93087 Peabody 5 136 Waters River Pond 93088 Danvers 57 136 West Pond 93089 Gloucester 7 159 Yankee Division Pond 93090 Wenham 5 148 _,.,,. ... r~'.___,...

(74) \ \ HINGHAM " I ' DRAINAGE LOCATION / WEYIIOUT!t / / # l / ,, ,., I ""'..f~,.J. ' tf \ 0 2 :, 4 !5 I / '\I •-==--==alllllllll 111LES ). / ' 0 I 2 :S 4 !5 \ - KILOMETERS ABJN!iTON "~

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Capt1 Cod Basin/ Bay Drainage Divide ---- CARVER



USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NANE SURVEYED NUMBER NUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Accord Brook Pond 94001 Hingham 10 139/157 94002 Hingham/Norwell/Rockland 100 139 Allens Pond 94003 Dartmouth 188 132/144 Arnold School Pond 94004 Pembroke 12 152 Bartlett Pond* 94005 Plymouth 32 169 Beaver Dam Pond 94006 Plymouth 30 169 * 94007 Plymouth 269 162 Black Jimmy Pond 94008 Plymouth 11 170 Black Mountain Pond 94009 Marshfield 16 161 -.,,. Black Pond 94010 Plymouth 4 170 "' Black Pond 94011 Norwell 2 151 Black Pond 94012 Plymouth 3 170 Black Pond 94013 Plymouth l 170 Blackwater Pond 94014 Kingston 8 161 Bloody Pond 94015 Plymouth 94 170 Boot Pond 94016 Plymouth 76 162 Bound Brook Pond 94017 Norwell 12 151 Bracketts Pond 94018 Kingston 8 152 Briggs Reservoir 94019 Plymouth 28 169/170 Briggs Reservoir 94020 Plymouth 17 162 Cattle Pond 94021 Plymouth 5 163 Center Hill Pond 94022 Plymouth 7 170 Chandlers Pond 94023 Marshfield 10 161 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Cherry Pond 94024 Plymouth 2 162 Clam Pudding Pond 94025 Plymouth 10 169 Clifford Road Pond 94026 Plymouth 8 169 Cooks Pond 94027 Plymouth 23 162 Cotton Pond 94028 Plymouth 3 170 Covel Pond 94029 Plymouth 1 170 Cranberry Bog Reservoir 94030 Plymouth 8 170 Crooked Pond (Spectacle Pond) 94031 Plymouth 9 162 Crossmans Pond* 94032 Kingston 15 153 e-' -I'- w Dennetts Pond 94033 Plympton 6 153 Eel Run Pond 94034 Plymouth 9 169 Elbow Pond 94035 Plymouth 16 170 Forge Pond 94036 Plymouth 14 169 Forge Pond 94037 Hanover 20 140 Foundry Pond 94038 Kingston 11 162 Franklin Street Pond 94039 Duxbury 7 152 Fresh Pond 94040 Plymouth 62 169 Fulling Millpond 94041 Hingham 13 139 Furnace Brook Ponds 94042 Kingston 5 162 Furnace Pond* 1980 94043 Pembroke 107 152 Furnace Pond 94044 Marshfield 4 161 Garside Reservoir 94045 Duxbury 37 161 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)


Goose Pond 94046 Kingston 8 162 Governor Winslow House Pond 94047 Marshfield 23 161 Granny Pond 94048 Plympton 1 153 Grassy Pond 94049 Plymouth 5 170 Great Pond* 1981 94050 Bourne/Plymouth 376 170 Great Mink Hole 94052 Kingston 2 162 * 94053 Pembroke 109 152 Great South Pond 94054 Plymouth 292 162 e-" Gunners Exchange Pond ,,__,,_ 94055 Plymouth 29 162 Hackett Pond 1980 94056 Hanover 9 151 Halfway Pond 94057 Plymouth 232 163/170 Hallfield Pond 94058 Plymouth 6 162 Happy Rines School Pond 94059 Kingston 6 161 Harlow Pond 94060 Plymouth 3 162 Harrobs Corner Bog Pond 94061 Plympton 16 153 Hatch Pond 94062 Norwell 5 139 Hatch Pond 94063 Marshfield 2 152 Hathaway Pond 94064 Plymouth 3 170 94065 Plymouth 26 170 Herring Brook Pond 94066 Pembroke 6 152 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBERS(S) Hoopers Pond 94067 Plymouth 3 162 Horse Pond 94068 Plymouth 3 170 Howard Pond 94069 Pembroke 5 152 Hoyts Pond 94070 Plymouth 16 162 Indian Head Pond* 94071 Hanson 121 152 Indian Pond 94072 Kingston 66 153 * 94073 Duxbury 43 161 Island Pond 94074 Plymouth 77 170 Island Pond 94075 Plymouth 49 169 Island Pond 94076 Plymouth 12 162 ""V,- Jacobs Pond 1979 94077 Norwell 59 151 Pond 94078 Kingston 7 152 Keene Pond 94079 Duxbury 13 152 Leach Pond 94080 Plymouth 6 162 Lilly Pond 94081 Plymouth 3 170 * 94082 Plymouth 90 170 Little Mink Hole 94083 Kingston 1 162 Little Muddy Pond 94084 Plymouth 8 162 Little Sandy Bottom Pond* 94085 Pembroke 62 152 Little Smelt Pond 94086 Kingston 6 162 94087 Plymouth 62 162 Long Island Pond (Little Island Pond) 94088 Plymouth 30 169 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lorings Bog Pond 94089 Duxbury 28 161 94090 Plymouth 18 162 Lower Chandler Pond 94091 Duxbury/Pembroke 30 152 Lower West Duxbury Pond 94092 Duxbury 5 152 Lucas Pond 94093 Kingston 6 162 Macombers Creek Reservoir 94094 Marshfield 7 160 Magoun Pond 94095 Marshfield 9 152 * 1981 94096 Hanson 45 152 Mare Pond 1982 94097 Plymouth 14 163/170 c--' Middle West Duxbury Pond 94098 Duxbury 5 152 °'"' Mill Pond 94099 Hanover 5 151 Mill Pond 94100 Pembroke 8 152 Mill Pond 94101 Duxbury 13 161 Morey Hole 94102 Plymouth 20 170 Mounce Pond 94103 Marshfield 3 152 Muddy Pond* 94104 Kingston 37 162 Musquashout Pond* 1983 94105 Scituate 71 151 Negro Pond (Nigger Pond) 94106 Plymouth 6 162 No Bottom Pond 94107 Plymouth 2 162 North Duxbury Pond 94108 Duxbury 10 161 North Hill Marsh Pond 94109 Duxbury 38 161 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) North Triangle Pond 94110 Plymouth 20 162 Northwest Duxbury Pond 94111 Duxbury 6 161 Oakman Pond 94112 Marshfield 8 152 Old Oaken Bucket (Herring Brook Pond) 94113 Scituate 12 151/160 Oldham Pond* 1980 94114 Pembroke 235 152 Parsons Pond 94115 Marshfield 3 161 Pelham Street Pond 94116 Pembroke 5 152 Pembroke Street South Pond 94117 Kingston 16 152 Peterson Pond 94118 Hanover/Norwell 3 151

~ -I'- Pickerel Pond 94119 Plymouth 4 170 -..J Pine Lake 94120 Duxbury 23 161 Pine Street Pond 94121 Duxbury 17 152 Powder horn Pond 94122 Plymouth 10 162 Pratt Pond 94123 Kingston 8 162 Priest Reservoir 94124 Duxbury 5 162 Rabbit Pond 94125 Plymouth 5 169 Reeds Millpond 94126 Kingston 10 152 Reservoir 94127 Pembroke 100 152 Rocky Pond 94128 Kingston 3 162 Rocky Pond 94129 Plymouth 5 162 Big Rocky Pond (Rocky Pond) 94130 Plymouth 20 170 Round Pond 94131 Duxbury 11 161 Russell Millpond (Russell Pond) 94132 Plymouth 42 162 Russell Pond 94133 Kingston 14 162 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Satsuit Meadow Pond 94134 Norwell 10 151 Savery Grassy Pond 94135 Plymouth 4 169/170 Savery Pond 94136 Plymouth 33 170 Sawmill Pond (Mornings Pond, Russell Pond, Stone Pond) 94137 Plymouth 4 162 Scokes Pond (Scoux Pond) 94138 Plymouth 6 169 Second Herring Brook Pond 94139 Norwell 5 151 Shallow Pond 94140 Plymouth 18 169 Shinglemill Pond 94141 Hanover 1 139 94142 Plymouth 10 170 Silver Lake 94143 Pembroke/Plympton/Kingston 640 152 Sly Pond North 94144 Plymouth 5 162 Sly Pond South 94145 Plymouth 3 162 Soules Pond 94146 Kingston 3 162 South Loring Bogs Pond 94147 Duxbury 6 162 South River Pond 94148 Duxbury 4 161 South Triangle Pond 94149 Plymouth 15 162 Standish Street Pond 94150 Pembroke 8 152 Studleys Pond (Reeds Pond, Spring Pond) 94151 Rockland 29 140 Tack Factory Pond 94152 Scituate 7 151 Telegraph Hill Pond North 94153 Plymouth 8 169 Telegraph Hill Pond South 94154 Plymouth 7 169 The Arm Reservoir 94155 Plymouth 8 169 The Gulf 94156 Scituate 78 151 SOUTHSHORE COASTAL DRAINAGE AREA (94) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Torreys Pond 94157 Hanover 20 Trackle Pond 94158 Kingston 2 153 Trask Pond 94159 Plymouth 6 162 Triangle Pond 94160 Plymouth 10 170 Trout Pond 94161 Pembroke 5 152 Tubbs Meadow Brook Pond 94162 Pembroke 6 152 Turner Pond 94163 Norwell 6 151 Turtle Pond 94164 Plymouth 2 162 Upper Chandler Pond 94165 Duxbury/Pembroke 10 152

>--' Upper West Duxbury Pond 94166 Duxbury 10 152 "' "' Wales Pond 94167 Marshfield 3 160 1980 94168 Hanson 62 152 Weeks Pond 94169 Plymouth 10 170 West Chandler Pond 94170 Pembroke 12 152 West Forge Pond 94171 Plymouth 8 169 Winslow Cemetery Pond 94172 Marshfield 10 161 Wolf Pond 94173 Kingston 8 162 Wright Pond 94174 Duxbury 35 161 OIIAJNAGELOCATION

\ I \ \ __ ..jI

I Cape Cod l '--- I I I

----• Basin/ Drainage Divide


012345 012:545---==--=-- MILES -=--==-•KILOMETERS Figure 32 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95)

150 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Abner Pond* 95001 Plymouth 10 163 Allens Pond 95002 Dartmouth 188 132/144 Atwoods Reservoir 95003 Carver 280 154 Barrett Pond 95004 Carver 16 163 Barrows Brook Pond 95005 Plympton 5 153 Bartlett Pond 95006 Wareham 10 163 Bates Pond 95007 Carver 20 154 Beaverdam Pond 95008 Wareham 4 163 ,.... Bensons Pond 95009 Carver 26 154 U> ,.... Betty Spring 95010 Freetown 2 143 (Sandy Pond) 95011 Plymouth 135 163 Big West Pond 95012 Plymouth 40 162 Black Pond 95013 Bourne 5 170 Blackmere Reservoir 95014 Wareham 25 163 Balckmore Pond* 95015 Wareham 46 154/163 Bourne Pond 95016 Bourne 10 171 Braley Road Pond 95017 Freetown 6 142 Bumps Pond 95018 Plymouth 20 163 Bumpus Bog Pond 95019 Carver 9 163 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S2 Buttonwood Park Pond 95020 New Bedford 12 143 Cedar Dell Lake 95021 Dartmouth 24 131/132 Cedar Pond 95022 Carver /Wareham 12 163 Center Cranberry Bog Pond 95023 Rochester 28 154 Center Street West Pond 95024 Carver 7 153 95025 Plymouth 23 163 Clear Bottom Pond 95026 Carver 5 153 Clear Pond 95027 Carver 11 163 Clear Pond 95028 Plymouth 12 162 u, Cockeast Pond 95029 Westport 99 132 -N College Pond 95030 Plymouth 53 163 Cornell Pond (Job Mill Pond, Mill Pond) 95031 Dartmouth 16 131 Cow Yard Pond 95032 Dartmouth 9 144 Crane Brook Big Pond 95033 Carver 37 154 95034 Plymouth 43 162 Darby Pond 95035 Plymouth 37 162 Deer Pond 95036 Plymouth 11 163/170 Destruction Pond 95037 Dartmouth 6 132 Dicks Pond 95038 Wareham 40 163 Doctors Pond 95039 Plymouth_ 2 163 Douglas Corner Pond North 95040 Rochester 13 154 Douglas Corner Pond South 95041 Rochester 10 154 Dugaway Pond 95042 Plymouth 8 170 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Dunham Pond 95043 Plymouth 12 162 Dunham Pond* 95044 Carver 45 163 East Branch Sippican Pond North 95045 Rochester 10 154 East Branch Sippican Pond South 95046 Rochester 20 154 East Cranberry Bog Pond 95047 Rochester 11 154 East Gibbs Bog Pond 95048 Carver 6 163 Eel Pond 95049 Mattapoisett 32 155 Ellis Pond (Sabres Pond)* 95050 Plymouth 11 162 Ezekiel Pond 95051 Plymouth 36 170

~ en Factory Pond 1975 95052 Hanover 58 140/152 w Fawn Pond* 95053 Plymouth Carver 33 163 95054 Plymouth 24 163 Federal Furnace Pond 95055 Carver 129 162 Five Mile Pond* 95056 Plymouth 29 163 Forbes Swamp Pond 95057 Rochester 8 154 Fuller Street Pond 95058 Carver 21 153 * 95059 Plymouth 43 170 Georges Pond 95060 Dartmouth 16 144 95061 Wareham 185 163 Golden Field Pond 95062 Carver 16 163 Goose Pond 95063 Plymouth 3 162 Grady Pond 95064 Carver 8 163 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED) USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Grassy Pond 95065 Plymouth 6 170 Grassy Pond 95066 Plymouth 3 170 Grassy West Pond 95067 Plymouth 20 162 Gravel Pit Pond 95068 Wareham 13 163 Gurner Bogs Pond 95069 Wareham 12 163 Hartley Mill Pond 95070 Rochester 96 155 Hathaway Pond 95071 Rochester 34 155 High Hill Reservoir 95072 Dartmouth 8 143 Hobomoc Pond 95073 Pembroke 15 152 ~ V, .I'- Horseshoe Pond North 95074 Wareham 10 154/163 Horseshoe Pond (Paper Mill Pond, Polls Pond) 95075 Wareham 85 154/163 Huckleberry Corner Pond 95076 Carver 7 154 Jakes Pond 95077 Plymouth 5 170 Kings Pond 95078 Plymouth 21 162 Large Gibbs Bog Pond 95079 Carver 17 163 Leonards Pond 95080 Rochester 54 154/155 Leonards Pond West 95081 Rochester 9 154 Lily Pond (Scituate Pond, Kitos Pond) 95082 Cohasset 45 151 Little Clear Pond 95083 Plymout:h 10 162 Little College Pond 95084 Plymouth 3 163 Little Duck Pond 95085 Plymouth 5 170 Little Five Mile Pond 95086 Plymouth 5 163 Little Harbor 95087 Cohasset 179 150/151 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Little Long Pond 95088 Plymouth 45 170 Little Long Pond 95089 Wareham 19 163 Little Micajah Pond 95090 Plymouth 10 162 Little Rocky Pond 95091 Plymouth 11 170 * 95092 Plymouth 29 163 Little West Pond 95093 Plymouth 25 162 Little Widgeon Pond 95094 Plymouth 7 162 95095 Plymouth 23 170 Long Pond* 95096 Plymouth 211 170

,--" Long Pond (Black Pond) 95097 Rochester 33 154 ln ln Manters Hole 95098 Plymouth 2 162 Maple Springs Pond 95099 Wareham 16 163 Marys Pond* 95100 Rochester 81 154 Maxim Corner Pond 95101 Middleborough 9 153 Micaj ah Pond 95102 Plymouth 20 162 Middle Gibbs Bog Pond 95103 Carver 7 163 Mill Pond 95104 Rochester 8 154 Mill Pond, 95105 Wareham 150 163 Morton Pond 95106 Plymouth 10 170 Mosquito Pond East 95107 Wareham 5 163 Mosquito Pond West 95108 Wareham 3 163 Narragansett Pond 95109 Plymouth 6 162 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) New Bedford Reservoir (Old New Bedford Reservoir) 95110 Acushnet 219 142/143 New Grassy Pond 95111 Plymouth 6 163 95112 Plymouth 23 163 Noquochoke Lake 1979 95113 Dartmouth 124 131 North Rocky Meadow Brook Pond 95114 Carver 24 153 95115 Wareham 105 163 Raccoon Pond 95116 Carver 3 163 Rock Village Pond 95117 Middleborough 8 154 Rocky Meadow Brook Pond 95118 Carver 11 154 Rocky Pond 95119 Plymouth 20 170 Rose Brook Reservoir 95120 Wareham 9 163 Round Hole 95121 Plymouth 2 162 Round Pond 95122 Plymouth 23 163 Round Pond 95123 Plymouth 10 170 Salters Point Pond 95124 Dartmouth 50 144 Sampson Pond* 95125 Carver 310 154/163 Sanctuary Pond 95126 Cohasset 4 151 Pond 95127 Wareham 15 163 Sandy Pond (Jonathans Pond, Jonathan Pond, Pickerel Pond) 95128 Wareham 18 163 Saasaquin Pond* 1980 95129 New Bedford 34 143 Saw Mill Pond 95130 Acushnet 7 143 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Sconticut Neck Pond 95131 Fairhaven 13 156 Sherman Brook Pond North 95132 Rochester 6 154 Sherman Brook Pond South 95133 Rochester 12 154 Smalleys Bog Reservoir 95134 Wareham 30 163 Smelt Pond 95135 Kingston 44 162 Smith Mills Pond 95136 Dartmouth 13 143 * 95137 Rochester 710 154 Snows Pond 95138 Rochester 58 154 South Meadow Brook Pond 95139 Carver 25 154 e-" en South Meadow Pond 95140 Carver 17 162 --.J Southwest Atwood Bog Pond 95141 Carver 14 154 Spectacle Pond 95142 Wareham 42 163 Spring Pond 95143 Plymouth 5 162 Thomastown Cemetery Pond 95144 Middleborough 6 153 Three Cornered Pond 95145 Plymouth 14 163 95146 Wareham 89 163 Tindale Pond 95147 Hanover 3 152 Tinkham Pond 1980 95148 Mattapoisett/Acushnet 20 155 Torrey Pond 95149 Plymouth 3 163 Tremont Mill Pond 95150 Wareham 50 163 Turner Pond (Turners Mill Pond) 95151 New Bedford/Dartmouth 55 143 Union Pond 95152 Wareham 25 163 BUZZARDSBAY COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (95) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Vaughn Pond (Crystal Lake)* 95153 Carver 22 153 Village Cedar Swamp Pond 95154 Carver 10 153 Wall Pond 95155 Plymouth 12 170 Walnut Street Pond 95156 Rochester 9 154 Waterman School Pond 95157 Rochester 10 155 Wenham Pond 95158 Carver 50 153 West Cranberry Bog Pond 95159 Rochester 8 154 West Gibbs Bog Pond 95160 Carver 8 163 West Glen Charlie Reservoir 95161 Wareham 13 163 V,- West Island Pond 95162 Fairhaven 6 156 co West Noquochoke Pond 95163 Dartmouth 20 131 West Thomastown Cemetery Pond 95164 Middleborough 12 153 North Pond 95165 Carver 9 154 * 95166 Plymouth 294 163/170 Whites Dairy Dam 95167 Acushnet 14 143 Whites Pond 95168 Plymouth 33 170 Widgeon Pond 95169 Plymouth 24 162 Allontic Oc,on

Cope Cod Boy


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USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Amos Pond 96001 Mashpee 6 175 Andrews Pond 96002 Harwich 6 184 Areys Pond 96003 Orleans 11 183 Ashumet Pond* 1980 96004 Mashpee 203 171 Aunt Bettys Pond 96005 Barnstable 10 176 Aunt Edies Pond 96006 Harwich 16 184 Aunt Pattys Pond 96007 Dennis 8 179 Baker Pond* 1980 96008 Orleans 28 183 8 179 >-" Bakers Pond 96009 Dennis °'0 Bassetts Lot Pond 96010 Yarmouth 10 179 Bear Pond 96011 Chatham 2 185 Bearse Pond 1983 96012 Barnstable 65 176 Bennet Pond 96013 Provincetown 5 178 Bennett Pond 96014 Bourne 5 170 Big Sandy Pond 96015 Yarmouth 30 179 Black Pond 96016 Chatham 5 185 Black Pond 96017 Brewster/Harwich 10 184 Black Pond 96018 Harwich 9 184 Black Pond 96019 Chatham 1 185 Black Pond 96020 Wellfleet 10 182 Blue Pond 96021 Chatham 2 185 Blueberry Pond 96022 Brewster 25 84 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Bog Pond 96023 Barnstable 8 174 Bog Pond 96024 Falmouth 2 171 Boland Pond 96025 Orleans 6 183 Bourne Pond 96026 Falmouth 10 172 Briggs Pond (Josephs Pond) 96027 Harwich 19 184 Cahoon Pond (Bushy Beach, Francis Cahoon Pond) 96028 Brewster/Harwich 29 184 Caleb Pond 96029 Falmouth 5 172 Camp Edwards Main Gate Pond 96030 Bourne 5 171 e-" Canoe Pond (Sam Hill Pond)* 96031 Brewster 15 184 °'e-" Cedar Lake 1980 96032 Brewster 17 183 Cedar Pond 96033 Orleans 17 183 Cedar Pond 96034 Dennis 10 179 Clapps Pond (Clappers Pond) 1980 96035 Provincetown 40 178 Clapps Round Pond 96036 Provincetown 3 178 Clay Pond 96037 Dennis 4 179 Clay Pond 96038 Bourne 8 171 * 1980 96039 Brewster 193 184 Cobbs Pond 96040 Brewster 21 184 Coleman Pond 96041 Barnstable 6 176 Coles Pond 96042 Dennis 10 179 Coonamessett Pond* 96043 Falmouth 158 171/172 Coonamessett River Reservoir 96044 Falmouth 28 172 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Cornelius Pond (Briar Pond) 96045 Harwich 16 184 Cranberry Bog Pond 96046 Sandwich 5 174 Crooked Pond* 96047 Falmouth 34 174 Crowell Pond 96048 Yarmouth 40 179 Crows Pond 96049 Chatham 72 185 Crystal Lake (Fresh Pond) 1982 96050 Orleans 36 183 Crystal Lake (Lot Pond) 96051 Barnstable 10 176 Cuffs Pond 96052 Bourne 2 171 Dam Pond 96053 Barnstable 11 175 Dam Pond 96054 Falmouth 7 164

°'-N Dean Pond 1980 96055 Mashpee 13 175 Deep Bottom Pond 96056 Bourne 3 171 Deep Pond 96057 Orleans 4 185 Deep Pond* 96058 Falmouth 27 171/172 Deer Pond 96059 Falmouth 10 172 Dennis Pond 96060 Yarmouth 50 176/179 Depot Pond 1980 96061 Eastham 25 183 Dinahs Pond (Sears Pond) 96062 Yarmouth 26 179 Donnelly Pond 96063 Bourne 3 171 Duane Pond 96064 Chatham 3 184 Duck Pond 96065 Dennis 3 179 Duck Pond 96066 Provincetowo 4 178 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE ARES (96) (CONTINUED) USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Duck Pond 96067 Barnstable 2 176 Duck Pond 96068 Wellfleet 13 181 Dunns Pond 96069 Barnstable 5 176 Dyer Pond 96070 Wellfleet 10 181 Eagle Pond (Bassetts Pond) 96071 Dennis 10 179 Eagle Pond 96072 Barnstable 10 175 East Bells Neck Road Pond 96073 Harwich 30 184 Edmunds Pond 96074 Bourne 8 171 Eel Pond 96075 Bourne 2 171 184 >-" Eel Pond 96076 Brewster 3 w °' Elbow Pond 96077 Brewster 31 179/184 Eldridges Pond 96078 Harwich 25 184 Elishas Pond 96079 Yarmouth 9 179 Lake Elizabeth (Craigville Pond, Elizabeth Pond) 1982 96080 Barnstable 7 176 Ellis Pond 96081 Bourne 7 170 Emery Pond 96082 Chatham 13 185 Fawcetts Pond 96083 Barnstable 14 176 Flashy Pond 96084 Mashpee 5 172 Flat Pond 96085 Mashpee 37 175 Flax Pond 96086 Barnstable 5 176 Flax Pc,nd (Picture Pond)* 1980 96087 Bourne 27 171 CAPE COD COASTSLDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Flax Pond 96088 Yarmouth 10 179 Flax Pond 96089 Harwich 15 184 Flax Pond 1980 96090 Dennis 15 179 Flax Pond (Flat Pond)* 96091 Brewster 48 184 Flintrock Pond 96092 Barnstable 7 176 Flume Pond 96093 Falmouth 12 165 96094 Yarmouth/Dennis 197 179 Foundry Pond 96095 Bourne 4 169 Freeman Pond 96096 Bourne 4 171 Freemans Pond 96097 Brewster 8 184 cr,- -"' Fresh Pond* 96098 Falmouth 34 172 Fresh Pond 96099 Falmouth 14 165 Fresh Pond 96100 Barnstable 5 176 Fresh Pond 1980 96101 Dennis 29 179 Fund Pond 96102 Dennis 5 179 Garretts Pond 96103 Barnstable 24 176 Goat Pond (Goat Pasture Pond) 96104 Bourne 24 130 Goodspeed Cemetery Pond 96105 Sandwich 11 174 Goose Pond* 96106 Chatham 38 184 Gould Pond 96107 Orleans 6 183 Grass Pond 96108 Harwich 11 184 Grassy Nook Pond 96109 Brewster 10 184 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Grassy Pond 96110 Harwich/Brewster 11 184 Grassy Pond 96111 Falmouth 9 172 Grassy Pond 96112 Dennis 12 179 Grassy Pond 96113 Provincetown 6 178 Great Pond 96114 Truro 17 181 Great Pond 1979 96115 Eastham 109 183 Great Pond 96116 Bourne 4 171 Great Pond 96117 Wellfleet 37 181 Great Pond 96118 Provincetown 10 178 Greenland Pond (Eldridge Pond) 96119 Brewster 37 184

V,- "" Greenough Pond (Taylors Pond) 96120 Yarmouth 20 179 Grews Pond 96121 Yarmouth 13 171 Griffiths Pond (Snows Pond, White's Pond)* 96122 Brewster 30 184 Gull Pond 1980 96123 Wellfleet 109 181 Halfway Pond 96124 Yarmouth 6 184 Ballets Hill Pond 96125 Yarmouth 17 176 Hamblin Pond(Hamlin Pond, Mystic Lake)* 96126 Barnstable 149 174/175 Hamblin Pond 96127 Mashpee/Falmouth 130 172 Harding Beach Pond 96128 Chatham 24 184 Hathaway Pond North 96129 Barnstable 20 176 Hathaway Pond South 96130 Barnstable 11 176 Hawks Nest Pond (Walkers Pond) 1980 96131 Harwich 30 184 Herring Brook Pond 96132 Eastham 10 183 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Herring Pond (Coles Pond) 1979 96133 Eastham 43 183 Herring Pond 96134 Wellfleet 19 181 Herring River Reservoir 96135 Harwich 64 184 * 96136 Brewster 25 183 Higgins Pond 96137 Wellfleet 28 181 High School Pond 96138 Wellfleet 8 171 Hinckley Pond (Mud Hole Pond) 96139 Barnstable 11 176 Hinckleys Pond (Pleasant Pond)* 96140 Harwich 171 184 Hog Pond Lower 96141 Sandwich 8 174 Hog Pond Upper 96142 Sandwich 10 174 cr, cr,- Horse Pond 96143 Yarmouth 30 179 Horseleach Pond 96144 Truro 24 182 Hospital Pond 96145 Chatham 5 186 Hoxie Pond 1980 96146 Sandwich 9 174 Hyannis Airport Pond 96147 Barnstable 5 176 Icehouse Pond 96148 Orleans 6 183 Island Pond 96149 Harwich 17 184 Israel Pond 96150 Barnstable 10 176 Jabinettes Pond 96151 Yarmouth 7 179 James Pond 96152 Yarmouth 8 179 Jehu Pond 96153 Mashpee 78 172/175

Jemima Pond 96154 Eastham 6 183 Jenkins Pond* 96155 Falmouth 3 171 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Jim Pond (Felds Pond) 96156 Mashpee 11 175 Johns Pond* 96157 Mashpee 317 171/172 Jones Pond 96158 Falmouth 12 172 Joshua Pond 96159 Barnstable 14 17 5 Keeler Pond 96160 Brewster 4 184 Kelleys Bay 96161 Dennis 60 179 Kelleys Pond 96162 Dennis 25 179 Kinnacum Pond 96163 Wellfleet 3 181 Lamson Pond 96164 Barnstable 14 176 f---" Lawrence Pond* 96165 183 174 _,c;, Sandwich Lewis Pond 96166 Yarmouth 35 179 Lewis Pond 96167 Barnstable 6 175 Lily Pond 96168 Yarmouth 3 179 Lily Pond 96169 BOurne 8 171 Little Cliff Pond(Long Pond)* 96170 Brewster 33 184 Little Flat Pond 96171 Mashpee 3 175 Little Halfway Pond 96172 Bourne 1 171 Little Israel Pond 96173 Barnstable 5 176 Little Mill Pond 96174 Chatham 5 185 Little Muddy Pond 96175 Eastham 11 183 Little Pond 96176 Barnstable 11 174 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED) USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Little Sandy Pond 96177 Yarmouth 14 176/179 Long Pond 96178 Bourne 8 171 Long Pond* 1980 96179 Wellfleet 34 181 Long Pond* 96180 Yarmouth 57 179 Long Pond* 96181 Barnstable 50 174/175 Long Pond 96182 Yarmouth 6 176 Long Pond* 96183 Brewster /Harwich 743 184 Long Pond 1983 96184 Barnstable 50 176 Lovells Pond* 96185 Barnstable 54 175 Lovers Lake 96186 Chatham 36 185 ""' 00°' Lower Road Pond 96187 Barnstable 10 176 Lower Mill Pond* 96188 Brewster 29 184 Lumbert Pond (Jones Pond) 96189 Barnstable 10 175 Lynn Pond 96190 Chatham 4 Mares Pond* 96191 Falmouth 28 172 Nartha Pond 96192 Mashpee 13 172 Mary Dunn Pond (llalf-Way Pond) 96193 Barnstable 16 176 Mashpee & Wakeby Ponds* 1980 96194 Mashpee 729 174/175 Ma.thews Pond 96195 Yarmouth 29 179 Meadow Neck Road Pond 96196 Falmouth 20 Micah Pond 96197 Barnstable 14 176 Middle Pond (Middle Cotuit Pond)* 96198 Barnstable 108 174 Miles Pond 96199 Falmouth 6 171 Mill Pond 96200 Chatham 22 184 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAilE SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Mill Pond 96201 Barnstable 14 175 Mill Pond 96202 Yarmouth 60 179 Mill Pond 96203 Chatham 24 185 Mill Pond (West Barnstable Pond) 96204 Barnstable 29 174 Mill Pond 96205 Bourne 2 171 Mill Pond 96206 Yarmouth 8 176 Miller Pond 96207 Yarmouth 6 179 Minister Pond (Meetinghouse Pond, Eastham Center Pond) 96208 Eastham 21 183 Ministers Pond 96209 Chatham 4 184 e-" Monomoy Point Big Pond (Big Station Pond) 96210 Chatham 26 186 "'°' Monomoy Point Little Pond 96211 Chatham 7 186 Moody Pond 96212 Mashpee 18 171 Moon Pond 96213 Truro 5 181 Morse Pond 96214 Falmouth 15 172 Mud Pond 96215 Harwich 7 184 Muddy Pond 96216 Barnstable 36 174/175 Myricks Pond 96217 Brewster 5 184 Mystic Lake* 96218 Barnstable 149 174 Neck Pond 96219 Barnstable 15 175 Newty Pond 96220 Chatham 6 185 Nightingale Pond 96221 Bourne 5 170 No Bottom Pond 96222 Barnstable 3 176 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Nobska Pond 96223 Falmouth 9 165 North Dennis Road Pond 96224 Yarmouth 6 179 North Pond 96225 Barnstable 6 176 Northeast Pond 96226 Wellfleet 4 181 Nye Pond 96227 Falmouth 6 171 Nye Pond 96228 Sandwich 6 174 Old Barnstable Road Pond (Lakeside Trailer Pond) 96229 Mashpee 7 171 Old (luaker Meeting House Pond 96230 Sandwich 5 174 Oliver Pond (Kenneys Pond, Hawks Nest) 96231 Harwich 13 184 ""' '"0 Osborne Pond 96232 Bourne 7 171 Owl Pond 96233 Brewster 4 184 Oyster Pond 96234 Chatham 105 185 Oyster Pond 96235 Falmouth 61 165 Paddocks Pond 96236 Harwich 7 184 Palmer Pond 96237 Falmouth 6 172 Parker Pond 96238 Barnstable 13 175 Pasture Pond 96239 Provincetown 6 178 Pattys Pond 96240 Barnstable 8 175 Paw Wah Pond 96241 Orleans 5 183 Perch Pond 96242 Yarmouth 6 179 Perch Pond 96243 Wellfleet 6 182 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Peters Pond* 96244 Sandwich 127 174 Pilgrim Lake 96245 Truro 351 181/178 Pilgrim Lake (Dean Sparrows Pond)* 1980 96246 Orleans 39 183 Pimlico Pond 96247 Sandwich 14 174 Pine Pond* 96248 Brewster 25 179 Pine Tree Corner Pond 96249 Mashpee 5 175 Plashes Pond 96250 Yarmouth 44 179 Quahog Pond 96251 Chatham 8 165 Quanset Pond 96252 Orleans 4 185

~ --.J Queen Sewell Pond (Bumps Pond)* 1980 96253 Bourne 18 169 ~ Rafe Pond 96254 Brewster 10 184 Randall Pond 96255 Falmouth 4 171 Red Brook Pond (Cataumet Pond) 96256 Bourne 29 171 Red Lily Pond 1982 96257 Barnstable 4 176 Reservoir 96258 Yarmouth 7 179 Robbins Pond 96259 Harwich 28 184 Round Pond 96260 Truro 8 182 Round Pond 96261 Truro 4 182 Round Pond 96262 Barnstable 10 174 Round Pond 96263 Brewster/Harwich 3 179/184 Round Pond 96264 Brewster 3 179 Run Pond 96265 Dennis 8 179 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Run Pond 96265 Dennis 8 179 Rushy Marsh Pond 96266 Barnstable 15 175 Ruth Pond 96267 Brewster 8 184 Ryder Pond 96268 Truro 18 182 Ryders Pond 96269 Chatham 8 184/185 Sagelot Pond 96270 Mashpee 23 175 Salls Pond 96271 Brewster 17 184 Salt Pond 96272 Eastham 20 183 Salt Pond 1980 96273 Falmouth 62 165 e-" Sam Pond 96274 Barnstable 5 175 "'N Sand Pond 96275 Harwich 21 184 Sandy Hill Pond 96276 Barnstable 6 176 Santuit Pond 1980 96277 Mashpee 172 175 Sarahs Pond 96278 Orleans 6 185 * 1982 96279 Dennis 53 179 Schoolhouse Pond 96280 Brewster 7 184 Schoolhouse Pond* 1980 96281 Chatham 21 185 Schoolhouse Pond 96282 Barnstable 5 176 Seine Pond 96283 Yarmouth 85 179 Seymour Pond* 96284 Brewster/Harwich 181 184 Shallow Pond* 1983 96285 Barnstable 67 176 Shallow Pond 96286 Falmouth 11 171 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Shank Painter Pond 96287 Provincetown 15 178 ShaWineLake Lower 96288 Sandwich 24 170/174 Sheep Pond* 1980 96289 Brewster 148 184 Shivericks Pond (Shiferides Pond)* 96290 Falmouth 11 172 Shoal Pond 96291 Orleans 7 185 Shop Pond 96292 Bourne 2 171 * 1980 96293 Barnstable 56 174 Silver Beach Pond 96294 Falmouth 6 164 Simmons Pond 96295 Barnstable 7 176

~ Simmons Pond 96296 Dennis --J 10 179 w Skinequit Pond* 96297 Harwich 15 184 Slough Pond 96298 Truro 35 182 Slough Pond (Wakers Pond)* 96299 Brewster 27 179 Smalls Pond 96300 Brewster 18 184 Smith Pond 96301 Brewster 12 184 Snake Pond* 1980 96302 Sandwich 83 171 Snows Pond 96303 Truro 8 181 Sols Pond 96304 Falmouth 7 171 Southeast Pond 96305 Wellfleet 2 182 Spectacle Pond 96306 Wellfleet 2 182 Spectacle Pond* 96307 Sandwich 91 174 Spruce Pond 96308 Barnstable 5 176 Stillwater Pond 96309 Chatham 16 184 CAPE COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Swan Pond 96310 Dennis 157 179 Taylors Pond 96311 Chatham 17 184 Tim Pond 96312 Mashpee 10 172 Triangle Pond* 96313 Sandwich 94 174 Turtle Pond 96314 Falmouth 5 171 Turtle Pond 96315 Yarmouth 4 Turtle Pond 96315 Wellfleet 5 182 Twinings Pond 96317 Orleans 10 185 Two Ponds 96318 Falmouth 3 165 Uncle Harvey Pond 96319 Orleans 6 183 e-"_, +' Uncle Isreals Pond 96320 Orleans 1 185 Uncle Seths Pond 96321 Orleans 5 185 Uncle Stephens Pond 96322 Dennis 6 179 Upper Bumps River Road Pond 96323 Barnstable 7 176 Upper Mill Pond (Mill Pond Middle, Walker's Pond)* 96324 Brewster 253 179/184 Upper Pond 96325 Bourne 3 171 Upper ShaWll\eLake 96326 Sandwich 20 171 Upper Skinequit Pond 96327 Harwich 6 184 Vespers Pond 96328 Brewster 4 184 Village Pond 1980 96329 Truro 6 178 Walkers Pond (Bucks Pond)* 96330 Harwich 29 184 CAPF COD COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (96) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Walkers Pond (Upper Mill Pond)* 96331 Brewster 105 179/184 Weeks Pond 96332 Sandwich 15 171 Wequaquet Lake (Chequaquet Lake, Great Nine Mile Pond)* 96333 Barnstable 654 176 West Johns l'ond 96334 Mashpee 5 172 West Namequoit Road Pond 96335 Orleans 6 183 West Shank Painter Pond 96336 Provincetown 5 178 White Pond (Whites Pond)* 96337 Chatham 41 185 White Pond (Aunt Lizzie Robbins Pond) 96338 Dennis/Harwich 12 179 Widger Hole 96339 Brewster 4 184 Widow Harding Pond 96340 Eastham 9 183 Williams Pond 96341 Wellfleet 10 181 Wings Pond 96342 Falmouth 21 164/165/171 Witch Pond 96343 Mashpee 2 175 Vineyard Hoven (95) Harbor 1 I IA51N AND DltAINAGI!LOCATION ELIZABETH

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USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Black Point Pond 97001 Chilmark 68 167 Black Pond 97002 Gay Head 5 158 Blackwater Brook Pond 97003 West Tisbury 12 166 Blaney Pond 97004 Gosnold 2 157 Bliss Pond 97005 Chilmark 4 158 Brush Pond 97006 Oak Bluffs 5 173 Caleb Pond 97007 Edgartown 34 173 Capqum Pond 97008 Nantucket 19 180 Chilmark Pond 97009 Chilmark 228 158/167 e-" Coskata Pond 97010 Nantucket 44 187 "ro Crane Pond 97011 Gosnold 1 157 Crackatuxet Cove 97012 Edgartown 44 173 Crocker Pond 97013 West Tisbury 8 166 Crystal Lake 97014 Oak Bluffs 12 173 Cuttyhunk Pond 97015 Gosnold 100 145 Davis Pond 97016 West Tisbury 4 166 Dodger Hole 97017 Edgartown 1 173 Doggetts Pond 97018 West Tisbury 10 166 Duarte Pond 97019 Oak Bluffs 5 166 Duck Pond 97020 Gosnold 1 157 East Pond 97021 Nantucket 39 177 Edgartown Great Pond 97022 Edgartown 911 173 ISLANDS COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (97) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Eel Pond 97023 Edgartown 155 173 Farm Pond 97024 Oak Bluffs 33 173 Fisher Pond 97025 West Tisbury 10 166 Foot Ponds 97026 Nantucket 1 188 Fresh Pond 97027 Oak Bluffs 10 173 Gibbs Pond 97028 Nantucket 34 188 Gosnold Pond 97029 Gosnold 11 145 Gosnold Pond North 97030 Gosnold 2 145 Great Miaxes Pond 97031 Nantucket 7 180 -'-.J Grey Pond 97032 West Tisbury 5 157 '° Hamlin Pond 97033 Oak Bluffs 5 173 Herlock Pond 97034 Chilmark 14 158 Head Of Hummock Pond 97035 Nantucket 17 180 Homer Pond 97036 West Tisbury 38 167 Hummock Pond* 97037 Nantucket 230 180 Jacobs Pond 97038 Edgartown 8 173 James Pond* 97039 West Tisbury 37 166 Jernegan Pond 97040 Edgartown 3 173 Jobs Neck Pond 97041 Edgartown 68 167/173 Jobs Neck Pond East 97042 Edgartown 17 173 Jobs Neck Pond West 97043 Edgartown 6 167 La,goon Pond 1983 97044 Tisbury/Oak Bluffs 535 166/ 173 ISLANDS COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (97) (CONTINUED) uses DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Lily Pond 97045 West Tisbury 2 166 Lily Pond 97046 Gay Head 3 166 Lily Pond 97047 Edgartown 1 173 Little Pond 97048 Edgartown 1 166 Long Cove 97049 West Tisbury 83 167 Long Pond 97050 Nantucket 77 180 Looks Pond 97051 West Tisbury 4 166 Marys Lake 97052 Gosnold 6 165 Maxcy Pond 97053 Nantucket 9 180 e-" 97054 Gay Head 640 158 co 0 Miacomet Pond 97055 Nantucket 34 180 Middle Pond 97056 Gosnold 5 145 Mink Meadows Pond 97057 Tisbury 5 166 Molasses Pond 97058 Gosnold 1 157 Narrow Creek Pond 97059 Nantucket 5 177 97060 Chilmark 92 158 No Bottom Pond 97061 Nantucket 1 180 Nomans Land East Pond 97062 Chilmark 14 158 Nam.ans Land South Pond 97063 Chilmark 5 158 Nomans Land West Pond 97064 Chilmark 12 158 North Head Long Pond 97065 Nantucket 55 180 North Pond 97066 Nantucket 47 177 Occooch Pond 97067 Gay Head 4 158 Old House Pond 97068 West Tisbury 11 166 ISLANDS COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (97) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S} Oyster Pond 97069 Edgartown 207 166/167 Paint Mill Brook Pond 97070 Chilmark 5 157 Paqua Pond 97071 Edgartown 14 167 Pease Pond 97072 Edgartown 6 173 Pocha Pond 97073 Edgartown 199 173 Pocorno Meadow Pond 97074 Nantucket 5 188 Polpis Road Pond 97075 Nantucket 7 188 Priester Pond 97076 West Tisbury 5 166 Quaise Road Pond 97077 Nantucket 5 188 >-" ex, Quenames Cove 97078 Chilmark 17 167 >-" Quicks Hole Pond 97079 Gosnold 82 145 Reed Pond 97080 Nantucket 1 180 Reedy Pond 97081 Nantucket 3 180 Rotten Pumpkin Pond 97082 Nantucket 1 180 Sengekontacket Pond 97083 Edgartown 716 173 Sesachacha Pond* 97084 Nantucket 276 188 Seths Pond* 1983 97085 West Tisbury 11 166 Shear Pen Pond 97086 Edgartown 40 173 Sheep Pond 97087 Nantucket 2 180 Shimmo Point Pond 97088 Nantucket 6 188 South Bluff Road Pond 97089 Gosnold 41 157 Squam Pond 97090 Nantucket 2 188 ISLANDS COASTALDRAINAGE AREA (97) (CONTINUED)

USGS DATE PALIS QUADRANT NAME SURVEYED NUMBER MUNICIPALITY ACRES NUMBER(S) Squibnocket Ridge Pond 97091 Chilmark 13 158 * 97091 Chilmark/Gay Head 609 158 97092 Chilmark 23 158 Sunset Lake 1983 97093 Oak Bluffs 5 173 Lake Tashmoo 97094 Tisbury 259 173 * 97095 West Tisbury 772 166/167 Tom Nevers Pond 97096 Nantucket 13 188 Trapps Pond 97097 Edgartown 45 173 Tuckernuck Island Pond 97098 Nantucket 5 177

~ 00 N Washing Pond 97099 Nantucket 7 180 Watcha Pond (Fresh Pond) 97100 West Tisbury 68 167 West End Pond 97101 Gosnold 65 157 REFERENCES

1. Connnonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Water Pollution Control. 1976. Compilation of Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs Relative to the Massachusetts Lake Classification Program. Westborough, Massachusetts.

2. Halliwell, D.B., Kimball, W.A. and A.J. Screpetis. 1982. Massachusetts Stream Classification Program Part I: Inventory of and Streams. Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough, Massachusetts.

183 APPENDlX 1

Numerical Index to Massachusetts U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps 1


1 Canaan, NY-MA 1973 31 Goshen, MA 1972 2 State Line, NY-MA 1973 32 Westhampton, MA 1972 3 Egremont, MA-NY 1973 33 Woronoco, MA 1967 4 Bashbish Falls, MA-CT-NY 1958;1959 34 Southwick, MA-CT 1972 5 Berlin, NY-MA-VT 1973 35 Colrain, MA-VT 1977 6 Hancock, MA-NY 197 3 36 Shelburne Falls, MA 1978 7 Pittsfield West, MA-NY 1973 37 Williamsburg, MA 1964; 1979-PR 8 Stockbridge, MA 1973 38 Easthampton, MA 1964; 1979-PR 9 Great Barrington, MA 1973 39 Mount Tom, MA 1972;1979-PR 10 Ashley Falls, MA-CT 1958; l 969-PR 40 West Springfield, MA-CT 1958;1979-PR 11 Williamstown, MA-VT 1973 41 Bernardston, MA-VT 1977 12 Cheshire, HA 1973 42 Greenfield, MA 1968; 1979-PR 13 Pittsfield East, MA 1973 43 Mt. Toby, MA 1971 14 East Lee, MA 1973 44 , MA 1964;1979-PR 15 Monterey, MA 1973 45 Springfield North, MA 1972; 1979-PR 16 South Sandisfield, MA-CT 1958;1969-PR 46 Springfield South, MA-CT 1958;1979-PR 17 North Adams, MA-VT 1973 47 Northfield, MA-NH-VT 1977 18 Windsor, MA 1973 48 Millers Falls, MA 1977 19 Peru, MA 1973 49 Shutesbury, MA 1964;1979-PR 20 Becket, MA 1973 50 Belchertown, MA 1964;1979-PR 21 Otis, MA 1973 51 Ludlow, MA 1969 22 Tolland Center, MA-CT 1958; 1969-PR 52 Hampden, MA-CT 1958; 1979-PR 23 Rowe, MA-VT 1973 53 Mt. Grace, MA-NH 1977 24 Plainfield, MA 1971 54 Orange, MA 1977 25 W0rthington, MA 1972 55 Quabbin Reservoir, MA 1967; 1979-PR 26 Chester, HA 1972 56 , MA 196 7 27 Blandford, MA 1972 57 Palmer, MA 1969;1979-PR 28 West Granville, MA-CT 1971 58 Monson, MA-CT 1967; 1979-PR 29 Heath, MA-VT 19 74 59 Royalston, MA-NH 1971 30 Ashfield, MA 1971 60 Athol, MA 1970 APPENDIX1 (Continued)


61 Petersham, MA 1969 97 Maynard, MA 1965;1979-PR 62 Ware, MA 1969 98 Framingham, MA 1965; 1979-PR 63 Warren, MA 1969 99 Holliston, MA 1969 ;1979-PR 64 Wales, MA-CT 1967;1979-PR 100 Franklin, MA-RI 1964;1979-PR 65 Winchendon, MA-NH 1971;1975-I 101 Pawtucket, RI-MA4 1949;1975-PR 66 Templeton, MA 1970 102 Lowell, MA-NH 1966;1979-PR 67 Barre, MA 1969 103 Billerica, MA 1965; 1979-PR 68 North Brookfield, MA 1967 104 Concord, MA 1970;1979-PR 69 East Brookfield, MA 1969;1979-PR 105 Natick, MA 1970 70 Southbridge, MA-CT 1967;1979-PR 106 Medfield, MA 1970;1979-PR 71 Ashburnham, MA-Nil 1965;1979-PR 107 Wrentham, MA 1964;1979~PR 72 Gardner, MA 1970;1979-PR 108 Attleboro, MA-RI 1964; 1979-PR 73 Wachusett Mtn., MA 1972 109 East Providence, RI-MA 1971; 1979-PR 74 Paxton, MA 1965;1979-PR 110 Bristol, RI-MA 1955;1975-PR 75 Leicester, MIi. 1969;1979-PR 111 Salem Depot, NH-MA 1968; 1979-PR .... 76 Webster, MA-CT 1969;1979-PR 112 Lawrence, MA-NH 1966;1979-PR 00 U, 77 Ashby, MA-NH 1965 113 Wilmington, MA 1965 ;1979-PR 78 Fitchburg, MA 1969;1979-PR 114 Lexington, MA 1971 79 Sterling, MA 1968;1979-PR 115 Newton, MA 1970 80 Worcester North, MA 1974 116 Norwood, MA 1970; 1979-PR 81 Worcester South, MA 1973 117 Mansfield, MA 1964; 1979-PR 82 Oxford, MA-CT-RI 1969;1979-PR 118 Norton, MA 1964;1979-PR 83 Townsend, MA-NH 1965;1979-PR 119 Somerset, 1'-1A 1967;1979-PR 84 Shirley, MA 1965;1979-PR 120 Fall River, MA-RI 1967; 1979-PR 85 Clinton, MA 1965;1979-PR 121 Tiverton, RI-MA4 1949;1975-PR 86 Shrewsbury, MA 1969;1979-PR 122 Haverhill, MA-NH 1972 87 Grafton, MA 1969;1979-PR 123 South Groveland, MA 1966; 1979-PR 88 Uxbridge, MA-RI 1969;1979-PR 124 Reading, MA 1966;1979-PR 89 Pepperell, MA-NH 1965;1979-PR 125 Boston North, MA 1971; 1979-PR 90 Ayer, MA 1966;1979-PR 126 Boston South, MA 1970; 1979-PR 91 Hudson, MA 1966;1979-PR 127 Blue Hills , MA 1971; 1979-PR 92 Marlborough, MA 1969;1979-PR 128 Brockton, MA 1975 93 Milford, MA 1968;1979-PR 129 Taunton, MA 1978 94 Blackstone, MA-RI 1969;1979-PR 130 Assonet, MA 1977 95 Nashua South, NH-MA 1965;1979-PR 131 Fall River East, MA 1978 96 Westford, MA 1966;1979-PR 132 Westport, MA-RI 1977 APPENDIX1 (Continued)

NO. NAME YEAR NO. NAME YEAR 4 133 Exeter, NH-MA 1950;1973-PR 161 Duxbury, MA 1974 134 Newburyport West, MA-NH 1968; 1979-PR 162 Plymouth, MA 1977 135 Georgetown, MA 1966;1979-PR 163 Wareham, MA 1972 136 Salem, MA 1970;1979-PR 164 Onset, MA 1967 137 Lynn, MA 1970 165 , MA 1967 138 Hull, MA 1971 166 Vineyard Haven, MA 1972 139 Weymouth, MA 1971; 1979-PR 16 7 Tisbury Great Pond, MA 1972 140 Whitman, MA 1977 168 Rockport, MA 1973 141 Bridgewater, MA 1977 169 Manomet, MA 1977 142 Assawompset Pond, MA 1978 170 Sagamore, MA 1967 ;1979-PR 143 New Bedford North, MA 1979 171 Pocasset, MA 1967;1979-PR 144 New Bedford South, MA 1977 172 Falmouth, MA 1972;1979-PR 145 Cuttyhunk, MA 1972 173 Edgartown, MA 1972; 1979-PR 146 Newburyport East, MA-NH 1966 174 Sandwich, MA 1972 14 7 Ipswieh, MA 1966 175 Cotuit, MA 1974 148 Marblehead North, MA 1970 176 Hyannis, MA 1974;1979-PR ,..., 149 Marblehead South, MA 1970 177 Tuckernuck Island, MA 1972;1979-PR 00 150 Nantasket Beach, MA 1974 178 Provincetown, MA 1972 °' 151 Cohasset, MA 1974 179 pennis, MA 1974 152 Hanover, MA 1978 180 Nantucket, MA 1972 153 Plympton, MA 1977 181 North Truro, MA 1972 154 Snipatuit Pond, MA 1977 182 Wellfleet, MA 1972 155 Marion, MA 1977 183 Orleans, MA 1974 156 Sconticut Neck, MA 1975 184 Harwich, MA 1974 157 , MA 1972 185 Chatham, MA 1974 158 Squibnocket, MA 1972 186 Monomoy Point, MA 1974 159 Gloucester, :MA 1973 187 Great Point, MA 1972 160 Scituate, MA 1974 188 Siasconset, MA 1972

17,5 minute series maps 2Qundrangle at 1:25,000 scale 3Refers to date of topographic survey; PR denotes map photorevised with revision not field-inspected; and I denotes map photoinspected with no major cultural or drainage changes 4Quadrangle at 1:24,000 scale APPENDIX 2


Colony Ordinance of 1641-47, "Inhabitants of West Roxbury v. Stoddard," 89 Mass. 158, 171.

1. Great ponds, containing more than ten acres, which were not before the year 1647 appropriated to private persons, were by the colony ordinance made public, to lie in connnon for public use.

2. This ordinance applied to all these ponds, whether at that time included within the territory granted to a town or to any body of proprietors for the plant~.tion of a town, or not then granted by the government of Colony, if they had not then been appropriated to particular persons, either by the freemen of the town or by the general court.

3. Fishing, fowling, boating, bathing, skating, or riding upon the ice, taking water for domestic or agricultural purposes or for use in the arts, and the cutting and taking of ice, are lawful and free upon these ponds, to all persons who own lands adjoining them or can obtain access to them without trespass, so far as they do not interfere with reasonable use of the ponds by others, or with the public right, unless in other cases where the legislature have otherwise directed.

4 •••• And the towns may regulate the use of the ponds by reasonable by-laws, adopted and approved according to the statute .•.

A great pond is a pond of the area specified in the ordinance and created by the natural formation of the land. The control of the great ponds in the public interest is vested in the legislature, but this does not mean that the public rights are inviolate. The legislature may regulate and change the public rights, or take them away altogether to serve some paramount interest.

By statute (1869, Ch. 384) the legislature relinquished the public right of access for the purpose of fishing in great ponds of less than twenty acres, if the entire shoreline is in private ownership.

All public rights in natural great ponds can be lawfully exercised in any part of the waters which are impounded by dams erected at the outlet of great ponds containing more than ten acres, except the public rights of fishing, which right will be restricted to natural great ponds exceeding twenty acres in size.

Colony Ordinance of 1641-47:

--reserved to the Commonwealth title to natural ponds of more than ten acres, thus leaving lesser ponds to private ownership. The public therefore have no rights to such ponds.

1Massachusetts Water Resources Commission, Compilation and Summarization of the Massachusetts General ·Laws, ·special Laws~ ·pertinent court ·neciSions~ etc., Relating to Water ·and Hater Rights, Boston, 1970.

187 APPENDIXC CITYAND TOWN INDEX TO RIVERBASINS Code Page City or Townl River Basin Number Number Abington Taunton 62 75 Acton Concord 82 115 Acushnet Buzzards Bay 95 151 Adams Hoosic 11 6 Agawam Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Alford Housatonic 21 11 Amesbury Merrimack 84 124 Amherst Connecticut 34 29 Andover Merrimack 84 124 Shawsheen 83 122 Ipswich 92 131

Arlington Mystic 71 87 Ashburnham Millers 35 35 Nashua 81 106 Ashby Nashua 81 106 Ashfield Deerfield 33 27 Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Ashland Concord 82 115 Athol Millers 35 35 ATTLEBORO Blackstone 51 58 Taunton 62 75 Ten Mile 52 68 Auburn French 42 54 Blacks tone 51 58 Avon Taunton 62 75

1 City names are printed in all uppercase letters, whereas town names are printed with only the first letter in uppercase letters,

183 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Ayer Nashua 81 106 Merrimack 84 124 Barnstable Cape Cod 96 160 Barre Chicopee 36 41 Becket Housatonic 21 11 Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Bedford Shawsheen 83 122 Belchertown Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Bellingham Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91

Belmont Mystic 71 87 Charles 72 91 Berkley Taunton 62 75 Berlin Nashua 81 106 Concord 82 115 Bernardston Deerfield 33 27 Connecticut 34 29 BEYERLY Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136 Billerica Concord 82 115 Shawsheen 83 122 Blackstone Blackstone 51 58 Bl andford Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Bolton Nashua 81 106 Concord 82 115 BOSTON Neponset 73 99 Charles 72 91

Bourne Cape Cod 96 160 Boxborough Merrimack 84 124 Concord 82 115

189 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Boxford Merrimack 84 124 Parker 91 129 Ipswich 92 131 Boylston Nashua 81 106 Blackstone 51 58 Concord 82 115 Braintree Weymouth 74 103

Brewster Cape Cod 96 160 Bridgewater Taunton 62 75 Brimfield Chicopee 36 41 Quinebaug 41 50 BROCKTON Taunton 62 75 Brookfield Chicopee 36 41 Quinebaug 41 50 Brookline Charles 72 91 Buckland Deerfield 33 27 Burlington Shawsheen 83 122 Ipswich 92 131

CAMBRIDGE Mystic River 71 87 Canton Neponset 73 99 Carlisle Concord 82 115 Taunton 62 75 Carver Buzzards Bay 95 151 Charlemont Deerfield 33 27 Charlton French 42 54 Quinebaug 41 50 Chatham Cape Cod 96 160 Chelmsford Merrimack 84 124 Concord 82 115

CHELSEA Mystic 71 87

Cheshi re Hoosic 11 6

190 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Chester Westfield 32 22 Chesterfield Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 CHICOPEE Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Chilmark Island Coastal 97 17B Clarksburg Hoosi c 11 6 Clinton Nashua 81 106 Concord 82 115 Cohasset Weymouth& Weir 74 103 Colrain Deerfield 33 27 Concord Concord 82 115 Conway Deerfield 33 27 Connee tic ut 34 29 Cummington Westfield 32 22

Dalton Housatonic 21 11 Hoosi c 11 6 Danvers Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136 Dartmouth Buzzards Bay 95 151 Dedham Neponset 73 99 Charles 72 91 Deerfield Deerfield 33 27 Connecticut 34 29 Dennis Cape Cod 96 160 Dighton Taunton 62 75 Douglas French 42 54 Blackstone 51 58 Dover Charles 72 91 Dracut Merrimack 84 124

191 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Dudley French 42 54 Quinebaug 41 50 Dunstable Nashua 81 106 Merrimack 84 124 Duxbury South Shore 94 142 East Bridgewater Taunton 62 75 East Brookfield Chicopee 36 41 East Longmeadow Connecticut 34 29 Westfield 32 22 Eastham Cape Cod 96 160 Easthampton Connecticut 34 29 Easton Taunton 62 75 Edgartown Island Coastal 97 178

Egremont Housatonic 21 11 Bashbish 13 9 Erving Connecticut 34 29 Mi11 ers 35 35 Essex North Shore 93 136

EVERETT Mystic 71 87 North Shore 93 136 Fairhaven Buzzards Bay 95 151 FALLRI VER Taunton 62 75 Mount Hope Bay 61 73 Falmouth Cape Cod 96 160 FITCHBURG Nashua 81 106

Florida Hoosic 11 6 Deerfield 33 27 Foxborough Neponset 73 99 Taunton 62 75 Ten Mile 52 68 Framingham Concord 82 115

192 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Franklin Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91 Freetown Buzzards &ay 95 151 Taunton 62 75 GARDNER Mi11 ers 35 35 Nashua 81 106 Gay Head Island Coastal 97 178 Georgetown Parker 91 129 Gill Connecticut 34 29 GLOUCESTER North Shore 93 136 Goshen Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Gosnold Islands Coastal 97 178 Grafton Blackstone 51 58 Granby Connecticut 34 29 Granvi 11e Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Great Barrington Housatonic 21 11 Greenfield Deerfield 33 27 Connecticut 34 29 Groton Nashua 81 106 Merrimack 84 124 Groveland Merrimack 84 124 Parker 91 129 Hadley Connecticut 34 29 Halifax Taunton 62 75 Hamilton Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136 Hampden Connecticut 34 29 Hancock Hoosic 11 6 Housatonic 21 11 Kinderhook 12 8

793 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Hanover South Shore 94 142 Hanson South Shore 94 142 Taunton 62 75 Hardwick Chicopee 36 41 Harvard Nashua 81 106 Merrimack 84 124 Harwich Cape Cod 96 160 Hatfield Connecticut 34 29 HAVERHILL Merrimack 84 124 Hawley Deerfield 33 27 Westfield 32 22 Heath Deerfield 33 27 Hingham Weymouth 74 103 Hinsdale Housatonic 21 11 Holbrook Weymouth 74 103 Taunton 62 75 Holden Nashua 81 106 Blackstone 51 58 Holland Quinebaug 41 50

Holliston Charles 72 91 HOLYOKE Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Hopedale Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91 Hopkinton Blackstone 51 58 Concord 82 115 Charles 72 91 Hubbardston Millers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Hudson Concord 82 115 Hull Weymouth& Weir 74 103

194 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number

Huntington Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Ipswich Parker 91 129 Ipswich 92 131 Kingston South Shore 94 142 Lakevi11 e Taunton 62 75 Lancaster Nashua 81 106

Lanesborough Hoosic 11 6 Housatonic 21 11 Kinderhook 12 8 LAWRENCE Merrimack 84 124 Lee Housatonic 21 11 Leicester French 42 54 Blackstone 51 58 Lenox Housatonic 21 11 LEOMINSTER Nashua 81 106 Leverett Connecticut 34 29

Lexington Mystic River 71 87 Charles 72 91 Leyden Deerfield 33 27 Connecticut 34 29 Lincoln Concord 82 115 Charles 72 91 Littleton Merrimack 84 124 Concord 82 115 Longmeadow Connecticut 34 29 LOWELL Merrimack 84 124 Ludlow Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Lunenburg Nashua 81 106 LYNN North Shore 93 136

195 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Lynnfield Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136

MALDEN Mystic 71 87 Manchester North Shore 93 136 Mansfield Taunton 62 75 Ten Mile 52 68 Marblehead North Shore 93 136 Marion Buzzards Bay 95 151 MARLBOROUGH Concord 82 115 Marshfield South Shore 94 142

Mashpee Cape Cod 96 160 Mattapoisett Buzzards Bay 95 151

Maynard Concord 82 115

Medfield Mystic 71 87 Neponset 73 99 Charles 72 91 MEDFORD Mystic 71 87

Medway Charles 72 91 MELROSE North Shore 93 136 Mystic 71 87 Mendon Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91 Merrimac Merrimack 84 124 Methuen Merrimack 84 124 Middleborough Buzzards Bay 95 151 Taunton 62 75 Middlefield Westfield 32 22 Middleton Ipswich 92 131 Milford Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91

196 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Millbury Blackstone 51 58 Millis Charles 72 91 Millville Blackstone 51 58 Milton Neponset 73 99 Monroe Deerfield 33 27 Monson Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Montague Connecticut 34 29 Millers 35 35 Monterey Housatonic 21 11 Montgomery Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Mount Washington Housatonic 21 11 Bashbish 13 9 Nahant North Shore 93 136 Nantucket Islands Coasta 1 97 178 Natick Concord 82 115 Charles 72 91 Needham Charles 72 91 NewAshford Hoosi c 11 6 NEWBEDFORD Buzzards Bay 95 151 NewBraintree Chicopee 36 41 NewMarlborough Housatonic 21 11 Farmington 31 18 NewSal em Millers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Newbury Parker 91 129 NEWBURYPORT Parker 91 129 NEWTON Charles 72 91

197 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Norfolk Charles 72 91 NORTHADAMS Hoosic 11 6 North Andover Merrimack 84 124 Ipswich 92 131 North Attleborough Ten Mile 52 68 Narragansett Bay 53 71 North Brookfield Chicopee 36 41 North Reading Ipswich 92 131 NORTHAMPTON Connecticut 34 29 Northborough Concord 82 115 Northbridge Blackstone 51 58 Northfield Connecticut 34 29 Millers 35 35 Norton Taunton 62 75 Norwell South Shore 94 142 Norwood Neponset 73 99 Oak Bluffs Is 1and Coastal 97 178 Oakham Chicopee 36 41 Orange Millers 35 35 Orleans Cape Cod 96 160

Otis Housatonic 21 11 Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Oxford French 42 54 Blacks tone 51 58 Palmer Chicopee 36 41 Paxton Chicopee 36 41 Nashua 81 106 Blackstone 51 58 PEABODY Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136

193 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Pelham Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Pembroke South Shore 94 142 Taunton 62 75 Pepperel 1 Nashua 81 106

Peru Housatonic 21 11 Westfield 32 22

Petersham Mi 11ers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Phi 11ipston Millers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41

PITTSFIELD Housatonic 21 11 Plainfield Deerfield 33 27 Westfield 32 22 Plainville Taunton 62 75 Ten Mile 52 68 Westfield 32 22 Plymouth South Shore 94 142 Buzzards Bay 95 151 Plympton Taunton 62 75 Princeton Chicopee 36 41 Nashua 81 106 Provincetown Cape Cod 96 160 QUINCY Neponset 73 99 Weymouth 74 103 Randolph Neponset 73 99 Weymouth 74 103 Raynham Taunton 62 75 Reading Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136

Rehoboth Narragansett 53 71 Mount Hope Bay 61 73 REVERE North Shore 93 136

199 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Richmond Housatonic 21 11 Rochester Buzzards Bay 95 151 Rockland South Shore 94 142 Rockport North Shore 93 136 Rowe Deerfield 33 27 Rowley Parker 91 129 Royalston Millers 35 35 Russell Westfield 32 22 Rutland Chicopee 36 41 Nashua 81 106 SALEM North Shore 93 136 Salisbury Merrimack 84 124 Sandisfield Housatonic 21 11 Farmington 31 18 Sandwich Cape Cod 96 160 Saugus North Shore 93 136 Savoy Hoosic 11 6 Deerfield 33 27 Westfield 32 22 Scituate South Shore 94 142 Seekonk Ten Mi1 e 52 68 Narragansett 53 71 Sharon Blackstone 51 58 Neponset 73 99 Taunton 62 75 Sheffield Housatonic 21 11 Shelburne Deerfield 33 27 Sherborn Charles 72 91 Shirley Nashua 81 106

200 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Shrewsbury Blackstone 51 58 Concord 82 115 Shutesbury Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Somerset Taunton 62 75

SOMERVILLE Mystic 71 87 South Hadley Connecticut 34 29 Southampton Connecticut 34 29 Southborough Concord 82 115 Southbridge Quinebaug 41 50 Southwick Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Spencer Chicopee 36 41 French 42 54 Quinebaug 41 50 SPRINGFIELD Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Sterling Nashua 81 106 Stockbridge Housatonic 21 11

Stoneham Mystic River 71 87 Stoughton Neponset 73 99 Taunton 62 75 Stow Concord 82 115 Sturbridge Quinebaug 41 50 Sudbury Concord 82 115 Sunderland Connecticut 34 29 Sutton French 42 54 Blackstone 51 58 Swampscott North Shore 93 136 Swansea Mount Hope Bay 61 73

201 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number TAUNTON Taunton 62 75 Templeton Millers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Tewksbury Shawsheen 83 122 Merrimack 84 124 Tisbury Islands Coastal 97 178 Toll and Westfield 32 22 Farmington 31 18 Topsfield lpswi ch 92 131 Townsend Nashua 81 106

Truro Cape Cod 96 160 Tyngsborough Merrimack 84 124

Tyringham Housatonic 21 11 Upton Blacks tone 51 58 Uxbridge Blackstone 51 58 Wakefield North Shore 93 136 Wa1 es Chicopee 36 41 Quinebaug 41 50 Walpole Neponset 73 99

WALTHAM Charles 72 91 Ware Chicopee 36 41 Wareham Buzzards Bay 95 151 Warren Chicopee 36 41 Quinebaug 41 50 Warwick Connecticut 34 29 Mi11 ers 35 35 Washington Housatonic 21 11 Westfi el d 32 22 Watertown Charles 72 91

202 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Wayland Concord 82 115 Charles 72 91 Webster French 42 54 Wellesley Charles 72 91

Wellfleet Cape Cod 96 160 Wendell Connecticut 34 29 Millers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Wenham Ipswich 92 131 North Shore 93 136 West Boylston Nashua 81 106 Blackstone 51 58 West Bridgewater Taunton 62 75 West Brookfield Chicopee 36 41 West Newbury Merrimack 84 124 Parker 91 129 West Springfield Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 West Stockbridge Housatonic 21 11 West Tisbury Islands Coastal 97 178 Westborough Concord 82 115 WESTFIELD Westfield 32 22 Connecticut 34 29 Westford Merrimack 84 124 Westh ampton Connecticut 34 29 Westmi ns ter Mi11 ers 35 35 Chicopee 36 41 Nashua 81 106

Weston Charles 72 91 Westport Buzzards Bay 95 151 Taunton 62 75

203 Code Page City or Town River Basin Number Number Westwood Neponset 73 99 Charles 72 91 Weymouth Weymouth& Weir 74 103 Whately Connecticut 34 29 Whitman Taunton 62 75 Wilbraham Connecticut 34 29 Chicopee 36 41 Wi11 i amsburg Connecticut 34 29 Williamstown Hoosi c 11 6 Wilmington Ipswich 92 131 Winchendon Mi11 ers 35 35 Winchester Mystic 71 87

Windsor Hoosi c 11 6 Housatonic 21 11 Westfield 32 22

Winthrop Mystic 71 87

WOBURN Mystic 71 87 WORCESTER Nashua 81 106 Blackstone 51 58 Worthington Westfield 32 22 Wrentham Blackstone 51 58 Charles 72 91 Taunton 62 75

Yarmouth Cape Cod 96 160